The long-awaited Angliss Discovery 2023 took place earlier in March, and was a wonderful event and meeting of minds all industry participants thoroughly enjoyed.
Speaking personally, I was thrilled to welcome back many of our stakeholders, clients and suppliers, old and new. The energy and enthusiasm of participants – including our own colleagues, of course – reminded me of our regular pre-Covid events, and gladdened my heart. And it was a good turnout – Angliss Discovery saw more than 80 brands and global gourmet suppliers, representing some of the world’s best food and drink.
As the title of the event suggests, the theme was on looking to the future with optimism, not only in terms of food issues such as sustainability, organic and vegan products, but also on harnessing technology for greater business connectivity. An example of the latter point was the launch of a B2B e-platform, which was very well received. We also staged a culinary competition, a regular feature on these kinds of occasions.
More than just spotlighting and promoting products and suppliers, however, the reason we value and invest in these kinds of events is because of the importance we place in bringing the food industry together. Angliss has long led the way in Hong Kong’s F&B industry in providing both a forum for sharing ideas and experiences and platform for professional chefs to demonstrate their creativity and skills.
You can read the full Angliss Discovery report on P26. In this issue, you will find the usual mix of interviews and news featuring creative and innovative industry professionals, including our cover story with Simon So of Clarence in Hong Kong, a determined and inspirational chef making a real name for himself.
Enjoy the issue, and here’s to a bright future!
較早前,大家殷切期盼的「安得利美饌巡禮 2023」已於 3 月份 舉行,來自各行各業的參加者均藉此機會互相交流,盡情享受 活動的每一刻精彩。
我很高興能夠在活動中與合作已久的持份者、客戶和供應商歡 談暢聚,同時認識了不少新的合作夥伴。期間,一眾參加者與 我們同事均展現出無比的活力和熱情,當中的熱鬧氣氛,讓大 家都恍如置身在疫情爆發前定期舉辦的公司活動中,讓我深感 雀躍。今年的「安得利美饌巡禮」有 80 多個品牌以及全球美食
供應商參與,為活動帶來世界各地部分最優質的餐飲美饌, 讓參加者讚嘆不已。
今年活動的主題是積極開拓美好明天。除了探討可持續發展、 有機及素食產品等食品議題外,亦希望透過科技提升企業間的 聯繫,當中的例子包括推出備受好評的 B2B 電子平台。此外, 我們亦一如以往地在活動中舉辦了一場烹飪比賽。
Johnny Kang CEO - Asia一直以來,我們都重視並積極投資這類活動。這是因為除了 希望能夠重點向大家介紹各種產品和供應商外,亦致力提供 機會,讓飲食業界仝人能夠相聚交流。安得利在香港餐飲業 一直處於領先地位,不僅為業界提供了一個分享意見和經驗的 論壇,亦營造了讓專業廚師展示創意和烹飪技巧的平台。
有關今年「安得利美饌巡禮」的完整報導,請細閱本期雜誌的 第 26 頁。
我們將會在今期雜誌繼續為大家帶來一系列業界專業人員的 專訪,以及他們如何不斷發揮創意。當中,透過 Clarence 行 政總廚 Simon So 的封面故事,我們將會了解一下這位堅毅不 屈且富感染力的廚師,如何創造一個屬於自己的烹飪世界。
希望大家喜歡今期雜誌,並祝願業界能夠攜手共創美好明天! 江文喜
Editor in Chief / 總編輯 : Daniel Creffield
Editor / 編輯 : Vivian Lau
Project Manager / 項目统籌 : Wisteria Lo
Creative Director / 設計及藝術總監 : Fanky Fu
Translation / 翻譯 : Spear Translation
Foodtalk is published quarterly by Angliss Hong Kong Food Service Ltd.
2023 © Copyright Angliss Hong Kong Food Service Ltd
All rights reserved
2023 © 安得利香港餐飲有限公司
Published by:
Angliss Hong Kong Food Service
47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T. Hong Kong
T. +852 2481 5111
F. +852 2489 8861 info@angliss.com.hk www.angliss.com.hk
電話 +852 2481 5111
傳真 +852 2489 8861
info@angliss.com.hk www.angliss.com.hk
An introduction from CEO - Asia
Angliss Discovery 2023 finally took place in Hong Kong, drawing hundreds of excited attendees and numerous international brands
After getting “hooked” on pastry from an early age, the Vietnamese native studied and honed her art before returning to her roots to open a shop
In a world where chefs constantly strive to discover the next big thing, it is reassuring that humble ice cream continues to delight millions
As the chef and owner of two successful operations, Brehm is also a thought leader, activist and philosopher on life and all things F&B
The divine salted egg flavour is finally catching on in the West, after delighting diners in Asia for generations
Events, shows and F&B openings in Greater China and around the world
While Simon So, Executive Chef, Clarence, has enjoyed a fast-track ascent into the upper echelons of the culinary world, the vision and determination that got him there has been entirely of his own making
FT (Foodtalk): As a Chinese chef, why did you decide to go the route of French cuisine? Did you know that was the culinary path you wanted to take from the beginning of your career?
SS (Simon So): French is considered the backbone of many cuisines in the Western world. I have always admired the finesse and elegance of French cuisine and love that ingredients should be seasonal, fresh, and rich in flavour with a lot of depth. French cooking techniques are legendary and timeless, and for me the best, which is why I knew early on that this was the route I wanted to go. If you ask people who they consider to be the world’s most famous chefs, most will mention names such as Paul Bocuse, Alain Ducasse, Auguste Escoffier,
在烹飪事業上平步青雲的 Clarence 行政總廚 Simon So,全憑自己的遠見和毅力,開創出 今天所取得的成就
FT (Foodtalk): 身為一位華人廚師,為什麼你會選擇以法國菜 式來發展自己的事業?入行初期,你是否已希望成為一位法國 菜大廚?
SS (Simon So): 法國菜有「西餐之首」的美譽,那高貴 優雅的特質,以及當中所選用的時令、新鮮、香濃以及豐富 食材,一直都讓我深深著迷。此外,法式烹飪技巧源遠流長、 歷久常新,在我心目中擁有無可取代的地位。因此,雖然最 初讓我對西式美食產生興趣的是意大利菜,但入行不久便決 定朝著成為法國菜大廚的方向進發。假如要大家挑選出全球 最著名的廚師,相信大部份人都會選 Paul Bocuse、Alain Ducasse、Auguste Escoffier、Joël Robuchon 這些來自法
Joël Robuchon – all French! Although what got me into Western cuisine in the first place was actually my interest in Italian food.
FT: You seem to have had something of a charmed career, starting as a chef with Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group, then as a sous chef at L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon Hong Kong, sous chef at Seasons by Olivier, head chef at W Hotels and chef de cuisine at L'Envol at St. Regis Hong Kong! How did you score such great gigs?
SS: It’s true I have been fortunate to work at an impressive lists of establishments! I began my career at Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong’s Pierre before moving on to L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon Hong Kong as sous chef. Progressing at both these world-renowned restaurants required a lot of hard work, late nights, and a few sacrifices along the way to get me to where I am now. But I am thankful to have had these experiences. I am also grateful to have met Chef Olivier Elzer, who I have gone on to work with at W Hotels, as chef de cuisine at L'Envol at St. Regis Hong Kong and now here at Clarence.
FT: 一直以來,你的事業似乎都發展得相當順利,最初先在文 華東方酒店集團擔任廚師,然後分別在香港的 L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon 擔任副主廚、在 Seasons by Olivier 擔任副 主廚、W 酒店的總廚,以及香港瑞吉酒店 L'Envol 的主廚! 你是如何開創出如此驕人的事業旅程?
SS: 能夠在眾多甚具規模的企業中工作,我當然感到相當 幸運!我在香港文華東方酒店的 Pierre 餐廳展開烹飪事業,
然後轉職到 L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon 擔任副主廚。要在 這些世界知名的餐廳裡得到晉升機會,便需要日以繼夜地努力 工作,期間還要作出一些犧牲,這才讓我取得今天的一點 成績。與此同時,我很珍惜這些寶貴的工作經驗,並且很感恩 能夠在 W 酒店工作期間、在香港瑞吉酒店 L'Envol 擔任主廚以 及目前在 Clarence 工作時遇上主廚 Olivier Elzer,讓我倆能 夠一直合作無間。
FT: 事業路上,你經常與主廚 Olivier Elzer 緊密合作,可否描 述一下你們之間的關係?
SS: 我與主廚 Olivier 已共事了超過 14 年,彼此之間亦師 亦友,同時心中很感激他的教誨。由於我們默契十足,再加 上擁有共同的理念,因此這種化學作用讓我們能夠一直並肩 作戰。Olivier 除了教曉我傳統法國菜的烹飪技巧外,更將亞洲
French cooking techniques are legendary and timeless, and for me the best, which is why I knew early on that this was the route I wanted to goMain Dining Room
FT: Can you describe your relationship with Chef Olivier Elzer, who you have enjoyed a close working relationship with for much of your career?
SS: I have worked with Chef Olivier for over 14 years, am grateful for his guidance and regard him as a mentor and friend. We have enjoyed a great working relationship due to this chemistry – we understand each other and execute a shared vision. More than just teaching me classic French culinary techniques, he has also redefined French food for me, combining his Asian influence. It is truly inspiring and exciting to be part of this shared journey. When he created his own brand, I was asked to head up the kitchen team – of course I said yes! I feel blessed to be entrusted by Chef Elzer to help manage Clarence and lead the team.
FT: You opened your own restaurant, Bellis Café, in 2021. What made you want to do this and what were the main takeaways from the experience?
SS: It had always been a dream to open my own restaurant, and through Bellis Cafe I wanted to showcase my culinary journey. I enjoyed the experience of being able to make my own decisions: from designing the restaurant, to creating a menu. I also loved welcoming back regular guests and learning from them through their feedback. I would have continued except I received an offer I could not refuse to work here at Clarence!
FT: What are the main differences working as a chef de cuisine and head chef at a hotel compared to your executive chef role at Clarence?
SS: Our aim at L'Envol was to create a fine dining establishment with Michelin star ambitions, but given that it is part of a major international hotel group, there are certain formalities and approval processes that need to be observed. Of course we did succeed in achieving two stars. Here at Clarence, however, as it’s an independent restaurant, it allows for more freedom. We can make quick decisions on a variety of issues, and stay with our original culinary concept without needing to modify it, if we decide.
菜式的烹飪心得融入其中,讓我能以另一個角度重新認識法式 美食。能夠在烹飪旅途中與他結伴同行,真的讓我獲益良多。
當 Olivier 創立自己的品牌時,他更邀請我協助管理餐廳的烹飪 團隊,我當然義不容辭!能夠得到主廚 Olivier Elzer 的賞識以 協助管理 Clarence 和餐廳團隊,我感到無比榮幸。
FT: 你在 2021 年開設了自己的餐廳 Bellis Café。是什麼原因
推動你有這個舉動,以及你在過程中有什麼得著? SS: 一直以來,擁有自己的餐廳是我的夢想,我希望透過 Bellis Café 讓大家認識我的烹飪歷程。不論是設計餐廳還是創 作菜式,我都很享受能夠親力親為。另外,我亦很喜歡招待餐 廳的常客,並且聽取他們的意見,從中學習。除非未來有一份 令我難以抗拒的工作,否則相信我會繼續留在 Clarence!
Progressing at both these world-renowned restaurants
[Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong’s Pierre and L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon Hong Kong] required a lot of hard work, late nights, and a few sacrifices along the way to get me to where I am now
FT: There are three main culinary concepts at Clarence, ‘Raw & Wine’, ‘Yakifrenchy’, and ‘On the Bone’. Can you briefly describe the thinking behind them, and why they work so well?
SS: The ‘Raw & Wine’ section showcases a variety of French seafood using different marination techniques, which we serve as a fresh and light start to the dining experience, matched with great wines. The patented concept ‘Yakifrenchy’, as the name suggests, is classic French cuisine inspired by Japanese yakitori techniques. Cooked on a robata barbecue and served on skewers, it is a unique way to present dishes such as Burgundy snails, mussels and veal cheek. Because Clarence is a more casual dining concept, ‘On the Bone’ enables us to cook whole pieces of meat and fish which can be
FT: 在酒店中任職主廚及總廚,在與 Clarence 擔任行政總廚有 什麼主要分別?
SS: 在 L'Envol,我們的目標是建立一間能夠獲取米芝蓮星級榮 譽的高級餐廳。然而由於 L'Envol 是大型國際酒店集團的旗下 餐廳,因此工作時我們需要遵從某些規則和審批程序。當然, 餐廳最終亦能榮獲二星級榮譽。相反,由於 Clarence 是一間 獨立經營的餐廳,因此我們擁有較大的自由度,在各方面都可 以迅速作決定;同時若我們認為適當,亦可一直沿用餐廳原有 的概念,無需刻意為市場改變。
FT: Clarence 設有三個主要的餐飲概念,分別是「Raw & Wine」、「Yakifrenchy」和「On the Bone」。你可否詳細 地描述這些概念背後的構思,以及它們的成功因素是什麼? SS: 「Raw & Wine」這個概念透過不同的醃製技巧,再配合 優質的葡萄酒來提供各種法式海鮮美食,當中著重的是新鮮輕
served at the centre of the table for sharing. This also pays tribute to Chinese culinary culture, which centres around sharing great food with family and friends. On a more technical level, cooking meat and fish on the bone – whether steamed, grilled over charcoal or deep fried – also helps retain moisture. And showcasing it in this way looks beautiful as well.
FT: What does the future hold for Clarence? In a culinarily competitive city, how do you embrace creativity while balancing the bottom line?
SS: Using local and seasonal ingredients is an important part of Clarence’s culinary concept. We also maintain a good relationship with our suppliers to ensure we don’t compromise on creativity and taste while balancing the bottom line. It’s important to travel as much as you can to be inspired by all the amazing cuisine out there,
一種以日式烤雞肉串技巧作為靈感的經典法式美食。當中我們 獨特地以串燒方式,在爐端燒上烤製勃艮第田螺、貽貝和小牛 頰肉。至於「On the Bone」這個概念,由於 Clarence 的經 營理念是要為賓客營造一種輕鬆的餐飲體驗,因此我們會烹煮 整片肉塊和魚身,並且放在餐桌中間供大家一起享用,這種用 餐方式亦是向與家人好友一同分享美食的中國飲食文化致敬。 從烹調技巧來看,無論是蒸煮、炭燒還是油炸,對於連骨一起 烹製的肉塊及魚身來說,一方面既能保留食物中的水份,另一 方面亦能令菜式擁有更精美的賣相。
FT: 展望未來,Clarence 將會有什麼發展計劃?香港的餐飲業 競爭激烈,你怎樣能夠一邊保持創意,一邊為餐廳創造營利? SS: 對 Clarence 的餐飲概念而言,運用本地和時令食材是相 當重要的一環。此外,我們亦需要與供應商保持良好的合作 關係,以確保在顧及餐廳的營收之餘,亦不會忽視菜式的創意 和味道。可行的話,我們亦必須到訪世界各地以品嚐當地的
As a chef, you can pick up lots of great ideas from the global culinary scene, especially in how different cultures use spices or techniques to elevate an ingredientRaw and Wine bar
whether fine dining or more casual. As a chef, you can pick up lots of great ideas from the global culinary scene, especially in how different cultures use spices or techniques to elevate an ingredient. I'm excited to explore and learn from others and bring that back to Clarence. In the meantime we are planning some more fine dining style ideas, working on a Alsace food promotion – Alsace is Chef Olivier’s hometown – all while maintaining the reputation for quality we enjoy.
FT: What is your favourite food to cook and eat with family and friends? And non-French cuisine you enjoy cooking and eating? Any other hobbies?
SS: When not working I like visiting Chinese restaurants to enjoy dim sum with my family and cha chaan teng cafes. Chatting over good food provides a moment of peace. I also like cooking Chinese food and pasta at home, and studying and acquiring professional industry skills, such as baking and pastry making. Other than food, I am learning to play the piano, and am now level 5, and am working to get my diving licence.
菜式,不論是高級餐點還是平民化美食,都是值得我們參考的 素材。身為廚師,環球美食能為我們帶來源源不絕的靈感, 尤其是了解不同文化如何利用香料或烹調技巧來帶出食材的 味道。我很高興能夠四處探索不同的美食,然後將學到的知識 回饋 Clarence。與此同時,我們正計劃各種不同的高級餐飲 構思,包括舉辦阿爾薩斯(阿爾薩斯是主廚 Olivier 的家鄉) 美食推廣活動,並且繼續憑著備受推崇的食物質素為客人呈獻 各種菜式。
FT: 當與家人和朋友在一起時,你最喜歡烹調和享用什麼 菜式?除了法式美食外,你還喜歡烹調和品嚐什麼食物? 你有任何其他嗜好嗎?
SS: 工餘時間,我喜歡與家人一起到中式酒樓品嚐點心,而茶 餐廳亦是我的最愛。與三五知己閒聊美食,已是賞心樂事。
我亦喜歡在家中烹調中式美食和意粉,以及學習一些專業的烹 飪知識,例如烘焙和糕點製作。除了美食之外,我正在學習彈 鋼琴,並已經達到 5 級水平;此外亦正努力考取潛水執照。
Using local and seasonal ingredients is an important part of Clarence’s culinary concept
Fried chicken is the world’s guilty culinary pleasure, and in her new book, famed Hong Kong food writer Susan Jung offers dozens of recipes to delight fans of the delicious treat
It’sdifficult to find anyone who can resist fried chicken. The downfall of many a slimmer (and equal numbers of vegetarians), while we all know it may not be the healthiest of foods, there’s something about its crispy surface yet yielding interior that makes it irresistible.
In her latest cookbook, Kung Pao & Beyond –Fried Chicken Recipes from East and Southeast Asia, renowned food writer Susan Jung recalls where she first acquired a taste for the globally adored snack (and possibly inspiration for this chicken inspired bible many years later). The first time was as a child, sampling an uncle's recipe, which led to having the dish cold as a study snack during her time at college.
Kung Pao features 60 ways to create your perfect version of fried chicken. Tantalising recipes include Malaysian Ayam Goreng Mamak; Taiwanese Night Market Chicken; nuggets dusted with a sweet-savoury-spicy seasoned salt and served with fried basil leaves; Thai-Flavoured Chicken with Lemongrass & Mint; Korean Fire Chicken; Vietnamese Butter Wings; Japanese Karaage and many more.
With something for everyone, the sublimely crisp, crunchy and spicy recipes take this humble fast food to a whole new level, so chicken lovers can enjoy their addiction at home whenever the craving strikes.
Jung began her career as a pastry chef and worked in hospitality all over the world, and most notably as food editor for the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong for many years. She is currently food editor at Vogue Hong Kong where she continues to thrill readers with her creative and delicious recipes.
面對著炸雞這種令人難以抗拒的美食,無論是追求健康還是以素食為主的 人士,都只能欲拒還迎。雖然大家都知道炸雞並不是十分健康的食物, 但那酥脆的外層以及鮮嫩的肉質,卻的確叫人垂涎三尺。
著名美食作家 Susan Jung 在她的全新食譜《Kung Pao & Beyond –Fried Chicken Recipes from East and Southeast Asia(宮保雞丁與 各式雞肉美食 — 來自東亞及東南亞的炸雞食譜)》中,憶述了小時候首 次品嚐由叔叔所炮製的這款小食,後來更在大學期間將這款風靡全球的美 食製成冷盤,一邊溫書學習,一邊當作零食(多年後的今天,更賦予她靈 感以創作這本以雞肉為主題的美食天書)。
《Kung Pao》介紹了 60 種製作完美炸雞的方法,當中包括馬來西亞嘛嘛 檔炸雞、台灣夜市炸雞、佐以香炸羅勒葉並灑上兼具甜鹹辣味的淮鹽 雞塊、泰式香茅薄荷雞、韓式燒雞、越南牛油雞翼,以及日式炸雞塊等。
食譜中介紹的美食老少咸宜,當中的各式香炸、鬆脆和辛辣美食,將大眾 化的快餐食品昇華至一個全新的境界。每當大家急不及待想一嚐炸雞的滋 味時,只要參考這本天書,便可以安坐家中大快朵頤。
Susan 入行初期曾經擔任糕點師,並曾在全球各地的酒店中工作,而最 為人熟知的,便是多年來為香港《南華早報》擔任美食編輯。目前,她是 Vogue Hong Kong 的美食編輯,繼續透過創意十足的美味食譜,為讀者 帶來源源不絕的驚喜。
作者 :
Jung, Quadrille 炸雞是一種讓人又愛又恨的美食 -- 著名香港美食作家
Susan Jung 在她的新書中,為喜歡美食的讀者們帶來了 幾十款精緻食譜Susan Jung, Quadrille
Benjamin Lim, Executive Chef at Four Seasons Hotel Macao, discusses how he is able to manage restaurants including Belcanção, Xiao Ting, Splash, Ohte, Vista 38 and Zi Yat Heen, while finding time to create what sounds like Asia’s best burgers and ice cream
FT(Foodtalk): You have had a successful career as a chef, but your career almost went a very different way, because of your interest in joining the military. Can you explain how that happened?
BL(Benjamin Lim): It was a childhood dream to enlist in the military, and shortly after I started working in the kitchen, I had to do mandatory military service,
澳門四季酒店行政總廚林俊發與我們分享了他如何 一方面管理鳴詩、曉亭、撲滿、王手、薈景38和 紫逸軒餐廳,一方面騰出時間研製堪稱為亞洲最佳 的漢堡和雪糕
FT(Foodtalk): 身為大廚,你的烹飪事業相當成功,可是由於 對參軍充滿熱誠,令你幾乎改變了你的仕途。你可否分享一下 當中的經歷?
BL(Benjamin Lim): 參軍是我小時候的夢想,長大後剛從事廚 房工作不久,我便需要履行服兵役的義務,心想正好藉此機會 體驗一下軍人的工作。然而,過了不久我便發現自己無論是思 維還是體力,都並不適合參軍,因此過了短短的軍人生涯後, 很快便重返廚房工作!
which presented the perfect opportunity to try it as a career. It soon became clear, however, that my talents and physical boundaries lay outside the military, so that experience was brief, and it was quickly back into the kitchen!
FT: You learned a lot from Julien Bompard, the former Raffles Hotel Executive Chef, when you joined his new restaurant Le Saint Julien. Famously old school in his tough attitude to his staff, what was your secret to earning his respect?
BL: There was no single, ‘secret’ method to working in his kitchen. You had to concentrate hard, maintain a positive outlook and be professional. Professional kitchens have always been this way, and always will. Chef Julien was very transparent and willing to discuss how the whole restaurant should be operated rather than just the kitchen. His enthusiasm for food and drink was infectious. During this time, restaurants lacked the glamour of social media, and enjoyed little or no mainstream media attention. We all went in every day because we knew it would make us better cooks. Everyone was committed to what they did.
FT: You spent over three years at the legendary Burj Al Arab in Dubai. What did you learn there and what were your main takeaways from the experience?
BL: Working at the Burj Al Arab is unlike anywhere else. I was there during Dubai’s huge economic and tourism boom, and tourists were all big spenders in search of unique culinary experiences. We tailored these with the best products and ingredients available. Minimal boundaries made this more challenging, and placed me in situations requiring much creative thinking, which positively affected my approach to cooking today.
FT: Being part of several opening teams must have given you an insight into these kinds of challenges. What would you say is key to a successful opening?
BL: While organisation and detailed planning are key elements, the soul of a successful opening is motivation. Being in charge of an opening requires you to motivate yourself and the people around you. When the team feels the leader's intensity and passion for success, it automatically translates into their own. The chef sets the tone and the standards, and it is essential to bring that same energy daily.
FT: 當加入主廚 Julien Bompard 所開設的新餐廳 Le Saint Julien 時,你從這位萊佛士酒店的前行政總廚身上學到了不少 東西。這位主廚素來以對員工要求嚴格而聞名,你憑著什麼秘 訣而贏得他的認同?
BL: 在大廚 Julien 的廚房裡工作,並沒有單一的「成功秘訣」。 你必須集中精神,孜孜不倦,並且時刻以積極和專業的態度工作。 事實上,在廚房這個專業的工作環境裡,廚師從古至今都需要 擁有積極和專業的工作態度。大廚 Julien 為人開明,並且樂意
與團隊討論以找出廚房以至整間餐廳的最佳運作方式。他對飲 食的熱誠感染了身邊的同事。那時候,餐廳仍未透過社交媒體 進行宣傳,同時亦很少甚至完全沒有受到主流媒體的關注。 話雖如此,我們每天都努力做好自己的份內事,只有這樣, 才能讓自己成為更出色的廚師。
FT: 你在杜拜的地標帆船酒店工作了超過三年。你在哪裡學到 什麼,從中有什麼重要得著?
BL: 在杜拜的帆船酒店裡工作給我與別不同的體驗。當時杜拜 的經濟與旅遊業正蓬勃地發展,旅客都願意大灑金錢來尋求獨
Working professionally as a chef not only means cooking, but being able to work as a team with different personalities from different cultures
FT: You have worked for almost eight years with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts in Macau. Can you explain what appeals to you about the group, and Macau itself?
BL: Four Seasons invests heavily in its people, including ongoing and personalised training support for career development. The company is known for providing global opportunities to team members. Most notable is the emphasis on creating a positive and supportive work culture, with a focus on collaboration, tolerance and mutual respect. Macau may be small, but there is so much to experience here. The rich mix of cultures is exciting and sometimes reminds me of my home country, Singapore. The local dining scene is ever-changing and there are many local restaurants to try.
FT: Being responsible for all culinary operations, including seven dining outlets, and overseeing over 140 chefs, must be challenging! How do you manage the workload, and deal with the constant pressure?
BL: Building firm trust with my team is essential. Running daily operations requires much attention in all areas, which needs help to achieve. It takes a motivated team of like-minded individuals who want to achieve daily set goals, which is important for everyone's progression. I am incredibly grateful for the team, who I collaborate with not only in the kitchen but throughout the hotel.
FT: As someone well-known for wanting to acquire as much knowledge as possible about every aspect of hospitality operations, would you say this is how you have progressed so quickly in your career? Or are there other factors?
BL: It may seem cliché, but I love what I do, and this motivates me daily. There are challenging days, but if you can take it on the chin and move on, it makes life more manageable. Adopting an attitude of constantly wanting to learn new things makes everything much more enjoyable at work.
FT: You have said you do not have a ‘signature dish’ as such, but you have a reputation for almost obsessive R&D. What dishes have you helped create that have made you most proud?
BL: This is a difficult question, but if I were to choose, I am most proud of my ice creams. Something as seemingly simple as ice cream is in fact very technical and complex. A single flavour can comprise multiple recipes and techniques yielding almost infinite results. Vanilla ice cream can taste very different depending on the milk used, or the addition of custard, creams and sugars. All affect the final product. Even though the aim is to have a smooth and rich end product, there are multiple ways of achieving this. It is more satisfying creating a new flavour when compared to making other things – maybe because there is something fun about eating ice cream!
一無二的美食體驗。因此,我們致力以最佳的菜式和食材來滿 足旅客的需要。然而,由於旅客的要求沒有既定的準則,因此 令工作變得更具挑戰,並且需要我發揮更強的創意思維;但同 時這個經歷亦為我今天的烹飪工作帶來了正面的影響。
FT: 身為幾間餐廳的開業團隊的成員,想必你已有獨特的方法 來應付當中的挑戰。在開業階段,你認為成功的關鍵是什麼? BL: 開業期間,雖然周全的安排和詳細的規劃是必要元素, 但成功的關鍵卻在於團隊的原動力。負責管理開業工作,你需 要鞭策自己以及身邊共事的團隊成員。當團隊成員感受到領袖 對成功的渴望和追求時,便會潛移默化地化為自己的原動力。 主廚的工作是訂立方向和標準,並且必須保持團隊的幹勁。
FT: 你在澳門的四季酒店及度假村已工作了差不多八年,可否 分享一下澳門和這個集團有什麼吸引之處?
BL: 四季酒店投放了大量資源培育人才,包括提供持續和針對 性的培訓支援,讓員工發展出理想的事業。公司其中一個廣為 人知的優點,是積極地為團隊成員提供國際性的工作機會, 同時最重要的是營造積極和互相扶持的工作文化,注重團隊合 作精神,使同事間能互相包容和尊重。雖然澳門地方不大, 但卻蘊藏著各種精彩的體驗。各種文化的交匯,讓我想起家鄉 新加坡。此外,澳門的餐飲文化日新月異,很多本地餐廳都值 得一試。
FT: What advice would you give young people entering the industry today? And what changes have you observed since you began your career?
BL: Enjoy what you do. I come across many young people who tell me they enjoy cooking. However, cooking at home or for social gatherings is very different compared to a career in a professional environment. Many people's perception of being a chef is like the television cooking shows! But cooking for a living is not as glamorous as mainstream and social media make it out to be. It is a
FT: 工作期間,你需要負責餐飲方面的所有營運工作,包括管 理七間餐廳以及 140 多位廚師,相信當中甚具挑戰性!你是 以什麼方法來應付沉重的工作量,以及排解接連不斷的工作 壓力?
BL: 我認為首先必須與團隊建立牢固的信任關係。在日常營運 期間,由於我需要其他同事協助以處理每一個範疇的細節, 因此便需要組建一個積極且擁有共同理念的團隊,並且共同設 定每天的目標,讓大家按照進度完成工作。我非常感謝團隊的 每一位成員,除了一起在廚房工作外,在整間酒店的運作上我 們亦同樣合作無間。
There was no single, ‘secret’ method of working in Julien Bompard’s kitchen. You had to concentrate hard, maintain a positive outlook and be professional. It has always been this way, and always willXiao Ting
lot more than making a plate pretty and colourful, and mainly comprises heavy lifting and repetitive work, where self-motivation and interest fuel you daily. Working professionally as a chef not only means cooking, but being able to work as a team with different personalities from different cultures. You have to be able to work under pressure and consistently meet deadlines. Do not expect to be taught, but be the one to initiate your learning. Always ask questions and never be afraid to make mistakes. This is how we learn: doing difficult things that take us out of our comfort zones.
FT: You have commented that your favourite dish, surprisingly, is a cheeseburger. Can you give us a recipe for the perfect burger?
BL: Season minced beef with salt and roll it into balls each weighing maximum 100 grams. Place the beef balls on a hot pan with oil and press them until you have a roughly 1cm thick patty. Let it cook. Once it is nicely caramelised, turn off the fire, flip the patty, and let the residual heat cook it through. While the pan is hot, add cheddar cheese
FT: 大家都知道你一直盡力學習酒店營運中不同範疇的工作。
能在事業發展中扶搖直上,你認為這是箇中原因嗎?還是當中 有其他因素?
BL: 雖然聽起來是陳腔濫調,但我的確喜歡學習,這亦是每天 推動我進步的原因。工作中無可避免會遇到挑戰,但是如果能 夠勇於面對並繼續向前,便會令人生更有意義。保持一直學習 新事物的心態,便能盡情享受工作中的一點一滴。
FT: 雖然你認為自己並沒有專屬的「招牌菜式」,但是你所研 發的新菜式皆備受推崇。在你有份創作的菜式中,有哪些是最 讓你感到自豪?
BL: 這問題有點兒難倒我,但是真的要我選擇,我認為是自己 創作的雪糕。雪糕這類看似簡單的食物,事實上相當講求技巧 和心思。一種口味可能蘊含著多種烹調方法和技巧,繼而產生 千變萬化的菜式。使用不同的牛奶,又或者添加不同份量的 奶黃、忌廉和糖,都可以令雲尼拿雪糕有截然不同的味道, 最終令食物具有不同的特色。雖然目標都是要製作出又香又滑 的雪糕產品,當中卻有數之不盡的方法來達到此目標。可能製 作雪糕本身就是一件充滿樂趣的事,因此能夠創作出令人喜歡 的新口味,比任何一切都來得更有成功感!
FT: 你有什麼建議可以提供給投身餐飲業界的年青後輩?自從 加入餐飲業後,你認為業界有什麼改變?
BL: 我的建議是享受你的工作。我接觸過很多說自己喜歡下廚 的年青人。可是,在家中或為朋友下廚,與在專業的廚房中工 作有著天壤之別。很多人都以為廚師的工作,就如烹飪節目中 所看到的那樣輕鬆!以烹飪為職業,並不如主流傳媒和社交媒 體所描述般那麼多姿多彩。相反,當中除了需要將菜式弄得美 侖美奐外,大部分時間都涉及一些繁重和不斷重複的工作, 因此每天都需要自我鞭策和對工作保持熱誠。除了下廚外, 身為一位專業廚師更需要與來自不同文化背景,具有不同性格 的團隊成員合作,並且需要在壓力下於限期前完成工作。 此外,你亦不要期望有人會從旁指導你,相反應該努力學習, 勇於發問,並且敢於從錯誤中尋找答案。挑戰難度,離開舒 適區,便是我們的學習之道。
on each patty and let it melt. I would pan fry the buns instead of toasting them to avoid drying them out.
If you want to be extravagant, coat each side of the bun with olive oil and generously coat with shaved parmesan cheese, then pan fry it. What happens is that the parmesan melts to create a thin crust that gives the bun a little crunch – simple but extraordinary. When building the burger, apply each patty with an equal amount of tomato ketchup and simple yellow mustard. Add some chopped white onions, squeezed with a little lemon juice to take away the spicy, sulphuric flavour. Finally, the secret ingredient to a perfect burger (and life generally) is adding a few slices of bacon.
FT: 你曾經指你最喜歡的菜式竟然是芝士漢堡。你認為怎樣才 能製作出一個完美的漢堡飽? BL: 我的方法是將切碎的牛肉用鹽調味,然後將牛肉滾成每個 重量不超過 100 克的球狀。將這些牛肉球放在已加入油的熱 鍋中,並壓成約 1 厘米厚的肉餅,讓其煮熟。當牛肉變成金黃 色時,便關上爐火並翻轉肉餅,以餘熱烹煮。當煎鍋仍熱時, 在每片肉餅上加入車打芝士,並讓芝士融化。此外,我喜歡使 用平底鍋來煎熟而不是烤熟麵包,以防止麵包變乾。假如希望 奢華一點,你可以在麵包的每一面塗上橄欖油以及加上大量巴 馬臣芝士,再用平底鍋煎煮。這個簡單卻獨特的做法,會令巴 馬臣芝士融化成一層薄薄的外皮,令麵包帶點鬆脆感。當將各 種材料組合成漢堡時,在每片肉餅上塗上相等份量的茄汁和芥 末醬,並且加入一些洋蔥粒,以及擠一點檸檬汁以去除刺鼻的 硫磺味。最後,製作完美漢堡的秘方,便是加入幾片煙肉 (本身品嚐煙肉已是人生一大樂事)。
It may seem cliché, but I love what I do, and this motivates me daily. There are challenging days, but if you can take it on the chin and move on, it makes life more manageableOhte Ramen
DeCecco has been producing some of the world’s best pasta for almost 150 years, based on an ancient recipe it still employs, combined with modern production methods
That Italy is overflowing with producers of great quality pasta is a given. However, in a sea of spaghetti, fettuccine, fusilli, macaroni, ravioli and linguine, several manufacturers stand out for their quality, passion and legacy.
One of the leaders in this highly competitive field is DeCecco, which started milling in 1831 at Fara San Martino before progressing into fully-fledged pasta-making in 1886. From the very beginning,
DeCecco 將古法秘方與現代生產模式結合,接近 150 年來致力為全球帶來最優質的意大利粉
在意大利,一流的意大利粉生產商可謂比比皆是。然而,若然再細 分為意式幼麵、闊條麵、螺絲粉、通心粉、方形雲吞和扁意粉等眾 多不同類型意大利粉的話,則只有幾間生產商能憑著優質的產品、 用心的製作,以及世代傳承的精神而脫穎而出,備受推崇。
雖然意粉廠商之間的競爭相當激烈,但 DeCecco 卻能傲視同儕, 成為其中一個首屈一指的意粉品牌。這間意粉生產商於 1831 年在 法拉聖馬蒂諾設立磨粉廠,並在 1886 年起以成熟的技術生產意大 利粉。公司成立初期,DeCecco 家族明白到在這個意粉與宗教具 有同等崇高地位的國家,製作意粉的每一個工序、每一種原材料, 以至工匠們的生產技術,都必須達到盡善盡美,才有機會成為業界 的佼佼者。
the DeCecco family understood that in a country where pasta is akin to a religion, every element of the process, from raw materials to the skill of its artisans, would have to be the very best.
The most common question the company is asked is its secret to the quality of its pasta. Its response is always the same: there is no secret, just a total commitment to quality. The DeCecco method of production has remained unchanged, based on a recipe dating back more than 130 years. The method, combined with modern production techniques and global distribution network, has made DeCecco a market leader and symbol of Italian quality.
The company starts with the best durum wheat from Italy and around the world. It puts the wheat through a coarse-grind mill, which preserves the integrity of the gluten for a pasta which is always al dente, or firm to the bite, when cooked. The dough is kneaded with cold mountain water at a temperature below 15°C, so the pasta retains its firmness during cooking.
A traditional rough-extrusion process gives the pasta the perfect porosity to better hold sauces, while slow drying at low temperatures preserves the pasta’s organoleptic and nutritional qualities. The unique know-how of ancient pastamaking traditions, combined with strict quality control procedures ensure a consistently perfect product.
This attention to detail has seen DeCecco successfully penetrate the world’s major markets, with a complete range of pasta and Italian cuisine in over than 100 markets.
一直以來,外界都希望知道這間公司在生產優質意粉背後的秘方, 但它們卻一如既往地表示:「我們只是不斷精益求精,沒有任何秘訣 可言」。DeCecco 所採用的生產方法已超過 130 年歷史,多年來都 始終如一。到了今天,透過結合現代化的生產技術和全球分銷網絡, 令 DeCecco 不僅成為了意粉市場的領軍品牌,更是意大利優質產品 的象徵。
DeCecco 從意大利以至全球各地搜羅最頂級的硬粒小麥,並將小麥 放入粗磨機中,使麵筋的原有品質得以保存下來,令煮熟後的意粉耐 嚼卻不會過硬。此外,透過採用低於 15°C 的冰涼山水來揉捏麵團, 使意粉在烹煮時仍能保持應有的韌度。
傳統的粗壓技術,令每條意粉的表面有一些能夠有效鎖住醬汁的 小孔;而在低溫環境下的緩慢風乾程序,則能夠保留意粉的氣味、 色澤、味道、形狀以及營養品質。這些多年傳承下來的獨特製作 秘訣,再加上嚴格的品質監控程序,讓 DeCecco 的產品能夠一直 保持最佳水準。
DeCecco 憑藉這種一絲不苟的精神,成功拓展全球各大主要 市場,為超過 100 個地方帶來一系列種類齊全的意粉和意式美 食產品。
Featuring over 80 international brands, an exciting culinary competition, and big crowd of enthusiastic attendees, the longdelayed Angliss Discovery 2023 was a resounding success
Afterthree years of pandemic curbs, Angliss Discovery 2023 took place on March 16 at Kerry Hotel Hong Kong, where it received a great reception from the industry. Angliss Hong Kong expressed gratitude for the enthusiastic support and participations of all partners, clients, Hong Kong Chef Association (HKCA), US Meat Export Federation, Gingko House and AI Robotics for contributing to the great success of the event.
讓人再三期待的「安得利美饌巡禮 2023」終於完 滿結束,活動有 80 多個國際品牌參與,並且上演 了精彩絕倫的美饌廚藝大賽,為各來賓帶來一次 豐盛的餐飲體驗
經歷了三年的疫情陰霾後,「安得利美饌巡禮 2023」在 3 月 16 日於香港嘉里酒店盛大舉行,吸引了大批業界人士到場 支持。安得利香港衷心感謝所有合作夥伴、客戶、香港廚師 協會(HKCA)、美國肉類出口協會、銀杏館,以及灝鋒智能 機械人的踴躍支持和參與,使今年的活動取得空前成功。
Entitled ‘Angliss Discovery 2023 - Discover our Future
Together’ – the eagerly awaited event saw over 80 brands and international gourmet providers taking part. Attendees were able to see, taste and discuss a wide range of gourmet delicacies from all over the world, with a spotlight on sustainability, traceability, health, organic, vegan and clean, natural products.
Angliss Discovery 2023 featured top chefs who conducted culinary demonstrations and competitions, alongside the introducing of a B2B e-platform which was a major talking point. F&B showcases and tastings
今年,這個讓大家期盼已久,名為「安得 利美饌巡禮 2023 — 共創美好明天」的 活動,合共邀得超過 80 個品牌以及國際 美食供應商參與,讓參加者參觀、品嚐以 及討論多種來自世界各地的佳餚美點。 大會亦主力為大家介紹了多種健康、 有機、素食、潔淨、天然,以及符合可持 續發展和可追溯來源等要求的食材。
「安得利美饌巡禮 2023」亦邀請到多位 頂尖廚師參與比賽,以及活動期間多項廚 藝展示和分享。此外,大會亦引進了一個 全新的 B2B 電子平台,成為現場的討論 焦點。活動中的餐飲展覽和試食環節, 是由安得利香港以及區內多間附屬公司 合辦,當中包括嘉寶食品有限公司、高美 食材有限公司、安機源優質食材有限
were organised by Angliss Hong Kong and its regional subsidiaries during the event, including PastryGlobal, Gourmet Cuisine Hong Kong, Natural & Organic Global, Miumi International Food, Linson Global Seafood and Him Kee.
More than 2,000 food service experts and professionals, including key merchandisers, buyers, chefs, hotel managers, F&B directors, bar and restaurant operators and other industry professionals and VIPs, attended the key networking event.
The event allowed Angliss Hong Kong and its affiliates to share latest news and innovations with their partners and the wider industry, while fostering strong relationships and exchanging information and insights in a dynamic and hospitable environment.
Always seeking greater community involvement, Angliss Discovery 2023 saw Angliss Hong Kong collaborating with social enterprise restaurant group Gingko House to sell limited edition cookies at the event. Ingredients to bake the cookies were sponsored by Angliss Hong Kong, and included the finest butter and chocolate. For every guest purchase, Angliss Hong Kong additionally sponsored HK$30 to top up the donation. A full 100% of the proceeds from sales of the cookies will support charity to promote the employment of the elderly and support under-privileged groups in Hong Kong.
公司、御海國際食品有限公司、隆順環球海產貿易有限公司, 以及謙記食品貿易有限公司。
此外,資深採購員、買家、廚師、酒店經理、餐飲總監、酒吧 及餐廳老闆等超過 2,000 位飲食服務界的專家,以及來自其他 行業的專業人士和嘉賓,均在活動中聚首一堂,藉以互相 認識,建立友好關係。
安得利香港及其附屬公司透過是次活動,分享了他們的最新消 息以及與合作夥伴和整個業界共同取得的創新成果,同時藉著 活動期間輕鬆愉快的氣氛,與各界專業人士深入交流,建立更 緊密的合作關係。
回饋社區 — 愛心曲奇義賣活動 一直以來,安得利都積極貢獻社區,今年更藉著「安得利美饌 巡禮 2023」,與社企餐廳集團銀杏館合作,於活動期間義 賣限量版曲奇。當中用作烘焙曲奇的優質牛油和朱古力,均是 由安得利香港贊助提供。任何來賓只要購買曲奇,均可獲安得 利香港額外贊助 30 港元,為善款加碼。這項義賣活動的所有 收益將會撥捐慈善用途,以協助長者就業以及支援香港的弱勢 社群。
Alongside Angliss Discovery 2023 saw the return of the cooking competition, to delight an appreciative audience
Takingplace as part of Angliss Discovery 2023 was the traditional culinary competition, co-organised by HKCA. It included a Young Professional Chefs category in the morning (using Savoury Choice pork as the main ingredient) and Professional Chefs category in the afternoon (using T. Boer & ZN veal as main ingredient). Superb supplementary ingredients from Elle & Vire, Lamb Weston De Cecco, Mutti, Bone Roasters, were also available to competitors.
Participants were required to cook and present, within 45 minutes, one contemporary Western or Chinese main course dish for three people, individually served, using the selected main ingredients, alongside supplementary ingredients, sauce and garnishes, to create a balanced, tasty on-trend dish.
A panel of influential and respected judges included Calvin Choi, Executive Sous Chef, Regent Hong Kong; Ben Chan, Executive Chef, Woo Cheong Tea House;
與「安得利美饌巡禮 2023」一起見證美饌廚藝大賽 回歸,讓一眾來賓大開眼界
大會在「安得利美饌巡禮 2023」中與香港廚師協會合作,
並按照傳統舉辦了一場美饌廚藝大賽。比賽分為兩個組別, 分別是在早上舉行的青年專業廚師組(以加拿大 Savory Choice 豬肉為主要食材),以及下午的專業廚師組(以荷 蘭 T Boer 的白牛仔肉為主要材料)。另外,大會亦安排了由 Elle & Vire、Lamb Weston、De Cecco、Mutti 以及 Bone Roasters 提供的優質輔助食材供參賽廚師選用。
參賽廚師需要在45 分鐘之內,運用大會選定的主要食材以及其 他輔料、醬汁和配菜,製作一道三人份量的現代西式或中式主 菜,並以獨立方式上菜,從而考驗他們如何炮製出味道均衡而 可口的菜式。
After a hard-fought competition, Henry Lee, of Amber, at The Landmark Mandarin Oriental, came through as Champion in the Young Professional category; while Patrick Lau of Regent Hong Kong was crowned as
大會亦邀請了多位在業界中舉足輕重、備受尊崇的專家擔任 評審,包括香港麗晶酒店行政副總廚蔡俊輝師傅、和昌飯店 行政總廚陳智斌師傅、紅棉行政總㕑邵德龍師傅、Heimat by Peter Find 主廚兼老闆 Peter Find,以及香港安得利餐飲有限
公司常務董事 Rudolf Muller。
Roasted pork loin with herb breadcrumbs, pork & tomato tart, onion confit, celery root puree & sherry wine jus by Henry Lee
Veal Thick Skirt in 3-Ways: Sous vide, tortellini, taco served with pickled vegetables, spinach & green pea puree, red wine veal jus by Patrick Lau
Champion in the Professional category. Henry cooked ‘Pork Loin Two-Ways’, with roasted pork loin with herb breadcrumbs, pork & tomato tart, onion confit, celery root puree & sherry wine jus; while Patrick prepared ‘Veal Thick Skirt in 3-Ways’, including tortellini, tacos served with pickled vegetables, spinach and green pea puree and red wine veal jus.
Prizes included certificates, cash prizes for the winner and runner-up in each category, and gift pack for all contestants. Angliss Hong Kong sincerely thanks the judges and contestants for their support.
經過一番比拼後,置地文華東方酒店 Amber 的李漢輝師傅 成為了青年專業廚師組的優勝者;而香港麗晶酒店的劉栢豪 師傅,則榮獲專業廚師組的冠軍。李師傅的得獎菜式是「豬柳 二食」,當中包括烤香草麵包糠豬柳、豬肉番茄撻、洋葱醬、 芹菜根泥及雪利酒汁;至於劉師傅則炮製了一道「白牛仔 (厚內裙肉)三食」, 當中包括慢煮意式餃子、炸白牛肉塔 可配醃菜、菠菜青豆泥,以及紅酒白牛肉汁。
每個組別的勝出者,都獲大會頒發獎狀和現金獎賞,同時所有 參賽者都獲贈一份禮包。安得利香港衷心感謝各位評審和參賽 者的踴躍參與和支持。
Kasey Doan of Ivoire Pastry Boutique caught the baking bug as a teenager and, as she freely admits, it became an addiction. Since then she has refined her art, before launching her own pastry shop at just 23, which has gone on to widespread acclaim
Photography courtesy Ivoire Pastry Boutique
FT(Foodtalk): Can you describe your journey to where you are now?
KD(Kasey Doan): I actually grew up in a family with no tradition of cooking and baking at home, and no roots in the F&B industry either. Because of that, I didn’t really take much interest in food. It wasn’t until I was about 14 when because of my parents’ long working hours, and stress from school, I first turned to baking to find release. From that point I was hooked. Even though the first cupcake I made was bland, chewy and laughed at by all my friends, my interest spurred me to keep on baking more and better, to the point where it became a daily affair.
糕點店 Ivoire 的店主 Kasey Doan 在十多歲時便
已深深愛上烘焙,同時她亦直接承認製作糕點就是 她生命的一部分。此後,她一直改良烘焙技巧, 在年僅 23 歲時更開設了一間廣受歡迎的糕點店
FT(Foodtalk): 可否描述一下你從小至今的烘焙經歷? KD(Kasey Doan): 我在一個沒有下廚和烘焙背景的家庭中長 大,同時亦沒有任何家人曾經從事餐飲工作,因此小時候沒有 特別對食物產生興趣。直至 14 歲那年,由於父母經常長時間在 外工作,同時自己亦承受著不少來自學業的壓力,因此便嘗試 透過烘焙糕點來舒壓。自此以後,我便深深迷上了烘焙,即使
It became my one true love and obsession, and to prove my ability to my family, I applied and surprisingly got a job at the most famous cupcake bakery in Saigon. It was during my short stint there before university I realied baking was not just a hobby anymore, but what I truly wanted to do as a profession.
Living and studying in Melbourne, Australia was what really solidified this passion. It was the amazingly diverse, creative and innovative culinary scene there that opened my eyes to different cuisines and types of baked goods and cakes, many of which I had never experienced before. It was then I decided to join a culinary school straight out of university and also work at several well-known establishments in the city. Balancing the long school days and working until the early morning was tough but I loved it and on one of my rare days off, I plucked up the courage to walk into the pastry shop of a celebrity chef I had idolised to apply for a job and, to my surprise, got it! For over a year after that my confidence developed and so did my career, but the biggest turning point was when I graduated from culinary school and joined a pastry shop called Bibelot in South Melbourne, where I had the time of my career, surrounded by the best, most nurturing pastry chefs, and learned so much of what I know today.
FT: Why did you leave Australia and return to your Vietnamese roots? What did you hope to achieve?
KD: My initial goal was actually to move to Singapore with my husband and work as a chef for a few more years in order to gain more experience, skills and the confidence to open my own pastry shop. However, I made the decision to stay in Vietnam when an opportunity came along I couldn’t refuse. I was offered a prime, beautiful little space facing the historic Notre Dame Cathedral in Saigon which was simply perfect. With all the help, support and belief of my parents, husband and my dearest friend Dara who were all pivotal in setting up my own pastry shop, IVOIRE was born when I was just 23. The pastry scene in Saigon at the time was still fledgling aside from a couple of establishments, so I wanted to bring something contemporary and unique into the industry without any compromise on quality. To be able to combine flavours
初時做出來的紙杯蛋糕淡而無味,難以入口,甚至被所有朋友 恥笑,但在興趣使然下,除了因不斷努力而令技巧日漸進 步外,烘焙更漸漸成為了我生活的一部分。當時,我已經徹底 陶醉在烘焙的世界裡,為了向家人證明自己的能力,於是便嘗 試在西貢一間著名的紙杯蛋糕店應徵工作,出乎意料地我竟然 獲聘了。在入讀大學前,我在那間烘焙店短暫工作了一段 時間,期間發現烘焙不再只是一項興趣,而是一份真正希望投 身的職業。
在澳洲墨爾本生活和讀書期間,我對烘焙的熱愛有增無減。 澳洲各式各樣的創意料理,讓我認識到多種不同的美食以及林 林總總的烘焙食品和糕點,當中很多更是從未接觸過。大學畢 業後,我決定直接報讀烹飪學校,並且在市內幾間著名的餐廳
As long as you love to be creative and have the guts to try new and unconventional ideas, just go for it! You never know what you might come up with
from different cuisine with a distinctively Vietnamese twist in order to celebrate my roots was also a key factor in what I wanted to create in IVOIRE.
FT: What’s the attraction, and motivation of patisserie?
KD: Among the many different forms of culinary skills, pastry and baking interests me the most as it is akin to an art form. The skill and aesthetics of making pastries, combined with the science and research behind baking has always excited me. The sheer possibilities in the combination of the flavours and appearance makes it an endless journey of exploration and creativity and that’s why I love it so much. It is a driving force for me to constantly innovate and potentially find something new and never done before.
FT: Many comments on social media describe your pastries as “the best in town”. How do you achieve this? And how do you utilise local Vietnamese flavours in your patisserie?
中打工。雖然要在日間長時間學習,然後從晚上一直工作至 清晨,真的感到相當疲倦,但我卻仍然樂在其中。還記得有一 天難得休假,我鼓起勇氣,走進由心中一直仰慕的名廚所開設 的糕點店內求職,結果成功了,簡直令我喜出望外!雖然在往 後的一年多裡,我在烘焙方面的信心日漸增強,事業亦穩步 發展,但最大的轉捩點,是在烹飪學校畢業後,加入了一間位 於南墨爾本名為 Bibelot 的糕點店。我在店裡認識了最優秀, 並且願意提攜後輩的糕點師,其中所學到了的知識很多到今天 都仍然大派用場。
FT: 為何你選擇離開澳洲並重返家鄉越南?你希望達成什麼 目標?
KD: 其實初時我是打算與丈夫一起前往新加坡的,並在接下來 的幾年繼續從事廚師工作,以累積更多工作經驗、技巧和 自信,然後開設自己的糕點店。可是由於一個無法抗拒的 機會,令我決定留在越南。因機緣巧合,我在西貢找到了一間 環境相當優美,並且面向著古式聖母院的小店舖。當時只有 23 歲的我,在得到父母、丈夫和好友 Dara 的協助、支持與信
任下,開設了屬於自己的糕點店 IVOIRE。雖然當時西貢已有 幾間較著名的糕點店,但整體來說由於當地的糕點業仍處於起
KD: While many people have said that about us, I genuinely do not believe that as I find it subjective and also quite limiting. IVOIRE to me has always been about bringing the most delicious bakes we can create with the highest quality ingredients. It doesn’t matter if it’s for my family, friends or customers, but about delivering the best quality products we can possibly make, rather than being the best business in town. Implementing Vietnamese flavours is about finding a taste not just nostalgic for locals here, but rather taking it to the next level by experimenting with unconventional combinations from other places or cuisines. I like to experiment and create a fusion of cultures in my pastries.
步階段,因此我希望能在不影響產品質素的情況下,為西貢帶 來一些時尚且與別不同的糕點。我開設 IVOIRE 的其中一個目 標,就是希望能夠將各種美食的味道與越南的特色風味結合起 來,從而讓客人體驗到家鄉情懷。
FT: 對你而言,糕點有什麼吸引力,並且驅使你一直鍥而不捨 地努力向前?
KD: 雖然烹飪技巧五花八門,但是我覺得烘焙糕點就好像一門 藝術,教人沉醉其中。製作糕點所涉及的技巧與美學,以及烘 焙背後所仰賴的科學和研究基礎,一直都讓我深深著迷。 此外,由於糕點可以有層出不窮的味道和外觀,因此驅使我不 斷鑽研和創新。對我來說,這不僅是烘焙的箇中魅力,亦是推 動我時刻改進和嘗試各種新構思的原因。
To be able to combine flavours from different cuisine with a distinctively Vietnamese twist in order to celebrate my roots was also a key factor in what I wanted to create in IVOIRE
FT: As a young woman in a traditionally older maledominated industry, what advice would you give to other women looking to get into the industry?
KD: I’ve been quite lucky to not have experienced any extreme sexism so far in my career. If you have the passion, just believe in yourself, and push forward towards your goals. Believe in your skills and above all be willing to learn. A fair and equal work environment is the most important aspect, and if yours is not, because you’re a woman, then it is probably not nurturing and constructive enough for you to be the best that you can. Above all, don’t let the traditional label of the industry hold you back. Be brave and believe in yourself!
FT: How can you be innovative in pastry without driving away lovers of tradition? How far can you push it?
KD: Innovation in pastry comes with not just lots of trial and error, but an analysis of flavour combinations and sensory profiles. It is also important to balance traditions and local flavours in the process. I treat my pastries like a cultural melting pot of flavours and textures, but never ignore the perfecting of basic skills in the process. Sometimes I like to give traditional pastries an interesting twist, and other times create something completely new, but never ignoring the Vietnamese roots of my pastries. As long as you love to be creative and have the guts to try new and unconventional ideas,
FT: 在社交媒體上,很多評論都稱讚你的糕點是「城中最好的 糕點」。 你的成功秘訣是什麼? 你如何將越南風味融入到糕點 店中?
KD: 雖然很多人都對我們讚賞有加,但我認為這些評論比較 主觀,不足以代表所有人的意見。在 IVOIRE,我們一直致力 以最優質的食材來製作最美味的糕點。無論對象是家人、朋友 還是客戶,我們的目標都是盡己所能提供最優質的產品,而不 是奢求成為城中最頂尖的糕點店。要將越南風味融入到糕 點中,除了需要勾起本地客人的情懷外,我們亦希望能出其不 意地結合其他地方美食的特色。在創作糕點時,我喜歡嘗試加 入各種不同的文化元素。
FT: 在這個傳統上以年長男性為主導的餐飲業中,作為一位年 輕女子,你會向其他有意加入這個行業的女士提供什麼建議? KD: 一直以來,我很幸運未曾在工作中受到任何嚴重的性別歧 視。假如你對餐飲工作滿懷熱誠,那麼便應該聽從自己的心意, 朝著目標前進。另外,你亦應該相信自己的能力,同時最重要 的是虛心學習。一個公平公正的工作環境對任何人來說都十分 重要,然而假如因為你是一名女性而受到不公平的待遇,那麼 這個環境似乎無法培育和協助你盡展所長。無論如何,請不要 被行業的傳統思維限制,相反應該相信自己,勇往直前!
FT: 在創作新穎的糕點時,你怎樣避免流失喜歡傳統口味的 客人?你如何能在這方面做得更好?
KD: 創作新式糕點除了需要不斷嘗試和從錯誤中學習外,還需 要細心分析產品的味道、香味和外觀。此外,我亦必須在傳統 和地方風味之間取得平衡。我認為製作糕點就如同將不同文化 的味道和特質共冶一爐,並同時必須一直提升自己的基本功。 有時候,我喜歡在傳統糕點中加入一點新特色,有時候則會創
just go for it! You never know what you might come up with! With all the equipment available now that you can combine with traditional techniques, there are just so many things that you can try.
FT: Who or what do you look to for inspiration at this point? And what’s your favourite pastry or dessert? KD: There isn’t a specific person or culture that influences me. It may sound cliché, but the world is my inspiration. Everything around me, such as the smells, sights and food constantly brings me novel ideas I try to implement into my pastries. Not only from my travels abroad, but since Vietnam is already such a diverse country with so much history and modernity, it allows me to constantly find something new to try, from tradition and food to architecture. On a personal level, the favourite dishes of those close to me also help
作一些嶄新的產品,但無論如何,我的糕點都必定蘊含著越南 的家鄉元素。如果你熱愛創新,並希望突破傳統去嘗試新的 想法,那麼便應該放膽嘗試,否則永遠不知道最終的成果! 只要我們將現今先進的設備與傳統的技巧結合,便可以嘗試製 作出千變萬化的糕點。
FT: 今天,有什麼人和事能夠給你帶來創作靈感?你最喜歡的 糕點和甜品是什麼?
KD: 我沒有受到任何特定的人或文化所影響。雖然有點老生
Among the many different forms of culinary skills, pastry and baking interests me the most as it is akin to an art form.
The skill and aesthetics of making pastries, combined with the science and research behind baking has always excited mePeach
contribute to my inspiration as I really love making nice, new things for them. In terms of my favourite dessert, many would be surprised to learn that the one I could eat all day and night for the rest of my life is actually gelato!
FT: What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?
KD: When I was a pastry chef in Melbourne, a head chef once told me that even if I had a thousand recipes on hand, it wouldn’t make me a good chef. It’s passion, curiosity and a willingness to explore, learn and experiment that makes one good. I still hold this true to my heart and that drives me to constantly research and develop new and interesting ideas as best as I can.
FT: What ambitions do you still have?
KD: The one thing I really dream of is sharing my knowledge and experience, especially teaching the younger generation, developing their passion and opening them up to the many possibilities in the exciting world of baking. Perhaps I might open a baking school one day!
常談,但全個世界都是我的靈感來源。無論是氣味、景象還是 其他食品,身邊的所有事物時刻都能給我可在糕點中嘗試的新 穎構思。由於越南是一個結合了豐富歷史和現代建設的國家, 因此除了前往外地增廣見聞外,我亦可從本地的傳統、美食和 建築中不斷發掘新意念。在個人層面上,由於我很喜歡製作新 的糕點,因此身邊的人與我分享一些他們所喜愛的菜式時, 亦能為我帶來創作靈感。至於最喜歡的甜品,如果告訴你我在 接下來的日子,日日夜夜都會吃雪糕,相信很多人都會感到驚 訝吧!
FT: 你曾經聽過最有精闢的建議是什麼?
KD: 當我在墨爾本擔任糕點師時,有位主廚曾經向我說, 即使一個廚師手上擁有成千上萬的食譜,他亦不會成為一個出 色的廚師。相反,要在烹飪事業中創一番成就,便必須具備熱 誠和好奇心,並且需要不斷探索、學習和嘗試。到了今天, 我仍然以此為鑑,並鞭策自己不斷努力研究,以想出嶄新有 趣的構思。
KD: 我希望有機會分享自己的知識和經驗,特別是教導年輕 一代,以培養他們對烘焙的熱誠,讓他們在精彩的烘焙世界中 發掘到更多可能性。說不定有一天我會開設一間烘焙學校呢!
While the world of pastry and dessert has never been as creative and innovative as it is today, ice cream, relatively unchanged for decades, continues to delight millions
Wefeature a lot of dessert and pastry in the pages of foodtalk, with a focus on the new, often groundbreaking, and always delicious. But while the industry needs constant innovation in order to continue reinventing itself, and thus remain profitable, we find many pastry chefs continuing to express the love for the classics.
This issue is no different, with two renowned chefs, Kasey Doan of Ivoire Pastry Boutique in Vietnam, revealing that ice cream is her favourite dessert, and Benjamin Lim, Executive Chef at Four Seasons Hotel Macao, admitting he is most proud of his ice creams, adding, “it is more satisfying creating a new flavour when compared to making other things – maybe because there is something fun about eating ice cream!”
雖然今天的糕點和甜品市場正以前所未見的步伐 推陳出新,但是雪糕這種相對幾十年來變化不大的 甜品,卻依然得到全世界的青睞
我們在 foodtalk 中介紹過很多甜品和糕點,當中主要都是一些 創新甚至是前所未見的美點。雖然業界需要不斷創新,才能持 續為消費者帶來驚喜以賺取利潤,但我們卻發現很多糕點師傅 都不約而同地表示依舊對傳統的甜品情有獨鐘。
在今期,我們一如以往為大家帶來幾位名廚的專訪,當中包 括越南糕點店 Ivoire 的店主 Kasey Doan,她最愛的甜品是 雪糕;以及澳門四季酒店行政總廚 Benjamin Lim,他表示最
This is a sentiment shared by many – from teenagers to executive pastry chefs. Ice cream brings together different elements – fruitiness, sweetness, and of course that delicious icy bite – along with a big dollop of nostalgia and scoop of popular culture.
What are the origins of this delightfully delicious yet humble dessert, adored by so many? Ice cream as we know it today first seems to have been described by confectioner Mary Eales in 1718, in a cookbook she wrote for Queen Anne. There is another reference in 1744, to “ice cream, which, with strawberries and milk”, served at stately occasions.
From then, as the tasty treat grew in popularity it became less expensive, and more available. In 1851 the first ice cream stand was opened in Charring Cross, London where a scoop sold for one penny. The following rush on ice cream sodas, sundaes, cones and more has continued around the world until now. Isn’t it time you enjoyed a scoop?
雪糕所散發的果香、甜味、冰凍的口感,以及當中所蘊含的各 種傳統甚至乎時尚文化,無論是年青的糕點師還是行政糕點總 廚,都視這種甜品為他們的摰愛。
這種美味卻大眾化的甜品可謂集了萬千寵愛在一身,但大家知 道它的起源嗎?我們今天所吃到的雪糕,相信是於1718 年由糖 果大師 Mary Eales為 Queen Anne 撰寫的一本食譜中首次被 提及的。此外,在 1744 年亦另有文獻曾經提及「雪糕、士多 啤梨和牛奶」是為隆重場合而設的美食。
自此以後,由於雪糕越來越受歡迎,因此變成了一種便宜且普 及大眾的甜品。1851 年,首個雪糕攤檔在倫敦查林十字街開
業,那時的雪糕一勺賣一便士。直至今天,梳打、新地、甜筒 等雪糕款式仍然在世界各地大受歡迎。說到這裡,你是否都想 吃一口雪糕?
引以為傲的是自己製作的雪糕:「可能製作雪糕本身便是一件 充滿樂趣的事,因此能夠創作出令人喜歡的新口味,比任何一Philip Harben
A thought leader, activist and tea lover, with a uniquely philosophical take on all things F&B and beyond – Ivan Brehm, Chef-Owner, Nouri and Appetite, is one of the most fascinating players currently in the industry
FT(Foodtalk): You have described your grandmother as “a tremendous cook”, while your grandfather was “the centre of that family structure and a beacon of light”. Were they your main influences, culinary or otherwise, when you were young?
IB(Ivan Brehm): They were most certainly my main influences, not just in food, but in life as well. Our families always came together around the table, to chat, debate or share ideas and opinions. The feeling of unity anchored by a meal has always been at the forefront of my practice as a chef.
老闆,亦是目前餐飲業界炙手可熱的人物。這位喜 愛品茗的廚師,不僅喜歡思考,亦是一個坐言起行 的人,而且在餐飲以至其他方面,都有著自己獨特 的哲學思維
FT(Foodtalk): 你曾經說過你的祖母是一位「了不起的廚師」, 而祖父則是「家族裡帶領著大家向前的核心人物」。年輕時, 你是否在烹飪甚至在其他方面都深受他們的影響? IB(Ivan Brehm): 無論在飲食還是生活裡的點點滴滴,他們都 對我的影響最深。我們的家族常常聚在餐桌前一起聊天、討論 以及分享各種意見和看法。透過聚餐來讓大家共聚一堂、互相 問候,一直是我烹飪生涯中最希望能夠做到的事。
FT: You in turn describe yourself as “a mix of seven different heritages”. Can you explain what these are, and how they have formed your culinary style?
IB: I’m part German, Russian, Syrian, Lebanese, Spanish, Italian (with a lost hint of Canarian, and Turkish for good measure). The diversity made me open to other cultures and ways of cooking, serving and eating food. But more importantly, it taught me to look for common ground in differences. Our families were so distinct from one another that the only way to navigate a path forward was to look through that difference and into what really kept us together. Food was how we did that, food is how I do that.
FT: Having worked in some of the world’s most celebrated kitchens, including Thomas Keller’s Per Se in New York; Andoni Luis Aduriz’s Mugaritz in San Sebastian; and Heston Blumenthal’s The Fat Duck in the UK – what were your main takeaways from these
FT: 你形容自己是「七大傳統文化集於一身」。可否分享一下 是什麼傳統,這些傳統對你的烹飪風格又有什麼影響?
IB: 我擁有德國、俄羅斯、敘利亞、黎巴嫩、西班牙、意大利 (並帶有一點加那利群島和土耳其)血統。如此多元的背景讓 我有機會接觸不同的文化,以及各種烹調、上菜和飲食方式。 但更重要的是,這個身份讓我懂得如何求同存異。由於我們家 族擁有與別不同的背景,因此要為自己的未來找到明確方向, 唯一方法就是認識不同的文化傳統,以及深入了解讓我們能 夠彼此連繫的原因。我們一直透過食物來維繫著彼此之間的 感情,而我亦藉著烹飪來認識不同的文化。
FT: 你曾經在世界各地最頂尖的餐廳中工作,包括 Thomas Keller 在紐約開設的 Per Se 、Andoni Luis Aduriz 在聖塞巴 斯蒂安的 Mugaritz,以及 Heston Blumenthal 在英國的 The Fat Duck。這些工作經歷給你什麼得著,你如何運用這些經驗 來經營 Nouri?
IB : 雖然這些工作經歷讓我學到的東西都不盡相同,但它們所 帶來的影響都是一些潛移默化的。Mugaritz 教曉了我欣賞大自 然的美,同時告訴我只有懶惰的人才會對飲食毫無
Michelin is a great validation. It isn’t necessarily a focus for us, but rather a thermometer. We achieved it by having uncompromising standards and by being completely different to whatever else is out thereAppetite by Khoo Guo Jie and Appetite
experiences, and how do you apply them at Nouri?
IB: They each have left their mark, but their impact is not something I think about consciously today. Mugaritz taught me to look for beauty in the natural world and that a meal without a challenge makes for a lazy mind. Andoni’s cuisine is one of intrepid exploration and in that, quite life affirming. Heston and the Duck, in turn, taught me to ask questions and use knowledge as a framework to develop dishes. The Duck taught me to pursue technical improvement, constantly tweak, but also run a peaceful, balanced and positive kitchen. Per Se taught me to persevere. To learn that self-reliance, determination and a fair bit of butter can get you very far in this industry.
FT: As well as Nouri, you also have creative interdisciplinary space Appetite, where you have developed Crossroad Thinking, an alternative approach to gastronomy. Can you explain a little about this?
IB: Appetite is a further exploration of ‘Crossroads’ – the notion that every part of human expression is interlinked by a beautiful web of shared cultural experiences, and that if we only built businesses with that knowledge in mind, they would be creative, delicious and equitable. At Appetite, ‘Crossroads Cooking’ is transformed into ‘Crossroads Thinking’. This is where we explore human connections in art, music and thought as well as food.
要求。Andoni 在烹飪過程中勇於探索,這種積極正面的生活 態度感染著身邊的人。至於 Heston 和 The Fat Duck 餐廳, 則讓我明白到發問的重要性,以及應該按照自己的能力來製作 菜式。此外,我亦培養出不斷改善和調整烹飪技巧的精神, 以及學懂如何為廚房營造一個和諧、協調和正面的工作氣氛。 在 Per Se,我學會了堅持不懈、自強不息,而且知道適量地使 用牛油是炮製美味菜式的一大秘訣。
It's also a wicked place to dine, and be surrounded by delicious and beautiful things.
FT: The fields of philosophy, science, arts and culture influence you and your cuisine, and you have also been described as a thought leader and activist. Can you give us a brief insight into how this has come about?
IB: I had things to say, and so set about developing a language to say them. The activism is the result of being unsettled by the current moment we, as a society are navigating. It’s not politically aligned, but rather presupposes that most of the challenges humanity is encountering today are the result of its inability to find presence and connection in daily life. I use research as an attempt to communicate that if only we shifted our focus to an educated awareness of our present moment, we could perhaps envision a world that is a little more tolerant, a little more peaceful, a tiny bit more sustainable.
FT: You had a brief stint as director of research and development at JING Tea. What qualified you for this and what do you think you achieved?
IB: My love for tea, my culinary background, my respect for the Jing brand and its founder, Ed Eisler, were the reasons I joined Jing. My time there was spent developing training systems and new tea products. I visited the best hotels in London and provided specific training on the more than 50 teas the company offered at that time. My greatest take at Jing was understanding, however, the difference between “being”
FT: 除了 Nouri 外,你亦開設了提供各式創意料理的 Appetite 餐廳,並構思了一種稱為「Crossroad Thinking (交雜思維)」的另類餐飲理念。可否分享一下這種想法?
IB: Appetite 成功將「Crossroads」這個概念進一步演譯出 來。我相信人類的各種表達方式,都是透過繽紛多變的文化互動 一點一點的交織和連繫起來的。假如我們能夠堅持這個信念, 便能夠建立一間別具創意、充滿喜悅和多元共融的餐廳。
在 Appetite,我們將「Crossroads Cooking(交雜的烹調 方式)」轉化成「Crossroads Thinking」,藉此探討人類在 藝術、音樂、思想和食物方面的連繫,並且讓客人在愉快優美 的環境下享受美食。
FT: 哲學、科學、藝術和文化,都對你和你的菜式產生不少 影響。此外,外界亦形容你是一位思想家和執行者。可否描述 一下是什麼原因讓其他人對你有這種看法?
IB: 我有自己的一些想法要表達,所以我會透過構思屬於自己的 一套語言來表達心中的各種見解。隨著社會不斷演變,當下我 們可能會感到不安,因此便會作出各種行動來回應。我認為這 與政治無關,相反人類今天所面對的大部分挑戰,都是由於他 們在日常生活中無法找到自己的位置以及與身邊世界的連繫而 造成的。透過觀察和探索,我認為假如大家能夠潛意識地將自
Per Se taught me to persevere … to learn that self-reliance, determination and a fair bit of butter can get you very far in this industryNouri
and “doing” – something so critical for tea culture. Coffee is about doing things, achieving things. Tea is about being. Coffee builds, but tea decorates.
FT: You earned Michelin stars at Bacchanalia and Nouri. How did you achieve these and why were they important to you?
IB: Michelin is a great validation. It isn’t necessarily a focus for us, but rather a thermometer. We achieved it by having uncompromising standards and being completely different to whatever else is out there.
FT: We all know of Singapore’s reputation as both a financial and culinary hub – is this why you have lived there for over 10 years, or are there other reasons?
IB: Singapore is a great incubator and a practical place to work. Yes, it can be expensive and sometimes challenging to operate an F&B business like ours, but it offers us time to produce work that is delicious and essential.
FT: In a competitive culinary scene, what is your secret to success?
IB: Being genuine and having a cause and philosophy
己的心思專注於當下的事物上,那麼或許能創造一個更包容、 更和平、更可持續的世界。
FT: 你曾經在 JING Tea 擔任過研發總監一段短時間,是什麼 資歷讓你勝任這項工作?過程中你有什麼收獲?
IB: 我對茗茶的熱愛、在烹飪方面的經驗,以及對 Jing 品牌和 創辦人 Ed Eisler 的尊重,相信是讓我有幸加入 Jing 的原因。
在 Jing 工作期間,我主要負責建立培訓制度和研發新的茗茶產 品。我曾經參觀過倫敦多間最頂級的酒店,並為 Jing 當時提供 的 50 多種茶品制訂了特定的培訓計劃。這段時間我深深明白到 「投入」和「製作」的分別,這亦是茶道文化中重要的元素。 咖啡的沖泡過程所提倡的是對完成一件事物的執著;而茶品則 是活在當下。可以說是,沖泡咖啡是一種工匠精神,而茗茶則 是一種鑑賞能力。
FT: 你在 Bacchanalia 和 Nouri 皆贏得了米芝蓮星級榮譽。
IB: 雖然我們不太重視個人榮譽,但米芝蓮星級無疑是一項非常 重要的肯定,是我們一直以來努力的證明。憑著一絲不苟的工 作態度和創作別出心裁的菜式,我們最終獲得這項殊榮。
FT: 新加坡是一個以金融和美食而舉世知名的大都會,是因為 這個原因,還是有其他因素吸引你在當地居住了超過 10 年? IB: 新加坡對初創企業而言是一個理想的發展地點,亦是一個講
that we stand by is what makes us different and memorable from everybody else. That, and serving delicious, thoughtful food at lunch and dinner.
FT: We don’t hear a lot about the Brazilian culinary scene – can you give us a snapshot of the food world over there?
IB: Brazilian food is diverse, delicious and in many areas quite similar to Malay and Thai. We have the Portuguese to credit for that. It’s a cuisine relatively unburdened by tradition and yet exposed to diversity. Wonderful Japanese, European and Levantine food can be easily found in Brazil. But its true heart is found at the intersection between native Brazilian, Portuguese and many African traditions that have made our country so unique. We try and bring as many Brazilian chefs as we can to Singapore, and expose this island nation to the wonderful food of my country. Within months we will be bringing Restaurant Tuju and Ivan Ralston to cook with us, so watch out for that.
求效益的城市。雖然當地物價頗為高昂,而且經營餐廳有時會 遇到各種挑戰,但卻有空間讓我們創作出優質美味的菜式。
FT: 在競爭激烈的餐飲業裡,你有什麼致勝之道?
IB: 我們用心為客人提供美味的餐點和周到的服務。當中腳踏 實地,並且堅持自己的初衷和理念,是使我們能夠突圍而出, 贏得口碑的原因。
FT: 我們對巴西的餐飲情況了解不多,你可否簡單介紹一下當 地的飲食文化?
IB: 我在巴西,你可以找到各式各樣的可口美食,除了與馬來 西亞和泰國美食有很多相似之處外,當中亦夾雜著很多葡萄牙 元素。此外,巴西的飲食文化沒有太多傳統束縛,而且擁有豐 富多元的菜式,因此大家很容易在巴西品嚐到精美的日本、 歐洲和黎凡特地區的美食。然而,巴西的真正風味,是由當地 菜式、葡國菜以及來自非洲多種傳統文化結合而成,這亦是巴 西獨有的飲食風格。我們正努力嘗試將更多巴西廚師介紹到新 加坡,讓這個小島上的國民能夠一嚐巴西菜式的滋味。未來幾 個月,巴西主廚 Ivan Ralston 將會在新加坡開設 Restaurant
Being genuine and having a cause and philosophy that we stand by is what makes us different and memorable from everybody else
Salted egg may only now be catching on in the West, but Asia has known about the delicious properties of the pungently perfect flavour for generations
Likemany ingredients and products popular in Asia since time immemorial, salted egg has suddenly taken off around the world. But what exactly is the trendy flavour, why is it suddenly so hot, and where can you find it?
Salted egg is typically duck or chicken egg yolk, submerged in a salt mixture or cured in salt. This process draws water out from the yolk, dehydrating it and giving it the texture of a hard cheese, which intensifies its complex richness.
雖然西方人近年才發掘到鹹蛋的美味,然而亞洲人 早已世世代代都擅於製作這種味濃而甘香的美食
就如自古以來很多深受亞洲人喜愛的食材與食品一樣,鹹蛋在 剎那間突然受到全球追捧。可是,這種潮流美食到底是什麼, 為何會突然大受歡迎,在哪裡可以找到呢?
一般來說, 鹹蛋是將鴨蛋黃或雞蛋黃用鹽,或浸入以鹽和其他 材料調配的漿液中醃製而成的。過程會將水份從蛋黃中抽出, 令蛋黃脫水並形成尤如硬芝士般的質地,令口感豐富飽滿。
早在五世紀,鹹蛋已是東亞和東南亞地區(特別是中國)製作 月餅、炒菜和粥等美食的傳統材料。喜歡鹹蛋的人形容當中帶 有鹹香味、口感濃稠而爽口,並且像巴馬臣芝士般香濃,讓人 一試難忘。
It has been traditionally used in mooncakes, stir-fries and congee in East and Southeast Asian cuisine, particularly in China, as far back as the fifth century. Fans describe its flavour as salty, creamy, savoury and hearty, with an almost Parmesan-like richness which is very addictive.
In the past few years, however, the classic flavour has been creeping into more contemporary foods and snacks. This thought to have happened first happened when Irvin Gunawan, the owner of a Singapore restaurant popular for its salted egg crab dish, had the good idea of using the flavouring on crispy fish skin as a snack. Noticing customers were coming purely for the snack, he closed the restaurant, to focus on developing it further.
It was a good call, and the product is now available around the world, and has spawned numerous imitators. It has subsequently been used on lots of other products: everything from potato, cassava and rice cracker chips to yogurt, boba drinks, ice cream, bao, burgers and croissants. The salty sensation has even been used in coffee, with Torani, the syrup brand popular in coffee shops, crowning salted egg yolk as 2022’s flavour of the year!
然而在過去幾年之間,不少現代食品和小食亦開始加入了這種 傳統味道。我們相信率先將鹹蛋運用在現代美食中的人,是憑 著鹹蛋炒蟹而大受歡迎的新加坡餐廳老闆 Irvin Gunawan。
他別出心裁地將鹹蛋加在香脆魚皮上,以創作出一種新式小食。 後來,他發現客人大部分都是為了這款小食而來,於是決定關 閉餐廳,全心全意發展這種鹹蛋美食。
就是因為 Irvin 這個明智的決定,令這款小食得以推廣至世界 各地,並因此令很多相似的產品誕生。從此之後,很多其他美 食皆都配上鹹蛋這種食材,包括薯仔、木薯、香脆米餅、 乳酪、珍珠奶茶、雪糕、包點、漢堡包以及牛角包等。此外, 這種鹹香味甚至更在焦糖糖漿Torani(很多咖啡店都有採用的 糖漿品牌)咖啡中出現,令鹹蛋黃成為了 2022 年最受歡迎的傳 統味道!
French chef David Toutain, the celebrated culinary talent whose eponymous Paris restaurant earned two Michelin stars, is bringing his vision and creativity to Hong Kong with the launch of Feuille. Toutain’s first restaurant outside France, Feuille is a collaboration with Hong Kong-based ZS Hospitality Group – the company behind the one Michelinstarred Hansik Goo, Whey and the two Michelin-starred Ying Jee Club.
法國主廚 David Toutain 是一位赫 赫有名的烹飪奇才,以他名字命名 的巴黎餐廳亦獲得米芝蓮兩星榮譽。
這位主廚即將在中環開設 Feuille 餐 廳,以將他的烹飪理念及創意帶到香
港。Feuille 是主廚 Toutain 首間在 法國以外開設的餐廳,並將會與植根
香港的 ZS Hospitality Group 合作
-- ZS Hospitality Group正是米芝
蓮一星級餐廳 Hansik Goo、Whey 以及二星級餐廳 Ying Jee Club 的背 後舵手。
Black Sheep Restaurants has opened the first two dining destinations at Hong Kong’s historic judicial house, The Magistracy: Magistracy Dining Room and Botanical Gardens. Helmed by executive chef Matthew Kirkley, of the group's Michelin-starred French restaurant Belon, Magistracy Dining Room is inspired by timeless London restaurants and offers classic British cuisine. The main dining room leads to Botanical Garden, an outdoor terrace.
https://blacksheeprestaurants com
Black Sheep Restaurants 在香港歷史悠久的司法建築物「中央裁判司署」,首度開設了兩個餐飲熱點,分別是 Magistracy
Dining Room 及 Botanical Gardens。當中由集團旗下米芝蓮星級法國餐廳 Belon 行政總廚 Matthew Kirkley 掌舵的 Magistracy
Dining Room,以倫敦大街上歷久彌新的食府為靈感設計,為客人提供經典的英倫美食。此外,餐廳的主用餐區可通往戶外露台 餐廳 Botanical Garden。
Leading Nation and Hongkong Land have announced the opening of new hospitality destination Forty-Five, at Hong Kong’s prestigious lifestyle destination, Landmark. Five experiential concepts include The Merchants, serving classic dishes from Shanghai; Long Cardinal Point Restaurant Bar & Sky Terrace; Kaen Teppanyaki Japanese steakhouse; The Cristal Room fine dining by Michelin starred Anne-Sophie Pic; and The Gloucester Arts Club, a private social club. www.leadingnation.com
Leading Nation 和置地公司宣佈在香港頂級時尚地標「置地廣場」開設全新的餐飲熱點 Forty-Five,當中將提供五大體驗式餐飲
概念,包括提供經典上海菜式的 The Merchants、Long Cardinal Point 餐廳及天台露台酒吧、日本扒房 Kaen Teppanyaki、由米
芝蓮星級主廚 Anne-Sophie Pic 主理的高級餐廳 The Cristal Room,以及私人會所 The Gloucester Arts Club。
An upscale chef’s table and speakeasy bar led by Chef Sato Kiyoshi, new restaurant Artifact offers a chef’s degustation menu based on shun, the Japanese philosophy for seasonality. The 14-seat counter modern Japanese dining experience formerly of Pirata group. The menu also incorporates diverse forms of caviar, each meticulously picked for the best pairing with the jet-fresh ingredients from Japan. https://artifactbar.com
全新餐廳 Artifact,是一間由主廚 Sato Kiyoshi 主理的高級主廚餐桌及隱世酒吧,為客人提供以「旬」(在日語中表示「時令」) 為基礎的主廚推介菜單。這間設有 14 個座位,前身為 Pirata 集團的櫃檯式時尚日式餐廳,在菜單中提供了多款經過精心挑選的魚 子醬,務求能與來自日本的新鮮食材完美配搭。
Hong Kong plant-based food innovation brand Plant Sifu celebrated Earth Month and the roots of its quest to forge plant-based Chinese cuisine by joining hands with three acclaimed restaurants in a ‘Reimagine Dim Sum with Plant Sifu’ partnership. Spanning culinary fusion and classic Cantonese, Mott 32, D.H.K. Seafood Restaurant and Sha Tin 18 showcased plant-based dim sum, including mince beef and ground pork.
在香港提供創新素式美食的植廚,透過與三間本地著名餐廳建立「Reimagine Dim Sum with Plant Sifu(與植廚一起重新認識點心)」合作關係,以慶祝每年4月重臨的 地球月以及推廣以素食來製作的中式美食。在本次合作中,卅二公館、疊囍居及沙田 18 合作炮製了多款融合菜式和經典粵菜,讓大家品嚐以素食免治牛肉和豬絞肉等食材 製作的點心。
Dusit Hotels and Resorts has continued its global expansion with the opening of Dusit Suites Athens – the first Dusitbranded property in Europe – in the Athens suburb of Glyfada, renowned for its beaches, upscale shops and nightlife. Set over four floors, the luxury low-rise property will feature a stylish rooftop Mediterranean restaurant and bar called O Live and a pan-Asian restaurant, DAO.
www dusit com
都喜酒店及度假村繼續在世界各地擴張業務,當中在位於雅典郊區的格利法達,開設了集團在歐洲的首個都喜品牌地標「Dusit Suites Athens 」。當地憑著優美海灘、高級商店以及迷人的夜生活而聞名。設計豪華的「Dusit Suites Athens 」樓高 4 層, 其中配設有一間名為 O Live 的時尚天台地中海餐廳和酒吧,以及一間名為 DAO 的泛亞餐廳。
JW Marriott Jeju Resort & Spa in Seogwipo, Jeju has opened, with 197 guest rooms and five culinary outlets. These include the hotel’s signature BBQ and rotisserie restaurant, The Flying Hog; and Yeoumul, a Jeju-style omakase restaurant, featuring seasonal ingredients and seafood harvested by the island’s local female divers. The Lounge offers speciality coffees and high tea.
JW 萬豪濟州度假酒店及水療中心,在濟州 島西歸浦市開幕
位於濟州西歸浦市的 JW 萬豪濟州度假村及水療中心已正
式開幕,當中設有 197 客房及 5 間餐廳,包括酒店的招牌
燒烤及烤肉餐廳 The Flying Hog,以及富有濟州風格的 廚師發辦餐廳 Yeoumul,主力提供由島上女潛水員捕獲 的時令食材和海鮮美食。此外,酒廊亦會提供特色咖啡和 下午茶。
Japan’s Chiba Prefectural has published an online brochure offering information to tourists about the many strawberry picking farms in the region easily accessed from Narita International Airport. The brochure includes information on various strawberry varieties and picking knowhow. Japanese strawberries, and those grown in Chiba in particular, are renowned for their size and sweetness, which attract large numbers of tourists every year.
日本千葉縣最近在網上發佈了一份手冊,以向遊客提供區內多間士多啤梨採摘農場 的資訊,當中旅客可從成田國際機場輕鬆抵達該區。手冊提供了有關各種士多啤梨 品種的資料及採摘知識。由於日本的士多啤梨(特別是在千葉縣出產)每一個都又 大又甜,因此每年皆吸引了大量遊客慕名而來。
Le Du in Bangkok has been awarded The Best Restaurant in Asia at Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants. The list is created from the votes of the Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants Academy, an influential gender-balanced group of over 300 leaders made up of food writers and critics, chefs, restaurateurs and regional culinary experts. This year's list spans 19 cities and includes seven new entries. www.theworlds50best.com/asia/en/list/1-50
位於曼谷的 Le Du 餐廳,最近獲選為亞洲 50 大最佳餐廳的第一
最佳餐廳評審委員會」(由 300 多 位男女人數均等的美食作家和評論家、廚師、餐廳老闆以及區內 烹飪專家組成,是一個富有影響力的委員會)投票選出。今年合 共有 19 個城市的餐廳上榜,當中7間為新入選的餐廳。
The Standard, Hua Hin’s Praça, a laid-back Thai izakaya on the resort town’s famous beach walk, has claimed top spot on TripAdvisor’s ranking for Hua Hin. Occupying a restored heritage house at the heart of the hotel, Praça offers a creative menu centred on a modern twist on classic Thai dishes, including everyday street favourites. www.standardhotels.com
位於 The Standard, Hua Hin 的 Praça,是一間開設於度假 小鎮海灘步道上的悠閒泰式居酒屋,最近獲 TripAdvisor 評 選為華欣中首屈一指的餐廳。Praça 坐落於酒店中一座經翻新 的建築物內,主力為客人提供以現代風格炮製的經典泰國創意 料理,包括大眾化的街頭小食。
Singapore 新加坡
Angliss Singapore Pte Ltd
(A Division of Bidfood Singapore Private Limited)
232 Pandan Loop, Singapore 128420
T. +65 6778 8787 | F. +65 6778 3966
Macau 澳門
Angliss Macau Food Service Limited
200 Rua dos Pescadores, Edf Industrial
Ocean II Fase, 4-Andar C & D, Macau
T. +853 2886 2886 | F. +853 2886 2828
Beijing 北京
Angliss Beijing Food Service Limited
No. 10 Hongda South Road, Yi Zhuang Economic & Technological Development Zone, Daxing District, Beijing, China
T. +86 10 8908 3501 | F: +86 10 8586 4880
Tianjin 天津
Angliss Beijing Food Service Limited - Tianjin Branch
Rm 320, Yunhan Building, 185 Qinjian Road, Hongqiao District, Tianjin 安得利(北京)食品貿易有限公司天津分公司 天津市紅橋區勤儉道185號雲漢大廈320室
T. +86 22 8729 0198
Shenyang 瀋陽
Angliss Shenyang Food Service Limited
No.7 Gate, No.19 Internetional Frozen Product Association Beef&Mutton Hall, Honghu No.2 Street, Tiexi Economic & Technological Development Zone, Shenyang, Liaoning, China 安得利(瀋陽)食品貿易有限公司 瀋陽市鐵西經濟技術開發區洪湖二街19號 國際凍品聯盟牛羊肉大廳7號門
T. +86 24 8122 1688 | F. +86 22 8122 1688
Shijiazhuang 石家莊
Angliss Shijiazhuang Food Service Limited
Rm 1107, Block E, Haiyuetiandi, 66 Yuhua West Road, Qiaoxi District, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province
T. +86 311 8262 1608
Shandong 山東
Angliss Shandong Food Service Ltd
Rm 1418, Quanjing Yayuan Commercial Building, Shizhong District, Jinan City, Shandong Province
T. +86 531 8711 9769
Shanxi 山西
Angliss Shanxi Food Service Ltd
Rm 925, 9F, Feiyun Apartment, 186 Pingyang Road, Xiaodian District, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province
T. +86 351 8065 567
Jilin 吉林
Bidcorp Jilin Food Service Ltd
11th Zhonghuan District Intersection Of Dongsanma Road
And Tianbao Hutong, Nanguan District, Changchun City, Jilin Province
吉林省烘焙故事食品有限公司 吉林省長春市南關區東三馬路與天寶胡同交匯中環十一區
T. +86 431 8471 6222
Shanghai 上海
Angliss Shanghai Food Service Limited
5F., Block B, No. 4 Building, No. 1 Hongqiao Headquarters, No. 100 Zixiu Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China 上海安得列郎晴食品貿易有限公司
Hangzhou 杭州
Angliss Hangzhou Food Service Limited
Rm 4001, 4F, Block 1, 1298 Danonggang Road, Jianggan District, Hangzhou 杭州安鍀利食品有限公司
T. +86 571 8680 0215
Nanjing 南京
Bidfood Nanjing Ltd
Shop 32, 2F, Second Hall, 249 Changhong Road, Jianye District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province 南京安必福食品有限公司
T. +86 25 8675 9306 | F. +86 25 8622 8102
Hefei 合肥
Angliss Hefei Food Service Ltd
Room 27, 2/F , Hall 1 , No. 249 Changhong Road, Jianye District, Nanjing, China 合肥必利食品有限公司
T. +86 551 6556 2460
Guangzhou 廣州
Angliss Guangzhou Food Service Limited
21F, No. 83 & 85 Baiyun Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou 廣州安得利福斯食品有限公司
T. +86 20 8921 9188 | F. +86 20 8921 9168
Chengdu 成都
Angliss Chengdu Food Service Limited
No. 870 Gangtong North Fourth Road, Chengdu Modern Industrial Port North Area, Pidu District, Chengdu 成都安得利福斯食品有限公司
T. +86 28 6482 6608 / +86 28 6496 6001
Chongqing 重慶
Angliss Chengdu Food Service LimitedChongqing Branch
Rm 6, 3F, 95 Erlang Chuangye Avenue, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing 成都安得利福斯食品有限公司-重慶辦事處 重慶市九龍坡區二郎創業大道95號3樓6號
T. +86 23 6330 2009
Kunming 昆明
Angliss Chengdu Food Sevice Limited - Kunming Branch East Air Cargo Department (Yinxiang Warehouse), Wujiaba, Guandu District, Kunming, Yunnan, China 成都安得利福斯食品有限公司-昆明分公司 昆明市官渡區金馬路156號(昆明新儲物流有限公司)3樓辦公室
T. +86 871 6382 9678
Xiamen 廈門
Angliss Xiamen Food Service Limited
Room 1503, No. 506, Xinglinwan Road Jimei District, Xiamen, China 廈門安得利福斯食品有限公司 廈門集美區杏林灣路506號1503室
T. +86 592 5635 636
Fuzhou 福州
Angliss Xiamen Food Service Limited
- Fuzhou Office
Rm 302-303, 3F, Taikun Center, 166 Guanpu Road, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City 廈門安得利福斯食品有限公司 - 福州辦事處 福州市倉山區冠浦路166號泰坤中心3樓302-303室
T. +86 591 83650383
Foshan 佛山
Angliss Foshan Food Service Limited
No. 12 Jiangsha 2nd Road, Chancheng District, Foshan City
757 8228 1651
Shenzhen 深圳
Angliss Shenzhen Food Service Limited No. 1, Mabu Road, Bainikeng Community, Pinghu Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province 安得利(深圳)食品有限公司
Nanning 南寧
Angliss Nanning Food Service Limited
Rm 107, Block 22, Guangxi-Asean International
Medical And Health Electronic Information Technology
Comprehensive Industrial Park, 9 Dingqiu Road, Jiangnan District, Nanning City
南寧市江南區定秋路9號廣西-東盟國際醫療健康電子資訊科技 綜合產業園22棟107號房
T. +86 771 3947 620 F:+86 771 3947 646
Xi’an 西安
Angliss Xi'an Food Service Limited
No.333, 10 Caotan Road, Caotan Ecological Industrial Park, Xi'an Economic & Technological Development Zone, Xi’an City, China 安得利(西安)食品有限公司 西安市經濟技術開發區草灘生態產業園草灘十路333號
T. +86 29 8873 4883 | F. +86 29 8873 4883
Zhengzhou 鄭州
Angliss Zhengzhou Food Service Limited
Changtong Industrial Park, Xiapo Yang Village, Laoyachen Office, East Section Of Jiangshan Road, Huiji District, Zhengzhou City 鄭州安得利食品有限公司 鄭州市惠濟區江山路東段老鴉陳辦事處下坡楊村長通工業園
T.+86 371 8991 0680 | F.+86 371 8991 0681
Hunan 湖南
Angliss Hunan Food Service Limited
3F, Block 1, Xinxing Technology Industrial Park, Muyuntuo Street, Tianxin District, Changsha City Tianxin District, Changsha, Hunan, China
T. +86 731 8556 9552 | F. +86 731 8556 9553
Nanchang 南昌
Hunan Angliss Food Service Limited
- Nanchang Branch
NEW Building 15, Weimafengshang community, Guangzhou road, Qingyunpu district, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province 湖南安得利食品有限公司(南昌分部) 江西省南昌市南昌縣小藍經濟技術開發區銀湖二路571號
T: +86 135 4897 7030
Wuhan 武漢
Angliss Wuhan Food Service Limited
Rm 1, 1-3F, Building D4, Phase 1 Huazhong Enterprise City, Douma River, Qinglong Branch, Wuhu Farm, Huangpi District, Wuhan 武漢安得利食品有限公司 武漢市黃陂區武湖農場青龍分場陡馬河華中企業城一期D4棟 1-3層1室
T. +86 27 6180 0941 | F. +86 27 6180 0942
Haikou 海口
Angliss Haikou Food Service Limited
No. 22 Xingye West Road, Hong Kong And Macao Development Zone, Xiuying District, Haikou City, Hainan Province 海口安得利食品有限公司
T. +86 898 6855 2916 | F. +86 898 6855 3455
Sanya 三亞
Angliss Sanya Food Service Limited
1-3F, Comprehensive Building A, Yuge Haiyun, Hongsha Community, Jiyang District, Sanya City, Hainan Province 三亞安得利食品有限公司 海南省三亞市吉陽區紅沙社區漁歌海韻A棟綜合樓 (一至三層商業)
T. +86 898 8863 0068
F. +86 898 8863 0318 / +86 898 6595 4474
Shantou 汕頭
Angliss Shantou Food Service Limited
No. 702, Building B, Xinli Building, east side of Hengshan Road, Longhu District, Shantou City, Guangdong Province 安得利(汕頭)食品有限公司
T. +86 754 8888 4710
PastryGlobal Food Service Limited
Flat B, 6/F, Magnet Place Tower 2, 38-42 Kwai Fung
Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號Magnet Place 2期6樓B室
Miumi International Food Company Limited
Flat A, 4/F, Magnet Place Tower 2, 38-42 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
Gourmet Cuisine Hong Kong Limited
Flat A, 6/F, Magnet Place Tower 2, 38-42 Kwai Fung
Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號Magnet Place 2期4樓A室
T. +852 2494 4966 | F. +852 2439 4070 www.miumi.asia
香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號Magnet Place 2期6樓A室
T. +852 2494 1967 | F. +852 2439 5055
Gourmet Cuisine Macau Fine Food Limited
Em Macau, Rua Dos Pescadores N°S 166 – 190, Industrial Veng Hou 10° Andar B
T. +853 2888 1155 | F. +853 2821 1039
Linson Global Seafood Trading Limited
foodtalk 名廚坊
G/F Shop 10, Magnet Place 1,Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T.
新界葵涌葵豐街 Magnet Place 1地下10號舖
T. +852 2615 0822 | F. +852 2615 0855
Hong Kong Island shop:
G/F, 23 First Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong
T. +852 2615 0338 | F. +852 2559 3938
47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
T. +852 2573 7433 | F. +852 2838 4071
Lou Lou Food Market
47-51 Kawi Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
E: info@louloufm.com
Miumi Tokyo Co., Ltd.
御海東京株式會社 Room 501, 2-6-3, Azabujuban, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0045 Japan
T. +81 3 6721 5689 | F. +81 3 6721 5693
Sweet la Vie
47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
T. +852 2494 1935 | F. +852 2615 2210 www.sweetlavie.com.hk
T. +852 2494 1900 | F. +852 3145 0756 www.pastryglobal.com.hk Bidfood
Miumi Japan Food Co Pte. Ltd. (A Division of Bidfood Singapore Pte Ltd) 232 Pandan Loop, Singapore 128420
T. +65 6777 2112 | F. +65 6779 7666
Gourmet Partner (S) Pte Ltd
47, Jalan Buroh, Singapore 619491
T. +65 9011 6062 | F: +65 6602 0790
Gourmet Partner (M) Sdn Bhd
No. 12, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/48, Kota Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia T. +603 5122 6601 | F. +603 5121 0601
Him Kee Food Distribution Company Limited
Flat B, 4/F, Magnet Place Tower 2, 38-42 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號Magnet Place 2期4樓B室
T. +852 2836 6888 | F. +852 2440 0405
Shenzhen Goodmaster Food Co Ltd
2F & 3F, Block 3B, Zone B, Baosheng Industrial Zone, No.1 Mabu Road, Bainikeng Community, Pinghu Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen
T. +86 0755-28856766
Bidfood China Limited
Gourmet Partner Vietnam
No. 8 Go O Moi St., Phu Thuan, District 7, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam
T. +84 (0)28 363 615 71
Natural and Organic Global Limited
Flat B, 4/F, Magnet Place Tower 2, 38-42 Kwai Fung
Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號Magnet Place 2期4樓B室
T. +852 2494 2214 | F. +852 2702 1290
Rm 301, Block 5, 100 Zixiu Road, Hongqiao Town, Minhang District, Shanghai 安得利(上海)食品有限公司
T. +86 21 6071 2300
Bidfood Holdings Malaysia Sdn Bhd No. 12, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/48, Seksyen 31, Kota Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
T. +603 5131 6399 | F: +603 5131 9233