TRINITY Summer 2014

Page 1

In This Issue... Ascension Turns 125 Page 6

Bishops Pledge Solidarity with the Persecuted Church Page 9

A Photo Retrospective of Our Bishop’s Time as Archbishop Page 18

The Next Chapter By The Most Rev. Robert Wm. Duncan, Archbishop of the Anglican Church North America, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh

Beloved in the Lord:


ing. Then the request is that I return with all my energies and attentions focused, as at the beginning, on the Diocese of Pittsburgh. I embrace this call with joy.

Our lives often fit together like chapters in a book. Each chapter is likely to have a dominant theme or focus, sometimes only discernable in retrospect. The It is a long time since the chapters are not of the same to Mission” “After several chapters “Maintenance length. Every chapter is chapter, since the focus was of remarkable service shaped by the chapters leadmostly on how to be the for the benefit of those Church locally. Pittsburgh will ing to it. The chapters do hold together. Some chapalways be an extra-ordinary beyond our diocesan ters are pivotal, like the one diocese. We will always be boundaries, we will entitled “Conversion” for the a diocese whose life and once again, God biography of an adult who gospel liveliness impact willing, get to focus on comes to Christ. For any the whole Church, provinwhat God wants for us cially, globally, ecumenically. called to Holy Matrimony, the chapter called “Falling in right here, right now.” Never-the-less, after several Love and Marriage” would be chapters of remarkable seranother pivotal chapter. vice for the benefit of those beyond our diocesan boundaries, we will once The story of the Church is also written in chapagain, God willing, get to focus on what God ters. Acts 1 is “Ascension and Waiting.” Acts 2 wants for us right here, right now. is “Pentecost in Jerusalem.” Acts 27 is “Storm and Shipwreck.” Acts 28: “Arrival in Rome.” I am embracing this prospect and looking forward to this next chapter. Maybe it will be I am in my nineteenth year as your Bishop. called “Shaping Mission and Ministry for the Our work together falls into chapters: “From 21st Century” or “On Being an Extraordinary, Maintenance to Mission,” “Crisis in the Ordinary Diocese.” Time will tell. Whatever is Episcopal Church,” “Realignment and Pruning,” ahead, we have much to do together as this “Gathering and Leading the Anglican Church.” new chapter unfolds. Jesus says, “Follow me!” For the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, a and we will. I am excited, and I hope you are, new chapter is about to open. My years as too. (But first, a little rest…) n Provincial and Global leader – as archbishop Faithfully Your Bishop, and primate of the Anglican Church in North America – end on June 28. The Standing Committee of our Diocese has granted me a sabbatical time from July into October, for rest, refreshment, praying, thinking and writ2


Summer 2014

The Most Rev. Robert Wm. Duncan, Archbishop and Bishop


Jordan Markley


Kostilnik & Associates Graphics, Inc.


Archbishop Robert Duncan Canon Mary Maggard Hays Assistant Bishop Francis Lyons


Kevin Patterson Paul Cooper David Trautman Fred Carlson Jolene Betterman Alex Shuttleworth Mary Beth Tyson

CONTACT INFORMATION Communications Director Jordan Markley


(412) 281-6131


Web site:


(412) 322-4505

SUBMISSION INFORMATION TRINITY is a quarterly publication of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. Submissions for the next issue of Trinity must arrive at the diocesan offices by August 7 to be considered for publication. Documents that are not created in MS Word should be sent as text documents. Photos should be minimum 300 dpi. Photos to be returned must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proprietary information on the back of each photo.

Above: Bishop Bob throws out the first pitch in the early 2000s. In this issue, we take a look back at our bishop’s years of service to the Province. Turn to page 18 for a photo retrospective.


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One the Sure Foundation: The Next Chapter

The Most Rev. Robert M. Duncan

Three Rivers Festival of Hope On The Way: Discipleship

The Rt. Rev. Francis Lyons

Ascension Turns 125 Archbishop Duncan Consecrates New 1,100 Seat Pro-Cathedral in Tallahassee Bishops Pledge Solidarity with Persecuted Church In Ministry: Alex Shuttleworth Archbishop Duncan Visits Trinity Beaver’s Easter Vigil Around the Country A Chicago Holy Week Abundant Love – God’s Style Christ Redeemer Out-Grows Space “We Are Victorious” Paul Cooper St. Stephen’s Young Adults Run Marathon for ARDF Scenes from the Life of an Archbishop On the Cover: Women Alive in Christ Archbishop Robert Have You Read Your Bible Today? Duncan prepares to bless the City of Diocesan Calendar, Ministry Milestones, Pittsburgh. Extra Mile Donors What is God Putting on Your To-Do List?

The Rev. Canon Mary Maggard Hays

A Letter from the Diocesan Board of Trustees Capital Needs and Planned Giving Committee

Summer 2014



Inviting A Friend The Festival Of Hope with Franklin Graham By


Rev. David Rucker


ittsburgh will be one of only 24 cities worldwide to host Franklin Graham’s Festival of Hope this summer. The festival is coming to our city August 15-17. The theme of this festival is “invite a friend,” which is a simple way of saying “invite someone you know that does not know Jesus.” The timing is perfect. Recently completed clergy meetings around the diocese focused on opportunities and threats to our parishes in these rapidly changing days. Perhaps the greatest opportunity identified at these meetings is reaching our neighborhoods. Yet the most likely reason we would fail is that many of us simply don’t know how to reach out. The Three Rivers Festival of Hope is an opportunity to “get started” with something safe. It might be easier to invite someone to an evening of outstanding music by Lecrae, Tenth Avenue North, and Michael W. Smith than it is to invite them to a Sunday service. It’s also easier to encourage someone to come hear “one of the Grahams” than it is to bring them to our own church. All parishes are invited to take part in the Three Rivers Festival of Hope and parishioners are encouraged to invite a friend. The Billy Graham crusades have made a significant impact in Pittsburgh in the past. The most recent crusade was held at Three Rivers Stadium in 1993 - over five days more than 170,000 people attended the crusade and, most importantly, over 12,000 committed their lives to Christ. If anything, the opportunity is greater in 2014 because the need appears to be greater. Friends, loved ones, and neighbors are all drifting away from the eternal salvation of Christ.



Summer 2014

If you are interested in organizing your parish to participate in the festival, talk to your rector. If your rector makes the decision to participate, volunteer to be part of the team. God willing, this effort won’t be about one event in August of 2014, but about a new beginning to reach the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. The Billy Graham Evangelical Association (BGEA) is providing materials and classes to the Christian community of Pittsburgh that provide assistance in reaching our neighbors. To get started, visit the BGEA’s website, n

Look for Someone to Invite Look around – Look to your neighborhood, your work place, your school. These are your mission fields. Look around your mission field - who do you find that needs Jesus Christ? Keep a list and pray for them. Look up - God changes people through prayer. Pray each day for those on your list, that God will give you opportunities to share His love with them. Look out - Discover ways to cultivate friendships with each person on your list. Spend time with them. Build connections which can open the way to talk about Christ. Look forward - Begin talking with each person on your list about attending the Festival with you. Look after - those who respond to Christ or even begin to show interest in the Gospel need your encouragement. Continue to love and pray for those who do not respond. These five “looks” provide a framework for reaching our neighbors. The most important aspect of this lesson is that if we are to make evangelism a priority. We have to commit ourselves to those who don’t know Jesus Christ.

Details, Details, Details Three Rivers Festival of Hope


he Festival takes place over three nights, each with a different emphasis:

n Friday, August 15 is for any audience n Saturday August 16 is geared to youth and young adults n Sunday August 17 is geared to families.

It is suggested that churches hire buses to transport parish teams and guests. This will allow for group seating and also make sure your guests are supported and part of a community. Ticket availability is still TBD, but at the designated time, parishes will be able to reserve a block of tickets with assigned seating. Rectors are encouraged to use this event to preach and teach about the call to evangelism. One local parish plans to launch a dedicated preaching series on Pentecost that will lead up to the festival. Another congregation is launching a year of evangelism and has personalized the “Bring a Friend Brochure” to their parish. They are committed not only to inviting friends to the Festival but to continue to pray for them throughout the year and invite them to church. The possibilities are endless. If you are interested in more details or working with other parishes to prepare for this event, visit or contact the Rev. David Rucker at rucker59@gmail. com or 412-251-8474. n

On the Way: Discipleship By The Rt. Rev. Francis Lyons


n the nascent church after the Revolutionary War, new bishops like Seabury, White and Hobart, encouraged each pastor to present new members for confirmation. A pastor would say, “We may have five candidates for confirmation, your Grace,” and the bishop would say, “Bring me ten.” Impressive growth occurred through this strategic pressure. Today, as North American Anglicans, we have the same need and opportunity. Comprehensive discipleship begins with a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and good understanding of the witness of God through the Scriptures, but it also contains a thoughtful consideration of the Anglican Way itself. The study of our heritage is important, both for our families of long standing and for folks coming into the Anglican Church from other traditions, many of whom are non-sacramental. I recommend three current resources to assist our shared task. One resource is a new book by Pittsburgh’s own Thomas McKenzie who pastors in Nashville, TN. The Anglican Way: A Guidebook is well organized and fairly comprehensive. McKenzie creatively uses the image of the Compass Rose to help orient readers to the various traits of Anglicanism. There is very little history described, which will allow a catechist to develop that area, but a timeline of historic events is included. The text contains various resources such as the three Creeds, short liturgies for family or individual prayer, the early Anglican Catechism, and an extensive glossary of terms. McKenzie instructively discusses the Eucharist over three chapters and adds a chapter on “Priest,” a typical conundrum for folks from other traditions. Finally, he addresses the Anglican wars and diasporas in a general, but helpful, manner. The Anglican Way is available for free download or purchase at Another, Celebrate Anglicanism, has been road tested in various parishes. This is a shorter text focusing on the history and origins of the Church. It also highlights the role of the laity and evangelism. The book is divided into seven chapters for small group study. Each chapter has questions for preparation and discussion with helpful guidelines for group study. In addition to the Creeds and the constitution of the ACNA in the Appendix, the GAFCON Oxford Statement and a short glossary are included. This text is available from the author, ACNA layman Bud Davis of Western Anglicans, at: Finally, consider the stimulating 45-minute one act play: Surprising Merrily, by Ron Speers. In Speers’ play, a journalist named Merrily Inclement questions the great ones—Cranmer, Hooker and Lewis— about the Anglican Way. A special discount is available for congregations that purchase this DVD through the ACNA’s Provincial website. n

Summer 2014



Ascension Turns In 1877, 18 churchmen joined together to build a church in present day Oakland. Twelve years later, on Ascension Day in May of 1889, they dedicated Church of the Ascension. This year, the family of Church of the Ascension will celebrate the parish’s 125th anniversary.


n an Ascension Day service marking the beginning of a yearlong celebration, the Rev. Ann Paton delivered a sermon recalling the church’s history, seeking out the body’s defining characteristics and recounting the reasons the parishioners had to celebrate and give thanks. The Church of the Ascension’s founders hoped that by building a church in their neighborhood, they



Summer 2014

could avoid the trek downtown to Trinity Cathedral or out to Calvary Episcopal Church, known then as the “frontier” church. At the time, what we know as Oakland was comprised of stately homes with park-like grounds and gas lamp lined streets. In the original church building, families rented out pews with seats in the front commanding a high premium. Yet they built their church in the heart of a city on the make. The men who supervised the construction of the original building at Ascension—which served the parish until 1909 when it was torn down and the present building was erected—could not have foreseen the shocks of the next 40 years. Between 1880 and 1920 Pittsburgh industrialized rapidly and immigrants streamed in from southern and eastern

Europe. African Americans left the rural south and moved north in the Great Migration. The city, once predominantly peopled by those who could trace their ancestry to England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, underwent a cultural rebirth. Ascension, standing in the midst of that shift, continued the tradition of Prayer Book worship, but grew and changed with the neighborhood it served. Today’s Church of the Ascension stands among universities and medical centers, just down the street from St. Paul’s Roman Catholic Cathedral and Rodef Shalom Temple. The neighborhood is filled with college students and professors, business leaders and doctors, hailing from around the globe.


125 The fruits of the founder’s labors, and of those that came after them, are on display throughout the church. You can feel the weight of beauty and of history when walking amidst its walls. Frederick Stymetz Lamb’s 1918, oil-on-canvas depiction of the Ascension spans the wall above the altar. Tapestries dating to the Renaissance hang on either side of the mural. The Gordon Chapel houses an ornately carved tryptich. Paton called attention to these features, features which, she explained, do more than delight the eye; they serve a purpose in the liturgical life of the body.

“Space matters because we are not disembodied spirits,” she said. “We are physical, and our worship must engage not only our brains but our whole selves, including our senses. Hence music, works of art, the aroma of incense, the texture of the wafer, the taste of the wine. We kneel, we stand, we reverence the altar and the processional cross.” The space is incapable of masquerading as an all-purpose room

or an entertainment venue or coffee shop but, like the Tabernacle, it offers a place to meet and worship in the wilderness.

Referencing the myriad challenges facing the Anglican Church of North America, the Diocese of Pittsburgh, and the Church as a whole in a society racked by materialism and disconnected from its civic and Christian heritage, Paton declared, “The Tabernacle was rich and glorious and beautiful in the wilderness. And so with us for we too are a Pilgrim people. On our journey, we worship. Our particular worship is Prayer Book worship.” Over the course of the next year, parishioners will have the chance to meet together, worship, celebrate and foster an appreciation for their unique community. But Paton also encouraged them to look outward and to the future, envisioning the opportunities for mission that await their parish. She spoke of Ascension’s role as a leader in the ACNA, the upcoming College of Bishops which Ascension would welcome, and the task of evangeliz

ing to the residents of Oakland, that bustling, ever-changing neighborhood they have called “home” for 125 years. n Summer 2014



Archbishop Duncan Consecrates New 1,100 Seat Pro-Cathedral in Tallahassee


rchbishop Duncan presided over the consecration of St. Peter’s Anglican Church in Tallahassee, FL on June 14. Archbishop Duncan’s participation in the service was unique. St. Peter’s is the first and only church he consecrated in his time as archbishop. Typically, consecrations are carried out by diocesan bishops, but Archbishop Duncan told the Tallahassee Democrat that St. Peter’s invitation to consecrate the church was warmly received. “I was asked and honored because the Anglican Church of North America has had a special relationship [with] St. Peter’s in

Tallahassee through [the] leadership they’ve shown and through my friendship with Father Dudley,” he said. “It was lovely to be asked to preside.”

of the South, the Rt. Rev. David Bryan of P.E.A.R. and the Rt. Rev. Jackson Nzerebende of the South Rwenzori Diocese, Church of Uganda.

In the fall of 2005, St. Peter’s Rector, Fr. Eric Dudley, led 800 of his parishioners at St. John’s Episcopal Church out of The Episcopal Church. During realignment Fr. Dudley and his parishioners were instrumental in the founding of the Anglican Church in North America.

The presence of the Archbishop and the bishops representing various dioceses in the American south and abroad is indicative of the role St. Peter’s has played and continues to play in Anglican realignment.

Since leaving their old church building, the priests, vestry and members of St. Peter’s have pursued the dream of erecting a cathedral in the heart of Florida’s state capital. On Saturday, June 14, they saw that dream realized when Archbishop Duncan consecrated an 1,100 seat English Gothic-style church that will serve as the pro-cathedral of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese. The Rt. Rev. Neil Lebhar, Bishop of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese was in attendance, as was the Rt. Rev. Foley Beach of the Diocese



Summer 2014

Speaking to the Democrat, Fr. Dudley said “The remarkable thing about the Anglican Church of North America is we’ve had to be dependent on bishops from churches in other parts of the world to stand with us. We’ve become very close to those bishops all around the world and it’s created a much stronger Anglican church.” During his visit to Tallahassee, Archbishop Duncan was also afforded the opportunity to participate in the early service at St. Peter’s on Sunday morning, which drew 800 attendees. n Photo Credit: Mary Beth Tyson

Bishops Pledge Solidarity with Persecuted Church Washington D.C.--Forty-one bishops, including Archbishop Robert Duncan, the Archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), have signed on to a Pledge of Solidarity & Call to Action on behalf of Christians and Other Small Religious Communities in Egypt, Iraq, and Syria. The text of the pledge details the plight of the 15 million Christians living in the Middle East, focusing specifically on countries where recent political and military upheavals have been accompanied by widespread persecution and displacement. In some countries, churches have been demolished and clergy executed. In others, young women have been abducted and forced to convert and marry their captors. Christian residents of one Syrian town have been compelled to sign dhimmi contracts. These documents date to the 7th century and offer protection to Christians and Jews living in Muslim lands, provided they assent to living as second class citizens.


A “Call to Action” accompanies the pledge. It urges the United States to take steps to protect the persecuted by establishing a Special Envoy on Middle East Religious Minorities tasked with monitoring the treatment of smaller religious sects in the region and pressuring governments to promote tolerance within their borders. It also asks the administration and

congress to monitor the treatment of refugees and review foreign aid contributions to ensure they are not being used to further religious discrimination. Leaders from over 188 churches signed the pledge, hailing from Evangelical, Syriac, Roman Catholic, Anglican, United Methodist, Armenian Apostolic, Byzantine Catholic, Southern Baptist, Maronite, Orthodox, Coptic, Chaldean, Assyrian, and Episcopal groups. The participation of so many leaders from such varied traditions is indicative of the scope of the problems currently faced by Christians in the Middle East. As Canon Andrew White, the leader of Iraq’s only Anglican Church, put it, “all the churches are targets.” The pledge was released at a Capitol Hill press conference on Wednesday, May 7, 2014. The event was hosted by U.S. Representatives Frank Wolf (R-VA) and Anna G. Eshoo (D-CA), strong advocates for the persecuted and co-chairs of the bipartisan Religious Minorities in the Middle East Caucus. The congressional leaders collaborated with Nina Shea, the director and senior scholar at the Hudson Institute Center for Religious Freedom. A version of this story was originally posted on the provincial website. To read a full text version of the pledge, log on to n

Anglicans join thousands in Canada to March for Life Thousands of Canadians marched for life on May 8th to witness to the sanctity of human life. Among those who gathered in the Canadian capital were Bishop Donald Harvey and Bishop Charlie Masters of the Anglican Network in Canada (ACNA), Bishop John Guernsey of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic (ACNA), Canon Jack Lumanog of the Anglican Church in North America’s Provincial Office, as well as the Rev. Paul Donison, rector of St. Peter and St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Ottawa, Georgette Forney (Anglicans for Life), and the Rev. Vicky Hedlius (Anglicans for Life Canada). As momentum continues to build for sanctity of life issues in Canada, Anglicans for Life celebrated the opening of their Canadian office. The office is led by the Rev. Vicky Hedius,. To see the photos from the gathering in Ottawa, visit the ACNA’s Facebook page at

Summer 2014



Archbishop Duncan with Alex Shuttleworth at his installation in Fox Chapel.

From London to Fox Chapel: In Ministry with Alex Shuttleworth BY JORDAN MARKLEY

The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth, recently installed Rector at Christ Church Fox Chapel, took a unique road to arrive at his new parish. Looking back, he sees the Holy Spirit’s hand at work in small graces, desires placed in his heart and coincidences. The conjunction of these things led him and his wife, Kat, to move their family from London to the small parish north of the Allegheny earlier this year.


n Englishman by birth, Alex has always been fascinated by America. Growing up, he slept with an American flag over his bed and looked forward to new episodes of The A-Team and Knight Rider fresh from the states. As he grew older, and especially after he was ordained, he became increasingly interested in the life of the American church. 10


Summer 2014

“Here,” he said. “It is much more possible to be evangelical and have a connection to heritage. It’s much more possible to do traditional church and believe in Jesus. It’s harder in England.” As he read about the Anglican renewal underway in America, he became increasingly interested in the

possibility of ministering here. What’s more, Alex’s wife Kat is an American and their children, Hannah and Ben, are dual citizens. Both parents felt that their children should experience life in America and the UK. So Alex placed a call. He was hoping to find a website or book to read about continuing his ordained ministry here, but because he called the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, he ended up on the phone with Canon Mary. “We just hit it off immediately,” Alex said. A few weeks later, Canon Mary called back to invite him to have a pint with Archbishop Duncan in London. The two men sensed an instant connection as they discussed theology, but looking back, Alex recalls another key thing about that first meeting. “His Grace talked a lot about ‘How’s your family? How’s your ministry? How would they feel about you making a move like this? How has your ministry impacted them? What costs have there been?’ and I thought, ‘This is really something else’ because Bishops in England are really concerned but it’s not that codified, it’s not one of the big things that they ask.’” The bishop also mentioned a “small church in the hills” at that meeting. A few months later, Alex agreed to visit that church, still viewing the expedition as a fact finding venture. “The reality was it was like a blind date,” Alex recalls. “We had been match-made by Canon Mary. They knew full well that they hadn’t chosen me and I knew that I hadn’t chosen them, so we were able to have a straightforward conversation.” It wasn’t long after that first trip that Alex and Kat made their decision to move to Fox Chapel, the parish they now love and serve. Alex was a lawyer before entering ordained ministry, and he usually speaks in a thoughtful, measured cadence. But he’s also burgeoning with energy and he ignites when you ask him about his hopes for Christ Church (or Liverpool’s recent, second place finish in the Premier League).

Bible that they read. And that’s it,” said Alex. “I just want to get them attached to Jesus. Get them in the Word and filled with the Spirit. That is my plan. I want to paint the nursery pink, but other than that…” It’s that desire, a yearning to see his parishioners “become vulnerable and honest and to shine and invite people to experience the sanctifying grace of the Holy Spirit,” that led him to preach on the City on a Hill passage in Matthew during his first two Sundays. Now, he and his parishioners are working through a sermon series on the early Church entitled Radical Acts. The series centers on God’s vision for the life of the Church, and particularly how that vision outshines anything that the Church, its leaders and its members, are capable of apart from the Spirit’s power. Like his call to Christ Church, that power has manifested itself in a host of small graces. Since taking on his new role, Alex has found support in the everyday love of his parishioners and vestry. His family was warmly greeted by the congregation upon arrival, when parishioners picked them up from the airport, stocked their fridge, and ran a Union Jack up the flag pole at the parsonage (just below the American flag). Christ Church’s grounds have been a comfort during long days at the office as well. The campus it shares with Fox Chapel Country Day School is nestled in lush countryside. The wooded expanse has become a daily source of rest and renewal for the rector, who was raised in rural Devon, a county in the Southwest of England that resembles the countryside around Pittsburgh. Most weekdays he picks up his children from their school next door at three and they venture into the woods to climb trees, run and explore the grounds. “There’s loads of energy until about three in the afternoon,” Alex said. “So we play in the woods, like beasts.” Refreshed and reenergized, he returns to his work, visiting the parishioners he has come to love, working on his sermon for the next week and praying that his parishioners would stay hungry for the grace and peace of Christ. n

“I just want to get the bible open, in their hands. I want everyone to have a wobbly, expensive, leather

Summer 2014



Archbishop Duncan Visits T



Summer 2014

Trinity Beaver’s Easter Vigil

Summer 2014






Abundant Love – God’s Style

A Chicago Holy Week Rt. Rev. Francis Lyons Chicago, IL — Bishop Frank and Shawnee Lyons traveled to Chicago to celebrate Holy Week with the Saint John the Baptist Deanery churches. All eight churches in the Chicago area were visited from the eve of Palm Sunday through Resurrection Day. A special celebration of note was the Seder celebrated on Holy Monday at Resurrection, West Chicago, where Dean George Koch led an enthusiastic congregation in a pre-Triduum meditation. Fr Koch grew up in the Christian church and has been an Anglican pastor for some 20 years, but eight years ago he learned that his family secretly had Jewish ancestors. His understanding of the Christian faith was totally reoriented by the examination of his Hebrew roots. The Passover Seder is the annual celebration of God’s act to rescue the Jews from Egypt. Jesus fulfills the Passover effecting our spiritual rescue from sin and death as he is lifted up on the cross. Renewal of Clergy vows took place at the Deanery celebration on Maundy Thursday in Wheaton. Confirmations were celebrated at Church of the Savior and Church of the Great Shepherd, both in Wheaton, on the Palm Sunday weekend. n 14


Summer 2014

Marysville, CA — Last summer, Trinity Anglican Church in Yuba City, CA, purchased and began renovating a 60-yearold building in Marysville, the city next door. Remodeling the building, an old social hall, was a major project for this church of 35 attendees. God blessed them with funds and donated materials, and the parishioners gave freely of their time, talent and treasure. Between hauling up bundles of shingles onto the roof, Father Victor Schreffler prayed over the houses around the church. People in the neighborhood began noticing changes in the building and expressing interest. “A roving group of boys stopped by on their bicycles and put their handprints in some fresh concrete,” said Deacon Sylvia Lamon. “They said they couldn’t wait to use our play equipment.” On December 8, Assistant Bishop Frank Lyons led the Dedication and Consecration Service. In his sermon, Bishop Frank challenged Trinity, telling them that a new church building was not to be a holy enclave, but a launching pad for ministering to the broader community; sharing Christ’s love and inviting people to be transformed. Trinity accepted the challenge. They began caroling in the neighborhood at Christmas. They hosted Friday Night Family Movies once a month and also felt a strong prompting by the Holy Spirit to begin an after school program. The program, Trinity Kids, offers nutritious snacks, art projects and a chance to sing with the praise band. Soon the children will be able to play outside on the new equipment. With the roof finished, Father Victor now takes prayer walks through the neighborhood. They have a healing ministry called Trinity Prayer Team, and God has blessed them with many physical healings. Attendance has doubled since 2012 and last month Trinity began training sessions with the International Association of Healing Rooms. Sylvia remarked, “Yes, God is truly blessing us at Trinity! A few new people have been coming each week, some from the neighborhood and some who have connections in the neighborhood. The one thing that visitors always say when attending our church for the first time is that they can feel God’s love in the worship and in the music, in our hugs, and in our smiles. It is tangible. I think that is what everyone is searching for in this world, God’s love!” n




Christ Redeemer Out-Grows Space Milwaukee, WI — On Sundays, Christ Redeemer Anglican Church had regularly met in the rehearsal space of Milwaukee’s Opera Company, the Florentine Opera. They had reached capacity and were very tight. The space was not the best for the children. But, the arrangement did allow them to share space with an institution working to better the neighborhood and the city of Milwaukee, and this was a key value. It also helped them meet Mario Constantini. Mario has helped transform the neighborhood Christ Redeemer calls home, Riverwest. He owns several other Milwaukee landmarks. A few months ago, Fr Tony Bleything ran into him while working at the local coffee shop (which began in the basement of Mario’s furniture company). Fr Tony mentioned jokingly that he should buy a building for them as they were running out of space at the Florentine. “Mario didn’t forget that conversation. Knowing we needed more space—and that we had a large number of small children—Mario asked his board to consider renting the Holton Youth Center to us on Sundays. Rather than having to buy a space now, he gave us the opportunity to become more native in our community,” says Fr Tony. From the beginning, Christ Reedemer strove to be a native, rooted, faithful, and beautiful community. They set out to grow amidst the community already native to Riverwest. They are rooted in the Anglican tradition, expressing their faith in all the richness that can be drawn from English Spirituality. They desire to be a faithful presence, embodying the works of Jesus, teaching the words of Jesus, and following the way of Jesus. Their prayer is that being native, rooted and faithful will manifest a beautiful presence. “Christ Redeemer is a little over one year old and we are beginning to see the fruit of our commitment to these values,” reports Fr Tony. The Holton Youth Center houses three community organizations partnering to serve the underserved children and families in their neighborhood and the bordering neighborhood of Harambee. The Center will provide four times the space they used at no extra cost, and it connects them to three organizations that are integrated into the life of the city. Fr Tony said, “We weren’t looking for this space, but God desires his Kingdom to come in this neighborhood more than we do. Our job is to wait on him with confidence in his provision.” n

Summer 2014



“We Are Victorious” By The Rev. Paul Cooper, All Saints Anglican Church




friend of mine got me started running a few years ago. Running was not easy for me. It wasn’t just the physical work that made it a struggle. It was a lifetime of shame and embarrassment arising from never being good at athletics. I had always felt unhappy with my weight and appearance and athletics and athletes intimidated The Rev. Cooper in Stride. me. In the early months, I only ran at night so that no one would see me, but I kept at it. It took months and months of work just to get to three miles, but three became five and five became ten. In May 2012, I completed my first half-marathon. Not long after that, I set my sights on completing the Pittsburgh Marathon, a 26.2 mile trek. In the myth story of the first marathon, a man named Pheidippides ran across the Greek peninsula from Marathon to Athens. He was carrying news of a great military battle with the Persians. Upon arrival Pheidippides died, but just before he passed he shouted “nenikekamen!” (νενικeκαμεν!), which means “we are victorious!” I have prayed more while running these past few years than I have ever prayed in my life. The months leading up to the Pittsburgh Marathon were no exception. The winter weather, coupled with aches and pains, had me questioning the sanity of it all. But on Sunday, May 4, I completed the Pittsburgh Marathon! When I finished my marathon, I didn’t have much energy left to shout anything, but I knew a victory had taken place. Many people ask how this transformation happened and I tell them that it was the support and care of friends that made it work. A friend taking me to the shoe store, companionship during training, interested 16


Summer 2014

The priest’s host used at All Saints.

friends to text my latest mileage. It was love and encouragement and a new community that made the victory possible. As a priest, I declare another, greater victory each week while presiding at the Lord’s Table. Paul Cooper joined by Joe Holleran and Ian Finney. At All Saints, we use a stylized priest’s host every week. On it, it has the Greek letters: IC XC NI KA, which is a Christogram that means IC – Jesus, XC – Christ, NIKA – Victor. More than any small accomplishment, more than any great physical performance, more than any distance run – the real victory in my life is that while I was a lost sinner, Jesus came and saved me. His is the triumph and victory alone. Alleluia. n

St. Stephen’s Young Adults Run Marathon for ARDF


housands lined the streets of Pittsburgh May 4 to cheer on runners in the Pittsburgh Marathon. Among the more than 23,000 runners who poured out of the Liberty Avenue starting line were five young men and women from St. Stephen’s in Sewickley. Like the rest of the runners, they set their minds on completing the grueling, hilly course that winds through downtown, around the Northside, along Carson Street and up into the furthest reaches of Highland Park and Point Breeze. They had another goal as well: to start an annual fundraiser for the Anglican Relief and Development Fund (ARDF) that would one day draw involvement from parishes across Pittsburgh. The Anglican Relief and Development Fund, which is based in Ambridge, is the international charitable arm of the Anglican Church in North America and works to improve the lives of people living in the Global South by supporting sustainable community development projects implemented by local churches. The young adults at St. Stephen’s raised money by reaching out to friends, family and parishioners, asking for contributions to support ARDF’s work in the South Sudan. In a country where access to education is limited, especially for women, the ARDF is partner-

ing with the Anglican Diocese of Aweil and Abyei to construct the first phase of a girls’ secondary school for 320 students. The project includes a dormitory that will provide 40 students with affordable and safe accommodations. Steve Palmer, assistant pastor at St. Stephen’s, organized and ran in the event. Standing on the Rachel Carson Bridge before the early morning start, he spoke about the group’s goals in this inaugural running of the marathon for ARDF. “We wanted to come out today as the young adults of St. Stephen’s to run for the ARDF project in South Sudan,” Steve said. “It seemed like a really good way for us as young adults to get involved in international mission.”

Melissa Fann, Olivia Forish, Todd Murden and Kevin McMillan. Charles Treichler, communication manager at ARDF said their efforts demonstrate just how effective a small step can be at empowering our brothers and sisters in the developing world. “Global poverty and suffering can seem overwhelming, and we often think it’s impossible to really make a difference, but the team from St. Stephen’s showed us that with a little creativity, you can transform lives in South Sudan without ever leaving Pittsburgh,” said Charlie. “We are so excited to partner with St. Stephen’s again next year. We are hoping to get more churches from the diocese involved, so we can transform even more lives around the world.” n

Steve was joined by four members of the young adult group,

Summer 2014



Scenes from the Li

Archbishop at GAFCON Leadership Meeting, London April 2012

Bishop Stewart Ruch consecration, Wheaton IL Sept 2013

Archbishop at The Woodlands, TX - consecration of Bishop Clark Lowenfield

Archbishop Presiding at Assem

The Bishop After Receiving His Steelers Stole

The Bishop Preparing for

The Blessing of



Summer 2014

fe of An Archbishop

mbly 2012 in Ridgecrest, NC

At Rejoice New England in Boston

At St. Stephens

a Service at St. Stephens

Pittsburgh 2013

Laughing at Assembly 2012

With Archbishop George Carey, former Archbishop of Canterbury

With Bishop Mark Zimmerman (formerly Somerset PA)

Summer 2014




Alive in Christ Update from the Women Alive in Christ March Retreat


ixty-two women attended the Women Alive in Christ March retreat. They came from 20 different parishes, and included two sets of sisters, one motherdaughter duo, clergy, and clergy spouses. Erika Moore, professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Trinity School for Ministry, taught on the book of Ruth. Moore explained that the book of Ruth addresses the questions “Is God good?” and “Can we trust Him?” She opened by describing the rich, historical and cultural context that sets the stage for the book of Ruth. She then taught through each chapter, shedding light on details hidden within the original Hebrew, development in the main characters throughout the story and signs of the providence of God as demonstrated through the lives of Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz. Moore challenged retreat attendees to encounter the story’s message that God is good, that He can



Summer 2014

Moore. For me her combination of knowledge of the Hebrew language, of the Old Testament context of Ruth, and of the Hebrew narrative techniques of the book itself enriched my understanding, and her application of its teachings to our lives added a spiritual dimension I am still reflecting upon.”

be trusted with all our lives, and that He is working out His purposes both now and in the future. “I loved being with women from different churches, many of whom I did not know,” said Peggy Noll. “I was especially grateful for the teaching on Ruth by Dr. Erika

Shannon Sims led the worship music with skill and beauty. Attendees said the praises sounded as if they were being sung by a harmonizing choir. A prayer station was offered, and for an hour and a half there was a waiting line as more and more women came for prayer. Baskets were also available to receive written prayer requests. The leadership team is still lifting up these prayers to the Lord. The downtime at the retreat provided a source of encouragement as well.

Have You Read Your Bible Today?

As sisters and brothers in Christ we trust in the Holy Spirit living within us. Thus as we care for one another we are called to pray for one another. But within us, “the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.” Romans 8:26

By Jolene Belferman


Fred Carlson


n the book of Second Peter, the apostle addresses Christians longing for the second coming and beset by false teachers. In his greeting, Peter writes, “May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord” (2 Peter 1:2 ESV).

“I loved watching others in fellowship, enjoying themselves and resting with sisters in Christ” said Diane Babcock. “During the breaks and times of fellowship, women were knitting, crocheting, doing needlepoint, creating their own manicure spa! They were catching up on church and family events, praying, hugging, and laughing!”

Where do we go to find knowledge that multiplies grace and peace? The Bible Literacy Task Force believes this knowledge is encountered by reading God’s Word daily. The rock of scripture gives Christians a solid place to stand in the midst of the blowing winds of errant ideas and false claims to truth. We all experience doubts, fears and anxieties that challenge our faith. Just as Peter’s words spoke to the Christians of his day, they remind us of God’s great blessings, grace and peace, which are found in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.

The next retreat, slated for the weekend of August 1-2, will feature Ken Bailey as the keynote speaker. n

Women Alive in Christ

of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh

24-Hour Women’s Retreat

The great blessing of grace and peace are also multiplied in us. It’s not just a one-time gift – it’s a gift that multiplies as our needs increase! We find that the love of the Word of God, as shown in daily Bible reading, prepares the hearts of believers. This knowledge of God, of His grace and peace, bears fruit in all our other life tasks. It results in a life transformed.

The Rev. Dr. Kenneth Bailey Retreat Leader

Jesus as Theologian Friday, August 1, 2014, 7:30pm to Saturday, August 2, 2014, 7:30pm. What: Time to Relax, Refresh and Refocus When: Friday August 1 to Saturday 2, 2014 7:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., 24-hours

Have you read your Bible today? We are praying that the answer is yes! Dearly Beloved, keep your Bible near and read it daily, for as God told Isaiah, “All things will pass away, but the word of God stands forever” (Isaiah 40:8 ESV). n

Where: Gilmary Center/ Maronda Foundation 601 Flaugherty Run Road Coraopolis, Pa 15108 Cost: $95.00 for room, 1 night, 3 meals, & spiritual refreshment!

Summer 2014



Diocesan Calendar J UN E - A U G U S T 2 014 June

Jun 22 Provincial Service of Thanksgiving, Ascension, Oakland, 3:30 p.m.


Jun 7 Ordinations to the Diaconate, Grace Anglican Church, Slippery Rock, 10:00 a.m.

Jun 24 Provincial Council

Diocesan Office continues summer hours: Closing at 1:00 p.m. on Fridays

Jun 7 Bishop Lamido Seminar: The Characteristics of a Biblically Heathy Church: an Imperative for Growth, St. James Church, 501 Jefferson Road, Pittsburgh, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Jun 8 Bishop Lyons annual visit to Epiphany Anglican Fellowship, Indiana, PA Jun 11 Commission on Ministry meeting, One Allegheny Square, Suite 650, 3:00 p.m. Jun 15 Bishop Lyons visits Trinity, Washington, PA Jun 20-21 College of Bishops

Jun 25-28 Provincial Assembly, St. Vincent College, Latrobe, PA Jun 29 Bishop Lyons annual visit to St. Elizabeth, Bridgeville, PA

July July 1 Diocesan Office begins summer hours: Closing at 1:00 p.m. on Fridays

Aug 15-17 Three Rivers Festival of Hope with Franklin Graham, CONSOL Energy Center, Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh Archbishop Duncan will be on sabbatical July, August, September and October. There will be no conformation visitations from July through the end of October.

July 4 Diocesan Office closed for Independence Day

MINISTRY MILESTONES n The Rev. Larry Knotts began serving as Interim Rector at Somerset Anglican Fellowship on January 5, 2014.

n The Rev. Dean K. Kellerhouse

transferred to the ecclesiastical authority of the Armed Forces & Chaplaincy Network, CANA on January 13, 2014.

n The Rev. Livingston T. Merchant, Jr. transferred to the ecclesiastical authority of the Catholic Church on March 2, 2014.

n The Rev. Jonathan Edward

Warren, The Rev. Lutitia (Tish) Harrison Warren and The Rev. Thomas Arthur Russell were ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Duncan on March 22, 2014.

n The Rev. Dr. Richard Scott Hartley was ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Duncan on March 25, 2014.

n The Rev. Bradley Allen Taylor

n Benjamin Paul Jefferies was

ordained to the transitional diaconate by Archbishop Duncan on March 26, 2014.

n The Rev. Diana M. Gorgos was

licensed on April 1, 2014. She is a member of the clergy of the Anglican Church of Kenya.

n The Rev. Jonathan Daniel

Hunnicutt transferred to the Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others on April 1, 2014.

n The Rev. David Marlin Browning

was ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Robert Duncan on April 9, 2014.

n The Rev. Carl Earnest Johnson III

transferred to the Diocese of Cascadia on April 23, 2014.

n James Wayne Chester was ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Robert Duncan on May 25, 2014.

n Deacon Juliet Wabire was ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Robert Duncan on behalf of Bishop Patrick Gidudu of Mbale Diocese, Uganda.

n The Rev. Mike McGhee married

Megan Edmister on May 11, 2014.

n Eric Michael Rodes, Charlie

Treichler and Joseph Gerald Gasbarre were ordained to the transitional diaconate by Archbishop Duncan on June 7, 2014.

n Gregory Scott Mcbrayer was

ordained to the vocational diaconate by Archbishop Duncan on June 7, 2014.

Editor’s Note: Has your congregation seen a change in ministry leadership, or has a member of your church’s staff reached a personal or professional milestone in the last few months? If so, let us know, and we’ll be happy to consider including them in future “ministry milestones” columns. Please send information to Jordan Markley at:, or call Jordan at 412-281-6131.

transferred in from the Diocese of Bolivia on March 16, 2014.

Extra Mile Donors Mr. & Mrs. Oke Abaraoha Jerry K. Barth Guido & Ellen Cappelli Christ Episcopal Church, New Brighton Christ Our Hope, Natrona Heights Christ’s Church, Greensburg Joann Claditis



Summer 2014

The Rev. & Mrs. John T. Cruikshank Al & Barbara Deynzer Diane & David Edelstein Epiphany Anglican Fellowship, Ligonier John Fuja Steve & Janice Gooder Mr. William M. Gorman

Mr. John Green John & Karen Kapel Leigh Lewis Luke Maddox Clyde McLane, Jr. Chuck & Barbara McMillen John Miles Lt. Col. Maynard G. & Mary A. Moody Jan Nehilla Catherine Parham Suzanne Perkins Carole Popp

Benuel Post Prince of Peace Church, Hopewell Robert A. Schoyer Barbara Simpson Mrs. Patricia Slavishak Donald Smith St. Luke’s Anglican Church, Georgetown Cynthia Waisner Anne Walker John R. Wilson

What is God Putting on Your To-Do List? By


Rev. Canon Mary Maggard Hays, Canon

to the



hat’s the title of a recent blog entry by Bob wrong with such lists, except that they might fall Logan. As helpful as Bob’s suggestions are, it far short of God’s goals and desires for me. So is the title itself that has captured my attennudged by Bob’s blog, I have begun to ask, or tion. “What is God putting on your to-do list?” more accurately, to pray: What do You want on That’s the question I’ve been hearing several times my to-do list, God? What part of your agenda am a day, because I haven’t deleted the blog from my I missing? What things on my list are superfluous? inbox. So each time I look at email, Maybe my lists won’t end up lookthe question catches my eye. And ing very different. Or maybe they each time I see it, I stop and won“WHAT is God will change a lot. Either way, I have der: “WHAT is God putting on my a hunch that God will use this exerputting on my to-do list?” and “What is GOD putcise to shape me more fully into ting on my to-do list?” the person He’s called me to be. to-do list?” and I have a lot of to-do lists. I carry “What is GOD And I’ve also been wondering one around on a legal pad at the whether our congregations might putting on my Diocesan office. It’s full of people ask the same question of themto-do list?” to contact and tasks to do. On my selves. “What is God putting on our computer are several lists of “house corporate to-do list? We do a lot tasks” (always ready to be sent to my husband of good things together; and we’ve got some great or kids—so that they can help!). In my journal are plans for the future, but: What does God want on several other to-do lists – spiritual, personal and our to-do list?” professional goals, along with associated tasks to So, what is God putting on your to-do list? On your accomplish them. And of course, shopping lists are own and on your congregation’s? n yet another kind of to-do’s. But Bob’s question has Faithfully, made me stop and ask: What is God putting on my to-do list? Most of my to-do lists are catalogs of desires or worries, translated into action. There is nothing

Diocese of Pittsburgh Welcomes New Director of Communications


he Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh has a new Director of Communications. Jordan Markley recently graduated from the University of South Carolina with a Masters in English. He joined the Diocesan staff in May. A Grove City College Graduate, Jordan is returning to Pittsburgh after a two year stay in Columbia, SC. If you have a press or communications related question, you can reach him at or by calling (412) 281-6131 x135. n

Summer 2014




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A Letter from the Diocesan Board of Trustees Capital Needs and Planned Giving Committee


he Capital Needs and Planned Giving Committee is responsible for the redevelopment of the trust funds of the parishes and diocese. The committee, comprised of four parishioners, is engaged in an ongoing assessment of the capital needs of the diocese. They are also tasked with rebuilding the Growth Fund, Bishop’s Fund, Diocesan Emergency Fund, and other financial assets as directed.

The planned giving committee is comprised of four members: Shirley Fierro—Chair, Charlie Baldwin,

Jim Cunningham, and This committee is prepared to assist parishes in the areas of: Bequests, Grants from the Growth Fund and Mission Outreach. Its members are Shawn Reed committed to educating interested parishioners about procedures for making bequests to the parish or diocese and supporting planned giving and capital campaigns. If your parish is interested in learning more about the ways the committee can be of service, please contact The Reverend Donald Bushyager, Director of Administration & Finance for the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh at or by contacting the Diocesan Office: (412)-281-6131 and asking for Father Bushyager. n

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