TRINITY Fall 2016

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In This Issue... Meet the Hobbys

Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund

The Rev. William Carpenter’s Red Cross Ministry

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Fall 2016



“An Exciting Challenge” By The Rev. James Lafeyette Hobby, Jr., Bishop-Elect of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh


magine standing two blocks away from the Oliver Building (a 25 story office building) and looking up 300+ feet to its top. Now, add a pile of loose rocks that start at your feet and go precipitously to its roof. Finally, picture a mountain goat trail that goes back and forth as it ascends to the peak. That is something like what I saw on Sunday, July 24th, in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Archbishop Beach Foley had invited me to join a group of bishops on an experience that was a combination of wilderness adventure, personal retreat and leadership training seminar. The afternoon of the day before we were to hike down the mountain (having camped in tents for 4 nights at 12,000 feet), the leaders of our expedition offered an optional hike to the Continental Divide (just over 13,000 feet). I joined the group of adventurers. While the first 700 feet up was somewhat challenging, the last 300 feet was quite daunting. As we stood at the base of what

amounted to a 25 story rock slide, I realized I was looking at the perfect image for what I was feeling about becoming a bishop; intimidating, unnerving, more than a bit overwhelming – along with being an exciting challenge. As my mind and heart were seriously contemplating passing on the climb, my mouth said to one of the leaders standing next to me, “That’s a perfect picture of how I feel.” He smiled and said, “Drill into that a bit. What can you learn from this picture?” He then listed several lessons. “You can’t get to the top directly. That would be overwhelming.” Even the mountain goats were smart enough to have made a path that traversed the side instead of trying to leap to the top. One of the constant companions of leaders is discouragement. Everything always takes longer than we believe it should. Leaders want to leap to the top; but the path meanders.

“You will need to take small steps and frequent breaks.” Small steps for secure footing and frequent breaks to catch one’s breath (and to celebrate progress). Leadership is a slow march on a narrow path up a slippery slope more than it is a sprint. Persistence matters more than prowess. “You will be making the climb with a team of people you can trust.” While there were several moments along the way up the scree pile that I needed to stop the progress of the whole team to let me catch my breath, everyone huffed and puffed their encouragement. And no one complained about the breaks! And the whole team made it to the top. Our reward for the climb? We stood on a ridge of the Continental Divide with a stunning view of several “14ers” (14,000 foot peaks) to the West and a beautiful, lush valley to the East. We felt like we were on the top of the world. For me, September 10th represents the beginning of the climb. I will need the discipline to follow the path the Lord has laid out – no matter how indirect it might seem at any given moment. I will need to take small steps – rather than make grand promises. And frequent breaks for rest and celebration. Finally, I will travel with a team, a diocese, I can trust that is on the same journey. We can huff and puff encouragement to each other along the way! I’m excited to climb with you all (or should I say “yinz”). Who knows what vistas the Lord will allow us to see together? n Your brother in Christ and partner in the Gospel,

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By The Rev. James Lafeyette Hobby, Jr., Bishop-Elect of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh

In This Issue... On the Cover: Dr. Patrick Regan plays the bagpipe outside of Church of the Ascension (Oakland) before Archbishop Duncan’s Farewell Evensong in June. Photo by Kevin Patterson.


4 Read about Bishop-Elect Jim and Shari Hobby’s previous ministries in Georgia and how their journey has led them to Pittsburgh. Join them in the September 10 Consecration Ceremony at St. Paul’s Cathedral in Oakland.

Support the Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund. Read about Congregations who previously received grants and loans.

16 The Rev. William “Biff” Carpenter is volunteering with the Red Cross as a pastoral caregiver. Learn what that means and how you can get involved with your local chapter.

FEATURES 4 • Trinity Anglican Church’s Hobby to succeed retiring Pittsburgh Bishop by Melanie Johnson (Thomasville Times-Enterprise) 7 • Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund 8 • Support for Congregations and Clergy 12 • Trinity School for Ministry Names Interim Dean/President | Media Center Construction Nearing Completion by the Rev. Christopher Klukas 14 • International Archbishops Approve over $400,000 for ARDF Projects in Africa by Christine Jones 16 • Just Do It by Ian Mikrut 18 • Church Army USA: to the least, the last, and the lost by the Rev. Greg Miller 22 • Diocesan Calendar | Clergy Milestones 24 • 2016 Anglican Family Symposium to Take Place at Truro Anglican Church


2 • Partners in the Gospel: “An Exciting Challenge” The Rev. James Lafeyette Hobby, Jr., Bishop-Elect of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh 23 • “He’s Got This” by the Rev. Shari Hobby

Editor Ian Mikrut Design Kostilnik & Associates Graphics, Inc. Columnists Bishop-Elect Jim Hobby The Rev. Shari Hobby Contributors Nancy Lee Cochran Melanie Johnson Christine Jones Chris Klukas Greg Miller CONTACT INFORMATION Communications Director Ian Mikrut Phone: (412) 281-6131 Email: Web site: Fax: (412) 322-4505 SUBMISSION INFORMATION Fax: (412) 322-4505 TRINITY is a quarterly publication of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. Submissions for the next issue of Trinity must arrive at the diocesan offices by November 11 to be considered for publication. Documents that are not created in MS Word should be sent as text documents. Photos should be minimum 300 dpi and include photo credit when necessary. If physical photos are sent and must be returned they must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proprietary information on the back of each photo.

Fall 2016


Trinity Anglican Church’s Hobby set to succeed retiring Pittsburgh bishop Editor’s note: This story was originally printed as an Editor’s Pick in the Thomasville (Georgia) Times-Enterprise on June 6 by Melanie Johnson. Leading up to Bishop-Elect Hobby’s September 10 Consecration, this story provides a glimpse at the ministry of both Jim and Shari Hobby and how their journey now leads them to Pittsburgh.


apa is going to Pittsburgh to be the new Rook,” announced one of Jim Hobby’s young grandsons recently. Hobby, rector (pastor) of Trinity Anglican Church in Thomasville, was recently elected by the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh to fill the office of retiring Bishop Robert Duncan, former — and founding — archbishop and primate of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). Although he clearly got his game pieces mixed up, it’s no surprise the 4-year old budding chess player would assign his grandfather a position just behind the rank and file of the game: it’s where Hobby has faithfully served the last 30 years as an ordained member of the Anglican priesthood. But how does the rector of a relatively new congregation from a small town in south Georgia become the bishopelect of one of the country’s biggest — some would say its flagship — diocese? It’s not difficult to connect the dots. A graduate of Trinity School for Ministry, Hobby was ordained in 1986 in the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh and his first two churches were located in Pennsylvania. He served those two “yoked” congregations for four years before a threeyear term in Darien, Connecticut. In

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1993, he was called to Tallahassee, Florida, where he would spend the next 23 years in parish ministry and missions, and become a key leader in the emergence of a new Anglican diocese in Florida, one that would ultimately find its home within the ACNA. Hobby’s influence within Florida began when he was asked to serve on the strategic planning committee for the Episcopal Diocese of Florida, then later on as a member of their Global Missions Catalyst Committee. As his influence among regional church leaders grew, leadership among the larger Episcopal church would prove to have a profound effect on the landscape of the denomination he was serving: when the sands began to shift in the late 1990s, Hobby became an integral voice in the desire for a more orthodox faith. Starting around 2005, he helped to solidify what would later be called the Gulf Atlantic Diocese (GAD). This “Anglican Alliance of North Florida” umbrella group became a safe haven for churches that made the hard decision to leave their Episcopal dioceses. GAD quickly grew to include the southern portions of Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia, including a group of Episcopalians from Thomasville who wanted to plant a new church in the Anglican tradition. Hobby came to Thomasville in January 2007 from his home church at St. Peter’s in Tallahassee to serve as the interim rector with the newly formed Trinity congregation. At the time, he was director of St. Peter’s Ethne Mission Networking and Equipping, a position he took on after having served in executive leadership for Global Teams as its

U.S. mobilization director. At Global Teams, his responsibilities included encouraging mission involvement in congregations and overseeing training of missionaries; at Ethne, those efforts were focused more locally on mobilizing and equipping ministry efforts for congregations in Tallahassee and surrounding areas. His experience as a priest and gifting in the area of leadership mobilization made him the perfect person to be tasked with leading the fledgling parish in their quest to find a priest. Hobby initially commuted back and forth from Tallahassee to Thomasville for the better part of 2007 until the congregation realized that the man they had been searching for was right in front of them. Hobby was joyfully installed as Trinity’s first rector in November 2007, only to experience his first major crisis one month later when the church suddenly and tragically lost Alan George, one of its most dedicated visionaries. With George having worn the hats of administrator, youth leader, and contemporary worship leader, Hobby found himself again looking for the perfect leader to step into the work of the newly formed church and help minister to its hurting members: a role that was soon filled by his wife and fellow Anglican priest, Shari. His wife’s experience as a hospital chaplain and ordained priest, coupled with her gifting in the areas of administrative and pastoral leadership development, was the perfect complement to his own gifts and the parish’s needs, and the congregation flourished under their joint leadership.

As his congregation began to grow under the umbrella of the newly formed Anglican Church in North America, so did Hobby’s involvement in the Gulf Atlantic Diocese. He was named a member of its Ordination Preparation Team and, one year later, was appointed canon for Congregational Development by Bishop Neil Lebhar, overseeing multi-state church planting efforts and encouraging congregational health. He received a coveted invitation to attend the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) in 2008, a sevenday conference of conservative Anglican bishops and leaders held in Jerusalem to address the growing controversy of the divisions in the Anglican Communion. He also continued to teach on such varied courses as the Old and New Testaments, Church History, Global Missions, Christian Apologetics, and World Religions — not surprising given the breadth and depth of his reading interests. As his own sphere of influence began to widen, so did his wife Shari’s, who shares a similar resume of accomplishments and experience: member of Bishop’s staff; Global Teams director; Ethne missionary; parish priest; even GAFCON attendee (Nairobi, 2013). The Hobby partnership that started 36 years ago is going strong and made even stronger by a mutual love for the church and their shared calling. “We have seen our ministry here as a partnership and look forward to continuing that partnership in the Diocese of Pittsburgh,” stated Jim. Added Shari, “We look forward to seeing what God has in store both for us and the Trinity Parish. And, with children and grandchildren living in both Thomasville and Tallahassee, we will be back on a regular basis. Trinity and Thomasville have a piece of our hearts that will go with us to Pittsburgh.” Soon to celebrate its 10th anniversary this October, Trinity has thrived under the Hobbys’ leadership. Since their arrival, Jim has served Thomasville’s Board of

Community Transformation and fostered local relationship with Goal Line Ministries, Project Backyard, Young Life and the Pregnancy Center of Southwest Georgia. Local chapters of Alcoholics Anonymous and the Boys and Girls Club regularly use the church’s West Jackson building, which has also hosted events as varied as a film festival for children during FLAUNT, the Wiregrass Camellia Society’s Annual Camellia Show and regular “Sundays at 4” concerts for Thomas University.

Not one to ignore such a call, he willingly submitted to the discernment process and allowed his name to move forward as a candidate for possible bishop in the diocese where he had gotten his start as a parish priest nearly three decades earlier. When, on April 23, he received the majority of votes from both clergy and laity, he humbly acknowledged “God’s call, not my capacity; God’s grace, not my gifting; Christ’s cross, not my competence; the Spirit’s power, not my personality.”

Additionally, Hobby has nurtured and expanded his love for outreach among his mission-minded congregants. Under his leadership, the church has continued to support the Ugandan diocese of South Rwenzori that was a key part of its formation and has established a relatively new partnership with Global Teams to bring the gospel to the Kotia people of India. They also have established a secondary “campus” at Rose City Estates, a local trailer park where Trinity operates tutoring services for resident children as well as weekly Bible studies and Vacation Bible School.

It was a typical response of a man whose ministry has been marked by obedience and a willingness to serve in any capacity.

“I have had the privilege of working with Father Jim Hobby for the past three years on vestry,” said Jonathan Groover, Trinity’s senior warden. “Father Jim has been an invaluable part of Trinity’s life. In a time where many doubt the integrity of Christian ministers, Father Jim has lived and demonstrated uncompromising integrity and a true, humble character in his life and in his leadership of this congregation. His quiet, humble leadership is rare in today’s climate. In his new position as bishop of Pittsburgh, he will be able to utilize his gifts as a visioncaster, exhorter, and preacher, to constantly call God’s people to follow Jesus intensely and join with God in His mission to reclaim the world. Trinity’s loss is Pittsburgh’s great gain.” How does Hobby feel about this sudden turn of events in his life and ministry? “Early on in the process, one morning the Lord seemed to say to me, ‘Embrace the adventure,’” Hobby remarked.

He is excited as he looks to the future in Pittsburgh, where he sees significant mission opportunities among the churches entrusted to his care as well as the people who live and work in the city, many of whom are students at one of the area’s 40 colleges, including the University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon and Duquesne University. Unquestioningly, he will be building on a solid foundation of godly leadership passed on from Archbishop Duncan. “When I talk to people in the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, they express high regard and warm affection for Archbishop Duncan. I deeply desire to continue the legacy of godly leadership established by ‘Bishop Bob’ and his predecessor, Bishop Alden Hathaway, who ordained me as a deacon and a priest.” Hobby will continue to have significant roots in the community that he’s called home for the past nine years. “Shari and I have both connected with Trinity very deeply and it will be hard to leave. We have loved our time in this community, both Trinity and Thomasville. When we leave, we’ll be leaving lots of close friends, not to mention three daughters and a passel of grandkids.” “But Trinity is in a great place. It’s very stable with excellent leaders. I’m looking forward to seeing who God calls to lead Trinity to the next level.” n

Fall 2016


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In April, 2016, the Board of Trustees of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh announced the Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund to provide resources to be used by BishopElect Hobby and the Trustees for: V The Congregational Growth Fund (Grants and Loans) V The Church Planting Fund (Chiefly Grants) V The Clergy Sabbatical and Well-Being Fund (Grants) and V Other means to support Congregations and Clergy as opportunities arise. We are grateful for your support as we seek: V Immediate gifts over the next three years in cash or pledges V A gift through your will or other estate gift in support of the Diocese (and your Congregation) for the future.

We are still accepting gifts. Please consider today: n Sending us your pledge card. Mail it to: The Rev. Don Bushyager, Treasurer of the ADLF Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh Nova Tower One One Allegheny Square, Suite 650 Pittsburgh, PA 15212 n Asking for a pledge card. Please contact the Rev. Don Bushyager at 412-281-6131 or n Going to our website at to donate now.

Thank you for your special support! Your gifts will continue to support our Congregations and Clergy for years to come! Fall 2016



Support for Congregations and Clergy For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 God has abundantly blessed the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh! For many years, the Diocese has been enabled to support our congregations and clergy with grants and/or loans when critical needs or opportunities have arisen. For congregations, the Diocese has helped with repairs, renovations, new construction, seed funds for new programs, help with the planting of new parishes, and much more. We have provided funds but just as important, we have given prayer support, visibility, encouragement and other assistance in support of our work together. Our clergy are the preachers, teachers, role models, visionaries and servants of our Diocese. God needs them to shepherd His work in their areas of responsibility. Our grants and loans have often helped them with health issues for themselves or loved ones, with tuition and other support for their children, for their housing needs, or for personal circumstances when love and help were needed.

ARCHBISHOP DUNCAN LEGACY FUND CABINET Brad Root, Chair Michael Shiner, Vice Chair Bill and Linda Roemer, Honorary Chairs Shawn Reed, Board of Trustees President The Rev. Don Bushyager, Treasurer Robert Devlin, Legal Counsel The Rev. Michael Wurschmidt, Prayer Chair Rebecca Chapman Tim McLaughlin The Rev. Jonathan Millard The Rev. Karen Stevenson Nick Storm Mary Thompson Robert Wasko

As a Diocese, we want to do even more. Your support of the Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund makes this happen. Thank you for all that you have done and will do with and for the Legacy Fund. We have a bright future in Jesus Christ in our region. This Legacy Fund will provide funding so that BishopElect Hobby and our Board of Trustees will be able to direct these funds where and when needed in support of our congregations and clergy for now and well into the future. We praise God for you and thank you for your generous and prayerful support. Blessings!

Brad Root Chair

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Following is a small portion of the Congregations who are looking to the “future with hope” because of support they received through grants and loans from the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. The Anglican Church of the Transfiguration

Incarnation Anglican Church

The Anglican Church of the Transfiguration was formed over 100 years ago as an Episcopal Church. The church united with the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh and the Anglican Church of North America. In 2013, they began worshipping in a Methodist Church.

Incarnation Anglican Church in State College, PA is a campus ministry whose mission is to be a church

In April 2016, with a loan and a grant from the Diocese, the Anglican Church of the Transfiguration purchased the former borough building in Elizabeth. On August 7, 2016 they held their first worship

service at this new church building. We praise God for this provision and for the financial support that made this possible. Celebrate Recovery meets there every Monday evening. It is a Christ-centered recovery program that offers participants a clear path to salvation and discipleship; bringing hope, freedom, sobriety, and healing. The senior citizens who had been using the building as a Senior Center have already begun to meet in the parish. The Church is excited to see what the Lord is doing in Elizabeth Borough. The Rev. Karl Petterson is the Rector.

that is reaching the entirety of the State College Community as God opens doors. Rev. Michael Niebauer, the Rector, and his wife, Allison, began the church in 2014 with the help of substantial funding from Diocesan mission grants. Incarnation Anglican attracts undergraduate and graduate students from Penn State as well as community residents. Ministries include outreaches to international students, humanities graduate students, and to a local nursing home. Weekly worship began in the fall of 2015 at the Chapel on campus and God has blessed this new Congregation with substantial growth. True Vine Anglican Church True Vine Anglican Church in Monongahela purchased an abandoned Italian Social Club in 2012. With love and care, the structure was transformed to be a worship center. When needs and obstacles Continued on page 10)

Fall 2016



were confronted in the re-construction process, God provided. When a hood and fire suppression system was needed, the Diocese provided a grant. Since then True Vine has seen significant growth in membership and is becoming an important part of its community. True Vine Anglican Church serves as a testament to the faithfulness of God to His people. The Rev. John Fierro recently retired. The Rev. William Lytle is the Rector-elect. Shepherd’s Heart Fellowship Shepherd’s Heart Fellowship, near Mercy Hospital in Uptown Pittsburgh, is a vibrant congregation and ministry to homeless adults, many of whom are veterans. Begun in 1993, this Anglican Church operates a Veteran’s Home, a Drop-In Center, Food Pantry, Resource Center and more. Shepherd’s Heart’s mission is to “share the heart of Jesus our Shepherd with the streets of Pittsburgh and to the ends of the earth.” Shepherd’s Heart serves more than 40,000 meals each year to its members, clients and neighbors. The Rev. Michael Wurschmidt is the Rector, 10 | TRINITY Fall 2016

supported by the Rev. James Moorhead, the Rev. Justin Helton, and the Rev. Jim Chester. Rev. Wurschmidt is an Air Force veteran whose desire is to ensure that no veteran is left behind. On the second floor of their church building, Shepherd’s Heart operates Shepherd’s Heart Veteran’s Home, where 15 formerly homeless male veterans receive transitional housing and supportive services with the goal of helping them achieve residential stability, increase their skill levels and/or income, and obtain greater self-determination. Shepherd’s Heart Veteran’s Home has a 90% success rate of homeless veterans who have completed the program, which lasts up to 24 months; met their personal goals; and have reintegrated into society and obtained permanent housing. This 90% success rate compares favorably with the VA’s national rate of 50%.

South Side Anglican Church South Side Anglican Church is a messenger of God’s radical grace to the skeptic, the wounded, and those on the margins of society including addicts, ex-felons, broken families, low-income families, victims of abuse, sexually broken men and women, and those struggling with mental illness.

Each Sunday evening, Shepherd’s Heart holds a worship service that attracts large numbers of homeless adults. Following the worship, a meal is served to those in attendance. More than 100 churches volunteer throughout the year to help serve this meal. Shepherd’s Heart Fellowship has become a beacon of hope to men and women who are homeless in Pittsburgh.

The Church was founded in 2012 and began public worship services in a store-front on Carson Street in 2014. They currently worship at 1926 Sarah Street in the heart of Pittsburgh’s South Side, an economically diverse neighborhood close to downtown, known for its many bars and tattoo parlors. South Side Anglican Church’s mission is to spread the Gospel of God’s forgiveness with boldness and creativity. Using music and the arts, relationship, and recovery they form a safe place for God to break into people’s lives on the South Side. South Side Anglican Church offers: n Sunday night worship services to residents of the South Side and the wider city. n 12 Step Recovery groups for adults suffering from a variety of mental health and substance abuse issues. n Arts-access events for low-income children. n A benevolence fund for those in urgent need. n A racial reconciliation group called the Forum on Race Relations. The Rev. Sean Norris is the Rector. n

Fall 2016


Trinity School for Ministry Names Henry L. Thompson, III as Interim Dean/President


he Trinity School for Ministry Board of Trustees has appointed the Rev. Dr. Henry “Laurie” Thompson III as Interim Dean/President. He took office on July 1, 2016. The Dean/President is the senior administrator and chief academic officer of the seminary and is responsible for all of the daily operations and fundraising efforts. Mr. Douglas Wicker, Chairman of Trinity’s Board of Trustees and a member of the Standing Committee of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, said, “Laurie Thompson is a superb leader and pastor and he has been an important senior administrator at Trinity for many years. He is intimately familiar with all aspects of the operation of the school and he will be able to take the reins without missing a beat.” He added, “We have received many excellent applications for the position of Dean President but we haven’t found the right leader yet. We feel confident that this is God’s will for us at this time. Appointing Laurie as Interim Dean/President will allow us the time we need to carefully discern God’s will. We continue to trust that God will bring us the right candidate at the right time.” “I am humbled to be asked to serve as Trinity’s Interim Dean/President,” remarked Dr. Thompson. “I have a deep love for this school and I look forward to continuing my work with the board, faculty, staff, students, alumni, and supporters in this new role.” Laurie Thompson first came to Trinity in 1997 after spending 19 years in parish ministry. He has led the Doctor of Ministry program since 2001 and has also served as the Dean of Administration and most recently as the Dean of Advancement where he played an important role in the “Reach for the Harvest” campaign which raised $15.4 million for various strategic initiatives. Laurie is on the clergy team of Incarnation Church in the Strip District. He is married to Mary Thompson and they have three adult children and 9 grandchildren. n

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Trinity School for Ministry Media Center Construction Nearing Completion


hanks to the generous donors who supported Trinity School for Ministry’s Reach for the Harvest Campaign, construction crews are building new video and audio studios to create a space for the production of high-quality multimedia content for online classes, published resources for parishes, and improved communications from Trinity. Funds from the campaign have also outfitted the Media Center with new audio, video, data storage, and computer equipment. “This new space will give us the ability to take our multimedia production capabilities to a new level” remarked the Rev. Christopher Klukas, Trinity’s Director of Communications. “We look forward to improving the delivery of lectures for our online classes, and to producing resources which parishes can use for the formation of their members.” Construction began in the early summer and is scheduled to be finished in mid-September. n

Fall 2016


International Archbishops Approve over $400,000 For ARDF Projects in Africa By Christine Jones


n May 2016, The Anglican Relief and Development Fund’s (ARDF) board of Global Trustees approved $409,225 in grants for six development projects. Similar to ARDF’s past projects, the newly approved projects provide holistic support to empower local leaders to serve their own communities by addressing needs they have prioritized. These 2016 projects, all based in Africa, are no exception. In two cases, local churches will provide training in new farming techniques as well as seeds and extension services to areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) that lack food security. Surprisingly, only 10% of arable land in the DRC is farmed, meaning many regions do not produce enough food to feed their populations. In the Diocese of Two Kasai in the central south part of the DRC, the goal is to reinvigorate the farming industry. In this diamond-rich region, many have left farming for the quick income of mining. But this is dangerous and unstable work

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and the region has not been producing enough food for the 6 million who live there. This project will increase participants’ income by moving them from subsistence farming to sustainable farming. The second project in the DRC combines agricultural and spiritual training to address the real needs of farmers in Katanga who have been displaced by conflict. The local diocese will work through regional pastors and community leaders to train farmers who are on idle land in new farming techniques and to give them seeds in time for the fall planting cycle. In the eastern part of the DRC, a third project will rehabilitate a school for the Batwa Pygmies, a marginalized and ostracized people group in the KalemieKatanga region. Often seen as less than human by their neighbors, the pygmies are deprived of an education and trapped in poverty. Once complete, the school will provide education in a nurturing Christian environment. School fees, in

line with DRC government guidelines, will be charged, keeping the school sustainable and motivating parents to keep their children in school. After the primary school lets out for the day, mothers of students and other local women will use the space to attend literacy classes. The holistic nature of this project allows for entire families to benefit both through practical teachings as well as exposure to Christianity. ARDF partners are reaching out to other “unloved” members with a project in North Kivu, north of Kalemie in the DRC. Orphans of war are returning to Butembo where they are met with skepticism and little chance for employment. Seen as troublemakers, they have few economic options. The Diocese of North Kivu has built a primary school, but this project will construct a vocational school to teach carpentry to primary school graduates. While learning carpentry skills, the students will also be personally and spiritually mentored. Teachings on reconciliation and forgiveness are an integral part of

the holistic plan for these youths. A similar project in a different region has been extremely successful in bringing opportunity – and Christ – to former child soldiers and war orphans. In addition to funding effective models of community development, the other ARDF projects infuse capital into already successful initiatives by local dioceses. In Ghana, the Diocese of Sekoni will build a much-needed health clinic in Tikobo based on the diocese’s experience of facilitating clinics elsewhere. The Tiboko clinic is expected to reduce the deaths from otherwise preventable illnesses by providing accessible treatment and preventative health education.

“I started as a small-scale tomato farmer in my village. But the training I received from the Anglican Church helped me become a better and smart farmer. I learned new skills that became a new beginning for my business. With $250 from the Anglican Church, I expanded my tomato farming business that continues to support my family. Today, with that activity, I am able to get money and start to rebuild my life and also educate my three children.” Bilonda Ngoie, DRC farmer supported by an earlier Diocese of Katanga (DRC) project and mother of three

In Tanzania, the Diocese of Tabora is constructing an additional hostel for girls wishing to continue their secondary education at a diocesan school. Many have been deterred by unsafe accommodations or long treks of 20 miles, often on foot. This hostel will allow more girls to continue their education which will help entire families become more advantaged economically. This project is part of a broader sustainable program by the diocese as the hostel will bring in rental income to support the school and other activities. To learn more about these projects, please visit the ARDF website at If your small group, church, neighborhood or family would like to sponsor a project, please contact ARDF’s Director of Mobilization, Christine Jones at n

I am married and have 6 children. In Sept 2012, after planting, there was too much rain in my region. Because of the rains, I lost all I had planted. The Anglican diocese in my area assisted people in my area with seeds and tools. I was one of those lucky who were selected. I received 25 kg of maize seeds, and 2 hoes. In the coming season, we planted the 25 kg. We were able to harvest about 500 kg. We could have harvested more but we started eating maize as they were green. From the harvested 500 kg, we ate some, sold some to meet family needs including paying school fees for our last born child, saved 30 kg which we have been planting. Without the assistance we would have suffered much. We are so thankful for the diocese which has taken us this far. Kapinga Bilonda, 52 years old, Kasai Diocese, DRC

“I was 3 years old when my parents were murdered by a group [of] rebels. I was brought [to] Butembo to Madame Dorcas, who is the one who is looking after the orphans in North Kivu diocese [DRC]. When I was 6 years old, I joined the primary school. After my primary four, I was not able to continue. In 2010, Madame Dorcas asked me to go every day to stay with a certain man who is a mechanic of motorcycles. Four years ago, I started ... to repair the motorcycles. Now I am able to [buy] a shirt and a trouser for myself. This is from my own work [as a] motorcycle mechanic. So I thank God for his mercy upon me.” Modjo, a pygmy orphan from Butembo, DRC

Fall 2016


Just Do It By Ian Mikrut

The Rev. William “Biff” Carpenter talks about volunteering during the June West Virginia floods and beginning a new ministry as a Pastoral Caregiver with Red Cross.


here’s an old adage in athletics about making an impact over the course of competition. “Don’t wait for someone else to make a play, go and be the person who makes it.” It’s cliché and corny and invokes images of B-movie coaches throwing coolers in a locker room. And yet there’s something so true and tangible about it that makes it applicable to every day situations. You may remember reading about or seeing coverage on the floods in West Virginia that claimed the lives of 23 people, ravaged the surrounding communities and put 44 of West Virginia’s 55 counties in a state of emergency. In the days that followed, President Obama declared West Virginia a major disaster area.

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The Rev. William “Biff” Carpenter, Associate Rector at St. George’s Anglican Church (Waynesburg) and Parkersburg West Virginia native, had recently registered as a volunteer with the American Red Cross and saw the tragedy as his first opportunity to help, however big or small the contribution. “When Katrina happened, I watched it on TV and I kept thinking to myself, ‘My God those poor people, someone else will help them,’” he said. “And since my calling to Christ and service I’ve realized that we have just got to do it. It’s like that old Nike slogan, Just Do It.” So having already filled out the volunteer information with Red Cross, Biff booked a hotel room, made the three hour trek south and just asked to be plugged in. In this case, it was doing

warehouse work: organizing donated goods like water, food, diapers and batteries where they would be shrink wrapped on pallets and distributed to affected areas as needed. Biff described how amazing it was seeing over 400 volunteers from all over the country, from all different walks of life with very different skill sets come together for one simple task. “All these different people that are coming together, for one simple thing,” said Biff. “Which is everyone doing this little part that seems insignificant and when you look at the giant structure of it all which is to help these poor people, who lost everything.” During his time in West Virginia, Biff was covering all of the financial needs out of his own pocket. When he wasn’t sure how long he’d be staying, he reached out to the Rev. David Wilson of Christ the Redeemer, Canonsburg, who also helped spread the word throughout the Diocese, to put out a call for donations. The response in such a short time was incredible. “I just needed a couple hundred bucks to cover gas and hotel and they responded with a check that’s going to cover basically another two months of my ministry in Waynesburg,” said Biff. “And I’m just so grateful to [David] and to those who gave. I’m just so grateful.” West Virginia was Biff’s first experience in volunteering with Red Cross, but it helped jump start his interest in becoming a part of a disaster response team. In what’s a relatively new program for the organization, spiritual care will be another facet of the aid provided during disaster reliefs. For Biff that means being on-call as a Pastoral Care Specialist in Greene and Washington Counties in the event of a house fire, flood or other tragedy. “Unfortunately even though it’s through tragedy, it’s a great way to get to know people in the community,” said Biff. “Part of this program is just bringing education, for instance fire alarm inspection, installment and education because home fires are the biggest tragedy we have in this area.”

– you lose a child in a house fire for example, they may or may not want to talk to a minister,” said Biff. “But having bodies there and just being a presence and saying hey I’m here. If you want to talk I’m here to listen.” For pastors, ministers or anyone thinking about volunteering, being able to commit the necessary time can seem daunting. Biff describes a majority of his ministry work as making many difficult decisions of time management. But something that working with the Red Cross has brought him is the relief of having the infrastructure of a huge organization that can simply plug him in as part of a team where the sole focus is just one particular job or task that in the end serves an even larger goal. “I just think about how Christ, I mean he was so invested in creation that he allowed himself to be nailed to a cross. And that’s what He was willing to invest into rebuilding this world back into the will of the Father,” said Biff. “If we just are willing to do a small tiny part in taking that investment seriously in the world and our place in it, and the church has a place not just as an active voice, but to actually be the arms and the legs and the backs to actually do this construction and work for the Kingdom.” n

With the program being so new, there aren’t many pastors or ministers in the area enlisted right now. However, all that would be required is the initial volunteer application, then contacting Red Cross about becoming a Pastoral Care Specialist. From there it’s just a matter of additional background checks for working with children, providing paperwork from the diocese that you’re a minister in good standing and have had critical pastoral education. Afterwards, you’re just ready and waiting to be plugged in. “Look we live in a largely unchurched world. And people’s negative view of church can easily be rectified if the church is willing to meet people where they are. In the time of a tragedy Fall 2016


By Rev. Greg Miller, National Director

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.” Matthew 25:35

Our Purpose Church Army USA is a Matthew 25 ministry that exists to enable people’s lives to be transformed through a living faith in Jesus Christ.

“Church Army USA is at the center of evangelism and on the edges of society.”

We are Christ-centered, mission-focused evangelists, candidates, volunteers and donors, rooted in the Anglican Communion, who are committed to serving, reaching and loving broken, rejected, sad, disconnected and hurting people with a message of hope, love and joy.

Our Values

We are at the center of evangelism and on the edges of society. We specialize in working outside church buildings through addiction centers, urban farming, jails and prisons, café ministries, streets and back alleys, schools, senior centers, hospitals, nursing homes, housing developments and more as we find and support those in our communities who are:

Respect and dignity: We recognize that all people are created in the image of God and that all people are valued equally by God.

• Addicted to alcohol and/or other drugs • Homeless • Unemployed • Involved in prostitution • Incarcerated or ex-offenders • Children and youth • Older persons • Emotionally or physically ill

Rev. Greg Miller, National Director

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Listening to God: We take the time to be open to God, willing to listen and open to change.

Partnership: We are part of the worldwide Christian community, called to work with each other, with compatible agencies and with the wider church. Words and action: We are committed to proclaiming Jesus Christ and demonstrating the gospel through words and action. Christian community: We embody mission together and we seek the kingdom with others. The margins: We seek opportunities to serve those on the margin and live in such a way that commends Jesus Christ to those on the margins. Authority of Scripture: We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. (II Timothy 3:16)







Our World-Wide Connections Church Army is a world-wide family made up of independent Church Army societies in Australia, Barbados, Canada, Denmark, Jamaica, Kenya, Malawi, New Zealand, Uganda, United Kingdom and Ireland, United States of America, and Vanuatu. These societies work in more than 20 countries. Each society lives out the calling of our founder, Wilson Carlile, to reach out to those outside of the church with the Good News of Jesus Christ, to serve the poor and to be a resource to the wider church in evangelism. The societies work to facilitate communication, cooperation, fellowship and shared vision between Church Army societies and to promote the growth of the Church Army’s ministry worldwide. Together, we seek to be leading organizations in the training, equipping, and deploying of Evangelists to develop appropriate and relevant forms of Christian community for pioneering situations.


New Zealand


National Structure I was named as the National Director of Church Army USA in 2015 and I oversee the work of the evangelists. I have been a priest in the Reformed Episcopal Church since 1990. I was attracted to Church Army leadership because of its commitment to people on the margins. In addition to my administrative work for Church Army USA, I provide a support group for caregivers whose loved ones have mental illnesses. Church Army encourages, teaches, listens and loves those who are needy. We enable and empower Christians (seminary students, college students, adult and youth volunteers) to be involved in evangelistic outreach. We are bringing the Good News of God’s love to the poor, the broken, the hurting and the rejected. God is indeed doing amazing work in and through the Church Army USA!

Revitalization of Evangelistic Outreach In 2016 in the United States, Church Army USA is seeing a revitalization of evangelistic outreach. The calling of the Evangelist is as God’s instrument to encourage outreach in the Church as he/she serves through evangelism, disciple making, teaching and bringing healing to communities through local mission initiatives and fresh expressions of church community. Each evangelist is called by God; exists for God’s honor and glory; is committed to Christian community; desires to make


United Kingdom

United States


Christ known in word and deed, to serve the Church, and bring change in the world. Membership of Church Army USA is comprised of commissioned and covenanted officers and non-commissioned candidates for commissioning who undertake the work of evangelism according to the policies of Church Army USA.

History of Church Army BORN FROM REVIVAL The Church Army was born in 1882 in London out of a movement of revival which flowed from the great Prayer revival of 1858. In 1882, the Rev. Wilson Carlile banded together several gospel armies to form the Church Army of the Church of England. He worked with his officers in the most dreadful situations, serving with love and joy. During World War I, the Church Army was very active among the troops in France and developed more than 2,000 social clubs.

(Continued on page 20)

Fall 2016


CALLED TO AMERICA The Church Army spread to the United States in 1925 through 24 English officers. In 1926, Rev. Carlile came to America at the urging of Bishop Manning and several other bishops who had heard of the good work of Church Army’s lay evangelists. Rev. Carlile also met in Pittsburgh with the Rev. Sam Shoemaker, founder of the Pittsburgh Experiment and widely-recognized for his significant influence in the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous. The early English-trained officers established outreaches in America in jail ministries, Native American reservations, housing for the poor and in church institutions.

• Students at colleges and seminaries are being educated and receiving field education as they learn to better serve the poor and needy. Among these are Geneva College in Beaver Falls, PA; Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA; and Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, PA. • Thousands of prayer partners are being encouraged to pray passionately for the evangelists and those who are in relationship with them.

Serving the people of Aliquippa

DIFFICULT TIMES The Church Army has struggled in America in much the same way that those on the margins have struggled. The church has often not had sufficient leadership, funds nor commitment to provide the innovative, creative, neighborhood-centered, evangelistic outreaches to the margins. Significant work was done in the 1980’s for services for the addicted but many of those were not sustained.

A New Day in Serving the Broken, Hurting and Forgotten A revival of Church Army USA work is now in process. • The Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh has agreed that Church Army USA could be headquartered in its offices on the North Side of Pittsburgh. • 5 Church Army USA evangelists and 5 candidates have been trained, equipped, and are serving as God’s instruments on the margins in the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh and more are being recruited. (In addition 11 evangelists and 2 candidates are serving elsewhere in the United States.) • Many volunteers are being recruited and trained to support the work of evangelists.

Rev. Captain Herb Bailey directs the Aliquippa Base of Church Army. Programs under his leadership include Uncommon Grounds Café, Celebrate Recovery, Church in the Margins, Beaver County Jail ministry, and the Spring Street Farm and Apiary. Uncommon Grounds Café serves as a sanctuary for the least, last and the lost to find coffee and food, hope and a listening ear in a hospitable, caring environment. “Church in the Margins” is a “fresh expression” gathering that offers a dinner with prayer and God-centered conversation on Saturday night; the Uncommon Grounds Philosophy is a series about listening, hospitality, nonviolence, community and Scripture. Celebrate Recovery is a 12-step program where Jesus Christ “provides healing for the hurts, habits and hangups of life.” Captain Scott Branderhorst is taking charge of managing Church mission relations. In the past, churches have often been unaware of needs that are in their own backyards. Increasingly, however, churches are becoming aware of the importance of meeting needs and evangelizing people that are in their neighborhoods. Scott will be working to help facilitate that new evangelical sensitivity. He writes, “I witness the transformation of lives almost daily. I feel the sorrow of Christ’s compassion for those who are struggling.”

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Church Army USA is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit agency under the governance of Jesus Christ. We are an affiliated Ministry of the Anglican Church in North America and a member of the Anglican Global Mission Partners.

“As a child, I yearned to have someone in my life that would value, accept and love me just as I was. That is what Jesus now calls me to do for children.” Candidate Cyndi Burns

“We seek to be agents of reconciliation, bringing people together in the name of Christ to do the work of building the Kingdom of God, here on earth, as it is in Heaven.” Captain Herb Bailey

Captain Scott Colburn co-leads Church in the Margins and co-teaches the Uncommon Grounds Philosophy. Scott came to Church Army USA’s Uncommon Grounds Café ministries as part of a “ministry placement” class when he was a student at Trinity School for Ministry. Now he mentors other seminary students. Scott has co-led a men’s Bible study at the Beaver County Jail for several years, alternating between a video presentation of the Alpha Course (an introduction to Christianity) and group study of chosen passages. Captain Brad Holewinski directs Broken Hope, an alcohol and drug addiction recovery service ministry that offers an AA 12-step program, Way Out Workshop, Common Solution Recovery classes, and one-on-one mentoring for drug addicts and alcoholics and their families. Captain Nancy O’Leary is the director of the Spring Street Farm Apiary, which includes a community garden, general garden for food distribution, apiary, and prayer labyrinth. She is also a founding member of Beaver County’s Antihuman Trafficking Coalition seeking to protect men, women, and children from the snares of human trafficking in Beaver County and elsewhere. Candidate Angel Bailey serves as the office administrator for Church Army USA and Uncommon Grounds Café. She is a member of the Women’s Missions Team in Aliquippa and will soon begin a new ministry to serve women in Pittsburgh. Candidate Cyndi Burns works with the Uncommon Grounds Café and mentors at-risk children of Aliquippa. She lives in Linmar Terrace, a housing development for low-income families so she can be surrounded daily by children who she mentors and teaches. She serves alongside Aliquippa Impact, a ministry for children in Aliquippa, where she has taught biblical principles that relate to the children’s ages and life situations during summer camps and after school.

Our Board of Directors gives generously of its time and treasure to cast the vision, direct, and oversee the ministry of Church Army in the United States. Members of the Board of Directors are: Mr. James Moore, Chairman Mr. Stuart Simpson, Secretary Mr. Peter Fleming, Treasurer Mr. Michael Rollage Mr. Wicks Stephens

Candidate Maria Ramsey was recently named as the Café Manager at Uncommon Grounds Café. She will be responsible for overseeing the delivery of good food, volunteer training, and spiritual nurturing to the café customers, staff, and volunteers who come into the café. Candidate Wes Williams assists with Tuesday morning Bible Study, Uncommon Grounds Café, Open Mic Night, and RecNStyle Youth Arts Ministry. Wes is in the process of becoming a deacon in the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. Candidate-in-Training Andrenna Williams is actively involved in Friday Night Movie night, RecNStyle Youth Arts Ministry, and Women’s Missions. She notes that “Friday nights provide a safe place for people to come in and relax from the harsh reality of the outside world and into a place where the light and love of Jesus can be found.” Thank you for your prayers for those who are serving daily in the Church Army through our Aliquippa Base. For more information about how you can support the Church Army and /or how you can become a candidate, please contact me at:

Rev. Greg Miller, National Director c/o Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh One Allegheny Square, Suite 650, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 412-682-9686 Church Army USA exists to enable people’s lives to be transformed through a living faith in Jesus Christ. We praise God for the Church Army! n

Fall 2016


Diocesan Calendar September through December 2016 September 2016

November 2016

6 10 13-15 25

Tuesday Saturday Tues.-Thurs. Proper 21

Diocesan Council meets in Diocesan Office, Nova Tower 1, One Allegheny Square, Suite 650 Archbishop Foley Beach will consecrate the Rev. James Lafeyette Hobby, Jr., Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, St. Paul Catholic Cathedral, 108 N. Dithridge Ave, Pittsburgh 15213 Annual Clergy Conference, Antiochian Village, Bolivar, PA Episcopal Visitation: Brownsville, Christ Church

Fri. – Sat. Proper 27 Proper 28 Last Pentecost (Eve) Last Pentecost 1 Advent

151st Annual Diocesan Convention, Sewickley Episcopal Visit: Cranberry Twp., All Saints – AM Episcopal Visit: Beaver Falls, St. Andrew’s – PM Episcopal Visit: Beaver, Trinity – AM Episcopal Visit: Uptown, Shepherd’s Heart - PM Episcopal Visit: Bloomfield, Seeds of Hope Episcopal Visit: South Hills, Redeemer Episcopal Visit: North Fayette, Mosaic

December 2016

October 2016 2 Proper 22 6 Thursday 9 Proper 23 16 Proper 24 23 Proper 25 30 Proper 26

4-5 6 13 19 20 27

Episcopal Visitation: Mt. Washington, Grace Sunday Pre-Convention Hearing, Christ’s Church, Greensburg at 3:00 p.m. Pre-Convention Hearing, St. Stephen’s, Sewickley at 7:00 p.m. Episcopal Visitations: Bridgeville, StEAM - AM Pittsburgh, Incarnation – PM Episcopal Visitation & Installation of Rector: True Vine, Monongahela, The Rev. Bill Lytle Episcopal Visit: Leechburg, Holy Innocents Episcopal Visit: North Hills, Good Shepherd

4 2 Advent 11 3 Advent 18 4 Advent

Episcopal Visit: Monroeville, St. Martin’s Episcopal Visit: Charleroi, St. Mary’s Episcopal Visit: O’Hara Township, Word of Light

Clergy Milestones n The Rev. Bryan Jarrell began serving as a deacon at Trinity, Washington on March 24, 2016.

n Travis James Bott was ordained to the transitional diaconate on May 23, 2016 by Bishop Duncan.

n The Rev. Daniel Todd Bryant transferred to the Anglican Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others on April 18, 2016.

n Joseph P. Murphy transferred to the Diocese of the Great Lakes on June 7, 2016.

n The Rev. Daryl Fenton transferred to the Anglican Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic on April 18, 2016.

n Bishop Duncan ordained Margaret Guilburt Bowman, Paul Bryan Hassell, David William Ketter III, Catharine Moore Norris, Suzanne Cheryl Perkins and Seth Jared Zimmerman to the transitional diaconate on June 11, 2016.

n The Rev. Suzanne McCall transferred to the Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others on April 24, 2016. n The Rev. Thomas Phillips transferred to the Diocese of the Western Anglicans on April 26, 2016. n The Rev. Eric Rodes began serving as Assistant Rector at Grace, Slippery Rock on May 1, 2016. n The Rev. Terence L. Johnston transferred in from the Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces & Chaplaincy on May 5, 2016. n The Rev. Robert Richard transferred in from the Diocese of San Joaquin on May 12, 2016.

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n The Rev. Moses Oduor Ogot was licensed to function in the Diocese on June 27, 2016. n The Rev. Keith Elizabeth Mathews was licensed to function in the Diocese on June 28, 2016. She will serve as a supply priest for St. John’s, Salt Lake City, UT. n The Rev. John Fierro retired from True Vine, Monongahela on June 30, 2016. The Rev. Bill Lytle will serve as Rector. n The (Very) Rev. Dr. Laurie Thompson will serve as Interim Dean of Trinity School for Ministry starting July 1, 2016.

“He’s Got This” By the Rev. Shari Hobby


ne of my favorite Scripture passages is from II Chronicles 20. King Jehoshaphat finds out that a vast army has already invaded the territory he rules. Understandably, he is alarmed. His first response is not to wring his hands but to gather the people to fast and pray. He ends his prayer with these words, “We have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you” (v.12). The word from the Lord comes not to the king, but to Jahaziel as he stood in the assembly. “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s… Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you” (vv 15, 17). The response to the word was to fall down in worship and praise. The choir of Judah goes before the army, singing and praising. While they do that, the Lord set ambushes against the enemies and they end up slaughtering each other. When the Judean army gets there, all they see is dead bodies lying on the ground. They spend the next three days collecting the plunder and joyfully return home because of what the Lord had done for them. Maybe you’re like Jehoshaphat (and me), and you have also experienced times when things have felt incredibly

overwhelming, even alarming, and you have had no idea what to do. The words of this passage ring true: “I don’t know what to do, Lord, but my eyes are on you! I offer you my fearfulness and take up my position, knowing you will be with me. I choose to worship and praise even when I can’t yet see what you’ve accomplished on my behalf!”

Is this whole experience of Jim’s becoming bishop still an awesomely huge and overwhelming responsibility? Indeed! But, our eyes are on the Lord, trusting He’s got this. A little story. There have been several things in Jim’s selection to be bishop that have felt overwhelming to me. One of those things was buying a house in Pittsburgh. Jim and I had poured over online images of houses and had spent a good amount of time talking through what we were looking for. A lot of people were praying for me as I came to Pittsburgh to find a house, but everyone I talked to indicated that my available time-frame was unrealistic and that house hunting just didn’t happen that way.

Well, let me say that 37.5 hours after stepping foot in the realtor’s office for the first time, and being in 25+ houses, we made an offer on a house and had a signed contract! But, there’s more. Our daughter, Angela, has a friend who loves to dream about where she would live in different places around the country. Knowing we would be soon moving to Pittsburgh, she played her online house-hunting game as to where she would live if she moved here. A few weeks later our daughter, Elizabeth Joy, posted a picture of me in front of our new house-to-be on Facebook. Angela got a crazy call from her friend. The house I was standing in front of was exactly the same house she had chosen from Jacksonville, FL! Hearing that was a wonderful God-kiss. It was like He was saying, “I’ve got this. I led you to where I wanted you to be. You did your part, now praise and rejoice. I am with you. Take your position and see what I will continue to do on your behalf.” Over the last few weeks, we have been working to make this God-kissed house our home. As we do that we are becoming more settled in our new city and in the positions the Lord has given each of us. Is this whole experience of Jim’s becoming bishop still an awesomely huge and overwhelming responsibility? Indeed! But, our eyes are on the Lord, trusting He’s got this. We need to take our positions and see what he wants to do on our behalf. He’s got this. He’s got all of us. Let’s sing His praises! n

Fall 2016



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2016 Anglican Family Symposium to Take Place at Truro Anglican Church


nglican Family, a working group of the ACNA Committee on Catechesis, is pleased to announce the 2016 Anglican Family Symposium which will take place at Truro Anglican Church in Fairfax, VA, September 28-30, 2016. Building on the discussions from the first symposium, the 2016 conference will continue the conversation with some top-notch plenary speakers and practical workshops. Presenters will include the Rt. Rev. Dr. Graham Tomlin, Bishop of Kensington in the Diocese of London; the Rev. Dr. Tory Baucum, Rector of Truro Anglican Church; and Dr. Joseph Atkinson, Associate Professor of Sacred Scripture at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute. The 2016 Anglican Family Symposium is intended for clergy, lay leaders, parents, and anyone else interested in joining the conversation. Registration opens on July 12. More details can be found at “At the 2015 Symposium, The inadequacies of the current curricular-driven, age-segregated, programmatic models of Christian education were acknowledged” remembered Julia-Marie Halderman, one of the Anglican Family Working Group members. “There was a renewed sense of urgency to articulate a hope-filled, counter-cultural, life-giving Biblical theology of marriage, family, and singleness to an increasingly broken, fragmented, and lost society.” Video of the 2015 plenary addresses as well as articles from some of the workshop speakers are available on the website. “This year we hope to dig into the scriptures to discover what a biblical theology of the family looks like” commented the Rev. Christopher Klukas, Chairman of the Anglican Family Working Group. “There is only so much formation that can happen on a Sunday morning. For the gospel to take root in a child’s heart, she must see the faith lived out in the everyday rhythms of her family. It is my hope that conference participants will come away with a renewed vision for ministry to children, youth, and families in our congregations.” Anglican Family, a working group of the Anglican Church of North America Committee on Catechesis, is dedicated to the renewal of families for the flourishing of church and society through the resourcing of clergy, lay leaders, and parents in the work of faith formation. n

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