September 2010
A Section of the Anglican Journal
September 2010
An ‘Enduring Beacon’ since 1836 St. Thomas’ Church invites you to celebrate their 175th Anniversary
This 19 September 2010 the Parish of St. Thomas ’ Church in St. John ’s will begin a year long celebration of their 175th anniversary, culminating in a gala dinner and a final service with our Primate, the Most Reverend Fred Hiltz, the Lieutenant Governor and other dignitaries on Sunday September 18, 2011 at 10:30 a.m. There will be special services and events held every month throughout the anniversary year (please check their website for details On Sunday January 23, 2011 at 10:30 a.m., there will be having a special Home Coming service for a number of groups that have had a special relationship with the parish over the years. St. Thomas ’s would like to invite all those who were part of Queen ’s College Alumini, Bishop Jones Hostel, Bishop Feild Alumini, the School for the Deaf, the Anglican Orphanage and St. Thomas ’ School to join them for the service and special Coffee Hour afterwards. Members of the 175th Anniversary Committee ask readers of Anglican Life to spread the word to all members of these groups and hope that a good number of representatives will be able to be present at the January 23rd service. They invite members of the diocese to come and visit them at some point during the year, perhaps choosing an event of special interest to you. The Parish looks forward to a year-long celebration of God ’s faithfulness to the congregation through the generations, and give thanks for your part in our life together in Christ. Submitted by Members of the St. Thomas ’ Church 175th Anniversary Committee. An Enduring Beacon. St. Thomas ’ Anglican Church as it stands today (above) and an early drawing of the Church (see right) in the 19th century. Photos submitted by St. Thomas ’ Parish.
St. Thomas ’ Church dates back to the year 1836, when the need was felt for a second Anglican Church in St. John ’s to service the growing population in the east end of the city. The first Anglican place of worship was the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. An early painting of St. John ’s shows the original St. Thomas ’ as a little church with a prominent tower. This tower is still part of the present church. The church was used as a garrison church by the British soldiers sta-
tioned in St. John ’s until the late 1870s, which led to its nickname, “The Old Garrison Church ”. The church escaped the ravages of the great fire which destroyed much of the town in 1846. A change in the wind direction caused the fire to veer off in another direction. The same year, a violent storm is said to have moved the whole building six inches. In an effort to stabilize the structure, the wings, which characterize the present building, were added five years later. In
1874, the increase in the number of parishioners led to the lengthening of the church by thirty feet. The church was again enlarged in 1883 by extending the chancel and adding a vestry and additional space for the organ. The last alteration to the building was made in 1903, when the chancel was again lengthened to provide seating accommodation for over 1300 people. A second Continued on Page 2 See “History of St. Thomas ”