TRINITY Advent 2015

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Convention 2015 In This Issue... Timothy Collaborative Page 4

Archbishop Duncan and Canon Mary Hays announce retirements Page 8

Next Bishop Discernment Process Page 9

Advent 2015



150th Annual Convention An Excerpt from the Bishop’s Address

By The Most Rev. Robert Wm. Duncan, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, Archbishop Emeritus of the Anglican Church in North America Beloved in the Lord, “I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,…to give you a future and a hope.” [Jeremiah 29:11]


am in my 68th year as a child of God, in my forty-fourth year as deacon and priest, in my twenty-fourth year of serving this diocese, and in my twentieth year as your bishop. I believe the time has come for me to call for the election of my successor. I have consulted with our Standing Committee, who have consented to my resignation and laid the plans necessary for Godly transition. I have sought the approval of our Archbishop, His Grace Foley Beach, and he has given it. Now I seek your blessing to be released –effective on June 30 in the coming Year of our Lord 2016 – from the extraordinary responsibilities you have long asked of me. Together we have done much. We came to understand that the mission of the Church is chiefly carried out in our local congregations. We came to understand that every congregation has a specialized mission to embrace and a particular people to reach, and that every one of us is an individual missionary. We came to understand that church planting was the best way to reach new people for Christ, and that every congregation – no matter how small or large – could share in the work. We stood together for Jesus in the difficult days of re-alignment, and led a whole movement that became the Anglican Church in North America. Aided by ecumenical partners, we accepted the loss of properties and assets, unwilling to compromise “the Faith once for all delivered to the saints,” and we turned storefronts and bars into places of worship. We made global partnerships that changed us and changed the world. We also celebrated both the 250th Anniversary of the planting of Anglicanism at the forks of the Ohio and the 150th Anniversary of the organization of this remarkable diocese.

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As I have said my prayers and sought counsel, it has seemed to me like the work I was called to do is as complete as it can be. I believe that this is a very good moment for me to let go and to pass the chief pastor’s crozier to another, just as we have largely passed diocesan leadership – both clergy and lay – from one generation to another. The years of conflict – and of course correction – within the Body of Christ are past for now. The challenge ahead is one of strengthening the Church for discipleship and evangelization in a hostile and needy nation and world. We could not have done what we did without God’s abundant blessing and the support of so many, some of whose efforts are known, many unknown. Nancy Norton and Jack Downey and Don Bushyager; Marsha Tallant and Melanie Contz and Peter Frank and Netta Pozzuto. Remember Chuck Rosemeyer and Ann Paton and Betsy Rodewald in the Mission Team days. Bill Roemer and Stu Simpson and Elizabeth Hobbs and Jim Moore and Bill Rodewald and Bob Manson and Joe Sarria and Sharon Forrest. Mike Henning and Arnie Klukas and Steve Noll and Doug McGlynn and John Leggett and Peter Moore. John Rodgers and Henry Scriven and Frank Lyons. Mary Hays has been through almost the whole of it and much would not have turned out as it did without her. There are many other names that could be called out. There are many names that only the Lord knows. All of you owe a debt to Nara Dewar Duncan, who has stood by me through everything that has transpired. We have consistently been served by an amazing staff, by talented clergy and by committed lay men and women. What a heritage! In 2005, in the most uncertain days of what became the Anglican re-alignment, more than two thousand Anglicans from across the United States and Canada and from around the world met in the David L, Lawrence Convention Center – there were more than three thousand at the opening Eucharist with a clergy procession that stretched for three

city blocks – we hosted a gathering entitled “Hope and A Future.” The theme came from Jeremiah 29:11. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” A decade later we can see that the prophetic promise we claimed then has more than been fulfilled. Ours has always been a Red Sea God. In thinking about this Sesquicentennial Convention it seemed right to claim the Jeremiah verse again. I am as sure as I can be – though I have no written evidence – that those who gathered in November of 1865 to organize “the Church in the Diocese of Pittsburgh” had the Lord’s promise through the Prophet Jeremiah in mind. 150 years later, God’s promise to us is the same as at our organizing Convention, the same as to the exiles in Babylon nearly three millennia ago, and to the children of Israel escaping Pharoah centuries before that. The transition we now face, from one bishop to the next, is just the next step in the unfolding of our God’s good Providence. Let go of the anxieties and trust in the One who has been so trustworthy from the first day until now. What the Lord Jesus Himself said remains the exhortation of the moment: “Fear not little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you his kingdom.” Or, as Paul assures the Thessalonian congregation: “He who has called you is faithful, and He will do it.” What more is there to say? Only “thank you” and “God bless you” and “Don’t waiver.” What a great privilege it has been to be the dominical under-shepherd for this awesome season of trial and triumph. God is good. All the time. Faithfully in Christ,


By The Most Rev. Robert Wm. Duncan, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, Archbishop Emeritus of the Anglican Church in North America

In This Issue...

On the Cover: Clergy of the Diocese vest for Convention 2015’s Friday Eucharist, kicking off the celebration for the 150th year of the diocese. More from Convention on page 8.

Editor Ian Mikrut



Get a glimpse of the themes covered in the Timothy Collaborative’s Convention 2015 workshops through a blog excerpt from Heather Strong Moore.

Get the latest news and highlights from this year’s Convention, including the retirement announcements from Bishop Duncan and Canon Mary Hays.

9 The Rev. Paul Cooper explains what the next Bishop discernment process will look like and how you can be involved and stay up to date.

FEATURES 4 • In Defense of Tradition by Heather Strong Moore 6 • Spanish Language Theological Education for Anglicans by the Rev. Christopher Klukas 7 • Building Relationships Through a Blessing and Getting Blessed in Return by Lynn Bouterse 8 • Hope and a Future- Convention 2015 Highlights and News by the Rev. Paul Cooper and Ian Mikrut 11 • Holiday Shopping with a Heart by Cinde Rawn 12 • “So Great a Cloud of Witnesses” by Ian Mikrut 16 • Healing the Orphaned Heart by Janet Helms 18 • ARDF- Children worshiping Christ the Newborn King 20 • Clergy Milestones | Diocesan Calendar 21 • BLTF: An After-School Bible Study! by Jodi Carver 22 • Report of the Canon to the Ordinary

Design Kostilnik & Associates Graphics, Inc. Columnists Archbishop Robert Duncan Canon Mary Maggard Hays Contributors Lynn Bouterse Jodi Carver Paul Cooper Janet Helms Chris Klukas Heather Strong Moore Cinde Rawn Cindy Thomas Caleb Vits CONTACT INFORMATION Communications Director Ian Mikrut Phone: (412) 281-6131 Email: Web site: Fax: (412) 322-4505 SUBMISSION INFORMATION Fax: (412) 322-4505

EDITORIALS 2 • On the Sure Foundation: 150th Annual Convention, An excerpt from the Bishop’s Address The Most Rev. Robert Wm. Duncan, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, Archbishop Emeritus of the Anglican Church in North America

23 • Extravagant Love: Last One The Rev. Canon Mary Maggard Hays

TRINITY is a quarterly publication of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. Submissions for the next issue of Trinity must arrive at the diocesan offices by February 15 to be considered for publication. Documents that are not created in MS Word should be sent as text documents. Photos should be minimum 300 dpi and include photo credit when necessary. If physical photos are sent and must be returned they must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proprietary information on the back of each photo.

Advent 2015


In Defense of

TRADITION Heather Strong Moore

Edited from Heather and her husband Ivan’s blog “The Culture of Moore,” the following is based on Heather’s talk about finding beauty and meaning in a traditional liturgy and explores some of the themes covered in the Timothy Collaborative’s Convention 2015 Workshops.


would like to think of myself as a creative person. My role with the CCO is to develop new ministries and have a vision for God to bring about new outreaches that have never existed before. I get bored with routine and am energized by change. I share photographer Diane

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Arbus’s sentiment, “My favorite thing is to go where I have never been.” And yet I have found a home in the structure and tradition of the Anglican Church. How do creativity and innovation go hand-inhand with centuries of sameness?

The dominant cultural narrative would say that they don’t. The message most young people are receiving is that freedom inherently means a lack of parameters and expectations. The goal is to be completely unique and unrestrained by anything that has come before. One

of the best examples of this is ABC Family’s decision to change the name of their network to “Freeform.” Their promo about the shift says it all. Free to be whoever you want however you want. There can be appealing aspects to this, and that message can also be deeply burdensome and overwhelming. That’s a lot of pressure to reinvent the wheel every day and astound people with your innovations. How might joining something bigger than our individual creativity enable us to experience a different kind of freedom? When the Book of Common Prayer was compiled in England in 1549, it was in response to a church trend that had made prayer and scripture reading exclusive to priests. It was not considered normal or possible for the average person to access God in their personal lives or in their homes. Thomas Cranmer’s goal was to make prayer common, to teach people how to pray in their hearts and with their families. The BCP includes a lectionary of scripture readings to read each day throughout the year, and several prayer services and “collects” (themed prayers) to guide Christians into rhythms of prayer throughout their day. All of this was to draw people into community with one another and communion with Christ through prayer, scripture and worship. It was not meant to be restrictive or the end-point of prayer. Rather, a guide to focus our minds and hearts on the things of God and to lead us into further communion and worship.

hadn’t been able to generate myself but with which I desperately wanted to agree. t taught me to pray again as I repeatedly heard the Assurance of Pardon and the expression that God was for His people, not against. Every time we celebrated Communion I was reminded, “The body of Christ, broken for you”, and “The blood of Christ, shed for you.” I heard that truth in my own heart and in the Lord ’s Supper was drawn near to Christ being made one with my brothers and sisters. I was no longer alone and adrift, but was part of an immediate church family as well as my historic/global community of faith.

Thomas Cranmer’s goal was to make prayer common, to teach people how to pray in their hearts and with their families. Something else began to be opened up for me. Not only did I receive the peace and joy of Christ’s grace and mercy, but I started to hear God’s voice in new ways. In that peaceful space I was able to cultivate an attention to the leading of the Holy Spirit. For me personally (this is not true for everyone and that is 100% okay), I am distracted in worship services

that are unpredictable. I tend to be on edge in those environments and am so worried about what’s happening next that it pulls me out of my focus on God. But the structure of liturgy created focus and peace for me that then opened me up to receive more from God. I experienced freedom and creativity in the rhythms of the prayer book and was drawn deeper into the life of the Spirit in worship. Tradition didn’t shut me down and limit me, it opened me up. Prayer and scripture became part of me in new ways that gave me fresh unity with Jesus. I grew in my faith, in my understanding of who God is to me and to the world, and in the knowledge that we serve an eternal God in whom there is no changing. The historical church has certainly been guilty of misuses of the Bible to oppress people groups. I am not contending that tradition is flawless in every area. But the practices that have enriched and shaped the Church for generations do not need to be abandoned. They can provide a beautiful opportunity to experience the peace and freedom of being guided into the presence of God. As we join with our brothers and sisters throughout the ages we’re primed to receive a new and personal relationship with our Savior. In being relieved of the anxiety of selfgenerated spirituality, we just might enter into God’s limitless presence. n

I came into the Anglican Church during a dark season in my life. My brother had been killed a year and a half earlier, and I was still in the midst of grief and depression. Much of the time I thought I would never feel whole again, and I felt abandoned by God. As a result, I had great difficulty praying because it didn’t seem like God wanted to hear from me. The liturgy was very new for me and at first seemed weird, but as I spent time with it the BCP gave me the words I

Advent 2015


Spanish Language Theological Education for Anglicans by the Rev. Christopher Klukas


panish-speaking congregations are some of the fastest growing Anglican churches in North and South America. While there are many excellent theology programs taught in Spanish, very few of them come from an Anglican perspective. This leaves Spanish speaking Anglican seminarians with gaps in their education, especially in subjects like Anglican theology, worship and history. Trinity School for Ministry’s Spanish language Postgraduate Diploma in Anglican Studies, launched this fall, is designed to provide robust, graduate-level training in the essentials of Anglicanism for native Spanish speakers. Education provides the formation they need to be effective ministers of the Gospel in an evangelical Anglican context. This two-year program includes seven courses on the distinctive principles of Anglicanism. All of the courses are taught online, allowing students to stay in their ministry context as they study. The initial response to the program has been good with six students enrolled for our inaugural semester. Four are from Mexico and two are from Texas. The plan is to offer all the courses in a continuous cycle so that a new student can enroll at the beginning of any semester. Many of the people who would most benefit from this kind of education are unable to afford it. With the rapid growth of the Church among Spanish-speakers, investing in the education of these leaders is sure to produce a gospel harvest. Thanks to a new fund named in honor of A. Hugo Blankingship, Scholarships are available for this program. An October launch event for this scholarship fund raised more than $100,000 and we hope that the fund will continue to grow as more people realize the importance of this kind of education. We would welcome additional contributions from anyone who feels led to do so. For further information, visit: n

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Building Relationships Through a Blessing and Getting Blessed in Return By Lynn Bouterse

Trinity Church, Beaver held a Pet Blessing to open the doors for community engaging on Sunday, October 4.


ow does a church use the combination of a popcorn machine, soft drinks and priests to build relationships in their community? By scheduling a pet blessing! Trinity Anglican Church (Beaver) put their popcorn machine and fully vested priests, Scott Homer and Glenn Crytzera, on the sidewalk in front of the church Sunday, October 4, and offered a blessing of the animals to everyone who gathered on the sidewalk that afternoon. The popcorn machine hummed, dogs barked, the one cat present meowed, birds fluttered and guinea pigs munched as the priests blessed fifty or more precious pets from the community and church. The animals’ owners joined in the blessing through the petitions in pamphlets provided by Trinity and remained after the blessing ceremony to share popcorn, talk about their pets and share about themselves.

For many people, pets are a steadfast part of their lives. It’s an important occasion to share fellowship with others who feel the same way.

For many people, pets are a steadfast part of their lives. It’s an important occasion to share in fellowship with others who feel the same way. While St. Francis’ admonition to love God’s creatures was evident on the sidewalk of Trinity Church, it was also apparent that the church is full of people who not only love pets, but love Jesus, too. n

Advent 2015


HOPE and a

FUTURE Convention 2015 Highlights and News The 150th annual Diocesan Convention brought roughly 250 clergy, lay deputies and guests together at St. Stephen’s Church in Sewickley for a gathering of celebration and big news.


he opening Eucharist began the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, with all of the clergy vested and participating as well as a live chorus and memorized, performed scripture during worship. The Rev. Mark Stevenson, Lucas Waters, Deanna Briody and Deacon Bill Lytle performed a dramatization of John Barret Kerfoot, the first bishop of Pittsburgh. The Timothy Collaborative brought the presence and perspectives of younger members of our diocese while sponsoring a panel discussion which offered reflections on strengths and hopes for our diocese. Workshops were also held throughout the day. Canon Phil Ashey taught two sessions about the lifecycle of a congregation.

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Bishop Duncan announced his retirement effective June 30, 2016. Canon Mary Hays also announced her resignation effective December 31, 2015. With the retirements of two very large leaders in the diocese, change is on the way in the year to come. But as Convention assured everyone present, there will always be “Hope and a Future.” The Rev. Paul Cooper and the Standing Committee have prepared explanations for the upcoming transition period on the following page and more information is available on our website,, under the “Next Bishop Discernment Process” tab. n

Dear Diocesan Friends, Greetings in Jesus’ Name. On November 7, I was tasked with standing before Diocesan Convention to present the transition plans to honor Archbishop Duncan and Canon Hays and to outline the process to identify the next Bishop of Pittsburgh. Here is a summary of what was presented. How the Process began. In August, the Bishop discreetly disclosed to the Standing Committee his desire to retire. The Standing Committee is the elected body that has two important functions in diocesan life: (1) a council of advice for the bishop; and (2) holds episcopal authority when there is no bishop, which consequently means exercising oversight of the transition between bishops. We immediately began work to shape a process that would be honoring to God and best for our diocese. Shaping a Process – the Old Ways. In the past, a search process for a bishop was often executed by a centralized search committee that received and vetted names, producing a slate of candidates to present to Convention. A “dog and pony show” then paraded candidates before deputies, and Convention voted. There were a few pros but a lot of cons to that system. Once the slate of candidates was announced, political campaigning ensued. Politics, power-brokering, caucusing, and palace intrigue reigned. Anxiety, lobbying, and political maneuvering often triumphed, and the system often favored the politically savvy. Continued on page 10)

Advent 2015


Shaping a Process – A New Day. The Standing Committee knew we needed a better, more godly approach. As a part of the Anglican Church in North America, we have new and different Provincial Canons, and we have a new and different College of Bishops to work with. A Better Way. We grew convinced that we need prayer, not politics; and discernment, not a search. We also want a process that honors, protects, and enhances the local voice, not centralized power in decision-making. Ultimately, we want a process that also provides room for God’s voice too. Discerning, not a Search. There are three Scripture passages that the Standing Committee considered: 1 Samuel 16:113 (Samuel anointing David); Acts 1:12-26 (the election of Matthias to replace Judas); and 1 Timothy 3:1-13 (St Paul’s wisdom to St Timothy about qualifications for Bishops and Deacons). We know that we’re not Samuel, picking a king. We also know that we’re not Peter, picking a replacement Apostle. Over-spiritualizing our work would be counterproductive. Our job – together as we listen to one another and pray – is to discern the leader that God knows we need. Not what I need or what I think you need, but the leader God knows we need. The Process. This is what the Standing Committee proposes: • Step 1. Listening and communicating (November – December 2015). We will communicate and fine-tune the process. We will create a conduit for the whole diocese to suggest names for consideration. • Step 2. Diocesan-wide call to prayer and discernment (January 2016). We will release resources for parishes and individuals. We will likely have a Day of Prayer event. • Step 3. Discernment in Districts (February 2016). Formal nominations will be decided in the Districts. The Districts will meet to worship, pray. Working from a provided roster of suggested names, or suggesting any other qualified name, the District will forward up to three Nominees – as agreed to by a majority in both lay and clergy deputations. • Step 4. Discernment for the Nominees (March 2016). Nominees’ qualification will be determined. We will then

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contact nominees to receive their consent to stand (or not), and questionnaires will be answered and received. Background checks will also be completed. • Step 5. Discernment in Special Convention (April 2016). Names and materials will be published for anyone to read. Convention deputies will meet with Nominees for public questions and answers (Fri, Apr 22); and Convention will cast ballots on Sat, April 23). An important update. We originally announced at Special Convention that deputies would cast ballots for three nominees, and that we would forward 1, 2, or 3 names to the College of Bishops for election. Since then, we have come to see that our diocesan (local) constitution and canons cannot imagine such a process. (See Article XIV for reference). We will therefore cast ballots for one name, and the first nominee to receive a majority vote in both lay and clergy orders will be elected. That candidate’s name will be forwarded to the College of Bishops for consent. Our Aims. Our desire is to facilitate an open, decentralized, and transparent process. We want prayer, not politics. We want discernment, not a search. We want all voices honored, especially God’s. Communication. We look forward to hearing from you if you have questions or concerns. The Standing Committee has already received very helpful feedback, and we are here to help. Above all, we ask for your prayers – for spiritual protection, for godly wisdom, and for true discernment. We can’t wait to greet the leader God knows we need. Staying Updated. Visit the Diocesan Website to read more, get the latest updates, and suggest names for nomination! Yours in Christ Jesus, The Rev. Paul A. Cooper Rector, All Saints Cranberry Township Co-Chair, Transition Committee

Holiday Shopping with a Heart Threads of Hope‌empowering impoverished women, transforming lives Cinde Rawn, Director


any of you will remember the beautiful textiles from Peru that have been featured at convention in previous years. We are delighted to have Threads of Hope back with us again this year. The textiles range from charming to exquisite; the ministry of Threads of Hope is nothing short of life transforming for the 700+ artisans in the project. ToH is an economic development project supporting impoverished textile artisans. The indigenous textiles from Peru are sold as home decor, wearable art and personal accessories, as well as unique holiday and Christian themed items. Each piece is a one-of-a-kind creation filled with remarkable detail, vibrant color and the heart of each artisan. After the initial purchase of the artisan’s textiles, all proceeds from sales are returned to the artisans, or their communities, through poverty alleviation grants. Since 1999, over $3M in grants have been made available to the artisans in the areas of education, health care, housing and small business or community development. Enrich your gift giving and positively impact others at the same time! Come. Shop with your heart. Purchase gifts with a deeper purpose through this worthwhile mission project. Help change the fabric of life for generations to come. n

Online purchases can also be made at threads-of-hope

Advent 2015



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So Great a Cloud of

ITNESSES Learn about the panels of icons hanging in All Evangelists Chapel in the Diocesan Office, and the iconographer responsible, Judy Gorecki. Ian Mikrut It starts with a simple piece of Baltic birch plywood. It’s then covered with muslin, which is glued on. A thick, white, creamy mixture of alabaster or chalk, called Gesso is spread across the wood, allowed to dry and then sanded. This method is repeated until the wood is smooth, like glass. The tedious process prevents the panels from warping, ensuring that they last hundreds of years.


conographer Judy Gorecki can now transfer her drawing onto the panels and begin applying the acrylic paint and gold leaf to complete another beautiful set of Icons for All Evangelists Chapel in the diocesan office. “When the diocesan offices moved to Allegheny Square the creation of a chapel in the center of it all was my vision. ‘All Evangelists Chapel’ was designed with a reproduction of the famous Cimabue crucifix from Santa Croce in Florence suspended before the great window that overlooks our city,” says Bishop Duncan. “For the side walls ten pairs of icons were imagined, representing ten pairs of evangelists of the nations (and regions) of the world. To execute the series, an equal number of men and women, stretching from New Testament times to the 20th century, I chose Judy Gorecki of Christ

Church Brownsville to ‘write’ the icons. Judy is a gifted iconographer. As this Trinity goes to press, eight of the ten pairs have been completed and installed.” Along with the work she has done for All Evangelists Chapel, Judy has also painted entire church interiors for Saints Peter & Paul Byzantine Catholic Church in Erie as well as Peter and Paul in Punxsutawney. Currently she’s working on an icon for Bishop Zubik of the Catholic Diocese for St. Paul Cathedral, for the upcoming Year of Mercy. Projects for different churches and individuals

have varied in scale, but for Judy the joy comes in serving God. “I’ve done this for about 25 years. The neat thing is I’ve never had to advertise for work. God always places something there before me,” she says. “Just when I’m finishing up something, I get a call. It’s not so much for me a job, it’s more a ministry. I feel a strong call that this is what He wants me to do, and so He provides.” Continued on page 14)

Advent 2015


Judy’s journey to iconography started in the Byzantine Catholic Church she used to attend. Around 1985 a new priest was brought to the church, bringing new renovations and icons to its interior. She always had an inclination for illustration, and was invited to observe the iconographer painting the interior of the church from ceiling to floor. “And so I went down and right from the start she handed me a paint brush and ruler and said you can help me. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I knew by being there, that was my initial calling from God.” After watching for two years and gaining an interest in iconography, the priest suggested Judy take a class on icon writing offered at Antiochian Village in Ligonier. There she learned basic techniques and after taking to them quickly was invited by her instructor, Phil Zimmerman, to stay on and help. While apprenticing under Zimmerman for nearly a decade, Judy helped with teaching classes, commissions and various projects before breaking out on her own. Having no prior art training, Judy is continually amazed at how a two-week class has led to a full-time life as an iconographer. The process of starting with a blank board or canvas and finishing with a beautifully painted piece humbles Judy for the gifts she’s been blessed with.

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“I feel, what better job is there than to be able to paint Jesus? And I feel, too, that He gifted me, and for Him to allow me to share this gift with everyone is a really great blessing,” says Judy. “I’m very thankful and grateful that He’s given this to me and I pray that anyone who gazes upon the icons will feel closer to God.” One of the most interesting things about iconography is its dedication to tradition. Judy explains that most of the techniques are still used, as modern iconographers try to follow the old masters. Artistic freedom comes in small, subtle details like positioning of the hands or tilting of the head. Certain icons have specific colors and characteristics, making them easy to identify. These little details add new characteristics, without deviating or taking away from the original work. Even though icons vary slightly by style, the basic rules remain the same. Judy uses a technique called cross-hatching and paints in the Byzantine-style. “You want that inner glow to come out of the icon, to show that they’re already transcended into the spiritual realm so to speak, because an icon does not portray a physical reality. As St. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:44, the glorified body is not like the earthly body, it is a ‘spiritual body.’ In this respect, the icons may appear ‘unnatural.’”

After being married to her husband Joe, who is Anglican, Judy joined Christ Church in Brownsville. There she was able to meet Bishop Duncan during his visits to the church and different events throughout the diocese. “He was trying to find evangelists from all the different countries of the world; men and women who were led to draw people closer to the Lord. He chose all of them and I’ve been writing them pair by pair.” The pairs include Saint Nina and Saint Tikhon, Jackson Kemper and Harriet Tubman, Blessed Junipero Serra and Saint Rose of Lima, Saint Andrew the Apostle and the Samaritan Woman, Saint Patrick and Saint Brigid of Ireland, Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi, Saint Boniface and Saint Walburga, Saint Charles Luwanga and Amanda B. Smith with the final two pair being from Asia and England. The icons hang on both walls, facing each other as well as anyone spending time in the chapel. “For those of us who pray morning prayer in All Evangelists Chapel – or who enter at other times to pray or meditate – the opening of the 12th chapter of the Letter to the Hebrews comes alive: ‘Seeing we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses…let us run… the race that is set before us…looking to Jesus,’” says Bishop Duncan. n

A Special Gift


n this past Father’s Day the congregation the Church of the Great Shepherd (Wheaton, IL) surprised its Rector, Fr. George Kacena, with a special gift made in his honor: a portable sacristy. This handmade chest was designed and crafted by Rich Bradley, Mylaun Todd and Deacon Phil Kenyon. It consists of two levels and has many compartments for altar linens, oils, Eucharistic bread, altar “hardware” and much more. The top of the lid is imbedded with a brass Christus Victor medallion, and is meticulously lined with special fabric. This portable sacristy sits on the church’s credence table. The following prayer was said at its dedication on Father’s Day: “O Lord God, Father of our Savior Jesus Christ, who before his passion instituted the Sacrament of his Body and Blood: And has sanctified and transfigured the use of material things: Receive this vessel which we offer, grant that it will proclaim your love and benefit this church, as it ministers grace and joy to those who use it and all who are served by it; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen” n

Women Alive in Christ Encouragement to women of the diocese to seek Jesus, read scripture, learn, listen, grow, and act.


he Rev. Mother Ann Paton was the retreat leader at our 24-Hour Women’s Retreat held October 2-3, 2015. She led us in a time of looking at “The Questions the Lord Asks.” Those who attended heard a special message on Friday evening about our Lord God who desires a relationship with us, and asks His first question to us in Genesis 3:9: “Where are you?” Saturday’s take away question was when Jesus asks, “Who do you say that I am?” in Matthew 16:15. The questions encouraged us to ponder and spend time with our Savior, our Shepherd, our Righteousness, our Immanuel, etc. Who do you say that He is? In 2016 we have much more planned, but for now please Save The Date for our next Women’s Retreat, March 11-12, 2016, with Dr. Erika Moore as our retreat leader speaking on “Ezekiel: Assurances for Dark Times.” You won’t want to miss it! Cindy Thomas. On behalf of the leadership team of Women Alive in Christ

Advent 2015


Healing the Orphaned Heart in East Africa and Beyond! By Janet Helms The Roots of this Inner-Healing Ministry The roots of the powerful healing ministry, Orphaned Heart Ministries, goes back to December 1, 1993. My rector, Mike Henning from St. Stephen’s Church in Sewickley, asked to meet with me. He was in remission from Esophageal cancer and was making the effort to meet with members of his congregation to visit and pray for them. I was just turning 40 and confessed to Mike I was mad at God that I did not have children and believed God could take this desire away if He did not want me to have children. Mike said, “It is a godly desire to want children, so make this prayer: Lord, thank you for the desire to have children; let me offer it back to you; and fulfill it any way you so choose.” Bitterness was gnawing at me, so I decided to be obedient to make this prayer because I did not have any other option. I began making the prayer that day and immediately felt God was on my side and not an adversary! It took away all of my anger. That prayer and prayer journaling has become an integral part of me. I believe this prayer became the basis for what God has called me to start in Uganda, Rwanda and other countries in East Africa, predominately through Anglican Dioceses. There is no other reason He would choose me. It was the complete surrender of my desire to have children over these 20 + years. God gave me a type of limitless maternal love that allowed me to view into the hearts of those who have been wounded by the absence of their parents for reasons such as death, polygamy and poverty. Africa abounds with those who have been orphaned physically, emotionally or spiritually.

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In 1999 my husband Worth and I went to Uganda on a mission trip with Encounter Uganda under Christ Church at Grove Farm. It was on that trip that we met Olive. In one day, we fell in love with her and when we returned to the U.S.A. tried to adopt her over a two year period to no avail because of the adoption laws in Uganda and the Immigration laws in the U.S. However, I returned to Uganda 18 times over the these years. In 2001 I began to work with Dr. Sylvia Tamusuza who had taken Olive into her home, as Worth and I paid for Olive’s boarding school fees. My heart was broken for the orphan in Uganda, as I began to discern that education and even living in a loving home provided by relatives was not enough to heal the hearts of these children. They suffered from the spirit of rejection and abandonment. In August, 2006, at Uganda Christian University (UCU), I performed a drama I had written. After the performance many remained and joined what is today the HOPE Fellowship, where those who suffer from the orphaned and broken heart can come together. It stands for Healing, Overcoming, Prayer and Empowerment. One hundred students signed up and it is the heart of this ministry today. But it eventually became clear we needed more Biblical teaching and inner-healing prayer to change the hearts of those broken, so I returned to UCU with two Americans in 2011. We brought the first Healing the Orphaned Heart Conference to East Africa.

The First Healing the Orphaned Heart Conference About 90 students, clergy and instructors attended the first conference. God showed us this healing was needed for many.

Theologically the orphan heart can affect any of us because it began at the Fall. Humans were separated from God by sin and the Devil and were no longer in an intimate loving relationship with God. It is when Jesus says in John 14:18, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you” (NIV) the night before His Crucifixion that He redeemed humanity back to the Fall. The clergy from East Africa including South Sudan, the Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda embraced this concept with open arms. One quote from Rev. Bisoke Balakenga from DR Congo reflected the impression many expressed about the conference, “We knew we suffered from something in Africa, but we did not know the name of it. Now we know it is the wound of the Orphaned Heart.” With the overwhelming and encouraging response I knew God was in this message and I went forward with this healing message and have never looked back. Since 2011 we have held over 15 conferences, 10 of which are with Anglican dioceses in Uganda and the Province of Rwanda. Since that first conference, the Holy Spirit has continued to mold this three day event into a deeply transformative experience focused on healing the Orphaned Heart. With the components of inner-healing prayer, standing in the gap, and the breaking of generational strongholds brought through the 3rd and 4th generation, the conference has identified the traits of the orphaned heart and brought definitions to the forefront for attendees to know the extent to which they suffer from this wound. For example, a person with this wound will reject others before being rejected. They have been deeply wounded too many times and are afraid to trust. From that first conference in 2011, God has been building a team of Ugandans and Rwandans of past conference attendees to lead and organize conferences in East Africa. These leaders, known as the “Healing Delegation”, conduct and design conferences and establish new HOPE Fellowships from conference attendees. Under the capable leadership of Emmanuel Mujuni, the East African Coordinator, we are striving to bring these conferences and healings to as many dioceses, orphanages, churches, schools and universities as possible.

Our Healing Ministry Today I travel once a year for a month to mission with the Healing Delegation and visit bishops and clergy from prior conferences. This year the Healing Delegation and I traveled to the diocese of Masindi to conduct a conference under the covering of the diocese. His Grace, Archbishop Stanley Ntagli and his wife Mama Beatrice came with his entourage to bless our conference at the end of our last day. He addressed the attendees and

said, “I know what Janet is doing and I fully support it. In fact, I would tell every one of my bishops in Uganda to hold a conference for their people.” So many in the conference had never met the Archbishop and one young man said, ‘I never thought in my lifetime I would get to meet the Archbishop.” With this kind of endorsement from His Grace, I believe we would be welcomed in other dioceses in East Africa. Resources are the only thing holding us back! In addition to Conferences, our Missions’ coordinator Paul Agaba has gone on 10 missions to established HOPE Fellowships from those who attended conferences. In addition, he has gone on five trips to follow-up with ongoing Fellowships. The goal of these Fellowships is to provide a new spiritual family in which a person entering the path of healing can have a safe situation to share their deepest pain and memory with those on the same path to healing. Rev. Francis Karemera, the Provincial Secretary of Rwanda told us there are striking similarities to the East African Revival which began in Rwanda. That movement in the late 1920’s ignited East Africa with the deep faith which can be seen in the Christians today. Oh, if only God would use us to bring that kind of healing! We are so grateful to the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh and Canon Mary Hays who welcomed our ministry in its infancy to be a mission under the diocese. This gave us a strong platform on which to grow and reach so many. Donations can be made to the diocese indicating Orphaned Heart in the memo to take a tax deduction. Of course many suffer in the United States from the wound of the Orphaned Heart, but for different reasons. Children from homes with single mothers and no fathers will feel this wound from one degree to another. Foster children suffer as they are tossed to and fro between many homes. They especially feel the effects as they reach the age of 18 and are released from the covering of the system. They are ripe for suffering from this wound. Someday I know God will bring it to the United States, but for now the Holy Spirit is igniting the hearts in East Africa because they know they need it. I pray that one day Americans will realize their need to reach out to God and receive Him as their Heavenly Father and receive the inheritance waiting for them as Children of God! n Advent 2015


children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise’?” (Matthew 21:16 NIV) For my work with ARDF, I attended the Justice Conference, an event emphasizing our call as Christians to care about social justice. One of the speakers said, “Justice must be a part of our worship of God. Justice is worship.” If this is true, my work at ARDF advocating for our brothers and sisters in need is an act of worship; my work with children at church, giving them a voice that Christ himself recognized, is an act of justice.

Children Worshiping Christ the Newborn King

Children lead in worship and in justice this Advent season Caleb Vits, GROW Initiative and Advocate Coordinator for The Anglican Relief and Development Fund


have the privilege of working two jobs. I work in the children’s ministries at St. Stephen’s Church (Sewickley, PA), and I also work for the Anglican Relief and Development Fund, where I coordinate our initiative for young professionals. In some senses, these jobs seem very different, but in His grace, God has shown their overlap. For the past three years, I’ve directed our children’s Christmas musical, which has affectionately been nicknamed “the nonpageant Children’s pageant.” Last year we moved away from cute costumes, childish songs, and storylines, and instead focused on leading the congregation in worship. The kids sang in regular clothing with a worship band, and instead of focusing on who had the most lines, we focused on Jesus. Throughout the rehearsals, we have focused on the concept of what is worship and how to lead others in worship. The verse that came to mind continually was Jesus’s reference to Psalm 8:2. “Yes,” replied Jesus, “have you never read, ‘From the lips of

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As we enter Advent season, I am busy preparing our Christmas musical (or as I like to call it, “worship event”), but also working with our Advent materials for ARDF. This year, we have prayer guides for children and their families, and we have Mite Boxes that encourage kids to give sacrificially, even if it may seem small by other standards. I make it a point to the children in the musical that they are leading the worship for the first Sunday in December. They are the ones leading others in worship of our Savior. Similarly, as children care for others and justice with our Mite Boxes, they are leading their families in worship through giving. My hope and prayer is as the church we would continually see the bond between justice and worship. As brothers and sisters in Christ give to ARDF, we hope they see their giving as an act of justice. This year, our focus is on education and changing the lives of children around the world. What a wonderful reminder that as you give generously, you are helping children grow and thrive so that they can lead others in worship of our generous God. Just as these young singers at my church give their time and voices to worship Christ, may you give your abundant resources, so to “come and worship, come and worship, worship Christ our Newborn King!” Worship Christ through giving by partnering with ARDF. Donations can be made online at n

Diocesan Calendar December 2015 through June 2016 December 2015

13 20 24 25 28

3 Advent Patton, Trinity 4 Advent Monroeville, St. Martin’s Diocesan Office closed ½ day in observance of Christmas Eve Diocesan Office closed in observance of Christmas Day December 28 Diocesan Office closed continuing Christmas Holiday

January 2016

3 10 17 20 24 27 31

2 Christmas 1 Epiphany 2 Epiphany Wednesday 3 Epiphany Wednesday 4 Epiphany

Leechburg, Holy Innocents Waynesburg, St. George’s North Fayette, Mosaic Ligonier, Epiphany Ambridge, Church of the Savior Bridgeville, St. Elizabeth O’Hara Twp., Word of Light

February 2016

7 10 14 17 21 28

Last Epiphany Ash Wednesday 1 Lent Wednesday 2 Lent 3 Lent

Johnstown, St. Matthew’s Canterbury Place Clairton, Transfiguration Glenshaw, Our Saviour Salt Lake City, St. John’s Springfield, MO, All Saints

Wednesday 4 Lent 5 Lent

20 23 26 27

Palm Sunday Holy Wednesday Easter Vigil Easter Day

South Side Anglican, Pittsburgh Trinity School for Ministry Grace, Edgeworth Somerset Anglican Fellowship

April 2016

3 6 10 17 20 24

2 Easter Wednesday 3 Easter 4 Easter Wednesday 5 Easter

Charleroi, St. Mary’s (AM) Morgantown, WV (PM) Gibsonia, St. Thomas Church in the Fields New Brighton, Christ Church (AM) Nashville Deanery Redeemer / St. Mary of Bethany / St. John’s Rosedale, All Saints State College, Incarnation

May 2016

1 4 8 11 22 29

6 Easter Wednesday Ascension Wednesday Trinity Sunday 2nd Sunday after Pentecost

Fox Chapel, Christ Church Hopewell, Prince of Peace Oakland, Ascension Butler, St. Peter’s Washington, Trinity East End, Jonah’s Call Fayetteville, AR

June 2016

March 2016 2 6 12-16

Natrona Heights, Christ Our Hope Brownsville, Christ Church (AM) Slippery Rock, Grace (PM) St. John the Baptist Deanery Elburn, Hope Anglican Elmhurst, Ascension Evanston, Christ the King Milwaukee, Christ Redeemer West Chicago, New Jerusalem Wheaton, Great Shepherd

5 12 14 19 26

Proper 5 Proper 6 Tuesday Proper 7 Proper 8

Ft. Collins, CO, St. Thomas Greensburg, Christ’s Church Bedford Anglican Coraopolis, Charis 247 Uniontown, St. Peter’s

Clergy Milestones n The Rev. Joe Gasbarre began serving as Assistant Priest at Christ’s Church, Greensburg on July 28, 2015.

n The Rev. Mark Brown was licensed to serve in the diocese on September 1, 2015.

n The Rev. Wade Lawrence began serving as Deacon at Christ Our Hope, Natrona Heights on September 13, 2015.

n The Rev. Terence L. Johnston was licensed to serve in the diocese on October 7, 2015.

n The Rev. Tina Lockett transferred to the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh under Title III, Canon 6, section 3 of the Constitutions and Canons on October 15, 2015.

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n The Rev. Jennifer Ruth Martin transferred to the Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others on October 16, 2015.

n The Rev. Colleen Klingensmith was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Robert Duncan on October 17, 2015.

n The Rev. William Richardson, The Rev. Linda Richardson and Deacon Sandra Oyler transferred to the Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others on November 7, 2015.

n The Rev. Michael McGhee began serving as Priest-in-charge at St. John’s, Franklin, TN on November 22, 2015.

An After-School Bible Study! By Jodi Carver, Grace Church, Edgeworth


t is 3:45 pm on a Monday afternoon at St. Stephen’s Church. The adult leaders and student helpers are all in their places. What are they waiting for? The arrival of the 50 elementary school kids in grades K-5 who will come through the doors ready to go over the Bible study lesson, sing worship songs, and build lasting friendships. This is After School Kids (ASK) Sewickley. ASK is a part of the Community Bible Study (CBS) ministry, which is an “every persons” Bible study with class members from a wide variety of churches, backgrounds and Bible knowledge. At ASK Sewickley, kids do short homework lessons with their parents during the week and then go over those lessons during the after school program. An important objective of ASK is for the children to become confident in their ability to understand God’s Word and begin to apply the Bible’s Truth to their own lives. The kids have an opportunity to memorize scripture each week and share the verse in their small group time and again during our large group gathering. Also, during this large group time, the kids sing exciting worship songs with motions led by our music director, Sarah Bell. These songs reinforce the truths they are learning in the Bible. The atmosphere at ASK is permeated with the love of Jesus and with love for each student. We have adults who are greeting kids as they get off the bus or get dropped off by parents. The kids receive a healthy snack provided by our Food Committee. Each child is placed in a core group with kids their own age and two adult core leaders who guide them through the Bible lesson and build relationships with them each week. Weather permitting, the kids have some time to get outside and play with one another. At ASK, we believe that our program is the most quality “after school” care because we are growing together in the Word of God. I am not only the teaching director of ASK, but I am also a parent to kids in the program. I find it so enjoyable to do the lessons with my three children. My husband, John, and I spend time throughout the week with the kids learning the memory verse, reading the scripture for that week and helping them answer the questions. What a blessing to grow in God’s word as a family! Our daughter Abigail, who is 13, is involved as a helper in class each week. This fall the study is called, “Say ‘Yes’ to God”, and we are looking at the lives of the patriarchs in the Old Testament. In January, we will begin a New Testament study called “God’s Masterpiece” which is a study of the parables. Each session is 10 weeks long. In a culture that pushes parents to have well-rounded children, ASK is concerned that children be grounded in the Word of God. If you are interested in having your child participate, please send an email to or call 412-952-4813. Registration is $25 per child, with price drops for each additional sibling. The next session begins January 11, 2016 and runs 3:455:30 PM Mondays at St. Stephen’s Church in Sewickley. The Carver family participated in the Bible Bee for several summers, a program that also helps children, together with their families, understand and apply God’s Word. For more ideas and resources for Bible learning, check the Biblical Literacy Task Force’s page on the diocesan website: BLTF contact person: Gail Macdonald 412-269-2635 or n

Advent 2015


Report of the Canon to the Ordinary Canon Mary Hays’ Convention Address


his is my 18th time standing before you – and my last. I will finish my work on December 31 of this year, although I will be available to the Bishop on a consulting basis until the end of June, 2016. For some time now, I have had a deep sense that God is asking me to step down from my position as Canon to the Ordinary. I have resisted – asking God for signs – and more signs – and putting off a decision, partly because I have been afraid to step out when I don’t know what’s next, but also because of my love for you. We have had a lot of good years together! We’ve been in a few fox holes together. We’ve had some pretty fun celebrations over the years, too. In fact, I am overwhelmed as I stand up here – (and I usually am) overwhelmed because I am so lucky to have had a bird’s eye view of God’s work in you through these years. I look at you – and you – and you – and I know something of what you have faced in these years. To prepare for this last report, I read through all of the past ones. They were very preachy! Please forgive me! Please know what I meant to communicate was not school-marmish preachiness, but a longing for you to be fully formed in Christ Jesus. For His work in us to be fulfilled. And that still is and will continue to be my longing for you – as it is for me.

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When I first stood in this place – I had been on the job for four months. (On my first day, the bishop went on vacation and I journeyed to St. Stephen’s, McKeesport, where they were having challenges as they sought to call a new rector.) In those first four months, I had connected with more than half of the parishes in some way or another. And I was arrogant or naïve enough (or both?) to tell you what I had observed.

I pray that your clarity about your strengths and foibles will enable you do forge new ways of reaching your particular neighbors, your particular neighborhoods with the deep love of Jesus.

I had noticed four characteristics of the people and congregations of our diocese: • Spiritual hunger • Fortitude in the face of adversity • Clarity about your strengths and foibles • Comfort and honesty about each other – a “we are all in this together-ness”

I am praying these things with confidence – because I have seen God work in you before – over and over again. And I am convinced that the best years – the best “kingdom” years, the best “full of fruit” years – are ahead of you.

Arrogant or not, it turned out that I was on target with these observations; in fact, these characteristics turned out to be more true of you in the years to follow than I could have imagined. And I pray that in the next 17 years, these same characteristics will be used by God to bear much fruit for His kingdom. I pray that your spiritual hunger will continue to grow; that you will seek to know him and learn from His word – more and more. (individually and together) I pray that your fortitude in the face of adversity will enable you to face new challenges with increased confidence.

I pray that your comfort and honesty with one another will create a growing and hospitable place for people to learn and follow God’s ways more deeply.

One last thing… I’m stepping down – in obedience to God’s call – even though I don’t know what’s next. (It has taken me a while to say yes, as I faced my fears about this decision.) It is my prayer that you, dear leaders of the diocese, will listen and obey God’s call, even if you are afraid, and even if you can’t see the future clearly enough for your own comfort. Over and over, the Scriptures, including this morning’s NT passage, ask us to do this…to trust and not to fear, to step out, even if we can’t see what’s next. And you, dear friends, have had some good practice in stepping out and trusting God and finding God to be worthy of His trust. Don’t stop now. Ask for, listen to and say yes to His call. Thank you.


Last One By The Rev. Canon Mary Maggard Hays, Canon to the Ordinary

Dear beloved members of our diocese, What an honor it has been to serve you – for more than 17 years. It seems impossible that I am writing my last TRINITY column. You have all taught me so much – through your honesty, resilience, joy and pain. And most of all, through your desire to know and follow our Lord, even in the midst of challenging circumstances. As you might imagine, I have been spending a lot of time thinking about the years I have spent with you. Lots of memories come to mind, among them:

that I wish I could do over, things that made sense at the time, but now look short-sighted. Through it all, so many of you have responded with graciousness and encouragement, and I have learned much from serving in your midst. In my first December TRINITY column, I spoke of the kind of gifts that Jesus gives us – the best kinds of gifts – gifts that are unexpected and yet turn out to be exactly what we need and (actually) want. I reminded us of Paul’s assertion to the Ephesians that God “is able by the power at work

in us to do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine.” God delights in surprising us with His power and love – even in the midst of challenges and transitions. So as we go through a time (another time!) of transition as the Diocese of Pittsburgh – my prayer will continue to be that God – by the power at work in us – does infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. With love and gratitude,

• difficult vestry meetings as you grappled with the future, • uproarious receptions full of joy, • big diocesan events full of laughter and learning, • clergy conferences which combined learning and collegiality, • painful large meetings around our decision to realign, • church planting committee meetings grappling with how to help church planting become “a way of life” for the diocese, • clergy fellowships filled with unexpected vulnerability and deep, healing prayer. So many joyful memories, mixed in with some painful ones – things I said or did

Advent 2015



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The Reconciliation Commission, in celebration of Martin Luther King’s Life, Ministry and Vision of the Kingdom of God for America, invite you to participate and join in the Martin Luther King Day Open Mic on January 18, 2016 7PM at Evaline Sanctuary (259 South Evaline Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15224). The evening will consist of worship and a celebration to honor Dr. King’s love of Jesus Christ through song, spoken word, mime, poetry and the performing arts. Please contact the Rev. John Paul Chaney if you are interested in performing or bringing a group to perform (412.654.4085 or

24 | TRINITY Advent 2015

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