Angliss Asia - foodtalk Issue 48 - Quartermaster General

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Welcome to the 48th issue of Foodtalk! Expanding our horizons has once again contributed to a successful year I am delighted to announce that the new Gourmet Partner Vietnam office is up and running. Offering the same great products and superb service Gourmet Partner customers have come to expect, the new operation supplies restaurants, hotels, clubs and bakeries across the country with a full range of products, including meat and poultry, seafood, pastry ingredients and more. This latest expansion is a further indication that our company’s business model is on the right track, and crowns another year of dynamic growth. It comes on the heels of Gourmet Cuisine’s new business operations in Macau and Shenzhen, and our Japanese food specialist Miumi, which also recently expanded into Shenzhen. It is truly gratifying that even in this very competitive marketplace, the quality of our products, combined with our creative and innovative approach, and “no compromise” attitude to customer service has enabled us to maintain our position as industry leader.

It is primarily thanks to our talented colleagues and their teamwork that this has been possible, and I am proud of our achievements working together. And in spite of the international trade dispute that has created a challenging business climate, our hard work and commitment has ensured another successful year. In this issue you will find interviews with outstanding chefs also achieving great things in the industry: Bo Ip Sorensen, Executive Chef of Western Kitchen at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre; Jason Tan, co-owner of Singapore’s Corner House restaurant; Emmanuel Souliere, Executive Chef at The Parisian Macao, and others. I’m sure you will find their stories inspiring. I want to thank everyone personally for playing their part in our great achievements in 2018, and wish you all a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

Johnny Kang Regional Managing Director - Asia

第48期的Foodtalk隆重登場! 拓展業務,再創輝煌 我很高興宣佈越南Gourmet Partner已正式成立並開始營











香港會議展覽中心行政總廚 – 西廚Bo Ip Sorensen、新加坡


Corner House餐廳的聯合創辦人Jason Tan、澳門巴黎人行政


總廚Emmanuel Souliere等。相信他們的經驗和故事定能讓您 有所領悟。

公司竭誠提供優質的產品,同時秉持「永不妥協」的客戶服 務態度,加上創意新穎的營銷手法,讓我們得以在競爭激烈




江文喜 亞洲區董事總經理

foodtalk ISSUE 48



Contents ISSUE 48



An introduction from Regional Managing Director Johnny Kang



Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre’s dynamic executive chef explains how his global culinary journey has seen him finally return to his homeland




14 Editor in Chief / 總編輯 : James Stephen Editor / 編輯 : Vivian Lau Project Manager / 項目统籌 : Wisteria Lo Creative Director / 設計及藝術總監 : Fanky Fu Translation / 翻譯 : Spear Translation Foodtalk is published quarterly by Angliss Hong Kong Food Service Ltd. Foodtalk季刊由安得利香港餐飲 有限公司出版




The Murray, Hong Kong’s innovatively minded pastry chef on blending the old with the new By Karen Chiang


2018 © Copyright Angliss Hong Kong Food Service Ltd. All rights reserved. 2018 © 安得利香港餐飲有限公司 版權所有,不得翻印





One of the most recent health trends is based on a remedy that goes back thousands of years – and has proved more effective than most new fads on the market



Published by: Angliss Hong Kong Food Service Limited 47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T. Hong Kong T. +852 2481 5111 F. +852 2489 8861 出版: 安得利香港餐飲有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街47-51號 電話 +852 2481 5111 傳真 +852 2489 8861

Completely Perfect: 120 Essential Recipes for Every Cook is an amazing collection of essential dishes from poached egg to mayonnaise


The only Singaporean chef to be awarded both a Michelin star and inclusion in Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants is making a name with his fresh approach



Angliss Singapore supplies the culinary delights for a Robert Parker wine event and hosts its first master class dinner in collaboration with the Michelin Guide

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The new Gourmet Partner Vietnam office recently opened in the country, where it is partnering with restaurants, hotels, clubs and bakeries



Australian beef producer Providore Global’s Rosedale Ruby brand is a thoroughly modern product which can trace back to a distinguished heritage



EMMANUEL SOULIERE The executive chef describes how he came from cooking in a Marseilles diner to running seven restaurants at The Parisian Macao By Rebecca Lo









US Nebraska Beef Chef’s Table 2018 showcased 1855 Black Angus, one of the best beef brands in the world



Elevating Korean barbeque into a higher culinary art form has become a lifelong challenge for the ambitious restaurateur



A Japanese master pastry chef leads a patisserie sharing session at Angliss Guangzhou; Angliss Shenzhen gets an amazing showcase on bakery science



Two Angliss Foodservice team members recently had the chance to learn about truffles during an amazing trip to Italy


SLICE OF THE PAST The unique street food of Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong is a fascinating blend of local and international classics



Events, shows and F&B openings in Greater China and around the world



In a League of His Own Photography by Chris Luk

Chef Bo Ip Sorensen, Executive Chef - Western Kitchen at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, explains the career trajectory that has seen him return to the land of his childhood FT(Foodtalk): What are your early memories of food in Hong Kong, where you were born? Did this inspire your career direction? BIS(Bo Ip Sorensen): My first memories of eating in Hong Kong were street food favorites like cheung fun and siu mai, Po Po’s dinner spreads that from fried pork chops to iceberg lettuce with oyster sauce. Food was the catalyst to bring our family together and it’s deeply rooted in our culture. This love affair with food fueled my passion to put the chef’s whites on and keep them on. FT: Your father managed his own restaurants in Hong Kong and in China. What kind of restaurants were they and how did they influence you as a child? BIS: My father has been in Hong Kong for 48 years. He opened all the bars at The Excelsior in 1973, was general manager at the Manhattan Club and Jimmy’s Kitchen in Kowloon and had his own Scandinavian restaurant, Preben’s, in Tsim Sha Tsui. In addition, my mother worked for San Miguel Brewery in the 90s, so I was always around Food & Beverage. It’s in our blood!


香港會議展覽中心(會展)行政總廚 – 西廚 Bo Ip Sorensen分享了他的職業生涯點滴, 原來一切從他的童年開始 FT(Foodtalk): 你在香港土生土長,對港式美食的早年記憶是什 麼?是否激發了你的事業發展路向? BIS(Bo Ip Sorensen): 我對香港美食的童年回憶源自街頭美食, 如腸粉、燒賣等,以及外婆炮製的晚餐,從炸豬排到蠔油西生 菜,無一不歡。食物本身有一種凝聚力,把我們一家人聚集在一 起,這點深深植根於我們的文化之中。這份對食物的熱愛激勵我 立志成為一位廚師,是我堅持下去的動力。 FT: 你的父親在香港和中國內地都開設了餐廳,那是怎樣的餐 廳?對小時候的你有什麼影響? BIS: 我父親已在香港生活了48年。他在1973年於香港怡東酒店 開設酒吧,在Manhattan Club和九龍Jimmy’s Kitchen擔任總經 理,又在尖沙咀擁有自己的北歐餐廳— Preben’s。此外,我的母 親也曾於90年代在生力啤酒廠工作,所以說,我的成長過程和閱 歷離不開飲食界,是我們家族一脈相承的傳統! FT: 可以形容一下你當年在倫敦多切斯特酒店及杜拜帆船酒店工 作的經驗嗎?

Congress Plus

FT: Can you describe your early experience at London’s The Dorchester and later at the Burj Al Arab Jumeirah Hotel in Dubai – how did they happen? BIS: I was 18, very naive but lucky to be recommended to The Dorchester. My four years there was one of my greatest experiences, giving me the foundation of classic cooking techniques, multi-tasking skills, flexibility, dexterity and stamina. I was fortunate to meet and cook for Nelson Mandela and work alongside Thomas Keller and Gordon Ramsey. My sous chef and mentor there encouraged me to next join the ultra-luxury Burj Al Arab Hotel. The approach to food at The Burj was modern, inventive and stimulating storytelling, and really stamped creative flair into my culinary vocabulary. Both hotels greatly impacted who I am as a chef.

BIS: 我當時只有18歲,年少懵懂卻有幸獲推薦到多切斯特酒店 工作。我在多切斯特酒店工作了四年,可說是我人生最好的經歷 之一,讓我在打下札實的傳統烹飪技巧,學會身兼多職及靈活彈 性的處事技巧,訓練出廚師應有的心靈與手巧,以及意志耐力。 我很幸運曾與前南非總統曼德拉會面,為他烹調菜式,又與名廚 Thomas Keller和Gordon Ramsey共事。期後,酒店副主廚及我 的導師鼓勵我加入極盡奢華的杜拜帆船酒店(Burj Al Arab Hotel)。 帆船酒店的烹飪風格非常現代化,富有創造力和故事感染力,讓 我得以在廚藝上發揮創意,創出屬於我的一片天。兩間酒店都深 深影響了我的廚藝風格。 FT: 你在2007年轉到悉尼香格里拉大酒店工作,成為六年主廚。 你會如何總結這個成功經驗? BIS: 當時有機會到悉尼香格里拉的高級餐廳Altitude工作,並有 幸與強大的團隊合作,更為餐廳進一步取得行業認可,贏得澳洲

FT: You made the move to the Shangri-La Hotel Sydney in 2007. How would you sum up that successful experience, to becoming head chef with six years? BIS: There was an opportunity at Shangri-La Sydney’s fine dining restaurant, Altitude, where I was fortunate to work with a great team, winning recognition for the restaurant including the prestigious Hat award. I was delighted to be awarded Chef of the Year in Sydney and later crowned Australian Chef of the Year by the Australian Hotel Association in 2013.

廚師帽獎(Hat Award)的殊榮。我也很高興在2013年先後嬴得由 澳大利亞酒店協會頒授的悉尼年度主廚獎(Chef of the Year in Sydney),以及澳洲年度主廚獎(Australian Chef of the Year)。 FT: 你當時在香格里拉大酒店同時兼任管理Café Mix 廚師團隊、 客房餐飲服務及宴會部門管理,對年輕廚師來說是很大的責任。 你是怎麼做到的?你如何應對壓力? BIS: 當時每天工作16小時,既要處理工作壓力,又要發展領導 才能,對當時年紀尚輕的我可謂不容易。當中牽涉的不止是先天 能力或才能的問題,更是後天培養的紀律及在生活上作取捨。舉

FT: While at the property you managed a team of chefs in Café Mix as well as the entire in-room dining service and banqueting department of the hotel, a lot of responsibility for a young chef. How did you do it, and deal with the pressure?

foodtalk ISSUE 48

例來說,去年是我在過去18年首次與家人共度的聖誕節!耐心和 優秀的團隊是我堅持的動力,助我應對壓力。昔日如是,將來亦 然。我們的團隊是一個大家庭,一起走過高山低谷。在夜班服務 後,我們會一起談話、用餐和聽音樂。



The 16-hour days, dealing with pressure and developing my own leadership qualities at a young age didn’t come easily. It’s not just innate talent, but discipline and big life choices

BIS: The 16-hour days, dealing with pressure and developing my own leadership qualities at a young age didn’t come easily. It’s not just innate talent, but discipline and big life choices. I spent last Christmas with my family for the first time in 18 years! Patience and a great team to support my passion is how I deal with daily pressure, then and now. We are a family and we go through ups and downs together. Otherwise its end-of-shift talking through the night’s service and eating with the team and listening to music.

FT: 在悉尼香格里拉大酒店,你獲評為年度廚師。你是如何實現

FT: You were named Chef of the Year while at ShangriLa Hotel, Sydney. How did you achieve that and what did it mean to you? BIS: The Shangri-La gave me responsibilities as if it was my own business, forging relationships with suppliers and local chefs, making our restaurants places to wine and dine. We

當 (Rendang)這類亞洲經典美食,為經典注入現代感。可以告

這個目標的?這對你有什麼意義? BIS: 香格里拉大酒店對我委以很多職責,當時我就像在經營自己 的生意一樣,與供應商和當地廚師建立關係,使我們旗下的餐廳 成為餐飲必到去處。我們善用澳洲食材,創造飲食潮流,累積寶 貴的烹飪經驗。贏得這個獎項使我受寵若驚,因為對手是一眾行 內頂級高手。這是一項真正的殊榮。 FT: 你曾說過,你的亞洲食品「不屬正宗」,喜歡實驗改良像仁 訴我們更多嗎? BIS: 對於我的菜式,我絕不撤謊—我從未正式學過製作仁當料 理,所以會採用與傳統不同的方法,使用傳統菜式沒有的肉片如牛 臉頰,又在醬料中加入夏威夷果仁,並把醬料調得較稀。每人都有 自己的廚藝風格,而對澳洲市場,我傾向適應當地人的口味。

Jewels of the sea


foodtalk ISSUE 48



were leading a great culinary experience, utilising Australian produces and creating trends. Winning the award was a shock as I was up against leaders in the industry. It was a true honour. FT: You have said you are “not authentic” with Asian food and like to experiment with established Asian classics such as rendang to give them a modern twist, can you tell us a bit more on this? BIS: I’m honest with my cooking – I was never taught to make Rendang so would take a different approach, using non-traditional cuts of meat such as beef cheek, macadamia nuts in the spice paste and a more liquid sauce. Everyone has their own pallet and for the Australian market I tended to adapt to taste buds there.

FT: 中西合璧是許多廚師和餐廳的共同主題,但你好像下定決 心,要把這個主題昇華至更高層次? BIS: 中西合璧就是我的身份,也是我這些年來的經歷。我住過 的每個城市都有大量移民人口,讓我得以從文化大熔爐中獲益良 多,創造出獨特的烹飪風格。 FT: 你回港工作的第一個地方是香港會議展覽中心(會展)。是 什麼推動你作出這個決定? BIS: 剛回港時,我曾打算再次投身酒店界,但與會展中心的管 理層會面後,我發現我們的願景和心態都相當一致,就是致力追 求卓越服務。當我看到會展的餐飲服務規模如此多樣化和國際化 時,就知道無法拒絕這項具挑戰性的任務。 FT: 會展專營大型飲宴活動。你可以描述一下日常營運規模及你 的主要職責嗎?

FT: While east meets west is a common theme with many chefs and restaurants, you seem to have made it almost a mission to raise the bar on the concept? BIS: It’s who I am and what I have been exposed to over the years. Everywhere I’ve lived has had a large immigrant population, enabling me to take the best from the melting pot of cultures to create unique flavour profiles. FT: The first place you worked in Hong Kong was the HKCEC. Why did you make this decision? BIS: When I returned to Hong Kong I planned to go back to hotels but after meeting with Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre’s management I discovered a vision and mentality similar to mine in terms of striving for service excellence. When I saw the sheer scale also how diverse and international the F&B offering was, the challenge was impossible to turn down. FT: HKCEC focuses on large banqueting events and situations – can you describe the scale of daily operations and your main responsibilities? BIS: HKCEC is very diverse, whether it’s exhibitions, functions, restaurants or banqueting events, which can vary from 300 to over 4,000 sit-down covers. My role as executive chef is a hands-on culinary approach, combining strategic planning, administration and developing staff career growth. As a team we always review food offerings and working procedures together to ensure effectiveness and efficiency. Most of our clients are multinational sophisticated frequent travelers. As a team, we have to manage their expectations and provide creative ways to deliver their requirements.


BIS: 會展中心很多元化,無論是展覽、活動、餐廳和飲宴活動的 類型都非常廣泛,人數可少至300人或多至逾4,000人。我擔任行 政總廚一職,採取了實務的烹飪方針,把戰略規劃、行政管理和 培養員工專業發展相互融合。作為團隊,我們總是一起檢閱餐牌 菜式和烹調工序,務求達致最高效率。客戶大多來自世界各地, 經常出遊海外。作為團隊,我們必須妥善管理他們的期望,並以 創新的方式來滿足他們的需求。

Everywhere I’ve lived has had a large immigrant population, enabling me to take the best from the melting pot of cultures to create unique flavour profiles

FT: While your cuisine has been described as “an uncomplicated yet fun” it’s clear many of your dishes are deceptively complex. Is this particularly challenging at HKCEC? BIS: Yes – as some of our dishes have over 20 steps and showcase our mastery as skilled chefs, whether it’s the cooking techniques or plating. It’s when we have to replicate the dish for 3,000 times that we are really tested!

FT: 你的菜式被評為「不複雜卻有趣」,顯然你大多菜 式都內有乾坤。這對在會展中心工作來說特別具挑戰 性嗎? BIS: 是的。因為我們一些菜餚有超過20個工序,由烹 飪到上碟,無一不展現資深廚師的技藝。要重複烹調同 一道菜式3,000次並不能出錯,便是真正的考驗!

Osmanthus-pear and yuzu honey mousse

Porcini dusted charred beef fillet

Grand Hall

foodtalk ISSUE 48




foodtalk ISSUE 48


Completely Perfect: 120 Essential Recipes for Every Cook By Felicity Cloake (Penguin Books)

An essential collection of the best of Felicity Cloake’s ‘hijacked’ recipes, with tips on how to make anything from the perfect poached egg to mayonnaise


hat a great idea for a cookbook – rigorously try and test recipes for the same dishes from lots of great chefs – including Nigella Lawson, Delia Smith, Nigel Slater and Heston Blumenthal – then combine the parts you feel work best and call them your own.

作者:Felicity Cloake

出版社:Penguin Books

由Felicity Cloake精心打造的美食秘方,為你鑽研各 種不同的烹飪方式,並搜羅各項烹飪小貼士,以後無 論是製作完美的温泉蛋還是蛋黃醬,烹飪從此變得易 如反掌 就同一道菜式,細心研究Nigella Lawson、Delia Smith、Nigel Slater及Heston Blumenthal等多位知名大廚的烹調方式,再以

This is exactly what Felicity Cloake has done. While some might suggest a certain lack of originality, there’s certainly no lack of work ethic – Cloake writes the Guardian newspaper’s ‘How to Make the Perfect’ column, and for other British newspapers as well as several leading supermarkets’ magazines, is the author of six successful cookbooks and a past winner of the Guild of Food Writers awards for Food Journalist of the Year.


For Completely Perfect: 120 Essential Recipes for Every Cook she tested as many as 12 versions of the same recipe in order to come up with what she felt was the ultimate iteration of the dish, prompting the Daily Mail to title her “The nation’s taster-in-chief”.


的獨門秘方 - 這絕對是編寫食譜的絕佳構思。 Felicity Cloake正是採用這個方法來編寫食譜。或許有人會質 疑這個做法的原創性不足,但絕對沒有動搖Cloake的專業地 位。 Cloake為《衛報》撰寫「如何烹調出完美菜式」專欄,為 其他英國報章和大型超級市場出版之刊物撰寫評論,曾出版過六 本大獲好評的食譜,更榮獲英國美食作家公會(Guild of Food

Cloake為了準備《色香味俱全:廚師必備的120個烹飪秘方》 (Completely Perfect: 120 Essential Recipes for Every Cook)這本食譜,曾就同一道菜式作出多達12次的試驗,務求 找出最佳的烹調方法,因而獲《每日郵報》稱其為「全國首席品

So what kinds of recipes are we talking about? Mostly classics, from the basic (but surprisingly tricky) perfect poached egg, to roast chicken, mayonnaise, tomato sauce to the more challenging beef wellington – you’ll find them all in this highly entertaining 496-page book, alongside lots of helpful prepping and cooking hints and tips to make the whole process easier. As well as including plenty of self-indulgent comfort food (she is, in her own words, “incorrigibly greedy”), Cloake’s recipes also focus primarily on fresh, local produce. So bold, fun, virtuous and healthy – and of course, delicious – all in one terrific package.

foodtalk ISSUE 48

評師」。 到底書裡隱藏著什麼美食秘方呢?這本令人目不暇給的496頁食 譜收錄了很多經典菜式的做法,如完美温泉蛋基本做法(難度奇 高)、烤雞、蛋黃醬、番茄醬,以及是較有挑戰性的威靈頓牛 排,你還可以找到不少預備功夫和烹調過程中的實用貼士,令你 炮製美食時更得心應手。 食譜除了包含Cloake本人鍾愛的「滿足身心的美食」外(她形容 自己對此「無可救藥地貪心」),亦主要搜羅了以新鮮本地食材 烹調的菜式。因此,此書可謂集大膽、有趣、高尚、健康、美味 等多項優點於一身。



Old Meets New, Science Meets Art By Karen Chiang Photography by Chris Luk

The Murray, Hong Kong pastry chef Tom Wan may be a young professional armed with innovative ideas, but his creations are rooted in tradition and the classics FT(Foodtalk): What made you fall in love with desserts and baking? TW(Tom Wan): From a young age I was fascinated by cooking. The completely different results obtained from combining various ingredients is fun and intriguing. This is especially true for baking and desserts, where art takes a scientific turn, and every procedure has to be precisely followed. The scientific aspect is the part I enjoy most, because with the advances in technology and equipment I am able to infuse innovation into my creations.

香港美利酒店餅廚Tom Wan是一位充滿創意的年輕 餅廚,其創作卻是植根傳統和經典,深受源遠時代文 化薰陶 FT(Foodtalk): 是什麼讓你愛上了甜品和烘焙? TW(Tom Wan): 我自小就為烹飪所著迷。食材配搭組合只要稍 有不同,便能創造出截然不同的菜式—整個烹飪過程是相當有趣 好玩的,烘焙和甜品尤其如此,必須嚴格遵循每個步驟,發揮烹 飪藝術創意時充份體現了科學的嚴謹精神。烹飪過程中,我最喜 歡當中的科學元素,因為隨著科技和設備的進步,我可以把創新 融入作品之中。 FT: 你能舉例說明如何把科學技術從實驗室帶到廚房嗎? TW: 離心機本來主要用於科學實驗,把液體分離以作檢驗,但當

Roselle and red berries crémeux


foodtalk ISSUE 48




The scientific aspect is the part I enjoy most, because with the advances in technology and equipment I am able to infuse innovation into my creations

FT: Can you give us an example of the scientific techniques you brought from the science lab into your kitchen? TW: Centrifuges were mainly used in the lab to separate fluids for examination, and are now used in the culinary industry to separate liquids with different densities. I use them to condense juices into sauces with more concentrated flavours, instead of using artificial flavours or colourings. It is like taking ingredients apart using science!


FT: What is your favourite dessert to make? TW: Traditional French apple tart. Although it may seem quite ordinary and straightforward, it actually requires


將果汁濃縮成更高濃度的醬汁,而非使用人造色素或香料。這簡 直是利用科學把食材分解無異! FT: 你最喜歡做哪一款的甜品? TW: 傳統法式蘋果撻。雖然不是花巧的甜品,但要高水準的蘋果 撻,必須駕馭多種廚藝技巧。除了製作的酥皮麵糰外,蘋果的選 材亦會製造出截然不同的成品,因此需要依賴廚師的經驗去判斷 不同材料會做出怎樣的效果。我的做法是事先把蘋果烚一下,加

FT: 你最喜歡使用什麼食材? TW: 我喜歡柑橘類水果,特別是檸檬、青檸和柚子。這些水果在 酸味以外各有獨特的味道,而且清新怡人,配搭其他食材能創造 出特別的味道。例如,我曾經用以製作美味而口感豐富的果味雪 葩。 FT: 你設計新款糕餅或甜品時,過程是怎樣的? TW: 我通常一開始會因應中國人不時不食的傳統,從時令當造的 食材入手。雖然,現時幾乎全年都可以取得任何食材,但時令當 造食材味道總是略勝一籌。然後,我會與團隊一起進行實驗和試 味,務求突出主要食材的顏色和獨特味道。我每次都會嘗試一些 新的東西,不斷改良作品。 FT: 你過往工作中最難忘的時刻是什麼? TW: 我曾在朱古力廠工作,過程中有幸學到關於這種神奇食材的 一切,包括其製作方法。當時,我必定是渾身散發出巧克力的香 Popinjays — caramelized golden apple cheese cake

Garden Lounge - The Murray afternoon tea


mastery of several techniques. In addition to making the puff pastry, the apples you use can completely change the outcome so you need experience to know the results different varieties will give. I poach them beforehand to obtain a better texture and get more control over the flavour. FT: Any particular ingredients you enjoy working with? TW: I like citrus fruits, especially lemon, lime and yuzu. They each have a unique taste beyond their sourness, and are all very refreshing. In combination with other ingredients you can create some pretty special flavours – for example, I’ve made sherbets that have beautiful and complex taste profiles. FT: What is your process when creating new cakes or desserts? TW: Usually I start with ingredients true to the Chinese ethos of eating seasonally. Even now when we are able to get virtually any ingredient at any time of the year, products in season still taste better. Then I will experiment and taste-test ideas with my team, emphasising and highlighting the colours and unique taste of the main ingredient. I try to do something new every time and keep improving the results.

味。因為有一次在火車上,鄰座男孩跟他母親說,他聞到了朱古 力!後來,在四季酒店工作時,我了解到團隊合作的重要性,以 及每個部門需要如何發揮團隊精神及協調作用,才能為食客提供 完善的體驗。 FT: 你認為香港食客對甜品的要求是什麼? TW: 現時的潮流是甜品必須賣相奪目,可以放上Instagram引起 共鳴。但要讓客人「食」而忘返,甚至百吃不厭,食物味道本身 也相當重要。我們有一款互動的甜品,靈感來自Affogato(濃 縮咖啡加雪糕),其中有椰子雪糕和朱古力球,當客人把濃縮咖 啡倒在雪糕上時,雪糕便會溶化。另一方面,我們盡可能採用天 然食材,以滿足無麩質或清真食品等特別飲食要求,例如我們設 計了不含魚膠粉的意大利芝士蛋糕。 FT: 你為什麼決定加入香港美利酒店? TW: 我自小就一直對香港美利大廈感到著迷(美利大廈是一座 25層高的大廈塔樓,在20世紀60年代曾是一座宏偉的政府大 樓)。現時,這座大樓已改建成一間現代化的豪華酒店。在文化 遺產的根柢上創造新事物,單是這想法已教我非常期待,因此我 把握機會加入了美利酒店團隊。

FT: What are your most memorable moments from your previous jobs? TW: Working at a chocolate factory gave me the unique opportunity to learn everything about that amazing ingredient and how it is made. I must have gone home exuding it, as once on a train a boy near me told his mother that he could smell chocolate! Furthermore, at The Four Seasons Hotel I got to know the importance of teamwork and how every department needs to work together seamlessly in order to deliver a good experience to diners.

Hazelnut cake

foodtalk ISSUE 48



The idea of creating something new but with roots in heritage really excited and interested me FT: What do you think Hong Kong diners are looking for in a dessert? TW: The trend right now is visually striking and “Instagrammable” creations, but in order for customers to return the taste needs to be there as well. On our menu we have an interactive dessert inspired by affogato [coffee-based dessert] that features coconut ice cream and a chocolate ball that melts as you pour espresso over it. We also use natural ingredients as much as possible, and cater to special dietary restrictions with gluten-free or Halal items like our gelatine-free tiramisu. FT: Why did you decide to join The Murray? TW: I’ve been fascinated by the building since I was young [the groundbreaking 25-story tower that houses The Murray was a imposing government block in the 1960s]. Fast-forward to now, when it was transformed into a modern luxury hotel, the idea of creating something new but with roots in heritage really excited and interested me. So I jumped at the opportunity. FT: Does The Murray as a concept influence your creations? TW: I try to add innovative elements into traditional desserts that reflect the hotel. For example, in our afternoon tea set, I created a charcoal cookie that looks like the art installation in the hotel lobby. Our scones are square, inspired by the windows here.

FT: 美利酒店代表著一個特定的概念和風格,對你的創作有影響嗎? RC: 我嘗試在傳統甜點上加入創新元素,與酒店特色互相輝映。舉 例說,在英式下午茶中,我設計了外表與酒店大堂的藝術裝置相似 的竹炭曲奇,而我們的鬆餅是正方形的,靈感源自酒店的窗戶。

Popinjays - Dining Room



The Power of In the face of ever more zany health products and fads, it’s strangely reassuring that a recent trend is based on an age-old drink – and it actually works



e are constantly bombarded with new trends for healthy eating, but for every more questionable idea (e.g. the clay diet), there’s something that seems to enjoy greater credibility (e.g. seaweed). Definitely in this second category is cider vinegar, which has taken off as the latest miracle remedy. However, although celebrities such as Victoria Beckham, Scarlett Johansson and Megan Fox may have only recently discovered the unique attractions of cider vinegar, it’s no health flash in the pan. One of the oldest fermentation processes known, it has been historically popular for millennia, from the ancients Greeks to the ancient Romans.

當現代人追求各種古靈精怪的潮流健康產品時,一款 年代久遠的飲品最近竟然突圍而出,而且功效還叫人 讚不絕口 每一天,我們身邊總是充斥著源源不絕的健康飲食新資訊,當中 有些方法的確有參考價值(例如紫菜),但也有一些效果成疑 (例如粘土飲食)。蘋果醋是近年流行的健康飲品,據說能為身 體帶來奇蹟般的功效,絕對值得你一試。 雖然諸如維多利亞碧咸、施嘉莉祖安遜和美瑾霍絲等社會名流近 年才發現蘋果醋的獨特魅力,但事實上蘋果醋有千年的歷史,早

In Asia fruit or honey-infused vinegar is especially loved in Japan, Taiwan, and Korea, not only for its refreshing taste but also to balance pH levels, detoxify, reduce inflammation, cholesterol, skin irritations and dry throats, support the immune system, promote digestion, relieve muscle pain and act as an appetite suppressor. While apple is the most popular, other traditional cider vinegar flavours include pineapple, plum, peach and strawberry. Now the west has jumped on the trend, however, you can increasingly find more exotic blends and superfoods such as turmeric, Himalayan sea salt and cayenne pepper, or combined with kombucha, a fermented, low-alcohol sweetened black or green tea drink also believed to have health benefits. And in spite of the fact that some of the medical assertions made for cider vinegar are based more on anecdotal than scientific evidence, food manufacturers are nevertheless getting very excited about the possible earnings potential, particularly as a dieting aid. This is backed up by the fact that “apple cider vinegar weight loss diet” has been among the fastest-rising health topic searches for Google in 2018. So isn’t it time you put the power of sour into your diet?

foodtalk ISSUE 48

在古希臘及古羅馬時期已有人將蘋果發酵成醋,是最古老的發酵 過程之一。 在亞洲,日本人、台灣人和韓國人都特別鍾愛果醋或蜂蜜加醋, 不單是因為它們的清新香味,還因為其多元化的健康功效,包括 平衡 pH 值、解毒、減低炎症、降低膽固醇、改善皮膚過敏、滋 潤喉嚨、增強免疫系統、促進消化、舒緩肌肉痛楚,以及抑制食 慾。 一般蘋果醋都是以蘋果來製作,但其實還有其他傳統口味,包括 菠蘿、布冧、香桃和士多啤梨。近年,西方的蘋果醋更突破傳 統,推出了愈來愈多含有奇特配方和超級食物的蘋果醋,當中例 如有薑黃、喜馬拉雅海鹽及紅辣椒,甚至有與康普茶(一種經發 酵,且含小量酒精的甜味黑茶或綠茶飲品)相結合的蘋果醋,據 稱都能為健康帶來裨益。 部份針對蘋果醋的醫學研究聲稱,這種飲品能改善健康的效果多 為傳聞,並無科學證據支持。然而,食物生產商明瞭蘋果醋作為 膳食補充品的潛在商機,積極發展相關產品。 在2018 年Google搜尋的健康主題類別中,「蘋果醋減肥餐單」 是搜尋量飆升得最快的關鍵字,可見大家都對蘋果醋的健康功效 充滿好奇。你何不嘗試將蘋果醋添加到日常飲食中,測試一下其 神奇功效?






The Suitcase Chef Comes Full Circle Jason Tan, co-owner of Singapore’s Corner House restaurant, describes his love affair with onions and the very different pressures of representing Asia at the Bocuse d’Or world contest and cooking for Chinese President Xi Jinping Photography courtesy Corner House

FT(Foodtalk): You began your career at the renowned Les Amis restaurant, progressing through Le Saint Julien Restaurant in Singapore and the Michelin three-star Robuchon a Galera (later renamed Robuchon Au Dome) in Macau. You also worked at Mandarin Oriental Hotel and Sky on 57 at Marina Bay Sands, where you spent around four years, rising to executive chef. Can you describe how these restaurants and the chefs you worked under influenced you? JT(Jason Tan): I learnt different lessons at these establishments, where talented chefs had different influences on me, helping me a lot in my career. My mentor, Chef Julien Bompard, taught me about classical French cuisine, which is still my primary influence. At Robuchon I developed discipline and to aspire to culinary perfection, at Sky on 57 I mastered Asian and Singapore cuisine while at Mandarin Oriental I learnt how to manage a team, and the vital role administration plays.

foodtalk ISSUE 48

Jason Tan是新加坡 Corner House 餐廳的其中一位 老闆,這位對洋蔥情有獨鍾的大廚曾以亞洲代表身份 出戰國際廚藝大賽 Bocuse d’Or ,並為中國國家主 席習近平下廚。我們很榮幸能邀請到Jason與我們分 享他的獨特經驗,又訴說當中伴隨的壓力 FT(Foodtalk): 你的廚師生涯由著名的 Les Amis 餐廳開始, 後來在新加坡的 Le Saint Julien、澳門的米芝蓮三星級餐廳 Robuchon a Galera(其後改名為 Robuchon Au Dome)和文 華東方酒店工作,最終在濱海灣金沙的 Sky on 57任職約四年時 間,便晉升至行政總廚的職位。這些餐廳和你曾經合作過的主廚 對你有何啟發? JT(Jason Tan): 我從這些著名的餐廳中學到各種知識,多位廚 藝非凡的主廚更為我帶來了不同方面的影響,令我的事業發展得



I used to dislike vegetables until I entered the professional kitchen at 22. That was when I discovered their beauty

FT: In 2008 you became Bocuse d’Or Singapore champion, going on to win the bronze trophy at the Asian Selection and represent Asia at the world contest in France. What was that experience like? JT: It was an amazing journey, and the first and only competition of my professional career. I was only 26 and was shocked to win. Representing Singapore in a huge competition was a high-pressure experience.

到莫大裨益。我的師傅Julien Bompard 影響我最深,他教曉了

FT: You love travelling to find new ideas, hence your nickname “The Suitcase Chef”. Can you give any examples of things you have found and incorporated at the restaurant? JT: There are too many examples! Two that immediately come to mind is my French Singapore curry that was inspired by Thai and Indian curry and marinated cherry tomatoes with plums, inspired by travels in Taiwan.


FT: At Corner House vegetables are as big stars as proteins – you even describe your cuisine as “GastroBotanica”. Why is this important to you, why are onions

Corner House


我有關經典法國菜的知識。在 Robuchon工作的那段日子培養出 紀律,亦啟發我追求盡善盡美的工作態度;在 Sky on 57工作讓 我掌握亞洲和新加坡菜式的烹調技巧;而文華東方酒店則給予我 非常好的契機,把團隊管理的知識活學活用,同時了解到行政工 作的重要性。 FT: 你在2008 的新加坡國際廚藝大賽 Bocuse d’Or 中封皇,又 烹飪大賽。不同的廚藝大賽帶給你怎樣的經歷? JT: 那是一段相當精彩的經歷,亦是我職業生涯中參加的首個及 唯一一個廚藝比賽。當時只得 26 歲的我有幸能成為比賽的優勝 者,實在令我受寵若驚。之後,要代表新加坡參加如此盛大的比 賽,確實給了我極大的壓力。 FT: 你喜歡透過旅遊來尋找新的靈感,因而得到「旅遊家主廚」 這個外號。你可否提供一些例子來形容你在旅程中發掘到的事 物,以及如何將它們融入到餐廳之中? JT: 例子可謂數之不盡!我腦海中即時浮現的兩個例子就是法式

Oignon doux des Cevennes

your favourite vegetables and what is your signature dish ‘onions four ways’? JT: I used to dislike vegetables until I entered the professional kitchen at 22. That was when I discovered their beauty and now I use them so much my cuisine has been labelled “Gastro-Botanica”. With the onions, some people think I made them too glamorous and sexy … like a hero that used to be a sidekick! But in fact, onions made me a hero. Using prized French Cevennes onions, which are tender and sweet, I created four dishes: a whole onion, baked and hollowed, filled with onion puree and confit, with a 62°C sous-vide egg and black truffles; slow-cooked onion confit on crispy filo pastry, topped with parmesan cheese; thinly sliced onion dehydrated for 24 hours; and

新加坡咖哩和李子醃車厘茄,前者以泰式和印度咖哩為靈感創作 而成,而後者則是在台灣旅行受啟發而創作出的新菜餚。 FT: 在Corner House餐廳中,蔬菜的地位和肉類一樣,舉足輕 重。你甚至將自己的菜式形容為「餐桌上的花園」。為何蔬菜對 你來說如此重要?洋蔥又是怎樣成為你最喜歡的食材?你可以向 我們介紹你的招牌菜—「洋蔥四式」嗎? JT: 我一向討厭蔬菜,直至 22 歲那年成為了專業廚師後才對它 改觀。那時我開始認識到蔬菜的好處,自此之後更經常以蔬菜入 饌。現在,我的菜式都用上大量蔬菜,便獲得了「餐桌上的花 園」這個稱號。有些人會認為我將洋蔥變得太過嬌艷嫵媚……有 點喧賓奪主之感!但事實上,洋蔥才是為我的菜式畫龍點睛的英 雄。我以柔軟香甜的優質法國 Cevennes 洋蔥創作出四種菜式:

Claret Corner

foodtalk ISSUE 48



Some people think I made onions too glamorous and sexy … like a hero that used to be a sidekick! But in fact, onions made me a hero

emulsion of onion confit and cream with Earl Grey-infused onion tea. The four courses require 2kg of onions per guest. FT: Corner House lists 600 wine labels, and Singapore’s largest restaurant collection in half-bottle format. Why was this huge selection so important to you? JT: Our objective at Corner House is to give our guests the opportunity to taste different varieties of wines instead of having to commit to one standard-size bottle for the whole meal.

第一道菜式,是將洋蔥濃湯和餡料釀入一個經香烤及掏空的完整 洋蔥中,伴以經過 62°C 真空低溫烹調的雞蛋和黑松露;第二道 是將慢煮的洋蔥餡料塗在鬆脆的油酥千層餅上,再灑上帕瑪森芝 士;另外一道,是將切成薄片的洋蔥脫水 24 小時;最後一道則 以及將以洋蔥餡料和奶油製成的乳狀醬汁,配搭加入格雷伯爵茶 調味的洋蔥茶。光是炮製這四道菜式,便需要為每位客人準備兩 公斤的洋蔥。 FT: Corner House 擁有新加坡最大型的餐廳酒藏,並以半支裝 形式提供了 600 種不同品牌的葡萄酒。數量如此龐大的精選葡萄 酒,對你來說又有什麼特別意義?

FT: The restaurant has received recognition including with Singapore’s Top Restaurants, Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants Singapore and has the most Michelin stars for 2017 and 2018. How do you think you have achieved this? JT: I am proud to be the only Singaporean chef to be awarded both a Michelin star and inclusion in Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants, now for three straight years (2016, 2017, 2018). But I couldn’t have achieved this without my business partner and restaurant team.

JT: Corner House 希望讓客人能在一頓飯宴中品嚐各式各樣的 葡萄酒,不必局限於份量較多的標準瓶裝葡萄酒。 FT: 你的餐廳曾獲得多項美譽,包括新加坡頂級餐廳、新加坡的 亞洲 50 家最佳餐廳,以及 2017 及 18 年的米芝蓮星級殊榮。餐 廳獲得這些評價,你有什麼感受? JT: 我很高興成為新加坡唯一一個同時獲得米芝蓮星級評分,以 及連續三年(2016、2017及2018年)榮登亞洲 50 大最佳餐廳 的主廚。但如果缺少了生意夥伴和餐廳團隊的支持,我絕對沒可 能得到如此驕人的成就。



My interpretation Kaya Toast

FT: Corner House was chosen to host Chinese President Xi Jinping during his 2015 visit to Singapore. What was that experience like and what did you serve him? JT: It was a great honour to cook for President Xi and the First Lady. The experience was intense. We mostly served them our signature dishes and also some bespoke creations. FT: All the chefs working at Corner House are younger than you. Do you enjoy training young chefs up rather than taking on more experienced professionals? JT: I enjoy training the younger generation. They are the future of gastronomy.

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FT: 中國國家主席習近平於2015年訪問新加坡時,Corner House 獲選為負責招待習主席的餐廳。那是一次怎樣的經驗, 你又以什麼菜式來招待這位貴賓? JT: 我非常榮幸能有機會能為習近平主席伉儷下廚。那次經驗令 人既緊張又興奮。招待主席伉儷的菜式大多是我們的招牌菜,也 特地為他們創作了新菜餚。 FT: 所有在 Corner House 工作的主廚都比你年輕。你比較享受 培訓年輕廚師,還是與較有經驗的廚師合作? JT: 我喜歡培訓年輕廚師,他們將會是未來飲食界的翹楚。



Angliss is the Winning Ingredient at Top-Level Wine Event

Angliss Singapore was the Preferred Ingredients Partner for Robert Parker Wine Advocate’s ‘Matter of Taste – The Ultimate Fine Wine Experience’ event series


atter of Taste – The Ultimate Fine Wine Experience’ recently returned for its fifth Singapore edition, with Angliss Singapore selected as a Preferred Ingredients Partner for the prestigious event. Hosted by Robert Parker Wine Advocate at the Regent Singapore, Matter of Taste is a series of global events bringing iconic wines from around the world to advocate members.


Angliss Singapore 是國際佳釀巡禮— ‘Matter of Taste – The Ultimate Fine Wine Experience’ 的 首選食材合作夥伴,該活動由世界頂級的品酒權威 Robert Parker Wine Advocate舉辦 ‘Matter of Taste - The Ultimate Fine Wine Experience’ 最近 剛於新加坡麗晶酒店舉辦,是活動第五次於獅城作為其國際巡禮 的其中一站。Matter of Taste佳釀巡禮每年均雲集環球葡萄酒專 家品嚐來自世界各地的標誌性美酒,是業界年度盛事。Angliss Singapore很榮幸能成為新加坡站的首選食材合作夥伴,為賓客 提供優質食材。

Incorporating a grand walkabout tasting, master classes and a dinner, all wines featured at the event were rated at 90 points or above. Critics from the Robert Parker Wine Advocate, Joe Czerwinski and Erin Brooks, also graced the event, sharing their expertise at the master classes. However, great wine deserves equally superb food, and Angliss Singapore was on hand to serve up sumptuous dishes such as mini lamb burgers and sliced Iberico pork canapés, all of which proved to be real crowd-pleasers. The event was a great platform to showcase the versatility of Angliss premium products, and a good opportunity for interaction with the public to bring about greater brand awareness and understanding.

活動上展示的葡萄酒全都被評為 90 分或以上,賓客在品 酒環節、大師星級晚宴及活動晚宴一嚐各色各樣的頂級葡 萄酒。Robert Parker Wine Advocate 的酒評人 —Joe Czerwinski 和 Erin Brooks亦有出席活動,於大師星級晚宴上 分享他們的專業葡萄酒知識。 有如斯美酒,又怎能沒有佳餚作伴?Angliss Singapore在活動 上為一眾賓客提供了能滿足賓客的豐富菜式,如迷你羊肉漢堡和 切片的黑毛豬多士,讓人一試傾心。 安得利很榮幸能參與這個活動,與業界分享及展示公司一系列優 質食材,同時藉著這個機會與賓客互動,提高品牌知名度及加深 賓客對品牌的認識。 《The Wine Advocate》雜誌 於 1978 年由 Robert M.

Founded in 1978 by Robert M. Parker in 2018, The Wine Advocate offers unbiased, expert and comprehensive wine criticism, and is considered essential reading by both wine lovers and the industry.

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Parker 創立,並於 2018 年起提供中立、專業和全面的酒評, 深受葡萄酒愛好者和業界歡迎。



Michelin Master Class Receives Celebrity Endorsement

Prestigious industry event is boosted by appearance of top international chef


ngliss Singapore recently hosted its first master class dinner in collaboration with the Michelin Guide, with vice president of the prestigious Singapore Chefs’ Association and celebrity executive chef Eric Neo on hand to take care of cooking duties. With years of experience at the top level of the industry, Chef Eric curated a myriad of dishes specifically for the master class. Within two hours, participants enjoyed a sensory treat as he worked his magic in the Angliss Creative Kitchen to prepare a much-anticipated fourcourse meal. Whether ingredients were hauled from the land or sea, Chef Eric dazzled participants with his unique twist on each dish by infusing Western elements into


頂級國際廚師現身行業盛會 Angliss Singapore 最近與《米芝蓮指南》合辦首屆星級大師 晚宴,由著名的新加坡廚師協會副主席暨著名行政總廚梁明楠 (Eric Neo)為賓客即席炮製美味佳餚,呈獻創意豐富的盛宴。 憑藉其專業技藝及豐富經驗,Eric為晚宴精心構思各種精美菜 色,當晚於Angliss Creative Kitchen大展功力,即席烹調四道 菜式,讓每位賓客享受一場歷時兩小時的感官盛宴。無論是來自 陸地還是海洋的食材,Eric所烹煮的每一道傳統中式名菜,包括 他的拿手菜 ─ 蒙古式紅燒五花腩配葡萄乾及炸饅頭(蒸饅頭) 都揉合了西方料理特色,其獨特的手藝及烹飪風格令賓客大開 眼界。

traditionally well-known Eastern dishes – including his speciality, Mongolian-style braised pork belly with raisin slaw served in fried mantou (steamed bun). As well as savouring Chef Eric’s creations, participants enjoyed the chance to interact with him and gain answers to some of their burning questions. Chef Eric provided his own tips and tricks for the perfect dish, plus ingrained in participants why quality ingredients play a crucial role in the finest culinary creations. Hosting a master class was an unforgettable experience and wonderful opportunity for Angliss Singapore to share expertise and empower budding creators with top-grade, internationally sourced produce.

Eric 除了以美食招待一眾賓客外,更與賓客進行交流,熱心回 應各人的提問。他在分享了自己的心得和技巧的同時,亦向賓 客強調一個非常重要的訊息—選用優質食材是製作精美菜餚至 關重要的一環。 星級大師晚宴無疑是一次難忘的經歷。Angliss Singapore 有幸能藉此分享其專業知識,以及為新晉廚師提供由Angliss Singapore精心挑選的環球上乘食材。 我們在此特別鳴謝一眾貿易夥伴,包括 Betagro、 Duroc d'Olives、National Beef及Bone Roasters對是次 活動的支持。

Special thanks must go to trade partners including Betagro, Duroc d’Olives, National Beef and Bone Roasters for their support for the master class.

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Brave New Worlds The new Gourmet Partner Vietnam office aims to target the country’s growing middle class through the restaurants, hotels, clubs and bakeries that service them


ietnam is Southeast Asia’s second-highest populated country, with over 100 million inhabitants and a middle class predicted to double by 2020. With a long history of gastronomy and exposure to European culinary traditions, the nation is also home to more than 100,000 expats and hundreds of five-star hotels and international restaurants. The new Gourmet Partner Vietnam (GPVN) office therefore comes at a time strategically targeted to take advantage of these factors. Sourcing and distributing some of the world’s finest brands and products, focusing on freshness, quality and value. Products have been carefully selected to ensure the optimum possible quality. They include delicatessen items, meat and poultry, seafood, condiments, vegetables, dried foods, convenience, fruit purees and frozen fruit, pastry, chocolate, cocoa and nut products, technical ingredients and more. Whether a single chef-driven restaurant, fine or casual dining, quick service, artisanal bakery or catering company, GPVN can provide the ultimate supplier service.

全新的Gourmet Partner Vietnam辦公室主打越南 當地日漸成熟的中產階層,為他們提供全面餐廳、酒 店、俱樂部以至麵包烘培等餐飲服務 越南是東南亞人口第二大的國家,預計至2020年,當地人口將 增長逾一億,中產階級人口亦將增加一倍。越南飲食文化歷史悠 久,深受歐洲烹飪傳統薰陶,已吸引了超過10萬名海外人士聚

Backed up with the experience and expertise of the passionate GPVN team, customers and purchasers can expect a dedicated and committed service designed to forge long and mutually profitable relationships.


Restaurants, hotels, clubs and other culinary organisations in Vietnam now have a high quality supplier to turn to when they need the finest products and the best possible service.


成立Gourmet Partner Vietnam(GPVN)辦公室旨在善用以上各 種優勢,是拓展公司業務的一大戰略方針。

素和價值放在首位。食材皆經過精心挑選,以確保最上乘的質 量。不論是櫃台熟食食品、肉類、家禽、海鮮、調味品、蔬菜、 乾貨食品、即食品、冷凍果粒果泥、西式糕餅、巧克力、可可、 堅果還是人工食材,均一應俱全,包羅萬有。 不論是由廚師獨挑大樑的小店、高級餐廳或休閒餐飲、快餐店、 手工麵包店還是大型餐飲公司,GPVN是不二的最終供應商之 選,能提供最優秀的服務。 GPVN團隊經驗豐富,專業可靠,態度熱誠,樂於與客戶建立長遠 互惠的合作關係,讓客戶可安心享受其專業及高度盡責的服務。 越南的餐廳、酒店、俱樂部和其他飲食機構現在多了一個高質素 的供應商,可以獲取最佳的產品和服務。

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A Cut Above Respected Australian beef producer Providore Global has been winning plaudits around the world for its Rosedale Ruby brand, a ‘paddock to plate’ product conceived by the grandsons of the company’s founders


inning the Gold Medal at the recent World Steak Competition in London for their pure Australian beef is a significant win for the Australian family-led business, which has been breeding and producing its unique 150-day grain-fed Angus Charolais cattle since the 1960s. The Ruby Rosedale brand was then born eight years ago by cousins, Sam McNiven and James Millner, with a vision to continue to produce the finest beef and sell direct to discerning consumers around the globe.

澳洲牛肉生產商Providore Global地位尊祟,旗下 Rosedale Ruby品牌乃創辦人第三代構思的「從農場 到餐桌」產品系列,在國際上享負盛名 近期在倫敦舉行的世界牛排大賽(World Steak Challenge) 中,Rosedale Ruby品牌榮獲金獎殊榮,為這間澳洲家族企業贏 得重大勝利。自上世紀60年代以來,Providore Global一直致力

As globally accredited primary producers, Providore Global beef upholds Meat & Livestock Australia stringent quality assurance standards, ensuring customers enjoy the finest quality pure Australian beef experience.

The Ruby Rosedale brand was created by cousins Sam McNiven and James Millner, to produce the finest beef and sell direct around the world


牧養和生產其獨特的150天穀飼安格斯夏洛來(Angus Charolais) 牛肉。 8年前,Providore Global創辦人的表兄弟—Sam McNiven和James Millner另創Ruby Rosedale品牌,願景是繼 續生產最上乘的牛肉,直接售向全球眼光獨到的客人。

Raised on the pristine pastures across the company’s farmland and grain finished for around 150 days, Rosedale Ruby is a 100% hormone and chemical-free and comes from the family’s unique Angus Charolais breed. Quickly becoming one of Australia’s most respected and trusted beef breeds, the prime beef cattle guarantees quality, nutrition and tenderness all year round, with a ‘paddock to plate’ concept. Setting the benchmark for those looking for the finest quality yet affordable pure Australian free-range beef, every Rosedale Ruby A+ premium grade cut comes from a herd of award-winning prime cattle less than 24 months old. The brand draws upon the company’s rich history and exceptional qualities of “Ruby”, a grand champion cow from the Rosedale stud farm. With 100% guaranteed traceability, every aspect of Providore Global’s vertically integrated supply chain holds the strictest food safety and international quality standards for breeding, animal welfare processing and logistics. This quality control includes using ultrasound technology to detect if cattle have developed required marbling qualities at 12 months old. If the animal does not have the necessary intramuscular fat they are excluded from the breeding herd in order to protect the unique bloodline.

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作為全球認可的初級生產商,Providore Global秉承澳洲肉類 畜牧協會 (Meat & Livestock Australia)的嚴格質量保證,確保 客人享用到最純正優質的澳洲牛肉。 Rosedale Ruby的牛隻擁有獨特的安格斯夏洛來血統,於自家 牧場放養,並以穀物餵飼約150天,100%不含賀爾蒙或化學成 分。這種優質牛肉貫徹了「從農場到餐桌」的概念,其質素、 營養和肉質全年均有信心保證,迅速成為澳洲最備受尊崇並值 得信賴的牛肉品牌。 每塊Rosedale Ruby A +頂級牛肉,均來自不到24個月及屢獲 殊榮的優質牛。如欲找尋質素上乘但價錢合適的純澳洲放養牛 肉,Rosedale Ruby A +頂級牛肉實屬精明之選。 Rosedale Ruby品牌孕育自Providore Global豐富多彩的歷史, 以及源自Rosedale牧場中牛中王者“Ruby”的卓越品質。 Providore Global整個垂直供應鏈保證了100%的產品可追溯 性。在牛隻配種、權益、加工及物流等每個環節上,均遵循最 嚴謹的食物安全和國際質量標準。 質量控制的措施包括在牛隻12個月大時使用超聲波技術,檢測牛 隻是否有育成所需的雪花紋。如果牛隻沒有所需的肌肉內脂肪, 則將牛隻從繁殖群中排除,以維持血統純淨。品牌最終出品的牛 肉,每一部分均有油脂分佈完美的的雪花紋,風味絕佳。從最初 開始,創辦人表兄弟就確保所有Rosedale Ruby產品皆100%不 含賀爾蒙或化學成分,而且製造過程具透明度,海外需求急劇增 長,目前並已出口到40多個國家,佔整體銷售額八成。



Belle Epoch By Rebecca Lo Photography courtesy Sands China

Emmanuel Souliere, Executive Chef at The Parisian Macao, shares his path from cooking in a Marseilles roadside diner to overseeing seven restaurants in Asia’s entertainment mecca


FT(Foodtalk): Were you interested in food as a child? ES(Emmanuel Souliere): My first memory of cooking was when I was a child of 10, after my parents divorced. My mother and I moved from Paris into a recreational vehicle outside Marseilles for two years. When my grandfather came to visit, I would cook the family traditional French meals in our tiny kitchen on wheels. I was looking for something to do with my hands and applied to work in a restaurant. Joining a kitchen is like joining the military.

澳門巴黎人行政總廚 Emmanuel Souliere 分享了他的主廚之 路,由經營位於法國馬賽的路邊餐館,一路走來,到掌舵亞洲 頂級娛樂目的地澳門巴黎人旗下七間餐廳 FT(Foodtalk):你自小就對煮食感興趣嗎? ES(Emmanuel Souliere):我第一個烹飪的記憶是在十歲的時候。當時父 母離異,我和媽媽從巴黎搬到馬賽郊外的露營車上生活了兩年。當外祖父前 來探望我們時,我就在露營車上的小小廚房裡,烹調法國傳統家常菜。 之後,我希望能靠自己一雙手打拼過活,於是應徵了餐廳廚房的工作。廚房 工作就像軍隊受訓一樣。我喜歡這種紀律,廚房井井有條,尊卑有序,對錯 分明,在同事身上亦感受到敬業樂業。對我來說,廚房就是我的學校。 FT:你為什麼就讀馬賽的 Lycée Hôtelier Bonneveine? ES:這是馬賽最好的學校,教授西餅、朱古力等各種烹飪專業證書課程。 我真的很喜歡烹飪。即使放暑假時,我會繼續鑽研廚藝,而沒有去度假。三 年後,我在全班三十名同學中以排名第一的成績畢業。

I liked this type of discipline. The kitchen is organised: there is respect and it clears what is right and wrong. And there is passion—I felt it amongst my co-workers. It was like school for me. FT: Why did you study at Lycée Hôtelier Bonneveine? ES: It was the best school in Marseilles and it offered specialised certificates: pastry, chocolate, and others. I was really into cooking then—during summers, I would continue my training rather than go on holiday. After three years there, I finished first in my class out of 30 kids.

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Brasserie, The Parisian Macao



We have four pillars at Sands: guest satisfaction, staff satisfaction, cost management and innovation

Half a year after graduation, 80 percent of my former classmates had left the profession. It was very tough in French kitchens two decades ago. Chefs had a lot of talent to choose from and many didn’t know how to manage their staff. It was often their way, or the door. As I was learning, it was a struggle just to finish the day much less realise my dream of operating a Michelin starred restaurant


FT: What are some of the most important lessons learned when you first started working? ES: I was ambitious and wanted to work in Paris’ Michelin starred restaurants. Though it was difficult to get in, I worked at two Michelin starred Gastronomic Le Laurent and Hôtel de Crillon. I learned a lot at Sofitel Paris Porte des Sevres; it was one of the capital’s biggest hotels and often hosted banquets for 600 people. I liked this type of atmosphere.

和巴黎克里翁酒店 (Hotel de Crillon) 工作。我在巴黎的索菲特酒

I worked for a year at a roadside diner in Chinon, between Paris and Bordeaux. My father rented this diner and asked me to help operate it. We had a lunch crowd of 40 people


國要成為廚師相當艱難;法國主廚人才輩出,但大多不擅管理, 如果不遵循主廚的指示,便得離開。學師期間,我的意志也有被 磨蝕的時候,真的沒想過能有機會主理米芝蓮星級餐廳。 FT:你工作初期所學到最重要的經驗是什麼? ES:我當時滿懷壯志,想在巴黎的米芝蓮星級餐廳工作。儘管不 易,我總算有幸曾在米芝蓮二星級的 Gastronomic Le Laurent 店 (Sofitel Paris Porte des Sevres) 獲益良多。這間酒店是巴黎 最大的酒店之一,可以舉辦容納600人的大型宴會。我就喜歡這種 氛圍。 我曾在巴黎和波爾多之間的小鎮奇儂 (Chinon) 的路邊餐館工作了 一年。那時,父親租了那間餐館並請我幫忙經營。午飯時間通常 有約40名食客,每天早上我都會去菜市場採購新鮮食材。我與我 的妻子便是在那個菜市場結緣。我會精心烹調牛臉頰和慢煮其他 我的終極夢想。

Braised whole beef rib with Chinese herbs and mushrooms - La Chine, The Parisian Macao


and I would go to the market every morning to buy fresh ingredients—I met my wife through this market. I cooked beef cheeks and other dishes that took time, which people appreciated. It built my confidence, but it was not my dream. FT: What do you feel are the biggest differences between how independent restaurants operate compared to hotel restaurants? ES: There is no difference — it is the same job. Well, there is more multi-tasking in independent restaurants. In a hotel, there is more staff and I can delegate tasks more. In smaller restaurants, it can be messy. For me: the bigger, the better.

FT:你覺得經營自家餐館和酒店餐廳最大的分別是什麼? ES:其實沒有分別,工作都是大同小異。大多數時候,自家餐館 需要親力親為,身兼多職;酒店餐廳則有較多員工,可以委派工 作。小店有時是可以很混亂的,而對我來說,餐廳規模愈大,則 愈好經營。 FT:你曾在以色列死海凱悅酒店任職副總廚,這與在法國工作有 什麼不同? ES:我當時想到凱悅酒店工作,剛好收到位於以色列死海的凱悅 酒店工作邀請,便二話不說,帶著牙刷和女友就馬上過去應邀, 後來我們更在耶路撒冷結婚。 在那邊工作是一次精彩的體驗,廚房相當井井有條,我在那裏工

FT: How did working as Sous Chef at Hyatt in the Israeli Dead Sea differ from working in France? ES: I wanted to work for Hyatt, and I received a full package for the Hyatt Regency Dead Sea Resort and Spa in Israel—I went there with a toothbrush and my girlfriend, and we got married in Jerusalem.


It was an amazing experience, very well organised, and I spent three years there. In Paris by comparison, I got whipped—the jobs were very demanding.


FT: Describe your experience with Hilton Shanghai and how mainland China changed during your time there. ES: When I was 29, I became the Executive Chef at Hilton Singapore and stayed for three and a half years. After that,

樣。 FT:請講述一下你在上海希爾頓酒店工作的經驗,以及中國內地 在那段時期的變化。 ES:我在29歲成為了新加坡希爾頓酒店的行政總廚,三年半後,

我當時身處上海,見證著中國內地的發展。起初,我們主要做外 國人生意。後來,由於愈來愈多中國人到當地旅遊及在酒店用 餐,我們便改變了餐廳的方針,以迎合中國人口味。我們改良西 式自助餐菜式,提供更多亞洲菜和中式料理,又把西式餐廳改為 中餐館,隨後生意蒸蒸日上。

Crabmeat tartar with avocado salad and black vinegar caviar - La Chine, The Parisian Macao

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The Brasserie welcomes guests to Paris, without the 12 hour flight! We serve exactly what guests would eat in Paris

I moved to Hilton Shanghai and stayed there for another eight years.


I watched China develop through Shanghai. At first, we catered to mainly foreigners. Then, as more Chinese began travelling and dining at the hotel, we began to change the restaurant concepts to cater to Chinese tastes. We changed the western buffet stations to offer more Asian and Chinese dishes. After we transformed the international all day dining restaurant into a Chinese restaurant, business boomed.


FT: What opportunities did Macao offer you that prompted your move? ES: American hoteliers such as Hilton and Sands offer great training and good internal communication. And American companies operate in other countries smoothly. After opening the Conrad in Beijing, I joined Sands Cotai Central in Macao. Then, I joined The Parisian Macao in 2018.

La Chine, The Parisian Macao


ES:美資酒店集團如希爾頓和金沙等,致力提供優秀的培訓,也 酒店開業後,我便加入了澳門金沙城中心,在2018年再轉到澳門 巴黎人。 FT:你在澳門巴黎人擔任行政總廚,主要職責是什麼? ES:我們有四大核心價值:賓客滿意度、員工滿意度、成本管 理及創新思維。餐廳出品的菜餚,每次做法均須完全一致。身為 行政總廚,管理400名員工,我必須確保大家都遵循這些核心價 值。 FT:你在澳門巴黎人最自豪的成就是什麼? ES:我們的餐廳開業才兩年多,已經相當受歡迎。我要確保每間 餐廳由廚房到前台均運作流暢。澳門地方雖小,卻很繁榮。我一 直在追求最佳的出品。

FT: What are your responsibilities as Executive Chef at The Parisian Macao? ES: We have four pillars at Sands: guest satisfaction, staff satisfaction, cost management and innovation. Food has to leave our kitchens exactly the same way every time. As executive chef overseeing 400 staff, I ensure that we all follow these pillars. FT: What have been your proudest achievements at The Parisian Macao? ES: Since we opened just over two years ago, our restaurants have become extremely popular. I make sure the machine runs smoothly from front to back of house. Macao is small but busy, and I am always looking for the best produce.

FT:你希望透過 Les Disciples d’Escoffier 在東盟的分部,在亞 洲實現什麼目標? ES:在2007年,我在上海創立了法國埃科菲國際廚師協會東盟 分會 (Disciples d’Escoffie),向當地年輕廚師傳達訊息,希望 把我們的廚藝知識傳承下去。我們現在已於九個東盟國家設立分 支。協會通過舉辦講座、培訓及活動,與當地居民緊密聯繫。我 們為21歲以下的廚師舉辦年度比賽,並在香港選出冠軍,冠軍隨 後可前往歐洲,參加更具國際水平的大賽。我屆時有機會與一群 年輕的廚師作一對一指導,也許會對他們很有幫助,讓他們更快 成長,成為出色的廚師。 FT:澳門巴黎人法式餐廳 (Brasserie) 和其他法國餐廳有什麼分 別? ES:客人不用花12小時困在飛機上的時間,只要來到巴黎人法式 餐廳,便恍如置身巴黎! 我們為客人提供巴黎傳統咖啡室的經典

FT: What do you hope to achieve in Asia through the ASEAN division of Les Disciples d’Escoffier? ES: In 2007, I started Escoffier in Shanghai to send a message to the region’s young chefs that we want to pass our knowledge onwards. We are in nine ASEAN countries now. The association connects people through talks, training and events. We operate an annual competition for chefs under age 21, and the winner is chosen in Hong Kong where he then goes to Europe to compete on a more international level. It’s my chance to mentor young chefs one on one, which can be a very powerful tool and helps to expedite their growth faster.

美食。油封鴨腿、煎比目魚等。我們的菜式實而不華,以傳統的 烹調技術,做出美妙的菜餚。 自開業以來,巴黎人法式餐廳取得 了驚人的成就。 FT:你在澳門巴黎人工作時,設定烹飪方針時有什麼目標? ES:我會為年輕廚師舉行內部比賽,以產生協同效應。 我鼓勵員 工互相幫助,嘗試新事物,他們不會永遠停留在同一崗位。我希 望菜單保持新鮮感,而且物有所值。食材質素很重要,決定了我 們作為廚師的尊業。我們每天都會檢查食材質素,嚴格篩選新鮮 食材,以做出最佳的菜餚。澳門餐飲業的競爭很大,我必須保持 行業觸覺,使餐廳保持吸引力。

FT: What sets Brasserie at The Parisian Macao apart from other French restaurants? ES: The Brasserie welcomes guests to Paris, without the 12 hour flight! We serve exactly what guests would eat in Paris. Confit is confit. Sole meuniere is sole meurniere. It’s not fancy—instead, it’s honest cooking that shows traditional techniques and wonderful produce. It has met incredible success since we opened. FT: What are your goals for developing the culinary direction of The Parisian Macao? ES: I operate an internal competition with our young chefs to build synergy. I encourage staff to help each other and let them try new things. The noodle guy is not always making noodles. I want to keep our menus exciting and good value for money. Quality of ingredients drive how we work as chefs, and we are always checking daily— comparing and choosing to serve the best products. We get measured very quickly in Macao. I have to always be sharp and make our outlets attractive.

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US Nebraska Beef Chef’s Table 2018

The Richness of Perfection Angliss customers were dazzled by some of the best beef in the world at a recent US Nebraska Beef Chef’s Table 2018, which took place at Hong Kong’s Beet restaurant

1855 Black Angus ribeye & short ribs, eggplant, mustard greens


o-hosted by Angliss and Nebraska Beef Council, which has now supported the event for the 13th consecutive year, the US Nebraska Beef Chef’s Table took place at Hong Kong’s Beet restaurant, one of the hottest restaurants in town. More than 30 esteemed guests and partners, including Stan Garbacz, representative from Nebraska Agricultural Trade Department, attended the dinner, which incorporated a truly outstanding six-course menu featuring 1855 Black Angus rib eye, striploin and boneless short ribs.

2018年的美國內布拉斯加牛肉的名廚宴(US Nebraska Beef Chef’s Table)於香港的Beet餐廳舉行,安得利為 一眾賓客呈獻全球最頂尖的牛肉,令賓客們讚嘆不已 今屆美國內布拉斯加牛肉的名廚宴再次由安得利香港食品服務公 司及內布拉斯加州牛肉理事會(Nebraska Beef Council) 合辦, 而今年已經是雙方連續第十三年共同合作舉辦該活動。今年的名 廚宴在本港最具人氣之一的食肆Beet餐廳舉行,精選1855黑安格 斯肋骨、西冷及無骨牛肉短肋等材料炮製六道菜色,於席上招待 30多位嘉賓和合作夥伴,包括內布拉斯加農業貿易部代表 Stan Garbacz。


Barry Quek, Head Chef of Beet restaurant and his team demonstrated a progressive menu that showcased a brilliant combination of 1855 Black Angus beef and local ingredients. One of Asia’s brightest young chefs, Chef Barry twisted innovative ideas and classic techniques including pickling and fermenting produce with European continental cuisine. The menu included chestnut pumpkin, striploin tartare, lobster and a sublime beef duo of 1855 Black Angus rib eye and short ribs. The meal was rounded off with a delicious sweet finale entitled Autumn Landscape (dessert) and Magical World of Angliss (petit fours), created by Kevin Chiu, Pastry Technical Advisor.

Beet餐廳的主廚Barry Quek和他的團隊揉合了1855黑安格斯牛肉及 其他各種本地食材,創作出叫人垂涎三尺的菜單。Barry是現時亞洲最 天才橫溢的年輕主廚之一,對一系列傳統的烹飪技巧加以創新改革, 例如歐洲中部料理常用的醃漬和發酵技巧,變化為另一番獨特風味。 Barry的菜單上有栗子南瓜、西冷他他,龍蝦和兩款最高級的牛 肉—1855黑安格斯肋骨和牛肉短肋。晚宴上還有由安得利的Pastry Technical Advisor—Kevin Chiu所創,名為 ‘Autumn Landscape’ (秋色)的甜點及 ‘Magical World of Angliss’(安得利魔法世界) 的法式花式小蛋糕 (Petit fours)。

Another highlight of the night was the cocktail pairing created by Raphael Holzer, a renowned Hong Kong mixologist who has been involved in a number of local projects. Guests and partners were impressed with the superb meal and expressed their appreciation for 1855 Black Angus beef. Rapidly gaining a reputation as one of the finest beefs brands in the world, 1855 Black Angus Beef is produced by family ranchers with generations of experience in raising great cattle in Nebraska under JBS. Offering the unparalleled marbling, tenderness and taste profiles of grain-fed Nebraska beef, it also boasts great versatility. 1855 Black Angus Cattle are all USDA certified and grain-fed for a minimum 100 days with just 13% meeting the ten strict programme criteria with rigid standards in product selection, specifications and food safety, to ensure sustainability on quality and consistency.

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晚宴另一焦點,便是本港著名調酒大師Raphael Holzer為賓客即席 炮製與食物相配的美酒。Raphael Holzer曾參與本港多個美食業界活 動,展現其出色調酒技術。 一眾嘉賓和合作夥伴都對晚宴和1855黑安格斯牛肉讚不絕口。 1855黑安格斯牛肉是JBS旗下美國內布拉加洲的一個著名品牌,在家 族代代經營的牧場內飼養牛隻,累積多年豐富經驗。他們出產的牛肉 雪花紋分佈均勻、口感幼嫩、可塑性極高,是其他牛肉無可比擬的。 所有1855黑安格斯牛肉均取得美國農業部認證,並且以穀物餵飼牛隻 至少100日。1855黑安格斯牛肉無論在產品篩選、規格和食品安全方 面,均符合嚴格的項目標準,以確保產品的品質和供應的穩定性。而 全國出產的牛肉中,只有13%的產品能達到上述標準。



Grilled to Perfection

Cruz Zhang, Owner and Executive Chef of Hanyang Guan Barbecue Master restaurant in Shenzhen, is determined to prove that Korean barbeque can translate into a higher culinary art form Photography courtesy Hanyang Guan

FT(Foodtalk): Can you describe what drew you to working as a chef, and your career leading up to opening Hanyang Guan? CZ(Cruz Zhang): I entered the catering industry when I was 17 because I wanted a professional career and was passionate about food! At first I worked with Chinese before becoming fascinated with traditional Korean cuisine. I moved from Beijing to Zhejiang before coming to Shenzhen in 2005 to start Hanyang Guan. FT: What attracted you to working in this particular area of the restaurant industry? Were you previously a big barbeque fan? CZ: I’m a big meat fan and a real foodie and Korean barbecue definitely ticked those boxes for me. The combination possibilities of the different ingredients in this cuisine is fascinating, has unlimited potential and it’s also healthy, so that really sealed the deal.


Hanyang Guan

FT: You have visited Japan and Korea to study barbecue technology and research and development – what were the most important things you learned? How did you apply this at your restaurant? CZ: The most important thing I discovered is not only the importance of professional technology, but especially chefs willing to grow and improve. We also need to offer the best possible cuisine, which is original and different. So every year we arrange for our staff to study abroad, and also invite renowned chefs to train them.

深圳漢陽館燒烤大師餐廳創辦人兼行政總廚Cruz Zhang(張會宇),致力把韓國的燒烤料理帶到國際 舞台,把韓式燒烤昇華至更高的烹飪藝術境界 FT(Foodtalk): 可否分享一下你為何會成為一位廚師?漢陽館的 創辦歷程是什麼? CZ(Cruz Zhang): 我一直對食物充滿熱誠,並希望自己能在專

FT: Do you feel certain ingredients, especially meats, work better and reach their full potential when barbequed? And do you have anything like a signature dish at Hanyang Guan? CZ: Barbecue has a long history and as the earliest cooking method, both in the east and the west, is unique and irreplaceable. Our signature dish is ‘fruit jar steak’. We use more than ten kinds of fruit and vegetable juice to marinate beef short ribs for more than ten hours. It produces a rich gravy and fresh and tender texture, full of fruit and vegetable flavour.

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業領域中發展事業,因此17歲那年我便投身餐飲業。我以中式料 理入門,其後醉心於韓國料理。後來從北京移居到浙江,在2005 年來到深圳後便創立了漢陽館。 FT: 是什麼原因吸引你開辦韓式燒烤餐廳?你是否很久以前便熱 愛燒烤美食? CZ: 我喜歡吃肉,甚至可說是無肉不歡,因此韓式燒烤對我來說 簡直是最理想的美食。將各種不同食材配搭在一起是這種料理的 奇妙之處,菜式能有無限的可能性,不受任何食材限制,加上這 項料理本身是健康菜式,這就是我對韓式燒烤著迷的原因。



Consumers have begun to appreciate that this cooking method can draw the most delicious flavours from ingredients through a perfect combination of fire, meat, sauce and time

FT: What do you perceive as the main differences between western and Korean barbeque ingredients and techniques? Do you borrow any western techniques or styles at the restaurant? CZ: A main difference between Korean and western style barbecue are the sauces used. At Hanyang Guan we combine both styles – for example, Korean barbecue techniques with western seasonings and marinades to create an innovative barbecue experience. FT: What do you attribute to the huge rise in popularity of barbeque restaurants in China and elsewhere over the past few years? CZ: The development and growing popularity of

Hanyang Guan (Baoli) - private room


FT: 你曾在日本和韓國學習過有關燒烤的技巧和鑽研韓式燒烤。你 當時學到最重要的東西是什麼?你如何在你的餐廳運用這些知識? CF: 對廚師來說,我發現最重要的不單止在於他們的專業烹調技 術,更需要擁有一顆精進不休的決心。另外,我們亦需盡可能炮製 出獨一無二的完美菜式。因此每年我們都會安排員工到外地學習, 以及邀請各大名廚來培訓他們。 FT: 您會否覺得尤其如肉類這類食材,能透過燒烤將本身的味道發 揮得淋漓盡致?另外,漢陽館有沒有招牌菜式? CZ: 燒烤料理歷史悠久,亦是最早出現的烹調方法。這種烹調方式無 論在東方還是西方世界都是獨一無二,無可取代。我們的招牌菜是水 果牛排薈,當中運用了逾十種蔬果汁來將牛肋骨醃製超過十小時。 這樣,牛肉除了肉汁濃郁和口感柔軟外,亦會有濃濃的蔬果鮮味。

barbecue in recent years has been quite significant, primarily because consumers have begun to appreciate that this cooking method can draw the most delicious flavours from ingredients through a perfect combination of fire, meat, sauce and time. And it’s healthy. We believe we are leading the Korean barbecue trend in Shenzhen. And our customers back this up!

Hanyang Guan

FT: Hanyang Guan emphasises the delicacy of ingredients – is this possible to reflect in a barbeque environment? CZ: As the restaurant market becomes more sophisticated and diversified, with different kinds of themed restaurants, high quality ingredients are increasingly important. While a barbecue restaurant, Hanyang Guan is dedicated to offering the finest ingredients and cooking techniques for our customers. FT: What other kinds of cuisine do you enjoy cooking and eating? CZ: I’m a crazy fan of meat. But I enjoy combining what I already know of ingredients and local consumer preferences with different delicacies to create fusion cuisine.

Assorted beef

FT: 你認為西式和韓式燒烤在食材和烹調技巧上有什麼主要分 別?你會否將西式燒烤的烹飪技術或風格融會於餐廳菜式中? CZ: 韓式和西式燒烤的主要分別在於燒烤醬汁,而漢陽館的燒烤 料理集合了兩家之大成。舉例來說,我們會將韓式燒烤技術配合 西式的調味和醃製方法,來創造出新穎的燒烤美食。 FT: 過去幾年,中國和其他地方的燒烤餐廳愈見歡迎,你認為原 因是什麼? CZ: 燒烤美食的發展和普及在這幾年頗為明顯,主要是由於消費 者開始了解到這種料理不但健康,而且能透過火候、肉香、醬汁 和烹調時間的精心配合帶出食材的最佳風味。憑藉客人的支持, 漢陽館正於深圳領導韓式燒烤的潮流! FT: 漢陽館一直致力採用上乘食材,這在燒烤美食界中能反映出 來嗎? CZ: 目前餐廳市場變得越趨複雜和多元化,市場上出現了很多不 同類型的主題餐廳,因此高品質食材亦變得愈來愈受重視。漢陽 館作為一間燒烤餐廳,決心為客人提供最精美的食材和超卓的烹 調技巧。

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I’m a crazy fan of meat. But I enjoy combining what I already know of ingredients and local consumer preferences with different delicacies to create fusion cuisine

FT: If you were to expand would you be more likely to open another barbeque restaurant or something completely different? CZ: We do actually have another restaurant brand, Minikor, which we describe as “creative cuisine”. This is because while we offer a wide range of international cuisine including sushi, barbecue, fried chicken and more, we take an innovative approach, mixing and matching ingredients, cooking techniques and condiments. For example, we fry traditional Chinese noodles with ketchup and combine Korean fried rice cake with a white creamy sauce more typically used in western food. These dishes are very popular with our customers.

FT: 你還喜歡烹調和品嚐哪些菜式? CZ: 雖然我無法抗拒肉類的美味,但亦喜歡把食材菜式配合當地 顧客口味,配搭不同美食以創造出各種融合菜式。 FT: 如果要擴充業務,你會打算再開設一間燒烤餐廳,還是其他 完全不同類型的食店? CZ: 我們的確擁有另一個名為「Minikor」餐廳品牌,主打「創 意料理」。除了提供壽司、燒烤料理、炸雞等各種國際菜式之 外,我們亦會利用創意糅合各種食材、烹調技巧和調味料。例 如,我們會以茄汁來炒中國的傳統麵條,亦會在韓式年糕上加上 西式料理常用的白色奶油醬。我們的客人都十分喜歡這些創新菜 式。

Chilled beef short rib


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The Ultimate Cheesecake – Japanese Style

Angliss Guangzhou was privileged to have a Japanese master pastry chef lead a patisserie sharing session


ngliss Guangzhou recently hosted a patisserie master class with Japanese pastry chef master Tadashi Yanagi. Mr. Yanagi partnered with Kiri, the cream cheese manufacturer, to present Kiri Patisserie Sharing Session in Guangzhou for patisserie lovers. The event was held in the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, offering an elegant and low-key atmosphere of luxury to reflect the essence of Kiri.


廣州安得利福斯很榮幸地邀請到日本的糕點大師, 為大家帶來一場甜品分享會 日本烘焙界傳奇大師柳正司攜手Kiri奶油芝士於廣州為各烘焙愛 好者舉辦了一場Kiri甜品分享會。會場於低調而奢華的文華東方 酒店舉行,與Kiri低調高端的個性不謀而合。 柳正司大師不僅親手為客戶製作甜品及演示步驟,並為客戶解答 Kiri芝士在應用中的問題,突顯Kiri與別不同的口感和特性。

At the event, Mr. Yanagi provided a step-by-step pastry demonstration for guests, and shared tips using Kiri cheese in making pastries to bring out its exclusive texture and character. Quality ingredients are key to delicious patisserie, and cheesecake, despite its French origins, has become a ubiquitous dessert in Japan, mainly through Japanese pastry masters’ determination to excel in the field of western desserts. Knowing the imperative importance of ingredients, Mr. Yanagi therefore insists on using the best ingredients for his creations, which is why his gourmet pastries deliver exceptional taste and total satisfaction. Mr. Yanagi is the winner of the Japanese National Confectionary Cup and serves as the Vice Chairman of the Federation of Japan Confectionery Associations. He is also Managing Director of the Tokyo Confectionery Association, as well as a member of Le Cordon Bleu Japan, Disciples Escoffier and Yokohama French Food Culture Association.

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一道好的菜餚是否做得地道好吃,原材料的品質很重要,西式 甜品界同樣如此,雖然芝士蛋糕是法國的傳統甜品,但是卻在 日本發揚光大,這是因為日本在西點工藝上精益求精的精神, 讓日本的甜品地位與名聲享譽全球,而柳正司大師了解其中的 奧妙並一直堅持使用最優質的原材料,讓所有品嘗西式甜品的 人體驗到極致的感官享受。 柳正司不僅是洋菓子全國大賽冠軍、而且在世界甜點職人大賽 中以日本團團長兼國際評審身份參加,並榮獲冠軍。他亦擔任 「日本洋菓子協會連合會」公認技術指導副委員長、「東京都 洋菓子協會」常務理事、「法式料理研究學院」、「法國料理 Escoffier協會」、以及「橫濱法國料理飲食文化研究部協會」 會員。



Bakery Masters Lend Their Expertise at Industry Event Angliss Shenzhen and Nisshin Japanese Bakery Exhibition recently joined hands to give a fascinating demonstration on the science behind bakery


ngliss Shenzhen recently invited Satoru Yokoi, the fivestar bakery master of Meister (Baking Technology) Research & Development Division, as a guest speaker for a lecture on baking. Using toast as an example, Mr. Yokoi gave an in-depth analysis and demonstrated how the temperature of dough (20oC, 27oC and 30oC) can make a significant difference on toast and bakery products. Mr. Peng Chieh Wang, the winner of the 2018 Masters de la Boulangerie, also offered a series of bakery tutorials and exhibitions. Clients were impressed by the informative and valuable demonstrations by the two bakery masters, who generously shared their expertise with guests, making the event a great success.

安得利深圳攜手日清製粉,以科學展示一場精彩的麵 包演示會 10月23日,安得利(深圳)食品有限公司很榮幸邀請到日清製 粉‧東部技術中心的明星師傅-橫井 聡先生擔任一日客座講師, 以日常的麵包-烤面包(吐司)為例進行多層面分析。重點之一為「 麵團溫度」的差異,現場示範了利用20℃、27℃、30℃三種不 同的溫度所攪拌完成的麵團,比較各吐司出爐的狀態。 不僅如此,我們當天還邀請了世界麵包大師賽冠軍王鵬傑來為大 家製作更多的麵包教學與展示,兩位大師的精彩課程,讓不少客 戶驚嘆。現場氣氛十分熱鬧,參會的客戶們亦收穫不少。


foodtalk ISSUE 48


Travel Talk

A Truffling Trip to Italy A recent truffle-exploring odyssey to Italy proved to be an amazing once-in-a-lifetime experience


ruffles evoke an almost religious outpouring from foodies. While nothing special to look at, this amazing fungus produces such a rich, deep, earthy fragrance and taste that once experienced can never be forgotten. A subterranean species that typically grows around oak trees, there are more than seven truffle varieties found worldwide. The most common is the more affordable black truffle, while the elusive white kind, nicknamed “Earth’s gold” can fetch thousands of dollars per pound. Whatever their colour, however, they are rare, and highly sought-after. Although the Italian and French countryside are where most truffles are found, they are also native to (and cultivated in) Eastern Europe, Australia, New Zealand, the United States and other countries. For those who want to experience truffles without the accompanying price tag, products including truffleinfused oils, relishes, tapenades and even coffee are increasingly available.


令人難忘的意大利松露探索之旅 松露一直都是美食愛好者夢寐以求的珍貴食材。雖然這種頂級菌 類的外表平凡,但卻散發著濃郁而強烈的原始芳香,只要淺嚐一 口,它的味道必定令人畢生難忘。

foodtalk ISSUE 48

全世界共有七種以上的松露品種,這種從地底下生長的菌類通常 可在橡樹附近找到。最常見的是價錢較為大眾化的黑松露;而罕 見的白松露又稱為「地上的黃金」,每磅價錢可高達數千美元。 然而,不論任何顏色的松露都是稀有的寶物,深受美食界人士的 熱切追捧。雖然大部份松露都來自意大利和法國鄉郊,但也會在 東歐、澳洲、新西蘭、美國等國家生長(及培植)。 假如您希望以相宜的價錢體驗松露的滋味,可選擇購買以松露製 成的浸泡油、調味料、橄欖醬和咖啡,這些產品都越來越受歡 迎。 揭開松露的神秘面紗 安得利香港餐飲有限公司的 Ugo Pietroluongo 和 Eunice Tin, 最近前往又稱為「世界白松露之都」的意大利阿爾巴。他們趁著 松露的當造季節遠赴意大利東北部皮埃蒙特,探索這個蘊藏著松 露的神奇地區。 In search of mysterious mushrooms Ugo Pietroluongo and Eunice Tin from Angliss Hong Kong Foodservice were fortunate enough to recently embark on a trip to Alba, Italy – also known as “the world’s white truffle capital”. During the peak truffle season they travelled through this magical area in the Piemonte region, northeast Italy.

Paolo Stacchini 是國際阿爾巴白松露節中一位經驗豐富的松露 鑑賞專家,他向 Ugo 和 Eunice 講解了松露的歷史和豐富資訊, 當中最值得留意的莫過於名為「tuber magnatum pico」的白 松露。他們了解到松露的起源、尋找松露的方法,以及它們如此 珍貴和價值連城的原因。 二人更嘗試以視覺、觸覺(觸摸)和嗅覺(氣味)來評估松露的

Paolo Stacchini, a highly experienced truffle judge at the International Alba White Truffle Fair, educating them on their history and providing detailed information – in particular on the ‘tuber magnatum pico’, or white truffle. They learned about truffles’ origin, how they are located and why they are so precious and expensive. The two began to appreciate how to evaluate the quality of truffles, which is by visual, tactile (touch) and olfactory (smell) observations – a skill that cannot be acquired from a textbook but requires years of training and experience. To hunt for truffles, one needs a great sense of smell, a well-trained dog and a mental map passed down for generations of “trifulau to trifulau” (truffle hunters). Truffle quality depends on many factors, most importantly soil, vegetation and weather conditions such as rainfall and sunlight. The harvest varies year-on-year, and with its unpredictable nature good quality truffles are rare. The white truffle seasons generally starts the end of September and runs until the end of December.

品質。事實上,這些鑑賞技能需要經過日積月累的訓練和經驗 才能掌握,絕對不能只是紙上談兵。採集松露時,工作人員需 要具有靈敏的嗅覺、帶同一隻久經訓練的採集犬,以及具備在 trifulau(松露採集人員)之間代代相傳的環境感知能力。 松露的品質受很多因素影響,其中最重要的是土壤、植被,以及 雨量和陽光等天氣狀況。由於收成情況每年各異而且難以預測, 因此優質的松露相當罕有。一般來說,從九月底起直至十二月底 都是白松露的當造季節。 Ugo 和 Eunice 亦在 Tartufi Morra 體驗過特色熟食小店,並參 加了松露採集之旅。旅程中,見識廣博的松露專家向他們介紹了 很多有關松露的知識,令他們大開眼界之餘,更有信心向客戶和 同事講解和討論松露的特質和好處。松露這種食材在全球變得越 來越受歡迎,能夠親身體驗箇中的專門學問,絕對可以在這個競 爭激烈的市場中先拔頭籌。

They have also visited Tartufi Morra, its speciality deli and a truffle hunting tour. During their visit they had the pleasure of gaining an insight into truffles from the most knowledgeable in the business, they are now able to explain and discuss the properties and merits of truffles with customers and colleagues. As a product becoming increasingly popular worldwide, this first-hand experience is a major advantage in a competitive market.

foodtalk ISSUE 48



Kaya toast Photo Credit: misstamchiak

Looking to the Past for

Today’s Delicious Street Treats Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong’s street food culture is alive and well, still serving a unique blend of local and international classics


ne of this issue’s interview stars is Chef Jason Tan of Corner House Singapore, who grew up enjoying childhood street snacks such as kaya toast and neslo, which he has intriguingly interpreted on his restaurant menu. But what are these curiously western sounding foods and drinks, and where did they come from? Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong all have a similar cafe culture that borrows from western cuisine but with each given a unique local twist. Part based on indigenous ingredients, part from colonial history, they are primarily comfort foods designed to offer fast and delicious recharging of batteries before working people whizz off to their next appointment.


Chef Jason’s favourite kaya (coconut jam) toast is popular in his home of Singapore as well as in Malaysia. With a topping of sugar, coconut milk, pandan and often margarine or butter, it is primarily a breakfast staple, sometimes served with soft-boiled or fried eggs.

Nasi Lemak

Meanwhile Jason’s drink of choice is neslo, a combination of Nescafe and Milo, to impart a caffeine hit with delicious malty chocolate. One area Hong Kong and Singapore and Malaysia differ is the way their favourite hot beverages have lent their names to local cafes. Hong Kong’s chaan cha tengs, or teahouses, definitely serve more classic “silk stocking” tea – named for the shape of the filter. Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei and especially Malaysia have their own version in teh tarik – literally “pulled tea” after the brewing process, served at “kopi tiams” or traditional coffee shops. The drinks themselves are very similar however, as are many of the menu items, which include eggs and toast, fried and soup noodles, macaroni, chicken wings and curry. Meanwhile Malaysia ups the exotica with its favourite national dish of nasi lemak, which consists of coconut rice served with sambal chilli paste, egg, fried anchovies and chicken.

Photo Credit: TripCanvas

新加坡、馬來西亞和香港的街頭美食文化隨處可見,而 且別具特色,各種經典美食仍然糅合當地和國際色彩 今期採訪了多位飲食界之星,其中一位就是 Corner House Singapore 的主廚 Jason Tan,他從小就喜歡咖央多士和美祿咖 啡等街頭小食,他亦將這些美食在餐廳菜單中演繹成有趣的菜式。 然而,這些聽來像西式的新奇食品和飲料到底是什麼,它們又從 何而來? 雖然新加坡、馬來西亞和香港都擁有相似的咖啡文化,而且都源 自西式餐飲,但卻各自蘊藏著本地色彩。這些美食一方面運用本 地食材來炮製,一方面則富有殖民時期留傳下來的特色,即是以 快捷美味的簡單小食為主,為工人充充電、打打氣,以繼續應付 忙碌的工作。 Jason 主廚最心愛的咖央(椰子醬)多士是一款在新加坡和馬來 西亞深受歡迎的小食。這款多士鋪滿砂糖、椰奶和班蘭,一般配 以人造黃油或牛油,有時會搭配水煮蛋或煎蛋,是當地人的早餐 首選。 與此同時,Jason 亦喜歡美祿咖啡(Neslo),這款飲品結合了 雀巢咖啡(Nescafe)和美祿(Milo),咖啡因和麥芽朱古力互 相融合,產生了香濃可口的味道。 而香港與新加坡和馬來西亞之間的分別,就是當地咖啡館使用不 同方法以最受歡迎的熱飲命名。香港的茶餐廳以經典「絲襪奶 茶」(因製作奶茶的過濾器形狀與絲襪相似而得名)聞名。而新 加坡、印尼、文萊,還有特別是馬來西亞,則各有其獨特的拉 茶,這是一種在釀茶後將茶拉來拉去而製成的飲品,可在當地的 「kopi tiam」或傳統咖啡店品嚐。 事實上,各地的拉茶大同小異,其他美食也較為相似,例如雞蛋 配多士、炒麵和湯麵、通心粉、雞翼和咖哩。

Hong Kong style macaroni soup with ham

foodtalk ISSUE 48

另一方面,馬來西亞亦在其招牌椰漿飯中加入參巴辣椒醬、雞 蛋、江魚仔和雞肉,令菜式充滿異國特色。



Celebrated British chef brings two new restaurants Renowned British chef Simon Rogan is set to open Aulis Hong Kong, his first overseas concept in the heart of Hong Kong in early January 2019. This will be followed by Roganic Hong Kong in late February 2019. With five restaurants already in the UK, his first international dining destination will offer the season’s freshest produce in a multifunctional, high-tech space.

英國名廚登陸香港,率先開設兩間新餐廳 著名英國大廚 Simon Rogan 將於 2019 年 1 月上旬於香港核心地段開設首 間餐廳— Aulis Hong Kong ,而 Roganic Hong Kong 餐廳將緊接在 2019 年 2 月底開幕。Simon Rogan在英國已擁有五間餐廳,香港是他第開設一 間海外餐廳的地點。他將在多用途且高科技的食肆空間內,利用時令新鮮的 食材創作最具特色的美食。

Promotion for HKCEC Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre’s catering team has been given a boost with a new structure and fresh recruits bringing the number of F&B staff to 330. Now set to raise culinary and service standards even further, the restructuring comes as over 2.4 million people were catered for at the prestigious events and exhibitions centre during the year ending June 30, 2018

香港會議展覽中心推廣 香港會議展覽中心的餐飲團隊採用了全新人事架構和招聘新員工,使餐飲部員工人數增至 330 人,進一完善其服務質素。現時,團隊準 備進一步提高烹飪和服務標準,預計可在 2018 年 6 月 30 日前完成重組,接待逾240 萬賓客,鞏固其國際活動和展覽中心地位。


Cooking the books Nobu style Nobu restaurant at InterContinental Hong Kong recently hosted the Asia “World of Nobu” cookbook launch. The launch marked the second city on Chef Matsuhisa Nobu’s three-city tour, with events in Miami and London. The 419-page volume marks a multi-decade collaboration with more than 70 Nobu and Matsuhisa chefs. There are 40 Nobu restaurants, nine Matsuhisa restaurants and eight Nobu hotels worldwide.

煮出 Nobu 風味 香港洲際酒店 Nobu 餐廳舉行亞洲區《World of Nobu》廚藝新書發佈會。大廚 松久信幸將出席於三個城市舉行的新書發佈活動(包括邁阿密及倫敦),此次新 書發佈活動是行程的第二站。廚藝書共 419 頁,編撰歷時數十年,雲集全球70 名以上 Nobu 及 Matsuhisa 大廚的美食秘方,收錄了共 40 間 Nobu 餐廳、9 間 Matsuhisa 餐廳和 8 間 Nobu 酒店。

T'ang Court receives three Michelin stars for fourth year The Langham, Hong Kong’s T’ang Court has been awarded the coveted three Michelin stars in the Michelin Guide, Hong Kong and Macau 2019 for the fourth year in a row. It is one of only five Cantonese restaurants in the world to achieve this accolade. T’ang Court’s signature specialties include stir-fried fresh lobster, Peking duck and baked stuffed crab.

唐閣榮獲米芝蓮三星餐廳殊榮 位於香港朗廷酒店的唐閣連續第四年榮獲《米芝蓮指南香港澳門 2019》頒發備受 業界推崇的米芝蓮三星食府美譽,成為全球第五所榮獲此殊榮的粵菜餐廳之一。唐 閣的招牌菜包括三蔥爆龍蝦、北京填鴨及釀焗鮮蟹蓋。

Contemporary Chinese restaurant SHÈ opens SHÈ, a gourmet sanctuary concept, has opened at Lane Crawford department store at IFC Mall. A nature-inspired space with an alfresco terrace set against the backdrop of Victoria Harbour, SHÈ embodies modernity in both style and cuisine, representing a convergence between Asian and Western cultures. Cuisine follows suit with a modern take on traditional Chinese elements with a healthy twist.

當代中國餐廳 SHÈ 開幕 SHÈ 於國際金融中心商場連卡佛百貨公司開幕。SHÈ 的餐廳設計以大自然為靈感,設有可眺望維港的露天茶座,在時尚和美食方面均蘊 含現代風格,展現了亞洲和西方文化的融合。餐廳菜式採用現代烹調方法,揉合了傳統中國料理特色和健康食物元素。

foodtalk ISSUE 48



Six Senses Maxwell joins Duxton in Singapore Six Senses Maxwell has opened in Singapore, the second of two heritage buildings including Six Senses Duxton, that together form Six Senses Singapore. Split across two buildings and five minutes walking distance away, both add a touch of luxe to the vibrant Chinatown community. While Six Senses Duxton offers east meets west eclecticism, the 138-room Six Senses Maxwell melds tradition and modernity.

麥士威六善酒店登陸新加坡 新加坡六善酒店規模一分為二,由兩座翻新的歷史建築物組成。繼達士敦六 善酒店年初盛大開幕後,姐妹酒店麥士威六善酒店(Six Senses Maxwell) 亦 於新架坡正式開幕。兩座建築物僅相距五分鐘步程,為充滿活力的唐人街注 入一絲奢華感。達士敦六善酒店採用中西合璧的裝潢設計,而擁有 138 間客 房的麥士威六善酒店則揉合了傳統與現代的風格韻味。

Edition Hotels’ outpost The Shanghai Edition opens Rolling Stones’ offspring Georgia May and Lizzie Jagger, Theodora and Ella Richard partied until the early hours alongside other celebrities, influencers, fashion designers and sports stars to celebrate the latest chapter in the growing Edition Hotels legacy at the opening night of The Shanghai Edition.

艾迪遜酒店旗下的上海艾迪遜酒店正式開幕 上海艾迪遜酒店降重開幕,邀請了滾石樂隊成員的女兒Georgia May Jagger、Lizzie Jagger、Theodora Richards 、 Ella Richards 與城中名 人、KOL、時裝設計師和運動巨星出席開幕派對,席上一眾嘉賓狂歡達旦, 慶祝艾迪遜酒店的新里程碑。

Wine workshops in the sky Private aviation company VistaJet has announced the launch of The VistaJet Wine Program, designed to enhance the wine experience on its aircraft and at world destinations. The airline has created the first global programme to ensure guests enjoy the best possible wine while flying as well as catering to their needs when it comes to tasting, collecting and discovering wine.

雲端上的葡萄酒工作坊 私人飛機航空公司維思達公務機宣布推出「維思達公務機飛行品酒體驗」, 讓乘客在飛機上及全球智名產酒目的地,一嘗另類體驗。這是首個全球性的 飛行品酒體驗計劃,讓乘客在飛行時品嚐來自全球各地的美酒,同時滿足他 們對葡萄酒的品嘗、收藏及探索的需求。


Travelodge Hotels Asia continues expansion with first Seoul property Travelodge Hotels Asia has announced the opening of Travelodge Dongdaemun, its first hotel in Seoul, South Korea. Situated in the city’s central Jung District, the 242-room hotel is located near Euljiro 4-ga subway station, and a 10-minute walk from Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Gwangjang market and the impressive Dongdaemun City Gate, and adjacent to the bustling Itaewon shopping and entertainment district.

亞洲彩鴻酒店首度進軍首爾,擴充企業版圖 亞洲彩鴻酒店宣佈旗下彩鴻酒店東大門正式開幕,為集團首間位於韓 國首爾中區的酒店。酒店擁有 242 間客房,鄰近乙支路 4 街地鐵站, 距離東大門設計廣場、廣藏市場和宏偉的東大門城門只有約 10 分鐘步 程,並毗鄰繁華的梨泰院購物娛樂區。

Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants to return to Macau in 2019 Following the successful move to Macau in 2018, Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants awards ceremony and associated event programme will return there in 2019. The gala night on Tuesday March 26 will gather celebrated chefs, restaurateurs, industry VIPs and international media at Wynn Palace Cotai to reveal the 2019 list and special award winners.

2019亞洲 50 大最佳餐廳頒獎典禮 重臨澳門

亞洲 50 大最佳餐廳頒獎典禮繼 2018 年首度移師澳門並取得空前成功後,2019 年載譽歸來,聯同其他相關活動再次於澳門舉行。活動 晚宴於 3 月 26 日在路氹永利皇宮舉行,多位知名大廚、餐飲業界老闆、業界貴賓及國際媒體將聚首一堂,共同見證 2019 亞洲 50 大最 佳餐廳名單及特別獎項得獎者的誕生。

foodtalk ISSUE 48



Branches Singapore 新加坡

Angliss Singapore Pte Ltd 232 Pandan Loop, Singapore 128420 T. +65 6778 8787 | F. +65 6778 3966

Macau 澳門

Angliss Macau Food Service Limited 196-242 Rua dos Pescadores, Edf Industrial Ocean II Fase, 4-Andar C & D, Macau

Hangzhou 杭州

Shenzhen 深圳

Room 4001, 4/F, Block 1, No. 1191 Ling Ding Road, Jianggan District, Hangzhou, China

Building 3B, Block B, Baosheng Industrial District, No. 1 Mabu Road Bainikeng Village, Pinghu Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China

Angliss Shanghai Food Service Limited - Hangzhou Branch

上海安得列郎晴食品貿易有限公司-杭州分公司 杭州市江幹區臨丁路1191號1棟4層4001室 T. +86 571 8681 0896 | F. +86 571 8681 0196

Nanjing 南京

T. +853 2886 2886 | F. +853 2886 2828

No. 29-5 Changhong Road, Jianye District, Nanjing, China

Angliss Nanjing Food Service Limited 南京安必福食品有限公司 南京市建鄴區長虹路29-5 T. +86 25 8622 8102 | F. +86 25 8622 8102

Angliss Beijing Food Service Limited

Angliss Guangzhou Food Service Limited

安得利(北京)食品貿易有限公司 北京市大興區亦莊經濟技術開發區宏達南路10號

Unit 01-08, 25/F, Jia Xing Square, No. 22 Baiyun Road, Guangzhou, China

T. +86 10 8908 3501 | F: +86 10 8586 4880

廣州安得利福斯食品有限公司 廣州市越秀區白雲路22號嘉星廣場2501-2508室

Angliss Beijing Food Service Limited - Tianjin Branch Room 530, Yunhan Office Building, Hongqiao District, Tianjin, China

安得利(北京)食品貿易有限公司 - 天津分公司 天津市紅橋區雲漢寫字樓530室 T. +86 22 8729 0198

T. +86 20 8921 9188 | F. +86 20 8921 9168

安得利(瀋陽)食品貿易有限公司 瀋陽市渾南區渾南西路5號香龍閣2樓 T. +86 24 8122 1688 | F. +86 22 8122 1688

Chongqing 重慶

Angliss Chengdu Food Service Limited - Chongqing Branch Room 25-4, Unit 2, No. 19 Dapingzheng Street, Yuzhong District, Chongqing, China

成都安得利福斯食品有限公司-重慶辦事處 重慶市渝中區大坪正街19號英利國際2號25-4

Kunming 昆明

Angliss Chengdu Food Sevice Limited - Kunming Branch

T. +86 311 8262 1608

East Air Cargo Department (Yinxiang Warehouse), Wujiaba, Guandu District, Kunming, Yunnan, China

Shandong 山東

成都安得利福斯食品有限公司-昆明辦事處 雲南省昆明市官渡區巫家壩原東航空貨運部內 (銀翔倉庫收貨口)

T. +86 531 8711 9769

T. +86 871 6382 9678

Xiamen 廈門

Angliss Guangzhou Food Service Limited - Xiamen Branch

Shanxi 山西

Angliss Shanxi Food Service Limited

Room 303, Wanxiang Business Center (Airport North), No. 1690 Gangzhong Road, Huli District, Xiamen, China

Room 925, B Zone, 168 Block Feiyun International Office Building, No. 186 Pingyang Road, Xiaodian District, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China

廣州安得利福斯食品有限公司-廈門分公司 廈門湖裡區港中路1690號(機場北區) 萬翔商務中心304-2

山西安得利食品有限公司 太原市小店區平陽路186號168幢(飛雲國際) 西段B區9層0925號

T. +86 592 5635 630 | F. +86 592 5635 609

安得利(西安)食品有限公司 陝西省西安市經濟技術開發區草灘十路333號

Angliss Zhengzhou Food Service Limited Building No. 1-4/2-4 , Changtong Industrial Park, West Jiyuan Road, Huiji District, Zhengzhou, Henan, China

鄭州安得利食品有限公司 河南省鄭州市惠濟區紀元路西段 長通機電工業園1-4、2-4號廠房 T.+86 371 8991 0680 | F.+86 371 8991 0681

Hunan 湖南

Angliss Hunan Food Service Limited No.301, Building 1, Muyun Town Sci-Tech Park, Tianxin District, Changsha, Hunan, China

湖南安得利食品有限公司 湖南省長沙市天心區暮雲工業園新興科技產業園1棟3樓 T. +86 731 8556 9552 | F. +86 731 8556 9553

Wuhan 武漢

Angliss Wuhan Food Service Limited Building No. 4, D Block, Hua Zhong EnterprisesZone, North Hankou Road, Huangpi District,Wuhan, China

武漢安得利食品有限公司 武漢市黃陂區漢口北華中企業城D區4棟 T. +86 27 6180 0941 | F. +86 27 6180 0942

Haikou 海口

Angliss Haikou Food Service Limited No. 22, West Xingye Road, Hong Kong-Macau Industrial Zone, Xiuying District, Haikou, Hainan, China

海口安得利食品有限公司 海南省海口市秀英區港澳工業區興業西路22號 T. +86 898 6855 2915 | F. +86 898 6855 3455

Sanya 三亞

Angliss Sanya Food Service Limited

Foshan 佛山

Comprehensive Building, Block A, Yugehaiyun Residential, Hongsha Community, Sanya, Hainan, China

Shanghai 上海

Angliss Shanghai Food Service Limited

Ding Hao Cold Chain Logistics Industry Park, No.12 Jiangshaer Road, Zhangcha, Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China

三亞安得利食品有限公司 海南省三亞市吉陽區紅沙社區漁歌海韻A棟綜合樓 (一至三層商業)

5F., Block B, No. 4 Building, No. 1 Hongqiao Headquarters, No. 100 Zixiu Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China

佛山安得利食品有限公司 佛山市禪城區張槎江沙二路12號鼎昊冷鏈物流產業園

T. +86 351 8065 567

Angliss Foshan Food Service Limited

上海安得列郎晴食品貿易有限公司 上海市閔行區紫秀路100號虹橋總部1號4號樓5樓B座 T. +86 21 6073 2060 | F. +86 21 6073 2050


No.333, Grass Land Ten Road, Xi’an Economic and Technological Development Zone, Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, China

Zhengzhou 鄭州

成都安得利福斯食品有限公司 四川省成都市郫都區工業港北片區港通北四路870號2樓

Room 1107, E Block Haiyuetiandi Office Building, Qiaoxi District, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China

山東安得利食品貿易有限公司 山東省濟南市市中區綠地泉景雅園商務大廈1418室

Angliss Xi’an Food Service Limited

No. 870, 2/F, Gangtong North Four Road, Hongguang Town, Pi County, Chengdu, China

Angliss Shijiazhuang Food Service Limited

Room 1418, Greenland Jingya Garden Commercial Building, Central District, Jinan City, Shandong Province

Xi’an 西安

T. +86 29 8873 4883 | F. +86 29 8873 4883

Shijiazhuang 石家莊

Angliss Shandong Food Service Limited

南寧安得利食品有限公司 廣西省南寧市昆侖大道169號金橋農批市場19棟03B

Angliss Chengdu Food Service Limited

T. +86 23 6330 2009

安得利石家莊食品貿易有限公司 石家莊市橋西區金正海悅天地寫字樓E座1107室

No. 3, Building 19, Jinqiao farmers market, No. 169 Kunlun avenue, Nanning, Guangxi, China

Chengdu 成都

Shenyang 瀋陽

2/F, Xianglong Pavilion, 5 Hunnan West Road, Hunnan District, Shenyang, Liaoning, China

Angliss Nanning Food Service Limited

Guangzhou 廣州

T. +86 28 6496 7838 / +86 28 6496 6001

Angliss Shenyang Food Service Limited

Nanning 南寧

T. +86 771 3947 620 | F. +86 771 3947 646

No. 10 Hongda South Road, Yi Zhuang Economic & Technological Development Zone, Daxing District, Beijing, China

Tianjin 天津

安得利(深圳)食品有限公司 深圳巿龍崗區平湖鎮白坭坑村麻布路1號 寶盛工業區B區第3B棟 T. +86 755 2885 7688 | F. +86 755 2518 5406

安得利澳門飲食服務有限公司 澳門漁翁街196-242號海洋工業中心2期4樓C&D室

Beijing 北京

Angliss Shenzhen Food Service Limited

T. +86 898 8863 0698 F. +86 898 8863 0318 / +86 898 6595 4474

T. +86 757 8228 1651


Other Branches

PastryGlobal Food Service Limited

Flat B, 6/F, Yoo Hoo Tower, 38-42, Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T, Hong Kong

嘉寶食品有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號大鴻輝中心二期6樓B室 T. +852 2494 1900 | F. +852 3145 0756

Miumi International Food Company Limited

Flat A, 4/F, Yoo Hoo Tower, 38-42, Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T, Hong Kong

御海國際食品有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號大鴻輝中心二期4樓A室 T. +852 2494 4966 | F. +852 2439 4070

foodtalk 名廚坊

47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong (Pickup Point)

香港新界葵涌葵豐街47-51號 (取貨點)

T. +852 2615 0822 | F. +852 2615 0855

Hong Kong Island shop:

Linson Global Seafood Trading Limited 隆順環球海產貿易有限公司 47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong


T. +852 2573 7433 | F. +852 2838 4071

Gourmet Cuisine Hong Kong Limited

Flat A, 6/F, Yoo Hoo Tower, 38-42, Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T, Hong Kong

高美食材香港有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號大鴻輝中心二期6樓A室 T. +852 2494 1977 | F. +852 2439 5055

Lou Lou Food Market

47-51 Kawi Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T. Hong Kong

香港新界葵涌葵豐街47-51號 E:

G/F, 23 First Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong


T. +852 2615 0338 | F. +852 2559 3938

Kowloon shop:

G/F, 21 Nanking Street, Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong


T. +852 2615 9187 | F. +852 2615 9287

Miumi Tokyo Co Ltd 御海東京株式會社 5F Onarimon Excellent Bldg. 1-1-32 Shibadaimon, Minato-ku, 105-0012, Tokyo Japan T. +81 3 6721 5689 | F. +81 3 6721 5693

Angliss Singapore Gourmet Partner Pte. Ltd 232 Pandan Loop, Singapore 128420 T. +65 6602 0790 | F. +65 6778 0153

Gourmet Partner (M) Sdn Bhd Sweet la Vie

47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong

香港新界葵涌葵豐街47-51號 T. +852 2494 4988 | F. +852 2494 4987

Miumi Japan Food (A Division of Angliss Singapore Pte Ltd)

No. 12, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/48, Kota Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia T. +603 5122 6601 | F. +603 5121 0601

232 Pandan Loop, Singapore 128420


T. +65 6777 2112 | F. +65 6779 7666

Gourmet Partner Vietnam

M Floor, Phu Nu Building, 20 Nguyen Dang Giai, Thao Dien Ward, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam T. +84 (0)28 363 615 71-72

FoodPride Him Kee Food Distribution Company Limited

1 Second Chin Bee Road, Singapore 618768 T. +65 6275 9275 | F. +65 6863 3855

Bidfood Malaysia Sdn Bhd

Flat B, 4/F, Yoo Hoo Tower, 38-42, Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T, Hong Kong

No.12, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/48, Seksyen 31, Kota Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia T. +603 5131 6399 | F: +603 5131 9233

謙記食品貿易有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號大鴻輝中心二期4樓B室 T. +852 2836 6888 | F. +852 2440 0405

Shenzhen Goodmaster Food Company Limited Buliding 18, Block B, Baosheng Industrial District, No. 3-1 Mabu Road, Bainikeng Village, Pinghu Town, Shenzhen, China

深圳市高美食品有限公司 深圳市龍崗區平湖街道白泥坑社區麻布路3-1號 寶盛工業區B區18棟 T. +86 755 2885 6766 | F. +86 755 2885 6765

Natural and Organic Global Limited

Flat B, 4/F, Yoo Hoo Tower, 38-42, Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T, Hong Kong

安機源優質食材有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號大鴻輝中心二期4樓B室 T. +852 2494 2214 | F. +852 3015 2834

Bidfood China Limited

Room 301, No. 5 Building, No. 100 Zixiu Road, Shanghai 201103, China

上海市閔行區紫秀路100號 (虹橋1號) 5號樓301室 T. +86 21 6071 2300 | F. +86 21 6071 7360





foodtalk ISSUE 48


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