Angliss Asia - foodtalk Issue 45 - The Height of Good Taste

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foodtalk ISSUE 45


Welcome to the 45th issue of Foodtalk! And to our new look Foodtalk! With an exciting larger format, more in-depth interviews with the best chefs working in the industry, but still packed with the same fun food features our readers love, we are sure you will enjoy its fresh new appeal This desire to constantly move forwards and strive for improvement has always helped Angliss maintain our position as an industry leader. For example, we have always understood that innovation and technology, working in tandem with skilled human interaction, are essential in staying ahead of the pack. We work in competitive and challenging markets and constantly strive to be the very best. Subsequently we are putting more resources and investment into our technology and systems. We are enhancing our warehouse management to achieve smoother and more efficient workflows. Of course, even these amazing technologies require talented operators, and we also continue to invest significantly in staff training to guarantee we can get the very best from these systems.

new premises. With both companies under one roof they can effectively share operational efficiencies, offer a better customer experience and combine strengths and economies of scale. We also have a new office opening in Vietnam later this year. As ever we would like to thank our suppliers, business partners, brand principles and customers for their continued support and faith in our vision. We are truly grateful for this confidence. Back to the issue! In this revamped Foodtalk you will find revealing interviews with renowned chefs including The Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong’s Peter Find and Antimo Merone of 8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo Bombana Macau among others, alongside FT’s usual entertaining and inspiring content. Enjoy the issue!

We are investing in other areas as well. We recently welcomed Bidfood Malaysia into the Bidcorp family and Gourmet Partner Malaysia into their impressive

Johnny Kang Regional Managing Director - Asia

第45期的Foodtalk與大家見面了! Foodtalk換上新裝與大家見面!這一期的通訊版面較大,收錄更多與業內頂級名廚的詳 盡訪談,大家所喜愛、與食物有關的趣聞樂事亦一應俱全,讀者定必樂在其中! 安得利矢志不斷向前、致力改進提升,此信念一直有助我們




技元素,加上不同崗位人員之間的有效合作,是在餐飲業獨 佔鰲頭的關鍵所在。在現時競爭激烈及充滿挑戰的市場中,



客戶對我們願景的持續支持和信任。非常感激眾人多年來對安 得利的信賴!

最近幾年,我們將更多資源和資金投放至科技和系統範疇, 例如提升倉庫管理系統,以實現更流暢和高效的工作流程。





港麗思卡爾頓酒店的Peter Find和澳門 8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo


Bombana 的Antimo Merone 及多位名廚的精彩訪問。



Malaysia 加盟 Bidcorp大家庭,而 Gourmet Partner Malaysia 亦喬遷至全新的辦公室,我們深表興奮。兩間公 司現時屬同一集團,強強聯手,有效分享資源,提高營運效

江文喜 亞洲區董事總經理






AMUSE BOUCHE An introduction from Managing Director Johnny Kang



One of the city’s most respected chefs, Peter Find, Executive Chef of The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong, discusses his love of keeping customers happy by Rebecca Lo

12 Editor-in-Chief / 總編輯 : James Stephen Editor / 編輯 : Vivian Lau Project Manager / 項目统籌 : Wisteria Lo Creative Director / 設計及藝術總監 : Fanky Fu Chinese Translation / 翻譯 : A Chan of RR Donnelley

Unlock the secrets of grilling heaven with Korean BBQ: Master Your Grill in Seven Sauces




Foodtalk is published quarterly by Angliss Hong Kong Food Service Ltd. Foodtalk季刊由安得利香港餐飲 有限公司出版


2018 © Copyright Angliss Hong Kong Food Service Ltd. All rights reserved. 2018 © 安得利香港餐飲有限公司 版權所有,不得翻印


Published by: Angliss Hong Kong Food Service Limited 47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T. Hong Kong T. +852 2481 5111 F. +852 2489 8861 出版: 安得利香港餐飲有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街47-51號 電話 +852 2481 5111 傳真 +852 2489 8861



Following the success of his industrial bakery supplying the industry, legendary baker Gregoire Michaud has recently opened a retail outlet. He explains why



ANTIMO MERONE 81/2 Otto E Mezzo BOMBANA Executive Chef Antimo Merone on continuing celebrity chef Umberto Bombana’s Michelin aspirations in Macau by Rebecca Lo




Swissotel Merchant Court Executive Chef and Singapore National Culinary Team Leader Louis Tay explains how he juggles two highly demanding roles




A recent grand opening event welcomed Gourmet Partner Malaysia into the Bidcorp family and Bidfood Malaysia into their impressive new premises



SPRING MOON Angliss client Michelin star renewed





Having opened restaurants in Tianjin and Beijing for Groupe FLO Asia, Executive Chef Andy Choy has seen China’s appetite for French cuisine explode



Angliss Shanghai organises ‘2017 Thank You Dinner in Shanghai’ to mark 10th anniversary; Angliss Beijing wins key food safety award; Angliss Guangzhou hosts “family dinner” to thank customers; Angliss Shenzhen showcases amazing beef products



A new book collaboration with Belcolade, the Belgian chocolate brand of Puratos, showcases stunning chocolate art





Looking to shape up for spring? While exercise can help, diet plays a greater role



Events, shows and F&B openings in Greater China and around the world

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Sky High Maestro Peter Find, Executive Chef of The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong, discusses orchestrating one of the city’s most refined collections of restaurants By Rebecca Lo Photography by Koon Ming Tang

FT(Foodtalk): What led to your career as a chef? PF(Peter Find): I come from Bersrod, a village with less than 800 people about 65km north of Frankfurt/Main, Germany. We had a garden and I learned to respect seasonal produce. My uncle was a butcher in a nearby village, and I grew up helping in the shop or at my family’s farm. Then, when I was 14, I apprenticed as a butcher; we would cater small parties of 30 people by providing charcuterie. After, in 1983, I apprenticed under an Alsace chef who taught me classic French techniques. FT: Who were your mentors? PF: I admired the late Paul Bocuse - he was a huge figure for every classically trained chef, though I never worked with him. The others are Achim Krutsch, Alfred Friedrich and Anton Mosimann. They


在天際上的頂級廚師 香港麗思卡爾頓酒店的行政總廚范 秉達 (Peter Find) 為我們娓娓道來 他如何策劃一系列香港最雅緻不凡 的餐廳 FT(Foodtalk): 甚麼促使你踏上廚師之路 的? PF(Peter Find): 我來自德國的Bersrod, 這個村莊的人口不足800人,位於德國法蘭 克福以北約65公里。我們家有一個花園, 在那裏我了解到時令農產品的美妙之處。 我的叔叔是附近一個村莊的屠夫,我長大 後就在他的店幫忙打點或者在家裏的農場 幹活。14歲時,我當上屠夫學徒。我們會 為小型派對提供熟食。到了1983年,我拜 了一位來自法國東北面阿爾薩斯的廚師學 廚,學習了不少經典的法式烹調技巧。

foodtalk ISSUE 45



foodtalk ISSUE 45




foodtalk ISSUE 45


Our motto is “Ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen” 酒店的座右銘是「我們是一群為女士與紳士提供服務的女士與紳士」 are different characters with different styles of cooking. What they have in common is passion. Achim taught me to experiment. Alfred explained why certain flavours worked well together and how to get the best out of each ingredient. Anton was a marketing king who taught the importance of customer interaction. FT: What led to your current position as Executive Chef at The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong? PF: When I was working at The Repulse Bay in Hong Kong in 1999, I met a Ritz-Carlton chef who talked about the brand’s huge potential. Intrigued, I went on to join the group as Executive Sous Chef at The Ritz-Carlton, Singapore. A chance to join the opening team at The Ritz-Carlton, Bahrain then came up. At the time I didn’t even know where Bahrain was! But I knew that having Middle East experience

Koenigsberger, klops and capers

FT: 你曾經師承哪幾位名廚? PF: 我很欣賞已故的 Paul Bocuse。對所有受過傳統烹調訓練的 廚師來說,他都是一位非常了不起的人物,可惜我從未與他合作 過。其他的則包括德國廚師Achim Krutsch和Alfred Friedrich 以及瑞士廚師Anton Mosimann。他們有著不同的性格,而烹飪 風格也非常不一樣,但他們的共通點是對烹飪充滿熱情。Achim 教我如何體會烹飪的樂趣。Alfred則會向我解釋為何若干口味配 合在一起,能夠產生非常奇妙的效果,以及如何帶出每種食材的 精粹。Anton是一位營銷大師,他教曉我與顧客互動的重要之 道。 FT: 你為甚麼會當上目前香港麗思卡爾頓酒店的行政總廚? PF: 1999年在香港淺水灣酒店工作時,我遇到一位麗思卡爾頓酒 店的大廚,他侃侃而談其品牌的龐大潛力。有趣的是,我其後就 加入了成為新加坡麗思卡爾頓酒店的行政副總廚。不久,我更有 機會成為巴林麗思卡爾頓酒店的開幕團隊成員。當時我甚至不知 道巴林在哪裏!但我知道具備中東經驗將會是一種優勢,所以最 終在那裏待上了四年。 我一直對麗思卡爾頓的皇冠標誌以及其背後的歷史非常著迷。酒

Tin Lung Heen

店的座右銘是「我們是一群為女士與紳士提供服務的女士與紳 士」。我們會投放資源給員工,並確保客人獲得悉心照料並感到

foodtalk ISSUE 45



was an advantage, and ended up spending four years there. I have always been fascinated by The Ritz-Carlton’s crown logo and the history behind it. Our motto is “Ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen”. We empower our staff with the resources to ensure guests are taken care of and are happy. We do this consistently and genuinely, which suits my character, as being from a small village, I like helping people. FT: How do you maintain high standard with such a wide array of outlets? PF: Hire the right people. We are lucky as we still have a large number of the hotel’s opening team. Our staff is stable, which helps keep everything consistent, from service to cuisine. It is also important to have a consistent supply of products. Getting one or two Michelin stars takes a lot of hard work. At the same time, we are open-minded. We consistently offer dishes that are relevant to the market, visually appealing and made with wonderful produce. Customers like to interact with chefs, and I personally engage with them to get feedback. As a result, we have a good network of regulars. FT: How do you differentiate yourself in Hong Kong’s competitive market? PF: The hotel’s location and elevation are big attractions. On a clear day customers can enjoy one of Hong Kong’s most stunning views. Our awards attract people, who also appreciate our personalised service and unique products. And with seven outlets here, we have something for everyone.

The Lounge and Bar


German schwabentopf and cherry

稱心滿意。我們致力本著真誠貫徹此宗旨,而這非常符合我的性 格,我來自一個小村莊並在小村莊成長,向來非常樂於助人。 FT: 你們設有這麼多不同的餐廳,如何能確保一貫的高水準? PF: 聘用合適的人才非常重要。我們很幸運,因為酒店開幕團隊 中的許多成員現時仍然與我們並肩同行。我們的員工流失率低, 從服務到食物都能保持一致的高水準。此外,確保優質食材供 應穩定亦重要攸關。榮獲米芝蓮一星或兩星畢竟需要付出很大努 力。同時,我們也有不少新穎的構想。我們不斷提供迎合市場所 需的菜式,菜式看上去非常吸引,而且以優質食材入饌。客戶喜 歡與廚師互動。我也會親自與他們接觸,聽取寶貴的意見。因 此,我們吸引許多常客光顧。 FT: 你如何能夠在香港這個競爭激烈的市場中脫穎而出? PF: 我們酒店的位置優越,而且居高臨下,客人可在天朗氣清的 日子一覽香港最壯麗的景觀。此外,我們奪得不少獎項,深受客

“When a customer tells me a dish is good, that makes me happy” 「當食客告訴我一道菜真的很好吃時,才是我感到最滿足的時刻」 FT: What does the chef’s table experience bring to your guests? PF: Providing unique experiences is part of our passion. Since 2011 we have offered my version of a chef’s table, where every menu is personalised. Each features seasonal items that may not be the most expensive, but are executed with great finesse. I often talk to my guests to find out what they like before coming up with the menu. It’s a memorable experience for a group of friends and family to have me cook something special right in front of them. FT: What were some of your biggest professional challenges and rewards? PF: Preparing for the first Arab Summit with 23 different nations when I was in Bahrain - it was a massive event. The first Formula One in Bahrain; I learned a lot, since that took a lot of planning. Winning Best Global Chef for Ritz-Carlton hotels worldwide in 2013; this award was based on employee and customer feedback, implying that the recipient is a good role model for the brand. Being recognised as Chef Hotelier of the Year in Shanghai at the first Hotelier Awards Greater China in 2014. And, of course, opening the highest hotel in the world - my biggest achievement. In the end, though, when a customer tells me a dish is good, that makes me happy.

foodtalk ISSUE 45

人歡迎,而客人也非常欣賞我們度身訂造的服務和一系列獨特的 菜式。我們設有七間餐廳,能夠切合不同的口味和需要。 FT:「廚師之桌」能為你的客人帶來什麼體驗? PF: 提供獨特的進餐體驗是展現我們對美食熱情的其中一環。自 2011年以來,我們已因應不同食客的口味而設計「廚師之桌」, 每份菜單都是度身訂造。每道菜式都會選用時令食材,材料未 必是最昂貴,但卻是非常精緻。在點菜之前,我通常會與食客談 談,了解他們的喜好。一群朋友和家人聚首一堂,而我則在他們 面前炮製美食,這實在是非常難忘的經驗。 FT: 在你的事業生涯中,最令你引以為傲的獎項是甚麼?所遇到 最大的挑戰又是甚麼? PF: 當我在巴林工作時,23個不同國家參與了阿拉伯的首次首腦 會議,我需要為出席人士準備美食,而這實在是艱鉅的任務。此 外,在巴林的首次一級方程式賽車中,我獲益良多,畢竟當中涉 及很多的規劃工作。在2013年,我贏得了麗思卡爾頓酒店全球最 佳廚師獎;這個獎項的結果反映了員工和客戶的意見,意味著得 獎者是品牌的良好楷模。在2014年第一屆大中華地區酒店業大獎 頒獎典禮上,我有幸獲選為上海年度酒店廚師。當然,能夠見證 香港麗思卡爾頓這間全球最高酒店的開幕,我亦感到無比自豪。 不過,說到底,當食客告訴我一道菜真的很好吃時,才是我感到 最滿足的時刻。



Korean BBQ: Master Your Grill in Seven Sauces By Bill Kim and Chandra Ram, Ten Speed


There’s not much the Koreans don’t know about barbeque and grilling, and this new guide allows even the uninitiated to become experts


hef Bill Kim, who was born in Korea but raised in Chicago, was clearly aware that he needed to add an element of fusion to make this 240-page cookbook accessible to those more familiar with the western barbeque model.

《韓式燒烤:七種醬料烤出好滋味》 作者:Bill Kim 及 Chandra Ram 出版社:Ten Speed

韓國人對燒烤堪稱無所不知,而有了這本 全新指南,現在所有門外漢都能夠成為燒 烤專家 名廚Bill Kim生於韓國,但在芝加哥長大。他清楚瞭 解到需要融合不同元素,才能使慣於西方燒烤模式的

He has subsequently produced a straightforward explanation of some of Korea’s most amazing sauces, rubs and infusions that enable even the most basic of grillers to add delicious new flavours. Kim, of Chicago’s award-winning bellyQ restaurants, is a lover of both the traditional barbeque of his Korean roots as well as the classic American family cookouts he later grew up with. The subsequent 80 mash-up recipes in Korean BBQ: Master Your Grill, not due to hit bookshops until April, are designed for home cooks to both learn the basics of the Korean grill and then customise them as they will. First are the seven master sauces (and three spice rubs), including Korican sauce (a combination of Puerto Rican and Korean flavours), curry salt and Korean pesto, which are super quick to prepare. These are followed by mouthwatering recipes including Sticky Chicken Crumsticks, Hoisin Baked Beans, Yuzu Edamame, Kimchi Potato Salad, Seoul to Buffalo Shrimp, BBQ Spiced Chicken Thighs and Honey Soy Flank Steak. Readers will also find a fun collection of snacks, drinks, sides and desserts. Not only full of brilliant, accessible recipes, this inspirational new title also tells the story of how a classically trained chef was able to blend traditional Korean techniques with a modern approach to contemporary barbeque cooking.

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人,較易明白這本240頁烹飪書的精髓。 他深入淺出地解釋韓國一些最美味的醬汁、調味料和 烤焗方法,因此即使是燒烤新手,也能自行創製韓式 燒烤美食。 Kim來自芝加哥屢獲殊榮的bellyQ餐廳。鑑於其韓國 根源,他對傳統韓式燒烤情有獨鍾,但同時成長中接 觸的經典美式家庭燒烤聚餐,對他亦有一定影響。 將在4月份登陸各大書店的還有續集篇《韓式燒烤: 烤出好滋味》(Korean BBQ: Master Your Grill) 的 80個糅合不同元素食譜,食譜專為閒時會在家燒烤 的人士而設,他們可以從中學習到韓式燒烤的基本 知識,然後運用創意,變化出自己的風格。書中首 先介紹七種主調味醬(和三種香料調味粉),包括 Korican醬 (這種醬料結合了波多黎各與韓國風味)、 咖哩鹽和韓國香蒜。這些醬料均能很快準備妥當。 書中還列出多款令人垂涎的食譜,包括醬烤雞槌、海 鮮焗豆、柚子毛豆、泡菜薯仔沙律、首爾水牛城燒 蝦、BBQ五香雞髀以及蜜汁牛扒。另外,書中還可 以找到一系列有趣的小吃、飲料、伴菜和甜品。 這本靈感巧思隨處可見的新書不僅滿載精彩而簡單的 食譜,還呈現了Bill Kim這位受過傳統訓練的名廚如 何運用無限創意,將韓國傳統技術與現代燒烤烹飪方 法融會貫通。



Baking up a Storm Photography courtesy Bakehouse

Gregoire Michaud was born with flour on his hands. After working for many years in the hotel industry he opened his own bakery in Hong Kong supplying the trade five years ago, and followed that success with a recent retail outlet


FT(Foodtalk): While growing up was food an important part of your life? GM(Gregoire Michaud): I grew up in a rural area where my family made most of our food – bread of course, but many other things. I loved eating, but even from an early age I wanted to learn how to cook, so I could be self-reliant. Baking I found particularly satisfying – from simple dough


烘焙大師 Gregoire Michaud自少就註定以麵粉為業。他曾 於酒店業工作多年,並在5年前開設自家的烘焙工 場,為同行供應相關產品,業務蒸蒸日上。最近, 他的零售麵包店亦告開業 FT(Foodtalk): 在你的成長過程中,食物是重要的一環嗎? GM(Gregoire Michaud): 我在農村長大,大部分食物都是家 人自己製作的,麵包也不例外,當然亦有許多其他東西。我很 喜歡吃,從小就想學烹飪,所以我憑自己一雙手就可創造美 食。烘焙真的很有趣,一個簡單的麵團就能造出外形非常吸引 的麵包!這是一個十分神奇的過程,至今我仍然有這種感覺。 emerges beautiful bread! It was a magical process, and I still feel that way. FT: Does the area where you were born and brought up in Switzerland, Valais, have a distinctive culinary culture? Did it help forge the baker you would become GM: Yes, it’s at the intersection of Italy, France and Switzerland and there’s a fascinating mix of culinary cultures there. But although it was certainly inspiring, I was shaped more by my travels than my roots.

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FT: 您在瑞士瓦萊州出生並長大,該地區是否擁有獨特的烹飪 文化? 這些文化對你後來成為一名烘焙師有幫助嗎? GM: 有的,瓦萊州位於意大利、法國和瑞士的交界,當地匯聚 了各種不同的美食文化。雖然這些文化對我有一定薰陶,但周 遊列國對我的影響似乎大一點。 FT: 你曾於瑞士著名的Richemont Baking Institute學習烘 焙。可否與我們分享一下有關經驗? GM: 當年,一星期內我要在麵包店實習四天,到學校上課一 天。對於一個15歲的少年來說,這是非常刻苦的事情。「學不 成就要回家」。我仍然弄不清自己是如何熬過那段日子,甚至 能夠以全級第一名畢業!我想我生下來就是做烘焙的材料。

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FT: You trained at the renowned Swiss Richemont Baking Institute – how was that experience? GM: I had to spend four days working at the bakery and one day at school. It was very tough for a 15-year-old, either “learn or leave”. I still don’t quite know how I got through it, and still managed to graduate top of my class! I guess I was just born to do this. FT: You were already an established baker when you decided to study for a hotel management diploma at Lausanne Hotel School. What drove this decision? GM: I wanted to learn more about the business side of the industry. I then worked for a year as an F&B manager at Four Seasons Hotel Dublin to turn theory into practice. It was useful for my later ventures. FT: You had a successful career with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts as an executive pastry chef. What attracted you to the brand? GM: I have always liked Four Seasons’ attitude towards people, both employees and guests – it is one of the reasons for their success. Essentially they are a group of good people working hard together. I was with Four Seasons in Hong Kong for 11 years – three at The Regent, which was managed by Four Seasons, and eight years at Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong itself.

FT: 當你決定到瑞士洛桑酒店管理學院 (Lausanne Hotel School)修讀酒店管理文憑 時,你已經是一個技巧相當成熟的烘焙師。是 甚麼驅使你作出這個決定的? GM: 我想了解更多關於烘焙行業的商業運作。 其後,我在愛爾蘭都柏林四季酒店的餐飲部當 了一年經理,將所學理論轉化為實踐。這些東 西對我後來營運餐廳和店舖都很有用。 FT: 你曾在四季酒店及度假村擔任糕點部行政 總廚,並發展了一番事業。「四季」這個品牌 有甚麼吸引到你? GM: 四季對員工和客人的態度,我一直甚有好 感,並且認為這是他們賴以成功的因素之一。 他們絕對是勤奮工作的優秀人才。我在香港的 四季酒店集團工作了11年,其中3年是在四季管 理的麗晶酒店,而8年則在香港四季酒店。


“Baking I found particularly satisfying - from simple dough emerges beautiful bread! It was a magical process, and I still feel that way” 「烘焙真的很有趣,一個簡單的麵團就 能造出外形非常吸引的麵 ! 這是一個十分神奇的過程,至今 我仍然有這種感覺」

FT: This is your second stint in Hong Kong. What drew you here again? GM: My first was as a pastry chef at the former Regent Hong Kong. The second time I was invited to be part of the new Four Seasons Hong Kong opening team. When first on board I had to wear a helmet, as construction was still ongoing! It was challenging, but we succeeded in establishing very high standards throughout the operation. FT: You opened your bakery, Bread Elements, in 2013. Why were you confident you would be successful? GM: My partners and I had to work very hard but were confident that the products would speak for themselves. We didn’t even have sales people for the first two or three years, it was just word of mouth. We now have 60 employees, and are currently exploring the export market. I’m really pleased with how it has worked out.

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FT: 這是你第二次回到香港工作。是甚麼吸引你再來? GM: 我第一次來香港是在當時的麗晶酒店擔任糕點廚師。第 二次則是獲邀加盟全新香港四季酒店的開業團隊。當第一天上 班時,我仍需要戴上頭盔,因為酒店還在施工中!這非常具挑 戰性,但我們在整個過程中可謂做到盡善盡美的品質。 FT: 你於2013年開設了自己的烘焙工場Bread Elements。你 為何對能成功充滿信心? GM: 我和合作夥伴都非常投入工作,相信顧客會信賴我們的 優質產品和服務。 我們最初兩三年甚至沒有任何銷售人員, 只靠行家的口耳相傳。我們現在有60名員工,目前正在探索 出口市場的機遇。我對現時的進展感到頗滿意。 FT: 您首家同時提供麵包和咖啡的店舖Bakehouse最近開 業。你是怎樣做出自家店舖的特色,從其他對手中脫穎而出? GM: 我覺得一切都關乎客戶體驗。我們會在店內烘焙新鮮麵 包,並確保質量保持在最高水平,顧客一眼就能夠看出來,



“We are all passionate people, who value handcrafted, wholesome and authentic food” 「我們對美食充滿熱情,非常重視手工製作、健康以及正宗的食品」 FT: Your first retail venture, Bakehouse bakery/cafe recently opened. How have you tried to differentiate it from other cafes? GM: It’s all about the customer experience. We cook our bread fresh on the premises, it is very good quality, and they can see that, yet we keep our prices reasonable. We want to connect with people and the neighbourhood. FT: You collaborate with local artisans who supply you with chocolate, coffee and other produce. Why this is important to you? GM: We encourage partnerships with like-minded producers of ingredients we use in our products. We are all passionate people, who value handcrafted, wholesome and authentic food.


但我們也會確保價格合理。我們希望能夠與顧客和社區建立緊密 的聯繫。 FT: 你與本地的傳統食材生產商合作,取得朱古力、咖啡以及其 他農產品的供應。這些產品為何對你們如此重要? GM: 我們支持與具有相似理念的生產商合作,在產品中使用其優 質食材。我們對美食充滿熱情,非常重視手工製作、健康以及正 宗的食品。 FT: 你最著名的產品之一是牛角包。你能說一下其獨特之處嗎? GM: 我喜歡多層的麵粉團,例如用於牛角包和丹麥糕點的麵粉 團。我的牛角包會用上一點酸麵粉團,讓它們有一點點的香脆和 一點點的酸味。

FT: One of your most famous products are your croissants. Can you explain what is so special about them? GM: I like layered dough, such as is used in croissants and Danish pastries. With my croissants I add a little sourdough, which gives them a bit of crunch and a hint of sourdough flavour. FT: You won the title Best Pastry Chef 2013 for Hong Kong & Macau. What did that mean to you? GM: I was very surprised, but flattered of course. It came down to more than just my professional work though – it also took on board my community involvement and teaching. FT: What do you value about Angliss products and the service you receive? GM: I have been working with Angliss for a long time – I’ve even judged their pizza competitions! Of course, while I like the quality of Angliss products, I also value their involvement and support.

FT: 您贏得了2013年香港和澳門最佳糕點廚師的稱號。你有甚 麼特別的感覺? GM: 我非常意外能夠獲得這個稱號,心情當然是受寵若驚。烘 焙不單是我的專業,現時我也有開展社區參與和教學工作。 FT: 你對安得利產品和服務有何看法? GM: 我與安得利合作良久,我甚至為其薄餅比賽擔任評判!當 然,我十分欣賞安得利產品的質量,亦很重視他們的投入和支 持。

Baguette of the day

Tomato, mozzarella and pesto, focaccia

Avocado, bacon and cheddar, pretzel

foodtalk ISSUE 45



Carrying the Truffle Torch By Rebecca Lo

Photography courtesy 8½ Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA, Macau

Antimo Merone, Executive Chef at one Michelin-starred restaurant, 8½ Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA, in Galaxy Macau, reveals how he carries on traditions for three Michelin starred Hong Kong based celebrity Chef Umberto Bombana FT(Foodtalk): Did your upbringing in Italy’s Naples region influence your career choice? AM(Antimo Merone): Yes. The Pozzuoli area where I grew up is in Campli Flegrei - Phlegraen Fields - west of Naples. It has rich volcanic soil perfect for vegetable and fruit such as tomato - my favourite product. I remember as an 18-month toddler, I would eat every tomato ripening in the sun on our balcony. My grandmother had a farm in the countryside. She was a good cook and we enjoyed mussels, squid and eel-grilled and simply prepared. Our Sunday lunch was often ragu, cooked for many hours on Saturday and then reheated.

Homemade tagliolini


FT: Why jump to cooking in Berlin after studying finance in university? AM: While I was at university studying finance, I went backpacking. In Berlin, I discovered that I really wanted to cook. So I stayed and worked for a Sicilian guy named Gioacchino Conti at Vai Mo’ - meaning just go. One of my regular customers liked my food so much that he backed

松露的神奇魔力 Antimo Merone是澳門銀河8 ½ Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA的行 政總廚。在以下的訪問中,他娓娓 道來如何傳承以香港為基地、米芝 蓮三星名廚Umberto Bombana 的優良傳統 FT(Foodtalk): 你在意大利那不勒斯地 區成長,有關經歷是否影響到你的職業選 擇? AM(Antimo Merone): 是的,我在那不 勒斯西部的Campli Flegrei-Phlegraen Fields地區長大。當地蘊含火山灰的土壤 相當肥沃,適合栽種蔬菜和水果,例如是 我最喜愛的番茄。記憶中,我18個月大蹣 跚學步時,就懂得在陽台摘在陽光下自然 成熟的番茄來吃。 我的祖母在郊區擁有一個農場,她的廚藝 非常出色。我們很喜歡青口、魷魚和鰻 魚。這些食物經過簡單調味然後烤熟,就 已經十分美味。我們星期天的午餐通常有 蕃茄肉醬,先在星期六煮幾個小時,然後 翌日再加熱來吃。 FT: 你在大學修讀金融,為何會轉到德國 柏林學習烹飪? AM: 在大學修讀金融時,我去了一次背包 旅行。在柏林,我發現自己對烹飪真的很 著迷,於是我就留下來,在Vai Mo’(意 指速食外賣店)跟一個名為Gioacchino Conti的西西里人工作。其中一個熟客非常 欣賞我煮的食物,於是出資給我開了一間 小餐廳。我們會因應市場當天供應的新鮮 食材,炮製簡單的意式美食。我甚麼崗位 都需要負責:經理、廚師、採購員。簡直 忙得要命!一年後,我聽母親的話重回校 園接受正規的烹飪訓練。 FT: 你從頂級烹飪學院Alma Scuola Internazionale di Cucina Italiana學到 了什麼? AM: 烹飪學校是一種與別不同的挑戰, 導師們對我要求甚為嚴格。米芝蓮星級

“We deliver experiences according to each guest’s expectations” 「我們會根據每位客人的期望提供最佳的進餐體驗」

烹飪的魅力深深吸引著我,並為此先 後前往Locanda nel Borgo Antico和 Villa Crespi跟名廚Massimo Camia和

Private Room

Antonino Cannavacciuolo學廚。

ISSUE 45 foodtalk



Dining Hall

me to open a bistro. We served simple Italian fare based on whatever that was available at the market that day. I was everything: manager, chef, purchaser - it was crazy! After a year there, I yielded to pressure from my mother, returning to school for a proper culinary education. FT: What were the lessons learned from top culinary institute Alma Scuola Internazionale di Cucina Italiana? AM: Culinary school was a different sort of challenge. The chef instructors pushed me hard. I was fascinated by the allure of Michelin stars, and that gave me the motivation to apprentice for Massimo Camia at Locanda nel Borgo Antico and Antonino Cannavacciuolo at Villa Crespi.

FT: 你為什麼會選擇到香港工作? AM: 我不太想留在意大利工作,而是希望能夠出外闖一闖。當 Umberto Bombana首次獲得米芝蓮三星時,我得知他的大名。 我冒昧寫信給他,但當時沒有空缺,於是我只好把到香港工作的 夢想暫擱一旁,直到布雷西亞(Brescia)Miramonti L’Altro的 Philippe Léveillé邀請我到他那裡工作,我當然欣然接受。2012 年,我們在L Place開設了L’Altro。餐廳開業的同一年就獲得米 芝蓮一星。其後,我在那裡工作直到2014年。 FT: 你對名廚Bombana的第一印象怎樣?他和他的食物有何特 別的吸引之處? AM: 初時我以為他難以接近,但認識久了才發現完全相反。他其 實非常平易近人,從不對我們呼呼喝喝。Bombana非常熱愛美

FT: Why did you choose Hong Kong as a place to work? AM: I didn’t want to work in Italy; I was keen to explore the world. I heard about Umberto Bombana when he received three Michelin stars for the first time. I wrote him but he didn’t have an opening then. I forgot about my dreams of working in Hong Kong until Philippe Léveillé of Miramonti L’Altro in Brescia offered me a job, and I jumped at the opportunity. In 2012, we opened L’Altro in L Place. The restaurant received a Michelin star the same year we opened. I stayed there until 2014.

食,而且總是在廚房裡努力將每件事做到盡善盡美。他與我父親 的年齡相近,此外我們對烹飪有著相同的理念。

FT: What were your first impressions of Chef Bombana? Was there something particularly appealing about him and his food? AM: I thought he looked a bit scary! But he is completely the opposite - he is a super nice guy and never yells. Chef Bombana is completely in love with food, healways stays in the kitchen and tries to make things better. He is around my father’s age, and we share the same philosophy. I worked with him in Hong Kong for seven months prior to moving to Macau; we opened here in May 2015. The menu in Macau offers around 70% of the same dishes from Hong Kong. We develop new dishes together, incorporating


Aveyron lamb, bel pepper peperonata, eggplant parmigiana

“We understand the personality of each guest” 「成功之道就是要了解每位食客的個性」 a few from my southern Italian background. Although Chef Bombana is from the north, he loves Mediterranean flavours. FT: Why is your restaurant so successful? AM: We understand the personality of each guest. We never box ourselves in; we deliver experiences according to each guest’s expectations. We offer precise service in a formal manner, yet we are never stiff. We present food in a straightforward way using great products. We never over manipulate; instead, we apply rigorous techniques. We received our first Michelin star after one year in Macau: a big honour. Chef Bombana was the first chef in Hong Kong to use white truffle, and our restaurants are famous for our truffle dishes. Our customers are crazy for it! We offer incredible value for money, since we are very generous with how we use it. FT: What are some differences working in a casino resort? AM: Timing: some high rollers don’t wish to stay long to dine, if they have only an hour, we would then recommend a few dishes from our à la carte or short tasting menu rather than the traditional one. I have noticed that customers’ tastes are changing. Up to 80% of our diners prefer the tasting menu. It is a great way to approach our restaurant. As it changes seasonally and isn’t too heavy, people can enjoy something different every time.

Marinated and seared scallop

foodtalk ISSUE 45

我搬到澳門之前曾在香港與他共事七個月,我們於2015年5月在 濠江開業,這裡的菜單中約有七成與香港的相同。我們會一起創 作新菜式,有時會融合意大利南部特色。儘管Bombana來自意 大利北方,但他頗喜歡地中海風味。 FT: 為何你的餐廳如此成功? AM: 成功之道就是要了解每位食客的個性,千篇一律需要極力避 免,我們會根據每位客人的期望提供最佳的進餐體驗。以正統的 方式提供精確的服務是我們的座右銘,但我們從不會事事因循。 直截了當地使用優質食材呈現佳餚,這是非常重要的。我們會嚴 格遵循各個步驟,但從不會適得其反。正因持續的努力,餐廳在 澳門開業一年就獲得了米芝蓮一星,可謂莫大的榮譽。 Bombana是香港首位使用白松露的廚師,而我們的餐廳一直都 以松露菜式而聞名。到餐廳進餐的客戶對此深感著迷,原因是我 們大量加入松露,因此食物是非常物有所值。 FT: 在賭場度假村工作有什麼不同體驗? AM: 一些客人不願花長時間用餐,而是希望能夠盡快投入博彩娛 樂。如果只有一小時,我們會從單點或淺嚐菜單,而非傳統的餐 牌中推薦幾道菜給他們。 我留意到顧客的口味正在改變,多達八成的用餐者偏愛淺嚐菜 單,這是到我們餐廳品嚐美食的極佳方法。由於菜單會隨時令作 出改變,且食物份量不會過多,食客每次都可以享用不同的美 食。

Hokkaido king crab, fennel emulsion, amalfi lemon, river beluga caviar



Competitive Spirit Swissotel Merchant Court Executive Chef Louis Tay describes his other role as Singapore National Culinary Team Leader

FT(Foodtalk): You have spent most of your career in your home of Singapore. Was this always your intention? LT(Louis Tay): When younger I always wanted to work outside Singapore but family commitments prevented it. Since then, however, I have had lots of opportunities to travel for food promotions and judging.

在以下訪問中,新加坡的瑞士茂 昌閣酒店行政總廚鄭添明 (Louis Tay) 將詳細道來擔任新加坡國家 烹飪小組組長的點點滴滴 FT(Foodtalk): 你大部份的事業生涯都是在 祖國新加坡度過,這是你一直的本意嗎? LT(Louis Tay): 年青時,我常常想離開新

FT: You have represented your country in many events - where did your strong sense of national pride come from? LT: I just feel so proud whenever I put on my Singapore national team chef’s jacket. FT: In the 2014 Culinary World Cup your team prepared a pigeon dish, which was very daring; last time you prepared rabbit. Do you think using these more challenging meats can give you an edge in competitions?


加坡,嚮往到外面世界闖一闖。但由於家 庭關係,一直未能成事。但後來我也得到 許多機會,到不同地方做飲食推廣和評判 的工作。 FT: 你不時會在飲食相關活動上代表新加 坡,你強烈的國家自豪感從何而來? LT: 原因非常簡單,每次當我穿著新加坡國 家隊的廚師外套時,就會感到無比自豪。 FT: 在2014年世界盃國際廚藝競賽中,你 選擇鴿子作為你菜式的主題,而上一次則 選了兔子。你是否覺得選擇這些較具挑戰

LT: Before travelling to a country to compete I first try to gain an understanding of the food culture there and also take the season into account. Pigeon and rabbit are both technically demanding, especially when cooking for 110 people, but we pulled it off. Training and attention to detail is key. FT: At the IKA/Culinary Olympics you made history by representing the first Asian country to win both the cold display and hot cooking categories. How did you achieve that unique accolade? LT: To be honest I never thought of winning. But we put in a lot of effort in during training and received great help and advice from our Singapore Chefs’ Association mentors.

“ and attention to detail is key” 「 嚴格的訓練以及對細節 的專注, 是致勝的關鍵因素」 性的肉類,有助你在比賽中脫穎而出? LT: 在前往一個國家比賽前,我先會嘗試了解當地的飲食文化, 並將相關節令亦考慮在內。鴿和兔在烹調技術上均有較高的要 求,尤其是需要為110人烹調美食時就更困難;不過,最後我們

FT: Culinary competitions can be very physically demanding and require a lot of training – any advice to those who would like to follow your footsteps? LT: A lot of training – around a year of hard work! Basically we keep working until we hit the required quantity and quality. Culinary art and pastry art are the most time consuming elements.


My advice would be to get prepared for this, and visit


foodtalk ISSUE 45

因素。 FT: 在IKA奧林匹克世界烹飪大賽中,你代表新加坡成為首個亞 洲國家贏得冷盤展示和熱食類別的獎項。你是如何奪標取得榮 耀的? LT: 坦白說,我從未想過會勝出,但我們經歷了非常嚴格的訓練



Foie gras at Ellenborough Market Cafe

as many different kinds of restaurants as possible to get inspiration.

FT: 參加烹飪比賽需要很多的體力、很嚴格的訓練,殊非易事。 對於有意跟隨你腳步的後進,你有甚麼建議給他們? LT: 嚴格和頻密的訓練是必不可少的,我們團隊就經歷了近一年的

FT: You have spent most of your career in your home of Singapore. Was this always your intention? LT: A lot of opportunities for research and development, and creating new cooking techniques and taste profiles. And yes – we won the IKA Culinary Olympics in 2016 whereby Singapore is the only Asian country to win this title. On top of this, we have also won three times in the Expogast Culinary World Cup over the years.

苦練!我們一直非常努力,力求在質和量上達到所訂下的目標。 要把烹飪或糕點製作的藝術完美地實踐出來,都是相當費時的。 我的建議就是作最周詳的準備,到不同種類的餐廳找尋靈感,越 多越好。 FT: 身為廚師,你參加這麼多的烹飪比賽,有何特別的感想?在 勝出的比賽當中,哪一個你最引以為傲? Afternoon tea at Crossroads Bar


“I just feel so proud whenever I put on my Singapore national team chef’s jacket” 「每次當我穿著新加坡國家隊的廚師外套時,就會感到無比自豪」 FT: You have appeared on the judging panel of a Singapore cooking show – what was the experience of working on television like? LT: I have taken part in many TV cooking shows – I enjoy the experience but it can take the whole day just to film a 30-minute show! FT: Back in your day job, is it hard to get out of competition mentality? How do you relax after the intensity of competition? LT: It’s true that whenever I take part in competitions I never stop thinking about how to improve dishes! But it’s important to find the right way to do things. To relax I go for my favourite prawn noodles, have a glass of red wine and think about potential new dishes.

LT: 通過這些比賽,我獲得了許多鑽研煮藝的機會,並能創出新 的烹調技巧及口味。在IKA奧林匹克世界烹飪大賽中,我們代表 新加坡成為首個贏得錦標的亞洲國家。此外,我們也曾在幾年間 三次於廚藝世界盃 (Expogast Culinary World Cup) 中獲獎。 FT: 你曾在新加坡的電視烹飪節目上擔任評判,當中的經驗是怎 樣的? LT: 我曾在許多電視烹飪節目中亮相,我非常享受當中的過程, 但短短三十分鐘的節目,往往需要花上整天的時間錄製! FT: 回到平日的常規工作時,是否很難放下比賽的思維?你如何 從比賽的緊張節奏中放鬆下來? LT: 當我參加比賽時,總會想著如何更上一層樓,製作更佳的菜 式!要找尋當中的正確之道,是非常重要的。在休息放鬆的時 候,我會一嘗自己喜愛的蝦麵,細味一杯紅酒,然後想想有甚麼

FT: How do you describe your business partnership with Angliss and what you value the most about their products and service? LT: Angliss has been a great supporter and sponsor of the Singapore Chefs Association and the Singapore National Culinary Team. I work very closely with Angliss and we have built a strong relationship.

菜式上的新主意。 FT: 你會如何形容與安得利的業務夥伴關係?你覺得安得利在產 品和服務上最大的優點是甚麼? LT: 安得利多年來鼎力支持和贊助新加坡廚師協會和新加坡國家 烹飪小組。我與安得利一直保持緊密合作,關係十分良好。

Ellenborough Market Cafe

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Grand Opening in


Celebration ushers in new chapter for Gourmet Partner Malaysia and Bidfood Malaysia


o formally welcome Bidfood Malaysia into the Bidcorp family and Gourmet Partner Malaysia into their impressive new premises, a Grand Opening celebration was held on November 28, 2017. Customers and suppliers came from around the world to attend the event and show their support.

馬來西亞的盛大開幕典禮 隆重的慶祝活動見證Gourmet Partner Malaysia及Bidfood Malaysia邁向新里程 為了正式歡迎Bidfood Malaysia加盟Bidcorp 的 大家庭以及慶賀Gourmet Partner Malaysia 喬遷 至其耳目一新的選址,兩間公司於2017年11月28

Having both companies under one roof will allow them to share operational best


日舉行了盛大的開幕典禮。來自世界各地的客戶 以及供應商紛紛出席表示支持。

practice, deliver a better customer experience and offer more comprehensive product ranges, while leveraging combined strengths and economies of scale and further strengthen different market segments in Malaysia. The successful event saw speeches and toasts to the success of the new initiative, and an opportunity for an exchange of ideas and goodwill.

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現時兩間公司隸屬同一集團,可以分享營運上的 最佳實踐、提供更優質的客戶體驗,以及推出 更全面的產品系列,同時結合兩者的雄厚實力 和規模經濟,進一步穩固馬來西亞不同細分市 場的業務。 是次活動取得空前成功,盛會上呈獻精彩演說, 嘉賓舉杯祝賀新業務成果理想,眾人紛紛緊握良 機交流意見,互相建立商譽。



Spring Moon


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Baked whole coconut rice with king crab leg and Portuguese sauce

Traditional Innovation Creates a Winning Formula The Peninsula Hong Kong celebrates its second award year of winning a Michelin star. This year, the hotel’s world-renowned Cantonese fine-dining restaurant, Spring Moon, retains its coveted gong once again in this year’s Michelin Guide


n enduring bastion of the Hong Kong dining scene, Spring Moon has been widely acclaimed for its classic yet innovative take on Cantonese fine dining and dim sum since its opening in 1986. A master of the full spectrum of traditional Chinese cooking techniques, Chinese Cuisine Executive Chef Gordon Leung is known for creating dishes that perfectly balance tradition and innovation. Drawing on an encyclopaedic knowledge of ingredients and the intricacies of their flavours, Chef Leung places great emphasis on the authenticity, freshness

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傳統創新的獲勝公式 香港半島酒店之嘉麟樓中菜廳第二年 榮獲《米芝蓮指南香港澳門2018》 一星評級,再次肯定半島餐飲地位更 上一層樓 嘉麟樓以一流粵菜佳餚及點心見稱,自1986 年開幕後一直被譽為本港高級廣東菜的殿堂 食府之一。掌舵的酒店中餐行政總廚梁燊龍 師傅精通粵菜烹調技巧,而且傳統創新兼 善,特別講究突出時令食材味道。梁師傅掌 廚講求原汁原味、材料新鮮,其出眾廚藝深



Scrambled eggs with shredded shrimps, crab meat and bean sprouts

and flavours of each morsel, an approach that has won him a legion of fans that includes some of Hong Kong’s most powerful tycoons. Mr Joseph Chong, Area Vice President and Managing Director, The Peninsula Hong Kong and The Peninsula Shanghai, heralded the win as: “An honour and a recognition of the standout talent of Chinese Cuisine Executive Chef Gordon Leung and his dedicated kitchen team. This is not only a testament to the hard work and creativity of the team at Spring Moon today, but also to the chefs and staff that have built the restaurant’s reputation for the past 31 years. We are incredibly proud that the restaurant will once again be recognised in this year’s Michelin Guide for Hong Kong and Macau.”

得客人賞識,本港不少政經界 顯赫人士都是其知音人。 地區副總裁兼香港半島酒店及 上海半島酒店常務董事張榮耀 先生表示︰「嘉麟樓今年再次 摘得《米芝蓮》一星,酒店同 仁無比振奮,這殊榮不但表彰 團隊的努力及創意,同時亦肯 定了31年來歷任廚師與前線同 事的貢獻,令嘉麟樓多年來能 保持出品及服務水準穩定。」

Gordon Leung, Chinese Cuisine Executive Chef of Spring Moon


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Go with the FLO Groupe FLO Asia Executive Chef Andy Choy describes how he has grown since gaining international culinary experience and working in a rapidly changing China FT(Foodtalk): When did you first realise you had an interest and natural ability in cooking? AC(Andy Choy): I wasn’t always well as a child and could only eat very bland food, which was frustrating as Malaysia is a place with such great cuisine – people can eat five meals a day! By the time I was around 10 though I was fine and eating 10 meals a day! It was also around that time I realised I could cook better than anyone in my family.

與FLO亞洲行政總廚 的分享點滴 Groupe FLO亞洲行政總廚Andy Choy娓娓道出, 多年來在國際美食世界累積的經驗及在中國這個瞬息 萬變的社會中工作對其個人的影響 FT(Foodtalk): 你在什麼時候開始發現自己對烹飪感到興趣,並 發掘到這份天賦才能?


FT: You were clearly interested in French cuisine from an early age. What particularly attracted you? AC: When I started my career I worked in Bahrain, with customers including the royal family there. It was a French fine dining environment and while working with that cuisine I realised how amazing it is and really fell in love with it.

AC(Andy Choy): 我小時候身體並不是很好,所以只能吃非常清

FT: You received a scholarship to study European cuisine in Switzerland. How did you achieve that and what did it mean to you? AC: I studied hard in college and really wanted to try for a


淡的食物。馬來西亞是著名的美食天堂,人們一天可以吃五餐! 所以我當時並不太開心。但到了十歲時,我的健康情況有所改 善,一天甚至能吃得下十餐!大概在那個時候,我發現我煮的東 西比家裏任何人還要好吃。 FT: 你很早就對法國菜感到興趣。這種菜式有什麼特別的吸引之 AC: 我在巴林開展自己的烹飪事業,食客包括眾多皇室成員,所 以可以說是在高級法國菜的用餐環境中工作。在過程中,我了解 到法國菜的奧妙之處,並且由衷地對法國菜著迷。

Hokkaido scallops carpaccio, French langoustine, oyster cream, truffle and hazelnut vinaigrette

scholarship. My teacher applied on my behalf and we were successful. It was an amazing opportunity and my father even sold his car to support me while I was studying in Switzerland! FT: You worked at the Shanghai World Expo 2010 – what did you do there and what was the experience like? AC: I was invited to work at the Swiss Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo initially as a translator. However I ended up cooking Swiss cuisine around seven months! I was the only Malaysian there and met a lot of great people. I really enjoyed the experience in China.

“ I realised how amazing French cuisine is and really fell in love with it” 「我了解到法國菜的奧妙之處,並且 由衷地對法國菜著迷」 FT: 後來你獲得獎學金遠赴瑞士研究歐洲美食。你是怎樣做到 的?獎學金對你有何意義? AC: 我在大學時非常努力學習,所以真的想一試身手摘取獎學 金。獎學金是我老師代我申請的,最後我們成功了!這真是一個

FT: You are a big Gordon Ramsay fan and worked for several years at his Verre restaurant in Dubai. What do you most admire about him?


AC: He is an amazing guy. After injury ended his athlete career he went to France to follow his dream of learning how to cook, started in a restaurant washing dishes and was soon managing the entire place. He is not just a chef but also a genius. I really admire his spirit and perseverance.

FT: 你曾在2010年參與上海世博會的工作,你在那裏做些什麼,

FT: As well as your native Malaysia you have trained or worked in the UK, France, the UAE, Bahrain and now China. How do you feel you have benefited from this international experience?

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有怎麼樣的體會? AC:我最初是以翻譯員的身份獲邀到上海世博會瑞士館工作。不 過,最終我負責烹調瑞士美食,為期大約七個月!我是那裏唯一 的馬來西亞人,過程中我遇到了許多出類拔萃的人。我真的很嚮 往那段在中國的經歷。 FT: 你是 Gordon Ramsay 的忠實粉絲,在他位於杜拜的Verre 餐廳工作了好幾年。你最欣賞他什麼? AC: 他真的是好極了。Gordon Ramsay以前是運動員,一次受



“Maintaining standards and differentiation is challenging...” 「保持水準之餘又要確保與別不同,實在頗具挑戰 AC: My studies and work in these places have given me the chance to learn from chefs all over the world, expanding my knowledge and culinary skills. FT: When you joined Groupe FLO the company sponsored you for training at Michelin restaurant Le Pont de l’Ouysse in Périgord with renowned Chef Daniel Chambon. What did the experience teach you? AC: I met not only Chef Daniel but many Michelin chefs. Each has their own personality and ambition, and each has influenced my cooking in some way. FT: What was it like as part of the opening team for Brasserie FLO Tianjin and the reopening team for Brasserie FLO Beijing? AC: The first thing I was involved with after joining was the opening of Brasserie FLO Tianjin; we then reopened Brasserie FLO Beijing in my second year! Supervising kitchen operations during those two experiences taught me a lot, especially about the importance of team spirit. FT: You are now executive chef in charge of seven Groupe FLO restaurants – two fine dining, a bistro, three cafes and the catering division, FLO Prestige. How do you manage so many outlets while maintaining standards? AC: Maintaining standards and differentiation is challenging, especially as we want to keep prices reasonable and build customer loyalty. We achieve this according to customer demographics. First we determine


傷結束了他的運動生涯,其後他去了法國,追求他的學廚夢。他 最初在一家餐廳由低做起負責洗碗,但很快就開始肩負起管理的 重任。他不僅是一位名廚,更是一名天才。我非常佩服他的精神 和毅力。 FT: 除了家鄉馬來西亞之外,你也曾在英國、法國、阿聯酋、巴 林和現在身處的中國工作或接受培訓。你覺得你在這些國際經驗 中有什麼得著? AC: 我在這些地方的學習成果和工作經驗,讓我有機會向世界各 地的名廚拜師學藝,豐富了我的知識,亦提升我的烹飪技能。 FT: 當你加入福樓集團(Groupe FLO)時,該公司資助你在佩 里戈爾的Le Pont de l’Ouysse這間米芝蓮餐廳接受培訓,師承著 名的Daniel Chambon。 你從中學到什麼? AC:我不僅受教於Daniel Chambon,還遇到了許多米芝蓮名 廚。他們每個人都有自己的個性和熱情,多位名廚都以某種方式 影響了我的烹飪事業。 FT: 你對參與福樓天津(Brasserie FLO)開業以及福樓北京重 新開張有什麼感覺呢? AC: 加盟後我參與的第一件事就是福樓天津的開業;而在第二年 則著手籌備福樓北京的重新開張!在這兩次開業中,我負責監督 廚房的運作,這份經歷使我獲益良多,特別是關於團隊精神的重 要性。 FT: 你現在是管理七間福樓集團餐廳的行政總廚,當中包括兩間 高級餐廳、一間小餐館、三間咖啡室和 FLO Prestige 這個餐飲

Canadian pork shoulder blade crepinette, French langoustine, truffle potato puree, bonne jus

dishes and pricing based on the style of our various outlets. We then follow these guidelines to grade ingredients, and create promotion campaigns to target different groups of customers. FT: Since opening in 1999 Brasserie FLO has been one of Beijing’s most highly rated French restaurants. How do you maintain this reputation in the face of growing competition? AC: We do a lot of promotions and themed activities, and have different outlets to target different market segments. In satisfying our customers’ requirements we sometimes follow market trends and sometimes lead them.

部門。在同時管理這麼多餐廳的過程中,你如何確保能夠保持水 準? AC: 保持水準之餘又要確保與別不同,實在頗具挑戰,特別是當 我們希望同時做到價格合理並建立客戶忠誠度。因此,我們會參 考客戶的相關統計資料以達致這目標。首先,我們因應不同店舖 的風格,構思菜單和釐定價格。然後,我們按照這些指引將食材 分為不同等級,並針對不同的客戶群體開展促銷活動。 FT: 自1999年開業以來,福樓北京一直是北京最受好評的法國餐 廳之一。面對日益激烈的競爭,你如何能夠保持這種聲譽? AC: 我們進行了大量的促銷和主題活動,並針對不同細分市場開 創各種營銷渠道。為了滿足客戶的要求,我們有時會依循市場趨 勢,但有時卻會引領市場。

FT: Have attitudes towards French cuisine changed since Brasserie FLO opened? Have knowledge and appreciation grown locally in this time? AC: French cuisine was regarded as being somewhat exclusive. However, as living standards and incomes have improved and the products become increasingly accessible, more people want to explore them. We have expanded our offering to meet these demands. FT: What Angliss products do you use, and what do you value about them and the service you receive? AM: We use their butter, cream, olive oil and seasonings. Angliss is a reliable supplier and also offers us good ingredients, reasonable prices and strict safety controls, which are key principles we share. We enjoy an excellent service and a good business relationship.

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FT: 自福樓餐廳開業以來,人們對法國菜的態度有所轉變嗎?現 時會多了本地人認識和欣賞這種菜式嗎? AC: 過往不少人認為法國菜有點高不可攀。然而,隨著生活水平 和收入提高,法國菜日益普及,更多人希望一嘗這種菜式。現時 我們已經加添不同菜式,務求滿足顧客日益增加的需要。 FT: 你選用哪些安得利的產品?你對這些產品以及其相關服務有 何看法? AC: 我們選用了牛油、忌廉、橄欖油和調味料。安得利是備受信 賴的供應商,其產品品質優良,價格合理,且通過嚴格的安全監 控程序,我們對此營運方針亦推崇備至。簡而言之,我們對安得 利卓越的服務和良好的業務關係評價甚高。



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Angliss Beijing is among the First to Obtain the Enterprise Qualification Credit Certification on Food Safety

Angliss Beijing recently attended the 3rd Food and National Safety Forum organised by the Economic Daily


ith the theme of “New Era, New Foods, New Resources and New Safety”, the forum saw comprehensive discussions around the existing problems and possible solutions related to national food safety, food safety and national health, upgrading the food industry through innovation, and the marketing and branding strategies of food enterprises. The event witnessed the establishment of the “Food Safety Industry Alliance”. At the same time, government representatives awarded food safety business licences to model enterprises. Angliss Beijing Food Service Limited, with well-deserved honour, represented the food industry as one of the first to obtain the Enterprise Qualification Credit Certification on Food Safety. This certification is testimony to the hard work and perseverance of the company over the last twenty-odd years on food safety. We will never forget our mission, regardless of adversity and difficulties, to strive to become the Premium Professional Food Supplier to China’s Catering Service Supply Chain.

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安 得 利 北 京 獲 得 首 批 “ 食品 安 全 企 業資質信用認證” 安得利北京公司受邀參加由經濟日報社主辦在北京召開 的“第三屆食品與國家安全論壇” 本屆論壇以“新時代、新食品 、新資源、新安全”為主題,圍繞國家 食品安全存在的問題與應對策略、食品安全與國民健康、創新驅動引 領食品產業升級、食品企業市場行銷與品牌建設戰略等內容展開全面 探討。 “食品安全產業聯盟” 於現場成立,同時,由政府代表為模範企業頒 發了“食品安全企業”授牌,安得利(北京)食品貿易有限公司實至 名歸,作為行業代表首批通過了“食品安全企業資質信用認證”。 拿到這個授牌,回想公司二十多年來堅定食品安全付出的辛苦和汗 水,我們不忘理念,一路前行,不論形勢有利與否,不論路途艱險與 否,一切只為心中肯定的目標-致力成為中國餐飲服務食品供應鏈的專 業運營商。



Angliss Shanghai 10th Anniversary Dinner Angliss Shanghai recently held a 10th anniversary dinner to thank customers and brand partners for their support


e would like to thank our old customers who have stood by us, and our new customers for being increasingly interested in our offerings. They are the driving force behind our success. At the same time, we would like to thank our brand partners – President from France for its high-end dairy products, Fabbri from Italy for its classic western desserts and drinks, Silver Fern Farms from New Zealand and Rosedale Ruby from Australia for their premium beef products, and Cacao Barry from France for its quality chocolate. We are grateful for their support in our efforts in offering the best service to our customers. All of us at Angliss Shanghai have crafted this creation by hand for every one of our brand partners, using our wonderful foods and infused with our most sincere and heart-felt gratitude, and to reflect our firm belief that great food and great beauty go hand-in-hand.


Angliss Shanghai 十週年晚宴 為慶祝創業十週年,Angliss Shanghai 舉辦了一場晚宴以答謝客戶及品牌的合 作夥伴 我們感謝堅守在 Angliss Shanghai 身邊的老客戶及 逐步青睞我們的新客戶們,對於我們這是發展至今的 中堅力量。同時也向眾多品牌的合作夥伴們致謝, 感謝法國總統 President 高端乳製品、意大利法布 芮 Fabbri 百年經典西點與飲品、紐西蘭銀蕨 Silver Fern Farms 及澳洲 Rosedale Ruby 優質牛肉品 牌、法國可可百利Cacao Barry高端巧克力等等,感 謝他們與我們肩並肩、手牽手,致力為客戶們服務。 Angliss Shanghai 同仁親手以美食作畫,用最真實 的心意和最誠摯的感情贈與我們每個品牌商,更傳遞


2018 will see us ever more dedicated to creating high quality foods. Firmly adhering to our motto of “Understanding Your Needs”, we will do our utmost to offer even better foodstuffs and more professional technical services. We hope that next year, more brand partners will be able to dine with us to celebrate our friendship and success.

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了我們致力打造美食與美學雙重結合的品 質理念。 2018年,我們將以更加認真及謙遜的態度 對待美食,堅守 “懂你所需” 的宗旨,致力 於為大家提供更優質的食材與更專業的技 術服務。希望明年可以加入更多的夥伴們 與我們一起以餐會友,共敘情誼。



Asian and French Delicacies to Excite your Taste Buds! To thank customers for their support over the year, Angliss has prepared a scrumptious “family dinner” - we treat our customers as family. But this is no ordinary family meal, as every detail was taken care of to create a mouth-watering feast


e have invited Chef Yahui Liu who has just returned from studying in a Michelin-starred restaurant in France for the first showcase of his skills, as well as Ricky Li and Oscar She, both experienced Technical Consultants of Western Cuisine at Angliss Guangzhou, to present clients with a feast for the eyes and taste-buds. This extraordinary culinary exchange featured a range of premium ingredients from Angliss Guangzhou, including beef from New Zealand’s Silver Fern Farms, Rosedale Ruby beef from Australia, Qing Nong Qingyuan Chicken, Iberian pork from Spain, M Chefs’ frozen duck liver, Clearwater frozen scallops from Canada, Simple Chef’s range of sauces, President’s butter and cream, Livia olive oil and Tartufi Morra from Italy, Boiron fruit purees, Falksalt sea salt and many more. Chef Liu’s wonderful interpretation of Angliss’s high-quality ingredients has crafted a number of creative and delicious dishes which elicited much appreciation from those present. Angliss Guangzhou will continue to bring customers even better ingredients and more innovative dishes to enhance your culinary experience. Angliss is committed to providing you with professional culinary solutions. We truly understand your needs and are your partner to success.



法亞料理美饡紛享,驚豔你的味蕾! 安得利為答謝各客戶一年來的厚愛,精心而備的家宴。說 是家宴,是因為安得利待客如家人,但功夫絕不馬虎 我們邀請到剛從法國米其林食府深造回國,並是回來後首次演繹菜式的 劉亞輝師傅,以及廣州安得利資深西餐技術顧問李宇琪、佘景祥為大家 帶來最新鮮的味蕾體驗和視覺盛宴。 本次美食交流會精選來自廣州安得利福斯提供的一系列優質及安全食 材,包括紐西蘭銀蕨農場牛肉、澳洲 Rosedale Ruby牛肉、清農優選 休眠雞、西班牙伊比利亞豬肉、名廚之家急凍鴨肝、Clearwater急凍帶 子、廚易贊系列醬汁、總統牛油及淡奶油、莉薇安橄欖油、塔菲摩拉松 露醬、寶茸果泥、Falksalt海鹽等等。 劉師傅的精彩演繹和安得利的優質食材相互碰撞出美食靈感與創意火 花,令現場客人紛紛讚好。未來,廣州安得利會繼續為客戶提供更優質 的食材,設計更創新的菜式,為您帶來更精彩極致的美食體驗。安得利 隨時為您提供專業解決方案,真正做到懂您所需,是您身邊的成功伴 侶。

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A Showcase of Angliss Shenzhen’s

Fresh Chilled Beef

Rosedale Ruby fresh chilled beef is not just safe and natural, it offers strict quality assurance guidelines and as a natural product is becoming increasingly popular


n 18 December, Angliss Shenzhen Food Service Limited showcased its fresh chilled beef products. The event was very well attended, with many customers showing great interest and enthusiasm. The event saw Angliss launching its new offering - Rosedale Ruby’s chilled beef products, often regarded as amongst the best. From original vaccination, slaughtering, chilling, deboning, packaging, transport, to storage and sales, the entire process is strictly monitored. All the biochemical principles related to meat production have been carefully followed, so that the beef undergoes a full maturation process under refrigeration. This results in tender and juicy meats


安得利深圳冰鮮牛肉發佈會 Rosedale Ruby冰鮮牛肉不只是天然 安全,更採用完善的科學系統檢測及 順應自然法則,受到大眾的歡迎 12月18日,安得利深圳食品有限公司舉辦的” 冰鮮牛肉發佈會”非常熱鬧,吸引了眾多客戶 踴躍參加。發佈會上,安得利宣佈肉中貴族 — Rosedale Ruby冰鮮牛肉,現已登陸安得利深 圳,從原料檢疫、屠宰、排酸到剔骨、包裝、 運輸、貯藏、銷售的全過程始終處於嚴格監控 下,遵循肉類生物化學基本規律,使得牛肉在 冷藏溫度下經歷了充分的成熟過程,肉質鮮 嫩、汁液流失少、口感好、滋味鮮美,並且因 為採用科學系統監測和操控,使牛肉擁有更好


which have a pleasing texture and delicious taste. More importantly, thanks to the scientific monitoring and controlling system, the beef’s quality is more stable and reliable. There is good news for chefs too: the chilled beef products need not be defrosted before use and therefore the taste would not be compromised. What’s more, the vacuum packaging enables the chilled beef to retain its bright colour as the myoglobin is less likely to turn a brownish colour. Even after the packaging has been removed, the products can be kept for a longer period of time.


Each piece of Rosedale Ruby A+ premium free-range beef comes from awardwinning premium Angus-Charolaise cattle. Each animal is no more than 36 months old and thus provides tender top-quality meat which attracts multiple certifications and maintains the highest quality standards.


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用退冰使用更為方便,不僅有著口感保 證,使用真空包裝的冰鮮牛肉色澤鮮 豔,肌紅蛋白亦不會褐變,即使解開包 裝後也能保存更久時間。 每一片Rosedale Ruby A+上等的自 有放養牛肉,均來自優秀的獲獎安格 大,肉質鮮嫩、頂尖品質、多重認證, 維持著最佳的品質!



Art “Stéphane Leroux’s new book blurs the line between chocolate and art”

that’s Good Enough to Eat When it comes to creativity in chocolate, pastry professionals might think they have seen it all. Stéphane Leroux’s new book “Bleu Chocolat” proves this might not be the case. The unique book unveils over 100 pieces of chocolate creations including marble, fish, ceramics and more which look nothing like chocolate, but are sure to whet creative appetites


leu Chocolat” is the result of Leroux’s collaboration with Belcolade, Puratos’ authentic Belgian chocolate brand of. It offers a rich source of inspiration, and includes a step-by-step guide for chocolate and pastry professionals to create similar pieces of their own.

將朱古力昇華至藝術品 「 Stéphane Leroux 新書重新界定朱古力 的藝術內涵 」

朱古力的創意界限可以推到多遠?甜品專業人士可能會認為, 他們對朱古力已經知之甚詳。但 Stéphane Leroux 的新書 Bleu Chocolat就顛覆傳統想法。這本別樹一幟的專書呈現逾 百件以朱古力製作的精美藝術品,包括栩栩如生的大理石、魚 群、陶瓷等等,它們看起來雖然一點都不像朱古力,但肯定會 激起你對創意美食藝術品的食欲 Bleu Chocolat是Leroux與Belcolade攜手合作的成果,而Belcolade為 Puratos的正宗比利時朱古力品牌。這本書能提供豐富的靈感來源,並包含 詳盡的指南,讓朱古力和糕點從業員可以一步一步製作類似的作品。


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“We support our technical advisors in their creations and innovations and are proud to provide a platform for Mr. Leroux via this book. “Bleu Chocolat” is remarkable because it allows him to share his knowledge about chocolate with chocolate passionates around the world,” said Eddy Van Belle, Chairman of the board of Puratos Group. Belcolade, the real Belgian chocolate brand of Puratos, is renowned for its experience in developing specific flavours according to individual requirements. This results

Vietnam chocolate blood orange bite

Puratos集團董事局主席Eddy Van Belle指出:「我們給予 公司的技術顧問極大自由度,讓他們發揮無窮創意。並透過本 書為Leroux先生提供平台,展現其創意和才藝,我們深感榮 幸。Bleu Chocolat是一本不可多得的作品,讓世界各地熱愛朱 古力的人士能夠認識更多有關朱古力的知識。」 Belcolade是Puratos旗下地道的比利時朱古力品牌,公司以開 發獨特的口味而聞名於世。這些眾多味道均獨一無二,能為全 球頂級的朱古力技師、麵包師和糕點師帶來靈感,協助他們創 作令人垂涎的朱古力食品。

Vietnam chocolate praline tart

La-raie-ge Ante


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Vietnam mango passion fruit chocolate cake

in a unique and unlimited palate of flavours designed to inspire and support the world’s best chocolatiers, bakers and pastry chefs. In its Chocolate Center, Belcolade is constantly looking for innovative ways to work with chocolate, to share ideas, best practices, new recipes and experiments. Belcolade chocolate is made from carefully selected cocoa beans, using solely pure cocoa butter and pure, natural vanilla, and exclusively manufactured in the Erembodegem plant in Belgium, according to the traditional Belgian production process.

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Belcolade的朱古力研發中心不斷尋找製造朱古力的創新方式, 並致力與同業交流,分享其獨特意念、最佳實踐、創意食譜, 以及試驗性質的製品等等。 Belcolade的朱古力以精挑細選的可可豆製成,並使用純可 可脂和純天然香草,配合傳統的比利時生產工藝在當地的 Erembodegem工廠獨家生產。



Eating your way to Spring

Health Spring is on us, and if a few months of comfort eating and extra glasses of wine have slowed you down, now is the time to shake off the winter blues


any of us piled on a few pounds over winter, and as warmer weather beckons are keen to get back into shape. While exercise is of course an essential part of weight loss, it’s been proved that diet is 70% responsible for this. There is no shortage of trendy diets and health fads that claim to help with this – from turmeric, matcha, kale, spirulina, reishi and cordyceps, seaweed, quinoa, fava and more, the list of quick-fix ingredients continues to grow. The truth is, of course, more simple and common sense than this. While these esoteric elements can unquestionably contribute to a balanced diet, the fastest and most effective way towards weight loss and a healthier lifestyle is lighter proteins, more vegetables and smaller portions. So what lighter proteins are we talking about? Fish, chicken and lean red meats such as lamb and beef can all make a big difference. As well as this, try to increase your intake of vegetables and beans, fruit, grains and cereals, complex carbohydrates, couscous, oats, quinoa and barley, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds and light yoghurts and cheeses. As well as weight loss, lighter proteins and vegetables are key in reducing the risk of obesity and chronic cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancers.


迎接春天、吃出健康 不經不覺,春天已到!如果這幾個月的假期和額外應 酬令你有所增磅的話,現在是時候除去冬季積聚下來 的脂肪了 許多人在冬季假期都會增加一定體重,而隨著天氣回暖,大家都 非常渴望回復良好身型。雖然做運動、鍛煉身體是減肥的重要部 分,但事實證明,控制飲食亦是必不可少,能起著七成的作用。 在各種時尚飲食和健康潮流中,不少食物都聲稱有減肥作用,例 如是薑黃、抹茶、羽衣甘藍、螺旋藻、靈芝、冬蟲夏草、海藻、 藜麥、蠶豆等等。這些聲稱有減肥妙效的植物和食品名單似乎越 來越長。

TOP HEALTHY EATING TIPS THIS SPRING • Focus on lighter and lean proteins • Eat more vegetables and fruit • Reduce your salt and sugar intake • Take a daily probiotic to encourage healthy gut-friendly bacteria • Drink water over caffeinated or soft drinks • Use alcohol in moderation • When snacking, reach for nuts and dried fruit rather than candy • Don’t rely on supplements in place of a healthy, balanced diet • Avoid processed foods, especially meats, where possible

當然,一些簡單和傳統方法其實亦湊效。換句話說,雖然上述某 些植物和食品可能起著一定幫助,但要減輕體重和活得健康,最 快和最有效的方式,不外乎避免過量攝取蛋白質、多吃蔬菜和減



• 著重輕量和瘦肉蛋白質 • 多吃蔬菜和水果


• 減少鹽和糖的攝取量


• 每日攝取益生菌來產生有助腸道健康的細菌

嘗試增加蔬菜、豆類、水果、穀物和穀類食品、複合碳水化合 物、粗麥粉、燕麥、藜麥、大麥、雞蛋、豆腐、堅果和植物種子 以及淡乳酪和芝士的攝取量,這亦是可行的做法。

• 多喝水並減少咖啡因飲料或汽水 • 不要過量飲酒 • 吃零食時,可選擇堅果和乾果,而非糖果


• 不要依賴營養補充劑,來代替健康均衡的飲食


• 盡可能避免加工食品,特別是肉類

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Second night fiesta for Ocean Park Theme park Ocean Park will present its evening fiesta Drink’N Music Fest 2018 for the second year on 10 evenings over four consecutive weekends, including the Easter holidays, between March 10 and April 2. In conjunction with the live music and dining event, a strategic collaboration with celebrity chef K.K. Chan Kwok-keung is planned to enrich its F&B mix with new dining experiences.

海洋公園推出全新夜場盛薈 海洋公園的夜場盛薈將於今年捲土重來,歌酒節2018 (Drink’N Music Fest 2018) 從3月10日到4月2日,包括復活假期在內連續十個週末的晚上 舉行,為大家載歌載舞,共度佳節。是次活動更首度邀得城中星級名廚陳 國強師傅合作,藉以為遊人帶來嶄新餐飲體驗。

Beef & Liberty opens at HKIA Popular burger restaurant Beef & Liberty is opening an outlet in Terminal 1 of Hong Kong International Airport. Seating up to 120 travellers, it will offer signature dishes including its bacon cheeseburger and the Notorious P.I.G pork burger, alongside new dishes inspired by the vibrant local culinary culture such as Hong Kong Milk Tea Crème Brulée and a Macaroni Cheese breakfast sandwich.

Beef & Liberty於香港國際機場隆重開幕 甚受歡迎的漢堡餐廳Beef & Liberty將於香港國際機場1號客運大樓開業。 餐廳可容納多達120名旅客,提供一系列的招牌菜式,包括煙肉芝士漢堡和 慢煮豬肩肉三文治The Notorious P.I.G.,當然充滿新意、融入本地特色的 美食亦不可少,例如是香港奶茶法式焦糖布甸和通心粉芝士早餐三文治。

Hong Kong Airlines partners with chef for new menu Hong Kong Airlines has collaborated with leading local chef Gabriel Choy to offer a range of Western dishes with an Asian twist. The meals will be served to business class passengers on all flights departing from Hong Kong. The 12 main courses include black bean tapenade gratin chicken supreme; grilled beef tenderloin with red date demi-glaze; and mixed seafood cannelloni.

香港航空與著名廚師合作提供全新菜單 香港航空與本地頂級廚師蔡家富(Gabriel Choy)合作,提供一系列別具亞 洲風味的西菜。這些餐點將在所有從香港出發的航班上提供予商務艙乘 客。12道可供選擇的主菜包括黑豆橄欖醬焗嫩雞、烤牛柳配紅棗,以及海 鮮烤碎肉捲。


Revamped Michelin Guide International Chef Showcase The Michelin Guide Hong Kong Macau Dining Series has started 2018 with a new format for its annual International Chef Showcase. Much-anticipated culinary collaborations kicked off with Hong Kong born Chef Vicky Cheng from one-Michelinstarred VEA Restaurant & Lounge of Hong Kong, and veteran Cantonese chef Tam Kwong Fung from two-Michelin-starred Jade Dragon at City of Dreams, Macau.

米芝蓮指南國際大廚系列換上新裝 米芝蓮指南香港澳門系列2018已經出爐,而其年度國際大廚系列亦已換上新裝。區內兩位炙手可熱的星級大廚萬眾期待首度聯乘,分別 是來自香港米芝蓮一星餐廳VEA Restaurant & Lounge的鄭永麒(Vicky Cheng)大廚,以及澳門新濠天地米芝蓮二星粵菜食府譽瓏軒的 譚國鋒師傅。國際大廚系列令人期待的盛宴將逐一於港澳多家頂級餐廳舉行。

The Murray, Hong Kong opens Wharf Hotels has announced the opening of The Murray, Hong Kong, a Niccolo Hotel, as the group’s new flagship Niccolo property. The property includes 336 suites and guestrooms spanning 25 floors, and five restaurants and bars including a modern European restaurant, a rooftop bar and restaurant and Michelin-starred Cantonese restaurant, Guo Fu Lou.

The Murray首次於香港與大家見面 九龍倉酒店已宣佈開設Niccolo酒店旗下的The Murray, Hong Kong,作 為該集團的新旗艦Niccolo物業。該酒店包括336間套房、分佈25層樓的客 房以及5間餐廳和酒吧,包括一家現代歐式餐廳、一間屋頂酒吧和餐廳,以 及米芝蓮星級粵菜餐廳國福樓。

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Japanese designer collaborates on Dom Pérignon limited edition Designer and artist Tokujin Yoshioka has joined the ranks of elite artists who have formed creative collaborations with Dom Pérignon, including Karl Lagerfeld and Lang Lang, to create a limited edition expression. Pérignon Vintage 2009 combines notes of guava, grapefruit, peach, nectarine and vanilla and is available in Lane Crawford stores, Hong Kong from HK$1,380 (US$176).

與日本設計師吉岡德仁攜手推出Dom Pérignon限量版 設計師兼藝術家吉岡德仁與Dom Pérignon攜手合作推出限量版香檳。曾經與該品牌合作的藝術界精 英包括Karl Lagerfeld和郎朗。兩人都曾為品牌創造限量版的香檳。PérignonVintage 2009結合了番 石榴、葡萄柚、桃子、油桃和香草的味道,香港的連卡佛店舖有售,價格為1,380港元(176美元)。

Female Thai chef named best chef 2018 Bongkoch “Bee” Satongun, chef of Paste restaurant in Bangkok has been named elit Vodka Asia’s Best Female Chef 2018 been presented with her award at a ceremony for Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants which took place recently in Macao. The 50 Best organisation is committed to highlighting inspirational and passionate women who demonstrate a progressive vision for gastronomy.

泰國女廚師獲選為2018年最佳廚師 Bongkoch “Bee” Satongun為位於曼谷的Paste餐廳的廚師,她 最近獲選為精英伏特加亞洲最佳女性廚師,並在最近於澳門舉行的 亞洲餐廳50強頒獎典禮上獲授此一榮譽。這個組織一直致力表揚 對飲食行業有遠見,對烹飪充滿熱誠和創意的女性。

Ice cream cup qualifiers The Asian Gelato Cup – the first official Asian selection for the Coppa del Mondo of Gelateria (Gelato World Cup), will be held from April 24 to 27 in conjunction with Food&HotelAsia Singapore. Medals, certificates and awards will also be given out for Best Gelato Cake, Best Plated Dessert, Best Artistic Showpiece, Best Tasting Gelato prize and Best Team Spirit.

冰淇淋杯預選賽即將舉行 Coppa del Mondo of Gelateria冰淇淋世界杯的首次亞洲官方選 拔賽將於4月24日至27日舉行,合辦機構是新加坡亞洲食品及酒店 展覽會(Food&HotelAsia)。大會將向最佳冰淇淋蛋糕、最佳甜品 裝飾、最佳藝術造型、最佳味道獎和最佳團隊精神獎的得獎者頒 發獎牌、證書和獎項。


China to host Asia-Pacific ‘Bocuse d’Or’ World Chef Championships Guangzhou will host the Asia-Pacific continental selection of the ‘Bocuse d’Or’ world cooking contest for young chefs for the first time on May 8-9. Twelve teams from across Asia also including Australia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam will compete, with five teams selected for the World Grand Finale in Lyon, France on January 29-30, 2019.

中國將舉辦亞太地區Bocuse d’Or世界廚師選拔 廣州將在5月8日至9日首次舉行 Bocuse d’Or 全球烹飪比賽的亞太地區選拔賽。來自亞洲各地的12支隊伍,包括澳洲、印度、印尼、 日本、馬來西亞、新西蘭、新加坡、南韓、斯里蘭卡、泰國和越南的烹飪精英將一較高下,而五支勝出團隊將會在2019年1月29至30 日前往法國里昂參加全球總決賽。

F&B giant Ferrero Buys Nestle’s US Italian chocolate maker Ferrero SpA has announced it plans to buy Nestle’s U.S. candy business for US$2.8 billion. As well as its famous foil-wrapped truffles, Ferrero Rocher also makes Nutella and Tic Tacs, while Nestle’s confectionery division includes Kit Kat and Nestle Crunch. Although traditionally associated with chocolate, the food giant is moving away from sugary products.

大型食品飲料企業Ferrero收購雀巢的美國業務 意大利朱古力製造商Ferrero SpA宣佈,計劃以28億美元收購雀巢 的美國糖果業務。除了著名以錫紙包裝的金莎朱古力外,Ferrero Rocher亦生產Nutella和Tic Tacs,而雀巢的糖果部門則包括Kit Kat 和Nestle Crunch。雖然Nestle傳統上主力生產朱古力,但近年正在 逐步減少糖果類產品。

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Branches Singapore 新加坡

Angliss Singapore Pte Ltd 232 Pandan Loop, Singapore 128420 T. +65 6778 8787 | F. +65 6778 3966

Macau 澳門

Angliss Macau Food Service Limited 196-242 Rua dos Pescadores, Edf Industrial Ocean II Fase, 4-Andar C & D, Macau

安得利澳門飲食服務有限公司 澳門漁翁街196-242號海洋工業中心2期4樓C&D室

Hangzhou 杭州

Angliss Shanghai Food Service Limited - Hangzhou Branch Room 4001, 4/F, Block 1, No. 1191 Ling Ding Road, Jianggan District, Hangzhou, China

上海安得列郎晴食品貿易有限公司-杭州分公司 杭州市江幹區臨丁路1191號1棟4層4001室

Angliss Nanning Food Service Limited No. 3, Building 19, Jinqiao farmers market, No. 169 Kunlun avenue, Nanning, Guangxi, China

南寧安得利食品有限公司 廣西省南寧市昆侖大道169號金橋農批市場19棟03B T. +86 771 3947 620 | F. +86 771 3947 646

T. +86 571 8681 0896 | F. +86 571 8681 0196

Nanjing 南京

Angliss Nanjing Food Service Limited

Xi’an 西安

Angliss Xi’an Food Service Limited Marsh economic and Technological Development Zone, Eco industrial park in Shaanxi Province, Xi’an City, Ten road, Marsh and Shang Yuan Road cross 300 meters to the South, China

T. +853 2886 2886 | F. +853 2886 2828

No. 29-5 Changhong Road, Jianye District, Nanjing, China

Beijing 北京

T. +86 25 86228102 | F. +86 25 86228102

No. 10 Hongda South Road, Yizhuang Economic & Technological Development Zone, Daxing District, Beijing, China

Guangzhou 廣州

Angliss Guangzhou Food Service Limited

安得利(北京)食品貿易有限公司 北京市大興區亦莊經濟技術開發區宏達南路10號

Unit 01-08, 25/F, Jia Xing Square, No. 22 Baiyun Road, Guangzhou, China

Zhengzhou 鄭州

廣州安得利福斯食品有限公司 廣州市越秀區白雲路22號嘉星廣場2501-2508室

Building No. 1-4/2-4 , Changtong Industrial Park, West Jiyuan Road, Huiji District, Zhengzhou, Henan, China

南京安必福食品有限公司 南京市建鄴區長虹路29-5

Angliss Beijing Food Service Limited

T. +86 10 8908 3501 | F: +86 10 8586 4880

T. +86 20 8921 9188 | F. +86 20 8921 9168

Tianjin 天津

Angliss Beijing Food Service Limited - Tianjin Branch 150m East from Bohai Vocational Technical College, G112 (Jinyu Line), Beichen District, Tianjin, China

安得利(北京)食品貿易有限公司 - 天津分公司 天津市北辰區G112(津榆線)渤海職業技術學校東150米 T. +86 22 5878 1468 | F. +86 22 5878 1468 (Ext.6018)

Shenyang 瀋陽

Angliss Shenyang Food Service Limited Room 509-510 Science and Technology Building, No. 12-9 Xiannongtan Road, Shenhe District, Shenyang, Liaoning, China

安得利(瀋陽)食品貿易有限公司 瀋陽市瀋河區先農壇路12號甲9-科技大廈509&510室 T. +86 24 8122 1688 | F. +86 24 8122 1688

Chengdu 成都

Angliss Chengdu Food Service Limited No. 870, Gangtong North Four Road, Hongguang Town, Pi County, Chengdu, China

成都安得利福斯食品有限公司 四川省成都市郫縣紅光鎮港通北四路870號 T. +86 28 6496 7838 / +86 28 6496 6001

Chongqing 重慶

Angliss Chengdu Food Service Limited - Chongqing Branch Room 25-4, Unit 2, Ying Li International, No. 19, Dapingzheng Street,Yuzhong District, Chongqing, China

成都安得利福斯食品有限公司-重慶辦事處 重慶市渝中區大坪正街19號英利國際2號25-4 T. +86 23 6330 2009

Shijiazhuang 石家莊

Angliss Shijiazhuang Food Service Limited Room 1722, E Block Haiyuetiandi Office Building, Qiaoxi District, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China

安得利石家莊食品貿易有限公司 石家莊市橋西區金正海悅天地寫字樓E座1722室 T. +86 311 8262 1608

Shanxi 山西

Angliss Shanxi Food Service Limited Room 925, B Zone, 168 Block Feiyun International Office Building, No. 186 Pingyang Road, Xiaodian District, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China

山西安得利食品有限公司 太原市小店區平陽路186號168幢(飛雲國際) 西段B區9層0925號 T. +86 351 8065 567

Shanghai 上海

Angliss Shanghai Food Service Limited 5F., Block B, No. 4 Building, No. 1 Hongqiao Headquarters, No. 100 Zixiu Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China

上海安得列郎晴食品貿易有限公司 上海市閔行區紫秀路100號虹橋總部1號4號樓5樓B座 T. +86 21 6073 2060 | F. +86 21 6073 2050

安得利(西安)食品有限公司 陝西省西安市經濟技術開發區草灘生態產業園,草灘十路與尚苑 路十字向南300米 T. +86 29 8873 4883 | F. +86 29 8873 2852

Angliss Zhengzhou Food Service Limited

鄭州安得利食品有限公司 河南省鄭州市惠濟區紀元路西段 長通機電工業園1-4、2-4號廠房 T.+86 371 8991 0680 | F.+86 371 8991 0681

Hunan 湖南

Angliss Hunan Food Service Limited No. 10, Baijiahe Warehouse, Xinkaipu, Tianxin District, Changsha, Hunan, China

湖南安得利食品有限公司 湖南省長沙市天心區新開鋪柏家河倉庫10號 T. +86 731 8556 9552 | F. +86 731 8556 9553

Wuhan 武漢

Angliss Wuhan Food Service Limited Building No. 4, D Block, Hua Zhong EnterprisesZone, North Hankou Road, Huangpi District,Wuhan, China

武漢安得利食品有限公司 武漢市黃陂區漢口北華中企業城D區4棟 T. +86 27 6180 0941 | F. +86 27 6180 0942

Kunming 昆明

Angliss Chengdu Food Sevice Limited - Kunming Branch East Air Cargo Department (Yinxiang Warehouse), Wujiaba, Guandu District, Kunming, Yunnan, China

成都安得利福斯食品有限公司-昆明辦事處 雲南省昆明市官渡區巫家壩原東航空貨運部內 (銀翔倉庫收貨口) T. +86 871 63829678

Xiamen 廈門

Angliss Guangzhou Food Service Limited - Xiamen Branch Room 304-2, Wanxiang Business Center (Airport North), No. 1690 Gangzhong Road, Huli District, Xiamen, China

廣州安得利福斯食品有限公司-廈門分公司 廈門湖裡區港中路1690號(機場北區) 萬翔商務中心304-2

Haikou 海口

Angliss Haikou Food Service Limited No. 22, West Xingye Road, Hong Kong-Macau Industrial Zone, Xiuying District, Haikou, Hainan, China

海口安得利食品有限公司 海南省海口市秀英區港澳工業區興業西路22號 T. +86 898 6855 2915 | F. +86 898 6855 3455

Sanya 三亞

Angliss Sanya Food Service Limited No. 139, Group 8, Hailuo Village, Sanya, Hainan, China

三亞安得利食品有限公司 海南省三亞市海螺農場8組139號 T. +86 898 8863 0698 F. +86 898 8863 0318 / +86 898 6595 4474

T. +86 592 5635630 | F. +86 592 5635609

Shenzhen 深圳

Angliss Shenzhen Food Service Limited Building 3B, Block B, Baosheng Industrial District, No. 1 Mabu Road Bainikeng Village, Pinghu Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China

安得利(深圳)食品有限公司 深圳巿龍崗區平湖鎮白坭坑村麻布路1號 寶盛工業區B區第3B棟 T. +86 755 2885 7688 | F. +86 755 2518 5406


Nanning 南寧


Other Branches

PastryGlobal Food Service Limited

Flat B, 6/F, Yoo Hoo Tower, 38-42, Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T, Hong Kong

嘉寶食品有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號大鴻輝中心二期6樓B室 T. +852 2494 1900 | F. +852 3145 0756

Miumi International Food Company Limited

Flat A, 4/F, Yoo Hoo Tower, 38-42, Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T, Hong Kong

御海國際食品有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號大鴻輝中心二期4樓A室 T. +852 2494 4966 | F. +852 2439 4070

Gourmet Cuisine Hong Kong Limited

Flat A, 6/F, Yoo Hoo Tower, 38-42, Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T, Hong Kong

高美食材香港有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號大鴻輝中心二期6樓A室 T. +852 2494 1977 | F. +852 2439 5055

foodtalk 名廚坊

47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong (Pickup Point)

香港新界葵涌葵豐街47-51號 (取貨點)

T. +852 2615 0822 | F. +852 2615 0855

Hong Kong Island shop:

G/F, 23 First Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong

Lou Lou Food Market Miumi Tokyo Co Ltd 御海東京株式會社 5F Onarimon Excellent Bldg. 1-1-32 Shibadaimon, Minato-ku, 105-0012, Tokyo Japan T. +81 3 6721 5689 | F. +81 3 6721 5693

47-51 Kawi Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T. Hong Kong

香港新界葵涌葵豐街47-51號 E:


T. +852 2615 0338 | F. +852 2559 3938

Kowloon shop:

G/F, 21 Nanking Street, Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong


T. +852 2615 9187 | F. +852 2615 9287

Miumi Japan Food (A Division of Angliss Singapore Pte Ltd) 232 Pandan Loop, Singapore 128420


T. +65 6777 2112 | F. +65 6779 7666

Angliss Singapore Gourmet Partner Pte. Ltd 232 Pandan Loop, Singapore 128420 T. +65 6602 0790 | F. +65 6778 0153

Gourmet Partner (M) Sdn Bhd Sweet la Vie

47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong



1 Second Chin Bee Road, Singapore 618768 T. +65 6275 9275 | F. +65 6863 3855

No. 12, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/48, Kota Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia T. +603 5122 6601 | F. +603 5121 0601

T. +852 2494 4988 | F. +852 2494 4987

Bidfood Malaysia Sdn Bhd Shenzhen Goodmaster Food Company Limited

Him Kee Food Distribution Company Limited

Flat B, 4/F, Yoo Hoo Tower, 38-42, Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T, Hong Kong

謙記食品貿易有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號大鴻輝中心二期4樓B室

Buliding 18, Block B, Baosheng Industrial District, No. 3-1 Mabu Road, Bainikeng Village, Pinghu Town, Shenzhen, China

No.12, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/48, Seksyen 31, Kota Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia T. +603 51316399 | F: +603 51319233

深圳市高美食品有限公司 深圳市龍崗區平湖街道白泥坑社區麻布路3-1號寶盛工業區B 區18棟 T. +86 755 2885 6766 | F. +86 755 2885 6765

T. +852 2836 6888 | F. +852 2440 0405

Bidfood China Limited

Room 301, No. 5 Building, No. 100 Zixiu Road, Shanghai 201103, China

上海市閔行區紫秀路100號 (虹橋1號) 5號樓301室 T. +86 21 6071 2300 | F. +86 21 6071 7360

Natural and Organic Global Limited

Flat B, 4/F, Yoo Hoo Tower, 38-42, Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T, Hong Kong

安機源優質食材有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號大鴻輝中心二期4樓B室 T. +852 2494 2214 | F. +852 3015 2834





foodtalk ISSUE 45




foodtalk ISSUE 45

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