TRINITY Pentecost 2016

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Goodbye to Our Bishop

In This Issue... Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund

Special Convention

Bishop Elect Jim Hobby

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Thank You and God-Be-Wi-Ye By The Most Rev. Robert Wm. Duncan, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, Archbishop Emeritus of the Anglican Church in North America Beloved in the Lord, This is my last time of writing this column as your Diocesan Bishop. There are two overwhelming sentiments as I think about all of you, my flock for twenty years. First, there is the overwhelming sense of thanksgiving, to you and to our Gracious God. I thank you for your prayers and support. A number of you will remember the day I was elected. I said I would accept election if you would agree to pray for me. You did pray for me – and for us – and God has been so good, so present, so “with us.” I thank you, too, for your commitment to Gospel truth. In the hard days of realignment – where many lost so much – you did not flinch or waver. We did what we did together, in all these twenty years, and I am sure that history will

record them as among the great annals of our diocese and of North American Christian witness. My gratefulness is also about the mission we embraced together. Some will remember the early battle cry: “From maintenance to mission.” Refined over the years, that mantra became “Anglican Christians transforming our world with Jesus Christ.” Needs-based evangelism – springing from submitted and true worship – bore fruit in a thousand different ways, from feeding programs and diaper pantries to church-planting and the fielding of global missionaries. God did so much through all of you: “missionary grace.” Second, there is my deepest desire, my heartcry, for God’s blessing on each one of you – and all of you together – for all that is ahead as Bishop-Elect James (Jim)

Hobby, the Eighth Bishop of Pittsburgh, leads you forward. Our English word Goodbye is a contraction (probably first occurring in the 14th century) of “God be with ye.” Our “goodbyes” are at their very root words of blessing. All our encounters are meant to end in the same way our worship services do, by asking God’s blessings on our friends and comrades and fellow pilgrims, and on the world we serve. These are my prayers for you as we come to our formal ending as bishop and people: that Our God will continue his abundant blessing on the clergy and people of this Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, and on all whom you, in turn, touch. When I began as your bishop, Nara and I went away to a remote corner of Northwest Scotland (the Aber-Crossam Peninsula over-looking the Irish Sea) to ask God what his vision for Pittsburgh was. What I heard that Spring was this: “One Church of Miraculous Expectation and Missionary Grace.” We often roughly translated the vision as “All in this together…totally dependent on Him…agents of His Love for those who do not yet know Him.” May our Holy Trinity, One God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit bless and keep you in this, His Way. I am forever in His debt, and yours. n Faithfully and Affectionately,

Seventh Bishop

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By The Most Rev. Robert Wm. Duncan, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, Archbishop Emeritus of the Anglican Church in North America

In This Issue... On the Cover: Archbishop Duncan’s retirement will be effective in June. Read on to learn about the Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund and celebrate with the Diocese! More information on page 18. Photo by Kevin Patterson

6 The people of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, Anglicans throughout the Province, and Christians and others who have admired Archbishop Duncan’s steadfastness, courage and humility, are invited now to share in extending his legacy for generations to come and multiplying his impact on the Congregations and Clergy he loves.

18 The April 23 Special Convention at St. Stephen’s Church, Sewickley marked the end of the Next Bishop Discernment Process in a prayerful weekend in which the Rev. Jim Hobby was elected as the next Bishop of Pittsburgh.

23 Learn more about Bishop-Elect Jim Hobby as he “embraces the adventure” for the future of the diocese.

FEATURES 6 • Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund 13 • Prayer for the Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund 16 • ARDF – Nepal: One Year Later by Christine Jones 18 • Special Convention 2016 20 • Farewell Celebration for Archbishop Bob and Nara Duncan 21 • BLTF – ACNA Liturgy Task Force Releases New Daily Bible Reading Plan: A Revised Lectionary by Fred Carlson 22 • BLTF – Want to Know Jesus? Open the Bible! by Kurt Dudt 22 • Diocesan Calendar | Clergy Milestones 24 • Trinity School for Ministry to Offer Full-Tuition Scholarships by the Rev. Aidan Smith

EDITORIALS 2 • On the Sure Foundation: Thank You and God-Be-Wi-Ye The Most Rev. Robert Wm. Duncan, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, Archbishop Emeritus of the Anglican Church in North America 23 • Embrace the Adventure: A Message from Bishop-Elect Jim Hobby

Editor Ian Mikrut Design Kostilnik & Associates Graphics, Inc. Columnists Archbishop Robert Duncan Rev. Jim Hobby Contributors Fred Carlson Nancy Lee Cochran Paul Cooper Kurt Dudt Christine Jones Aidan Smith CONTACT INFORMATION Communications Director Ian Mikrut Phone: (412) 281-6131 Email: Web site: Fax: (412) 322-4505 SUBMISSION INFORMATION Fax: (412) 322-4505 TRINITY is a quarterly publication of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. Submissions for the next issue of Trinity must arrive at the diocesan offices by August 15 to be considered for publication. Documents that are not created in MS Word should be sent as text documents. Photos should be minimum 300 dpi and include photo credit when necessary. If physical photos are sent and must be returned they must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proprietary information on the back of each photo.

Pentecost 2016



Robert William Duncan Bishop, Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh Archbishop Emeritus, Anglican Church in North America Who has benefited from the life and work of Archbishop Robert Duncan? Who has he touched in his journey with Jesus Christ?


ll those within the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh have been the beneficiaries of his love, creativity, courage, witness and work. He has also touched and impacted Anglicans and the whole Christian Church throughout the world. Many people in the worldwide Christian community, particularly in the Pittsburgh region, have learned much from him as he worked tirelessly towards uncompromised biblical orthodoxy. His leadership in Christian Associates of Southwestern PA and on countless boards was prized. He also led the formation

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of the Anglican Relief and Development Fund, serving tens of thousands globally. Robert William Duncan, the Bishop of Pittsburgh and Archbishop Emeritus of the Anglican Church in North America, was born at Fort Dix, New Jersey in 1948. He was ordained a deacon in 1972 and a priest later that year. In 1992, he became Canon to the Ordinary (similar to a Chief of Staff) for Bishop Alden Hathaway in Pittsburgh. In 1995, he was nominated from the floor and was elected Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese of Pittsburgh. He has devoted himself to mission and evangelism throughout his ministry, with a special passion for reaching adolescents and young adults, serving for eighteen years in collegiate settings.

“He has devoted himself to mission and evangelism throughout his ministry, with a special passion for reaching adolescents and young adults.� Archbishop Duncan returned to dedicate his full energies to Pittsburgh as her Bishop at the conclusion of his term as Archbishop in 2014. He plans to retire in June, 2016. Archbishop Duncan married Nara Elizabeth Dewar on August 16, 1969. They have been a dynamic team! They share a love of gardening, travel, hospitality and music. They have one daughter, Louise Elizabeth, married to Mark, and two adolescent grandchildren, Caroline and Patrick. n

He is a champion of the poor and dispossessed of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, encouraging creative church-planting wherever there is need. He pastored the Clergy and people of the Diocese through the difficult season that saw the realignment of the great majority of the Diocese from the Episcopal Church to Jerusalem Declaration (2008) Anglicanism. Elected first Archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America in June of 2009, he was an extraordinary leader at a critical moment in Church history.

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Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund

For the Benefit of Congregations and Clergy of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh “It’s not about the overseer; it’s about what is overseen.” “The Congregations are primary. The Diocese is secondary.”


ow many times have we heard this from our Bishop? For twenty years as Bishop and four years prior as Canon, Bishop (then later

Archbishop) Duncan lived this. Vibrant Congregations and healthy Clergy are his legacy, as is a Church built on the Word of God and committed to its mission of loving lost souls as Jesus loved them.

“Vibrant Congregations and healthy Clergy are his legacy.” The people of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, Anglicans throughout the Province, and Christians and others who have admired Archbishop Duncan’s steadfastness, courage and humility, are invited now to share in extending his legacy for generations to come and multiplying his impact on the Congregations and Clergy he loves. Give Now. Multiply Later. The Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund offers two ways to honor the Archbishop and deepen lasting impact: n Cash and stock gifts now and n The making of estate commitments in wills and trusts for the future.

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n This campaign also invites estate commitments directly to local Congregations. The Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund will be administered by the Board of Trustees of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. Resources gathered into the Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund will in turn be committed by the Trustees through: n The Congregational Growth Fund (Grants and Loans) n The Church Planting Fund (Chiefly Grants)

n The Clergy Sabbatical and WellBeing Fund (Grants) and n Other means to support Congregations and Clergy as opportunities arise. Together, Congregations and Clergy will have access to resources that they could not have independently. Moreover, common resources can be applied strategically and renewably. That is a part of why Bishops and Dioceses exist and why the Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund is such an opportunity now and for the future. n

“Congregations are our principal agencies of mission. Their people are the hands and feet and hearts of the gospel transformation of the individuals and communities they touch. And healthy and able clergy are indispensable blessings to these congregations. This is what I, as a chief shepherd, have seen myself chiefly to be about.�


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hildren are our Future. Children are a gift from God! My wife Holly and I have four such gifts: Madison, Tucker, Bradley and Devon. We pray daily for their futures in Jesus Christ. Because of them (and thousands of young people like them in our Diocese), I support and have agreed to chair the Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund. Archbishop Duncan has been a shepherd and a beacon for his people of our Diocese for two decades. You know this. He and his wife Nara have been faithful and sacrificial servants, sustaining and growing a Diocese during a time of immense challenge. He did not retreat. Rather, he responded by building a new Province. Pittsburgh will always be a major piece of this historical movement. We have all witnessed Archbishop “Bob’s” unwavering faith, his serving leader’s heart and a first love for the people in the Diocese of Pittsburgh, especially our youth. He has given as much as he is able. Let us honor his Legacy by helping to gather resources to continue to Strengthen Congregations, Plant new churches and Support our Clergy in our Diocese. Although the past cannot be forgotten, this campaign is about the future. This is all our beloved Archbishop desires as he retires and we welcome the next generation of leadership. I encourage you to join us as we celebrate the life, witness and work of Archbishop Duncan and as we prepare for a bright, Christ-centered future as the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. May the Lord continue to richly bless you and your loved ones as you make decisions about your gift-giving. Please give generously. Always give cheerfully! Every blessing,

Brad Root Campaign Chair

“If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” Matthew 7:11

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Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and More!


im McLaughlin is a distinguished member of the Board of Trustees of our Diocese. He is also the President and Co-Owner of 321Blink, an innovative Pittsburgh-based company that specializes in social media, web development, video and branding. Tim heads a team of creative Pittsburgh-based professionals who are passionate about helping local businesses and major corporations compete successfully in this rapidly-changing world. Here’s the good news: Tim is also passionate about serving Jesus. He and his family worship at Christ Church Fox Chapel. He is offering his skills and talents to develop a social media plan for bringing the Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund to the teens and adults who use Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and other social media. Tim and his team harness traditional media and also work in contemporary media (web and social media) to share information and provide support. Tim reminds us that our entire web presence needs to be enticing and constantly updated to be an effective tool for evangelism and hospitality.

Tim McLaughlin and his family

We understand that these tools, when used in an appropriate way, can reach new audiences with the gospel. We are grateful for his patience with us and for his teaching and training. Watch for a video by Archbishop Duncan on our website and look at the following social platforms to learn more about the Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund:

Facebook - Twitter – Follow @ PittAnglicans LinkedIn - Instagram – Follow @PittAnglicans SnapChat – Coming Soon! Our newly-formed Timothy Collaborative in the Diocese consists of young adults who will be in the forefront of using these platforms to reach others. We thank them for their good work. Our goal is to reach teenagers, young adults and other Christians in innovative ways that we have not previously used. In addition to publicizing the Legacy Fund, we will be enabled to use these social platforms well into the future to reach our younger constituents. Thank you, Tim McLaughlin and your team at 321Blink. God is using you in powerful ways for His honor and glory! n

The Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund will have a strong presence for teens and adults who use Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and other forms of social media!

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Ways of Giving

GIVE NOW. MULTI But who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able thus to offer willingly? For all things come from you, and of your own have we given you. I Chronicles 29:14

Together, we can make sacrificial financial gifts in honor of Archbishop Duncan. As good stewards, our gifts should have some relationship to how generous God has been to us. Our response to this Campaign is between us and God. So begin now with your prayers. A Gift Now in Honor of Archbishop Duncan

In making an Estate Plan, you may wish to include:

We are asking you to make a pledge to the Campaign. Perhaps you will choose to pay your pledge monthly, quarterly or annually for up to three years or make a lump sum payment.

n A Bequest in a Will. This is the most popular planned gift. For the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh’s Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund (and your Congregation), it can be:

Or you might use Appreciated Securities. If they have increased in value since you obtained them, they may provide significant tax advantages.

• an outright monetary bequest, • a percentage of your estate,

An Estate Gift to Multiply the Duncan Legacy in support of the Diocese (and your Congregation) “We are grateful that you are considering a sacrificial gift to the Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund (and your Congregation). Please pray about your gift-giving and be assured that we want to meet your needs as well as those of this Legacy Fund and of your Congregation. Please trust God to guide you. And please talk to your tax advisor. You can receive substantial tax advantages for giving generously. Give wisely, knowing that you are being a good steward of your bounty with which the Lord has blessed you. In Proverbs 11:25 we read, ‘Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.’ Thank you for your prayerful decisions. God loves a cheerful giver!”

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PLY LATER. • a percentage of the “rest, residue and remainder” of your estate after a number of other bequests have been fulfilled, • or a specific asset such as personal or real property. n Gift of Stocks and Bonds (especially if they are appreciated) • Gift of Real Estate (such as a home, vacation property, undeveloped land, farmland or commercial property) • Gift of Personal Property (such as jewelry, antiques, an automobile, art work, livestock or other property) n Gift of IRA, Pension or other Retirement Account. Consider giving from your retirement assets such as a gift from your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pension or other tax-deferred plan. Sixty to 70% of your retirement assets may be taxed if you leave them to your heirs. The Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh’s Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund (and your Congregation) are not taxed upon receiving tax-deferred assets. If you are 70 ½ years old, you may receive significant additional tax advantages by giving directly through your Retirement Account. n Life Insurance Policy with the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh’s

We invite you to... Pray. Reflect. Plan with your family. Give sacrificially.

Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund (and your Congregation) as beneficiaries or you may gift a policy or purchase a charitable gift rider. n Charitable Lead Trust would pay an income to the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh’s Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund (and your Congregation) for a specific length of time and would then leave the remainder of the trust to designated beneficiaries, usually family members. The purpose of the charitable lead trust is to reduce taxes on the estate of the deceased while maintaining the family’s control of the estate’s assets. n Charitable Remainder Trust allows the donor to place assets into the trust and then have it pay the beneficiaries (the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh’s Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund and your Congregation) for a stated period of time. Once this time-frame expires, the remainder of the estate is transferred to the beneficiary charities. n Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is a charitable giving vehicle created to manage charitable donations on behalf of organizations, families or individuals. The donors surrender ownership of what they put in the DAF but retain advisory privileges over how the DAF is invested and how it distributes money to your

preferred charities such as the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh’s Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund (and your Congregation). n Or Other Planned Giving Tool that best meets your needs.

Because many names have changed in recent years, please be sure that your Estate Plan: • Uses the official name of the Diocese as the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, • Specifies the Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund and • Correctly lists the name and municipality of your Congregation.

In making your Estate Plan, we encourage you to consult with your professional tax advisors. If you need help with planning your gift, please contact the Rev. Don Bushyager, Treasurer of the Campaign, at the offices of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh at It is our hope and prayer that this Campaign will increase the level of resources for the Diocese and for the Congregations to support more fully, under the new Bishop, the mission and ministry of the Church both now and well into the future. n

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Teaching Children and Teens to be Good Stewards Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.


Proverbs 22:6

tewardship is a way of life for Christians. It enriches our lives at any age and should be a way of life for all of us. As parents, teachers and pastors, we should reinforce often that God is the source of all that exists. He created everything and He owns all things. God is also our model for being generous and faithful. Experts tell us that children form their attitudes about sharing sometime between the ages of 5 and 9. They may develop an entitlement attitude of “The world owes me” or “I don’t have enough.” With our prayerful help, they will develop a stewardship attitude of “I have been so blessed” and “I have much to share.” As we help them count their blessings, they will have more peace and contentment with all that God has given.

leg·a·cy a noun 1. Something that was left behind by family. Synonyms: bequest, inheritance, heritage, gift

As you talk to children and teenagers about the Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund: n Use scriptural texts and prayers to reinforce the Bible’s teachings on gift-giving. Ask children and teens to write their own prayers and to write or draw pictures about their favorite stories from the Bible about gift-giving. n Explain that the definition of “Legacy” is “something that was left behind by family.” As he retires, Archbishop

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Duncan leaves behind a strong foundation, built on the Word of God, on which all of us of all ages can build. Ask them to write stories or poems or to draw pictures about the Legacy that the Archbishop is leaving. n Ask them to make a list of things that they know that God has given them and over which they should show good stewardship. Guide them so they will understand that all things come from God and that He has blessed them abundantly. Ask what they have to share. n Ask teens and young adults to use traditional or social media to: • Share their thoughts about Archbishop Duncan’s Legacy. • Show their gratitude to God for their many blessings. • Celebrate past gifts that have been given to their Congregation and/or their Clergy. • Indicate what they have been given by God that they can share for the benefit of Clergy and Congregations through the Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund.

Encourage parents to discuss their gifts to the Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund with their children and teenagers. Consider having an ingathering of gifts from children and teenagers sometime this summer. Collect the gifts at a special time agreed upon by leaders of your parish. Young people of all ages have much to give! You will be setting them on a life-long journey of giving and sharing. An ingathering could be a very special time in the life of the Congregation. As individuals, families, classes or groups within your parish implement any of these stewardship-related suggestions, please send us photos or information about your successes in teaching about stewardship. Send them to Ian Mikrut at mikrut@ We would love to post items on the website as an inspiration to others! Enjoy your teaching and sharing. And remember: God loves a cheerful giver. So smile and be grateful as you give! n

Prayer for the

Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund for the Benefit of Congregations and Clergy of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh

Almighty God and Father, Look mercifully upon the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh And upon your servants who are the Clergy and people of our Congregations. We praise You for our journey together, for the joys, the accomplishments and the trials. Your grace and love have sustained us. We ask your continued blessings on our beloved Archbishop Robert Duncan, “Bishop Bob,” Your faithful servant, as he and Nara prepare for a well-deserved retirement. Bless us in this time of transition as we continue to grow together. Draw us nearer to You, dear Jesus, Lord and Savior. May we be ever mindful of the Legacy that the Archbishop is passing to us and to a new generation. Remind us that all that we have has come from You And that we are stewards of Your bounty. Bless the gifts that are given in this Campaign, that they may be used for Your honor and Your glory. Alleluia!


Bill and Linda Roemer “Because Archbishop Duncan asked, we are pleased and honored to serve as Honorary Chairs of this Campaign. Without question, Bob Duncan was the right man at the right time to lead not just our Diocese but, more importantly, the birthing of the Anglican Church in North America. His legacy is destined to last for generations and for that all of us can be truly grateful. Since we have been blessed abundantly by God’s grace, we delight in expressing our heartfelt gratitude as often and generously as possible. We have made our investment in this worthwhile endeavor. Now we are inviting you to join us as we seize this opportunity to plan for the future as we honor in a tangible way our good friend Bishop Bob.

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Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund We are grateful for the following servants from our Diocese who have agreed to serve as Leaders of the Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund for the Benefit of Congregations and Clergy of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh.

Campaign Cabinet Brad Root, Campaign Chair Michael Shiner, Vice Chair Bill and Linda Roemer, Honorary Chairs Shawn Reed, Board of Trustees President The Rev. Don Bushyager, Treasurer Robert Devlin, Legal Counsel The Rev. Michael Wurschmidt, Prayer Chair

The Rev. Karen Stevenson Rector, Trinity Church, Washington, PA “The Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund is not a legacy about some glory days of our past, but it is an opportunity to use what God has done in this Diocese under his leadership as the foundation and as an investment in our future. At Trinity Washington we have been able to do many new ministries with new initiative grants. For instance, there is a thriving outreach on the campus of Washington and Jefferson College today working collaboratively with the Coalition for Christian Outreach (CCO) because of help from the Diocese in starting that ministry 18 years ago. Diocesan support has helped parishes turn bars into churches, to launch

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Rebecca Chapman Tim McLaughlin The Rev. Jonathan Millard The Rev. Karen Stevenson Nick Storm Mary Thompson Robert Wasko

campus ministries, to plant churches that are outposts of grace in an ungracious world, to renovate our worship spaces to make them more welcoming to those who come. We need funding so that these initiatives will flourish and new ones will continually be started. God has been faithful and has given our parishes fresh love for mission. We are constantly looking for innovative ways to proclaim the Gospel’s hope to a broken world. We will need resources to initiate some of these new ideas. Serving a parish is exhilarating and exhausting. I’m excited that a part of this Legacy Fund is for Clergy wholeness and well-being so that we can be renewed and refreshed as we serve. This is the time to honor our Bishop of 20 years. Yes! But it also the time to give thanks to God by sowing into our future, as together we build on the foundation that God has laid under Bishop Bob’s leadership.”

The Rev. Michael Wurschmidt Rector, Shepherd’s Heart Fellowship, Pittsburgh “As you do, I love the Archbishop and am grateful for his love, courage, strength and wisdom. Let’s bathe his retirement and this Campaign in prayer. Our Diocese, our Clergy and our Congregations are bearing fruit because the Archbishop has always encouraged us to move forward with prayer as our foundation. This is one of his important legacies to us. There is power in prayer!”

The Rev. Jonathan Millard Rector, Church of the Ascension, Pittsburgh “I am honored to serve on the Cabinet for the Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund. I am acutely aware of the privilege of serving as

because of it. Bishop Bob sees us as God sees us and encourages us in our journey.

Rector of Church of the Ascension and of the human and financial resources that we have available to do the mission and ministry God has entrusted to us. But for almost half of my ordained life, I have served in much smaller congregations where resources were often very limited. The Legacy Fund will support, encourage and equip all of our congregations to do the work God has given us to do. A grant of just a few thousand dollars to a small congregation to help kick start a new missional initiative can make the difference between a new initiative happening or not happening and can enable so much good fruit for the Kingdom of God. Scripture exhorts us to be good stewards of all that the Lord has entrusted to us and I am excited to see the results of this campaign being used to expand Gospel ministry throughout our Diocese. I am greatly encouraged by the renewed vision to care for Clergy and their families. The importance of our new Bishop-Elect Jim being able to give tangible financial support to clergy families from this new Fund cannot be over stated. Whether clergy will be helped in taking sabbatical leave or be given emergency assistance in times of family crisis, the Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund will prove to be a significant tool in supporting clergy wellness.”

Shawn Reed President, Board of Trustees “I’ve had the pleasure of serving Archbishop Duncan on the Diocesan Board of Trustees for eight years. This has been a remarkable privilege. I am in a better place

Mary W. Thompson

An old friend told me once that “inside of every man is a better man waiting to be called out.” Archbishop Duncan calls out the better man in all of us; and it’s been a privilege to support his leadership. Rarely will anyone witness the kindness, purpose and grace of a leader like him. Now, however, we need to look to the future filled with hope that God is providing.”

Rebecca Chapman “Geoff and I have always had a heart for those who gave up so much by following God’s lead to realign with the Anglican Church. We are thankful for the faithfulness and the sacrifice of the clergy and the parishes in this Diocese and are grateful for Archbishop Duncan’s desire to replenish a Fund which will support clergy and clergy family well-being, parish health and innovative Gospel mission.”

Nick Storm “God always calls the leader first. The legacy of Archbishop Duncan shows that he was called to do a great work for the Anglican Church. I’m helping with this Legacy Fund because my family had previously benefited from the Bishop’s Fund for college scholarships, and our church, Mosaic, has received grants, which have assisted our growth as a fledgling parish. This Fund is important for future generations and continued care and growth of Diocesan Clergy and parishes. I am grateful for this Fund because many Clergy make tremendous sacrifices for the sake of the Gospel. This fund will allow the Bishop to provide some modicum of support.”

“Laurie and I are supporting the Legacy Fund because we know that it will help to continue and deepen the growth of our Diocese. There is still much to be done in Western PA to spread the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ and I believe that this Fund will enable future leaders and churches to accomplish that mission. We desire to strengthen our vision and hope for the future of Anglicans in the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. Please join us in the work of God in this place!”

Robert Wasko “I am honored to participate with others in developing the Archbishop Duncan Legacy Fund with the ultimate goal of providing our Diocesan management with financial resources to aid and assist Congregations and Clergy. As a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), I understand well the impact that new resources will have on our mission. Thank you for your sacrificial support.”

Michael Shiner “I am grateful for all that Archbishop Duncan has done for this Diocese and for Anglicans throughout North America and the world. I encourage, support and am excited for the potential of honoring him while at the same time strengthening our Clergy and Congregations as together we share the Gospel and love our neighbors. This Legacy Fund will impact us all for generations to come.”

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Nepal: One Year Later By Christine Jones

“It didn’t take long to realize it. It was after witnessing the prayer and fasting. And then hearing testimonies of people who had come to believe in Jesus because they saw a loved one healed after prayers in His name. And then realizing just how threatening Christianity is to the social order and caste system of Nepal. And hearing more stories of people being rejected by their families after believing in Jesus. And meeting several older Christians who have spent many years walking from village to village preaching the Gospel and planting churches. It dawned on me, “Oh my gosh, this church is living the book of Acts, in real time!” – Bill Haley 16 | TRINITY Pentecost 2016


n April 25th, 2015, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake devastated the South Asian country of Nepal. A year later, Anglican Relief and Development Fund (ARDF) Executive Director, Canon Bill Deiss, and ARDF US Trustee Rev. Bill Haley visited the poor mountain country. Their trip focused on building long-term partnerships with local leaders to ensure a successful reconstruction effort— and on encouraging the local church as they rely on God in this challenging time. The series of earthquakes that struck Nepal last year killed 8,900 people, injured more than 200,000, and displaced over 3 million. 530,000 buildings, including 4,932 schools, were destroyed. This destruction hit Anglicans in the country especially hard. In the areas where the Anglican Church is strongest, 95 – 100% of the villages were destroyed, leaving little protection from aftershocks, extreme monsoon conditions, and the brutally cold Himalayan winter. The Anglican Deanery of Nepal lost 30 of its 58 church buildings and continues to mourn the 70 congregation members who died in the earthquakes. ARDF helped raise over $215,000 for emergency disaster relief in Nepal. Through this generosity, the love of Christ was shared with the communities affected by this tragedy. However, according to the Wall Street Journal, “[a year later] reconstruction is far behind schedule. Political infighting kept a dedicated reconstruction authority from starting its work promptly. And for months beginning last fall, protests against a new constitution disrupted imports of fuel and other essentials from neighboring India.” Despite the devastation, the Church in Nepal is on the brink of revival. Haley writes, “In the one year since the earthquake in April 2015, the membership of this little Nepali Anglican community across the country has grown from 9,000 to 12,000 people! You usually just don’t see growth like that…again it is reminiscent of the book of Acts.” During his time in Kathmandu in April, Haley attended a special prayer service to mark the one-year anniversary of the earthquake. He observed a praying church unlike anything he had witnessed. From the top of a 6,000 ft. height (simply a “hill” to the Nepali), the Pastor began by proclaiming, “Jesus says every high place is mine!” The preacher went on to remind the gathering that Christians and the church are a blessing to Nepal. “We receive blessing so that we can be a blessing.” He then challenged the congregation to seek the blessings of God and to keep praying. So the gathering did pray…for another hour and a half! For Haley, it was not only a deep privilege to be there with them and to pray with them. It was also a humbling experience. Haley reflected, “There are gifts from being a young church, and from being a Christian minority in your culture. You pray differently, and these dear Nepali Christians — our family in the Lord — do.

They are the hope of Nepal, now and for generations, and I firmly believe Nepal will be changed because of them, because of our God, who dwells in high places, claims them, and loves to meet his own on them.” Deiss and Haley also visited the Anglican Church in the Jaguar community, a slum in Kathmandu. While the people in this neighborhood struggle with severe poverty, they are spiritually rich. Pastor Daniel came to this community in 2007 and now more than 40% of the households there are Christian. In addition to a church, there is a school and community center. Here among the poorest of the poor, the church is offering tangible hope that the government is unable – or unwilling – to provide. Deiss notes that when you have been forgotten by the world (the government, a caste system that discounts you), Christian acts of compassion can truly change people’s hearts and lives. The Deanery of Nepal recognizes these opportunities and has developed a long-range plan for the Anglican Church in Nepal. It includes leadership training of pastors, infrastructure development, and outreach. But in this context it will take time. And it will take relationships that develop into powerful partnerships. On this trip, Deiss and Haley continued to build these necessary relationships. Deiss is thankful that the Diocese of Singapore and the Deanery of Nepal want to work with ARDF and the ACNA to build on the momentum of this revival. ARDF believes that now is the time to stand with our brothers and sisters in Nepal, providing, as Deiss says, a “long term commitment to help a very desperate situation.” Concrete plans are already in place. In November, ACNA Archbishop Foley Beach plans to travel to Nepal with the Rt. Rev’d Rennis Ponniah, the Bishop of Singapore, to confirm 1,000 Nepalis! In 2017, Rev. Bill Haley will return to Nepal to lead a pilgrimage called “Meet God in the Mountains.” The Gospel of Matthew and and the book of Acts will provide the basis for daily reflections during the trip, and the primary spiritual discipline will be prayer. This is an opportunity for Anglicans across ACNA to develop meaningful relationships with Anglicans in Nepal. “Pilgrimage, done rightly, is one of God’s most powerful tools for personal transformation and spiritual growth,” affirms Haley. Haley asked Rinzi Lama, one of the fathers of the Church in Nepal who has planted 50 churches, what his hope was for Nepal and for her church. He answered both questions with the same answer: “I hope that the darkness of Nepal will be cleansed by the blood of Christ.” Christine Jones is the Director of Mobilization for the Anglican Relief and Development Fund. If you want more information on ARDF’s partnership with Nepal, the 2017 pilgrimage, or other ways to get involved, please contact Christine at or visit n Pentecost 2016


Special Conven

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“When the consensus was reached it was wonderfully clear that this was the person God was calling to be bishop. As all of us participated with the Spirit throughout the process, Christ honored our openness with clarity around His chosen servant. While the long day was emotionally draining, I had a deep assurance that this was the Lord’s choosing and we were in step with God’s will. It was one of the more profound experiences I have shared with the Body of Christ. A process marked by prayer and comprehensive discernment, civility, listening, and a consideration for the good of all. I am thankful to serve with people who seek the Lord so diligently. I was part of something beautiful and I was changed.” — Heather Strong Moore

ntion 2016

Thank you all for your prayers and patience during discernment! THE DISCERNMENT PROCESS. The Next Bishop Discernment Process concluded with the Election of Jim Hobby on April 23. The Standing Committee is grateful to God for his faithfulness, and we are especially grateful to the clergy, deputies, and people of the entire diocese. The overall sense of things was that we moved together toward discerning what God wanted. The peace we have known is the fruit of much prayer, patience, and love for the church and one another. The process worked. OUTSTANDING NOMINEES. We wish to thank all six nominees for their participation. It was admirable to see what godly men they are. We

acknowledge that it could not have been easy to be open and transparent, but each of the nominees did so with faithfulness and grace. We pray for their on-going ministries. THE STANDING COMMITTEE. I would like to pay tribute to my colleagues on the Standing Committee. I could not have worked with a better team of people. Together, we worked hard to shape the process and to carefully anticipate the needs of the diocese and nominees. THE TRANSITION CONTINUES. Now the work of the Standing Committee will be to assist BishopElect Hobby in the transition. We look forward to “embracing the adventure” of what’s next!

CELEBRATING THE DUNCANS. Words and deeds will never express how grateful we are for Bob and Nara Duncan. We look forward to celebrating with them as they retire from this ministry. Blessings to All,

The Rev Paul A Cooper Rector, All Saints Anglican Church, Cranberry Township, PA President, Standing Committee 2016

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BLTF ACNA Liturgy Task Force Releases New Daily Bible Reading Plan: A Revised Lectionary! by Fred Carlson of the BLTF


mproving Biblical Literacy in our Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. This has been a seven-year project of the Biblical Literacy Task Force, called forward in 2009 and recently discharged by Archbishop Duncan as his episcopate comes to a conclusion June 30. As stated before in these pages in TRINITY, in our recommendations to improve four areas related to the goal of improved biblical literacy, we see how regular Bible Reading leads to Bible Memorization, this leads to Bible Knowledge, and points to our people growing in the Word and having a Biblical Worldview. The whole process begins with a renewed and passionate encounter with the Bible on a regular basis. We recall almost the entire Diocese reading the E100 Bible reading plan together in 20102011, and the advice for all after that to use the Daily Lectionary for their regular Bible reading plan. With this regular intentional Bible reading now a habit in our Diocese, the news of a revised ACNA Daily Lectionary greets us warmly! Find the new Daily Office Lectionary online at http://anglicanchurch. net/?/main/texts_for_common_prayer The Anglican Church in North America’s Provincial Liturgy Task Force, chaired by Archbishop Duncan, has announced a new Daily Lectionary for Anglican Bible readers. Archbishop Duncan introduced the new Lectionary, along with new rites such as the Daily Office, with these words, “...the materials offered in Texts for Common Prayer are “working texts” approved for use by the College of Bishops. These working texts are not yet finalized, awaiting response from the experience of their wide use in the Church. Comments can be sent via email to:

The New Daily Lectionary The principle adopted at the Reformation was that “the whole of Holy Scripture (or the greatest part thereof)” should be read each year. This cycle of readings annually is based on that principle. Much of the New Testament is read twice. The major change from the 1979 Daily Office Lectionary is a division of the readings into Morning and Evening readings, and there is more volume of material daily to enable the reader to read most of the Bible every year. Certainly daily Bible readers can read what they can fit into their schedules and still use this pattern as their reading plan. Readers will find few ‘edited’ sections for length-this was common in the 1979 lectionary.

The Use of Psalms in the New Daily Office Anglicanism at the time of the Reformation established that the entire Psalter should be read in the Daily Office once each month, according to the pattern printed with this Lectionary. Contemporary practice sometimes lessens the number of the daily psalms, which practice is permissible as long as the entire Psalter is regularly read. For any day, the psalms appointed may be reduced in number according to local circumstance. If there is only one office, the psalms may be drawn from those

appointed for Morning or Evening that Day. If a two month cycle of psalms is desired, the Morning psalms may be read in one month and the Evening psalms in the next. When there is a thirty-first day of the month, psalms from the Psalms of Ascents, Psalms 120 to 134, are used.

The Long View on Lectionary History As we see the value of a daily encounter with the Bible, we see the unfolding of thousands of years of practice of God’s people with the scriptures. From ancient times worship has been not just a weekly but a daily affair. For devout Jews, daily prayer rested upon the divine command (the Shema): “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” -Deut. 6:4-7 The Shema was to be said twice daily – upon waking and upon going to sleep. There’s also evidence that the Temple sacrifices took place twice a day: once in the morning and once in the evening. The readings were scheduled and assigned by a table (just like today-see Luke 4:16-30; 1 Timothy 4:13) Those unable to attend the Temple liturgies began to pray at the same “hours.” In New Testament times, as monastic communities developed, they formed their entire lives upon the rhythm of daily prayer. The daily appointments with God (the “offices”) consisted of prayers, a psalm, appointed Bible readings, canticles, and the Lord’s Prayer. The Reformation in the Anglican world centered on Thomas Cranmer’s focus on Scripture! One of the beneficial effects of the English Reformation was that Cranmer, the author of the first Book of Common Prayer, simplified the Daily Offices so that both clergy and laity could participate in it. The number of daily offices was reduced from seven to two. Morning Prayer was based upon the Medieval offices of Matins together with elements from Prime. Evening Prayer was, in its essence, a combination of Vespers and Compline. The Daily Office as a whole was revised around the importance of regular recitation of the Psalms and reading through the whole Bible. This gives the Anglican Office its distinctive character. As Cranmer so thankfully states, “For they (the ancient fathers) so ordered the matter, that all the whole Bible (or the greatest part thereof) should be read over every year; intending thereby, that the Clergy, and especially such as were Ministers in the congregation, should (by often reading, and meditation in God’s word) be stirred up to godliness themselves and be more able to exhort others by wholesome Doctrine, and to confute them that were adversaries to the Truth; and further, that the people (by daily hearing of holy Scripture read in the Church) might continually profit more and more in the knowledge of God, and be the more inflamed with the love of his true Religion.”-From the Preface to the 1549 Book of Common Prayer n

Pentecost 2016


BLTF Want to Know Jesus? Open the Bible! The Road to Emmaus Teaching Lesson By Kurt Dudt of the Biblical Literacy Task Force


magine having Jesus teach a Bible lesson on who He is and His role as redeemer of the world! For two fortunate travelers, this is exactly what happened. What a wonderful experience that must have been! The story of Jesus’s appearance on the Road to Emmaus is told in Luke 24:13-35. You might remember the story; two of Jesus’s followers were walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus, a distance of seven miles. These travelers were discussing recent events that included Christ’s arrest, trial, crucifixion and the rumors of His resurrection. As they were walking and discussing these events, the resurrected Jesus came along side of them and asked a question, ‘What are you discussing together as you walk along?” We are also told that the travelers were “kept from recognizing Him.” At this point everything gets very interesting as Jesus gives the two a mild rebuke. He informs them that they are “slow to believe all the Old Testament prophets have spoken.” Jesus, the miracle worker, the healer, the teacher, the risen Lord, does something unexpected. He teaches using the examples and writings of Moses and the prophets. Instead of a miracle, He uses the Old Testament. It says in Luke 24:27, “He explained to them what was said in all the scriptures concerning Himself.” Of course, at this time before the Ascension and the early church, the only scriptures that existed were that of the Old Testament. Later, when our travelers were reflecting on their conversation with Jesus, they remarked to each other, “were not our hearts burning within us while He talked with us on the road and opened the scriptures to us” (Luke 24:32). Jesus is still stirring hearts today, when we open the scriptures. The Old Testament is not often thought of as a place to get to know Jesus our savior. However, not only did Jesus

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use the Old Testament to explain and clarify who He is but so did Philip! After Philip was selected by Jesus to be a disciple, He told his friend Nathaniel, “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the law and about whom the prophets also wrote- Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” (John 1:45). The Road to Emmaus was not the only time that Jesus used “the law of Moses, the prophets and the Psalms” (John 24:44-45) to make His points. Shortly after, the two travelers returned to Jerusalem to tell the disciples what happened to them. As the two travelers and the disciples were discussing what had happened on the road, Jesus again appeared and once again explained to His disciples His life work by referring to the Old Testament and what must be fulfilled. The encouraging thing to the Biblical Literacy Task Force is that Christ is still opening minds and explaining who He is with both the Old and New Testaments. It is impossible to get to know Christ without reading the Bible. Jesus said the scriptures “testify about me” (John 5:39). The Lord uses the scripture to reveal, explain and verify that Jesus is the Messiah. As each of us reads the Old Testament, we gain insights into the identity of Christ. The Old and New Testaments, coupled and working together, give us all we need to know for salvation. In a mysterious way, Jesus is the Word (John 1:1). Our reading and reflecting on the scripture allows Christ to work in us and to stir our hearts just as He did for the two travelers to Emmaus. In this way, we are able to build our faith and understanding. Christ will honor our efforts to study the Bible and will help us to know Him. Many people do not include daily Bible reading as part of their normal walk with Christ. Our recommendation is to open the scriptures and let Christ stir our hearts. n

Diocesan Calendar of Events May 2016 through July 2016 June 2016

11 Diaconal Ordinations: St. Stephen’s, Sewickley 10:00 A.M. 18 Farewell to Archbishop Bob & Nara Duncan 3:30 P.M. Solemn Evensong, Church of the Ascension, Oakland (Open to All) 5:30 P.M. Gateway Clipper Gala, Station Square, South Side (By Reservation)

July 2016

4 Independence Day: Office Closed

Episcopal Visitation Calendar May 2016 through July 2016 June 2016

5 12 14 19 26

Proper 5 Proper 6 Tuesday Proper 7 Proper 8

Ft. Collins, CO, St. Thomas Greensburg, Christ’s Church Bedford Anglican Coraopolis, Charis 247 Uniontown, St. Peter’s

Clergy Milestones n The Rev. Tony Bleything transferred to the Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others effective November 17, 2014. n The Rev. Lloyd P. W. Hays transferred to the Anglican Diocese of Peru effective March 17, 2016. He has been licensed to function as a priest in the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. n The Rev. William Adam Chamberlain Lytle was ordained to the Priesthood by Bishop Duncan on April 2, 2016. n The Rev. Larry Deihle began serving as Priest Associate at Christ Church, Brownsville on April 10, 2016. n The Rev. Chance Andrew Perdue was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Duncan on April 16, 2016.

Embrace the Adventure: A Message from Bishop-Elect Jim Hobby Dear Friends and Partners in the Gospel, While I tend to be pretty even-keeled, occasionally God does something that takes my breath away. I have two vivid memories of gasping in surprised awe. One gasp happened on June 25, 2009, as Bishop Duncan was being installed as the first Archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America and called for the planting of 1,000 churches during his 5-year tenure as Archbishop. As the

That clarion call changed the conversation of the whole province.

fifth ballot, I was overwhelmed with awe (with more than a hint of panic). Since then many other emotions have followed. Shari and I are sad at the thought of leaving our children and grandchildren and a congregation that we love. I feel honored, grateful and humbled by your willingness to entrust me with leadership in the Diocese. I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for us.

I’m praying that God will fill me with the same missional boldness that Archbishop Duncan expressed in Plano, Texas, in 2009; and that the church planting movement he envisioned would continue to become a reality throughout Southwestern Pennsylvania and beyond as together we make disciples that make disciples. Perhaps, there are more gasps to come. n

As Shari and I join our lives with yours, we are looking forward to building longlasting, life-giving relationships with you over the next years. In the next few months, the first goal will be to get to know how things work. My goal is to ask 10,000 questions (more or less) in the first 100 days.

With you in Christ,

Jim Hobby

words settled into the minds and hearts of all in attendance, we were stunned. No one had ever had the boldness to imagine such a possible reality. That clarion call changed the conversation of a whole province. We moved from thinking primarily (and sometimes exclusively) about survival to reimagining ourselves as a church planting movement. My second gasp happened on April 23rd as the results of the first ballot at the electing convention were read. I suddenly realized that the Lord’s word, “Embrace the adventure,” might mean more than showing up at the convention. In fact, they might mean that the adventure I was to embrace had barely started. At the

Pentecost 2016



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Trinity School for Ministry to Offer Full-Tuition Scholarships by the Rev. Aidan Smith


he topic of student loan debt is coming up more and more these days. We hear about it in the news. We talk about it with our children. We might even have to send a check every now and then to pay off our own loans! While the cost of education is a complex issue and one that is not easily resolved, we can all agree that having debt can complicate one’s ability to enter into a life of serving Christ through ministry. Trinity School for Ministry is actively confronting this problem. We are pleased to announce that through the generosity of Trinity’s friends and donors, over $4,000,000 was raised for scholarship funds in the Reach for the Harvest campaign. These and other gifts made it possible for 100% of the residential class of 2015 to receive full-tuition scholarships! Furthermore, in the coming years Trinity has the funds to continue this pattern. For the incoming residential class of Fall 2016, 50 full-tuition scholarships are available for students who apply by the application deadline of July 15,

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2016. These scholarships will be awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis to 50 qualified applicants. With the accessibility of these funds for seminary education, Trinity School for Ministry’s graduates will not be weighed down by student loan debt and, thus, will be free to go wherever God is calling them to serve the Church. Obviously, this would not be possible without the generosity of Trinity’s donors. For them, we give thanks to God. If you are considering an application to Trinity School for Ministry, please apply soon. Don’t let finances keep you from following God. In the words of Bishop Alfred Stanway, Trinity’s first Dean and President, “God always pays for what he orders!” n

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