November 2009 Anglican Life

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November 2009

ANGLICANLife November 2009






CLB MIssion Belize 2009: After much prayer, fundraising, and effort, the CLB Mission to Belize was a huge success. Pictured are the Mission Team with Bishop Philip Wright (back row centre). The Team travelled to the country to help build a classroom/medical facility in the community of San Mateo. Article and Photo Rev. Lynn Courage

“Come on team, let’s go, let’s go!” bellowed the voice of our fearless leader and Commandant, Colonel Keith Arns, as he clapped his hands rallying us to action. On June 26, 2009, forty-four CLB leaders and youth embarked on a mission - a goal - to construct what we could and share the gospel with as many as we could. Little did we know this was a mere part of what this trip entailed and produced. This trip of mission and ministry transformed forty-four people in ways that only each could tell. As scripture says, it was “more than we could ask or imagine”.When this idea was first brought forward we had our fair share

of skeptics. Some wondered whether it was worthwhile for us to take on, whether we could raise the money, get through all of the medical requirements, assemble a dedicated team and the list goes on. However, skepticism was soon put to rest once the team was assembled. We were like a dog with a bone, stopping at nothing until we set out and accomplished all that we planned to do. It was through the leadership, determination and the support of so many people that this was made possible. One of our goals was to fill forty-four suitcases with as many wish list items as we could (items requested by Holy Cross Anglican School in San Mateo).

Through the generous donations of many people this was quickly realized, and it was

amazing to see the school aged children getting their school supplies from the

items our Church supplied. The construction team was put to work immediately repairing, replacing and painting. The skills they brought were a tremendous asset to the school. The Vacation Bible School team carried out their ministry of crafts, music, sports and drama, and we sang and proclaimed the Word of God together. Our medical team acted with professionalism keeping us hydrated and making sure we were well protected from the elements of the scorching sun. Their concern for each one of us was displayed 24/7. Security was a major issue for all of us. Traveling with such a large group, we looked out for one another. It added to

our sense of security and well being to have with us a CLB officer who is a police officer by profession. Our ‘home team’, those who were standing by 24/7 to help with any needs that we couldn’t take care of from our location, was really our life line keeping us informed and connected to whatever we needed and asked for. This mission was truly a Church mission. With the blessing of our Bishop Cyrus Pitman, the welcoming of Bishop Philip Wright, Bishop of Belize, and the encouragement of the South American Missionary Society (SAMS), we were able to carry out this mission that God called us to do.



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News & Announcements The Cathedral Choir has been invited to contribute to a CBC Musicraft broadcast on Mendelssohn to be recorded for a future show on CBC. As well as anthems, the programme will feature examples of Mendelssohn’s organ music played on the Cathedral organ by David Drinkell. (Cathedral Parish of St. John the Baptist, St. John’s) Military Family Program. Once Service Program again there will be containers placed at the back of the church for items to be sent to our troops serving around the world. A list of items needed for the packages is attached to the containers. Any contribution that you could make monetary or otherwise would be greatly appreciated by the Military Family Services Program. ( Parish of Holy Trinity, Grand Falls-Windsor) Bishop Cyrus Pitman wishes to announce the following appointments: The Rev. Nelson Chatman will join the ministry team in the Parish of the Holy Trinity, effective November 16, 2009. The Rev. Glenn Small has accepted the appointment as Rector of the Parish of Windsor/Bishop’s Falls in the Diocese of central Newfoundland, effective November 16, 2009.(Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador) Do you feel you are only in Kindergarten

when it comes to the Christian Faith? Then come along to Christianity 101 which started October 29th and upgrade your education level. Plus get fed and meet friends in the process. (Parish of New Hope) Playing it safe – Do not ride in a car; they cause 20% of all fatal accidents. Do not stay at home; 17% of all accidents happen at home. Do not walk around on the streets; 14% of all accidents happen there. Do not travel by air or water; 16% of all accidents result from these activities. However, only .0001% of all accidents happen at church. Obviously, the safest place to be is in worship at church! (Parish of Fortune/ Lamaline) The Future of Anglicanism: A public lecture with the Rev’d Canon Dr. Peter Sedgwick of the UK was held on Thursday, October 15, 2009, at 7 p.m. at the Church of the Good Shepherd. As part of its celebrations leading up to the Consecration of the Church on October 20, the parish hosted a discussion entitled The Future of Anglicanism. Canon Dr. Peter Sedgwick discussed the Anglican Church from a historical, theological and international perspective, exploring the stresses upon the Anglican Communion in areas such as the interpretation of scripture and human sexuality and offered a distinct analysis of the glo-

bal situation today. (Parish of the Good Shepherd, Mount Pearl) Conference on CreaSpirituality: A Celtion Spirituality ebration of Beauty, Wonder and Belonging was held on Tuesday, October 27, at the Assumption Parish Annex, Stephenville Crossing. (Parish of St. Augustine, Stephenville) Results of latest Natural Church Development Survey: St. Thomas’ has been working with the church growth process Natural Church Development for the past eight years. During that time we have done six surveys that have revealed to us different areas we need to be working on to develop a healthy, growing parish. Our results from the last NCD survey taken by 30 congregational leaders at St. Thomas’ last June are back. There was a significant improvement in most areas of parish life, as indicated by the survey. Our new lowest growth characteristic is “Passionate Spirituality”, which means we need to work on making God’s love for us central in all the work, worship, study and planning we do in every area of our parish. This will be the special focus for our parish work plan for 2010. (Parish of St. Thomas, St. John’s) Harvest Thanksgiving ing: Sunday 11 October is our Harvest Thanksgiving Service. It is an opportunity to offer our thanksgiving to our Lord for His many blessings to us. As has been the practice in the past, we are asking for donations of vegetables and fruits to help decorate the church. All donations will be used on Sunday and then given to our Emmaus House - the Anglican/Roman Catholic food bank in the city. (Parish of St. Au-

gustine, St. John’s) A Celebration Dinner in Thanksgiving to God for the Ministry and Friendship of Fr. Chris, Bryn, Robert, Helen and Nicholas Snow was held on Tuesday 29 September 2009. Fr. Chris and the Snow family have been with St. Michael’s for 11 years. This Celebration Dinner was opportunity to thank them for all that they have done in our parish and to pray God’s blessing on them as they begin a new chapter in their life and ministry at Grace Church in Milton, Ontario. (Parish of St. Michael & All Angels, St. John’s) Bishop Percy Coffin wishes to announce the following appointments: The Rev. Hubert Vallis, Priest-in-Charge, Vallis Parish of Flower’s Cove, effective July 1, 2009 The Rev. Jean Brenton-Hickman, Priest-in-Charge, Parish of Cow Head, effective August 15, 2009 Ms. Louise Richards Richards, Catechist, Parish of Bay St. George, effective July 1, 2009 to August 31, 2009. (Diocese of Western Newfoundland) Spirit Fest Fest: November 12 -15, 2009. Mark your calendar for four nights of special worship and cooperation between the Parishes of Upper Island Cove, Harbour Grace, Carbonear and Spaniard’s Bay. Special Worship services will take place, in turn, in each Parish to help us in our spiritual journey and to celebrate the Holy Spirit at work in our midst. A freewill offering will be taken to support O’Shaughnessy House for spousal abuse in Carbonear. Mark you Calendar, talk to your friends, and look for

further information in the coming weeks. (Parish of the Resurrection, South River) Giving Thanks - How do we give thanks to God in our lives? How do we reflect thanks for all that we have and all that we share? Please consider how you may reflect thanks for ministries in this parish through regular participation, through weekly offering, pre-authorized payments, and through monthly donations. Regular donations of money, time, and effort enables ministry to be sustained. After summer the parish is experiencing a shortage of all three resources for ministry (financial resources, time, and talent resources). If you would like to discuss this matter, please contact the Rector, the Rev’d David Burrows. (Parish of the Ascension, Mount Pearl) Receiving at Holy Eucharist Eucharist: Some people have adopted the practice of receiving Communion in one kind; either the consecrated bread only or or, in the case of wheat allergies, the consecrated wine only. This is an acceptable practice. With reference to concerns around communicable diseases, communion in one kind (the consecrated Bread only) has become, and continues to be, an option for some. (Parish of All Saints, Conception Bay South) Bishop Cyrus Pitman ordained the following Deacons to the Sacred Priesthood on Monday, October 19, 20 2009. The Rev. Juliet NurseDicks The Rev. Alex Faseruk The Rev. Nancy March The Rev. Irene Sutton The service took place at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, St. John’s. (Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador)



November 2009

Developing a vision for St. Michael’s, Corner Brook Article & Photo by Debbie Ford

What has God entrusted to us as a Parish? What have we been doing with it? What does God want us to be doing? Those are three very powerful questions but St. Michael and All Angels decided that it was time to tackle them. Our Congregational Development & Communications Committee and its chair, Larry Renouf, initiated the process in the fall of 2008. Using Matthew 25: 14-30, the story of the man who went away and put these three servants in charge of all he owned, the committee addressed the various groups within the parish - the Vestry, the Men’s Fellowship Group, the ACW, etc. The

discussions and answers to the questions were compiled over the next few months. Then in February 2009 the parish held visioning and planning sessions to begin its strategic planning under the guidance of the Canon Roberta Woodman, the coordinator of the “Taking Care of God’s Business” diocesan initiative. From those sessions we were pleased to present to the congregation at our annual meeting vision and mission statements. Our vision statement is – The Parish of St. Michael and All Angels is an inclusive, vibrant, Christ centered community of faith, embracing and enriching all, by loving and serving God, guided by the Holy Spirit. Our mission statement to achieve our

vision is glorify God through Jesus Christ by worship, education, and service, rooted in the Spirit. We have set our goals and objectives that will take us on a journey that will, God willing, see our vision become a reality. May God guide us as we endeavor to do His will for His glory.

St. Michael’s in Corner Brook held a session on developing a vision and mission plan for serving God in their area. They asked basic questions which helped focus the direction of the process. Photo: Debbie Ford


A legacy of love

Bishop Pitman (right) is presented with cheques from the Estate of the late Rita Love by Derrick Hutchens. Photo: Kevin Smith

Recently Bishop Pitman and I had lunch with Derrick Hutchens, Executor for the late Rita (Spurrell) Love of Pool’s Island, Bonavista Bay. When that lunch was over, Mr. Hutchens passed over a number of cheques representing seven bequests worth approximately a quarter of a million dollars for the diocese and various partners within and without the diocese. The funds came from the Estate of the late Rita Love. Mrs Love, a resident of Bishop Meaden Manor for a number of years, was a cradle Anglican who left Pool’s Island for the United States when she was 15 years old. There she worked in the health care system and married twice. Her second husband, James Love, was a

medical doctor and they were married in Virginia in 1952 where they lived for the rest of their married lives together. I’m told that nieces and nephews remember Aunt Elsie (as she was called by her baptized name) being a fairly regular visitor to Newfoundland in particular to the Pool’s Island/Badger’s Quay area while she was married to Dr. Love. It seems she had rediscovered her roots once it became relatively easy to travel back home for a visit. She also used to send cards to the children often containing small gifts of money. After her second husband died, Rita moved back to Newfoundland to live and settled in St. John’s. There she lived with her two sisters, Carrie and Bessie until Bessie

died. After that Rita moved into her own senior’s accommodation, Bishop Meaden Manor, where she lived for five years. Mrs. Love was a faithful parishioner of St. Thomas’ Church in St. John’s and her Will provided for two bequests- one given earlier and another in this latest batch of gifts. Her Will also provided financial support for the Diocese (including the Bishop Abraham Endowment Fund), Bishop Meaden Manor and St. Luke’s, the Church Lad’s Brigade and the two congregations in the parish of Badgers Quay/Pool’s Island. These bequests reflect the wishes and desires of Mrs. Love to provide a

legacy of support for her Church according to her executor, Derrick Hutchens, of the chartered accounting firm of Noseworthy Chapman. Bishop Cyrus Pitman was delighted to receive the gifts and expressed his personal gratitude to Mr. Hutchens and the Love Estate. He said the bequest for the Abraham Fund would give that account a real kick start and all these gifts represent one of the largest bequests to be received in recent years. Rita Love passed away on January 7, 2007 at the age of 94 years. Her gifts to the Church represent a wonderful legacy of love. If you would like some information about how you would like to make a legacy gift, large or

Kevin Smith

small, for your Church, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kevin Smith is the gift planning consultant for the Anglican Church of Canada. He can be contacted at (709) 739-5667 or by email


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ANGLICANLife Out of the mouths of babes



ANGLICAN LIFE in Newfoundland and Labrador is the newspaper of the Anglican Church in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. A co-operative effort of the three Dioceses in Newfoundland and Labrador, it is published monthly, except July and August, with an independent editorial policy. A section of the Anglican Journal Editor-in-Chief: The Rev’d Sam Rose 45 Tildacane Place Conception Bay South, NL A1X 3C7 (709) 834-9190 (h) Email: Advertising Rates and other information may be obtained from: Bishop Donald Young 34 Fraser Road, Gander, NL, A1V 2E8 Phone: (709) 256-7701 Email: Subscription Rates: Newfoundland and Labrador: $15.00 Outside the province: $20.00 International: $25.00 New subscriptions, cancellations, & changes of address should be sent to: Circulation The Anglican Journal (attn. Bev Murphy) 80 Hayden Street, Toronto, ON, M4Y 3G2 (416) 924-9192 (O) (416) 925-8811 (fax) Email:

Each parish is responsible for maintaining its own subscription list - please notify your parish office of any changes. Changes sent to parish offices may take months to take effect. Please also send your updated information to Circulation at the Anglican Journal (above) or to Don Young at 34 Fraser Road, Gander NL A1V 2E8. Articles and photographs: Send to the Editor-in-Chief (above) Parish Bulletins and Letters to the Editor: Send to the Editor-in-Chief, Sam Rose (address as above). All letters must include the writer’s name, address, and telephone number. Telephone numbers will not be published. Anglican Life does not publish letters under nom de plume. Letters should not exceed 300 words (one double spaced typewritten page), and are subject to editing at the discretion of the editor. These policies were adopted by the Anglican Life Committee. Layout & Design: Sam Rose Printed by: Signal Star Publishing, A Division of Bowes Publishers Limited, Industrial Park, 120 Huckins Street, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 4B6

Circulation: 22,961

Recently I asked young people (18 and under) what they thought of church. I did so in the context of the Sunday morning Eucharist which had the Gospel focus on Jesus declaring that “unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a little child, you could not enter it” (Mark 10:13-16). I was expecting to hear the following replies to my inquiry: “Church is boring!” “Church is too long!” “Church isn’t fun!” However, I was surprised to hear that, “Church is about serving.” “Church is about the bread and wine.” “Church is about people.” “Church is about the cross.” It seems that these young people were describing church on the basis of the rich symbolism we use in our liturgy. They were attracted to the Holy Eucharist, the large Christus Rex in our sanctuary, the Altar Servers in their red cassocks, and the other symbols we use in worship. Now this is a revelation! We adults tend to think that we have to get rid of all these important parts of our worship and strip it down in order to reach young people. I don’t think that is the answer in our Anglican Church.

Maybe we should use our liturgy and symbolism to teach young people about Christ instead of thinking they are barriers or stumbling blocks. There is a tendency to think that the things we have been doing in worship for last

2000 years are no longer relevant. Why is that? Maybe we have lost sight of why we do what we do. I remember hearing an adult say that he never understood what the term “the quick and the dead” meant in the traditional form of the Creed. I asked him if

The Rev. Sam Rose

he ever asked anyone what it meant. He said he did not. So instead of asking for clarification, he simply thought the Creed was outdated and irrelevant. Maybe it is time we stop hiding our Anglican identity and let who we are shine forth as a beacon for all people, both old and young. Back to my conversation with these young people in my Church. As part of the discussion, I showed them a sign that read in large letters, GODISNOWHERE. I asked them what the sign said. Almost unanimously they all replied, “God is now here.” In a similar exercise some adults read, “God is nowhere.” Very interesting. Is God speaking through these young people? Is God telling us something as Anglicans about how we treat young people in our worship? The next time you think that Church is boring for a youth, maybe you should ask them for yourself.

Letters to the editor ‘The Shack’ careful reading


I was delighted to see a review on The Shack, in Anglican Life (October 2009). It is a book that many people are reading. At the very least, it is a wonderful story of healing. But for the theologically aware, such as is Archdeacon King, the book attempts to present a “fresh” look at the Trinity. For many people Young’s “imagining” of the persons of God is new and fresh and affirming. Young’s antiinstitutionalism and antiscriptural leanings have great appeal in our culture today. I believe that it is Young’s appeal to these leanings and his “fresh” look at God, which is contributing to this books popularity. I feel some caution is advised. Mr. Young’s background in a fundamentalist Christian heritage presented him with a rigid perception of institutional Christianity, and an unyielding, legalistic understanding of the Scrip-

tures. Mr. Young rightfully challenges these unfortunate perceptions of Christianity that distort the beauty, wonder, and joy that is to be found in the church. However, the book pendulums too far in its attempt to correct these hurtful perceptions. Mr. Young buddies down the majesty and awe of the living God. When the people of the Scriptures encountered God they were struck with awe. It is a tragedy for the Church to feel it must, dumb down the Lord in order to make him popular in society. Regarding the Scriptures, Mr. Young excessively diminishes their importance. He is correct in affirming the relational witness they present of the Lord, but simply because many people in modern Western culture apply legalisms in their understandings of the Scriptures, does not justify doing away with the Scriptures or at the very least belittling their importance. The Scriptures belong to the church, and the church belongs to the Scriptures, for they reveal the

Lord, who we know and love. It was with sadness that I read in Archdeacon King’s review that The Shack might help us “learn to re-imagine God in the image she intended rather than reciprocating her bounty by ‘making her into our image.” By diminishing the place of the Scriptures and the witness of the Church for almost 2000 years, Mr. Young tickles our modern politically correct sensitivities and individualistic desires. He thus tragically leans us towards a God that is created in our own image. That being said, I feel that The Shack is a well worth while read for it powerfully presents a God who desires deep relationship with us, a God who does not desire in any way to judge us, and a God who sent his Son solely to bring healing and redemp‘Letters ‘ continued on Page 5



November 2009

bishop’s letter

Beyond our borders I am writing this with my head and heart awash in the height and depth and breadth of our Anglican expression of the Christian faith. I am deeply privileged to serve as a member of the National Church, “Partners in Mission, Eco Justice Committee”. Members of the Committee come from Newfoundland to the Yukon, from British Columbia to Inukjuak, in Quebec, from Moose Factory to our partner from the Philippines. We have had presentations from our representative on the World Council of Churches and from two theology students from Myanmar, studying here and planning to return to their home to teach at their theological college. One of the functions of

a bishop is to connect the diocese to the world wide church and yet it is so difficult to do in a way which is meaningful and reflects the joys and tragedies, of the Church and the power of the Spirit moving through it. There are the tragedies of communities and individual lives decimated by a copper mine which destroys rivers, and pollutes farmland, stories of first nations peoples who still have to resort to courts to protect treaty rights. There is the story of our own Canadian Immigration Department blocking the entry to visitors from Myanmar, sponsored by the Diocese of British Columbia, their Companion Diocese, to participate in a program which had been running for many

years, without trouble. However, there are also stories of the Church standing with the poor of the Philippines, with the homeless of Canada, and with our First Nations people. There are stories of lives changed through Volunteers in Mission, through theological student exchanges. The variety of ways in which the Church proclaims Christ and the variety of places in which Christ is proclaimed is truly evidence of the Spirit and a reason for hope. It is also a call to know and appreciate the Church outside our own experience of it. A good place to begin is online, on the Anglican Church of Canada website. Look at “Indigenous Minis-

Letters to the editor tion and hope to us. In this way, Mr. Young helps us to capture the ancient image of the Trinity and the work of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. That alone might help us to return to the Church, and the Scriptures, with renewed awe, commitment, and service.

Rev. Brian Candow Associate Priest St. Martin’s Cathedral Gander Do not shun ‘rebel’ clergy

I have just finished reading the article in the October issue by The Rev. Michael Li entitled “Stand Firm” (October 2009). It makes very clear some of the issues that are

facing our Church today. I have been very concerned lately that many people have been getting distorted information, and Rev. Li’s contribution is a welcome clarification. The people who have chosen to leave the Anglican Church of Canada and the Episcopal Church in the U.S. are not rebels to be shunned. They have made their decisions after much prayer, agony and soul searching, especially the clergy. I know many priests and bishops personally who have left for the Anglican Network in Canada. They have not made their decisions for personal gain, but, with prayer, are doing what they feel called by God to do. They are still part of the Anglican

Communion, and their orders are recognized by the majority of Anglicans around the world, including the Archbishop of Canterbury. We may not agree with their decisions, but they still deserve our respect, and should not be treated as outcasts.

Rev. Charles Lockhart Port Rexton, NL

tries” and “Mission and Justice,” to find information about relationships in Uganda, Justice Camps in Nova Scotia, the Church in our North. Learn how our church supports Christians around the world with prayer, with resources and personnel. As troublesome as they are, our conflicts, and genuine theological disagreements still do not define us. They are the focus of great energies but not all our energy. It is truly inspiring to see the deep and passionate commitment of our National Church staff people have for the work of the Anglican Church of Canada worldwide. We can take great pride in how they represent you around the world. Please continue to

Bishop David Torraville Diocese of Central Newfoundland

remember the work of our Anglican Church of Canada throughout the world.

Corner Brook Cathedral news Article by The Very Rev. Michael Rice

On 19 July 2009, The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Corner Brook celebrated the 75th Anniversary of the Laying of the Corner Stone with Bishop Edward Marsh (retired) as Guest Preacher and Celebrant. Bishop Marsh was an associate with the Parish as a young priest. Also another former curate, Bishop Mark Genge (retired) will be the guest preacher on Sunday 29 November 2009 (Advent 1), as we begin the celebrations of our 75th anniversary wor-

shipping at St. John the Evangelist. To mark this occasion, we will be hosting a Nativity Fest (a display of nativity scenes from our congregation and surrounding churches) on 27-28 November 2009. Other events are being planned with a special focus on the week of 7-13 June 2010 (June 9th being the actual anniversary). All are welcome to join us as we celebrate our 75 years of ministry in this facility. As part of our celebration we are creating an historical display and are looking for pictures, bulletins or any item of historic interest. Anyone having items to give or lend please call the church office at 634-2373 or email us at: or can drop items off at 25 Main St., Corner Brook (We will copy and return items if requested).


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Spaniard’s Bay A.C.W women held a grand concert at the Lodge building on September 24, 2009 to a packed audience. The old fashioned concert featured skits, songs and special musical guests. A fun filled evening was had by all and well worth the price of admission. It’s hard to say who enjoyed themselves more - the audience or the A.C.W. women!! Submitted by Norma Jones

In reference to Scripture, we, as a church community, are called to bring God’s love and compassion to others. Here, at the Church of the Ascension in Mount Pearl, we have responded to that call by establishing the Parish Network Visitors. In addition to the Pastoral Care visits made by the rector, Rev. David Burrows, and the assistant rector, Rev. Iliffe Sheppard, a group of parishioners has organized monthly visits to parishioners in their own homes or nursing homes. Those visited are faithful parishioners who due to age or some infirmity cannot attend church worship regularly but want to stay connected to their church community. The dedicated visitors, both men and women, bring greetings from their fellow parishioners, share with them activities in the church, and often just sit and listen to stories of the ‘days of long ago’. The PNV also make sure contact is made on special occasions – Christmas, Birthdays, Easter – either by a visit, a card and/or a telephone visit. Many of those who are visited are very lonely and both welcome and cherish these visits and contacts. Twice a year the Parish Network Visitors also host a Seniors’ Dinner’ and those who are able come together for Eucharist, dinner and some entertainment. This opportunity for ministry is open to anyone in the Parish who wishes to spread God’s love outside the confines of the church building. A rewarding experience indeed for those who avail of this ministry!! Article by Jean Nash. Photo by Georginia Short

Members of the Royal Canadian Legion and the Peacekeepers Association, from Deer Lake and Corner Brook, were in Jackson’s Arm for a special grave marker ceremony on June 9th, to mark the graves of the war veterans with a white cross and either the British or Canadian flag to mark the war they served in. The service began with prayer at St. Bartholomew’s church led by Rev. Hannah Dicks, and the presentation of the Crosses to family members by legion and peacekeeper members. The ceremony continued at the cemetery with the placing of the crosses at the gravesites. Submitted by Hannah Dicks.

Confirmation for the Parish of Fortune / Lamaline was held on June 7th, 2009. The celebrations began on Saturday, June 6th, 2009 when two parishes, the Parish of Fortune/ Lamaline and the Parish of Grand Bank held a banquet which was hosted by members of the ACW from each church. The Bishop, clergy from each parish, Confirmation teachers, confirmation candidates, parents, godparents and grandparents were in attendance for this banquet. There was a Hot Turkey Dinner and several delicious desserts. A Confirmation cake was prepared for all confirmation candidates. At 6:00pm on June 7th, 2009 a Confirmation Service was held at All Saints, Fortune. There were 13 confirmation candidates and each were eager and ready to confirm there faith in the Lord. Each candidate was presented with a teen devotional book and a cross pin. After the service there was finger foods and confirmation cake provided for all to enjoy. Submitted by Beverly Buffett.



November 2009

Quiet Day fosters faith & friendship

Article and Photo Linda Pafford

The Christian Education Committee and the Order of St. Luke hosted a Quiet Day for Women on Saturday, September 27 at Holy Trinity Church in Grand FallsWindsor. Thirty-eight women came to experience a wonderful day of music, prayer, sharing and reflection. Rev. Elizabeth Stewart, United Church Minister, Windsor/Bishop Falls/ Norris Arm, was very warm and gracious in her role as leader. Madonna Boone, our Student Intern from Queen’s College gave a warm welcome to all the ladies on behalf of Holy Trinity and said an opening prayer. Madonna then introduced our organist, Patricia Hammond and then Rev. Elizabeth Stewart. The day’s activities began with Rev. Elizabeth leading us into a variety of medi-

tation and centering exercises. The first centering exercise helped us to quiet our thoughts and feelings. Rev. Elizabeth used a Mantra—a prayer word/phrase that one repeated slowly while using repetitive hand and arm movements. The Mantra was “I Am Here” A second centering exercise with hand and arm movements was a morning prayer of thanks and praise, offering, asking, acceptance, and adoration. Rev. Elizabeth introduced the idea of spiritual journaling. We were given several Scripture passages for reading and reflection. As we read the scriptures, Rev. Elizabeth guided us through different exercises and recommended that we keep a journal to write or draw our reactions, feelings, insights, images, thoughts, or experiences that brought us into a new awareness of God . Some women journalized a prayer during this time. Op-

portunity was given to share our experience or thoughts with the person next to us, and then with the larger group. Throughout the day, Rev. Elizabeth sang the Mantra, “Oh God we come, from deep inside we yearn, for you.” This was repeated a number of times allowing time for personal reflection The group participated in a number of other meditation exercises such as coloring mandalas, music, song, and prayer. Each mediation exercise has its own experiences and benefits. Rev. Elizabeth read a prayer of thanks for creation by the First Nations People. This day enabled us the opportunity to come together in faith and friendship, and to share our spiritual journey with others. We went home with ideas that we can practice in our prayer life to deepen our relationship with Jesus.

Lay ministry strong in Grand Bay

The Rector of the Parish of Grand Bay, the Rev. Peter Boote, recently installed four lay-readers for St. Paul’s church to help him in ministry. From left to right are: Alex Kettle, Beryl Churchill, Effie Hewitt and George Gillam. Submitted by Eileen Keeping


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Growing in God’s Love St. Andrew’s Church in Happy Valley-Goose Bay celebrates 50 years Article & Photos by The Ven. Charlene Taylor

ebrated with their first rector Archbishop Stewart Payne. Archbishop Payne spoke at the hot and cold bufSt. Andrew’s Church in fet dinner and shared stories the Parish of Lake Melville, of the past and his pleasure Happy Valley Goose Bay is to be present with the concelebrating its 50th anniver- gregation fifty years later. He sary this year. The corner- also preached at the service stone was laid August 30, of Thanksgiving for a Church Anniversary. During the dinner the anniversary song written by Aden Clarke was sung and greetings were shared from Bishop Pitman and from the L a k e Melville Ministerial The first rector of the Parish of Lake Melville Association. Archbishop Stewart Payne shared memories The cake made by of establishing the parish fifty years ago. S h e r r y Newman 1959 and it was the same date was cut by Aunt Mary Clarke fifty years later that the peo- and Frankie Leonard. The ple of St. Andrew’s celebrated quilter’s group unveiled the 50 years of mission and min- commemorative anniversary istry. quilt made of many photos Throughout 2009 the scanned to material and arparish has been celebrating ranged to show the activities this milestone in the life of of St. Andrew’s over the past the Anglican Church in fifty years. Happy Valley Goose Bay. St. Andrew’s has been The celebrations included; truly blessed for 50 years and spiritual renewal with a par- the celebrations will continue ish mission with Archdeacon until the end of 2009. Sandra Tilley and outreach to the wider church and world with a PWRDF youth event. During the weekend of August 29-30 the parish cel-

The Anniversary Quilt was unveiled by members of the quilter’s group. The quilt contains images of the mission and ministry of St. Andrew’s over the past fifty years.

St. Andrew’s Praise Band led in the singing for 50th Anniversary Celebration Weekend.

Play & Pray in Newtown Article & Photo by The Rev. Shaun O’Connor

In early summer, the congregation of St. Luke’s, Newtown, decided to restore the local playground as a “gift of love” to its community. As part of the Parish Mission they wanted to serve the community, rather than expect it to serve them. The playground, which belonged to the Town of New-Wes-Valley, was in sad shape: fences fallen down, slide and apparatus broken, teeter-totters and seesaws stripped and sunken into the ground, swings bare and missing parts, and the basket-ball hoop torn off. Also, there was no place to sit down. The congregation hosted a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at the local Fire Hall to help raise money for the project and donated half the funds to the Fire

Department. About half-a-dozen men from the church assembled with tools and materials while the local residents looked on. Now the playground stands proud with new paint and new parts. The children laugh and play while the parents and grandparents sit back and smile. Life has returned to the area and there is a bustle of activity. Long ago, Nehemiah’s men worked with a shovel in their hand and a sword at their side while rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 4:18). Likewise, we are called to be a people of prayer and of action to the glory of our God. May we look around our communities and see where we can serve so that our children can play and pray.



November 2009


Article & Photos James Sweeny Diocese of Quebec

herent rights that individuals how that would work within and peoples have received the tradition and the current from God and asked that the structures. The Working General Secretary write to Group also is looking into the Queen Elizabeth II, the Su- canons and the necessary preme Governor of the changes in constitutional legChurch of England, request- islation to reduce the size of ing that her Majesty disavow, General Synod and its Counand repudiate publicly, the cil and the number of delclaimed validity of the Chris- egates from each diocese. Following this presentatian Doctrine of Discovery The Primate, Archbishop tion there was heated discussion about the Fred Hiltz, adfailure of the dressed synod General Synod saying transition to follow the and change is occorrect process curring throughof consultation out the church. regarding moHe talked about tions made at the budgetary pres2007 meeting to sures at General The Bishops of the Province of Canada: (Left to right): The Rt Revd Barry B Clarke, Bishop of amend the DecSynod, and also Montreal; The Rt Revd Percy Coffin, Bishop of Western Newfoundland; The Rt Revd David laration of Printhe six Marks of Torraville, Bishop of Central Newfoundland; The Rt Revd Ron Cutler, Suffragan Bishop of Nova ciples. Those Mission. He then Scotia and Prince Edward Island; The Most Revd Claude Miller, Archbishop of Fredericton and motions would outlined some of Metropolitan of Canada; The Rt Revd Dennis Drainville, Bishop of Quebec; The Rt Revd Cyrus Shield of the Ecclesiastical result in Provinthe plans and Pitman, Bishop of Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador; The Rt Revd Susan Moxley, Bishop of Nova Province of Canada cial Synod cedplanning leading Scotia and Prince Edward Island; The Most Revd Fred Hiltz, Primate of Canada ing some of its to General Synod in 2010. The Primate also powers to the General Synod. Governance and leader- three years. Later in the size of each of the diocesan discussed the Anglican Cov- One of them gives General enant, and criticized any rush Synod the power to elect and ship were the themes at the synod a motion was passed to delegations by two. The Province of Canada to adoption of an incomplete consecrate a National Indigmeetings of the Synod and of affirm and uphold the importhe Council of the Ecclesias- tance of interfaith dialogue by passed a motion that asked covenant and any push to- enous Anglican Bishop. A tical Province of Canada held requesting the Metropolitan the General Synod of the An- ward a two-tier Communion. number of speakers suggested The theme of leadership that Provincial Synod should September 10-13 in Gander, to appoint a Resource Person glican Church of Canada to continued with allow the second reading to NF. The retirement of Arch- on Interfaith DiaEdmund Laldin, go to General Synod in 2010 bishop Bruce Stavert in May logue in consultaBishop Linda as that would allow General meant that council had the tion with the ProNicholls and Norah Synod to do the right thing task of electing the new met- vincial Executive Bolton of the Pri- even if they were wrong in Chancellor ropolitan. The Rt. Rev. macy Task Force not following their own canClaude Miller of Fredericton Charles Ferris then who presented their ons. The Synod then gave its who as the senior Bishop has presented an introwork on the office consent to the two resoluduction to the been serving as Acting Metand role of the Pri- tions that add clauses to the topic of governropolitan was elected on the mate, including a Declaration of Principles. second ballot. His election ance, and the need Provincial Synod only review of the hiscontinues the tradition in the to constantly retory of the Pri- meets one every three years province of electing the examine our strucmacy. This was so to move forward over that bishop who has served long- tures to see that followed by table period a motion was past reest in that role as their Arch- they continue to discussion on ques- questing the Metropolitan, serve the purposes bishop. tions related to the with the advice of the ProThe seventy-three del- for which they Primacy and the vincial Executive, to establish egates from the seven dio- were created and responses gathered a Task Force to identify how ceses in the province along to promote effecwere given to the the Province and each of the mission. with the fifteen invited guests tive Task Force to assist Dioceses may implement the Sue began the Synod with a lively Bishop them in their work. deliberations of this Synod on rock music filled celebration Moxley added More on gov- internal governance, on the “We need to look of Holy Eucharist at St. Marernance this time relationship of Provincial at our purposes tin’s Cathedral. Members regarding the wider Synod with General Synod then returned to the hotel for and how well our church in Canada as and with the diocesan synods, a late evening session that structures allow us four members of and how they may address included a number of changes to accomplish the national Gov- any civil legislative issues to the constitution and can- them” ernance Working that may arise from time to The second ons of the Synod. The main Group: Dr. Randall time and which may affect the thrust of the changes was to session on governFairey, Cynthia Province or any of the Dioset out clearly the purpose, ance had Bishop Haines-Turner, Sue ceses. rights, responsibilities and Dennis Drainville, It was not all business Moxley and Harry Archdeacon Harry prerogatives of the Synod. over the three days as on FriHuskins, took to the The session the following Huskins, Executive day afternoon the members of platform. Their morning began with the first Officer of the Synod went by bus to presentations inProvince of Onof two presentations by Prof. Newtown for a tour, a tradicluded a discussion tario and member Joanne Mercer of Queen’s of indigenous min- tional Newfoundland dinner College, St John’s, on the of the Governance Newley elected Metropolitan Archbishop Claude istry, beginning and entertainment. As they topic of “Why do we serve Working Group, Miller pronounces the Absolution on the gathered with a historical say “a good time was had by God?” based on the Book of and Prolocutor community at St. Martin’s Cathedral in Gander overview and mov- all!” Alan Perry offer- during Provincial Synod. Job. ing on to the chalThe Rev. Edmund Laldin ing reflections and presented the report of the then the Synod divided into repudiate and renounce the lenges of creating new strucInterfaith Committee. Un- discussion groups. The Synod Doctrine of Discovery as fun- tures that would support the fortunately he reported that felt that meeting and talking damentally opposed to the National Indigenous Bishop the committee has had trou- was important and thus de- Gospel of Jesus Christ and with possibly indigenous dioble meeting over the last feated a motion to reduce the our understanding of the in- ceses. The question remains


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Bill Somerton ordained a priest The Rev’d Bill Somerton’s ordination on September 15 (The Feast of St. Cyprian) was held at the Parish of the Good Shepherd in Mount Pearl. There was a capacity crowd for the event with all three Newfoundland & Labrador Bishops in attendance. Bishops Coffin and Torraville were classmates of Bill at Queen’s College over 25 years ago. Fr. Somerton is pictured right of Bishop Torraville. The music was led by Jacob’s Passage and the Rector, Fr. Geoff Peddle, was the preacher. Submitted by Geoff Peddle.

What Bishops do on their day off! The three Newfoundland & Labrador bishops enjoyed a day of fishing this past summer on River of Ponds. No word on which bishop caught the biggest salmon! (left to right) Bishop Torraville, Bishop Coffin, and Bishop Pitman. Photo: John Watton

Have a story to tell? 30 Roe Avenue, P.O. Box 348, Gander, NL A1V 1W7 Telephone: (709) 651-4100 Fax: (709) 256-2957 email:

All articles and photos for the January issue of Anglican Life are due to the Editor by:

December 1, 2009



November 2009

Bishop Jones’ Village - part one


Few Anglicans have land. Stewart took his theo- rifice of praise and thanks- station? Surely not! ‘Go work heard of Bishop Jones Vil- logical studies at Queen’s giving ... So passed away our today in My vineyard’ is the lage, and perhaps for good College and spent a brief pe- first service at ‘Bishop Jones command to all ‘who love reason. It was in existence for riod at Emmanuel College in Village’ and our church flag the Lord Jesus in sincerity a brief period only, perhaps Saskatoon prior to his ordi- hoisted in the early morning and truth.’” two years, around 1900. Its nation by Bishop Jones who continued to wave over the The Colonial and Contilocation: Port Burwell, at the settlement all that day.” nental Church Society was The Ven. Francis Buckle extreme northern tip of the Writing several months prepared to finance the new Labrador Peninsula. It was later in the Diocesan Maga- work and appealed for volnamed in honour of Bishop zine, Stewart posed this ques- unteers. Stewart readily ofThey departed Flower’s Llewellyn Jones (1878 tion: “An Arctic Mission?” fered his services and with Cove on August 6th, 1900 1914), apparently in recogniAnd added, “Why not? In a the full support of his bishop “...And after a splendid run tion of his enthusiastic supDiocese like this, extending was accepted. His experience down reached Nachvak (90 port of a new mission underto the Arctic circle, why a year earlier in the north had miles from headquarters) on taking that the Rev. Dr. H. A. should real missionary confirmed the wisdom of a Friday, August 13th ...where Seegmiller (in The Colonial work not be done, and co-worker to assist in mak- over fifty natives are still livand Continental Church Sothat in a region where ing the Good News known. ing without hope and withciety in the Atlantic Prov‘the Gospel Day sheds His companion on this occa- out God ...” On the Sunday inces) has described as not its glorious ray.’ sion was Henry Ford, a na- following Stewart conducted “One of the truly heroic At our very door, to tive of northern Labrador a service in the Hudson’s Bay episodes in the history of our shame be it said, who spoke Inuktitut and had Company store, where the the Canadian Church.” heathenism exists: some time earlier served as manager, George Ford, HenThe CCCS itself, inaye, and for centu- an interpreter to a scientific ry’s father, explained to those cidentally, had an interries has existed, and expedition in the Ungava Bay assembled the object of the esting beginning. It was poor dark souls have area. Stewart was anxious new work. Stewart was later founded by Samuel gone down to the that the work in which he and to write, “... I cannot help Codner, an English mergrave without God. Henry Ford were to under- feeling that God’s blessing is chant who had fishing ...Is the Church, for take receive the Church’s going to be with us. I am very interests in both New- The Rt. Rev. Llewellyn Jones was the fourth lack of enthusiasm, blessing. Seegmiller noted happy and look forward to foundland and Labrador. Bishop of Newfoundland from 1878-1914. Christian sympathy that “Bishop Jones conducted times of real blessings in our On his return to Engand liberality on the a most impressive service in work for God and His land in the fall of 1821, part of her children, the Cathedral as they left for Church.” the ship on which he was appointed him to the Flow- to relinquish this new found the new field of work. ...” traveling encountered a vi- er’s Cove Mission in 1897. Part Two of this article will be in the December issue of Anglican Life cious storm and death Stewart had a good seemed imminent. Codner friend, Captain Blantford, a First Eucharistic vowed that if his life were veteran visitor to the Arctic Assistant for spared he would devote his region, from whom it is Hatchet Cove. The resources to help the work of would appear he heard of the Congregation of St. the Church. True to his word, appalling spiritual condition Stephen’s Church several years later, in 1823 to of Inuit in the Port Burwell in Hatchet Cove be exact, he founded a soci- area where a Newfoundland watched proudly as ety that later became The firm - Job Brothers - operated Pauline Lambert Church and Continental a fishing business. received her Church Society. Its aim iniWith the blessing of his certificate as the tially was to finance the edu- bishop and the financial supchurch’s first cation of young people. port of the Colonial and ConEucharistic Among the first to benefit tinental Church Society, Assistant for the was Newfoundland: 1924 plans were put in place for a Associate Priest, three teachers were sent to St. two-month “voyage of disJohns. The Diocesan Maga- covery” in the Ungava area. the Revd Nelson zine for July-August, 1939 Stewart was offered transChatman and was able to announce that portation on Captain Deacon Myrna Vey. “within twenty years forty- Blantford’s ship, the NepSubmitted by Loretta five schools were in opera- tune, and took with him two Lambert. tion with an enrolment of Labrador Catechists, Elias 3,600, while during that pe- Gardner (Mission of Battle riod some 12,000 pupils had Harbour) and Kenneth Burry LeDrew Lumber passed through the schools of (Sandwich Bay Mission). the Society.” It was not until They arrived at Port Company Ltd. 1899 that CCCS began to sup- Burwell on Sunday, August th Kelligrews, C.B.S. port work in Labrador. 13 , 1899. “Here we had Newfoundland The initiative at Bishop Matins,” wrote Stewart. Jones Village was financially There being no room for us supported by the CCCS and in the store we held our servPhone: 834-2051 was undertaken by Samuel ice in the open air, and the Fax: 834-5520 Milliken Stewart who came high hills of Burwell echoes originally from Northern Ire- for the first time with our sacWe carry a full line of Building Supplies:

Doors, Wallboard, Paints, Plumbing Supplies and many types of Roofing, Sono-Tube Concrete Forms, Aluminum Doors as well as a full line of

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straight talk

Church hygiene A colleague of mine in a recent radio interview declared that his parish would no longer tolerate or entertain the practice of Intinction (Dipping the bread in the wine). Hats off to my friend and colleague! These days as the public becomes more and more educated and aware of the dangers of bacteria and the spread of infectious diseases and just how small our world has become, people including the faithful, question some of our religious practices like the ‘Common Cup’ and hand shaking during the ‘Peace.’ Our church has just recently installed hand sanitizers on all entrance ways and washrooms. And why not? Education and healing has always been at the heart of the Church’s mission and minis-

try. Hygiene and good health practices are practical ways the Church exercises this ministry and we should be taking a lead role in view of the public. But let us get back to the Common Cup. For the past fifteen years I have consumed the remains of the wine after everyone else has received (called Ablutions). To my knowledge I have never ever contacted a head cold or flu because of this action. Have I been lucky? When I take the bread and wine, I receive it by faith believing in my heart that I am truly receiving the Body and Blood of Christ. Hence, I am NOT

in any danger but in actual fact being nourished by something good and beneficial – “and All other benefits of his

passion” (BCP). Am I being naive in my faith? Probably! (But isn’t that an oxymoron – ‘naive faith’?) Am I being foolish and placing myself at risk of infection? Probably! — But

there is more at work here than faith. What about the 18% alcohol in the Communion wine? Isn’t that the stuff that KILLS bacteria? Isn’t alcohol the key substance in hand sanitizers? While I am being a little forthright here, I have to admit that there is another side to the argument. William Barclay (author and commentator) once wrote, “We have an intellectual faith.” I take that to mean that we are not above reason or ‘common sense.’ ‘Reason’ is a part of the mix and one leg of the Anglican tripod of Scripture, Tradition and Reason. As new information, new practices and new discoveries become available, the Church has an obligation to work, reason and grapple

be helpful. Or you may ponder on what it means to Cherish Christ above all else (St Benedict). Are you satisfied with your knowledge and understanding of the Christian Faith? What do you mean by evil and sin? What draws you from God or prevents you encountering God? Do you consider yourself a sinner? In what way? Do you find repentance and confession liberating?

with this new knowledge. Isn’t it possible that these new discoveries may also be ‘GOD SENT?’ The Church is in the business of healing. Good health practices by the Church are NOT an option. We must at all times demonstrate to the public that we are serious about the ministry of healing, even in the little things like washing our hands.

let us pray

Living your baptism In your Baptism you were declared to be Christ’s own forever. How do you live your Baptism day by day? Are you keeping the vows and promises made in Baptism? To remind you of the meaning of Baptism, read over the service and its introduction in The Book of Alternative Services (page 146). If you want to examine your life in light of the Baptismal Covenant, you can reflect on the service itself or the following questions may

The Rev. Greg Mercer

The Rev. Everett Hobbs

What does it mean to accept Jesus as Saviour? What does it mean to follow Jesus as Lord? What have you given up to follow Christ? Do you feel you are living a Christian life? In what ways? Do you think of yourself (and act) as Christ to others? Do you feel you belong to the parish? How do you relate to others in the parish? How is your relationship with God? How do you decide God’s will for you? Is worship a priority in your life? How is God present in your life? How do you look for God? How much time do you give to prayer? Do you feel you understand the Bible? What else can you do? How much time do you have for others - helping out, volunteering? Are you concerned with issues if poverty, justice, freedom and peace? In what way? Are you too busy? What

can you give up? Do you have enough time for family and friends? Is there balance in your life between work, study, exercise and rest?



November 2009

Quilters hope to ‘pay it forward’

Canada Briefs ‘I think we should get out more’ says Toronto bishop Most city folk walking down the street would hardly pay attention if someone wearing a hotdog suit handed them a flyer. But three men and a woman dressed in church vestments and mitres handing out invitations to church? Now that’s different! Strange as it may seem, this is how four bishops from the diocese of Toronto surprised (and delighted) commuters on Sept. 24 as people streamed out of Toronto’s Union Station during morning rush hour. Their goal was to personally invite people Back to Church celebrated by Anglicans around the world on Sept. 27. Bishops Colin Johnson, Philip Poole, Linda Nicholls, and Patrick Yu handed out 2,000 cards in just over an hour. The cards read: This Sunday be our guest. The Anglican Church welcomes you back to church. Visit your place of worship this weekend. It also provided the diocese’s telephone number and website address. “While some people did not take the cards, many others did, some even going out of their way for one,” the diocese’s website reported. At one point, a woman even asked the diocesan bishop, Colin Johnson, for a prayer and he obliged. “I think we should get out more,” said Bishop Yu, area bishop for York-Scarborough. “The faith belongs in the public square and the marketplace, so let’s get out of the churches and do that.”

Anglican priests receive Veterans Affairs commendations Two Anglicans joined 15 British Columbia citizens honored with a Minister of Veterans Affairs commendation for their commitment and dedication to veterans. Retired bishop Fraser Berry, and Rev. Richard Fletcher were presented with commendations by Greg Thompson, Minister of Veterans Affairs, during a ceremony in Victoria, B.C. on July 24. Bishop Berry served as a gunner with the Royal Canadian Armed Forces in World War II; after the war he entered university and became an Anglican priest. He became a bishop of the diocese of Kootenay in 1971. Upon his retirement in 1989, he became active in the affairs of Canadian veterans. Rev. Fletcher served in the Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer Reserve from 1944 to 1946. In 1965, he joined St. Michael’s and All Angels parish in Kelowna. Ordained in 1984, he now serves as legion chaplain, naval chaplain and on-call chaplain to hospitals. Bishop Berry said he was delighted when he found out that Rev. Fletcher was being similarly honored. “Some years ago, I had the privilege of ordaining Dick to the diaconate. I know of no one who, as a vocational deacon, has so strongly and graciously called our church to servanthood,” said Bishop Berry. Rev. Fletcher said his main goal now is “to work with veterans and their families seeing that they are aware of the entitlement that is in the system for them.” As naval chaplain, he established a special fund for the needs of marine veterans and their families. The Highway

Fredericton strengthens relationship with companion diocese in Ghana Archbishop Claude Miller, diocesan bishop of Fredericton and Metropolitan (senior bishop) of the ecclesiastical province of Canada, is traveling this month with a small delegation to the diocese of Ho, Ghana. The dioceses of Fredericton and Ho are in a companion relationship; in 2007, the diocesan bishop of Ho, Matthias Medadues-Badohu, was a guest at the Fredericton diocesan synod. During this year’s visit, Archbishop Miller said he hopes to get a clearer understanding of the situation in the diocese of Ho, so that Canadian-Anglicans in his diocese can determine how their companion relationship can be strengthened. The diocese of Fredericton hopes to send a volunteer to work in the diocese of Ho and has begun the interview process. The New Brunswick Anglican

Article and Photo Elizabeth Barnes

On June 9th, 2009 the Cabot Quilter’s Guild held a dinner and celebration in honour of their 25th anniversary. Each year on their anniversary, the Guild makes one “charity quilt” that they donate to a worthy cause. This year, as it was their 25th anniversary, they decided to make three charity quilts. The Guild has been meeting at the Lavrock Centre, sometimes twice annually, for several years so this year the Centre became a recipient of

a beautiful quilt. The Centre has been blessed recently with very successful seasons so we thought it was time for us to “pay it forward” and pass on such a generous gift. We didn’t have to look far to find a recipient; we offered our gift to St. Luke’s Home to use in the Mildred Boyce Cottage. The Mildred Boyce Cottage provides temporary accommodations to family members, normally residing outside the St. John’s area, during times of resident admission, family crisis, or for regular visits with loved ones

in nursing homes. St. Luke’s offers this hostel type service to any family member of the six nursing homes in St. John’s. The Cottage is located on the grounds of Saint Luke’s Homes. It is a ground level self-contained housekeeping unit. The Mildred Boyce Cottage is fully furnished including appliances, utensils, and linens. It is equipped with kitchen, dinette, and bathroom facilities, one bedroom, and living room with pull-out sofa. It accommodates a maximum of four guests. We hope this quilt will make visitors feel at home.


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Anglican parish records in Ireland Our History David Davis

The writer of this article was reading a genealogical magazine in the library of the Family History of Newfoundland and Labrador. The article, which is the basis of the comments and the excerpt below, discussed the records of the Church of Ireland (Anglican) which have survived in that country. The writer realized that he had been under a misunderstanding about these records and that he had been spreading incorrect information especially during his years at the Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador (Colonial Building). A large quantity of archival materials, including parish records had been collected from all over the Republic of Ireland over the years and these records had been mostly destroyed in the disastrous fire of 1922. This was incorrect, only the records of the Church of Ireland had been lost; the Catholic records were still in their respective parishes. One of the reasons for raising this issue is to introduce readers to the subject of Anglican records in Ireland and the quotation below does this but with particular emphasis for the Dublin area and the author of the quotation writes a little about the history of Dublin as the English stronghold in that country from the earliest times. The parish of St. Werburgh stretched back to the Norman period in Ireland.

The reader’s attention should be drawn to the note concerning the materials in the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, not because the records of the border counties will be of particular usefulness to Newfoundlanders, but to remind researchers that the Ireland their ancestors left in the 18th and 19th centuries has become two separate political entities. There was a small flow of people to Newfoundland from Northern Ireland and from Scotland via the North. There will not be a large number of Newfoundlanders with roots in the Dublin area. The article notes that there is little parish record material from the south-east area of Ireland. This is the area where the Newfoundland Irish come from whatever their religious denomination. A university friend of the writer who did historical/geographical research in the southeast area found that there were profound losses of parish records in that area and he regretted not having completed a survey of parish records in Newfoundland before going to Ireland, This is good advice to Newfoundland researchers who will want to pursue their researches in the mother country of their origin.

The Document The quotation which follows below is from the Irish Genealogist, Vol. 8, No, 3(1992), on page 430 of that issue. The largest and most important series of records in the Library is parish registers, relating almost exclusively to parishes within the Republic of Ireland. As pre-civil registration registers of baptisms, marriages and burials are public records in Northern Ireland, they may not be moved from that jurisdiction. In consequence it is the policy to recommend to clergy in Northern Ireland that if they do not wish to retain the custody of parish registers they should deposit them in the Public Record Office in Belfast. The Library’s collection is dominated by records from the Dublin area, but there are significant collections from the south, west and midlands. So far there have been no significant deposits of material from the border counties(although this is in part compensated for by a collection of microfilms of registers of parishes in Counties Donegal, Cavan, Monaghan and Louth which were presented by the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland) or from the south-east. Inevitably, the records of the parishes in the city of Dublin are the most important. As the seat of English government in Ireland from the late twelfth century, the city was the most settled and prosperous part of the country and the most amenable to English influence: in such a situation, Anglicanism was adopted more enthusiastically than elsewhere. The records of almost all the city parishes are now in the Library. Those of St Werburgh include a most significant body of medieval and early modern material (notably an important series of churchwardens’ accounts 1484-1600, the survival of which is unique in the Church of Ireland), while those for St John have the earliest surviving parish register beginning in 1619. The records of St James have a particular ecumenical appeal as the churchyard has a notably high incidence of Roman Catholic burials from the early eighteenth century onwards, which are recorded in the burial registers, In general, however, the records of most parishes survive only from the late 18th or 19th centuries and this profile is reflected in the collection in the Library. This in part is due to destruction of much parish material in the fire in the Public Record Office in 1922, but also reflects the historic position of the Church of Ireland as a poorly endowed minority Church. It may also owe something to the national characteristic in which the systematic keeping and preservation of records does not loom large.

Parish of Deer Lake welcomes Queen’s College intern

Canon John Meade (left) with parish intern Mr. Terry Rose (right).

On Sunday, September 27th, the Congregation of St. Michael and All Angels, Deer Lake, celebrated its Patronal Festival. It was a Spirit-filled celebration of the Holy Eucharist with joyous hymns and a moving anthem by the choir. This was, of course, followed by a delicious meal. As part of the celebration Mr. Terry Rose was commissioned as our Queen’s College Intern. He gave a wonderful talk on the life and ministry of the college as we celebrated our commitment to and partnership with “our” college. Mr. Rose will be with us until the end of the semester as he fulfills this component of his training for ordained ministry. We are very pleased to have Terry and Marie, his wife, with us and we are proud to support the ministry of Queen’s College as we partner with the college in this Internship. Submitted by John Meade.



November 2009


Dreams Dreaming is a unique form of behaviour. It usually occurs only during sleep. Although dream experiences are imaginary, they seem very real. We do not know much about the mind’s operations during sleep. Consider two peculiar cases in dreaming. The first one involves intellectual operations. Kekulé saw a picture of the benzene ring in a dream after he had been searching for the chemical formula for benzene for quite some time. He was fortunate enough to remember it after he awoke (E. Fromm’s The Forgotten Language, 1965, p. 45). The second one is the dream that Abraham Lincoln allegedly reported to his friend Ward Lamon a few days before he was assassinated. In the dream Lincoln

saw a soldier standing guard over a corpse in the East Room of the White House, asked who was dead, and was told, “The President; he was killed by an assassin” (E. Diamond’s The Science of Dreams, 1962, p. 230). How can dreams be directly investigated? Studies of dreams are actually studies of reported dreams. How much correspondence there is between the dream as reported and the dream as dreamed cannot be determined. On July 29, 2009 my wife and I paid a visit to our dear friend Kitty in her Nursing Home room. Kitty has great difficulty with her vision and bright sunlight causes her discomfort. A few years ago she bought a pair of special sunglasses from the CNIB (Canadian National Institute for the Blind). Sev-

eral months before our visit, Kitty had misplaced these glasses. She said she had looked everywhere for them. She was so mad at herself and she prayed every night asking God to forgive her for her stupidity for losing these glasses. A while later, Kitty dreamed about her friend Mabel who had been dead for four or five years. Kitty said she was walking along an unfamiliar street with her walker when she came to a street corner. When she looked up she saw her friend standing across the street at the opposite corner. Mabel called out to her, wanting Kitty to join her. But Kitty told her that she could not cross the street because the sunlight was too bright “over there” and she had lost her sunglasses. Then Mabel said,

“Kitty, did you look in your coat pocket? That is where I saw you put them last”. When Kitty woke up at 6:30 a.m. she got up to look in her closet. She reached into a light jacket and there were her special glasses. Mabel had “told” her just where to look. My wife suggested to Kitty that God had honoured her prayers by telling her where to find the glasses in her dream. In the Old Testament dreams were regularly understood to contain messages from God. But in the New Testament, God used dreams much less to speak to people. For instance, the word “dream” occurs six times in Matthew’s Gospel. Through a dream: Joseph was told about Mary’s miraculous conception (Matthew 1:20-23); the wise men were

Sea, water from solid rock, manna from Heaven, stopping the Sun (the earth actually) so Joshua could win a critical battle, etc., etc. God the Son (Jesus) in the New Testament: changing water into wine, feeding five thousand with a few loaves and fishes, resurrecting THREE people from the dead (Jairus’ daughter, the son of the widow from Nain, and Lazarus who had been dead for days). If we don’t believe in these and the many other recorded miracles, then we don’t really believe in, or accept, a huge chunk of Scripture. And, in reality, we don’t believe in an ALMIGHTY (able to do ALL things) God. But, people today ask why the scriptural God- of miracles- doesn’t perform

some today. “Goodness knows we really need some”. And surely we do. The answer is that truly God DOES perform miracles today, and frequently. Today, we just fail to recognize God’s miracles. God’s miracles today don’t necessarily come with flashes of lightning and peals of thunder, the way we mistakenly think they would, or should. God often uses human beings, or natural forces to do his mighty deeds. Doctors, for example, save lives, resuscitate people (bring them back to life), with God’s grace, using medicines and instruments he has inspired. Engineers, too, harness natural powers, rivers especially, all God- created, to light and warm our world. And so it goes.

Mattresses for Mint Brook When Bishop David Torraville visited the Parish of Fortune/Lamaline, members of All Saints ACW Fortune presented him with a donation to purchase mattresses for Mint Brook camp. Following a service at St. Mary’s Church in Lamaline, members of St. Mary’s ACW also presented Bishop David with a donation to purchase mattresses for Mint Brook camp. Submitted by Beverly Buffett

warned concerning Herod (Matthew 2:12); Joseph was warned to flee to Egypt (Matthew 2:13); Joseph was told to return to Israel (Matthew 2:19-20); Joseph was warned that Archelaus reigned over Judea (Matthew 2:22); Pilate’s wife suffered over Jesus (Matthew 27:19). God can use dreams to send us special messages.


Has God retired? Some of us “old-fashioned” people still believe in miracles. Yes, we actually BELIEVE in miracles! A miracle, according to the dictionary, is “an event or action that apparently contradicts known scientific laws, and is hence thought to be due to supernatural causes, especially to an act of God. Ah, yes, an act of God! Does God in this 21st century really intervene in human affairs to perform something dramatically good for individuals or groups? Well, apparently he’s done so before, countless times in previous ages. Cases in point: God the Father, according to the Old Testament, performed many miracles: the Flood, parting the Red

The Rev. Michael Li

Yes, God still performs his miracles but we fail to see his handiwork in them. Instead we look for “natural”, “medical”, or “scientific” principles to “explain” the dramatic occurrences we often experience. Is it really possible for individuals like us to access God’s all-powerful Love in times of trauma? In other words, can you and I REALLY expect miracles from God? Of course we can! Jesus assures us that ALMIGHTY God is our ABBA, Father, who loves each one of us PERSONALLY. So, if we really believe in him, REALLY trust in him, and ask him in REAL faith, God will fill our needs, IMPOSSIBLE as that may seem sometimes. Of course God may not answer IMMEDIATELY. The time may not be right for us. Discouraged, we may think he’s not going to answer. He may not give us the kind of miracle we asked formaybe something better. Again we may feel unanswered. Or he may say NO because we’ve asked for

Ronald Clarke

something bad for us. Again we may be disappointed. We fail to fully trust. You and I, in a long lifetime, surely have experienced many miracles. I know I have and I’m no special saint. The same God, who performed so many miracles in the Old and New testaments, has not retired in the 21st century. He remains, “the same yesterday, today, and forevermore.” His miraculous powers remain the same and are just as much available to us as to the ancients. God’s power is with us today – why don’t we take advantage of it? Faith, love, prayer, and worship – these are the only conduits we need!


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You hLife youth ministry news

Camp Awesome is totally awesome!

Article and Photo Rev. Wayne Parsons

From 19-23 August 2009, Camp Awesome was held at the Labrador Christian Youth Camp, just outside Goose Bay. Seventeen postconfirmation students plus the clergy of Labrador and adult chaperones enjoyed a tremendous experience of fun, friendship, laughter, camaraderie, and learning. Attendees travelled from the parishes of South East Labrador, Labrador West, and

Lake Melville. The theme focused on the saints, especially the churches in the archdeaconry that were represented at this gathering. A number of creative and exciting teaching methods were employed in bringing ‘alive’ these holy men and women to those in attendance. This included acting out in dramatic fashion the lives of some of the saints. All of the young people left with a better understanding of the work and faith of these iconic individuals.

Other highlights of the four day camp included a scavenger hunt, swimming, shopping, relationship building, tremendous food, and just plain FUN!! The event culminated with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist at St. Andrew’s Church in Goose Bay on Sunday morning followed by lunch. Hugs, handshakes, and tears were very evident as all prepared to return back to their home parishes after another awesome experience in the Big Land!

Servers are appreciated On Sunday 14 June 2009, servers Brittany Burton and Charlene Hynes of Pollard’s Point were presented with a Bible and Certificate of Appreciation for their service and commitment as servers with St. Michael and All Angels Church. Robert Osmond of Hampden also received a Bible and appreciation certificate for his longtime commitment and service as server with the Church of the Epiphany, Hampden. All three young people graduated this year and plan to leave the community to further their education. The parish wishes all three the best for the future,

they will surely be missed. In the photo: (left to right) Lay Minister Garry Cassell, Charlene Hynes, Brittany

Burton, and Rev. Hannah Dicks. Submitted by Hannah Dicks

cathedral youth shine at synod

At the opening service for the 2009 Provincial Synod, held at St. Martin’s Cathedral, Gander, the St. Martin’s Dance Crew flowed across the church during the Gospel procession, stopping to form a group in the center aisle. At this point, Hannah Wiseman held the Bible aloft, while Kaylee Hynes delivered the Gospel reading. Fellow Dance Crew members surrounded and supported Hannah and Kaylee. Photo: Stella Walsh Article and Photo Stella Walsh

During services at the Central Newfoundland Diocesan Synod in April and the Provincial Synod in September, two of St. Martin’s youth groups shared their gifts in a moving expression of their faith. St. Martin’s Youth Band led the music and praise, while St. Martin’s Dance Crew conducted the Gospel procession and reading. The church family of St. Martin’s Cathedral has experienced the rich blessing of witnessing the growth and development of these two youth groups over the past few years. Each group meets on a weekly basis with Reverend John Watton, who offers guid-

ance and snacks, while the group members enjoy the fellowship of working out their expression of faith. When these young people share God’s love with the congregation and visitors they are an inspiration to all ages, so much so, that they have been invited to participate in worship services at other churches in the Diocese. Plans for travel to other parishes are being prayerfully considered. However, wherever the Youth Band and Dance Crew go, the love and prayers of their church family at St. Martin’s will always accompany them.

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