November 30th, 2014 57th Year 23rd Week
Serving Eden, North Collins, Langford, Brant, Lawtons, North Boston, East Eden P.O. Box 114, 8603 South Main St., Eden, N.Y. 14057 992-4625 FAX: 992-3041 E-mail: info@southtownspennysaver.com
NOVEMBER 30, 2014 / PAGE 1
5025 Southwestern Blvd, Hamburg, NY 14075
SALES 877-345-9514 • SERVICE 877-412-5338
Pick ANY 2014 Cruze LS or 1LT and Lease for
Only $1,500 Cash or Trade Equity Down *Disclaimer: 36 months; 10,000 mi/year $.25/mi overage. Requires $1,500 cash or $1,500 trade equity down plus sales tax, registration and DMV fees, and acquisition fees due at signing. On approved credit through GM Financial. MSRP from $18,345 to $22,675. In stock 2014 Chevrolet Cruze LS or 1LTs only. Prior sales excluded, must take delivery by 12/14/14.
10833 Gowanda State Rd., North Collins 337-3871
Open 7 days a week 8 am - 9 pm We Accept Cash, Checks, Credit, Debit, EBT, and Manufacturer’s Coupons
PAGE 2 / NOVEMBER 30, 2014
NOVEMBER 30, 2014 / PAGE 3
Law Offices of Kevin C. Condon
Hunt Real Estate ERA®
Serving the Southtowns
Wills • Estates • Probate • Real Estate • Family Law Divorce/Separation • Criminal • DWI • Vehicle & Traffic • Bankruptcy
Terri (Hornquist) Yetter.
It was a HUGE success!! We are truly grateful to all that came out to support us and/or donated their time, money and energy. Your generosity and support for our family is unbelievable!! Because of this, now we can focus solely on Terri’s recovery. We are truly blessed to know such amazing people and live in such a wonderful community. Again thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts! Bob, Terri, Samantha & Austin Yetter
YOUTH SNOWMOBILE SAFETY COURSE Sat. Dec. 6th, 2014 8:00AM to 4:30PM PRE-REGISTRATION PREFERRED At the Eden VFW Post #8265 2251 March Road, Eden, NY Sponsored by the Eden Trail Blazers Snowmobile Club, Inc. and New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation For more information call Mike Stewart 649-1789 e-mail mestewart45@yahoo.com
NOTICE: Must be 10 years of age day of course. PLEASE HELP SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SNOWMOBILE CLUB.
Announcements EVENTS
Community Christmas Cantata: “Ten Thousand Hallelujahs” Sat, Dec. 13, 2pm at Faith Bible Baptist Church, 8688 S Main St, Eden. 40-voice choir, children’s choir, readers theater, refreshments, free 2015 calendar for every household. No charge. Make the Christmas season meaningful! ~ TOY TRAIN SHOW ~ December 6. Columbus Hall, 2735 Union Rd., Cheektowaga. 10:00am- 3:00pm. All gauges of trains. Adults $5.00, Under 17 free w/ paid adult. 390-8216. wnytrainshows.tca@hotmail.com MISCELLANEOUS
A VILLAGE LOCKSMITH has DISCOUNTED movie passes for Regal Cinemas available. UNITED HEALTHCARE zero premium Medicare Advantage Plan, available from John Chiavetta, 549-0150.
RUBBER STAMPS AVAILABLE at the A Village Locksmith, Derby, 947-9071 and the Eden Pennysaver Office, 992-4625.
SUPER LOW AUTO Insurance Rates! Call for a quote today! Robert J. Los Agency, 648-6100. TIRED OF HOME Owner Insurance rates going up or being told you have to retain so much coverage? We can get you a great rate locked in for 3 years!! Robert J. Los Agency, 648-6100.
COMPUTER BROKE? We do house calls. Sales, service, upgrades. All work guaranteed. Call PC BUILDERS. 549-5143.
CHRISTMAS TREES 9 varieties and wreaths You cut or we cut at Kathie and Jerry’s 1731 Gowans rd Angola 9 A.M. until dark 432-3936
Classified Ads It Pays to Advertise!!!
7884 Sission Hwy. Eden, NY 14057
716-998-9851 MilBA02@aol.com
YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW. 74% of Home Sellers say that the greatest benefit from using a realtor is helping them understand the process.
8558 North Main St., Eden, NY 14057 (716) 992-2220 A Note of Thanks Our family would like to thank everyone who helped put together the benefit for
Your Neighborhood Realtor in NY and FL
Poinsettias & Christmas Wreaths
Hours: Friday 9-6; Saturday 9-4 Sunday 11-4
If you are considering selling your home or land in the near future, I would be happy to show you the benefits of using a LOCAL REALTOR. Call, Text, E-Mail or Fax me for all of your RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Real Estate needs
NEW LISTING Building Lots Bridlewood Lane, Hamburg, NY Five (5) beautiful lots - approx. 70x140 with all utilities at street. $49,900 each. HUNT REAL ESTATE ERA 5546 Camp Rd., Hamburg, NY 14075
Ph: 716-648-2300 Fax: 992-9457
SELL IT FAST in the classifieds!
PAGE 4 / NOVEMBER 30, 2014
HOELSCHER MEATS 5952 Camp Road, Hamburg, NY 14075
649-2554 Mon-Sat 8am-6pm
Accepting all major credit cards & EBT • Prices good 12/1 - 12/7 Not responsible for typographical errors • All sale items are limited to stock
LB. STEAKS $6.99 LB.
2 99 4
1 99 1
5 ¢ 99 89 2 95
Attention Small Business Owners: In an effort to help local businesses succeed this holiday season, the Eden- North Collins Pennysaver supports “Shop Small & Local.” There’s no place like your hometown marketplace! Choose any two publication dates between now and Dec. 31st and receive OVER 20% SAVINGS! 3 col. X 2 inch ad: $27.60 per week 3 col. X 5 inch ad: $66.00 per week 6 col. X 5 inch ad: $120.00 per week
Let’s encourage shoppers to spend their dollars in places that will benefit our communities! Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Contact us with your ad information today. Deadline Wednesday at noon.
PENNYSAVER www.southtownspennysaver.com
Serving Eden, North Collins, Langford, Brant, Lawtons, North Boston, East Eden P.O. Box 114, 8603 South Main St., Eden, N.Y. 14057 992-4625 FAX: 992-3041
E-mail: info@southtownspennysaver.com
1/2 LB.
COMPUTER REPAIR & DELL SALES: Network Consulting Group of WNY, A+ Rating with BBB. PC problems fixed. Removal of spyware & viruses guaranteed to speed up your computer. A company you can trust. We can take care of any problem. Over 24 years experience. Microsoft certified technicians. All work guaranteed. www.ncgwny.com. Registered partners with Dell. We work on all computers. Call us at 947-4257. Credit cards accepted.
Pets & Supplies DOGS
~Dogs motivate us to play, be affectionate, seek adventure and be loyal~ Happy Thanksgiving to all from R&R UNLEASHED, by appointment only, 992-2547.
Fresh, Locally Cut Christmas Trees & Fresh Made Wreaths ** Open Daily Until 7:00 PM ** SHOP THE EVERGREEN BARN FOR YOUR TREE AND WREATHS 10071 Sisson Highway (Rt.75), Eden 1 mile north of Langford Located between Clarksburg and New Oregon Roads
NOVEMBER 30, 2014 / PAGE 5
CHRISTMAS TREE SALES BARN: Open Daily 10am- 7pm. 6’- 10’ trees available. Wreathsmultiple sizes, $6 and up. Large quantity of boughs forgarland/ wreath making. Selling trees for over 69 years! Norm Brenner, 3049 Langford Road (Route 249, 1/2 mile west of Jennings Road), North Collins.716-523-3335. SPORTING GOODS
Automotive AUTO REPAIR
TRANSMISSIONS PROFESSIONALLY Overhauled and Installed in your passenger car or light truck. One year warranty and affordable pricing. Call 934-2222, MondayFriday 8am- 5pm.
FOR SALE: Tractors with Cabs and Snow Loaders, Chains; PTO Generators; 7ft. Snowblower with 3-pt. hitch; Chainsaws. Good Condition! 585-313-1353.
Complete Tree Service 549-2922 Trimming Firewood Removal Snowplowing Stump Grinding Storm Damage Free Estimates Fully Insured
Please send your news to info@southtownspennysaver.com
KEN’S TAXIDERMY: Qual- and Scrap Metal. Call Rob, ity mounts at a reasonable 998-3603. DMV#7109787. price. Buying/ selling firearms and buying deer hides. $20 Off any mount with this ad. $$$WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE! Your junk vehicle and (716)592-9138.
The Tree Surgeon
scrap metal. K & R SALVAGE, 337-3109.
Add a Grabber
to make your classified ad stand out. We have many headings to choose from for an additonal cost of $3.00 CALL US TODAY! 992-4625
The Veterans’ Tax Exemption Hearing and the November Eden Central Board of Education Meeting have been rescheduled to TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2nd. The Hearing will be at 5:45 - 6:45 pm in the Jr./Sr. HS Auditorium and the Board Meeting will be at 7:00 pm in the Jr./Sr. HS Cafeteria.
6926 ERIE RD., DERBY Tops Plaza
MON. - FRI. 9-5 SAT. 9-2
Join Santa for Pancakes, Sausage, Juice, Coffee ALL YOU CAN EAT!! While you’re here, sit down and participate in a craft project.
Have your family picture taken with Santa! Bring your camera.
Sons of American Legion invites you to have
at the American Legion Post 880 Legion Drive, Eden
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7th • 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
see our showroom!
q WE SELL & PROGRAM COMPUTER CHIP KEYS! We are still your fax and copy headquarters! Fax# 947-4995
Satellite Office for Angola & Eden-North Collins Pennysavers
PAGE 6 / NOVEMBER 30, 2014
Services & Repairs BUILDERS & REMODELERS
Mail or drop off in Santa’s special mailbox to:
AAA+ RATED! WE NEED WINTER WORK! NEIGHBORHOOD CONTRACTING is now giving up to 20% OFF to our customers for scheduling their winter home improvements NOW!!! Roofing, siding, windows, doors. All interior and exterior projects qualify for our money saving offer!! Free estimates! Senior discounts! 549-1592..
REPLY WILL BE SENT. (Make sure you include return address.)
ALL TYPES of Concrete Work! Driveways, floors, patios, etc. Dump truck, backhoe, Bobcat service. 337-0500. POURED WALLS: Full basements, garage foundations, additions, retaining walls & trench footers. 337-0500.
The Eden Stampede 4-H club participated in the Eden GLP “Fall Family Reading Night” on October 23rd. This event encourages parents and kids to read and learn together! Our club ran an Animal Trivia Game Show for students. Questions ranged from easy to hard. We had a great time running the game show and laughing with our friends at some of the silly answers!!! Each participant received a certificate and coloring book! Do you know your trivia? 1. How many legs does a cat have? 2. What is a female deer called? 3. What is the name of the reindeer from the movie Frozen? 4. What is the fastest land animal? ANSWERS: 4, doe, Sven, cheetah By Emma Preischel & Julianna Baker ___________
SnoWvember 2014! All of us at the Eden-North Collins Pennysaver would like to extend our gratitude to the many workers, volunteers, neighbors and families that helped others during this devastating storm. We are honored to be a part of this wonderful community.
Animal Trivia, Anyone?
NOVEMBER 30, 2014 / PAGE 7
Home for the Holidays
CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS? Garage/ basement clean out? Rent a 14 yard dump trailer delivered and picked up at your location. 627-7214. ELECTRICAL SERVICES
New Club Officers Elected for MASTER ELECTRICIAN. Fully Insured, Residential/ Eden Stampede 4-H Club Commercial. I’ll beat any other contractors price, guar- The Eden stampede 4-H club is excited to start their new anteed. Call Craig @ E-Tech year! We have 25 members ranging from 5-17yrs old and our club meets twice a month. Our leader is Liz Wierzba 462-0885 HEALTH & BEAUTY
HAIR STYLIST:- Will travel to your location. Licensed, insured. (716)348-2714. HOME IMPROVEMENT
PAUL A. SHEA- Fine woodworking & finishing, furniture restoration, custom cabinets and repairs. 992-3849.
and our assistant leader is Chelsea Kijek. Our club learns about horses, does community service, and has a lot of fun! At our October 24th meeting we elected new club officers: President-Emma Schmitt Vice president-Carla Lamm Secretary-Alexis Wierzba Treasurer-Mikenna Riethmiller Attendance Recorder-Annabelle Koszelak Plege leader-Evelyn Caughel News reporters-Julianna Baker and Emma Preischel Scrapbookers- Elle Noecker, Brianna Rigley, Kylie Wegrzynowski, Nora Mullins, and Erin Hoelscher By Emma Preischel & Julianna Baker ___________
Holiday Gifts in stock and delivered FREE!
Bauer’s Eden Valley Furniture 992-4600 Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 10-5; Wed. 10-8; Sat. 10-4
Picture Your Walls Custom Framing and More 184 Buffalo Street, Hamburg 202-1134
From now through Christmas, 2014, Picture Your Walls Custom Framing and More is offering Buy Two Get Three FREE! of equal or lesser value
5 PRINTS for the price of 2! on all Thelma Winter prints (in stock only), including the very limited selection of signed, limited edition prints.
HOURS 11-6 Tues., Wed., Fri.; 11-8 Thurs.; 10-4 Sat.
PAGE 8 / NOVEMBER 30, 2014 Weekdays Noon - Dusk Weekends 10 am - Dusk
Dixieland Tree Farm “Choose and Cut Your Perfect Tree”
Christmas Trees & Wreaths On Versailles - Silver Creek Rd Between North Rd. & Van Vleck Rd.
From Silver Creek exit go east, direction of Irving. Turn right onto Buffalo Road (Stagecoach West). At next stop sign turn left and go 4 miles. From Eden exit turn right and take the next left onto Versailles Plank Road, then go 9 miles. Turn right onto bridge and go 1 mile.
716-532-3090 Cell: 912-2595 • Cell: 697-3833
Lakeshore Federal Credit Union 8766 Erie Road, P.O. Box 227, Angola, NY 14006
Phone: 716-549-4150 • Fax: 716-549-2785
Holiday Shopping is right around the corner ... So don’t get your tinsel in a tangle. Stop by and apply for our HOLIDAY LOAN before heading out to battle the crowds.
$2300 @ 7.00% for 12 months*
TOPSOIL, GRAVEL, SLAG, millings, fill, new lawns, driveways, demolition, backhoe and bulldozer, tree removal, land clearing. 549-3857/ 9136317. LAWN CARE
ETHANOL in your gasoline is harming your small engines. GUGINO LAWN & GARDEN has the solution, STAR TRON, low cost fuel additive extends engine life. Brant Reservation Rd., Brant. M- F, 8- 5 & Sat., 8-1. 549-1414. MAILBOX post holes dug and mailbox posts installed. Call for prices. 598-5587 or 6483970. LOGGING
plus receive a free gift at the time of loan closing We can even transfer the funds right into your checking so you can use your Lake Shore Federal Credit Union debit card. * Certain restrictions apply
BUYING STANDING TIMBER: Shetler Horse Logging. Call between 6- 7pm. 5672775. MISCELLANEOUS
PIANO TUNING, REPAIRS & Service. Mike Stevens, (716)337-3578.
You are Invited
December 5th • 10 am - 8 pm December 6th • 10 am - 6 pm December 7th • 12-5 pm Something for Everyone!
Local Author of Crown Hill, Christina Abt, will be joining us for a Book Signing 12/6, 10 am-12 noon
Entire Store 15% OFF
Purses, Scarves, Jewelry, Baby Boutique, Table Top Decor, Willow Tree Figurines, Christmas Ornaments, Decor
Lots of Refreshments
KAZOO BOUTIQUE Holiday Open House
8703 South Main St., Eden • 992-3960
Free Gift Wrap with $10.00 Purchase
TOM VAYO PAINTING & HOME REPAIR Exterior/ Interior painting, drywall repair and installation, carpentry repair. 25 years experience. Insured. Call 880-0858. ROOFING/GUTTERS
METAL ROOFING- Thicker is better. Now Available 27 or 28 gauge, up to 20% Thicker than 29 gauge. We Deliver to Your Home or Job Site. EASTERN STATES METAL ROOFING, (716)355-4374.
NOVEMBER 30, 2014 / PAGE 9
Joy Ellen Miserendino
Samuel R. Miserendino 1926-2006
Your Personal Injury Trial Lawyers
Over 50 Years Experience Free Consultation Angola Office 905 Lake Street Angola, New York 14006 (716) 854-1002
Tamara would like to wish all her family, Friends & Neighbors
Happy Holidays!! God Bless You All. Tamara Stepankowski with loving memories of husband Walter
Samuel R. Miserendino, Jr.
Dunkirk Office 332 Central Avenue Dunkirk, New York 14048 (716) 366-6290
Buffalo Office 964 Ellicott Square Building Buffalo, New York 14203 (716) 854-1002
PAGE 10 / NOVEMBER 30, 2014
olidays Say Happy H s d with Gift Car
A VILLAGE LOCKSMITH now has DISCOUNTED movie passes for Regal Cinemas available. TREE SERVICES
The Perfect Gift for Your . . .
• Bus Driver • Mailman • Neighbor • Paper Delivery Person • Teacher • Pastor • Priest • Etc. • Students (Better than Cash!)
380 Buffalo St., Hamburg
Open Mon.-Thurs. 11am-11pm • Fri.-Sat. 11am-Midnight; Sunday Noon-11pm
LOW FALL RATES Now In Effect!! Have those unsafe trees removed or trimmed by our certified arborists. Serving the Southtowns for over 40 years. Free estimates. Full insurance coverage. JAMES SERVICES (716)992-3800
uuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuu
“THE TREE SURGEON”. Tree removal, trimming, stump grinding, lot clearing. Firewood. Reasonable prices. Free estimates. Fully Insured. 549-2922.
TREE REMOVAL: Inexpensive Rates. Owner operated. HAZLETT TREE REMOVAL since 1989. 992-3593.
Shop Locally This Holiday Season
The benefits of shopping locally go beyond convenience. The following are a few ways that shopping locally this holiday season can directly benefit your community and the people who call it home. Local economy: When men and women shop locally, they are putting money back into their local communities. Local small businesses may be owned by your neighbors, and it can be comforting to know that your holiday shopping dollars are going to support a neighbor instead of a large corporation. Local businesses also employ your neighbors, so shopping local can strengthen the local economy by creating jobs that may not exist if you and members of your community fail to support local small businesses. Community identity: Local small businesses go a long way toward creating a neighborhood identity, and that identity can create a stronger sense of community among you and your neighbors. In addition, a unique community identity can make your town more attractive to outsiders, and that appeal can improve the value of local real estate while also attracting more people to local businesses in your neighborhood. Uniqueness of gifts: The gifts you buy when shopping locally also can benefit your community. Gifts purchased from small local businesses tend to be more unique than items bought from national chains, as smaller retailers tend to sell more homemade items than their national competitors. Recipients of such items may find such gifts more thoughtful than mass produced items bought from national chains, and the uniqueness of homemade gifts may encourage the gifts' recipients to visit your community and do some shopping, further benefitting your local economy. Customer service: The accessibility of customer service is another oft-overlooked benefit of shopping locally. When buying from national chains, especially during the holiday season when such businesses may be overwhelmed with orders, making contact with customer service departments can be a trying exercise in patience. Long wait times on the phone or online can make the process of contacting customer service extremely frustrating. But such frustration is rare when buying from local businesses, as consumers can simply take their products into the store, where employees can immediately address their concerns. In addition, buying locally makes it more convenient for friends and family members who also live in your community to return their gifts. The Eden- North Collins Pennysaver proudly promotes local businesses. Please consider spending some of your holiday time and dollars right here at home.
Thank You Eden Chamber of Commerce for honoring me as “Citizen of the Year.” I was further honored having the Eden Pennysaver honored as “Business of the Year” at the same time. I would especially like to thank Ruth Owen Bucki for her part in honoring me and for continuing the Randall Agency for the past 22 years. Also thanks to Don Stuhr of the Four Corners Café for his part in the ceremonies, and to all the people who attended. -Ferris Randall
Bluebird Nesting Box Workshop Rescheduled
The Bluebird Nesting Box Workshop originally scheduled for November 22nd has been rescheduled for Saturday February 7th, 2015 at 10:00am at the Eden Town Hall. If you have any questions please contact Mary Jane Bolo at 992-9456. __________
SELL IT FAST in the classifieds! Cutting Block Color & Cuts 8606 S. Main St. Eden, NY 14057 • 992-4201
We’ve Survived the snow special $10.00 OFF Color $5.00 OFF Hair Cut
Santa Special! 10% Off All Hair Products
Book Your Holiday Appointments Now 992-4201
Expires 12/31/14
Dec. 6th, 13th & 20th, 9 am - 4 pm
Kim’s Color & Cuts An eco-friendly Salon
12377 Rt. 75, Lawtons (About 15 mins from Springville)
* Stop in for your $10.00 parafin hand treatment! * Gift Certificates • Gift Baskets • Organic Lotions & Soaps Natural Hair & Skin Products Better for you, Better for the environment
NOVEMBER 30, 2014 / PAGE 11
VETERANS POST by Freddy Groves
Stealing from the V.A. I read a lot of reports about the fraud that goes on in connection with the Department of Veterans Affairs. I shouldn’t be surprised anymore at the levels people will stoop to when it comes to fraud and stealing money and resources that belong to veterans and taxpayers. But sometimes I am. Take the VA supervisor in Connecticut who had her house fixed up, courtesy of VA employees. This wasn’t a one-time deal, either. Over the course of three years she had VA employees build a new deck, install carpet and make improvements to kitchen, bathroom and basement. They used materials, tools and vehicles that belonged to the VA. Extra items were purchased with her government-issued
credit card. Sometimes the employees worked on her house while they were on the clock for the VA. She could have gotten 10 years in prison. Did serve time? Heck no. She received a mere slap on the wrist: community service, restitution of the amount she stole and six months of at-home monitoring ... the better to enjoy the new stuff the VA built for her. Online I’ve managed to find her home address, her Connecticut voter ID number, her marriage license, DOB and a resume. I only hope that future employers dig as deeply. However, that’s not the end of the story. What of those employees who did the work on her house? Was there not one among them
who thought to speak out? Was the fear of reprisal that strong? If you’re a VA employee and are unsure of how to blow the whistle on things you know are wrong, go here: www.va.gov/oig/hotline. The number is 800-4888244. Or call the Office of Special Counsel (www.osc. gov) at 800-572-2249, or use the POGO secure dropbox at www.vaoversight.org. Freddy Groves regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@gmail.com. (c) 2014 King Synd., Inc.
Local Businesses Help Make Holiday Gatherings Festive Time is in short supply during the holiday season. Between shopping, cooking, baking and wrapping, there seems to be precious few hours to tackle anything else. Those who desire an old-fashioned, homemade holiday can still experience all of the seasonal magic by deferring some of the work to local businesses. Decorating Much of the splendor of the holiday season comes directly from the intricately decorated houses and storefronts. Twinkling lights and garlands of fresh pine boughs can instantly transform any building. Look to our local farmers and farm markets for help creating a winter wonderland at your home or business. Baking What would the holiday season be without the sweet treats and inviting smells of freshly baked goods? The cooler weather is an ideal time to turn on the oven and whip up a batch of cookies or cakes. Others would prefer desserts that provide homemade flair without the effort. Local bakers and bakeries can help with the perfect dessert for your holiday table, whether it be pastries, cookies or pies. When hosting friends and family, visit our local supermarkets for your baking supplies or contact a local baker for a decadent treat. Catering Catering a party is an easy way to offer guests delicious food with minimal work. Local caterers can provide everything from sit-down dinners to buffet spreads. Some restaurants that do not normally cater events may offer special packages this time of year. Also, local stores and markets have party platters and holiday specials to make your meal planning a breeze. Parties Social calendars fill up come November and December. When hosting a gathering of coworkers, family or friends, choose local venues for social events. Travel to and from the party is easier on guests and you are supporting local venues. Gifting Shopping at local vendors often means more personalized service and a less stressful experience. A specialty store may have that unique gift not easily found elsewhere, and shop owners may be able to special-order bulk gifts. Some of our local retailers also offer specialized services, such as gift-wrapping or personal shopping. Shopping locally can help holiday shoppers save time and support their communities.
PAGE 12 / NOVEMBER 30, 2014
Gallman Excavating • Utility Work • Ponds • Septic Systems • Site Work
Announcements Cell: 716-432-4642 Home: 716-941-6595 Insured
Meat Raffle Saturday, December 13th 7:30 p.m. Newell-Faulkner Post 880 2912 Legion Dr. Eden, N.Y.
Don’t Let Old Man Winter Catch You Off Guard! EARLY BIRD SPECIAL SNOWBLOWER TUNE-UPS
Starting at
Plus Parts for Most Models
Free Layaway
UNTIL CHRISTMAS on Your Cub Cadet Purchase
PICK-UP & DELIVERY AVAIL ABLE 10833 Angola-Brant Road Brant, NY 14027 716-549-1414 WWW.GUGINOS.COM
Community Christmas Cantata: “Ten Thousand Hallelujahs” Sat, Dec. 13, 2pm at Faith Bible Baptist Church, 8688 S Main St, Eden. 40-voice choir, children’s choir, readers theater, refreshments, free 2015 calendar for every household. No charge. Make the Christmas season meaningful!
Thank You
On behalf of the Ken and Molly Szal family, we would like to thank everyone for attending Molly’s recent benefit and making it a tremendous success. We would like to thank God for blessing us with the strength we need to get through this journey, and for blessing us with the great friends and people, in general, that have supported us since Molly’s diagnosis. We would like to thank the volunteers, donors, and Newell Faulkner Post 880 for all their hard work and countless hours they contributed. We would like to thank the business community throughout the entire WNY region for their support. We would also like to thank a very special group of people, the committee. Too many to mention, this group totaled about 40 people. It was made up of our families, Legion brothers and sisters, card club friends and the class of ’72. They coordinated the event, and made it amazing for us. May God bless you all. As we continue on our road to recovery, we thank all for their continued support and prayer. Ken, Molly & Family
MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel
• On Dec. 13, 1577, English seaman Francis Drake sets out from England with five ships and 164 men on a mission to raid Spanish holdings on the Pacific coast of the New World. Three years later, Drake’s return to England marked the first circumnavigation of the earth by a British explorer.
organization formed at the end of World War I, expels the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in response to the Soviets’ invasion of Finland. Although the League was the brainchild of President Woodrow Wilson, the United States never joined. • On Dec. 11, 1944, the city of Toronto, Canada, is battered with its worst-ever snowfall. Twenty-one people died as nearly 20 inches of snow fell in a single day. The storm took place during World War II, and the city’s ammunition factory was forced to close.
• On Dec. 12, 1912, two years after it was stolen from the Louvre, Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece The Mona Lisa is recovered inside Italian waiter Vincenzo Peruggia’s hotel room in Florence. Peruggia had previously worked at the Louvre and had participated in the heist • On Dec. 9, 1958, retired with a group of accomplices Boston candy manufacturer dressed as janitors. Robert H.W. Welch, Jr., establishes the John Birch • On Dec. 14, 1939, the Society, a right-wing orgaLeague of Nations, the in- nization dedicated to fightternational peacekeeping ing what it perceives to be
the extensive infiltration of communism into American society. • On Dec. 10, 1963, kidnapped Frank Sinatra Jr. is allowed to talk briefly to his father, after which the kidnappers demanded a ransom of $240,000 and arranged Sinatra’s drop off. Law-enforcement officials picked up the young Sinatra and brought him home in the trunk of their car. • On Dec. 8, 1980, former Beatle John Lennon is shot and killed by Mark David Chapman as Lennon and his wife, Yoko Ono, were returning home to their West 72nd Street Manhattan apartment building, the now-famous Dakota.
NOVEMBER 30, 2014 / PAGE 13
21 Center Street, Angola
Next door to the Angola PennySaver
Phone 549-3111
5782 Main St., Williamsville Phone 634-1300
Member American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry & International Congress of Oral Implantologists
Eden-North Collins Pennysaver classifieds for more info on rates or to a place a classified call 716.992.4625
WE WANT YOUR NEWS! Please email your news and photos to info@southtownspennysaver.com
t akfas Four Corners Cafe e r B h ing Servand Lunc 8571 N. Main St., Eden, N.Y. • 992-4347
Hours: New Sunday Hours 7 am - 2 pm Mon., Tues, Thurs., Sat. 6 am - 2 pm; Wed. 6 am - 8 pm
Full Avai Menu lable
2nd Annual
Dec. 3rd - Chicken & Dumplings
Prime Rib & Pasta Dishes • Eat-in or Take-out Specials Book DECEMBER 13TH FRIDAY
your Holiday Holiday Dinner and Dance FISH FRY Parties RESERVATIONS SUGGESTED 11 am - 9 pm Special Parties, Banquets, Meetings Accommodating 25 - 80 Now!
2712 Bauer Road, Eden • 992-3934
OPEN NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS! Fridays and Sundays, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Made from our own fibers. Hunting, Sports & Casual
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church is hosting a Christmas Tree Lighting at the park near the Main St., Church Rd. intersection in Eden.
Saturday, December 6th 7:30 p.m. There will be caroling, snacks & a tree lighting ceremony Also there will be “Your Neighbor’s Chest” where you may donate a gift or food to local families in need. All donations will be given to the Eden-North Collins Food Pantry.
PAGE 14 / NOVEMBER 30, 2014
December Community Calendar Dec 16 Hanukkah Starts Dec 24 Hanukkah Ends
Eden Central Schools Dec 1 End of 1st trimester Dec 1 Staff Development - Half Day K-12 Dec 3 7:30 PM 6th Grade Band, Orchestra & Chorus Concert Dec 5 7:00 PM-9:30 PM Jr. High Holiday Dance Dec 5 Report Cards on Portal Gr. K-6 Dec 9 7:30 PM 5th Grade Band, Orchestra & Chorus Concert Dec 10 GLP & EES Parent Teacher Conferences Dec 10 Staff Development Day K-12 Dec 11 7:30 PM Winter JHS Band, Orchestra, Chorus & Jazz Concert Dec 12 End 15th Week Dec 15 FFA Christmas Plant Sale Dec 15 NHS Candy Cane Sale Dec 16 FFA Christmas Plant Sale Dec 16 NHS Candy Cane Sale Dec 17 7:00 PM Board of Education Mtg. Dec 17 FFA Christmas Plant Sale Dec 17 NHS Candy Cane Sale Dec 18 FFA Christmas Plant Sale Dec 18 NHS Candy Cane Sale Dec 18 7:30 PM Winter SHS Band, Orchestra, Chorus & Jazz Concert Dec 19 ASVAB Follow-Up Dec 19 FFA Christmas Plant Sale Dec 24- Jan 4 Winter Recess Eden Town Dec 2 9:00 AM Coupon Exchange Dec 3 Salvation Army Bell Ringers around Town Dec 3 9:00 AM Coupon Exchange Dec 4 Salvation Army Bell Ringers around Town Dec 5 Salvation Army Bell Ringers around Town Dec 6 Salvation Army Bell Ringers around Town Dec 7 10:30 AM- 12:30 PM Breakfast with Santa at Legion Post 880 Dec 8 7:00 PM Eden Library Board Meeting Dec 10 7:30 PM Eden Town Board Meeting Dec 11 11:00 AM Eden Senior Citizens Meeting Dec 18 11:00 AM Eden Senior Citizens Meeting Dec 18 7:30 PM Economic Committee Meeting Dec 23 7:30 PM Eden Conservation Board Meeting Dec 30 7:00 PM Eden Planning Board Meeting
Dec 24 Christmas Eve Dec 25 Christmas Dec 26 Kwanza Starts North Collins Central School Dec 2 Vocational Tours for interested Grade 10 students, Ormsby/Carrier Dec 4 12:00 PM Senior Citizen Luncheon, ES Gym, Dec 5 High School Club Picture Day, HS Auditorium, TBA Dec 5 2:45 PM - 6:45 PM Elementary School Book Fair and Holiday Craft Event, ES Cafetorium Dec 6 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Elementary School Book Fair and Holiday Craft Event, ES Cafetorium Dec 9 6:30 PM Board of Education Meeting, HS Library Media Center Dec 10 3:00 PM Town Village School Advisory Committee Meeting, HS Library Media Center Dec 12 6:00 PM Student Government Movie Night, HS Auditorium Dec 17 7:00 PM Jr.-Sr. High Band and Chorus Holiday Concert, HS Auditorium Dec 19 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Student Government Winter Ball, HS Gymnasium Dec 24- Dec 31 NO SCHOOL - Winter Recess Town of North Collins Dec 3 1:00 PM-4:00 PM Food Pantry Dec 3 11:00 AM Senior Citizen Meeting Dec 4 12:00 PM Senior Dinner at Elementary School Dec 10 7:00 PM Town Board Meeting Dec 17 11:00 AM Senior Citizen Meeting Dec 17 1:00 PM- 4:00 PM Food Pantry Dec 25- Jan 2 Clerks Office Closed
Sponsored by:
Serving Eden, North Collins, Langford, Brant, Lawtons, North Boston, East Eden P.O. Box 114, 8603 South Main St., Eden, N.Y. 14057 992-4625 FAX: 992-3041 E-mail: info@southtownspennysaver.com
To sponsor a future Community Calendar, please contact us at 992-4625
Mother Nature’s Birthday Gift Story by Christina M. Abt Photos by Terry Zittel
George and Paul Zittel are brothers. Specifically, they are the elders in a family of seven generations bound together by a love of the land and a dedication to farming. Last week George and Paul celebrated their birthdays. George on November 18th and Paul on November 22nd----the same days that WNY’s historic lake effect storm began and subsided. As it turned out, those were also the days that began and ended the collapse of their family’s 182-year old farm business. Images of the 50-inches of dense snow that blanketed Eden this week weigh heavy on the Zittel brothers. The snow weighed even heavier on their farms, as it collapsed more than 90% of their four acres of greenhouses. Yet, according to Paul, while Mother Nature’s force may have collapsed their business, it has not bowed their determination. “If my father were here I know damn well what he would do. He would get right back up and start again. This is a big hurt to our family but we still know what we have to do. We’ll start from one side of the farm and rebuild, piece by piece.” Early estimates of damage to the Zittel’s farms span the $2 to $3 million range. Insurance will cover some, but not all, of their rebuilding costs. Government disaster funds may help, but at this point that aide is unknown. What the family does know is that Mother Nature waits for no one. “At this point our total winter production is gone. The flower baskets, the geraniums and the vegetable plants that we traditionally produce for wholesalers are destroyed,” Paul said. “That represents at least 20 percent of our greenhouse business, a third of our total income. And we need to get the greenhouses back up and running next month or we won’t get our vegetables started for the growing season, another 40 percent of our annual business. No doubt we’ve taken a hit, but
This is the first in a series of articles detailing the devastating impact of the November Storm upon WNY’s rural community and the remarkable ways in which people are facing and rising above the challenges. we are doing all that we can to ensure that our customers will be taken care of by other suppliers around the country and come Monday we will get started on rebuilding.” Long known as a leader in the Ag community, Paul Zittel acknowledges they are not the only WNY farmers impacted by last week’s winter storm. Without pause, he reels off a list of area farmers who have suffered losses, noting not only their names but the buildings destroyed and the livestock now gone. He sees the devastation as community-wide. “This is a financial hit that the WNY farm community has never experienced before and it’s going to be tough, but we are going to get through. We’ve helped others and now they will help us. We all have a com-
mitment to continue.” In the last week, the outpouring of help for the Zittels has included area farmers offering available greenhouse space, needed operational equipment coming from as far away as Rochester and support from New York State Ag and Markets in the form of volunteer labor and equipment. A supplier for Zittel’s retail store in Hamburg even helped clear snow from the parking lot to make room for their Christmas tree delivery. It’s a helping hands tradition that permeates the farming community, since natural disasters are part of the business. Which leads to the question, why continue in an industry that faces disaster with such regularity? George Zittel answers without hesitation “When you have a love
of farming, it encompasses you. You live it all the time and it grows inside of you to want to succeed. So when disaster hits, we don’t think about quitting. We think about regrouping, perhaps even taking a different direction, which in the end often becomes a positive, an improvement that was not anticipated. And as long as the economics are there that allow us to make a living, we continue.” Still, as the Zittel Family took hack saws to the outer shells of their snowburdened greenhouses to try and save the frames and infrastructure, Paul emotionally concedes that there was little positive about the task. “I built every one of those greenhouses and to see them destroyed, it really hurts. It’s depressing. But we’re going to come through it. The people of WNY have been wonderful, calling and wishing us the best—from neighbors to organizations like Farm Bureau. And I know that when the time comes they will be there to help us in any way that they can, just as we have always helped others.” But the final word on the future of the Zittel’s farm belongs to George who offers the wisdom of a family elder. “Anytime you face adversity, if you dig in and fight hard you can it manage it and that adversity can become a plus. You restructure, rethink and make adjustments that sometimes lead to a new future. You just have to keep plugging and not give up. You have to think…no… you have to know that it’s going to work” An account to accept donations to help all WNY farmers adversely impacted by the November Storm. Checks should be made out to Erie County Farm Bureau, with a note that it is a, “farm storm donation” and sent to 21 S. Grove St., Suite 260, East Aurora, NY 14052.
NOVEMBER 30, 2014 / PAGE 15
Real Estate
W W W. S O U T H T O W N S P E N N Y S A V E R . C O M
Sale Real Estate HOUSES FOR SALE
FOR RENT: 2 room efficiency apartment, $320 per month includes appliances & water. Southwestern Blvd., Eden/ Evans area. 912-5897. FOR RENT: Beauty Shop/ Barber Shop/ Small Office: Main Street, North Collins. Formerly Nancy’s. Includes water. $350/ mo., 1 month plus security. 337-2632.
DERBY, MOVE RIGHT IN: Remodeled 2 bedroom, large front living room, dining area, carport & shed. Nice lot. Only $9900. TRITON, 549-3737; 683-9100. OLDER FARM HOUSE corner lot, 4+ acres, 4 Bedrooms, 30x70 workshop. $179,000. 951-3026. ROOMS ROOMS AVAILABLE monthly ROOMS AVAILABLE monthly in Evans area. Call for rates. 818-4903, in Evans area. 818-4915. Call for rates. 818-4903, 818-4915.
FOR RENT: Village of North Collins. 1 bedroom lower. $425. No pets. 998-2212. HAMBURG FOR RENT: MAPLEWOOD ESTATES2 Bedrooms Starting at $835. with Heat & Water, SAVE $1,000. Call for Details 649-3712 Open 7 Days a Week. E.H.O.
FOR RENT: Village of North Collins. 1 bedroom lower. $425. No pets. 998-2212. HAMBURG FOR RENT: MAPLEWOOD ESTATES2 Bedrooms Starting at $835. with Heat & Water, SAVE $1,000. Call for Details 649-3712 Open 7 Days a Week. E.H.O.
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Photos and story by Christina M. Abt
This is the second in a series of articles detailing the devastating impact of the November Storm upon WNY’s rural community and the remarkable ways in which people are facing and rising above the challenges.
A Special Thanks and gratitude of appreciation to the Evans Police officers, dispatchers, Lynn from Rural Metro Angola and the Evans Center firefighters that responded in near impossible conditions to my emergency Wednesday, November 19th at 6 am. They had to battle blinding snow and 4 feet of snow in my driveway to reach me. I can’t thank you enough. I would also like to offer a special thank you to Bob Beck and Todd Dybdahl for clearing my drive to allow the ambulance to get in. I also don’t want to forget the staff at Lakeshore Hospital for their efficient care. My family and I can not thank you all enough. And also thank you to friends, family and neighbors.
The Giambra Family
It’s Never Easy
PAGE 16 / NOVEMBER 30, 2014
Dave and Ann Phillips are a quiet-spoken, thoughtful couple whose lives are defined by their dairy farms where they breed, raise and milk more than 2,050 dairy cows. Yet for four days during the November storm, the Phillips’ lives took on a whole new meaning as snow destroyed both their property and their livestock, further endangering the lives of Dave and their employees. The Phillips’ story begins on Thursday, November 20th, officially day three of the lake effect blizzard. Ann was at the family’s North Collins farm tending to the 1,450 cows
Route 62, Eden Ph # 992-4290 Open 10:30 - 6 pm
FA R M M A R K E T Fr uit Baskets Jams, Jellies, and Salad Dressings
Wreaths, Poinsettias
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housed there, while Dave was focused on the 500 head at their Eden farm. He and some employees had been shoveling snow off of building roofs and took a break to collect materials to fortify barns weakened by the weight of the driving snow. It was then, Dave explains, that life on the farm reeled out of control. “I was on my way to North Collins, to get some materials and more help when I got the call. A section of the barn we’d been working on had gone down. I returned immediately and we started carefully pulling debris out of the way, trying not to move anything that would cause more of the barn to collapse.” Dave and his farm crew were aided by neighbors who miraculously showed up within minutes of the disaster. Their help allowed Dave to take one of his employees and move to fortify another barn, this one housing cows. It was only a matter of time before they realized the relentless snowfall was outpacing their efforts. “We heard the first truss crack and snap and knew we had no time to get out. We moved under the main support beam, hoping it would offer protection, and then watched as all the trusses collapsed around us like dominoes. It probably took all of five seconds. We waited a minute to see if anything else was going to fall and when we thought it was safe, we cut open a slice in the out-
side wall and managed to get out, leaving the 25 cows behind, in the debris. At that point I walked away to collect my thoughts as to what we should do next”. What Dave and Ann did next was undertake a threeday odyssey of around-theclock efforts to rescue the cows from the collapsed barn and relocate the remaining 475 cows to other barns and other farms, to prevent further losses. All the while the historic snow storm impeded their every effort. “What saved us were the people who started showing up, without our asking or telling us they were coming,” Dave said. “It was unbelievable how the news spread and people came to help. And what continues to amaze me is that they worked without any concern for their own safety. Neighbors and friends, farmers from Eden, North Collins and Boston, they worked tirelessly in the storm, sifting through the debris." Ann shares her own memories of others who aided in their efforts. "Our vet, Jen Gabel, came that first night and worked for five straight hours. I set up a triage area in another barn and she and I treated the cows as they were rescued. Then on Sunday a crew of Mennonites came from Ontario through the efforts of NYS Ag and Markets. They spent almost three hours shoveling snow off of the roofs. And when I asked
people how we could repay them, they simply said that they didn’t want anything, that we would have done the same for them” By Sunday night, through the exhaustive efforts of many, the Phillips’ farm and livestock were secure. Of the 25 cows trapped in the collapsed barn, 21 were saved. Ultimately four of those were unable to survive. While Dave and Ann acknowledge the rescue as a remarkable triumph, in recalling those that died the emotion of the devastation surfaces. Their voices waver and their eyes fill with tears, but not in waves of selfpity. “We’re so grateful,” Ann said. “We continue to be amazed at how unselfish people were in all the help and support that we received and are still receiving. And we realize how lucky we are that no one got hurt, not even so much as a scratch.” Then with a moment’s pause, Ann softly adds, “We breed and raise every one of our cows. We spend most of our time every day with them. They are under our care and losing even one of them is never easy”. An account to accept donations to help all WNY farmers adversely impacted by the November Storm. Checks should be made out to Erie County Farm Bureau, with a note that it is a, “farm storm donation” and sent to 21 S. Grove St., Suite 260, East Aurora, NY 14052.
~ TOY TRAIN SHOW ~ December 6. Columbus Hall, 2735 Union Rd., Cheektowaga. 10:00am- 3:00pm. All gauges of trains. Adults $5.00, Under 17 free w/ paid adult. 390-8216. wnytrainshows.tca@hotmail.com MISCELLANEOUS
A VILLAGE LOCKSMITH has DISCOUNTED movie passes for Regal Cinemas available. UNITED HEALTHCARE zero premium Medicare Advantage Plan, available from John Chiavetta, 549-0150. NOTICE
CHRISTMAS TREES 9 varieties and wreaths You cut or we cut at Kathie and Jerry’s 1731 Gowans rd Angola 9 A.M. until dark 432-3936 RUBBER STAMPS AVAILABLE at the A Village Locksmith, Derby, 947-9071 and the Eden Pennysaver Office, 992-4625.
NOVEMBER 30, 2014 / PAGE 17
W W W. S O U T H T O W N S P E N N Y S A V E R . C O M
Employment HELP WANTED
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Position: Must be multitasking & organized. Must have computer, data entry & phone skills. Apply at: BFG, 3949 Jeffrey Blvd., Hamburg. FULL TIME OPENINGS for production work. Apply at: BFG, 3949 Jeffrey Blvd., Hamburg. HELP WANTED: High School Student Wanted for House Cleaning & Occasional Yard Work. 810-3330. HELP WANTED: Large progressive dairy looking for cow feeder. Must be able to drive truck & equipment and be responsible and timely. Wages based on experience and performance. Call 863-6585.
Maintenance: Eden/ Boston area apartment complexes seek reliable, PT person with knowledge of Electrical, Plumbing and Carpentry. 2028 hrs./ wk. Must have own tools, dependable car and clean driving record. EOE. $13.00/ hr. Resume/ references to HR, 215 Broadway, Buffalo, NY or fax to 854-1251. NOW HIRING McDonald’s of Irving 687 Rtes. 5 and 20 Irving, NY All Positions, Shifts Available Discounted Meals Flexible Schedules Benefits for Full Time Apply in person at the restaurant or call (716)810-0400 for more information. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Position: Must be multitasking & organized. Must have computer, data entry & phone skills. Apply at: BFG, 3949 Jeffrey Blvd., Hamburg.
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HELP WANTED: Large progressive dairy looking for cow feeder. Must be able to drive truck & equipment and be responsible and timely. Wages based on experience and performance. Call 863-6585.
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PAGE 18 / NOVEMBER 30, 2014
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NOVEMBER 30, 2014 / PAGE 19
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PAGE 20 / NOVEMBER 30, 2014
72 North Main Street, Village of Angola
Movies, showtimes and ticket prices subject to change without prior notice.
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Snow & Ice Melters
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Driveway Markers
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Watch for our circular in Dec. 7th Buffalo News.