TRINITY Lent/Easter 2016

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In This Issue... Redeemer’s Diaper Pantry One Year Later

Next Bishop Discernment Update

Canon Mary Celebration of Thanksgiving

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Discerning God’s Leader By The Most Rev. Robert Wm. Duncan, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, Archbishop Emeritus of the Anglican Church in North America Beloved in the Lord, One of the aphorisms you have often heard on my lips is: “It’s 90 percent prayer and 10 percent all the rest.” I think it time for me to put this saying before you one last time. Guiding the process that is to lead to the election of my successor, I have truly appreciated the Standing (Transition) Committee saying so regularly: “It’s discernment, not search. It’s prayer, not politics.” The Standing Committee has led us with immense wisdom. The gathering of names has been wide open: All should ask the Lord to put names before each. Any could offer a name for consideration. Thus the “roster” came together. Deputies to Convention, meeting by District, did then say their prayers, share their insights, and propose three

nominees, guided by, but not limited to, the roster. So many times nominees emerged on the first ballot, by majority of both clergy and laity voting separately! And when all the districts had met – while it was statistically possible to have 24 nominees – there were less than half that number. Repeatedly we have heard from those attending the District meetings that there was a palpable sense of unity, awe, and of the Holy Spirit’s presence. This is what happens when prayer is under and in and through it all, and when we let go of telling God what we want or manipulating the process. The next stage will be more challenging, though everyone imagined the first phase would be far more complex than it turned out to be. Discernment, not search. Prayer, not politics.

The temptation to “back a candidate” and to influence others to do so will be like the “apple” in the garden. Let each of us speak of what God reveals to us, and be exceedingly careful about discerning when what we are tempted to say is more “fleshly” than godly. We must also listen openly to the nominees to see who speaks (and writes) such that “our hearts burn within us.” [Lk.24:32] When I was elected your bishop, the overwhelming testimony from deputies present was that the Holy Spirit had directed what was a very unexpected result. Whatever the result this time, whether expected or unexpected, let it be God’s work, God’s movement, not our own willfulness or faithlessness. Discernment, not search. Prayer, not politics. One of the many blessings of life in the Anglican Church in North America is the vision that is consistently reiterated of attempting to be a New Testament Church, a Church that, at its best, looks like the values and the stories of the New Testament. When all is said and done, and when – on St. George’s Day a new bishop has been elected – may it be said that we did things God’s way and found God’s man, rather than allowing our own passions, anxieties or preferences to rule the outcome. n Faithfully your Bishop,

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By The Most Rev. Robert Wm. Duncan, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, Archbishop Emeritus of the Anglican Church in North America

In This Issue...

On the Cover: The annual Easter Vigil service at Grace Church, Edgeworth. Join Archbishop Duncan for his final Vigil service and after-party as bishop, Saturday, March 26 at 8:00pm. More info on page 13. Photo by Beto Park.

Editor Ian Mikrut Design Kostilnik & Associates Graphics, Inc.

6 After just one year, Redeemer Canonsburg’s Diaper Distribution expands its ministry to continue serving families in the community.

19 An update from the Rev. Paul Cooper and the Standing Committee about discerning the next Bishop of Pittsburgh.

22 On Friday, February 12, clergy and lay members of the diocese gathered in fellowship to celebrate and give thanks to Canon Mary Hays and her 18 years of service to the Diocese of Pittsburgh.

FEATURES 5 • Engage Pittsburgh Continues to Develop New Leaders by the Rev. Tracey Russell

Contributors Fred Carlson Paul Cooper Nara Duncan Rosie Fyfe Chris Klukas Tom Locke Heather Strong Moore Eric Potter Tracey Russell

6 • Congregation and Community by Ian Mikrut


8 • ARDF – Out of Egypt by Rosie Fyfe

Communications Director Ian Mikrut

11 • Visit the Holy Land- by Nara Duncan 12 • An Invitation to Fearlessness by Heather Strong Moore 14 • Renewing the Mind: A Place for Poetry in the Christian Life by Dr. Eric Potter 16 • TSM Dean Justyn Terry Announces Resignation by the Rev. Christopher Klukas 18 • Next Bishop Discernment Process Update by the Rev. Paul Cooper and the Standing Committee 20 • Clergy Milestones | Diocesan Calendar | Extra Mile Donors 21 • BLTF – The Letter to the Hebrews: Knowing Jesus and the New Covenant by Tom Locke and Fred Carlson


Columnists Archbishop Robert Duncan Canon Mary Maggard Hays

2 • On the Sure Foundation: Discerning God’s Leader The Most Rev. Robert Wm. Duncan, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, Archbishop Emeritus of the Anglican Church in North America

Phone: (412) 281-6131 Email: Web site: Fax: (412) 322-4505 SUBMISSION INFORMATION Fax: (412) 322-4505 TRINITY is a quarterly publication of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. Submissions for the next issue of Trinity must arrive at the diocesan offices by May 16 to be considered for publication. Documents that are not created in MS Word should be sent as text documents. Photos should be minimum 300 dpi and include photo credit when necessary. If physical photos are sent and must be returned they must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proprietary information on the back of each photo.

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A message from the BLTF

Engage Pittsburgh Continues to Develop New Leaders By the Rev. Tracy Russell


ngage Pittsburgh continues to make headway in the Diocese, despite the weather’s best attempts to stop it! On January 23rd, another training session was held at Christ Church, Fox Chapel. Even with six inches of snow, seven saints plowed their way over to learn how to talk, read and pray with a young person. It was a very mixed group of participants: seminary trained church planters, parents of teenagers, two grandmothers and young people hardly older than the target group for Engage! Many different people united by their concern that the love of Christ be shared with the youth in our Diocese. Their heroic efforts to attend the training were rewarded in the excellent teaching by the Young Anglicans Project. The team, made up of Youth Pastors with decades of experience, taught sessions on how to make contact with a young person, Bible study tips and resources, the biblical foundation for one to one discipleship and more. The Young Anglicans Project continues to fine tune and improve this training so that it can be repeated all over North America. About a dozen parishes in the Diocese of Pittsburgh are currently employing the Engage Initiative, and the newly trained team should bring the number of “Engaged” young people to over 25. Future training sessions are being planned for a less snowy month. Any parish or individual who would like more information on how to Engage with a young person can contact The Rev. Tracey Russell: Any Christian who loves Jesus and loves people is capable of doing Engage. As one participant said; “I am willing to let God use me. I am not confident in myself, but I am confident in God!”

Is your church wondering what to offer the children on Sundays this summer? Try Buck Denver asks... WHAT’S IN THE BIBLE? This is an entertaining DVD series for kids from Phil Vischer, the creator of Veggie Tales, that includes the entire Bible, not just assorted stories such as Noah, David & Goliath, and Christmas. Adult leaders will also enjoy learning about Ezra, Chronicles, Jeremiah, Wisdom Literature, Revelation – the whole span of scripture as they travel with Buck Denver and other fun travelers to find out ‘What’s in the Bible?’ The series is highly recommended by Director of Children’s Ministry at St. Stephen’s, Sewickley, Robin Billings, and by the BLTF. A recent search of the manufacturer website store had the 13-DVD series on sale for only $142.99.

Young Anglicans Project is committed to helping the church reach the next generation with the good news of Jesus Christ. The simple, sustainable, doable, ENGAGE model (Talk. Study. Pray.) can multiply as those disciple grow in faith and learn an easy way to disciple others. Young Anglicans Project offers one-day ENGAGE training seminars to equip adults from your parish or diocese to engage teens. Go to for info on one-day ENGAGE training, including small groups, coaching, Bible studies and other resources. n Lent/Easter 2016


Congregation Redeemer’s Diaper Distribution Ministry Continues to Grow By Ian Mikrut

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A little over a year ago, Christ the Redeemer in Canonsburg was struggling to create the presence in the surrounding community they so strongly desired. After moving to Canonsburg from Peters Township most of the initial congregation was not living in the area, making local ministry a challenge. Redeemer’s prayers were answered when the idea to form a diaper distribution center came into fruition.

& Community: T

he majority of families in the lower income area are singleparent households. Diapers aren’t covered by food stamps and some families were so desperate that disposable diapers were being washed out and reused. It was apparent that the need was there for a ministry of this kind, and its first effort raised 15,000 diapers along with baby cream and wipes to be distributed to the community. The diaper distribution made an immediate, significant impact and it’s only continued to grow in just its first year. In 2015, a board of directors was created, a separate bank account was opened just for the diaper pantry and two large diaper drives were held at the Little Gym of Pittsburgh in the South Hills. In November Santa visited to take a picture with each child and the photos were sent to families in December in frames made by Redeemer’s Sunday school classes. “It has been one year since the Redeemer Diaper Pantry first distributed diapers to those in need in our community,” says the Rev. David Wilson, senior pastor of Redeemer. “We have come further in one year than we ever hoped or imagined. And it has been a win-win for both the congregation and the community.” 50,000 diapers were distributed in 2015. 183 families and 280 children from Washington, Allegheny, Westmoreland and Fayette counties were served. The pantry has expanded to giving out food, clothing, shoes, swaddles, toys, formula bottles, books and even beds. “Our ministry has not only grown to serve families in four different counties but has also made an impact in our own Parish. Members

are coming together to help those in need as well as creating great friendships within our Parish,” says Emily Nugent, who is on the Board of Directors and helped champion the efforts of the pantry in its initial stages. “As much as we are helping our local families, our Parish is also growing in fellowship and community!” Throughout the year donations have come from ANSYS in Southpointe, the large diaper drives at the Little Gym of Pittsburgh, various Roman Catholic parishes in the area, physical donations from parishioners and through partnerships with organizations like the National Diaper Bank Network and locally with the Western PA Diaper Bank. You can help Redeemer continue its ministry efforts by making physical donations, volunteering with fundraising and at diaper drives, implementing corporate sponsorships and just continuing to spread the word and extending the reach for community support. Just last month at the February 20 distribution, 93 families and 137 children were served. Over 7,000 diapers and supplies were distributed, making it the largest monthly distribution to date. Of those who were served, 15 were new families (20 more children). “We have met a real need that low-income families have to diaper their infants and toddlers and we have established an outreach ministry within our congregation that involves the whole body of Christ — young, old, male, female, new members and long-standing members,” says Wilson. “The result is a stronger, more united and more mission-mind community of faith.” n Lent/Easter 2016


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Out Egypt of

By Rosie Fyfe

In A Spiritual Fundraising, Henri Nouwen writes that “fundraising is always a call to conversion... Whether we are asking for money or giving money we are drawn together by God who is about to do a new thing through our collaboration.”


arrived in Egypt in 2010. My job description was to establish a fundraising office for the Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and the Horn of Africa. At first both my Egyptian colleague and myself did not like the idea of asking for money, which posed a problem since our role was fundraising!

We decided to call our new office the “Partnership Office” because we were convinced that, in the context of the worldwide Church, the sharing of resources is not merely a financial transaction but the deepening of relationships, a sharing of a spiritual vision and a building of God’s kingdom together.

We felt pressured by the formidable task of leading fundraising efforts in this diocese of eight countries. We saw the desperate human need around us. Refugees needing emergency food provision. Migrants in prison needing an air ticket to return home. Congregations meeting under trees as they had no church. Isolated villagers needing medical care. Children with disabilities needing an education. Women needing to learn to read and write. And yet, we soon began to see the incredible potential for the Anglican Church to address these needs and we also started to see the way in which God provided through His people. Each time there was a need, it was amazing to witness God provide the funds in unexpected and providential ways.

The Anglican Relief and Development Fund (ARDF) is one of the organizations who partner with this Diocese. Both partners share a vision for transforming lives, and showing the love of Christ through both meeting physical needs and proclaiming the love of Christ. Every day, the Anglican Church in Egypt serves Muslims and Christians through an astonishing number of ministries including hospitals, nurseries, schools, a theological seminary, micro-enterprise ventures, adult literacy, vocational training programs and ministries serving refugees as well as the deaf and disabled. (Continued on page 10)

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patients! The first time I visited this hospital in 2010, I joined a visit of the Grand Mufti, and he and Archbishop Mouneer shared that while they have different religions, they desired to work together in the common ground of serving the poor in Egypt.

One of the projects supported by ARDF was the construction of a Vocational Training Center for the Deaf in Cairo. A boarding school for deaf children was established in Cairo in 1982 to provide an education which these children would otherwise not have the opportunity to experience. I saw the way children’s lives were transformed as they learned Egyptian sign language and started to communicate with the other people, often for the first time in their lives. A few years later, a small Vocational Training Center (VTC) was established to provide technical skills to deaf adults to enable them to find employment and support themselves and their families. As both the center and school grew, more space was needed and a new Vocational Training Center was built on the outskirts of Cairo. One of the people whose life has been transformed through this ministry is my friend Clement. He came to Egypt as a refugee after his family was murdered in Sudan. Disadvantaged both by his refugee status and his hearing disability, he struggled to find employment in Cairo. However, through the VTC he learned carpentry skills and earned money making furniture and craft products. He became a trainer at the VTC and mentored many of the young deaf boys. As the Church for the Deaf meets in the same location, he started to attend church and became a follower of Jesus. Clement is now a lay leader at the church, and is leading a project to translate the Bible into Egyptian sign language – a first in the Middle East. Another project supported by ARDF is Harpur Memorial Hospital in Sadat City which opened in 2010. A few years earlier, leaders from this growing city asked the Diocese to establish this hospital as they had experienced the medical service provided by the sister hospital in a neighboring city. Both hospitals have an excellent reputation for providing high quality and compassionate health care, where the poor are never turned away. I interviewed several patients, the majority of whom are Muslims, and they all talked about the love and care shown by the Christian doctors. Each week, doctors from these two hospitals board our mobile medical clinic and travel to remote villages to do medical outreaches. Incredibly, this ministry is funded by Egypt’s largest Islamic charity, Misr El-Kheir, which is chaired by the former Grand Mufti of Egypt. It is not often you hear of an Islamic charity supporting Christian doctors to serve majority Muslim

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The Anglican Church in Egypt seeks to build bridges with Muslim and engage in “life dialogue,” day-to-day practical interfaith dialogue at the grass-roots level. One of these initiatives is the “Imam-Priest Exchange.” This initiative brings 40 priests and imams together several times per year in order to facilitate mutual understanding and to do practical initiatives in their community. One imam shared after the first meeting that it was the first time in his life to shake hands and sit next to a priest. He admitted that he always used to avoid priests and would walk a different way in the street. With tears in his eyes he shared that “Every time I saw a priest I used to turn away. Now you forced me to eat, share accommodation, travel, and talk with priests, and I love it!” Saint Paul writes in the first letter to the Corinthians that “if one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it.” Serving in Egypt in the midst of the Arab Spring, I saw the way the worldwide Anglican Communion came alongside the Anglican Church in Egypt during difficult times. August 2013 was a difficult month in Egypt with hundreds killed on the streets and churches burnt down around the country by supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Anglican Church in Suez was attacked while the priest and his family were inside, until they were rescued by the army. Events which used to feel far away when I lived in New Zealand were now close to me, and happening to my friends and colleagues. The people most affected by the situation were the poorest of the poor, and as a church we wanted to help in this difficult time. Through the support of ARDF and other partners, Anglican churches and ministers were able to support the neediest people in their local communities. Henri Nouwen writes that “when those with money and those who need money share vision we see a central sign of new life in the Spirit of Christ.” Working on the receiving and implementing end of this Christ-centered partnership, I saw first-hand the impact that gifts from ARDF can have. These gifts transformed lives in Egypt, as well as in Tunisia and Ethiopia. If you are a supporter of ARDF, I want to thank you for your partnership in the Gospel and for helping Anglicans in the developing world to show the love of Christ to those in need in their own communities. n Rosie Fyfe hails from New Zealand, and is currently studying at Trinity School for Ministry and working for The Anglican Relief and Development Fund in Ambridge, PA. From 2010 to 2014, she worked in the Partnership Office of the Episcopal / Anglican Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and Horn of Africa under the leadership of the Most Rev. Dr. Mouneer Hanna Anis.

Visit The Holy Land Join the Bishop and Mrs. Duncan on their final pilgrimage to the Holy Land By Nara Duncan


oin us September 12-24 for a truly moving experience. Every time you hear a Bible reading after your trip, you will picture the place you are hearing about. You will see the Jordan River in your minds’ eye when reading of the Baptism and you will picture the Sea of Galilee and know what it is like to float thereon, especially after your sail on that Sea. The fun thing about traveling with a group of like-minded, fellow Christians is that there is always someone to ‘ooh’ and ‘aww’ with – someone who also looks at the Holy Land through Reformation eyes! Going to the Mount of Olives and the Temple Mount can truly be a life changing experience. And to experience it with a faith community to talk and share your thoughts is a wonderful blessing. We have a fabulous guide who is both a superb teacher and a man of faith. He will open our eyes to his country

and guide us to new and meaningful experiences. We start with Jesus’ boyhood as we begin in the Galilee and relive some of the scenes of His teachings. The trip will then see us cross over the border to Jordan, where we go back to the Old Testament and visit Mt. Nebo. Seeing it in person, it’s quite obvious where the imagery for the “crooked straight and the rough places plain” comes from. We then see the ancient Roman ruins, and some of the most complete in the world, of Jerash. For me the best part of the Jordanian visit is the Baptismal Site. Archaeologists are 95 percent sure this is the place, and the excavations which revealed a First Century church appear to support that claim. After a night’s stay at a Dead Sea hotel and a swim in that same Sea, we travel down through the Desert to Petra, one of the amazing wonders of the world. We will then cross the border back to

Israel and Jerusalem, which for many is the highlight of their trip. We will walk the Via Dolorosa and visit as many other churches and sites as we can cram into the days! You will fly home with a mind full of the sights and sounds of the last eight days that will stay with you for the rest of your life – and wish you could do it all over again! Please call Connoisseurs Tours for more information and a brochure about this tour. 800-856-1045. n

Lent/Easter 2016


An Invitation to

Fearlessness For you are dust, and to dust you shall return. By Heather Strong Moore


n some ways these words may seem like a somber and even punitive statement. Perhaps a bitter pronouncement of the imminence of death and mortality. In other ways, it is very possible to find comfort and assurance in these words. For God to say that we are dust means He knows what we are made of, and He knows our destinies. Ash Wednesday commences the liturgical season of Lent, a time of fasting and repentance, 40 days of living with the reality of our sinfulness and preparing to receive the resurrection. It is a season that asks us to engage in reflection and self-assessment. A time to ask the Spirit to reveal those parts of our hearts and minds that are trapped in darkness, mired

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in failure, affliction and destruction. No one would ever call Lent a pleasant or comfortable season. It can actually be quite frightening to confront the depths of our own hearts with unflinching honesty. It’s much easier to stay on the surface of what we know and what we can manage. Yet Christ asks more than that because He desires to offer more than shallow platitudes and attractive exteriors. To experience the freedom of Christ we much first come face to face with our bondage. This is not a pursuit we engage alone, because the human heart is capable of great depravity and suffering. Rather, we ask Christ to shine His light into the dark recesses within us, knowing that we need not fear what He will find there. We have nothing to fear because Christ is unafraid of what will be revealed. There is no past sin or on-going destructive impulses that can shock or surprise the Lord. No extent of failure or inadequacy that can make Him turn away. No depth of wound and sorrow that can confound His ability to bind up and heal. No

losing battle with depression and anxiety that He cannot win. Nothing that can separate us from the love of God or cause Him to rescind our adoption as sons and daughters. Nothing to fear. Lent affords the opportunity to invite the Spirit into our inner unknown, resting in the assurance that God knows what we are made of. Let us repent and turn before our Savior, safe in the knowledge that Christ has already confronted every darkness that lies in the human heart and nailed it to the cross. We can bare everything within us that leads to death and decay, knowing that death will never be the final word and we will be raised to new life with Christ is His resurrection. Submitted on behalf of

An equipping initiative to engage young Anglicans in the mission of the church n

Renewing the Mind:

A Place for Poetry in the Christian Life By Dr. Eric Potter

Transform yourselves by the renewing of your minds. (Rom. 12:2b ESV)


s Christians we are called to renew our minds; that is to renew not just our rational capacity narrowly understood but our whole self in all its capacities to think, feel, judge and value. Such renewal comes primarily through the Word, the sacraments and prayer. But as most of us can attest, God often uses other things—people and experiences—to mold us into the image of Christ. Poetry could be one of those things. Here is why. If “minds” refers to our fully-rounded selves, then renewing our minds involves more than simply exchanging one set of ideas for another. We need a medium that offers something more than rational concepts expressed in abstract language. And that is what poetry can provide.

Reading Poems The speaker of a poem is conveying some part of his experience, expressing thoughts and feelings in a language rich with meaning and connotation, a language filled with concrete images that appeal to our senses and awaken our imaginations, a language whose rhythms act on our bodies. When we read such a poem, we take on the speaker’s voice, give voice to the

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speaker; in a sense while the reading lasts, we become the speaker, inhabiting her experience of the world. You might say we put on the speaker’s mind. Such a process can be risky, of course, depending on the speaker. And yet, if the speaker is a person whose mind and heart, whose judgment, attitudes, and feelings have been shaped by an abiding love of God and a deep knowledge of the Scriptures, a person who is being conformed to Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit, then putting on that person’s mind, if only briefly, might help to grow and stretch our own minds so that we become better at seeing, thinking, valuing, and responding to the world in a Christ-like manner.

Communion with the Saints We are blessed with a vibrant tradition of Christian poets— men and women, clergy and lay people, from a variety of ages and places and traditions who have left a rich record of their pilgrimages. Masters at arranging language to convey experience, these poets are also people of wide and deep experience of the Christian life, people who understood sorrow and suffering as well as hope and joy, people who struggled with sin and sought forgiveness, who wrestled with doubt and belief, people who lifted their voices to God in petition and praise. Their poems can often give us words when we have none of our own, words that may help us articulate our experience and re-shape our outlook. Words that might assist us in renewing our minds. Let me give a few examples of the kind of thing I mean.

The psalmist tells us that “the heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above proclaims his handiwork” (Ps. 19:1, ESV). We know that we should hear and see that testimony and that we should add our breath to that praise. But sometimes our ears are blocked, our eyes closed, and our tongues numb. At such times we do not need new ideas about praise or more reminders that we should praise; instead, we need to train our hearts, to develop a habit of praise. Certainly the Holy Spirit must work in us, and scripture and prayer will be instrumental. And yet the Spirit may use poetry as well. We could, for example, put on the eyes of a poet like Gerard Manley Hopkins who in poem after poem offers ecstatic praise for the beautiful variety in the world, what in one poem he calls “pied beauty.” That poem begins with the exclamation, “Glory be to God for dappled things,” and then lists a dazzling array of plants and animals, all of which originate in the changeless beauty of God who “fathers-forth” creation. The poet, T.S. Eliot, suggests that religious poetry must express not how we think things should be but how they are. Such honesty is crucial in our spiritual lives because we must admit our restlessness and rebellion before God begins working on them. Perhaps we find ourselves struggling against the place where God has placed us, perhaps we feel burdened by what God wants of us, and perhaps what we want most of all is to do what we want to do. Such feelings are the subject of George Herbert’s poem, “The Collar,” in which a servant strikes the table and declares that he will serve himself rather than his lord. As the poem continues, the speaker vows to make up for all the pleasures he has denied himself and to throw off all the restraints he has imposed on himself, saying that “He that forbears / To suit and serve his need, / Deserves his load.” Over the course of the poem, as the speaker outlines his plans for rebellion, he “raves” and grows “more wilde.” At the very end, however, he hears a voice calling “My child,” and he responds “My Lord.” Like this speaker, we can work ourselves into a lather refusing to serve. In doing so, we forget our real identity. And yet, as this poem reminds us, God in his mercy comes to us not as a harsh taskmaster but as a compassionate father whose gentle voice recalls us to our true selves and enables us to humbly acknowledge his lordship. As we give voice to this speaker, we share in his rebellion, and thus, perhaps, articulate our own, but we also share in his restoration to himself and to God. Perhaps we struggle with repentance and change, finding ourselves in a seemingly perpetual cycle of repenting and sliding back, repenting and sliding back. It is such an experience that Scott Cairns addresses in “Studies in New Testament Greek: Metanoia.” As he meditates on this Greek word for repent, he suggests that true repentance, the “heart’s metanoia,” might be less of a turning “away” from sin as part of a will-driven effort at moral self-improvement and more of a turning “toward”

Christ. As a person turns more and more toward Christ and is filled with love and longing for Christ, sin begins to lose its hold. Gradually, the poet suggests, the “slow pilgrim” finds “that sin is not so bad / as it is a waste of time.” These are just a few examples of the ways that poetry by mature, wise Christians offers a rich resource to assist in our spiritual formation.

Writing Poems For some of us, reading poems may awaken a desire to write them, which is natural and good. It does not even matter if we are particularly good at it. After all, as G. K. Chesterton once said, “If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly.” Regardless of our skill, writing poems can help us in at least two ways. First it can restore words to us. Sometimes the words that name the things we find most important have been used so much that they become deadened. Rather than communicating anything to us, they fail to make an impression on our minds. Writing poems can help us battle this deadening effect. When we write, we soon discover that first thoughts are not best thoughts; first words, not best words. Our first words are those we pick up from television and music and movies, from the office or the gym and, yes, sometimes even from church. They are words that we use without thinking, words that have ceased to mean to us, and these dead words can, in turn, deaden our spiritual lives. The struggle to find the right words when we are writing a poem helps us pay careful attention to the words in such a way that they can come to mean again. These refreshed meanings may renew our spirits. Second writing poems may sharpen our focus. As a form of attention writing can help us focus on the truths of God. Writing a poem pushes us to think carefully and feel deeply, to examine a subject from many angles in a way that can strengthen our understanding and lead to fresh insights. If we are writing about spiritual things, we really cannot lose. As the poet, David Craig, once remarked: if we write a poem on a scriptural subject, we may end up with a bad poem but we will have spent time meditating on scripture. Whether we write poems of our own or give voice to those of others, poetry can play a part in our efforts to renew our minds. Certainly, it can never replace scripture, sacrament, and prayer, but it can be one of the ways in which our fellow saints help to build us up. n Eric Potter is a professor of English at Grove City College where he teaches courses in modern poetry, American literature and creative writing. His most recent collection of poems is Things Not Seen (Wipf and Stock Publishers).

Lent/Easter 2016


Dean Justyn Terry Announces Plan to Resign in June 2016 By the Rev. Christopher Klukas


ustyn Terry announced in January that he will step down as Dean and President of Trinity School for Ministry. After much prayer, the Terrys feel called to return to England to be closer to family and to continue in ministry in the Church of England. Justyn will continue to serve as Dean and President until June 30, 2016. A search is already underway for a successor to lead the school into the next chapter of its life. Justyn first came to Trinity in January of 2005 while on a sabbatical from his parish in urban London, UK. As a result of this visit, he applied for an open position teaching systematic theology and joined the faculty the following summer. In 2008, Justyn was appointed by the Board of Trustees as the sixth Dean and President of the seminary and he has continued in this role ever since. During Justyn’s tenure as Dean and President the school has been significantly strengthened. He has overseen a clarification of the school’s vision, the creation of a strategic plan, a major curriculum revision, and, most recently, the Reach for the Harvest Campaign which has raised more than $15.3 million dollars to support various initiatives for the seminary. “Justyn Terry has been a truly exceptional leader since he was named Dean/President nearly eight years ago” commented Mr. Douglas Wicker, Chairman of Trinity’s Board of Trustees. “The Lord has used him to guide Trinity forward and stay focused on our vision while overseeing key strategic initiatives. Justyn is loved by all and his prayerful, humble service to Jesus is an example for everyone.” “Justyn Terry was God’s leader in every respect – internally, evangelistically, ecumenically, provincially, and globally – for these last years at Trinity School,” said

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Archbishop Robert Duncan. “He was the right man in an extraordinary season of challenge and opportunity.” “I am so thankful to God for these eleven years at Trinity School for Ministry” remarked the Very Rev. Dr. Justyn Terry. “I have learned so much not only about Christian theology but also about Christian life and leadership from being with so many wonderful trustees, faculty members, staff, students, alumni, and supporters. What a blessing it has been to me and my family. It will be very hard to say all our farewells. You will remain in our thoughts and prayers.” The Board of Trustees hopes to have a new Dean and President in place for the 2016/17 academic year, but the search will continue until the right candidate is found. Over the next several months, the Search Committee will receive candidate applications and prayerfully work through the selection process with the goal of presenting a recommendation or a slate of potential candidates to the Board. Please hold Trinity School for Ministry and the Terry family in your prayers through this time of transition. n

Next Bishop Di Process Update

Dear Friends, Greetings in Jesus’ Name. THE JOURNEY SO FAR. We continue our walk together toward the discernment and election of the Next Bishop of Pittsburgh. The Standing Committee is pleased to report the peaceful, prayerful, and discerning engagement of so many people though the Process. We thank the Lord for everyone who has participated and supported the Process. DISTRICT NOMINATING MEETINGS. A centerpiece of the Process has been the de-centralized nominating process, where Districts meet to produce (up to) three names for Nomination. We are pleased to report that all those meetings went well. Common reports reached us of the successful meetings that were marked by godly discussions and prayerful results. We especially thank the Moderators of those meetings, who all did an excellent job. All seven local districts produced three Nominees, and the two non-SWPA districts acted jointly to produce three Nominees as well. We are also grateful for the excellent turnout and representation of our lay-deputies in the local meetings. Well done!

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DISCERNMENT FOR THE NOMINEES. At the time of this writing, all nominations are complete. We have contacted all the Nominees and asked them to prayerfully discern whether God is calling them to stand. This is an important time for everyone to pray and ask for the Spirit’s continued guidance of our Process. Nominees will be required to state their willingness to stand for election by early March. PROCESS CHANGES & UPGRADES. The Standing Committee has decided to move up a few features of the Process, so that deputies can have information about the Nominees sooner than originally scheduled: We have decided to announce the Slate of Nominees in early March. We will ask Nominees to submit materials (resumes and questionnaire answers) for publication shortly after Easter. The Standing Committee has discussed extensively how to report information to the electing deputies and wider diocese. It is important to us that the information not be controlled and that our work be known for its transparency. Another important piece of work is the list of questions we are asking Nominees to answer. We want to equip clergy and lay deputies

iscernment By the Rev. Paul Cooper with the best information possible on the Nominees. Look for more and regular updates to come. PRAYERS FOR SPECIAL CONVENTION. Finally, please mark you calendars for April 22-23 and continue praying for our diocese. We look forward to Special Convention and, Lord Willing, the election of our next bishop! The Standing Committee as Transition Committee The Rev Paul Cooper The Rev Karen Stevenson The Rev John Fierro The Rev John Paul Chaney Mr Doug Wicker Mrs Ann Steenkiste Mr Todd Wahrenberger Mrs Heather Strong Moore n

Lent/Easter 2016


Diocesan Calendar of Events March 2016 through June 2016 March 2016

22 Clergy Renewal of Vows: Redeemer South Hills, Canonsburg 25 Good Friday: Diocesan Office Closed 31 Commission on Ministry: Diocesan Office, One Allegheny Center

April 2016

2 Ordination to the Priesthood: William Lytle; True Vine, Monongahela 16 Ordination to the Priesthood: Chance Perdue; Redeemer, Nashville, TN 22-23 Special Convention: St. Stephen’s, Sewickley

May 2016

5 Clergy Fellowship: Washington, Trinity Church 7 Youth Day: Henning House, Sewickley

10 Clergy Fellowship: Cranberry, All Saints Diocesan Council: Diocesan Office, One Allegheny Center 16 Clergy Fellowship: Donegal 18 Clergy Fellowship: Diocesan Office, One Allegheny Center 19 Board of Trustees: Diocesan Office, One Allegheny Center Standing Committee: Diocesan Office, One Allegheny Center 30 Memorial Day: Diocesan Office Closed

June 2016

11 Diaconal Ordinations: Location TBD 18 Celebration for Archbishop Duncan: Evansong, Ascension, Oakland Gateway Clipper Fleet

Episcopal Visitation Calendar March 2016 through June 2016 March 2016

2 Wednesday Natrona Heights, Christ Our Hope 6 4 Lent Brownsville, Christ Church (AM) Slippery Rock, Grace (PM) 11-15 5 Lent St. John the Baptist Deanery Elburn, Hope Anglican Elmhurst, Ascension Evanston, Christ the King Milwaukee, Christ Redeemer West Chicago, New Jerusalem Wheaton, Great Shepherd 23 Holy Wednesday Trinity School for Ministry 26 Easter Vigil Grace, Edgeworth 27 Easter Day Somerset Anglican Fellowship

April 2016

3 2 Easter Charleroi, St. Mary’s (AM) 6 Wednesday Gibsonia, St. Thomas Church in the Fields 10 3 Easter New Brighton, Christ Church (AM) Beaver Falls, St. Andrews College Hill (PM) 17 4 Easter Nashville Deanery Redeemer, Nashville, TN

S t. John’s, Franklin, TN Saint Mary of Bethany, Brentwood, TN 20 Wednesday Rosedale, All Saints 24 5 Easter State College, Incarnation

May 2016

1 6 Easter Sewickley, St. Stephen’s 4 Wednesday Hopewell, Prince of Peace 8 Ascension Oakland, Ascension 11 Wednesday Butler, St. Peter’s 15 Pentecost Fox Chapel, Christ Church 22 Trinity Sunday Washington, Trinity East End, Jonah’s Call

June 2016

5 Proper 5 Ft. Collins, CO, St. Thomas 12 Proper 6 Greensburg, Christ’s Church 14 Tuesday Bedford Anglican 19 Proper 7 Coraopolis, Charis 247 26 Proper 8 Uniontown, St. Peter’s

Clergy Milestones n The Rev. John Thomas Strachovsky transferred in from the Gulf Atlantic Diocese on November 13, 2015. n Deacon Rebecca Conrad Spanos transferred to the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes on January 14, 2016. n The Rev. Jared David Osborn and The Rev. Rebecca Hope Osborn transferred to the Anglican Diocese of the Arctic on January 27, 2016. n The Rev. Daniel D. Park transferred to the Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin on January 27, 2016. n Deacon Wade W. Lawrence transferred to the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh under Title III, Canon 6, section 3 of the Constitution and Canons on January 22, 2016.

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Extra Mile Donors: Ms. Joan Anson The Rev. Canon Dr. Kenneth E. Bailey Edith Baldwin Albert & Barbara Baraniak Patricia J. Barney Janice Beccari Ken Bennett David Black The Rev. Douglas R. & Wendy B. Blakelock M&M J Herb Bockhorst Ovallye Boles William Boniface Doug & Joyce Bowers Mr. & Mrs. Robert Broadbent Mr. & Mrs. Jim Budnik The Rev. Don & Mrs. Kathy Bushyager Fred & Nancy Carlson Melita Carter Dr. Dwight Castro Mr. & Mrs. James Catlos Christ Church, New Brighton Christ’s Church, Greensburg Renee S. Clark Thomas & Nancy Clark Warren M. Cochran William A. Cook Sam & Cindy Cooper The Rev. & Mrs. Robert Coval The Rev. Dan Crawford The Rev. and Mrs. John T. Cruikshank Mr. & Mrs. James J. Cunningham Vaughn Dailey Marilou Daniels Mary C. Davis Mildred Dean Stella M. DeLess Robert & Ardeth Devlin Angelo R. Dorazio Elizabeth A. Douglas Bishop Robert & Mrs. Nara Duncan Pat & Deacon Cathy Dunn Nancy Easter James & Dayle Eckenrode Mr. & Mrs. David R. Edelstein Cheryl Epperson Mr. & Mrs. James Falconi Dorothy Fink James & Georgette Forney Robert Frederking Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Fulton Mrs. Lorraine Furnier Karen Getz Steve & Janice Gooder Joe & Judy Gorecki Richard & Peggy Grace Mr. William L. Granberry Jr. Frank Grasha Sr. Mr. John C. Green William T. Green Jr. Eva S. Grim David & Lauri Herman Bill & Deacon Joanne Hetrick Sylvia Hewitt Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Hitchins Charles Hiteshew Jr. John & Coleen Hofscher Holy Innocents Anglican Church The Rev. Ira Houck Michael & Lisa Houser Jerome & Janice Humphrey Ms. Karen Jeanson Roy Johnson John & Diane Kaufmann Dr. & Mrs. Daryl Kemerer Shirley Kilpatrick Carol Klukas Michael Shiner & Amy Kreithen Shari & Duane Lang Deacon Wade W. & Mrs. Ann Lawrence John & Viola Laws Elsie Y. Lewis Gary Lewis Elizabeth & Fred Lloyd Mr. Joseph R. Lynch Rosemary Lyon

The Rev. Canon Dr. & Mrs. John A. Macdonald William H. Mallinson Barb & Tom Manning Dr. & Mrs. Wm. H. Marchl Bernice McDonald The Rev. Richard McGinnis Shirley M. McGinnity Mr. & Mrs. George McKee Robert & Anne McMarlin Christina & James Meditch Henry Meyer John & Kathy Miles Bette & Dennis Miller Dr. Dan & Grace Miller Bill & Nancy Mills Lt. Col. Maynard G & Mary A. Moody The Rev. James Morehead Mrs. Ruth Ann Morgan Ms. Charlene Moskala James Mottley Sally & Andy Moury Rose M. Mueggler Craig Gay Murray Jack Norris Martha & George Ory Dr. Thomas Pangburn, Jr. Jane & Kevin Patterson The Rev. Lang Pegram, MD. Suzanne Perkins Ms. Annetta Pozzuto Mr. & Mrs. Theodore F. Preniczky Don & Deb Pungitore Susan Randolph Charles Rankin, Jr. Elaine D. Read Shawn & Karen Reed Frank Lavers Rex Mary Lou Reynolds Ms. Lois Richards Alex Robenski (Memory of My Wife Diane) Deacon Elizabeth H. Rodewald Mr. William F. Roemer Jack E. Russell M. Sanchez Richard T. Sandala Harold Schmul Mr. Robert Schoyer Terry & Nicole Shirk Mrs. P. Slavishak The Rev. Jeff & Lee Smead Dr. Michael Clay Smith Lynn A. Smith Ph.D. Pauline Smouse St. Alban’s Anglican Church St. Martin’s Anglican Church St. Thomas Church in the Fields James Sterrett Ms. Letitia Shepard Stewart Walt Stone Emily Swan Brian & Judith Taylor The Rev. William Thiele Cindy Thomas Fred Threlfall The Rev. Andrew J. Tibus Matt & Emily Tilden Mary Emma Trainer Juliann Trischler Kirk & Linda Troxler Deacon Regis Turocy Diane Wahl Cynthia Waisner Deacon Kathy Walzer Julie Weikert Mr. Sherman White Robert W. Whiteacre III Mrs. Margaret Williams Edward Williams The Rev. David Wilson Ann & Dave Wollman John Woods Jim Yong Beth Zwetsloot $33,045.00 donated since November 2014

BLTF The Letter to the Hebrews: Knowing Jesus and the New Covenant By Tom Locke and Fred Carlson of the BLTF


he BLTF presented Allie Overly’s teaching on TRUTH in Trinity a little over two years ago. In this issue we would like to treat our readers to a Biblical Worldview lesson from BLTF member Tom Locke. The Letter to the Hebrews asks us to avoid repetitive ritual of worship and engage in the life infused with God’s power in the church through Jesus’ one atoning sacrifice and the power of the Holy Spirit. The differences between life under the Law and the life of Grace received are as timely today as they were in 50 AD. This four lesson teaching will be presented at Saint Alban’s Anglican Church, Murrysville within the season of Easter during the four Sundays in April. The presentation can then be brought to your church. If you are interested, please contact us.

Jesus is the Mediator of a New Covenant Set Up by God Himself. The Word of God speaks for itself in plain, simple truth. In speaking of a new covenant, God Himself makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. Hebrews 8:1 Now the point we are saying is this: we have such a high priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, a minister in the holy places in the true tent that the Lord set up, not man. But as it is, Christ has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates is better, since it is enacted by better promises. Hebrews 8:10 “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws into their minds and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall not teach, each one his neighbor and each one his brother, saying “Know the Lord,” for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.”

Within the Bible in Front of Your Eyes: The Word of God is Living and Active. As you read the Bible (and Hebrews!) spend time in praying with our heavenly Father,

wholly yielding yourselves to Him who already knows everything about us. Today, when you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellions of the past and present. The Bible is the Word of God given to us in His love, for our goodness, and for the glory of God the Father. Hebrews 4: 12 For the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.

The Sabbath Rest of God is for the people of God. There is no substitute for loving the Lord our God in our prayer time. The mysteries of the gospel are revealed to us via the Holy Spirit. Time with God is a love offering. Give time to God almighty, especially in your Bible reading. The Sabbath rest is where we yield our selfrighteous works to God, and truly let Him speak to us. Let us stop spinning our wheels, getting nowhere in the heavenly places, and ask to receive His divine love. If we submit to the Holy Spirit the truth of scripture is clear. The Sabbath rest of God is what we are seeking. Hebrews 3:12 Take care, brothers and sisters, that none of you may have an evil, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God.

Hebrews 12: 1 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a cloud of witnesses, let us also set aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” The BLTF team would be happy to bring helpful resources to your parish. We could bring this teaching led by Tom Locke with an accompanying Powerpoint to present the full Letter to the Hebrews lesson plan to your Bible study group, Adult Ed class, or any other group. As we continue to urge growth in the areas of regular Bible reading, Bible memorization, Bible knowledge and encouraging a Bible Worldview, this lesson set will invigorate all those goal areas in your parish. We also offer Bible 101 and a 7-lesson Bible Worldview course. We continue to promote our Scripture Memory Music Team as well. Contact Fred Carlson 412-856-0982 or to schedule. n

Receive Faith from Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith. Understanding that these four points will fall short of the glory of all the blessings revealed within the book of Hebrews, we advise that we all act in our Bible reading time prayer requests to ask God, in faith, with no doubting. Read Hebrews chapter 11: Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by faith the people of old received their commendation. By faith Abel......, by faith Enoch..., by faith Abraham obeyed....., by faith Noah... by faith Sarah... by faith Moses..,ff. We Christians today look to Jesus to receive our faith!

Lent/Easter 2016


Goodbye and

Thank You,

Canon Mary!

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Lent/Easter 2016



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Rock the World Announces 2016 re:mix conference The 2016 re:mix conference happens April 8-10 at Ridgecrest Conference Center in Ridgecrest, NC alongside New Wineskins.


ock the World Youth Mission Alliance sponsors this Great Commission conference for young adults from age 30 down to 9th grade. “re:mix helps young people go further in with God and further out with Jesus to spread His message of the Kingdom of God both locally and globally,” explains Rock the World Executive Director, the Rev. Whis Hays. Since 2003, re:mix has equipped hundreds of young adults, college students, and high school students to change their world, in their own neighborhoods and to the ends of the earth. Worship, prayer, teaching and workshops invite attendees to align their hearts with God’s heart. Conference goers this year will especially explore how to advance God’s Kingdom in a global

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environment where secular hedonism and expansionist Islam present serious challenges. Speakers include J & M*, workers in the Middle East who are helping substantial numbers of Syrian refugees decide to follow Jesus; Marcia Lebhar, who will teach on the Bible’s Timeline; and Dr. John Tolson, chaplain to professional sports teams and author of “The 4 Priorities”. Workshops will also explore vital issues like “Why God invented Sex,” “Everybody Needs Good News,” human trafficking, and leading youth ministry in church plant and small church situations. Peter Lebhar, InterVarsity Staff Worker and College Ministry Partner, St. Peter’s Tallahassee, says “At re:mix you’ll be

surrounded by people courageously committed to answering Jesus’ call to fulfill the Great Commission. I met my wife at a re:mix conference in 2012. I wanted to marry a radical disciple, and I am not surprised I found her there.” (Rock the World makes no guarantee of similar results!) Whis asserts “This is not a typical youth ministry conference. Fun options exist in free time, but the sessions are tuned to young people who are serious about following Jesus.” For more information and individual and group registration, visit the conference website at n

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