Eagles' Wings Winter Issue 2015

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Governor welcomes Gurkhas to Churchie | Lest We Forget International Baccalaureate | International Boys’ Schools Coalition Conference | Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Prep School Student Leaders | Vintage Vikings

Key Dates 14 July

17 July

30 July

31 July

6 Aug

First Day of Term 3

Churchie Rugby Luncheon

Year 9 Transfiguration Service

‘the churchie’ Official Opening

Canberra Old Boys Reunion

7 Aug

12 Aug

14 Aug

21 Aug

21 Aug

Grandparents Day

Royal Queensland Show People’s Day

OBA Annual Dinner

Jazz under the Stars

TS Magnus 60 th Anniversary Dinner

16 Sept

17 Sept

21 Sept

6 Oct

16 Oct

Mothers’ Committee Spring Luncheon

Last Day of Term 3

London Old Boys Reunion

First Day of Term 4

CART (Churchie Art) Awards

24 Oct

31 Oct

5 Nov

13 Nov

18 Nov

Tri Service Cadets Graduation Parade

CAM (Churchie Awards in Media)

Prep School Arts Evening

Awards Assembly, Speech Night

Churchie Cricket Luncheon

20 Nov

24 Nov

27 Nov

2 Dec

3 Dec

Valedictory Celebration

Prep School Christmas Service

Early Childhood Christmas Pageant

Prep School Final Assembly

Last Day of Term 4

Editorial Team Editor Carli Holloway Assistant Editor Matthew Hade Design JSAcreative Printing Fast Proof Press

Photography Rene Marcel Photography, Amanda Bloxsom Photography, Lime Photography, Aaron Tait Photography and the staff, friends and families of Churchie

Editorial and advertising enquiries Telephone 07 3896 2246 or email eagleswings@churchie.com.au







12 15 16 17 18






20 22 24 25 26






28 30 32 34 OBA PRESIDENT





The Roberts Centre

for Learning and Innovation While the hallmarks of any great school will always be the spirit, character and quality of its graduates, the dedication of its staff, and the depth and rigour of its academic and co-curricular programs, a world-class school also requires world-class facilities.

preserving the strong Churchie identity in the built environment while not compromising the open space that is so important for our students. Consistent with the Founder’s vision, there must always be plenty of room to run and to grow and to learn.

For over 100 years the young men of Churchie have benefited greatly from the vision and planning of those who have gone before. Former Headmasters, School Councils, staff and generous benefactors have all contributed greatly to the beautiful campus and iconic buildings that our young men enjoy today. Indeed, as the years have passed, the School’s leaders and architects must be commended for establishing and


Inevitably, as the requirements of the School evolve and as the education of young men moves to embrace the latest developments in teaching and learning around the world, 2015 may well be one of the busiest years for construction activity seen at the School for decades. By the middle of this year the School will open the new Student Health and Wellness Centre on Oaklands Parade, a facility that will offer proactive and day-today health services to our students. Also, the long-standing footbridge over Norman Creek, providing access to Smith Fields, will be replaced by a new, lower bridge to ensure the School has pedestrian and servicevehicle access well into the future. Most significantly, this year the School will commence one of the largest, single construction projects ever undertaken.

The construction of the Roberts Centre for Learning and Innovation (RCLI) will commence on the current site of the existing Roberts Centre. Bearing the name of the School’s iconic, second Headmaster, Dr HE Roberts, the Roberts Centre was named to honour his devoted service to the School from 1947 to 1969, and was opened by Sir Paul Hasluck Governor General of Australia on 5 October 1969. The Foundation Stone for the new library was set by His Excellency, the Honourable Sir Alan Mansfield, Old Boy and Governor of Queensland, on 11 March 1969. When the Roberts Centre was opened in 1969 it was hailed as a facility ahead of its time. The centre featured a language laboratory and research, reading, audio-visual and teaching spaces. It is amazing to think that such a facility would now be inadequate for a school that seeks to be considered among the best in the world. This is a single and quite profound example of just how much the profession of teaching has changed throughout the years along with the

increasing levels of sophistication, resourcing

Secondary Education because it will place

ambitions we have for the talented young

and diversity required to provide our young

the emphasis on inquiry and research and

men who attend today and those who

men with the very best learning opportunities.

so afford the best possible preparation for

will attend in the future.

In The Viking of 1968, it is reported that the sum of $350,000 would be required to complete the project and, amazingly,

university.' It seems to me that these very words still readily apply to the aspirations we

Thus, while approaches to education and

hold for the young men of today.

pedagogical styles may evolve and vary over time, the bedrock of quality learning

a significant proportion of that sum was

In reflecting upon these two moments in

and inspired teaching coupled with high

raised through the generosity of Old Boys,

the history of the School – the opening of

expectations will continue, supported by

parents and friends of the School. In his

the Roberts Centre and the pre-stages of

world-class facilities.

Laying of the Foundation Stone Address on

constructing the new Roberts Centre for

11 March 1969 Headmaster Roberts stated,

Learning and Innovation – each one, in its

Dr Alan Campbell

'this shall be a great library and as such is

time, reveals our deep faith in the future


the harbinger of new things in Queensland

of the School and, most importantly, in the




‘If a man says he is not afraid of dying, he is either lying or he is a Gurkha.’ Indian Army Chief of Staff Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw

Since Gallipoli, throughout the First and Second World Wars and from East Timor to Afghanistan, Gurkhas from the British Army have stood shoulder to shoulder with Australian troops in conflict zones and wars across the world. On 23 April, Old Boy and Governor of Queensland, His Excellency the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC welcomed members of the Gurkha Regiment of the British Army to Churchie. The platoon presented the Governor with a ceremonial Kukri to mark 200 years of service to the Crown as part of the British Army. Special guests, students and staff were privileged to hear the stories of the Gurkhas and to witness an intense drill on the stage of Morris Hall. Our thoughts are with the Gurkhas and the nation of Nepal following the earthquake on 29 April 2015. Visit the Gurkha Welfare Trust at www.gwt.org.uk to learn more about ways to support Nepal and these inspiring and courageous servicemen and their families.




Old Boy Jack Cranstoun’s legacy lives on though DRB Scholarship

Year 7 students welcome Mr Dan Swords to Churchie

Memorial Scholarship

!El Español ha llegado a Churchie!

Old Boy Jack Cranstoun (2005) was an Intake Support Officer with the Dispute Resolution Branch (DRB) when he tragically died in a surfing accident on the Sunshine Coast last year. He was 26 years old.

With Churchie’s continued international focus, the introduction of Spanish in 2015 adds to the range of modern languages taught at the School and emphasises the benefits of second language learning. The reception of the new Spanish program by the students has been strong, with 116 students participating from Years 7 to 10. Learning a second language offers many opportunities, especially in today’s global society. Second language learning has a positive impact on scholastic achievement, first language skills, cultural sensitivity and cross-cultural skills.

Jack had only been working at the DRB for six short months, but during that time he made an indelible impression on staff and clients alike. In his memory, the DRB has introduced an annual scholarship for two young people to gain mediation skills and assessment for National Mediator Accreditation. To honour Jack’s legacy, each year the scholarship is offered to bright young people with a keen interest in social justice and dispute resolution, as well as a genuine commitment to helping those less fortunate than themselves. After graduating from Churchie, Jack attained a Bachelor of Social Science in 2009 – a degree that first exposed him to mediation and its potential applications. Jack then attained National Mediator Accreditation in 2011. Jack’s early work was grounded in the community sector, working in family counselling and youth support programs. Jack had a great love of the ocean and spent most of his spare time surfing. He and his partner Lucy moved overseas in 2012 and spent two years in Indonesia, finding a balance between teaching English and surfing while building a small business together. Jack had a wisdom beyond his years. He always had time to take an interest in everyone and all who knew him will never forget his contagious laugh, sparkling eyes and enthusiastic love of life. Jack Cranstoun was a lovely young man and a talented mediator. His personal gifts and talents impressed all who met him.


Spanish is one of the fastest growing languages in the world. It is the official language of 21 countries with an estimated 400 million native speakers worldwide. An ability to converse in Spanish provides opportunities to experience the vibrant culture, history, food and music of these countries, as well as broadening interests, friendships and horizons. Fluency in Spanish can also enhance employment opportunities. With the growing significance of Spanish on the international stage, there is a need for qualified Spanish speakers in areas such as global commerce, medicine, science and technology. Churchie’s Spanish Teacher Dan Swords reflects, ‘When I first travelled to Latin America in 2006 my passion for the Spanish language was immediately ignited. I have since travelled extensively through Spain, Mexico, Cuba, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile. These travels, including study at universities in Spain and Colombia, consolidated my love for both the language and the rich cultures of these countries. Through these experiences I gained so much and developed my belief in the benefits of second language learning. My aim is to share this passion and knowledge with the young men of Churchie.’

Alexander Paterson, Captain of the Queensland Debating Team

Old Boy Matthew Ames provides inspiration to Senior School students

Captain of Queensland Debating

A Lesson in Resilience

Alexander Paterson (Year 12) has been selected as Captain of the 2015 Queensland Schools Debating Team. Alex is Churchie’s third Queensland representative in five years, following Leo Rees-Murphy (2011) and Simon Brandis (2011).

In their Pastoral Learning program, the Year 10 and Year 11 students are learning about resilience. To help introduce the program to each cohort, it has been a privilege to welcome Old Boy Matthew Ames (1989) back to Churchie over the last couple of months.

In May, the team came second in the National Schools Debating Championships in Adelaide. Alexander has since been chosen as a reserve for the Australian Team. Back at school the standard of debating continues to improve each year. Churchie's Senior A team coach, Dan Walker, observes that, ‘speakers who could survive in Senior A debating in the 1980s and 1990s would no longer be competitive against the top GPS and Queensland Debating Union teams in 2015.’

Nearly three years ago, with what started as a sore throat, Matthew contracted streptococcal, resulting in toxic shock and the loss of all four of his limbs.

‘Alex’s selection as Captain of the Queensland team is an impressive feat, but no surprise to anyone who knows him well.’ The road to selection is not easy. Since February Alexander has given up whole weekends in virtual lock-down for the trials and debates. The squad of hopefuls was whittled down from over 70 to a final 12 debaters, who competed with, and against, one another for over a month. Alex has needed to master complex briefs on topics ranging from international humanitarian law to global politics. His favourite topic has been “That we should use torture to prevent terrorism”. Alexander was delighted to be selected in Queensland’s team, ‘I was incredibly excited to have been selected as Captain and could never have achieved this without the support of Churchie and our debating community.’

When speaking with the students, Matthew demonstrated his incredible resilience in the face of adversity by relating his day-to-day challenges and life experiences to the four traits that have helped him – acceptance, sense of purpose, attitude and relationships. Both presentations were extremely motivational and provided the boys with learnings they will carry with them for life. The ability to demonstrate resilience in the face of adversity is a core component of Churchie’s Emotional Intelligence (EI) Program. Developed in conjunction with Swinburne University in Melbourne, our EI program aims to develop the ability in students to understand and recognise their own emotions and those of others. Further, we aim to enable students to manage and control their own emotions, which is a critical component of the skillset needed to promote optimal resilience. We have direct teaching and intervention programs in Year 4 and Year 10, and the Churchie EI team led by Deputy Headmaster Andrew Wheaton is currently working on the development of an early years program for our Preparatory School as well as an intervention program for our Year 8 students.

Earlier this year Alexander also captained the Australian delegation to the Model United Nations in The Hague, Netherlands, where his skills of diplomacy and persuasion came to the fore. 07

Lest We Forget Record numbers attended Churchie’s 100 years Commemoration Service on 25 April 2015. Reviewing Officer and Old Boy, Brigadier Ben James AM DSM (1986), spoke of Australia’s nation-defining moments and of Old Boys who displayed the values of both the Australian Defence Force and those of the School. Lest we forget.




Broadening Horizons On 1 March this year, following a year of consideration, Churchie Preparatory School officially became a Candidate School for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Program (PYP). The Prep School has long enjoyed a reputation for academic excellence – so why is the School taking on the PYP as its curriculum and teaching/ learning framework? Head of Preparatory School, Michael Dunn, explains…

A school’s decision to change its

The PYP reflects international best

in students is the hope that these students

curriculum and pedagogical framework is a

practice in primary education.

will make the world a better place through

major one, hitting at the heart of the core

We live in an increasingly globalised world

intercultural understanding and respect. Such

business of the school – student learning.

where we rightly expect access to the best

a view resonates strongly with the Churchie

Consequently, such a decision affects

products and services available, anywhere.

mission. The IB sees its Learner Profile as

essentially everything the school does.

It is no longer good enough for schools to

its mission for international mindedness

This is not a decision to be made lightly.

provide educational services considering

in action. PYP students are deliberately

In Churchie’s case, the School’s Executive

only the local community. We owe it to

taught to develop the 10 IB Learner

and Prep School staff considered the

our children to provide the best the world

Profile attributes – to be knowledgeable,

matter deeply over the duration of 2014.

can offer. The PYP has been developed in

thinkers, inquirers, open-minded, reflective,

Extensive teacher learning took place over

accordance with the best of international

communicators, principled, carers, risk-takers

this time as the staff inquired into the

research and practice in primary education.

and balanced.

PYP as a means of meeting the needs of

It is internationally benchmarked and

Churchie boys into the foreseeable future.

assessed, with rigorous accountability

Professional development sessions at

standards that schools must meet and

school, conferences, online learning and

maintain in order for them to possess

For various reasons, the mandated primary

school visitations all contributed to this

authorisation as an IB World School.

curriculum in Australia continues to grow

process before an affirmative decision

The PYP offers an integrated curriculum rather than a segregated one.

– in its breadth, particularly. For example, the The PYP aims to develop students who

proposed Australian Curriculum prescribes

are internationally minded.

some 15 different subjects for students in

and School Council in late Term 4 2014.

Our children are no longer citizens solely

Year 5 and 6. If these subjects are taught

of their local community, state and nation;

in isolation, with no apparent connections

So why has this decision been made? In

they are citizens of the world. From a PYP

made explicit, this can result in not only

summary, the PYP is being implemented

perspective, at the heart of its aim for the

the students not seeing the connections

at Churchie for the following reasons:

development of international mindedness

that exist across the disciplines but in a

was made about the PYP by staff, with the full support of the School Executive


superficial, thin curriculum experience. The

conceptual approach to teaching and learning

PYP framework provides for transdisciplinary

adds considerable academic rigour across

learning in which the subjects are

the grades, from Reception to Year 6,

integrated wherever possible, providing

and contributes much to the realisation of

deep, connected learning that reflects the

education for life.

connectedness of the real world. Especially in an era of curriculum crowding, such an approach is both meaningful and efficient. The PYP emphasises big ideas of universal applicability.

The PYP provides a powerful common language about teaching and learning. The language of learning in a PYP school is consistent across the grades and across the curriculum. The same language is

The big ideas of the PYP are its eight Key

used by Form teachers and by specialist

Concepts; form, function, causation, change,

subject teachers in Art, Music, PE and

connection, perspective, responsibility

Sport, Religious Studies, Japanese and so

and reflection. These concepts drive the

on; and it is used across the age spectrum

learning in the PYP, providing the impetus

from Reception to Year 6. Such consistency

to look beyond the subject-specific content

strengthens the message and helps the boys

of the curriculum into these big ideas

to not only learn about the content of their

of universal applicability. This helps to

subjects at school but about themselves as

open up the learning to the consideration

learners. This is powerful.

of wider possibilities in an academically challenging way. Often, in a PYP curriculum,

learners and on learning. Put simply, part of this research, conducted in Australia, reveals that students in PYP schools generally achieve better academic results than students in non-PYP schools. This would seem to be a compelling rationale for PYP implementation in its own right. In accordance with the Headmaster’s Vision 15+, the Prep School strives for continual improvement in the education of its boys. The PYP is being implemented as a powerful, concerted means of achieving this vision, especially with regard to the internationalisation of our programs and the sharpening of our academic focus in the School. The incremental implementation of the PYP continues, in a way that is unique to Churchie, honouring and enhancing the School’s culture and traditions, and preparing our boys for a bright future.

Students in PYP schools typically

transdisciplinary connections are made by

achieve better results.

way of the exploration of deep concepts

There is a burgeoning research-base

within and between disciplines. Such a

concerning the PYP and its impact on




Hayward Midson Churchie leads the way in innovation with a new creative precinct.

‘This research partnership has developed evidence that supports the redesign of learning spaces across the School – in fact the research won the Melbourne University’s education Research Excellence Award in 2014.’

As those in the Churchie community would well appreciate, the School’s 22 hectare campus is home to some of Australia’s best educational facilities with Churchie leading the way in creating contemporary environments for students to learn, play and grow.

Most recently Churchie has worked in partnership with architectural firm Brand + Slater to use the learning space research to retrofit the School’s existing film and media, design, drama and visual art building – the Creative Precinct. The problem-solving and projectbased nature of the subjects taught in the building was already heavily dependent on technological mediated learning, but the School needed a space to appropriately bring the subjects together.

Churchie’s Director of Innovation in Learning, Mr Terry Byers, understands that designing school buildings means more than just fitting a design within an existing envelope. ‘Students are no longer sitting in rows of desks, but are more often engaging in the generation of personalised learning and collaborative enquiry that stretches beyond the school walls and, with the proliferation of mobile technologies, beyond the school day,’ Mr Byers explained.

The subsequent ‘open-studio’ design allows students to move between traditional teaching spaces, specialist technologyenabled workshops, and highly flexible inside and outside communal spaces. The studios and workshops are not tight, static, hierarchical containers of learning, but social and inviting spaces that encourage full use of equipment and expertise throughout the building.

‘For a number of years we have been working on learning environment research projects in partnership with Melbourne University’s Learning Environments Applied Research Network.

The evidence of the impact of Churchie’s Creative Precinct was recently showcased at the second 21st Century Academic Forum at Harvard University.



‘the churchie’ 2015 Record entries have been received for one of Australia’s most reputed art awards, the churchie national emerging art prize. ‘the churchie’ is a non-acquisitive emerging art competition with the overall winner receiving a cash prize of $15,000, sponsored by Brand + Slater Architects. This year’s winner will be announced by Judge Rachel Kent Chief Curator MCA at the Official Opening on 31 July at 6 pm at the Griffith University Art Gallery. All are welcome.


What’s in a Name? Earlier this year, three new rowing shells were named at an official naming ceremony at the Graham Fowles Boathouse. New boats represent much more than the opportunity to compete in world-class technology. These craft are tangible evidence of the strength of the Churchie Rowing community, which for decades has worked in partnership with the School. The School’s rowing program remains a unique and character building experience for all involved.

TS Magnus Navy Cadets Celebrate 60 Years

In 1955, Churchie established a Navy Cadet service standing alongside the Army and Air Force units to complete the Tri Services. Just as they worked together to establish the first jetty and flag staff in 1955 (pictured above), the dedicated students, staff and parents of TS Magnus Navy Cadets have built a proud tradition of wonderful memories, camaraderie and service.

Many young men of Churchie have progressed through the ranks of TS Magnus, with some seeing their dreams fulfilled in joining the Royal Australian Navy and serving their country. Over the years, Navy Cadets benefited from the very best training and sailing experiences, both from Australian Defence sailors and from visiting Australian warships such as HMAS Brisbane and HMAS Mildura.

TS Magnus will celebrate its 60 year anniversary with a Mess Dinner in Morris Hall on 21 August 2015. The evening will include a tour of the current TS Magnus facilities, a boat naming ceremony and dinner.



Churchie Defends

Junior Swimming Title

In 2014, the Churchie Swimming juggernaut created history by winning the inaugural GPS Junior Swimming Championships (Years 5 to 7).

In 2015, defending this title would prove an even greater

ability, with the majority of the team achieving personal best times. As always, the attitude of the Churchie swimmers was exceptional. Despite outstanding performances, Churchie went into the final events, the relays, trailing The Southport School (TSS). We would require something special in order to retain the title – and the Churchie boys performed brilliantly along with a little help from the Year 6 cohort cheering on from the stands. The team managed to steal victory from the hands of TSS by a single point – a brilliant effort, proving that each and every performance in the water has an impact upon the final result.

challenge, given that the other GPS schools were now a little wiser for the experience. Under the professional guidance of Swimming Director Mark Lorrimer, the Churchie squad prepared for the defence with gusto. The Junior Swim Team, managed by Prep School Sportmaster and HPE Teacher Phil Hoyt and Early Childhood HPE Teacher Sue Muir, attended the GPS Championships at the Sleeman Swimming Complex on Friday 6 March. The swimmers performed to the best of their


Many thanks to the loyal band of parents who ensured that the boys were on time and ready to go at all training sessions and lead-up carnivals. Parents are the heart and soul of any successful junior squad. Thanks also to Junior Swimming Captain Kai Taylor and to all swimmers who trained hard and supported each other throughout the year. Finally, thanks to Swimming Director Mark Lorrimer and his support staff for their expert guidance and experience provided throughout the season and on the big day.


Igniting the Fire Boys’ Writing at Churchie Prep

Over recent years, Churchie Prep School has identified boys’ attitudes towards writing and the process of effective writing as areas for continued growth.

The improvement of writing in the Prep School was prioritised when setting strategic goals for continued and targeted focus throughout 2013, 2014 and into 2015. Lisa Kraft Deputy Head of the Prep School – Curriculum tells of this exciting project… In 2013 the Prep School was fortunate to acquire a position within the Independent Schools Queensland’s (ISQ) Literacy and Numeracy Coaching Academy, with writing identified as an area for continued development and support. Together with ISQ we identified the 6+1 Writing Traits Framework as an effective vehicle for improving writing outcomes. The following goals were developed as we rolled out this framework: • to introduce, develop and integrate the metalanguage of the 6+1 Writing Traits in the Prep School • to develop a working and consistent knowledge and understanding of what makes a great writer • to further develop boys’ writing: expression, structure, cohesion and skills. A number of strategies were then implemented in order to achieve our goals. • A set of Writing Posters was introduced for use in our classrooms to ensure consistency of language and provide a framework for writing lessons. • Project leaders, Prep School teachers Ms Krishna Stanton and Mr Scott Whitehead, created a set of assessment tools that linked our Writing Framework and the expectations of the Australian Curriculum.

• Writing tasks were explicitly scaffolded for the boys starting with oral language and incorporating the use of both visual and kinaesthetic activities to assist boys with writing. • Writing tasks were relevant to the boys’ interests to create purposeful contexts in which to write. • A collaboration was established with Academic Assessment Services (AAS) to implement termly writing assessments for all boys from Year 1 to Year 6 as both a diagnostic tool and a vehicle for goal setting. The Prep School’s collaboration with AAS has allowed us to further refine our writing programs with termly goal setting at individual, class and cohort levels. Using the language of the 6+1 Writing Traits, we tailored classroom instruction and feedback to further personalise writing activities and further identify and refine continued areas for growth. Early results are very pleasing, with all year levels showing significant improvement. We use ‘stanines’ to measure this improvement. Stanine (STAndard NINE) is a method of scaling scores on a nine-point standard scale with a mid-point of five. As the teachers in the Prep School engaged with the 2014 data from AAS, it was identified that the number of stanine 9s in each year level improved at each termly juncture and the mean result for Writing Expression improved for all classes by at least one stanine over the course of the year. Initial results for 2015 are exciting with Term 1 results revealing a continued improvement in areas of writing such as sentence structure, imagery and vocabulary across all year levels. During 2015, the Prep School continues to engage with AAS as we use this writing data to set clear and measurable goals for each boy. In this way we continue to personalise our writing instruction through the use of diagnostic assessment tools, targeted feedback, whole school goal setting and sustained focus on developing all boys as successful and effective writers.


Outdoor Education Building confidence outside the classroom Earlier this year, as part of Churchie’s Outdoor Education Program, the Year 8 students set up camp on the edge of Noosa’s Lake Cootharaba. While there they explored the stunning surroundings, cooked for themselves on Trangia stoves, learned to paddle sea kayaks and hiked through the many different trails from the swamp to the rainforest. The benefits gained for all will last much longer than the five days at camp.




Leading and Learning through Service During the Easter break Churchie hosted the International Boys’ Schools Coalition (IBSC) Australia and New Zealand Conference from 16 to 18 April. This year the theme was ‘Leading and Learning through Service’.

The conference attracted delegates from

bravery and gallantry. This was juxtaposed

boys’ schools from across both Australia

with his utterly humble and gentle nature,

and New Zealand. These educators heard

as he mingled with delegates at the

from a number of outstanding keynote

welcome reception. Now retired from the

speakers and were able to network with

Army, Cpl Keighran continues to serve as

leaders of service activities from a diversity

an Ambassador for the Mates for Mates

of schools. The conference presentations

charity, which supports wounded returned

were augmented by several informative

service personnel.

workshops where delegates presented their school’s transformational service learning projects. Victoria Cross recipient Corporal Daniel Keighran was an outstanding choice to deliver the opening address. His humility belied absolute service to his fellow man. Cpl Keighran, of Brisbane’s 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, received the Victoria Cross after serving in Afghanistan,

Educators heard from a number of outstanding keynote speakers and were able to network with leaders of service activities from a diversity of schools.

outside the village of Derapet in Oruzgan province. With his friend mortally wounded, he chose to deliberately expose himself

Churchie Old Boy Greg Vickery (1963)

on three occasions to the fire from a

also enthralled the audience with the

numerically superior enemy force in order

sheer breadth of a life devoted to service,

to bring some relief to the urgent medical

particularly given his senior position within a

assistance being rendered to his comrade.

global law firm. Greg provided a fascinating

The story recounted of his selfless act of

insight into his many experiences, most


notably his current position as Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, a prestigious international body. Speaker, Professor Con Stough, from Swinburne University, is regarded as an extended colleague at Churchie, having partnered with the School for some eight years on our Emotional Intelligence (EI) Programs. His research in measures for adolescent and primary school EI is ground breaking. Professor Stough is recognised as a leader in the field of emotional intelligence and was recently appointed to the Neurosciences and Behaviour Panel of the World Economic Forum. His presentation on the importance of emotional intelligence as it relates to leadership resonated within the service context of the conference. Delegates reflected on how service can develop transformation leaders who better understand their emotions in order to serve others. As an investment banker, Peter Hunt advised governments on multi-billion

Dr Campbell welcomes Victoria Cross recipient Corporal Daniel Keighran to Churchie

dollar deals. At the conference he spoke passionately about his advocacy for generating sustainable change and named Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, the initiator of the micro-banking phenomenon assisting the world’s poorest people, as an inspiration. Peter provided a provocative presentation that challenged the audience to develop students who are able to disrupt the status quo, and to not accept the social problems that exist within their world. He emphasised the great irony that whilst

we are more globally connected than we have ever been in history, we are now more disconnected with our communities. AÂ commitment to service is critical as social problems are predicted to get worse. Peter implored that anything is possible with determination and he valued the business acumen of the younger generation in seeking change. The conference closed with an insightful and humorous look into the complex world of neurosurgery, courtesy of eminent brain surgeon, Professor David Walker.

Prof Walker identified a need for post-operative support among his patients and created the Newro Foundation to generate this assistance. The foundation is a not-for-profit organisation and registered charity seeking to develop new ideas and research for new hope in the fields of neurology, neurosurgery, spinal surgery and the neurosciences. Thanks also to Churchie’s own presenters for their professional contributions to the conference: Vanessa Gamack, John Collins, Rod Olsen, Michael Olm, David Bell and Wayne Gore.



Churchie Foundation $5 million has already been committed to the new development. This includes a generous donation of $1 million, and a matching grant of $500,000, where each dollar donated from the community will be matched. With the next phase of the fundraising campaign, often referred to as the ‘community phase’, now underway, it would be wonderful to see the Churchie community rise to the challenge of supporting the next chapter in the School’s history.

With the next phase of the fundraising campaign, often referred to as the ‘community phase’, now underway, it would be wonderful to see the Churchie community rise to the challenge of supporting the next chapter in the School’s history.

During the June/July school holidays the Roberts Centre will be decommissioned to make way for the state-of-the-art, four The official launch of the redevelopment of the Roberts Centre for Learning and Innovation (RCLI) on Friday 8 May in the Roberts Centre was a significant milestone in Churchie’s history. The Roberts Centre library has played a key role as the academic heart of the School, and the building was constructed in honour of Churchie’s second Headmaster, Harry Roberts, who served Churchie with distinction from 1947 to 1969. Throughout the past 18 months, the Churchie Foundation, in conjunction with the support of various people, has been speaking with potential lead investors for the RCLI project. I am proud to announce that through this phase of the campaign, often referred to as the ‘silent phase’, the project has received a great deal of support and over


level RCLI building. If you are driving past the construction site, you will see the images displayed of what the new building will look like. Furthermore, if you haven’t had a chance to watch the Our Future presentation, which features several Old Boys and highlights some of Churchie's plans for the future, I highly recommend that you visit www.churchie.com.au/ourfuture. With the Roberts Centre for Learning and Innovation being the key project for the Foundation’s fundraising efforts, other key projects include the Health and Wellbeing

As an Old Boy, a past parent and now an active volunteer for the School, I have always admired the strength and closeness of the Churchie community. I have witnessed the spirit and support that sets us apart from other GPS schools – quite often referred to as the Churchie spirit. It would be truly wonderful if you would consider joining us on this journey and consider making a donation to the Churchie Foundation to support the School’s major projects. In years to come it would be wonderful to say that you were part of the journey.

Centre, the rebuilding of the Smith Fields Bridge, the refurbishment of School House (which was constructed in 1918) and the Performing Arts Centre.

Mr Bill Chatterton (1972) Chairman, Churchie Foundation


2 015 A N D BE YO N D

A New Student

Leadership Model for Prep The commencement of 2015 saw the introduction of a revamped student leadership model for the Prep School.

In past years, the Prep School has operated a system based around the sporting house allocations where students from Years 5 and 6 voted for enthusiastic Year 6 students for the positions of House Captain and viceCaptain of each of the four houses. Throughout 2014, a committee of 10 Prep School teachers, chaired by Deputy Head Mr Gavin Darwin, conducted a review with the challenge to create a modern and progressive model, which would take us into the future and address the following: • ensure equal leadership representation across all five Year 6 classes • provide more service-based leadership

would include: Year 5 students voting online in the final weeks of school; an opportunity for staff to discuss potential leaders; and after one final student vote, the 10 most deserving student leaders being announced by the Head of Prep at the Prep School Final Assembly. In 2015 the Prep School Prep Student Leaders are Archie Allen (6B), Angus Duncan (6B), Ethan Lee (6N), Tyson McMullen (6S),

opportunities for the Prep leaders

Joshua Payne (6L), Luka Price (6S), Jamie

• provide opportunities for the leaders

Richardson (6W), Harry Thomas (6L), Mac

to meet and link with younger grades/

Trimmer (6W) and Joel Wilson (6N). These

classes/students within the Prep School

boys have commenced the year extremely

• remove some of the limitations inherent

well and have been wonderful role models.

in the House system of leadership voting • provide opportunities for Prep Student Leaders to consult and meet with Senior School Prefects and School Captains.

Each has been allocated two morning tea and lunchtime duties each week and look striking in the yellow high visibility vests in doing so! These duties provide an excellent opportunity for the student leaders

After numerous drafts, the final model was

(alongside the teachers on duty) to interact

endorsed by the Prep School Executive and

with other students and assist where

the School Executive. Its implementation

possible. The leaders have proven to be


very reliable in this service and we are most grateful for their hard work. In the final few days of Term 1, the student leaders attended the annual Halogen Young Leaders Day at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, along with a few thousand other student leaders from Queensland and Northern NSW. There they heard from young Australians who have made a significant impact on society in the area of service. The boys were suitably impressed and hopefully inspired to make their mark in future years. Term 2 will see the introduction of a regular meeting with Year 12 prefects, in particular prefects allocated to the Prep School, Chamath Dhamasiri and Jacob Taylor. We look forward to a visit from School Captain Lachlan Taylor later this year. We also look forward to the ongoing development of our Year 6 students and Prep Student Leaders throughout 2015 and beyond.


Gifted Education in the Prep School

Term 2 2014 saw the commencement of a formal Gifted and Talented Program in the Prep School.

This was to complement existing specific extension programs in Writing and Mathematics and the excellent level of academic enrichment already on offer. The Prep School Gifted and Talented Program, whilst being a shared concern of all Prep School teachers, is managed by the Personalised Learning Team Leader, Mrs Elaine Geraghty, who was appointed to that new position at the beginning of Term 2 last year. Mrs Geraghty has post-graduate qualifications in gifted education and significant experience teaching gifted and talented students and students who require learning support. The Prep School’s Personalised Learning Team is the team of teachers and teacher aides who work with class teachers (both Form teachers and single subject teachers) to meet the learning needs of boys who learn differently or at a different rate or academic level, to help ensure a high

level of appropriate academic challenge for all. Mrs Geraghty’s appointment has significantly bolstered the amount of support for these learners, particularly those who are gifted and talented.

'The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work.' Emile Zola The Gifted and Talented Program is built around Gagne’s model of giftedness, in accordance with Churchie’s Gifted Education Policy. This model recognises that without learning processes, both formal and informal, and practice, gifts do not turn into talent. As a school, we can influence the environmental catalysts that help to support the formal learning process. To this end, many opportunities are now offered to the boys in the Prep School to extend their learning and provide them with opportunities to develop their talents. These opportunities

include Mathematics Extension, Philosophy, Future Problem Solving, Literature Studies and Writing Extension for all year levels. In addition, the boys participate in academic workshops offered by external organisations to facilitate development in various areas of interest and to provide additional opportunities for ‘like minds’ to learn together. Academic competition has also become part of what the boys will experience. Research supports academic competition for gifted students to enhance collaboration and creativity, in addition to meeting their need for challenge and competition. To this end, in 2014 teams were entered into The G.A.T.E.WAYS Challenge where a Year 3/4 team placed a creditable second in the state and a Year 5/6 team placed third. In 2015, our participation in academic competitions will extend to the Da Vinci Decathlon, Philosothon and QUEST. Mrs Geraghty explains, ‘Our philosophy is that all boys are to be given opportunities to reach their potential. We acknowledge that students’ development is asynchronous, with students developing at different times and at different rates. Therefore the program we offer is multifaceted and fluid, catering for a variety of ever-changing needs.’



Wonderful Wonderland Term 1 featured performances of the School’s Senior Play, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, which was presented in conjunction with Somerville House. A delightful theatrical experience entertained full-house audiences across the four-performance season. Both the Artistic Director, Scott Andrews, and Producer, Sarah Washington, can be most pleased with the creative talent found in abundance in the School’s Drama program.




From the President of the

Old Boys’ Association motivating speaker and Reviewing Officer Old

Many Old Boys will remember the original rowing shed named The Elder Hunter Boathouse. With The Graham Fowles Boathouse now standing in its place, it is comforting to know that Elder Hunter's contribution to Churchie, both as a student and as an Old Boy, will continue to be remembered.

Boy Ben James AM DSM (1986), who spoke with great emotion. Old Boys who served with the Defence Forces were given the best seats in the house situated on The Flat where they could oversee this significant occasion. The Roberts Centre was decommissioned on Friday 27 March, making way for a state-ofthe-art learning centre that will be the envy of many. The School prides itself as having the best facilities on offer and with this addition there can be no doubt. This year’s Vintage Vikings Lunch was held in Morris Hall, its traditional home, on Tuesday 19 May. The guest speaker was historian and former staff member, Mr James Mason, who

On Friday 13 February, the new coxed eight

provided an informative and well-researched

was named after this inspirational Old Boy

insight into the School’s history. Vintage

who was a key member of the School’s

Vikings were entertained by the Churchie

1922 Head of the River winning First IV.

student jazz band and a clarinet duo.

On Monday 2 March we acknowledged a

The annual reunions for both Melbourne

significant achievement in the life of our

and Sydney were held in May and June

oldest known living Old Boy. Harry Mills

respectively. This year Old Boys reunions

(1933) became a centenarian when he

will also be held in Canberra, Adelaide and

turned 100 years of age. Harry is the second

London. The London Reunion is being held

Old Boy that we know of to have achieved

at the start of the first week of the 2015

this milestone. Happy Birthday Harry!

Rugby World Cup, so it is sure to be a festive occasion. The following reunions are being

The annual Churchie Anzac Day Service

held in the coming months. If you wish to

is an inspiring event that brings the

receive further information, kindly contact the

Churchie community together. This year’s

OBA on oba@churchie.com.au or telephone

service surpassed all others with its well-

07 3896 2216.

choreographed program involving cadets representing the Tri Services, music

• Canberra, Thursday 6 August 2015

performed by Churchie students under the

• Adelaide, Tuesday 25 August 2015

stewardship of Mr Bohdan Davison, and a

• London, Monday 21 September 2015.


Our flagship event, the Old Boys' Association Annual Dinner, will take place on Friday 14 August 2015. This date in particular accommodates many country Old Boys who also attend the RNA Show. The Old Boys Rugby BBQ will be held after the First XV match against The Southport School on Saturday 29 August 2015 so make sure you place this in your diary. Given the success of the First XV last year, we are hopeful of another stellar season. Governor of Queensland, His Excellency the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC, attended the School with the Royal Gurkha Rifles on Thursday 23 April 2015. The Gurkhas are a regiment of the British Army recruited from Nepal and were in Australia to mark 200 years of service to the Crown and 100 years of service beside Australian troops from Gallipoli onwards. Mr Con Castrisos (1977) OBA President


Foundation Scholarships now open. Apply online

Old Boy Cameron Patrick (1982)

Foundation Scholarships for Old Boys Cameron Patrick Once again the Churchie Foundation is awarding a number of scholarships to Old Boys interested in studying in the United Kingdom or the United States. The Overseas Study Scholarship was founded in 1992 by a charitable trust that was established by the family of a Churchie Old Boy. Scholarships are open to Year 12 students and Old Boys for undergraduate or postgraduate study. The scholarships provide up to a maximum of $8000 per annum or pro rata for shorter courses. Old Boy Paul Taylor (1983) received the scholarship in 1996 to pursue a Masters in Finance at the London Business School. Paul reflects, ‘The Masters in Finance was life changing for me and my wife. The course was a tremendous experience. The 65 people enrolled were from 35 different countries and the program was taught by some of the world’s leading finance professors. 'Following graduation I worked in London for about six years, Boston for a year and Hong Kong for several months before returning to Australia to establish Fidelity’s investment team in Sydney. I am currently Country Head – Equity Investments for Fidelity in Australia. 'I appreciate and recognise the significant help I’ve had from family, friends and institutions throughout my career. I encourage other Old Boys to seriously consider applying for the Foundation Scholarship as it can certainly change your life.’

Churchie Old Boy Cameron Patrick (1982) is now a highly regarded composer and orchestrator living and working in Hollywood, California. As well as writing concert works for the Camerata of St John’s and the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, Cameron has worked on over 100 film, television and theme park projects. As a composer he has worked for Warner Bros. on many animated Looney Tunes television and feature film productions. As an orchestrator, Cameron’s credits include Star Trek Into Darkness for Paramount, Cars 2 for Disney/Pixar and the upcoming Jurassic World for Universal. Fellow Old Boy and Churchie’s Director of Music Mr Jeffrey Black (1979) recently commissioned Cameron to compose a piece to commemorate the centenary of the Gallipoli conflict, which was performed at this year’s Churchie Anzac Day Service. As his inspiration, Cameron used the beautiful poem by Leon Gellert, The Last to Leave, from which some lines are interwoven into the music as part of the soundscape. The piece itself follows the sentiments of the poem closely with clever use of textures, the alluding to the lone bugle sounding of the Last Post and at times quite sparse instrumentation. The cinematic musical language can be clearly heard with the rich band sound linked to the soaring choir. It is reminiscent of the many film and TV scores that commemorate the heroism and sacrifice of the men and women who serve. It is a highly evocative and emotionally engaging piece.

To apply visit churchie.com.au/foundation or email Foundation@churchie.com.au. Applications close 30 June 2015.



Obituaries The Old Boys' Association respectfully acknowledges the passing of the following Old Boys. To help ensure Old Boys are recognised appropriately, notifications can be emailed to oba@churchie.com.au.


Years at Churchie


Years at Churchie

Peter Duguld Bain

1955 – 1956

David Peter Markwell

1939 – 1943

Kenneth John Beeston

1947 – 1951

Dennis McCarthy

1948 – 1951

Ross Robson Bell

1944 – 1947

Craig Stewart Medson

1973 – 1977

Colin Spencer Brett

1944 – 1947

Peter Desmond Meissner

1975 – 1979

Keith Joseph Bullock

1944 – 1947

David Harvey Noble

1952 – 1955

Arthur Seaton Cayzer

1938 – 1941

Maxwell Gordon Park

1940 – 1941

Robert Bruce Humphrey Chalk

1948 – 1950

Manfred Ritter

1934 – 1937

David Julius Cohen

1948 – 1951

Rodney George Ross

1947 – 1948

Alexander George Clark

1938 – 1940

David John Serisier

1983 – 1987

Graham John Davies

1960 – 1966

Robert Paul Stumm

1937 – 1942

Alan Davison

1934 – 1942

Erik Sundstrup

1947 – 1950

Richard Francis Drake

1935 – 1936

Kenneth Ledwell Taylor

1943 – 1944

Peter Graham Duncan

1958 – 1959

Peter William Thomas

1949 – 1950

Edgar John Foote

1957 – 1958

John Daventry Mann Thompson

1944 – 1946

John Irwin Tindall

1941 – 1945

Clifford George Gardam

1952 – 1960

David Hunter Tow

1954 – 1957

Raymond Keith Gough

1956 – 1957

Alexander Roger Trewern

1955 – 1958

Peter James Graham

1954 – 1957

Ross Alexander Virgo

1945 – 1948

Stephen James Johnson

1961 – 1968

Karl Jamien Volker

1987 – 1993

Raymond Forbes Newton Langdon

1929 – 1933

David White

1948 – 1951

Sydney John Alfred Larwill

1948 – 1949

Grahame Robert Whittaker

1952 – 1953

Donald Ross Lewis

1944 – 1947

Hubert Rodney Withers

1946 – 1949

Michael John Maclean

1972 – 1977

Keith Michael Woodhead

1960 – 1965


Keith Bullock (1947)

Wilf Arnold (1953)

While at Churchie Keith Bullock excelled in Maths, Physics and Chemistry. After school, he studied engineering at the University of Queensland (UQ), gaining first class honours. He was the first engineering graduate to gain a PhD in Engineering from UQ.

As a student at Churchie, Wilf Arnold excelled both academically and as a sportsman. He was awarded the Proficiency Prize in 1952–1953. In 1953 he was the GPS Shot Put Champion and competed in the Queensland Swimming Championships. His graduate biochemical education was at UCLA and Cornell University. He then started his career in Adelaide before returning to the US where he became Professor of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Kansas School of Medicine. He was an authority on the illness of Vincent Van Gogh, about which he wrote a book. He also published many articles on his major research interests. Wilf passed away at home on Tuesday 11 November 2014 after living courageously with debilitating diseases for almost five years.

After winning a Fullbright Fellowship, Mr Bullock was offered a research and teaching position at Harvard where he spent the next two years. He returned to UQ where he subsequently became the Dean of Engineering. He will be remembered for his innovative and creative mind, outstanding academic ability, beneficial research and development, and for being a warm and caring man. His innovative research and leadership was an inspiration to many engineers. Keith passed away on Friday 20 March 2015.

Rodney Withers AO (1949) In his area of medical science, Rodney Withers was a most distinguished Old Boy. Specialising in Pathology and Radiation Oncology, he received his medical degree from the University of Queensland and his PhD and Doctor of Science from the University of London. In 1998 he was appointed as an Officer of the Order of Australia for his service to cancer research. His scientific contributions are prominently cited in many major reviews of radiation biology, and techniques he developed are now being used in laboratories throughout the world. He was one of the first stem cell biologists and the methods he developed, starting over 50 years ago, have explained many clinical phenomena in the radiation therapy of cancer. Rodney passed away in the United States on 25 February 2015.


19 M AY 2 015

Vintage Vikings Luncheon Dr Campbell wishes Old Boy Harry Mills (1933) a very Happy 100th Birthday at the recent Vintage Vikings Luncheon held in Morris Hall.


S T U D E N T AC H I E V E M E N T S Ivan Zelich (Year 12) and Eugene Dragut, Jakob Ivanhoe, and Alexander Sargent (Year 11) placed second in the Queensland Regional Round of the Australian Computational Linguistics Olympiad and went on to compete in the National Round. Year 10 students Aidan Burne-Johnston, Michael Efstathis, Lachlan Marchant and Tian Qin also placed second in the Junior Regional Round of the Olympiad. Callum Dixon (Year 7), Benjamin Kruger (Year 8), Advay Prabhu (Year 7) and Oscar Pollack (Year 8) competed in the Australian Final of the Kids Lit Quiz held in Sydney in March. Yu Tsun Huang (Year 10) has qualified for the Queensland Final of the Australian Brain Bee Challenge to be held at the University of Queensland Brain Institute in July. Alexander Paterson (Year 12) represented Australia as Captain of the United Nations Youth Team at the world conference in The Hague in January. Alex also captained the Queensland Schools Debating Team at the Australian Schools Debating Championships. Alexander Whittle (Year 12) was elected as a delegate of the 2015 National Schools Constitutional Convention held in Canberra in March. Oliver Crofts (Year 11) and Benjamin Carleton (Year 10) were part of the Australian Youth Boys Development Volleyball squad that toured Thailand. Samuel Wallis (Year 12) was selected in rugby's Queensland Youth U18 Sevens team, competing at the Nationals in Sydney. Blake Wilkins (Year 11) was selected to compete in U17 Boys Javelin at the Australian Junior Athletics Championships in Sydney in March. Brodie Croft (Year 12) competed in the Rugby League Championship trials on Thursday 19 March in Brisbane. Dylan Mullen (Year 11) attended the National Skills (Spin) Program at the National Cricket Centre in May. Charles Brumpton (Year 12) has become the national champion in the junior division for livestock judging. Hamish Christie (Year 9) represented Queensland in Slalom Water-skiing at the Australian Water Ski Championships over the Easter school holidays. Lachlan Macfarlane (Year 10) has won the ABC3 Short Film Competition with his film Brotherhood. Lachlan’s film will be broadcast on ABC3. Jamie Robbins (Year 7) won a bronze medal at the Queensland Karate State Titles in May. Julian Lavell (Year 11) has been selected in the Queensland School Sport Diving Team to compete at the School Sport Australia Pacific School Games in Adelaide in November. Oscar Kawamata (Year 11) won a gold medal at the Australian Schools and University Championships in Sydney. He also won a bronze medal in the Australian Open Championships. Robert Fischer (Year 12) competed in the Australian Surf Lifesaving Titles at the Gold Coast in April.



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