November 2009
ANGLICANLife November 2009
CLB MIssion Belize 2009: After much prayer, fundraising, and effort, the CLB Mission to Belize was a huge success. Pictured are the Mission Team with Bishop Philip Wright (back row centre). The Team travelled to the country to help build a classroom/medical facility in the community of San Mateo. Article and Photo Rev. Lynn Courage
“Come on team, let’s go, let’s go!” bellowed the voice of our fearless leader and Commandant, Colonel Keith Arns, as he clapped his hands rallying us to action. On June 26, 2009, forty-four CLB leaders and youth embarked on a mission - a goal - to construct what we could and share the gospel with as many as we could. Little did we know this was a mere part of what this trip entailed and produced. This trip of mission and ministry transformed forty-four people in ways that only each could tell. As scripture says, it was “more than we could ask or imagine”.When this idea was first brought forward we had our fair share
of skeptics. Some wondered whether it was worthwhile for us to take on, whether we could raise the money, get through all of the medical requirements, assemble a dedicated team and the list goes on. However, skepticism was soon put to rest once the team was assembled. We were like a dog with a bone, stopping at nothing until we set out and accomplished all that we planned to do. It was through the leadership, determination and the support of so many people that this was made possible. One of our goals was to fill forty-four suitcases with as many wish list items as we could (items requested by Holy Cross Anglican School in San Mateo).
Through the generous donations of many people this was quickly realized, and it was
amazing to see the school aged children getting their school supplies from the
items our Church supplied. The construction team was put to work immediately repairing, replacing and painting. The skills they brought were a tremendous asset to the school. The Vacation Bible School team carried out their ministry of crafts, music, sports and drama, and we sang and proclaimed the Word of God together. Our medical team acted with professionalism keeping us hydrated and making sure we were well protected from the elements of the scorching sun. Their concern for each one of us was displayed 24/7. Security was a major issue for all of us. Traveling with such a large group, we looked out for one another. It added to
our sense of security and well being to have with us a CLB officer who is a police officer by profession. Our ‘home team’, those who were standing by 24/7 to help with any needs that we couldn’t take care of from our location, was really our life line keeping us informed and connected to whatever we needed and asked for. This mission was truly a Church mission. With the blessing of our Bishop Cyrus Pitman, the welcoming of Bishop Philip Wright, Bishop of Belize, and the encouragement of the South American Missionary Society (SAMS), we were able to carry out this mission that God called us to do.