TRINITY Lent 2014

Page 1

In This Issue... Sharing Hope Page 6

God’s Providence and in His Timing Page 12

A Passion for Mission Page 18

Coming Home By The Most Rev. Robert Wm. Duncan, Archbishop of the Anglican Church North America, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh

Beloved in the Lord:


The entire College of Bishops of the Anglican Church in North America will meet in conclave Nara and I have “rescued” another spaniel. His at Latrobe to elect the next Archbishop. At 3:30 name is Farquhar (“Farker”). We guess that he is p.m. on Sunday, June 22, 2014, the entire College about two years old. Coming home is an experiwill be present at Ascension Church Oakland for a ence with this new canine. He leaps and barks Service of Thanksgiving for the Anglican Diocese of and sings (“vocalizes”) in a way and to an extent Pittsburgh, recognizing the unparalthat none of our other dogs have leled contribution of our Diocese ever done. What is offered is an It is not too to the movement. I hope every enthusiastic, energetic and one-of-amuch of a stretch congregation will be represented kind greeting. There are lots of reaand that the nave will be packed. to say that sons why I am glad to come home: (Signify your plans to attend at: Farquhar is a new element in my the Anglican gladness. Church in North From Wednesday, June 25, to I love coming home. Whether the America was Saturday, June 28, more than one journey is across the globe, or across thousand Anglicans will gather at “born” here. the province, or across Southwestern Latrobe from all over the Province Pennsylvania, there is something and all over the world. I hope awesome about coming home, about returning to that many members of the Anglican Diocese of the place where my family is, where my roots are, Pittsburgh will be among them. In addition to where – more than in any other place – I belong. participants, we will welcome workers. (Register The Anglican Church in North America is “coming at\assembly2014.) A home” to the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh this massed choir will sing on Saturday. (To offer to June. It is not too much of a stretch to say that the help go to: Anglican Church in North America was “born” here. There will be worship, learning, networking, fellowBorn of the generation of leaders that were trained ship, refreshment and the joy of the Lord in what here at Trinity School, born of the missionary sociwe do. The theme is “Conversion, Compassion, eties that settled here, born of the vision that the Courage.” The stronger Pittsburgh’s presence, the region famous for steel might become even more better. Consider yourself invited. famous for God, born of the generosity of a diocese willing to share its leaders and its “grittiness” A huge crowd is “coming home.” Let’s each do with a movement called to bring reformation in the our part in the welcome. For the events at Thistle whole Christian Fellowship throughout the world. Hill (where Nara and I reside) I am sure that even Farquhar will do his part. In 2005 we welcomed Anglicans from all over the United States and Canada – and from all over the world – to an event we called “Hope and a Faithfully and Affectionately in Christ, Future.” [Jeremiah 29:11] Scores of Pittsburghers welcomed more than two thousand visitors here. Volunteers did hospitality and sang in a massed choir and took part in the event. Can we do it Bishop and Archbishop again? I am sure we can. I know we will. 2


Lent/Easter 2014

The Most Rev. Robert Wm. Duncan, Archbishop and Bishop


Heather D. Cronin


Kostilnik & Associates Graphics, Inc.


Archbishop Robert Duncan Assistant Bishop Francis Lyons Canon Mary Maggard Hays Jennifer W. Bartling


Heather D. Cronin Andrew Gross Diane E. Kaufmann Brian Taylor

Thousands faced the extreme weather in Washington, D.C. to attend the annual March for Life. This year, 11 Anglican bishops joined Anglicans for Life in the march, including Archbishop Robert Duncan..



Communications Director





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Heather D. Cronin (412) 281-6131

Web site:


(412) 322-4505

SUBMISSION INFORMATION TRINITY is a quarterly publication of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. Submissions for the next issue of Trinity must arrive at the diocesan offices by May 1 to be considered for publication. Documents that are not created in MS Word should be sent as text documents. Photos should be minimum 300 dpi. Photos to be returned must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope with proprietary information on the back of each photo.

8 • 9 • 10 • 12 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 20 • 21 • 22 • 23 •

On the Sure Foundation

The Most Rev. Robert Wm. Duncan


The Rt. Rev. Francis Lyons

Women Alive in Christ God’s Perfect Timing – Four Congregations Move to New Buildings The Alpha Course Attracts at Church of the Ascension Youth Alpha Course at Christ Church Fox Chapel The Anglican Church in North America College of Bishops Meeting Rev. Mark Zimmerman Appointed New Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of the Southwest Murrysville Golden Living Nursing Home Outreach: Worship Outside the Church Walls Extra Mile Appeal Donors Harvest Anglican Spreads Biblical Literacy Using the Web On the Cover: March for Life 2014 On November 23, 2013, the Rev. Glenn Crytzer was St Peter’s Anglican Church, ordained to the priesthood at Uniontown: a passion for mission Trinity Church, Beaver, PA with Archbishop Robert Duncan Diocesan Calendar presiding. Canon Mary Ministry Milestones Maggard Hays preached to a joyful crowded church filled Moving Forward in Mission

with clergy and lay supporters, family, friends, and many church members.

Jennifer Bartling

Encouraging Words

The Rev. Canon Mary Maggard Hays

Lent/Easter 2014



Cata–what? By The Rt. Rev. Francis Lyons


atapult? Catawampus? Catatonic? Cat-o-nine tails? Can of worms? Can of cheeses? Would you believe it?— it’s none of the above. The word you have been hearing lately is ‘catechesis’. What is that you ask? ‘Catechesis’ is from the Greek (of course) and means ‘instruction.’ Catechesis is the process of instruction and a ‘catechism’ is what is taught. Catechesis is a regularly occurring New Testament word, and, as such, we should not have difficulty using it. Along with kerygma (proclamation) and didache (teaching), catechesis is what the earliest Christians were doing all the time—training up disciples (students). In fact, the Gospels were written for the purpose of instruction (Lk 1:4) and Matthew’s Gospel achieves preeminence because of the way he facilitates instruction with five discourses arranged in a thematic and topical way. The sayings of Jesus are there combined to address the importance of discipleship and the character of a disciple (in chapters 5-7), apostolic mission vision (10), Kingdomcentered reality (13), community behaviors (18) and God’s final judgment (24-25). Instruction was a synagogue task (the synagogue being regularly referred to as a ‘house of study’) because the task of studying Scripture has always been a focus of God’s people from God’s command to meditate day and night on His Word (Dt 6:1-7). Knowing Him and knowing about Him was and remains important!



Lent/Easter 2014

The Anglican Church in North America has now produced a Catechism as one basis for our instruction/discipleship. It was produced by a team of dedicated clergy and laity from all corners and streams in our Church and reviewed by the College of Bishops. In view was the adult disciple/student. As conceived, this project broke new ground. Like its Reformation antecedents, it uses the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer and the Ten Commandments as three touchstones that are foundational to Christian living. The Sacramental aspect is woven throughout these three sections. The Catechism begins with questions that enable anyone to understand basic faith issues, such as sin, grace, and faith, before launching into the instruction proper. These crucial definitions are presupposed in the other three sections. This is intended to make the whole more accessible to any individual, and to enable the instructors to lead their students through the beginning steps of coming into a relationship with Jesus. Prayers are included in the opening section and in an Appendix to undergird the Catechism in a spirituality of trust. Jesus is the center of the Catechism: He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, (Jn 14:6, 7). The Apostles’ Creed assists us in our grasp of the Truth in Jesus, the disciples’ prayer orients us to the relationship we have with our Father as we grow in His Way, and finally, the Ten Commandments

give us God’s direction for our Life. The Bishops’ desire is that we and our catechumens grow closer to Jesus. He, not an intellectual pursuit, saves us. There are two books that will assist us along our discipleship journey. Packer and Parrett’s, Grounded in the Gospel (Building Believers the Old Fashioned Way), Baker, 2010, gives us some of the why and wherefores about the process. Packer’s, Growing in Christ, Crossway, 1994 (earlier released as I Want to be a Christian) can serve as additional commentary and support for each phrase found in the Catechism for the time being. (Interestingly, Dr Packer reports that this book never really sold well, possibly because the task of disciple-making is not very glamorous and requires dedication!) The next task is to develop commentary helps and digital apps for this Catechism. Lent has traditionally been the time of the final preparation of catechumens for their incorporation into the Body of Christ at the Easter Vigil and it is a good time for a refresher as well. I commend the Catechism to you and it can be found on the Provincial website at n


Alive in Christ

Join Us!

Women Alive in Christ Prayer Ministry


rusting and believing in the power of prayer, the leadership team of Women Alive in Christ would like to offer to you this prayer request line. It is operated via email. If you have a prayer request, it would be a privilege to pray for you. Here are the details: Prayer requests sent via email will be received each day. These requests are kept completely confidential and shared only with the six members of the leadership team for daily prayer. Once received, your prayer request will be prayed daily for 30 days. It will then no longer be on our team’s prayer list. If you wish to renew the prayer request you may email the request monthly. You will receive a confirmation that your request has been received. The email address that sent this request will not be used for any other purpose. You may send your prayer request to womenaliveinchristprayer@

As sisters and brothers in Christ we trust in the Holy Spirit living within us. Thus as we care for one another we are called to pray for one another. But within us, “the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans”. Romans 8:26

Women Alive in Christ 24-hour Retreat Step away from the crowds to a place of comfort and peace. Join us for a 24-hour retreat with Dr. Erika Moore. Date:

Friday, March 28 to Saturday March 29


7:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.


Gilmary Center / Maronda Foundation 601 Flaugherty Run Road Coraopolis, PA 15108


$85.00 for room, meals and refreshment

Questions: Cindy Thomas 412-260-1509 Sharon Forrest 412-761-1100 Invite a friend. Time to relax. Refresh. Refocus.

Here is our prayer: Thank you, Father, that you tell us to pray, and assure us that you hear our voice in your heavenly dwelling. Keep us close to you in Jesus’ Name. Amen. In Christ, Women Alive in Christ Leadership Team Sharon Forrest - Church of the Ascension Cindy Thomas - Grace Church Marian Kreithen - Incarnation Church Julie Weikert – Grace Church Diane Babcock – Christ the Redeemer Terra Elsberry – Christ the Redeemer

Women’s Blessing April 26, 2014 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. St. Stephens Church Sewickley, PA 15143 BELOVED “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…” Borrowing the opening line of a love sonnet by Elizabeth Barrett Browning to her poet husband Robert Browning, Peggy Noll will lead us in considering the ways in which we love Jesus as our Beloved Savior and the reasons we have to be confident we are his beloved daughters.

Lent/Easter 2014



God’s Perfect Timing – Four Congregations Move to New Buildings


uring the past decade, our clergy and their congregations have faced many challenges. Moving to new worship spaces brought seasons of waiting. Many have walked through similar challenges and seen how God’s timing is best. Thank you to four of our clergy for sharing their stories – offering hope to all who may be waiting with the Lord. It’s with great joy that we celebrate God’s provision and abundant grace. Praise be to God! cal grace and we are excited to build new relationships. The new space also allows us to open the doors wide to the public.

The Journey to Carson Street By The Rev. Sean Norris, South Side Anglican Church This past year was a time of waiting and growing in patience while searching for a new worship space. I found it difficult at times to reconcile the vision for South Side Anglican with the seemingly slow pace. God’s apparent slowness this past year was actually His perfect timing (2 Peter 3:8-9). Most of 2012 was spent worshipping in our house – it was a wonderful incubator for our small congregation, but things were getting tight! I had a strong conviction that our next space needed to be on Carson Street, the main street in the South Side of Pittsburgh. This is where the people we want to meet and evangelize live and spend their time. Properties are expensive and in high demand, our hope was to cash in some of our relational currency in the neighborhood. Some tattoo friends offered their shops, but the spaces weren’t big enough. We pursued community centers, but ran into friction over being a religious organization. We investigated restaurants, coffee shops, and bars. There was some interest and at times even excitement, but eventually everyone decided against it. Sometimes it was the logistics, often it was because a church was not a lucrative venture. Before I knew, it was October. Our church was growing, but I was concerned we could begin to stall. The year of searching was disappointing. Each week, I hit the pavement with team member, Gary Beson. During prayer, the Schwartz Market came to mind. The space spent years under renovations, now launching a new eco-friendly/green marketplace. We discovered it was not being used on Sundays! After speaking with the owner, we secured the space. Regular worship began mid-November and it has proven a wonderful spot to grow. It is obvious that God knew what He was doing. The location is the center of our mission field, and the mission field itself. Many of the “green vendors” have never heard the message of God’s radi-



Lent/Easter 2014

It was hard to wait, and I certainly had many times of losing faith that we would find a spot on Carson Street. In fact, I was ready to give up a lot. Thanks to a supportive team, who reminded me this church and vision for it were not mine, but the Lord’s, and thanks to the encouragement that our congregation was still growing, I was able to keep moving forward. God proved faithful, and I learned that He is not slow in keeping His promises, He keeps them in His perfect timing. n

Letting Go to Embrace God’s Plan By The Rev. John Bailey, Christ Our Hope, Natrona Heights It’s been an exciting ride moving from St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, New Kensington to becoming Christ Our Hope Anglican Church, Natrona Heights. We all had ups and downs throughout this experience. It was a period of learning to let go in order to embrace what God seemed to be giving. In 2011 we began looking for alternative sites, probably investigated about 50 properties through phone calls and site visits. A big disappointment came in April 2012. A congregation expressed interest in sharing their worship space, but after months of exploration, they changed their mind. We continued to pray throughout 2012 with no promising leads. One day at the church (with no one around), I remember reminding God that I needed His help and would love if things could go faster. In February 2013, a member said she had an inkling about a solution to the property situation. Later, we would look at each other and say we couldn’t believe how easy it was in the end. We visited the new location on Ash Wednesday, 2013. There was already an offer on the property, so the process moved rather quickly. The vestry vote was 6-2 and the congregational vote was 92% in favor of the purchase. We closed on the property and our first service was Sunday, July 28, 2013. It was a joyous day as God blessed us with many people from our extended families and diocesan family attending.

We continue our outreach ministries, Lifetree Café and the annual pumpkin party for kids. New people walk through our doors and tell us they like what they see and hear. My prayer is that we would do as Jesus asked and make disciples. It would be great if we could do one better – make disciples who make disciples. Our first Christmas was precious as we celebrated the birth of our Savior with the young and old. It is our hope at Christ Our Hope that we would give birth to a fruitful ministry that lasts for generations to come. May it be so for the sake of God’s Kingdom that has no end but lasts forever. n

Depending Completely on Him The Rev. Doug Blakelock, St. Matthew’s Anglican Church, Johnstown In the Summer of 2008, I saw the “writing on the proverbial wall” and made provision for the remnant that would leave St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. I spent months of prayerful meetings with Deacon Marion Kush and my dear friend and colleague, Pastor Randy Bain (Oakland United Methodist Church, Johnstown). In early 2009, I asked Pastor Randy for sanctuary. We went to Oakland UMC understanding it was for a season, not knowing what would entail. We saw God win victories among us, but we also suffered losses. This was not our time; it was God’s time. It was very reminiscent of the Hebrews wandering in the wilderness as God worked to form a people for Himself. I repeatedly said ‘God is not done with us yet’. We had not learned utter dependence on God – there was gratefulness, but there was also an uneasiness. It was amazing, each year our budgets were perfectly balanced. We had enough for the day, but never too much. God repeatedly proved to be protector and provider. On Memorial Day 2013, I received a surprise call from Pastor John Cable, an acquaintance from the local National Day of Prayer initiative. He shared that God told him to give us their church. New Life Christian Fellowship was seeking to disband after dwindling to eight faithful members. It was their conviction and in the by-laws that the property (a gift from God) should bless others. On October 1, 2013, the papers were signed, and the deed was transferred! Hallelujah! God wasn’t done blessing – the church had no pews or altar. We received word that St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, New Florence, had closed with all contents intact. We contacted Father Robert Washko (Holy Family Roman Catholic Parish, Seward) who was responsible for the property. After investigating, everything was available, but the church was scheduled for demolition. We prepared a financial bid, however, Bishop Brandt of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Greensburg, being well acquainted with Pittsburgh’s Anglican-Episcopal ordeal, encouraged Fr. Washko to bless us. Everything was ours, we just needed to remove everything! So four days before the demolition, we transported the pews, the altar, and the many other items to our new location. God brought us into a new ‘land’, having moved us across town, onto

a main road, into a significant residential area, and less than a mile from the hospital. Praise be to God! “And when he (Jesus) got into his boat, his disciples followed him.” (Matthew 8:23 ESV) n

Moving Back Home By The Rev. Paul Cooper, All Saints Anglican Church, Cranberry Twp In the Spring of 2010, we the clergy, vestry and parishioners of St Christopher’s, Warrendale decided to lay down our labors and begin a new church in a new location. The ownership of our property and building had been awarded to the Episcopal Church diocese, which was an untenable situation for us. When the local Roman Catholic priest offered the use of his recently-vacated building at St. Kilian in Mars on Sunday mornings, we believed it was an open door from the Lord. On May 2, 2010, New Life Anglican Church met for the first time to worship. We had always hoped to return to Cranberry, but given our weakened financial position and the price of local real estate, we were not clear how it was going to happen. So we kept saying our prayers and faithfully continued our ministry. It was not always easy. The commute for most of our parishioners was greatly lengthened, and mid-week activities suffered because we were meeting where few of us lived. Along the way, however, we picked up several new families from Mars. Realizing that our Mars location was an on-going impediment, we approached Crossroads Community Church - a small American Baptist church on an easily accessible corner in the heart of residential Cranberry - and asked if we could rent space mid-week for a Bible study in the Spring of 2013. They were eager to host us, and the response of our parishioners was entirely positive. After several months, we asked Crossroads if they were interested in leasing or selling their property to us, and they agreed to talk. The Lord heard our prayers. Where we could not see a way back to Cranberry, He seems to have opened the doors for us miraculously. We negotiated a lease agreement for six months, and a Building Fund Capital Campaign has commenced to raise the money for the purchase of the new site. The lease agreement was finalized on All Saints Day 2013, so we petitioned the Bishop to change our name - so that we may mark and celebrate the Lord›s faithfulness every year henceforth. On January 5, 2014, All Saints Anglican Church began worship in its new space at 1510 Haine School Rd in the heart of Cranberry Township. This homecoming marks the end of nearly a decade of turbulence and re-alignment for our flock. We look forward to introducing ourselves to our new neighborhood, and to re-focusing our ministry to families and kids, preaching the Word, and being a Sacramental presence. “The Lord has done great things for us, and we are glad indeed” (Psalm 126:4). n

Lent/Easter 2014



The Alpha Course Attracts at Church of the Ascension Six come to faith through invitational outreach program.


ometimes the best inspiration comes from the past. Ten years ago, Church of the Ascension in Oakland was regularly running Alpha Courses as a way to share the good news of Jesus Christ with those outside its four walls. The Alpha Course is a practical introduction to the Christian faith. Over 10 weeks, non-Christians, seekers, and skeptics are invited to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, nonthreatening, friendly and fun setting. Sessions begin with a meal, followed by a short talk and time to discuss what has been taught in small groups. During the discussion, everyone is encouraged to ask questions and contribute their opinions. In 2004, numbers in the Alpha Course dwindled and it became clear that it was time to move on. “The Alpha Course had been a really great program for many years, but it sort of ran out of steam,” recalls The Rev. Jonathan Millard, rector of Church of the Ascension. But this fall, the time seemed right to resurrect the Alpha Course at Ascension as a way to mobilize the congregation to reach out. The new associate rector of Ascension, The Rev. David Trautman, and his wife, Megan, assembled a team of lay people and hit the ground running. “To be honest, I thought it would be a miracle if we were able to get 30 people to come,” says Trautman. The fruit from this first Alpha Course in 10 years was astonishing. Fifty guests participated in the first course, 40 of which completed the entire course. The majority of these guests came from outside of Church of the Ascension. During the course, six guests came to faith in Jesus Christ for the first time or came back to faith. Midori Hasegawa, an international student from Japan who attended the Alpha Course this fall, came to faith



Lent/Easter 2014

about halfway through the course and was baptized at Ascension on All Saints Day. Right before her baptism, she shared her testimony of coming to faith before the congregation. “We want these testimonies of salvation to be a regular part of worship at Church of the Ascension,” says Millard. Another guest who attended the course this time had previously been invited by her friend to an Alpha Course at Ascension 10 years ago. She didn’t attend 10 years ago, but decided to give it a try this time. She committed her life to Jesus for the first time on the last night of the course. Currently, she is serving on Alpha Team with the friend who invited her. In addition, nine guests indicated a significant increase in church attendance as a result of the Alpha Course, four of which had previously not attended church at all. Perhaps most astonishing was the nineteen guests who expressed interest in coming back to help on a future Alpha Course. A number of atheists who didn’t come to faith were top recruiters for the second Alpha Course, which started on February 7. More than 100 members of Ascension were directly involved in some way in making Alpha happen. However, even more members of the congregation were involved through inviting their friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers. The majority of the guests who attend Alpha came because they were personally invited by someone. Members of the Alpha Team hit the streets, putting up posters and inviting residents of nearby apartment buildings. Six international students attended the course because they were invited as they were returning from school to their apartment building. Church of the Ascension is currently running their second Alpha Course. Find out more on their website ( n

Youth Alpha Course at Christ Church Fox Chapel


hrist Church Fox Chapel invites youth to explore life’s “big questions” at Youth Alpha – a short course on Christianity. This will be a time to share a meal together, play a crazy game, hear a short talk, and then break into groups for discussion. Everyone is encouraged to say what they really think, and to ask any question, no matter how outrageous. This will be a safe place to dive into the “big questions” of life. All teens, grades 6 - 12 are welcome. Christ Church Fox Chapel will begin its third Youth Alpha course at the end of February. This course is run mainly by other teens who have already completed the course. The talks are either live talks or short films, on topics like, “Who is Jesus?” and “Why Should I Pray?”. Each night begins with music and dinner served by different families from Christ Church. We listen to the talk, and then break into two discussion groups – middle school group and high school group. In the discussion groups, people are encouraged to explore, discuss, and even argue! After the discussion, the groups come back together to play a game together like: Silent Football, Chaos, or any number of games that involve duct tape. The new course begins with an opening party on Saturday February 22th. The courses continue every Saturday, from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m., until May 10th. In the middle of the course there is a weekend retreat, which runs from April 5th to April 7th, at a farm in Ligonier. All the regular course nights are held at Christ Church Fox Chapel, in the Discipleship House. We would love to welcome you to Youth Alpha. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to

contact our Youth Pastor, The Rev. Tracey Russell, at preachergirl@sanctuary or at 412.963.8938. n

Come explore life’s “big questions” with us! Schedule for Spring Youth Alpha 2013 2/22: Launch party! And Who is Jesus? 3/1

Why Did Jesus Die?


How can we have faith?


Why and How do I pray?


Why and How do I read the Bible?


How God guides us.

April 5-7 Holy Spirit retreat weekend: • What about the Holy Spirit? • How Can I be filled with the Spirit? • How can I make the most of the rest of my life? 4/12

How can I resist evil?


How can I live freely?


How do I tell others?


What about the church?


Closing Celebration

Lent/Easter 2014



The Anglican Church in North America College of Bishops Meeting Orlando, FL, January 6 -12, 2014 This is a reprint of the full text of the Communiqué that was available at

A message from the College of Bishops following their January meeting. January 10, 2014 “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you.” Isaiah 60:1


he bishops of the Anglican Church in North America met in Orlando, Florida from January 6th, the Feast of the Epiphany, to January 10th. We were blessed to be joined by the Rt. Rev. Humphrey Peters, Bishop of Peshawar, Pakistan. This has been our largest meeting, with only a few bishops absent due to inclement weather or overseas assignment. The bishops of the Anglican Church in North America have made it clear that it is a high priority to be together to pray and meet in council to carry forward the apostolic ministry of the Church. This week we again met in an atmosphere of mutual support and affection, with much prayer for one other. Bishop William Ilgenfritz, Missionary Diocese of All Saints, served as Chaplain for the College. In our opening Eucharist, the Rt. Rev. Todd Hunter was invested as the first Bishop of the Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others, commonly called “C4SO.” We were blessed by Biblical teaching each morning from Dr. Wesley Hill, Associate Professor of Biblical Studies at Trinity School for Ministry. In this season of Epiphany, we were encouraged by Dr. Hill’s teaching on the nature of our triune God as both transcendent above his creation and present with us in our suffering. It was a thoroughly productive gathering in which the bishops were able to address a range of topics, working to establish consensus and maintain fraternal relations. We were encouraged by our times of sharing about the fruitful ministries in our dioceses and by testimonies of God’s grace and answered prayers. Following two years of work by the Catechesis Task Force, the bishops unanimously approved a new Catechism for trial use, with mechanisms for feedback and refinement planned over the next two years. The Catechism, written primarily for adults, is designed to speak to those who are exploring the faith, as well as to disciple Christians to greater knowledge and spiritual maturity. The Catechism, produced to uphold



Lent/Easter 2014

and communicate apostolic faith through pastoral application, is invitational in approach, drawing inquirers to faith in Christ, pursue a loving relationship with the Father, and welcome the power of the Holy Spirit in everyday life. We are eager for trained catechists to be raised up to use this wonderful tool, as well as for additional discipleship resources to be developed and shared across the Church. As we continue to develop a Prayer Book to enrich our common liturgical life, the bishops worshiped using the Province’s approved texts for Holy Communion and daily Morning and Evening Prayer. We did initial work on a first draft of liturgies for Baptism, Confirmation and Admission of Catechumens, refining them to help insure that those liturgies are accessible and reflect the richness of the historic Anglican faith and tradition. The College continues to look forward to the day when the Province will have its own Book of Common Prayer. As Archbishop Duncan is retiring as Archbishop in June, 2014, the bishops also discussed and prayed about the process of electing a successor and the subsequent transition. Archbishop Duncan reflected with the College on his experience in the office and the bishops expressed gratitude for his courageous and persevering leadership. Archbishop Duncan then graciously absented himself so we could pursue facilitated conversation with Dr. Cynthia Waisner, who again served as our consultant. Seeking to avoid a political process, the bishops committed to a covenant of behavior and a season of prayer as we move toward the bishops’ conclave in June. The College of Bishops will have regular days of prayer and fasting in the coming months, and then gather the week before the Provincial Assembly to discern in prayer the one whom God is calling as successor to Archbishop Duncan. The Rt. Rev. Humphrey Peters shared with us about ministry in his diocese in Pakistan. It was All Saints Church in his diocese that was attacked by suicide bombers after Sunday worship last September, killing more than 100. We were all touched by his reports of both the challenges and the rewards of pursuing Gospel ministry in Pakistan. Bishop Humphrey presented Archbishop Duncan with gifts from his diocese and Archbishop Duncan responded with the presentation to Bishop Humphrey of a signed copy of our new Texts for Common Prayer. The tragic conflict in South Sudan was also forefront in our prayers. We sent greetings and encouragement to our brothers

and sisters in the Church in Sudan and promised to call the Anglican Church in North America to intercede for peace and justice in South Sudan. We heard an excellent presentation by Dr. Louise Duncan Jakubik about mentoring, which was helpful to our work of discipling Christians and developing leaders. We received a report from Canon Nancy Norton, Executive Director of the Anglican Relief and Development Fund. We were encouraged to hear that more than $1.2 million was given for development projects in nine countries, and for disaster relief in Oklahoma and Colorado. The bishops were enthusiastic in praise of Canon Norton and her accomplishments as she looks toward retirement at the Provincial Assembly. We reflected on our time at GAFCON-2 in Nairobi, which was attended by almost all of our bishops. We rejoiced at the continued growth of the Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (GFCA) and its role as a vital Instrument of Communion. We discussed our international relationships and the challenges faced by the GFCA. Transferring to the chapel of a nearby church, the bishops prayerfully consented to the election of the Rev. J. Mark Zimmerman as first Bishop of the Diocese of the Southwest. Fr. Zimmerman has served as rector of Somerset Anglican Church (formerly St. Francis-in-the-Fields) in Somerset, PA since 1999. His consecration is scheduled for February 28, 2014 at the Church of St. Clement, El Paso, TX. The bishops also consented to the election of the Rt. Rev. William J. White as Bishop Coadjutor in the REC Diocese of the Southeast. Bishop White has served as Suffragan Bishop of that diocese since 2009. The Bishops received with gratitude the report of the Theological Task Force on Holy Orders. Their work includes faithful scholarship and conversations of significance in an atmosphere of respect and trust that is important to our common life. Though the issue of Holy Orders is a sensitive one in the Church, we are thankful for the way that the Task Force is modeling a commitment to full theological inquiry and fidelity. This gives rise to the bishops’ expectation that we will emerge having faithfully found God’s guidance for our Church. In reviewing the steps that the Task Force has taken, we approved its report on hermeneutical principles (i.e., principles for the interpretation of Scripture). This expresses the principles by which we approach the theological study of Holy Orders. This report will now be released to the Church and sent to the International Theological Commission of GFCA and our ecumenical partners, seeking their input. It is important to note that this careful, thorough and collegial study into Holy Orders has rarely been done before by Anglicans. The next phase of the work of the Task Force will identify the ecclesiological principles (i.e., principles of the nature

of the Church) of ministry and orders including what the Anglican formularies say about the nature of the church, the general character of ordained ministry, the characteristics of each order, and the relationship between the ordained ministry and Christ and his Church. The Task Force has formed sub-committees which will engage scholars and scholarship from the Anglo-Catholic, Charismatic, and Evangelical traditions (“three streams”). A draft of this work will be presented to the bishops in June. Church planting continues to be at the heart of our Provincial life. We heard the exciting report of the Rev. Canon Alan Hawkins, Vicar of Anglican1000, about the work of establishing new congregations and worshiping communities across the Province. In the huge mission field with Hispanics, fifty-seven Spanish-speaking congregations have been planted. Particularly helpful was his emphasis that we are now engaged in planting just the first 1000 churches. Anglican1000 continues to support diocesan leaders, church planters, coaches and the church at large. Three regional events have been held in the past few months and there will soon be additional events in Phoenix and Atlanta. In addition, reflecting a growing focus on mission with college students, a conference on campus ministry will be held in Chicago in April. The Greenhouse Movement is also having a huge impact by catalyzing clusters of new congregations. Bishop Ray Sutton, Provincial Ecumenical Officer, reported on the growing relationship with the North American Lutheran Church (NALC), which includes the recent decision by the NALC to create at Trinity School for Ministry a “seminary center” for the training of its ordinands. The College approved an agreed statement on Eucharistic hospitality with the NALC. Bishop Sutton also shared about upcoming dialogues with the Polish National Catholic Church and the Messianic Jewish community. An Anglican Unity Task Force was established to address the issues that have arisen through the formation of new churches and dioceses, resulting in overlapping jurisdictions throughout the province. Bishops from this task force, together with lay and clergy leaders, will meet again this spring. Continued on page 13)

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Rev. Mark Zimmerman Appointed New Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of the Southwest God’s Providence and in His timing.


n February 28, 2014, God willing, the Rev. Mark Zimmerman will be consecrated as the new bishop of the Anglican Diocese of the Southwest. This is glorious news for the Kingdom of God and the newly formed Diocese, but a huge loss for Somerset Anglican Fellowship (SAF), the Laurel Highlands Ministry, and the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh.

and challenges because, “It was God’s providence again…His timing. The church knew that they were the church, not a building. We rented the space for 40 months – like wandering in the wilderness until we were able to come home.”

The “new” congregation became a member of ACNA and moved into a men’s clothing store in a dying outlet mall. The store was a mess, but with lots of hard work, it was turned into usable worship space. Mark had excitement about the changes

As Mark and Cindy prepared to move to Albuquerque, St. Paul’s blessed SAF one more time. During the farewell reception for the Zimmermans, Mark received a text message from St. Paul’s lead pastor, saying “The debt is forgiven,

In Spring of 2011, Somerset Anglican Fellowship purchased the old building of St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Somerset. St. Paul’s had built For the past 15 years, Mark a new facility on the edge of has been ministering to the town. Their old property was Somerset community – leadright in the middle of the ing many into a deeper city, right where Somerset relationship with Christ. His Anglican wanted to be. Their fruitful ministry was someoffer on the property was thing that did not happen quickly accepted. The new overnight. It required patient mortgage payment was the waiting. Mark was called to same amount as their curSt. Francis in the Field, a rent rent, and in 10 years it very small family congregawould be completely paid tion that had never been off. The congregation was Rev. Mark Zimmerman self-sufficient. “I prayed and overwhelmed by the grace of hoped for the same transforGod and the generosity of St mation that had happened at my previous parish in Paul’s. When the Presbyterian congregation moved Farmington, New Mexico, but after a year, we were into their new space, they left the pianos, projecnot growing at all. My wife and I faithfully prayed, tors, equipment, a full kitchen with dishes, a dish‘God this is your church and if it is going to grow, washer and much more for SAF. Mark did not know you going to have to do it.’ And [after a year, new] that they would be so generous. He says, “After the people started coming.” In the midst of this growth long season of waiting with obedience and gratefulcame realignment. In 2008 the congregation left ness, prayers were answered. God provided abuntheir building and everything behind. dantly more than we could have imagined.”



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the building is yours.” This gift, worth a quarter of a million dollars, will allow SAF to seek a new rector without the pressure of building debt. In late January 2014, Mark and Cindy Zimmerman moved to Albuquerque, NM to begin ministry in the Diocese of the Southwest. They have left behind dear friends, a well-loved church family and community. Mark muses, “I got to see Young Life start in the Somerset community, to be a part of the Laurel Highlands Ministry, to help the Spanish community, to develop a Spanish speaking worship service and to see all the things of God’s provision and blessing. Leaving was hard and yet God was still providing and saying ‘I am there. I will be with this congregation even though I am calling you to something new.’”

Mark has deep gratitude for being able to leave a legacy, including “congregation of changed lives with many people walking closer with Christ…I got to see the fruit of that.” He also leaves the deep, supportive relationships of the Laurel Mountain Ministry. “So many things changed because of those relationships. Clergy began to do things together, supporting each other and our individual ministries. It felt very much like our own little diocese. I will miss those folks tremendously.” Mark’s parting words of encouragement to the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh: “Remain faithful, remembering in God’s good timing He provides so much more than we have ever left behind. When we are willing to sacrifice and lay things down because of our faith, He restores it.” n

College of Bishops (Continued from page 11)

Mindful of the opportunities and challenges before us, this meeting of the College of Bishops has been characterized by Gospel joy. We are deeply thankful for the fellowship we share in Christ. We are so pleased by the gracious service and support that many people offer to our Church. The Provincial staff is a devoted and truly productive team. We are deeply indebted to them, and to the many clergy and laity who serve on the various working groups of the Province, including those task forces which reported to us this week: Catechesis, Prayer Book and Liturgy, Governance, Ecumenical Relations, and the Theological Task Force on Holy Orders. We are grateful to the Anglican Chaplains who provided administrative support to GAFCON-2 in Nairobi. We are blessed as a Church and humbled by what we have seen the Lord accomplish in our midst in these first few years we have been together as the Anglican Church in North America. We continue to pursue our life in Jesus Christ and the vision of a Biblical, missionary, and united Anglicanism. May God be greatly praised. n

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Murrysville Golden Living Nursing Home Outreach: Worship Outside the Church Walls

The January 19 service saw the additional joy of the delivery of special outreach gifts prepared by the Saint Alban’s Youth (SAY) and Sunday school classes led by education director Diane E. Kaufmann. The treat bags contained cards, scripture verses, and treats prepared with TLC by the young people.

By Fred Carlson, Saint Alban’s Member/Biblical Literary Task Force “Then the master of the house became angry and said to his servant, ‘Go out quickly to the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in the poor and crippled and blind and lame.’ And the servant said, ‘Sir, what you have commanded has been done, and still there is room.’ And the master said to the servant, ‘Go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, that my house may be filled.’” Luke 14:21b-23 (ESV)

Lauren Bitsura and Lena Pisani surrounded by treats being assembled into gifts.


aint Alban’s Anglican Church in Murrysville is reaching their neighbors outside the church walls and in the Golden Living Nursing Care and Rehabilitation facility. Every month during 2013, Saint Alban’s joyfully served this community which is between 10 and 20 parishioners. The facility invited Father David Grissom and lay ministers to celebrate Holy Eucharist in their social hall. This service is held the third Sunday of the month at 2:00 p.m. and uses the liturgy and bulletin information from Saint Alban’s Sunday morning service. Music is provided by Linda Banks Grissom on a portable keyboard and Fred Carlson on mandolin and guitar. Other volunteers include Dave and Ellie Sharp, Bob Birdseye, and Ron Sampson. The Golden Living staff brings interested residents into the social hall before the service for a time of sharing and prayer together. The Saint Alban’s leadership felt called to minister to this community after former senior warden Ron Sampson spent some time there in late 2012. The call to help minister to this oft-overlooked population within our own community seems to be growing within Saint Alban’s, and there are other visitation groups ministering to this facility outside of the worship time. The Holy Spirit is present indeed! Lay volunteers assist with handing out bulletins and hymnals, proclaiming the readings, and caring/praying with the assembled. n



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Vito and Carmine Pisani enjoy making outreach gifts for the elderly at Golden Living Center before the January 19 worship service

Sanjar Birsdeye and Bethany Cappelli are happy after completing making the baskets of gifts for the Golden Living parishioners. Bethany is also the youth ‘rector’ for the current cycle of Happening teen retreats.

The completed basket of gifts ready to be delivered at Golden Living worship January 19. Christmas in January! Photos by Diane E. Kaufmann.

Extra Mile Appeal Donors A special thank you to all the donors who contributed to the Bishop’s Extra Mile Appeal. A total of 159 donations were made by those who reponded to the Bishop’s Appeal. It is in support of Congregational Mission as it increases funds available for mission grants to congregations, augments resources available for loans and grants to capital projects, and supports production and distribution of the Trinity Magazine that is delivered to every household in the diocese. Growth Fund – $11,724.00 Mission Funds – $9,966.50 Trinity Magazine Funds – $9,807.44 The Rev. John Bailey Patricia Barney Loma Jean Benedetti Chris Blazak The Rev. & Mrs. Philip Bottomley Doug & Joyce Bowers Carolina Buddemeyer Mr. & Mrs. J. Budnik The Rev. Dennett & Deacon Andrea Buettner Frederick & Nancy Carlson Melita Carter Dr. A. Dwight Castro Mr. & Mrs. James Catlos Elaine M. Clark Thomas & Nancy Clark Bonnie & John Colaianne Peggy B. Collins Community of Celebration William & Mary Jane Cook Sam & Cindy Cooper Marilyn B. Couch The Rev. & Mrs. Robert P. Coval The Rev. Dr. Daniel Crawford Jim & Lynn Cunningham Beatrice M. Davis Stella M. Deless Liz Delgado Robert & Ardeth Devlin Thomas Di Santo A.R. Dismukes, Jr. Angelo & Priscilla Dorazio The Most Rev. Robert Wm. Duncan Deacon Catherine Dunn Dr. James & Dayle Eckenrode Elko Family Thomas A. Farr Dorothy Fink Mrs. Frances W. Finley Max G. Fischer Jim Fitzroy

Robert & Dorothy Fleming Lois Folino Georgette Forney Mr. & Mrs. Robt. C. Fulton Susan Glotfelty Richard & Peggy Grace Jill Graham Wm. T. Green, Jr. Mary S. Greene Mira Griffith Eva Grim Thomas S. Hay, Sr. David & Anne Hennessey Bill & Joanne Hetrick Sylvia Hewitt E. Bruce Hill Mrs. Cheves B. Hilton Lawrence & Jane Hitchins C. T. Hiteshew Elizabeth & Worth Hobbs Mr. & Mrs. John F. Hofscher, Jr. William Hulse Mrs. James G. Hunter Jessi Isenhart Bob & Lynn Jessep Joyce Jeswilkowski John Kearns, Jr. Anthony Keefer Michael Kennedy David Klitz Wm & Linda Knapp Mrs. Ada Kuhn Barbara Lathrop The Rev. John & Ellin Leggett Robert & Kim Little The Rev. Donna Lockett Barry & Janet Luokkala Rosemary Lyon William H. Mallinson Mrs. Wm. H. Marchl Howard McClellan Bernice McDonald R.H. McGinnis George & Bev McKee

Mr. & Mrs. Robert McMarlin John Miles Bill & Nancy Mills Bill & Jo Leah Montgomery The Rev. Dr. James C. Morehead Ruth Ann Morgan Charlene Moskala James D. Mottley Sally & Andy Moury Larry Newman Canon Nancy Norton Martha Ory The Rev. Dr. Ann Paton Jane & Kev Patterson The Rev. Langdon Pegram, M.D. Nadine Plummer Jane C. Pool The Rev. Drs. John & Pamela Powell Mr. Robert Pratt Mr. & Mrs. Theodore F. Preniczky Prince of Peace Church, Hopewell Don & Deb Pungitore Linda Radovich Susan Randolph Mr. & Mrs. Allan M. Rathbone Shawn Reed Lois Richards Mr./The Rev. Mrs. William Y. Rodewald William & Linda C. Roemer Brad & Holly Root Dennis Rowan Jack E. Russell E. Ruttner Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sanchez Joe & Sue Sarria Yong Say Tan Savani Diane Scheponik Deacon Dee Scott

Nancy Belle Shanaberger Lois Darlene Simpson Stu Simpson The Rev. Jeff & Lee Smead Judith A. Smith Pauline Smouse John P. Snyder Rick & Pam Sorisio St. Alban’s Anglican Church, Murrysville: Rector, Vestry, & Laity Together St. Luke’s Anglican Church, Georgetown St. Martin’s Anglican Church, Monroeville Deena Stauffer Wicks and Pam Stephens James H. Sterrett Elizabeth Stevenson Walt Stone Brian & Judith Taylor Dagny Tendick Richard S. Thomas Isabella Thompson Fred Threlfall Matt Tilden Anthony & Carolyn Tomaro Cynthia Waisner Jack Walsh William H. & Saengarroon Wellington Julie M. Weikert Sherm White Robert W. Whiteacre III Edward Williams Ms. Margaret Williams Simon & Elizabeth Wilson John R. Wilson III The Rev. Ted Wood John R. Woods Beth Zwetsloot The names above represent those donations received through 1/28/14.

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Harvest Anglican Spreads Biblical Literacy Using the Web By Kurt Dudt/Biblical Literacy Task Force


n 2010, Harvest Anglican Church decided to start a bible study at the parish in Homer City. The church’s two deacons, Harold Hicks and Jeff Smead, encouraged the creation of the bible study with the support of the senior warden, Ramona Belgie, and the rest of the vestry. These leaders saw the Bible study as a way to increase biblical literacy and inspire deeper faith among the members. Kurt Dudt, author of this article, was encouraged to lead the study and has been the teacher for the past four years. The first members of the study were Indiana University of Pennsylvania graduate students and parish members. It was decided, with Jeff Smead’s leadership, that the study would include the Order for Evening Worship from the Book of Common Prayer. This has turned out to be a good decision as it helped the group start on time, develop a solemn and dignified approach and clearly labels the study as Anglican. Coffee and fresh baked goods are available for each class. In 2011, the Vestry gave approval to simulcast the lessons on the web for anyone that wanted to watch from a home computer. Currently, Kurt uses as the software that connects the class to the web. This service provides the capability to be live on the internet with video and audio and then it stores the lesson for later viewing by people that were unable to watch live. At the present time, all of the church’s lessons can be experienced three ways; live in person, live on the web and on demand, which means whenever one has the time!


Attendance at the bible study has been strong with each week averaging 12-20 people. These are conservative figures as the online counter is only able to inform us of how many computers have logged into the site and not how many people are watching a computer screen. For example, a group of pastors in India regularly watch the lessons together on one computer but the counter is only able to


count them as one attendee. Other attendees include several handicapped people and a variety of people that have given up on going to church for one reason or another. This latter group of people has told me that watching the study on the computer allows them to search the scriptures without pressure and they are able to grow in the faith as they watch the lesson on their own time. The online portion of the study has provided a way for some people to study the bible who are intimidated by their lack of knowledge of the scriptures. Several of these people have reconnected to the faith and are continuing to mature in their understanding. Jeff Smead has even traveled to several distant homes of faithful online attendees in order to serve communion and provide further encouragement. The bible study has covered a lot of theological ground since it was started. Topics covered have been: The Apostles Creed, the miracles of Jesus, the Essential 100, 1st and 2nd Corinthians, and we are now studying the Gospel of Mark. Each class is a combination of bible reading, discussion and a search for application. There is a prepared lesson plan emailed to all participants before the class starts. Harvest Anglican Church looks forward to continuing this effort for the Lord and wants to invite you to join us at and clicking on the picture of Kurt Dudt. Past lessons are accessed the same way. Remember, you can also ask questions during the lesson by emailing n Kurt Dudt is a new volunteer member of Bishop Duncan’s Biblical Literacy Task Force, a ministry of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. The BLTF promotes resources to the entire Diocese to improve biblical literacy in the four areas of: regular Bible reading, Bible memorization, Bible knowledge and encouraging a Biblical worldview. Our programs (Bible 101, Bible Worldview, and Scripture Memory Music Team) are available to your parish free of charge by contacting Fred Carlson at 412.856.0982 or

Jolene Belferman Joins the Biblical Literacy Task Force Jolene Belferman of Forest Hills, a member of Church of the Ascension, Oakland, has joined the BLTF as a volunteer team member, beginning with the January 2014 meeting. Since the BLTF meets once monthly at Jolene’s centrally-located Church of the Ascension, this addition is a huge blessing to the team. The BLTF looks forward to integrating Jolene’s skills and love of God’s Word, and her background with Cornerstone TV, into the ongoing ministry of the BLTF serving the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. Jolene states, “I love the Word of God and the liturgy of being Anglican. In my experience teaching the Word of God as a commissioned leader at Greater Works Bible School in Monroeville, PA, I communicated that love with others. And now, by becoming a member of Bishop Duncan’s BLTF, I believe God is leading me in new directions with that same passion for His word. To God be the glory!”


Lent/Easter 2014

March for Life 2014


anuary 22, 2014 – thousands faced the extreme weather in Washington, D.C. to attend the annual March for Life. This year, 18 bishops planned to march, including Archbishop Duncan, who flew overnight from Africa to get there—but the storm canceled travel plans for seven bishops. “I am honored to stand, along with my fellow bishops of the Anglican Church in North America,” said ACNA Archbishop Robert Duncan, “in recognition of the millions lost through abortion and to demonstrate our commitment to uphold the sanctity of life for all of God’s children.” The Anglican bishops began their day in prayer by participating in the ecumenical prayer service at the National Memorial for the Preborn and their Mothers and Fathers at the historic Constitution Hall before making their way to Washington Mall. A rally held before the march included speakers such as Dr. James Dobson founder of Focus on the Family and Georgette Forney, President of Anglicans for Life and co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. On the steps of the Supreme Court, those impacted by abortion shared their stories, offering hope and healing to many. You can read and watch Silent No More here: and Georgette’s own powerful testimony can be found at As Anglicans for Life geared up for this year’s events, they asked the Anglican Bishops who were planning to march this year, why they march. Here are some responses: Bishop William Murdoch – “Over 40 years ago, the Church was silent and Roe vs Wade was decided. Now we march because the Church can no longer be silent in the face of the millions of children who have died.”

Bishop Clark Lowenfield – “As leaders in the Anglican Church, it is vitally important that we consistently step out as examples, encouragers and leaders in standing boldly for life!” Bishop Eric Menees – “Often we buy into the media description of these events as Protest Rallies - I disagree. In Spanish this is called a “manifestación” - easily translated into English as “manifestation.” That is what this is...a manifestation of Jesus’ presence and love for the most vulnerable and fragile in our midst - pregnant mothers and the babies in their wombs. This is why the Anglican Bishops make this a priority in our schedule.” A complete list of all the bishops responses and more information visit Interested in Anglicans for Life? Here are some things to consider:

• Use AFL’s Curriculums - Project Life and Embrace the Journey to educate yourself and others about life issues. • Pray daily to end abortion and prevent assisted suicide from being legalized – join the AFL prayer team to have our prayer calendars sent to you. • Request AFL’s 2014 Life-Affirming Activities Calendar, that features a different life topic monthly and a variety of things to do, prayers to pray and facts to share. • Pledge monthly financial support to Anglicans for Life and see your gift make twice the impact through a Matching Grant. [Details are explained on the next page.] • Get AFL’s list of 99 things you can do to protect life and commit to doing one of them daily. n

• Help your church provide a witness for life by becoming a Life Liaison Leader in your church.

Georgette Forney Honored Walk for Life, West Coast – On January 25, 2014, thousands walked the San Francisco streets, including 17 Catholic bishops who were joined by Anglican Bishops Eric Menees and Clark Lowenfield, the Venerable Canon Dr. Jack I. Lumanog, Canon for Provincial and Global Mission and Georgette Forney. Bishop Eric Menees presented the St. Gianna Molla Award to Georgette Forney for her dedicated work to the pro-life movement. Her humbled response, “they honored somebody who had an abortion with such a gracious award.” Georgette is blessed to serve God where the sanctity of life is the hallmark of her conversations. He continues to use her experience Georgette Forney with the first sign to rescue others from brokenness. Anglicans for Life that started the Silent No More offers resources for congregations to assist those with Campaign. post-abortion stress and trauma. Another program, Anglican Angels is designed for volunteers to care for women facing unplanned pregnancy. Their hope is to educate churches about these healing programs.

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St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Uniontown: a passion for mission By Dr. Judith Taylor


t. Peter’s, a small family church with a big commitment to missionary work, focuses on local, national and international projects. Their rector, the Rev. John Cruikshank explains, “Missions are so important to this congregation and they recognize that everyone can be involved. Every trip or project needs to have senders, receivers, and supporters. When we enter the mission field, we’re not going there to fix things, we’re there to establish relationships – working side by side – eating together, worshipping together, working together, loving together and being together.” The congregation reaches out to the local community by volunteering at the food pantry, helping families referred by Children and Youth Services and spending time with youth in probation programs. Vacation bible school is their largest outreach – time when some children hear about Jesus for the



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first time. VBS has tremendous impact, attracting 100+ students each year. Many teens, some who are not part of the parish, return years later to volunteer with VBS because they have such great memories! At a national level, St. Peter’s youth serve with Reach Workcamps, a non-denominational group that organizes camps around the country to work in the surrounding neighborhoods. Campers stay at local schools, sleep in classrooms and meet for daily devotions. Typically, middle school students do a lot of painting and assist with minor repair work, while senior high youth tackle larger building projects. Each worksite is overseen by a “troubleshooter” to guide the adult leaders and crews. Camps last six days, serving as a rigorous training ground for missions. 2013 marked St. Peter’s 15th year attending Reach Workcamps. Last summer, a team of four students,

two troubleshooters and one adult crew leader attended camp in upstate New York. Reach allows congregations to send one or 100 students, making it possible for churches of all sizes to experience mission work. Many students come to a mature faith during these camp experiences. For more information on Reach, visit their website at St. Peter’s is also active with international missions. Members, Drs. Brian and Judith Taylor, travelled to Myanmar for one month in the fall of 2013 – this was their second trip to Myanmar. Prior to starting their mission work, the Taylors received training from the Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders (SAMS). This year they worked with the diocese of Yangon to initiate a volunteer health worker program. Twenty four students traveled from three villages for training and stayed at the diocesan headquarters. Drs. Taylor taught

Photos by Dr. Brian Taylor

Members of the St. Peter’s Anglican Church Uniontown pictured above are, Front Row: Judith Taylor; Back Row, from the right side of photo, Tyler Herman, Fr.John Cruikshank, Karen Barkley, Kaitlyn Barkley, Christian James, Kathy James, and Brian Taylor.

from the book, Where There is No Doctor, published by Hesperian. This manual is used to teach primary health care around the world and is available in many languages. Brian downloaded the book in Burmese and English and created a bilingual PowerPoint presentation. Each student was equipped with a copy of the book, a stethoscope, blood pressure cuff and thermometer. These students will return to the diocesan headquarters in six months for a refresher course.


Since 2008, St. Peter’s has been building relationships with Thailand, where teaching English is a tool used for evangelism. They have recorded several children’s books and sent books and DVDs to Thai church libraries. In 2013, Father John Cruikshank and a team of eight travelled to Thailand to help promote St. Andrew’s Anglican Centre in Chiang Mai and

teach in two primary schools. The team consisted of five adults and three teens. (Of note, all the teens are Reach alumni and had proven themselves able to function well on a mission team.) Previously, the St. Andrew’s lay pastor was never able to have a conversation with the government school staff; St. Peter’s was the first Christian group permitted inside. Thailand is a Buddhist country and no one was allowed to evangelize – everything had to be done by actions rather than words. Every evening the team participated in sports, music and fellowship, this attracted many local children to the Anglican Church properties for the first time. Playing sports proved to be an international language. The center operates a preschool and kindergarten within walking distance of three universities. Many students visit the center to practice their English, an important part of learning how to do business in English. Father John knows they went to open the outreach center, but believes, “We were there so the local people could start conversations with those silly Americans and build new friendships.” St.

Peter’s plans to return in a few years to continue their mission work in Thailand. So how does a small church find the resources for all this mission work? By involving the entire parish. Not all go, but the home team is essential. Funding for missions is separate from their general church funding. The youth worked to raise money for camp, the Taylors raised money for their work in Myanmar and the Thailand team worked at multiple fundraisers with the parish. Father John Cruikshank’s encouraging words about mission work: “Don’t stand in God’s way. There are opportunities every day, everywhere to do mission work, it’s all about building relationships. Let people know who you are by demonstrating what being a citizen in God’s Kingdom means and how a loving and compassionate Father takes care of His children.” n



Anglican 1000 is a co-sponsor of the Fresh Expressions National Gathering March 28-29 in Alexandria, Virginia. All ACNA members get a $10 discount. Fresh Expressions--or Mission Outposts--are impacting local communities in more ways than expected. Folks are engaging deeply with God’s mission in ways that are attentive to the people and contexts in which we live and work and play. More than 50 from our diocese attended November’s Fresh Expressions pre-convention workshop. Get the $10 registration discount by using the code “A1000.” (You’ll need to scroll down the payment page to find the “Have a discount code?” box. You can learn more and register here:

Discerning a Call to the Diaconate Seminar dates for 2014 Saturdays in May (except May 17th) 1:00 – 4:00 pm (EST) Location: Church of the Ascension, Oakland And “beyond the ‘Burgh” via Skype For more information please contact: Deacon Tara Jernigan, D.Min. Director of Deacon Formation Phone: 724-266-1528 Email:

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Diocesan Calendar MA R C H - M AY 2 014 MARCH Mar 2 Archbishop Duncan visits Shepherd’s Heart, Uptown Mar 5 Ash Wednesday Archbishop Duncan visits Canterbury Place Mar 9 Archbishop Duncan visits Mosaic Anglican Fellowship, Robinson Township Assistant Bishop Lyons visits Rancho Hills Church, San Diego Mar 12 City Clergy Gathering 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. Diocesan Office Mar 13 Clergy Gathering 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. St. Mary’s, Charleroi Clergy Gathering 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Bethlen Home, Ligonier Mar 16 Archbishop Duncan visits Christ Church, New Brighton Assistant Bishop Lyons visits St. Peter’s, Uniontown Mar 18 Clergy Gathering 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. St. Stephen’s, Sewickley Clergy Gathering 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. All Saints Anglican, Cranberry



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Mar 21 Commission on Ministry Interviews

Apr 18 Good Friday Diocesan Office Closed

Mar 23 Archbishop Duncan visits Redeemer, Nashville (a.m.) Archbishop Duncan visits St. John’s Anglican, Nashville (p.m.) Assistant Bishop Lyons visits Cochabamba, Bolvia

Apr 20 Easter

Mar 26 Commission on Ministry 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. Diocesan Office Mar 30 Assistant Bishop Lyons visits Grace Anglican Church, Slippery Rock

APRIL Apr 6 Archbishop Duncan visits All Saints, Rosedale Assistant Bishop Lyons visits Our Savior, Glenshaw Apr 9 Commission on Ministry 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. Diocesan Office Apr 12 The Rev. Alex Shuttleworth Institution, Christ Church, Fox Chapel Apr 13 Archbishop Duncan visits Redeemer, Canonsburg Assistant Bishop Lyons – Holy Week visits in Chicago Apr 15 Renewal of Vows

Apr 27 Archbishop Duncan visits St. Stephen’s, Sewickley Assistant Bishop Lyons visits Christ Church, Brownsville

MAY May 3 Archbishop Duncan presiding – Consecration of All Saints, Springfield, MO May 4 Archbishop Duncan visits All Saints, Springfield, MO Assistant Bishop Lyons visits St. Mary’s Charleroi May 7 Prince of Peace, Building Dedication, Hopewell 7:00 p.m. May 8 Clergy Gathering 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. St. Mary’s, Charleroi Clergy Gathering 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Bethlen Home, Ligonier May 11 Archbishop Duncan visits Transfiguration, Clairton Assistant Bishop Lyons visits Christ’s Church, Greensburg

May 13 Board of Trustees 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. Diocesan Office Diocesan Council 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. Diocesan Office May 14 Commission on Ministry 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. Diocesan Office City Clergy Gathering 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. Diocesan Office May 18 Archbishop Duncan visits Christ Church, Fox Chapel Assistant Bishop Lyons visits Prince of Peace, Hopewell May 20 Clergy Gathering 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. St. Stephen’s, Sewickley Clergy Gathering 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. All Saints Anglican, Cranberry May 25 Archbishop Duncan visits Somerset Anglican Fellowship, Somerset Assistant Bishop Lyons visits St. Thomas Church in the Fields, Gibsonia May 26 Memorial Day Diocesan Office Closed May 29 125th Anniversary of Foundation, Church of the Ascension, Oakland 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.

MINISTRY MILESTONES n Jonathan & Lutitia Warren were both ordained to the transitional diaconate by Bishop Todd Hunter on December 6, 2012. n The Rev. William Albert Eaton transferred in from the Province of the Anglican Church in Rwanda (PEAR) on January 6, 2013. n The following clergy transferred out to the Diocese of the Upper Midwest on August 5, 2013: The Rev. Matthew Todd Arndt, The Rev. William & The Rev. Anne Beasley, The Rev. James Thad Butcher and The Rev. Paul Jacob Calvin. n The following clergy transferred out to the Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others (C4SO) on August 5, 2013: Deacon LaVerne Carole Anderson, The Rev. Gregory Dean Behrens, The Rev. Jason J. Bowman, The Rev. W. Andy Bracken, The Rev. Christopher Joseph Fanucchi and The Rev. Kirk Anthony Wulff.

n The Rev. Michael S. Brooks and The Rev. Aaron Bruce Damiani transferred out to the Diocese of the Upper Midwest on August 6, 2013. n The following clergy transferred out to the Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others (C4SO) on August 6, 2013: The Rev. Peter Coelho, The Rev. William John Disch, III, The Rev. Gene Darrell Flanery and The Rev. Cliff Warner. n The Rev. Cynthia Kendrick Stansbury transferred out to the Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others (C4SO) on August 11, 2013. n Deacon Melanie Smart Clymer transferred out to the Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others (C4SO) on August 14, 2013. n The Rev. Jonathan Deane Parker transferred out to the Diocese of the South on September 2, 2013.

n The Rev. Jeffrey Alan Minshall transferred out to the Diocese of the Western Gulf Coast on September 12, 2013. He will serve as Assistant Priest in Charge of Youth Ministries at St. Timothy’s in Spring, TX. n The Rev. Stephen Palmer was ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Robert Duncan on September 14, 2013. n The Rev. Paul Henry and The Very Rev. Canon John Park are now both serving as Priest Associates at Grace Church, Mt. Washington. n The Rev. Jeff Wylie began serving as Rector at Christ’s Church, Greensburg in October 2013. n Renee A. Smith (Missionary, Nashotah House, WI) was ordained to a consecrated single life by Archbishop Robert Duncan on November 9, 2013. n The Rev. Glenn Crytzer was ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Robert Duncan on November 23, 2013.

Institution Service at Christ’s Church On February 1, 2014, an institution service was held for the Rev. Jeff Wylie at Christ’s Church, Greensburg, PA with Archbishop Robert Duncan presiding. With over 200 people in attendance celebrating, the folks at Christ’s Church are very delighted to have Father Jeff. Blessings to Father Jeff, his wife Jessica and their children, Kellan and Leona. Editor’s Note: Has your congregation seen a change in ministry leadership, or has a member of your church’s staff reached a personal or professional milestone in the last few months? If so, let us know, and we’ll be happy to consider including them in future “ministry milestones” columns. Please send information to Heather Cronin at: communications@, or call Heather at 412-281-6131.

Lent/Easter 2014



Immeasurable More Than I Could Have Imagined By Jennifer Bartling,

congregational developer for church multiplication

Dear Friends, In 1988, I was 25 years old and joined the launch team of my first church plant. Fast forward (and I mean fast) to 2014, and elementary math allows you to calculate that I turn 51 this year—this month, actually! I have now spent more than half of my life engaged in some form of church planting. And one-quarter of my days has been on the staff of the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. Many of you know that this will be my final Moving Forward in Mission column. The diocese has made many sacrifices since our realignment, and this year our budget has been impacted. Staff reductions had to be made. My “last day” is March 31. God always seems to give me a scripture for each year I am in ministry. As I look back on the past 13 years, Ephesians 3:20-21 is the verse which encapsulates it all. “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” God gets the glory for all things that have taken place during my tenure! And he has done immeasurably more than I could ask or imagine. Seriously, who could have conceived that … • General Convention 2003 would be a positive event, propelling our diocese and congregations across the country to plant more new churches than they ever had before? • Professors and staff from Grove City College would ask the diocese to plant a church in the nearby college town of Slippery Rock? • That after realignment, instead of taking the easy way out and staying in an existing church building, so many congregations would start fresh with new locations and new visions for mission? • An experienced church planter would be obedient to God’s calling for him to leave the sundrenched warmth of Bluffton, SC, to launch a new congregation in Pittsburgh’s East End? 22


Lent/Easter 2014

• High-brow former Cathedralites would find themselves worshiping above one bar in the Strip District on Sundays, and holding Bible study in another mid-week? • We would have a parish named True Vine, whose parishioners gather in a former Italian social club, where the fruit-of-the-vine used to flow freely? • In addition to bars, Anglicans could be found worshiping in Catholic schools and Methodist, Presbyterian and Hungarian Reformed churches? • Parishes in Southwestern PA would work to develop communities of faith for both the Hispanic and East African communities? • One of our plants would befriend those in the tattoo community as one way of letting them know “Jesus has moved into the neighborhood?” • A part-time priest-turned-bi-vocational planter would say that he is having the time of his life as he leads the congregations in one senior living residence, and invests in the development of two others? • One of our priests, who is eyeing retirement, is determined to leave a legacy of a being a church which plants multiple congregations? • Nearly two-thirds of our current parishes have engaged in church multiplication in some concrete way? God has done much more than these things, and He will continue to do so. “The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior” is a proven principle on which our church multiplication leaders rely when interviewing church planting candidates. The maxim gives me confidence not only in God, but our diocese as well. Our past behavior is now comprised of all the “whocould-have-conceived?” actions I listed earlier. So I am predicting our future is looking inconceivably good!

It’s His Adventure, Jenni

Put Your Glory on Display! By


Rev. Canon Mary Maggard Hays, Canon

Dear Friends, “Put Your glory on display!” That is Jesus’ declaration in the face of his impending crucifixion. As he grapples with what he is facing, he admits, “my heart is troubled” or as Eugene Peterson’s translation The Message puts it “I am storm-tossed.” But Jesus’ response to his stormtossed heart continues to challenge me. “And what am I going to say? ‘Father, get me out of this’? No, this is why I came in the first place. I’ll say, ‘Father, put Your glory on display.’” (John 12:27-28)

to the


my own: “What am I going to say [to this situation or that crisis]? ‘Father, get me out of this?’ No! ‘Father, put Your glory on display!’” Or more prosaic language, “Lord Jesus, shine through me! Show off through me! Turn this time of difficulty into an opportunity for Your love, power, and grace to (somehow) be demonstrated as I seek to follow you.”

Lent is a season in which we pay attention to our own immortality and sinfulness.

Lent is a season in which we pay attention to our own immortality and sinfulness – especially against the backdrop of God’s amazing, extravagant, sacrificial and costly love. It is a season in which we are invited to observe various spiritual disciplines: “self-examination, repentance; prayer, fasting, and self-denial; reading and meditating on God’s holy Word.” Such disciplines are meant to shape us, enabling us to grow in our ability to follow Jesus’ example of obedience and love – even when facing death.

No sooner had I written the above words when I was faced by a challenging situation. It made me mad. I wanted to bolt. (Get me out of here! Who needs this!) And then I remembered Jesus’ words. Maybe this was an opportunity for God to act in a “show-off” way – in me and in the situation. So I listened and prayed, asked for prayer (and insight) from some wise colleagues. Then, I asked God to act: “Put Your glory on display, God!” I said with vehemence and passion. “Somehow, in the midst of our frailties and this brokenness, show off!” And frankly, I prayed this more than once. A good preparation for a Holy Lent. n Blessings,

My Lenten observance this year will be shaped by Jesus’ words in the face of his troubled, stormtossed heart. As I face daily trials and temptations, little and big ones, I want His response to shape



Wednesday, June 25 Saturday, June 28

Sunday, June 22, 2014 at 3:30 p.m. Ascension Church Oakland (Pittsburgh)

St. Vincent College Latrobe, PA

This is a Service of Thanksgiving for the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh, recognizing the unparalleled contribution of our Diocese to the movement. Make plans to attend and RSVP today!

Please go to our website at to sign up.


Please visit our website at to sign up.

Lent/Easter 2014




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