It is with mixed feelings that I announce that, after about 20 years with Angliss Hong Kong, the time has come for me to move on to the next chapter of my life. This will allow me to pursue what I have wanted for quite a while –to spend time with my family and friends, and follow other interests. It has been my privilege to head this industryleading organisation, which has represented so much more than just a job, during my tenure.
My departure provokes many conflicting emotions: pride and joy in our shared achievements, sadness in leaving a treasured workplace and valued colleagues, satisfaction and comfort in the knowledge that a bright future has been set in place for the company and its employees.
I am very conscious of my good fortune in the opportunity to head up this unique and historic institution. I use this last word deliberately. Angliss is so much more than simply a workplace. For over 75 years it has embodied the spirit of Hong Kong and its people – tenacity, creativity, hard work and humour.
Never have these characteristics been more evident than in the past few years, with the challenges we have all faced together. Rather than capitulating to the pressures, we rose together to confront them, and found a way to not only survive, but thrive. I am proud to have been a member of the team here. Thank you for your belief in me, your support and your friendship.
I leave you in the most capable hands possible. Our new CEO for Greater China, Wilman Chong, has been Regional Finance Director of Angliss Greater China for the past year. Prior to this he held numerous financial and commercial positions across Hong Kong and Mainland China in a sizeable multinational corporation. I can think of no-one more suited to continue leading the Angliss journey than Wilman.
My sincere gratitude, my congratulations to Wilman, best wishes for the future to Angliss and its subsidiaries, and a fond farewell. Please keep in touch!
Johnny Kang CEO - Asia我懷著難以形容的心情向大家宣布,在安得利香港工作了接近 20 年之後,是時候要開展我人生的新篇章了。我希望這個決 定能讓我追隨我一直以來的願望 — 與家人和朋友共度時光, 並尋覓其他興趣。在我任職期間,能夠帶領公司不斷進步, 成為飲食業中數一數二的企業,實在是我的榮幸,而這段日 子裡,我對這份職責的感覺絕對比只是一份工作來得更深刻。
然而,離開安得利香港的這個決定令我百感交集:既為我們共 同取得的成就感到自豪和喜悅,卻又為離開珍而重之的工作和 難能可貴的同事而感到惋惜,同時亦為公司和員工的一片光明 前景而感到滿足和欣慰。
我非常清楚知道,自己有幸領導這間獨特且歷史豐富的企業是 多麼的難得。我這番話是發自內心的:安得利絕對不單止是我 工作的地方。超過75 年來,安得利一直展現出香港及城中一眾 市民的精神 — 堅韌、具創造力、勤奮和富幽默感。
這些特質在過去數年更是表露無遺 — 我們一同勇敢地迎難
而上。我們沒有屈服於壓力,而是團結起來面對挑戰,更找到 了不但令我們得以生存,甚至可以茁壯成長的方向。我很自豪 能夠成為這個團隊的一份子,亦十分感謝大家對我的信任、 支持和情誼。
現在,我終於放心把大家交到能力最優秀的人手中。我們新任 的大中華區首席執行官Wilman Chong在過去一年一直擔任著
安得利的大中華區財務總監,而他之前亦曾在中港兩地的大型 跨國公司任職不同的財務和管理層職位。我實在想不到還有什 麼人會比他更適合帶領安得利繼續前進了。
我在此衷心感謝並祝賀Wilman,亦祝願安得利及旗下子公司前 程錦繡。大家保重!願大家保持聯繫!
江文喜 亞洲區首席執行官
ISSUE 66 06
An introduction from CEO - Asia
Johnny Kang
While the Cafe Deco Group Executive Chef stays up to date with the industry, trusting his instincts – and his team – has seen him rise to the top of the profession
Editor in Chief / 總編輯 : Daniel Creffield
Editor / 編輯 : Vivian Lau
Project Manager / 項目统籌 : Wisteria Lo
Creative Director / 設計及藝術總監 : Fanky Fu
Translation / 翻譯 : Spear Translation
Foodtalk is published quarterly by Angliss Hong Kong Food Service Ltd.
2023 © Copyright Angliss Hong Kong Food Service Ltd
All rights reserved
2023 © 安得利香港餐飲有限公司
Published by:
Angliss Hong Kong Food Service
47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T. Hong Kong
T. +852 2481 5111
F. +852 2489 8861 info@angliss.com.hk www.angliss.com.hk
電話 +852 2481 5111
傳真 +852 2489 8861 info@angliss.com.hk www.angliss.com.hk
e-version: https://issuu.com/anglissasia
Foraging – gathering wild food from the environment around you – is all the rage, with celebrity chefs to neighbourhood cafes getting in on the act
16 19
Mediterranean Summer Table is a summery and delicious guide to seasonal Mediterranean cuisine, perfect for the warmer months ahead
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Angliss Chengdu Discovery 2023 stages dessert-making technique exchange conference; The Journey of Exploring Chuan Yue Delicacies is theme of Angliss Chengdu Discovery 2023
Events, shows and F&B openings in Greater China and around the world
Cafe Deco Group’s Executive Chef Sai Hsu has got to the top through a straightforward strategy of staying up to date with market trends, keeping his skills sharp and treating people right – and has a similar approach when it comes to dining out, prepared to try anywhere, “as long as the food is delicious”
FT (Foodtalk): How did you get your start in the restaurant industry?
SH (Sai Hsu): In 1999 I met my girlfriend, who told me her older brother was the executive chef of a French restaurant group. Curiously to try something new, and thanks to this connection, I entered the industry, experiencing western cuisine for the first time. That girlfriend is now my wife, so it was a good year for me!
FT: With your combined 18 years with the Cafe Deco Group, how would you describe your culinary journey and changing role within the group? What’s the attraction to the group?
SH: I have gone through various stages of growth and development, both personally and professionally, with
Cafe Deco Group 的行政總廚 Sai Hsu 擁有敏銳的 市場潮流觸覺、一身高超廚藝,同時關愛身邊的 每一位員工,因此被視為行業的翹楚。在外出用 餐時,他喜歡抱持開放的態度,嘗試任何餐廳的 出品:「只要食物美味可口就會一試。」
FT (Foodtalk): 您是如何開始從事餐飲業的?
SH (Sai Hsu): 1999年我遇到了我的女朋友,得知她的哥哥正 在一間法國餐廳集團擔任行政總廚。因為我對新事物一直充滿 好奇心,在經過她的介紹之後,我成功進入了飲食業,第一次
Café Deco Group. I started as a sous chef at Igor’s Group Wildfire, Bonham Road 18 years ago and worked my way up, developing my skills and knowledge of the culinary industry. By 2015 I was overseeing the kitchen teams of four outlets. As I progressed through the ranks, my role shifted from primarily cooking, to creating menus and overseeing the entire culinary operation as well as managing large teams of chefs and staff.
I also keep up with diner preferences and market trends, continually innovating and refining my culinary offerings to stay competitive. Since 2019 I have taken on a new role, successfully opening six new concepts to make a total of 15 outlets from scratch. Ultimately, my culinary journey and increasing responsibilities within the group are the best proof of my dedication, hard work and passion.
體驗外國廚藝的魅力。現在,當年的女朋友已成為了我的 妻子,所以那一年真的是我的幸運之年!
FT: 您在Cafe Deco Group工作了18年,您如何形容您的飲 食業職涯,以及在團隊中不斷變化的角色?集團對您有何吸 引力?
SH: 我個人成長和事業發展的各個階段都在 Café Deco Group 裡度過。18年前,我曾在位於般咸道 Igor' s 集團旗下的 Wildfire餐廳擔任副主廚。在工作期間,我不斷累積經驗, 提升我的烹飪技能和知識。到了2015年,我開始負責監督四間 分店的廚師團隊。隨著團隊不斷發展,我的角色從主要負責烹 飪變成為創作餐單和監督整個烹飪流程,以及管理龐大的廚師 和員工團隊。
另外,我學會了如何緊貼客人的喜好和市場趨勢,不斷創新和 改進我的出品,以保持競爭力。自2019年以來,我開始擔任新 的職位,負責開發六大新理念,從零開始建立了一共15間
Ultimately, my culinary journey and increasing responsibilities within the group are the best proof of my dedication, hard work and passion
「簡而言之,我在飲食業的發展和在團隊中擔任越來越重要的角色,Bistro Hoi An
My attraction to Café Deco Group is multifaceted, but factors include the opportunity to work with a wellestablished and reputable brand, lead and mentor a team of talented chefs, and innovate and create new dishes to excite and satisfy customers. I also appreciate the company’s policy on using the highest quality ingredients and equipment, as well as its commitment to providing excellent service and creating memorable dining experiences for customers.
FT: Cafe Deco Group offers such a diverse range of restaurants. How do you stay on top of trends, techniques and general management?
SH: I attend industry events such as food festivals and culinary conferences which provide an opportunity to network with other chefs and industry experts, as well as learn about new techniques and ingredients. I’m also able to keep up with industry news thanks to food magazines, culinary blogs and trade journals, which can provide valuable insights into emerging trends, new ideas and the latest development in management practice.
分店。簡而言之,我在飲食業的發展和在團隊中擔任越來越重 要的角色,相信是對我盡職盡責、辛勤工作和不渝熱情的一種 認可。
我之所以喜歡在Café Deco Group工作有多方面的原因,其中
包括有機會和具規模的著名品牌合作、帶領一隊才華橫溢的廚 師團隊,以及不斷創作全新的菜式,以滿足客戶的美食要求。 公司一直採用高質素的食材和設備,而且重視為客人提供優質 的服務和難忘的用餐體驗,這一切都是令我享受在這裡工作的 原因。
FT: Café Deco Group旗下的餐廳種類繁多,您是如何成功緊 貼潮流、掌握各種烹飪技術,同時能夠管理好日常業務的? SH: 我經常參加行業活動,例如美食節和烹飪交流會,讓我有 機會與其他廚師和行業專家交流,並了解到最新的飲食業技術 和食材。我還經常閱讀飲食雜誌、烹飪網誌和行業期刊,讓自 己更加掌握到最新的行業資訊、市場趨勢,新構思和管理 手法。
與其他廚師和同事合作亦能幫助我學習新的技術和技能、掌握 最新美食趨勢。我還會充份利用公司提供的各種培訓計劃和
Collaboration with other chefs and colleagues can also be an effective way to learn new techniques and skills and stay on top of trends. I also take advantage of the various training programmes and resources provided by the company as well as other sessions, workshops and courses. Customer feedback and reviews can provide valuable insights into what is working and what may need rethinking. This can help us to make informed decisions about menus and overall restaurant management.
資源,積極參與各種交流會、工作坊和課程。客人的回饋和 意見亦都是我們進步的原動力,讓我們了解到哪些做法是有 效的,而哪些方面則需要改進,從而幫助到我們更有效地改善 餐單和餐廳的整體運作和管理。
FT: 您如何形容您與主廚導師Angelo McDonnell的關係? SH: Angelo主廚給了我很多機會,不僅讓我學習到不同的烹飪 技巧,還讓我學會如何以誠實和慷慨的態度與人交流。以往的 他是我的老闆,但現在已成為了我家庭的一份子。
By travelling and experiencing these first-hand, you can learn new cooking techniques and methods to apply to your own cuisine, which will also be more authentic and culturally relevant. I will continue to explore to discover new things and satisfy my curiosity
「透過旅程親身體驗當地的飲食文化, 我可以領略到新的烹飪技巧和方法,並將其應用於自己的出品之中。
今後,我會繼續探索廚藝,發現新的事物,以滿足自己的好奇心」Chef's cuts steak and bone marrow
FT: How you describe your relationship with your mentor Chef Angelo McDonnell?
SH: Chef Angelo gave me lots of opportunities to not only learn cooking skills, but how to communicate with people with integrity and generosity. He was my boss, but is now more like a family member.
FT: You were involved in much of the planning and opening of restaurants such as Pivo Czech Bar, Stormies, Cafe Deco Pizzeria, Pho-dle Bar, Bamboo Thai, Duan Chun Zhen, Kyoto Katsugyu, Chef's Market, Chef's Cut, TOKYO DOLCI and the latest OZAKAYA and Bistro Hoi
An. What is the secret to a successful opening?
SH: Careful planning, developing a clear concept and direction, attention to detail, quality ingredients, leading by example, effective marketing and exceptional customer service.
FT: 您曾經參與多間餐廳的規劃和開業,
如 Pivo Czech Bar、Stormies、Cafe Deco Pizzeria、 Pho-dle Bar、Bamboo Thai、Duan Chun Zhen、Kyoto Katsugyu、Chef' s Market、Chef' s Cut、Tokyo dolci,
以及最新的 OZAKAYA 和 Bistro Hoi An。這些餐廳成功開業 的秘訣是什麼?
SH: 秘訣包括仔細規劃、制定明確的經營理念和方向、重視 細節、採用優質的食材、以身作則、有效的市場推資策略以及 提供卓越的客戶服務。
FT: 作為一名廚師,您一直提高自己的烹飪技巧,並為此曾經 前往捷克、巴黎、澳洲和日本交流。您能總結一下這些旅程如 何為您的烹飪事業帶來突破嗎?
SH: 這些旅程讓我能夠創作出耳目一新的餐單、理念和計劃, 同時能令我整個人得以成長和提升自我能力。正因為每個國家 都有其獨特的烹飪傳統和技術,透過旅程親身體驗當地的飲食 文化,我可以領略到新的烹飪技巧和方法,並將其應用於自己 的出品之中。這樣,我的製作會更加地道,而且更富有當地風 味和各式各樣的文化氣息。這些知識還可以幫助廚師掌握與不 同文化背景客人互動的技巧。今後,我會繼續探索廚藝,發現 新的事物,以滿足自己的好奇心。
制定明確的經理念和方向、重視細節、採用優質的食材、 以身作則、有效的市場推資策略以及提供卓越的客戶服務」
FT: You have a reputation as a chef always keen to improve your skills, and to do so have travelled to the Czech Republic, Paris, Australia and Japan. Can you sum up how these travels informed your culinary outlook?
SH: These experiences have inspired me to create new menus, concepts and plans while focusing on selfgrowth and improving myself. Each country has its unique culinary traditions and techniques. By travelling and experiencing these first-hand, you can learn new cooking techniques and methods to apply to your own cuisine, which will also be more authentic and culturally relevant. This knowledge can also help chefs better serve customers from diverse backgrounds. I will continue to explore to discover new things and satisfy my curiosity.
FT: Can you explain what has changed in the restaurant industry over the past years since you joined? What have been the main innovations and improvements?
SH: Restaurants are becoming more creative with their menus, offering unique and innovative dishes that incorporate global flavours and ingredients. This has led to a rise in fusion cuisine and the popularity of plant-based and vegan options. Restaurants are increasingly focused on providing a memorable customer experience. This includes personalised service, unique dining environments, and interactive elements such as open kitchens and
FT: 您能否解釋一下自您加入集團以來,過去幾年來餐飲行業發生了哪些變化?主 要有哪些創新和改進?
SH: 餐廳的餐單變得越來越有創意,而且各種獨特的創新菜肴不斷湧現,令世界各 地的風味融入其中;當中引入了大量外地豐富食材,造就了融合菜式的興起,以 及蔬果素食餐單的普及。另外,餐廳亦越來越注重為客人提供令人難忘的用餐 體驗,包括提供個人化服務、獨特的用餐環境,開放式廚房以及主廚餐桌等互動 元素。社交媒體亦成為了餐廳推廣品牌、與客戶交流,以及展示其餐單和菜式非 常重要的渠道,當中不少餐廳都有透過KOL來進行市場推廣。
[The secret to a successful opening] is careful planning, developing a clear concept and direction, attention to detail, quality ingredients, leading by example, effective marketing and exceptional customer service
「餐廳成功開業的秘訣是]秘訣括仔細規劃、Ozakaya saga A5 wagyu sirloin
chef’s tables. Social media has become a powerful tool for restaurants to promote their brand, connect with customers, and showcase their menus and offerings, with many using influencers to promote their business.
FT: Cafe Deco Group is one of Hong Kong’s most prominent dining groups. How has it achieved this status in the face of such stiff opposition?
SH: Over the years the group has built a strong brand reputation for quality and excellence, which has helped attract a loyal customer base. We have strategically located restaurants in busy areas such as popular shopping centres, tourist attractions and business districts, which has helped increase visibility and foot traffic. We consistently introduce innovative menu items, new decor and service concepts to keep our offerings fresh and exciting for customers. The company also has a skilled and experienced management team dedicated to maintaining these high standards of quality and service.
FT: Cafe Deco Group是香港最著名的餐 飲集團之一。面對嚴峻的市場環境,它是 如何保持這種領導地位的?
SH: 多年來,集團不斷追求品質和卓越的 經營手法,為它建立了強大的品牌聲譽, 這些都有助建立一群忠誠的客戶。我們的 餐廳地理位置優越,在熱門購物中心、旅 遊景點和商業區等繁忙區域皆設有分店, 從而提高了餐廳的曝光率和客流量。我們 不斷推出創新的餐單、全新的裝修和服務 理念,以保持客人對我們出品的新鮮感 和吸引力。集團還擁有一隊經驗豐富的管 理團隊,一直保持極高的食品品質和服務 標準。
FT: 就您目前的職位和整個行業來看,您 認為餐飲業未來面臨的最大挑戰是什麼? SH: 餐飲業一直面臨勞動力短缺問題,新 冠疫情更加劇了這方面的挑戰,導致難以 招聘和挽留人才。餐廳還需要快速適應市 場趨勢,以便跟上不斷變化的市場喜好和 趨勢。然而,利用數據進行分析有助改善 公司的營運能力。
FT: 您是那些喜歡在閒暇時間製作和享用 美食,還是在工餘時間簡簡單單吃一碗餛 飩麵的廚師?
SH: 我經常運用天然食材為孩子們烹製簡 單的食物。我亦喜歡到不同餐廳用餐, 無論是高級餐廳還是大眾化的餐廳, 只要食物美味可口,我都願意一試。
FT: What do you see as the greatest challenges, both in your current position and industry-wide, over the next couple of years?
SH: The restaurant industry has been facing a labour shortage, exacerbated by the pandemic. This has led to difficulties finding and retaining skilled staff. Restaurants also need to adapt quickly to keep up with shifting consumer preferences and behaviours. Data analytics help to improve operations.
FT: Do you enjoy cooking and eating in your leisure time, or are you the kind of chef who is happy with a bowl of wonton noodles when not on duty?
SH: I often cook simple meals for my children using natural ingredients. I also enjoy dining at various restaurants, whether they are high or low-end, as long as the food is delicious.
FT: What are your ambitions for the future?
SH: I’m focusing on expanding both the Café Deco Group brand as well as its new and existing concepts. While there will be more new opening, the priority is maintaining the current high standards of food quality and service that established the group’s reputation.
SH: 我一直專注於拓展Café Deco Group品牌,當中有些現時 發展中的業務和嶄新的想法需要繼續發展下去。雖然集團將來 會有更多新餐廳開業,但首要任務仍然是保持目前的食品品質 和服務水準,因為這關乎到集團的聲譽。
Foraging – the act of gathering wild food from the environment around you – is going from strength to strength, with proponents ranging from back-to-nature types to Michelin chefs
Therehas been a lot in the media in recent times about foraging – gathering wild food which you don’t need to pay for. While this activity has been going on for as long as there have been people – and of course, non-domesticated animals don’t have much choice in the matter – it has definitely become much more trendy over the past few years.
Restaurants have also been quick to pick up on the trend, transforming humble berries and hedge trimmings into Michelin-starred dishes. Renowned chefs such as Rene Redzepi at Noma in Copenhagen, and Magnus Nilssun at Faviken in Norway, for whom foraging is essential, started a Scandinavian wild food invasion which hit cities around the world, including New York and London.
野生覓材 — 這種四周採集野生食材的人類本能,自 古以來一直存在 — 它並沒有消失,反而不斷發展下 去,而支持野生覓材的人更由提倡反樸歸真的人到 米芝蓮大廚也有
最近,媒體有不少關於野生覓材的報導 — 專門收集不需要花 錢的「野生食材」。雖然這種行徑自有人類存在以來就一直 在進行 — 當然,野生動物只能在野外找尋食物 — 但在過去 幾年間,野生覓材於人類之間竟變得越來越流行。
然而,不少餐廳都看上了這個趨勢,把不起眼的漿果和樹籬變 成米芝蓮星級菜式!負責打理哥本哈根著名餐廳Noma的Rene Redzepi和挪威Faviken的Magnus Nilssun等名廚皆認為覓材 十分重要,因此發起了一場北歐斯堪地那維亞野生覓材大行動, 活動席捲世界各地城市,當中更「延伸」至紐約和倫敦。
Advocates of the activity say that as well as being fun and creative, foraging enables an escape from mundane stores and supermarkets, encourages a greater awareness of one's surroundings and the natural world and increases health and fitness. They also draw attention to the astonishingly wide range of plants, flowers, roots, herbs, fruit and other vegetable varieties available throughout the year.
These will, of course, vary widely depending on what part of the world you live in. In cooler climates such as northern Europe, you can expect to find nettles, hop shots, three-cornered leek, elderflowers, walnuts, hawthorn berries, wild garlic, blackberries, sweet chestnuts, and all kinds of apples and pears. In Asia, you are likely to find items including custard apples, lemongrass, Indian gooseberry, mimosa beans, papaya, banana blossom, asparagus, prickly ash, Chinese spinach and more.
Once you have gathered your haul of wild ingredients, there are numerous resources, from books to websites, to offer guidance on what to do with them. But be careful – before you know it you’ll be opening your own potentially Michelin star-winning restaurant!
不少大行動的支持者認為,覓材不單止有趣且富有創意,還可 以讓大家逃離沈悶的商店和超市,鼓勵大家更深入地了解四周 的環境和自然世界,促進身心健康。他們還呼籲大家多留意各 種時令食材,包括各式各樣的植物、花蕊、根莖、藥草、水果 和其他蔬菜 - 種類的數量及範圍驚人!
當然,您所居住的地區,亦會影響到食材種類的供應。在北歐 等氣候較冷的地區,您不難可以找到蕁麻、啤酒花、三角 韭菜、接骨木花、核桃、山楂漿果、野生大蒜、黑莓、甜栗子 以及各種蘋果和梨子。若您身在亞洲,則可能會找到番荔枝、 檸檬草、印度醋栗、怕羞草豆、木瓜、香蕉蕊、蘆筍、花椒以 及菠菜等野生食材。
只要將這些野生食材保存起來,您就可以透過書籍甚至乎網站 等大量資源,找到如何將它們炮製成美食的方法!別說沒有提 醒您 - 當您把這些都學會之後,可能您已經能夠開設一間屬於自 己的米芝蓮餐廳了!
Summer is well and truly upon us, and culinary inspiration comes in the form of this charming guide to suitably seasonal Mediterranean cuisine, bursting with fresh and delicious ideas
Mediterranean cuisine as we know, is full of fresh, light and summery dishes. Kathy Kordalis serves us exactly that, with delicioussounding recipes such as blue cheese arancini and griddled olives with an Amaretto sour; Fig, goat cheese, ricotta and rocket on a thin and crispy pizza base; olive oil torta with roasted stone fruits and vanilla, and much more.
Reflecting Mediterranean cuisine’s love of seafood, Kordalis treats us to some of her personal favourites, such as pan-fried cod fillet with white polenta and basil gremolata; and brioche bites with smoked trout. There are also beverages such as creme fraiche with a berry gin jug, and flexitarian and vegetarian options.
Not only does this summer release cater for all foodies, but the techniques and presentation of dishes will really wow guests.
Kathy Kordalis grew up in Sydney, Australia with Greek parents. Finding cooking inspiration in her Mediterranean heritage, a love of food grew, and her career took off after she graduated from Leith’s School of Food and Wine. Kordalis moved to London and joined the professional world of food with a management role at the Divertimenti Cookery School. She now acts as a freelance food stylist and author, working with Tesco, the Waitrose Food Magazine and other upmarket clients.
With the recent release of Mediterranean Summer Table, we couldn’t be more excited to get into the kitchen to try out her stunning, classic yet contemporary recipes.
眾所周知,地中海美食一向重視選用新鮮的食材,味道較為清淡、 輕盈,而且充滿夏日的氣息。當中,Kathy Kordalis為我們提供的 食譜更是會令人聽起來就食指大動,例如藍芝士阿蘭西尼炸飯團和 澆上杏仁酸酒的烤橄欖;佈滿無花果、山羊芝士、意大利乳清芝士 和芝麻菜等食材的薄脆披薩;橄欖油托塔配烤核果和香草等多款美 味菜餚。
另外,為了展示海鮮是地中海美食的主打食材,Kordalis更特別為 我們提供了一些她自己非常喜歡的海鮮菜式食譜,例如煎鱈魚柳配 白玉米粥和羅勒格雷莫拉塔;以及奶油蛋捲配煙燻鱒魚等。食譜當 中還包括莓果氈酒配法式酸奶油等特色飲品,同時亦有提供彈性素 食和素食選擇。
這本於夏季推出的食譜不僅能夠迎合一眾美食家的口味,當中傳授 的烹飪技巧和擺盤方式亦絕對會讓你的賓客歎為觀止。
Kathy Kordalis生於希臘家庭,並在澳洲悉尼長大。Kordalis從小 受地中海文化的薰陶,喜歡從中尋找烹飪靈感,因此對食物的熱愛 與日俱增。而在她從Leith’ s食品與葡萄酒學院畢業後,其烹飪事 業便振翅高飛。Kordalis移居倫敦,並在 Divertimenti 烹飪學校 擔任管理職務,自此進入了食品界的專業領域。她現在是一名自由 食品造型師兼作家,與英國大型連鎖超級市場Tesco、《維特羅斯 飲食雜誌》及其他高級客戶合作。
隨著這本《地中海夏季盛宴》的誕生,我們實在迫不及待走進廚 房,跟隨她筆下那些令人驚嘆、而又符合現代人口味的經典食譜, 嘗試烹調出各款美食。
作者 : Kathy Kordalis, Ryland Peters & Small Ltd 夏天真的來臨了!而這本引人入勝的指南正好為我 們帶來最適合這個季節的地中海美食,當中蘊藏著既 新鮮、又美味的創意食譜,能為我們提供源源不絕的 烹飪靈感Kathy Kordalis, Ryland Peters & Small Ltd
滿足不同場合和口味的經典百變食譜 (2023)
Chef Francis Thuan, Executive Chef and Co-founder at Esta Saigon, is a different kind of fireman. Rather than extinguishing the flames, he utilises them to turn local ingredients into inspired natural dishes that are quickly winning over hearts and palates
Photography courtesy Esta Saigon
FT(Foodtalk): Instead of understanding instinctively that F&B was your calling and vocation from an early age, you followed your father and qualified as a civil engineer before realising it was not the career path for you. But do you think you would have made a good civil engineer, and do you apply any of those skills as a chef?
CFT(Chef Francis Thuan): In every profession, attention to detail is crucial to deliver good results. As a civil engineer, I had to fully comprehend the structure of materials and understand the construction of sustainable buildings. These skills have translated into my culinary career, allowing me to focus on every ingredient, the operation of the kitchen, and the structure of dishes. This principle aligns with the culinary term mise en place, which means everything needs to be in its place.
Thuan 是一位與別不同的「消防員」。他的做法 並非把火焰撲熄,而是利用火焰將本地食材變成一 道道出色的菜餚,因此很快就俘虜人心和味蕾
FT(Foodtalk): 在您年輕的時候還未發現到飲食才是您的 天職,您跟隨了父親的步伐成為了一名土木工程師,後來才意 識到這並不是您理想的職業。回想起來,您認為您會成為一名 優秀的土木工程師嗎?這些技能又能夠應用於廚師的工作身 上嗎?
CFT(Chef Francis Thuan): 在每個職業中,對細節的重視對於
「這一切是基於我們對食物的真誠 - 沒有任何掩眼法,只有優質的食材, 溫暖的爐火,以及我們對提供令人難忘的地道越南美食的熱情」
FT: You first got a taste for the profession when delivering food around Saigon and helping out in kitchens. How quickly did you release this was the industry where you would find success?
CFT: I think I was chosen by the kitchen. I felt happy when I was there, learning about another world of food, nature, agriculture ... which even now keeps me constantly thinking and focusing on food and drink. For me, working with passion is the key.
FT: Your culinary story further developed when you worked with farmers in the hills of Dalat for a year. Why did you do this and what did you learn? Have those lessons remained with you?
CFT: Working with farmers made me appreciate the ingredients, effort and love they pour into their work. I learned about what to eat and when to eat it, depending on the seasons. Inheriting their passion, I transfer my love to my customers.
FT: Can you describe your decision to use primarily Vietnamese ingredients in your cuisine?
CFT: For me, the cuisine of a country is rooted in its geographical location and history, forming a unique culinary foundation. This can be seen in how spices are used, which I believe best represent the flavour profile of a country’s cuisine. I therefore prioritise local spices in order to highlight the local flavours on my menu at Esta.
FT: You had the opportunity to cook at Mount Everest Base Camp above 5,000 metres altitude. What was that experience like?
CFT: Climbing to Everest Base Camp for ten days, and descending for five, just for a lunch experience, was quite an endeavour! For the
理解材料的結構和可持續建築物的構造。這些技巧皆可應 用在我的烹飪生涯當中,讓我能夠專注於每一種食材、廚 房的運作和菜式的結構。這個原則與烹飪術語「mise en place」不謀而合,意思就是各就各位。
FT: 當您在西貢擔任侍應和在廚房幫忙時,您第一次對這個 職業產生了興趣。您是從何時開始意識到這是您可以取得 成功的行業呢?
CFT: 我想我是被廚房選中的。我在那裏非常快樂,並了解 到另一個關於食物、大自然、農業的世界……即使到現在, 我亦在不斷思考並專注於研究飲食。對我來說,充滿熱情 地工作是十分重要的態度。
It's all about being honest with our food - no smoke and mirrors, just quality ingredients, a warm fire, and our passion to serve memorable, real-deal Vietnamese cuisine.
guests and myself, it was one of the most memorable meals of our lives. We were in awe of the majestic mountains, breathtaking nature, and realised how small we are in comparison, which made us appreciate life more. Witnessing the efforts of the chefs in providing this extraordinary experience made the meal truly special. Our team had to carry all the ingredients, drinks, cooking tools, tables, chairs, etc, to set up for a group of 15 people. You can imagine the challenges we faced to provide this wonderful experience.
FT: Esta Saigon has been described in the media as “a celebration of Vietnam’s terroir, plants and seasons, through dishes cooked simply with fire.” Does this capture the essence of what you are trying to achieve at the restaurant?
CFT: Definitely! We travel across Vietnam to find unique, homegrown flavours, then cook them on an open fire to keep their natural taste. It's all about being honest with our food - no smoke and mirrors, just quality ingredients,
FT: 當您在大叻山區與農民一起工作了一年後,您的烹飪生涯 得以進一步發展。您為什麼會這樣做?您學到了什麼?這些得 着您還記得嗎?
CFT: 與農民一起工作讓我懂得欣賞食材和他們對工作投入的 努力和愛。我學會了根據季節進食時令食物。我承傳了他們的 熱情,亦把愛傳遞給我的顧客。
FT: 可以講述一下您是如何決定菜式中使用哪種越南食材的? CFT: 對我來說,一個國家的美食植根於它的地理位置和歷史, 形成出獨特的烹飪基礎。 這可以從香料的使用方式中得知, 我認為這最能代表一個國家的美食風味。因此,我會優先選擇 本地香料,以突出在 Esta 餐單上的本地風格。
FT: 您曾經在海拔5000米以上的珠穆朗瑪峰基地營烹飪。 那是 一種怎樣的體驗?
CFT: 攀上珠穆朗瑪峰基地營花了十天,下山亦花了五天,只是 為了一頓午餐,簡直就是一次壯舉!對顧客和我自己來說, 這是我們畢生難忘的一餐。雄偉的山脈和大自然讓我們嘆為 觀止,相比之下,我們是多麼的渺小,這讓我們更加珍惜生命。 親眼看到廚師們為這次非凡的經歷所付出的努力,讓這頓飯更
「我想我是被廚房選中的。我在那裏非常快樂,並了解到另一個關於食物、 大自然、農業的世界⋯⋯即使到現在,我亦在不斷思考並專注於研究飲食」
a warm fire, and our passion to serve memorable, real-deal Vietnamese cuisine.
FT: Can you describe the way you use fire at the restaurant which makes it different?
CFT: The cooking method over fire is similar in most wood fire restaurants, but what differentiates us is the source of ingredients, our understanding of those ingredients, and the skill of utilising the heat of the fire to bring out the best flavour. The challenge is how to convey the original taste of the ingredients to the customer.
加特別。我們的團隊為了準備15 人的午餐,必須攜帶所有
食材、飲料、廚具、餐桌、椅子等。您或者可以想像到我們 為了這次美妙的體驗所面臨的挑戰是何其嚴峻。
FT: Esta Saigon 被媒體描述為「單純運用明火炮製佳餚, 以歌頌越南的風土人情、植物和季節」,這是否正是您想要 在餐廳帶出的理念?
CFT: 正是! 我們走遍越南尋找獨特的本土風味,然後用明 火炮製以保留食材的原汁原味。這一切都是基於我們對食物 的真誠 - 沒有任何掩眼法,只有優質的食材,溫暖的爐火, 以及我們對提供令人難忘的地道越南美食的熱情。
I think I was chosen by the kitchen. I felt happy when I was there, learning about another world of food, nature, agriculture ... which even now keeps me constantly thinking and focusing on food and drink
FT: You are renowned for using unusual ingredients. Can you give some examples?
CFT: To honour local flavours and make the most of the fresh ingredients nature provides Vietnam we seek out things like seafood, spices, fruits and vegetables in season. For example, we use unicorn leatherjacket fish, shellfish, mắc mật, mắc khén, hạt dỗi, lá thắng cố, tiêu rừng (wild peppers), different herbs, and various local fermented products like tofu and soybeans.
FT: You have won several awards, including Restaurant of the Year and Chef of the Year. How did you feel about this success, and is it something you strive for?
CFT: These awards are a recognition of the hard work put in by our entire team. They serve as motivation for us to continue exploring and innovating to provide new offerings for our local and international customers.
FT: 您能講述一下您那讓餐廳與眾不同的用火方式嗎?
CFT: 與大部份使用柴火的餐廳的烹飪方法都很相似,我們的不 同之處只在於食材的來源、我們對這些食物的了解,以及利用 火的熱力帶出最佳風味的技巧,挑戰在於如何將食材的原味傳 遞給客人。
FT: 您以選用非主流食材而見稱,可以舉一些例子嗎? CFT: 為了尊重本地風味,同時充份利用大自然為越南帶來的 新鮮食材,我們會不斷尋找時令海鮮、香料、水果和蔬菜等食 材。例如,我們會使用剝皮魚、貝類、mắc mật, mắc khén, hạt dỗi(木蘭籽)、lá thắng cố, tiêu rừng(野辣椒)等香料、不同 的香草以及各種本地發酵產品,如豆腐和大豆。
FT: 您贏得了年度最佳餐廳和年度最佳廚師等多個獎項,您對 這些成就有甚麼感想?這是您奮鬥的目標嗎?
CFT: 這些獎項是對我們整個團隊辛勤工作的肯定。它激勵了我 們繼續探索和創新,為我們本地和來自世界各地的客人提供更 多創新菜式。
FT: What’s your plan for the restaurant over the medium and longer term? Is expansion a possibility?
CFT: As we continue to work and research local ingredients, we never cease to better ourselves. Our goal is to improve every day. We will definitely consider expansion for new ideas.
FT: 您對餐廳有甚麼中期和長遠的計劃?有擴張的可能嗎?
CFT: 我們不斷努力和研究本地食材,我們因而從未停步。我們 的目標是每天都在進步,我們絕對會考慮擴張,以及探索更多 新的想法。
The cuisine of a country is rooted in its geographical location and history, forming a unique culinary foundation. This can be seen in how spices are used, which I believe best represent the flavour profile of a country’s cuisine
We hear the term bandied around casually in both the media and by wine drinkers, but what exactly is terroir and how much effect does it actually have?
Takenfrom the word for land, terroir is a French term used to describe the unique environmental factors that affect crops, primarily wine, but also produce such as tobacco, olive oil, chocolate, tomatoes, maple syrup and tea and coffee. In essence, terroir is the natural elements of producing crops that is beyond the control of humans.
It also forms the basis of the French wine appellation d'origine contrôlée (AOC) regulation system in France and worldwide, which is grounded in the understanding that the land grapes are grown on imparts unique and specific characteristics to that growing area. How significant this is, balanced against the inherent nature of individual grape varieties, the weather, method of production, skill of the producers and other factors, has been a constant debate for decades, if not centuries!
我們經常在媒體或愛酒人士口中聽到「風土」這 個字,但究竟什麼是風土?它到底對葡萄酒有多 大影響?
風土這個詞語源自「土地」一字,是一個法國術語,用來描述 影響農作物的獨特環境因素;主要用於葡萄酒種植方面,但亦 會用於煙草、橄欖油、可可豆、蕃茄、楓糖漿、茶葉和咖啡等 農產品上。 技術上來說,風土即是人類生產農作物時無法控制 的自然因素。
Yet it is difficult to argue that terroir has zero impact on crop production. For hundreds of years, French winemakers have documented the variation in wines from different regions, vineyards, or even sections of the same vineyard. It has become not only a classification system, but a selling point, with makers pointing out subtle differences (and therefore desirability) between their vintages.
The Ancient Greeks used a nascent version of this system, while Benedictine and Cistercian monks also experimented with grapes grown on different parts of their vast vineyards, and the differences they had on the wine produced. There is evidence that the monks even tasted the soil directly to try to detect subtle differences in terroir! Whatever their methods, the system worked, as much of this land went on to be developed as what we now know as the Grand Cru vineyards of Burgundy.
It is now accepted that micro-climate, soil type, geomorphology (landform evolution), and vine organisms make up the concept. Beyond the science, however, the truth’s in the drinking, so here’s your challenge: try two or more very similar wines from the same area and see if you can taste the difference!
另外,風土還是法國和世界各地法國葡萄酒原產地命名管控 (AOC) 監管體系的基礎,當中命名的基礎因素可大致理解為: 影響當地葡萄種植的獨特種植因素和具體特徵。那風土究竟有 多重要呢?過去幾十年來甚至幾個世紀以來,酒莊就是一直煩 惱在不同葡萄品種的天然特性、天氣、生產方法、園區種植技 術和其他因素之間取得平衡!
無可否認,風土對葡萄酒的影響十分之巨大。 數百年來,法國 釀酒師記錄了來自不同地區、葡萄園甚至同一酒莊不同區域產 出的葡萄酒的差異。它不單止成為了一個分類系統,而且還成 為了一個賣點,讓酒莊以不同葡萄酒年份之間的微妙分別作為 賣點推出產品,讓無數買家垂涎欲滴。
這套系統當初由古希臘人使用,其後被天主教的本篤會和西多 會修士起用,並嘗試在不同葡萄園區種植葡萄,以研究當中生 產的葡萄酒有什麼差異;曾有文獻記載過,這些修士為了研究 風土對葡萄酒的細微影響,甚至會直接將土壤放進口裡品嚐! 無論如何,這套系統的確有效,造福了我們將這一大片土地開 發成為我們現在人所共知的勃艮第特級葡萄園區。
時至今日,人們都普遍認為微氣候、土壤類型、地貌(地質演 化)和不同葡萄品種都是影響著葡萄酒質素的基礎。 然而,除 了科學解釋之外,事實上還需要將心思放回品酒的態度之上, 因此您不妨可以:嘗試一下來自同一地區的兩種或以上非常相 似的葡萄酒類型,看看是否品嚐出當中的分別?
Sentosa Head of Culinary, learned early in his career that respect should be earned, and works closely with his team, management and suppliers to reinforce positivity in everything he does
FT(Foodtalk): We don’t know much about your early years, and what originally drew you into the culinary field, but you seem to have achieved a lot in a relatively short time.
KC(Ken Chaw): I got my first kitchen job in a Chinese restaurant in Penang, Malaysia, when I was 18. I had just finished my exams, and coming from a humble background and the eldest in the family, was excited
來自馬來西亞的Ken Chaw,現為新加坡聖淘沙索 菲特溫泉渡假村(新加坡聖淘沙)的總廚,他在入 行初期早已了解到別人的尊重是應該靠自己的實力 來贏得的。因此,他一直與團隊、管理層和供應商 保持緊密的關係,好讓他每事都得心應手
FT(Foodtalk): 我們對初入行時的您不太認識,以及什麼原因 驅使您決定加入飲食業,同時您又好像在頗短的時間內取得了不 少成就○
KC(Ken Chaw): 我18歲時在馬來西亞檳城的一間中餐館找 到了我的第一份廚房工作。那時的我剛剛考完公開試,同時來 自一個背景平凡的家庭,亦是家中的長子,對於能夠成為家庭 支柱的其中一份子感到十分興奮。能夠成為廚師絕對是一次改 變人生的決定,但無奈的是那個年代,中菜廚師大多會對像我
about being able to shoulder some of the family expenditure. It was definitely a life-changing experience, but unfortunately in a negative way, as, in those days, Chinese chefs could be very rough, shouting and sometimes being abusive to young starters like me! I realised this was not the way I wanted to lead my life and possibly become like in the future, so half a year later, decided to further my culinary studies. Like a lot of Malaysians, I came to Singapore to work after graduation because of better work opportunities. I was lucky to land my first job at Sheraton Towers Singapore and the rest is history. Looking back, I spent a good 19 years in Singapore carving my career in hospitality. From someone who did not even know how to differentiate between broccoli and cauliflower in English, to becoming a head chef now, I am proud of my achievements. It is through pure hard work, the hunger to learn and not forgetting many mentors who recognised my efforts that brought me to where I am today.
FT: What’s the appeal of the Sofitel Group, and working on the resort destination Sentosa Island?
KC: I was offered this opportunity and was happy to be given a chance to be part of the luxury brand of the Accor Group – Sofitel. The Sofitel Singapore Sentosa is a beautiful resort and I took it as a great opportunity to build my career portfolio.
FT: As a relatively young chef, leading a culinary team of 40 must have its challenges. What’s your strategy for staying on top and inspiring the workforce?
KC: Staying positive is the secret to handling anything. My first kitchen experience in Penang shaped my leadership approach, and I wanted to work with leaders who inspire, not those who have an abusive or dominating leadership style. This is no longer the right strategy to manage teams. I aspire to be a leader who can build and inspire cohesive teams, listening to concerns and working alongside colleagues to resolve challenges and obstacles. Respect should be earned, not demanded.
這樣的年輕新手呼呼喝喝,有時還會粗暴對待我們!令我知道 這不是我想要過的生活方式,亦不是我未來想成為的榜樣,所 以在半年後,我決定進一步深造烹飪技術。與大部份馬來西亞 人一樣,我畢業後來到新加坡工作,因為那裡有更多的工作機 會。我很幸運,能夠在新加坡喜來登大酒店找到我的第一份工 作,至於其他細節就不作詳述了。回首過去,我在新加坡度過 了理想的19年,一直在酒店業為自己的事業打拼。從一個連西 蘭花和椰菜花的英文都分不清的人,到現在成為一位主廚,我 為我的成就感到自豪。我之所以能夠走到今天,依靠的完全是 努力工作及不斷學習的態度,以及不忘認同及支持我的導師們 給我的教誨。
FT: 索菲特集團和在新加坡聖淘沙工作有什麼吸引力? KC: 我對能夠在此工作感到榮幸,而且很高興能成為雅高酒店 集團旗下奢華酒店品牌索菲特的一員。新加坡聖淘沙是一個美 麗的度假勝地,我認為是建立我的職業生涯的黃金機會。
FT: 作為一位相對年輕的廚師,帶領一隊40人的廚師團隊一定 會面對不少壓力。你是如何能夠令團隊一直保持水準以及不斷 進步的?
KC : 保持積極的心態是應對一切困難的秘訣。我在檳城的第一 份工作經歷造就了我的領袖風格,我想與那些能夠帶領別人進 步的領袖一起工作,而不是與那些喜歡為難別人或「一言堂」 的領袖工作。這種管理手法已經過時了。我希望成為一位能夠 建立團隊精神的領袖,聆聽各方所關切的,與同事們一起解決 困難和障礙。別人的尊重是應該贏回來的,而不是奪過來的。
FT: 您曾在包括莱佛士酒店和希爾頓在內的環球品牌,以及皮 克林賓樂雅臻選等精品酒店集團裡工作,當中的工作經驗有何 不同,從中又學到了什麼?
KC: 我從不同的集團中學會了不同的事物。在我的職業生涯的 不同階段裡,我不單止學到了烹飪技術,還學到了管理和領導 技巧。當然,工作總會遇到挑戰,但這些挑戰都能讓我變得更 加堅強和自信。那些在我剛入行時就認識我的人會看得出當時 和現在的我的分別!
FT: 您一直以高效的營運風格見稱 - 超出預期的衛生安全 標準,不斷降低食品成本,以及提高整體部門質素。您是如何 在不影響品質的情況下做到這些的?
KC: 沒有人可以靠自己就能成功的。我的廚師團隊一直給予我 大量的支持,即使在我提出瘋狂的想法或面對的問題越來越複 雜時,他們總不會拒絕幫助我。慢慢地,我的團隊和我的目標
From someone who did not even know how to differentiate between broccoli and cauliflower in English, to becoming a head chef now, I am proud of my achievements
「從一個連西蘭花和椰菜花的英文分不清的人, 到現在成為一位主廚,我為我的成就感到自豪」
FT: You have had stints with hospitality groups ranging from global brands such as Raffles Hotel and Hilton, alongside more boutique properties such as PARKROYAL Collection Pickering. How did these experiences vary, and what did you learn from them?
KC: I learned different things from different groups. At phases of my career with various brands, I picked up not only culinary but also management and leadership skills. There were always challenges, but these made me stronger and more confident. People who knew me when I was fresh in the industry will notice the differences between how I was then and now!
變得一致,對此我得衷心感謝他們。我很幸運,有一位好導師 教導我很多有關食品成本管理的知識,而不論您的菜餚有多 美味,如果不能學懂管理成本,則永遠無法運作下去。我一直 與採購團隊和供應商緊密合作,以令食材成本控制在合理的 水平,同時保持食品質量。
FT: 您是如何設計和創作新餐單的?當中您有多依靠自己的技 術和經驗,以及您有否從其他途徑收集意見,例如顧客、員工 以飲食業裡的見聞?
KC: 在餐單設計方面,我總是會讓我團隊中較高職位的隊員參 與其中,因為他們能帶來不同的想法。了解顧客的喜好亦十分 重要,所以我會主動前去和顧客交談,了解他們的意見。我亦
I aspire to be a leader who can build and inspire cohesive teams, listening to concerns and working alongside colleagues to resolve challenges and obstacles. Respect should be earned, not demanded
FT: You have a reputation for running an efficient operation – exceeding hygiene and safety standards, consistently reducing food costs and improving departments generally. How do you achieve this without compromising on quality?
KC: No one can succeed alone. I am humbled by the great support from my culinary team and they will never turn me down, even when I have crazy ideas or things get tough. Over time, I was able to build a cohesive team with common goals and I thank them for working with me to achieve this. I am lucky to have had a great mentor who taught me a lot about food cost management and that no matter how fantastic your dishes are, without staying on top of this, the business will not be sustainable. I work closely with the procurement team and suppliers to achieve reasonable food costs while maintaining food quality.
FT: What’s the process for planning and creating new menus? How much do you rely on your own skills and experience, and how much do you refer to other sources, such as your customers, staff members and what you see happening in the industry?
KC: I always involve senior leaders in my team when it comes to menu planning because they bring different ideas. Knowing what customers like is also very important, so I make a point to walk the ground and chat with guests to garner feedback. I keep abreast of what my competitors are doing through social media, and working closely with suppliers on the latest ingredients helps in planning my own creations.
FT: While at Hilton Singapore as executive sous chef, part of your responsibility included leading outside catering for huge events such as Formula 1, massive live music shows and air shows. What were the most memorable moments from that time?
KC: There are many good memories to share – I remembered we barely slept for three hours, three days in a row during one of the Formula 1 events! But the teamwork was amazing and everyone felt so accomplished afterwards. Immediately following that chaotic weekend, I had to run a food promotion with one of the world’s top chefs, Massimo Boturra.
會透過社交媒體了解競爭對手有什麼新動向,並與供應商密切 合作,了解最新的食材,這些都有助我創作新的餐單。
FT: 在新加坡希爾頓酒店擔任行政副主廚期間,您的職責之一 是負責大型活動的餐飲到會服務,曾服務的活動包括一級方程 式賽車、大型現場音樂表演和航空展等。那段時間最令人難忘 的是什麼?
KC: 那時候有很多美好的回憶可以分享 - 我記得有一次,我們 在一級方程式賽車活動中連續三天只睡了三個小時!但是團隊 合作無間,每個人事後都感到非常有成就感。就在那個忙得不 可開交的賽車活動後,我立即要和世界頂級大廚之一Massimo Boturra一起舉辦一場美食推廣活動。出奇地,我一點都不感到 疲倦 - 我完全不知道那股幹勁從何而來的!
I am lucky to have had a great mentor who taught me a lot about food cost management and that no matter how fantastic your dishes are, without staying on top of this, the business will not be sustainable
「我很幸運,有一位好導師教導我很多有關食品成本管理的知識, 而不論您的菜餚有多美味,如果不能學懂管理成本,則永遠無法運作下去」
Surprisingly, I did not feel tired at all – I wonder where that energy came from!
FT: You spent almost three years you describe as a “self-employed entrepreneur”. Can you explain what you did during this period and what you learned from the experience?
KC: I was in a product distribution business with a partner and we both learned a lot during this entrepreneurship journey. It broadened my mindset about life, what I want for myself, and definitely made me an even more positive person. Being an entrepreneur is never easy, and is often humbling. Nevertheless I am grateful for that experience.
FT: Which people have had the most influence on you and why?
KC: Definitely Chef Vijayakant Shanmugam (Director of Culinary of Hilton Singapore) and Chef Deepak Mishra (Director of F&B and Culinary of Pan Pacific Melbourne). I am truly blessed to have worked under great mentors, who never run out of ideas and always empowered me to do better. They taught me a lot about leadership and supported my career. Their guidance made me who I am today, and I am honoured to have sifu [masters] like them. I will definitely keep going and make them proud of me.
FT: As a proud local, can you explain how this tiny place manages to outpunch its weight in terms of the quality of offerings available, of course including culinary services?
KC: Although Singapore is small, we have a diverse population which travels a lot, explaining its exposure to and acceptance of various culinary offerings. Singapore also attracts a lot of international events, so we work hard to maintain high standards. We are also fortunate to work with a lot of international chefs and exchange ideas, and have great suppliers, including Angliss, who give us the support to bring our ideas to fruition.
FT: If you could work anywhere, where would you go and why?
KC: Definitely Melbourne, Australia. During a trip there earlier this year, I was fascinated by the great produce the region has to offer. The cosmopolitan city also made me feel at home, and there is something else there that you will never get in Singapore – its temperate climate!
FT: 您有近三年的工作時間自稱為「自僱企業家」。您能解釋一下期 間發生了什麼事嗎,以及從中您學學到了什麼? KC: 我曾與一名夥伴合作經營產品分銷業務,在這次創業的旅程中我 們學到了很多知識。它擴寬了我對生活細節的理解,對自己所追求的 有更清晰的目標,並且令我成為一個更加積極進步的人。創業從來都 不容易,常常會讓人感到自己的渺小。然而,我時常對那段經歷心懷 感激。
FT: 哪些人對您的影響最大,為什麼?
KC: 那當然是主廚 Vijayakant Shanmugam(新加坡希爾頓酒店的 廚藝總監)以及主廚 Deepak Mishra(澳洲墨爾本泛太平洋酒店餐飲 和廚藝總監)了。能有機如此優秀的導師身邊工作,我感到非常 幸運。他們永遠都不缺創意,而且一直鼓勵我不斷進步。他們教懂我 很多關於帶領團隊的知識,並一直支持我繼續發展我的事業。正因為 得到他們的教導,才能成就今天的我,我很榮幸能夠擁有這樣的 導師。我一定會繼續努力,讓他們為我感到驕傲。
FT: 作為一個以新加坡自豪的本地人,您能講解一下這個彈丸之地如 何在品質方面,當然指的是飲食業方面,能超越它本身的體積嗎? KC: 雖然新加坡的面積很小,但我們擁有多元化的人口,而且人們熱 愛旅遊,這亦解釋了我們對各種烹飪的品味都擁有很高的接受程度和 認同感。新加坡還吸引了很多國際活動,令我們的出品能夠保持高 水準。我們亦有幸與來自不同地方的廚師合作和交流心得,以及得到 包括安得利在內的優秀供應商的支持,最終令我們的理念得以付諸 實行。
FT: 如果您可以選擇在任何地方工作,你會去哪裡,為什麼? KC: 毫無疑問是澳洲的墨爾本。今年初我到當地旅行時,我對那裡 的優質農產品感到著迷。這座國際大都市亦讓我有賓至如歸的感覺, 而且那裡有一些您在新加坡永遠都無法體驗到的東西,比如宜人的 氣候!
Every few generations, a winemaker appears who wants to do things differently. Pasqua Wines is one such label, with a 100-year history of improving on winemaking techniques originating from ancient times
Aspiring to the highest quality production methods, Pasqua Wines, recognised worldwide as a producer and ambassador of prestigious Veneto wines, has from the outset brought a bold curiosity, vision and desire to combine tradition, innovation and research. Pasqua Wines wants to be a research laboratory, a space for discussion and dialogue, a home open to all, where quality and creativity are the protagonists.
The new tagline Pasqua, House of the Unconventional, embodies the bold spirit, striving for innovation and curiosity towards the world, values that inspire the vision and daily activities of the company. The winery is the place where tradition and research meet, where our history does not keep us tied to the past but pushes us to always look beyond.
Nowhere is this better embodied than in the label’s HEY FRENCH: You Could Have Made This But You Didn’t Bianco Veneto IGT. The unconventional, multi-vintage wine has caused a stir in the wine world, and been a huge commercial and critical success for Pasqua Wines.
Pasqua Wines is a historic Veronese winery, owned by the Pasqua family. Founded in 1925, the winery is recognised worldwide as a producer and ambassador of prestigious Veneto wines. The company's ambition is to take the winemaking experience it has gained over 100 years of history into the future with renewed stylistic codes. This is possible by combining a century of experience and deep understanding of the
每隔幾十載,葡萄酒界就會出現一位想改變釀酒世 界的酒莊。而帕斯卡酒莊正正就是其中一個尋求突 破的葡萄酒品牌,百年來一直改進其源遠流長的古 代釀酒技術
作為享譽全球的著名威尼托葡萄酒生產商兼推廣大使,帕斯卡 酒莊一直追求最優質的生產方法,從一而終皆勇於探索,具有 遠見卓識,並希望能夠結合傳統手法、創新技術和研究成果, 為大家帶來一款完美的釀酒技術。帕斯卡酒莊期望能成為一個 著重質量和創造力的酒莊:一間既專注科研的研究實驗室, 同時是一個能讓大家熱烈討論和創造話題的空間,以及歡迎任 何人前來到訪的家。
帕斯卡新訂的品牌宗旨是「坐擁不凡 (House of the Unconventional)」,充份體現出品牌崇尚大膽革新的精神, 致力創新、擁抱對世界的探索精神,並信守推動品牌理念及日 常運作的價值觀。酒莊是傳統文化與科研成果交匯的地方, 令我們的歷史不會讓我們受過去所束縛,並永遠放眼未來。
當中,最能代表品牌價值的系列莫過於帕斯卡出品的「HEY FRENCH: You Could Have Made This But You Didn't Bianco Veneto IGT」白葡萄酒。此酒的名字直言:「你本可 以做到,但卻沒有做」,讓這款不凡於世的多年份調釀葡萄酒 因此在品酒界引起了哄動,並為帕斯卡酒莊帶來了龐大的 商機,令品牌植根於各人心中。
帕斯卡酒莊位於意大利的維羅納,由帕斯卡家族所持有,具有 悠久的歷史。該酒莊於1925年成立,是世界公認的著名威尼 托葡萄酒生產商和宣傳大使。品牌的目標是將其在百多年來累 積的釀酒經驗,以嶄新的風格和形式呈現,並迎向未來。帕斯 卡酒莊在過去一個世紀一直累積經驗,並憑著對瓦坡里切拉 (Valpolicella) 產區的獨特風土特色的深刻理解,結合創新的 釀酒風格,令品牌的理念得以一一實現。
帕斯卡酒莊主要釀造各款不同的阿瑪羅尼 (Amarone) 葡萄酒,並出產代表著加爾達湖東岸以至索阿韋產區的各式 葡萄酒。時至現今,帶領著品牌發展的是總裁 Umberto Pasqua 與他的兒子 Riccardo(首席執行官)和
potential of the Valpolicella terroir with innovation in winemaking style.
The winery is mainly represented through various expressions of Amarone and labels representative of the east coast of Lake Garda, up to the Soave area. Today, alongside President Umberto Pasqua, his sons Riccardo – Chief Executive Officer – and Alessandro – President of the Pasqua USA division – lead the business.
In the last five years, Pasqua Wines has distinguished itself for numerous patronage activities involving artists from different backgrounds and training. The presentation of the Pasqua House of the Unconventional manifesto demonstrates that today more than ever, the company aims to be a research laboratory, a space for discussion and dialogue where quality and creativity are key.
在過去的五年裡,帕斯卡酒莊一直贊助眾多擁有不同背景和領 域的藝術家,因而獲得大眾的頌讚。帕斯卡酒莊決意擁抱「坐 擁不凡」的宣言,並比以往更希望成為一間專注科研的研究實 驗室,同時讓大家熱烈討論和創造話題的空間,而當中的關鍵 在於質素和創造力。
威尼托是意大利最舉足輕重的葡萄酒產區之一,亦因其歷史 和文化價值而聞名。帕斯卡酒莊非常自豪能夠將總部設立在 威尼托,與知名同行一起營運葡萄酒業務,當中包括釀造阿 瑪羅尼、瓦坡里切拉和蘇瓦韋 (Soave) 和普羅賽克氣泡酒 (Prosecco) 等著名威尼斯葡萄酒的酒莊。
The Collezioni、PassioneSentimento 和 Famiglia Pasqua 等系列。The Collezioni系列既代表了意大利卓越的釀酒 傳統,亦象徵著帕斯卡家族的悠久歷史和理念。這系列的葡萄 酒口感温和,非常適合配搭食物享用,當中包括威尼斯灰比
諾DOC、蘇瓦韋DOC、Montepulciano d'Abruzzo DOC和 Lapaccio Primitivo Salento IGT。
Veneto is one of the most important wine-growing regions in Italy, and most famed regions historically and culturally. Pasqua Wines is proud to operate its main office in Veneto alongside prestigious peers including renowned Venetian wines Amarone, Valpolicella, Soave and Prosecco.
From Veneto, Pasqua’s stable of wines includes The Collezioni, PassioneSentimento and Famiglia Pasqua. The Collezioni range represents both the excellence of Italian winemaking tradition and the history and philosophy of the Pasqua family. It is a supremely food friendly and easy-going, and includes Pinot Grigio delle Venezie DOC, Soave DOC, Montepulciano d’Abruzzo DOC and Lapaccio Primitivo Salento IGT.
PassioneSentimento includes four bottles born out of the Pasqua family’s passion for wine, long-standing tradition and strong link with its city of origin, Verona, with its history, culture and beauty. They are Rosso Veneto
Passione Sentimento IGT 2021, Bianco Veneto Passione Sentimento IGT 2021, Prosecco Treviso Spumante Brut DOC NV WE88 and Romeo & Juliet Spumante Rosé, NV.
The excellence of Pasqua Vigneti e Cantine production are signed by Famiglia Pasqua and tell of the deep connection with the territory through the great Veronese and Veneto classics. It includes Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG 2018, Valpolicella Ripasso Superiore DOC, Valpolicella DOC and Moscato d’Asti DOCG.
The most important guides and competitions in the sector have rewarded the Veronese winery and its ability to interpret the richness of the local and Italian wine heritage in its own labels. The Decanter Wines of the Year assigned 97 points to Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG Famiglia Pasqua. James Suckling rewarded both Amarone della valpolicella DOCG Famiglia Pasqua and Hey French Multivintage edition III with 92 points.
Awards and scores obtained throughout the year at the main events and guides in the sector, confirm that Pasqua is not only a winery dedicated to the promotion of Valpolicella in the world – with its various expressions of Amarone – but also a highly innovative company, thanks to winemaking styles considered pioneering.
PassioneSentimento 系列則源自帕斯卡家族對葡萄酒的 熱愛、酒莊悠久的傳統、與起源地維羅納之間的緊密聯繫、 以及該美麗城市的歷史、文化和景貌,當中包括 Rosso Veneto Passione Sentimento IGT 2021、Bianco Veneto Passione Sentimento IGT 2021、Prosecco Treviso Spumante Brut DOC NV WE88和Romeo & Juliet Spumante Rosé, NV 等四款葡萄酒。
帕斯卡酒莊對卓越品質的追求在Famiglia Pasqua系列中充份 體現,並透過在維羅納和威尼托產區出品的經典葡萄酒,將葡 萄酒與當地深厚的連繫娓娓道來,當中包括 Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG 2018、Valpolicella Ripasso Superiore DOC、Valpolicella DOC和Moscato d’Asti DOCG。
維羅納酒莊憑藉其品牌理念,精心演繹出當地葡萄酒的多 元化、以及意大利葡萄酒傳統的豐富多彩,因此被葡萄酒業內 首屈一指的指南和比賽給予認可。在《醇鑒 Decanter》雜誌 的年度葡萄酒評選中,Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG Famiglia Pasqua 葡萄酒所得的評分高達97分,而全球知名 酒評家 James Suckling 更為 Amarone della valpolicella DOCG Famiglia Pasqua 葡萄酒和 Hey French Multivintage edition III 葡萄酒均給予92分的評分。
帕斯卡全年在業界內的主要活動和葡萄酒指南中所獲得的獎項 和評分,均證明了它不僅致力於全球推廣瓦坡里切拉葡萄酒, 和出產各種不同特色的阿瑪羅尼葡萄酒,更是一間開創了嶄新 釀酒風格的創新品牌。
F&B industry professionals who attended a demonstration workshop of Elle & Vire Professionnel products were stunned by the products’ quality and versatility
Hong Kong partnered with Savencia Fromage & Dairy Hong Kong for a successful demonstration of Elle & Vire Professionnel products, ‘Taste Around France’, which recently took place at Bistro 1979 at Hong Kong’s renowned Hotel Icon.
Led by Sébastien Faré, Michelin-starred Chef and Culinary Executive Chef at La Maison de L’excellence, and supported by Adrien Duraffourd, Elle & Vire Professionnel Ambassador, the event highlighted seven outstanding pasta recipes, offering provincial flavours from across France.
最近,一眾餐飲業專業人士參加了Elle&Vire Professionnel產品分享會之後,一致對其產品的質 量和可塑性感到震驚
日前,安得利香港與Savencia Fromage&Dairy Hong Kong合作, 在香港的著名酒店Hotel Icon(唯港薈)的Bistro 1979成功舉辦了一
場介紹Elle&Vire Professionnel產品的「品味法國(Taste Around France)」活動。
Elle & Vire Professionnel 為您帶來真正的「法國風味」
Chef Faré provided a culinary inspiration tour, utilising Elle & Vire Professionnel cream and butter products that combined with other top-quality ingredients –including pasta sponsored by De Cecco – delighted an appreciative audience of F&B professionals.
One of the featured products was the new Cooking Cream Sour Taste, a light and textured half-cream of 12% fat content for both hot and cold uses. It offers an unctuous texture, coats well and is stable in a bain-marie.
期間,米芝蓮星級廚師兼 La Maison de L'excellence 的餐飲行政總廚 Sébastien Faré 為大家即場獻技,聯同 Elle&Vire Professionnel 品牌大使 Adrien Duraffourd 協助,重點展示了七種精彩的法式意粉 食譜,充份呈現出法國各地地方的風味。
星級廚師 Sébastien Faré 運用 Elle&Vire Professionnel 的忌廉和牛 油產品,再配以其他優質食材(包括由De Cecco贊助的麵條),為觀 眾帶來了一場烹飪靈感盛宴,更讓在場餐飲業人士大飽眼福。 當中必定要提及的一款特色產品,是新推出的 Cooking Cream Sour Taste。這款輕盈而質感豐富的低脂忌廉的脂肪含量有12%,同時適用
Also demonstrated was Excellence Cooking Cream, which possesses a rich, creamy taste, is 35% fat, has a low reduction rate and quick cooking times, making it an indispensable addition to the professional kitchen. Meanwhile Advantage Cooking Cream offers a light dairy taste, and, as a half-cream at 15% fat, provides the perfect balance between creaminess and lightness. Extremely stable, it offers excellent hold in a bain-marie, making it ideal for buffets and catering.
Seven pasta recipes were demonstrated at the event: Tagliatelle with cockles and prawns (Cooking Cream Sour Taste); Savoyard crozet gratin (Excellence Cooking Cream); risotto-style pasta with saffron (Excellence Whipping Cream); cod & cauliflower cannelloni with Parmesan cream (Advantage Cooking Cream); chicken linguine in demi-deuil (Excellence Cooking Cream); tagliatelle with cuttlefish ink sauce and sesame seared
於烹煮冷熱食品。它擁有絲滑清新口感,極佳掛汁效果,即使用於隔水 保溫,效果仍然極佳。
此外,活動還為大家展示了另外兩款忌廉。第一款為 Excellence Cooking Cream,它擁有濃郁的忌廉香味,脂肪含量為35%,能縮短 收汁及烹調時間,因而成為專業廚房不可或缺的烹飪用品。另外一款, 為 Advantage Cooking Cream。脂肪含量為15%的低脂忌廉,輕盈 的奶香,讓味道及香滑質感之間完美地取得了平衡。這款忌廉的收汁效 果極為穩定,即使用於隔水保溫仍能保持極佳的效果,非常適合於自助 餐和普通用餐時佐用。
( 以 Cooking Cream Sour Taste 烹煮 )、薩瓦多克麵食焗烤
( 以 Excellence Cooking Cream 烹煮 )、藏紅花配以法式燴麵
( 以 Excellence Whipping Cream 烹煮 )、鱈魚椰菜捲麵配佐帕瑪森
忌廉( 以 Advantage Cooking Cream 烹煮 )、半德伊雞配扁麵
( 以 Excellence Cooking Cream 烹煮 )、墨魚意粉配芝麻煎金槍魚
tuna (Excellence Cooking Cream); and penne pasta salad à la Parisienne (Cooking Cream Sour Taste).
During the sharing session, attendees enjoyed a superb session learning about top-quality Elle & Vire Professionnel products which they were able to watch being created and also sample.
( 以 Excellence Cooking Cream 烹煮 ),以及巴黎通心粉佐配沙拉 ( 以 Cooking Cream Sour Taste 烹煮 )。
在分享會期間,一眾人士在了解Elle&Vire Professionnel產品的烹飪 過程以及品嚐其出品之後,皆認為體驗了一場烹飪感觀盛宴。
Dessert-making technique exchange conferences impress participants with quality of French brand’s outstanding products
是次甜品技術交流會展出及示範的法國品牌產 品令一眾客戶們大開眼界
Beijing recently held two dessert-making technique exchange conferences with Boiron France in Beijing, inviting about 30 customers to attend. Boiron’s Gael Etrillard, APAC Pastry Chef at Les vergers, demonstrated the application of techniques and shared dessert ideas with participants. Elodie Joseph, Greater China Sales Manager, introduced Boiron’s development history and shared her knowledge about the brand and its superb products.
Some of the desserts featured in the demonstration included White Peach & Apricot Choux, Pink Grapefruit & Early Grey Verrine, Strawberry & Bergamot Roll Cake and Tropical Fruits Petit Gateaux.
Through the conference participants gained a deeper understanding of Boiron, its products, as well as the techniques of making desserts using Boiron ingredients. Angliss Beijing will continue to collaborate with Boiron France and provide customers with professional cooking support and endless food inspiration, offering more exciting culinary and dining experiences to share and enjoy.
安得利北京近日與法國寶茸於北京舉行了兩場甜品技術交流 會,邀請了約30位客戶出席。寶茸亞太區市場研發培訓甜品主 廚Gael Etrillard為在場嘉賓提供相關產品的應用方法及靈感。 並由寶茸亞太區銷售經理Elodie女士為大家介紹寶茸品牌發展 歷史及產品的相關知識。
示範的甜品包括杏桃及白桃泡芙、粉柚伯爵茶杯子甜品、草莓 及佛手柑蛋糕卷及熱带水果小甜點等等。
透過本次技術交流會,大家對寶茸品牌及產品有了更深一步的 了解,未來安得利北京將繼續與法國寶茸攜手共進,並繼續為 客戶提供專業的技術支援與創新的靈感分享,為大家提供更多 精彩的美食和餐飲新體驗。
The major event drew hundreds of customers and numerous brands to enjoy a feast of discussions, demonstrations, and of course tastings of world-class products
Guangzhou recently organised Angliss Chengdu Discovery 2023, with the theme ‘The Journey of Exploring Chuan Yue Delicacies in Chengdu, Sichuan Province’. Dozens of outstanding brands collaborated for the impressive event, which also saw over 600 customers participate, including representatives from Western-style dessert bakeries and hotel food and beverage managers.
The tour began with Angliss delivering an introduction of its development history, and technical and product research and development team. Jason Tsai, Angliss Technical Team R&D Director of Greater China, then shared global trends in the development of Westernstyle desserts and creative ideas for French pastries in 2023’s coming summer, autumn, and winter.
成都美饌巡禮為大家帶來一場充滿討論、展示及 品嚐世界級產品的盛宴,吸引了數百名客戶和眾 多品牌踴躍參與
廣州安得利於成都舉辦了一場「川悅食味,探索之旅」美饌巡 禮2023。是次活動於四川成都與各品牌合作,並邀請了超過 600位客戶參與,包括多位西式甜品烘焙店負責人和酒店餐飲 負責人等等。
活動開始,安得利向客戶們介紹公司的發展歷程以及技術及產 品研發團隊。是次美饌巡禮更邀請了中國烘焙技術研發總監蔡
Master Ziyu Peng, a master chef of Sichuan cuisine, was invited to explain new developments in Sichuan cuisine, both domestically and internationally, highlighting the use of highquality, imported ingredients. Jerry Shen, General Manager of Meat Business Development at Angliss Greater China, delivered an analysis of the international market situation for beef products, discussing the applications of different cuts of beef, and demonstrated skilful cutting techniques. The presentations by the masters received unanimous praise from participants.
Following the presentations, an interactive session took place, where participants enjoyed a sumptuous feast featuring the many participating brands. Tastings included beef and lamb from Silver Fern, Cacao Barry chocolate travel cakes, mango mousse, dlight ice cream, and Boiron cocktails. This provided everyone with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of these brands. The atmosphere was lively, and the product displays and tastings at each booth received high praise. The event concluded successfully in a warm and enthusiastic atmosphere.
捷中大師為我們分享全球西式甜品潮流趨勢及 2023年 夏秋冬三季法甜創意; 還有川菜大師彭子瑜給我們講解 川菜的新中式發展及國際化融合,以及進口優質原料 在川菜中的運用;安得利大中華區肉類業務發展總經理 沈志龍先生現場為大家分析國際牛肉市場局勢及講解 不同部位牛肉的應用,並展現精湛的切割技藝。 客戶們反應熱烈,大師們的演講展示受到了客戶的一 致好評。
三位大師分享後,活動進入品牌互動環節,各客戶在 品牌攤位上品嘗豐盛的美食,銀蕨的牛肉及羊肉; 可可 百利的朱古力旅行蛋糕、芒果慕斯; 簡法絲滑的雪糕, 寶茸的雞尾酒等,以此增強了大家對各大品牌的認識 和了解,現場氣氛十分熱鬧,各大攤位的產品展示及 試食也得到大家的極力稱讚。活動於熱烈的氣氛中完 滿結束。
Jello & Mellow, a multifunctional venue offering gourmet family dining, interactive indoor play and workshops, recently opened in a 5,700-square foot space. It spans five themed sections including dining rooms seating up to 90 people. The venue is another string to the bow of dining entrepreneur Vivien Lau, who began her journey with the popular Vive Cake Boutique and Café VIVE. www.facebook.com/jelloandmellow
Jello & Mellow 是一間能帶給大家不同體驗的多功能場所,最近它終於在總面積達5,700 平方呎的空間處正式開業,為大家提供家庭美食餐飲服務、室內互動遊樂體驗,以及不 同類型的工作坊。Jello & Mellow橫跨五大主題區域,當中包含一間最多可容納 90 人的 餐廳,成為了餐飲企業家 Vivien Lau 的又一巨作。在開業前,她已經開設了Vive Cake Boutique 和 Café VIVE,並大受歡迎。
Travellers at Hong Kong International Airport have a new cocktail destination with the launch of Intervals by Plaza Premium Group.
Developed by Mei Mei Song, Director of Global Brands and Transformation of Plaza Premium Group, together with creative director Victoria Chow, founder of Hong Kong bar The Woods, the concept aims to reinvent the airport experience with an elevated drinks and food programme.
www intervalsbar com
環亞機場服務管理集團宣佈正式推出 Intervals,為香港國際機場的旅客提供
一個全新的雞尾酒體驗。這個概念由環亞機場服務管理集團全球品牌及轉型總監 Mei Mei Song 與香港 The Woods 酒吧創辦人兼創意總監 Victoria Chow 共同 開發,目的為提升餐飲質素從而帶來全新的機場體驗。
Hong Kong’s fine-dining destination, The Chairman, has taken number 50 in The World’s 50 Best Restaurants list. Grabbing top spot was Central, in the Peruvian capital of Lima. Four other Lima restaurants made the list, more than any other city. The winners represented 24 territories across five continents, with 12 restaurants making the list for the first time. www.theworlds50best.com
Chairman躋身全球最佳餐廳第 50 位 香港高級餐飲勝地The Chairman隆重登陸全球最佳餐廳排行榜,並名列第 50 位!位於榜首 的是秘魯首都利馬的Central。此外,利馬還有其他四間餐廳上榜,數量比任何城市都多; 獲獎者皆來自五大洲 24 個地區,當中12間餐廳為首次上榜。
Head Chef Josh Stumbaugh of Associazione Chianti, and Head Chef and Neapolitan Roberta De Sario of Motorino, have joined forces to open the 70-seat Falcone restaurant. With the pair leading two of the Black Sheep dining group’s Italian restaurants, the uncomplicated menu explores the culinary traditions throughout the Campania region, including neo-Neapolitan pizza and pasta. www.pizzeriafalcone.com/
散發那不勒斯獨特能量的 Falcone
Associazione Chianti 的主廚 Josh Stumbaugh 和 Motorino 的主廚兼那不勒斯人 Roberta De Sario 所
攜手開設的 70 個座餐廳Falcone正式開業!本身為
Black Sheep 餐飲集團旗下兩間意大利餐廳領導人物 的二人 ,憑藉簡單的餐單橫掃了整個坎帕尼亞地區的 傳統烹飪風味,當中少不了的當然是那不勒斯薄餅和 意大利粉吧。
Crowne Plaza Hong Kong Causeway Bay has opened a contemporary steakhouse, Carver, in a 2,000 square-foot space, featuring clean-lined and bright décor – a far departure from the darkly-lit steakhouses of yore. Commanding attention at the entrance is the almost 13-foot-high showpiece beef dry-aging cabinet, encased in glass and limestone, displaying the impressive array of house dry-aged meats. www.facebook.com/hk.carver/
於銅鑼灣開業的當代扒房 近日,於香港銅鑼灣皇冠假日酒 店裡開設了一間具有當代風格的 扒房 Carver,它佔地 2,000 平方 呎,裝潢簡潔明亮,與昔日光線昏 暗的扒房截然不同。入口當眼處最 引人注目的是一尊近 13 呎高的牛 肉風乾熟成櫃,它的四邊由玻璃和 石灰石所包圍,為賓客展示的是一 系列令人垂涎欲滴的自家製風乾熟 成牛肉。
In recognition of United Nation's Sustainable Gastronomy Day, MGM and Robb Report Hong Kong have announced a line-up of world-renowned, award-winning chefs for the first MGM x RR1 Hong Kong Culinary Masters Macau of Asia, taking place on August 10–13, 2023. Centred around the theme of ‘The Flavours of Tomorrow: Savouring the Future,’ the Culinary Masters will highlight the achievements of several acclaimed chefs www robbreport hk
為響應聯合國所提倡的可持續美食日,美高梅和Robb Report Hong Kong宣佈首屆美高梅
年8月10至13日舉行,並同時向大家介紹當中參與的一眾世界知名、且獲獎無數的廚師陣容。本屆的主題將圍繞「明日風味:品味 未來」,當中各烹飪大師將會將重點放在參與的多位名廚的廚藝之上。
Spanish frozen yoghurt brand llaollao has reached a new milestone: over 300 points of sale worldwide. The company recently announced a 77% increase in the number of stores in Indonesia since 2022 after it opened 10 new stores, and it is closing in on the milestone of doubling the number of points of sale in Indonesia since 2022.
西班牙冷凍酸奶品牌 llaollao 又再達到了一個新的里程碑:全球的銷售點開設至 300 多個。 llaollao 最近宣佈,在開設10間新
Renowned property La Cour Jardin in Paris has reopened for the summer season. Overseeing restaurant operations is Chef Jean Imbert, who has prepared a menu inspired by the colours and produce of summer. Covered entirely with vines and the hotel’s signature red geraniums, Chef Imbert and executive chef Jocelyn Herland have placed vegetables and seasonal flavour at the heart of the menu.
巴黎著名酒店 La Cour Jardin 已於夏季重新開業。 主廚 Jean Imbert
將會負責監督餐廳的營運,同時他亦準備了一份充滿夏季色彩及以時令 食材為主的餐單。除了利用藤蔓和酒店的經典紅色天竺葵舖滿餐廳 之外,Imbert 和行政總廚 Jocelyn Herland更以蔬菜和時令風味, 為賓客帶來充滿驚喜的餐單。
Official Partner of Festival de Cannes, Campari, hosted its ‘Discover Red’ event on the heart of the Cannes Croisette. Guests were invited to experience a series of culinary creations, while being served a selection of iconic Campari cocktails. Alongside these classic cocktails, was ‘Red Carpet – Cannes Edition’, a fresh tasting and salty cocktail inspired by the Cannes Riviera.
最近,康城電影節的官方合作夥伴Campari於康城海濱大道的中心地 段舉辦了一場「Discover Red」活動。賓客可以受邀體驗一系列創意 美食,同時品嚐精選的經典Campari雞尾酒。 除此之外,還可以細嚐 「康城版紅地毯」— 一款靈感來自康城里維埃拉,而且口感清新的鹹 味雞尾酒。
World's largest bottle of sparkling wine launched
Dubbed ‘Zeus’ after the supreme ruler of the Greek gods, Belaire Zeus is the largest bottle of sparkling wine currently available. Its colossal form stands at more than one meter high and weighs 72.5kg, requiring three people to carry and pour. At 45 litres, it is the equivalent of 60 standard bottles. ‘Zeus’ was seven years in the making, crafted by aerospace engineers.
Belaire Zeus 以希臘諸神的最高統治者「宙斯」名命,是目前體積最大的瓶裝起 泡酒。它擁有巨大的酒身,高一米多,重72.5公斤,需要三個人才能搬運和傾倒。
每支 Belaire Zeus內共有45公升的起泡酒,相等於 60 支普通裝酒瓶。「宙斯」的建 造歷時7年,並匠出自一班航天工程師之手。
Singapore 新加坡
Angliss Singapore Pte Ltd
(A Division of Bidfood Singapore Private Limited)
232 Pandan Loop, Singapore 128420
T. +65 6778 8787 | F. +65 6778 3966
Macau 澳門
Angliss Macau Food Service Limited
200 Rua dos Pescadores, Edf Industrial
Ocean II Fase, 4-Andar C & D, Macau
T. +853 2886 2886 | F. +853 2886 2828
Beijing 北京
Angliss Beijing Food Service Limited
No. 10 Hongda South Road, Yi Zhuang Economic & Technological Development Zone, Daxing District, Beijing, China
T. +86 10 8908 3501 | F: +86 10 8586 4880
Tianjin 天津
Angliss Beijing Food Service Limited - Tianjin Branch
Rm 320, Yunhan Building, 185 Qinjian Road, Hongqiao District, Tianjin 安得利(北京)食品貿易有限公司天津分公司 天津市紅橋區勤儉道185號雲漢大廈320室
T. +86 22 8729 0198
Shenyang 瀋陽
Angliss Shenyang Food Service Limited
No.7 Gate, No.19 Internetional Frozen Product Association Beef&Mutton Hall, Honghu No.2 Street, Tiexi Economic & Technological Development Zone, Shenyang, Liaoning, China 安得利(瀋陽)食品貿易有限公司 瀋陽市鐵西經濟技術開發區洪湖二街19號 國際凍品聯盟牛羊肉大廳7號門
T. +86 24 8122 1688 | F. +86 22 8122 1688
Shijiazhuang 石家莊
Angliss Shijiazhuang Food Service Limited
Rm 1107, Block E, Haiyuetiandi, 66 Yuhua West Road, Qiaoxi District, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province
T. +86 311 8262 1608
Shandong 山東
Angliss Shandong Food Service Ltd
Rm 1418, Quanjing Yayuan Commercial Building, Shizhong District, Jinan City, Shandong Province
T. +86 531 8711 9769
Shanxi 山西
Angliss Shanxi Food Service Ltd
Rm 925, 9F, Feiyun Apartment, 186 Pingyang Road, Xiaodian District, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province
T. +86 351 8065 567
Jilin 吉林
Bidcorp Jilin Food Service Ltd
11th Zhonghuan District Intersection Of Dongsanma Road
And Tianbao Hutong, Nanguan District, Changchun City, Jilin Province
吉林省烘焙故事食品有限公司 吉林省長春市南關區東三馬路與天寶胡同交匯中環十一區
T. +86 431 8471 6222
Shanghai 上海
Angliss Shanghai Food Service Limited
5F., Block B, No. 4 Building, No. 1 Hongqiao Headquarters, No. 100 Zixiu Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China 上海安得列郎晴食品貿易有限公司
Hangzhou 杭州
Angliss Hangzhou Food Service Limited
Rm 4001, 4F, Block 1, 1298 Danonggang Road, Jianggan District, Hangzhou 杭州安鍀利食品有限公司
T. +86 571 8680 0215
Nanjing 南京
Bidfood Nanjing Ltd
Shop 32, 2F, Second Hall, 249 Changhong Road, Jianye District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province 南京安必福食品有限公司
T. +86 25 8675 9306 | F. +86 25 8622 8102
Hefei 合肥
Angliss Hefei Food Service Ltd
Room 27, 2/F , Hall 1 , No. 249 Changhong Road, Jianye District, Nanjing, China 合肥必利食品有限公司
T. +86 551 6556 2460
Guangzhou 廣州
Angliss Guangzhou Food Service Limited
21F, No. 83 & 85 Baiyun Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou 廣州安得利福斯食品有限公司
T. +86 20 8921 9188 | F. +86 20 8921 9168
Chengdu 成都
Angliss Chengdu Food Service Limited
No. 870 Gangtong North Fourth Road, Chengdu Modern Industrial Port North Area, Pidu District, Chengdu 成都安得利福斯食品有限公司
T. +86 28 6482 6608 / +86 28 6496 6001
Chongqing 重慶
Angliss Chengdu Food Service LimitedChongqing Branch
Rm 6, 3F, 95 Erlang Chuangye Avenue, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing 成都安得利福斯食品有限公司-重慶辦事處 重慶市九龍坡區二郎創業大道95號3樓6號
T. +86 23 6330 2009
Kunming 昆明
Angliss Chengdu Food Sevice Limited - Kunming Branch East Air Cargo Department (Yinxiang Warehouse), Wujiaba, Guandu District, Kunming, Yunnan, China 成都安得利福斯食品有限公司-昆明分公司 昆明市官渡區金馬路156號(昆明新儲物流有限公司)3樓辦公室
T. +86 871 6382 9678
Xiamen 廈門
Angliss Xiamen Food Service Limited
Room 1503, No. 506, Xinglinwan Road Jimei District, Xiamen, China 廈門安得利福斯食品有限公司 廈門集美區杏林灣路506號1503室
T. +86 592 5635 636
Fuzhou 福州
Angliss Xiamen Food Service Limited
- Fuzhou Office
Rm 302-303, 3F, Taikun Center, 166 Guanpu Road, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City 廈門安得利福斯食品有限公司 - 福州辦事處 福州市倉山區冠浦路166號泰坤中心3樓302-303室
T. +86 591 83650383
Foshan 佛山
Angliss Foshan Food Service Limited
No. 12 Jiangsha 2nd Road, Chancheng District, Foshan City
757 8228 1651
Shenzhen 深圳
Angliss Shenzhen Food Service Limited No. 1, Mabu Road, Bainikeng Community, Pinghu Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province 安得利(深圳)食品有限公司
Nanning 南寧
Angliss Nanning Food Service Limited
Rm 107, Block 22, Guangxi-Asean International
Medical And Health Electronic Information Technology
Comprehensive Industrial Park, 9 Dingqiu Road, Jiangnan District, Nanning City
南寧市江南區定秋路9號廣西-東盟國際醫療健康電子資訊科技 綜合產業園22棟107號房
T. +86 771 3947 620 F:+86 771 3947 646
Xi’an 西安
Angliss Xi'an Food Service Limited
No.333, 10 Caotan Road, Caotan Ecological Industrial Park, Xi'an Economic & Technological Development Zone, Xi’an City, China 安得利(西安)食品有限公司 西安市經濟技術開發區草灘生態產業園草灘十路333號
T. +86 29 8873 4883 | F. +86 29 8873 4883
Zhengzhou 鄭州
Angliss Zhengzhou Food Service Limited
Changtong Industrial Park, Xiapo Yang Village, Laoyachen Office, East Section Of Jiangshan Road, Huiji District, Zhengzhou City 鄭州安得利食品有限公司 鄭州市惠濟區江山路東段老鴉陳辦事處下坡楊村長通工業園
T.+86 371 8991 0680 | F.+86 371 8991 0681
Hunan 湖南
Angliss Hunan Food Service Limited
3F, Block 1, Xinxing Technology Industrial Park, Muyuntuo Street, Tianxin District, Changsha City Tianxin District, Changsha, Hunan, China
T. +86 731 8556 9552 | F. +86 731 8556 9553
Nanchang 南昌
Hunan Angliss Food Service Limited
- Nanchang Branch
NEW Building 15, Weimafengshang community, Guangzhou road, Qingyunpu district, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province 湖南安得利食品有限公司(南昌分部) 江西省南昌市南昌縣小藍經濟技術開發區銀湖二路571號
T: +86 135 4897 7030
Wuhan 武漢
Angliss Wuhan Food Service Limited
Rm 1, 1-3F, Building D4, Phase 1 Huazhong Enterprise City, Douma River, Qinglong Branch, Wuhu Farm, Huangpi District, Wuhan 武漢安得利食品有限公司 武漢市黃陂區武湖農場青龍分場陡馬河華中企業城一期D4棟 1-3層1室
T. +86 27 6180 0941 | F. +86 27 6180 0942
Haikou 海口
Angliss Haikou Food Service Limited
No. 22 Xingye West Road, Hong Kong And Macao Development Zone, Xiuying District, Haikou City, Hainan Province 海口安得利食品有限公司
T. +86 898 6855 2916 | F. +86 898 6855 3455
Sanya 三亞
Angliss Sanya Food Service Limited
1-3F, Comprehensive Building A, Yuge Haiyun, Hongsha Community, Jiyang District, Sanya City, Hainan Province 三亞安得利食品有限公司 海南省三亞市吉陽區紅沙社區漁歌海韻A棟綜合樓 (一至三層商業)
T. +86 898 8863 0068
F. +86 898 8863 0318 / +86 898 6595 4474
Shantou 汕頭
Angliss Shantou Food Service Limited
No. 702, Building B, Xinli Building, east side of Hengshan Road, Longhu District, Shantou City, Guangdong Province 安得利(汕頭)食品有限公司
T. +86 754 8888 4710
Other Branches
PastryGlobal Food Service Limited
Flat B, 6/F, Magnet Place Tower 2, 38-42 Kwai Fung
Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
嘉寶食品有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號Magnet Place 2期6樓B室
T. +852 2494 1900 | F. +852 3145 0756
Miumi International Food Company Limited
Flat A, 4/F, Magnet Place Tower 2, 38-42 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
Gourmet Cuisine Hong Kong Limited
Flat A, 6/F, Magnet Place Tower 2, 38-42 Kwai Fung
Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號Magnet Place 2期4樓A室
T. +852 2494 4966 | F. +852 2439 4070 www.miumi.asia
香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號Magnet Place 2期6樓A室
T. +852 2494 1967 | F. +852 2439 5055
Gourmet Cuisine Macau Fine Food Limited
Em Macau, Rua Dos Pescadores N°S 166 – 190, Industrial Veng Hou 10° Andar B
T. +853 2888 1155 | F. +853 2821 1039
Linson Global Seafood Trading Limited
foodtalk 名廚坊
G/F Shop 10, Magnet Place 1,Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T.
新界葵涌葵豐街 Magnet Place 1地下10號舖
T. +852 2615 0822 | F. +852 2615 0855
Hong Kong Island shop:
G/F, 23 First Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong
T. +852 2615 0338 | F. +852 2559 3938
47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
T. +852 2573 7433 | F. +852 2838 4071
Lou Lou Food Market
47-51 Kawi Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong 香港新界葵涌葵豐街47-51號
E: info@louloufm.com www.louloufm.com
Miumi Tokyo Co., Ltd.
御海東京株式會社 Room 501, 2-6-3, Azabujuban, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0045 Japan
T. +81 3 6721 5689 | F. +81 3 6721 5693
Sweet la Vie
47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
T. +852 2494 1935 | F. +852 2615 2210 www.sweetlavie.com.hk
www.pastryglobal.com.hk Bidfood
Miumi Japan Food Co Pte. Ltd.
(A Division of Bidfood Singapore Pte Ltd) 232 Pandan Loop, Singapore 128420
T. +65 6777 2112 | F. +65 6779 7666
Gourmet Partner (S) Pte Ltd
47, Jalan Buroh, Singapore 619491
T. +65 9011 6062 | F: +65 6602 0790
Gourmet Partner (M) Sdn Bhd
No. 12, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/48, Kota Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
T. +603 5122 6601 | F. +603 5121 0601
Him Kee Food Distribution Company Limited
Flat B, 4/F, Magnet Place Tower 2, 38-42 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號Magnet Place 2期4樓B室
T. +852 2836 6888 | F. +852 2440 0405
Shenzhen Goodmaster Food Co Ltd
2F & 3F, Block 3B, Zone B, Baosheng Industrial Zone, No.1 Mabu Road, Bainikeng Community, Pinghu Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen
T. +86 0755-28856766
Bidfood China Limited
Gourmet Partner Vietnam
No. 8 Go O Moi St., Phu Thuan, District 7, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam
T. +84 (0)28 363 615 71
Natural and Organic Global Limited
Flat B, 4/F, Magnet Place Tower 2, 38-42 Kwai Fung
Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號Magnet Place 2期4樓B室
T. +852 2494 2214 | F. +852 2702 1290
Rm 301, Block 5, 100 Zixiu Road, Hongqiao Town, Minhang District, Shanghai
T. +86 21 6071 2300
Bidfood Holdings Malaysia Sdn Bhd No. 12, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/48, Seksyen 31, Kota Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
T. +603 5131 6399 | F: +603 5131 9233