2/12/23 Angola Pennysaver

Page 4

ANGOLA PENNYSAVER FEBRUARY 12, 2023 / PAGE 1 Serving Angola, Derby, Brant, Farnham, Irving and Lakeview 19 Center St., Angola, N.Y. 14006 Phone: 549-1164 Fax: 549-1611 E-mail: info@angolapennysaver.com February 12, 2023 93rd Year 7th Week 11208 Gowanda State Road North Collins, NY 14111 (716) 337- 4700 CHEVY BUICK Towne Chevy Buick has all of your vehicle service needs covered. We’re ready to help you... right on Route 62! (716) 244 - 6251 Call Today! No appointment necessary! www.TowneChevyBuick.com 2023 EQUINOX LS AWD 24 month lease @ $299/month 10k/year with $3,500 due at signing [Stk# T23413. Leases must have Chevy lease in household. Purchase must have a 2009 or newer Chevrolet in household.] $27,287 or Sale Price 2023 EQUINOX LT AWD 24 month lease @ $319/month 10k/year with $3,500 due at signing [Stk# T23415/T23418. Leases must have Chevy lease in household. Purchase must have a 2009 or newer Chevrolet in household.] $28,980 or Sale Price 2023 CHEVY 2500HD HIGH COUNTRY Duramax Diesel, Z-71, 20” polished aluminum wheels, full safety package, power sunroof, gooseneck/5th wheel prep package & much more! $83,905* 2023 CHEVY 2500HD Sale Price *After Rebate Bright red custom, remote start, 6.6L gas V-8, snow plow prep, dark essentials package, Sirius XM, trailer brake controller $53,986* Sale Price *After Rebate Double door 4x4, V8, great shape, hunter green met paint, alum wheels, 81k miles. Won’t last! $24,881 Sale Price 2020 GMC ACADIA SLE AWD Rare 2.0 turbo, green met paint. Sold new here. Super clean in & out. Only 16,600 miles. $22,916 2018 CHEVY EQUINOX LT AWD Sale Price Ext cab, alum wheels, trl pkg. Sold & serviced here. Fresh trade in. 59k miles. $25,959 Sale Price 7 passenger, glossy black met paint. Loaded. Fresh trade in. 61k miles. $26,661 Sale Price 2017 BMW X3 AWD XDRIVE28i 2022 GMC TERRAIN SLE AWD 2017 SUBARU CROSSTREK Symmetrical AWD system, great in the snow. Like new inside & out. Only 54k lady-driven miles. $18,990 Sale Price Snow white ext. Fun to drive SUV, pano roof, navigation, fully loaded w/ BMWs finest options. 47k miles. $25,947 Sale Price Like brand new! Only 8k miles. Sale priced to move! $28,908 Sale Price 7 passenger, diamond white paint, black leather interior, only dual pano sunroof, trailer package. Only 17k miles. $36,517 Sale Price oooATTENTION ANGOLA GM CUSTOMERS oo Only 10 minutes from Angola! 2020 CHEVY TRAVERSE PREMIER 2018 CHEVY COLORADO 4X4 LT 2015 CHEVY SILVERADO NEW VEHICLES NEW VEHICLES NEW VEHICLES NEW VEHICLES NEW VEHICLES USED VEHICLES USED VEHICLES USED VEHICLES USED VEHICLES USED VEHICLES 8923 Erie Rd (Rte 5), Angola 549-7117 EST. 1981 WE DELIVER! Order online at PATSPIZZA.NET Save $1.00! HAM & CHEESE SUB $8.95 GOOD 2/11 thru 2/17 • NO COUPON NEEDED


REGAL CINEMAS Gift Certificates available at A VILLAGE LOCKSMITH.

FOR RENT: Large and small hall, air conditioned, for weddings, banquets, parties, etc. Special rates for group functions. LAKE ERIE BEACH FIRE CO. Call at the Hall 549-6054

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School Proudly
www.showtix4u.com (walk-ins welcome!) Questions? Call Mr. Jeff Connors for more info at (716)926-2345 * Check out the Annual LSHS Art Department Furniture Silent Auction to Support the Scholarship Fund! *Please note this year’s musical will be performed at the Middle School Evans Residents and/or property owners PROOF OF RESIDENCY IS REQUIRED. Shelters are reserved on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED basis. FEE to reserve pavilion/shelters. NO REFUNDS ON SHELTERS OR PAVILIONS UNLESS YOU CANCEL AT LEAST 10 DAYS PRIOR TO YOUR RESERVATION DATE. TOWN PARK – PAVILLIONS & SHELTERS Pavillion #1 (Parkside) $ 100.00 Pavillion #2 (Beachside) $ 200.00 Small Shelters $ 30.00 Two Small Shelters $ 55.00 Three Small Shelters $ 75.00 Prices for the 2023 season are as follows: Sahlen’s Ham .......................................................... $6.99 lb. Premium Roast Beef ..................................... $9.99 lb. Margherita Salami ................................................. $7.99 lb. Butterball Turkey ................................................... $8.99 lb. All Natural Plainville Turkey................................$10.99 lb. Krakus Ham ............................................................ $7.99 lb. We carry Costanzo Rolls! Rou te 5 Der by • (716)947-9256 (Across from McDonald’s)
BY DE LI New! PLACE YOUR FOOTBALL ORDERS HERE! Paid for by Mom & Dad MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2023 5PM-7PM The Shore House Bar & Grill 6558 Lake Shore Rd., Derby NY 14047 Happy Hour Snacks and Refreshments Please RSVP by 2/15/23 to campaignmasullo@gmail.com Paid for by Mom & Dad Masullo $30/person • $50/couple • $25/GOP Committee Member SPONSORSHIPS: $99 Silver • $200 Gold • $350 Platinum • $500 Event Sponsor
Lake Shore High


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Caring for an aging loved one? Wondering about options like senior-living communities and in-home care? Caring.com’s Family Advisors help take the guesswork out of senior care for your family. Free, no-obligation consult: 1-855-7591407


HughesNet - Finally, super-fast internet no matter where you live. 25 Mbps just $59.99/mo! Unlimited Data is Here. Stream Video. Bundle TV & Internet. Free Installation. Call 866-499 -0141


THE TAX WIZARD: Now taking appointments for 2022 returns. 5893 Camp Rd., Hamburg. 648-2288.



Attention: Oxygen Users! Gain freedom with a Portable OxygenConcentrator! No more heavy tanks and refills! Guaranteed Lowest Prices!Call the Oxygen Concentrator Store: 855839-1738

DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance - NOT just a discount plan. Do not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 1-855434-9221 www.dental50plus.com/44 #6258

VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 50 Generic Pills SPECIAL $99.00. 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-445-5928 Hablamos




The Generac PWRcell solar plus battery storage system. Save money, reduce reliance on grid, prepare for outages & power your home. Full installation services. $0 down financing option. Request free no obligation quote.

Help Wanted LABORER: Travel and overtime required. Out of state work for Bleacher Manufacturer. Laborer base rate $18.-$20. Depending on experience + benefits. Some prevailing wage work at $40.- $60. an hour. Potential income $60,000 to $80,000. a year. APPLY IN PERSON ONLY, Monday-Friday 8:30-3:00 @ E&D Specialty Stands, 2081 Franklin Street North Collins, (EOE)


Prepare for power outages today with a GENERAC home standby generator $0 Down + Low Monthly Pmt Request a free Quote. Call before the next power outage: 1-855-948-6176

KIRBY “Ultimate” Vacuum Cleaner. Runs Great! Has all attachments. Converts to carpet shampoo system. $50.00. 716-341-5432


ALL YOUR HANDYMAN NEEDS. Also includes underground water and drainage issues. 716-570-0762

HANDYMAN with Tools. I DO ODD JOBS! Also have Super Duty Van and Cargo Utility trailer. No job too small. 716-254-7130


CARPENTER FOR HIRE: 30 Years Experience. Large or small jobs. Call John Vacanti, 549-3319.

BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months!

Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: 855-761-1725

ANGOLA PENNYSAVER FEBRUARY 12, 2023 / PAGE 3 Keep your valuables protected in these unprecedented times Monday - Friday 9am-5pm SHIP YOUR PACKAGES HERE! WE SUPPLY & PROGRAM KEYS FOR CARS Stay safe! Buy a safe! We sell safes! WE COPY COVID CARDS! Come see us to reduce a copy of your card to wallet size! Jon Singleton Owner/Plumber jon@combatplumbingllc.com Licensed & Insured “We’ll Combat All Of Your Plumbing Needs” (716) 226-1520 Based in Angola, NY Serving Buffalo & the Southtowns www.combatplumbingllc.com The Tree Surgeon Complete Tree Service 549-2922 Free Estimates • Fully Insured Trimming Removal Stump Grinding Firewood Storm Damage
daily at
11am (noon on
The American Legion Post 928
MONDAY: $2.50 Texas Hots
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February 23, 2023

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We will happily recycle tubes (and/or brackets & poles) or pass it on to someone else in need.

Please return to our office at 19 Center Street, Village of Angola.

If returned after business hours, tubes can be left on our front loading dock. Carbeck ••• •••
Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule free LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-833610-1936

Thank you God, I have been blessed!


TOM VAYO PAINTING: Exterior/ Interior Painting, Drywall/ Plaster Repair. 30 years experience. Insured. Call 880-0858.


ATTENTION ALL CAT LOVERS- Permanent home, foster homes and volunteers are needed for TEN LIVES CLUB, a cat and kitten adoption organization. If you can help please call 646-5577.

GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES. Family raised. Both parents AKC. Shots and wormed with Veterinarian’s Certificate of Health. $1000. 716-254-1859

JAMCO KENNEL: Now open under new management. Call us for your boarding, grooming and training needs. Great prices. 716549-1509


: For Sale. Call or text 716512-0419


T & S DRYWALL - No job too huge, no job too tiny. Free estimate. (716)6097821

k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k Happy 26th Valenversary “Daddy”! My life-long “Soul-Mate” (2/14/23) Happy 69th Birthday Michael! It’s your last year as a sexagenarian! (2/23/23) Happy 26th Birthday to our beautiful baby boy, Richard! (3/2/23)
Forever With all my love, Robin (Mama) k k k k k k k k k k Still the Best Investment! Lynda Mason Licensed Associate Broker Cell: 998-1155 Office: 648-2100 (716) 998-1155 Call Lynda MAGAVERN & SCOTT, P.C. Prepare for Power Outages & Save Money REQUEST A FREE QUOTE! ACT NOW TO RECEIVE A $300 SPECIAL OFFER!* (877) 350-0197 *O er value when purchased at retail. Solar panels sold separately.

From The Old Photo Album Remembering the Blizzard of 1977

In this photo we find Sam Mogavero and a helper, shoveling snow off the Farnham School steps during Blizzard of 1977. Wow – that’s a pile of snow! Sam Mogavero was custodian at the Farnham School which was located on the corner of Route 5 and Commercial Street (where the Dollar General Store stands today). This photo along with other items, was donated to the historical society by Don and Diane Mogavero.

Contributed by Brant- Farnham Historical Society

Members of the Brant Town Board hosted the Tree Lighting Ceremony. Pictured (L-R) are Janice Ross, Donna Marien, Santa Claus (not a board member!), Mike Muffoletto & Supervisor Mark DeCarlo.

Tree Lighting Ceremony at the Brant Town Hall

The Brant Town Board hosted their 3rd annual tree lighting ceremony at the Brant Town Hall on December 4th, 2022. After members of the board decorated the tree with lights, Father Frank Kadryna of Parish of Our Lady Church, Brant, N.Y. said a special blessing for the Christmas tree. Brant resident Joe Gardegyn was selected as the “Official Tree Lighter” this year.

It was a bitter cold winter evening, however quite a few hardy people were in attendance - with the young folks very excited to meet with Santa Claus! A school bell announced the arrival of jolly old Santa just prior to the tree lighting ceremony. Santa listened intently to everyone’s Christmas “wish lists”, posed for photos and provided each visitor with a candy filled cane, before saying goodnight with a robust “HO HO HO”. Hot cocoa and treats were available throughout the event.

Contributed by Brant- Farnham Historical Society

PAGE 6 / FEBRUARY 12, 2023 ANGOLA PENNYSAVER Tree Service & Landscaping (716) 983-7513 Experienced & Insured Professional Care for your Tree & Landscaping needs Call for an estimate! • Tree Removal • Cabling • Tree Trimming • Plantings • Storm Damage, Grading & Drainage Issues NOW IS THE OPTIMAL TIME TO TRIM, TOP & THIN TREES TO PROTECT HEALTH & LONGEVITY!
Use your TAX RETURN money for Low Down Payments, Move Right In! Start Spring in your OWN NEW HOME!! a SAVE THE SALES TAX WITH NEW HOME PURCHASE * WWW.TRITONVALLEYESTATES.COM Triton Valley Estates 8017 Erie Road (Rt. 5), Derby 716-549-3737 Home is where your heart is! “Helping Western New York Find Their Way Home!!” Must be contracted by: 3/15/23 TRITON VALLEY ESTATES aa aa HOME SHOW SPECIAL: *Up to $4500 See you at the Home Show! February 23rd - 26th @ The Hamburg Fairgrounds
Capturing some “Kodak Moments” with Santa Claus!
ANGOLA PENNYSAVER FEBRUARY 12, 2023 / PAGE 7 Valentines Day Gift Guide Your local guide to giving something they’ll Love! Bring your Valentine to Pasquale’s! 6824 Erie Rd., Derby 947-9171 d Gift Cards Available d Full Service Bar We have dinner specials that will touch your heart! For Reservations Call 947-9171 We buy your gold, silver, diamonds and coins • Watch batteries always $5! We offer B/W & Color copies & fax service “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend” Surprise your Sweetheart with something special this Valentine’s Day! Fantastic prices on Diamond Rings Limited one-of-a-kind pieces of fine jewelry J & L JEWELERS 6929 Route 5, Derby • 947-4810 Best jewelry repair in town! Hours: Tues. - Fri. 9-4; Sat. 8-12; Closed Sunday & Monday Increase energy and eliminate fatigue • Feel rested and sleep better • Balance hormones and sugar levels • Temper migraines and food sensitivities • Eliminate skin conditions like eczema & psoriasis Your body is worthy of good care... 77 N. Main Street, Village of Angola (716) 217-8009 Open Tues - Fri 7AM-4PM; Sat 7AM-2PM www.azaliasjuicery.com ... juice up! 2022 Best Healthy Meal Prep f Share the Love KITCHEN & CATERING 6888 Erie Road, Downtown Derby (716) 947-5211 www.derbycalas.com Cala’s DINNER FOR you ! Treat yourself to a delicious 4 course meal! $29.95 only o Tuesday, Feb. 14, 4-8pm


ALL PLUMBING REPAIRS: Large/ small. Licensed/ insured. FREE estimates. Please call RICK. 716-3813525.


HALL FOR RENT: Large air conditioned for Banquets, Weddings, Retirements, Birthdays, etc. Great rates. Southtowns Walleye Assn. of WNY. Call Jeff (716)9095215 or the Office (716)6498202.


LANDLORDS: I need a 2 or 3 bedroom house for good tenants. Rent to $1100. Please contact me asap. Lynda Mason 716-998-1155

MELODY MEADOWS New Double Wide Home FOR SALE. $159,500 (716)5495995

FOR SALE - Mobile Home, Melody Meadows - 2 bedroom, 1 bath, attached garage. Full metal roof. $22,000/ BO. 716-243-9074


Need some help?

Room count is considered 2 words (3 BR)

are considered 2 words (house number, street)


O.B.O is considered 3 words (Or Best Offer) E.O.E is considered 3 words (Equal Opportunity Employer)


“THE TREE SURGEON” Tree removal, trimming, stump grinding, lot clearing. Firewood. Reasonable prices. Free estimates. Fully Insured. 549-2922.


Mon: 9-4 Tues: 9-4 Wed: 9-4 Thur: 9-2 Fri: 9-Noon Deadline: Wed @ 2PM

NAME: _____________________________________________ EMAIL: ______________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ PHONE: (__________) -___________-______________ # of Weeks: _________________ [ ] Cash [ ] Check: No. [ ] Charge: Card No.____________________________________ Exp. Date_______/_______ Security Code __________ Amount Due: $_______________ DEADLINE: Wednesday, 2:00 PM
[ ] EDEN-N.C.:
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[ ] ANGOLA: 15 words or less - $10.00; 25¢ each additional word
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Phone numbers are considered 1 word Dates are considered 2 words (month, date) Addresses
Circle the number in the boxes above that you want to bold [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Add a grabber to the beginning of my ad [ ] Add bolding to my ad [ ] Add the attached photo to my ad The Angola Pennysaver • 19 Center Street, Angola NY 14006 • 549-1164

Loretta Ann Giambrone

Loretta Ann Giambrone of Brant, NY entered into rest on February 4, 2023. Beloved wife of Joseph Giambrone. Loving mother of Joseph (Carla) Giambrone, John (Kristie) Giambrone, Gina (Joe) DeMaria and Tina (John) Sotanski. Sister of Frank Zanghi. Loving grandmother of Eric, Nate, Brianna, Jocelyn, Jillian, Jonathon, Elizabeth and Joe. Great Grandmother of Liam and Henry. Funeral services will be held at the convenience of the family. Arrangements by the Addison Funeral Home, Inc. Angola.

Robin B. Rich

Robin B. Rich of Angola, died Tuesday February 7, 2023 in Buffalo General Hospital, he was 54. Loving father of Josh Taylor. Son of the late Frank and Joan Rich. Brother of Randy L. Rich. Also survived by many cousins. Friend may call Saturday, February 11, 2023 from 10AM – 12:00PM at the Addison Funeral Home, Inc., Angola, where services will follow at 12 PM.

Evelyn M. Brogcinski (nee Freiburger)

Santa Marie Baumea (nee Lauricella)

Santa Marie Baumea (nee Lauricella) of Farnham NY entered into rest February 7, 2023 at age 78. Wife of the late Robert C. Baumea; dearest mother of Marc (Robyn) Balistrieri; sister of Suzanne (Late John) Tucker; grandmother of Anthony and Michael (Breanna) Balistrieri; great grandmother of Ivy Rose. Arrangements entrusted to the Addison Funeral Home, Inc. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held Friday, February 10, 2023 at 10:30 AM in St. Anthony’s R.C. Church, Farnham. Interment will follow in St. Vincent de Paul Cemetery, North Evans, NY.

Evelyn M. Brogcinski (nee Freiburger) of Derby, NY entered into rest on January 25, 2023. Beloved wife of Joseph Brogcinski. Dear Mother of Richard (Sarah) and Michael (Diane) Brogcinski; Grandmother of Lindsey, Eric and Audrey. Sister of Dolores (late Robert) Zilliox; predeceased by 3 sisters and 2 brothers. Survived by Nieces and Nephews. No prior visitation. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated Saturday January 28, 2023 at St John Paul II Church, Lake View. Arrangements by Latimore-Schiavone Funeral Home, Inc., Angola.

Patricia A. Small (nee LaBruna)

Patricia A. Small (LaBruna) of Derby, NY entered into rest on February 7, 2023.

Daughter of the late Nicholas and Marie LaBruna. Beloved wife of Wilson Small. Loving mother of Nikki Bradford, Jason Small and Sheri (late Daniel) Caro. Caring grandmother of Elizabeth and Ryan. Sister of late Carmen LaBruna. Following Patricia’s wishes no visitation or services will be held at this time.

Words of sympathy may be made on www.LaingFuneralHome.com


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SCS Celebrates Catholic Schools Week

To celebrate Catholic Schools Week here at Southtowns Catholic School, we have been having fun with themed dress-down days such as: "Dress as You Dream Job" and decades day. In the afternoons, we have had entertaining activities for the students and staff to participate in. We saw the Principal and Assistant Principal get pied in the face by students, we shook things up a bit and did a teacher swap, and there was a school-wide game of BINGO. We even had a student vs. faculty basketball game where the students ultimately took home a win. The teachers did not walk away empty-handed, they went home very sore and very tired.

What’s New at the Library

Adult Books


Racing the Light, Robert Crais

Long Shadows, David Baldacci

Lucy by the Sea, Elizabeth Strout

The Maze, Nelson DeMille

The Family Remains, Lisa Jewell

The Last Chairlift, John Irving

The Stranger Vanishes, Wendy Corsi Staub

This Girl, Colleen Hoover

The Final Gambit, Jenifer Lynn Barnes

Sugaring Off, Gillian French

Hollow Fires, Samira Ahmed

A Thousand Heartbeats, Kiera Cass

Nightwing Vol. 2: Get Grayson, Tom Taylor


Saving Buffalo Baseball: The 1956 Buffalo Bisons, Howard Henry Jr

Holiday Cookies: More Than 100 Very Merry Recipes, Brian Hart Hoffman

Signs & Skymates: The Ultimate Guide to Astrological Compatibility, Dosse-Via Trenou

Our Book of Awesome: A Celebration of the Small Joys That Bring Us Together, Neil Pasricha


The Flight Attendant Season One and Two

Ticket to Paradise

The Possessed

Contributed by Southtowns Catholic School Tar

Halloween Ends

Dead for a Dollar

Prey for the Devil

Secret Headquarters

The Banshees of Inisherin

Star Trek Discovery Season 4

Children’s Books


Dogman: Lord of the Fleas, Dav Pilkey

Dogman: For Whom the Bell Rolls, Dav Pilkey

Dogman: Mothering Heights, Dav Pilkey

The Sun Is Late and So Is the Farmer, Philip Stead Big Nate: Beware of Low-Flying Corn Muffins, Lincoln Peirce

Parker Grows a Garden, Parker Curry

I Am Quiet, Andie Powers

Contributed by the Angola Public Library

Amsterdam Till Hot Seat
Black Adam Bandit
The Menu
ANGOLA PENNYSAVER FEBRUARY 12, 2023 / PAGE 11 Timothy J. Hoelzle HOELZLE CONSTRUCTION General Contracting Custom Built Renovations Additions HOELZLE CONSTRUCTION 882-3587 / 947-9071 / 672-5166 FAX 947-4995 Bonded Insured 6926 Erie Road Tops Plaza Derby, New York SouthWeste Self Storage for RV’s, Storage 549-0338 1670 Eden-Evans Meyer ’s V “We Repair Any Vacuum Big or Small All Tune-Ups $9.99+ 93 Lake Street, Hamburg (Across from Noco) 649-5582 • Auto Lock Specialists • Safe Sales & Servicing • Locks Sold & Installed • Door Closers/Panic Bars Bonnie’s Photo Imagery (716) 947-5401 www.bonniesphotoimagery.net Walter Rooth, Attorney at Former DWI Chief Real Estate • Wills DWI • Criminal 296 Buffalo Street Hamburg, NY 14075 roothw3@msc.com • www.walterfrooth.com YOUR AD HERE Attract new customers with the help of the Angola Pennysaver. LOW WEEKLY RATES! 549-1164 Angola Pennysaver Business Directory To advertise in this section call 549-1164 6790 Erie Rd. (Route 5) • Derby, NY 14047 716-947-4566 Camus Auto Quality Automotive Repair Dave Camus Owner Butch Gillette Jr. Shop Manager Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8-6; Sat. 8-4; Sun. 9-1 Get the Good Stuff! ANGOLA TRUCK & AUTO SUPPLY 8814 Erie Road, Angola, NY 14006 • 549-1106 • Automotive • Trucks • Heavy Duty • Farm/Ag • Marine • Lawn & Garden Remodeling • T rim • • • • • Windows • Doors • Decks • • • • Derrick Frank FREE ESTIMATES LICENSED & INSURED (716) 992-9642 FRANK BUILDERS • Additions • Roofs Siding • Gutters • Drywall • Cabinets Earl’s Plumbing & Heating New Installation or Ser vice for: Furnaces, Boilers, Plumbing, Drain Cleaning & Sheet Metal Work LICENSED & INSURED - OVER 30 YEARS! - FREE ESTIMATES$5.00 OFF with this ad 992-4388 INSURED Wetzler Electric • Service Upgrades • New Wiring & Repairs • 240 Lines • Hot Tubs Mobile: 480-5748 Phone: 947-3195 8428 Erie Road, Angola, NY 549-5224 DON’S HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE Serving the area for 32 years. FREE ESTIMATES ON NEW INSTALLATIONS LOCKOUT SERVICE FAX 947-4995 Bonded Insured 6926 Erie Road Tops Plaza Derby, New York Affiliated Locksmith • Commercial & Residential • Auto Lock Specialists • Safe Sales & Servicing • Locks Sold & Installed • Door Closers/Panic Bars Tom Goodrich 868-4352 • Roofing • Decks • Windows • Doors • Garages • Siding • Metal Trim • Interior Alteration • Flooring • Trim Work • Bathroom Remodels • Kitchen Remodels Live Here - Work Here T.M. GOODRICH CONSTRUCTION WE DO PRINTING The Angola Pennysaver, Inc. (716) 549-1164 printing@angolapennysaver.com For prices, samples & info give us a call! [ ] Banners | Brouchures | Business Cards Carbonless Forms | Custom Stickers Envelopes | Event Tickets | Flyers | Invitations Lawn Signs | Magnets | Menus | Post Cards Programs | Promotional Items | Stamps


Serving the Angola, NY area with a variety of personal legal services:

•Real Estate Closings

•Wills & Estates

• Divorce and Separation/ Family Law

• Criminal Law

• Vehicle & Traffic • DWI

•Land lord/Tenant

General Inquiries : info@angolapennysaver.com

James Austin, Presidents : JCAustin@angolapennysaver.com

Kathy Austin, President : KathyJAustin@angolapennysaver.com

Kristen Biondi, Office Manager : Kristen.Biondi@angolapennysaver.com

Rhonda Davis, Administrative Assistant : Rhonda@angolapennysaver.com

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• Personal Injury John Grennell, Esquire Life-Long Local Resident 11 Maple Street, Angola, New York 14006 (716) 549-0810, Ext. 33 • (716) 549-6581 Fax j.grennell@yahoo.com Call today and receive a FREE SHOWER PACKAGE PLUS $1600 OFF With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-In Tub. Not applicable with any previous walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must present offer at time of purchase. CSLB 1082165 NSCB 0082999 0083445 1-855-417-1306 SPECIALOFFER Banners | Brouchures | Business Cards | Carbonless Forms Envelopes | Event Tickets | Flyers | Invitations | Lawn Signs Magnets | Menus | Post Cards | Programs | Stamps For prices, samples & info give us a call! [ ] The Angola Pennysaver, Inc. 716-549-1164 printing@angolapennysaver.com WE DO PRINTING Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (866) 643-0438 $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* A $695 Value!

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