Trinity Magazine - Summer 2017

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INSIDE: Uniontown Youth give neighbors warmer, drier, safer homes


Growing the Craft of Discipleship By The Rev. James Lafeyette Hobby, Jr., Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh


he Greek word for “disciple” means “learner.” But, what kind of learning is involved in being a disciple of Jesus? Is it the kind of learning whose focus is knowing about a subject (for example, math or world history) and ends up with a clear understanding of ideas (and maybe class notes and academic degrees)? Or is it the kind of learning whose focus is on knowing how to do something (for example, cooking, painting, throwing a baseball, etc.) and ends up with a set of skills? Or is it the kind of learning whose focus is on behaving in certain ways (for example, with patience, gratitude, perseverance, honesty, etc.) and ends up shaping how we live? Emphatically, YES! to all. I think that the closest word that we have in English to what Jesus means when He tells us to “disciple all the nations” (Mt. 28:19) is “apprenticeship.” If I were to become an apprentice wood carver, I would expect to focus on understanding, skill and character (and the process, I believe, would equally apply to apprenticing as a painter, scientist, athlete, entrepreneur, or plumber).

Part of my apprenticeship, I believe, would include reading books and articles on subjects as varied as the nature/use of various kinds of wood, basic art and design principles, and how to market works to potential buyers. But, if 10 years into my apprenticeship all I had to show for it was two bookcases filled with books on carving, and published articles on carving theory, the apprenticeship would have been a failure. Along with understanding, an effective apprenticeship must include the development of appropriate skills. At some point I would need to learn how to use various kinds of saws, carving tools, sanders, stains, and finishes; how to set up a wood shop; how to choose the right kind of wood; etc. These skills are acquired more readily through practice and coaching than through reading. Books can only take us so far. Apprenticeship requires relationship and action. Finally, in the midst of my relationship with my teacher/trainer/coach/mentor/master, I would expect to learn many character lessons. How do I respond to failure when I mess up? Can I

develop the patience it takes to do the painstaking details of a carving? Am I humble enough to receive both criticism and praise with equanimity? How do I handle the on-going need to clean up after myself? So, if discipleship is apprenticeship, then into what are we apprenticing? The answer of Jesus’ apprentices would probably be “Christlikeness.” Here a few passages to ponder (bolded for emphasis): “And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of Christ” (Eph. 4:11-13). “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another” (2 Cor. 3:18). “Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as his is” (1 Jn. 3:2). “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature” (2 Pet. 1:3,4). As followers of Jesus, then, we are apprentices into Christlikeness through expanding our understanding, developing our skills, and training our character. For more about this apprenticeship, come join in the Discipleship Symposium on August 26 (see the details inside this issue). With you, seeking to be like the Master,

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TRINITY By The Rev. James Lafeyette Hobby, Jr., Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh

In This Issue...

8 Youth, clergy and volunteers from St. Peter’s serve Brownsville neighbors doing basic home repairs.

10 Nearly 75 members of the Diocese attended ACNA Provincial Assembly 2017. Read the reflections of The Rev. Canon Dr. David Wilson.

On the Cover: Members of the ARDF vision trip to Nepal pray over a member of the “Untouchable” caste. Photo by Kevin Patterson

12 Meet the newest member of the Diocesan staff and editor of TRINITY, Kristen Parise

FEATURES 4 • Cover Story: Touching the “Untouchables in Nepal” by Christine Jones, ARDF

8 • St. Peter’s Youth and Volunteers Work Towards Loving their Neighbors as Themselves by Judith Taylor 10 • Reflections on 2017 ACNA Provincial Assembly by The Rev. Canon Dr. David Wilson

11 • Youth Have Large Presence at Provincial Assembly by The Rev. Tracey Russell

NEWS FROM ACROSS THE DIOCESE 12 • A Letter from the New Diocesan Director of Communications by Kristen Parise

14 • Report on Women’s Blessing by Cindy Thomas 16 • Trinity School for Ministry Appoints New Church History Professor 16 • Clergy Transitions 18 • Diocesan Calendar


2 • Partners in the Gospel: Developing the Craft of Discipleship The Rev. James Lafeyette Hobby, Jr., Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh 19 • Mama’s Musings: Health for One is Health for All by the Rev. Shari Hobby

Editor Kristen Parise Design Kostilnik & Associates Graphics, Inc. Columnists Bishop Jim Hobby The Rev. Shari Hobby Contributors Christine Jones The Rev. Tracey Russell Judith Taylor Cindy Thomas The Rev. Canon Dr. David Wilson CONTACT INFORMATION Communications Director Kristen Parise Phone: (412) 281-6131 Email: Web site: Fax: (412) 322-4505 SUBMISSION INFORMATION Email: TRINITY is a quarterly publication of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. Submissions for the next issue of Trinity must arrive at the diocesan offices by October 30 to be considered for publication. Documents that are not created in MS Word should be sent as text documents. Photos should be minimum 300 dpi and include photo credit when necessary. If physical photos are sent and must be returned they must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proprietary information on the back of each photo.

Summer 2017


Touching the

Untouchabl in Nepal By Christine Jones

Photos for this story courtesy Kevin Patterson

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Can you imagine being raised believing God is not for you because you were born into a lower societal station? “Because of the caste system, there is the belief that they do not deserve the life that God desires for them to have,” says Rev. Lewis Lew.


n the highly stratified caste system in Nepal, the lowest, most “worthless” caste is called “Untouchables.” As Americans who threw off the caste system several hundred years ago, it can be difficult to understand a whole community’s identity is rooted in the idea that their lives are not even worth a touch from a member of another, higher caste – including wealthy, American visitors.

a vision trip sponsored by the Anglican Relief and Development Fund, including Kevin Patterson from Christ our Hope in Natrona Heights. The group found villagers worshipping under tarps in spaces we would hardly call a church due to damage of the 2015 earthquake compounded by ongoing poverty. Amid these conditions, the group also found God moving hearts in surprising ways, not least of all their own.

These people live in “a kind of darkness that requires a breakthrough. It requires them to see that God’s love is not just for the rich and powerful, but is for everyone in this whole country,” recounts Rev. Lew. He is the Dean of Nepal working with 7 clergymen and 802 pastors to oversee 82 churches.

Rev. Lew describes the group’s response,

However, Christianity is spreading faster in Nepal than almost anywhere else in the world, and a group of “Untouchables” have given their lives to Jesus. This “sight” Rev. Lewis describes, this understanding that they are worthy of God’s love is not “cheap grace,” as many who confess their faith in Christ are ostracized from their families.


This past February, a group of North American Christians visited this community on

“It was amazing when the team from America came and related to them as brothers and sisters - as fellow people at the same level. And when the [American] team came and laid their hands on the locals - that broke a huge barrier in terms of how they relate to people who are believers. That allows them [the Untouchables] to experience the love of God. And this truly is what the gospel is all about.” Rev. Lew told us that for these Untouchables, it was the first time anyone of a “higher” caste had physically touched them. It became clear to them that should Jesus himself come back to Nepal, he would touch these Untouchables. While the Americans at first had no idea of the impact their interactions were having, Rev. Lew knew immediately that this was a unique event. When he gave the context to the group later as they debriefed on (Continued on page 6)

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the day’s events, everyone was as deeply moved as the “Untouchables” had been earlier. “You see these people - they are happy, they are thankful - and now suddenly, your heart opens up in ways you were not even thinking about,” said George Connors, ARDF US Trustee and Vision Trip Participant. Jennifer Collins, a member of the Nepal team, reflected on the “oneness” experienced in this moment.

“I tended to put God in a box. But seeing the body of Christ around the world, working side by side, it didn’t matter if you were American, Asian, male or female, high caste or low caste. Working together for a common cause? This is what the body of Christ really is. And this oneness was so special and sweet. Paul says in Galatians, ‘There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.’” Jennifer concluded, “I finally saw that this is real!” The goal of these vision trips is to create encounters between North American Christians and Christians living in very different contexts. Using our church relationships developed over years of partnership in community development projects, ARDF takes North Americans to areas where ARDF has been partnering with local church leaders on the ground. ARDF believes that local church partnerships are the best way to positively transform our world. All of our community development projects are initiated by the local church, under the authority of a local Anglican bishop. Now we are using these same relationships to create opportunities for North Americans to engage with the global church in a deeper way. These trips are a chance to see the worldwide Anglican Church in action. Participants visit, encourage, pray, resource, and serve our global brothers and sisters implementing ARDF projects. Come with us to Rwanda (January 2018), Ghana (October 2018), Brazil or Kenya (TBD in 2018). Or join a team returning back to Nepal in October 2018. For more information visit our website,, or contact Christine Jones, Director of Mobilization, christine@ardf. org or 571-499-2256. n

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Summer 2017


St. Peter’s Youth and Volunteers Work Towards Loving their Neighbors as Themselves By Judith Taylor


hen you think about impoverished communities, a fair reaction is to think about the factors that led the community in that direction – massive job losses, lack of community or government investment, and the list continues. If your mind goes in that direction, it might not be so obvious to understand what role a single person, or a single church has in reversing such trends in that community. For nearly 20 years, the youth, clergy and members of St. Peter’s Anglican Church in Uniontown have been learning, out of response to the Gospel, they have a role in combating poverty and they have something to offer their neighbors, even if it’s as simple as picking up a paintbrush or hammering a nail. Every summer, St. Peter’s sends youth and volunteers to Reach workcamps, organized by Reach Mission Trips, an interdenominational para-church organization. Reach Mission Trips organizes and coordinates the completion of basic home repair projects for elderly, disabled, and low-income families. Working with local agencies and/or local churches, the construction aim of the workcamp is to provide neighbors with a warmer, drier, and safer home. The workcamp also helps to restore lost pride and hope in the neighbors themselves. In many cases, the repair work helps to reduce utility costs. It is a life-changing experience as campers participate in activities that build community and self-esteem, encourages spiritual growth, and enables them to understand their role in combating poverty. Typically, the St. Peter’s youth leaders pick one of several communities across the country to send a team to. But this year the choice was easy. Reach chose Brownsville, PA as the location

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for two, separate weeks of work camps this past June. According to Reach’s research, Brownsville has seen it’s population decrease by 50% since 1970, 17% since 2000. The biggest contributor to the decrease has been the decline of the coal and steel industries. Brownsville is facing hard times. An astonishing 37.6% of the residents live in poverty, including 51% of children, and 17.9% of those over 65. St. Peter’s was the host church for these workcamps and students camped at Brownsville Middle School where 70% of students are eligible for free or reduced lunches, according to the PA Dept. of Education. Five St. Peter’s students and 9 adult volunteers participated in the two workcamp weeks, including St. Peter’s Rector, Rev. Canon John Cruikshank and Rev. Deacon Christine Dunn. The youth and adult work crew leaders slept at the school; the other volunteers slept at home. Teams served 64 Brownsville-area homes. Need was high; there were over 200 applications from area residents. Junior high youth typically did interior and exterior painting and basic carpentry. Senior high youth helped build decks, stairs, and handicap ramps. Other projects included roofing on one story roofs and drywalling. If having middle school and high school students doing home repairs makes you nervous, rest assured that Reach makes sure these teams are well supported. Local, capable handymen or contractors, called “Troubleshooters,” are assigned to 2-5 worksites during the week. These volunteers are on-call to students and visit the sites at least once each day to see how the work is going and advise when needed. A few of the St. Peter’s adult volunteers served in this role. Additionally, St.

Peter’s members served as in school volunteers, helping with cleaning, preparing activity totes for each work crew, driving camera crews to work sites and “other duties as assigned”. Having the locals volunteer is a critical factor in each camp’s success, and it was a joy for St. Peter’s to step up in such a vital way. Attending a workcamp immerses the youth in Christ-centered service. Included during the day are On-Site Devotions that help each workcrew come together and focus on Christ in their lives. Wednesday is a unique day in that it is a half day of work. The afternoon is free as a “miniSabbath” for groups to go site-seeing, swimming at the local pool or lake, play mini-golf, cow-tongue football or whatever they want to do. St. Peter’s has found that sending their youth to Reach helps the students accept Christ on their own terms, not their parent’s or pastor’s. Without realizing it, youth become missionaries to the people they serve. Not all households served are Christian households, but the youth, by their actions, attitude and prayer at the worksite are living testimonies to their neighbors. The home repairs are free to neighbors and when they naturally ask, “Who is paying for all this lumber, paint or roofing materials?” Reach participants answer, “The people doing the work.” This response often blows neighbors away. “Why would you do that?” a neighbor asks. “Because as Christians we are called to love our neighbor and this is how we show that love to you,” Reach participants respond.

Teams served 64 Brownsville-area homes. Need was high; there were over 200 applications from area residents.

It is a priority of each Reach Mission Trip to establish positive relationships between the neighbors and workcampers. Workcampers were encouraged to spend time talking with and listening to the neighbors they are serving. The relationships that are established enable the workcamp to achieve one of its goals: meeting the emotional and spiritual needs of the neighbors. Not only has St. Peter’s been able to serve their neighbors for these two weeks, but also they are taking further advantage of their close proximity this summer by going back to the homes they served to continue some of the repairs they started. If you are interested in exploring this opportunity for the students in your church, visit the Reach Mission Trips website at n

Summer 2017


Reflections on the 2017 ACNA Provincial Assembly By The Rev. Canon Dr. David Wilson


he ACNA is like a cartoon mouse with large, oversize feet, described The Rt. Rev. Dr. Bill Atwood, Dean of the ACNA for International Affairs and Bishop of The International Diocese. Speaking to the Provincial Assembly this past June, Atwood’s metaphor illustrated how we are small in size but have an enormously large footprint in Anglicanism world-wide. Who else in the Anglican world can gather more than 30 global archbishops, some 50 bishops, hundreds of clergy, and many more lay delegates, exhibitors, missionaries, chaplains, students, youth workers and ministry heads – 1,400 in all to Wheaton College in suburban Chicago? Anglican pundit David Virtue said this Assembly was described as the largest single gathering of global Anglican leaders ever convened in the Western Hemisphere. The Assembly theme was summed up in the title, “Mission on Our Doorstep – Global Family, Local Mission, Shared Gospel.” The official delegation from the Diocese of Pittsburgh included about 75 saints: • Archbishop Emeritus Robert Duncan • Bishop James Hobby • Clergy Delegates – The Rev. Canon Dr. David Wilson – The Rev. Karen Stevenson

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– The Rev. Canon Jonathan Millard – The Rev. Dr. Dennett Buettner • Lay Delegates – Jenni Bartling – Cindy Thomas – David Edelstein • The Rev. Shari Hobby, led breakout sessions or workshops • The Rev. Tracey Russell, leader in the Young Anglican Project youth assembly held concurrently • A large youth contingent from Church of the Ascension • The Rev. Geoff Chapman, Assembly Bible teacher addressing both the Assembly and the Provincial Council • Herb Bailey of UnCommon Grounds and the Church Army-USA • Archdeacon Mark Stevenson • Stewart Wicker of SAMS-USA • Local Exhibitors – Trinity School for Ministry – SAMS-USA – Church Army – ARDF A major highlight of the Provincial Council Meeting was the admission of the Diocese of South Carolina as the newest and thirty-first diocese of the ACNA. Former Pittsburgh rector and current South Carolina diocesan bishop, Mark Lawrence, quoting poet Robert Frost, said: “Home is that place that when you come

to it, they have to let you in…well, you didn’t have to let us in, but you have, and it feels today like a homecoming for the Diocese of South Carolina and for me, the bishop,” continued Bishop Lawrence. “This is a new chapter we take up today along with you.” A high point of the closing service was the consecration of Canon Andy Lines as an ACNA missionary bishop in the Anglican Diocese of the South for work in the British Isles. In commissioning Bishop Lines, the Primate of all Nigeria Archbishop Nicholas Okoh charged him to, “Take heed to the flock over which God has given you. Beware of false teaching. In most cases, heresies and false teaching is not necessarily obvious. Falsehood is a mixture of truth and falsehood. This creature is partly animal and partly human. Flee from such teaching.” Archbishop Okoh went on to charge Bishop Lines and the whole Assembly, “Keep your head in all situations. Do the work of an evangelist. People of God, it is never true to water down the gospel message. In fact, I am convinced that the opposite is true. When we concentrate on delivering the gospel of Jesus Christ, people will be cut to the heart and repent. Christianity without repentance is not true Christianity. We must refute

erroneous doctrines, contend for the faith of the Church. We are to place teaching above ceremonies which is gaining the ascendency.” Lay delegate Cindy Thomas said one take away from this Assembly were the powerful worship services and worship times each evening. Memorable for her were the words of Nigerian Archbishop, Ben Kwashi, “God didn’t save you to sit in a pew.” For Lay delegate David Edelstein, it was healing workshops and the ministry he received as well as the worship times. Lay delegate Jenni Bartling was moved by the absolutely compelling address given by Baroness Caroline Cox. Her presentation titled “Persecuted Heroes and Heroines in The World” with her stunning photographs of men, women and children mainly in Africa and Asia moved many to tears. In describing these brave people Baroness Cox ended with another quote from Ben Kwashi about the persecuted church, “If you have a faith worth living for, it is a faith worth dying for. Don’t YOU compromise the faith that WE are living and dying for” Not surprisingly, Jenni Bartling was thrilled with the amount of attention still focused on the ministry of church planting in our province. “Keynote speakers like Ed Stetzer, Dave Ferguson, and an entire Always Forward teaching track are clear indicators its priority has not waned,” she noted. As for me, I was so heartened by the vast number of young men and women from all over North America who attended the Assembly – far more than any of the previous ACNA gatherings I have attended. And the number of young clergy church planters was truly impressive by any measure. It bodes so well for the future of this great worldwide Anglican movement. Archbishop Foley Beach also announced that the next Provincial Council Meeting will be held in Jerusalem concurrent with the GAFCON Conference next June. n

Local Youth Pastor Leads 200 at Provincial Youth Assembly By The Rev. Tracey Russell Youth Pastor, Christ Church Fox Chapel


00 youth and youth workers attended the Provincial Assembly in Chicago this July, to participate in PYG, the Provincial Youth Gathering. Being at PYG meant frisbee on the lawn, snorting stuffed pigs flying around, midnight pizza, and games played in the dark on the Wheaton campus- this was a youth gathering, after all! But PYG also had profound times of musical worship, teens lining up to get prayed for, testimonies of God’s healing, and 30 kids raising their hands to accept Jesus. The Gathering was a combination of programming specifically for youth and participation in the larger Assembly sessions. The students heard from giants of the faith such as Louie Giglio, and Archbishop Ben Kwashi alongside adult Assembly attendees. But they also had personal talks and ministry just for their age group. Archbishop Kwashi and Mama Gloria took time to come preach to the students, and delivered a powerful call to believe and trust in Christ. Bishop Ruch also came to speak to the students, and brought a prayer team to minister to the kids. A fabulous worship band from California helped the youth spend time in the presence of God. And there were plenty of laughs and goofiness as the event was MC’d by our own Alex Banfield Hicks. Filled with encouragement from these sessions, many of the students went on to participate in a CSM outreach mission in Chicago after the Gathering, assisting at local soup kitchens and churches. This was truly a Provincial event, with Anglican students representing churches from all over North America, including Illinois, Pennsylvania, California, Massachusetts, South Carolina, Connecticut and Texas. Youth leaders from these states worked for months to plan the event, under the leadership of The Rev. Canon Dr. Steven Tighe, Canon for Youth Ministry for the ACNA. Both the students and the leaders were encouraged and excited to get to know other Anglicans from around the country. Will Chester, a youth pastor from Illinois, said, “I am so pleased looking back on the Assembly and mission trip…My kids loved Aliens and the other games, loved the worship, loved the whole experience. And I feel energized as a leader to have done it in partnership with brothers and sisters across the Province.” Don’t miss the next PYG-mark your calendars for July 2019! n Summer 2017


News from Across the Diocese

Dear friends and fellow members of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kristen Parise and I am the new Director of Communications for your Diocese. I thought instead of a typical biography article, I’d just talk to you directly and share a little bit about my background, my journey coming to this position and tell you what I hope to do with our Diocesan communications in the next year.


am a born and raised, lifelong Pittsburgher. I grew up in West Mifflin, just a few miles away from Kennywood. And yes, I fulfilled the inescapable destiny of all West Mifflin high school students in working one summer at Kennywood as a sweeperette. Some of my favorite things about this city are our beautiful rivers, and Phipps Conservatory - I almost never miss a show. I married my semi-college sweetheart, Jon, eight years ago (we met while we were in college, but attended different schools), and we live in Scott Township. We attend South Side Anglican Church, and I was recently confirmed by Bishop Hobby this past June. One of the major influences in our lives has been InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA. We both were student leaders in our respective schools and, as its purpose statement says, we are still striving to grow in love for God, God’s Word, God’s people of every ethnicity and culture and God’s purposes in the world. Fun connection: one of our newest priests in the Diocese, The Rev. Paul Hassell was the Area Director of our campuses when we were students, and we’ve kept in touch in various ways since graduation. So, what makes me qualified to lead our communications in the Diocese? Well, I received my bachelors in communication from Clarion University of Pennsylvania and a Master’s degree in

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corporate communication from Duquesne University. My first real job out of college was as a marketing coordinator for a small software company in the South Hills, and now in addition to this position, I serve on staff with InterVarsity at the national level as Digital Learning Designer. You could say I love making things with computers! Technology is something I’ve always had a natural affinity for and a passion to see used well to further God’s Kingdom. I believe throughout church history, going back to even the early church, Christians have leveraged the technology of their time to further the gospel message. And it is this belief that propels my work with these two ministries. And now, what is in store for our Diocesan communications in the future? Since this is a part-time role, I recognize the need to be very focused on what I need and can devote my limited time to. The role of the Diocese is to enable and equip you in congregations to grow churches, plant churches, and make disciples of all nations. I want whatever comes out of my office to help fulfill that purpose. As you might suspect, I have some ideas in mind for this magazine. Full disclosure, I think the name of this magazine has got to change. Did you know when Trinity Magazine was first printed, it was called Trinity because the Bishop’s office was in Trinity Cathedral in Downtown? Well, of course that is not where our Bishop’s office is anymore, and Trinity Cathedral was not even retained by our Diocese during the realignment. Since those connections don’t exist, it is also really easy for new friends and members of our congregations to confuse Trinity Magazine as the newsletter of our good friends, Trinity School for Ministry. I know that was the first impression I got when Trinity first showed up in my mailbox several years ago. As our Diocese opens a new chapter with our new Bishop, it’s time to ask the hard questions about what is the appropriate name for this magazine. If you have any thoughts about this topic, I welcome your input! Another thing you should know about me, as it relates to changes coming to Diocesan communications, my brain is wired to learn by observing something and then experimenting with what I just observed or vice versa. This is one reason why I absolutely love cooking shows! I can watch an expert make a recipe on television, and then go experiment with that recipe in my own kitchen that day or the next (ask Jon, I do that a lot at home!). It’s this combination of observation and experimentation that will help me learn how best this Diocese can be in communication with you to help you grow your ministries. So, consider this your open invitation, if one of my “experiments” didn’t sit right with you or you didn’t think it was as effective as it could be, you’re welcome to tell me and we can learn together how to serve each other best.

I also believe I cannot do this job alone. I want to grow a network of members in the Diocese who will help leverage the power of media and technology to assist growing and planting churches. This includes photographers, videographers, writers, website gurus – amateur and professional alike. As a member of this, let’s call it a “Squad”, you will receive support from me in training, concise assignments, and hopefully a few fun tokens of appreciation along the way! I am grateful to Bishop Hobby for the opportunity to serve you all in this position, and I look forward to getting to know all of you even more in the coming months, hopefully years. You are welcome to get in touch with me at communications@ n In Christ,

Kristen Parise Director of Communications

Summer 2017


News from Across the Diocese

Women Alive Sing, Daughter Zion; shout aloud, Israel! Be glad and rejoice with all your heart, Daughter Jerusalem!


hese words from Zephaniah 3:14 bring sweet memories to those who attended the Women’s Blessing on Saturday, July 15, 2017. Through the anointing of our Bishop Jim and Mama Shari Hobby, we experienced a captivating three-fold Blessing. As we participated in The Great Thanksgiving, Bishop Jim led us through a deliberate time of reflection and encouraged personal prayer for each of us, with key questions during the prayers of the people. Mama Shari celebrated and preached and oh, what a message! I can only recap her message with the beautiful image of God our heavenly Father, who knows us each intimately, joyfully singing over us, in our highs, in our lows, just as we are, with His constant love.

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in Christ

by Cindy Thomas

Then came a sweet “fireside chat” with Bishop Jim and Mama Shari in a time of Q & A with the women of their flock. They were most humble and full of grace sharing themselves with us, so we all came to know them better. This was Women Alive in Christ’s largest Women’s Blessing yet. There were 16 different congregations represented, with 76 of the 80 registrants attending. It was a true delight to come together as the body of Christ to worship Jesus, learn, and enjoy fellowship with sisters and brothers from all corners of our Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. Sincere thanks goes to Christ Church, Fox Chapel, where we were hosted for this diocesan event, and to their women who helped make the day so lovely. I must boast in our Lord’s provision. The Monday before the Women’s Blessing, we had 60 registered to attend. We called the caterer and ordered 65 meals, but by Saturday morning, we had 76 attending. Those of us on team said, well, the Lord will have to multiply the food, and we six just won’t eat. Praise God, He multiplied the food, just like the loaves and fishes, plus there was an amazing amount left over. We sent what was left to Shepherd’s Heart Fellowship to bless them, too.

This is the goodness of our God whom we love and serve! All Glory Be To Jesus! WOMEN ALIVE IN CHRIST is the organization for all women of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. Our purpose is to assist all women of the Diocese to live out the following “Building Stones” in their lives: • Worshipping the One True God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. • Living in Relationship with Jesus. • Being rooted in Holy Scripture as guided by the Holy Spirit • Finding rest and refreshment as we grow in our discipleship in Jesus • Deepening our fellowship with one another in Jesus. For more information and upcoming events, visit n

Summer 2017


News from Across the Diocese

Clergy Transitions n Deacon Terry Lee Smolick and Deacon Michael Joseph Brigode transferred in from the Missionary Diocese of All Saints on November 3, 2016. n The Rev. Canon David Wilson received his D.Min. on May 13, 2017 from Trinity School for Ministry.

Trinity School for Ministry Appoints Assistant Professor of Church History Ambridge, PA –Trinity School for Ministry is pleased to announce the appointment of the Rev. Dr. David Ney as its new Assistant Professor of Church History. The Board of Trustees of Trinity School for Ministry ratified the call to the Rev. Dr. David Ney after a unanimous vote of the faculty in May. Dr. Ney’s published research explores the relationship of allegory and empiricism, pointing out that despite the growing rejection of allegorical biblical interpretation in Newtonian England, men such as George Watson and Isaac Newton understood the word sun in Psalm 19:4 to refer to Christ himself. Dr. Ney will join the Trinity faculty on August 1, 2017 for the fall semester. Dr. Ney received his doctorate in theology from Wycliffe College in Toronto, Canada. He is an ordained priest in the Anglican Church of Canada and currently serves the congregation of St. Peter’s Anglican Church in Calgary, Alberta. Prior to that he served as a pastor in a non-denominational Cantonese speaking church. He will be joined by his wife Jaimey, a staff worker for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA, and their four children. n Trinity School for Ministry is an evangelical seminary in the Anglican tradition. Begun in 1976, the seminary has trained more than 1,100 graduates and many others who serve in ministries all over the world. As a global center for Christian formation, Trinity continues to produce outstanding leaders who can plant, renew, and grow churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ.

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n The Rev. Christopher Klukas began serving as Rector at The Rev. Canon David Wilson recieves his D.Min. Church of the Good Samaritan in Middleburg, FL on May 1, 2017. n The Rev. Norman Erb-White transferred to the Roman Catholic Church on May 3, 2017. n The Rev. Terrence Johnston transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia on May 3, 2017. n The Rev. Thomas Bryan Jarrell was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop James Hobby on May 6, 2017. n The Rev. Margaret Guilbert Bowman was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop James Hobby on May 7, 2017. n Deacon Julie Cate Kelly transferred in from the Diocese of Christ our Hope on May 24, 2017. n The Rev. Benjamin Ryan Hughes was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop James Hobby on May 27, 2017. n Frances Celeste Jacobowitz Metcalf was ordained to the transitional diaconate by Bishop James Hobby on June 10, 2017. David Edward Alan Johnson, Robert William Little and Joanne Paulette Martin were ordained to the vocational diaconate by Bishop James Hobby on June 10, 2017. n Christopher Michael Hill was ordained to the transitional diaconate by Bishop James Hobby on behalf of Bishop Ken Ross, Diocese of the Rocky Mountains, on June 10, 2017. n The Rev. Justin Daniel Hogg transferred in from the Missionary Diocese of CANA West on July 5, 2017.

Fr John Porter’s last service on Pentecost at the Grace Edgeworth extension site of Grace Mt Washington

Summer 2017


Thank You TRINITY Donors Nancy Angerman The Rev. & Mrs. Kua Apple Thomas L. Bakaitus, Sr. Patricia J. Barney Dave Black Schuyler Brooks The Rev. Robert P. Coval Angelo R. Dorazio Dr. & Mrs. James Eckenrode Mr. Howard & Bettyann Finney Br. Kirt Gerber OSB Mr. Bob Fleming Jeff & Paige Forster Ellen Perry Fox David & Mary Frederick Lorraine Furnier Frank Grasha Carole Guidish Mr. Eugene Haffics Donald G. Hallahan Lawrence Hitchens Janice M. Humphrey Mr. & Mrs. John Kearns Richard Knupp The Right Rev. Dr. Grant LeMarquand Donna J. Lengyel Paul & Georgia Long William H. Mallinson Mary Ann Marchl George & Bev McKee Robert & Anne McMarlin Dennis & Bette Miller Lt. Col. Maynard G. & Mary Moody Mr. & Mrs. James Morrison John & Charlene Moskala Wilden Mounts The Rev. Dr. Stephen & Peggy Noll The Rev. Suzanne Perkins Cassie & Bob Pratt Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Preniczky Linda C. Radovich Ms. Elaine D. Read Frank L. Rex Lois Richards Bill & Linda Roemer Jack E. Russell Richard & Shirley Sandala Yong Say Tan Savani Diane Scheponik Robert A. Schoyer Terry & Nicole Shirk Stuart Simpson Deacon Jeane Steele Ms. Pauline J. Wadsworth Diane Wahl Allison Ward Margaret Ann Williams Mr. Edward H. Williams The Rev. Canon David & Gale Wilson Delphia Zugell

18 | TRINITY Summer 2017

Diocesan Calendar September through November 2017 September 2017 3 Labor Day Weekend 5-7 10 Proper 18 12 Tuesday 13 Wednesday 14 Thursday 17 Proper 19 19-21 24 Proper 20 28

RESERVED College of Bishops Conclave: Victoria, Canada RESERVED Diocesan Council Meeting Christian Associates of SWPA Council Meeting Standing Committee (off pattern) Episcopal Visit: South Hills, Redeemer Parish Annual Clergy Retreat, Antiochian Village Episcopal Visit: State College, Incarnation Board of Trustees Meeting

October 2017

1 8 11 11 12 15 15 19 22 29

Proper 21 Proper 22 Wednesday Thursday Proper 23 Thursday Proper 24 Proper 25

Episcopal Visit: Butler, St. Peter’s RESERVED Commission on Ministry Meeting Episcopal Visit: Glenshaw, Church of Our Saviour Pre-Convention Hearing (7pm) Sewickley Episcopal Visit: Monongahela, True Vine Pre-Convention Hearing (3:30p) Greensburg Standing Committee Meeting RESERVED Episcopal Visit: Beaver, Trinity AM

November 2017 3-4 5 All Saints Sunday 6 Monday 7-8 12 Proper 27 16 Thursday 17 Friday 18 Saturday 19 Proper 28 23-24 26 Christ the King 29 Wednesday

Annual Diocesan Convention Episcopal Visit: Gibsonia, St. Thomas Episcopal Visit: Grove City, Grace Anglican - PM Office Closed Quarterly Retreat (Noon to Noon) Episcopal Visit: Penn Hills, St. James - AM Episcopal Visit: East End, Jonah’s Call - PM Standing Committee Meeting Crèche Blessing in Pittsburgh Ordination to the Priesthood: Julie Kelly, Durham RESERVED Office Closed – Thanksgiving Holiday Episcopal Visit: Bloomfield, Seeds of Hope Pre-Ordination Retreat


Health for One is Health for All By the Rev. Shari Hobby

“The body does not consist of one member but of many. . . If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.” 1 Corinthians 12: 14, 26


hough I’ve experienced distress in my right knee since childhood, a few months ago it acquired a sleeppreventing intensity. X-rays revealed that osteoarthritis and degeneration were the pain culprits. Steroid shots and a month of physical therapy helped a lot, and we are now considering one further intervention to keep me functioning as normally as possible. Regular exercise and stretching are now essential parts of my daily routines. The first time the therapist worked with my knee, he said, “I can tell your left hip hurts.” He was right, but I hadn’t said anything about the hip. At my surprised response, he said, “You’d be amazed what I can tell you about your whole body by working with just one part.” My therapy concentrated on strengthening the muscles around my knee and increasing flexibility, but also showed me how each of my movements affects every other part of me. I’ve had to relearn simple things I’ve been doing for almost 60 years, such as standing up and using stairs. My own body has given me a clearer picture of the body of Christ. Paul tells us that when one part suffers, the whole body suffers. Since I’m a part of the body, how I’m doing affects you. How you’re doing makes a difference to me. This concept goes against the grain of my independent nature. Maybe you’re like me, trained from earliest memory to care for others while neglecting myself, not realizing that my own lack of self-care ultimately hurts you too. My knee might need to be replaced someday. But could the outcome have been dif-

ferent if I had received better care the first time an injury occurred? I tolerated what could have been better tended or corrected. Not just my knee was affected, but all of me—my hips, lower back and general sense of well-being. This is an apt image for our psycho-social and spiritual lives. Do we sometimes tolerate painful things that could be tended or corrected? How do the untended injuries in our own lives affect others in the body of Christ? Jim and I moved to this diocese a year ago. While confident that the Lord had placed both of us here for his purposes, the struggles of my own adjustment took me by surprise. You all have been patient and gracious, as I’ve done the work of sorting through my sense of being and calling in this new place. Many of my ideas about what I thought I would be doing have been put on a shelf. Some may eventually come off that shelf, but others might stay there permanently as the Lord continues to strengthen and heal me. Just as I’ve had to care for my knee, I’ve also needed, with the help of others, to tend to my heart and soul. The Lord has been gracious in the words he has given me, both directly and through others in the body. He provided a friend who was my “joy holder” until I was ready to take it back for myself. My physician’s tangible care and the prayers of many have been a huge support. Another friend led me to a spiritual director. Jim has walked steadily with me. I haven’t always liked where I’ve been this year, but

those places have been important parts of my journey and its fruits are becoming evident. I’m grateful for each person who has traveled with me. Your gracious welcome and tender care have meant so much to me. Thank you. How I’m doing affects you. How you’re doing affects me. Our care for ourselves and our care for each other make a difference. What can you do to better care for yourself? What joys would multiply as you share with someone else? Who can you ask to walk this part of your journey with you so you can be as healthy as possible? And who in your life could benefit from your listening ear, your gentle concern, your helping hand, your well-timed encouragement? Thank you for the vital part you play in the body of Christ! With me, will you tend your own life so that this part of the body can be as healthy as possible? n

A Prayer of Self-Dedication Almighty and eternal God, so draw our hearts to you, so guide our minds, so fill our imaginations, so control our wills, that we may be wholly yours, utterly dedicated to you; and then use us, we pray, as you will, and always to your glory and the welfare of your people; through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Summer 2017



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