Crafty Carper February 2015 - Sample

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No.210 February 2015

February 2015 | Issue 210 | £4.10 EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR THE WEEKEND

Bait Tactics Tackle News Venues

On sale 21st January – 18th Febraury 2015

Get Crafty... GET CATCHING!






09/01/2015 12:16

Crafty Carper /// Issue 210 /// February 2015 /// On the cover: Marv Wait with his target fish - a stunning 20lb+ urban canal inhabitant.


Editorial James Turner

Editor James looks at what’s in store for you in this issue of Crafty Carper, as well



in search of some wily old carp he used to target

carp rods but also a designated spod

over 15 years ago, amidst rumours of a small

rod. The Dynamic Carp and Spod rods

chance of a 20 in one stretch of the canal.

make carping even more affordable.

Winter Canal Carping Marvin Wait

Northern angler Marv takes to the urban jungle

In Focus – NGT There are some new rods in

the NGT range, which not only includes

as giving you his thoughts for the month.


The Knowledge Dave Lane

Laney gets to grips with Northey Park pretty quickly, and the big common, Kitch, is soon in the folds of his net. The full story is here before he heads off to a deep pit in search of yet another 50lb common.


CC Moore Competition We’ve got hundreds of

pounds’ worth of the awesome Equinox bait to give away to some of our lucky readers. Get your hands on it by heading over to page 16.


From The Crow’s Nest Simon Crow

With us now being in the depths of winter, when better to take a look at approaching the coldest time of the year? Be prepared for some stunning snow and frost shots, as well as stunning carp.


Scale-Up, Not Down Mat Woods

While many people talk about being a little more delicate in their approach in winter, Mat goes to the other end of the scale. Bigger really is better.


My Wraysbury Adventure (Part One)

Louis Lee Young Louis takes on this historic water, and we join him on an epic adventure as he aims to come face-to-face with one of the iconic Wraysbury originals.


Crafty Catch Column Sponsored by Sticky Baits

This is the place to get your catch pictures published, so send them in to us, and you’re in with the chance of a great prize from those top guys at Sticky Baits.


Subscribe With Gardner Make the most of this

generous offer, as you can get 12 months of Crafty delivered to your door, along with a shedload of topquality Gardner terminal tackle.


Minimal Time,


Simple Rigs = Success Julian Cundiff

Julian always talks about keeping his rigs as


The Great Crafty Debate This month’s panel of experts

Maximum Success

Peter Kingsbury Time is against many of us while we

in the debate give their own thoughts on

still seek the rewards. We take a trip

simple as possible, and why overcomplicate

selecting target fish, if they even do. Do

down memory lane with Pete as he

something if it works? Learn how to create

you set carp-angling targets for a new

receives huge success in exchange

his top three tried and tested rigs.

year? Find out more on page 40.

for minimum time on the bank. Sometimes it just all comes right.


Crafty Carper

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Contents /// February 2015





date, and he bags a brace anyone

you the low-down on what’s hot and

If you get your question answered

would be proud of, one which

what’s not. Plus the Crafty Team give

you’ll be receiving a cracking prize

many anglers will not experience

you their essential items this month.

delivered straight to your door.



Crafty Carper Under-21s Charlie Cookman is the

youngest Under-21 entry to

in a lifetime. Michael Bamber also checks in with his monthly blog.


Carp Food Here you’ll find the latest

Carpers’ Kit

The Question Is

We take a look at some of the

best products on the market, and give

In Focus – Venture When it comes to brolly

systems, there’s a great selection to

This month’s carping conundrums

are answered by our panel of experts.

An Amazing Year Marcus Howarth

On page 95, Marcus Howarth reflects on what

choose from, and with the resurgence of

can only be described as sublime when it

and greatest products of carp

Venture, there’s one more to add to your

comes to his results in 2014. Be prepared for

cuisine on the shelves of a tackle

list. See what you think on page 77.

chunky knits, and big, beautiful carp galore.

shop near you, as well as the


In Focus – Delkim

Editor’s Choice of the month and a

Alarms are a very

Crafty tip from Joe Turnbull.

personal choice, and


Carp Food

if you’re currently

In Focus

in the market

– CC Moore

for a new set,

Geoff Kemp is

you’ll possibly

a well-known

already have

name when it

a couple of

comes to bait-

makes in

CC Moore are selling

well worth a look on page 57.


The TicketMaster We’ve got four day ticket

month, and take advantage of an amazing free gift from the guys at NGT. There are two gifts to choose from.


Inbox Keep up to date with

what’s been going on, and you can also get in touch with us here and see who won the Facebook catch competition in

Tx-i Plus alarms

liquid flavours. These are

Get your favourite carp-fishing

magazine delivered to your door each

mind. Turn see if the Delkim

some of his original

Subscribe With NGT

to page 79 to

making and bait flavours, and now


are to your liking.


In Focus – Avid Carp Being comfortably warm

conjunction with Fox International.


Crafty Ladies – Let’s Hear it for the Girls!

This is a new addition to the magazine because we seem to be getting more and

in your sleeping bag while fishing in

more lady anglers taking part in the sport,

fisheries from across the country

the depths of winter is of the utmost

so it’s only fair they get to contribute to

in the pages of TicketMaster this

importance. This bag from Avid is based

the mag. Jen Carey describes her capture

month, and also free fishing offers for

on something from the mountaineering

of a near 50 PB in France, while Jade

every reader to take advantage of.

industry, so it’s going to be good.

Hardy undergoes the Crafty interrogation



foreign lands in search of big carp

who could seriously offer to get you

in 2015, then we’ve got a French

more bites instantly, but Adam Penning

to page 114 to check out our Mega

venue which is well worth checking

is one of them. Find out how you can

Deals for some of the best offers from

out and putting on your shortlist.

get results instantly on page 83.

the country’s leading retailers.

Hot Holiday Venue – St Leonard’s

If you’re looking at planning a trip to

Get More Bites – Now! Adam Penning

There aren’t many anglers out there

tactics, which is eye-opening.


Mega Deals If you’re up for a bargain

then you’ll definitely want to head over

Crafty Carper 004-005_Contents_CC210.indd 2

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The Great Crafty Carper Debate.


argets: what helps you select a target fish, if you actually do, and what’s the first job when going in search of it?”

By bagging fish in numbers, it was only a matter of time until my target, Dave, slipped up. He was my first target which would actually beat a personal best.

This month’s experts are: James Conway is a consultant for Bait-Tech and has been carp fishing for over 20 years. He started off in the Lea Valley, and nowadays fishes a little further afield, targeting syndicate waters in the Colne Valley and Bedfordshire. He angles on limited time due to working fulltime and having a young family.


Kev Hewitt is one half of the duo of Kev and Bart who used to feature monthly in Crafty. Kev is now doing his own thing and targeting big fish for 95% of his fishing, and his results speak for themselves over the past year, as he’s been focusing on the Bluebell Lakes complex.

Iain Macmillan, or Ting Tong, as he is also known, is a carp-catcher of the highest order. He tends to favour a couple of set tactics in which he has extreme confidence, and likes to spend his days on syndicate waters with monster carp, or on the banks of some of the busier commercials. Either way, he can’t half catch ’em!

Ellis Brazier can usually be found in the deepest parts of Shropshire, fishing silty meres in the search for big original commons, but he also likes to fish for runs on some of the more commercial waters in the area. He loves particles and he also likes the good old peanut.

Mitch Smith hails from Essex, and as well as being the UK manager for Starbaits, he also owns a few fisheries in the south. He’s a cracking bloke, and is equally at home using lots of boilies or a variety of particle baits when chasing carp, both in the UK and abroad, plus he can whack a lead some distance.

Ian Russell is a carp-catching machine who has recently hit a vein of form with some big hits of very large fish, especially from RK Leisure’s Horton Complex, as he has absolutely taken Kingsmead 1 apart recently. Ian is at home on any type of lake though, and loves catching fish of any size, no matter how big or small.

Crafty Carper

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The Great Debate

Team Crafty Carper

James Conway says: “It’s very rare that I target a single fish, I focus more on a target water as a whole. Due to time restraints in my angling, targeting just one fish in a lake is not usually viable, so I prefer to choose a lake which has a few good fish to target; an A-Team, so to speak. Obviously, every lake has its king or queen, which is ultimately the one I want to catch, but I always like to have other good backup fish to go at while I’m waiting for the big one. The first thing to do when going in search of any target fish is to find out as much information as you can about past captures. From this, you will be able to build up a picture of where particular fish are willing to feed at certain times of the year. Next would be to start actually looking for the fish which you’re after. Most carp are creatures of habit and will have areas of the lake where they prefer to spend time, but remember that where you see them during the day may not necessarily be where they feed. Sightings at first light are the best indicators of feeding areas, and although you may not be able to identify your target fish from these, it will certainly give you an idea of feeding areas for the bulk of the fish in the lake.”

“Every lake has its king or queen, which is ultimately the one I want to catch” LEFT Find out as much information as you can about your target

fish, and try to pinpoint their whereabouts and favoured areas. Research is vital, and searching out the right water for you is also a necessity; there are plenty to go at.


Kev Hewitt says: “Having thought about all the individual fish which I have targeted over the years, it is fair to say there have been a number of different reasons for my targets. The first fish I ever specifically targeted was the Birthmark Linear from Manor Farm around 10 years ago. I saw a stunning picture of Jon Finch with a winter capture of her and I thought, ‘I need to catch that fish.’ It looked stunning, an immaculate perfect zip linear with a very distinctive purple blotch on one side. My next target fish was the Big Plated from St. Johns, due to it being one of the most beautiful fully-scaled carp which swims in a day ticket water. Then there was the Slate Grey from Linch Hills Christchurch, for two reasons; one because it was one of the most elusive fish in the pond at the time, and two, it was simply a unique stunning fish. In 2014 I targeted a fish called Dave from Bluebells, and for the first time in my life, I was targeting a fish which would smash my personal best if I were fortunate enough to catch it. The plan which was formulated to catch each of my targets was simple. Get as many bites as possible, and law of averages dictates that the right one will come along eventually.”

Iain Macmillan says:

trying to do here is picture myself actually angling

they like (some prefer nutty baits over fishmeals),

“One of the first things that attracts me to a certain

on the water; I pinpoint any hot areas, distances, and

and which direction the prevailing southwesterly

lake is the fish (obviously), or, indeed, a particular fish.

possibly mark a few areas for depths should the need

winds are, etc., so the more information I can gather,

I suppose the next big thing is trying to obtain a ticket,

for Zig Rigs arise. I suppose what I’m actually doing

the better. The final thing is to keep your eyes open,

which sometimes can be far from easy. Syndicates,

is mentally preparing myself for the jaunt ahead, and

especially the first few times you fish there. Other

like day ticket waters, can be extremely busy as the

by doing the homework before fishing for the first

anglers who’ve been on the syndicate for longer can

carp-fishing bug grows, and you really need to be

time, it saves a shedload of unnecessary commotion

also give you some direction as to where they like to

planning 4 or maybe 5 years in advance to get on

and racket. This then means you need to simply find a

put their rigs. This isn’t to copy them at all, it’s just

your chosen waters. Once I’ve been given the nod, I

few fish and have a go for them. I also try to do some

observation. After all, they will be far more

tend to go up to the venue for a few recces. What I’m

subtle digging about previous captures, which bait

experienced on the lake than you are.”

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41 12/01/2015 14:07

Minimal Time, Maximum Success Peter Kingsbury






Peter Kingsbury Age 45 Hometown

Horsham Occupation

Logistics manager UK personal best

45lb 12oz Favourite venue

Clare Park Lake, where I caught my first 30-pounder 30 years ago.


Crafty Carper

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12/01/2015 10:06

Minimal Time, Maximum Success

Peter Kingsbury

Peter Kingsbury is an angler with limited time, so he adapts his angling to make the most of overnighters throughout the year. We take a trip back 5 years to Horton Church Lake, in the winter of 2009, when his overnight efforts seemed to pay off over and over again.


had been planning a few

as it was known. I rebaited with

overnighters around a full moon,

critically-balanced baits, which

with some reasonable weather to

were pop-ups that were carved

boot. It was a Tuesday in November,

down until they sank slowly with

and when I arrived at around

just the weight of the hook. I made

1.00 p.m. due to rest-time from

up the PVA bags and was ready to

work, I utilised knowledge gained

cast out. The middle rod was cast

from previous years. Over the

first, and it landed bang on the

winter period, I had only planned

area where the bubbles were most

to concentrate on four swims. The

evident, but it seemed to move

weather conditions dictated my

the fish over to the left a little. I

swim choice, so when I arrived,

put the left rod on this area with

I straight away thought about

the first cast, bang on the money.

going round to the Reeds Swim,

I didn’t want to put any more rods

because this area was flat calm.

there, so I placed the right-hand

I wanted to spread my bait

rod 30 yards out in front of the

around, and at that time I was using Mirage 16lb fluorocarbon main line because the water in Horton was gin-clear. This was threaded through

reeds where I had just moved from. With the rods out and in play, it was time to sort the base camp. Once all my equipment was

Covert tungsten tubing and a Covert lead clip with a 2.5oz lead. I picked a new hooklink, Trickster Heavy in Green, which is a

“The fish were still evidently there, with huge plumes of bubbles hitting the surface over the original position, bang on top of where the middle rod was cast”

supple braid hooklink, to be a little different

set up, it was time for the kettle to go on, and whilst waiting for it to boil, I sat and watched the area for signs.

The fish were still evidently there, with

from the norm, as everyone seemed

huge plumes of bubbles hitting the

to use coated material; I coupled

surface over the original position,

this lot with a Size 8 Mugga.

bang on top of where the middle

Bait-wise, I was using Dynamite’s

rod was cast. Before the kettle

Tiger Nut Boilies, but I was doing

had even hit the boiling point,

a little trick of blending boilies to

the middle rod was away. I got

powder and then doing the same

up quickly and picked up the rod,

with sweetcorn. These were mixed together and used in PVA bags the size of

and was met with a very heavy resistance. I was attached to a slowmoving fish kiting to the left away

a golf ball in order to

from the area, and I needed to gain

help avoid tangles

control because the swim had some

with the use

trees which overhung the margins

of the braided

and they could cause an issue if the


fish stayed on this length of line. I


managed to turn it, gain control and

Once all three

I pumped the fish closer. It was only

rods were cast out, I had a couple

a matter of minutes until I caught

of hours until dark, so I sat down

my first glimpse of a fish which

and made a cuppa. Whilst drinking

had a very large frame and was

the tea, I noticed that in the

yellow in colour, and immediately

next swim down there was some

I was racking my brain as to what

bubbling going on. I walked down,

fish it might be. To be honest, it

and with the different angle and

did very little in front of my swim,

light conditions, I saw at least three

apart from use the depth to its

fish feeding at about 50 yards out

advantage by just staying deep. I

towards a tall tree. I ran back and

eventually put a little more pressure

retrieved all three rods, and took

on and pumped it to

them down to The Blank Swim,

the surface, and quickly

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45 12/01/2015 10:06

Carp Food

Team Crafty Carper



e are well and truly into

pliable finished bait is

winter now, and with

achieved. However,

water temperatures

I have a completely

“Used as a wrap, it can add a brilliant dimension to any bait at any time of the year, but especially through winter”

at such low levels, there aren’t

different angle to

many baits which have quite the

add to the powdered

same effect as pastes and paste

additives, which will

hookbaits. OK, so pastes usually get

not only give you an

a bit of bad press, mainly because

awesome putty but also

most anglers are paranoid that they

helps in upping the bait’s

are rather lethargic in cold water,

won’t be fishing for very long after

ante. Almost like icing sugar,

and tend to feed so slowly that it

they have cast out. On the contrary,

Sweet Coconut Liquid from the guys at

trips them up every time. Wrap the

pastes in really cold water still take a

Bait-Tech works perfectly in conjunction

paste around the whole hookbait

reasonable amount of time to break

with this paste, and when topped

until everything is sealed and leave

down when fished alone. Used as a

by a single high-attract Milky Toffee

it in the sun or daylight for a few

wrap, it can add a brilliant dimension

Mainline pop-up, you have a combo

minutes if you can. This creates a

to any bait at any time of the year,

which has caught me hundreds of carp.

light skin which will give you a bit

but especially through winter. When

more time once it hits the bottom.

Start by adding a small amount

I cannot stress how important

times are tough and bites are hard to

of powder to a tub, and then add a

come by, ignore paste at your peril.

small amount of liquid, being careful

it is to keep mobile in winter.

not to use too much. Mix the two

Firstly, it keeps you motivated, and

using a paste supplied by Richworth,

thoroughly until you have a smooth

secondly, you really need to find

which is not only attractive in its

paste, and then add a bit more powder

the fish because at this time of

own right but incredibly active too; it

until it becomes soft and workable.

year they are generally shoaled up

punches out nutritional food signals

The rig I like to use for this gives

somewhere together. Keep casting

Throughout the winter I have been

about with your paste hookbaits

far and wide. Active Xtracts pastes are

me enough space between the Hair

made from a seriously high blend of

and hookbait, which is critical, and long

natural powdered attractants which

Hairs on stiff fluorocarbon hooklinks

emit a huge food signal without having

are absolutely deadly. A small shot

was seeing my alarm scream off on a freezing cold day.

to introduce lots of bait. You can, if

placed directly underneath the hookbait

TOP RIGHT See how active the

you want, add lake water to concoct

creates a wafter hookbait, something

paste is in really cold water.

Good luck,

the paste bait, working it in until a

I love to use through the winter. Carp

ABOVE Everything stays on my barrow.


TOP LEFT A most welcome sight

and eventually, if all goes to plan, you should land on a fish which will find that little lot irresistible.




A deadly combo. This is all you need for the job. I've gone with white items for added visual attraction.


Add the paste powder to a tub and follow this with the liquid, and simply mix until a paste is formed.

3 Take the finished paste and wrap it round your chosen hookbait to give a neat parcel like this.

Crafty Carper

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12/01/2015 15:41

Carp Food In Focus CC Moore


per 100ml bottle

Geoff Kemp is a name synonymous with great bait, and when it's in conjunction with CC Moore, you’re on to a sure-fire winner. Create your own bait with the help of two big names in the carp-angling world. CC Moore have teamed up with

added flavours. Perfect for high-

the legendary Geoff Kemp to offer

attraction hookbaits, as well as

anglers a range of some of his most

milk protein and birdfood boilie

sought-after liquid additives. Ask

mixes when you want something

any experienced carp angler about

with high levels of leakage.

Geoff Kemp and they’ll more than likely inform you that he was one

Evaporated Milk/Ice Cream

of the fathers of bait creation in

This was another of Geoff’s more

the early days of carp fishing. His

highly rated flavour mixes. It’s

flavours were immensely successful

beautifully smooth, with a creamy

for anglers across the globe, and

smell and a very moreish profile;

boy, did he know how to attract carp

you just have to keep going back

to a bait. Back in the ’80s and ’90s,

for another whiff. It goes perfectly

his concentrated flavours gained the

with nut, birdfood and milk protein

legendary status which they still

baits, and it also rounds off a

have today. I know many

fishmeal bait very nicely and softens some

people who like to

other more intense

roll their own baits and hookbaits who still have some form of Geoff’s highly attractive concentrated flavours – which

“As soon as you remove the lid you’ll know exactly why they were so devastating, and there’s no doubt that they will be again”

may be using. Toffee Malt This is most definitely an original. It’s very rich and has a

they would guard

caramel-type flavour

with their life! CC Moore have now brought

flavours you

which is perfect for a whole

them back to life, and are offering

host of mixes. This smell isn’t

them in 100ml bottles to the

overpowering when added to many

general angler. For years, flavours

baits, but you’ll find that it takes

such as Green Zing were confined

the bait to a whole new level in

to the archives and it was nigh

attraction properties, and the

on impossible to get hold of, but

proof will be in the results. Try it!

thanks to CC Moore, you can now get them for less than £10 per


bottle. As soon as you remove the

Rosehip is a well-known flavour,

lid you’ll know exactly why they

and has a very distinctive fruity

were so devastating, and there’s no

and floral profile which has

doubt that they will be again. There

been highly effective for some

are currently four in the range:

time. Perfect for all-year-round use, and particularly good when

Green Zing

added to birdfood, milk protein

This awesome fruity flavour has

or fishmeal boilie mixes. This

a powerful ester-based profile

is a consistent catcher of fish

with blackcurrant tones, as well

both at home and abroad, and

as tutti frutti and a few other

has been for some years. CC

Crafty Carper 053-057_CarpFood_CC210.indd 5

57 12/01/2015 15:41

Three ways to get your carp-anglingrelated questions answered: Email: Web: By post: The Question Is…, Angling Publications, 101 Broadfield Road, Sheffield S8 0XH.

Our panel of carp-fishing experts are on hand to answer questions from you, the readers, and you can be sure to pick up some handy tips from the excellent answers given. ASK AND WIN!

the poor conditions are perhaps the

Every person who has their question published on these

biggest reason for a blank, you can

pages will receive a prize from some of the top tackle and

remain focused on your approach.

bait manufacturers in the business. If you would like your

For this reason, I find it important

question to be answered by our star-studded panel, simply

to take as many things which have

send it to us, and we will forward it to your chosen recipient.

been working in summer (which provide valuable confidence) with me into winter, even if I do have to


Hi, When fishing during the winter, is there anything specific that you would change to your setup compared to when you fish during the summer months? For example, the rigs or bait. Thanks, Rasheed Ali.

to your approach, because the things

adapt them slightly. So, I keep to the

which go against you, such as less than

same style of rigs, but I may scale

favourable conditions, are dramatically

them down a little from summer, as

increased. On top of this, the fish don’t

I may also scale down the general

have much of an appetite and feeding

size of my bait feed and hookbait.

spells will be shorter, infrequent, or

Perhaps most importantly, I keep to

even non-existent. It can be difficult

the same bait flavour as I’ve used

to gauge if any serious changes of

throughout the warmer months.

approach are good or bad, and how

Again, I may feel I need to make a

they are performing. In my experience,

few tweaks: 10mm boilies rather

this generally leads to a further change

than 14mm or 18mm, for example,

Hi Rasheed,

– then another and another – until you

and I will probably drop the amount

Changes? Well I wouldn’t really

fall into a dark abyss of changing things

of feed to match the lower appetite

call them that, but yes, I do make

for change’s sake as the blank sessions

of the fish. One thing is for sure; I

some tweaks and adjustment to

mount up. You never know whether

keep the same flavour note going

my approach. As to completely

something is the right move, so you

one way or another, perhaps with

changing anything, then no, I

can stick with it and start catching,

a liquid, and maintain the ultra-

try not to. Let me explain.

and soon lose all confidence in your

valuable confidence I have in it.

For me, winter is the wrong time to start making too many changes

approach. Confidence really is the key element to winter success, so when

Hope this helps, John.


Hi Team, My local water is a runs water with fish up to and over 20lb, and every angler fishes it the same – Hair-rigged pellet with PVA bags. I’m guessing the bigger fish have wised up to this tactic and there’s also a boilie ban, so my question is how would you go about standing out from the crowd and fish it differently to snare the bigger residents? Many thanks, Owen. Hi Owen, Firstly, many thanks for your question. I hope my answer goes some way to helping you single out some of the bigger fish. Without sounding like a broken record, I will start off with

ABOVE I keep my flavour label going one way or another – perhaps with a liquid or stick mix. Stick with what gives you confidence, and keep catching!


something which I quite often mention in my answers, and that is location. Location is of paramount importance whilst carp fishing, and

Crafty Carper

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09/01/2015 17:06

The Question Is

Ask our experts anything, online at

Team Crafty Carper

Answering our readers questions this month are: John Kneebone – Mainline Baits

Rich Adams – Mistral Baits

Ellis Brazier – JRC

Keith Jones – Nash

Mitch Smith – Starbaits

John has long been a

Rich is a regular

Ellis is a Question Is

Keith runs the media

Mitch has been

member of the Mainline

Crafty contributor and

veteran, with many years’

side of things for

answering questions

Baits team, and he

a mainstay of The

experience of hunting carp

Nash Tackle, and is no

for you guys for

certainly knows his stuff. He’s

Question Is. He loves answering

in his beloved Shropshire meres.

stranger to catching carp for fun.

years now, and loves nothing

caught some cracking big fish along

your questions, and because he’s

He’s not one to use the latest fiddly

Not only does he like to target

more than a carpy conundrum

the way, and loves pitting his wits

predominantly a boilie angler, any

rig and scores extremely well on his

some of the better fish in his local

from our readers. He’s straight-

against the carp in big lakes, which

questions you may have on boilie

simple, yet very effective approach

lakes, he also gets just as much of

talking and doesn’t half know

many people would class as the

fishing are ideal for him and will

to his end tackle, and he also has a

a buzz catching numbers of fish,

his stuff, so you can be sure to

harder venues in the UK.

help you catch more.

wealth of knowledge.

and gets some good results.

learn a thing or two.

FAR LEFT Tiger nuts are awesome, and ready-prepared ones are easy to come by, and aren’t expensive. LEFT It’s really simple to create your own paste.

as big as you want, and it will ooze attraction (especially if you boost it with some liquid flavouring) and stay on the Hair for a long

BELOW This near-30lb common was caught on a float-fished worm in the margins.

time. Simply put a cork ball or

catching them using a float if they

you want to it; don’t be afraid to

are in close enough? Natural baits

mould a really big piece of paste

such as maggots or a big lobworm can

both onto the Hair and around the

be presented perfectly with a float,

hook. This creates a bigger bait

and for me there’s no better way to

which the smaller fish will find

catch a carp than by using this old-

difficult to pick up. Wrap the paste

fashioned method. The thrill of finding

in cling film or put it in an airtight

a fish (especially the bigger ones) in

container and it will last for ages.

the margins, and presenting a float-

hard pellet onto a Hair Rig and mould a piece of paste as big as

Tiger nuts can be a brilliant

fished bait to them is really exciting.

big-fish bait, but you must

Watching the line tighten as the float

ensure that they are prepared

disappears is exciting enough, but

properly. If you’re not familiar

what follows is even better. The sheer

with preparing them, there are

power you feel from a fish which

numerous companies which sell

has just been hooked unexpectedly

ready-prepared tigers for around

is awesome. This is something that

the same price as unprepared

you don’t get when you are sitting

ones. Finally, if you find yourself

behind the rods waiting for a run, as

fishing with pellets, why not try

mostly, by the time you’ve had any

a bigger pellet on the Hair. Fish

generally speaking, most of the time,

I don’t know of many carp which

indication and you pick up the rod,

one or even two 22mm pellets

if you can find the fish and get them

can resist a nice bed of pellet.

the moment has already passed.

and you should be able to avoid

feeding, you have a very good chance.

Also, don’t rule out the margins.

With the boilie ban in place, it may

the smaller fish, as they simply

You say you want to target the bigger

The number of big fish which get

be worth trying a paste bait of some

won’t be able to pick them up.

fish in your water, and you can do this

caught close in on venues where

description. Paste is effectively boilies

They look really big, but I assure

by spending as much time as possible

everybody chucks to the middle of the

in their raw form, so crumb up some

you that a carp over 20lb will

watching the water and wandering

lake is amazing. One good example

boilies in a bowl and add a raw egg,

have no trouble in taking them.

around looking for the bigger fish, and

of this happened on a recent trip to

and you can mix it into a paste. By

France. One angler in particular

experimenting with the consistency

Tight lines, and good luck

to reside. Bigger fish are

decided that he wasn’t

of the paste, you can come up with a

catching a big ’un!

often loners which feed

going to follow the

very effective bait that can be made

Rich ‘Fatbloke’ Adams.

finding the areas where they like

in areas away from the other residents in the lake. Don a pair of decent Polaroids (these are readily available at a reasonable cost if

“Bigger fish are often loners which feed in areas away from the other residents in the lake”

you don’t already have a pair) and have a good walk around and look for the

advice of the lake owner by putting in large amounts of particles and pellets to the middle of the lake. He concentrated on the margins and fished

differently to the majority of the group, and by doing this

bigger fish. You will often find them

he was top rod for the week and

held up away from the disturbance

also caught the two biggest fish,

of anglers – and don’t rule out using

so don’t be afraid to do something

the same baits as the others. The

totally different to the others.

chances are that the bigger fish

This brings me on to bait. Once

have been eating the same bait as

you’ve found out where the bigger

the smaller fish, and to be honest,

fish are likely to be, why not try

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