ISSUE 302 / NOVEMBER 2015 / MONTHLY £4.75
Darrell Peck banks 15 fish from the mighty French super-water
c ar pwor ld maga z in e. co m
We reveal the tactics and techniques that Dave Levy relies on to keep him catching as the temperatures plummet
Mark Walsingham looks back at the last few months, which includes opening the gates of the exclusive lake to the public
P143 Tim Paisley visits this fantastic new French holiday destination where he experiences some great hospitality
Issue 145 November 2015
Briggsy lands this awesome 70lb+ common as part of a mega-haul
P149 After a bit of exploratory work on the River Vienne, Tony heads north to Eden lake
P157 Dutch angler Arjen Uitbeijerse visits this northern French lake and captures a 34kg mirror
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The Carpworld Contents / Issue 302 / November 2015 £250E WINORAMAI NLIN
ISSUE 302 / NOVEMBER 2015 / MONTHLY £4.75
Darrell Peck banks 15 fish from the mighty French super-water
BRITAIN’S BIGGEST CARP-ANGLING MAGAZINE c ar p wor l d m agazi n e . c om
We reveal the tactics and techniques that Dave Levy relies on to keep him catching as the temperatures plummet
Mark Walsingham looks back at the last few months, which includes opening the gates of the exclusive lake to the public
P143 Tim Paisley visits this fantastic new French holiday destination where he experiences some great hospitality
Issue 145 November 2015
Briggsy lands this awesome 70lb+ common as part of a mega-haul
P149 After a bit of exploratory work on the River Vienne, Tony heads north to Eden lake
P157 Dutch angler Arjen Uitbeijerse visits this northern French lake and captures a 34kg mirror
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Darrell Peck’s adventures in France make for exciting reading, and not just because he catches some big fish! Read more on page 26.
Editor’s Comments What’s on the mind of our illustrious editor this month? Find out on page 9.
Gazette Keep up to date with all the news and views from around the world of carping by reading the Carpworld Gazette.
Winning Ways Darren Belton Join Darren as he tackles a 48hour session on the famous Elphicks Fishery with Dan Hulme, an angler from Stoke-onTrent who won our recent Every Picture Tells a Story competition.
Pecky’s Progress Darrell Peck Pecky’s story from the Orient continues, and apart from battling the mud, the tench and the weather, he’s had visits from the police and the fire brigade! Will it all come good in the end? Our cover shot this month is a big clue.
Think Tank With winter just around the corner, we asked this month’s guest panel to give us the low-down on their approach to winter carping. Do they change baits or tactics? Read on to find out.
Diary Of A Carpaholic Simon Crow Crowy’s had a remarkable season to date, and he wonders when it will all end. Not yet, apparently, as yet another target fish comes his way – and he says there’s even more to come!
Bait World featuring Joe Turnbull With a look at some very special hookbaits from the aptly-named Specialized Hookbaits, a new range of artificial baits from Marukyu, a chat with Matthew Ogan, and a look at using casters with Frank Warwick, there’s something for everyone in this month’s Bait World.
Cold Comfort Dave Levy Dave Levy takes a look at winter carping, and in particular, the tactics which he relies on to keep him catching as the temperatures plummet.
The F Word Paul Forward Paul’s back from a very memorable trip to the Orient, with a very special fish to his name. Back on home turf, it’s business as usual, and the fish keep on coming.
Ask The Experts Adam Clewer, Matt Eaton and Greg Ellis answer readers’ questions on getting loose feed out to a spot, if water depth affects how fish smell bait, and how to find out what the lakebed is like.
In Pursuit Of A Common Goal John Claridge Farriers Lake has a reputation for being a very tricky water to fish, and after a slow start to the year, John eventually started to reap the rewards of his baiting approach.
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F: facebook.com/CarpworldMagazine / T: @CarpworldMag
Ashmead Diaries Mark Walsingham As the glorious colours of an Ashmead autumn begin to arrive, Mark looks back over the last few months to reveal whether opening Ashmead to the public was an inspired decision or a disaster.
Short-session Success Dan Esmond Carpworld opens the door to a new writer, Dan Esmond, who has had a busy year. He’s caught some cracking carp while fishing short overnight sessions on some very challenging waters.
Tackle World This month we take a look at JRC’s new Extreme TX Bivvy, rods from the likes of Harrison and Banana Rods, SONIK’s new beds and chairs, the latest Fox gear, including the FX9 reel, digital scales and bedchairs, plus goodies from Shimano, Stillwater, Gardner and RidgeMonkey. We also take a look at how Cygnet’s new bite indicators can benefit you.
Rig World featuring Mike Kavanagh Nash’s new Sedge Bugs and Floater Hooks, Drennan’s Specimen Hooks, Avid Carp’s Bag System and Korda’s Durakord come under the microscope, along with a look at how Rig Marole consultant Les Bowers makes up his rigs.
Read All About It! There’s a veritable library-full of new books on carp angling about to hit the Christmas market, so Carpworld takes a look at what’s going to be the big read for 2016.
IN INTERNATIONAL CARPER Tim Paisley is always on the hunt for exciting places to fish in Europe, and he pays a visit to a brand new lake in France, where he discovers a great holiday destination with superb-quality fishing and catering. As our globetrotting friend, Tony Davies-Patrick, travels through France for a business meeting, he locates some new areas on the River Vienne, and finds time for a spot of fishing on the beautiful Eden Lake. Arjen Uitbeijerse takes us on a trip to La Vigne Feuillette in northern France, which holds an amazing stock of fish, with the possibility of a lot of action. Finally, there’s our usual round-up of all the bigfish captures from around the globe in Echoes Around The World.
Still Carping On Tim Paisley How has this year’s World Carp Classic on the mighty Madine treated Mr Paisley and his partner Lee Jackson? Tim reveals all, alongside a look at how getting to grips with angling politics is vital to our sport.
Issue 145 November 2015
Briggsy lands this awesome 70lb+ common as part of a mega-haul P135
P143 Tim Paisley visits this fantastic new French holiday destination where he experiences some great hospitality
P149 After a bit of exploratory work on the River Vienne, Tony heads north to Eden lake
P157 Dutch angler Arjen Uitbeijerse visits this northern French lake and captures a 34kg mirror
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Don’t forget
22/10/2015 15:06
Pick up your copy of Carpworld from all major stockists
Our Spectacular Sticky Baits subscription on pages 122-123 No vem ber 2015 Car pwo r ld 5
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26/10/2015 14:21
PECKY’S PROGRESS In the second half of the story about his monster Orient session, Pecky has yet to land a fish from the bank, and is battling the mud, the tench and the weather. Will his perseverance pay off?
t’s amazing how time flies. It’s been a month since my last piece, and I’m sitting on the sofa thinking I could do with a bit more time to do this justice. Big-carp fishing is an all-ornothing game. In the months leading up to this point, I’d struggled for material, and now I’ve got more than enough for two or three pieces. There’s no point in the customary long intro I’ve been needing in recent months, so if you missed the last article, to cut a long story short, I was mid-session at the Orient. If you don’t know it, it’s a huge public lake in France, covering several thousand acres, and I was on a monster 5-6 week session. I’d been struggling for a good while, and then Mr F turned up and I nabbed a mid-30 mirror by fishing from a boat. The following day was unsuccessful, and that brings me back to where I left off last month. Fishing
from the boat was an absolute edge, but out of the question because the wind was getting up, and neither of us fancied sitting out there; it was uncomfortable enough in good weather, let alone what was forecast. What happened next is Mr F’s story to tell, and as much as I’d love to give my version of events, he’s covered it in his feature, which is only right. What I will say though, is that I don’t think I’ve ever buzzed so much about someone else catching. What a carp – truly the carp of a lifetime. Take a bow, F. Paul left a day or so later, and after his result I was keen to have a go in that area myself. He’d caught his fish just past the back of the weed, in roughly 30ft of water towards some buoys. I made his spot my middle rod and fanned one either side. I could have fished four, but at that distance three was traumatic enough, especially with the number of
The vastness and reality of an Orient session.
monster tench I was catching. The next week or so tested my resilience to the absolute limit. It rained relentlessly for days, turning the exposed lakebed I was camped on into the most heinous habitat you could imagine. Mud oozed through every exposed gap and covered everything around me, which in turn was sucking the life from my weakening resolve. There was no doubt about it, this was hard core, but for all the uncomfortableness, the real thing that was breaking me was that I just couldn’t keep lines in the water, and I felt like I didn’t have the faintest idea what I was doing. Fishing in the day was out of the question. To get beyond the weed you needed to be at ridiculous range, and at that distance you risked being picked up by the pike anglers. That alone is a messed-up situation, but when you factor in that every single rod, every single night, was getting tenched or
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roached (on double 25mm Snowmans), it began to wear a little thin. I was going through leisure batteries like you can’t imagine, and getting them recharged involved a march of a mile through the mud with a 26kg battery on my shoulder, driving them back to Gigantica to charge them, and then carrying them back through the mud once again. To start with, after Paul left, I was quite confident, but as the days passed I realised the situation that led to Paul’s capture was different to what I was confronted with. In the days before Paul’s result it had blown NE, then on the actual night there was a decent SE straight into the area. It was the perfect scenario, and it brought the fish closer to the bank. Since then it had turned to a strong SW that left me with no hope whatsoever. One particular night I didn’t even fish because it was so rough out there! That night I hit the drink quite hard, and it’s at moments like this, when moral is down, that I ask myself what I am actually doing. Am I really enjoying this? At the time, the answer was most certainly no, but in those moments of hopelessness, you see with the most clarity. Why wasn’t I catching? Simple – I didn’t have carp traffic over the rigs.
What could I do about it? Fish from the boat was the best answer, fishing as far away from the legal night zones as possible. I bang on about it time and again in these diary pieces; carp avoid angling pressure above all else, and that’s something you can bank on. To my mind, it’s the biggest thing that makes carp hard to catch. If you imagine that the crowded night zones regularly have lines across them, with anglers fishing four rods each, it doesn’t take long before the carp start avoiding these zones. Realistically, hiring a boat on my own wasn’t an option, so I was basically wasting my time. The following morning, the weather cleared and the sun came out, and I contemplated my options – go home or go long. I went out in the boat to look for any likely areas, and it didn’t take long to find out what was required. Once I passed the weed, there was a stretch of deep water over barren mud, and then suddenly on the echo, the bottom came up steeply. Bingo – a feature in the abyss with 21-23ft on top. After dropping some markers, I circled the area with the echo, drawing a mental picture, and boy, did it tick the boxes. At the back of this plateau/mud bar, it was like a vertical cliff down to 44ft; at the front was a gentler
taper down to 35ft, and to the right was solid weed. Whilst out there, I set the GPS to home, and my eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw just how far out I was. My reels were loaded with 15lb sinking SubBraid, but it wasn’t enough to reach this oasis in the desert. Before heading ashore, I put two whole buckets of tigers over the area, which I guess was about 60/70m between my two floats. Somehow I needed to get more line on my reels, as I certainly didn’t fancy double spooling. The best I could come up with was taking off 100m of the 0.30mm sinking SubBraid and replacing it with 300m of the bright green ultra-thin floating Korda spod braid as backing. I nipped back to Gigantica where my spod rod was, to steal the braid off it. Luckily, Tom Dove was fishing there at the time, and I managed to blag a spool off him too. Now I was in business; I had two rods I could fish super-long. Back at the lake, and by the time I’d respooled, it was late, so I spent another night camping. The following evening, I got the rods out to the new area, topped up the bait, and spread it around over the entire area between the floats. The drops were different too. By fishing to the back of the weed, I
No vem ber 2015 C a r pwor l d 27
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23/10/2015 13:51
BOOK REVIEWS Need a Christmas present for an angler, or simply love reading fantastic and awe-inspiring carp-fishing literature? Then look no further, because here are four of the very best new books. over the years. His use of the on-the-bank diary,
international carp-fishing destination to emerge
written as it happens style of writing, as used in
in a generation, and it’s a water revisited by Tim
the From the Bivvy titles, adds an extra dimension
on a number of occasions throughout the book,
to his session-related writing, which highlights the
as well as several sessions on Tim’s beloved
honest reality associated with this type of fishing.
Mangrove. And so it goes on; each chapter
The photographs and illustrations throughout
another, with day-to-day accounts of the fishing
atmospheric photographs of the lake, swims,
and all the (sometimes conflicting) emotions.
wildlife, and the various friends and characters
This includes the doubts, anxiety, boredom and,
fished with and encountered during the sessions,
of course, the moments of extreme excitement
add an essential visual element to each chapter.
and elation that the challenge of fishing these
I love to be able to reference a map (of sorts)
waters for large and often difficult-to-catch-
of the lake when I’m reading about a particular
carp can bring. There are some very major
water, so I was very glad to see that the trend
frustrations, and even despair, at one end of the
for a good diagram of each lake fished, which
spectrum, and then there’s the sheer joy and relief
has been a feature of the Bivvy series, has
resulting from the capture of some huge fish.
continued in Bivvy Three – and even enhanced Since my teenage years, I’ve been a fan of Tim’s writing, going back to his very early
covers sessions on one fascinating venue after
the Bivvy Three book are also a treat. Quality,
with some detailed diagrams of individual swims.
Bivvy Three takes me to carp lakes that
Tim Paisley manages to bring all this to life in Bivvy Three. The book clearly has enormous appeal to the seasoned session carp anglers,
magazine writing days. I’ve especially enjoyed
I’d love to fish myself one day, and to lakes
who will immediately be able to identify with
the descriptions of his session fishing for carp,
that fascinate me, but where I’m never likely
the subject matter. However, I think that this
and the trials, tribulations and, of course,
to set foot on during my lifetime. Tim’s carp
is also a book which will be enjoyed by carp
the successes associated with them. In fact,
fishing nowadays takes place on a number
and specialist anglers who may rarely, if
I’m often happier reading about fishing trips/
of iconic waters, both here in the UK and
ever, try this style of fishing for themselves,
sessions than any other fishing-related subject
over in France, and the chapters in the
but will find the detailed insight into the life
matter, and for me, Tim manages to convey
book cover both these aspects in detail.
and experiences of a dedicated session carp
the feeling of his carp-fishing sessions, and
The book starts off with a chapter relating a
the essence of carp fishing itself, better than
session on the exclusive and much talked about
anyone else does. I tend to judge the success
Church Lake, owned and managed by Kevin
for quite some time, and now that I’ve read it,
of this kind of writing by how well I’m projected
Nash. It’s an Essex water that is home to a
I can thoroughly recommend it to any big-fish
into the angling experience, and whether I can
number of big beautiful British carp, and one that
angler. There’s a hint with the subtitle of the book
imagine myself there, going through the same
I’ve had the privilege of walking around, but never
(The Final Countdown), and in the introduction
highs, lows and the overall feel of what it’s really
(yet?) had the honour of actually fishing. The
itself, that this may be the last of Tim’s From the
like to be out on the bank with the author.
next chapter details a session on the legendary
Bivvy-style book projects, but once read, I’m
Rainbow Lake in the Bordeaux region of France.
sure, like me, that the reader will be hoping that
Rainbow has probably been the most exciting
Tim has already made a start on Bivvy Four.
Tim’s early-session writing did this very well, but in my opinion, his writing has got even better
angler totally fascinating and absorbing. I’d been waiting for Bivvy Three to come out
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Bo o k Review s
his life is: “I’ll always look back at the time I spent in
the Paras as the time that made me.” I can see why. The first time I met Dave was a winter on the banks of one of the lakes on the Walthamstow complex,
Monster Carp Tim Paisley & Friends
and we hit it off instantly. Dave fell in love with this venue and fished several of the reservoirs, including
This astonishingly thorough and heavily researched book contains details of almost 700 x 70lb+ carp captures, including nearly 200 x 80lb+ carp. The main authors are big-carp anglers Thomas Duncan-Dunlop, Steve Briggs and Tim Paisley, but the support they have received from a number of others makes Monster Carp a real treasure.
the mighty Lockwood, before tackling the daunting West Warwick. This highlights his dedication and determination on this tricky and frustrating days-only complex, where you are up against it all the time. To prove his versatility, Dave then moved on to two small intimate waters, a far cry from the windswept expanses of the North London reservoirs. First, he fished Sutton in Kent, and then he returned to Essex
and the Manor. The waters are known for their difficulty, and as Dave’s pictures reveal, he was
More River Carping Rob Maylin & Friends
successful on both venues; it included the capture of Dave’s story of how he became an angler is very
his first 40, in the shape of the Annie at 46lb 8oz.
similar to my own. Like me, no one in his family
The list of big fish grows as Dave moved on to
was into fishing, yet somehow he was drawn into
Kevin Nash’s lakes, and then the historic Toll Pits and
this fantastic hobby. His fishing really changed when
its awesome Italian strain, before trying his hand on
his family moved from London to Essex, and Dave
the record-breaking Conningbrook. Dave then once
started to gain access to a wide variety of venues
again stayed fairly local and tackled some off-the-
and meet other anglers. When he swapped an air
radar venues near his home, including the more
rifle for a carp-fishing setup, the urge to hunt the
well-known Quarry. This section of the book certainly
almost mythical fish, the carp, became a reality.
is interesting, not only because it’s about venues I
The progression took place quickly, culminating
know little about, but also because it shows the depth
in the capture of his first 20 in the early-’80s.
of Dave’s skill when it comes to different techniques.
The next step for Dave was tackling the Yateley
Moon River Pete Springate
The three guest chapters also proved to be a
complex with his mentor Gerry, and by Dave’s own
cracking read, and I thoroughly enjoyed them. This
admission, he was really beginning to grow as an
leads into his time on Cleverley Mere, a tumultuous
angler. At this time, Dave’s life was in a state of flux,
period where, sadly, a good friend passed away.
and over several years he jumped from job to job. Not
He also lost Hendrix at the net, but it all came good
wishing to end up being a bank tramp, he took control
in the end with the capture of a fish at 42lb. The
of his life and applied to join the Parachute Regiment,
book ends with a few chapters covering some of
and got the chance to do the basic training. The next
Dave’s current fishing, including some uncaught
chapter covers this and P Company, the toughest
monsters from a giant reservoir, and a truly stunning
test of all, which was crowned by him eventually
carp which was 4ft long from another venue.
gaining the coveted maroon beret. He also retells the
Rob Maylin’s first River Carping book was published in 2014 and it caused quite a stir in the angling world. However, while still in the design stage it was obvious that this diverse subject could never be covered in just one book. Many rivers hadn’t even been mentioned, and those which had been written about hadn’t been covered in depth.
This may be Pete’s final book, but it is far from the final chapter in his angling career, and there is no doubt that he is a long way from hanging up his rods. Having been bitten by the ‘river bug’, Pete now takes a major step in tackling a wild Sussex river by buying a boat, in partnership with his mate, Kev.
I enjoyed the variety and the pace of the book,
horrific story of a parachute jump which went wrong
and recognised that Dave is a working man with a
and resulted in him breaking his back! Thankfully,
beautiful family, around which he fits his fishing and
Dave made a full recovery, and went on to become
passion for boxing. The truth is that he catches quickly
an army physical training instructor; no mean feat,
with the minimum of fuss from some very tricky
I’m sure you’ll agree. The whole chapter is inspiring,
venues; he certainly doesn’t bore them out like some
and is concluded when Dave leaves the army after
anglers. This is another inspiring book which proves
nearly 4 years. His final comment on this period of
that you get out of your fishing exactly what you put in.
Martin Lawrence caught his first carp, aged 10, in 1975, and has been infected with a bad case of carp fever ever since. He works at the Natural History Museum in London and lives with his long suffering family in carping paradise, aka St Ives, Cambridgeshire. Bivvy Tramps – The Ultimate Rig was written on the banks of St Ives Fjords and Meadow Lakes when he should have been watching the water, and on the train between Kings Cross and Huntingdon. His search for the ultimate rig has been abandoned.
Bivvy Tramps - A Fenland Carp Tale Bivvy Tramps II - The Ultimate Rig Martin Lawrence Who are your top five carpers of all time? How about top five carp captures, or even better, top five bivvy babes? Join Kes and his camo-clad mates in Tommy’s Tackle shop to sort out the important carp questions of the day.
Bivvy tramps Kes Waterman and Steve Banks are stoked as they head off into France in search of x-treme carp adventures. Their epic winter journey takes them south to the Grand Lac and a chance encounter with elusive cult carp legend Chris Springson. Where has he been all these years? Why did he quit the UK carp scene and what new edges has he been conjuring? Little do they know what trials and tribulations lay ahead, as they glimpse the promised land of an ultimate rig and monster carp but quickly become entangled in a web of crime, violence and jealousy, which leads them all the way back to England and campaigns for the scaly jewels of Fen Drayton and St Ives.
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Following on from the success of Bivvy Tramps – A Fenland Carp Tale, Kes Waterman and Steve Banks are stoked as they head off into France in search of x-treme carp adventures. Their epic winter journey takes them south to the Grand Lac and a chance encounter with elusive cult carp legend Chris Springson.
Bivvy tramps Kes Waterman and Steve Banks are stoked as they head off into France in search of x-treme carp adventures. Their epic winter journey takes them south to the Grand Lac and a chance encounter with elusive cult carp legend Chris Springson. Where has he been all these years? Why did he quit the UK carp scene and what new edges has he been conjuring? Little do they know what trials and tribulations lay ahead, as they glimpse the promised land of an ultimate rig and monster carp but quickly become entangled in a web of crime, violence and jealousy, which leads them all the way back to England and campaigns for the scaly jewels of Fen Drayton and St Ives.
09/09/2013 14:46
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26/10/2015 11:57
A RoD FoR LiFE Harrison Aviator Plus
at fairly long range. I managed a
RRP: £342
few fish to over 40, and the action
of the Aviator made it a pleasure to play fish, plus it had enough
It was a pleasure to have these rods
backbone to chuck a lead. More
on test, and a very sad moment
recently, however, I’ve been using
when I had to package them up
them on an intimate water which
for a lucky competition winner.
is very weedy, and found that the
Right from the off, these rods really
forgiving action is a real bonus in
suited me, and not only were
the often hit-and-hold situations.
they a joy to use, they were also
This forgiving action makes this
good to look at. The finish really
rod a truly versatile bit of kit that is
is superb and is complemented by
about as close as you can get to
the cork handle, which is an added
an all-round performer. For exactly
extra at £18, although there are
the same money, the Aviator Flex is
several options available. The rod
available, which has a 3.2lb TC, a
I was testing had Kigan 3D rings
slightly lighter version. This was my
starting with a 50mm butt, although
first experience of Harrison rods, and
40mm ringing is also available.
I can only say how impressed I’ve
The blank itself is low resin, with
been with them. The rods themselves
the tip receiving special attention
are very light, have a steely rigidity,
via a 1K weave utilising high-end
which provides good feedback
intermediate modulus carbon, and
when feeling the lead down, and the
a lightweight thin ply carbon scrim
build quality is excellent. Although
for reinforcement. I’ve now used
these rods aren’t cheap, I’m fairly
this rod in a variety of different
confident that they offer good value
situations and not found it wanting.
and are worth every penny, and
My first excursion was to France,
will undoubtedly last a lifetime
where I was fishing a deep water
and make the owner very happy.
Chub RS-Plus Comfy Chair
feet, to keep you level regardless
RRP: £59.99
of the terrain. The legs also lock in
aluminium armrests, which make it
This very distinctive chair is built
easy to get in and out of the chair.
around a robust frame of lightweight
It is covered with an attractive two-
high-tensile steel, and has been
tone hard-wearing material which
designed with practicality and strength
adds to the overall look and feel
in mind. It boasts four independently
of quality of this chair, and you
adjustable legs with swivelling mud
should expect to pay under £50.
Shimano Baitrunner DL RB
and given this reel a more desirable
RRP: £109.99 and £114.99
all-black body. Inside is a Diecast Drive
place to prevent accidents. It features
Gear backed by three shielded stainless steel bearings, plus a roller bearing.
• Ratio 4.6:1
• Varispeed
The brand new DL RB comes in two sizes
Other features include Super Stopper II,
• Line capacity 430yds 12lb
• AR-C line management system
– 6000 and 10,000 – which hold 240
Dyna-Balance, Floating Shaft II, and
mono (DL 10,000 RB)
• Cold-forged aluminium spool
and 350m of 0.35mm line respectively.
a Power Roller to minimise line twist.
• Spare spool
They have a precision rear drag control
With a line capacity of 430yds of 12lb
• Dyna-Balance
and also rear Baitrunner control, and
mono, this reel is a great all-round
• Super Stopper system
Shimano have updated the internals
big-fish reel at a very realistic price.
• Line capacity 240m 12lb mono (DL6,000 RB) • Three stainless steel ball bearings
1 1 0 C a r p wor l d N o vember 2 01 5
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26/10/2015 11:34
Gardner Tackle GT-HD RRP: £19.99 gardnertackle.co.uk I’ve made no secret of the fact that I’m
in performance copolymer main lines. Finally, by manufacturing GT-HD in an awesome low-viz colour, we’ve created a line which simply outperforms other low-stretch lines in every way.”
a fan of Gardner Tackle’s lines, and I’m looking forward to getting my hands on this new product which will arrive any
• Reduced stretch offers excellent feedback to the rod tip when feeling
day, so I can put it through its paces.
the lead down, and gives improved/
With this in mind, I got Lewis Read from
enhanced bite indication at long range
Gardner to give us the facts about this new line, before I get to test it in full. “GT-HD is manufactured exclusively for Gardner Tackle, with a unique high-grade copolymer formula using cutting-edge manufacturing processes to give the line reduced stretch and a crisp feel without compromising the other key characteristics. After all, why develop a line that
• Smooth finish and supple feel offers superior casting performance • GT-HD is formulated to sink quickly and settle flush to the lakebed • This line has exceptionally high knot strength and high abrasion-resistance • Low-viz green colour gives superb camouflage whether fishing slack or tight lines • GT-HD is supplied on 1/4lb bulk
offers exceptional feel if it doesn’t
spools and is available in the
retain the high knot strength, great
following breaking strains:
abrasion-resistance, fast-sinking Features • Robust steel frame with a subtle black finish • Aluminium armrests • Adjustable legs • Swivel mud feet • Extra-padded mattress design • Leg locking pins
and lovely smooth supple feel which
Breaking Strain Diameter Meterage
anglers want. By developing a main
12lb (5.4kg) 0.33mm 1150m
line that brings together all these
15lb (6.8kg) 0.35mm 1030m
features, GT-HD set a new benchmark
18lb (8.1kg) 0.39mm 830m
Stillwater BPX Slim 9ft 2.75lb RRP: £34.99 chapmansangling.co.uk With the current fashion for short rods, this is a great and very cost-effective way of finding out if this style actually suits you. These very affordable rods are made on a high-modulus carbon blank, are thin, and have hidden power. The rings are SiC with black whipping, and there’s a subtle black DPS reel seat, completed with an abbreviated handle. For the money, these rods are great and will suit stalkers or small-water anglers. At this price we can see no downside to them, and if you fancy trying a shortrod arrangement, this is a very cheap and easy way of finding out if it’s for you.
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inDiCATion We asked Cygnet’s John Walker to talk us through their brand new range of bobbins, and explain exactly which one is needed to get the best indication possible. Here’s what he had to say.
old Skool The Old Skool bobbin is the classic carpy indicator. The heads are small, neat and ultralight, weighing in at just 2g for the coloured acrylic version and 3g for the white PTFE. With this in mind, if you need an indicator for slack fishing or very close range, the Old Skool heads are perfect. This is due to the fact that the heads hang on the line without pulling it tight, which is essential for hiding your presence from wary carp. When slack lining, as well as having a lead system that allows the line to move should the fish come towards you, it is also vital that the bobbin grips the line instead of running along it, which amplifies any movement made at the lead end. The Kippa Clip which comes with the Old Skool heads will do just this, and as such, it makes for an incredibly sensitive setup. Lite Sometimes you want a bit more visibility from your indication, and the Lite bobbins give you just that. They weigh in at 3g for coloured acrylic and 4g for the PTFE versions, and are perfect for showing delicate bites at short range. When fishing slack lines, it’s really important to understand what’s happening on the bottom. If you are fishing into a clear margin with a straight path to the lead arrangement, there is a good chance that a slack line will be close to, or right on the deck. If you have any obstacles in front of you, such as weedbeds, then there isn’t a lot you can do to get the line to the bottom. However, there is slack and too slack. Some people pay out yards and yards of line, clip a bobbin on and just leave everything as is, without any thought as to how a bite will register. Any indicator hanging on the line just translates lead movement to visual; if it’s not in touch with the lead then it can’t perform how it should. The trick with fishing slack is to pay out enough line to get to the lakebed (it’s important that this is done immediately after casting), and then tighten up just enough so that the bobbin can move upwards on the take. If you are fishing a fixed lead setup (i.e. on a lead clip), then you must make sure that you set the indicator so that it can show a small dropback. Slack lining is always better with some form of running rig. Dumpy The Dumpy heads are our dedicated close- to medium-range indicators, and are absolutely ideal for fishing at up to 60 yards or so. When fishing ultra-slack lines, after 20 yards or so, you are seriously hampered when it comes to seeing bites. This is where heads such as the Dumpy come in. Weighing in at 5g acrylic and 7g in PTFE, the Dumpy hangs on the line and
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old skool
shows any dropbacks or forward movement
as they will go; as soon as the lead moves you
from the lead. When fishing at medium range,
So, what happens if you are fishing in weedy
need to know about it. Every second counts!
there are a few simple steps to ensure you
waters, or at a bit longer range? This is where
know what’s happening at the hookbait. After
the Standard heads come in. The main problem
Long Range
you have cast out, make sure that you don’t
when going longer is showing dropbacks, and
As previously mentioned, when fishing at
have a large bow in the line and that you’re
fish kiting left or right. Everyone loves screamers,
range, the main priority is to show dropbacks
reasonably straight to the hookbait. Next, pay
but how many full-blooded runs do we actually
effectively, and for this you need a heavy
a few yards of line out into the edge to allow
get these days? Pressured waters equal wary
indicator which will pull line back towards you
it to sink slightly. I have been using Korda’s
carp, and when you have a fish trying to eject
as it goes slack. Weighing in at 12g for acrylic
new Touchdown lately, which I really like. It
a rig at 80 yards, the bobbin needs to have the
and 20g in PTFE, the Clinga Long Range is
sinks superbly and has less stretch than most
weight to register a few inches of line coming
ideal. Cast out, make sure you don’t have any
monos, which means it gets down faster and
back towards you. For this job, I prefer the PTFE
line on the surface, and clip the indicator on
gives better bite registration. Win-win! Once
version of this head, which weighs in at 12g. I
the line. I would always recommend pulling
you are happy that the line has sunk as much
would set it up in a similar way to described for
the line down into the Kippa Clip so it is being
as it can, clip on the bobbin and very slowly
the Dumpy heads, but pull it a touch tighter to the
gripped and fixes the bobbin onto the line. This
start to tighten up. You shouldn’t be too close
rod. This means that any movement at the lead
amplifies any movement, no matter how small.
to tightening to the lead, but SLOW is the key
end will be registered. I personally don’t worry
Again, make sure the alarms have the sensitivity
word here; I normally pull line through the rod
about the line lifting when fishing at longer range.
turned up as high as it will go to help get an
rings with my fingers and wind it onto the spool
As long as you try to get the last 10 yards or so
early registration of a take. The Long Range
afterwards. This is much more sensitive and
near the bottom, that’s what’s important, and if
heads are also ideal for using with Zig Rigs;
means you won’t move the lead. If you think
you can’t, the fact that the bait is where the fish
99% of takes when using Zigs are dropbacks,
the lead has moved, recast. The baits could be
are and you can see a bite is more important than
even on a slackish line. With Zigs, I always like
out a long time, and having them hung up with
the line hanging limply from the rod tops. Odds
to fish a very tight line, so that as soon as the
debris won’t help your cause. As a general rule
on that the further out into the lake you go, there
lead lifts, you get an instant dropback. If you
of thumb, keep watching the line coming off
will be something lifting the line anyway, so the
are using a light indicator, this process can
the end of the rod tip, and as soon as it starts
myth that it’s flat on the deck, even with a slack
be slowed down, so heavy is best. It doesn’t
to pick up in the water, clip the bobbin onto
line, is busted. When fishing in or over any form
matter about tight lines because the hookbait
the line. Keep tightening up until you have a
of weed, indication becomes harder due to not
is normally well above the lead anyway.
reasonable drop and the bobbin isn’t dropping
being able to get a direct line to the hookbait, and
back any further, and you’re ready to go.
friction caused by the main line running through
XL and XXL
Everything is set to show when you get a take,
the weed. In this case, I would definitely fish a
These bobbins are the behemoths of the
and the last 5 or 10 yards of the line should be
pretty tight line with the bobbin very close to the
indication world! When fishing on large waters
close to or on the deck, which is what’s needed.
rod. Make sure you have the alarms as sensitive
(whether at home or abroad), sometimes distance can make normal indication systems
long range
xl and xxl
useless. Using braid always helps with showing lead movement at extreme range, but you need to have a bobbin capable of taking up any slack effectively. The XL heads at 35g and XXL heads at 75g (that’s nearly 3oz!) are perfect for this job. Made from 100% PTFE, they are dense and very visible. However, don’t think that you can only use these at long range. In other situations where you need instant indication, such as fishing in heavy weed or up to snags with a very tight line, these come into their own. The XL heads are also perfect for Zigs at range.
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Softback 448 pages, £20.00 + P&P
Carp fishing has never seen anything like this before
Is it a biography? Is it a technical book? Is it anecdotal and story-based? Quite simply, it’s all these things rolled into one. With a diverse geographical chapter base, from as far away as Japan, to Paris, Ockendon, and even Turkey, this book brings variety by the spodful as it charts how Ali achieved many of his finest moments and angling highs. This is a book which was written to inspire the working anglers, something to make you laugh, while also giving a rare glimpse behind the scenes of Ali Hamidi’s working and fishing life. More importantly, it is a book littered with angling edges and technical advice, to help anyone reading it put more fish on the bank. It is built around Ali Hamidi’s angling adventures since 2005, a period which saw him join tackle giants Korda, an era when he helped bring Thinking Tackle, Underwater 7 and 8, The Big Fish-Off, and numerous other highprofile angling projects to your TV screens. It has been over a decade of pressure cookercarping which has drawn tactical guile, effort and innovation from the author; vital lessons and stories that he wants to pass on. This book is dedicated to and focused on working anglers. A richly illustrated 400+ pages which will not only help you catch more under time constraints, but will also have you laughing, sighing, and relating to much of what you read. Frank, honest, detailed, technical, and varied just about begins to describe the nature of The Carpers’ High.
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