Beef-Class Structural Assessment Guide
How to do BeefClass Structural Assessments
For docility– 1 is Ideal (Docile), 3 is less ideal (restless) and 5 is aggressive. (Scores of 1 and 2 are preferred).
For traits scored 1-9:
• 4 and 6 show slight variation from ideal but this includes most animals. Any animal scoring 4 and 6 would be acceptable in any breeding program.
• 3 and 7 shows greater variation, but would be acceptable in most commercial breeding programs, but seed stock producers should be wary.
• 2 and 8 are low scoring animals and should be looked at closely before purchasing.
• 1 and 9 should not be catalogued and are considered culls.
For trouble-shooting please contact Alastair Midgley:
PH: (03) 612 6671
MOBILE: 0274 768 036.
7 Trait Key Scoring Range Docility D 1. Docile 3. Restless 5. Aggressive Front Feet Claw Set Rear Feet Claw Set FC RC 1. Open/Divergent 5. Good 9. Scissor Claw Front Feet Angle Rear Feet Angle FA RA 1. Stubbed Toe 5. Good 9. Shallow Heel Rear Legs Side View RS 1. Straight 5. Good 9. Sickle Hocked Rear Legs Hind View RH 1. Bow Legged 5. Good 9. Cow Hocked Front Legs Front View FF 1. Bow Legged 5. Good 9. Knocked Knee Udder Evenness UE 1. Dropped Fore Qtr. 5. Good Balance 9. Dropped Rear Qtr. Teat Size and Shape TZ 1. Very Small/Thin 5. Good 9. Very Large/Bulbous Sheath & Navel Score SN 1. Pendulous 3. Good 5. Clean/Tight Capacity CP 1. Lacking Capacity 3. Medium
Large Volume Muscle Score LM
Very Heavy C. Medium
A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
8 COVERING YOUR STUD STOCK NEEDS NATIONWIDE CARRFIELDSLIVESTOCK.CO.NZ CONTACT OUR STUD STOCK TEAM TO DISCUSS YOUR NEEDS Andrew Holt Auctioneer 027 496 3311 Neville Clark Auctioneer 027 598 6537 Todd Wells Stud Stock Agent 027 236 7367 Robbie Kirkpatrick Stud Stock Agent 027 587 0131
“The fundamental breeding basics are already there. We are now focused on bettering the eating experience for the end consumer.”
- Bryan Bendall
Angus Cattle EvaluationMid May 2023
Reference Tables * Breed average represents the average EBV of all 2021 drop Australian Angus and Angus-influenced seedstock animals analysed in the
* The percentile bands represent the distribution of EBVs across the 2021 drop Australian Angus and Angus-influenced seedstock animals analysed in the Mid May
10 +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +0.84 +0.97 +1.03 +197 +339
Calving Ease Growth Carcase Other Structure CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC DOC NFI-F Selection Indexes Claw P8 EMA $A IMF Angle CWT $A-L RIB % Band RBY Birth Fertility Less Calving Difficulty Less Calving Difficulty Shorter Gestation Length Lighter Birth Weight Heavier Live Weight Heavier Live Weight Heavier Live Weight Heavier Mature Weight Heavier Live Weight Larger Scrotal Size Shorter Time to Calving Heavier Carcase Weight Larger EMA More Fat More Fat Higher Yield More IMF Greater Feed Efficiency More Docile Lower Score Lower Score Greater Profitability Greater Profitability
Calving Ease Growth Carcase Other Structure CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC DOC NFI-F Selection Indexes Claw P8 EMA $A IMF Angle CWT RIB RBY $A-L Birth Fertility 1% +11.0 +10.0 -10.7 -0.3 +70 +122 +162 +160 +28 +4.8 -8.0 +98 +14.6 +4.2 +5.0 +2.0 +5.9 -0.53 +44 +0.42 +0.60 +0.76 +272 +449 5% +9.1 +8.4 -8.8 +1.0 +64 +112 +148 +140 +25 +3.9 -7.0 +88 +11.9 +2.8 +3.3 +1.5 +4.6 -0.31 +36 +0.54 +0.72 +0.84 +252 +419 10% +8.0 +7.3 -7.9 +1.8 +60 +107 +140 +131 +23 +3.5 -6.5 +83 +10.6 +2.2 +2.4 +1.3 +4.0 -0.20 +32 +0.60 +0.76 +0.88 +241 +403 15% +7.1 +6.6 -7.2 +2.2 +58 +104 +136 +124 +22 +3.2 -6.1 +79 +9.7 +1.7 +1.9 +1.1 +3.7 -0.12 +29 +0.66 +0.80 +0.92 +233 +392 20% +6.3 +6.0 -6.7 +2.6 +57 +101 +132 +119 +21 +3.0 -5.8 +77 +9.0 +1.3 +1.4 +1.0 +3.3 -0.06 +27 +0.68 +0.84 +0.94 +227 +383 25% +5.7 +5.4 -6.3 +2.9 +55 +99 +129 +115 +20 +2.8 -5.6 +75 +8.4 +1.0 +1.1 +0.9 +3.1 -0.01 +25 +0.72 +0.86 +0.96 +222 +376 30% +5.1 +4.9 -6.0 +3.2 +54 +97 +126 +112 +20 +2.6 -5.4 +73 +7.9 +0.8 +0.8 +0.8 +2.9 +0.03 +24 +0.74 +0.88 +0.96 +217 +369 35% +4.5 +4.5 -5.7 +3.4 +53 +95 +124 +109 +19 +2.5 -5.2 +71 +7.4 +0.6 +0.5 +0.7 +2.7 +0.07 +23 +0.76 +0.90 +0.98 +213 +363 40% +4.0 +4.0 -5.4 +3.6 +52 +94 +121 +106 +18 +2.3 -5.0 +69 +7.0 +0.3 +0.2 +0.6 +2.5 +0.11 +22 +0.80 +0.92 +1.00 +209 +357 45% +3.4 +3.5 -5.0 +3.8 +51 +92 +119 +103 +18 +2.2 -4.8 +68 +6.6 +0.1 -0.1 +0.6 +2.3 +0.14 +21 +0.82 +0.94 +1.02 +205 +351 50% +2.8 +3.1 -4.8 +4.0 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.7 +66 +6.2 -0.1 -0.3 +0.5 +2.1 +0.18 +20 +0.84 +0.96 +1.02 +200 +345 55% +2.3 +2.6 -4.5 +4.3 +49 +89 +115 +97 +17 +2.0 -4.5 +65 +5.8 -0.3 -0.6 +0.4 +1.9 +0.22 +19 +0.86 +0.98 +1.04 +196 +339 60% +1.6 +2.1 -4.2 +4.5 +48 +87 +112 +94 +16 +1.9 -4.3 +63 +5.4 -0.5 -0.9 +0.3 +1.8 +0.25 +18 +0.88 +1.00 +1.06 +191 +332 65% +1.0 +1.6 -3.9 +4.7 +47 +85 +110 +91 +15 +1.7 -4.2 +61 +5.0 -0.7 -1.1 +0.3 +1.6 +0.30 +17 +0.90 +1.02 +1.08 +186 +325 70% +0.2 +1.0 -3.5 +4.9 +46 +83 +108 +88 +15 +1.6 -4.0 +59 +4.6 -0.9 -1.4 +0.2 +1.4 +0.34 +16 +0.94 +1.06 +1.10 +181 +317 75% -0.6 +0.4 -3.2 +5.2 +44 +82 +105 +85 +14 +1.4 -3.8 +58 +4.2 -1.2 -1.7 +0.1 +1.2 +0.38 +15 +0.96 +1.08 +1.12 +175 +308 80% -1.6 -0.4 -2.8 +5.5 +43 +79 +102 +81 +13 +1.3 -3.5 +55 +3.7 -1.4 -2.1 +0.0 +1.0 +0.44 +14 +1.00 +1.10 +1.14 +168 +298 85% -2.7 -1.3 -2.3 +5.9 +41 +77 +98 +76 +12 +1.1 -3.2 +53 +3.1 -1.8 -2.5 -0.2 +0.8 +0.50 +12 +1.04 +1.14 +1.16 +159 +285 90% -4.3 -2.5 -1.7 +6.3 +39 +73 +93 +70 +11 +0.9 -2.8 +50 +2.4 -2.2 -3.1 -0.3 +0.5 +0.58 +10 +1.08 +1.18 +1.18 +147 +268 95% -7.0 -4.3 -0.7 +7.0 +36 +68 +86 +61 +10 +0.5 -2.1 +45 +1.2 -2.8 -3.9 -0.6 +0.0 +0.71 +7 +1.16 +1.26 +1.24 +129 +240 99% -12.7 -8.3 +1.3 +8.4 +29 +57 +71 +42 +6 -0.3 -0.2 +34 -1.1 -4.1 -5.6 -1.1 -0.8 +0.96 +0 +1.30 +1.40 +1.34 +95 +187 Brd Avg
May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation
Lighter Live Weight Smaller Scrotal Size Lighter Live Weight Higher Score Lighter Live Weight More Calving Difficulty More Calving Difficulty Lower Feed Efficiency Longer Gestation Length Lighter Carcase Weight Lighter Live Weight Less Docile Lower Profitability Longer Time to Calving Heavier Birth Weight Less Fat Less Fat Smaller EMA Lower Yield Higher Score Lower Profitability Lighter Mature Weight Less IMF
2023 TransTasman
Leg Leg Lower Score Higher Score
Evaluation .
Angus Cattle EvaluationMid May 2023
Reference Tables * Breed average represents the average
* The percentile bands represent the distribution of
11 +197 +163 +259 +181 +339 +293 +405 +381 +145 +181
$A $D $GN $GS $A-L $D-L $GN-L $GS-L $PRO $T % Band Greater Profitability Greater Profitability Greater Profitability Greater Profitability Greater Profitability Greater Profitability Greater Profitability Greater Profitability Greater Profitability Greater Profitability BREED AVERAGE EBVs $A $D $GN $GS $A-L $D-L $GN-L $GS-L $PRO $T 1% +272 +229 +363 +260 +449 +391 +539 +511 +227 +235 5% +252 +210 +335 +238 +419 +363 +503 +475 +204 +221 10% +241 +200 +319 +226 +403 +349 +484 +455 +192 +213 15% +233 +194 +308 +218 +392 +340 +470 +442 +184 +208 20% +227 +188 +300 +212 +383 +332 +459 +432 +177 +203 25% +222 +184 +293 +206 +376 +326 +450 +423 +171 +199 30% +217 +180 +286 +202 +369 +320 +442 +415 +166 +196 35% +213 +176 +280 +197 +363 +314 +434 +407 +162 +193 40% +209 +173 +274 +192 +357 +309 +427 +400 +157 +189 45% +205 +169 +269 +188 +351 +303 +419 +393 +152 +186 50% +200 +165 +263 +184 +345 +298 +411 +386 +148 +183 55% +196 +162 +257 +179 +339 +292 +404 +379 +143 +180 60% +191 +158 +251 +174 +332 +286 +396 +371 +138 +177 65% +186 +153 +244 +169 +325 +280 +387 +363 +133 +173 70% +181 +149 +237 +164 +317 +273 +377 +354 +128 +169 75% +175 +144 +229 +158 +308 +266 +367 +344 +121 +165 80% +168 +138 +219 +151 +298 +257 +354 +333 +114 +160 85% +159 +131 +208 +142 +285 +246 +338 +318 +105 +154 90% +147 +121 +193 +131 +268 +231 +318 +299 +93 +146 95% +129 +106 +171 +113 +240 +208 +284 +266 +73 +134 99% +95 +77 +129 +80 +187 +161 +225 +203 +38 +110 Brd Avg TransTasman
2021 drop Australian Angus and Angus-influenced seedstock animals analysed in the Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation . Lower Profitability Lower Profitability Lower Profitability Lower Profitability Lower Profitability Lower Profitability Lower Profitability Lower Profitability Lower Profitability Lower Profitability
of all
2021 drop Australian Angus and Angus-influenced seedstock animals analysed in the
across the
Mid May 2023
Evaluation .
12 Bisset Honda is proud to support the Seven Hills Angus Bull Sale We’re Keeping You Going with the Best from 116 Main Street, Pahiatua Call us on (06) 376 8829
13 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197 Actual Data BWT 37 Dams Calves 6.6 GD. Dams Calves 7.7 GGD. Dams Calves 2.2 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs -2.6 +1.6 -6.2 +6.2 +64 +113 +142 +109 +19 +2.2 -3.9 +88 +11.4 -1.6 -1.8 +0.5 +3.5 +0.00 +31 Acc 59% 46% 83% 75% 73% 72% 72% 70% 63% 67% 35% 62% 62% 63% 63% 57% 66% 50% 54% Perc 85 65 27 89 5 5 9 35 32 44 71 5 7 82 76 47 17 27 12 Selection Indexes $PRO: $181 18 $A $248 7 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 1 SEVEN HILLS S18 PV HBR 15/10/2021 FCD21S18 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 5 1 G A R ASHLAND PV SEVEN HILLS 82/13 # G A R HOME TOWN PV SEVEN HILLS MARG 453/15 # CHAIR ROCK SURE FIRE 6095 # SHALOM WAIGROUP MARG 86/07 # A+ Growth top 10% Carcase EMA IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 36 Dams Calves 3.3 GD. Dams Calves 2.2 GGD. Dams Calves 7.7 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +3.6 -1.8 -5.9 +4.5 +56 +106 +130 +105 +24 +3.7 -5.4 +75 +4.5 +0.9 +1.1 -0.2 +3.2 +0.43 +17 Acc 56% 45% 72% 73% 72% 69% 70% 67% 59% 66% 36% 60% 59% 61% 61% 55% 64% 50% 51% Perc 43 88 31 60 24 11 24 42 7 7 29 24 72 27 24 85 22 79 64 Selection Indexes $PRO: $171 25 $A $229 19 Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 2 SEVEN HILLS S80 PV HBR 19/10/2021 FCD21S80 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 5 R: 6 5 5 5 5 1 ESSLEMONT LOTTO L3 PV SEVEN HILLS 137/15 # KAKAHU PIVOTAL 18004 PV SEVEN HILLS MARG 63/18 SV KAKAHU 16373 SV SEVEN HILLS MARG 400/15 # A+ Growth Carcase IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 35 Dams Calves 7.7 GD. Dams Calves 1.1 GGD. Dams Calves 5.5 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDF,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +7.0 +4.0 -5.9 +3.6 +58 +105 +125 +84 +25 +2.7 -6.1 +61 +6.2 +1.5 +2.1 -0.3 +2.9 +0.48 +38 Acc 55% 44% 83% 74% 72% 71% 70% 68% 62% 64% 36% 61% 60% 62% 61% 56% 64% 49% 51% Perc 16 40 31 39 15 13 33 76 6 26 15 66 50 17 13 88 28 83 4 Selection Indexes $PRO: $204 6 $A $262 3 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 3 SEVEN HILLS S72 SV APR 20/10/2021 FCD21S72 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 5 5 5 1 G A R PROPHET SV SHALOM WAIGROUP M 373/10 # H P C A ZEPHYR SV SEVEN HILLS 497/13 # H P C A SUNRISE 9022 # SEVEN HILLS 11332 # A+ CE Growth IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................
Twenty years from today we may look back and proclaim the greatest shift was our ability to accept change and move from an industry that has been primarily a production-oriented business to one that is focused on not only providing a great product to consumers but connects with consumers in a way that they also appreciated and understand that what we do is regenerative and sustainable. I think going forward we all need to expand our participation in how we make our industry more sustainable so we can maintain it’s viability and provide a solid financial foundation by which our enterprises can be successfully transitioned to the next generation.
- Bill Rishel
14 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197
Actual Data BWT 35 Dams Calves 5.5 GD. Dams Calves 7.7 GGD. Dams Calves 7.7 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +8.2 +6.4 -5.9 +3.2 +61 +105 +132 +108 +15 +1.6 -3.5 +77 +12.5 -1.9 -3.9 +1.1 +3.4 -0.13 +40 Acc 58% 44% 83% 75% 74% 72% 72% 70% 63% 68% 35% 63% 63% 64% 63% 58% 66% 50% 58% Perc 9 17 31 30 9 14 21 36 72 68 80 19 4 87 95 14 19 15 3 Selection Indexes $PRO: $199 7 $A $257 4 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 4 SEVEN HILLS S52 SV HBR 17/10/2021 FCD21S52 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 5 F: 6 R: 6 5 5 5 4 1 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 # CONNEALY COMRADE 1385 # BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 PV SEVEN HILLS APRIL 122/16 DV BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 # SEVEN HILLS APRIL 356/14 # A+ Hf mating CE Growth top 10% Carcase EMA IMF NFI-F top 15%. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 36 Dams Calves 5.5 GD. Dams Calves 9.9 GGD. Dams Calves 9.9 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +6.8 +3.5 -7.6 +1.8 +49 +84 +110 +84 +14 +0.0 -4.1 +63 +9.7 -0.5 +0.0 +0.3 +4.0 -0.22 +21 Acc 58% 46% 84% 75% 74% 72% 72% 69% 64% 68% 37% 63% 63% 64% 64% 58% 66% 50% 58% Perc 17 45 12 10 53 69 66 76 75 98 66 60 15 60 43 60 10 9 42 Selection Indexes $PRO: $178 20 $A $230 18 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 5 SEVEN HILLS S61 SV HBR 18/10/2021 FCD21S61 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 4 F: 6 R: 6 4 5 5 5 1.5 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 # TE MANIA GASKIN G555 SV BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 PV SEVEN HILLS DULCIE 33/16 DV BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 # SEVEN HILLS DULCIE 419/11 # A+ Hf mating CE EMA IMF top 10% Australia or top 1% NZ NFI-F top 9%. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 35 Dams Calves 6.6 GD. Dams Calves 9.9 GGD. Dams Calves * Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +5.5 +7.2 -6.8 +2.7 +48 +78 +104 +74 +15 +0.4 -4.2 +58 +11.2 -0.7 -2.8 +0.8 +3.5 +0.04 +29 Acc 56% 42% 83% 74% 72% 71% 71% 68% 62% 66% 33% 61% 61% 62% 61% 56% 64% 47% 54% Perc 27 11 19 21 60 83 77 87 66 96 63 75 8 64 88 28 17 31 16 Selection Indexes $PRO: $164 33 $A $224 24 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 6 SEVEN HILLS S53 SV HBR 17/10/2021 FCD21S53 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 7 R: 6 5 6 5 5 2 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 # SEVEN HILLS 82/13 # BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 PV SEVEN HILLS ANGELA 407/15 # BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 # SHALOM WAIGROUP ANGELA 21/07 # A+ Hf mating CE EMA IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................
15 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197 Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 35 Dams Calves 6.6 GD. Dams Calves 9.9 GGD. Dams Calves * Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +5.5 +7.2 -6.8 +2.7 +48 +78 +104 +74 +15 +0.4 -4.2 +58 +11.2 -0.7 -2.8 +0.8 +3.5 +0.04 +29 Acc 56% 42% 83% 74% 72% 71% 71% 68% 62% 66% 33% 61% 61% 62% 61% 56% 64% 47% 54% Perc 27 11 19 21 60 83 77 87 66 96 63 75 8 64 88 28 17 31 16 Selection Indexes $PRO: $164 33 $A $224 24 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 6 SEVEN HILLS S53 SV HBR 17/10/2021 FCD21S53 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 7 R: 6 5 6 5 5 2 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 # SEVEN HILLS 82/13 # BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 PV SEVEN HILLS ANGELA 407/15 # BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 # SHALOM WAIGROUP ANGELA 21/07 # A+ Hf mating CE EMA IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 34 Dams Calves 2.2 GD. Dams Calves 7.7 GGD. Dams Calves * Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDF,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +1.4 +4.4 -4.3 +3.7 +54 +98 +134 +123 +21 +2.1 -4.1 +79 +5.5 -2.5 -5.1 +0.8 +3.1 +0.03 +24 Acc 61% 49% 83% 74% 73% 71% 71% 70% 65% 68% 37% 62% 62% 64% 63% 58% 66% 52% 55% Perc 62 36 57 41 29 28 18 17 23 48 66 16 59 93 99 28 24 30 31 Selection Indexes $PRO: $133 66 $A $195 56 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 7 SEVEN HILLS S96 PV APR 22/10/2021 FCD21S96 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 5 2.5 CONNEALY IN SURE 8524 # SEVEN HILLS 324/17 # G A R FAIL SAFE PV SEVEN HILLS 160/19 PV G A R PROGRESS 830 # SEVEN HILLS 497/13 # A Growth Carcase IMF Very small amount of white on his sheath. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 33 Dams Calves 2.2 GD. Dams Calves 10.10 GGD. Dams Calves 6.6 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +3.2 +5.4 -9.4 +4.3 +59 +104 +144 +127 +24 +1.5 -4.9 +91 +3.0 -2.6 -4.9 +0.3 +3.0 -0.41 +13 Acc 62% 52% 83% 74% 74% 71% 72% 71% 66% 69% 40% 64% 64% 65% 65% 59% 67% 54% 57% Perc 47 25 4 55 13 15 7 13 7 72 42 4 86 94 98 60 26 3 84 Selection Indexes $PRO: $146 53 $A $210 39 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 8 SEVEN HILLS S15 PV HBR 13/10/2021 FCD21S15 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 5 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 5 1.5 CONNEALY IN SURE 8524 # SEVEN HILLS 260/17 # G A R FAIL SAFE PV SEVEN HILLS GRISELDA 77/19 PV G A R PROGRESS 830 # SEVEN HILLS GRISELDA 329/11 # A+ Growth top 10% Carcase IMF Very small amount of white on his sheath NFI-F top 3%. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 32 Dams Calves 8.8 GD. Dams 2.2 LOT: 9 SEVEN HILLS S38 PV HBR 17/10/2021 FCD21S38 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 6 F: 6 R: 7 5 6 5 4 1 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 # TUWHARETOA REGENT D145 PV BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 PV SEVEN HILLS UTILISE 351/13 # BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 #
16 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197 Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 32 Dams Calves 8.8 GD. Dams Calves 2.2 GGD. Dams Calves 9.9 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +7.6 +5.7 -6.9 +2.6 +53 +94 +129 +119 +15 +1.1 -4.5 +77 +8.6 -1.0 -2.9 +0.8 +3.1 +0.04 +13 Acc 59% 47% 84% 75% 74% 72% 72% 70% 64% 68% 38% 63% 63% 64% 63% 58% 66% 51% 58% Perc 12 23 18 20 35 38 26 21 67 84 54 21 23 71 89 28 24 31 85 Selection Indexes $PRO: $173 24 $A $220 28 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 9 SEVEN HILLS S38 PV HBR 17/10/2021 FCD21S38 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 6 F: 6 R: 7 5 6 5 4 1 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 # TUWHARETOA REGENT D145 PV BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 PV SEVEN HILLS UTILISE 351/13 # BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 # SHALOM WAIGROUP UTILISE 88/10 # A+ Hf mating CE Growth Carcase EMA IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 33 Dams Calves 1.1 GD. Dams Calves 4.4 GGD. Dams Calves 6.7 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +1.1 +0.5 -7.2 +3.5 +58 +105 +131 +97 +23 +0.9 -4.1 +81 +9.9 -0.4 +0.3 +0.1 +3.5 +0.35 +17 Acc 57% 45% 83% 72% 71% 68% 69% 66% 58% 62% 31% 58% 58% 60% 60% 53% 62% 47% 54% Perc 64 74 15 37 17 13 23 56 11 89 66 14 14 57 38 72 17 71 63 Selection Indexes $PRO: $174 24 $A $242 10 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 10 SEVEN HILLS S25 PV HBR 15/10/2021 FCD21S25 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 5 F: 5 R: 6 5 6 6 4 1.5 SEVEN HILLS 295/16 # G A R ASHLAND PV SEVEN HILLS 410/18 SV SEVEN HILLS 66/19 PV SEVEN HILLS KINDPAT 96/16 # SEVEN HILLS 159/17 # A+ Growth Carcase EMA IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 36 Dams Calves 4.4 GD. Dams Calves 4.4 GGD. Dams Calves 4.4 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +0.5 -3.8 -4.4 +5.2 +65 +106 +142 +112 +20 +0.7 -3.2 +93 +6.4 -1.8 -2.8 +0.0 +4.3 +0.10 +19 Acc 65% 55% 83% 75% 74% 72% 73% 72% 66% 70% 41% 65% 65% 66% 66% 60% 68% 55% 60% Perc 68 94 56 74 4 13 9 30 28 92 85 3 47 85 88 77 8 39 54 Selection Indexes $PRO: $157 40 $A $229 19 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 11 SEVEN HILLS S86 PV HBR 20/10/2021 FCD21S86 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 5 1.5 G A R EARLY BIRD # TE MANIA GASKIN G555 SV G A R ASHLAND PV SEVEN HILLS ULONG 70/17 # CHAIR ROCK AMBUSH 1018 # SEVEN HILLS ULONG 394/12 # A+ Growth top 10% Carcase IMF top 10%. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 35 Dams Calves 4.4 GD. Dams 9.9 LOT: 12 SEVEN HILLS S82 SV HBR 21/10/2021 FCD21S82 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 6 6 5 5 1 G A R ASHLAND PV SEVEN HILLS 81/14 # G A R HOME TOWN PV SEVEN HILLS PEGGY 175/16 # CHAIR ROCK SURE FIRE 6095 #
The decision to ignore marbling in the cow herd is a decision to accept the opportunity cost associated with it. Beef farmers and finishers with at least a degree of focus on targeted carcass merit (marbling) will see significantly larger quality premiums when their finished calves are processed for premium branded markets compared to the average.
The exciting piece of this philosophy is that marbling comes at no cost to other production traits.
17 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197
Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 35 Dams Calves 4.4 GD. Dams Calves 9.9 GGD. Dams Calves 3.2 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHF CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +1.8 +3.2 -3.6 +4.5 +61 +108 +133 +111 +16 +3.2 -4.1 +76 +9.5 -3.2 -5.2 +1.1 +2.6 -0.03 +33 Acc 57% 43% 83% 74% 73% 71% 71% 69% 62% 67% 34% 62% 62% 63% 63% 57% 65% 49% 56% Perc 59 49 69 60 9 10 19 32 58 14 66 23 16 97 99 14 36 23 9 Selection Indexes $PRO: $168 29 $A $231 17 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 12 SEVEN HILLS S82 SV HBR 21/10/2021 FCD21S82 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 6 6 5 5 1 G A R ASHLAND PV SEVEN HILLS 81/14 # G A R HOME TOWN PV SEVEN HILLS PEGGY 175/16 # CHAIR ROCK SURE FIRE 6095 # SEVEN HILLS PEGGY 374/11 # A+ Growth top 10% Carcase EMA IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................
18 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197 Actual Data BWT 38 Dams Calves 4.5 GD. Dams Calves 3.3 GGD. Dams Calves 2.2 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +7.3 +8.7 -6.0 +4.2 +65 +110 +139 +122 +13 +1.5 -3.8 +92 +14.0 -1.2 -2.7 +1.1 +2.1 -0.17 +34 Acc 58% 44% 83% 74% 73% 71% 72% 69% 63% 68% 35% 63% 62% 63% 62% 57% 65% 49% 56% Perc 14 4 30 53 4 7 11 18 85 72 73 3 2 75 87 14 49 12 7 Selection Indexes $PRO: $206 5 $A $260 3 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 13 SEVEN HILLS S94 SV HBR 22/10/2021 FCD21S94 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 5 5 4 1 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 # H P C A PROCEED PV BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 PV SEVEN HILLS ODESSA 334/15 SV BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 # SEVEN HILLS ODESSA 383/11 # A CE Growth top10% Carcase EMA NFI-F top 12%. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 33 Dams Calves 4.4 GD. Dams Calves 5.5 GGD. Dams Calves 8.8 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +3.6 +8.3 -5.5 +4.0 +60 +104 +143 +142 +15 +3.7 -5.6 +73 +4.6 -0.8 -2.9 +0.0 +3.8 +0.07 +14 Acc 56% 42% 83% 74% 73% 71% 71% 68% 62% 67% 34% 62% 62% 63% 62% 56% 65% 48% 55% Perc 43 6 37 48 12 15 9 5 70 7 24 30 70 67 89 77 13 35 80 Selection Indexes $PRO: $181 17 $A $219 29 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 14 SEVEN HILLS S115 PV HBR 18/10/2021 FCD21S115 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 7 R: 6 5 5 5 5 1.5 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 # SEVEN HILLS 117/15 # BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 PV SEVEN HILLS KIND 178/17 # BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 # SEVEN HILLS KIND 387/11 # A+ CE Growth top 10% Carcase IMF top13%. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 29 Dams Calves 3.3 GD. Dams Calves 8.8 GGD. Dams Calves 1.1 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDF,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +7.7 +7.9 -5.8 +1.7 +48 +87 +109 +77 +17 +2.0 -5.7 +63 +14.6 +0.4 -0.1 +0.6 +4.9 +0.42 +39 Acc 57% 43% 84% 74% 73% 72% 72% 69% 63% 68% 35% 63% 63% 63% 63% 57% 66% 49% 57% Perc 12 7 33 10 61 60 67 85 47 53 22 59 1 38 45 40 4 78 3 Selection Indexes $PRO: $222 2 $A $267 2 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 15 SEVEN HILLS S24 PV HBR 15/10/2021 FCD21S24 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 5 1 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 # B3R PIONEER WAVE Y409 # BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 PV SEVEN HILLS BIDDY 81/17 # BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 # SEVEN HILLS BIDDY 410/13 # A+ Hf mating CE EMA IMF top 10% Australia or top 1% NZ. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................
19 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197 Actual Data BWT 29 Dams Calves 3.3 GD. Dams Calves 9.9 GGD. Dams Calves * Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +9.3 +5.5 -7.4 +0.4 +44 +85 +101 +66 +22 +1.9 -4.1 +52 +4.9 +2.6 +4.4 -0.3 +2.5 +0.41 +26 Acc 63% 52% 83% 74% 73% 71% 72% 71% 65% 68% 36% 63% 63% 64% 64% 58% 66% 52% 57% Perc 5 25 14 3 76 67 82 93 16 57 66 87 67 7 2 88 38 78 25 Selection Indexes $PRO: $160 37 $A $211 37 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 16 SEVEN HILLS S14 PV HBR 12/10/2021 FCD21S14 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 5 R: 6 5 5 5 5 2 G A R EARLY BIRD # SEVEN HILLS 95/15 # G A R ASHLAND PV SEVEN HILLS JAFFA 126/17 # CHAIR ROCK AMBUSH 1018 # SHALOM WAIGROUP JAFFA 159/10 # A+ Hf mating CE IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 40 Dams Calves 3.3 GD. Dams Calves 8.8 GGD. Dams Calves 2.2 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs -4.3 -5.3 -6.3 +5.2 +71 +118 +150 +128 +17 +1.6 -3.4 +93 +13.0 -3.8 -5.4 +1.5 +2.7 +0.01 +17 Acc 64% 52% 84% 75% 74% 72% 72% 72% 66% 69% 38% 65% 64% 65% 65% 59% 67% 53% 59% Perc 90 97 25 74 1 3 4 13 48 68 82 3 3 99 99 5 33 28 65 Selection Indexes $PRO: $168 29 $A $245 8 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 17 SEVEN HILLS S83 PV HBR 20/10/2021 FCD21S83 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 7 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 4 2.5 G A R EARLY BIRD # B3R PIONEER WAVE Y409 # G A R ASHLAND PV SEVEN HILLS UTILISE 88/17 # CHAIR ROCK AMBUSH 1018 # SEVEN HILLS UTILISE 351/13 # A+ Growth top 10% Carcase EMA IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 34 Dams Calves 5.5 GD. Dams Calves 3.3 GGD. Dams Calves 8.8 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +6.2 +5.4 -6.2 +1.7 +52 +92 +116 +74 +24 -0.4 -4.6 +72 +8.8 +0.2 +1.1 +0.5 +2.3 +0.03 +26 Acc 64% 54% 83% 75% 74% 72% 72% 72% 66% 69% 40% 65% 64% 66% 65% 60% 67% 54% 60% Perc 21 25 27 10 41 45 53 87 8 99 51 33 22 43 24 47 44 30 24 Selection Indexes $PRO: $178 20 $A $248 7 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 18 SEVEN HILLS S116 SV HBR 17/10/2021 FCD21S116 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 6 F: 7 R: 6 6 6 5 4 1 G A R EARLY BIRD # TE MANIA GASKIN G555 SV G A R ASHLAND PV SEVEN HILLS MARG 98/16 DV CHAIR ROCK AMBUSH 1018 # SEVEN HILLS MARG 325/13 # A+ Hf mating CE Growth Carcase EMA. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................
As for the bulls, we strive now more than ever to bring you an offering of animals that have something to offer everyone in our customer base. We do this without forgetting that the consumer is eventually a customer of ours. When you study the average EBVs, Indexes for this group of bulls, keep in mind one of our goals is to continue to produce cattle of extreme value that are capable of passing valuable traits on to their progeny for our customers. When we offer seedstock in sales, we are asking our customers to trust the data; they do not have to understand how it is “Formulated”, but we owe them a commitment that their purchases will have genetic longevity, work in their environments and predictably replicate the process.
20 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197
Actual Data BWT 34 Dams Calves 4.4 GD. Dams Calves 2.2 GGD. Dams Calves 5.5 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMF,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +4.5 +2.6 -5.2 +2.0 +53 +89 +109 +73 +18 +1.0 -4.3 +56 +11.5 +0.3 -0.4 +0.6 +3.7 +0.11 +12 Acc 63% 53% 84% 75% 74% 72% 73% 72% 66% 70% 39% 65% 65% 66% 65% 60% 68% 54% 59% Perc 35 55 42 12 36 55 68 88 46 87 60 78 7 40 51 40 14 40 85 Selection Indexes $PRO: $185 14 $A $248 7 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics LOT: 19 SEVEN HILLS S180 SV HBR 21/10/2021 FCD21S180 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 5 F: 6 R: 6 5 5 5 5 1.5 G A R EARLY BIRD # CONNEALY COMRADE 1385 # G A R ASHLAND PV SEVEN HILLS SHARON 101/16 DV CHAIR ROCK AMBUSH 1018 # SEVEN HILLS SHARON 358/14 # A+ Hf mating CE Growth EMA IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 34 Dams Calves 4.3 GD. Dams Calves 4.4 GGD. Dams Calves 8.8 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +7.5 +7.4 -7.6 +2.5 +51 +92 +118 +96 +16 +2.5 -5.9 +66 +9.3 +0.5 -1.4 +0.8 +2.9 +0.36 +15 Acc 57% 43% 83% 74% 73% 71% 71% 68% 62% 67% 35% 62% 62% 63% 62% 57% 65% 49% 56% Perc 13 10 12 18 47 44 49 58 59 33 18 50 18 36 69 28 28 73 75 Selection Indexes $PRO: $196 9 $A $241 11 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 20 SEVEN HILLS S57 PV APR 17/10/2021 FCD21S57 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 6 F: 7 R: 6 5 4 5 4 1 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 # SEVEN HILLS 85/15 # BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 PV SEVEN HILLS INGLIS 56/18 PV BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 # SEVEN HILLS INGLIS 343/14 # A+ Hf mating CE EMA IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 39 Dams Calves 9.9 GD. Dams Calves 6.6 GGD. Dams Calves * Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAF,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs -2.2 +4.6 -3.4 +7.1 +68 +119 +152 +165 +10 +1.7 -2.8 +80 +6.6 -1.9 -3.2 +0.5 +2.1 -0.40 +13 Acc 58% 44% 83% 75% 74% 72% 72% 69% 65% 67% 35% 63% 63% 64% 63% 58% 66% 48% 57% Perc 83 34 72 96 2 2 4 1 94 65 90 14 45 87 91 47 49 3 85 Selection Indexes $PRO: $143 56 $A $196 55 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 21 SEVEN HILLS S100 SV HBR 23/10/2021 FCD21S100 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 4 F: 6 R: 6 5 5 5 4 1.5 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 # PINEBANK 89/05 # BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 PV SEVEN HILLS APRIL 303/12 # BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 # SHALOM WAIGROUP MARG 183/04 # A Growth Carcase NFI-F top 3%. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................
21 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197 Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 39 Dams Calves 9.9 GD. Dams Calves 6.6 GGD. Dams Calves * Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAF,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs -2.2 +4.6 -3.4 +7.1 +68 +119 +152 +165 +10 +1.7 -2.8 +80 +6.6 -1.9 -3.2 +0.5 +2.1 -0.40 +13 Acc 58% 44% 83% 75% 74% 72% 72% 69% 65% 67% 35% 63% 63% 64% 63% 58% 66% 48% 57% Perc 83 34 72 96 2 2 4 1 94 65 90 14 45 87 91 47 49 3 85 Selection Indexes $PRO: $143 56 $A $196 55 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 21 SEVEN HILLS S100 SV HBR 23/10/2021 FCD21S100 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 4 F: 6 R: 6 5 5 5 4 1.5 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 # PINEBANK 89/05 # BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 PV SEVEN HILLS APRIL 303/12 # BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 # SHALOM WAIGROUP MARG 183/04 # A Growth Carcase NFI-F top 3%. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 36 Dams Calves 2.2 GD. Dams Calves 9.9 GGD. Dams Calves * Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +7.4 +7.1 -5.9 +3.0 +57 +94 +129 +121 +14 +1.8 -4.7 +70 +9.0 +0.5 -1.0 +0.2 +3.0 +0.12 +19 Acc 57% 43% 83% 74% 73% 71% 71% 68% 62% 67% 34% 62% 62% 63% 62% 57% 65% 48% 56% Perc 13 12 31 27 19 39 25 19 73 61 48 38 20 36 62 66 26 41 54 Selection Indexes $PRO: $181 18 $A $223 25 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 22 SEVEN HILLS S88 PV HBR 20/10/2021 FCD21S88 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 4 F: 6 R: 6 5 5 5 5 1.5 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 # SEVEN HILLS 85/15 # BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 PV SEVEN HILLS MARCH 68/18 PV BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 # SHALOM WAIGROUP MARCH 3/08 # A+ CE Growth Carcase EMA IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 32 Dams Calves 9.9 GD. Dams Calves 2.2 GGD. Dams Calves * Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +7.9 +8.5 -10.7 +1.7 +55 +97 +129 +125 +17 +3.1 -4.4 +70 +7.2 -1.0 -3.3 +0.3 +2.7 -0.20 +14 Acc 58% 44% 83% 75% 74% 72% 72% 69% 65% 68% 35% 63% 63% 63% 63% 57% 66% 49% 57% Perc 11 5 1 10 25 29 26 15 51 16 57 37 37 71 92 60 33 10 78 Selection Indexes $PRO: $156 42 $A $201 49 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 23 SEVEN HILLS S11 PV HBR 12/10/2021 FCD21S11 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 5 5 5 1 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 # HIDDEN VALLEY LOOKOUT Z7 SV BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 PV SEVEN HILLS APRIL 333/12 # BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 # SHALOM WAIGROUP APRIL 6/10 # A+ Hf mating CE Growth Carcase EMA IMF NFI-F top 10%. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 35 Dams Calves 4.4 GD. Dams 6.6 LOT: 24 SEVEN HILLS S63 PV HBR 19/10/2021 FCD21S63 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 5 F: 7 R: 6 5 5 5 4 1 WR JOURNEY-1X74 PV BUBS SOUTHERN CHARM AA31 PV SEVEN HILLS 379/18 SV SEVEN HILLS PEGGY 78/19 PV SEVEN HILLS UTILISE 378/15 #
22 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197 Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 35 Dams Calves 4.4 GD. Dams Calves 6.6 GGD. Dams Calves 9.9 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs -0.6 -2.8 -4.7 +3.9 +52 +88 +118 +99 +21 +0.7 -3.7 +60 +8.5 +1.4 +1.9 +0.4 +2.4 +0.41 +26 Acc 57% 45% 71% 72% 71% 69% 69% 67% 59% 63% 34% 59% 59% 61% 60% 54% 63% 48% 51% Perc 75 92 51 46 42 57 47 53 19 92 76 68 24 19 15 53 41 78 24 Selection Indexes $PRO: $136 63 $A $201 50 Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 24 SEVEN HILLS S63 PV HBR 19/10/2021 FCD21S63 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 5 F: 7 R: 6 5 5 5 4 1 WR JOURNEY-1X74 PV BUBS SOUTHERN CHARM AA31 PV SEVEN HILLS 379/18 SV SEVEN HILLS PEGGY 78/19 PV SEVEN HILLS UTILISE 378/15 # SEVEN HILLS PEGGY 445/14 # A+ Growth EMA IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 33 Dams Calves 2.2 GD. Dams Calves 6.6 GGD. Dams Calves 5.5 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +4.8 +6.0 -6.6 +3.9 +68 +112 +148 +135 +15 +1.0 -4.1 +91 +5.3 -0.5 -2.2 -0.1 +2.6 -0.25 +36 Acc 58% 43% 83% 74% 73% 71% 72% 69% 63% 68% 34% 62% 62% 63% 62% 57% 66% 49% 56% Perc 33 20 22 46 2 6 5 8 65 87 66 4 62 60 81 81 36 8 6 Selection Indexes $PRO: $178 20 $A $232 16 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 25 SEVEN HILLS S55 PV HBR 17/10/2021 FCD21S55 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 7 R: 6 5 4 5 5 1.5 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 # G A R METHOD SV BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 PV SEVEN HILLS APRIL 107/17 # BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 # SEVEN HILLS APRIL 472/15 # A+ CE Growth top 10% Carcase IMF NFI-F top 8%. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 32 Dams Calves 1.1 GD. Dams Calves 5.4 GGD. Dams Calves 10.10 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +7.1 +1.4 -6.6 +1.4 +45 +84 +119 +94 +19 +3.4 -4.4 +67 +13.1 -0.9 -1.3 +1.1 +3.0 +0.67 +33 Acc 56% 43% 83% 73% 72% 70% 70% 67% 61% 67% 34% 61% 61% 62% 62% 55% 64% 49% 54% Perc 15 67 22 7 75 69 45 60 33 11 57 48 3 69 67 14 26 94 9 Selection Indexes $PRO: $167 29 $A $215 33 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 26 SEVEN HILLS S46 PV HBR 16/10/2021 FCD21S46 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 5 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 4 1 SYDGEN EXCEED 3223 PV SEVEN HILLS 357/17 # SYDGEN BONUS 8084 PV SEVEN HILLS KIND PAT 145/19 PV SYDGEN BLACKCAP 5371 # SEVEN HILLS KIND PAT 84/17 # A+ Hf mating CE EMA IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 29 Dams Calves 1.1 GD. Dams 7.7 LOT: 27 SEVEN HILLS S65 PV HBR 19/10/2021 FCD21S65 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 5 2 WR JOURNEY-1X74 PV H P C A INTENSITY # SEVEN HILLS 379/18 SV SEVEN HILLS SHARON 53/19 SV SEVEN HILLS UTILISE 378/15 #
23 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197 Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 29 Dams Calves 1.1 GD. Dams Calves 7.7 GGD. Dams Calves 11.11 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +6.7 +9.6 -8.3 +1.6 +48 +89 +117 +92 +17 +0.3 -2.7 +67 +12.1 +0.7 -1.6 +1.1 +2.3 +0.04 +19 Acc 57% 46% 71% 73% 72% 69% 69% 68% 60% 64% 37% 60% 60% 62% 62% 55% 64% 51% 53% Perc 18 2 8 9 60 55 51 65 51 97 91 49 5 31 72 14 44 31 51 Selection Indexes $PRO: $157 41 $A $216 32 Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 27 SEVEN HILLS S65 PV HBR 19/10/2021 FCD21S65 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 5 2 WR JOURNEY-1X74 PV H P C A INTENSITY # SEVEN HILLS 379/18 SV SEVEN HILLS SHARON 53/19 SV SEVEN HILLS UTILISE 378/15 # SEVEN HILLS SHARON 450/13 # A+ Hf mating CE EMA. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 35 Dams Calves 2.2 GD. Dams Calves 6.6 GGD. Dams Calves 9.9 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +4.0 +2.2 -4.7 +3.4 +53 +93 +111 +74 +19 +2.0 -3.2 +63 +16.0 -1.3 -2.6 +1.1 +4.0 +0.11 +26 Acc 59% 46% 83% 74% 73% 71% 71% 68% 62% 68% 35% 62% 62% 63% 62% 57% 66% 50% 56% Perc 40 59 51 34 33 42 65 87 31 53 85 60 1 77 86 14 10 40 23 Selection Indexes $PRO: $178 20 $A $248 7 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 28 SEVEN HILLS S97 PV HBR 20/10/2021 FCD21S97 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 5 R: 5 F: 5 R: 6 4 6 5 5 1 G A R ASHLAND PV BUBS SOUTHERN CHARM AA31 PV G A R HOME TOWN PV SEVEN HILLS ANGELA 207/19 PV CHAIR ROCK SURE FIRE 6095 # SEVEN HILLS ANGELA 407/15 # A+ Growth EMA IMF top 10%. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 35 Dams Calves 5.5 GD. Dams Calves 6.6 GGD. Dams Calves 6.7 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +1.0 +0.8 -2.3 +4.0 +47 +83 +105 +78 +17 +1.0 -2.6 +63 +13.3 -3.0 -4.7 +1.4 +3.5 -0.06 +35 Acc 60% 48% 83% 74% 73% 71% 72% 69% 63% 68% 38% 63% 63% 64% 64% 58% 66% 52% 57% Perc 65 72 85 48 66 72 74 84 51 87 92 60 3 96 98 7 17 20 6 Selection Indexes $PRO: $129 70 $A $202 48 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 29 SEVEN HILLS S71 SV HBR 20/10/2021 FCD21S71 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 6 R: 7 5 5 4 4 2 G A R ASHLAND PV TE MANIA GASKIN G555 SV G A R HOME TOWN PV SEVEN HILLS ANGELA 100/16 # CHAIR ROCK SURE FIRE 6095 # SEVEN HILLS ANGELA 308/11 # A EMA IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 34 Dams Calves 6.6 GD. Dams 7.7 LOT: 30 SEVEN HILLS S39 SV APR 16/10/2021 FCD21S39 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 5 R: 6 5 6 5 5 1 G A R ASHLAND PV LAWSONS NOVAK E313 SV G A R HOME TOWN PV SEVEN HILLS EP 336/15 SV CHAIR ROCK SURE FIRE 6095 #
We constantly remind our customers, both seedstock and commercial, that we are ultimately in the food business. We are committed to producing cattle with predictable genetic ability to be outstanding mothers that give birth to vigorous calves with explosive growth that continue to have value throughout the supply chain. But at the same time, we feel that we are producing some of the finest females in the industry. Some breeders say you cannot produce both, but I believe we can, and are.
24 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197
Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 34 Dams Calves 6.6 GD. Dams Calves 7.7 GGD. Dams Calves 5.5 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDF,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +7.3 +7.8 -7.0 +2.8 +57 +99 +119 +90 +19 +1.3 -5.6 +68 +9.9 -2.9 -4.6 +1.0 +4.2 +0.07 +28 Acc 59% 46% 84% 75% 74% 72% 73% 70% 64% 69% 38% 64% 64% 65% 64% 59% 67% 52% 58% Perc 14 8 17 23 19 26 47 68 34 79 24 43 14 96 98 18 9 35 19 Selection Indexes $PRO: $206 5 $A $269 2 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 30 SEVEN HILLS S39 SV APR 16/10/2021 FCD21S39 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 5 R: 6 5 6 5 5 1 G A R ASHLAND PV LAWSONS NOVAK E313 SV G A R HOME TOWN PV SEVEN HILLS EP 336/15 SV CHAIR ROCK SURE FIRE 6095 # SEVEN HILLS EP 51/10 # A+ Hf mating. CE Growth EMA IMF top 10%. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 34 Dams Calves 3.3 GD. Dams Calves 8.8 GGD. Dams Calves 7.8 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +3.5 +1.6 -6.6 +5.6 +50 +103 +126 +93 +24 +2.5 -5.4 +59 +5.2 -0.8 -2.1 +0.1 +2.7 +0.33 +34 Acc 56% 45% 83% 74% 72% 70% 70% 67% 60% 65% 36% 60% 60% 61% 61% 55% 64% 49% 50% Perc 44 65 22 81 49 17 31 63 6 33 29 71 63 67 80 72 33 69 7 Selection Indexes $PRO: $151 48 $A $214 34 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 31 SEVEN HILLS S32 PV HBR 16/10/2021 FCD21S32 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 4 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 5 1.5 G A R PROPHET SV SEVEN HILLS 304/16 # H P C A ZEPHYR SV SEVEN HILLS MARG 132/18 PV H P C A SUNRISE 9022 # SHALOM WAIGROUP MARG 142/09 # A+ Growth IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 38 Dams Calves 5.5 GD. Dams Calves 7.7 GGD. Dams Calves 6.8 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +5.3 +2.7 -4.4 +4.7 +46 +88 +112 +95 +22 +1.5 -7.2 +60 +10.8 +1.0 -0.1 +0.8 +3.2 +0.34 +17 Acc 62% 53% 83% 74% 73% 71% 72% 70% 66% 69% 45% 65% 64% 66% 66% 60% 67% 58% 57% Perc 28 54 56 64 68 57 62 60 14 72 4 68 9 25 45 28 22 70 63 Selection Indexes $PRO: $188 13 $A $241 10 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 32 SEVEN HILLS S73 SV HBR 19/10/2021 FCD21S73 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 5 F: 6 R: 6 5 4 5 5 1 TE MANIA BERKLEY B1 PV TE MANIA 11 470 # ALLOURA GET CRACKING G10 SV SEVEN HILLS SENSATION 99/16 SV ALLOURA JEDDA Z15 # SHALOM WAIGROUP SENSATION 90/10 # A+ CE EMA IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 37 Dams Calves 2.2 GD. Dams 3.3 LOT: 33 SEVEN HILLS S158 PV APR 13/11/2021 FCD21S158 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 5 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 5 2.5 ALLOURA GET CRACKING G10 SV SEVEN HILLS 270/17 # SEVEN HILLS 333/19 PV SEVEN HILLS INGLIS 148/19 SV SEVEN HILLS UTILISE 88/17 #
25 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197 Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 38 Dams Calves 5.5 GD. Dams Calves 7.7 GGD. Dams Calves 6.8 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +5.3 +2.7 -4.4 +4.7 +46 +88 +112 +95 +22 +1.5 -7.2 +60 +10.8 +1.0 -0.1 +0.8 +3.2 +0.34 +17 Acc 62% 53% 83% 74% 73% 71% 72% 70% 66% 69% 45% 65% 64% 66% 66% 60% 67% 58% 57% Perc 28 54 56 64 68 57 62 60 14 72 4 68 9 25 45 28 22 70 63 Selection Indexes $PRO: $188 13 $A $241 10 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 32 SEVEN HILLS S73 SV HBR 19/10/2021 FCD21S73 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 5 F: 6 R: 6 5 4 5 5 1 TE MANIA BERKLEY B1 PV TE MANIA 11 470 # ALLOURA GET CRACKING G10 SV SEVEN HILLS SENSATION 99/16 SV ALLOURA JEDDA Z15 # SHALOM WAIGROUP SENSATION 90/10 # A+ CE EMA IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 37 Dams Calves 2.2 GD. Dams Calves 3.3 GGD. Dams Calves 6.6 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +3.9 -1.0 -3.9 +4.1 +46 +86 +101 +71 +14 -0.1 -4.3 +54 +15.2 +0.6 -0.6 +1.6 +2.9 +0.11 -9 Acc 53% 42% 69% 71% 70% 67% 68% 66% 58% 63% 34% 58% 58% 60% 60% 53% 63% 50% 46% Perc 41 84 64 51 71 64 81 90 73 99 60 83 1 34 55 4 28 40 99 Selection Indexes $PRO: $181 17 $A $244 9 Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 33 SEVEN HILLS S158 PV APR 13/11/2021 FCD21S158 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 5 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 5 2.5 ALLOURA GET CRACKING G10 SV SEVEN HILLS 270/17 # SEVEN HILLS 333/19 PV SEVEN HILLS INGLIS 148/19 SV SEVEN HILLS UTILISE 88/17 # SEVEN HILLS INGLIS 345/15 # A+ EMA IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 38 Dams Calves 8.8 GD. Dams Calves 4.4 GGD. Dams Calves 6.6 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +5.2 -2.8 -0.4 +2.6 +44 +85 +104 +79 +21 +2.4 -6.8 +51 +7.4 -0.1 +0.1 +0.2 +4.9 +0.59 +38 Acc 57% 48% 84% 75% 74% 71% 72% 70% 64% 67% 41% 63% 63% 64% 64% 58% 66% 53% 53% Perc 29 92 96 20 77 65 77 83 19 36 7 88 35 50 42 66 4 91 4 Selection Indexes $PRO: $182 17 $A $233 16 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics LOT: 34 SEVEN HILLS S123 PV HBR 28/10/2021 FCD21S123 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 7 5 4 1.5 G A R PROPHET SV DUNOON EVIDENT E614 PV H P C A ZEPHYR SV SEVEN HILLS BIDDY 413/12 # H P C A SUNRISE 9022 # SHALOM WAIGROUP BIDDY 122/09 # A+ CE EMA IMF top 10%. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 31 Dams Calves 2.2 GD. Dams 7.7 LOT: 35 SEVEN HILLS S62 PV HBR 18/10/2021 FCD21S62 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 4 F: 5 R: 6 5 6 5 3 1.5 SEVEN HILLS 295/16 # BUBS SOUTHERN CHARM AA31 PV SEVEN HILLS 410/18 SV SEVEN HILLS LEE 84/19 PV SEVEN HILLS KINDPAT 96/16 #
Simon Smith Genetics Representative/Auctioneer 027 444 0733 Callum Stewart National Genetics Manager 027 280 2688 Cameron Smith Livestock Representative 0274 469 963 Breeding Better Business If you’re looking for a planned approach to success, give us a call today. As part of New Zealand’s largest Livestock network, our team of Genetics Specialists have more contacts, more reach and more market influence. We provide more practical advice and more technical expertise. And, with the country’s largest network and most popular sales events, we bring together more buyers and more sellers, delivering more value for all. Bjorn Andersen Livestock Manager 027 440 5888 Craig Harvey Livestock Representative 027 498 0737 Mark Crooks Livestock Representative 027 590 1452 Lockie Shanks Livestock Representative 0278 491 111 Dean Lindsay Livestock Representative 027 442 1753 Bull insurance? Yes, we can help. See your local BrokerWeb Risk Services (BWRS) rep at the sale. Or contact your PGG Wrightson Livestock rep. Bulls cover available at the fall of the hammer, and billed direct to your PGG Wrightson Livestock account.
These aren’t just words, it’s what we believe in. We are committed to never compromising in our pursuit of breeding exceptional beef cattle. Our cattle are bred from proven highperformance genetics and we raise them in an environment that tests their worth. We are focused on consumer demands and recognize the ultimate outcome is supplying an incredible natural products that enriches lives. Every dollar into our industry comes from a consumer – we strive to breed what they demand most
27 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197
Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 31 Dams Calves 2.2 GD. Dams Calves 7.7 GGD. Dams Calves 11.11 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +6.5 +4.5 -6.1 +1.6 +43 +80 +98 +54 +22 +2.8 -3.8 +53 +14.4 +1.6 +2.6 +0.9 +3.2 +0.60 +18 Acc 55% 43% 83% 73% 71% 68% 68% 66% 58% 62% 32% 58% 57% 59% 59% 53% 62% 47% 53% Perc 19 35 28 9 82 78 85 98 14 23 73 86 2 16 9 23 22 91 58 Selection Indexes $PRO: $181 17 $A $241 10 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 35 SEVEN HILLS S62 PV HBR 18/10/2021 FCD21S62 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 4 F: 5 R: 6 5 6 5 3 1.5 SEVEN HILLS 295/16 # BUBS SOUTHERN CHARM AA31 PV SEVEN HILLS 410/18 SV SEVEN HILLS LEE 84/19 PV SEVEN HILLS KINDPAT 96/16 # SEVEN HILLS LEE 363/14 # A+ Hf mating CE EMA IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 28 Dams Calves 4.4 GD. Dams Calves 6.7 GGD. Dams Calves 6.6 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +9.0 +8.1 -7.3 -0.8 +44 +79 +96 +70 +17 +1.3 -4.7 +54 +10.7 +1.7 +1.2 -0.3 +4.5 +0.40 +35 Acc 57% 43% 83% 74% 73% 71% 71% 69% 62% 68% 34% 62% 62% 63% 62% 57% 66% 49% 56% Perc 6 6 14 1 77 82 88 91 54 79 48 83 10 15 23 88 6 77 6 Selection Indexes $PRO: $179 19 $A $224 24 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 36 SEVEN HILLS S20 PV HBR 14/10/2021 FCD21S20 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 5 5 4 2 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 # SEVEN HILLS 107/15 # BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 PV SEVEN HILLS 159/17 # BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 # SEVEN HILLS APRIL 332/14 # A+ Hf mating CE EMA IMF top 10% Australia or top 1% NZ. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................
28 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197 Actual Data BWT 32 Dams Calves 3.2 GD. Dams Calves 10.10 GGD. Dams Calves * Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +4.2 +3.8 -6.3 +2.4 +41 +67 +81 +76 +9 +0.1 -5.0 +47 +6.2 -1.0 -1.2 +0.4 +3.9 +0.16 -2 Acc 57% 45% 83% 74% 73% 71% 71% 68% 63% 68% 35% 62% 61% 63% 62% 56% 65% 49% 50% Perc 38 42 25 17 86 96 98 86 96 98 39 94 50 71 66 53 12 47 99 Selection Indexes $PRO: $141 58 $A $188 64 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 37 SEVEN HILLS S26 PV HBR 15/10/2021 FCD21S26 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 5 2 QUAKER HILL RAMPAGE 0A36 PV SEVEN HILLS 299/17 # CONNEALY LEGENDARY 644L # SEVEN HILLS APRIL 150/19 SV JAZZED OF CONANGA 4660 # SHALOM WAIGROUP APRIL 12/09 # A+ Hf mating CE IMF top 10%. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 33 Dams Calves 2.2 GD. Dams Calves 5.5 GGD. Dams Calves 8.8 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +4.2 +0.5 -5.7 +2.5 +48 +89 +107 +88 +24 -0.4 -5.9 +67 +4.5 +2.2 +2.6 +0.0 +1.9 +0.30 +10 Acc 53% 43% 69% 70% 69% 66% 67% 65% 58% 62% 31% 56% 56% 58% 58% 51% 61% 47% 44% Perc 38 74 34 18 60 53 72 71 7 99 18 47 72 10 9 77 55 65 91 Selection Indexes $PRO: $149 49 $A $213 36 Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 38 SEVEN HILLS S141 PV HBR 06/11/2021 FCD21S141 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 5 F: 6 R: 6 5 5 5 4 1.5 G A R INERTIA PV SEVEN HILLS 272/17 # SEVEN HILLS 295/19 PV SEVEN HILLS MARG 172/19 PV SEVEN HILLS JOCELYN 86/16 DV SEVEN HILLS MARG 73/16 PV A Hf mating One of two bulls under 2 EBV for IMF at 1.9 in the sale. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 30 Dams Calves 3.3 GD. Dams Calves 3.3 GGD. Dams Calves 7.7 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +7.8 +5.7 -8.7 +1.4 +45 +82 +97 +68 +16 -0.4 -2.7 +53 +13.0 -0.6 -0.6 +1.1 +3.0 +0.17 +11 Acc 63% 52% 83% 74% 74% 72% 72% 71% 66% 69% 38% 65% 64% 65% 65% 59% 67% 53% 59% Perc 11 23 6 7 74 73 87 92 58 99 91 85 3 62 55 14 26 48 90 Selection Indexes $PRO: $160 37 $A $224 23 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 39 SEVEN HILLS S23 PV HBR 15/10/2021 FCD21S23 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 5 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 5 2.5 G A R EARLY BIRD # WR JOURNEY-1X74 PV G A R ASHLAND PV SEVEN HILLS MARG 34/18 SV CHAIR ROCK AMBUSH 1018 # SEVEN HILLS MARG 443/15 # A+ Hf mating CE EMA IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................
29 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197 Actual Data BWT 30 Dams Calves 6.7 GD. Dams Calves 6.6 GGD. Dams Calves 7.8 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDF,NHF CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +8.7 +6.1 -5.2 +0.8 +48 +91 +109 +62 +27 +1.8 -5.6 +60 +7.1 -0.6 -1.6 +0.1 +3.7 +0.25 +22 Acc 56% 44% 83% 74% 73% 70% 71% 69% 62% 66% 36% 62% 61% 62% 61% 56% 64% 50% 52% Perc 7 19 42 4 61 47 68 95 2 61 24 68 38 62 72 72 14 59 40 Selection Indexes $PRO: $175 22 $A $241 10 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 40 SEVEN HILLS S76 PV HBR 19/10/2021 FCD21S76 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 4 1 G A R PROPHET SV SITZ UPSIDE 547W # H P C A ZEPHYR SV SEVEN HILLS APRIL 332/14 # H P C A SUNRISE 9022 # SHALOM WAIGROUP APRIL 5/09 # A+ Hf mating CE IMF top 10%. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 25 Dams Calves 2.2 GD. Dams Calves 3.3 GGD. Dams Calves 6.6 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +6.6 +9.2 -8.4 +2.0 +46 +78 +101 +56 +27 +1.7 -6.2 +50 +2.1 +1.0 +0.5 -0.9 +5.1 +0.49 +37 Acc 55% 45% 83% 73% 72% 70% 70% 68% 61% 66% 37% 61% 61% 62% 62% 56% 65% 51% 51% Perc 18 3 7 12 68 82 81 97 2 65 14 91 92 25 34 98 3 84 5 Selection Indexes $PRO: $170 27 $A $230 18 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 41 SEVEN HILLS S43 PV HBR 17/10/2021 FCD21S43 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 6 F: 7 R: 6 5 6 5 5 1.5 G A R PROPHET SV SEVEN HILLS 312/16 # H P C A ZEPHYR SV SEVEN HILLS GRESELDA 158/18 PV H P C A SUNRISE 9022 # SEVEN HILLS GRISELDA 384/14 # A+ Hf mating. CE IMF top 3%
Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 32 Dams Calves 7.7 GD. Dams Calves 7.7 GGD. Dams Calves 7.9 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +1.0 +5.3 -5.6 +5.3 +58 +104 +129 +106 +12 +2.8 -3.7 +75 +14.5 -2.8 -4.5 +1.0 +4.7 +0.30 +17 Acc 59% 46% 83% 75% 74% 72% 73% 70% 64% 69% 36% 64% 64% 65% 64% 59% 67% 51% 57% Perc 65 26 36 76 16 15 26 41 87 23 76 25 2 95 97 18 5 65 67 Selection Indexes $PRO: $193 10 $A $249 7 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 42 SEVEN HILLS S33 PV HBR 17/10/2021 FCD21S33 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 5 4 4 1.5 G A R ASHLAND PV TE MANIA 11 470 # G A R HOME TOWN PV SEVEN HILLS APRIL 356/14 # CHAIR ROCK SURE FIRE 6095 # SHALOM WAIGROUP APRIL 21/10 # A+ Growth Carcase EMA IMF top 10%. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................
Note white under neath on this bull.
30 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197 Actual Data BWT 37 Dams Calves 3.3 GD. Dams Calves 4.4 GGD. Dams Calves 6.6 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs -4.0 +0.1 -1.8 +6.5 +68 +118 +155 +140 +14 +1.3 -4.5 +89 +9.7 -0.9 -2.1 +0.5 +2.3 -0.56 +22 Acc 57% 43% 83% 74% 73% 71% 71% 68% 62% 68% 34% 62% 62% 63% 62% 57% 65% 48% 56% Perc 89 77 89 92 2 3 3 6 78 79 54 4 15 69 80 47 44 1 39 Selection Indexes $PRO: $175 23 $A $232 16 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 43 SEVEN HILLS S108 PV HBR 25/10/2021 FCD21S108 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 4 F: 7 R: 6 5 5 4 5 1 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 # G A R METHOD SV BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 PV SEVEN HILLS APRIL 106/17 # BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 # SEVEN HILLS APRIL 430/15 # A+ Growth top 10% Carcase EMA IMF 2.3 NFI-F top 1%. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 35 Dams Calves 3.3 GD. Dams Calves 8.8 GGD. Dams Calves 9.9 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +4.5 +3.4 -9.3 +4.3 +56 +99 +129 +86 +22 +2.2 -4.9 +79 +10.6 +0.2 -0.8 +0.9 +2.2 +0.35 +5 Acc 56% 45% 73% 74% 72% 70% 70% 67% 60% 66% 36% 60% 60% 62% 62% 56% 64% 50% 52% Perc 35 47 4 55 21 25 26 74 13 44 42 17 10 43 58 23 46 71 98 Selection Indexes $PRO: $190 12 $A $254 5 Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 44 SEVEN HILLS S56 PV APR 17/10/2021 FCD21S56 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 5 R: 6 5 5 5 5 1 ESSLEMONT LOTTO L3 PV S A V TEN SPEED 3022 PV KAKAHU PIVOTAL 18004 PV SEVEN HILLS INGLIS 107/18 SV KAKAHU 16373 SV SEVEN HILLS INGLIS 85/10 # A+ Growth Carcase EMA. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 34 Dams Calves 2.2 GD. Dams Calves 2.2 GGD. Dams Calves 9.9 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDF,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs -4.5 +2.6 -4.1 +5.4 +56 +96 +121 +113 +16 +1.5 -4.0 +60 +10.0 -1.1 -1.4 +0.7 +2.8 +0.29 +8 Acc 63% 52% 84% 75% 74% 72% 73% 71% 66% 70% 37% 65% 65% 66% 65% 60% 68% 54% 59% Perc 91 55 61 78 22 34 41 29 56 72 68 69 13 73 69 34 31 64 95 Selection Indexes $PRO: $138 61 $A $201 50 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 45 SEVEN HILLS S84 PV HBR 21/10/2021 FCD21S84 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 6 F: 7 R: 6 5 5 4 4 1 G A R EARLY BIRD # B3R PIONEER WAVE Y409 # G A R ASHLAND PV SEVEN HILLS APRIL 104/18 SV CHAIR ROCK AMBUSH 1018 # SEVEN HILLS APRIL 38/16 PV A+ Growth EMA IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................
31 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197
Actual Data BWT 31 Dams Calves 2.2 GD. Dams Calves 4.4 GGD. Dams Calves 4.4 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +2.8 +4.5 -5.0 +2.5 +51 +92 +112 +82 +19 +1.7 -3.5 +63 +11.5 +0.2 -0.3 +1.1 +2.0 +0.53 +32 Acc 54% 41% 70% 71% 70% 67% 67% 65% 57% 62% 32% 58% 57% 59% 59% 53% 62% 47% 48% Perc 50 35 45 18 47 44 60 79 37 65 80 59 7 43 49 14 52 87 11 Selection Indexes $PRO: $160 37 $A $226 22 Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 46 SEVEN HILLS S140 PV APR 06/11/2021 FCD21S140 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 5 R: 6 5 5 5 5 1.5 B3R ELECTORATE A229 (IMP USA) # G A R FAIL SAFE PV SEVEN HILLS 311/19 DV SEVEN HILLS RUTH 114/19 PV SEVEN HILLS INGLIS 404/15 PV SEVEN HILLS RUTH 156/17 # A Hf mating EMA. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 33 Dams Calves 6.6 GD. Dams Calves 8.8 GGD. Dams Calves 4.6 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +7.6 +4.9 -6.3 +1.2 +39 +72 +85 +56 +12 +2.2 -4.6 +43 +11.7 +0.8 -0.1 +0.6 +4.3 +0.66 +21 Acc 59% 46% 83% 75% 74% 72% 73% 70% 64% 69% 38% 64% 64% 65% 64% 59% 67% 51% 58% Perc 12 30 25 6 91 92 96 97 86 44 51 97 6 29 45 40 8 94 43 Selection Indexes $PRO: $177 21 $A $221 27 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 47 SEVEN HILLS S36 PV HBR 16/10/2021 FCD21S36 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 5 1 G A R ASHLAND PV POSS TOTAL IMPACT 745 # G A R HOME TOWN PV SEVEN HILLS BIDDY 383/14 # CHAIR ROCK SURE FIRE 6095 # SHALOM WAIGROUP BIDDY 28/05 # A+ Hf mating CE EMA IMF top 10% Australia or top 1% NZ. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 31 Dams Calves 9.9 GD. Dams Calves 8.8 GGD. Dams Calves 5.7 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +7.0 +6.4 -9.8 +2.6 +49 +95 +107 +64 +23 +2.1 -5.0 +57 +7.5 -0.6 -1.9 +0.7 +2.3 +0.42 +38 Acc 57% 47% 83% 75% 73% 71% 71% 69% 64% 66% 38% 62% 62% 63% 63% 57% 65% 51% 54% Perc 16 17 3 20 56 37 72 94 9 48 39 77 34 62 77 34 44 78 4 Selection Indexes $PRO: $169 28 $A $237 13 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 48 SEVEN HILLS S19 PV HBR 15/10/2021 FCD21S19 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 5 1 G A R PROPHET SV HIDDEN VALLEY LOOKOUT Z7 SV H P C A ZEPHYR SV SEVEN HILLS DEBMARY 355/12 # H P C A SUNRISE 9022 # SHALOM WAIGROUP DEBMARY 49/10 # A+ Hf matingCE Growth EMA. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................
What we’re actually buying when we’re buying bulls is DNA that’s going to go into our cow. A bull is just an automated delivery system for the DNA that we’re buying. So we really need to focus on the DNA that those sires contain.
32 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197 Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 31 Dams Calves 9.9 GD. Dams Calves 8.8 GGD. Dams Calves 5.7 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +7.0 +6.4 -9.8 +2.6 +49 +95 +107 +64 +23 +2.1 -5.0 +57 +7.5 -0.6 -1.9 +0.7 +2.3 +0.42 +38 Acc 57% 47% 83% 75% 73% 71% 71% 69% 64% 66% 38% 62% 62% 63% 63% 57% 65% 51% 54% Perc 16 17 3 20 56 37 72 94 9 48 39 77 34 62 77 34 44 78 4 Selection Indexes $PRO: $169 28 $A $237 13 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 48 SEVEN HILLS S19 PV HBR 15/10/2021 FCD21S19 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 5 1 G A R PROPHET SV HIDDEN VALLEY LOOKOUT Z7 SV H P C A ZEPHYR SV SEVEN HILLS DEBMARY 355/12 # H P C A SUNRISE 9022 # SHALOM WAIGROUP DEBMARY 49/10 # A+ Hf matingCE Growth EMA. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 37 Dams Calves 5.5 GD. Dams Calves 8.8 GGD. Dams Calves 4.4 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMF,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +6.6 +5.7 -7.2 +2.5 +44 +81 +99 +99 +14 +2.3 -4.1 +45 +3.7 +0.5 -0.3 +0.3 +2.7 -0.07 +23 Acc 51% 39% 69% 71% 69% 67% 67% 65% 57% 61% 30% 56% 56% 58% 58% 51% 61% 46% 40% Perc 18 23 15 18 79 78 84 53 73 40 66 95 80 36 49 60 33 19 33 Selection Indexes $PRO: $131 68 $A $176 75 Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 49 SEVEN HILLS S165 SV HBR 24/11/2021 FCD21S165 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 4 5 2.5 B3R ELECTORATE A229 (IMP USA) # SEVEN HILLS 116/14 # SEVEN HILLS 297/19 DV SEVEN HILLS JAFFA 165/16 # SEVEN HILLS ANGELA 493/15 # SEVEN HILLS JAFFA 348/13 # A Hf mating CE IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 28 Dams Calves 6.6 GD. Dams Calves 11.10 GGD. Dams Calves 4.5 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +11.7 +9.0 -11.5 -2.6 +41 +77 +91 +63 +14 +1.1 -6.4 +46 +7.0 +2.2 +1.5 -0.2 +3.7 +0.06 +12 Acc 59% 45% 83% 75% 74% 72% 72% 70% 63% 68% 36% 63% 63% 64% 64% 58% 66% 50% 56% Perc 1 3 1 1 85 85 92 95 73 84 11 95 40 10 19 85 14 34 87 Selection Indexes $PRO: $192 10 $A $226 22 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 50 SEVEN HILLS S10 SV HBR 11/10/2021 FCD21S10 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 5 5 4 1 G A R ASHLAND PV WMR TIMELESS 458 # G A R HOME TOWN PV SEVEN HILLS SHARON 435/15 DV CHAIR ROCK SURE FIRE 6095 # SHALOM WAIGROUP SHARON 33/05 # A+ Hf mating CE IMF top 10%. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 36 Dams Calves 6.6 GD. Dams 9.9 LOT: 51 SEVEN HILLS S106 SV HBR 21/10/2021 FCD21S106 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 4 1.5 G A R ASHLAND PV LAWSONS NOVAK E313 SV G A R HOME TOWN PV SEVEN HILLS APRIL 358/15 PV CHAIR ROCK SURE FIRE 6095 #
33 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197 Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 36 Dams Calves 6.6 GD. Dams Calves 9.9 GGD. Dams Calves 6.6 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +6.3 +4.2 -4.2 +2.0 +46 +88 +110 +100 +16 +1.2 -3.8 +57 +7.1 -0.6 -1.5 +0.4 +3.4 +0.06 +24 Acc 60% 47% 83% 75% 74% 72% 72% 70% 63% 68% 38% 63% 63% 64% 64% 59% 66% 51% 58% Perc 20 38 59 12 68 56 66 50 62 82 73 78 38 62 71 53 19 34 29 Selection Indexes $PRO: $144 55 $A $196 55 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 51 SEVEN HILLS S106 SV HBR 21/10/2021 FCD21S106 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 4 1.5 G A R ASHLAND PV LAWSONS NOVAK E313 SV G A R HOME TOWN PV SEVEN HILLS APRIL 358/15 PV CHAIR ROCK SURE FIRE 6095 # SEVEN HILLS APRIL 303/12 # A+ Hf matingCE IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 35 Dams Calves 2.2 GD. Dams Calves 5.5 GGD. Dams Calves 7.7 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs -0.7 +2.1 -5.3 +5.9 +63 +107 +144 +137 +10 +1.8 -4.0 +86 +9.1 -1.9 -3.2 +1.0 +1.9 -0.09 +35 Acc 56% 42% 83% 74% 73% 71% 71% 68% 62% 67% 35% 62% 62% 63% 62% 57% 65% 49% 55% Perc 76 60 41 85 6 10 8 7 95 61 68 7 19 87 91 18 55 18 6 Selection Indexes $PRO: $165 32 $A $215 34 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 52 SEVEN HILLS S87 PV HBR 20/10/2021 FCD21S87 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 6 F: 7 R: 6 5 5 5 5 1.5 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 # SEVEN HILLS 340/16 # BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 PV SEVEN HILLS GINA 167/18 SV BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 # SEVEN HILLS GINA 382/15 DV A Growth top 10% Carcase EMA One of two bulls under 2 EBV for IMF at 1.9 in the sale. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 32 Dams Calves 1.1 GD. Dams Calves 4.4 GGD. Dams Calves 8.8 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHF CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +2.8 +1.9 -0.2 +3.0 +47 +85 +107 +82 +13 +1.0 -2.9 +63 +5.7 +1.5 +2.2 +0.2 +2.0 +0.48 -9 Acc 54% 42% 82% 72% 71% 68% 69% 66% 57% 62% 32% 58% 57% 60% 60% 53% 62% 47% 52% Perc 50 62 97 27 65 66 72 78 81 87 89 62 56 17 12 66 52 83 99 Selection Indexes $PRO: $138 61 $A $190 62 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 53 SEVEN HILLS S124 PV HBR 27/10/2021 FCD21S124 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 5 2 SEVEN HILLS 295/16 # SEVEN HILLS 289/17 # SEVEN HILLS 410/18 SV SEVEN HILLS MARG 153/19 PV SEVEN HILLS KINDPAT 96/16 # SEVEN HILLS MARG 337/14 # A Mr Average In Australia and top 20% in NZ. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 43 Dams Calves 6.6 GD. Dams 9.9 LOT: 54 SEVEN HILLS S183 SV HBR 08/12/2021 FCD21S183 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 4 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 4 2 SEVEN HILLS 283/17 # SEVEN HILLS 74/13 # SEVEN HILLS 254/19 PV SEVEN HILLS PEGGY 442/15 # SEVEN HILLS APRIL 335/12 #
34 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197 Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 43 Dams Calves 6.6 GD. Dams Calves 9.9 GGD. Dams Calves 3.2 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs -4.3 -4.7 -1.8 +5.9 +51 +91 +113 +104 +12 +0.8 -5.2 +69 +4.6 -0.1 -1.0 +0.6 +2.4 +0.17 -1 Acc 52% 40% 67% 71% 70% 68% 69% 67% 58% 61% 31% 57% 57% 59% 59% 53% 62% 46% 48% Perc 90 96 89 85 45 49 60 43 89 91 34 42 70 50 62 40 41 48 99 Selection Indexes $PRO: $131 67 $A $186 66 Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 54 SEVEN HILLS S183 SV HBR 08/12/2021 FCD21S183 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 4 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 4 2
NZ. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 38 Dams Calves 4.4 GD. Dams Calves 2.2 GGD. Dams Calves * Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs -4.7 -1.2 +0.9 +4.5 +52 +92 +111 +91 +9 +0.7 -2.3 +55 +13.6 +0.6 +0.1 +1.1 +2.8 +0.23 +23 Acc 64% 54% 84% 75% 74% 72% 73% 72% 67% 70% 40% 65% 64% 65% 65% 60% 67% 54% 60% Perc 91 85 99 60 38 46 63 66 97 92 94 81 2 34 42 14 31 56 36 Selection Indexes $PRO: $145 54 $A $206 44 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 55 SEVEN HILLS S122 PV HBR 28/10/2021 FCD21S122 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 5 F: 6 R: 6 5 6 5 5 1.5 G A R EARLY BIRD # V A R GENERATION 2100 PV G A R ASHLAND PV SEVEN HILLS ANELLA 98/17 # CHAIR ROCK AMBUSH 1018 # SEVEN HILLS ANELLA 393/14 # A+ Growth EMA IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 30 Dams Calves 3.3 GD. Dams Calves 9.9 GGD. Dams Calves * Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs -1.3 +4.7 -1.0 +3.5 +49 +80 +102 +78 +15 +1.8 -4.0 +51 +13.6 +0.3 -0.6 +0.7 +3.8 +0.45 +33 Acc 56% 41% 83% 74% 73% 71% 71% 69% 62% 67% 33% 61% 62% 63% 62% 56% 65% 48% 53% Perc 79 33 94 37 55 78 81 84 68 61 68 88 2 40 55 34 13 81 8 Selection Indexes $PRO: $157 40 $A $217 31 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics LOT: 56 SEVEN HILLS S101 PV HBR 22/10/2021 FCD21S101 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 6 F: 7 R: 6 5 5 4 5 1.5 POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 # SEVEN HILLS 95/15 # BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 PV SEVEN HILLS APRIL 160/17 # BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 # SHALOM WAIGROUP APRIL 8/10 # A+ EMA IMF top 13%. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 29 Dams Calves 2.2 GD. Dams 12.13 LOT: 57 SEVEN HILLS S90 PV HBR 20/10/2021 FCD21S90 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 6 F: 7 R: 6 5 5 4 5 1 G A R ASHLAND PV SEVEN HILLS 299/17 # G A R HOME TOWN PV SEVEN HILLS ODESSA 165/19 SV CHAIR ROCK SURE FIRE 6095 #
SEVEN HILLS PEGGY 374/11 # A Mr Average In Australia and top 20% in
35 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197 Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 29 Dams Calves 2.2 GD. Dams Calves 12.13 GGD. Dams Calves 4.5 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +6.0 +4.3 -4.7 +3.4 +48 +84 +102 +81 +15 +0.0 -4.3 +62 +3.7 -1.8 -2.5 +0.2 +3.7 +0.16 +20 Acc 59% 46% 83% 74% 73% 71% 72% 69% 63% 68% 36% 63% 63% 64% 63% 58% 67% 51% 56% Perc 23 37 51 34 58 68 80 80 70 98 60 63 80 85 85 66 14 47 50 Selection Indexes $PRO: $146 53 $A $206 44 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 57 SEVEN HILLS S90 PV HBR 20/10/2021 FCD21S90 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 6 F: 7 R: 6 5 5 4 5 1 G A R ASHLAND PV SEVEN HILLS 299/17 # G A R HOME TOWN PV SEVEN HILLS ODESSA 165/19 SV CHAIR ROCK SURE FIRE 6095 # SHALOM WAIGROUP ODESSA 39/06 # A+ CE IMF top 14%. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 26 Dams Calves 1.1 GD. Dams Calves 4.4 GGD. Dams Calves 8.8 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +9.3 +3.8 -7.4 +0.5 +38 +77 +84 +65 +13 +2.7 -4.8 +53 +7.6 +0.2 +0.3 +0.2 +3.7 +0.65 +47 Acc 57% 44% 83% 73% 73% 71% 71% 68% 61% 68% 34% 62% 62% 63% 63% 56% 65% 50% 53% Perc 5 42 14 3 92 85 96 94 80 26 45 86 33 43 38 66 14 93 1 Selection Indexes $PRO: $157 40 $A $198 53 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 58 SEVEN HILLS S47 PV HBR 17/10/2021 FCD21S47 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 5 F: 5 R: 6 5 6 5 5 1 SYDGEN EXCEED 3223 PV SEVEN HILLS 270/17 # SYDGEN BONUS 8084 PV SEVEN HILLS MARCH 198/19 PV SYDGEN BLACKCAP 5371 # SEVEN HILLS MARCH 354/15 PV A+ Hf mating CE EMA IMF top 14% Australia or top 1% NZ. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 32 Dams Calves 1.1 GD. Dams Calves 7.7 GGD. Dams Calves 6.7 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDF,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +8.5 +6.4 -5.6 +2.3 +45 +82 +106 +101 +15 +1.6 -5.4 +63 +10.7 -1.0 -1.8 +1.5 +2.3 +0.46 +52 Acc 57% 44% 83% 73% 73% 71% 70% 67% 61% 67% 34% 62% 62% 63% 62% 56% 65% 49% 53% Perc 8 17 36 16 74 73 73 49 66 68 29 61 10 71 76 5 44 82 1 Selection Indexes $PRO: $172 25 $A $216 32 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 59 SEVEN HILLS S66 PV HBR 17/10/2021 FCD21S66 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 5 5 5 2.5 SYDGEN EXCEED 3223 PV SEVEN HILLS 302/17 # SYDGEN BONUS 8084 PV SEVEN HILLS WENDY 34/19 PV SYDGEN BLACKCAP 5371 # SEVEN HILLS WENDY 371/13 # A+ Hf matingCE EMA IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 29 Dams Calves 1.1 GD. Dams 6.6 LOT: 60 SEVEN HILLS S89 PV HBR 20/10/2021 FCD21S89 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 5 5 5 1.5 G A R ASHLAND PV SEVEN HILLS 316/17 # G A R HOME TOWN PV SEVEN HILLS JOVIAL 192/19 PV CHAIR ROCK SURE FIRE 6095 #
We don’t push our bulls when preparing them for sale. Big weights is not a priority. Longevity of the breeding life of our bulls for their new owner is. Our bulls are sold in their working clothes, vet checked and ready to work.
36 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197 Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 29 Dams Calves 1.1 GD. Dams Calves 6.6 GGD. Dams Calves 9.9 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +6.2 +7.0 -5.2 +1.6 +43 +80 +99 +68 +16 +0.2 -4.0 +61 +13.6 -0.9 -2.7 +1.3 +3.5 +0.35 +27 Acc 59% 45% 83% 74% 74% 71% 72% 69% 62% 69% 36% 63% 63% 64% 63% 58% 67% 51% 55% Perc 21 12 42 9 80 78 84 92 62 97 68 65 2 69 87 9 17 71 20 Selection Indexes $PRO: $169 28 $A $231 17 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 60 SEVEN HILLS S89 PV HBR 20/10/2021 FCD21S89 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 7 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 5 5 5 1.5 G A R ASHLAND PV SEVEN HILLS 316/17 # G A R HOME TOWN PV SEVEN HILLS JOVIAL 192/19 PV CHAIR ROCK SURE FIRE 6095 # SEVEN HILLS JOVIAL 342/13 # A+ Hf mating CE EMA IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................ Actual Data BWT 30 Dams Calves 2.2 GD. Dams Calves 8.8 GGD. Dams Calves 6.6 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +6.7 +3.9 -7.0 +2.7 +46 +86 +106 +77 +18 +1.3 -4.6 +58 +5.7 +2.6 +1.6 -0.6 +3.5 +0.10 +26 Acc 53% 42% 69% 70% 69% 66% 67% 65% 57% 62% 33% 56% 56% 58% 58% 51% 61% 47% 41% Perc 18 41 17 21 68 63 73 85 46 79 51 74 56 7 18 95 17 39 24 Selection Indexes $PRO: $156 41 $A $208 41 Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2), Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics LOT: 61 SEVEN HILLS S167 PV HBR 27/11/2021 FCD21S167 Beefclass Structural Assessment F: 6 R: 6 F: 6 R: 6 5 5 4 4 2 G A R DRIVE PV SEVEN HILLS 355/16 # SEVEN HILLS 300/19 DV SEVEN HILLS KIND 173/18 PV SEVEN HILLS UTILISE # SEVEN HILLS KIND 326/12 # A+ Hf mating CE IMF. Purchaser:.......................................................................................................................... Price $............................................
An advanced genomic tool to inform the selection of replacement heifers for commercial Australian Angus breeders
The word “Angus” is one which is associated with quality, not just locally but globally.
The finest of that Angus is produced right here in New Zealand. At Seven Hills Angus we are proud to be an AngusPure Partner Stud and part of a group with a common focus on the end consumer while striving to create more reward for our bull buying clients by recognising the quality of our product, not just the quantity.
That’s why we have a strong focus on all the attributes by creating the most memorable eating experience for the consumer and at the top of that list is marbling, marbling, marbling!
From the purest place to the purest taste... creating the finest grass-fed eating experience, which is both consistent and memorable, for all the right reasons.
A product of Angus Australia, delivered in collaboration with our par tners, Zoetis and Neogen
AngusPure NZ has teamed up with 88 Angus studs who share in our vision - to focus on the end consumer. This stud is proud to be named as one of them, and by using the finest genetics and implementing best management practice they can help you produce more premium quality Angus beef.
Only our AngusPure Partner studs display these devices in their sale catalogues. They indicate bulls endorsed by AngusPure NZ.
AngusPure NZ continues to endorse bulls for sale that are either at or above +$125 for the AngusPure index (API) and at or above $115 for the AngusPRO index (PRO). These indexes give commercial farmers confidence that by using these selection tools, bulls are most likely to leave progeny with superior carcase quality. At the same time they achieve desirable outcomes for self replacing herds, as the AngusPure & AngusPRO indexes still reward cattle with strong maternal attributes like calving ease, scrotal and growth, along with carcase weight.
To qualify, bulls will be => +$125 for AngusPure index OR => +$115 for AngusPRO index
In addition to the ‘A’, and to assist bull buyers who wish to select for more marbling AngusPure are rewarding those animals that are either at or above +$145 for the AngusPure index and at or above $135 for the AngusPRO index. In addition to this they must have an IMF EBV (for marbling) equal to or greater than +2.2. These bulls will be awarded an ‘A+’ endorsement. Marbling is one of the very highest eating quality attributes and is necessary in order to meet some of the highest premium requirements for the export program, AngusPure Special Reserve.
To qualify, bulls will be => +$145 for AngusPure index OR => +$135 for AngusPRO index, and in addition all bulls must be => +2.2 for IMF EBV
AngusPure NZ recognises the need to lift the amount of marbling in our New Zealand cow genetics, in order to fill the requirements of consumers going forward. Marbling has two critical components; genetics and feeding. Feeding on a rising plane of nutrition is vital but without the genetics these attributes will not be able to express themselves.
AngusPRO are a group of New Zealand Angus studs that encompass over 40% of New Zealand’s registered Angus cattle. These studs have united and made the shift across the ditch, to join the progressive governing body that is Angus Australia.
Angus Australia pride themselves on their quality of leadership in the delivery of innovative programs that will enhance and promote the value of Angus cattle and beef.
Focus Genetics
Lake Farm Genetics
Mount Linton
Rimanui Farms
Seven Hills
Storth Oaks
Te Mania
The Sisters
Twin Oaks
Everyone in the industry knows that profitability within a cattle system can be improved by making educated predictions with factual data.
It’s scientifically proven.
Seven Hills Angus are firmly focused around two consumers, firstly you the beef farmer, and secondly the consumer of our NZ beef...
The Consumer of NZ Beef
Let’s start with the discerning beef purchaser who demands a superior eating experience every time
Globally marbling is seen as the major contributor to flavour in beef. All beef grading systems (including Beef EQ and AngusPure) have marbling as a major component of the grade index.
It starts with measurable taste Add to that meat colour, pH, fat colour and ossification. Now you have a product quantified by measurable traits that consistently (98%) deliver an eating experience to discerning purchasers of beef worldwide.
The Beef Farmer
We like our bulls to look like bulls, our cows to produce a live calf every year that grows quickly into profit.
The first part is easy - buy bulls you like the look of – no science, just good old eye appraisal.
The second part requires a bit more planning – these requirements should be on that list:
Low maintenance cost cow and the main indicator currently is the Mature Cow weight EBV.
Fertility – the main drivers of fertility are mating heifers at 14 months and then rebreeding. Look at the number of calves a cow has had and her dam, plus the Days to Calving EBV
Growth – as much as possible in the cow size you determine is appropriate.
Eye Muscle Area – muscle is weight and EMA helps increase carcass weight. More is better.
Fats – 1 Marbling/IMF is the good fat or the taste fat. Select for higher IMF. 2. Rib/rump fats are the outside fats. It is required for chilling the meat correctly and having some softness/cover on our cows but is very expensive to produce – the balanced approach is good
Carcass Weight – the higher the better your steers weigh on the hook, 50% is ordinary with 58–60% more than achievable. The carcass weight EBV is a major profit driver.
Full Catalogue Design
“Enhancing & Promoting the value of Angus” ph: (02) 6773 4613 email:
by Sam Hamilton, Angus Australia
SHOP ONLINE WWW.ANGUSPURE.CO.NZ Mobile: +64 27 550 4018 | Phone: +64 6 835 8221 | Email: Buy your tags direct from us! Kim Lowe ANGUSPURE NATIONAL TERRITORY MANAGER
43 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF,DWF,MHF,OHF,OSF,RGF CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +6.4 +9.6 -6.6 +3.6 +68 +112 +146 +136 +9 +2.2 -5.3 +87 +13.4 -1.3 -3.7 +0.9 +3.2 -0.11 +35 Acc 76% 53% 98% 98% 97% 97% 96% 89% 85% 95% 48% 87% 88% 86% 83% 80% 88% 61% 93% Perc 20 2 22 39 2 6 6 7 96 44 31 7 3 77 94 23 22 16 6 Selection Indexes $PRO: $233 1 $A $274 1 Traits Observed: Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 42, Prog Analysed: 581, Genomic Prog: 450 Reference Sire BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 PV HBR 30/01/2017 USA18837398 POSS TOTAL IMPACT 745 # POSS EASY IMPACT 0119 # POSS ELMARETTA 736 # HOOVER DAM # BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030 # BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD X89 # 15 Sons for sale. Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF,DWF,MAF,MHF,OHF,OSF,RGF CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +6.9 +5.9 -6.7 +2.3 +58 +101 +120 +83 +16 +1.5 -4.6 +74 +14.3 -3.2 -5.4 +1.1 +5.2 +0.09 +22 Acc 80% 58% 99% 99% 98% 98% 97% 89% 83% 97% 50% 87% 89% 87% 85% 81% 89% 65% 93% Perc 16 21 20 16 17 21 44 78 61 72 51 28 2 97 99 14 3 38 39 Selection Indexes $PRO: $218 2 $A $280 1 Traits Observed: Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 44, Prog Analysed: 1789, Genomic Prog: 757 Reference Sire G A R HOME TOWN PV HBR 06/09/2018 USA19266718 G A R EARLY BIRD # G A R ASHLAND PV CHAIR ROCK AMBUSH 1018 # G A R SURE FIRE SV CHAIR ROCK SURE FIRE 6095 # CHAIR ROCK PROGRESS 3005 # 11 Sons for sale. Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +6.4 +4.3 -10.0 +4.0 +70 +126 +151 +96 +26 +2.4 -7.1 +81 +10.5 -2.3 -3.3 +0.2 +3.8 +0.56 +42 Acc 73% 60% 97% 96% 93% 92% 91% 85% 78% 87% 55% 83% 81% 81% 78% 75% 82% 64% 85% Perc 20 37 2 48 2 1 4 58 3 36 5 13 11 91 92 66 13 89 2 Selection Indexes $PRO: $251 1 $A $318 1 Traits Observed: Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 4, Prog Analysed: 139, Genomic Prog: 135 Reference Sire H P C A ZEPHYR SV HBR 26/02/2017 USA18962277 C R A BEXTOR 872 5205 608 # G A R PROPHET SV G A R OBJECTIVE 1885 # G A R SUNRISE SV H P C A SUNRISE 9022 # HPCA 5050 L410 # 6 Sons for sale. Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF,DWF,MAF,MHF,OHF,OSF CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +3.6 +7.9 -6.0 +2.6 +50 +93 +124 +86 +25 +3.3 -3.2 +75 +7.7 -1.8 -3.5 +0.4 +4.0 +0.02 +26 Acc 91% 75% 99% 98% 98% 98% 98% 96% 94% 97% 60% 91% 90% 90% 89% 85% 89% 73% 96% Perc 43 7 30 20 50 43 35 74 6 12 85 25 32 85 93 53 10 29 22 Selection Indexes $PRO: $144 55 $A $212 36 Traits Observed: Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 61, Prog Analysed: 800, Genomic Prog: 469 Reference Sire G A R FAIL SAFE PV HBR 16/08/2014 USA18181757 MYTTY IN FOCUS # CONNEALY IN SURE 8524 # ENTREENA OF CONANGA 657 # G A R PROGRESS SV G A R PROGRESS 830 # G A R 1I1 RITO 3346 # 2 Sons for sale.
44 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +1.0 +4.0 -6.4 +3.4 +68 +116 +148 +122 +18 +1.5 -3.0 +83 +13.2 -3.0 -3.1 +1.3 +3.1 -0.06 +7 Acc 94% 78% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 97% 95% 98% 55% 93% 92% 91% 90% 86% 91% 72% 98% Perc 65 40 24 34 2 3 5 17 46 72 88 11 3 96 90 9 24 20 96 Selection Indexes $PRO: $197 8 $A $265 2 Traits Observed: Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 118, Prog Analysed: 2810, Genomic Prog: 1714 Reference Sire G A R ASHLAND PV HBR 31/01/2015 USA18217198 G A R DAYLIGHT # G A R EARLY BIRD # G A R PROGRESS 830 # B/R AMBUSH 28 # CHAIR ROCK AMBUSH 1018 # G A R YIELD GRADE N366 # 9 Sons for sale. Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDF,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +10.1 +9.1 -3.5 +2.5 +43 +74 +86 +74 +12 -0.3 -8.3 +47 +16.1 +1.6 -0.2 +1.1 +5.5 +0.55 -3 Acc 93% 80% 99% 98% 98% 98% 98% 97% 97% 97% 74% 95% 93% 94% 94% 89% 92% 87% 96% Perc 3 3 70 18 81 89 95 87 86 99 1 93 1 16 47 14 2 88 99 Selection Indexes $PRO: $248 1 $A $284 1 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT,600WT,SC,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 27, Prog Analysed: 965, Genomic Prog: 332 Reference Sire ALLOURA GET CRACKING G10 SV HBR 14/08/2011 DGJG10 TE MANIA YORKSHIRE Y437 PV TE MANIA BERKLEY B1 PV TE MANIA LOWAN Z53 # C A FUTURE DIRECTION 5321 # ALLOURA JEDDA Z15 # ALLOURA JEDDA X07 # 1 Son for sale. Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF,DWF,MAF,MHF,OHF,OSF,RGF CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +6.5 +2.7 -3.3 +1.2 +52 +87 +115 +107 +10 +1.9 -4.9 +65 +10.4 -2.7 -4.5 +1.3 +3.3 +0.10 +5 Acc 80% 64% 97% 97% 96% 96% 96% 91% 88% 95% 51% 86% 87% 86% 84% 80% 87% 61% 82% Perc 19 54 73 6 42 60 54 39 93 57 42 54 11 95 97 9 20 39 98 Selection Indexes $PRO: $176 21 $A $221 27 Traits Observed: Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 11, Prog Analysed: 194, Genomic Prog: 141 Reference Sire CONNEALY LEGENDARY 644L # HBR 23/01/2016 USA18534952 MCC DAYBREAK # QUAKER HILL RAMPAGE 0A36 PV QHF BLACKCAP 6E2 OF4V16 4355 # MORGANS DIRECTION 111 9901 # JAZZED OF CONANGA 4660 # JAZE OF CONANGA 234 # 1 Son for sale. Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF,DWF,MAF,MHF,OHF,OSF,RGF CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +10.9 +3.6 -7.0 -0.5 +44 +87 +110 +76 +17 +2.0 -3.6 +71 +13.9 -1.9 -2.1 +0.9 +4.2 +0.41 +66 Acc 78% 57% 98% 98% 97% 97% 94% 88% 82% 95% 47% 86% 87% 85% 84% 78% 85% 60% 91% Perc 2 44 17 1 76 61 65 86 47 53 78 34 2 87 80 23 9 78 1 Selection Indexes $PRO: $178 20 $A $229 19 Traits Observed: Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 23, Prog Analysed: 511, Genomic Prog: 286 Reference Sire SYDGEN BONUS 8084 PV HBR 13/01/2018 USA19169335 SYDGEN GOOGOL # SYDGEN EXCEED 3223 PV SYDGEN FOREVER LADY 1255 # G A R PROPHET SV SYDGEN BLACKCAP 5371 # H P C A 5050 212 # 3 Sons for sale.
45 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF,DWF,MAF,MHF,OHF,OSF,RGF CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +2.5 +1.5 -8.9 +4.5 +58 +105 +124 +76 +26 +3.5 -7.1 +83 +11.0 +0.9 +1.0 +0.5 +3.7 +0.44 +2 Acc 74% 59% 95% 95% 90% 88% 90% 83% 71% 86% 52% 77% 76% 77% 77% 73% 77% 63% 82% Perc 53 66 5 60 17 13 34 86 3 9 5 10 8 27 26 47 14 80 99 Selection Indexes $PRO: $228 1 $A $291 1 Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,400WT,600WT,SC,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 5, Prog Analysed: 165, Genomic Prog: 145 Reference Sire KAKAHU PIVOTAL 18004 PV HBR 12/08/2018 NZE13300018004 AYRVALE GENERAL G18 PV ESSLEMONT LOTTO L3 PV ESSLEMONT JENNY J8 PV TOMBSTONE 050 # KAKAHU 16373 SV KAKAHU 11386 # 2 Sons for sale. Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +8.4 +8.9 -10.6 +0.8 +44 +82 +110 +80 +21 -0.5 -3.4 +67 +14.1 -0.8 -2.9 +1.4 +2.6 +0.26 +22 Acc 71% 55% 83% 91% 87% 86% 84% 80% 69% 70% 45% 74% 73% 74% 74% 69% 74% 56% 81% Perc 8 4 2 4 77 75 66 81 23 99 82 48 2 67 89 7 36 61 39 Selection Indexes $PRO: $155 42 $A $221 27 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Structure(Claw Set x 1, Foot Angle x 1),Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 1, Prog Analysed: 48, Genomic Prog: 47 Reference Sire SEVEN HILLS 379/18 SV HBR 09/11/2018 NZE21159018379 B/R FUTURE DIRECTION 4268 SV WR JOURNEY-1X74 PV 2 BAR 5050 NEW DESIGN 7831 # G A R MOMENTUM PV SEVEN HILLS UTILISE 378/15 # SEVEN HILLS UTILISE 345/11 # 2 Sons for sale. Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF,DWF,MAF,MHF,OHF,OSF,RGF CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs -0.8 -0.9 -0.7 +3.4 +49 +97 +125 +98 +18 +1.4 -3.3 +75 +7.1 -0.1 +0.4 +0.1 +4.0 +0.68 +28 Acc 68% 50% 93% 91% 88% 85% 83% 78% 63% 65% 38% 71% 67% 71% 70% 64% 70% 51% 84% Perc 76 83 95 34 54 31 32 55 41 75 84 25 38 50 36 72 10 94 19 Selection Indexes $PRO: $147 51 $A $205 45 Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF), Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 5, Prog Analysed: 41, Genomic Prog: 41 Reference Sire SEVEN HILLS 410/18 SV HBR 15/11/2018 NZE21159018410 H P C A PROCEED PV SEVEN HILLS 295/16 # SHALOM WAIGROUP APRIL 21/10 # TE MANIA GASKIN G555 SV SEVEN HILLS KINDPAT 96/16 # SEVEN HILLS KINDPAT 399/13 # 3 sons for sale. Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs -8.6 -3.2 -6.5 +5.7 +64 +118 +149 +137 +17 +0.7 -2.7 +88 +4.4 -0.1 -1.4 +0.4 +1.4 +0.01 +2 Acc 61% 46% 72% 84% 81% 79% 80% 76% 63% 64% 36% 68% 67% 69% 69% 63% 69% 50% 72% Perc 97 93 23 83 5 3 5 7 50 92 91 5 73 50 69 53 70 28 99 Selection Indexes $PRO: $108 84 $A $179 72 Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Structure(Claw Set x 1, Foot Angle x 1),Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 1, Prog Analysed: 16, Genomic Prog: 16 Reference Sire SEVEN HILLS 254/19 PV HBR 15/10/2019 NZE21159019254 G A R ADVANCE # SEVEN HILLS 283/17 # SEVEN HILLS APRIL 335/15 # HIDDEN VALLEY LOOKOUT Z7 SV SEVEN HILLS APRIL 335/12 # SHALOM WAIGROUP APRIL 21/10 # Sold to Dean Wilson, 1 Son for sale.
46 Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197 Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +7.8 +3.7 -8.0 +1.1 +44 +84 +99 +63 +20 +0.9 -5.2 +50 +10.0 +1.7 +1.0 +0.3 +2.3 +0.57 +20 Acc 63% 53% 84% 76% 75% 73% 73% 72% 66% 70% 41% 65% 65% 66% 66% 61% 68% 53% 61% Perc 11 43 9 6 76 68 84 95 24 89 34 90 13 15 26 60 44 90 47 Selection Indexes $PRO: $166 31 $A $223 24 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Structure(Claw Set x 1, Foot Angle x 1),Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 1, Prog Analysed: 1, Genomic Prog: 1 Reference Sire SEVEN HILLS 295/19 PV HBR 22/10/2019 NZE21159019295 G A R MOMENTUM PV G A R INERTIA PV G A R PROPHET 2984 # CONNEALY COMRADE 1385 # SEVEN HILLS JOCELYN 86/16 DV SEVEN HILLS JOCELYN 453/14 # Sold to Puketoro, 1 Son for sale. Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDF,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs -0.4 -6.7 -6.6 +5.6 +58 +99 +122 +102 +19 +1.7 -4.1 +66 +9.3 -2.1 -2.7 +1.3 +1.7 -0.17 +29 Acc 55% 40% 83% 78% 75% 74% 73% 71% 61% 63% 31% 63% 62% 65% 64% 58% 65% 46% 55% Perc 74 98 22 81 17 25 39 48 32 65 66 53 18 89 87 9 61 12 17 Selection Indexes $PRO: $139 60 $A $213 36 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Structure(Claw Set x 1, Foot Angle x 1),Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 1, Prog Analysed: 4, Genomic Prog: 4 Reference Sire SEVEN HILLS 297/19 DV HBR 23/10/2019 NZE21159019297 B3R PRIME WAVE T299 # B3R ELECTORATE A229 (IMP USA) # B3R X202 LADY U149 T053 # SEVEN HILLS 56/13 # SEVEN HILLS ANGELA 493/15 # SEVEN HILLS ANGELA 472/13 # Sold to Makapua, 1 Son for sale. Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +2.3 +2.0 -5.2 +3.6 +53 +96 +125 +92 +16 +2.6 -3.2 +74 +10.4 -1.3 -1.8 +0.6 +2.4 +0.18 +37 Acc 63% 51% 84% 78% 77% 75% 75% 74% 66% 69% 41% 66% 65% 67% 67% 62% 68% 52% 62% Perc 55 61 42 39 35 32 34 64 58 29 85 28 11 77 76 40 41 50 5 Selection Indexes $PRO: $152 46 $A $210 39 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Structure(Claw Set x 1, Foot Angle x 1),Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 1, Prog Analysed: 3, Genomic Prog: 3 Reference Sire SEVEN HILLS 300/19 DV HBR 24/10/2019 NZE21159019300 G A R MOMENTUM PV G A R DRIVE PV MAPLECREST BLACKCAP 3007 # G A R PROPHECY SV SEVEN HILLS UTILISE # SHALOM WAIGROUP UTILISE 47/08 # Sold to Estcourt Farm, 1 Son for sale. Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +3.4 +2.3 -2.8 +3.4 +45 +80 +94 +67 +13 +1.6 -3.2 +45 +9.4 +0.8 +0.2 +1.5 +0.7 +0.18 +29 Acc 62% 43% 83% 83% 81% 81% 79% 75% 62% 65% 36% 68% 66% 69% 68% 62% 68% 49% 71% Perc 45 58 79 34 72 80 89 93 81 68 85 95 17 29 40 5 86 50 16 Selection Indexes $PRO: $138 61 $A $197 54 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Structure(Claw Set x 1, Foot Angle x 1),Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 1, Prog Analysed: 15, Genomic Prog: 14 Reference Sire SEVEN HILLS 311/19 DV APR 25/10/2019 NZE21159019311 B3R PRIME WAVE T299 # B3R ELECTORATE A229 (IMP USA) # B3R X202 LADY U149 T053 # GLANWORTH WAIGROUP 1213 # SEVEN HILLS INGLIS 404/15 PV SEVEN HILLS INGLIS 457/13 # 1 Son for sale.
Like and Follow us on our Facebook Page! Mid May 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc EBVs +9.7 +5.4 -2.7 -0.9 +42 +83 +99 +68 +20 +0.7 -6.3 +62 +13.4 +1.8 +0.3 +0.8 +5.4 +0.46 -12 Acc 67% 54% 83% 82% 80% 79% 78% 76% 67% 70% 46% 70% 69% 71% 71% 65% 71% 59% 71% Perc 4 25 81 1 85 71 84 92 28 92 12 64 3 14 38 28 2 82 99 Selection Indexes $PRO: $220 2 $A $267 2 Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Structure(Claw Set x 1, Foot Angle x 1),Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 1, Prog Analysed: 10, Genomic Prog: 10 Reference Sire SEVEN HILLS 333/19 PV HBR 28/10/2019 NZE21159019333 TE MANIA BERKLEY B1 PV ALLOURA GET CRACKING G10 SV ALLOURA JEDDA Z15 # B3R PIONEER WAVE Y409 # SEVEN HILLS UTILISE 88/17 # SEVEN HILLS UTILISE 351/13 # Sold to Todd Hislop, 1 Son for sale. Australian Angus Breed Average EBVS 2023 CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF NFI-F Doc $PRO $A +2.2 +2.7 -4.8 +4.1 +50 +90 +117 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.4 +0.0 -0.3 +0.5 +2.2 +0.19 +20 +145 +197 47
What is the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation?
The TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation is the genetic evaluation program adopted by Angus Australia for Angus and Angus influenced beef cattle. The TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation uses Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) technology to produce Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) of recorded cattle for a range of important production traits (e.g. weight, carcase, fertility).
The TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation is an international genetic evaluation and includes pedigree, performance and genomic information from the Angus Australia and Angus New Zealand databases, along with selected information from the American and Canadian Angus Associations.
The TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation utilises a range of genetic evaluation software, including the internationally recognised BLUPF90 family of programs, and BREEDPLAN® beef genetic evaluation analytical software, as developed by the Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit (AGBU), a joint institute of NSW Agriculture and the University of New England, and Meat and Livestock Australia Limited (MLA).
What is an EBV?
An animal’s breeding value can be defined as its genetic merit for each trait. While it is not possible to determine an animal’s true breeding value, it is possible to estimate it. These estimates of an animal’s true breeding value are called EBVs (Estimated Breeding Values).
EBVs are expressed as the difference between an individual animal’s genetics and a historical genetic level (i.e. group of animals) within the TACE genetic evaluation, and are reported in the units in which the measurements are taken.
Using EBVs to Compare the Genetics of Two Animals
TACE EBVs can be used to estimate the expected difference in the genetics of two animals, with the expected difference equating to half the difference in the EBVs of the animals, all other things being equal (e.g. they are joined to the same animal/s).
For example, a bull with a 200 Day Growth EBV of +60 would be expected to produce progeny that are, on average, 10 kg heavier at 200 days of age than a bull with a 200 Day Growth EBV of +40 kg (i.e. 20 kg difference between the sire’s EBVs, then halved as the sire only contributes half the genetics).
Or similarly, a bull with an IMF EBV of +3.0 would be expected to produce progeny with on average, 1% more intramuscular fat in a 400 kg carcase than a bull with a IMF EBV of +1.0 (i.e. 2% difference between the sire’s EBVs, then halved as the sire only contributes half the genetics).
Using EBVs to Benchmark an Animal’s Genetics with the Breed
EBVs can also be used to benchmark an animal’s genetics relative to the genetics of other Angus or Angus infused animals recorded with Angus Australia. To benchmark an animal’s genetics relative to other Angus animals, an animal’s EBV can be compared to the EBV reference tables, which provide:
• the breed average EBV
• the percentile bands table
The current breed average EBV is listed on the bottom of each page in this publication, while the current EBV reference tables are included at the end of these introductory notes. For easy reference, the percentile band in which an animal’s EBV ranks is also published in association with the EBV.
Considering Accuracy
An accuracy value is published with each EBV, and is usually displayed as a percentage value immediately below the EBV.
The accuracy value provides an indication of the reliability of the EBV in estimating the animal’s genetics (or true breeding value), and is an indication of the amount of information that has been used in the calculation of the EBV.
EBVs with accuracy values below 50% should be considered as preliminary or of low accuracy, 50-74% as of medium accuracy, 75-90% of medium to high accuracy, and 90% or greater as high accuracy.
Description of TACE EBVs
EBVs are calculated for a range of traits within TACE, covering calving ease, growth, fertility, maternal performance, carcase merit, feed efficiency and structural soundness. A description of each EBV included in this publication is provided on the following page.
UNDERSTANDING The transtasman angus cattle Evaluation (tace)