Angliss Asia - foodtalk Issue 49 - Doing it his Way

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foodtalk ISSUE 49


Welcome to the 49th issue of Foodtalk! As spring approaches, with the prospects of new beginnings and fresh starts, it is always good to look at where we are now, what we have achieved, and how we can accomplish our goals moving ahead We are operating in a highly competitive and rapidly developing industry, in one of the fastestgrowing regions in the world. However, in spite of the numerous challenges, thanks to our industry experience going back over 70 years, our expertise and commitment, we have not only survived, but thrived. Another of our advantages is the sheer variety of our products, which we source from around the world. Our comprehensive range includes meat, dairy, grocery, beverages and more, and we also have our own Ready To Eat (RTE) production facility, which means we can offer a one-stop solution for our clients. For specialised products clients can also refer to our subsidiaries, which include Gourmet Cuisine (European fine foods), Miumi & Linson (international seafood), Nature’s Parlour (natural and organic produce),

PastryGlobal (pastry ingredients), and Him Kee (grocery products). It’s thanks to these partners, our history and know-how, and most importantly, our dedicated and professional workforce, that we have managed to maintain our position as an industry leader for so long. I’m very proud that working together we have been able to achieve so much. I’m also proud that we've been able to play a small part in the success of some of our clients. You can read about one of them, Langham Hong Kong’s T’ang Court, in this issue, alongside interviews with chefs helping to make Asia the most exciting culinary hub in the world right now as well as our usual news and articles. Enjoy the issue!

Johnny Kang Regional Managing Director - Asia

第49期的Foodtalk隆重登場! 一年之計在於春。隨著新一年開始,讓我們繼往開來,回顧過往取得的成就,並仔細計 劃一下如何積極邁向未來,逐步實現遠大的目標 香港是全球發展最迅速的地區之一,本地餐飲業素以競爭激


烈和發展迅速而聞名。儘管面臨眾多挑戰,憑藉在行業內 70













成為現時世界上最令人著迷的美食天堂。更多精彩內容包括城 中熱話和專題文章,萬勿錯過!

客戶也可向我們的子公司查詢和購買專門產品。這些公司包 括高美食材香港有限公司 (歐洲精美食品)、御海國際食品 有限公司及隆順環球海產貿易有限公司(國際海鮮)、安機 源優質食材有限公司(天然和有機產品)、 嘉寶食品有限公 司(糕點配料)和謙記食品貿易有限公司(雜貨產品)。


江文喜 亞洲區董事總經理



Contents ISSUE 49




An introduction from Regional Managing Director Johnny Kang



The Le Pan executive chef is making waves thanks to his ambitious and innovative French meets Asian approach

14 Editor in Chief / 總編輯 : James Stephen Editor / 編輯 : Vivian Lau Project Manager / 項目统籌 : Wisteria Lo Creative Director / 設計及藝術總監 : Fanky Fu Translation / 翻譯 : Spear Translation Foodtalk is published quarterly by Angliss Hong Kong Food Service Ltd. Foodtalk季刊由安得利香港餐飲 有限公司出版


CHAN SZE LING, CLING As if leading the culinary team at The Hong Kong Jockey Club’s The Racing Club wasn’t enough, the passionate chef also looks to skill up his colleagues By Karen Chiang


出版: 安得利香港餐飲有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街47-51號 電話 +852 2481 5111 傳真 +852 2489 8861 e-version:




If you are looking for barbeque inspiration this summer Berber & Q The Cookbook is definitely the guide you need to impress

2019 © Copyright Angliss Hong Kong Food Service Ltd. All rights reserved. 2019 © 安得利香港餐飲有限公司 版權所有,不得翻印 Published by: Angliss Hong Kong Food Service Limited 47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T. Hong Kong T. +852 2481 5111 F. +852 2489 8861





The hamburger – an idea of brilliant simplicity that spawned a multi-billion dollar fast food industry worldwide. But where did it first come from?



MATTHEW VAN DER ZWAN Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel’s hard-working and creative young Aussie executive chef is the kind of guy you know has your back in the kitchen



Food R&D teams try all kinds of mixes to create the next best thing. But Taiwan hit the beverage jackpot when bubble tea became a must-have drink



Cedar River Farms produces consistently tender, juicy and well-marbled beef that has given the food giant success around the world


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INDUSTRY AWARD Very few Cantonese restaurants earn the prestige of three Michelin stars for four consecutive years. Langham Hong Kong’s T’ang Court is one of them



The Oyster Talks chef has worked around the world in his pursuit of food authenticity – and knows a thing or two about oysters as well


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Angliss Shanghai holds an Appreciation Banquet; Angliss Sanya hosts a NZ food festival; while Angliss Guangzhou invites customers to a dessert training session



Gourmet Partner Vietnam was a key supplier at a prestigious the 3rd Saigon Gourmet Week which took place recently



Events, shows and F&B openings in Greater China and around the world

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Potato grains



Stirrings from the Heart Photography by Chris Luk and courtesy Le Pan

Le Pan Executive Chef Edward Voon is making a name for himself as one of the most creative practitioners in the industry FT(Foodtalk): How did you first become interested in cooking? Was it a family passion? EV(Edward Voon): I am inspired by the spices of the Asian staples that my mother used to cook for the family and the street food of my upbringing. I was raised in Singapore on the strong flavours, the fantastic aromas and spices, the explosive power of the local food. These were my first tastes, my first loves. My family was humble and hardworking and I wanted to help, so I volunteered to do the cooking. The flavours of these classic dishes influence me today and I incorporate them into my tasting menus to offer elements of surprise and rekindle taste memories for Asian diners. FT: You started working at the Mandarin Oriental Singapore, then joined the Tower Club and later Aurum, under molecular pioneer Paco Roncero, and have also cooked under Spanish chef David Muñoz. Can you sum up how these various experiences have made you the chef you are today? EV: I joined the kitchen team at the Mandarin Oriental Singapore at 17, and had two stints at the Tower Club. It was an amazing start to my career, and it was during these years I found my true calling: contemporary French cuisine. I love its discipline, and the precision needed to do it well. It is beautiful, and its creation and presentation are theatrical. It was an honour to be asked to open Aurum under the technical direction of Paco Roncero. Molecular gastronomy is now passé but I am still influenced by my time at Aurum. As a chef I am inspired by the tastes of my upbringing, my travels, my training, by people I have worked with. Having said that, the key to success is to look forward. FT: You blend French and Asian ingredients and techniques in your cuisine – what do you do that has brought you such attention and success? EV: The flavours of my childhood have prompted many an ingredient or unexpected combination in my fine dining

foodtalk ISSUE 49

憑藉堅持與毅力,Le Pan 行政總廚Edward Voon 成為業內數一數二最具創造力的名廚 FT(Foodtalk): 您最初為何會對烹飪產生興趣?這份熱誠是否承 傳自您的父母? EV(Edward Voon): 小時候,母親為我們一家烹飪亞洲菜時總會 用到各式香料,除此之外,我從小就喜愛品嚐特色街頭小食,啟 發我對烹飪的興趣。我在新加坡長大,生活自然少不了濃郁的味 道、醉人的香氣、各式各樣的香料,還有別具風味的地道美食。 它們成為我記憶中最深刻的味道,可說是我的初戀。當時年輕的 我希望為默默耕耘的家人分擔,便自告奮勇為家人下廚。小時候 嘗盡的各種經典菜式,對今天的我影響深遠,令我不其然將它們 融入我的菜單中,重新喚起這些味道的回憶,並為亞洲食客帶來 驚喜。 FT: 您最初在新加坡文華東方酒店工作,後來加入Tower Club, 又成為Aurum分子料理先驅 Paco Roncero的門生,亦曾效力 西班牙大廚 David Muñoz。您在烹飪界的不同經歷,如何成就 今天的您? EV: 我17歲時加入新加坡文華東方酒店的廚務組,又在Tower Club 工作過兩次。對我來說,那幾年的工作經驗深深影響我往



I love contemporary French cuisine’s discipline, and the precision needed to do it well. It is beautiful, and its creation and presentation are theatrical

menus. Putting the best of Asia and France together has always been part of my contemporary French reimagined ethos for Le Pan. French gastronomy has an intrinsic beauty, and a history and legacy that empower chefs to elevate cooking into an art form and realise the full potential of the world’s finest ingredients. However, Asian cuisine is the most potent in the world in terms of flavours. FT: You worked for Pan Sutong, a Chinese billionaire, as his private chef, and then launched Le Pan for him. What interested you in these roles? EV: After Aurum I was doing guest chef VIP dinners around Asia and was very close to signing the lease on my own restaurant in Singapore. I met Mr Pan at one of these dinners and he persuaded me to come to work for him in Hong Kong instead, where he would open a fine dining restaurant to showcase my cooking. The dream came true in 2016 when Le Pan was launched in the group’s first Hong Kong commercial tower in Kowloon Bay. It is a fantastic space – and I have the luxury of being able to source premium ingredients from around the world and present them in creative and artistic combinations.

後的職業生涯,我從中找到自己真正的興趣,立志要學好現代法 國菜。我鍾情法國菜獨有的嚴謹、精確度和美觀,法國菜也十分 講究創作過程,以及精美絕倫的賣相。後來,我很榮幸獲Paco Roncero先生的技術指導,效力當時新開張的 Aurum。雖然分子 料理現在聽來已有點過時,但我在 Aurum 工作時所得的經驗至 今仍然影響著我。作為一位廚師,我的創作靈感來自自己的成長 經歷、旅行所見所聞、曾接受的培訓,以及每一位與我合作過的 人。話雖如此,我認為成功的關鍵還是在於勇往直前。 FT: 您主理的菜式揉合法國和亞洲的食材和技巧。您認為是什麼 讓您獲得各方的關注以及在行業中的成功? EV: 童年嚐過的味道為我帶來不少靈感,促使我在精緻菜單中結 合各種食材,帶來意想不到的效果。我一直希望 Le Pan 能為現代 法國菜重新定位,因此強調融合亞洲和法國美食的精髓,務求令 人耳目一新。法國美食不僅美味,更具有純粹的吸引力、深厚的 歷史和奧妙的傳統,驅使廚師將烹飪昇華成為藝術,將世上頂級 食材的魅力發揮得淋漓盡致。不得不提的是,亞洲美食在口味方 面絕對堪稱全球數一數二。

Dining Room


Hokkaido scallop, squid 'tortellini', carrot emulsion

FT: You launched a super ambitious 33-course menu at Le Pan – can you explain how? And why? EV: The Asia Unleashed 33 evenings were very special to me as celebrations of the diversity of my background and unique culinary journey. I sought to re-create the tastes and dishes of my childhood for the fine dining table, using techniques I’d learnt during my many years in French kitchens. I felt it was the right time in my career to convey this cultural diversity, to create something new and exciting, to move forward and to challenge myself. As a Chinese I also wanted to show that Asian chefs can be as bold and innovative as their Western counterparts. Given the right opportunities and training, talented Asian chefs can attain the same level of excellence as their Western peers where the profession is held in the highest regard. We can step up onto the world stage. It is our time!

FT: 您曾擔任億萬富豪潘蘇通先生的私人廚師,又在Le Pan開幕 時為他掌管餐廳。是什麼吸引您接受挑戰,樂意擔當這些職務? EV: 離開 Aurum 後,我在亞洲各地擔任貴賓晚宴的客席廚師, 亦幾乎簽署租約,在新加坡開設自己的餐廳。我在其中一場晚宴 認識了潘先生,他說服我來香港為他工作,在他即將開業的高級 餐廳擔任行政總廚,向客人展示我的廚藝。當 Le Pan 於 2016 年在九龍灣(位於潘先生旗下集團在香港的第一幢商業大廈)開 幕時,這個夢想終於成真了。那是一個夢幻般美好的地方,讓我 可以從世界各地採購優質食材,結合創意和藝術,將獨特佳餚呈 現給客人。 FT: 您在Le Pan推出了破格的 33 道菜晚宴。它的意念是什麼? 您為何會有此靈感? EV: 那一連兩晚的 33 道菜晚宴 (Asia Unleashed 33) 確是非常特 別,因為它見證了我的多元化成長背景和獨特的烹飪歷程。我嘗 試將過往多年所學到的法式烹飪技巧應用於自己設計的精緻菜式 中,目的是重新塑造來自童年回憶的味道和菜式。我覺得這是我 職業生涯中展現多元文化、創造新穎事物、進一步突破和挑戰自 我的最好時機。身為華人,我更想向世界證明亞洲廚師也可以像 西方廚師一樣大膽創新。只要有合適的機會和培訓,才華橫溢的 亞洲廚師也可以達到和西方廚師相同的卓越水平,令本地行業獲 得如外國同業一樣的最高關注。我們絕對可以踏上世界舞台,因 為屬於我們的時代已來臨了! FT: 您在乎獲獎嗎?還是不太追求獎項與名銜? EV: 其實所有廚師都希望自己的廚藝得到同行的認同和讚賞,所以 如果我說對摘星或獎項不感興趣,當然是騙你的。但是,很多光顧

Private Dining Room

過 Le Pan 的同行都對我們讚不絕口,這確實為我帶來鼓舞。而許 多熟客更成了我們的朋友,這無疑是很好的回報。

foodtalk ISSUE 49




I tell my team that they must never settle; we must push ourselves forward every day. Standing still is going backwards

FT: Are you award focused, or do you not see them as a priority? EV: All chefs love their craft to be recognised and appreciated by their peers, so I would be lying if I said I’m not interested in getting stars or awards! But receiving so many compliments from people in the industry who come to Le Pan and from our many diners who return and have become friends are rewards in themselves.

FT: 您有不少與人合作的經驗,您認為與其他廚師合作有什麼吸

FT: You are big on collaborations – what’s the appeal of working with other chefs? EV: It's inspiring for the team to work alongside such acclaimed names as Christian Bau and Sergio Herman, whom I invited to cook at Le Pan. I'm happy to give over my kitchen to them for a few days. We learn so much, and it’s an exchange of ideas – Asia is very appealing to the top chefs of Europe, who are increasingly incorporating our flavours and ingredients into their cooking. I love to take our visitors out for local street food where they can experience the real taste of Asia.


引之處? EV: 能夠邀請 Christian Bau 和 Sergio Herman 這些享譽盛名 的大廚到 Le Pan 交流,確實為團隊帶來不少啟發。在短短幾天 的時間內,我很樂意將自己的廚房完全交給他們。兩位名廚與我 們的同事交換烹飪心得,令大家獲益良多。對頂級歐洲廚師來 說,亞洲是極具吸引力的地方,他們更越來越喜歡將我們的口味 和食材融入他們的菜式中。我也喜歡帶海外朋友品嚐本地街頭美

FT: 您曾帶領新加坡國家烹飪團隊外出比賽。可以講述一下箇中 體驗嗎? EV: 我本身很喜歡參加比賽,經常鼓勵所有新晉廚師在這些大規 模的比賽中挑戰對方、戰勝自己,因為這確實是難能可貴的學習 體驗。2005年,我以新加坡隊的隊長的身份帶領團隊到瑞士巴塞 爾參加 Igeho Salon Culinaire Mondial廚藝競技大賽,並贏得金 牌和總冠軍,我感到萬分自豪,那亦是我職業生涯的轉折點。

Asian tiger's milk

foodtalk ISSUE 49



FT: You headed the Singapore national culinary team – can you describe that experience? EV: I’m very competitive by nature, and I would encourage all young chefs to challenge themselves and each other in such competitions – it’s a great learning experience. Being the Singapore team captain and winning gold medals and the overall champions spot at the Igeho 2005 Salon Culinaire Mondial in Basel, Switzerland was a very proud moment, and a turning point in my career.

FT: 若有年輕人想入

FT: What’s your advice to young people who ask you about working in the industry? EV: I ask if they are hardworking. I don’t believe in talent per se; being a good chef is about training, technique and perseverance. You also need humility and heart. Passion is a word that’s overused, but the best chefs are driven, obsessed with their craft. Every single moment of every day I think about how to improve, whether a specific dish, or more generally in the business; how to motivate my team and what I can do better tomorrow. I tell them that they must never settle; we must push ourselves forward every day. Standing still is going backwards.


FT: What do you consider your greatest achievement to date? EV: Every step on my culinary journey has been important and heartfelt. From getting my first kitchen position, to gaining the respect of my peers internationally at culinary competitions, to opening Le Pan – I’ve been extremely blessed. I believe my greatest achievement will be this year, and then next year, and then the year after – I’m continually striving for perfection.

行,向您請教有關這行 業的機遇和工作前景, 您會有什麼建議? EV: 我會先問他們是否 願意刻苦工作,因為我 不相信單靠天份便會成 功。要成為一位優秀 的廚師,必須接受嚴格 應抱持不懈的態度。同 時,也需要保持謙卑和 一顆真誠的心。人們常 常說什麼熱誠,其實這 是一個被濫用的字詞。 真正出色的廚師需要不 斷自我改進,並且對自 己的廚藝有一份執著。 我時刻都在思考如何改 進菜式、加強業務發 展、鼓勵團隊、明天如何做得更好等等。我常常勸勉同事,告訴 他們絕不能安於現狀,必須不斷努力。原地踏步,等同於倒退。 FT: 您認為到今天為止,自己最大的成就是什麼? EV: 在我的廚師之路中,每一步都非常重要,我感恩每一位曾在 這旅途中出現過的人。從我第一天開始在廚房工作、到在國際烹 飪比賽中獲得國際間同業的尊重、直至今天當上 Le Pan 行政總 廚,我一直都非常幸運。我相信每一年都會取得比以往更好的成 就,因為我一直都在努力追求完美。

Le Pan's extensive wine cellar


foodtalk ISSUE 49


foodtalk ISSUE 49



Passion, Perseverance & Love By Karen Chiang Photography by Chris Luk and courtesy HKJC

As a dedicated industry veteran, Chef Chan Sze Ling, Cling of The Hong Kong Jockey Club’s The Racing Club is not only passionate about food but also nurturing the next generation of chefs FT(Foodtalk): How did you get started in cooking? Cling(Chan Sze Ling): I’ve been interested in food since I was young, starting with cooking for my family. But my first job was actually illustrating for a drafting services company, after which I received professional training in Western cooking when I was 19. My first position in F&B was at Furama Hong Kong Hotel as a junior cook, which was a wonderful starting point with many learning opportunities. FT: What was your favourite part of that job? Cling: I really enjoyed working in the banqueting department. It was a very different and completely new experience serving up to 1,000 people! It was so much more intense than working at a buffet or à la carte, and team work was a very important element.


作為本地餐飲業的資深份子,香港賽馬會競駿會的菜式 主廚陳思靈不但熱衷於廚藝,更樂意將畢生所學培育新 一代廚師 FT(Foodtalk): 您的廚師之路是如何開始的? Cling(Chan Sze Ling): 自從小時候為家人做飯開始,我便對食物 產生了濃厚興趣。雖然我的第一份工作是在一間繪圖公司,但隨後 我在19歲時有幸接受西式烹飪的專業培訓。我踏入餐飲業的第一份 工作,是在富麗華酒店當初級廚師,那確是一個很好的起始點,我 從中得到了寶貴的學習機會。 FT: 在您過往的工作中,您最喜歡的是什麼? Cling: 我非常喜歡在宴會部工作。在同一場活動中為多達一千人預 備菜式,那對當時的我來說是截然不同的體驗!跟自助餐或單點菜 式相比,要求更是嚴格得多,也特別需要講求團隊合作。

Hong Kong Kitchen

foodtalk ISSUE 49



I always look to the younger members of my team for inspiration and in turn share my experience with them

FT: How did you get your start at The Hong Kong Jockey Club? Cling: I started here in 2007 through a friend’s referral after experience working with several hotels. I was interested because I’ve never worked at such a huge organisation before and it was exciting to learn something new. I worked at both Sha Tin and Happy Valley racecourses. The rest is decade-long history! FT: How did you end up at The Racing Club? Cling: I worked at the racecourses for about eight to nine years before being invited to move to The Racing Club as they needed someone familiar with both western and local cuisine to be the Chef de Cuisine at that moment. FT: What has kept you here in the same job for over a decade? Cling: With two race meetings a week and events happening all the time, on top of new challenges and learning opportunities, there’s never a dull moment at The Hong Kong Jockey Club!

Confit Canadian wild king salmon

FT: 您為何會加入香港賽馬會? Cling: 我起初在幾間酒店有過工作經驗,後來因緣際遇,於 2007年在朋友的推薦下開始在這裡工作。我之所以感興趣,是 因為自己從未在規模如此龐大的機構工作,因此躍躍欲試。這些 年來,我曾在沙田和跑馬地的馬場工作,轉眼也有十多年了! FT: 您後來為什麼會當上競駿會的主廚? Cling: 在獲邀擔任目前競駿會主廚一職時,我已在香港賽馬會工 作了大約八、九年。當時競駿會需要聘請熟悉西方及本地菜式的 主廚。就這樣,我便當上了競駿會的主廚。 FT: 是什麼令您在同一崗位工作超過十年之久? Cling: 香港賽馬會的工作可謂多姿多采。帶來不同的挑戰和學 習機遇。此外,每週兩場賽事和各類型節目亦令我的工作非常 充實,從未有沉悶的一刻! FT: 您過往曾炮製過不同地方菜式,這些工作經驗如何影響您自 己的烹飪方式? Cling: 能夠接觸不同的文化和美食是一種榮幸。在日常工作中, Lightly smoked French bresse pigeon breast


我不會死板地按照食物的來源而烹調。反之,我會自由搭配自己 最心愛的食材和烹飪方式,務求煮出令人一試難忘的菜式。

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FT: How does your experience working in several different cuisines impact your cooking?

FT: 您曾奪得幾個大型烹飪比賽獎項, 哪一場比賽

Cling: It’s a privilege to have been exposed to different cultures and cuisines. I mix and match my favourite ingredients and cooking techniques, and don’t really label things according to their original culinary source.

Cling: 2013年,我首次以國家隊身份參加世界廚

FT: You’ve won several major culinary competitions. Which one is most memorable for you? Cling: The first time I participated in a national team was 2013 at the Salon Culinaire Mondial, when we took home the championship for the first time for Hong Kong against Singapore and Switzerland. But soon after that the competition was cancelled so I guess we are still the reigning champions! Then in 2014 at the FHA Culinary Challenge we were once again up against Singapore and Switzerland in the final challenge and ultimately took home the win, which was very emotional for the entire team. FT: Have you learnt new skills from participating in competitions? Cling: Definitely – how to work with all kinds of people, and look beyond your own experience and opinions. Getting to see new ingredients, dishes and teams from other countries has also inspired me.


最令您印象難忘? 藝大師大賽(Salon Culinaire Mondial)。當時我 們首次擊敗新加坡和瑞士對手,為香港勇奪殊榮。 不久後,比賽便不再舉辦,所以我相信我們至今仍 衛冕著冠軍的名銜!其後在2014年的FHA烹飪挑 戰賽中,我們再次在最終回合與新加坡和瑞士隊對 壘,並取得勝利,整個團隊心情都十分激動。 FT: 您在參加比賽的過程中有否學到新技能? Cling: 絕對有。在學習如何與各類人合作的同時, 我亦跳出了自己固有的框框,從嶄新角度汲取知識 和經驗。此外,接觸來自其他國家的新食材、菜式 和團隊也令我深受啟發。 FT: 您有否從其他地方得到新靈感? Cling: 作為廚師界的前輩,我相信自己有義務將機 會傳授予團隊和行業中的新力軍。事實上,他們往 往都有不錯的烹飪主意,只要稍微調整一下,便可

Having a love for your craft is probably the most important thing to keep you going, learning, and growing

FT: Do you get new ideas from anywhere else?


Cling: I believe in passing on opportunities to newcomers in the team and the industry. They often have in great ideas that simply need some refinement. That’s why I bring the whole team into the conversation and process. I look to the younger members team for inspiration and in turn share my experience with them.


FT: As a chef, what do you think the most important quality is to have? Cling: Passion. Of course there are other things like perseverance, understanding that the job comes with long hours and can be pretty tough. But having a love for your craft is probably the most important thing to keep you going, learning, and growing. I hope young people will increasingly see working as a chef as a great career choice and that more organisations like The Hong Kong Jockey Club will provide support, incentives and resources to nurture the new generation of chefs in Hong Kong.

在分享經驗之餘,也能受到年輕團隊成員的啟發。 FT: 作為一名廚師,您認為加入這行業最需要擁有 什麼特質? Cling: 絕對是熱誠。當然還有其他一些特質是不可 或缺的,例如毅力。必須明白這行業的工作時間很 長,工作也可能較辛苦。縱使如此,一旦培養了對 這行業的熱誠,便會有不斷進步、學習和成長的動 力。我希望越來越多年輕人會視廚師為一個理想和 有前途的終身職業。同時,也希望更多像香港賽馬 會這些大機構能為年輕人提供支援、獎勵和資源, 以培育本地的新一代廚師。

The Racing Club

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foodtalk ISSUE 49


Berber & Q The Cookbook By Josh Katz (Ebury Publishing)

With over 120 intriguingly original Middle East-influenced barbecue recipes, this is the book you need if you want to break away from boring burgers and chicken this summer hef-owner of Britain’s Berber & Q Grill House and Berber & Q Shawarma Bar Josh Katz grew up in north London, an area of the city so cosmopolitan that if you didn’t know better you might think certain areas were bustling Middle East streets.


作者:Josh Katz

Formerly of renowned Ottolenghi, a London-based culinary empire that includes delis, restaurants and regular media appearances, he has cooked on UK television, regularly appears at London's annual barbecue festival Meatopia and in 2016 was announced as one of the UK's hottest chefs by Time Out London.

Josh Katz 是英國 Berber & Q 燒烤店和 Berber & Q Shawarma

Berber & Q The Cookbook is his first cookbook, and he describes it as being heavily influenced by the diverse cultures and cuisines, particularly its Middle Eastern restaurants, kebab, falafel and Shawarma houses, ethnic stores, bakeries and butchers of his formative years. He has also spent much time sampling the best grill houses in Istanbul, Marrakech and Tel Aviv.

出版社:Ebury Publishing

您厭倦了吃毫無新意的漢堡包和雞肉了嗎?以下介紹 這本書,它收錄超過 120 種有趣的原創中東燒烤食 譜,在今個夏季喚醒味蕾 酒吧的主廚,在倫敦北部長大,身處於這個猶如國際大都會的地 區中,您甚至會以為自己離開了英倫,置身於某中東地區熙來攘 往的街道。 Josh 曾在著名的 Ottolenghi 工作。Ottolenghi 是倫敦一個經常 獲媒體報道的餐飲王國,旗下業務包括美食小館和餐廳。Josh 除 了定期亮相英國電視台示範烹飪外,亦經常現身於倫敦一年一度 的燒烤節 Meatopia。2016年,他更獲《 Time Out London 》 雜誌譽為英國最受歡迎的廚師之一。 《Berber & Q The Cookbook 》是 Josh 的第一部食譜。他形 容此食譜深受多元文化影響,而所介紹的美食亦不乏異地色彩, 不論是他在成長歲月中品嚐過的中東餐廳、烤肉串、中東蔬菜

The result of this upbringing and experience is one of the most original and imaginative barbeque cookbooks you are ever likely to see. The 120 recipes are a literal feast of flavours and ingredients, with meat and vegetables equally celebrated. Marinated, smoked, grilled and slow-cooked to perfection, recipes include cauliflower shawarma with pomegranate, pine nuts and rose; harissa hot wings; blackened hispi cabbage with lemon crème fraiche; honeyed pork belly with pineapple salsa; prawns with a pil pil sauce and saffron buttermilk-fried chicken with tahini gravy.

球,抑或是中東料理店、充滿民族色彩的商店、麵包店和肉店, 都成了影響此書至深的元素。此外,他亦花了不少時間到訪伊斯坦 堡、馬拉克和特拉維夫最有名氣的燒烤店,親身體會箇中風味。 Josh 獨特的成長過程和經驗,造就了這部極具原創性和想像力的 燒烤烹飪書。當中的 120 篇食譜介紹了不同風味和食材,除一般 肉類燒烤外,亦不乏蔬菜種類。 食譜介紹的烹調方法包羅萬有,除了醃製、燻制、烤製和慢煮藝 術外,菜式更包括椰菜花石榴卷餅、松子玫瑰、哈里薩辣醬雞 翼、燻黑尖頭椰菜配檸檬忌廉、 蜜糖腩肉配菠蘿莎莎醬、Pil Pil 魚湯醬汁拌大蝦,以及芝麻醬番紅花酪乳炸雞。

For the more adventurous grill fan looking for enhanced barbeque fun this summer, this fascinating guide may be all the inspiration you need.

foodtalk ISSUE 49

今個夏天不妨從這本食譜中獲得靈感,烹飪一道道美味的燒烤菜 式,並享受箇中樂趣!



Patties of Perfection, Patties of Power The humble burger has become one of the most popular (and profitable) food items in the world – whoever originally invented it


he hamburger is one of the great food culture icons of modern times. Simple, classic and delicious, it’s a staple of fast food, barbeques, bars, cafes and restaurants. It’s also a regular supporting actor on television and the silver screen, making appearances in numerous movies and shows. It is loved around the world in its many guises, whether you prefer it with cheese, bacon, onion rings, gherkins or any number of additional ingredients.

到底最初是誰發明漢堡包已不再重 要,因為這款在全球各地大賣的簡 單美食,已成為全世界數一數二受 歡迎的食物 漢堡包是現代社會其中一種最具標誌性的 飲食文化。由於漢堡包的製作簡單,經典 又美味,故此成為快餐店、燒烤店、酒 吧、咖啡室和餐廳的主菜之一。事實上, 漢堡包也是電視和銀幕上最常出現的「配

But while it is beyond question that the USA has been primarily responsible for


角」之一。在眾多電影和電視中,漢堡包 可謂頻頻出鏡。

the popularity of the burger, there is some speculation about where it was originally conceived.


The problem of course is that the burger is essentially a piece of cooked meat in bread, and you don’t need to be a Michelin-starred chef to work out that this is likely to go down well with most casual diners. It also means it is impossible to trademark, unless your burger has a unique recipe, concept or name.


One clue comes from the name. The ‘ham’ part doesn’t suggest the burger has any connection with pork, but that it may have originated from Hamburg, in Germany. One point universally agreed is that it really took off at the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair in the USA, where it was a smash hit.


Early vendors in the USA had initial success, some with multiple chains, before Richard and Maurice McDonald opened the first McDonald’s restaurant in 1940 in San Bernardino, California, establishing the principles of the modern fast food restaurant. The recent development of plant-based artificial meat means there are now even more options, but whatever your particular preference, it’s hard to beat a well-made burger!


的發源地其實來自其他地方。 漢堡包其實只是將煮熟了的漢堡扒夾在兩片麵包中間,製法簡單 得連小孩也懂,是一款大受歡迎的快餐食物。除非你的漢堡帶有 獨門秘方、概念或名稱,否則為漢堡包爭取版權和專利基本上是

我們可從漢堡包的英文名稱Hamburger找到一些蛛絲馬跡。 「Ham (火腿)」並不代表漢堡包與豬肉之間有任何關係,它 可能代表著這種食物源自德國漢堡。然而,大家普遍認同漢堡包 其實於1904 年在美國聖路易斯世界博覽會上首次亮相,隨即聲 名大噪。 在Richard和Maurice McDonald於1940年在加州聖貝納迪諾開 設第一間麥當勞餐廳前,美國早期漢堡包店的生意已做得相當不 錯,有些更開了多間連鎖店。但隨著麥當勞的出現,現代快餐店 的經營模式從此被改寫。 隨著近年素肉的出現,食客已有更多選擇。但是,無論你喜歡什 麼特別口味的漢堡包,相信都難以抵擋它色香味俱全的誘惑!


foodtalk ISSUE 49




Marriott Cafe

Dutch Courage Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel's Executive Chef Matthew Van Der Zwan has never backed down from tough challenges, constantly upholding his work ethic and creative approach which finally scored him his dream job Photography courtesy Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel

FT(Foodtalk): Do you remember the first time you really noticed food as a child? Was that what launched your interest in cooking? MVDZ(Matthew Van Der Zwan): My earliest memories are Sunday dinners at my oma and opa’s (grandmother and grandfather) house above their Dutch bakery business “Vanderzwan’s Homemade Cakes & Bakery”. Almost every meal was pretty much the same, but we always loved returning for those staples. Other meals I looked forward to were my dad’s homemade split green pea and smoked ham hock soup. The family business also had an influence on me – the bakehouse became my playground and I helped out cutting pastry and filling pies, or looked over opa’s shoulder as he decorated cakes. FT: Coming from a Dutch background, did that influence home cuisine? MVDZ: Yes, but although we come from a family which ran a cake shop, my grandparents and parents were on the conservative side when it came to food. We occasionally had Dutch cuisine.

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新加坡萬豪唐廣場酒店的行政總廚 Matthew Van Der Zwan 從未因為嚴峻的挑戰而退縮。相反,他不 斷堅持自己的職業操守,以創新的方法精益求精,最 終為自己贏得了夢寐以求的工作 FT(Foodtalk): 您還記得小時候,第一次對食物有深刻印象的感 覺是什麼嗎?是什麼燃點起您對烹飪的興趣? MVDZ(Matthew Van Der Zwan): 我最早的回憶要追溯至祖 父母家的週日晚餐。他們的家就在自己經營的麵包店樓上,我還 記得那家麵包店名為「Vanderzwan’s Homemade Cakes & Bakery」。雖然每頓飯的菜式幾乎都一模一樣,但我們總是百 吃不厭,常常期待到祖父母家吃那些主菜。我也十分喜愛吃爸爸 自製的火腿豌豆湯。此外,我們的家族生意也對我有很大影響。 小時候,烘焙室成了我的遊樂場。年紀小小的我便幫忙切糕點和 餡餅,有時也會在祖父背後聚精會神地看他為蛋糕添上七彩繽紛 的裝飾。



Pool Grill

Seared lamb loin, inspired by a traditional Wellington

FT: 您來自荷蘭,這有否影響您烹調家庭菜式的方式? MVDZ: 是的。但雖然我們一家以前經營蛋糕店,但祖父母和父 母在日常三餐方面都比較保守,所以我們偶爾也會吃荷蘭菜。 FT: 您曾在阿德萊德的 Mt. Lofty House 當了四年學徒。當中的 經歷是什麼?您從中獲得什麼技能,幫助您其後到索菲特酒店和 度假村(Sofitel Luxury Hotels and Resorts)擔任初級廚師 一職? MVDZ: 我在Mt. Lofty 得到十分寶貴的經驗,那是一幢外型精緻 的建築物,有著悠久的歷史和獨特的鄉村風情。我在 2012 年回 到那裡舉行婚禮,即使經過許多年,食物仍然保持超凡水準!回 想當時在這裡工作,那是我首次接觸經典裝潢的廚房和高級美食 餐廳。廚師均來自其他有名氣的食府,我們合作烹調高水準的菜 式。後來他們推薦我到墨爾本索菲特酒店工作,自此以後,我便 猶如開闢了新天地,我在那裡得到了美好的回憶和莫逆之交。當 時那間廚房由著名的行政總廚 Raymond Capaldi 主理。

FT: You spent four years at Mt. Lofty House in Adelaide as an apprentice – can you describe that experience and how it gave you the skills to next move to Sofitel Luxury Hotels and Resorts as a commis chef? MVDZ: Mt. Lofty is a fine establishment with history and a refined country feel, where I had a great experience. I returned in 2012 to get married and the food was still very good! It was the first place where I was exposed to a classically structured kitchen and dining room serving fine food. The chefs were from other good establishments and we did some great work. They recommended me to Sofitel, and once I was at Sofitel Melbourne, new things opened up and it ultimately gave me some of the best memories and friends I have to this day. The kitchen was led by renowned executive chef Raymond Capaldi.


FT: 澳洲出產的所有農產品,包括新鮮水果、蔬菜、乳製品、肉 類和海鮮等,都備受全世界青睞。在您最初入行時,有否因此而 獲得啟發? MVDZ: 澳洲的農產品確實一流。對任何在澳洲工作的廚師來 說,這些新鮮食材絕對是靈感的來源。當我初入行時,眼見前輩 將這些頂級食材變成精彩菜式,著實使我著迷,更為我奠定了良 好的烹飪基礎。 FT: 在您僱主的網站中,您承認自己年少時「有點囂張」,您同 意這個說法嗎? MVDZ: 與其說我囂張,倒不如說我自信!我在艱難的環境中工 作,一直以來,我必須不斷提升自己的技能,否則就會落後於 人,甚至被淘汰。所以,我們在自己的態度、職業操守和表現方

Confidence is key – cook with confidence and it will taste better FT: Australia is the envy of the world when it comes to fresh fruit, vegetables, dairy, meat and seafood – everything! Was this inspiring in your early days in the industry? MVDZ: Australia really does have the best produce. It’s a source of inspiration to any chef working in Australia, and watching more experienced chefs transforming these great ingredients into superb food when I was learning my craft built a great foundation for me.


FT: Your bio on your current employer’s website says you admit to “being a little cocky” when you were younger – do you agree with that analysis? MVDZ: It was more confident than cocky! I work in tough environments where you have to constantly up your game or you are the weak link. This means you have to be aggressive in your attitude, work ethic and output. With this confidence, I was able to take on any challenge, whether demanding chefs or long hours. I believe that confidence is key – cook with confidence and it will taste better.


FT: You spent a year at The Australian Club in Melbourne. How did that differ from other culinary positions? MVDZ: It was my first leadership role and a good step up for me, managing a team of chefs and gaining experience

挑戰,無論是要求嚴格的大廚,還是長時間工作,都難不倒我。 我相信自信是成功的關鍵,保持自信,做出來的菜式便會更 美味。 FT: 您曾在墨爾本的澳洲俱樂部工作了一年。這與其他您曾擔任 過的廚師職位有何不同? MVDZ: 那是我第一次擔任領導角色,管理整個廚師團隊,對我來 說是很大的一步。我在這歷史悠久的標誌性建築中獲得了寶貴經 服務,以及一些小型晚會和周末活動。此外,那裡的菜式風格亦 很保守。那段日子我確實付出了很多,也有不少收穫。

Nicoise salad

Crossroads Cafe

foodtalk ISSUE 49



Senior chefs wear several hats and have many expectations to meet, so it’s always refreshing when a guest walks up and simply says, thanks chef, great meal!

in an iconic establishment with a great history. The expectations of the members were different from those I am used to, primarily focusing on lunch service with some small evening and weekend events. It was conservative in terms of food style but I knew I had a lot to gain and give during my time there. FT: Your first job in China was the trendy Mesa & Manifesto in Shanghai. How did you get the job and what that experience was like? MVDZ: Everything in China is about networking, so I was fortunate to join Mesa & Manifesto as I embarked on my China experience. It was a well-established Australianinfluenced restaurant and bar, and the perfect place to grow my food style and gain experience in such an amazing city. It was a little piece of home in the middle of cosmopolitan Shanghai! I learned how to manage and lead a small team in a foreign country, while improving both food and management. FT: You went on to have a great career in China, working in several top hotels including Radisson in Pudong and Shanghai, and Park Plaza Hotel Beijing. What was the attraction of China and why did it click for you? MVDZ: China was difficult at first, beyond anything I had previously experienced. Coming from Australia, I needed to adapt, but I know I had a lot to offer, found great support and gained hospitality leadership experience.

FT: 您在中國的第一份工作是上海的潮流食府 Mesa & Manifesto。您如何得到那份工作?當中又有何經歷? MVDZ: 在中國,人際網絡非常重要。我很幸運能加入 Mesa & Manifesto,並在那裡展開我在中國的歷程。這家知名的餐廳和 酒吧具有澳洲風格,讓我在這多姿多采的城市慢慢培育出自己 的烹飪風格,更讓我獲得寶貴經驗。對我來說,身處上海這個 國際大都會,我猶如找到一個溫馨家園!我學會了如何在海外 管理和領導一支小團隊,同時不斷改善食物質素和管理方式。 FT: 您其後在中國的發展亦很理想,並在幾間頂級酒店工作,當 中包括浦東和上海的麗笙酒店以及北京麗亭酒店等。到底中國 有什麼吸引力,讓您如此鍾情這東方國家? MVDZ: 在中國工作起初一點也不容易,因為實在有太多東西是 我未曾接觸過的。作為來自澳洲的一位異邦人,我必須適應。 但同時,我知道自己可以好好發揮自身技能,同事也給予我莫 大的支持,使我得到寶貴的酒店領導經驗。 FT: 您一向獲公認是創意洋溢的廚師。您能描述一下自己的烹飪 風格嗎?這種風格從何而來?能讓您得到最大滿足感的是 什麼?

Pan-fried cod fish, sea urchin, squid ink, saffron


MVDZ: 我認為我擅長橫向思維,運用創意解決問題,因此我的 食物風格亦有此特質。我十分推崇古典主義,而這亦是我做一

FT: You have a reputation as a creative chef. Can you describe your culinary style and how it has developed? What gives you the most satisfaction? MVDZ: I think I’m more a lateral thinker; I solve problems using a creative approach. This could be said for my food style – I’m a classicist at heart and it’s my foundation. However, I like to add creative approaches to dishes when I can. Senior chefs wear several hats and have many expectations to meet, so it’s always refreshing when a guest walks up and simply says “thanks chef, great meal!” FT: You are now at Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel – what attracted to the job and Singapore? MVDZ: I was looking to join Marriott for quite a while and the opening in Singapore was an opportunity to join an iconic hotel and company. Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel was the perfect challenge – a huge, multi-outlet, F&B-focused hotel, in a city that loves food.

Grilled asparagus and pumpkin salad

切事情的基礎。然而,如情況許可,我喜歡為菜式加點創意。 作為資深廚師,我身兼重任,需要兼顧很多方面。客人的每一 句道謝,都是我最大的鼓舞和動力。 FT: 您現時在新加坡萬豪唐廣場酒店工作。這份工作,以及新 加坡這國家,對您有何吸引之處? MVDZ: 我很久以前便希望加入萬豪酒店。新加坡萬豪唐廣場酒 店開業,正是我加入這家著名酒店和公司的大好機會。新加坡 是一個熱愛美食的國家,能在一間規模龐大、以餐飲為中心的

FT: You manage five outlets including catering at Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel – does this take up all your time or are you still able to do some cooking? MVDZ: Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel is a large and busy hotel that caters up to 2,000 guests every day. As such, there is always a lot going on. I try to spend at least 50% of my time at the outlets and kitchens, but I do have administrational responsibilities and long term projects which take up much of my time. I spend a few hours each morning at the breakfast buffet working with the team and engaging with guests, and at Crossroads Cafe during lunch and dinner. It’s great to be in a fast-paced kitchen during service.

酒店工作,著實為我帶來難能可貴的挑戰機會。 FT: 您合共管理五間餐廳,包括新加坡萬豪唐廣場酒店的餐飲 部。這會否佔據了您的大部分時間?您仍有時間親自下廚嗎? MVDZ: 新加坡萬豪唐廣場酒店是一家繁忙的大酒店,每天最多 可接待 2,000 位客人,因此無時無刻都有事情發生。我嘗試將 至少一半時間分配給餐廳和廚房,其餘時間則集中於管理和長 期項目,而這些都佔用了我的大部分時間。我每天早上都會花 幾小時與團隊一起為客人提供自助早餐,並與他們交流。午餐 和晚餐時段則會到Crossroads Cafe 工作。我很享受這種節奏 快速的工作環境。


foodtalk ISSUE 49



Bring on the

Bubbles! Taiwan’s bubble tea – whoever originally came up with the idea – has been one of the biggest beverage success stories of the past 30 years


t’s almost impossible to walk on any Asian street without finding a store selling bubble tea, a rich, creamy brew containing tea, milk, tapioca, syrup and other ingredients. In fact, such is the popularity of this beverage, you can increasingly see it across many western cities as well. But what is this enormously popular drink, where did it come from, and why do people queue outside stores for ages in order to secure their bubble tea fix? Bubble tea, also known as pearl milk tea or bubble milk tea, is a Taiwanese drink which first emerged in the 1980s. It contains tea of some kind, milk, chewy tapioca balls or pearls, and invariably lots of sugar. Other additions can include fruit or fruit juice, grass or agar jelly, brown sugar and other flavourings. One thing is for sure – it’s delicious, and pretty addictive!


也許大家都不知道誰先發明台式珍珠奶茶,但過去30 年來,珍珠奶茶店成行成市,確實見證了這款飲品的 成功故事 走在亞洲國家的街頭,我們幾乎都會找到珍珠奶茶店的蹤影。珍 珠奶茶是一種以茶、牛奶、木薯、糖漿等材料製成的香濃幼滑飲 品。事實上,這種飲料不但席捲亞洲,受歡迎程度更蔓延至許多 西方城市。 但這種極受追捧的飲品到底是什麼?它來自哪裡?為何能吸引那 麼多顧客為了一嚐其風味而大排長龍? 珍珠奶茶又稱為粉圓奶茶,是一種台式飲品,最早於上世紀80年 代出現。它含有某種茶、牛奶、煙靭的木薯球(珍珠)以及大量 的糖,其他配料包括水果或果汁、涼粉或啫喱、紅糖和其他 調味。

Several people claim to have been the first to conceive the idea of bubble tea, but in the absence of a copyright it’s unlikely to be contested in court any time soon. One story is that it was first created in 1986 in Tainan’s Ya Mu Liao market, when teahouse owner Tu Tsong-he got the inspiration after seeing white tapioca balls, previously only used in desserts. Another is that the Chun Shui Tang Teahouse in Taichung ‘borrowed’ the idea from Japan when its owner saw cold coffee being served when there on a trip and applied it to tea. Whoever really first saw two containers, one containing sweet creamy tea, and the other tapioca pearls, definitely had a ‘eureka’ moment!


毫無疑問,它不但美味,而且很容易上癮! 過去曾有數名人士聲稱自己是發明珍珠奶茶的人。然而,在沒有 版權的情況下,相信此事在短期內也不能在法庭上辯論一番。 其中一個說法是,珍珠奶茶於1980年在台南鴨母寮市場首次出 現,當時茶館的老闆凃宗和先生看到當時只用於製作甜品的白木 薯球,便獲得靈感創作珍珠奶茶。另一說法則是,台中春水堂茶 館的老闆在日本旅遊時看到冷咖啡,便「借用」這種製茶方法, 將其應用於製作奶茶。 無論誰是真正的發明者,能夠想到將幼滑香甜的奶茶和珍珠混合 在一起的人,確實擁有無比的創新精神!

foodtalk ISSUE 49



Made for Mouthwatering Moments Cedar River Farms produces some of the most consistent quality beef in the world


n an ever-changing world, it’s reassuring to find something you can depend on. That’s what customers of Cedar River Farms have found with the quality of the company’s consistently tender, juicy and well-marbled product that invariably exceeds expectations.

Cedar River Farms 馳名世界,皆因其生產的牛肉 能保持一貫優質 在瞬息萬變的世界中,質素可靠的產品確實可遇不可求。而 Cedar River Farms 總不會令顧客失望。一直以來,公司所生產 的牛肉均保持一貫的柔軟、鮮嫩而肥瘦均勻。始終如一的品質總

Cedar River Farms is part of JBS USA, which processes, prepares, packages and delivers fresh beef, pork, and poultry products to customers in more than 105 countries on six continents. The company employs more than 100,000 team members and operates more than 100 facilities in the US, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. JBS began in 1953 in Brazil, when José Batista Sobrinho started out processing less than five head of cattle per day. Through hard work and a commitment to quality the


是令顧客喜出望外。 Cedar River Farms 是 JBS USA 旗下的一部分,為全球六大洲 超過 105 個國家的客戶加工、預備、包裝和運送新鮮牛肉、豬肉 和家禽產品。公司除了擁有100,000多名團隊成員外,在美國、 加拿大、墨西哥、波多黎各、歐洲、澳洲和紐西蘭更擁有 100 多 間工廠。 JBS 於 1953 年在巴西開始營業。最初,José Batista Sobrinho 每天處理不到五隻牛,後過經過一番努力和對品質的承諾,公司

company has grown from a small, family-owned business into the world’s leading provider of quality meat protein, leather and sustainable co-products. Cedar River Farms takes a natural approach to raising cattle with one goal in mind: to produce consistently superior beef. Purebred steers, sourced from select U.S. feed yards ensuring a 100% vegetarian, grain-finished diet and focused animal wellbeing, are harvested at 14-17 months old (three-six months sooner than conventional cattle) providing an exceptional eating experience. The result is beef that exceeds conventional beef in tenderness, juiciness, flavour and butteriness. A natural product free from antibiotics 300 days prior to harvest and never given added hormones, it exceeds USDA natural definition, is minimally processed and no artificial ingredients added. A comprehensive product offering includes whole muscle cuts and ground beef, available across USDA Prime (32%) and Choice (65%). Lower carcass weights deliver uniform primals and the ability to cut thicker steaks while maintaining desired portioned size. In addition it provides uniform presentation and predictable preparation. All steers are processed at one dedicated plant, delivering consistent workmanship and quality.

已從一家小型家族生意發展成為世界領先的優質肉類蛋白質、皮 革和可持續副產品供應商。 Cedar River Farms 採用自然的方式牧牛,目標只有一個,就 是生產品質始終如一的優質牛肉。純種的食用牛來自精選美國 飼料場,期間確保牛隻進食100%素食穀飼,以保持健康,並在 14-17個月大時(比一般牛隻早3 至 6個月)被宰,務求為顧客 提供非凡的飲食體驗。憑藉這份堅持,公司所生產的牛肉無論在 柔軟度、鮮嫩度、味道和牛油香方面都比傳統牛肉優勝。 Cedar River Farms 在宰殺所飼養的牛隻前300 天不會給予抗生 素,亦從不會添加任何荷爾蒙。所生產的肉類除了遠超出美國農 業部對自然定義的要求外,亦只進行極少的加工,並且不會添加 任何人工成分。 一系列的產品包括連筋胳牛肉產品和碎牛肉,分別有 USDA Prime (32%) 和 Choice (65%) 可供選擇。牛隻的胴體重較低, 除了可提供一致的原始風味外,在切割出較厚的牛扒時,亦能輕 易維持所需大小。 此外,牛肉產品的賣相和製作方法均始終保持一致,所有食用牛 都在同一間特定工廠進行加工,以確保一致的生產工藝和品質。

foodtalk ISSUE 49



Langham Hong Kong’s

T’ang Court is a True Culinary Star Photography courtesy The Langham, Hong Kong

Outstanding Cantonese restaurant is one of only five in the world to achieve accolade of three Michelin stars for four consecutive years


’ang Court at The Langham, Hong Kong has been awarded three coveted stars in the Michelin Guide, Hong Kong and Macau 2019 for the fourth year in a row. It is one of only five Cantonese restaurants in the world to achieve the accolade.

Offering an excellent selection of fine Cantonese cuisine, T’ang Court has been a Michelin starred restaurant since 2009. Steering the achievement with numerous international culinary awards are Chinese Master Chef Kwong Wai Keung, who has been with T’ang Court since the restaurant opening and is celebrating his 30th anniversary this year, as well as T’ang Court Executive Chef Wong Chi Fai, who has been with the restaurant for nearly two decades. “We are incredibly honoured to receive the accolade from the prestigious Michelin Guide. It is a tremendous motivation for us to continue delivering traditional and authentic fine Cantonese cuisine to our guests, while supporting Cantonese cuisine to shine on the world’s stage,” said Chef Kwong. Sourcing the best and freshest seasonal ingredients, T’ang Court is a long-term Angliss Hong Kong client. The restaurant’s signature specialties include stir-fried fresh lobster with spring onions, red onions and shallots, Peking duck as well as baked stuffed crab shell with crabmeat and onion.


Executive Chef Wong Chi Fai

Chinese Master Chef Kwong Wai Keung

作為一家出色的粵菜食府,唐閣連續四年獲冠以米芝 蓮三星食府的榮譽,亦是全球僅有五家榮獲米芝蓮三 星殊榮的中菜廳之一 位於香港朗廷酒店的粵菜食府唐閣連續四年獲極具權威的《米芝 蓮指南香港/澳門2019》頒發米芝蓮三星食府榮譽。同時,唐閣 亦是全球僅有五家榮獲米芝蓮三星殊榮的中菜廳之一。 唐閣提供一系列用心炮製的精緻粵菜,2009年開始成為米芝蓮星 級餐廳。這些年來,中餐行政總廚鄺偉強師傅和唐閣行政總廚黃 智輝師傅一直帶領餐廳創出佳績,並贏得眾多國際烹飪獎項。自 餐廳開業以來,鄺師傅便一直為唐閣效力,而今年亦正值他在餐 廳服務的第30個年頭。另一位靈魂人物黃師傅亦已在唐閣工作近 20年。 鄺師傅表示:「能獲得著名米芝蓮指南的榮譽,我們深感榮幸。 對餐廳各員工來說,這更是一個極大的鼓舞。在繼續不懈地為顧 客人帶來傳統、正宗和精緻粵菜的同時,我們亦會盡最大努力, 務求令粵菜繼續在國際舞台上發亮,展現不一樣的非凡魅力。」

Baked stuffed crab shell with crab meat and onion

Stir-fried fresh lobster with spring onions, red onions and shallots

Managing Director Shaun Campbell of The Langham, Hong Kong said, “An impeccable accommodation experience would not be complete without a quintessential gastronomic journey. The three Michelin stars awarded is a true testament to the culinary excellence commitment brought to life by the entire T’ang Court team, which reinforces the genuine hospitality delivered to all discerning guests.”

作為安得利香港的長期客戶,唐閣一直嚴選最上乘和新鮮的時令 食材。餐廳的招牌特色菜式包括三蔥爆龍蝦、北京烤鴨,以及釀 焗鮮蟹蓋。 香港朗廷酒店董事總經理甘貝賢表示:「頂級的精緻美食能造就 無與倫比的住宿體驗。我們很高興再次獲得米芝蓮三星的高度評 價,因為這再次肯定了唐閣團隊對呈獻優質美饌的宗旨,並且印 證了酒店堅持為尊貴客人提供卓越服務的優良傳統。」

The Langham Hong Kong T'ang Court More information 如欲了解詳情,請瀏覽

foodtalk ISSUE 49



Pearls of Wisdom Photography courtesy Oyster Talks

Simon Chen of Oyster Talks Beijing explains his commitment to food authenicity, and the best way to eat the revered molluscs FT(Foodtalk): Growing up in Hong Kong, what are your earliest memories of food and eating? SC(Simon Chen): I was in Hong Kong until I was eight when I was sent to Australia because I was so mischievous! As a child my grandmother and grandfather taught me everything about life – and food, of course. I remember two things very vividly – my grandfather making me ‘banana peel fried rice’, which looking back was out of necessity as we didn’t have much money, but was quite delicious, and my father taking me to his restaurant after school. It


請來北京 Oyster Talks 的 Simon Chen,他向我們講述他對食物的熱誠 及於他的餐廳內品嚐生蠔這人間美食的 最佳方式 FT(Foodtalk):作為土生土長的香港人,你 最初對食物和飲食最早的記憶是什麼? SC(Simon Chen):在8歲的時候,由於太頑 皮的緣故,我被家人從香港送到澳洲! 小時 候,我的祖母和祖父教曉我不少生活的道理, 當然,亦包括食物的奧秘。至今我仍非常清楚 地記得祖父弄給我吃的『香蕉皮炒飯』。由於 當年我們家境不太富裕,所以只有這些廉價選 擇。雖然如此,那味道卻是非常不錯。另一件 令我印象深刻的,就是父親在我放學後帶我到

foodtalk ISSUE 49

Lobster salad



If you really want to understand a country’s culture and cuisine it's no use just going to visit, you have to work there to fully experience it

was quite renowned, often visited by the rich and famous, and inspired me to be a chef.

他工作的餐廳。那是一間頗有名氣的餐廳,不少上流社會人士和 達官貴人都會光顧餐廳。這啟發了我,令我從小立志要成為一位 出色的廚師。

FT: After studying in Australia you returned to Hong Kong, where you joined the Harbour Plaza hotel and then the Mandarin Oriental hotel. How would you sum up those experiences? SC: I worked at Harbour Plaza’s Italian restaurant alongside their Michelin-starred chefs, and after three months had learned so much – including how to make the perfect tiramisu. I was recommended to Mandarin Oriental’s dessert section by Harbour Plaza’s pastry chef. We didn’t only make desserts, but also bread, chocolate and their famous cheesecake – we started work at 4am and often didn’t leave until 6pm or 7pm, but I really wanted to be a pastry chef at that time, so it was worth it.

FT:在澳洲完成學業回港後,你先後加入了海逸酒店和文華東方 酒店。 回想那時,你會如何總結那些經歷? SC:在海逸工作時,我在酒店的意大利餐廳中與多位米芝蓮星 級大廚們一起工作。短短三個月便使我大開眼界,包括製作完美 意大利芝士餅的秘訣。其後,海逸酒店的甜品師傅把我引薦到文 華東方酒店甜品部的負責人。 事實上,我們不僅製作甜點,亦會 出品麵包、朱古力和著名的芝士蛋糕。 我們當時每天凌晨 4 時便 要開始工作,直至黃昏 6 時或7 時才會離開。雖然工作時間長, 但由於我立志要成為甜品師傅,即使辛苦一點也在所不惜,學到 的技巧更令我畢生受用。 FT:你在 2004 年和拍檔共同在香港開設了Oyster Talks。 是

FT: Around 2004 you co-founded Oyster Talks Hong Kong. What made you want to become a restaurant owner and what was the appeal of oysters? SC: I met my future business partner after I left Harbour Plaza, and in 2004, after receiving my qualifications as a hotel manager and chef, returned to Hong Kong to help him launch Oyster Talks. At that time few people in Hong Kong really understood oysters. My partner taught me to how to source different kinds of oysters from around the world, how to check their quality and the best way to eat them. Since then I have begun to understand how complex and special oysters are.

什麼讓你想成為餐廳老闆?生蠔對你來說又有什麼吸引力? SC:我在離開海逸酒店後遇到了後來的生意拍檔。 我在2004 年獲得酒店經理和廚師資格後,便回港幫助他一起經營 Oyster Talks。那時候,很少香港人認識吃生蠔的藝術。 我的拍檔教曉 我如何從世界各地採購不同種類的生蠔、如何檢查生蠔的質量和 最佳吃法。從那時開始,我便了解到生蠔是人間極品,不單特 別,品嚐生蠔的方法其實也是一門複雜的學問。 FT:雖然 Oyster Talks 提供各種美味的海鮮和肉類,但生蠔是 始終是鎮店之寶,深受顧客喜愛。你是如何為顧客準備高品質的 生蠔? SC:我個人在吃生蠔時不會添任何醬汁,我認為這才是生蠔的原 始風味,但客人當中卻有不少喜歡嘗試不同風味。例如看到電視 或網上的廚師使用不同技巧或添加不同成份時,如海膽或魚子醬 等特色材料,有些客人也會要求我們以同樣的方法為他們預備。

Oyster Talks


King salmon Wellington

FT: Although Oyster Talks offers a range of seafood and meats, it is renowned for its oysters. How do you prepare them? SC: Although I prefer them plain, without even any sauce, which gives the true flavour of the oyster, our guests have either tried them in many different styles, or seen chefs on television or online preparing them using various techniques or adding exotic ingredients like sea urchin or caviar. If our clients demand it we have to provide it, even if we personally find it contradictory! So we spend a lot of time researching new flavours and ingredients. FT: You left Oyster Talks to join Hong Kong’s Francesco restaurant, a French and Japanese concept, where you spent around five years as executive chef. Can you explain what attracted you? SC: Francesco is based on the concept of flexible dishes, mixing and matching ingredients, such as Beijing duck pizza, French veal with udon noodles and so on. We constantly thought about innovation, and no two days were the same. I really enjoyed my time there. FT: Returning to Oyster Talks you joined the Beijing restaurant. What were the challenges there and how did it differ from Hong Kong? SC: The Hong Kong restaurant has many regular customers who enjoy its signature dishes and subsequently the menu remains fairly static. The Beijing branch, however, has a more varied guest demographic, and the menu is frequently updated to meet these different tastes. Also, northerners enjoy stronger taste profiles, which is reflected in dishes such as Sichuan and Suzhou noodles, which were new to me. The restaurant also has four private dining rooms. These various elements made it a more challenging and interesting environment.

我們明白每個人的口味也會有所不同,所以,即使認為味道可能 會不太配合,但只要客人要求,我們也會儘量提供。因此,我們 一直以來都花很多時間研究新口味和食材的配搭。 FT:在你離開 Oyster Talk 後,便加入了香港的 Francesco 餐

FT: You are a keen traveller – can you explain what appeals to you about seeing the world and how this ties into your culinary career? SC: The impact of international travel is quite profound, and experiencing foreign culture and cuisine gives me better insights into how to make great food. A good cook must not only understand the food of his hometown, but also that of other places, which can inform their own style and creativity.

廳擔任行政總廚,一加入便是整整五年的時間。Francesco 是一

FT: Is it true that sometimes when travelling you will take a part-time casual cooking job at a local restaurant so as to gain a better understanding of the cuisine and how to prepare it? SC: If you really want to understand a country’s culture and cuisine it's no use just going to visit, you have to work there to fully experience it. So I lived in Japan to learn


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間揉合法國和日本概念的餐廳,與Oyster Talks可謂截然不同, 究竟是什麼吸引你到 Francesco 餐廳就職? SC:Francesco 主打靈活多變的菜式,擅長透過混合各種不同配 料來帶出另一番風味,例如北京填鴨薄餅、法國牛仔肉烏冬等。 我們一直力求創新,基本上每天都會出產不同種類的菜式。我非 常享受在那裡工作的日子。 FT:當你後來回歸 Oyster Talks 後,便加入了他們在北京的分 SC:香港的總店有許多喜歡我們招牌菜的常客,故此,餐牌的變 化相對較少。相反,由於北京分店的客人比較多元化,因此我們 需經常更新菜單以滿足不同客人的口味。此外,北方人喜歡較濃 味的菜式,你看四川和蘇州麵的味道有多濃烈便可知一二。這對 我來說是新的挑戰。同時,北京的分店亦設有四間私人廂房。這 些不同的元素都令我的工作環境更有趣和具挑戰性。



Although I prefer (oysters) plain, without even any sauce, which gives the true flavour of the oyster, our guests have either tried them in many different styles … so we spend a lot of time researching new flavours and ingredients

FT:作為一位熱愛旅遊的人,你能否解釋一下放眼世界對你有何 吸引力?旅遊對你的烹飪事業又有什麼影響? SC:到其他國家旅行的經歷對我影響至深。體驗外國文化和美 食讓我更了解如何製作出具特色的美味佳餚。一個好的廚師不僅 要對自己家鄉的菜式有深入認識,更要了解其他地方的美食。其 實只要細心品嚐及一下,便可知道每種食物都有獨特的風格和背 後創造的心思。 FT:聽說有時當你在外地旅行時,會在當地某餐廳兼職廚師,讓 自己更了解當地的烹飪技術和其中的準備方法,是真的嗎? SC:對!若你真的想了解一個國家的文化和美食,單是參觀是 沒有用的。你必須在那裡工作才能充分體驗這些獨特文化。 因 此,我到日本學習當地出產的牛肉的有關知識,更在遊覽西班牙 about their famous beef and went to Spain and Italy to study how to make desserts and pasta and the best way to use truffles. FT: What’s the next culinary challenge? SC: Three things: I want to learn more about other dining cultures and reflect this at Oyster Talks; I hope our restaurant will become the go-to venue for oyster fans; and I want to train the new generation of chefs to be thoughtful, innovative and open-minded.

Baked French black cod


和意大利期間亦研究如何製作甜點和意粉,更學會了使用松露的 最佳方法。 FT:接下來,你在烹飪方面的挑戰是什麼? SC:我想主要有三件事—首先,我想更了解其他地方多的餐飲 文化,並將精華帶到 Oyster Talks 的菜式上。此外,我希望 Oyster Talks 能成為喜愛生蠔人士的首選餐廳。當然,我亦有意 想培養新一代的廚師,令他們能以具細密思想、創新精神和開放 態度,令香港餐飲業繼續發光發熱。

Apple pie with vanilla ice cream

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Much Appreciation at Angliss Shanghai Banquet

Angliss Shanghai recently held an Appreciation Banquet to acknowledge the ongoing support it enjoys from customers and brand partners


o thank customers and brand partners for their unfailing support, Angliss Shanghai held a grand appreciation dinner at Jing An Shangri-La. Followed by a magnificent opening show ‘Dancing of the Ink’, combining Chinese classical dance, painting and music, customers enjoyed a sumptuous buffet dinner. Further


Angliss Shanghai近日舉辦了一場盛大的答謝晚 宴,以答謝客戶及品牌合作夥伴的支持 Angliss Shanghai於靜安香格里拉(Jing An Shangri-La)為大 家準備了自助餐及精彩的開場節目“舞墨”(將中國古典舞蹈、繪 畫和音樂相結合,借用壹支延長手臂表現力的毛筆,動態地展現" 紙上的舞蹈",演繹中華民族書法藝術)。除了抽獎環節外,我們 還準備了與現場觀眾互動的環節,讓客戶對產品有更多的認識。

entertainment included interactive games that enabled customers to learn more about Angliss products, as well as a lucky draw. Throughout the evening Angliss expressed gratitude to its industry colleagues new and old for a successful 2018, made memorable thanks to growing together as business partners. Brands particularly highlighted as playing a key role included French cream cheese maker Kiri, French fruit puree producer Boiron, renowned dairy manufacturer President, Paul Corcellet mustards and vinegars, Tiptree jam maker by appointment to The Queen, Sweet La Vie frozen cheesecake and handmade chocolates and New Zealand’s high-end beef and mutton producer Silver Fern Farms. With their tremendous support, Angliss Shanghai its commitment to providing an even better service to customers.

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回首2018,讓我們最難忘的是與客戶一起成長的日子。我們感謝新舊客戶的支 持,同時也向眾多品牌合作夥伴致謝,包括法國高品質的奶油芝士品牌Kiri、法 國知名果茸品牌Boiron、法國高端乳製品品牌President、法國百年芥末醬和醋 品牌Paul Corcellet、英國皇室御用果醬品牌Tiptree、冷凍芝士蛋糕和手工巧 克力品牌Sweet La Vie及紐西蘭高端牛羊肉品牌Silver Fern Farms等等。 Angliss Shanghai感謝新舊客戶及品牌合作夥伴的支持,我們承諾為客戶們提 供更好的服務。



Tropical Festival Fun from Down Under Attendees at the New Zealand Food Festival gained an understanding of Angliss Sanya Food Service’s outstanding service while enjoying the exotic island’s charms


ngliss Sanya Food Service recently hosted a New Zealand Food Festival at Phoenix Island Resort Sanya, attracting professionals from the hospitality and food industries to experience spectacular tastes from the southern hemisphere. Angliss Sanya offers its customers a full range of food festival solutions, including ingredients and services incorporating food export, venue decoration and onsite activities, to create exceptional events. In 2018 Angliss Shenzhen Food Service assisted five-star hotel customers in hosting more than ten food festivals of different styles and themes. With magnificent food and sea views in Sanya’s tropical environment, attendees at the New Zealand Food Festival enjoyed a unique experience while learning about the quality service Angliss Sanya offers.

客戶們於紐西蘭美食節了解到安得利三亞 公司的優質服務,同時享受著異國風情的 島嶼魅力 安得利三亞公司和三亞鳳凰島度假酒店近日合辨了紐 西蘭美食節,吸引眾多酒店、食品領域等專業人士, 與安得利一起體驗這些來自南半球所帶來的美食及 樂趣。 我們為客戶提供整套美食節方案,從食材選購到食物 出品,甚至環境佈置及現場互動節目等等,都給予不 同的建議。2018年,安得利深圳已協助了眾多五星 酒店的客戶,舉辦超過10場不同形式及不同主題的 美食節。 四面環海的用餐環境及美食,讓您感覺置身於海外。 除了於紐西蘭美食節享受到獨特的體驗,客戶們亦了 解到安得利三亞公司所提供的優質服務。



The Sweet Taste of Perfection Angliss Guangzhou Food Service recently hosted a dessert training session for its customers with French fruit puree producer Boiron


n collaboration with Boiron of France, Angliss Guangzhou Food Service was recently delighted to welcome Lloyd Hamm, Boiron’s Chef Training, China Area, to hold a Fruit Puree Dessert Training and Sharing Session with valued customers at its impressive new baking kitchen. In striving to attain perfect results every time, Lloyd emphasised that recipe instructions must be strictly followed during dessert preparation, as inaccurate ingredients quantities and cooking times can lead to an inconsistent outcome. During the session he precisely demonstrated each step and explained every detail of the process. The training and sharing session was an eye-opening experience for customers, who raised questions and actively participated in the dessert-making demonstration. In the brand-new baking kitchen of Angliss Guangzhou Food Service Limited, attendees agreed that Boiron’s French fruit purees not only gave desserts an artistic charisma, but also a delicious taste.

廣州安得利福斯與法國寶茸果茸生產商攜手舉辦甜品培訓分享 廣州安得利福斯攜手法國寶茸,特邀寶茸中國區培訓主廚Lloyd Hamon 夏 文洛師傅為客戶們舉行一場寶茸果茸甜品培訓分享會。 Lloyd力求完美,並強調製作甜品的步驟和材料的份量必須按照食譜的說明 使用,不同的用量和時間可使製作失敗。他親身示範每一個步驟及耐心講解 每一細節,現場的客戶於是次培訓分享會收穫十分豐富,並紛紛踴躍作出提 問,積極參與製作。 在廣州安得利福斯全新的烘焙廚房裡,寶茸的法式水果甜品不僅散發著藝術 品般的美感,味道亦香醇得讓人既驚喜又滿足。

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Centre of Attention Gourmet Partner Vietnam was a lead supplier at a prestigious industry event which took place in the rapidly developing country


ourmet Partner Vietnam was recently proud to be a key partner at the 3rd Saigon Gourmet Week, one of Vietnam’s most significant culinary events. Organised by Disciples of Escoffier Vietnam and Sofitel Saigon Plaza, Saigon Gourmet Week saw five Michelin-starred and celebrity chefs cook together, preparing eight menus and a brunch, and ultimately competing in a Chefs’ Battle. The exclusive gastronomic event brought together threeMichelin-starred Chef Bruno Ménard (Singapore), twoMichelin-starred Chef Michel Portos (Marseille, France), one-Michelin-stared Chef Jean-Francois Bérard (La Cadiére d’Azur, France), one-Michelin-starred Chef Jérôme Laurent (Shanghai, China) and celebrity chef Régis Triguel (Moscow, Russia). Gourmet Partner Vietnam was chosen thanks to the high quality of its Ernest Soulard foie gras. The foie gras was a popular ingredient throughout the week and was showcased during the Chefs’ Battle, where it was the central item of each main dish.

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眾所周知,越南是亞洲近年發展迅速的國家之一。最 近,Gourmet Partner Vietnam 於當地一場業界盛事 中擔任主要供應商的角色 Gourmet Partner Vietnam 最近有幸成為第三屆西貢美食週的主 要合作夥伴。該活動是越南餐飲界最重要的盛事之一,由越南科菲 國際廚師協會 (Disciples of Escoffier Vietnam) 及西貢索菲特廣 場 (Sofitel Saigon Plaza) 攜手合辦,今屆共邀得五位米芝蓮星級 大廚和名廚出席。在準備八份菜式及早午餐後,五位大師更參加了 終極廚神大比拼。 獲邀出席是次獨特美食活動的大師分別是來自新加坡的米芝蓮三 星大師 Bruno Ménard、來自法國馬賽的米芝蓮二星大師 Michel Portos、來自法國La Cadiére d'Azur 的米芝蓮一星大師 JeanFrancois Bérard、來自中國上海的米芝蓮一星大師 Jérôme Laurent 以及來自俄羅斯莫斯科的星級名廚 RégisTriguel。 憑著其高品質的頂級 Ernest Soulard 鵝肝,Gourmet Partner Vietnam順利成為是次活動的主要供應商。鵝肝是整個美食週的 主角,廣受各來賓歡迎。在廚神大比拼的環節當中,更成了每一道 菜的靈魂 - 如絲一般的幼滑質感,加上甘香可口的油潤感,實在令 每一位在場人士陶醉不已。



New restaurant evokes Chinese garden Moon Lok Chinese Restaurant is the first dining establishment to open in the new Xiqu Centre that showcases top calibre Chinese opera in a contemporary building. Presenting classic culinary creations, the new dining destination is operated by Buick Management, a Hong Kong-based hospitality group with over 25 years’ experience in the food and beverage industry.

中式庭園內的全新食府 西九戲曲中心剛剛落成,第一間在此開設的餐廳就是滿樂中菜。這幢極富現代特色的建築物不單向各界展示頂級中國戲曲,更呈現源遠 流長的中華飲食文化。就如建築物的設計一樣,這家全新食府糅合經典和創意,呈獻特色佳餚。滿樂中菜由進灃管理公司營運,這家香 港餐飲集團擁有超過25年豐富經驗,多年來一直盡力為食客帶來獨特的美食體驗。

Sisters are cookin’ it for themselves Vicky Lau (Asia’s Best Female Chef 2015) of one-Michelin-starred Tate Dining Room recently hosted an all-female chef collaboration four-course lunch. The star-studded line-up of chefs included Bee Satongun of one-Michelin-starred Paste Bangkok (Asia’s Best Female Chef 2018) and Margarita Fores of Grace Park (Asia’s Best Female Chef 2016). The lunch ended on a sweet note with signature dessert by Natsuko Shoji of Été.

星級女廚神合力炮製特色午餐 由 2015 年亞洲最佳女廚師劉韻棋所主理的TATE Dining Room & Bar 最近推出一款 由全女班廚師烹調的四道菜午餐。星光熠熠的廚師陣容包括來自曼谷米芝蓮一星餐廳 Paste Bangkok的泰國廚師 Bee Satongun (2018 年亞洲最佳女廚師) ,以及來自菲律 賓 Grace Park餐廳的 Margarita Forés (2016 年亞洲最佳女廚師)。而由來自東京 Été 餐廳的 Natsuko Shoji則呈獻招牌甜點,為這別具特色的午餐劃上完美句號。


It’s showtime at HOFEX Leading Asian food and hospitality tradeshow HOFEX will take place May 7-10, 2019, at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The event showcases the latest food and drinks, foodservice equipment, hospitality technology and supplies, and includes world-class competitions and events. Around 2,800 international exhibitors are anticipated to exhibit, with 48 national and group pavilions, 74 countries and regions and more than 42,000 trade buyers expected.

HOFEX 再次隆重舉行 一直備受業界重視的亞洲食品和酒店貿易展 HOFEX 將於 2019 年 5 月 7 日至 10 日假香港 會議展覽中心舉行。是次活動除展出最新食品和飲料、餐飲服務設備、餐飲科技和用品外, 亦將舉行多項世界級比賽和活動。今年HOFEX 約有 2,800 家國際參展商參與,場內將設有 48 個國家和團體的展區,預計吸引超過 42,000 名來自 74 個國家和地區的買家參觀採購。

Founders of The Old Man open The Sea Founders of award-winning Soho cocktail bar The Old Man have announced the opening of their second venture, The Sea. A rustic spin-off concept and sister venue of The Old Man, the new bar continues the theme of Ernest Hemingway’s 1952 classic novel The Old Man and the Sea. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages highlight the most innovative methods in modern mixology.

當老人遇見了海 位於香港蘇豪區的雞尾酒酒吧 The Old Man 自開業以來一直屢獲殊榮。 近日,酒吧創辦人宣佈其第二家酒吧 The Sea 即將開業。這間新酒吧的 簡樸裝潢和 The Old Man 相映成趣,延續了1952 年海明威的經典小說 《老人與海》的主題。酒吧提供各種特色酒精和非酒精飲品,突顯了最具 創意的現代調酒技術。

Brave new veggie world After running a series of successful trade fairs across Paris, Barcelona and other major European centres, the VeggieWorld event recently made its way to Hong Kong for the first time. Local and overseas exhibitors showcased a variety of fresh produce, speciality vegan goods, plant-based clothing and cosmetics.

探索素食主義 純素生活展 (VeggieWorld)曾在巴黎、巴塞隆拿和其他 主要歐洲城市舉辦過一系列展覽,引起極大迴響,現在 終於首次登陸香港!本地和海外參展商在活動中展示了 各種新鮮農產品、特色素食、以植物製作的服裝和化妝 品,務求令大眾耳目一新。

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Dubai top city for dining A survey from MasterCard Global Destination Cities Index on the dining patterns of tourists in cities around the world has revealed that Dubai is the top ranked destination city, with Palma de Mallorca, Spain ranked second and Bangkok third. The index ranks cities in terms of the number of their total international overnight visitor arrivals and their cross-border spending.

杜拜 - 世界頂級餐飲城市 萬事達卡「全球最佳旅遊城市報告」最近調查了全球遊客在到訪各地城市時 的餐飲模式,統計了各城市的國際過夜遊客總數和跨境消費金額,結果顯 示,杜拜成為最受歡迎的旅遊目的地,西班牙的馬略卡島緊隨其後,曼谷則 排名第三。

Porcine perfection in a bottle Johnnie Walker has released a limited edition Blue Label to mark the Year of the Pig, with a bottle designed by English illustrator Chrissy Lau, inspired by her Chinese heritage. The handpicked single malt and grain from the four corners of Scotland, crafted to create a smooth and vibrant whisky delivering dried fruits, citrus, honey, sweet spice, vanilla, chocolate and a smoky finish. blue-label-year-of-the-pig/

豬年酒樽 • 與眾不同 尊尼獲加 (Johnnie Walker) 最近推出了限量豬年紀念版的藍牌威士忌。樽身 的設計靈感源自中國傳統風格,由英國插畫家 Chrissy Lau 創作,洋溢東方 風情。來自蘇格蘭各地的單一麥芽和穀物經過精挑細選,釀製成醇滑而味道 濃烈的威士忌,更夾雜著乾果、柑橘、蜂蜜,甜香料、雲尼拿、巧克力和煙 熏味。

Double honours for Indian chef Garima Arora, executive chef and founder of Gaa in Bangkok, has won the title Asia’s Best Female Chef 2019. Arora worked at Noma in Copenhagen and Gaggan, the award-winning Bangkok restaurant, and in 2017 opened Gaa, specialising in modern Indian cuisine. In November 2018 Gaa earned a Michelin star, making Arora the first Indian woman to win such an accolade.

印度大廚勇奪雙項殊榮 Garima Arora 是曼谷 Gaa 餐廳的行政總廚兼創辦人,最近榮獲 2019 年亞 洲最佳女廚師的美譽。Arora曾在哥本哈根的Noma餐廳和屢獲殊榮的曼谷 餐廳Gaggan工作,並於 2017 年創立 Gaa,專門提供現代印度美食。2018 年11月,Gaa 獲米芝蓮選為一星餐廳,令 Arora 成為第一位贏得此類榮譽 的印度女性。


It’s a gin thing Renowned for its vast ‘gin library’, The Sukhothai Shanghai’s Urban Lounge has recently expanded its collection. Urban Lounge serves over 120 types of gin, with new additions including Normindia from France, Distillerie De Paris – Gin Tonik and Malfy Gin Rosa, ideal for the hotter months of the year, with notes of Sicilian grapefruit and rhubarb from Southern Italy.

氈酒飄香 Urban Lounge 位於上海素凱泰酒店內,一直以其壯觀的「氈酒圖書館」 而聞名。最近,Urban Lounge 擴大了其收藏系列,為客人提供 120 多種 氈酒,其中包括法國 Normindia 氈酒,以及來自巴黎第一家合法釀酒廠 Distillerie De Paris的 Gin Tonik 和 Malfy Gin Rosa,這些氈酒帶有意大 利南部西西里西柚和大黃的香味,清新的味道絕對是炎夏消暑極品。

London’s “Old Lady” reopens Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, London reopened in April having completed the most extensive restoration in its 117-year history. Following the reopening of the public spaces in December 2018, the hotel has unveiled all new guest rooms and suites. The hotel has seen a “light refurbishment” of F&B outlets including Dinner by Heston Blumenthal, Bar Boulud, London and Mandarin Bar.

倫敦「經典百年酒店」重新開放 倫敦文華東方海德公園酒店 (Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park) 最近完成了117 年來最大規模的復修工程,並於4月重開。酒店繼 2018 年 12 月重開其公共空間後,推出了全新客房和套房。此外,酒店亦為幾間餐廳及酒吧稍作翻新,包括 Dinner by Heston Blumenthal、Bar Boulud 及 London and Mandarin Bar ,以嶄新面貌登場。

foodtalk ISSUE 49



Branches Singapore 新加坡

Angliss Singapore Pte Ltd 232 Pandan Loop, Singapore 128420 T. +65 6778 8787 | F. +65 6778 3966

Macau 澳門

Angliss Macau Food Service Limited 196-242 Rua dos Pescadores, Edf Industrial Ocean II Fase, 4-Andar C & D, Macau

Hangzhou 杭州

Shenzhen 深圳

Room 4001, 4/F, Block 1, No. 1191 Ling Ding Road, Jianggan District, Hangzhou, China

Building 3B, Block B, Baosheng Industrial District, No. 1 Mabu Road Bainikeng Village, Pinghu Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China

Angliss Shanghai Food Service Limited - Hangzhou Branch

上海安得列郎晴食品貿易有限公司-杭州分公司 杭州市江幹區臨丁路1191號1棟4層4001室 T. +86 571 8681 0896 | F. +86 571 8681 0196

Nanjing 南京

安得利澳門飲食服務有限公司 澳門漁翁街196-242號海洋工業中心2期4樓C&D室

Angliss Nanjing Food Service Limited

T. +853 2886 2886 | F. +853 2886 2828

南京安必福食品有限公司 南京市建鄴區長虹路29-5

Beijing 北京

Angliss Beijing Food Service Limited No. 10 Hongda South Road, Yi Zhuang Economic & Technological Development Zone, Daxing District, Beijing, China

No. 29-5 Changhong Road, Jianye District, Nanjing, China

T. +86 25 8622 8102 | F. +86 25 8622 8102

Guangzhou 廣州

Angliss Guangzhou Food Service Limited Unit 01-08, 25/F, Jia Xing Square, No. 22 Baiyun Road, Guangzhou, China

安得利(北京)食品貿易有限公司 北京市大興區亦莊經濟技術開發區宏達南路10號

廣州安得利福斯食品有限公司 廣州市越秀區白雲路22號嘉星廣場2501-2508室

T. +86 10 8908 3501 | F: +86 10 8586 4880

T. +86 20 8921 9188 | F. +86 20 8921 9168

Tianjin 天津

Angliss Beijing Food Service Limited - Tianjin Branch Room 530, Yunhan Office Building, Hongqiao District, Tianjin, China

安得利(北京)食品貿易有限公司 - 天津分公司 天津市紅橋區雲漢寫字樓530室 T. +86 22 8729 0198

Fuzhou 福州

Angliss Guangzhou Food Service Co., Ltd. —Fuzhou Office Room 302-303 , 3rd floor ,Taikun Center , Guanpu Road No.166 ,Jianxin Town , Cangshan District , Fuzhou, China

廣州安得利福斯食品有限公司—福州辦事處 福州市倉山區建新鎮冠浦路166號泰坤中心三樓302-303 T. +86 591 83650383

Chengdu 成都 Shenyang 瀋陽

Angliss Shenyang Food Service Limited 2/F, Xianglong Pavilion, 5 Hunnan West Road, Hunnan District, Shenyang, Liaoning, China

安得利(瀋陽)食品貿易有限公司 瀋陽市渾南區渾南西路5號香龍閣2樓 T. +86 24 8122 1688 | F. +86 22 8122 1688

Shijiazhuang 石家莊

Angliss Shijiazhuang Food Service Limited Room 1107, E Block Haiyuetiandi Office Building, Qiaoxi District, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China

安得利石家莊食品貿易有限公司 石家莊市橋西區金正海悅天地寫字樓E座1107室 T. +86 311 8262 1608

Shandong 山東

Angliss Shandong Food Service Limited Room 1418, Greenland Jingya Garden Commercial Building, Central District, Jinan City, Shandong Province

No. 870, 2/F, Gangtong North Four Road, Hongguang Town, Pi County, Chengdu, China

成都安得利福斯食品有限公司 四川省成都市郫都區工業港北片區港通北四路870號2樓 T. +86 28 6496 7838 / +86 28 6496 6001

Chongqing 重慶

Angliss Chengdu Food Service Limited - Chongqing Branch Room 25-4, Unit 2, No. 19 Dapingzheng Street, Yuzhong District, Chongqing, China

成都安得利福斯食品有限公司-重慶辦事處 重慶市渝中區大坪正街19號英利國際2號25-4 T. +86 23 6330 2009

Kunming 昆明

Angliss Chengdu Food Sevice Limited - Kunming Branch East Air Cargo Department (Yinxiang Warehouse), Wujiaba, Guandu District, Kunming, Yunnan, China

山東安得利食品貿易有限公司 山東省濟南市市中區綠地泉景雅園商務大廈1418室

成都安得利福斯食品有限公司-昆明辦事處 雲南省昆明市官渡區巫家壩原東航空貨運部內 (銀翔倉庫收貨口)

T. +86 531 8711 9769

T. +86 871 6382 9678

Shanxi 山西

Angliss Shanxi Food Service Limited Room 925, B Zone, 168 Block Feiyun International Office Building, No. 186 Pingyang Road, Xiaodian District, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China

山西安得利食品有限公司 太原市小店區平陽路186號168幢(飛雲國際) 西段B區9層0925號 T. +86 351 8065 567

Xiamen 廈門

Angliss Guangzhou Food Service Limited - Xiamen Branch Room 303, Wanxiang Business Center (Airport North), No. 1690 Gangzhong Road, Huli District, Xiamen, China

廣州安得利福斯食品有限公司-廈門分公司 廈門湖裡區港中路1690號(機場北區) 萬翔商務中心304-2

Nanning 南寧

Angliss Nanning Food Service Limited No. 3, Building 19, Jinqiao farmers market, No. 169 Kunlun avenue, Nanning, Guangxi, China

南寧安得利食品有限公司 廣西省南寧市昆侖大道169號金橋農批市場19棟03B T. +86 771 3947 620 | F. +86 771 3947 646

Xi’an 西安

Angliss Xi’an Food Service Limited No.333, Grass Land Ten Road, Xi’an Economic and Technological Development Zone, Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, China

安得利(西安)食品有限公司 陝西省西安市經濟技術開發區草灘十路333號 T. +86 29 8873 4883 | F. +86 29 8873 4883

Zhengzhou 鄭州

Angliss Zhengzhou Food Service Limited Building No. 1-4/2-4 , Changtong Industrial Park, West Jiyuan Road, Huiji District, Zhengzhou, Henan, China

鄭州安得利食品有限公司 河南省鄭州市惠濟區紀元路西段 長通機電工業園1-4、2-4號廠房 T.+86 371 8991 0680 | F.+86 371 8991 0681

Hunan 湖南

Angliss Hunan Food Service Limited No.301, Building 1, Muyun Town Sci-Tech Park, Tianxin District, Changsha, Hunan, China

湖南安得利食品有限公司 湖南省長沙市天心區暮雲工業園新興科技產業園1棟3樓 T. +86 731 8556 9552 | F. +86 731 8556 9553

Wuhan 武漢

Angliss Wuhan Food Service Limited Building No. 4, D Block, Hua Zhong EnterprisesZone, North Hankou Road, Huangpi District,Wuhan, China

武漢安得利食品有限公司 武漢市黃陂區漢口北華中企業城D區4棟 T. +86 27 6180 0941 | F. +86 27 6180 0942

Haikou 海口

Angliss Haikou Food Service Limited No. 22, West Xingye Road, Hong Kong-Macau Industrial Zone, Xiuying District, Haikou, Hainan, China

海口安得利食品有限公司 海南省海口市秀英區港澳工業區興業西路22號 T. +86 898 6855 2915 | F. +86 898 6855 3455

Sanya 三亞

Angliss Sanya Food Service Limited

Foshan 佛山

三亞安得利食品有限公司 海南省三亞市吉陽區紅沙社區漁歌海韻A棟綜合樓 (一至三層商業)

5F., Block B, No. 4 Building, No. 1 Hongqiao Headquarters, No. 100 Zixiu Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China

Ding Hao Cold Chain Logistics Industry Park, No.12 Jiangshaer Road, Zhangcha, Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China

T. +86 21 6073 2060 | F. +86 21 6073 2050

T. +86 755 2885 7688 | F. +86 755 2518 5406

Comprehensive Building, Block A, Yugehaiyun Residential, Hongsha Community, Sanya, Hainan, China

Angliss Foshan Food Service Limited

上海安得列郎晴食品貿易有限公司 上海市閔行區紫秀路100號虹橋總部1號4號樓5樓B座

安得利(深圳)食品有限公司 深圳巿龍崗區平湖鎮白坭坑村麻布路1號 寶盛工業區B區第3B棟

T. +86 592 5635 630 | F. +86 592 5635 609

Shanghai 上海

Angliss Shanghai Food Service Limited


Angliss Chengdu Food Service Limited

Angliss Shenzhen Food Service Limited

佛山安得利食品有限公司 佛山市禪城區張槎江沙二路12號鼎昊冷鏈物流產業園 T. +86 757 8228 1651

T. +86 898 8863 0698 F. +86 898 8863 0318 / +86 898 6595 4474


Other Branches

PastryGlobal Food Service Limited

Flat B, 6/F, Yoo Hoo Tower, 38-42, Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T, Hong Kong

嘉寶食品有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號大鴻輝中心二期6樓B室 T. +852 2494 1900 | F. +852 3145 0756

Miumi International Food Company Limited

Flat A, 4/F, Yoo Hoo Tower, 38-42, Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T, Hong Kong

御海國際食品有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號大鴻輝中心二期4樓A室 T. +852 2494 4966 | F. +852 2439 4070

foodtalk 名廚坊

47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong (Pickup Point)

香港新界葵涌葵豐街47-51號 (取貨點)

T. +852 2615 0822 | F. +852 2615 0855

Hong Kong Island shop:

Linson Global Seafood Trading Limited 隆順環球海產貿易有限公司 47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong


T. +852 2573 7433 | F. +852 2838 4071

Gourmet Cuisine Hong Kong Limited

Flat A, 6/F, Yoo Hoo Tower, 38-42, Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T, Hong Kong

高美食材香港有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號大鴻輝中心二期6樓A室 T. +852 2494 1977 | F. +852 2439 5055

Lou Lou Food Market

47-51 Kawi Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T. Hong Kong

香港新界葵涌葵豐街47-51號 E:

G/F, 23 First Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong


T. +852 2615 0338 | F. +852 2559 3938

Kowloon shop:

G/F, 21 Nanking Street, Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong


T. +852 2615 9187 | F. +852 2615 9287

Miumi Tokyo Co Ltd 御海東京株式會社 5F Onarimon Excellent Bldg. 1-1-32 Shibadaimon, Minato-ku, 105-0012, Tokyo Japan T. +81 3 6721 5689 | F. +81 3 6721 5693

Angliss Singapore Gourmet Partner Pte. Ltd 232 Pandan Loop, Singapore 128420 T. +65 6602 0790 | F. +65 6778 0153

Gourmet Partner (M) Sdn Bhd Sweet la Vie

47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong

香港新界葵涌葵豐街47-51號 T. +852 2494 4988 | F. +852 2494 4987

Miumi Japan Food (A Division of Angliss Singapore Pte Ltd)

No. 12, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/48, Kota Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia T. +603 5122 6601 | F. +603 5121 0601

232 Pandan Loop, Singapore 128420


T. +65 6777 2112 | F. +65 6779 7666

Gourmet Partner Vietnam

M Floor, Phu Nu Building, 20 Nguyen Dang Giai, Thao Dien Ward, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam T. +84 (0)28 363 615 71-72

FoodPride Him Kee Food Distribution Company Limited

1 Second Chin Bee Road, Singapore 618768 T. +65 6275 9275 | F. +65 6863 3855

Bidfood Malaysia Sdn Bhd

Flat B, 4/F, Yoo Hoo Tower, 38-42, Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T, Hong Kong

No.12, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/48, Seksyen 31, Kota Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia T. +603 5131 6399 | F: +603 5131 9233

謙記食品貿易有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號大鴻輝中心二期4樓B室 T. +852 2836 6888 | F. +852 2440 0405

Shenzhen Goodmaster Food Company Limited Buliding 18, Block B, Baosheng Industrial District, No. 3-1 Mabu Road, Bainikeng Village, Pinghu Town, Shenzhen, China

深圳市高美食品有限公司 深圳市龍崗區平湖街道白泥坑社區麻布路3-1號 寶盛工業區B區18棟 T. +86 755 2885 6766 | F. +86 755 2885 6765

Natural and Organic Global Limited

Flat B, 4/F, Yoo Hoo Tower, 38-42, Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T, Hong Kong

安機源優質食材有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號大鴻輝中心二期4樓B室 T. +852 2494 2214 | F. +852 3015 2834

Bidfood China Limited

Room 301, No. 5 Building, No. 100 Zixiu Road, Shanghai 201103, China

上海市閔行區紫秀路100號 (虹橋1號) 5號樓301室 T. +86 21 6071 2300 | F. +86 21 6071 7360





foodtalk ISSUE 49


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