5/7/23 Angola Pennysaver

Page 5

ANGOLA PENNYSAVER MAY 7, 2023 / PAGE 1 Serving Angola, Derby, Brant, Farnham, Irving and Lakeview 19 Center St., Angola, N.Y. 14006 Phone: 549-1164 Fax: 549-1611 E-mail: info@angolapennysaver.com May 7, 2023 93rd Year 19th Week 8923 Erie Rd (Rte 5), Angola 549-7117 EST. 1981 WE DELIVER! Order online at PATSPIZZA.NET TATER BALLS HOMEMADE W/ CHEDDAR CHEESE & BACON New! $8.95


REGAL CINEMAS Gift Certificates available at A VILLAGE LOCKSMITH.

FOR RENT: Large and small hall, air conditioned, for weddings, banquets, parties, etc. Special rates for group functions. LAKE ERIE BEACH FIRE CO. Call at the Hall 549-6054

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FREE HIGH SPEED INTERNET if qualified. Govt. pgm for recipients of select pgms incl. Medicaid, SNAP, Housing Assistance, WIC, Veterans Pension, Survivor Benefits, Lifeline, Tribal. 15 GB internet. Android tablet free w/one-time $20 copay. Free shipping. Call Maxsip Telecom! 1-833-758-3892





HughesNet - Finally, super-fast internet no matter where you live. 25 Mbps just $59.99/mo! Unlimited Data is Here. Stream Video. Bundle TV & Internet. Free Installation. Call 866-499 -0141


ALMOST FREE! Tree Stump Removal - Half Price! Fully Insured. 50% off service. Half Price Stump Grinding (716)799-5472

Become a published author. We want to read your book! Dorrance Publishing trusted since 1920. Consultation, production, promotion & distribution. Call for free author`s guide 1-877-7294998 or visit dorranceinfo. com/ads

SWITCH AND SAVE up to $250/yr on talk, text & data. No contract or hidden fees. Unlimited talk & text with flexible data plans. Premium nationwide coverage. 100% U.S. based customer service. Call 1-855-903-3048

The following vehicle will be auctioned off at: Copart

8418 Southwestern Blvd Angola, NY 14006

5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only.

VIN: 1LNHM93R79G622519



Lienholder: NONE

INFLATION is at 40 year highs. Interest rates are way up. Credit Cards. Medical Bills. Car Loans. Do you have $10k or more in debt? Call National Debt Relief to find out how to pay off your debt for significantly less than what you owe! Free quote: 1 -877-592-3616

WESLEY FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC Timeshare Cancellation Experts. Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt & fees cancelled in 2019. Get free info package & learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. 833 -308-1971


The Generac PWRcell solar plus battery storage system. Save money, reduce reliance on grid, prepare for outages & power your home. Full installation services. $0 down financing option. Request free no obligation quote. 1-877-539-0299

The following vehicle will be auctioned off at: Copart

8418 Southwestern Blvd Angola, NY 14006

5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only.

VIN: MAJ6S3KL3KC294014



Lienholder: NONE

PAGE 2 / MAY 7, 2023 Village of Angola Tuesdays | 7:00AM - 3:00PM Good Periodontal Skills Pay $35-$40 / hour Send resumes to: bernardmeisen@gmail.com HELP WANTED Dental Hygienist To all the beautiful mothers & soon-to-be moms out there... May your day be filled with love, joy and laughter. And to those who have experienced the loss of a mother... May your day be filled with the sweet memories you shared. Happy Mother’s Day Evans Town Board & Town of Evans Employees CFW ELECTRIC Where no job is too big or too small! Family owned & operated (716) 243-1239 Call Chuck: 8380 N. Main Street, Eden • 992-9410 Order Online at DQcakes.com Call 992-9410 or Stop In! Eden Dairy Queen “Be sure to download the DQ Mobile App for weekly deals, Download the DQ App! online ordering, and to earn reward points with each purchase. k Sesquicentennial 1873 - 2023 The Village is putting together a historical booklet to showcase the Sesquicentennial. If you’d like to show your support and be a part of the book please fill out and bring to Village Hall. $20 Patrons Page: ______________________ First & Last Name (can include family name ie. John & Mary Smith) $20 In Memory of: _____________________ First & Last Name Name: __________________________________ Phone #: ______ Checks can be made out the The Village of Angola, 41 Commercial Street, Angola NY 14006 Thank you being part of our celebration! Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (866) 643-0438 $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* A $695 Value!


Prepare for power outages today with a GENERAC home standby generator $0 Down + Low Monthly Pmt Request a free Quote. Call before the next power outage: 1-855-948-6176

Natures Pride 716-3370375. Bulk Mulch: Black, Brown, Red, or Natural Bulk screened topsoil. Pick up or delivery Call for pricing

FOR SALE: Estate furniture, Temple Stuart cherry China cabinet $250.00. Broyhill Oak finish wall unit $75.00. Call or text 716-912-2500


ESTATE/ YARD SALE: May 18th - 21st, 9am-5pm. 7380 Derby Road, Derby. Housewares, furniture, antiques, jewelry, etc. Something for everyone! No earlybirds. Rain or shine!


ALL YOUR HANDYMAN NEEDS. Also includes underground water and drainage issues. 716-570-0762

RETIRED MAN LOOKING FOR WORK - deck staining, exterior painting. Don 716517-5819


Attention: Oxygen Users! Gain freedom with a Portable OxygenConcentrator! No more heavy tanks and refills! Guaranteed Lowest Prices!Call the Oxygen Concentrator Store: 855839-1738

DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance - NOT just a discount plan. Do not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 1-855434-9221 www.dental50plus.com/44 #6258

VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 50 Generic Pills SPECIAL $99.00. 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW!

888-445-5928 Hablamos


HELP WANTED OVERNIGHT DRIVER NEEDED for commercial maintenance company. $16/hour, full time. Must have clean driver’s license. Please call for more information. 716-549-6800.

HELP WANTED: Driver with a clean license for truck & trailer no CDL needed, Parttime to full time. Local & out of state trips. Pay based on experience, benefits and overtime required. Apply in person , Monday - Friday 8:00-2:00 @ E & D Specialty Stands, 2081 Franklin Street, North Collins (EOE) 716-337-0161, Ext. 203


CARPENTER FOR HIRE: 30 Years Experience. Large or small jobs. Call John Vacanti, 549-3319.

BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: 855-761-1725

Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule free LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-833610-1936

PAINTING/ Pressure Cleaning, Tiles/ Backsplash, Drywall/ Plaster/ Repairs, Walkin Showers. 716-597-9054

Safe Step. North America’s #1 Walk-in tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our free shower package & $1600 off - limited time! Financing available. 1-855417-1306

ANGOLA PENNYSAVER MAY 7, 2023 / PAGE 3 Keep your valuables protected in these unprecedented times Monday - Friday 9am-5pm HERE! WE SUPPLY Stay safe! Buy a safe! WE COPY COVID CARDS! Come see us to reduce a copy of your card to wallet size! Jon Singleton Owner/Plumber jon@combatplumbingllc.com Licensed & Insured “We’ll Combat All Of Your Plumbing Needs” (716) 226-1520 Based in Angola, NY Serving Buffalo & the Southtowns www.combatplumbingllc.com The Tree Surgeon Complete Tree Service 549-2922 Free Estimates • Fully Insured Trimming Removal Stump Grinding Firewood Storm Damage B.Y.O.B Bring your own broom Village of Angola Come join Mayor Tom Whelan for the 3rd Annual Village of Angola “Sweep the Sidewalks on Main Street” Community Sidewalk Clean Up Saturday, May 6, 13, & 27 9:45am - 11:00am Check the Village of Angola Facebook page for weather cancellations. Please meet at the Gazebo on Center Street at 9:45 Mike’s BENCH JOIN US TO HONOR Saturday, May 20th @ 2PM *CORRECTION TO LAST WEEK’S AD* Lake Erie Beach Park @ the Flagpole ppy M o t h e r ’ s D ay from all of us at . . 444 Central Ave, Angola-on-the-Lake | [716] 549-4930 www.grandviewbaygolfcourse.com
Grandview Bay
LEAGUES BEGIN THE WEEK OF MAY 8TH Openings in all leagues... or form your own! Stop in for info or to sign up BAR & GRILL Watch for specials on social media! Open Daily! Weekdays: 3pm-Close; Weekend: 11:30am-Close Come say hello to our new Chef Todd! Open Mother’s Day for Brunch & Lunch starting at 10am FULL / PART TIME COOK WANTED • Kitchen/Restaurant Experience a plus • Excellent Customer Service a must Azalia’s J uicery Village of Angola Questions/Inquiries: (716)903-7066
Starting Soon!

Hello Friends!


I am running for Lake Shore School Board.

Lake Shore has such potential!

We have awesome kids, excellent staff and a great community. The current focus has been on material things; state of the art facilities and tangible upgrades. All good. However...

We desperately need to upgrade our relationship with staff and the community! The school needs help with the intangibles like a custom mission statement, stability, developing trust, and genuine communication. Our parents/guardians' input should be heard and considered. After all, what good are beautiful schools if there's no one in them?

There are people in and around each building who are eager to improve our kids' education and wellness. They are ready and waiting for support! We are so close to having the best of both worlds...beautiful schools and a positive climate.

I am confident that students' success will follow naturally!

Sincerely, Megan Smaldino

Legislator Mills Issues Proclamations to George and Marilyn Cordia of Farnham, N.Y.

Village of Farnham Mayor Jere Hoisington opened the Farnham Village Board meeting this past Tuesday April 18th, promptly at 7PM. The Mayor then invited Erie County Legislator John J. Mills to lead us all in the reciting of THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Following the approval of the minutes of the March 2023 meeting, Mayor Hoisington then officially welcomed Legislator Mills and his Assistant Colleen Rogers to the meeting. It was to be a special evening. Three outstanding Farnham community members were to be presented with Proclamations prepared by Legislator Mills and his team.

Two of the three individual honorees that evening were Marilyn and George Cordia. Legislator Mills first called upon Marilyn, and then her husband George, with each receiving their very own Proclamations - Marilyn in recognition of her dedication and devotion to the Farnham Ladies Auxiliary and George for his dedication and devotion to the Farnham Volunteer Fire Department. A total of one hundred and two (102) combined years of service are shared between this husband-and-wife team, both contributing their time, energy, and talents to the Farnham Fire Department and Auxiliary and thereby to the Village of Farnham and surrounding community as well. A sentence in each of their proclamations emphasize the fact that both George and Marilyn, as supreme examples of hard-working people, are the first to arrive and the last to leave the fire company sponsored events, with special mention of their efforts at the Memorial Day Chicken Barbeques held annually at the Farnham Fire Department. The Proclamations are a well-deserved recognition of two people who have had, and continue to have, a positive influence on our community.

George has held many positions during his tenure and currently serves as the Farnham Fire Department Secretary. Marilyn has been the Secretary of the Farnham Ladies Auxiliary for most (if not all) of her fifty-one (51) years of service. Legislator Mills is a member of the Erie County Legislature in New York, representing District 11. Contributed by the Brant-Farnham Historical Society

The following vehicle will be auctioned off at:


8418 Southwestern Blvd

Angola, NY 14006

5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only.




Lienholder: NONE

The following vehicle will be auctioned off at:

Copart 8418 Southwestern Blvd Angola, NY 14006

5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only.

VIN: JHMCP26388C026506



Lienholder: NONE

The following vehicle will be auctioned off at:

Copart 8418 Southwestern Blvd

Angola, NY 14006

5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only.

VIN: 5TFMU4FN8FX029861



Lienholder: NONE

The following vehicle will be auctioned off at:

Copart 8418 Southwestern Blvd

Angola, NY 14006

5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only.

VIN: 3FA6P0LU3HR236325



Lienholder: NONE

The following vehicle will be auctioned off at: Copart 8418 Southwestern Blvd Angola, NY 14006

5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only.




Lienholder: NONE

The following vehicle will be auctioned off at: Copart 8418 Southwestern Blvd Angola, NY 14006

5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only.

VIN: 1G1PC5SH3B7304805



Lienholder: NONE

LET'S VOTE ON MAY 16th! Paid for by the
Email us your local stories of interest to: news@angolapennysaver.com
Legislator Mills presented Official Proclamations to George and Marilyn Cordia at the Village of Farnham Board Meeting on April 18, 2023, in honor of their 102 combined years of service to the Farnham Fire Department and Auxiliary. Pictured (L-R): George Cordia, Legislator John Mills, and Marilyn Cordia


Full Service Law Offices

Wills ... $125 each (716) 549-1565

Candler Custom Home Improvement (716)392-7782. Roofing, siding, small jobs. Local company. No job too small!

GLASS BLOCK SALE$190 Solid, $225 Vented Standard 2 or more installed. 716-861-0329 or 716-549-6867.

EXPERIENCED ROOFING/ CONSTRUCTION CREW. We have over 25 years experience with all exterior projects. Gutters, Siding, Drainage, Metal work. Call for Free Estimate 716-3936696

HOME CARE at an affordable price . Tree Removal. Home Improvement. Home Renovation. All repairs related to your dwelling. Gutters, roofing, siding, windows and doors, drywall, painting, plumbing, electrical, yard work. Landscaping. We do it all. Too much to list. Call 716-954-2039. Leave message or text. We will get back to you shortly.

1am and 2pm seatings

ANGOLA REPAIRS & REMODELING: 20 years of experience with references. No job too big or too small. Insured with competitive pricing. Call for a free estimate. (716)254-7130

Safe Step. North America’s #1 Walk-in tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our free shower package & $1600 off - limited time! Financing available. 1-855417-1306


(Never known to fail)

Kids (ages 4-12): $15 99

Children under 3 are free

For reservations please call 716-202-4018

Hamburg www.obrienswestendinn.com

Oh , most beautiful flowe r of Mt Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate V irgin, assist me in my necessit y. Oh Star o f the Sea, help me and show me where you are, my Mother. Oh Holy Mar y, Mother of God , Q ueen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity (mak e request) There are none that can withstand your power. Oh Mar y, conceived without sin , pray for us who have recourse to thee (three times) Hol y Mar y, I place this prayer fo r your hands (three times) Say this prayer for three consecutive days and then you must publish, and it will be granted to you.

ANGOLA PENNYSAVER MAY 7, 2023 / PAGE 5 Schedule your FREE Inspection & Estimate with one of our local Technicians LOCAL EXPERTS, GUARANTEED RESULTS. Get the best pest control when you need it. Today! Get Rid of Pests or Get a Refund Ants • Bed Bugs • Bees • Beetles • Boxelder Bugs • Centipedes Cockroaches • Crickets • Earwigs • Fleas • Hornets • Ladybugs Millipedes • Mosquitoes • Rodents • Silverfish • Spiders Stink Bugs • Termites • Ticks • Wasps • Yellow Jackets
you might just be one person,
to one person you might
Tom Whelan, Village of Angola Mayor Village Board & Village Employees Reservations required $50 non-refundable deposit due at time of reservation Farm Fresh Scrambled Eggs Baked Ham Homemade Corned Beef Hash French Toast Bake with Syrup Pork Roulade Smoked Chicken Legs Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Mac n’ Cheese Fresh Cut Fruit Salad Large selection of desserts & pastries Soup & Salad Bar Mixed Greens with lots of fresh salad toppings & dressings Assortment of Cheese, Pepperoni and Sausage Broccoli Cheddar Soup (GF) Italian Wedding Soup Fresh bread & butter Kids Menu Chicken Fingers Tater Tots Mac n’ Cheese French Toast Sticks Pizza Rolls Mom receives a complimentary glass of champagne! Full bar available! Adults: $34.99
Happy Mother’s Day To
just be the world.
340 Union St.,
D. N.
PAGE 6 / MAY 7, 2023 ANGOLA PENNYSAVER Spruce up for Spring Tree Service & Landscaping (716) 983-7513 Experienced & Insured Professional Care for your Tree & Landscaping needs Call for an estimate! • Tree Removal • Cabling • Tree Trimming • Plantings • Storm Damage, Grading & Drainage Issues NOW IS THE OPTIMAL TIME TO TRIM, TOP & THIN TREES TO PROTECT HEALTH & LONGEVITY! DaVIs 6505 E. Quaker Rd. Orchard Park New York 14127 Christine A. Taylor, GRI, SRES, SRS Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Cell: 716.863.2000 Res: 716.549.0198 ChristineTaylor@howardhanna.com Beautiful! Change is If you’re thinking about buying or selling a home, give me a call! PREMIER EXCAVATING SERVICES Driveways, dirt, stone leveling, drainage, masonry, landscaping, patios, concrete & stamped Call / text Joe: (716) 799-5074 No job too big or small! FREE ESTIMATES Design Delivery Installation Let Us Design Y r Dream Kitchen Bath 270 W. Main St.• Springville, NY 14141 delocon.com (716) 553 - 5882 (716) 217 - 823O www.joeykplowingandlandscaping.com Spring Cleanup Mowing Mulch Services Plant Installs Excavation Grass Seed Sod Installation Landscape Curbing LLC. We will beat any competitors price for residential or commercial mowing with proof of old bill. call / text : office : Our brand new State of the Art low pressure softwash system safely and effectively cleans and sanitizes ALL exterior surfaces without damage caused by conventional pressure washing, adding value to your home. (716 ) 627 - 7679 OUTSHINED 716 • ROOFS • SIDING • CONCRETE • PAVERS • DECKS • FENCES • GUTTER CLEANING & MORE JUNE 3, 2023

Holly J. Weil

Holly J. Weil formerly of Angola, entered into rest Monday April 17, 2023 in her Niagara Falls home, she was 49. Loving mother of Nikolaus; Dearest daughter of Mary Elizabeth (nee Switzer) and the late David Weil. Sister of Heather Weil. Arrangements entrusted to the Addison Funeral Home, Inc.

Dawn M. Volk

Dawn M. Volk died Saturday, April 29, 2023 in her Angola, NY home, she was 58. Daughter of the late Harold and Margaret Volk. Loving sister of Donna Volk, Dina Braun, Diana Volk and Darla Amdrzejewski. No prior visitation. Interment will be in Ridge Lawn Cemetery, Cheektowaga, NY. Arrangements by the Addison Funeral Home, Inc.

Leilani E. Tabor (Kaufman) (Nee Wilk)

Leilani E. Tabor (Kaufman)

(Nee: Wilk), 84, formerly of Eden, NY; April 30, 2023.

James F. Campanella

James F. Campanella of Silver Creek entered into rest on April 14, 2023. Beloved husband of the late Marie (Rupocinska) Campanella. Dear Father of Annmarie (late Thomas) Hanley, The late James F. Jr., Joseph R. and Richard (Frances) Campanella. Grandfather of Jennifer (Chris) Campanella, Jayson (Marty) Curry, Sherry (Brett) Johnson, Michael (Alyssa) Musilli, Amanda (Nickolas) Coggins, Richard (Julie) Campanella, Joseph Campanella and Josie (Jesse) Hahn and 8 great- grandchildren. Arrangements entrusted to Latimore-Schiavone Funeral Home, Inc.

Daughter of the late Esther and Joseph Wilk. Loving wife of Paul Tabor and the late Ronald Kaufman. Dear mother of Cynthia (David) DeLuca, Michael Kaufman and Mark (Jennifer) Kaufman.

Step mother of Larissa (Christopher) Wolfe, Serena Tabor and Michael (Camille)

Tabor. Amazing grandmother of Tony and Justine Altenoeder and Ethan and Ellie Kaufman, Step grandmother of Andrew (Carlie) Michalak, Miguel (Sarika) Tabor, Jeffrey

Tabor and Eric (Linda) Tabor.

Step-great grandmother of Isaac, Aurora, Tristan, Robin and Lucas. She was a Dental Hygienist for over 35 years.

Lani was a faithful Jehovah’s Witness. A Memorial Service will be held Sunday at 2PM at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah Witness, 1100 Cain Rd, Angola. No prior visitation. Words of sympathy may be made on www.LaingFuneralHome.com


LAWN ROLLING: Reliable at affordable prices. Call for free estimate! 716-491-9255

ALMOST FREE! Tree Stump Removal - Half Price! Fully Insured. 50% off service. Half Price Stump Grinding (716)799-5472


LAWNCARE & LANDSCAPING. FULLY INSURED full service company, Providing Lawncare, Spring Cleanups, Tree/Shrub Removal, Landscape Design & Installations. Grading/Seeding, Drain tile, All types back hoe work, Flowerbed Maintenance, Retaining walls, Hardscape, Timber walls, Lot Clearing. Call 716-9922262.

LATIMORE LANDSCAPING is accepting new contracts for property landscape maintenance and installation. 716-713-5187



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DENTAL INSURANCEPhysicians Mutual Insurance Company. Covers 350 procedures. Real insurance - not a discount plan. Get your FREE Dental Info kit!

1-855-526-1060 www.dental50plus.com/ads #6258

ANGOLA PENNYSAVER MAY 7, 2023 / PAGE 7 88 Main Street, Hamburg, NY 14075 • 649-5840 www.thenowpizzeria.com WeKnowPlants.com 141 Buffalo Street, Hamburg (Located in the Hamburg Village Square) 649-1939 Open Mon.-Sat. 9am-10pm • Sun. 12pm-4pm any liquor purchase over $15.98 Biehler’s Village Square Liquors With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Coupon expires 1/31/18 Biehler’s Village Square Liquors With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Coupon expires 1/31/18 Biehler’s Village Square Liquors With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Coupon expires 1/31/18 any wine, vermouth or champagne purchase over $15.98 any wine purchase over $49.98 Coupon expires 5/31/23 Coupon expires 5/31/23 Coupon expires 5/31/23 88 Main Street, Hamburg, NY 14075 • 649-5840 www.thenowpizzeria.com 4484 Clark St., Hamburg • 716-649-4684 WeKnowPlants.com Open Mon.-Sat. 9am-10pm • Sun. 12pm-4pm 1 10% any liquor purchase over $15.98 Biehler’s Village Square Liquors With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Coupon expires 1/31/18 Biehler’s Village Square Liquors With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Coupon expires 1/31/18 Biehler’s Village Square Liquors With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Coupon expires 1/31/18 15% OF 15% OFF any wine, vermouth or champagne purchase over $15.98 0% FF 20% OFF any wine purchase over $49.98 88 Main Street, Hamburg, NY 14075 • 649-5840 www.thenowpizzeria.com $5 gift certificate! 4484 Clark St., Hamburg • 716-649-4684 WeKnowPlants.com 141 Buffalo Street, Hamburg (Located in the Hamburg Village Square) 649-1939 Open Mon.-Sat. 9am-10pm • Sun. 12pm-4pm OFF any liquor purchase over $15.98 Biehler’s Village Square Liquors With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Coupon expires 1/31/18 Biehler’s Village Square Liquors With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Coupon 1/31/18 Biehler’s Village Square Liquors With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Coupon expires 1/31/18 OFF OFF any wine, vermouth or champagne purchase over $15.98 OFF OFF any wine purchase over $49.98 Happy Mother’s Day! 10% OFF 15% OFF 20% OFF MIKE’S LANDSCAPING & LAWNCARE Locally Owned & Operated Since 1985 Locally Owned & Operated Since 1985 MIKE’S LANDSCAPING & LAWNCARE 8393 Erie Road, Angola, NY 14006 (716) 549-1687 Planting Service Landscaping Maintenance Installation of HARDSCAPE PAVERS or RETAINING WALLS Locally Owned & Operated Since 1985 MIKE’S LANDSCAPING & LAWNCARE 8393 Erie Road, Angola, NY 14006 (716) 549-1687 Lawn Cutting Design and Planting Service Landscaping Maintenance Installation of HARDSCAPE PAVERS or RETAINING WALLS Locally Owned & Operated Since 1985 MIKE’S LANDSCAPING & LAWNCARE 8393 Erie Road, Angola, NY 14006 (716) 549-1687 Lawn Cutting Design and Planting Service Landscaping Maintenance Installation of HARDSCAPE PAVERS or RETAINING WALLS Locally Owned & Operated Since 1985 MIKE’S LANDSCAPING & LAWNCARE 8393 Erie Road, Angola, NY 14006 (716) 549-1687 Lawn Cutting Design and Planting Service Landscaping Maintenance Installation of HARDSCAPE - PAVERS or RETAINING WALLS Locally Owned & Operated Since 1985 MIKE’S LANDSCAPING LAWNCARE 8393 Erie Road, Angola, NY 14006 (716) 549-1687 Lawn Cutting Design and Planting Service Landscaping Maintenance Installation of HARDSCAPE PAVERS or RETAINING WALLS Locally Owned & Operated Since 1985 (716) 549-1687 MIKE’S LANDSCAPING STUMP GRINDING Spring Special - Expires 6/17/23 $20 OFF 1st Stump (up to 24” diameter) CALL FOR PRICING $ave on Additional Stumps
PAGE 8 / MAY 7, 2023 ANGOLA PENNYSAVER 6824 Erie Road Derby, New York 716-947-9171 www.pasquales.com • Pasta • Seafood • Pork Chops • Steak • Chicken • Veal • Join us on May 14th for Mother’s Day Let us take care of you and your mom! Reservations greatly appreciated QQ Gift Certificates Available GIFT CERTIFICATES Kwilos Farm Stand & Greenhouse 7678 Erie Rd. (Rte. 5), 1/2 mile west of Sturgeon Pt. Rd. 549-6201 OPENING FRIDAY, M AY 12t h Thank you for supporting Local Agriculture! Hours: Mon. - Sat. 10 to 6; Sunday 10 to 4 Hanging Baskets, Flower Pouches, Mixed Pots, Early Season Annuals, Vegetable Plants, Honey, Maple Syrup made in Evans. Mother’s Day is May 14th Surprise Mom with a beautiful piece of jewelry she’ll cherish forever! J & L JEWELERS 6929 Route 5, Derby • 947-4810 Hours: Tues. - Fri. 9-4; Sat. 8-12; Closed Sunday & Monday BIG discounts on all gold jewelry! 6901 Erie Road, Derby NY • (716) 947-4525 • flowerderby.com Celebrate Mom with an elegant floral design of brilliant spring blooms!
ANGOLA PENNYSAVER MAY 7, 2023 / PAGE 9 Growing is our business, Come grow with us! Shower your mom with love with a hanging basket! Chiavetta’s Greenhouse 9784 South Main St., Angola • 549-0458 Great selection of plants to start your own vegetable & container gardens. Gift Certificates Available Potted Plants • Perennials • Bulk Mulch • Bagged Soils Happy Mother’s Day KITCHEN & CATERING Cala’s Mother’s Day Brunch 8:30am - 1:30pm - Serving “MOMosas” Reservations Accepted, Call (716) 947-5211 www.derbycalas.com 6888 Erie Road, Downtown Derby (716) 947-5211

Evans Garden Club

Plant Sale

Saturday, May 13, 2023

9 am - 1 pm

Evans Center Vol. Fire Co.

8298 Erie Road (Rte. 5), Angola


Annual Herb Baskets

Hanging Baskets

Gardener’s Boutique Basket Raffle!

New This Year... Garden Demonstration!

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TOM VAYO PAINTING: Exterior/ Interior Painting, Drywall/ Plaster Repair. 30 years experience. Insured. Call 880-0858.


American Legion Post 928

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Open daily at 11am (noon on Sundays)

SPECIALTY PAINTING SERVICES by BELLAVIAMIA FAUX. Now offering *Faux Finishes, *Decorative Painting, *Interior/Exterior, *Murals, *Specialty Plasters, *Color Consulting. Call 607-382-1313. www.BellaviamiaFaux.com

The following vehicle will be auctioned off at: Copart 8418 Southwestern Blvd Angola, NY 14006

5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only.

VIN: 5TFUY5F1XCX228879


77 N. Main Street, Village of Angola (716) 217-8009

Open Tues - Fri 7AM-4PM; Sat 7AM-2PM

The following vehicle will be auctioned off at: Copart 8418 Southwestern Blvd Angola, NY 14006

5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only.

VIN: 2C4RDGCG7ER231083



Lienholder: NONE

The following vehicle will be auctioned off at: Copart 8418 Southwestern Blvd Angola, NY 14006

5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only.

VIN: JM1BL1UG3B1472154

2011 MAZDA 3


Lienholder: NONE

MONDAY: $2.50 Texas Hots



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Owner: WILLIE HARDEN Lienholder: TOTA
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Lake Shore Middle School Annual D.C. Trip Resumes

For the first time since the COVID pandemic, Lake Shore’s Middle School students were able to take the annual school trip to Washington, D.C.

A great deal of planning went into the trip … and a great many pancakes! “The pancake breakfast worked out very well for us,” notes social studies teacher Chuck Kowalski. “We raised $1,200 dollars from the event and it helped offset the cost of food for the trip, and a birthday celebration for our March students - a few students had birthdays while we were down there.”

What makes the D.C. experience so special?

“The trip is an amazing experience for many of our students because for some it is the first major trip they have taken away from their parents,” says Mr. Kowalski. “It forces them to prepare and make choices they normally do not have to make.”

“The educational experience is just as profound,” says Mr. Kowalski. “We see all three branches of government, Arlington Cemetery, monuments from all wars, presidential monuments and 9/11 memorials. Many of our students were in disbelief when they first saw how large some of these monuments can be. When we saw the changing of the guard at Arlington the students were perfectly silent and often in awe of how strict and precise these soldiers are while performing their duty.”

Their tour of the Holocaust Museum was another eyeopening experience for all students and one that often leads to several questions. “Many of the tours and sites we see are taught in school, but the actual real-life experience makes the trip worth every second,” says Mr. Kowalski. “Every year kids say things like, ‘Is this really the capitol building,?’ ‘I thought the White House was so much larger,’ ‘This is where Martin Luther King gave his famous speech?’ or ‘Didn't Forest Gump run through the water down there?’

At the Vietnam Memorial, students found names of soldiers from Angola, bringing history very close to home. They also visited the FDR memorial, and the World War II, Lincoln, Jefferson, and Martin Luther King, Jr., memorials, and wrapped up the trip with a visit to the Native American History museum.

“Many of our students have never been to a major city before and the experience is great to watch,” says Mr. Kowalski. It’s an early experience in demonstrating maturity and appropriate behavior, notes Principal Stacy Conti, who says student behavior was stellar, in travel, restaurant and hotel settings, and in the respect they showed when visiting historical monuments and memorials. “They learned a great deal and Lake Shore can be very proud of their conduct and maturity throughout the trip," she says.

Contributed by Lake Shore CSD

Copart 8418 Southwestern Blvd

Angola, NY 14006

5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only.

VIN: 1C4NJDEB8GD738734



Lienholder: KEYBANK NA

The following vehicle will be auctioned off at:

Copart 8418 Southwestern Blvd

Angola, NY 14006

5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only.

VIN: 2GNALBEK4D6383771



Lienholder: NONE


(716) 998-1155 Call

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Lynda Mason

Licensed Associate Broker

Prepare for Power Outages & Save Money

The following vehicle will be auctioned off at:

Copart 8418 Southwestern Blvd Angola, NY 14006

5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only.

VIN: 1C4RJFBG8MC767925



Lienholder: NONE

The following vehicle will be auctioned off at:


8418 Southwestern Blvd Angola, NY 14006

5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only.

VIN: 1GNSKJE78CR325176



Lienholder: NONE

Julie La Barbera


(716) 866-8250

Slip Covers


Bridal Alterations

Window Treatments

Memory Quilts



Annual Budget Vote, Vehicle Purchase Referendum, Capital Improvement Project Referendum & Board Election May 16, 2023 - 9am to 9pm

LOCATION: Voting will be held in the Lobby outside the District Office / High School Gymnasium. Parking will be available to voters in the lower and upper parking lots located by the District Office.

New York State Eduction Law §2012 sets forth the qualifications of voters at school district meetings.

Qualifications of Voters at District Meetings

• A voter must be a citizen of the United States

• A voter must be eighteen (18) years of age or older

• A voter must be a legal resident within the District for a period of thirty (30) days preceding the meeting or election at which he/she offers to vote.

• A voter must not be otherwise prohibited from voting pursuant to Education Law Section 5-106.

To be a qualified voter in the Lake Shore Central School District Annual Meeting, Budget Vote and Election, an individual who resides on the Seneca Nation of Indians territory must meet the following qualifications:

• Eighteen years of age or older;

• Born in the United States to a member of an Indian tribe, or having been naturalized or otherwise acquired citizenship;

• Resided on the Seneca Nation of Indians territory for a period of thirty days prior to the election;

• NOT be the parent or guardian of Native American children who are being educated in the Gowanda Central School District or the Silver Creek Central School District*; and

*The parents or guardians of Native American children of such reservation/territory who are being educated in the Gowanda CSD or the Silver Creek CSD are eligible to vote only in the district where their children are being educated.

• NOT be otherwise prohibited from voting pursuant to Election Law Section 5-106.

See N.Y. Education Law §2012.

PLEASE NOTE – Individuals who have not registered to vote in Erie County and who have not previously voted in a school district election will be asked to show proof of residency (e.g., driver’s license, non-driver identification card, utility bill, or voter registration card).

Lake Shore Central Schools (Evans-Brant Central School District) REQUEST A FREE QUOTE! ACT NOW TO RECEIVE A $300 SPECIAL OFFER!* (877) 350-0197 *O er value when purchased at retail. Solar panels sold separately.
Cell: 998-1155 Office: 648-2100
The following vehicle will be auctioned off at:

words (house number, street)

Room count is considered 2 words (3 BR)

O.B.O is considered 3 words (Or Best Offer)

E.O.E is considered 3 words (Equal Opportunity Employer)


The following vehicle will be auctioned off at:

Copart 8418 Southwestern Blvd Angola, NY 14006

5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only.

VIN: JTHBK1EG0B2426369

2011 LEXUS ES350


Lienholder: NONE

The following vehicle will be auctioned off at: Copart 8418 Southwestern Blvd Angola, NY 14006

5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only.

VIN: 1G1JC6SG0E4123735



Lienholder: NONE


SOUTHTOWNS SEALCOAT: Top quality, local driveway sealing by David St. George. Free estimates, call 716-449-8683


ATTENTION ALL CAT LOVERS- Permanent home, foster homes and volunteers are needed for TEN LIVES CLUB, a cat and kitten adoption organization. If you can help please call 646-5577.

FULL BREED with papers, South African Boerboels. Father from Jamco. Will be born Mother’s Day weekend. My name is Kensi and in Cheektowaga. For more information, call 716-5839288


ALL PLUMBING REPAIRS: Large/ small. Licensed/ insured. FREE estimates. Please call RICK. 716-3813525.


POWER WASHING/ ROOF CLEANING: Let Pro Roof/ Exterior Cleaning beautify your home. Gutter Cleaning. Free estimate. Insured. 716432-4731

The following vehicle will be auctioned off at: Copart 8418 Southwestern Blvd Angola, NY 14006

5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only.




Lienholder: NONE

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Circle the number in the boxes above that you want to bold [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Add a grabber to the beginning of my ad [ ] Add bolding to my ad [ ] Add the attached photo to my ad The Angola Pennysaver • 19 Center Street, Angola NY 14006 • 549-1164
ANGOLA PENNYSAVER MAY 7, 2023 / PAGE 13 WE DO PRINTING YOUR AD HERE Attract new customers with the help of the Angola Pennysaver. LOW WEEKLY RATES! 549-1164 Angola Pennysaver Business Directory To advertise in this section call 549-1164 6790 Erie Rd. (Route 5) • Derby, NY 14047 716-947-4566 Camus Auto Quality Automotive Repair Dave Camus Owner Butch Gillette Jr. Shop Manager Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8-6; Sat. 8-4; Sun. 9-1 Get the Good Stuff! ANGOLA TRUCK & AUTO SUPPLY 8814 Erie Road, Angola, NY 14006 • 549-1106 • Automotive • Trucks • Heavy Duty • Farm/Ag • Marine • Lawn & Garden Remodeling • T rim • • • • • Windows • Doors • Decks • • • • Derrick Frank FREE ESTIMATES LICENSED & INSURED (716) 992-9642 FRANK BUILDERS • Additions • Roofs Siding • Gutters • Drywall • Cabinets Earl’s Plumbing & Heating New Installation or Ser vice for: Furnaces, Boilers, Plumbing, Drain Cleaning & Sheet Metal Work LICENSED & INSURED - OVER 30 YEARS! - FREE ESTIMATES$5.00 OFF with this ad 992-4388 INSURED Wetzler Electric • Service Upgrades • New Wiring & Repairs • 240 Lines • Hot Tubs Mobile: 480-5748 Phone: 947-3195 8428 Erie Road, Angola, NY 549-5224 DON’S HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE Serving the area for 32 years. FREE ESTIMATES ON NEW INSTALLATIONS LOCKOUT SERVICE FAX 947-4995 Bonded Insured 6926 Erie Road Tops Plaza Derby, New York Affiliated Locksmith • Commercial & Residential • Auto Lock Specialists • Safe Sales & Servicing • Locks Sold & Installed • Door Closers/Panic Bars Tom Goodrich 868-4352 • Roofing • Decks • Windows • Doors • Garages • Siding • Metal Trim • Interior Alteration • Flooring • Trim Work • Bathroom Remodels • Kitchen Remodels Live Here - Work Here T.M. GOODRICH CONSTRUCTION Call Jim Barry (716) 947-9675 homeworksofevans@gmail.com Local family business means quality & savings for you. We appreciate your consideration! Replacement Windows Basic double hungs start under $500/opening Bathroom Renovations Featuring the Onyx Collection Vinyl Decks Deck resurfacing, rails, new construction All jobs come with... • Site visit with consult • Measurements & design assistance • Permits & plans • Free estimates • Removal & disposal • Tons of options Banners | Brouchures | Business Cards | Carbonless Forms | Custom Stickers Event Tickets | Flyers | Invitations | Lawn Signs | Magnets | Menus | Post Cards Envelopes | Programs | Promotional Items | Stamps TUFF KOTE ASPHALT, INC. tuffkoteasphalt.com 937-6688 Over 35 Years, Fully Insured, Guaranteed, Free Estimates SAVE 10% OFF ANY JOB Discount coupon must be presented upon salesman’s arrival Coupon expires 5/31/21 • Asphalt Driveways & Parking Lots Repair, Resurface or New Installation • Year Round Pothole Repair • Asphalt Sealer • Drain Receiver Repair or Rebuild • Crack Filler (Hot or Cold) • Parking Line Striping • Drain Receiver Repair or Complete Rebuild • Crack Filler (Hot or Cold) • Parking Line Striping Our business is growing! We are now hiring!

33 LSHS Students Inducted into National Honor Society

Thirty-three Lake Shore High School students were inducted into the National Honor Society in a candle light ceremony in the school auditorium. While National Honor Society (NHS) membership has been the true mark of student achievement for more than a century, it also is a hallmark of empowering, championing, and recognizing well-rounded students, specifically in service, leadership, and character. The National Honor Society was founded in 1921 based on the four pillars of scholarship, service, leadership, and character.

Please join us in congratulating: Isabella Barron, Gabriella Bartz, Maya Bauer, Samson Bayer, Travis Bernhard, Jacob Bevilacqua, Cierra Bluff, Ava Buczynski, Haley Culver, Mya Dalton, Jayden Drenning*, Morgan Gengler, Cynthia Gifford, Delaney Glose, Kaylin Golembiewski, Reilly Green, Emma Gretschmann, Brooke Hamm, Morgan Huff, Mariah Joslyn, Alexandria Kennedy*, Katelyn Kowal, Emma Langdon, Ellie Nelson, Ava Pericak, Emily Pregitzer, Ayliza Rydzewski*, Alexis Saar, Megan Strickler, Olivia Sullivan, Marina Whelan, Brooke Wholf, Ella Wittmeyer*. (* denotes Class of ’23)

Contributed by Lake Shore CSD

William G. Houston Middle School is Pleased to Announce its Citizens of the Month for April

Donovan Marshall, 6th grade

Donovan is on Team Unity and his favorite subject is gym. Outside of school, he likes to play hockey, video games and play with friends - Donovan's favorite things in the world are his family and friends! In the future, Donovan would like to be in the NHL. He feels that the most important trait for continued success is being humble and hard working.

Molly Degenaars, 7th grade

Molly is on team Valor and her favorite subject is English. Outside of school, Molly likes to talk to friends, go outside, and shop. In the future, Molly would like to have a good job. Her favorite thing in the world is her family. Molly believes that the most important trait for continued success is perseverance.

Jordyn Cowell, 8th grade

Jordyn is on Team Tradition and her favorite subject is English. She likes to play any outdoor sport outside of school. In the future, Jordyn would like to create art. Her favorite thing in the world is her family. She feels that the most important trait for continued success is to keep going when things get hard.

Contributed by Lake Shore Central School

Angola Veteran Honored

Orchard Park Odd Fellows Lodge #187 held its postponed Christmas party on April 15, 2023. At this dinner the lodge honored Mr. Stanley Brown, a WWII veteran and Angola resident, for his 75 years of membership in our organization. Pictured making the presentation are Tom Kazmark,Ron Ehlers, Grand Master Glenn Keenan, and Matt Flaugher.

Contributed by Matthew Flaugher



The following vehicle will be auctioned off at: Copart 8418 Southwestern Blvd Angola, NY 14006

5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only.

VIN: KM8J3CA22GU157587



Lienholder: NONE

PAGE 14 / MAY 7, 2023 ANGOLA PENNYSAVER ANGOLA PENNYSAVER 19 Center St., Angola, N.Y. 14006 Phone: 549-1164 Fax: 549-1611 E-mail: info@angolapennysaver.com www.angolapennysaver.com y W e l c o m e M i e t u s A g e C u s t o m e r s Taco Salad 9542 Lakeshore Rd. Angola $6.50 Community Corner Space donated Check out our New Year New You section the center this Pennysaver! Make this your best year yet! ANGOLA PENNYSAVER Serving Angola, Derby, Brant, Farnham, Irving and Lakeview www.angolapennysaver.com g W e l c o m e e t u s A g e n c y C u s t o m e r s 549-6522 Taco Salad $6.50 Corner Check out our New Year New You section in the center of this Pennysaver! Make this your best year yet! You’ve Got Mail. The Pennysaver delivered every week to your inbox. Your Pennysaver is everywhere. Delivered to your home, where you shop, online and now sent directly to your inbox so you can access it easily straight from your mobile device! SIGN UP! All you have to do is Email us at info@angolapennysaver.com and let us know to add your name to our list! The following vehicle will be auctioned off at: Copart 8418 Southwestern Blvd Angola, NY 14006 5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only. VIN: WDBUF65J53A182845 2003 MERZ E320 Owner: ANGEL GONZALEZ Lienholder: NONE The following vehicle will be auctioned off at: Copart 8418 Southwestern Blvd Angola, NY 14006 5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only. VIN: 1G1PE5SB7D7110500 2013 CHEVR CRUZE


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place this prayer fo r your hands (three times) Say this prayer for three consecutive days and then you must publish, and it will be granted to you.

ANGOLA PENNYSAVER MAY 7, 2023 / PAGE 15 COUPON COUPON $8.40 Expires 9/17/23 NO SUBSTITUTES plus tax, with coupon. Not to be combined with any other offers. 1 HOT DOG or HAMBURGER, FRENCH FRIES & MEDIUM POP HOT DOG STAND MAGAVERN & SCOTT, P.C. WE RECYCLE PENNYSAVER TUBES!
recycle tubes
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someone else in need.
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(Never known to fail) Oh , most beautiful flowe r of Mt Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate V irgin, assist me in my necessit y. Oh Star o f the Sea, help me and show me where you are, my Mother. Oh Holy Mar y, Mother of God , Q ueen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity (mak e request) There are none that can withstand your power. Oh Mar y, conceived without sin , pray for us who have recourse to thee (three times) Hol y Mar y, I

Old Orchard

Flowers, Vegetable Plants


General Inquiries : info@angolapennysaver.com

James Austin, Presidents : JCAustin@angolapennysaver.com

Kathy Austin, President : KathyJAustin@angolapennysaver.com

Kristen Biondi, Office Manager : Kristen.Biondi@angolapennysaver.com

Rhonda Davis, Administrative Assistant : Rhonda@angolapennysaver.com

The Angola Pennysaver reser ves the right to accept or reject any advertising submitted. The Publisher assumes no responsiblity for omission of any ad or for errors beyond the cost of that portion of any ad having an error. Credit will be allowed for the first insertion only Claims for allowances for errors must be made within 15 days of publication date.

DEADLINES: Advertising: Classifieds and Display Ads - Wednesday 2 p.m.


All rights reser ved. All advertising, graphics, drawings, public ser vice articles, including text, are the property of the Angola Pennysaver, and cannot be used without our written consent.

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