TRINITY Late Pentecost 2015

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In This Issue... Vacation Bible School Photo Gallery Page 4

The Rev. Greg McBrayer: “On a Wing and a Prayer”

Ministry in the Arctic: an Interview with the Revs. Jared and Rebecca Osborn

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Late Pentecost 2015



A Family Resemblance By The Most Rev. Robert Wm. Duncan, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, Archbishop Emeritus of the Anglican Church in North America Beloved in the Lord, At the Pennsylvania Railroad Museum in Strasburg, Pennsylvania, there is a picture of my great, great grandfather. He is in a fiftieth anniversary photograph with the crew of the “John Bull,” which made its inaugural run in my hometown in 1831, initiating passenger rail service in our part of the world. It was easy for me to point him out to my grandchildren because he looked like my grandfather (his grandson) and shared facial features with me (his great, great grandson)! Genetics are strong forces within families. It is my observation that congregations also pass characteristics and vocations from generation to generation. Congregations that minister effectively with children in one era are often “wired” to do so in another, even if populations, ethnicities or social circumstances have changed. The “call” that God made in founding a congregation often remains that congregation’s call over many generations. Sometimes the ability to understand this “genetic code” has much to do with the revitalization of a congregation for a new day. Several months ago I asked one of our secondary school history teachers – also a transitional deacon of the diocese – to produce some Sunday bulletin inserts for local churches. Hopefully you will see these inserts as we celebrate our diocesan sesquicentennial this fall.1 Seven short essays describe our diocesan history from origins to the death of our first bishop. What is astounding about our early days is the extent to which what God called into existence then are things that remain hallmarks of our ministry and our mission now:

• Bedrock of the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer, and of the Faith once for all delivered. • Identity as a frontier people, with congregations facing wilderness challenges and prepared to experiment with wilderness solutions. • Recognition that Philadelphia values and culture are not Pittsburgh values and culture. • A readiness to look to the Early Church rather than recent history to answer questions. • An emphasis on missions and missionaries and on youth formation and ordained educators. • A balancing of evangelical and catholic expressions of worship, theology and practice. • Willingness both to stand for what is right – even to Civil War – and to make peace and focus on the future when war is ended. For the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh there is a strong family resemblance evident from generation to generation. Organizational “genetics” (which generally include vocation and giftings) share some similarities with biological genetics (which often include physical characteristics and capabilities). In all cases, we believe that God formed us for a purpose, wonderfully specialized and intended for the worship of Him and the blessing of others. Sin and mis-use are ever-present temptations in human and organizational life. These are a part of our story, too. Nevertheless, saved by Jesus we strive to be like Jesus. The challenge in everything, with the help of the Holy Spirit, is to be our self and our family at its best. This final thing, being ourselves at our best, is my prayer for each of us, for our congregations and for our diocese, in the years and generations ahead. Faithfully in Christ,

Bishop, Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh Archbishop Emeritus, Anglican Church in North America 1 The Sesquicentennial Bulletin Inserts can be found at www.pitanglican. org/history. The Rev. William Lytle of True Vine Mongahela and Rema Christian School is the author of the inserts.

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By The Most Rev. Robert Wm. Duncan, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, Archbishop Emeritus of the Anglican Church in North America

In This Issue...

On the Cover: A youth group from Christ Church Fox Chapel spent a June week in Louisiana assisting the Christian disaster relief organization called Friend Ships. More on page 7.

Editor Ian Mikrut


4 Children from Christ the Redeemer (Canonsburg), St. Alban’s Church (Murrysville), Shepherd’s Heart (Pittsburgh) and Trinity Church (Washington) enjoyed their week of faith, fun and learning during vacation bible school week.

The Rev. Greg McBrayer is moving from Robinson to Texas with 650 other American Airlines workers, and he’s taking his Monday Ministry with him.

15 The Revs. Jared and Rebecca Osborn share details of their move to Canada and future with the Diocese of the Arctic.

FEATURES 4 • Vacation Bible School Programs

7 • Friend Ships Mission Trip by The Rev. Tracey Russell 8 • On a Wing and a Prayer by Ian Mikrut 11 • New Church Forming at Penn State by the Rev. Mike Niebauer 13 • Reach Mission Trips: Serving families in need through youth ministry by Dr. Judith Taylor

Communications Director Ian Mikrut

18 • The Domestic Church: Family Catechesis in Contemporary Society by Tripp Prince 19 • Women’s Blessing, July 18, 2015 by Marian Kreithen 20 • “In the hearts of all who are skillful I have put skill...” the Rev. Karen Stevenson 21 • Bringing the Bible to Life: BLTF Sponsors its Second Bible Teaching Training Day By Fred Carlson of the BLTF 22 • Clergy Milestones | Diocesan Calendar 24 • “Reach for the Harvest” to raise $14 million for Trinity School for Ministry by the Rev. Christopher Klukas

EDITORIALS 2 • On the Sure Foundation: A Family Resemblance The Most Rev. Robert Wm. Duncan, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, Archbishop Emeritus of the Anglican Church in North America 23 • Extravagant Love: A Glorious Future The Rev. Canon Mary Maggard Hays

Corrections: In the ARDF article in the Pentecost 2015 issue of TRINITY a quote was mistakenly attributed to the Rev. Steve Palmer. It should have been attributed to the Rev. Sean Norris.

Contributors Fred Carlson Chris Klukas Marian Kreithen Mike Niebauer Sarah Norris Tripp Prince Tracey Russell Karen Stevenson Judith Taylor Charles Treichler CONTACT INFORMATION

14 • Cham’s Story by the Rev. Charles Treichler

Columnists Archbishop Robert Duncan Canon Mary Maggard Hays

12 • SAMS-USA Climbs Kilimanjaro for a Global Vision by Sarah Norris

16 • Ministry in the Arctic: An Interview with the Revs. Jared and Rebecca Osborn

Design Kostilnik & Associates Graphics, Inc.

Phone: (412) 281-6131 Email: Web site: Fax: (412) 322-4505 SUBMISSION INFORMATION Fax: (412) 322-4505 TRINITY is a quarterly publication of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. Submissions for the next issue of Trinity must arrive at the diocesan offices by November 15 to be considered for publication. Documents that are not created in MS Word should be sent as text documents. Photos should be minimum 300 dpi and include photo credit when necessary. If physical photos are sent and must be returned they must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proprietary information on the back of each photo.

Late Pentecost 2015


Vacation Bible School Programs Children from across the diocese participated in this year’s vacation bible school program across the various congregations that participated. Photo credits – Above: Terra Elsberry, Christ the Redeemer (Canonsburg). Below: Diane Kaufmann, St. Alban’s Church (Murrysville)/Shepherd’s Heart (Pittsburgh). Right: Ian Mikrut, Trinity Church (Washington).

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Late Pentecost 2015


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Friend Ships Mission Trip

The Rev. Tracey Russell, Christ Church Fox Chapel


raving 90 degree temperatures and Louisiana humidity, 17 teenagers and six adults from Christ Church Fox Chapel spent a week assisting the Christian disaster relief organization called Friend Ships this past June. Friend Ships sends ships stocked with emergency housing, food, clothing and medical supplies to areas hit by natural disasters or war. The team from CCFC helped pack clothing for the next mission, cleaned a WWII ship and helped build crew housing among other duties. Housing was provided on ship, as the team became part of the crew for a week, joining them for meals, Bible study and worship. The young people felt God’s presence in a new way during the mission. Summing up the experience of many on the team, one young woman said, “I felt God shielding me here, so I could do things I could never do before. I could do the work they were asking me to do.” n

Late Pentecost 2015


On a Wing and a

PRAYER By Ian Mikrut

The Rev. Greg McBrayer has been blessed with a great deal of energy. Along with pastoral duties as an assistant priest at Prince of Peace (Hopewell), which has included extensive involvement in outreach and addiction recovery counseling, Greg is also a licensed flight controller for US Airways, now American Airlines. 8 | TRINITY Late Pentecost 2015


he role of a flight controller is to stay in contact with every flight and pilot; to build flight plans and provide flight crews with all pertinent pre and in-flight information, to monitor all airport and in-route weather conditions, do fuel and payload planning and see that numerous other company and FAA required flight safety regulations are being adhered to.

On any given workday in the last four years, Greg would begin at 2:30 a.m. with disciplined prayer and time spent with the Lord before heading into work for his 4 a.m. shift at the Operations Control Center adjacent to the airport in Moon Township.

Every Monday, on his “off” day, Greg led a ministry he planted called the “Monday Ministry” held at the Ops Control Center. This Center oversaw all US Airways flights domestically and worldwide and housed almost 600 of Greg’s coworkers - 180 of which performed the same FAA licensed duties he does. “It’s been a great opportunity. We’ve brought numerous people into relationships with the Lord through this ministry in a secular work place, which in itself is truly amazing in this day and time,” says Greg. “It’s only by God’s grace, that He aligned US Airways people to say yes to this ministry and He continues to do so. He continues to affirm in me and senior management the need for ministry within this very stressful profession.” At first, Greg just envisioned bringing a gospel teaching ministry with open prayer to a handful of colleagues who were interested. But before long the ministry began to grow into a structured worship service. Eventually the last Monday of the month became “Meal Monday”. The potluck meal, provided by worshipers, took place before the service began and was an attraction that brought in additional new people. Greg began to realize that the Lord had more than a Bible study in His plan for the Monday Ministry. “He had something much different in mind that evolved over a four year period into a regular, full blown mission church plant which the company’s leadership has fully endorsed.” Sacramental ministry was later incorporated into the first Monday of every month

with an abbreviated Eucharist service. Though the ministry is in the structured worship of the Anglican tradition, Greg describes the Monday Ministry as a multidenominational fellowship. Numerous other traditions are represented weekly by those in attendance. As his ministry continued to grow, Greg invited some retired Anglican and a Lutheran pastor he once served with to join him. Before long they were allowed to come in and help him facilitate. People and lay leaders from other traditions found a new joy worshipping together in the Anglican liturgy and it brought a desired structure to many new believers for the first time. Greg believes the Monday Ministry has been successful in large part due to the transformations the Lord brought to his own life, which his fellow employees witnessed developing daily over the years. “The beauty of it is, God chose and raised up one of their very own, and these people could see the transformation take place in my life after coming to Christ,” says Greg. Greg grew up about an hour from Atlanta and has worked in the aviation industry his entire adult life. He started his career in Atlanta before becoming a flight controller in Winston-Salem, North Carolina with Piedmont Airlines. He’s been in Pittsburgh since 1989, when USAir purchased Piedmont. Greg was raised in the Episcopal Church, though he wasn’t extensively involved in church leadership until later in life. He went through what he calls a “difficult wilderness” in his personal life, struggling

with alcoholism. When his father died in 1999, he surrendered his life to the Lord. Greg describes God leading him to the rooms of AA, and AA leading him back to God and eventually into church leadership. He has also remained deeply involved with his ministry in addiction counseling and recovery. Greg first heard God’s call to ministry while in the Lutheran church where he served for many years. But eventually ordained ministry would lead him elsewhere. He became drawn to Anglicanism because of its deep roots in scripturebased teaching and liturgical worship. And through a divine meeting with an Anglican priest in a grocery store parking lot, Greg learned about Trinity School for Ministry. Just minutes from his home, he began seminary studies in 2011 and this past June, he was ordained to the priesthood. “I come to work every day as the pastor of this Ops Control Center, and people appreciate that. I wear the collar to work every day,” says Greg. “No matter what I do in ministry, I will always be a shepherd to these people, too.” During worship times on Monday, a corporate boardroom called the “situation room” – normally used for serious events, or critical meetings – was transformed into a church. A cross went up on the wall, chairs were aligned, a pulpit would be put in place and the Gospel proclaimed. “We turned it into a situation room for the Lord, where His Kingdom work can be carried out. And whenever His Kingdom work needs to be done, He always makes margin in the day for me to do it.” Continued on page 10)

Late Pentecost 2015


The metaphor for Greg’s dual duties at US Airways is not lost on him. “For the most part I’ve been moving people safely towards their final destination in one capacity or another all my life. Whether it was in an airplane or in their spiritual journey, my life has been devoted to helping move God’s people to their final destination and toward His heavenly kingdom,” he says. “And that’s why the Lord has placed me here, to help do just that. It’s been an incredible mission field and proves to continue to be.” But the future is uncertain. By the time this story is published, the Pittsburgh Flight Operations Control Center will have been closed as part of US Airways’ merger with American Airlines. A new and much larger facility has been constructed in Dallas, Texas taking over 300 jobs with it. About 300 people will be moving to Texas to continue their work, including Greg. More than 30 of those 300 actively worshipped with Greg in Pittsburgh and have now uprooted their lives to move halfway across the country causing a time of relative uncertainty, trauma and stress. But as always, Greg has stood confident in the words of his favorite verses from Proverbs 3:5-6, trusting fully in the Lord’s plan even when it is unknown. “This is the mission field where God has placed me and I honestly feel like it was for this moment in time in my life to help shepherd these people through the most traumatic event of their lives,” he says. “Most people, unlike me, haven’t had to move in this industry so this is a very traumatic, chaotic time in their lives and it’s a great opportunity obviously for the Lord to move into their lives.”

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Everything Greg had negotiated to bring ministry into the US Airways facility in Pittsburgh had to be renegotiated in Texas with American Airlines. The question for Greg is how and in what capacity his ministry can exist. With roughly 1200 employees, the new facility could help double the size of his ministry. “I honestly feel that in the bottom of my heart, my purpose on this Earth is for whatever God has planned to happen in Texas. And I don’t even know what that’s going to be yet.” Greg has been in touch with some Anglican churches in the Fort Worth area, but is prayerful that he may be able to evolve this present ministry into a full blown church plant. Already, in his discussions with American Airlines, it’s clear to him that airline leaders see the value in his work. Greg has been informed that the Monday Ministry will be able to continue, though the details haven’t been ironed out yet. He’s encouraged by the fact that management wants to evolve the ministry in a greater capacity there. The floor plans Greg has seen of the new building show a “prayer room” and ample unutilized meeting space capable of seating 50-75 people. “That tells me somebody down there knows that the Lord is needed in this new facility in Dallas.” With so much uncertainty still before him, Greg feels like one of the airplanes he’s helped guide for so many years, but he knows he’s not alone in his journey. “The Lord is in front of me doing that. I can only see as far as my eyes can see, and I can’t see to Texas,” he says. “When I get

to Texas He will reveal to me the next step and place the people in my path to help me and affirm His plan.” As always Greg moves forward with unwavering faith for whatever awaits him and his ministry efforts in Texas through American Airlines, trusting that when he’s dropped into a new community his work will continue to grow and be fruitful. “My concern is to just keep putting one foot in front of the other. God is calling me and my ministry to Texas so I plan to continue to faithfully follow Him until it is revealed.” Along with his continued role as a flight controller (which he hopes may continue to evolve into an exclusive corporate chaplaincy position) he wants to be involved in local congregational life. He also plans to continue his addiction counseling and rehabilitation work. If there’s not addiction treatment offered in Dallas where he’s placed, Greg will try and make it happen with God’s help. Greg McBrayer certainly has been blessed with a great deal of energy. “The Lord has used me, and my gift set is not that good… but God uses the gifts that we have in the community and circles in which he places us, God doesn’t call the qualified; he qualifies the called.” he says. “He redeemed, equipped and placed me in these circles to do the work of His Kingdom which is truly amazing to me when I think of where I came from and where I’ve been in my journey. All praise and glory be to Him!” n

New Church Forming at Penn State The Rev. Mike Niebauer

As a new congregation begins worshiping on campus, our hope is to build a support team of Penn State alumni in the Diocese of Pittsburgh.


am pleased to announce the beginnings of a new congregation forming in State College, as an outreach to Penn State students and the community. For the past eight years I have been starting a network of seven churches in the Chicago area, primarily reaching out to college students and twenty-somethings on the North Side of the city. This past August my wife Allison and I moved to State College, where Allison is pursuing a PhD in Rhetoric at Penn State. We are both deeply compelled to start a new network of congregations in Central Pennsylvania, starting with an outreach to Penn State University. The first congregation I started was an outreach on the campus of Northwestern University, my alma mater. I started as a laypastor, gathering students and sharing my vision for a church at Northwestern in which students had both full ownership of the congregation and full responsibility for reaching their friends who did not know Jesus Christ. After several years founding that congregation, I began to send out other lay-people and graduates to start new churches throughout Chicago, eventually helping to start seven new congregations reaching different Chicago neighborhoods. Over the past eight years, I have seen the Lord do incredible things through His Church in Chicago, and I have been enormously blessed to be a part His work.

Penn State is an incredibly important community to reach, and my hope is to send graduates to eventually start new congregations throughout the state and the region.

My parents are both Western Pennsylvania natives, and I am thrilled to be able to return to my hometown to begin a new network of congregations reaching the lost with the good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My vision is to start a new congregation in State College that can be a fountainhead for a network of new congregations throughout the area. I believe

If you, or someone you know, is interested in hearing more about helping this new work, please don’t hesitate to contact me at

This past year Allison and I have been developing new relationships with students and community members, sharing with them the good news of Jesus Christ and our vision for a church body transformed by Christ through meaningful worship and authentic community. This Fall we are beginning weekly Sunday worship, with the hope of continually building and growing this new congregation. As we continue, our hope is to gather a support team of Penn State alumni in the Diocese of Pittsburgh who are excited to see a new church in State College. The hope is that a support team could help: • Spread the word about our mission to Penn State. • Help connect us with incoming Penn State students from the Diocese. • Help build a financial support structure to undergird the ministry. • Pray for us, our students, our church and the Penn State campus.

I am delighted to be back in Pennsylvania and excited to see what the Lord has in store for us in State College! n Late Pentecost 2015



Climbs Kilimanjaro for a Global Vision Sarah Norris


ext year will mark 40 years since the founding of SAMSUSA. While SAMS’ purpose has always been to recruit, send and support Anglican missionaries to be witnesses and make disciples for Jesus Christ in fellowship with the Anglican Church, one of the biggest changes over the years has been where they do this. Originally named the South American Missionary Society (after the parent organization in the U.K.), they first only ministered in South America. Soon they felt God leading them beyond South America to places like the Caribbean, Spain and Africa. This required more discernment from the Board, but they eventually concluded that God was calling them to a global vision of ministry. Consequently, the name changed (though keeping the acronym “SAMS”) to the Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders.

are seeking God and following Him wherever in the world He leads on this ‘Pathway to a Global Vision.’” The proposal that the Board agreed upon was to send a team, including missionaries from three continents (Mike Miller from Honduras, Todd McGregor from Madagascar and Guy Benton from Cambodia), and two senders (Stewart Marlowe from North Carolina and John Bock from Texas), along with Rawn and President and Mission Director Stewart Wicker, on an expedition climbing the highest free-standing mountain in the world, Mount Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania. During their climb and preparation, for forty days leading up to their planned summit, they will be making a focused attempt to promote SAMS and their vision which is “to see the whole church take the whole Gospel to the whole world.”

Though they’ve done much since 2009 to notify people of this change in name and scope, many people—both within our Society and outside it—still think of the Society primarily as a South American mission agency.

“We ask that all in our Society be praying, thanking God for where we’ve been and seeking his Pathway to a Global Vision,” says Wicker.

“With our 40th anniversary approaching, we are bringing attention to the fact that SAMS is no longer just in South America,” says Jeff Rawn, SAMS Chairmen of the Board of Trustees. “We

Join SAMS-USA on the Pathway to a Global Vision. Go to for more information about how you can encourage, pray, and give. n

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Reach Mission Trips: serving families in need through youth ministry St. Peter’s (Uniontown) continual involvement with Reach Mission Trips helps junior high and high school youths connect with each other and Christ in positively impacting and helping their neighbors. Dr. Judith Taylor


t. Peter’s Anglican in Uniontown is a small parish, but for each of the last 17 years we have participated in domestic mission trips with our youth. We have formed teams of our parish youth & youth leaders, and prayerfully sent them off each year to a selected community in Pennsylvania or a nearby state to join up with hundreds of other mission minded youth groups. There they serve poor and disadvantaged families with home repairs, which were much needed but beyond the financial means of the homeowners. All of this domestic missionary work is coordinated and organized by a Christian organization called Reach Mission Trips. This Christian organization has its heart in the Bible and its boots on the ground. Their staff pulls together 300 to 450 “campers” of youth and adult volunteers from all denominations of churches and they operate the camps, organizing youth workers to serve “neighbors” in need. Equally important, they operate each work camp in ways to maximize the evangelization and rededication to Christ in each of the camp’s youth through the programs, lessons and entertainment at night and throughout their stay. The youth are well aware of themselves as doing God-inspired service for less fortunate persons and having fun with 300 to 450 other kids like themselves. All the while, they themselves are also being moved closer to God. So why do we at St. Peter’s keep going back? We have found that Reach Mission Trips is well organized, with excellent pre-camp preparation for our team. They provide an ideal framework for

any size of church to send a team, large or small, that will be part of a larger camp. A typical camp has 300 to 450 campers who live at a local high school, sleeping in the classrooms, attending devotions and programs in the gym and working in a crew to improve someone’s house. The minimum adult to youth ratio of the same gender is 1:4 and tends to be higher than that. The time spent apart from the world gives you time to spend with your youth for serious discussions, work and play. Young people who have finished sixth grade can go to a work-camp. It is often a time of increasing spiritual maturity and a good way to introduce unchurched youth to the Christian life. Part of the pre-camp organizing that Reach does is finding the homes that will be worked on in the vicinity of the school where you are staying. A crew of seven to ten people will be assigned to work on a house for five days. During that time the physical transformations are remarkable and include handicapped ramps, new decks, new roofs, new floors, fresh paint, drywall and insulation. More importantly our young people interact with the home owners, who are referred to as neighbors, and the neighbors see that there are good teenagers in the world who will raise the money to come and help them. At the worksite each day the crew has time for devotions which is led by the youth. Sweaty, dirty teenagers joining for prayer is a powerful testimony to the communities we serve. What about money? The cost per person is around $425 for your “luxurious” high school accommodations, meals, devotion guides and building materials. You also need to fund transportation costs, Wednesday evening’s meal and Wednesday afternoon’s entertainment. The furthest that we have travelled was to North Carolina, the closest was in 2001 when we hosted Reach in Uniontown. They have also been within our diocese to Newcastle, Butler and Elizabeth. The beauty of it all is that by design of Reach Work Camps, individual youths from even the smallest of parishes can have a significant impact upon their neighbors just as if those youths were part of the largest of mega-churches. Yet all the while, those who helped send them can see them return, moved and rededicated to be closer to Christ. You and your church, no matter how small or how large, can be part of it all too. No Excuses! For more information you can visit the Reach website at www. or phone them at 1-888-732-2492. Or call Judith Taylor at 724-438-8495: if you want we can speak to your congregation, youth group or vestry. To speak to St. Peter’s rector, Fr. John Cruikshank, call 724-438-7731. n Late Pentecost 2015


Cham Cham is a member of the Anglican Mother’s Union and received training at the Gambela Anglican Centre where Bishop Grant and Dr. Wendy LeMarquand serve as missionaries.

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am’s Story By The Rev. Charles Treichler


ham is a hero. An illiterate mother of 8 children whose husband was imprisoned during the most recent conflict in South Sudan, Cham devotes her “free time” to teaching women in rural villages basic family health and hygiene. She received her health training at the Gambela Anglican Centre (a project for which ARDF provided seedfunding) and has a passion to share these life-saving lessons with women living in surrounding villages. Cham has developed a fascinating and effective way of gathering women for these lessons. Using the ancient Ethiopian coffee ceremony, Cham begins to roast beans in the village center and prepare the coffee. “Women cannot resist coming near when I begin to make coffee,” Cham says with glee. “Even if they are not part of the group.” Then, when the

group has gathered, Cham begins her lesson using hand-drawn pictures so that the women—most of whom are completely illiterate—can understand. “Cham has a gift for mobilizing women,” says Rev. Durash, Education Coordinator at the Gambela Anglican Centre, “Because of her, many women are now coming to the church.” Cham also has a deep faith in Jesus. More clearly than many of the male pastors we spoke to, Cham articulated how Jesus’ death on the cross demonstrates God’s deep love for people, and desire to bring forgiveness and comfort. One evening Cham agreed to take our ARDF team to her small compound to meet her family. Thirteen people live in a house no bigger than 10 by 30 feet. She

offered us fresh mangos, soft drinks, and bottled water. Laughing in the soft evening light she shared her story. “I thank God because he has given me 8 children. My children know that I love them very much. They are happy that I work with the Mother’s Union and sometimes they say to me, ‘Go! Do the trainings.” Cham is the reason why aid is still worth believing in. By investing in passionate, local leaders like Cham, aid organizations can actually make a real, sustainable impact. And as Cham taught us, that kind of impact reflects the beautiful grace of Jesus Christ. Join ARDF in forming powerful partnerships at www.anglicnaid. net. n

Late Pentecost 2015


“Northern Canada is a unique place which we believe is a good fit for our gifts.”

Ministry in the


an Interview with the Revs. Jared and Rebecca Osborn

Conducted by the Rev. Christopher Klukas

On July 11, 2015 the Most Rev. Robert Duncan ordained Jared and Rebecca Osborn to the Diaconate. In August, their family moved to a city in the Arctic called Iqaluit, the largest city and territorial capital of the Canadian territory of Nunavut, to serve at St. Jude’s Cathedral in the Diocese of the Arctic.

Q. How did your call to the Arctic come about? A. As we finished our time at seminary, we were discerning where God might be calling us to do ministry together. Earlier in life, we had felt called to overseas mission work and we felt led to explore that possibility again. After considering several options, we were invited to attend a lunch presentation by a bishop from the Diocese of the Arctic in northern Canada. We hadn’t even heard of the Diocese of the Arctic, and we didn’t think we would be interested in serving there, but we were a little bit curious. After hearing stories from the bishop and two priests from the diocese, we decided to explore further. Over the next few months we had a few Skype conversations with the bishop and once with both bishops of the diocese. Each

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time, something that we had heard about caught our interest and stuck in our minds as we continued to pray and discern. We decided to visit the diocese and see it firsthand. We flew to Iqaluit and stayed there for about 3 weeks in January 2015.

Q. What excites you about this call? A. Northern Canada is a unique place which we believe is a good fit for our gifts. It will join our passion for cross-cultural ministry with our sense of calling to serve as ordained clergy in the Anglican Church. In addition, we are excited to come alongside the Inuit people and help train them for ministry in their own communities.

Q. What will you be doing in Iqaluit? A. We will have a dual role in Iqaluit. First, we will serve as assistant clergy at St. Jude’s Cathedral. The cathedral congregation has a large percentage of Inuit people and a small percentage of English speakers from all around the world. We will initially be working with the English speaking part of the congregation as we learn the Inuit culture and language. Second, we will be working with the Arthur Turner Training School, which is the diocesan clergy training school that provides training for Inuit lay leaders and future clergy. The school has been inactive for a few years, but the bishops’ vision is to relocate the school to Iqaluit and revitalize it through a partnership with Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge. We will be teaching and assisting at the school as needed and eventually working to integrate the students into the life of the cathedral.

Q. What is the culture like? A. Iqaluit is a city with a population of about 7,500 people. About 60% are Inuit. Most of the rest are from southern Canada, though there are residents from all around the world [Rebecca attended a women’s Bible study with women from 5 continents]. The Inuit people used to be semi-nomadic and traveled around the Arctic hunting and fishing in different areas. The traditional Inuit diet mostly consists of fish, seal and other meats such as caribou. Very few plants grow because of low temperatures and long winters. In the second half of the twentieth century, most Inuit settled in villages. Iqaluit is the capital of the Canadian territory of Nunavut and is the largest community in the territory. There are no roads connecting the communities, so travel between communities is by plane or snowmobile. Much of the food available in southern Canada or the U.S. is available in Iqaluit, but it must be flown in by plane which greatly increases its cost.

Q. What challenges will you face there? A. We will face the challenge of living in a new place with a new climate and a new culture. The Inuit are facing a challenge that many native peoples around the world face: to preserve their cultural heritage in the midst of a rapidly changing modern world. Many cope with their situation by turning to alcohol or drugs or by abusing others. Our challenge will be to come alongside them and understand their circumstances as best we can so that we can share the love of Jesus.

Q. How would you like the people of the Diocese of Pittsburgh to be praying for you?

A. Please pray that the Holy Spirit would guide and sustain us as we begin our ministry in Iqaluit. Pray that we would have eyes to see and ears to hear what God is doing around us so that we can join him in his work. Pray that our two daughters, Naomi (2 1/2) and Martha (4mo) would adjust to our new home and make new friends there.

Q. Will you have to learn a new language? A. Although we will initially be working with English speakers, we plan to learn the Inuit language, which is called Inuktitut. Although the Anglican Church has been active in reaching the Inuit for over 100 years, the Bible has only recently been translated into Inuktitut (New Testament completed in 1992; Old Testament completed in 2012). We eventually want to minister in Inuktitut and to help the Inuit make the most of this fairlynew Bible translation.

Bishop Duncan with the Rt. Rev. Darren McCartney, Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of the Arctic

Late Pentecost 2015


Anglican Family Symposium 2015

The Domestic Church: Family Catechesis in Contemporary Society By Tripp Prince

It has been broadly estimated that the average person has roughly seventy hours per week of discretionary time. In the church, our clergy, staff and lay leaders often spend the vast majority of their time focusing on the two or three hours someone spends with them in a worship service or bible study. At the same time, little to no thought is put into how they can support these same people in the meaningful and intentional use of the rest of their time.


or the church to thrive in the 21st century, we must boldly embrace the wholehearted pursuit of Christ in every area of our lives, and for the vast majority of Christians, this Kingdomminded living begins in the home with the family. While we should certainly affirm the importance of corporate worship and church programs, the pressing need for flourishing faith formation in the home should also be taken seriously. At a parish level, though at times unspoken, catechesis is typically viewed as an ecclesial activity, separated out from the vital efforts of formation within the family. The result has been, by and large, that parents often feel their duties in faith formation are little more than a liturgical formality. The real work has been done simply by bringing their child to the church to be made a Christian, with nothing else truly expected of them beyond this. At the most, they might be willing to bring their child to corporate worship on a semi-regular basis. Yet this again has the danger of putting the full weight of formation upon the church, to the exclusion of the family. A healthy way forward is not an “either-or” approach, but instead a robust embrace of formation in Eucharistic worship and domestic catechesis. If the church is to be truly renewed as it is nourished by the encounter of Christ in the Eucharist, it must also become a people whose domestic lives are transformed and renewed as a result of this divine encounter. This is, in fact, the very understanding that St. John Chrysostom had when he spoke of the family as the micra ecclesia, a “little church.” In Chrysostom, one actually sees a somewhat cyclical nature to this renewal, where domestic life is infused with the life of the liturgy. Yet the corporate family finds health and vitality from the renewing presence of the micra ecclesia. It is for this reason that he can say, not only that the family is a “little church,” but that “the Church is, as it were, a small household” (Homily 10 on First Timothy).

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Simply put, the renewal of the church must begin with the renewal of families as the primary means of discipleship, spiritual formation, and growth. Our parishes mustn’t understand “family ministry” simply as nurturing creative Sunday school programs or student ministries, vital as they may be. Instead, we must prayerfully seek new and creative ways to freshly embrace our role as catechists within our domestic churches.

Who: Clergy, catechists and lay leaders What: Anglican Family Symposium 2015 Theme: The Domestic Church: Family Catechesis in Contemporary Society When: October 15-17, 2015 Where: Christ Church, Plano, Texas Cost: $125 (church planter and group discounts available)

In October of this year, you are invited to join Anglican clergy and lay leaders from around the country for a focused conversation on how this formation can flourish within the family, and to discuss the corporate church’s role in supporting and encouraging families in this holy calling. This gathering will be highly interactive, examining various models of catechesis and formation, as well as the opportunities and challenges of family ministry in our contemporary context. The aim isn’t to simply create yet another conference or event, but to intentionally carve out space for active leaders in the area of family ministry to gather for meaningful networking, creative collaboration, resource sharing and inspiration.

Women Alive in Christ

Women’s Blessing, July 18, 2015 Marian Kreithen On behalf of the leadership team of Women Alive in Christ


o you keep a weekly Sabbath? No? Then you should have been at the most recent Women’s Blessing on July 18 when Mother Tracey Russell delivered a strong message about the wisdom and importance of a weekly Sabbath. In her talk, entitled “When We Can’t Even Get the Fun Stuff Right,” Mother Tracey convinced us of the need and feasibility of managing a busy schedule while obeying the fourth commandment in observing the Sabbath. With five children and her work as a priest, Mother Tracey understands a heavy workload,

For more information or to register, please visit AnglicanFamily. com. n

yet she and her husband, Father Jamey Russell, keep a weekly Sabbath. Mother Tracey reminded us that the first thing human beings did after being created on the sixth day was rest, along with God, on the seventh. Yet we seem to consider observance of the Sabbath to be the one commandment that it is acceptable to break. We need to be obedient and faithfully take our weekly vacation day with the Lord. Though her message was serious, Mother Tracey’s talk was fun, full of personal stories, humor and laughter. Many women in attendance said they were truly blessed. The fun continued during our lunch in the parish hall. Eighteen congregations, and the approximately 60 women who represented them, were introduced to the accompaniment of cheers, applause and laughter. Dessert was individual cupcakes large enough to feed a small family. As Women’s Blessings visit various congregations around the diocese, we begin

to see the spiritual wealth that surrounds us. It was a joy to meet in beautiful Christ Our Hope, Natrona Heights. We are grateful to Father John Bailey for letting us meet in his church, so filled with peace and light; to the Rev. Dr. Dan Crawford, who celebrated the Eucharist; and to the ladies of Christ Our Hope, who so graciously hosted us. May God bless them and all of us. The Rev. Dr. Ann Paton’s topic will be “Questions the Lord Asks,” when she leads our next 24-hour Women’s Retreat. (Did you know that in the Gospel of Mark, Jesus asks 61 questions?) The retreat will be October 2 and 3, 7:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., at Kearns Spirituality Center in Allison Park. You may call Cindy Thomas at 412-260-1509 for registration information. We hope to see you there. n Late Pentecost 2015


W “In the hearts of all who are skillful I have put skill…” Father-son duo from Trinity Church Washington start entrepreneurial dyed-yarn business, Meadowcroft Dyeworks The Rev. Karen Stevenson

Using their God-given gifts in art has been a central focus in the lives of Dave and Will Burrows. The father and son duo, owners of Meadowcroft Dyeworks, are each gifted artists. Dave’s training is in art education and he has worked as a potter for much of his adult life. Since retiring from pottery, he has worked as an electrician helping on the construction of the new Trinity Church building in Washington PA where he and Will eventually became members. Dave enjoys fiber work, sewing, collecting and tinkering with mid-century sewing machines, woodworking, coding in HTML and CSS, digital graphics and web design. 20 | TRINITY Late Pentecost 2015

ill is a student in Trinity School for Ministry and likes finding new uses for discarded things. He spends much of his spare time doing digital collage work, painting and found-objects assemblage sculptures. He is a painter and printmaker and designed the Story of God banners and the Sermon on the Mount mural at Trinity Church Washington, PA. Also a knitter and fine dyer, digital graphics are his favorite pastime. But it is their interest in knitting that is behind Meadowcroft Dyeworks. Taught to knit by his grandfather, Dave passed his passion on to Will. It was their interest in knitting and a visit to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival that set their new entrepreneurial venture in motion. At the festival they saw yarn being produced in fantastic colors, hand dyed or painted. These were in variegated colors which produced wonderful patterns when knitted. Excited by these colors, they began to try their hand at dying yarn. They started with cheap skeins of one color, over-dying to get the variegated patterns. To experiment on better quality of yarn they went to thrift stores and purchased inexpensive cashmere and silk sweaters, dismantled them and reclaimed the yarn. They designed and built the machine they used to un-ply the reclaimed yarn and ply it back again once it was dyed. Much of those early days were spent in experimentation until ultimately the desired outcome was achieved. Both Will and Dave love color and found interesting ways to develop the color schemes that have become the hallmark of their product. They began doing color studies, looking at the color schemes right around them: a photo of a splash of water; the colors of copper as it oxidizes, the colors found in the skin of an animal. These color studies lead to the interesting color combinations that sets their yarns apart. They were finally ready for white wool and purchased high quality yarns, set up their system of dyeing and Meadowcroft Dyeworks was up and running. They began to reach out to high end knitters who are looking for their particular kind of yarn. This meant photographing their yarns, designing a website, and making all the contacts in the wider knitting world. They learned what they did not know and worked together using their complementary gifts. Everything from the purchasing of the yarn for dyeing to the sending off of the final product to an eager customer is done in their home by these two artists. Both Dave and Will are committed to Christ and excited about what they are making and doing. Visit their website to see the results of their creative endeavor at n

Bringing the Bible to Life: BLTF Sponsors its Second Bible Teaching Training Day By Fred Carlson of the BLTF


he second Bible Teaching Training Day was presented by the Biblical Literacy Task Force on Saturday, May 30, 2015 at Saint Alban’s Anglican Church in Murrysville. Programs were presented to strengthen leadership in leading both adult Bible study and bringing Biblical literacy to Sunday school programming. Sherri Murray, Program Specialist for Scripture Union, also brought display materials relating to the E100 Essential Bible reading program and the Big Bible Challenge, a newer resource designed for family discipleship strengthening younger children. Saint Alban’s Education Director Diane Kaufmann, along with Sunday school teacher Kathy Pierce, presented a concise program on using the Henrietta Mears’ book “What the Bible is All About, for Young Explorers.” In their presentation, they explained how Saint Alban’s needed to overlay and replace other curriculum for three years to see benefits. The BLTF has been recommending this Sunday school curriculum for 6 years now, and Diane and Kathy outlined the steps needed to work the book and supplementary visual aids easily into middle, junior, and high school Sunday school classes. Saint Alban’s designed a “Solomon’s Cup” Jeopardy Programs were presented to style Bible quiz competition to break up the lessons to great success! The attendstrengthen leadership in leading ees learned that the Mears’ book brings the overall narrative of the Messiah Jesus described throughout the Bible into greater focus, in contrast with the frustration felt both adult Bible study and bringing with the story-style lectionary curriculum of most suppliers that never seems to tie together the big picture of the Bible for children. Biblical literacy to Sunday school


Kurt Dudt’s session geared for adults was entitled “Best Practices 2: Don’t Leave Out That Part!” Attendees dug deep into the story of Michal, who scripture states as the only woman “who loved a man (David).” Kurt once again showed that preparation and love of the Word can bring insights to all members of a study, whose members may range from very experienced to new Bible readers. This desire to get new and mature Bible readers together in study, and grow those studies throughout the Diocese, has also been part of the BLTF mission since 2009. Allie Overly used her “Granny AV aids” – her chart of the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of This World, to great effect (see Bishop Duncan’s ‘On The Sure Foundation’ from the Pentecost 2015 TRINITY Vol. 36, No. 2, for a similar lesson). This group called upon the Holy Spirit’s presence to help bring Allie’s thematic lesson to light. Allie presents similar studies to many grateful veterans at the VA facilities where she works with various chaplains in her ministry to VA patients. Fred Carlson led a series in the parish hall on how to use the Bible Worldview 7-lesson program that the BLTF crafted between 2009 and 2012. This series will once again be downloadable soon from the Diocese of Pittsburgh website. Break time afforded the chance to mingle with Sherri Murray of SU, and to browse the many Bible aids and recommended book resources leaders should use to strengthen their preparation for leading Bible group studies. The Bible 101 PowerPoint was shown and some examples described in the presentation (e.g. a Greek Bible and a Hebrew Bible) were on display. People were encouraged to take the Bible 101 PowerPoint and use it at their own parishes to bring more newbies to the regular Bible reading world. The morning concluded with everyone joining together hearts and minds to craft a sample lesson plan to teach Psalm 139. n

Late Pentecost 2015


Diocesan Calendar September through December 2015 September 2015 6 7 8 13 16-17 20

North Hills, Good Shepherd – Episcopal Visit Diocesan Office closed in observance of Labor Day Diocesan Council meets at the Diocesan Office, 1 Allegheny Square Harrisburg, Good Shepherd – Episcopal Visit Clergy Conference – Antiochian Village Georgetown, St. Luke’s – Episcopal Visit

October 2015

4 4 8 11 18 25

Mt. Washington, Grace – Episcopal Visit Pre-Convention Hearing – Greensburg, Christ’s Church 3pm Pre-Convention Hearing – Sewickley, St. Stephen’s Church 7pm Penn Hills, St. James – Episcopal Visit Monongahela, True Vine (AM) – Episcopal Visit Pittsburgh, Incarnation (PM) – Episcopal Visit Fayetteville Anglican, AR – Episcopal Visit

November 2015 1 6 7 8 9 15 21 22 26-27 29

Cranberry, All Saints (AM) – Episcopal Visit Beaver Falls, St. Andrew’s (PM) – Episcopal Visit Diocesan Convention Opening Eucharist & Dinner- St. Stephen’s, Sewickley 150th Annual Diocesan Convention – St. Stephen’s, Sewickley Murrysville, St. Alban’s – Episcopal Visit Diocesan Office closed – Post Convention staff holiday Beaver, Trinity (AM) – Episcopal Visit Uptown, Shepherd’s Heart (PM) – Episcopal Visit Bloomfield, Seeds of Hope (PM) – Episcopal Visit South Hills, Redeemer – Episcopal Visit Diocesan Office closed for Thanksgiving Holiday Brookline, Advent – Episcopal Visit

Extra Mile Donors: James & Christine Antis Guido A. Cappelli Bob Dismukes Joyce L. Lucarelli John Miles Catherine Parham Suzanne Perkins St. Peter’s Church, Uniontown Fr. William C. Thiele Cynthia Waisner John & Sara Woods $33,045.00 donated since November 2014

December 2015

1 13 20 24 25 28

Diocesan Council meets at the Diocesan Office, 1 Allegheny Square Patton, Trinity – Episcopal Visit Monroeville, St. Martin’s – Episcopal Visit Diocesan Office closed ½ day in observance of Christmas Eve Diocesan Office closed in observance of Christmas Day December 28 Diocesan Office closed continuing Christmas Holiday

Clergy Milestones n The Rev. Michael Todd Niebauer transferred in from the Anglican Diocese of the Upper Midwest on July 28, 2014.

n The Rev. Travis Spencer Hines transferred to Saint Bartholomew’s Church (Episcopal), Nashville, TN under Title III, Canon 6, Section 3 on January 17, 2015.

n The Rev. Richard P. Bates’ license was renewed effective February 1, 2015.

n The Rev. Canon Porter Case Taylor transferred in from the Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others on April 10, 2015.

n The Rev. James Calvin McCaskill transferred in from the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia on April 21, 2015. He will be serving at Church of Christ the King in Evanston, IL on June 7, 2015.

n The Rev. Chris and The Rev. Carrie Klukas began serving as Liturgical Assistants at Church of the Ascension, Oakland on June 1, 2015.

n Deacon April Morris was licensed to function as a deacon in the diocese on June 1, 2015.

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n Nancy Cain McCombe and Barbara L. Stang McMillen were ordained by Bishop Duncan to the vocational diaconate on June 6, 2015.

n William Adam Lytle and Ardath Louise Smith were ordained by Bishop Duncan to the transitional diaconate on June 6, 2015.

n The Rev. Greg Scott McBrayer was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Duncan on June 11, 2015.

n The Rev. Andrea Herlong Hale was ordained to the priesthood and Chance Andrew Perdue was ordained to the transitional diaconate by Bishop Robert Duncan on June 13, 2015.

n The Rev. William “Biff” Everett Carpenter was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Duncan on June 20, 2015.

n The Rev. Bill Starke began serving as Priest-in-charge at Somerset Anglican Fellowship on July 5, 2015.

n Jared David Osborn and Rebecca Hope Osborn were ordained by Bishop Duncan to the transitional diaconate on July 11, 2015.


A Glorious Future By The Rev. Canon Mary Maggard Hays, Canon to the Ordinary


ecently, I was complaining to God about my inability to trust Him in a particular area of my life. My words were full of frustration, halfway between a prayer and a whine: “Shouldn’t I have learned this lesson by now!?! After 60 plus years?!?” I could almost hear God chuckle in response, “You are going to live for eternity! What is 60 years compared to that!” Suitably chastised, I refocused my prayer, “Help me, Lord; I don’t want to stop learning; I want to be fully able to enter into and appreciate eternity.” A few weeks later, I told this story to a 30something colleague. His response, “Where does that leave me?! I am 30 years behind!” But of course, from the perspective of eternity, 30 years doesn’t look much different from 60. All of us have lots to learn – and lots to look forward to. The apostle Paul understood this. Over and over again, he challenged the Christians in his care to look forward, to push onward – because it was worth it. These Christians faced all kinds of trials and struggles: external (Jewish and Roman persecution – sometimes leading to death), internal (disagreement, conflict and sinful behavior within the Church) and personal (discouragement and fear). In the midst of all of this, Paul reminded them to see both their sorrows and their joys from the perspective of eternity. Consider what he said to the Corinthians:

things that are seen, but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. (II Cor. 4:17-18) And to the Romans: I consider the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. (Romans 8:18) And he told the Philippians that he counted everything as loss “because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus,” and urges them to follow his example: Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

his future was bright – however dark and discouraging his current circumstances. And he allowed his words and actions to be shaped by the glorious future, rather than by his imprisonments, shipwrecks, or imminent death. This year the Diocese of Pittsburgh is celebrating its 150th anniversary. We’ve faced many challenges and experienced many joys in those years. As we look back, it can be tempting to think that our “glory days” are behind us. But that is not God’s perspective. One hundred and fifty years (or 30 or 60) are just the beginning. We are being prepared for eternity, for glory. It is my hope that we will live this next year – and those after that – in light of this great truth. n

Paul was able to “press on” because he had learned to see his life (and the lives of his Christian brothers and sisters) from the perspective of eternity. He knew that

For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the

Late Pentecost 2015



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“Reach for the Harvest” to raise $14 million for Trinity School for Ministry By the Rev. Christopher Klukas During the commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 16, 2015, Trinity School for Ministry publically announced that they are in the midst of a campaign called “Reach for the Harvest” to raise $14 million for the school. The campaign addresses a range of needs for the seminary in four main categories: Formation in Community, Global Mission, Parish Resources and Media and Publishing. To date, Trinity has received pledges for more than $12.5 million and $8.8 Million of this has been donated. “Trinity School for Ministry stands at a very exciting moment in its history,” said the Very Rev. Dr. Justyn Terry, Dean and President of the seminary. “We are poised for a dramatic expansion, taking all that we have learned about forming Christian leaders for mission and offering it worldwide, helping us to be the global center for Christian formation that God is calling us to be.” A successful conclusion to the “Reach for the Harvest” campaign will allow Trinity School for Ministry to build a new Media Center for the development of resources for online education and the publication of teaching materials for churches, launch the new Spanish-language Postgraduate Diploma in Anglican Studies, publish Foundations for Christian Ministry (a new parish-based intensive curriculum for forming lay-leaders), maintain and improve the campus in Ambridge, PA and train future generations of leaders for

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the Church. More details about the campaign and a video overview can be found on the school’s website: The Very Rev. Dr. Peter Moore, honorary chair of the campaign, explained that the campaign will “extend the borders of Trinity well beyond Ambridge” through the new media and publication expansions, extension campuses and online courses. “Theological education and ministry formation in North America has suffered many discouragements in recent years,” said the Rev. Dr. Laurie Thompson, Trinity’s Dean of Advancement. “The Reach for the Harvest Campaign tackles the crisis and transforms crisis into opportunity. Justyn Terry and the board have offered an initiative that will build upon the solid faith and values begun by our founders in 1976 and help us to face into the challenges and opportunities on the horizon.” Trinity School for Ministry is an evangelical seminary in the Anglican tradition. Begun in 1976, the seminary has trained more than 1,100 graduates and many others who serve in ministries all over the world. As a global center for Christian formation, Trinity continues to produce outstanding leaders who can plant, renew, and grow churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ. n

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