I am delighted to be penning this, my first introduction and welcome to the latest issue of foodtalk. I have been an avid reader of Angliss’ long-established magazine for several years. Not only does it carry fascinating interviews with chefs and F&B professionals doing innovative and impressive work in our industry, it acts as a mouthpiece for our entire organisation.
It also connects Angliss, its management and employees, to our colleagues, customers and stakeholders in Asia and beyond, offering a snapshot of where we are in this everchanging business.
foodtalk has also evolved over the years – from humble beginnings it is now a professional-looking glossy magazine format boasting first-class interviews, alongside a range of lively articles on a plethora of food and drinkrelated topics.
This mirrors Angliss’ own evolution – a company that started over 75 years ago and has since gone from
strength to strength, always looking forwards. The latest development is of course my taking up the reins as CEO of Angliss Greater China. While hugely proud of this achievement, I am very aware I have big shoes to fill, yet am relishing taking the company to the next level.
Thanks to the strong and inspirational leadership of the past 18 years, Angliss is in great shape. The mission now is to continue on our journey, guiding the organisation to further success. We are confident that with the unwavering backing of our loyal employees, and support of industry partners, this success will come. I look forward to working with you all over the coming months and years.
In this issue, as mentioned, you will find the usual mix of compelling interviews with rising industry stars, alongside entertaining features on a wide range of topics. Enjoy the issue!
Wilman Chong CEO – Greater China我很高興能與大家分享這篇文章,這是我寫的第一篇序言,歡迎 大家閱讀最新一期的 foodtalk。多年來,我一直閱讀安得利這本 歷史悠久的雜誌,並成為了一位忠實熱心的讀者。這本雜誌不僅 與我們餐飲業分享了眾多作風創新和工作出色的名人廚師及專業 人士,還充當了我們整間公司的代言人。
這本雜誌還成功將安得利、公司管理層及員工,與我們在亞洲及 其他地區的同事、客戶和利益相關者聯繫起來,因此即使這個行 業不斷變化,我們也能夠快速了解到公司在市場上的定位。
隨著時代變遷,foodtalk 亦持續演變,從最初不太起眼的 刊物,到現在成為一本專業、以高級亮光紙印刷的優質雜誌, 內容涵蓋頂級的人物專訪、以及大量以各式美酒佳餚為主題的 生動文章。
這段進步的經歷亦代表了安得利自身的發展歷程,一間於75多年 前成立的公司,一直不斷拓展壯大,並向前邁進。而公司的最新
進展,當然就是由我接任安得利大中華區首席執行官。 我對擔此重任感到非常自豪,同時亦非常清楚知道自己需要更 加努力,才能延續前任行政總裁所創下的佳績。我很期待能帶 領公司更上一層樓。
過去18年來,有賴於強大可靠而富有智慧的領導層,安得利 目前的營運狀況十分良好。而我們現在的使命就是要繼續踏上 旅途,引領公司取得進一步的成功。我們相信,我們忠誠的員 工與業內合作夥伴忠誠且堅定的緊密關係下,終有一天必定會 成功的。我非常期待在未來的歲月裡與各位合作。
正如前文所提及的,在本期 foodtalk,將會一如既往與大家分
享有關餐飲界新星的精彩專訪、以及圍繞各種不同主題的有趣 專題。希望大家喜歡這一期的內容 !
莊偉文 大中華區首席執行官
03 ISSUE 67
An introduction from Angliss CEO – Greater China, Wilman Chong.
The founder of three thriving F&B brands explains how he took his near obsession with coffee and turned it into not only a business, but a whole lifestyle experience.
Editor in Chief / 總編輯 : Daniel Creffield
Editor / 編輯 : Vivian Lau
Project Manager / 項目统籌 : Wisteria Lo
Creative Director / 設計及藝術總監 :
Fanky Fu
Translation / 翻譯 : Spear Translation
Foodtalk is published quarterly by Angliss Hong Kong Food Service Ltd.
2023 © Copyright Angliss Hong Kong Food Service Ltd
All rights reserved
2023 © 安得利香港餐飲有限公司
Published by:
Angliss Hong Kong Food Service
47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T. Hong Kong
T. +852 2481 5111
F. +852 2489 8861
info@angliss.com.hk www.angliss.com.hk
電話 +852 2481 5111
傳真 +852 2489 8861 info@angliss.com.hk www.angliss.com.hk
e-version: https://issuu.com/anglissasia
Emiko Davies’ new cookbook – Gohan: Everyday Japanese Cooking: Memories and stories from my family's kitchen – offers ideas and inspiration to get us cooking this autumn.
The Executive Chinese Chef of StarWorld Hotel and Head Chef of Feng Wei Ju Chinese restaurant is modest about his achievements and position as an industry leader.
While many manufacturers have come close to creating a believable plant-based seafood and meat product, Singaporebased Happiee may have finally cracked the code.
Is it a Latin American, Mediterranean or Tex-Mex restaurant? While even the Malaysian chef is not entirely sure, he has definitely had a hit with his Sol Kitchen & Bar in Saigon.
Many aficionados appreciate the flavour and lift they get from coffee, one of the world’s most popular drinks, but what causes its stimulating effect, and is it completely healthy?
The German multi-Michelin-star winner with a reputation for innovation sees cooking as simultaneously a language, a passion, a committed love affair and lifetime creative process.
While first created in 2006, it is only now that 3D food printing technology is beginning to be applied in large-scale production. So is it what, and not who, that made your cake?
Diners at one of his chain restaurants might be surprised to learn that the accomplishment the owner of Get Holiday and Blazing is most proud of is their proprietary skinny French fry.
Angliss Shenyang Culinary Journey 2023; Angliss Guangzhou hosts ‘The Italian Gourmet Journey’; Angliss Shanghai highlights French dessert making; Angliss Shenzhen co-organises a sweet tasting.
Events, shows and F&B openings in Greater China and around the world.
With three F&B brands – 18 Grams, sensory ZERO, BLA BLA – 14 speciality coffee shops, a roastery and food production facility, pioneering Alvin Hui, Founder & Chief Brand Officer has turned his coffee dreams into a business reality
FT (Foodtalk): You spent five years as a procurement manager for Maxim’s Group at the beginning of your career. What was the experience like of working for this venerable catering company, Hong Kong’s largest? You held a similar but briefer role with another legendary local institution, InterContinental Hong Kong, which must have also been an educational experience?
AH (Alvin Hui): I majored in finance, minoring in social behaviour, but my real passion was for food and beverage. After 18 years in food and non-food procurement for both Asian and Western group such as Maxims and Starbucks, especially pre-openings, I had gained a lot of experience. We supplied everything for coffee shops in Hong Kong and China, many of which I was the first to open. InterContinental was also a valuable institution to work with, at that time having the highest food revenue in Hong Kong’s hotel industry.
ZERO、BLA BLA ,擁有旗下14 間精品咖啡店、 咖啡烘培和食品生產設施,同時兼任首席品牌官, 令他能夠在商界實現其咖啡夢想
FT (Foodtalk): 事業起步初期,你在全港最大的餐飲企業美心 集團擔任採購經理的職位有5年之多,當中的工作經歷是怎 樣的?你亦曾於另一間聲名顯赫的本地集團香港洲際酒店擔任 過類似的職位,雖時間較短,但是 否也讓你獲益良多?
AH ( 許孝榮 ): 雖然我主修金融、副修社會行為學,但飲食是我 真正的興趣。在美心和星巴克等亞洲和西方集團的食品和非食 品採購部門(尤其是開業前採購)工作了18 年之後,我累積了 不少經驗。集團位於香港和中國的咖啡店裏的所有東西都由我 們提供,當中甚至有很多範疇都是由我第一個去開發的。在洲 際酒店的工作經驗亦是十分寶貴,當時洲際酒店從餐飲業所得 的收入為香港酒店業中最高的。
「每個人能找到適合自己的咖啡。「感味」是你自己的感覺,喜歡抑或不喜歡也是 簡單直接。喝咖啡時,不要著重描述咖啡的味道,而是嘗試形容你的感覺」
FT: Was working with the group of restaurants and cafes that includes The Coffee Academics, HABITU Ristorante and Caffe and SUZUKI Café where you developed a love of coffee, or were you always an aficionado?
AH: I started my coffee journey while still at university. One of my lecturers was a coffee lover, and taught me how to understand and appreciate quality beverages. Speciality coffee was not very popular at that time, and there wasn’t much information around. The internet was still in its infancy! I ordered a coffee roaster from eBay, but initially didn’t know how to use it, and set off the alarm in the hostel where I was staying! I didn’t realise it was directly connected to a local fire station! I
FT: 你是在與Coffee Academics、HABITU Ristorante & Caffe 及 SUZUKI Café 等餐廳和咖啡館的合作中培養出對咖 啡的熱愛,還是你一直熱衷於咖啡?
AH: 在大學時我已開始對咖啡產生興趣,因爲有一位講師十 分熱愛咖啡,他教我如何欣賞、品嚐優質咖啡。精品咖啡在 當時還不是十分流行,市面上的資訊亦不多,網購還處於萌芽 階段。我從 eBay 上訂購了一台咖啡烘焙機,當時我住在一間 大學宿舍裏,但烘焙咖啡豆時的燶煙觸發了那裏的警報!沒想 到那警報系統原來是與當地的消防局直接聯連的!那時,我對 咖啡越是了解越是深愛,於 2009 年與 Dixon Ip 共同創辦了 香港咖啡行業協會。Dixon Ip 也是 sensory ZERO 的共同創 辦人,能考取的咖啡課程證書他都考獲了,成為了香港首位合 資格的世界評委。
believe there is a coffee for everyone, and it is just a case of finding yours … when you drink coffee, don’t try to describe the flavour, instead try to describe your feeling
learned about and fell in love with coffee at that time, to the extent of co-founding the Hong Kong Professional Coffee Association in 2009. The other co-founder [and sensory ZERO co-founder] Dixon Ip took all the available coffee certifications, becoming a fully qualified world judge, Hong Kong’s first.
FT: You then launched your own coffee empire, founding CUPA, sensory ZERO and BLA BLA by sensory ZERO. Can you explain a little about your coffee philosophy and unique selling points?
AH: Firstly, we are called sensory ZERO because coffee is a sensory experience, and through education, we want customers to gradually decrease the amount of additives they put in their drinks, i.e., milk, cream and sugar. All these things detract from the authentic coffee experience. Customers need to be educated about coffee, in the same way they are with wine. There have been several ‘waves’ of development in Hong Kong’s coffee industry. The first saw the wide availability of instant coffee; the second allowed it to be freshly ground in front of you, the third wave saw the introduction of speciality coffees. Every store says they have speciality coffee, but we have a Q-grader team, and offer the highest quality grades.
FT: 之後,你先後創辦了 CUPA、sensory ZERO 和 BLA BLA by sensory ZERO,並建立起自己的咖啡王國。能否談 及一下你的咖啡理念和品牌的獨特賣點嗎?
AH: 首先, sensory ZERO 命名的構思是因為咖啡是一種感味 體驗,我們希望顧客能夠學會慢慢減少飲料中的人工添加劑, 因爲這些物質都會影響咖啡的真正味道。顧客需要學習咖啡知 識,就像學習品嚐葡萄酒一樣。香港咖啡業的發展經歷了幾次 「浪潮」,先是即溶咖啡的普及;隨後是即磨咖啡;緊接便是
We believe there is a coffee for everyone, and it is just a case of finding yours. ‘Sensory’ is your own feeling, you either like something or don’t. There are many different factor flavours, or parameters, used in identifying your perfect brew. We employ scientific, systematic methods, but to customers keep it simple. For them we say, when you drink coffee, don’t try to describe the flavour, instead try to describe your feeling. Maybe associate it with a holiday you had, then you can recall the taste. The team will do the technical stuff – the customer shouldn’t have to think too much. Most customers don’t know or care, it’s too much information for them to take in. What it boils down to is that life is too short for bad coffee!
精品咖啡的面世。每間店都說有自己出品的精品咖啡,但我們 有Q-grader的品質鑑定團隊,確保能提供最高品質的咖啡。
我們相信,每個人都能找到適合自己的咖啡。「感味」是你自 己的感覺,喜歡抑或不喜歡也是簡單直接。有很多不同的因素 或味道,可以作爲指標,來尋找屬於自己那杯完美咖啡。雖然 我們自己會用具邏輯和系統化的方法去製作咖啡,但面對顧客 時,則會嘗試以簡單的方式描述:喝咖啡時,不要著重描述咖 啡的味道,而是嘗試形容你的感覺,或者聯想起自己正在世界 某處旅行,這樣就能回憶起咖啡的味道了。咖啡製作的繁複工 序由我們的團隊來完成,顧客不需要顧慮太多。多數顧客並不 了解,亦未必想了解,對他們來說資訊實在太多了。歸根究 底,人生苦短,絕對不能喝難以入口的咖啡!
Opening a cafe in Hong Kong is a passion project for most, but if you have too many coffee lovers within your organisation you will almost certainly see your cafe close!
FT: You are also credited as Chief Green Officer with 18 Grams. How extensive are your environmental activities?
AH: We are active in sustainability, environmental and social initiatives, for example our SO X Greenpeace programme, 100% biodegradable rice straws, ethical coffee sourcing and green coffee strategy. Out of every seven 18 Grams cafes we open, one is vegetarian. We want to open more, but it’s difficult to change very entrenched behaviour. In Hong Kong many people don’t even understand the difference between vegetarians and vegans! But ‘Meat Free Monday’ and similar initiatives are gaining traction internationally, so we are also taking small steps as part of our strategy.
FT: Since you began your coffee empire around ten years ago many rival cafes and coffee specialists have also seen opportunities. Has the market expanded enough to keep it profitable for everyone?
AH: For the past five years the Hong Kong coffee market has not been profitable, with most cafes losing money. Rich people open cafes as hobby, others open them as an investment. Either way, it will be difficult, or even impossible, to survive, and they will eventually close, as operating costs are very high. Most cafes don’t sell good coffee, but a good environment for social media. But as social media is always looking for the next new thing, these kinds of customers will usually only visit once. The cafes and restaurants where you see people queuing outside often won’t survive once the novelty has passed!
FT: 你身兼 18 Grams 的首席環保官,你們在環保方面有甚麼 活動? AH: 我們一直積極參與可持續發展、環保和社會活動,當中包 括我們的 SO X Greenpeace 活動、100% 可生物降解的米製 飲管、按照道德標準採購咖啡和綠色環保咖啡等。我們每開 7間 18 Grams 咖啡店,就有一間是素食咖啡店。我們想開得 更多,但要改變根深蒂固的習慣很難。在香港,很多人甚至不 了解素食者和純素食者之間的分別!不過,「無肉星期一」和 類似的運動在國際上越來越受歡迎,所以我們亦因應逐步推出 一些推廣活動,作為我們環保策略的一部分。
Hong Kong has had many good restaurants for decades, but it is only within the past 10 years that coffee quality here has reached world standards.
They mostly can only serve 10 people at a time, and their materials, labour and rent are all very expensive, and difficult to control.
FT: You have mentioned that as an F&B professional your understanding of accounting, cash flows etc has helped in running your businesses. Can you give any examples where that has given you the edge?
AH: Opening a cafe in Hong Kong is a passion project for most, but if you have too many coffee lovers within your organisation you will almost certainly see your cafe close! You also need those in your team who can focus on the bottom line, P&L and cashflow. Most will downscale during a downturn, but we find cheaper rents, or take over existing businesses. We negotiate hard and do a lot of legwork, including numerous site visits. We can work out rent vs potential profit margin equations very quickly. Subsequently, while the economy is not
FT: 自從10年前開始經營你的咖啡王國以來,越來越多咖啡店 和咖啡師亦看到了商機加入競爭。現在,市場的發展是否商機 處處?
AH: 過去5年來,香港咖啡市場可説是無利可圖,大多數咖啡 店都面對虧損。有錢人開咖啡店是興趣,普通人開咖啡店是 夢想。無論是哪種情況,由於營運成本高昂,難以經營 下去,最終都會面臨倒閉。大多數咖啡店注重的不是好 咖啡,而是適合在社交媒體上分享的環境。但由於社交媒體 追捧的事物日新月異,這類顧客通常只會光顧一次。當新鮮 感過去,曾大排長龍的咖啡店和餐廳就開始生意黯淡!這類 店鋪通常一次只能招待 10 個人,而且材料、人工和租金都非 常昂貴,難以管控。
FT: 你曾提及,作為餐飲業的專業人士,對會計、現金流等方 面的了解亦有助經營一間企業。你能舉例說明在哪些方面為你 帶來優勢嗎?
AH: 在香港開咖啡店對大部分人來說都只是出於滿腔熱誠, 如果你的公司團隊只著重咖啡,幾乎可以肯定你的咖啡館會
Good coffee and good food should go together!
但在餐廳裏的咖啡質量還達不到應有水平」Turfland operated by Sensory ZERO
good we are still opening new cafes and plan on further expansion, including globally. International branding is very challenging, but if everyone feels that no-one will ever try! In the past three years we doubled in size – and plan to double again over the coming year – in spite of the pandemic, although it did slow us down. We are now selling our coffee in department stores, supermarkets, and online.
FT: You have said that cafes in the West sell as much as 90% coffee to 10% food, while in Hong Kong it is more like 50%-50%. Are you happy with the mix here, or is this something you are looking to change if you can?
AH: Good coffee and good food should go together! Hong Kong has had many good restaurants for decades, but it is only within the past 10 years that coffee quality here has reached world standards. Why don’t restaurants serve good coffee? Because it’s not profitable. They don’t have the resources to handle coffee – it’s a complex process, you need a team, but this is expensive. But while coffee standards are gradually rising, unlike cafes, coffee shops and restaurants elsewhere in the world, the food served to accompany coffee is generally not good. We work very hard on our food – for example, all our rice is imported from Japan and polished before cooking. Customers can taste this quality, which sees us selling over 10,000 bowls of rice per month. Not bad for a coffee shop!
倒閉!因為除此之外,還有獲利虧損狀況、損益和現金流量 等因素都是你的團隊需要著眼的地方。在經濟不景氣時, 大部分咖啡店都會縮小規模,但我們找到了更便宜的店租或 入手具潛力的現存業務。我們會努力協商、作大量的準備 工作,例如多次實地考察;以最快速度估算出成本和潛在利 潤率。這樣,即使經濟不景氣時,我們仍在開新的咖啡店, 甚至計劃進一步擴張、開拓全球市場等。打造國際品牌是個 很大的挑戰,但如果因此而卻步,就沒有人願意嘗試了! 在過去的三年,即使疫情確實拖慢了我們的步伐,但我們的 規模卻大了一倍,並計劃在未來一年再增加一倍,我們現時 在百貨公司、超市和網上也有開拓零售市場。
FT: 你曾說歐美咖啡店的咖啡和食品銷售比例高達九比一, 而在香港則為各佔一半。在這方面你有甚麼想法?
AH: 好咖啡和好食物應該互相輝映!幾十年來,香港有很多 不錯的餐廳,但在餐廳裏的咖啡質量還達不到應有水平。 為什麼餐廳不能提供好的咖啡?因為利潤不足,亦沒有妥善 處理好咖啡資源,當中牽涉複雜的過程;你需要一隊優質的 團隊,但成本十分昂貴。雖然現在客人對咖啡的要求正逐步 提高,但普遍咖啡店裏的食物一般都不太美味,這方面與世 界各地的咖啡店和餐廳還有落差。而我們在食物方面就用盡 心思,例如,我們的大米全部從日本進口,烹調前都經過 精煮。顧客能夠品嚐出當中的質素,因此我們每個月都能賣 出 10,000 多碗米飯。對於一間咖啡店來說,已算不俗了!
Japanese food – both restaurant dining and home cooking, continues to go from strength to strength, in Asia and globally. Emiko Davies’ new cookbook provides all the inspiration needed to get creating much-loved Japanese dishes
Published in September, Gohan: Everyday Japanese Cooking: Memories and stories from my family's kitchen, is the latest cookbook from Emiko Davies, a Japanese-Australian culinary writer and award-winning photographer with five published cookbooks to her name. Moving around a lot during her childhood with her family she now lives in Italy, where she is married to a Tuscan sommelier.
Davies writes for multiple publications and develops her own recipes. Gohan: Everyday Japanese Cooking is full of home-cooked Japanese recipes perfect for any night of the week, with side dishes such as pickles and sauces.
She sums the book up by saying: “Gohan to me means the everyday home-cooked meal. Nothing fussy. It's quick and easy, but nourishing. A meal made with love.” The story of its name, however, is a reference to ‘gohan’, fluffy, sticky Japanese sushi rice, crucial to almost every Japanese dish.
Sandwiched among her recipes of miso soup and donburi bowls, Davies writes detailed, personal stories about certain special dishes and how to make them, such as Rolled Egg Omelette and Welcome Home Sukiyaki. Each recipe and story includes stunning images, making the book eminently suitable for the coffee table.
She shares uncomplicated recipes from her childhood, immersing readers inside memories of her family life with Japanese mothers getting together to make tamagonogohan (stir-fried egg and rice), soba noodle soup, Japanese curry, yakisoba and more. As well as delectable main and side dishes, Davies includes desserts such as Red Bean and Kanten Jelly.
我家廚房的回憶與故事》 於9月出版,是 Emiko Davies 最新推出的一本烹
飪著作。Emiko Davies是 一名澳籍日裔烹飪作家兼 屢獲殊榮的攝影師,之前 曾出版過5本烹飪書。她小 時候與家人經常搬家,
Davies亦曾為多本刊物撰稿,並自行研發食譜,而這本《米飯: 日式家常料理:我家廚房的回憶與故事》更涵蓋多款非常適合晚上 在家烹調的日式家常菜餚食譜,更為大家分享各種漬物和醬汁等配 菜用以配搭食品。
她總結這本書時說道:「米飯 (gohan) 對我來說意味著每天的家常 飯菜。不用大費周章,既快速又簡單,而且營養豐富,造就出一頓 充滿愛的飯菜。」而「gohan」一字在日語中其實是指鬆軟、
Davies在她的味噌湯和蓋飯食譜中,詳細地寫下了自己與某些特 色菜餚之間所發生的小故事、以及箇中的製作方法,例如玉子燒和 「歡迎回家」壽喜燒。每個食譜和小故事都附上令人驚嘆的圖片, 讓這本書非常適合日常閱讀。
另外,她更分享了取材於自己童年時期的一些簡單食譜,讓一眾讀 者沉浸在她的家庭生活回憶之中 — 在日本,母親們會聚在一起製 作玉子拌飯 ( 炒雞蛋和米飯 ) 、湯蕎麥麵、日本咖哩、炒麵等。
除了美味的主菜和配菜之外,Davies還會教大家製作紅豆和寒天 果凍甜點。
日式食品 — 無論是在餐廳享用還是在家烹飪, 於亞洲、以至世界各地的影響力均不斷擴展。
Emiko Davies 的新食譜更為大家提供了創作深受 喜愛的日本料理時所需的一切靈感
《米飯:日式家常料理:Smith Street Books
Chan Chek Keong, Executive Chinese Chef of StarWorld Hotel and Head Chef of Feng Wei Ju Hunan and Sichuan restaurant at the hotel, is one of the most respected figures in the Chinese culinary world. He shares his philosophy and how he came to be so revered
FT(Foodtalk): You are a respected leader in the Chinese culinary world, often called ‘Brother Keong’ or ‘Master Chef Keong’. How did you earn this regard from your colleagues?
CCK(Chan Chek Keong): The first thing is to respect and understand your industry colleagues, and do your best to help them on their own culinary journey. As I improve as a chef I hope to pass on my own skills and experience to the next generation. In this way I can earn respect myself.
FT: Can you explain something about your approach to Chinese cooking, and how you achieve natural yet robust flavours in your cuisine?
CCK: Every place and region in China has its own unique
澳門星際酒店中餐行政總廚兼該酒店湘川餐廳風 味居的主廚陳植強是中餐界其中一位最受尊敬的 人物,今期他將會與大家分享他的烹飪哲學, 以及他為何受到業界的尊重
FT(Foodtalk): 您在中餐界是一位受人尊敬的業界翹楚, 於行內被稱為「強哥」或「強師傅」, 您是如何贏得大家的 尊重的?
CCK(陳植強): 首先是要懂得尊重和理解行內同仁,並盡最大 的努力幫助大家踏上自己的烹飪之路。當我的廚藝不斷慢慢
flavour and characteristics, which are reflected in its cuisine. I combine Sichuan with Cantonese cuisine, classic Chinese cooking which is often flavoured with sauces, and artificial flavourings such as monosodium glutamate. However, at Feng Wei Ju, I instead utilise a rich stock to enhance the concept of freshness, and maintain the original flavour of their Sichuan and Hunan dishes.
FT: Can you explain why precise knife skills are so important for the cuisine you serve? Why is this such a valued skill?
CCK: Knife skills are key in our culinary world. Cutting, slicing, shredding and smashing are all techniques used in the process, each ingredient directly affects the cooking process, and the way it is cut makes a huge difference. Knife skills are therefore essential to maintain a consistent taste. These can take years of experience to accumulate. We need to understand the ingredients, quality of the meat and cooking methods, all of which influence the kind of knife used and cutting technique. Slicing meat also requires experience and skill. A chef with precise knife skills may have practiced every day for more than three to five years to attain them! For example, each slice of the dish ‘sliced pork with garlic puree’, must be consistently thin, which takes time to master.
進步時,我都希望將自己的技能和經驗傳授給下一代,就是這 樣我贏得了別人的尊重。
FT: 您能講述一下您的中式烹飪風格,以及您是怎樣令菜餚充 滿自然而濃郁的風味嗎?
CCK: 中國每一個地方或地區都有自己獨特的風味和特色,當中可 以在不同的美食之中體驗出來。我喜愛將川菜與粵菜結合起來; 一般中國菜都會使用醬汁和味精等加工調味料來佐味,但在風味 居,我反而會用濃郁的湯底來增強食物的鮮味,令川菜和湘菜的原 汁原味得以保存。
The first thing is to respect and understand your industry colleagues, and do your best to help them on their own culinary journey.
並盡最大的努力幫助大家踏上自己的烹飪之路」Braised pork belly mao-style 毛家紅燒肉 Sugar-coated banana or sweet potato fritters 拔絲香蕉或地瓜
FT: One of the restaurant’s most popular dishes is the Hunan dish ‘boneless beef ribs with homemade chilli sauce’. Have you have added your own elements and ingredients to the classic recipe?
CCK: This is a must-order dish for many Feng Wei Ju customers. I use imported beef, which is combined with more than ten spices. We start with marinated brine, then add chilli and other ingredients before slowly stewing using high and low fire settings for more than three hours. This seals the taste of the beef itself, and allows brine and chilli to penetrate the beef. I slowly fry the beef with chopped fresh peppers and minced garlic, so it is spicy, rich and fragrant. The other special thing in the dish is a homemade lotus sauce used in Hunan cuisine. This is our exclusive Hunan recipe.
FT: Have you observed changes in the way diners enjoy and appreciate your cuisine?
CCK: Over the past ten years, I observed young people become increasingly influenced by technology and social media. We call it “the camera eats first”! They all want to post attractive pictures online and be admired by friends and possibly become influencers. This has changed the way many restaurants operate – we now need to ensure our dishes are as beautiful as they are delicious, in order to attract this new and important generation of critics.
FT: 您能解釋一下為什麼藝技高超的刀工對您炮製菜式如此重 要嗎?為什麼刀工是一門價值連城的技能?
CCK: 刀工是我們烹飪世界的重中之重。 斬切、切片、切絲、 拍碎都是一般常用到的烹飪技巧,切的方式不同,直接影響每 種食材的應用,引申到影響整個烹飪過程。 因此,刀工對於保
持口味一致非常重要,當中可能需要多年的經驗累積。另外, 我們亦需要了解食材、肉質和當中的烹調手法,因為這些因素 都會影響到我們用什麼刀具以及其切割技巧;切肉亦需要經驗 和技巧。一個刀工高超的廚師,每天需要練習連續三五年以上 才能學有所成! 比如「蒜泥白肉」,每一片的切口都需要 薄切,這需要時間去掌握。
FT: 餐廳最受歡迎的菜式之一為湘菜「荷香醬牛肋肉」。 在這個經典食譜裡,您是否增添了部份自己的元素和食材? CCK: 這是很多風味居顧客必吃的菜式。我用的是進口牛肉, 配以十多種香料來製作。我們在秘製醬汁裡加入了少量辣椒和 其他配料,然後用大火和小火分別慢燉三個多小時。這種技巧 能夠鎖起牛肉本身的香味和肉汁,同時讓醬料和辣椒的香味滲 透到牛肉之中。另外,我會再用切碎的新鮮辣椒和蒜粒慢慢 「爆香」製成醬汁,再配上牛肉,令肉質充滿濃郁的香辣 風味。 這道菜的另一個特別之處是使用了湖南菜常用的荷香剁 椒醬,而我們所使用的更是獨家自製的。
FT: 您有否留意到顧客享受和欣賞您的菜式的方式有什麼 變化?
CCK: 在過去的十年裡,我觀察到年輕人越來越喜歡使用科技
FT: You have a reputation for remaining humble in spite of the accolades and awards you have received. How do you maintain this selfless approach?
CCK: When it comes to honours or awards, I consider anything I have achieved is not just for me, but the entire team. Whatever accolades I receive, I feel I must keep doing my best to help others. This is what motivates me, and is constantly in my mind.
FT: You hold several significant industry roles, including as Vice Chairman for The International Exchange Association of Renowned Chinese Cuisine Chefs. What motivate you to contribute in this way?
CCK: I enjoy this position of responsibility and am
和社交媒體,我們稱之為「相機先吃」! 他們都會想在網上發 佈一些吸引眼球的照片,藉此得到朋友的讚賞,甚至有可能成 為網絡紅人。這種風氣改變了不少餐廳的經營模式 —現在我們 的菜式需要既美觀又美味,才能吸引年輕一代的「食家」慕名 而來。
FT: 雖然您獲獎無數,但人人都認為您為人低調謙遜。您是如 何保持這種謙卑的態度?
CCK: 當談及榮譽或獎項時,我永遠都會認為那不單單只是我 個人的成就,而是整個團隊的努力。 無論我獲得什麼獎項, 我覺得我更需要繼續盡心幫助別人。這就是我的動力,亦一直 是我腦海裡的理念。
Slicing meat also requires experience and skill. A chef with precise knife skills may have practiced every day for more than three to five years to attain them!
可能每天需要連續練習三五年以上才能學有所成!」Sliced pork with garlic puree 蒜泥白肉
proud to have received it. As well as helping to drive the direction of Chinese food development, and the catering industry, I am able to communicate with people from all over the world, including chefs and other F&B professionals. In addition to benefiting ourselves, we also need to promote our culinary culture from generation to generation. Chinese food is growing in popularity around the world and we want to see this continue.
FT: What is your advice in training and leading a team of chefs? What are the main concepts you urge newcomers to absorb and practice?
CCK: I have always encouraged young chefs to participate in competitions and get in touch with the outside world, because this expands innovative thinking, increases personal value and raises the goals of your entire team. You need to think about the vision required to achieve your goals.
FT: 您曾擔任行內多個重要職務,包括中華國際交流協會的副 主席。究竟是什麼原因令您願意為此作出貢獻的? CCK: 我很享受擔當這個職位,而且為此感到自豪。除了能夠 幫助推動中國食品和餐飲業的發展之外,我還可以與來自世界 各地的人材交流,包括不同餐廳的廚師和業內其他專業人士。 這些活動除了能讓我們自己受益之外,我們還需要將我們的飲 食文化代代相傳。我們看到中國菜在世界各地越來越受歡迎, 而且我們希望這種情況可以繼續發展下去。
FT: 您對培訓和帶領廚師團隊有何建議?您對新人在吸收知識 和實踐方面有什麼看法?
CCK: 我一直鼓勵年輕廚師多參加比賽、多接觸外面的世界, 因為這樣可以帶來不同的創新思維、提高個人價值,以及提升 整個團隊的發展目標。您需要不斷反思自己的目標來找出當中 所需要的價值理念。
We now need to ensure our dishes are as beautiful as they are delicious, in order to attract this new and important generation of critics
While attempts to create a convincing plant-based seafood and meat product have up to now been fairly hit and miss, a Singapore-based manufacturer appears to have finally raised the bar
product that comes close to the taste and texture of seafood and meat has been a holy grail for hundreds of companies for many decades. Vast sums have been invested in the hunt, and only in the past few years have results been getting close enough to actually make consumers believe they are eating the real deal.
A leader in this fledgling industry is HAPPIEE!, a portfolio brand under Growthwell Foods, which offers a range of plant-based solutions. Created by Growthwell’s Innovation and R&D Manufacturing Centre, HAPPIEE! features a seafood line made from konjac, a root vegetable with a starchy corm, or bulbotuber, used to make a rich source of soluble dietary fibre, and soy-based chicken products.
一直以來,不少公司都不斷嘗試製作出令人願意 一試的植物海鮮和素肉類產品,但成果都不太 理想,質素更好壞參半。不過,一間於新加坡創 立的食品製造商似乎終於找到方法,把這類食品 的標準大幅提高
過去幾十年,製作出一種味道和肉質均與海鮮及肉類相似的植 物食品,一直是數百間食品公司所追求的目標。它們在這方面 投入了大量資金時間,不過直到過去幾年,植物海鮮和素肉類 產品才漸漸接近理想中的味道和肉質,真正讓消費者相信自己 吃的是真的海鮮和肉品。
Growthwell Foods 旗下品牌HAPPIEE!可說是這個新興 行業的領導者,致力為市場提供各式各樣的植物肉產品。
HAPPIEE! 由Growthwell的創新及研發製造中心打造,主打 一系列由蒟蒻製成的植物海鮮食品。蒟蒻是一種帶有澱粉球莖 或球根莖的根類蔬菜,用於製造富含可溶性膳食纖維的食品、 以及以大豆為主要材料的素雞肉產品。
Happiee 快樂的日子終於來臨!
Not only do HAPPIEE! products come as close as any manufacturer has in terms of authentic seafood and meat taste and mouthfeel, they contain zero added alliums, preservatives, trans-fats or cholesterol, are vegan and Halal certified. Packed with nutrition, they also have at least 10% protein, and offer a shelf life of 18 months.
As importantly, they present a solution for consumers who struggle to find nutritious and tasty food while allowing them to lead a more sustainable lifestyle and reduce their carbon footprint, preserving water and land.
Some of the most popular HAPPIEE! items include Calamari Rings Breaded, Fishiee Sticks and Squidiee Rings, all made with konjac; and Chickiee Nuggets, Salmoniee Flakes, Chickiee Popcorn and Salmoniee Poppers, made with soy.
Driving sustainable, meat-free innovation, HAPPIEE!’s manufacturing plants boast state of the art facilities to ensure products are of both the highest quality standards, and can be produced and sold at affordable prices.
Just like their meat-based counterparts, HAPPIEE! products have a wide range of applications. For example, Salmoniee Flakes can be used in any application where flaked salmon would be used: in sushi and other Asian dishes, as a croissant filler, in pasta and much more. Fishiee Sticks have a delicious flaky texture, lending them to recipes such as wasabi mayo fish wraps, or combined with fresh tomatoes and lettuce in taco shells.
Meanwhile Chickiee Nuggets offer a chewy texture, and can be dipped into favourite sauces, or topped with marinara sauce and a blanket of cheese to make a convincing parmesan.
The plant-based future is finally here, and could be bringing ‘HAPPIEE!-ness’ to consumers everywhere!
HAPPIEE! 產品不僅媲美業內其他肉類食品製造商所開發的 產品,在味道和口感方面跟真正的海鮮和肉相近,更不含蔥、 防腐劑、反式脂肪或膽固醇,並獲得素食和清真認證。這個品 牌的食品除了營養豐富之外,還蘊含至少10%的蛋白質,保質 期亦長達18個月。
而同樣重要的是,這些食品為一眾努力尋找有營養和美味食品 的消費者提供了一個合適的選擇,更讓大家能夠奉行可持續的 生活方式,減少碳足跡,同時保護水資源和大地。
HAPPIEE! 的暢銷產品包括素炸魷魚圈、炸魚柳條和素魷 魚圈,全部由蒟蒻製成;以及由大豆製成的脆炸素雞塊、 素三文魚碎、爆谷雞和脆炸素三文魚球。
HAPPIEE! 的生產工房致力於推動可持續、無肉的創新食品, 它擁有最先進的設施,以確保產品既符合最高質量標準,又能 夠以實惠的價格生產和銷售。
就像其他肉類食品一樣,HAPPIEE! 產品的應用範圍非常
廣泛。例如,素三文魚碎可用於替代所有菜式中的三文魚碎: 包括壽司和其他亞洲菜餚、牛角包的內餡、意大利麵等等。 而美味的炸魚手指形狀扁平,則可應用於芥末蛋黃醬魚柳捲餅 等菜式,或與新鮮番茄和生菜一同成為墨西哥玉米餅的餡料。
另外,爆谷雞的肉質亦很有嚼勁,享用時可以蘸上自己喜歡的 醬汁,或者在上面加添一些番茄醬和一層芝士,製成令人心動 一試的巴馬臣芝士料理。
由此可見,以植物為本的未來終於到來予,並且可以為世界各 地的消費者帶來真正的「HAPPIEE!快感」!
With his first job washing dishes, before moving on to French cuisine and angry chefs, Adrian Chong Yen had a classic introduction to the restaurant business. Since then the Malaysian chef has gone on to open his highly-rated Sol Kitchen & Bar in Saigon – just don’t ask him to describe the cuisine!
Photography courtesy of Sol Kitchen & Bar
FT(Foodtalk): You grew up in Malaysia but began your culinary career in Singapore at just 15. How did the decision to make that move at such an early age come about?
ACY(Adrian Chong Yen): At 15 I needed a job and having no qualifications made it very difficult to find work. I manage to score a job washing dishes and that was my introduction to the F&B world. Since entering the industry, I have never looked back.
從第一份洗碗工作,到後來開始接觸法國菜和易怒 的廚師,Adrian Chong Yen 投身餐飲業的經歷相
當經典。從那時起,這位來自馬來西亞的廚師就在 越南西貢開設了備受追捧的 Sol Kitchen & Bar這一刻,何不讓我們探究一番他的烹飪理念?
FT(Foodtalk): 你在馬來西亞長大,年僅 15 歲就到新加坡投 身餐飲行業。當時你年紀這麼小,什麼驅使你到新加坡發展? ACY(Adrian Chong Yen): 15 歲時我需要一份工作,但由於 沒有學歷,找工作非常困難。最後我勉強找到了一份洗碗工, 亦成為我進入餐飲業的起點,而自此之後,我就再也沒有 回頭。
FT: 你曾在新加坡一些有名的餐廳工作,包括 L'angelus、 Les Bouchon、Binomio、Bochinche、Bar Roque 和 Q Industries。這些經歷的要點是什麼?
ACY: 我學會不同的管理風格。我曾跟隨過出色的大廚,也曾
FT: You’ve worked in some notable establishments in Singapore, including L’angelus, Les Bouchon, Binomio, Bochinche, Bar Roque and Q Industries. What have been your main takeaways from these experiences?
ACY: Learning different styles of management. I’ve worked with great chefs, chefs who were borderline abusive and everything in-between! And all of them taught me valuable lessons about the trade, one way or another. I feel I’m a better leader because I got to experience so many different environments, and this in turn helped me create my own company culture where my younger chefs and staff can thrive.
FT: You became head chef of the renowned Beaujolais Wine Bar at just 20. How did you achieve that?
ACY: Pure luck, really! Beaujolais was across the street from where I was working, and happened to be looking for a chef. I went in and essentially begged for the opportunity. Keep in mind I was just a junior chef at the time! My boss Lynda was very supportive and gave me the opportunity. And honestly it was one of my greatest life experiences.
FT: Beginning your career with classic French cuisine, you then moved to Spanish and Latin American. How did that culinary trajectory happen? Was it a creative or financially-based decision – or both?
ACY: I started with French because when it comes to the basic required skills and techniques, it is the best place to learn. I then discovered my love for Spanish cuisine after a trip to the Basque country. I was so amazed by the flavours and eating style, and knew I had to learn as much as
與比較情緒化的廚師共事,或是與介乎兩者之間的廚師合作! 雖然方式不一樣,但他們都給我上了寶貴的一課。在這麼多不 同的環境中學習,我覺得我成為了更好的領導者,亦幫助我建 立自己公司的文化,讓我們較年輕的廚師和員工都能夠從中 成長。
I feel I’m a better leader because I got to experience so many different environments and this in turn helped me create my own company culture where my younger chefs and staff can thrive
I could about it. Then came Latin American. When I got the opportunity to open my own restaurant, I wanted to do something completely new and challenging. At the time in Saigon, French cuisine was already wellestablished and Spanish was popping up all over the place. So I didn’t want to just be another French or Spanish-style restaurant. My business partners, coming from California, then suggested Mexican. I had never been to that part of the world or ever tried the cuisine, so it was exciting and new to discover all these different flavours. We started initially playing with tacos and Mexican flavours, and then looking at Peruvian ceviches, Argentinian BBQ and more, and I thought, “Why not just do Latin American?” And it worked! We were able to create our own category of flavours and it has turned out really well.
FT: Sol has been described as a Latin American, Mediterranean, and even Tex-Mex restaurant. How would you describe it? How much do Asian flavours influence you? And what is an archetypal Sol dish, that manifests these characteristics?
ACY: To be very honest, I find it really challenging to describe our style of restaurant. For example, when I look at empanada, I think of a curry puff in Malaysia, when I look at ceviche, I think of kinilaw [raw Philippine
FT: 你年僅 20 歲就成為Beaujolais Wine Bar的主廚。你是怎 樣做到的? ACY: 純粹是運氣而已! Beaujolais 就在我工作的地方附近, 正好在招聘主廚。我走進去餐廳,基本上是抱著破釜沉舟的心 態面試。老實說,那時的我還只是一名初級廚師而已!然而, 我的老闆Lynda非常支持我,給了我這個機會。不得不說, 這是我人生中其中一個最美好的經歷。
FT: 從一開始烹飪經典法國菜,到後來轉戰西班牙和拉美 菜式。是什麼令你有這個改變呢?是創意嗎?還是經濟考慮? 或者兩者皆是?
ACY: 我從法國菜開始學習,因為法國菜在基本烹飪和技巧 方面,都能提供最好的訓練。後來,我去了巴斯克旅行,發現 自己對西班牙美食情有獨鍾,當地的風味和飲食風格讓我相當 震撼,讓我想發掘下去。之後,我又愛上了拉美菜式。當我有 機會開一間自己的餐廳時,我希望做些全新而且充滿挑戰的 事情。當時在西貢,法國菜已經非常成熟,西班牙餐廳也十分
seafood dish]. So I started to play around with this concept, infusing local ingredients but staying true to the original way of preparation. I use a lot of Asian flavours in my cooking. I think our ceviche at Sol is the perfect example. When I make it, I play around with ingredients like kalamansi, fish sauce, kaffir lime and Thai basil. These are never used in authentic Peruvian ceviche. But I can tell you that they work together in perfect harmony.
FT: Why did you want your first restaurant to be in Saigon and not in your home of Malaysia, or adopted home of Singapore, two of Asia’s most vibrant culinary capitals? What potential did you see there, above the other two options?
ACY: The F&B industry in Vietnam, compared to any other country in the region, has shown exponential growth and opportunity. Whereas in Singapore and
普遍。因此,我不想只做另一間普普通通的法式或西班牙式 餐廳。 我的生意拍檔來自加州,他們建議我做墨西哥菜。我從 未去過墨西哥,也從未品嚐過那裏的美食,因此發現這些不同 的味道對我來說十分新奇有趣。我們一開始試著製作塔可餅和 墨西哥風味,後來又研究了秘魯的檸汁醃魚生、阿根廷的燒烤 等等,我想,「倒不如只做拉美風味吧?」結果就成功了! 我們不但創造了自己的風味,亦廣受好評。
FT: 有人說 Sol 是一家拉美、地中海甚至 Tex-Mex 德州墨西哥餐廳。你會怎樣形容你的餐廳?亞洲風味對你有影 響嗎? Sol 哪一道典型的菜式具有這些特色呢?
ACY: 老實說,我覺得要描述我們餐廳的風格真的很難。 例如,看到恩潘納達 Empanada 時,我會想起馬來西亞的咖哩 泡芙;看到檸汁醃魚生,我會想到菲律賓魚生沙律 Kinilaw。 因此,我萌生了一個概念,就是在保持原有製作方法的基礎上, 融入當地食材。我在烹飪中使用了亞洲的味道。我認為 Sol 餐廳的醃魚就是最佳的例子。在製作過程中,我會使用酸柑 Kalamansi 、魚露、泰國檸檬
Kaffir Lime 和泰國羅勒等
Vietnam is a relatively new market with a large and growing middle class and lots of disposable income. So it’s good timing to be in Vietnam!
所以,現在是進入越南市場的好時機」BBQ barramundi with molita chili paste and Vietnamese mint
Malaysia, the market has already kind of reached its peak and is starting to taper off. Vietnam is a relatively new market with a large and growing middle class and lots of disposable income. So it’s good timing to be in Vietnam!
FT: Your philosophy is to keep food simple and tasty and let the ingredients do the work, but in a culinary landscape where diners increasingly want fireworks, is that realistic?
ACY: I think it’s very realistic. We must remember that consumer trends are changing so quickly, so we need to be constantly evolving and finding new ways to get our customers to remember our brand. So having fireworks and some corny performances isn’t always a bad thing. But the most important thing is that customers must love your food. Otherwise all that show is for nothing.
FT: Chefs and F&B professionals generally are increasingly influenced by the social media factor –everything has to look as beautiful as it tastes! Is this affecting what you do at Sol?
ACY: Presentation is very important. If it doesn’t look captivating or appetising, customers aren’t going to
配料。正宗的秘魯醃魚從來不用這些配料,但這些配料搭配起 來卻非常匹配,這是我的經驗之談。
FT: 為什麼你的第一間餐廳開在越南西貢,而不是在你的故鄉 馬來西亞,或者是已經紮根多年的新加坡,這兩個多姿多彩的 亞洲美食之都呢?你認為西貢的潛力相對更大?
ACY: 與其他亞洲國家相比,越南的餐飲業發展和機遇都是幾 何級的增長。而在新加坡和馬來西亞,市場已經到達頂峰, 並開始逐漸減弱。越南是相對較新的市場,擁有龐大且不斷增 長的中產階級和大量消費能力。所以,現在是進入越南市場的 好時機!
FT: 你的烹飪哲學是保持食物簡單、美味,發揮食材純粹的 本質,但在現今飲食文化,越來越多食客追求花俏驚喜,這樣 做現實嗎?
ACY: 這是非常現實的。我們必須明白,消費的趨勢瞬息 萬變,因此我們需要不斷發展,尋找新方法讓食客記住我們 的品牌。因此,加入一些花俏和吸引眼球的元素並不一定是 壞事。但最重要的是,食客必須喜歡你的食物。否則,所有 的工夫都是徒勞的。
FT: 社交媒體對廚師和餐飲業專業人士的影響越來越大,賣相 和味道都必須完美!這有否影響 Sol 的方向?
ACY: 菜式的擺盤非常重要,如果賣相不吸引或讓人垂涎欲滴,
bite! But the bottom line is that it’s got to taste good. If you’re able to make it look good, that’s a plus.
FT: Sol’s cocktails are also renowned, and your signature Margarita uses powdered grasshopper as a salt rim. How did this come about, and is it more of a gimmick than genuine flavour factor?
ACY: I was on Google and found out that that’s how mezcal was traditionally served. They would take a shot and chase it with a grasshopper, called chapulin. And the flavour from the grasshopper literally tastes of citrus. It’s got hints of lemon and kaffir, and was naturally salty. So basically, salty and sour – the perfect salt rim for any margarita!
食客是不會心動的!但最重要的是食物必須美味。但如果你的 菜式賣相吸引的話,那就更錦上添花了。
FT: Sol 的雞尾酒也很有名,例如特色 Margarita 就以草蜢粉 末沾上杯邊。這樣的創作怎樣來的?是只是噱頭而非真實的風 味嗎?
ACY: 我在 Google 上看到,這是飲梅茲卡爾酒 (Mezcal) 的傳統。他們會在酒中加入一種叫做 Chapulin 的草蜢,而這 種草蜢的味道本身就有柑橘的味道,它能帶出陣陣的檸檬和泰 國青檸 (Kaffir Lime) 味道,而且泛出一道天然的鹹味。就是 這種鹹和酸的味道,沾在杯邊時會令 Margarita 的口感更上一
Consumer trends are changing so quickly, so we need to be constantly evolving and finding new ways to get our customers to remember our brand
「消費的趨勢瞬息萬變,因此我們需要不斷發展, 尋找新方法讓食客記住我們的品牌」
Coffee’s rich flavour, combined with its accompanying stimulating effect, has made it one of the world’s most popular drinks. But what causes its euphoric effect, and what is it actually doing to you?
every day, two billion cups of coffee are consumed. After water and tea, it’s the most popular non-alcoholic drink in the world. But why is it so beloved?
Coffee lovers will say it’s the unique taste – by turns rich, fragrant, earthy, fruity, sweet and bitter – sometimes all at the same time!
The other reason, and the one most coffee drinkers will admit to, is the unquestionably stimulating effect the beverage has. As well as kicking you into life in the morning, it can help you focus when you need to, improve memory and alertness, and even allow for greater physical ability.
咖啡的濃郁香味和提神作用,使其成為世界上 最受歡迎的飲品之一。然而,咖啡的亢奮作用 是怎樣來的?它究竟對人體有什麼影響?
光是一天,全球便消耗 20) 億杯咖啡。咖啡是繼水和茶 之後,世界上最受歡迎的非酒精飲品。為何如此?喜歡 喝咖啡的人會說,因為味道獨特,濃郁、芳香、樸實 土味、果味、甜味和苦味百味輪轉,有時甚至交織在 一起!
How does it achieve this? Through the power of caffeine, a stimulant of the methylxanthine class that effects the central nervous system. When taken, especially in coffee, it can act as a mild cognitive enhancer – in other words, temporarily boosting your brain.
This is not a recent discovery – Sufi mystics discovered these properties centuries ago, and used the drink to focus their concentration during religious rituals.
While these things are taken for granted, not many stop to wonder what caffeine is actually doing inside their bodies. For those who do care, it’s all to do with your brain’s adenosine receptors, which work to regulate your heart rate, blood flow and sleeping cycles. Caffeine fools your nerve cells, blocking adenosine and boosting your brain’s stimulating neurotransmitters – like dopamine – which is what provides a significant mood boost.
Of course, there’s always a downside, and overdosing on coffee can cause effects such as insomnia, restlessness, anxiety and increased heart rate.
While most will never experience these negative feelings, it’s worth being aware they exist – especially for those with heart conditions. For the majority however, it provides a near-magical boost to the system when you need to get that important email to the boss or finish an essay!
另一原因,也是大多數喝咖啡的人會承認的一點, 就是咖啡無疑能夠發揮提神作用,不僅讓你在早上 精力充沛,還能在需要時提高集中力、記憶力和警 覺性,甚至增強體能。
咖啡爲何有這些作用?全因咖啡因是一種能影響中樞 神經系統的甲基黃嘌呤類興奮劑。咖啡因,尤其當透 過咖啡攝取時,是一種性質溫和的腦部認知增強劑。 換言之,它可以暫時增強大腦的功能。
這並不是近期才發現的秘密:早在幾個世紀前,蘇非 主義就發現了咖啡的特性,並在宗教儀式上利用咖啡 來提高集中力。
很多人認爲喝咖啡能提神是理所當然的,不會停下 來想一想咖啡因在他們體內究竟起了什麼作用。 其實,這一切都與大腦的腺苷受體有關。腺苷受體能 調節心率、血液循環和睡眠週期。咖啡因會矇蔽你的 神經細胞,阻隔腺苷受體,促進大腦的神經傳導物質 ( 如多巴胺 ) ,從而大幅提升情緒。
當然,飲用過量咖啡也會帶來負面影響,如失眠、 煩躁不安、焦慮和心率加快。
雖然大部分人都不受這些副作用影響,但尤其對患有 心臟疾病的人來說,必須特別注意。不過,對於大多 數人來說,不論你需要寄重要的郵件給老闆,或是在 趕論文,咖啡都能在瞬刻之間提升你的動力!
Chef Bjoern Alexander, of Matera in Singapore, found himself cooking Italian food almost by chance – but the advocate for the next generation of German cuisine has gone on to become a multi-Michelin-star winner
Photography courtesy of Matera
FT(Foodtalk): You served a six-month internships in Germany with Joachim Wissler and Thomas Keller, both three-Michelin-star chefs. What did you take away from those experiences and how did they influence you?
BA(Bjoern Alexander): I wanted to see and experience for myself how a three-star restaurant operated and what I had to do to achieve the same level. Thomas Keller was perfect for me to learn as much as I could, from the ingredients used, to the way dishes were executed. Sadly, I was young and couldn’t stay longer after the six-month internship was up. I am glad I took the brave step to go to America though!
FT: At what point did you decide to go the Italian, rather than classical French culinary route?
BA: I didn’t consciously decide. Things just fell into
新加坡 Matera 餐廳的主廚 Bjoern Alexander 認
為自己會烹飪意大利菜幾乎可說是源於偶然,但這 位引領新世代德國菜的廚師卻屢獲米芝蓮星級榮譽
FT(Foodtalk): 我知道您曾在德國跟隨米芝蓮三星級廚師 Joachim Wissler和Thomas Keller實習了六個月,從中有什麼得 著?這段經歷又為您帶來什麼影響呢?
BA(Bjoern Alexander): 我想親眼看看並親身體驗一間三星 級餐廳是如何營運的,亦想知道自己需要怎樣做才能達到同樣 的水平。大廚Thomas Keller對我來說是一個完美的學習
place. I achieved my first Michelin star cooking Italian food at Restaurant Gabriele in Germany. I thought perhaps Italian cuisine brought me luck! I achieved another star at Restaurant Petrus at Island Shangri-La in Hong Kong, and then two stars at Octavium, also Hong Kong, another Italian. I decided to keep cooking Italian in my authentic and bold way due to the recognition I have received thus far.
FT: You were at Jimbocho Den, a renowned Japanese restaurant, for a couple of months doing what you describe as “training”. Was this a conscious decision to raise your Japanese cooking skills because of the culinary path you had decided to take?
BA: Working at Jimbocho Den was my way of getting inspired and motivated again. I was transported into a different world while there; Den and Zaiyu have the most motivated teams and teachers I have ever met, and provided a new direction where I could reach greater heights. I have always been impressed with
對象,讓我可以無拘無束地學習到更多知識和技巧,包括選取 食材、以至製作菜餚。可惜的是,我當時太年輕,在六個月的 實習期滿後就沒有再待下去了。不過,我很高興自己能勇敢地 向美國邁進!
FT: 您是在什麼時候決定成為一位意大利菜廚師,而不是投身 經典的法國料理界呢?
BA: 我並沒有刻意地做決定,一切都自然而然地發生了。我在 德國的Gabriele餐廳負責烹調意大利美食,獲得了我人生中的 第一顆米芝蓮星。我想也許是意大利料理為我帶來了好運! 後來,我在香港港島香格里拉大酒店的Petrus餐廳獲得了另一 顆米芝蓮星,然後在香港的另一間意大利餐廳Octavium獲得 了米芝蓮二星級榮譽。我一直以來所獲得的認可,令我決定繼 續烹調出既風味正宗、又大膽創新的意大利菜式。
FT: 您曾在著名的日本餐廳Jimbocho Den裡進行了所指的 幾個月「培訓」,這是因為您已經定好在烹飪界的發展路向, 而特意決定提升自己的日式料理烹飪技巧嗎?
BA: 在Jimbocho Den餐廳工作令我能再次獲得靈感和動力。 在那裡工作時,我彷彿被帶到了一個截然不同的世界;Den和
I wanted to explore a new market. I don’t like to be in my comfort zone and always want to challenge myself
「因為我想探索一個新市場。我不喜歡待在自己的舒適區裡, 而且總是希望能接受更多挑戰」
Japanese cooking – the way they present simple flavours but all in perfect balance with one another.
FT: UMI in Shanghai, where you spent over a year as executive chef, is described as a modern Japanese/ German/Chinese restaurant. It’s rare to see this combination – can you explain how it worked?
BA: This was a big step and a huge risk, but the concept was successful. People loved it. The idea revolved around how I saw cooking to be. I had great Chinese chefs in my kitchen who taught me a lot about their food along the way. I don’t think people care so much about where you come from anymore in terms of what you cook. Cooking is a language, a passion, a committed love affair, and a lifetime creative process, so where one is from is not important. It’s about creating my own distinctive style and being bold and true to myself. The location and design of the restaurant weren’t ideal as half the restaurant was meant to be a bar for casual
Zaiyu的團隊和導師都是我所見過最積極、最富動力的,並為我 提供了一個新的方向,使我能夠更上一層樓。我對日本料理的 印象一直非常深刻—各款日式美食既呈現出簡樸的味道,卻又 彼此達致完美的平衡。
FT: 您亦曾在上海的UMI餐廳擔任了一年多的行政主廚,它被視 為一間集現代日式/德式/中式茶餚於一身的餐廳。這類型的餐 廳頗為少有,您能分享一下這個概念是從何而來的嗎? BA: 我雖然概念非常大膽而且風險很高,但這亦是我們邁出的 一大步。最終這個概念非常成功,很受人們所喜愛。這個想法 源自我對烹飪的看法和理解。我的廚師團隊中有很優秀的中國 廚師,他們一路上教予我很多關於中式美食的知識。我認為, 在你烹調菜餚時,人們不再那麼關心你來自哪裡。烹飪是一種 語言、一腔熱情、一份忠誠的熱愛,是需要一生持之以恆的創 作過程。所以,廚師和菜式來自哪裡其實不重要,而是在於創 造出我自身的獨特風格,並大膽而真實地做自己。不過,餐廳 的位置和設計不太理想,因為我們原本打算劃出餐廳的一半 空間,作為讓客人休閒飲酒的酒吧。最終,我們決定結束營業, 因為從長遠來看,我們無法將所有潛力發揮出來。
I don’t think the focus should be on whether the food served in my restaurant is Italian, Japanese, or Chinese, but I have taken elements from each culture to make it uniquely my own 「我認為重點不應該在於我的餐廳所提供的食物是意式、日式、還是中式的,
drinking – eventually, we made the decision to close as we couldn’t maximise the full potential of the space long term.
FT: Most recently you were at Octavium Italian restaurant in Hong Kong, opened in 2017 by legendary Chef Umberto Bombana, of 8½ Otto e Mezzo fame. How was that experience, where you helped the restaurant gain a second Michelin star, and working with Chef Umberto?
BA: Chef Bombana is a great chef and a good patron –I had free rein in the kitchen during my time at Octavium, driving the menu and dishes. Chef was always supportive – he often came to the restaurant to dine and told me I have my own identity and a unique approach to cooking. The two Michelin stars were a surprise; I worked hard during those three years and was elated with the achievement.
FT: Why did you go on to open Matera in Singapore rather than Hong Kong? Especially as you were already very familiar with the HK market?
BA: I wanted to explore a new market. I don’t like to be in my comfort zone and always want to challenge myself. So I decided to start anew. What is most
FT: 我知道您最近曾進駐香港的意大利餐廳Octavium,而該 餐廳是由著名食府8½ Otto e Mezzo的傳奇名廚Umberto Bombana於2017年開設的。您是怎樣幫助餐廳獲得第二顆米 芝蓮星,與主廚Umberto共事的經歷又是如何呢?
BA: 主廚Bombana是一位十分出色的廚師,也是一位很好的老 顧客。我在Octavium任職期間,可以自由管理廚房的運作, 亦負責制定菜單和菜式。他一直非常支持我,而且經常來到餐 廳用餐,並讓我知道我烹調的菜餚具有自己的個人特色,烹飪 的方式亦很獨特。而獲取米芝蓮二星榮譽對我而言是一個意外 收穫;我三年來很努力工作,也很高興能取得這項成就。
FT: 您為什麼會選擇在新加坡開設 Matera 餐廳,而不是 香港呢?尤其是您已經對香港市場非常熟悉?
BA: 因為我想探索一個新市場。我不喜歡待在自己的舒適 區裡,而且總是希望能接受更多挑戰,因此我決定迎來新的發 展方向。在廚房工作時,最重要的是激勵我的團隊,並為他們 提供方向。這樣,我們就能日復一日地持續進步。
FT: 融合菜式在80年代一度非常流行,但後來卻逐漸失寵, 直到近年來才重新興起,並以更具創意和現代的方式重新 演繹。您能分享一下,自己是如何逐步將經典的意大利美食, 如此大膽地與日本和中國菜餚融合的嗎?
BA: 我討厭「融合」這個詞,因為這個詞令大家不太關注某些 廚師所付出的努力,亦把他們正在做的事情想得太過簡單。
What is most important in the kitchen is to motivate and provide direction to my team. That way, we can improve day after day
important in the kitchen is to motivate and provide direction to my team. That way, we can improve day after day.
FT: After its popularity during the 1980s, fusion food fell out of favour, only to reappear in recent years reinterpreted in a more creative and contemporary way. Can you describe how you take classic Italian cuisine and fuse it with Japanese and Chinese cuisine so boldly and progressively?
BA: I hate the word fusion as it distracts and simplifies what some chefs are doing. I don’t think the focus should be on whether the food served in my restaurant is Italian, Japanese, or Chinese, but I have taken elements from each culture to make it uniquely my own – with my identity and expression included.
FT: How does your R&D process work? For example, how did you develop tantalisingsounding signature dishes such as foie gras marinated for three weeks with miso, sake, and mirin brushed with cocoa powder; and red prawns cold-smoked for six minutes in almond or litchee wood? What other signature dishes are you most proud of?
BA: To be honest, I create so many dishes regularly and some of them are still in progress. These days, I am quite busy in the kitchen –still very hands on the stove. Let’s see what dishes this year may bring! I don’t have that one signature dish that I am most attached to as I live day by day and things are in constant change. A dish is like a beautiful flower, once that is gone, a new flower blooms.
FT: The perception of German cuisine is limited to cliché images of boiled potatoes, sauerkraut and pork knuckle. Can you explain how it is evolving?
BA: Sadly that’s the perception, but I believe this is changing. German cuisine has its own identity and not just limited to potatoes and pork knuckle. The next generation of German chefs are developing a new style of cuisine using produce Germany has to offer, from fish, pork, lamb, and beef to vegetables and fruits.
FT: What do you enjoy eating most if someone else is cooking for you?
BA: Whether someone cooks out of love is the most important thing. I enjoy my girlfriend’s cooking because it comes from a place of love, and she always wants what’s best for me.
我認為重點不應該在於我的餐廳所提供的食物是意式、日式、還是中 式的,而是在於我從各種文化中汲取了元素,使其成為我自己的獨有 特色,包括我的身份角色和表達方式。
FT: 您研發菜式的過程是怎樣的呢?舉例來說,您是如何開發出各式 聽起來很誘人的招牌菜,比如用味噌、清酒和味醂醃製鵝肝三週, 再塗上可可粉呢?又例如將紅蝦在杏仁木或荔枝木中冷熏六分鐘? 還有什麼其他招牌菜式是您非常引以為傲的呢?
BA: 說實話,我創作了很多菜式,有些還在開發當中。近期我在廚房 裡非常忙碌,雙手簡直忙個不停。大家期待一下今年我會帶來哪些美 食吧!我沒有特別喜歡哪一道招牌菜式,因為我一直照常地生活而身 邊的事物均在不斷變化。而菜餚就像一朵美麗的花,一旦凋謝,就會 綻放出新的花朵。
FT: 大眾對德國菜的認知,往往只停留在薯仔、酸菜和豬手這般刻板 印象。您能說明一下大家對德國菜的看法是如何演變的嗎?
BA: 可惜的是,這就是人們的看法,但我相信大家的想法正在改變。 德國菜有自己的特色,絕對不僅僅限於薯仔和豬手。新一代的德國廚 師現時採用德國出產的各式漁農產品,包括魚、豬肉、羊肉、牛肉、 蔬菜及水果,致力開發出全新風格的美食。
FT: 如果別人為您下廚,您最喜歡吃什麼呢?
BA: 最重要的是一個人是否懷著愛意去下廚。我很喜歡女友為我烹調 菜餚,因為那些菜餚都是出於滿滿的心意,她總是想給我最好的。
3D food printing has been around for some time now, and while it is yet to be used in large-scale production, the innovative technology is clearly here to stay. But what is it, and what are its applications?
Itwas as far back as 2006 that Cornell University, as part of a project led by a group of students, produced the first multimaterial 3D printer that could process foods such as chocolate, cookie dough and cheese.
Fast forward to 2012 saw Choc Edge release the first commercially available 3D chocolate printer, before in 2015, TNO & Barilla created a pasta printer, while just last year, FELIXprinters introduced the industrial plastic FDM 3D FOODprinters range.
But what exactly is 3D food printing, and what can it do for the F&B industry, perennially overburdened by high costs and time restrictions?
3D食物打印技術早已面世多年,雖然還 未能大規模應用在食品量產上,但顯然已 被市場大為接受。那到底這項創新技術是 什麼,它又能應用在什麽地方呢?
早於2006年,康乃爾大學的一班學生已成功研發出第一 部可以處理如朱古力、曲奇餅麵團和芝士等食材的多材料 3D打印機。
This new technology manufactures food products in completely untraditional ways. It builds up a complete object layer by layer using a computer design, without the use of moulds. It works just like other 3D printers, except everything produced is edible!
The potential applications, and advantages, are huge. Firstly, it allows food to be customised in numerous shapes, colours, textures and flavours. This makes it valuable in areas from healthcare to space exploration. Also in terms of dietary requirements, it automatically adds precise amounts of food groups such as proteins, carbohydrates and fats, along with vitamins and minerals. Another huge growth area is creative food design and customisation. Traditionally done by hand, which is time-consuming and expensive, 3D printing makes this a breeze.
Other sectors where the technology can make a difference includes reducing food waste, by processing meat off-cuts, unshapely fruits and vegetables etc, to transform to new and appealing forms.
So while this latest innovation may make Gordon Ramsay even madder than usual, the bottom line is that it is useful, saves time and money, and is here to stay!
來到2012年時,Choc Edge公司推出了第一部商用3D朱古力打 印機;隨後在2015年,TNO和百味來公司聯手打造出一部意粉 打印機;而去年,FELIXprinters公司更推出了工業塑膠FDM 3D食品打印機系列。
但3D食物打印究竟爲何物?成本高、時間限制問題一直困擾著 飲食業,這項技術又能為當中帶來什麽改變?
3D食物打印技術製造食物的方式十分創新。只要透過電腦上進 行印前設計,整件食物就會被逐層打印出來,且無需使用模具。 其運作原理與其他3D打印機相同,但製成品卻可安全食用!
這項技術的潛在價值很高,而且應用層面廣泛。首先,利用3D 打印技術,食物得以定制成各種形狀、顏色、質感和味道,對醫 療保健以致太空探索等領域都極具價值。此外,就膳食而言, 還能自動、精準地添加蛋白質、碳水化合物、脂肪、維他命和礦 物質等營養。創意食品設計和定制將會是另一個發展潛力龐大的 領域。傳統手工製作既費時又昂貴,而3D打印技術則能大大節 省製作時間和成本。
這項技術亦能減少食物浪費,並帶來不同範疇的轉變,例如改 造有瑕疵的肉類品、形狀不討好的生果和蔬菜等,讓食材煥然 一新。
雖然 3D 食物打印技術可能會讓地獄廚神 Gordon Ramsay 抓狂,但無可否認,它實用、省錢,又省時間,而且已開始找到 了市場的立足點,慢慢開始普及了!
Chen Xiaoshan, Owner of Get Holiday and Blazing restaurants, fell in love with Western cuisine as a child as variety from ubiquitous noodles, before going on to open two successful restaurant concepts of his own
FT(Foodtalk): Food and eating was apparently something of an obsession from childhood – can you explain about your earlier years and what led to a career in the food industry?
CX(Chen Xiaoshan): After I graduated, when working in the electronic communications industry, my colleagues often ate together, and the food was sometimes so delicious I began to develop a great interest in catering! After leaving the company, I took a break to think about my future career. At that time in Hong Kong I met some hotel chefs, who were naturally passionate about food. So we decided to collaborate to supply high-end ingredients
大廚 Chen Xiaoshan 是 Get Holiday 和 Blazing 餐廳的老闆,小時候因為各式各樣的麵條隨處 可見,便愛上了西餐,其後自己開設了兩間餐廳, 當中的經營概念非常成功
FT(Foodtalk): 對美食著迷很明顯是源自小時候的習慣,您能分 享一下自己早年的經歷,以及是什麼原因令您會選擇投身餐飲及 食品行業嗎?
CX(Chen Xiaoshan): 我畢業後在一間電子通訊公司工作, 當時經常和同事們一起吃飯,有時候會品嚐到非常美味的 飯菜,我便開始對餐飲產生了極大的興趣!離開公司後,我休 息了一會兒,思考了自己未來的職業生涯。那時候,我在香港 認識了一些任職酒店的廚師,他們天生對食物充滿熱情。 因此,我們決定合作為酒店供應優質的食材 ,這是我第一次涉 足餐飲行業。後來,在為酒店餐廳供應食材的過程中,為了嘗 試提升行業標準,我決定開設自己的意大利餐廳「Cafe 107」, 同時開發新菜式,並為酒店餐廳供應不同的食材和建議, 務求為大眾帶來正宗的西式美食。
to hotels – my first foray into the food industry. Later, in the process of supplying ingredients to hotel restaurants, in a bid to raise industry standards, I decided to open ‘Cafe 107’, my Italian restaurant, to develop dishes, provide ingredient solutions and technical support to hotel restaurants, and bring authentic Western cuisine to the public.
FT: You opened Get Holiday in 2018 and Blazing In 2021 –can you briefly describe the two restaurant concepts and how they complement each other?
CX: The original intention of Get Holiday was to create a relaxed atmosphere, allowing informal dress while enjoying delicious and natural Western cuisine. The opening also coincided with China’s resumption of imports of American beef, letting people taste dishes made using this high-quality beef. Get Holiday leans towards Italian cuisine and is suitable for Western-style gatherings. Meanwhile Blazing focuses on local, seasonal seafood from China, such as squid from Dongshan Island in Fujian, shrimp from Nan’ao Island in Chaoshan, and abalone from Qingdao. It leans more towards Mediterranean and Spanish cuisine, with the intention of allowing guests better enjoy food, wine (more than 200 labels), and life. Blazing is kind of an upgraded version of Get Holiday.
FT: Especially with Blazing, which is aimed at a younger demographic, you are using more “experimental methods” –can you explain what some of these are?
CX: In Fujian and Guangdong, there is a very popular fish called Balang, which has a rich aroma and oil, and a delicate taste. One of the dishes at Blazing restaurants is Chaoshan-style Balang fish, utilising Western cooking techniques, including charcoal grilling, and pair it with olive sauces to make its flavour even more outstanding.
FT: What signature dishes or products that you have created, or developed, are you most proud of? What have been your major successes?
CX: What makes me most proud is our skinny French fries. Most Western restaurants use large French fries, however, getting classic, skinny French fries right took my utmost effort. Factors included the oil used, temperature and duration of cooking, number of times to refry, and nailing the accompanying mayonnaise. Finally we perfected it,
FT: 您於 2018 年開設了 Get Holiday 餐廳,再於 2021 年開
設了 Blazing 餐廳,您能簡單分享一下這兩家餐廳的概念、 以及兩者之間如何相輔相成嗎?
CX: 我開設 Get Holiday 餐廳的初衷是希望可以營造輕鬆的 氛圍,讓大家可以打扮得隨意休閒地享用美味、天然的西餐。 而餐廳開業之際,適逢中國恢復進口美國牛肉,讓人們能夠品 嚐到用這種優質牛肉製作的菜餚。Get Holiday 餐廳的概念偏 向意大利菜式,適合西式聚會;而 Blazing 餐廳則主打中國本 地的時令海鮮,例如來自福建東山島的魷魚、來自潮汕南澳島 的蝦和來自青島的鮑魚。這間餐廳更偏向地中海和西班牙 美食,旨在讓客人可以更盡情地享受美食、美酒 ( 超過200個 品牌 ) 和生活。Blazing 餐廳可以說是 Get Holiday 餐廳的升 級版。
FT: 我知道您比較常用「實驗方法」,尤其是針對年輕群眾的 Blazing 餐廳,您能說明一下當中的一些方法嗎?
CX: 在福建和廣東,有一種很受歡迎的魚,叫巴郎。這種魚香 氣撲鼻、油香濃郁,而且味道細膩。Blazing 餐廳的特色菜餚
之一就是潮汕風味巴郎魚,採用炭烤等西式烹飪手法,並搭配 橄欖醬,使其味道更加出色。
FT: 在您創作或開發的招牌菜餚或產品中,哪些是您最引以為 傲的呢?您認為自己取得的主要成就是什麼呢?
CX: 最讓我自豪的是我們餐廳的幼細炸薯條。大多數西餐廳都
and established a market trend. Guests who have tried them will be amazed by the delicious taste. Another signature dish is dry-cooked steak. At the beginning, customers did not understand, preferring artificially restructured steaks, and thinking our dry-cooked ones were expensive. However, we did not give up, and now our guests have a greater understanding of dry-cooked steak and its delicacy and value.
FT: Some Western food cultures traditionally encourage a formal approach to fine dining, but you are trying to promote a more relaxed attitude, even when serving high-end cuisine, and have mentioned “eating caviar while wearing flip-flops”. Can you explain more about this approach?
CX: Western cuisine is already popular around the world, and in China, I hope to see it increasingly become integrated into daily life, rather than being reserved for special occasions such as high-end business banquets or important anniversaries. Flip-flops are of course casual, while caviar alludes to high-quality cuisine. We can
會採用粗大薯條,而要製作出經典的幼細薯條真的花費了我大 量的心力。製作過程中涉及多項因素,包括所用的油、烹煮的 溫度和持續時間、重新煎炸的次數、以及搭配用的蛋黃醬。 最後我們製作出完美的幼細炸薯條,更掀起了市場潮流。試吃 過的客人都會對這款美味的幼細炸薯條讚不絕口。而我們的另一 道招牌菜是乾式熟成牛扒。一開始,顧客不太理解這款菜式, 反而更喜歡人工重組牛扒,並認為我們的乾式熟成牛扒太昂貴。 但我們並沒有放棄,現在我們的客人對乾式熟成牛扒及其美味 和價值均有更深入的了解。
FT: 一般西方飲食文化傳統都提倡以正規莊重的態度享用精緻 餐飲,但您卻嘗試推廣一種較輕鬆的用餐態度,甚至推廣至高 級美食方面,更提出「穿著人字拖吃魚子醬」。您能解釋更多 關於這種用餐態度嗎?
CX: 西餐在世界各地已經十分流行,在中國,我亦希望看到西 餐可以越來越融入到日常生活之中,而不是僅限於高級商務宴 會或重要紀念日等特殊場合。人字拖當然是休閒的服飾,而魚 子醬則象徵著高品質的美食。我們可以一邊穿著人字拖,一邊 吃魚子醬、喝香檳,享受悠閒的假期!我的目標是把西餐廳打 造成一個大型的「路邊小吃攤」,更注重菜品的質量而不是 形式,讓顧客能夠品嚐到真正的美味佳餚。
Western cuisine is already popular around the world, and in China, I hope to see it increasingly become integrated into daily life
在中國,我亦希望看到西餐可以越來越融入到日常生活之中」Dry aged beef rib prime
China's catering industry will become increasingly professional and refined, with more restaurants pursuing technology and their own distinctive characteristics
wear flip-flops while eating caviar, drinking champagne, and enjoying a leisurely holiday, all at the same time! My goal is to transform Western cuisine into a big ‘sidewalk snack booth’, focusing more on the quality of dishes than the form, so customers can enjoy this truly delicious cuisine.
FT: You are said to be interested in novelty, developments and research in the food industry. This also seems to be a trend in China. What particularly motivates you in this sense?
CX: In recent years, the use of technology and ingredients in Chinese-style ‘Western cuisine’ has shifted from simply copying foreign methods and relying on imported ingredients, to gaining a better understanding of international culinary cultures and applying this to cooking local ingredients. Every time I go to a new city, I will definitely visit local supermarkets and markets to explore new ingredients. This is a very interesting, and inspires me to create new dishes.
FT: 聽說您對食品行業的新穎元素、發展和研究相當感興趣。 這在中國似乎也是一種趨勢。在這方面來說,是什麼特別的因 素推動著您呢?
CX: 近年來,中式「西餐」在烹飪手法和食材運用上,已經 從直接複製外國方法、依賴進口食材,轉變為了解國際烹飪 文化,並運用到以本地食材製作的菜餚當中。我每次去一個新 的城市,都一定會去當地的超市和市場探索新的食材。這真的 非常有趣,並推動我創作新的菜式。
FT: 中國美食是世界上數一數二的,當中潮汕人或潮州人對 美食更是特別著迷。您認同這個說法嗎?您能為我們舉一些例 子嗎?
CX: 常見道:「食在廣州,味在潮汕」。吃得好對潮汕人來說 真的很重要。對美食的熱愛深深地刻在了每個潮汕人的基 因裡,從我們對食物的嚴格要求中就可見一斑。比如我們採購 鯇魚時,只會要魚皮及皮下一厘米左右的肉,因為這部分肉質 細嫩,而且無骨。這種嚴謹細緻的烹飪文化推動著廚師和食客 追求天然、高品質的美食,食客期望品嚐到優質的美食,而廚 師便提供以優質食材烹調的美食,因此優質的廚師和優質的食 客形成了一個良性循環。
FT: China has one of the world’s great cuisines, but Chaoshan, or Chiuchow people, are especially obsessed with food. Do you think this is true, and can you give us some examples?
CX: There is a saying that goes, “You taste Chaoshan when you are eating in Guangdong. Eating well is important to Chaoshan people.” The love for food is deeply engraved in the genes of every Chaoshan person, which can be seen in our strict requirements. For example, when we purchase Wanyu grass carp, we require only the skin and meat about one centimetre below the skin, which is tender and boneless. This exacting culinary culture inspires chefs and diners to pursue natural and high-quality cuisine, forming a virtuous circle where high-quality ingredients are both expected and supplied –high-quality chefs and high-quality diners.
FT: How do you feel about the development of the F&B industry in China over the future few years, and what do trends do you predict?
CX: China's catering industry will become increasingly professional and refined, with more restaurants pursuing technology and their own distinctive characteristics. It is no longer just about making money by creating ubiquitous and uniform dishes. Meanwhile consumers will continue to want to eat better and be healthier. High-quality, experiential restaurants will also become increasingly popular. I hope understanding of Western cuisine can become more detailed and clear, to reflect the natural and evolving internationalisation of the Chinese catering market.
FT: 您對於未來幾年中國餐飲行業的發展有何看法,以及預測 會出現什麼趨勢呢?
CX: 中國的餐飲業將日趨專業、精細,越來越多的餐廳追求精 湛的烹飪手法和定位鮮明的特色,而不再只是透過烹煮無處 不在、公式化的菜餚來賺錢。與此同時,消費者將會繼續希望 吃得更好、更健康。高品質、體驗式餐廳亦將會越來越受歡迎。 我亦希望大眾能夠更深入、更清晰地了解西餐,以體現出中國 餐飲市場正在自然而然、循序漸進地趨向國際化。
We can wear flip-flops while eating caviar, drinking champagne, and enjoying a leisurely holiday, all at the same time!
Angliss Shenyang’s Discovery event showcased products from more than 30 brands to an enthusiastic audience of industry attendees
Therecent Angliss Discovery – Culinary Journey 2023, held by Angliss Shenyang, saw over 30 renowned brands from around the world invited to introduce current and upcoming culinary trends, as well showcasing a diverse range of products, methods of using them, and inspiration for everyday creativity.
The event began with a welcome speech by Ding Hui, the Managing Director of Angliss Beijing Food Service Limited, followed by introduction of various brands. Chef Cai Jiezhong, the R&D Director of China Bakery Technology, shared and demonstrated how to make western desserts. Shen Zhilong, the General Manager of Angliss Business Development of Meat in Greater China, dived into an explanation on beef cuts and showcased his meat-cutting techniques. Dong Changjiang, the General Manager of Dadong Haerbin, also gave a demonstration of various dishes. The event was packed with an array of engaging activities, creating an atmosphere of excitement and enthusiasm among participating brands and guests alike.
This event was made possible by the support of the attending customers and companies, enhancing the appeal and reputation of those brands. Looking forward, Angliss will continue to bring products and culinary experiences of high quality to customers.
安得利瀋陽舉辦的美饌之旅2023為行業及客 戶們展示了30多個品牌的產品
安得利瀋陽舉辦了一場美饌巡禮-美饌之旅2023。是次活動安 得利共邀請了三十多個來自世界各地的行業知名品牌,更邀請 了行業重量級人物到場,向客戶們介紹目前及來年餐飲潮流趨 勢與產品使用方法,不僅滿足了大家對食材多樣化的需求, 更為日常創造提供靈感。
活動開始,安得利(北京)食品貿易有限公司董事總經理丁暉 致歡迎詞,及後品牌負責人進行品牌介紹、中國烘焙技術研發 總監蔡捷中大師為我們分享及示範西式甜品的製作方法、 安得利大中華區肉類業務發展總經理沈志龍先生現場為大家講 解牛肉的應用,並展現肉類切割技藝以及大董哈爾濱店負責人 董長江進行菜式示範。現場精彩節目不斷,氣氛十分熱鬧。 與來賓默契聯動,把現場氣氛推向高潮。
是次活動有賴各品牌及客戶們的支持,同時亦進一步提升了相 關品牌對客戶們的吸引力與認知度。未來,安得利將繼續為客 戶們帶來更高品質的產品及美食體驗。
豐富多樣的安得利 瀋陽美饌之旅2023
Academie des Experts DGF’s display of French dessert making with Angliss Shanghai was an inspirational example of what can be achieved with top-quality products
Jointly organised by Angliss and Academie des Experts
DGF, a fascinating recent demonstration of French dessert making at the Angliss Discovery Center in Shanghai was the first public sharing session on branding between the organisations. The event attracted many from the hotel and catering industry as well as food lovers who came together for the meaningful culinary exchange.
Sebastien Odet, Director of DGF, led the demonstration. His exquisite skills and unique insights into baking concepts come from many years of training and teaching experience, as well as practice and exploration. For the session, he selected the whole series of DGF products, introducing four dessert recipes using the ingredients to make desserts. The excellent quality of DGF products – including chocolate, flavours and fillings, icing and glazes, pastry creams and more – laid the foundation of Mr. Odet’s impressive desserts, bringing pleasure to customers both visually and when they were able to actually sample the creations. his pursuit of quality and detail also appealed customers to the technical yet charming art of dessert making.
Mr. Odet made Chocolate Cherry Mousse Cake, Irish Coffee, Oriental Tower, and Mini Chocolate Cake for customers, all of whom appreciated the perfection to the taste and aroma of desserts made with DGF dessert recipes.
The event was well received by customers, who were highly enjoyed the demonstration, confirmed by many eager questions and requests for photo opportunities with Mr. Odet. With the array of imported ingredients and professionalism of technical services, Angliss provides various food ideas for customers. The sharing session has inspired attendees to go on gourmet discoveries. Going forward, Angliss and DGF will continue to introduce more innovative ideas and services.
DGF專家學院院長Sebastien Odet先生在上海安得利體驗 中心,為客戶們帶來一場法式甜品製作的精彩演示會。是次 活動由安得利和DGF聯合舉辦,是DGF與安得利合作以來的 第一場品牌專題公開分享會,吸引了眾多酒店及餐飲業內人 士以及美食愛好者前來親臨現場交流學習。
Sebastien Odet 精湛的技藝與對烘焙理念的獨到見解, 源於他多年的培訓教學經驗和長年的實踐與探索。
Sebastien Odet 為是次演示分享會特選了DGF全系列 產品,推出四款甜品配方,並於現場演示了製作過程; DGF 產品的卓越品質,成就了Sebastien Odet創作的非凡甜品, 為客戶們帶來了視覺與口感的雙重享受。 Sebastien Odet 對於品質與細節的追求也讓客戶們感受到了甜品製作藝術的 奧妙與魅力所在。
當日 Sebastien Odet 製作了朱古力櫻桃慕斯蛋糕、愛爾蘭 咖啡、東方塔、及小朱古力蛋糕等等給大家試食,客戶們對 使用了DGF甜品配方所製作出完美的口感和香氣的甜品表示 讚賞。
當天的分享會氣氛熱烈,客戶們認真觀賞演示過程並踴躍提 出問題及和 Sebastien Odet 先生合照。安得利以豐富的進 口食材與專業的技術服務,為客戶提供食品解決方案,相信 是次與DGF專家學院院長 Sebastien Odet 先生共同呈現的 分享會可以帶領大家發掘美食的更多可能,安得利與DGF將 為您帶來更多的創新理念與服務!
充滿豐富視覺與口感 的分享會
La Sicilia and Angliss Guangzhou co-organised a well-attended event to demonstrate the brand’s products
Takingplace recently, The Italian Gourmet Journey event, co-organised by Angliss Guangzhou and the brand La Sicilia, saw the renowned producer showcase its high-quality products used for cooking authentic Italian cuisine, to an invited industry audience.
The event kicked off with Angliss Guangzhou sharing with the customers the history and technical service team of the company, while La Sicilia introduced their brand and products. Fabio Falanga, a renowned chef from Italy, was invited to prepare Italian cuisine. Mr. Falanga’s expertise is a combination of exquisite culinary skills, perfect timing, and refined culinary aesthetic. He juxtaposes traditional Mediterranean cuisine with authentic Italian home cooking, creating a variety of Italian dishes.
Through this opportunity, Angliss Guangzhou highlighted La Sicilia's ingredients used in Italian cuisine, including pasta, hard cheese flakes, peeled tomatoes and more. A native Italian, Mr. Falanga has years of experience working as a chef in Italian restaurants, with a unique understanding of the temperature, time, and condition required for pizza dough fermentation, which he shared with everyone during this event, in the hope that everyone could make authentic homemade pizzas.
During the event, attendees gained a deeper understanding of the ingredients and cooking methods of Italian cuisine through questions from enthusiastic participants. With the support and collaboration of Angliss Guangzhou, various brands, the technical service team and the customers, The Italian Gourmet Journey concluded with great success.
廣州安得利與品牌辣西西里,舉辦了一場「意式時光, 尋味 之旅」。是次活動開始,廣州安得利向客戶們分享了公司的發 展歷程、技術服務團隊,隨後辣西西里負責人介紹其品牌和產 品。活動邀請了意大利名廚房俊先生(Fabio Falanga)為我 們製作意大利餐。房俊先生註重火候與烹飪技法,追求極致、 獨立而精緻的飲食美學。他將傳統地中海與家庭式的意大利美 食融合,研發出多款意大利美食。
我們希望借助這次機會,讓大家瞭解更多意大利餐的食材搭配 靈感。房俊先生為土生土長的意大利人,有多年從事意式餐廳 廚師的經驗。他對薄餅麵團發酵的溫度、時間、狀態均有自己 獨特的理解,通過此次活動的分享,幫助大家做出更正宗的 薄餅。
活動中大家踴躍提問,對意大利菜的食材和製作方法有了更深 入的了解。在廣州安得利、品牌、技術團隊與客戶們的支持及 合作下,是次「意式時光,尋味之旅」圓滿結束。
La Sicilia 與廣州安得利共同舉辦了一場備受關注 的產品展示活動
A Boiron Dessert Tasting Event, co-organised by
delighted attendees with inspiring tastes and textures
Angliss Shenzhen and Boiron recently co-organised their first summer dessert tasting event in Shenzhen, featuring a variety of Boiron purees to create uniquely flavoured desserts for the 70 attendees. Malaysian Chef Otto Tay, champion of the 2019 Coupe du Monde de la Patisserie, was the host of the event, putting on captivating demonstrations to intrigue visitors.
The event revolved around an array of Boiron fruit purees, including quince, white peach, mango, and citrus fruits. Quince is a fruit that cannot be eaten raw, yet just brief cooking imparts Boiron quince puree with a subtle yet refreshing honey and citrus-like scent. Desserts made with Boiron quince puree are given a unique southern French touch instantly and easily.
The top-notch tasting experience, coupled with the professional demonstrations and sharing by the chef, won the hearts of attendees, who eagerly requested autographs and selfies with the chef at the end of the event, while even customers who couldn't attend requested recipes or sample packs of Boiron products. The event concluded in a fun and lively atmosphere.
安得利深圳協辦的寶茸甜品分享會中, 獨特的口味和口感令人讚嘆不已
安得利與寶茸於深圳攜手舉辦了夏季第一場的寶茸甜 品分享會。來自馬來西亞的2019世界盃甜品大賽冠軍 Chef Otto Tay擔任本次分享會的主持人,為到場的70 位客戶帶來了精彩的示範以及運用了多款寶茸果茸製作 出風味獨特的甜品。
是次活動以寶茸木梨、白桃、芒果以及柑橘類口味的果 茸為主題。其中,木梨是一種不可生食的水果,而寶茸 的木梨只需煮一會兒便會散發出微妙的蜂蜜和柑橘般的 清香。使用寶茸木梨果茸十分方便、快捷、輕鬆地為甜 品或烹飪增添獨特的南法鄉野風味。
絕佳的味蕾體驗和專業大師的示範及分享獲得客戶們一 致的稱讚。活動尾聲客戶們紛紛要求和師傅合照留念及 簽名,更有許多未能到場的客戶要求分享寶茸產品的應 用食譜或試食裝。活動於熱鬧的氣氛中完滿結束。
The craft beer festival, Better with Beer, recently took place in at Harbourfront Event Space in Central, organised by The Craft Beer Association of Hong Kong and event promoter Clockenflap. Over 150 beers from more than 20 breweries were featured, alongside live music, food vendors, outdoor games and more. Hong Kong’s craft beer industry has increased exponentially over the past decade. www.instagram.com/betterwithbeerhk/
啤酒節Better with Beer在中環海濱活動空間舉行。來自 20 多間釀酒 廠在現場展示150多款啤酒,還有現場音樂、食物攤檔、戶外遊戲等。 香港的精釀啤酒行業在過去10年正高速發展。
Hospitality pioneer Cafe Deco Group has opened the AIRSIDE mall in Kai Tak, featuring four new brands – AIRSIDE Cafe together with AIRSIDE Pâtisserie; modern Japanese teahouse nana’s green tea; and trendy standing sushi bar Uogashi Nihonichi – as well as a third Hong Kong outlet of Japan’s beloved fried steak cutlet specialist Kyoto Katsugyu. Cafe Deco operates more than 25 outlets in Hong Kong and Sydney. www cafedecogroup com
個飲食新品牌,包括:AIRSIDE Cafe 和AIRSIDE Pâtisserie、現代日式茶館
nana ' s green tea、時尚立食壽司店Uogashi Nihonichi、及在日本大受歡迎的炸
牛排專門店 Kyoto Katsugyu (第三間香港分店)。峰景餐廳集團在香港和悉尼擁 有超過25間分店。
Bar veterans Agung and Laura Prabowo, the Indonesian duo behind acclaimed The Old Man, Penicillin and Dead& bars, have launched their latest venture, Lockdown. With a quirky concept inspired by the city’s period of pandemic lockdown, the bar’s design blends the aesthetic of the Prohibition era with modern Asian touches, with the world’s first rotating bar station, and has a maximum capacity of 30.
Instagram: @lockdown_hk
酒吧界老手Agung 和 Laura Prabowo 是印尼著名酒吧
The Old Man, Penicillin and Dead& bars的幕後拍檔,
目前他們正聯手打造最新作品 Lockdown - 其奇特概念靈感來自城市
在疫情期間的封城境況,設計融合了禁酒時代的美學和現代亞洲元素, 更設有世界上第一台旋轉吧枱,最多可容納 30 人。
Eve Bliss, a functional wellness brand launched in August 2022, has released its first alcoholic product, Eve Spritz, 250ml cans offering rejuvenating, nootropic nutrients and natural ingredients. At around 5.9%, the spritz is gluten and caffeine-free, and vegan-friendly. The scientifically-backed functional formula is designed to enhance mood, tame inflammation and replenish energy. Eve Spritz is priced at HK$420 (US$54) for a pack of 12. www.evebliss.co/product/eve-spritz/
2022年 8月面世的保健品牌Eve Bliss推出了首款酒精產品Eve Spritz ( 罐裝為250 毫升 ),當中含有腦部增強劑和天然成份。
Eve Spritz的酒精含量約 5.9%,不含麩質和咖啡因,適合素食主義者。飲用Eve Spritz 能改善情緒、消除炎症和補充能量, 其配方更經過科學驗證,是一款具備效用的酒精產品。每包裝含12支,售價 HK$420 ( US$54 )。
Alice Pizza has launched its first Asian restaurant selling the trademark thin, light and crispy pizza sold ‘al taglio’ (by the cut), which has made it popular worldwide. Unveiled in Hong Kong by brand distributor and luxury pioneers Bluebell Group, the chain has sold 7 million kg of pizza since opening in 1989, and now boasts almost 200 pizzerias in Italy and beyond.
Facebook: @AlicePizzaHK
Alice Pizza 宣佈於亞洲開設其首間專營店,餐廳主打的薄 餅都是切塊式 ( al taglio ) ,薄、輕、脆的特色讓其風靡 全球。該連鎖店自1989年開業以來已售出了700萬公斤的 薄餅,目前在意大利和其他國家擁有近200間披薩餐廳。
Four Points by Sheraton Surabaya, Pakuwon Indah, has unveiled its Soiree Rooftop and Bar in the centre of Surabaya City. The menu offers an extensive cocktail menu, alongside light bites, with ingredients sourced from regions across Indonesia, as well as shisha. An elaborate mural features Javanese Batik Kawung fused with art deco and tropical floral patterns.
Instagram: @Soireerooftopbar
位於泗水市中心地段的泗水帕庫萬英達福朋喜來登酒店宣佈,其新天台酒吧Soiree Rooftop and Bar正式開幕。它為賓客提供各
式各樣的雞尾酒、小食(食材來自印尼各地)和水煙。當中的壁畫擺設更是精心製作,將爪哇傳統花布、裝飾派藝術和熱帶花卉 圖案融為一體。
Macau hotel group turns up the heat with Spicy Sichuan
Galaxy Macau has added another restaurant to its diverse collection of dining destinations with the launch of Spicy Sichuan. Serving Sichuan and Chongqing cuisine, the restaurant is helmed by Jerry Xing Yu Cheng, a Sichuan native with more than two decades of experience at restaurants such as Lao Fang Zi and 1881. Spicy Sichuan features an open kitchen and two spacious private dining rooms. www.galaxymacau.com
澳門銀河酒店宣佈推出四川麻辣湯,為其多元化的餐飲大家庭再添一員。餐廳由 四川人Jerry Xing Yu Cheng 掌舵,他曾於老房子和1881 等餐廳工作二十多年,
Created by Soradech Chirawitchalert, winner of the World ES YEN Championship 2023, newly-launched ES YEN Coffee, an iced espresso incorporating condensed milk and coconut sugar, is looking to highlight Thailand’s coffee heritage, culture and tourism. The country’s coffee industry has exploded in recent years, with separate regions offering distinctively different varieties. The Coffee Farm Stay concept provides coffee-meets-ecotourism for visitors. www.en.prnasia.com
新推出的 ES YEN 咖啡由 2023 年世界 ES YEN 錦標賽冠軍
Soradech Chirawitchalert 製作,是一種加入了煉奶和椰子糖
泰國的咖啡產業蓬勃發展,不同地區的咖啡品種各具特色, 當中的咖啡農場旅宿體驗更成功結合了咖啡與生態旅遊。
Leading Egyptian real estate developer, SODIC, in partnership with Nobu Hospitality, has announces plans for a comprehensive expansion of the Nobu brand in Egypt with the development of luxury hotels, branded residences and restaurants. The development will encompass two multi-million dollar five-star hotels, a Nobu restaurant and branded Nobu residences with an extensive array of facilities for residents and guests.
埃及領先的房地產開發商SODIC 與 Nobu Hospitality 合作,宣布計劃在埃及全面拓展 Nobu 品牌,開發豪華酒店、品牌公寓和
Ola Hale Restaurant & Bar is a new space immersing customers in Hawaiianinspired cuisine and hospitality, alongside vibrant Vietnamese culture. The restaurant boasts a four-storey design, with each floor offering a distinct character. The menu showcases international ingredients with a focus on authentic Hawaiian flavours and Vietnamese spices, including dishes such as poke, loco moco, kalua pork, and huli huli burger, and signature cocktails. https://www.facebook.com/olahalevietnam
Ola Hale Restaurant & Bar 即將迎來一個全新空間,讓顧客沉浸在夏威夷風格的美 食和熱情中,同時感受充滿活力的越南文化。餐廳共設四層,每一層都各具特色。
餐牌以正宗夏威夷風味和越南香料為主,菜式相當國際化,如夏威夷魚生飯 (Poke )、
洛可摩可 (Loco moco)、Kalua 豬肉、Huli huli 漢堡和特色雞尾酒等。
Singapore 新加坡
Angliss Singapore Pte Ltd
(A Division of Bidfood Singapore Private Limited)
232 Pandan Loop, Singapore 128420
T. +65 6778 8787 | F. +65 6778 3966
Macau 澳門
Angliss Macau Food Service Limited
200 Rua dos Pescadores, Edf Industrial
Ocean II Fase, 4-Andar C & D, Macau
T. +853 2886 2886 | F. +853 2886 2828
Beijing 北京
Angliss Beijing Food Service Limited
No. 10 Hongda South Road, Yi Zhuang Economic & Technological Development Zone, Daxing District, Beijing, China
T. +86 10 8908 3501 | F: +86 10 8586 4880
Tianjin 天津
Angliss Beijing Food Service Limited - Tianjin Branch
Rm 320, Yunhan Building, 185 Qinjian Road, Hongqiao District, Tianjin 安得利(北京)食品貿易有限公司天津分公司 天津市紅橋區勤儉道185號雲漢大廈320室
T. +86 22 8729 0198
Shenyang 瀋陽
Angliss Shenyang Food Service Limited
No.7 Gate, No.19 Internetional Frozen Product Association Beef&Mutton Hall, Honghu No.2 Street, Tiexi Economic & Technological Development Zone, Shenyang, Liaoning, China 安得利(瀋陽)食品貿易有限公司 瀋陽市鐵西經濟技術開發區洪湖二街19號 國際凍品聯盟牛羊肉大廳7號門
T. +86 24 8122 1688 | F. +86 22 8122 1688
Shijiazhuang 石家莊
Angliss Shijiazhuang Food Service Limited
Rm 1107, Block E, Haiyuetiandi, 66 Yuhua West Road, Qiaoxi District, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province
T. +86 311 8262 1608
Shandong 山東
Angliss Shandong Food Service Ltd
Rm 1418, Quanjing Yayuan Commercial Building, Shizhong District, Jinan City, Shandong Province
T. +86 531 8711 9769
Shanxi 山西
Angliss Shanxi Food Service Ltd
Rm 925, 9F, Feiyun Apartment, 186 Pingyang Road, Xiaodian District, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province
T. +86 351 8065 567
Jilin 吉林
Bidcorp Jilin Food Service Ltd
11th Zhonghuan District Intersection Of Dongsanma Road
And Tianbao Hutong, Nanguan District, Changchun City, Jilin Province
吉林省烘焙故事食品有限公司 吉林省長春市南關區東三馬路與天寶胡同交匯中環十一區
T. +86 431 8471 6222
Shanghai 上海
Angliss Shanghai Food Service Limited
5F., Block B, No. 4 Building, No. 1 Hongqiao Headquarters, No. 100 Zixiu Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China 上海安得列郎晴食品貿易有限公司
Hangzhou 杭州
Angliss Hangzhou Food Service Limited
Rm 4001, 4F, Block 1, 1298 Danonggang Road, Jianggan District, Hangzhou 杭州安鍀利食品有限公司
T. +86 571 8680 0215
Nanjing 南京
Bidfood Nanjing Ltd
Shop 32, 2F, Second Hall, 249 Changhong Road, Jianye District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province 南京安必福食品有限公司
T. +86 25 8675 9306 | F. +86 25 8622 8102
Hefei 合肥
Angliss Hefei Food Service Ltd
Room 27, 2/F , Hall 1 , No. 249 Changhong Road, Jianye District, Nanjing, China 合肥必利食品有限公司
T. +86 551 6556 2460
Guangzhou 廣州
Angliss Guangzhou Food Service Limited
21F, No. 83 & 85 Baiyun Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou 廣州安得利福斯食品有限公司
T. +86 20 8921 9188 | F. +86 20 8921 9168
Chengdu 成都
Angliss Chengdu Food Service Limited
No. 870 Gangtong North Fourth Road, Chengdu Modern Industrial Port North Area, Pidu District, Chengdu 成都安得利福斯食品有限公司
T. +86 28 6482 6608 / +86 28 6496 6001
Chongqing 重慶
Angliss Chengdu Food Service LimitedChongqing Branch
Rm 6, 3F, 95 Erlang Chuangye Avenue, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing 成都安得利福斯食品有限公司-重慶辦事處 重慶市九龍坡區二郎創業大道95號3樓6號
T. +86 23 6330 2009
Kunming 昆明
Angliss Chengdu Food Sevice Limited - Kunming Branch East Air Cargo Department (Yinxiang Warehouse), Wujiaba, Guandu District, Kunming, Yunnan, China 成都安得利福斯食品有限公司-昆明分公司 昆明市官渡區金馬路156號(昆明新儲物流有限公司)3樓辦公室
T. +86 871 6382 9678
Xiamen 廈門
Angliss Xiamen Food Service Limited
Room 1503, No. 506, Xinglinwan Road Jimei District, Xiamen, China 廈門安得利福斯食品有限公司 廈門集美區杏林灣路506號1503室
T. +86 592 5635 636
Fuzhou 福州
Angliss Xiamen Food Service Limited
- Fuzhou Office
Rm 302-303, 3F, Taikun Center, 166 Guanpu Road, Cangshan District, Fuzhou City 廈門安得利福斯食品有限公司 - 福州辦事處 福州市倉山區冠浦路166號泰坤中心3樓302-303室
T. +86 591 83650383
Foshan 佛山
Angliss Foshan Food Service Limited
No. 12 Jiangsha 2nd Road, Chancheng District, Foshan City
757 8228 1651
Shenzhen 深圳
Angliss Shenzhen Food Service Limited No. 1, Mabu Road, Bainikeng Community, Pinghu Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province 安得利(深圳)食品有限公司
Nanning 南寧
Angliss Nanning Food Service Limited
Rm 107, Block 22, Guangxi-Asean International
Medical And Health Electronic Information Technology
Comprehensive Industrial Park, 9 Dingqiu Road, Jiangnan District, Nanning City
南寧市江南區定秋路9號廣西-東盟國際醫療健康電子資訊科技 綜合產業園22棟107號房
T. +86 771 3947 620 F:+86 771 3947 646
Xi’an 西安
Angliss Xi'an Food Service Limited
No.333, 10 Caotan Road, Caotan Ecological Industrial Park, Xi'an Economic & Technological Development Zone, Xi’an City, China 安得利(西安)食品有限公司 西安市經濟技術開發區草灘生態產業園草灘十路333號
T. +86 29 8873 4883 | F. +86 29 8873 4883
Zhengzhou 鄭州
Angliss Zhengzhou Food Service Limited
Changtong Industrial Park, Xiapo Yang Village, Laoyachen Office, East Section Of Jiangshan Road, Huiji District, Zhengzhou City 鄭州安得利食品有限公司 鄭州市惠濟區江山路東段老鴉陳辦事處下坡楊村長通工業園
T.+86 371 8991 0680 | F.+86 371 8991 0681
Hunan 湖南
Angliss Hunan Food Service Limited
3F, Block 1, Xinxing Technology Industrial Park, Muyuntuo Street, Tianxin District, Changsha City Tianxin District, Changsha, Hunan, China
T. +86 731 8556 9552 | F. +86 731 8556 9553
Nanchang 南昌
Hunan Angliss Food Service Limited
- Nanchang Branch
NEW Building 15, Weimafengshang community, Guangzhou road, Qingyunpu district, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province 湖南安得利食品有限公司(南昌分部) 江西省南昌市南昌縣小藍經濟技術開發區銀湖二路571號
T: +86 135 4897 7030
Wuhan 武漢
Angliss Wuhan Food Service Limited
Rm 1, 1-3F, Building D4, Phase 1 Huazhong Enterprise City, Douma River, Qinglong Branch, Wuhu Farm, Huangpi District, Wuhan 武漢安得利食品有限公司 武漢市黃陂區武湖農場青龍分場陡馬河華中企業城一期D4棟 1-3層1室
T. +86 27 6180 0941 | F. +86 27 6180 0942
Haikou 海口
Angliss Haikou Food Service Limited
No. 22 Xingye West Road, Hong Kong And Macao Development Zone, Xiuying District, Haikou City, Hainan Province 海口安得利食品有限公司
T. +86 898 6855 2916 | F. +86 898 6855 3455
Sanya 三亞
Angliss Sanya Food Service Limited
1-3F, Comprehensive Building A, Yuge Haiyun, Hongsha Community, Jiyang District, Sanya City, Hainan Province 三亞安得利食品有限公司 海南省三亞市吉陽區紅沙社區漁歌海韻A棟綜合樓 (一至三層商業)
T. +86 898 8863 0068
F. +86 898 8863 0318 / +86 898 6595 4474
Shantou 汕頭
Angliss Shantou Food Service Limited
No. 702, Building B, Xinli Building, east side of Hengshan Road, Longhu District, Shantou City, Guangdong Province 安得利(汕頭)食品有限公司
T. +86 754 8888 4710
Other Branches
PastryGlobal Food Service Limited
Flat B, 6/F, Magnet Place Tower 2, 38-42 Kwai Fung
Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
嘉寶食品有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號Magnet Place 2期6樓B室
T. +852 2494 1900 | F. +852 3145 0756
Miumi International Food Company Limited
Flat A, 4/F, Magnet Place Tower 2, 38-42 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
Gourmet Cuisine Hong Kong Limited
Flat A, 6/F, Magnet Place Tower 2, 38-42 Kwai Fung
Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號Magnet Place 2期4樓A室
T. +852 2494 4966 | F. +852 2439 4070 www.miumi.asia
香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號Magnet Place 2期6樓A室
T. +852 2494 1967 | F. +852 2439 5055
Gourmet Cuisine Macau Fine Food Limited
Em Macau, Rua Dos Pescadores N°S 166 – 190, Industrial Veng Hou 10° Andar B
T. +853 2888 1155 | F. +853 2821 1039
Linson Global Seafood Trading Limited
foodtalk 名廚坊
G/F Shop 10, Magnet Place 1,Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T.
新界葵涌葵豐街 Magnet Place 1地下10號舖
T. +852 2615 0822 | F. +852 2615 0855
Hong Kong Island shop:
G/F, 23 First Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong
T. +852 2615 0338 | F. +852 2559 3938
47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
T. +852 2573 7433 | F. +852 2838 4071
Lou Lou Food Market
47-51 Kawi Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong 香港新界葵涌葵豐街47-51號
E: info@louloufm.com
Miumi Tokyo Co., Ltd.
御海東京株式會社 Room 501, 2-6-3, Azabujuban, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0045 Japan
T. +81 3 6721 5689 | F. +81 3 6721 5693
Sweet la Vie
47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
T. +852 2494 1935 | F. +852 2615 2210 www.sweetlavie.com.hk
www.pastryglobal.com.hk Bidfood
Miumi Japan Food Co Pte. Ltd.
(A Division of Bidfood Singapore Pte Ltd) 232 Pandan Loop, Singapore 128420
T. +65 6777 2112 | F. +65 6779 7666
Gourmet Partner (S) Pte Ltd
47, Jalan Buroh, Singapore 619491
T. +65 9011 6062 | F: +65 6602 0790
Gourmet Partner (M) Sdn Bhd
No. 12, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/48, Kota Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
T. +603 5122 6601 | F. +603 5121 0601
Him Kee Food Distribution Company Limited
Flat B, 4/F, Magnet Place Tower 2, 38-42 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號Magnet Place 2期4樓B室
T. +852 2836 6888 | F. +852 2440 0405
Shenzhen Goodmaster Food Co Ltd
2F & 3F, Block 3B, Zone B, Baosheng Industrial Zone, No.1 Mabu Road, Bainikeng Community, Pinghu Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen
T. +86 0755-28856766
Bidfood China Limited
Gourmet Partner Vietnam
No. 8 Go O Moi St., Phu Thuan, District 7, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam
T. +84 (0)28 363 615 71
Natural and Organic Global Limited
Flat B, 4/F, Magnet Place Tower 2, 38-42 Kwai Fung
Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號Magnet Place 2期4樓B室
T. +852 2494 2214 | F. +852 2702 1290
Rm 301, Block 5, 100 Zixiu Road, Hongqiao Town, Minhang District, Shanghai
T. +86 21 6071 2300
Bidfood Holdings Malaysia Sdn Bhd No. 12, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/48, Seksyen 31, Kota Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
T. +603 5131 6399 | F: +603 5131 9233