Mount Linton Yearling Bull Sale 2022

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Yearling Bull Catalogue




Bull Catalogue


Yearling Bull catalogue for the Mount Linton 2021 born

private treaty from early November. These

ease specialists.


have been yarded three

semen testing

Our focus is to produce a genetic package that is unique to the industry, moderate maternal cows with a mature cow profile and fat cover that guarantees calving ease and fertility and an elite carcass package. The vast majority of the Bulls catalogued are in the top 15% of the breed for calving ease, birthweight, Rib fat and IMF with plenty in the top 5% for IMF and most of the Bulls achieve the A+ endorsement from Angus Pure.

The Bulls have been semen motility and morphology tested, palpated and vet checked. They are BVD negative and have been vaccinated twice. I look forward to talking to you all.

Cameron To view/select your bulls contact me on: T: 027 711 1949 E: W:
2022 SALE BY
to the
Bulls which will be available by
Bulls are moderate birthweight calving
have been wintered in two mobs of 200 each. They
times since weaning in March for carcass scanning and
and their temperament is outstanding.

Buying a Mount Linton Bull



Herd Status and Health

TB status


Forward store condition ready to acclimatise to their new environment.

Top 25% Price bracket $4,500.

Top 40% Price bracket $4,000.

Everything else falls under Price bracket $3,500. 1 •
C8. • Negative BVD and EBL test. • BVD vaccinated. • Positive semen morphology test. • Cleared thorough veterinarian check physical health.
The fertility and structural soundness of bulls is guaranteed for three years.
The transport of bulls is compliments of Mount Linton as far north as Fielding.
All bulls have: Mid September 2021 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +11.0 +7.4 -8.0 +0.5 +38 +74 +98 +66 +24 +2.1 -6.8 +61 +4.1 +2.2 +2.3 -1.6 +3.5 Acc 59% 52% 84% 73% 70% 70% 71% 69% 65% 66% 43% 65% 64% 68% 65% 65% 63% Perc 1 9 8 2 93 87 82 94 6 41 15 65 78 5 4 98 7
Lot NZE20305019055 Date of Birth: 07/09/2019 AMF,CAFU,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORG420 RENNYLEA G420SV DAM: NZE20305115125 LINTON 19055SV TE MANIA BERKLEY B1PV RENNYLEA E528# LINTON 13007# LINTON 13356# Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,400WT,600WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Selection Index $PRO $161 23 Choosing your bull/s 1. Study individual bulls. Please note: Shading = values in the top 40% of the Trans Tasman Angus Cattle Evaluation for 2018 born animals are shaded a light grey and the top 25% a dark grey, EXCEPT for mature cow weight where any bull with a mature weight less than its 600-D is shaded. 2. Compare individual’s genetic information to the breed average on page 1. 3. Why buy a HD50K tested bull? Page 2. 4. Anguspure partner, Page 3. 5. Explanations for EBV’s and Indexes on page 4 - 5. 6. Consider the sire’s genetic information on pages 6 - 7. Calving Ease Direct 200, 400 & 600 Day Weight Gestation Length Carcase Weight Rib Fat Retail Beef Yield AngusPro Index Scrotal Circumference Calving Ease Daughters Birth Weight Mature Cow Weight Days to Calving Eye Muscle Area Rump Fat Intra Muscular Fat

Why buy a HD50K-tested bull?

1. You’ll make faster production gains

His Breeding Values are very accurate

A young bull that’s been HD50K tested has highly accurate BVs. You can therefore be more confident that his performance will match his figures.


The bull you buy this season will influence your herd for the next 8-10 years. By buying an HD50K-tested bull, your decision is based on the best information possible.


Boost the performance of your beef cow herd

If you breed your own heifer replacements, using a HD50K-tested bull means you can tap into “HeiferSELECT®” – a new commercial farmer tool coming soon.

HeiferSELECT® provides the objective information you need to make more accurate decisions about which heifers to “keep or cull”. It draws on maternal, growth and carcass (including marbling) traits.

More information: Zoetis New Zealand Limited PO Box 5520, Moray Place, Dunedin 9058, New Zealand Phone: 0800 228 278 or 03 477 5920 • Fax: 03 477 5930 Email:
If you’re a progressive farmer, you can’t afford not to buy a HD50K-tested bull. He will get you where you want to go, faster. Much faster.


AngusPure NZ has teamed up with 87 Angus studs who share in our vision - to focus on the end consumer. This stud is proud to be named as one of them, and by using the finest genetics and implementing best management practice they can help you produce more premium quality Angus beef.

Only our AngusPure Partner studs display these devices in their sale catalogues. They indicate bulls endorsed by AngusPure NZ.


AngusPure NZ continues to endorse bulls for sale that are either at or above +$120 for the AngusPure index (API) and at or above $107 for the AngusPRO index (PRO). These indexes give commercial farmers confidence that by using these selection tools, bulls are most likely to leave progeny with superior carcase quality. At the same time they achieve desirable outcomes for self replacing herds, as the AngusPure & AngusPRO indexes still reward cattle with strong maternal attributes like calving ease, scrotal and growth, along with carcase weight.

To qualify, bulls will be => +$120 for AngusPure index OR => +$107 for AngusPRO index


In addition to the ‘A’, and to assist bull buyers who wish to select for more marbling we are rewarding those animals that are either at or above +$140 for the AngusPure index and at or above $126 for the AngusPRO index. In addition to this they must have an IMF EBV (for marbling) equal to or greater than +2.0. These bulls will be awarded an ‘A+’ endorsement. Marbling is one of the very highest eating quality attributes and is necessary in order to meet some of the highest premium requirements for our export program, AngusPure Special Reserve.

To qualify, bulls will be => +$140 for AngusPure index OR => +$126 for AngusPRO index, and in addition all bulls must be => +2.0 for IMF EBV

AngusPure NZ recognises the need to lift the amount of marbling in our New Zealand cow genetics, in order to fill the requirements of consumers going forward. Marbling has two critical components; genetics and feeding. Feeding on a rising plane of nutrition is vital but without the genetics these attributes will not be able to express themselves. 3

angus cattle Evaluation

What is the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation?

The TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation is the genetic evaluation program adopted by Angus Australia for Angus and Angus influenced beef cattle. The TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation uses Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) technology to produce Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) of recorded cattle for a range of important production traits (e.g. weight, carcase, fertility).

The TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation is an international genetic evaluation and includes pedigree, performance and genomic information from the Angus Australia and Angus New Zealand databases, along with selected information from the American and Canadian Angus Associations.

The TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation utilises a range of genetic evaluation software, including the internationally recognised BLUPF90 family of programs, and BREEDPLAN® beef genetic evaluation analytical software, as developed by the Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit (AGBU), a joint institute of NSW Agriculture and the University of New England, and Meat and Livestock Australia Limited (MLA).

What is an EBV?

An animal’s breeding value can be defined as its genetic merit for each trait. While it is not possible to determine an animal’s true breeding value, it is possible to estimate it. These estimates of an animal’s true breeding value are called EBVs (Estimated Breeding Values).

EBVs are expressed as the difference between an individual animal’s genetics and a historical genetic level (i.e. group of animals) within the TACE genetic evaluation, and are reported in the units in which the measurements are taken.

Using EBVs to Compare the Genetics of Two Animals

TACE EBVs can be used to estimate the expected difference in the genetics of two animals, with the expected difference equating to half the difference in the EBVs of the animals, all other things being equal (e.g. they are joined to the same animal/s).

For example, a bull with a 200 Day Growth EBV of +60 would be expected to produce progeny that are, on average, 10 kg heavier at 200 days of age than a bull with a 200 Day Growth EBV of +40 kg (i.e. 20 kg difference between the sire’s EBVs, then halved as the sire only contributes half the genetics).

Or similarly, a bull with an IMF EBV of +3.0 would be expected to produce progeny with on average, 1% more intramuscular fat in a 400 kg carcase than a bull with a IMF EBV of +1.0 (i.e. 2% difference between the sire’s EBVs, then halved as the sire only contributes half the genetics).

Using EBVs to Benchmark an Animal’s Genetics with the Breed

EBVs can also be used to benchmark an animal’s genetics relative to the genetics of other Angus or Angus infused animals recorded with Angus Australia.

To benchmark an animal’s genetics relative to other Angus animals, an animal’s EBV can be compared to the EBV reference tables, which provide:

• the breed average EBV

• the percentile bands table

The current breed average EBV is listed on the bottom of each page in this publication, while the current EBV reference tables are included at the end of these introductory notes.

For easy reference, the percentile band in which an animal’s EBV ranks is also published in association with the EBV.

Considering Accuracy

An accuracy value is published with each EBV, and is usually displayed as a percentage value immediately below the EBV.

The accuracy value provides an indication of the reliability of the EBV in estimating the animal’s genetics (or true breeding value), and is an indication of the amount of information that has been used in the calculation of the EBV.

EBVs with accuracy values below 50% should be considered as preliminary or of low accuracy, 50-74% as of medium accuracy, 75-90% of medium to high accuracy, and 90% or greater as high accuracy.

Description of TACE EBVs

EBVs are calculated for a range of traits within TACE, covering calving ease, growth, fertility, maternal performance, carcase merit, feed efficiency and structural soundness.

A description of each EBV included in this publication is provided on the following page.
UNDERSTANDING The transtasman

estimated breeding values (ebvs)

CEDir %

CEDtrs %

GL days

BW kg

200 Day kg

400 Day kg

600 Day kg

MCW kg

Milk kg

DtC days

SS cm

CWT kg

EMA cm2

Rib Fat mm

P8 Fat mm



NFI-F kg/ day

Doc %

Genetic differences in the ability of a sire’s calves to be born unassisted from 2 year old heifers.

Genetic differences in the ability of a sire’s daughters to calve unassisted at 2 years of age.

Genetic differences between animals in the length of time from the date of conception to the birth of the calf.

Genetic differences between animals in calf weight at birth.

Genetic differences between animals in live weight at 200 days of age due to genetics for growth.

Genetic differences between animals in live weight at 400 days of age.

Genetic differences between animals in live weight at 600 days of age.

Genetic differences between animals in live weight of cows at 5 years of age.

Genetic differences between animals in live weight at 200 days of age due to the maternal contribution of its dam.

Genetic differences between animals in the time from the start of the joining period (i.e. when the female is introduced to a bull) until subsequent calving.

Genetic differences between animals in scrotal circumference at 400 days of age.

Genetic differences between animals in hot standard carcase weight at 750 days of age.

Genetic differences between animals in eye muscle area at the 12/13th rib site in a 400 kg carcase.

Genetic differences between animals in fat depth at the 12/13th rib site in a 400 kg carcase.

Genetic differences between animals in fat depth at the P8 rump site in a 400 kg carcase.

Genetic differences between animals in boned out saleable meat from a 400 kg carcase.

Genetic differences between animals in intramuscular fat (marbling) at the 12/13th rib site in a 400 kg carcase.

Genetic differences between animals in feed intake at a standard weight and rate of weight gain when animals are in a feedlot finishing phase.

Genetic differences between animals in temperament.

Foot Angle score Genetic differences in foot angle (strength of pastern, depth of heel).

Claw Set score

$A $

Genetic differences in claw set structure (shape and evenness of claws).

Genetic differences between animals in net profitability per cow joined in a typical commercial self replacing herd using Angus bulls. This selection index is not specific to a particular market end-point, but identifies animals that will improve overall net profitability in the majority of commercial, self replacing, grass and grain finishing beef production systems.

Higher EBVs indicate fewer calving difficulties in 2 year old heifers.

Higher EBVs indicate fewer calving difficulties in 2 year old heifers.

Lower EBVs indicate shorter gestation length.

Lower EBVs indicate lighter birth weight.

Higher EBVs indicate heavier live weight.

Higher EBVs indicate heavier live weight.

Higher EBVs indicate heavier live weight.

Higher EBVs indicate heavier mature weight.

Higher EBVs indicate heavier live weight.

Lower EBVs indicate shorter time to calving.

Higher EBVs indicate larger scrotal circumference.

Higher EBVs indicate heavier carcase weight.

Higher EBVs indicate larger eye muscle area.

Higher EBVs indicate more fat.

Higher EBVs indicate more fat.

Higher EBVs indicate higher yield.

Higher EBVs indicate more intramuscular fat.

Lower EBVs indicate more feed efficiency.

Higher EBVs indicate better temperament.

Lower EBVs indicate more desirable foot angle.

Lower EBVs indicate more desirable claw structure.

Higher selection indexes indicate greater profitability.

$PRO $

Genetic differences between animals in net profitability per cow joined in a commercial self replacing herd based in New Zealand that targets the production of grass finished steers for the AngusPure programme. Steers are assumed marketed at approximately 530 kg live weight (290 kg carcase weight with 10 mm P8 fat depth) at 20 months of age, with a significant premium for steers that exhibit superior marbling.

Higher selection indexes indicate greater profitability. 5 UNDERSTANDING
Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase Feed/ Temp. Structure Selection Index



Reference Sire NORM763

RENNYLEA M785PV Reference Sires October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +11.7 +8.5 -7.0 +2.4 +47 +89 +115 +90 +21 +1.8 -5.2 +71 +6.5 +2.5 +1.1 -1.4 +3.4 Acc 92% 80% 99% 99% 98% 98% 98% 97% 96% 97% 75% 93% 93% 94% 93% 92% 92% Perc 1 4 16 15 64 51 53 67 22 57 39 32 41 5 16 97 10
G420SVReference Sire NORG420 Date of Birth: 25/07/2011 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: VTMB1 TE MANIA BERKLEY B1PV DAM: NORE528 RENNYLEA E528# TE MANIA YORKSHIRE Y437PV TE MANIA LOWAN Z53# HYLINE RIGHT TIME 338# RENNYLEA B36PV Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT,600WT,SC,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 13, Prog Analysed: 1221, Genomic Prog: 1093 Selection Index $PRO $165 25 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +10.7 +8.8 -10.9 +1.2 +45 +92 +104 +94 +11 +2.0 -6.8 +66 +6.5 +4.5 +1.5 -2.6 +5.9 Acc 79% 68% 97% 97% 96% 96% 95% 90% 82% 96% 63% 84% 87% 87% 86% 83% 85% Perc 1 3 1 5 73 41 76 61 93 49 16 50 41 1 11 99 1
Date of Birth: 2/08/2016 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NZE14647008839 MATAURI REALITY 839# DAM: NORJ833 RENNYLEA J833PV SCHURRTOP REALITY X723# MATAURI 06663# TUWHARETOA REGENT D145PV RENNYLEA C490PV Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,400WT,600WT,SC,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 3, Prog Analysed: 339, Genomic Prog: 332 Selection Index $PRO $205 3 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs -1.0 +3.2 -6.9 +5.4 +57 +100 +133 +98 +31 +2.4 -5.3 +67 +8.4 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 +4.1 Acc 79% 65% 98% 98% 96% 97% 96% 91% 87% 93% 59% 85% 88% 88% 87% 83% 85% Perc 76 47 17 78 15 19 17 52 1 33 37 46 17 52 42 75 3
Reference Sire NORM785 Date of Birth: 5/08/2016 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NORG317 RENNYLEA G317PV DAM: NORD633 RENNYLEA D633SV TE MANIA AFRICA A217PV LAWSONS HENRY VIII Y5SV RENNYLEA B285SV RENNYLEA B462# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,600WT,SC,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 3, Prog Analysed: 397, Genomic Prog: 385 Selection Index $PRO $163 27 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +11.8 +6.8 -10.6 +1.7 +45 +84 +112 +77 +22 +3.6 -13.4 +58 +6.9 +3.6 +3.9 -1.1 +3.3 Acc 72% 64% 97% 97% 95% 95% 92% 83% 73% 86% 59% 80% 83% 84% 82% 79% 81% Perc 1 12 1 8 74 66 59 86 16 6 1 77 35 1 1 94 11 RENNYLEA N640PVReference Sire NORN640 Date of Birth: 21/07/2017 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORE11 RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV DAM: NORL881 RENNYLEA L881SV BOOROOMOOKA UNDERTAKEN Y145PV LAWSONS HENRY VIII Y5SV H P C A INTENSITY# RENNYLEA F526# Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT,600WT,SC,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 5, Prog Analysed: 304, Genomic Prog: 269 Selection Index $PRO $229 1 7 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +11.7 +7.1 -4.5 -0.1 +39 +83 +97 +62 +25 +1.7 -7.5 +69 +6.7 +3.9 +2.8 -2.1 +3.9 Acc 70% 58% 93% 96% 94% 94% 91% 82% 72% 73% 52% 79% 82% 83% 82% 78% 80% Perc 1 10 52 1 92 68 86 95 5 62 10 38 38 1 3 99 4 LINTON 18214#Reference Sire NZE20305018214 Date of Birth: 19/09/2018 AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFURegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NORG420 RENNYLEA G420SV DAM: NZE20305116081 LINTON 16081# TE MANIA BERKLEY B1PV RENNYLEA E528# RENNYLEA H840PV LINTON 14058# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,SC,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 1, Prog Analysed: 186, Genomic Prog: 186 Selection Index $PRO $173 18 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +8.5 +4.0 -10.8 +2.3 +46 +78 +98 +64 +18 +1.2 -8.1 +59 +8.6 +1.5 +0.5 -0.9 +3.9 Acc 67% 57% 85% 89% 85% 85% 82% 79% 72% 71% 50% 76% 76% 78% 77% 75% 73% Perc 7 38 1 14 68 82 84 95 39 80 6 75 16 14 28 91 4 LINTON 19008SVReference Sire NZE20305019008 Date of Birth: 4/09/2019 AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFURegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORM785 RENNYLEA M785PV DAM: NZE20305115013 LINTON 15013# RENNYLEA G317PV RENNYLEA D633SV RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV LINTON 13461# Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,400WT,600WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 1, Prog Analysed: 27, Genomic Prog: 27 Selection Index $PRO $195 6 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +7.1 +4.3 -7.5 +3.6 +39 +74 +91 +63 +20 +2.8 -9.2 +64 +9.4 +1.7 +0.5 +0.5 +3.0 Acc 63% 51% 83% 89% 85% 83% 80% 75% 66% 63% 42% 72% 71% 73% 72% 69% 67% Perc 14 35 12 38 92 89 92 95 24 20 2 58 10 11 28 48 17 LINTON 19031#Reference Sire NZE20305019031 Date of Birth: 6/09/2019 AMFU,CA99%,DDF,NHFURegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NZE20305016180 LINTON 16180# DAM: NZE20305116523 LINTON 16523# RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV LINTON 13258# LINTON 14179# LINTON 13200# Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,400WT,600WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 1, Prog Analysed: 35, Genomic Prog: 35 Selection Index $PRO $168 22 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +7.1 +4.2 -3.7 +2.2 +43 +87 +101 +74 +22 +2.0 -6.3 +74 +10.0 +2.1 +1.2 -1.4 +4.3 Acc 67% 57% 85% 87% 83% 82% 80% 77% 70% 69% 50% 74% 73% 75% 74% 72% 70% Perc 14 36 65 13 79 55 80 88 12 49 22 22 7 7 15 97 2 LINTON 19327SVReference Sire NZE20305019327 Date of Birth: 15/09/2019 AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFURegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORG420 RENNYLEA G420SV DAM: NZE20305115246 LINTON 15246# TE MANIA BERKLEY B1PV RENNYLEA E528# RENNYLEA G255PV LINTON 12203# Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,400WT,600WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Statistics: Number of Herds: 1, Prog Analysed: 22, Genomic Prog: 22 Selection Index $PRO $164 25 9 11



Everyone in the industry knows that profitability within a cattle system can be improved by making educated predictions with factual data. It’s scientifically proven.
are a group of New Zealand Angus studs that encompass over 40% of New Zealand’s registered Angus cattle. These studs have united and made the shift across the ditch, to join the progressive governing body that is Angus Australia. Angus Australia pride themselves on their quality of leadership in the delivery of innovative programs that will enhance and promote the value of Angus cattle and beef.
Focus Genetics Kakahu KauriDowns Komako Lake Farm Genetics Matai Mara Mount Linton Ngāputahi Ranui Rimanui Farms Rissington Seven Hills Stokman Storth Oaks Takapoto Te Mania The Sisters Totaranui Twin Oaks Vermont Wairere Waitangi Waiwhero Wakare Whangara


LINTON Yearling Bulls October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +8.8 +8.1 -10.9 +2.4 +48 +90 +106 +105 +10 +2.8 -6.6 +67 +6.3 +2.9 +1.7 -1.8 +4.5 Acc 57% 52% 72% 72% 71% 71% 72% 70% 64% 68% 43% 66% 65% 69% 66% 66% 65% Perc 6 5 1 15 59 47 72 40 96 20 18 46 44 3 9 99 2
Lot 1 INA21S007 Date of Birth: 29/08/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORM763 RENNYLEA M763PV DAM: NZE20305119120 LINTON 19120SV MATAURI REALITY 839# RENNYLEA J833PV RENNYLEA M785PV LINTON 11178# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $188 8 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +7.9 +6.0 -9.6 +2.2 +50 +90 +126 +102 +20 +4.1 -9.0 +65 +5.1 +1.9 +2.7 -0.8 +2.6 Acc 56% 51% 70% 73% 72% 72% 72% 69% 63% 66% 43% 66% 65% 70% 66% 66% 65% Perc 9 18 3 13 48 47 28 45 24 3 3 55 64 9 3 90 28 LINTON S015PVLot 2 INA21S015 Date of Birth: 31/08/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NORN640 RENNYLEA N640PV DAM: NZE20305119112 LINTON 19112SV RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV RENNYLEA L881SV RENNYLEA M785PV LINTON 11151# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $197 5 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +11.2 +7.5 -10.4 -1.2 +32 +62 +71 +40 +20 +2.2 -6.0 +39 +8.6 +3.6 +2.1 -0.3 +3.4 Acc 57% 52% 71% 73% 72% 72% 73% 70% 65% 68% 44% 67% 66% 70% 67% 67% 66% Perc 1 8 2 1 99 98 99 99 23 40 26 99 16 1 6 78 10 LINTON S017PVLot 3 INA21S017 Date of Birth: 31/08/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NORM763 RENNYLEA M763PV DAM: NZE20305119757 LINTON 19757SV MATAURI REALITY 839# RENNYLEA J833PV LINTON 16022# LINTON 15662# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $168 22 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +11.6 +10.2 -11.1 -1.2 +29 +70 +84 +55 +14 +1.9 -5.0 +61 +6.9 +0.8 -0.6 -1.2 +5.3 Acc 57% 51% 71% 73% 72% 72% 72% 71% 65% 68% 43% 66% 65% 69% 66% 66% 65% Perc 1 1 1 1 99 94 96 98 73 53 42 70 35 27 55 95 1
S036PVLot 4 INA21S036 Date of Birth: 31/08/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NORM763 RENNYLEA M763PV DAM: NZE20305118471 LINTON 18471# MATAURI REALITY 839# RENNYLEA J833PV LINTON 16018# LINTON 11329# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $178 14



LINTON S065SV 15 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +10.5 +4.8 -9.1 +1.5 +36 +74 +92 +88 +14 +1.2 -7.1 +60 +10.7 +2.2 +1.3 +0.4 +1.9 Acc 53% 48% 70% 71% 70% 69% 69% 68% 62% 61% 38% 65% 62% 67% 64% 64% 62% Perc 2 30 4 7 95 88 91 72 79 80 13 73 5 6 14 52 54
S054PVLot 5 INA21S054 Date of Birth: 1/09/2021 AMF,CAC,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019031 LINTON 19031# DAM: NZE20305118029 LINTON 18029# LINTON 16180# LINTON 16523# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 16056# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $145 46 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +12.0 +8.4 -9.8 +1.5 +35 +65 +89 +71 +15 +2.9 -10.6 +44 +4.5 +1.8 +1.9 -0.6 +2.4 Acc 56% 51% 73% 73% 72% 72% 72% 70% 64% 66% 44% 67% 65% 70% 66% 67% 65% Perc 1 4 2 7 97 97 93 91 65 18 1 97 74 10 8 86 35 LINTON S056PVLot 6 INA21S056 Date of Birth: 1/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NORN640 RENNYLEA N640PV DAM: NZE20305118035 LINTON 18035# RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV RENNYLEA L881SV RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 11368# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $170 20 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +9.4 +7.7 -9.7 +1.8 +40 +85 +107 +105 +14 +1.0 -5.9 +59 +4.9 +3.0 +1.0 -2.2 +5.0 Acc 56% 50% 69% 72% 70% 70% 71% 70% 63% 66% 41% 65% 63% 68% 64% 65% 63% Perc 4 7 3 9 89 62 70 40 78 86 27 74 68 3 18 99 1 LINTON
Lot 7 INA21S057 Date of Birth: 1/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDC,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NORM763 RENNYLEA M763PV DAM: NZE20305118455 LINTON 18455# MATAURI REALITY 839# RENNYLEA J833PV LINTON 16065# LINTON 15718# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $163 27 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +8.1 +3.1 -8.2 +2.1 +39 +75 +86 +54 +20 +1.3 -6.8 +46 +6.3 +1.5 +1.5 +0.0 +3.1 Acc 60% 55% 74% 74% 73% 73% 74% 73% 68% 68% 47% 69% 67% 72% 68% 69% 67% Perc 8 48 8 12 92 87 95 98 27 77 16 97 44 14 11 68 15
Lot 8 INA21S065 Date of Birth: 1/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDC,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORM785 RENNYLEA M785PV DAM: NZE20305117182 LINTON 17182# RENNYLEA G317PV RENNYLEA D633SV RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV LINTON 13498# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $172 18



LINTON October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +8.1 +2.7 -8.7 +2.9 +47 +88 +113 +86 +17 +2.0 -6.8 +80 +8.8 +2.4 +1.2 +0.2 +2.9 Acc 56% 49% 70% 73% 72% 72% 72% 70% 64% 63% 41% 67% 65% 70% 67% 67% 65% Perc 8 52 5 23 61 52 57 74 47 49 16 11 14 5 15 61 20
Lot 9 INA21S069 Date of Birth: 1/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305018214 LINTON 18214# DAM: NZE20305116203 LINTON 16203# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 16081# RENNYLEA K163PV LINTON 12651# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $189 8 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +11.2 +9.7 -11.3 +1.3 +40 +70 +94 +63 +17 +3.0 -11.4 +53 +8.6 +3.0 +2.5 +0.2 +2.0 Acc 55% 50% 69% 72% 71% 70% 71% 69% 62% 65% 42% 65% 64% 68% 65% 65% 64% Perc 1 1 1 6 90 93 89 95 48 15 1 88 16 3 4 61 50 LINTON S072PVLot 10 INA21S072 Date of Birth: 2/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NORN640 RENNYLEA N640PV DAM: NZE20305118136 LINTON 18136# RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV RENNYLEA L881SV RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 16407# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $209 3 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +11.1 +7.8 -9.9 +1.5 +36 +70 +84 +68 +13 +0.7 -7.0 +50 +4.2 +3.8 +1.5 -2.1 +4.3 Acc 57% 50% 71% 73% 72% 72% 72% 71% 65% 68% 42% 67% 65% 70% 66% 66% 65% Perc 1 7 2 7 95 94 97 92 80 92 14 92 78 1 11 99 2
Lot 11 INA21S073 Date of Birth: 2/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NORM763 RENNYLEA M763PV DAM: NZE20305118633 LINTON 18633# MATAURI REALITY 839# RENNYLEA J833PV LINTON 16023# LINTON 15474# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $162 28 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +10.1 +8.3 -8.2 +0.6 +41 +85 +105 +48 +32 +3.1 -8.9 +63 +7.9 +3.9 +2.8 -1.7 +4.5 Acc 53% 48% 67% 70% 68% 67% 68% 67% 62% 62% 39% 64% 61% 66% 62% 63% 61% Perc 2 5 8 3 86 63 73 99 1 13 3 61 22 1 3 98 2
S092PVLot 12 INA21S092 Date of Birth: 2/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019046 LINTON 19046# DAM: NZE20305119037 LINTON 19037SV RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 17016# RENNYLEA M785PV LINTON 12027# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $200 4



S121PV 17 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +8.0 +6.3 -8.9 +3.0 +46 +82 +107 +77 +26 +3.4 -8.9 +67 +4.1 +0.6 -0.2 +0.9 +2.4 Acc 55% 50% 67% 71% 70% 69% 70% 68% 62% 62% 42% 65% 63% 68% 64% 65% 63% Perc 9 16 5 25 70 73 69 85 3 9 3 48 79 32 45 32 35
S114PVLot 13 INA21S114 Date of Birth: 3/09/2021 AMF,CAC,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019031 LINTON 19031# DAM: NZE20305118010 LINTON 18010# LINTON 16180# LINTON 16523# RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV LINTON 13078# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $178 14 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +11.5 +7.2 -10.1 +0.3 +38 +79 +97 +94 +8 +2.1 -5.3 +56 +2.1 +2.2 +1.1 -1.8 +3.8 Acc 57% 51% 70% 73% 72% 72% 72% 71% 65% 68% 43% 67% 65% 70% 66% 67% 65% Perc 1 10 2 2 93 80 86 60 99 45 37 83 95 6 16 99 5
Lot 14 INA21S118 Date of Birth: 3/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORM763 RENNYLEA M763PV DAM: NZE20305118743 LINTON 18743# MATAURI REALITY 839# RENNYLEA J833PV LINTON 16229# LINTON 12212# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $164 26 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +8.1 -0.3 -10.2 +2.6 +41 +73 +96 +82 +19 +3.4 -12.3 +53 +6.3 +4.1 +4.2 -1.2 +2.6 Acc 55% 50% 70% 73% 71% 71% 71% 69% 63% 65% 42% 66% 65% 69% 66% 66% 64% Perc 8 78 2 18 88 90 87 79 36 9 1 88 44 1 1 95 28 LINTON
Lot 15 INA21S121 Date of Birth: 3/09/2021 AMF,CAC,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORN640 RENNYLEA N640PV DAM: NZE20305118465 LINTON 18465# RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV RENNYLEA L881SV LINTON 15132# LINTON 13431# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $172 18 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +11.4 +9.4 -10.1 -1.3 +31 +69 +73 +32 +19 +2.0 -8.2 +48 +10.0 +3.8 +2.1 -0.8 +4.3 Acc 57% 51% 71% 73% 72% 72% 72% 71% 65% 67% 43% 66% 65% 69% 66% 66% 65% Perc 1 2 2 1 99 95 99 99 35 49 6 94 7 1 6 90 2 LINTON S123PVLot 16 INA21S123 Date of Birth: 3/09/2021 AMC,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORM763 RENNYLEA M763PV DAM: NZE20305118473 LINTON 18473# MATAURI REALITY 839# RENNYLEA J833PV LINTON 16180# LINTON 15438# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $200 4



LINTON S134PV October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +10.0 +7.8 -8.2 +1.3 +44 +86 +112 +88 +26 +3.5 -6.4 +63 +11.3 -1.6 -2.8 +1.9 +3.5 Acc 59% 54% 71% 73% 72% 72% 73% 71% 67% 67% 44% 68% 66% 71% 67% 68% 66% Perc 2 7 8 6 75 60 60 71 3 7 20 63 3 88 94 7 8
Lot 17 INA21S125 Date of Birth: 3/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORM785 RENNYLEA M785PV DAM: NZE20305118477 LINTON 18477# RENNYLEA G317PV RENNYLEA D633SV LINTON 16033# LINTON 15219# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $184 10 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +9.2 +2.0 -7.4 +2.7 +40 +77 +87 +43 +20 +3.1 -11.5 +67 +11.8 +3.0 +1.3 +0.3 +3.0 Acc 52% 46% 68% 72% 70% 69% 70% 68% 62% 61% 37% 65% 62% 68% 64% 64% 62% Perc 4 59 13 20 90 84 95 99 29 13 1 48 2 3 14 57 17
Lot 18 INA21S133 Date of Birth: 3/09/2021 AMF,CAC,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019031 LINTON 19031# DAM: NZE20305119480 LINTON 19480# LINTON 16180# LINTON 16523# LINTON 17201# LINTON 16081# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $201 4 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +9.7 +6.8 -6.9 -0.3 +37 +77 +95 +72 +24 +2.4 -5.7 +60 +9.1 +1.6 +0.4 -0.5 +2.7 Acc 59% 54% 74% 74% 73% 73% 74% 72% 68% 67% 45% 69% 67% 72% 69% 69% 67% Perc 3 12 17 1 95 84 88 90 7 33 30 71 12 12 30 84 25
Lot 19 INA21S134 Date of Birth: 3/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019327 LINTON 19327SV DAM: NZE20305119038 LINTON 19038SV RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 15246# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 15043# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $139 54 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +9.4 +5.3 -6.0 +2.2 +44 +83 +107 +93 +18 +3.1 -5.1 +65 +7.8 +0.6 -0.5 +0.0 +3.1 Acc 63% 57% 71% 73% 72% 72% 73% 72% 70% 67% 50% 69% 67% 71% 68% 69% 67% Perc 4 25 28 13 78 70 70 62 46 13 40 55 23 32 53 68 15 LINTON S148SVLot 20 INA21S148 Date of Birth: 4/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORG420 RENNYLEA G420SV DAM: NZE20305113058 LINTON 13058# TE MANIA BERKLEY B1PV RENNYLEA E528# RENNYLEA C511PV LINTON 09001# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $154 36



LINTON S180PV 19 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +10.5 +5.1 -6.7 +1.2 +35 +72 +96 +37 +28 +2.0 -7.7 +53 +10.7 +2.4 +1.3 +0.7 +2.1 Acc 54% 49% 68% 72% 70% 70% 70% 68% 61% 63% 40% 64% 62% 67% 64% 64% 62% Perc 2 27 19 5 96 92 87 99 2 49 8 88 5 5 14 40 46
Lot 21 INA21S156 Date of Birth: 4/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORN640 RENNYLEA N640PV DAM: NZE20305116288 LINTON 16288# RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV RENNYLEA L881SV LINTON 14275# LINTON 13406# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $177 15 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +6.8 +0.9 -5.7 +3.1 +40 +85 +110 +90 +22 +4.0 -7.5 +64 +7.8 +2.1 +1.3 -0.1 +2.6 Acc 53% 48% 68% 70% 69% 68% 69% 68% 63% 62% 38% 64% 62% 67% 63% 64% 62% Perc 16 69 32 27 89 63 64 68 15 3 10 58 23 7 14 72 28
Lot 22 INA21S160 Date of Birth: 4/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019046 LINTON 19046# DAM: NZE20305119017 LINTON 19017PV RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 17016# LINTON 16042# LINTON 17349# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $145 47 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +4.9 +1.1 -3.8 +3.1 +40 +85 +101 +86 +16 +2.2 -7.0 +66 +9.2 +0.4 -0.5 +0.8 +2.5 Acc 53% 48% 70% 70% 68% 67% 69% 67% 62% 61% 39% 64% 61% 67% 63% 64% 62% Perc 30 67 64 27 90 62 80 74 58 40 14 51 11 37 53 35 32
Lot 23 INA21S180 Date of Birth: 4/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019046 LINTON 19046# DAM: NZE20305119050 LINTON 19050SV RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 17016# RENNYLEA K163PV LINTON 14173# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $152 39 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +12.5 +9.2 -9.3 -1.6 +29 +58 +69 +21 +22 +2.0 -11.8 +44 +9.0 +5.7 +4.3 -1.7 +3.6 Acc 56% 51% 72% 73% 71% 71% 71% 69% 63% 64% 42% 65% 64% 68% 65% 65% 64% Perc 1 2 4 1 99 99 99 99 15 49 1 97 13 1 1 98 7 MOUNT LINTON S198SVLot 24 INA21S198 Date of Birth: 5/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORN640 RENNYLEA N640PV DAM: NZE20305117103 LINTON 17103# RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV RENNYLEA L881SV RENNYLEA H840PV LINTON 14077# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $207 3


MOUNT LINTON October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +9.7 +6.3 -8.9 +0.7 +38 +79 +103 +69 +27 +1.4 -8.2 +67 +6.6 +2.8 +0.7 -1.1 +3.9 Acc 54% 47% 69% 73% 71% 70% 71% 69% 62% 61% 39% 64% 63% 68% 65% 64% 63% Perc 3 16 5 3 93 78 77 92 2 74 6 49 39 3 23 94 4
Lot 25 INA21S211 Date of Birth: 5/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305018214 LINTON 18214# DAM: NZE20305117333 LINTON 17333# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 16081# LINTON 15040# LINTON 15084# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $170 20 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +3.9 -2.9 -5.2 +3.2 +41 +79 +101 +85 +18 +2.8 -5.8 +58 +6.9 +1.5 +0.1 +0.6 +2.1 Acc 54% 47% 70% 73% 72% 71% 72% 69% 63% 63% 39% 66% 64% 69% 66% 65% 64% Perc 39 91 40 29 87 79 80 75 41 20 29 78 35 14 37 44 46
S219PVLot 26 INA21S219 Date of Birth: 5/09/2021 AMFU,CAFU,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305018214 LINTON 18214# DAM: NZE20305118113 LINTON 18113# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 16081# LINTON 16042# LINTON 14010# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $131 63 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +8.0 -3.2 -6.6 +3.6 +49 +90 +121 +108 +22 +3.3 -8.5 +76 +3.5 +0.5 -0.4 -1.1 +4.1 Acc 56% 52% 70% 72% 71% 71% 71% 69% 63% 65% 43% 66% 65% 69% 66% 66% 65% Perc 9 92 20 38 51 46 38 36 16 10 4 18 86 35 50 94 3 MOUNT LINTON S221PVLot 27 INA21S221 Date of Birth: 5/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORN640 RENNYLEA N640PV DAM: NZE20305118564 LINTON 18564# RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV RENNYLEA L881SV LINTON 15159# LINTON 14197# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $158 32 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +8.6 +6.4 -5.3 +2.0 +38 +76 +95 +53 +22 +4.1 -8.2 +59 +9.1 +3.9 +3.3 -1.0 +3.9 Acc 55% 50% 69% 72% 71% 70% 71% 69% 62% 62% 41% 65% 63% 68% 65% 65% 63% Perc 6 15 38 11 93 85 88 98 15 3 6 74 12 1 2 93 4 MOUNT LINTON S244SVLot 28 INA21S244 Date of Birth: 6/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305018214 LINTON 18214# DAM: NZE20305117221 LINTON 17221# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 16081# RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV LINTON 13356# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $188 8




MOUNT LINTON S266PV 21 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +10.2 +7.5 -6.8 +0.1 +31 +65 +79 +58 +18 +2.4 -8.5 +48 +8.6 +2.7 +3.5 -0.6 +2.8 Acc 54% 47% 71% 72% 71% 70% 71% 69% 63% 62% 39% 65% 63% 68% 65% 65% 62% Perc 2 8 18 2 99 97 98 97 43 33 4 94 16 4 2 86 22
S247SVLot 29 INA21S247 Date of Birth: 6/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019031 LINTON 19031# DAM: NZE20305117211 LINTON 17211# LINTON 16180# LINTON 16523# RENNYLEA K163PV LINTON 12321# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $169 21 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +8.1 +1.5 -8.2 +2.8 +48 +92 +125 +84 +26 +2.7 -10.3 +73 +3.0 +1.3 +1.4 -1.3 +3.5 Acc 56% 51% 73% 73% 72% 72% 72% 70% 64% 65% 43% 66% 65% 69% 66% 66% 64% Perc 8 64 8 22 57 41 31 77 3 23 1 26 90 17 12 96 8
S251SVLot 30 INA21S251 Date of Birth: 6/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORN640 RENNYLEA N640PV DAM: NZE20305117042 LINTON 17042# RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV RENNYLEA L881SV LINTON 15057# LINTON 15277# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $196 6 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +7.3 +2.8 -7.3 +0.3 +34 +64 +78 +37 +15 +1.4 -6.9 +47 +9.3 +3.0 +1.0 -1.0 +3.2 Acc 55% 50% 69% 71% 70% 70% 71% 69% 64% 63% 40% 67% 64% 70% 66% 67% 64% Perc 13 51 13 2 97 98 98 99 71 74 15 95 11 3 18 93 13 MOUNT
Lot 31 INA21S261 Date of Birth: 8/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDC,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019008 LINTON 19008SV DAM: NZE20305119588 LINTON 19588SV RENNYLEA M785PV LINTON 15013# LINTON 16088# LINTON 15208# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $168 22 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +7.0 +2.7 -6.8 +2.5 +44 +84 +101 +82 +12 +1.8 -6.3 +57 +10.3 +3.4 +2.0 -1.2 +4.0 Acc 58% 52% 73% 73% 72% 72% 72% 70% 65% 68% 44% 67% 66% 70% 67% 67% 66% Perc 14 52 18 17 75 66 81 79 88 57 22 80 6 2 7 95 4
Lot 32 INA21S266 Date of Birth: 7/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORM763 RENNYLEA M763PV DAM: NZE20305119423 LINTON 19423# MATAURI REALITY 839# RENNYLEA J833PV RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 16559# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $178 14



MOUNT LINTON October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +9.5 +4.0 -3.6 +0.8 +38 +81 +99 +70 +18 +1.7 -5.5 +70 +9.9 +3.7 +1.9 -1.7 +4.1 Acc 55% 49% 70% 73% 72% 72% 72% 70% 64% 64% 41% 67% 65% 70% 66% 67% 65% Perc 3 38 67 3 93 74 83 91 45 62 33 35 8 1 8 98 3
S278PVLot 33 INA21S278 Date of Birth: 8/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305018214 LINTON 18214# DAM: NZE20305118461 LINTON 18461# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 16081# LINTON 16198# LINTON 16038# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $164 26 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +6.6 +3.3 -4.6 +2.8 +41 +73 +90 +69 +18 +4.1 -10.3 +51 +12.0 +2.1 +1.9 +1.2 +3.0 Acc 56% 51% 70% 72% 71% 71% 71% 68% 63% 65% 44% 66% 65% 69% 65% 66% 64% Perc 17 46 50 22 88 90 93 92 41 3 1 92 2 7 8 22 17
LINTON S281PVLot 34 INA21S281 Date of Birth: 7/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORN640 RENNYLEA N640PV DAM: NZE20305118278 LINTON 18278# RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV RENNYLEA L881SV RENNYLEA K163PV LINTON 14246# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $196 5 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +9.3 +2.5 -2.6 +2.7 +38 +80 +99 +75 +21 +3.7 -7.2 +56 +3.4 +1.4 +0.6 -0.7 +3.3 Acc 63% 57% 74% 75% 74% 74% 74% 74% 70% 69% 51% 70% 68% 72% 70% 70% 68% Perc 4 54 81 20 93 76 83 88 20 5 12 82 87 15 26 88 11 MOUNT LINTON S285SVLot 35 INA21S285 Date of Birth: 9/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDC,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORG420 RENNYLEA G420SV DAM: NZE20305112131 LINTON 12131# TE MANIA BERKLEY B1PV RENNYLEA E528# RENNYLEA C511PV LINTON 10496# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $145 47 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +11.1 +6.3 -6.6 +0.4 +41 +72 +90 +38 +23 +2.3 -9.3 +52 +8.9 +3.3 +2.5 -0.1 +2.6 Acc 56% 52% 70% 72% 71% 71% 71% 69% 63% 66% 44% 66% 65% 70% 66% 67% 65% Perc 1 16 20 2 86 91 93 99 11 36 2 90 13 2 4 72 28
S312PVLot 36 INA21S312 Date of Birth: 9/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORN640 RENNYLEA N640PV DAM: NZE20305119226 LINTON 19226# RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV RENNYLEA L881SV RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 16085# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $210 2




MOUNT LINTON 23 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +9.1 +3.7 -5.9 +2.0 +45 +88 +115 +87 +24 +2.4 -11.0 +65 +3.8 +3.3 +3.4 -1.2 +2.3 Acc 54% 49% 69% 72% 70% 70% 70% 68% 62% 64% 41% 64% 62% 67% 64% 64% 62% Perc 5 42 29 11 70 52 52 72 7 33 1 56 83 2 2 95 38
Lot 37 INA21S324 Date of Birth: 8/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORN640 RENNYLEA N640PV DAM: NZE20305116300 LINTON 16300# RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV RENNYLEA L881SV LINTON 14193# LINTON 11601# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $187 9
Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +7.0 +5.2 -5.6 +2.4 +44 +82 +101 +58 +26 +3.0 -5.9 +68 +10.5 +2.7 -0.2 +0.1 +3.3 Acc 62% 56% 73% 73% 72% 71% 72% 71% 68% 67% 49% 68% 66% 70% 67% 68% 66% Perc 14 26 33 15 78 73 80 97 3 15 27 43 5 4 45 65 11 MOUNT LINTON S333SVLot 38 INA21S333 Date of Birth: 7/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORG420 RENNYLEA G420SV DAM: NZE20305114288 LINTON 14288# TE MANIA BERKLEY B1PV RENNYLEA E528# RENNYLEA C511PV LINTON 12001# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $166 24 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +10.3 +5.4 -5.1 +2.0 +34 +69 +85 +79 +10 +1.7 -5.0 +49 +4.2 +1.9 +0.8 -1.2 +3.6 Acc 63% 57% 72% 73% 72% 72% 73% 72% 69% 67% 50% 68% 66% 70% 68% 68% 66% Perc 2 24 41 11 98 95 96 84 94 62 42 94 78 9 22 95 7 MOUNT LINTON S334SVLot 39 INA21S334 Date of Birth: 9/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORG420 RENNYLEA G420SV DAM: NZE20305111125 LINTON 11125# TE MANIA BERKLEY B1PV RENNYLEA E528# RENNYLEA C511PV LINTON 012# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $139 54 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +6.1 +4.3 -7.7 +4.0 +46 +88 +107 +83 +15 +2.5 -7.5 +70 +5.4 +2.6 +1.6 -1.9 +4.6 Acc 57% 50% 73% 73% 72% 71% 73% 71% 64% 66% 42% 66% 64% 69% 66% 66% 64% Perc 21 35 10 47 68 54 69 78 66 29 10 36 59 4 10 99 1
S343SVLot 40 INA21S343 Date of Birth: 9/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORM763 RENNYLEA M763PV DAM: NZE20305117010 LINTON 17010# MATAURI REALITY 839# RENNYLEA J833PV LINTON 15057# LINTON 15470# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $181 12

MOUNT LINTON S344SV October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +6.6 +4.4 -4.0 +2.3 +43 +94 +112 +81 +21 +1.5 -7.3 +62 +4.1 +4.3 +4.2 -3.6 +5.0 Acc 56% 49% 72% 73% 72% 71% 72% 70% 63% 63% 41% 66% 64% 69% 66% 65% 64% Perc 17 34 60 14 82 35 59 81 22 70 11 64 79 1 1 99 1
Lot 41 INA21S344 Date of Birth: 9/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305018214 LINTON 18214# DAM: NZE20305117106 LINTON 17106# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 16081# RENNYLEA J178PV LINTON 14181# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $178 14 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +8.6 +6.6 -6.2 +3.0 +45 +87 +114 +90 +19 +4.1 -9.6 +56 +9.9 +1.2 +1.6 +1.1 +2.1 Acc 56% 51% 72% 73% 71% 71% 72% 69% 63% 65% 43% 66% 64% 69% 65% 66% 64% Perc 6 14 25 25 71 58 54 68 30 3 2 82 8 19 10 25 46 MOUNT LINTON S347SVLot 42 INA21S347 Date of Birth: 8/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORN640 RENNYLEA N640PV DAM: NZE20305117108 LINTON 17108# RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV RENNYLEA L881SV RENNYLEA J178PV LINTON 14071# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $198 5 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +10.8 +9.2 -7.1 +1.2 +42 +84 +115 +114 +15 +3.1 -12.4 +60 +1.3 +2.2 +2.6 -2.6 +4.4 Acc 57% 52% 74% 74% 73% 73% 73% 71% 65% 67% 45% 68% 66% 71% 67% 68% 66% Perc 1 2 15 5 85 65 52 26 64 13 1 72 98 6 4 99 2 MOUNT LINTON S348SVLot 43 INA21S348 Date of Birth: 9/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORN640 RENNYLEA N640PV DAM: NZE20305116024 LINTON 16024# RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV RENNYLEA L881SV RENNYLEA J178PV LINTON 13291# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $204 3 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +10.8 +7.3 -6.8 +2.2 +39 +76 +88 +61 +17 +1.6 -7.9 +52 +7.9 +2.0 +2.2 -0.4 +3.0 Acc 61% 54% 70% 74% 72% 72% 73% 72% 69% 68% 47% 68% 66% 71% 68% 68% 66% Perc 1 9 18 13 92 85 94 96 47 66 7 90 22 8 6 81 17 MOUNT LINTON S359SVLot 44 INA21S359 Date of Birth: 8/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORG420 RENNYLEA G420SV DAM: NZE20305114416 LINTON 14416# TE MANIA BERKLEY B1PV RENNYLEA E528# LINTON 12063# LINTON 11504# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $182 12



LINTON 25 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +4.6 +6.8 -7.2 +3.2 +42 +80 +112 +77 +28 +2.9 -4.4 +53 +7.8 -1.8 -1.1 +1.0 +2.9 Acc 56% 48% 71% 74% 72% 72% 72% 71% 66% 66% 41% 66% 64% 69% 66% 65% 64% Perc 33 12 14 29 82 76 60 85 1 18 53 88 23 91 68 28 20
Lot 45 INA21S360 Date of Birth: 9/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORM785 RENNYLEA M785PV DAM: NZE20305114621 LINTON 14621# RENNYLEA G317PV RENNYLEA D633SV LINTON 12090# LINTON 09238# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $143 49
2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +8.6 +8.1 -3.0 +1.2 +35 +77 +91 +65 +22 +0.7 -7.9 +63 +7.1 +3.3 +0.7 -1.4 +3.5 Acc 62% 56% 72% 73% 71% 71% 72% 72% 68% 67% 49% 68% 66% 70% 68% 68% 66% Perc 6 5 75 5 97 84 92 94 15 92 7 60 32 2 23 97 8 MOUNT LINTON S361SVLot 46 INA21S361 Date of Birth: 9/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORG420 RENNYLEA G420SV DAM: NZE20305115293 LINTON 15293# TE MANIA BERKLEY B1PV RENNYLEA E528# RENNYLEA G255PV LINTON 13125# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $154 37 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +9.9 +6.2 -4.7 +0.1 +33 +66 +78 +91 +8 +3.2 -8.9 +50 +6.8 +3.9 +1.7 -2.0 +5.0 Acc 58% 52% 74% 74% 73% 73% 74% 72% 66% 69% 44% 68% 67% 71% 68% 68% 66% Perc 3 17 48 2 98 97 98 66 98 12 3 93 36 1 9 99 1 MOUNT LINTON S365PVLot 47 INA21S365 Date of Birth: 8/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORM763 RENNYLEA M763PV DAM: NZE20305119413 LINTON 19413# MATAURI REALITY 839# RENNYLEA J833PV LINTON 16107# LINTON 17103# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $167 23 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +7.6 +3.7 -7.7 +3.5 +40 +77 +96 +76 +12 +3.2 -10.3 +49 +4.5 +2.9 +2.1 -1.3 +3.6 Acc 56% 51% 72% 73% 72% 71% 72% 70% 63% 66% 43% 66% 65% 69% 66% 66% 65% Perc 11 42 10 35 88 84 88 86 89 12 1 93 74 3 6 96 7 MOUNT
S367PVLot 48 INA21S367 Date of Birth: 8/09/2021 AMF,CAC,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORN640 RENNYLEA N640PV DAM: NZE20305118075 LINTON 18075# RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV RENNYLEA L881SV RENNYLEA J178PV LINTON 16118# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $181 12



MOUNT LINTON S398PV October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +6.7 +5.5 -2.2 +3.4 +36 +72 +88 +58 +15 +1.7 -4.8 +51 +6.5 +1.3 +0.4 -0.2 +3.3 Acc 62% 57% 70% 74% 72% 72% 73% 72% 69% 67% 50% 69% 67% 71% 68% 69% 67% Perc 16 23 85 33 96 91 94 97 67 62 46 91 41 17 30 75 11
Lot 49 INA21S370 Date of Birth: 9/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORG420 RENNYLEA G420SV DAM: NZE20305113254 LINTON 13254# TE MANIA BERKLEY B1PV RENNYLEA E528# RENNYLEA C511PV LINTON 270# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $151 40
2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +10.4 +5.3 -6.9 +1.2 +34 +67 +86 +59 +23 +4.1 -12.0 +48 +8.3 +2.1 +1.3 +0.0 +3.3 Acc 59% 55% 74% 75% 74% 73% 74% 72% 66% 68% 47% 69% 67% 72% 68% 69% 67% Perc 2 25 17 5 97 96 95 97 12 3 1 95 18 7 14 68 11 MOUNT LINTON S391SVLot 50 INA21S391 Date of Birth: 9/09/2021 AMF,CAC,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORN640 RENNYLEA N640PV DAM: NZE20305115133 LINTON 15133# RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV RENNYLEA L881SV RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV LINTON 11220# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $185 10 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +8.5 +1.7 -3.7 +2.8 +41 +84 +105 +71 +21 +2.1 -6.0 +60 +7.4 +1.4 +1.3 -0.1 +3.0 Acc 55% 49% 69% 72% 71% 71% 71% 69% 62% 63% 39% 65% 64% 69% 65% 65% 64% Perc 7 62 65 22 86 67 74 91 21 45 26 72 28 15 14 72 17 MOUNT LINTON S397PVLot 51 INA21S397 Date of Birth: 8/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305018214 LINTON 18214# DAM: NZE20305118236 LINTON 18236# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 16081# LINTON 16042# LINTON 16062# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $164 25 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +9.0 +2.9 -7.6 +2.7 +47 +84 +104 +74 +17 +2.9 -9.3 +65 +8.3 +3.9 +1.3 -0.8 +3.7 Acc 56% 51% 70% 72% 70% 70% 71% 69% 63% 66% 42% 65% 64% 68% 65% 65% 63% Perc 5 50 11 20 63 65 76 88 47 18 2 55 18 1 14 90 6
Lot 52 INA21S398 Date of Birth: 9/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORM763 RENNYLEA M763PV DAM: NZE20305118780 LINTON 18780# MATAURI REALITY 839# RENNYLEA J833PV LINTON 16074# LINTON 14100# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $199 4





LINTON 27 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +10.2 +6.9 -5.5 +0.7 +34 +61 +79 +44 +21 +0.5 -5.5 +50 +7.5 +4.0 +2.5 -1.5 +3.3 Acc 62% 56% 72% 73% 72% 71% 72% 72% 67% 67% 49% 68% 66% 70% 67% 67% 66% Perc 2 12 35 3 97 99 98 99 19 94 33 93 27 1 4 97 11
Lot 53 INA21S416 Date of Birth: 7/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDC,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORG420 RENNYLEA G420SV DAM: NZE20305113016 LINTON 13016# TE MANIA BERKLEY B1PV RENNYLEA E528# LAWSONS HENRY VIII D1054PV LINTON 11090# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $148 44
Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +8.5 -0.4 -6.7 +2.8 +40 +74 +85 +67 +10 +2.3 -6.7 +49 +5.8 +3.3 +1.8 -2.0 +5.0 Acc 57% 52% 71% 73% 72% 72% 72% 70% 65% 68% 43% 67% 65% 70% 67% 67% 65% Perc 7 78 19 22 88 89 96 93 95 36 17 94 52 2 8 99 1 MOUNT LINTON S423PVLot 54 INA21S423 Date of Birth: 11/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORM763 RENNYLEA M763PV DAM: NZE20305119478 LINTON 19478SV MATAURI REALITY 839# RENNYLEA J833PV LINTON 15096# LINTON 14100# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $170 20 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +10.7 +3.5 -7.8 -0.8 +36 +70 +83 +55 +21 +1.1 -6.4 +66 +7.8 +2.0 +0.2 +0.0 +2.5 Acc 53% 46% 68% 72% 70% 70% 71% 68% 60% 60% 38% 64% 62% 68% 64% 64% 62% Perc 1 44 10 1 96 94 97 98 17 83 20 50 23 8 34 68 32
S425SVLot 55 INA21S425 Date of Birth: 11/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305018214 LINTON 18214# DAM: NZE20305117567 LINTON 17567# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 16081# LINTON 15176# LINTON 13222# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $157 33 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +12.0 +8.8 -8.2 -2.0 +29 +70 +73 +47 +20 +1.5 -7.0 +54 +7.2 +4.1 +1.6 -2.9 +5.8 Acc 57% 52% 70% 73% 72% 72% 72% 70% 65% 68% 43% 67% 65% 70% 66% 67% 65% Perc 1 3 8 1 99 94 99 99 24 70 14 87 31 1 10 99 1 MOUNT
S427PVLot 56 INA21S427 Date of Birth: 13/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORM763 RENNYLEA M763PV DAM: NZE20305119535 LINTON 19535SV MATAURI REALITY 839# RENNYLEA J833PV LINTON 16023# LINTON 15105# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $167 23



LINTON October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +8.0 +5.6 -8.0 +2.3 +43 +84 +104 +80 +26 +2.3 -7.8 +61 +10.1 +0.9 +1.3 +0.4 +2.4 Acc 53% 47% 70% 70% 69% 68% 69% 67% 62% 62% 38% 64% 62% 67% 63% 64% 62% Perc 9 22 9 14 80 67 76 82 4 36 8 68 7 24 14 52 35
Lot 57 INA21S428 Date of Birth: 13/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019327 LINTON 19327SV DAM: NZE20305119254 LINTON 19254SV RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 15246# RENNYLEA M785PV LINTON 12121# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $164 26
2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +7.3 +7.5 -5.8 +1.9 +48 +85 +112 +86 +23 +1.2 -5.9 +59 +3.6 +3.3 +2.8 -2.3 +3.6 Acc 58% 50% 73% 73% 72% 72% 72% 70% 66% 67% 43% 66% 65% 69% 66% 66% 64% Perc 13 8 30 10 57 63 60 74 9 80 27 76 85 2 3 99 7 MOUNT LINTON S440SVLot 58 INA21S440 Date of Birth: 14/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORM785 RENNYLEA M785PV DAM: NZE20305114226 LINTON 14226# RENNYLEA G317PV RENNYLEA D633SV LAWSONS HENRY VIII D1054PV LINTON 09704# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $165 25 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +8.8 +3.7 -3.4 +3.0 +37 +74 +91 +64 +18 +1.5 -8.8 +61 +5.4 +2.1 +1.0 -1.1 +3.6 Acc 53% 46% 69% 73% 71% 71% 72% 69% 62% 61% 38% 64% 63% 68% 65% 64% 62% Perc 6 42 70 25 94 88 92 95 46 70 3 68 59 7 18 94 7 MOUNT LINTON S449SVLot 59 INA21S449 Date of Birth: 11/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDC,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305018214 LINTON 18214# DAM: NZE20305117448 LINTON 17448# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 16081# LINTON 15222# LINTON 13420# Traits Observed: BWT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $165 25 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +3.9 +2.7 -8.2 +1.5 +36 +69 +82 +45 +16 +2.8 -6.4 +47 +8.6 -0.9 -0.3 +1.2 +3.6 Acc 54% 49% 69% 72% 70% 69% 70% 69% 63% 63% 39% 66% 63% 69% 65% 66% 63% Perc 39 52 8 7 96 95 97 99 61 20 20 96 16 75 47 22 7 MOUNT
S453PVLot 60 INA21S453 Date of Birth: 14/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019063 LINTON 19063# DAM: NZE20305118335 LINTON 18335# RENNYLEA M785PV LINTON 16050# RENNYLEA K163PV LINTON 15704# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $181 12





MOUNT LINTON 29 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +9.7 +7.0 -8.4 +2.0 +46 +88 +112 +77 +19 +3.1 -10.0 +61 +9.0 +2.0 +1.5 -0.1 +3.2 Acc 56% 51% 72% 72% 71% 71% 71% 69% 63% 65% 43% 66% 64% 69% 65% 66% 64% Perc 3 11 7 11 67 52 59 85 33 13 1 69 13 8 11 72 13
Lot 61 INA21S456 Date of Birth: 13/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: AI SIRE: NORN640 RENNYLEA N640PV DAM: NZE20305119370 LINTON 19370SV RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV RENNYLEA L881SV RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 15456# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $219 1
2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +8.8 +1.9 -6.5 +2.5 +46 +91 +121 +87 +27 +2.5 -6.2 +72 +7.0 +0.0 -1.5 +0.2 +3.0 Acc 52% 47% 64% 69% 67% 66% 68% 66% 61% 61% 37% 63% 60% 66% 61% 62% 60% Perc 6 60 22 17 68 44 38 73 2 29 23 31 33 49 77 61 17
S459PVLot 62 INA21S459 Date of Birth: 14/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305018176 LINTON 18176# DAM: NZE20305119556 LINTON 19556# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 12613# LINTON 16074# LINTON 17058# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $155 35 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +6.9 +3.5 -5.9 +2.4 +37 +70 +90 +68 +16 +1.2 -6.6 +57 +10.3 +3.3 +2.3 -0.9 +3.4 Acc 54% 49% 70% 71% 69% 68% 70% 68% 62% 61% 40% 64% 62% 67% 63% 64% 61% Perc 15 44 29 15 95 93 93 92 61 80 18 81 6 2 5 91 10 MOUNT
S464SVLot 63 INA21S464 Date of Birth: 13/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019327 LINTON 19327SV DAM: NZE20305117050 LINTON 17050# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 15246# RENNYLEA H840PV LINTON 15456# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $160 30 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +7.1 +4.4 -1.5 +1.7 +40 +80 +102 +80 +19 -0.9 -4.6 +64 +7.0 +1.0 +0.0 -0.9 +3.1 Acc 56% 50% 73% 73% 72% 72% 72% 70% 64% 64% 41% 66% 65% 69% 66% 66% 65% Perc 14 34 91 8 89 76 79 83 36 99 49 57 33 22 39 91 15
S470PVLot 64 INA21S470 Date of Birth: 13/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305018214 LINTON 18214# DAM: NZE20305118343 LINTON 18343# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 16081# RENNYLEA J178PV LINTON 12105# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $142 50



MOUNT LINTON S497PV October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +13.0 +11.9 -11.8 -0.4 +34 +71 +94 +68 +20 +1.2 -7.0 +59 +4.3 +4.5 +3.2 -1.6 +1.8 Acc 58% 52% 72% 74% 73% 72% 73% 72% 67% 67% 44% 69% 66% 71% 68% 69% 66% Perc 1 1 1 1 97 92 89 93 23 80 14 75 76 1 2 98 58
Lot 65 INA21S475 Date of Birth: 16/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019136 LINTON 19136SV DAM: NZE20305118001 LINTON 18001# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 14106# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 09027# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $146 45
2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +8.1 +6.1 -10.0 +0.9 +36 +71 +90 +56 +21 +1.5 -7.6 +50 +7.2 +0.7 +1.1 -0.2 +3.2 Acc 49% 43% 68% 68% 65% 65% 66% 64% 59% 60% 33% 61% 58% 64% 60% 61% 58% Perc 8 17 2 4 95 93 93 98 18 70 9 93 31 29 16 75 13 MOUNT LINTON S484PVLot 66 INA21S484 Date of Birth: 19/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305018052 LINTON 18052# DAM: NZE20305119151 LINTON 19151# LINTON 16042# LINTON 14429# PARINGA MONARCH M103PV LINTON 17633# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $175 16 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +8.6 +5.9 -7.3 +1.2 +30 +59 +70 +53 +15 +2.7 -8.1 +45 +4.9 +2.6 +2.0 -1.8 +4.1 Acc 55% 50% 69% 70% 69% 68% 69% 68% 63% 63% 41% 65% 62% 68% 64% 65% 62% Perc 6 19 13 5 99 99 99 98 69 23 6 97 68 4 7 99 3
Lot 67 INA21S497 Date of Birth: 21/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019136 LINTON 19136SV DAM: NZE20305118130 LINTON 18130# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 14106# RENNYLEA J178PV LINTON 15058# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $149 42 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +8.4 +4.5 -4.2 +1.5 +34 +65 +82 +57 +19 +0.6 -7.1 +58 +7.9 +2.8 +0.9 -1.3 +4.1 Acc 54% 49% 70% 72% 70% 70% 71% 69% 63% 63% 39% 66% 63% 69% 65% 65% 63% Perc 7 33 57 7 98 97 97 97 34 93 13 78 22 3 20 96 3 MOUNT LINTON S503PVLot 68 INA21S503 Date of Birth: 21/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305018246 LINTON 18246# DAM: NZE20305119634 LINTON 19634# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 15277# LINTON 17123# LINTON 16078# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $151 40



MOUNT LINTON S528PV 31 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +10.2 +4.7 -8.4 +0.5 +35 +71 +95 +66 +20 +1.4 -4.1 +57 +6.6 +0.8 +0.3 +0.1 +2.3 Acc 54% 49% 70% 70% 69% 68% 69% 68% 63% 63% 41% 65% 63% 68% 64% 66% 63% Perc 2 31 7 3 97 92 88 94 29 74 58 81 39 27 32 65 38
Lot 69 INA21S507 Date of Birth: 21/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305018054 LINTON 18054# DAM: NZE20305119258 LINTON 19258SV RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 13222# RENNYLEA K163PV LINTON 15407# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $138 55
2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +12.0 +8.3 -4.9 -1.3 +23 +42 +48 +10 +19 +0.5 -6.9 +33 +8.2 +3.7 +2.7 -1.4 +2.6 Acc 52% 47% 65% 69% 68% 67% 68% 67% 61% 62% 37% 63% 60% 66% 62% 63% 60% Perc 1 5 45 1 99 99 99 99 37 94 15 99 19 1 3 97 28 MOUNT LINTON S515PVLot 70 INA21S515 Date of Birth: 23/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305018155 LINTON 18155# DAM: NZE20305119631 LINTON 19631# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 14189# LINTON 17274# LINTON 16272# Traits Observed: 200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $132 61 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +6.0 +2.4 -6.4 +3.4 +53 +95 +119 +105 +21 +2.1 -6.6 +77 +5.8 +2.0 +1.4 -1.4 +3.3 Acc 55% 50% 70% 71% 70% 69% 70% 68% 63% 63% 42% 65% 63% 68% 64% 65% 63% Perc 21 55 23 33 33 32 43 40 22 45 18 16 52 8 12 97 11
Lot 71 INA21S528 Date of Birth: 24/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305018314 LINTON 18314# DAM: NZE20305119043 LINTON 19043# RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV LINTON 13275# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 17048# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $163 27 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +1.4 -2.9 -4.7 +3.5 +41 +78 +94 +58 +17 +2.2 -6.5 +42 +5.3 -1.7 -2.1 +0.7 +3.8 Acc 52% 46% 67% 70% 69% 68% 69% 68% 61% 61% 36% 64% 61% 67% 63% 64% 61% Perc 60 91 48 35 87 82 89 97 47 40 19 98 61 90 87 40 5 MOUNT LINTON S534PVLot 72 INA21S534 Date of Birth: 24/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019063 LINTON 19063# DAM: NZE20305118654 LINTON 18654# RENNYLEA M785PV LINTON 16050# LINTON 16010# LINTON 15557# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $161 28




MOUNT LINTON S556SV October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +5.7 +0.9 -3.2 +3.3 +45 +86 +104 +80 +16 +0.4 -4.8 +69 +6.8 +3.5 +2.2 -1.6 +2.9 Acc 55% 50% 71% 71% 69% 68% 70% 69% 64% 63% 43% 65% 62% 68% 64% 65% 62% Perc 24 69 73 31 74 61 76 82 63 96 46 41 36 1 6 98 20
Lot 73 INA21S549 Date of Birth: 24/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019263 LINTON 19263SV DAM: NZE20305112084 LINTON 12084# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 09025# RENNYLEA B77PV LINTON 038# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $147 44
2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +9.4 +2.5 -8.2 +0.9 +35 +72 +92 +59 +20 +2.6 -7.5 +48 +3.7 +3.8 +3.8 -2.2 +3.5 Acc 53% 48% 68% 69% 68% 68% 69% 68% 63% 62% 39% 65% 62% 68% 64% 65% 62% Perc 4 54 8 4 97 92 91 97 29 26 10 95 84 1 1 99 8
LINTON S555PVLot 74 INA21S555 Date of Birth: 26/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDC,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019006 LINTON 19006SV DAM: NZE20305118268 LINTON 18268# RENNYLEA M785PV LINTON 15002# RENNYLEA J178PV LINTON 15571# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $159 31 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +3.5 +2.7 -2.2 +3.7 +44 +83 +106 +80 +19 +2.2 -6.2 +58 +3.1 +3.5 +1.4 -1.5 +2.7 Acc 52% 44% 67% 70% 67% 67% 68% 67% 62% 60% 37% 62% 59% 66% 62% 62% 59% Perc 42 52 85 40 78 69 71 82 31 40 23 77 89 1 12 97 25
Lot 75 INA21S556 Date of Birth: 26/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305018350 LINTON 18350# DAM: NZE20305114173 LINTON 14173# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 16287# LINTON 11007# LINTON 293# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $133 60 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +2.1 -2.8 -4.7 +3.3 +43 +75 +95 +70 +19 +2.5 -7.6 +47 +7.0 +0.1 -0.4 +0.6 +2.6 Acc 51% 45% 67% 69% 67% 67% 68% 67% 61% 60% 36% 63% 60% 66% 62% 63% 60% Perc 55 90 48 31 81 87 88 92 33 29 9 96 33 46 50 44 28 MOUNT LINTON S580PVLot 76 INA21S580 Date of Birth: 26/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019266 LINTON 19266SV DAM: NZE20305118685 LINTON 18685# RENNYLEA M785PV LINTON 15071# LINTON 16068# LINTON 09470# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $152 39



LINTON 33 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +8.8 +1.9 -6.0 +0.7 +40 +75 +92 +51 +24 +1.3 -3.6 +53 +10.0 +1.1 +0.1 +0.1 +3.4 Acc 49% 44% 66% 69% 66% 65% 67% 66% 60% 58% 35% 61% 58% 64% 60% 61% 58% Perc 6 60 28 3 90 88 91 99 8 77 67 88 7 20 37 65 10
Lot 77 INA21S586 Date of Birth: 27/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019075 LINTON 19075# DAM: NZE20305117653 LINTON 17653# RENNYLEA M785PV LINTON 16052# LINTON 15248# LINTON 12026# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $156 34 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +8.3 +2.5 -5.9 +0.7 +36 +82 +104 +63 +31 +4.1 -12.2 +62 +4.6 +3.5 +2.7 -0.2 +1.6 Acc 53% 48% 68% 71% 69% 69% 70% 68% 63% 63% 39% 65% 62% 68% 64% 65% 62% Perc 7 54 29 3 96 72 75 95 1 3 1 66 72 1 3 75 66
Lot 78 INA21S595 Date of Birth: 28/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305018249 LINTON 18249# DAM: NZE20305119637 LINTON 19637SV RENNYLEA J178PV LINTON 15103# LINTON 16074# LINTON 12332# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $167 23 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +5.1 +2.5 -6.4 +2.7 +40 +72 +92 +47 +22 +1.8 -6.2 +53 +8.0 +3.3 +4.2 -0.7 +1.8 Acc 51% 45% 68% 70% 68% 67% 69% 68% 62% 60% 38% 63% 60% 66% 63% 63% 60% Perc 28 54 23 20 90 91 91 99 12 57 23 89 21 2 1 88 58 MOUNT
S598SVLot 79 INA21S598 Date of Birth: 28/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019384 LINTON 19384SV DAM: NZE20305117120 LINTON 17120# RENNYLEA K163PV LINTON 13246# LINTON 15049# LINTON 09319# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $151 40 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +9.2 +4.1 -6.0 +1.3 +42 +82 +106 +72 +23 +3.0 -6.0 +57 +9.2 +0.2 -1.7 +1.6 +1.7 Acc 55% 50% 70% 71% 69% 68% 69% 68% 62% 61% 40% 64% 61% 67% 63% 64% 61% Perc 4 37 28 6 84 73 72 90 11 15 26 79 11 43 81 12 62 MOUNT LINTON S605SVLot 80 INA21S605 Date of Birth: 28/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019046 LINTON 19046# DAM: NZE20305117129 LINTON 17129# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 17016# RENNYLEA J178PV LINTON 15146# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $162 28




LINTON October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +5.4 +2.9 -3.2 +2.4 +33 +63 +74 +53 +20 +1.5 -8.0 +44 +2.9 +2.1 +2.3 -1.8 +4.0 Acc 51% 46% 65% 69% 68% 68% 69% 67% 62% 61% 37% 64% 61% 67% 63% 64% 61% Perc 26 50 73 15 98 98 99 98 27 70 6 97 91 7 5 99 4
Lot 81 INA21S611 Date of Birth: 23/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019410 LINTON 19410SV DAM: NZE20305118729 LINTON 18729# RENNYLEA M785PV LINTON 13532# LINTON 15160# LINTON 330# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $141 52
2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +7.6 +4.8 -2.0 +1.5 +35 +68 +86 +47 +22 +1.9 -7.3 +58 +4.8 +4.1 +4.3 -2.6 +3.5 Acc 53% 48% 68% 70% 68% 67% 69% 68% 62% 61% 39% 63% 60% 66% 62% 63% 60% Perc 11 30 87 7 96 96 96 99 13 53 11 77 69 1 1 99 8
Lot 82 INA21S627 Date of Birth: 30/09/2021 AMC,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019426 LINTON 19426SV DAM: NZE20305116533 LINTON 16533# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 15097# LINTON 14236# LINTON 13131# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $149 42 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +7.7 +1.3 -7.9 +0.2 +37 +65 +88 +62 +18 +1.5 -5.8 +56 +9.0 +0.6 +0.2 +0.7 +2.3 Acc 53% 48% 70% 70% 68% 68% 69% 68% 62% 61% 39% 64% 61% 67% 63% 64% 62% Perc 10 66 9 2 95 97 94 95 39 70 29 83 13 32 34 40 38 MOUNT
S660SVLot 83 INA21S660 Date of Birth: 3/10/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019164 LINTON 19164# DAM: NZE20305117188 LINTON 17188# RENNYLEA K163PV LINTON 17010# RENNYLEA H840PV LINTON 13066# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $159 31 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +8.3 +7.7 -5.0 +2.0 +42 +71 +88 +60 +21 +0.5 -5.9 +59 +7.4 +3.0 +1.3 -1.0 +3.0 Acc 53% 46% 70% 72% 70% 70% 70% 67% 61% 62% 38% 64% 63% 67% 64% 64% 62% Perc 7 7 43 11 82 93 94 96 18 94 27 73 28 3 14 93 17 MOUNT LINTON S673PVLot 84 INA21S673 Date of Birth: 4/10/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305018214 LINTON 18214# DAM: NZE20305119194 LINTON 19194SV RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 16081# RENNYLEA M785PV LINTON 15372# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $154 37





LINTON 35 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +11.0 +5.4 -8.8 -0.3 +33 +67 +79 +47 +25 +4.0 -11.0 +39 +7.1 +3.7 +3.4 -1.3 +4.0 Acc 55% 50% 69% 70% 69% 69% 70% 69% 64% 63% 42% 66% 63% 69% 65% 66% 63% Perc 1 24 5 1 98 96 98 99 6 3 1 99 32 1 2 96 4
Lot 85 INA21S700 Date of Birth: 20/09/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019006 LINTON 19006SV DAM: NZE20305115013 LINTON 15013# RENNYLEA M785PV LINTON 15002# RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV LINTON 13461# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $183 11
2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +5.7 -1.9 -4.1 +3.5 +36 +70 +83 +54 +15 +3.0 -7.1 +49 +5.5 +0.9 -0.4 +0.4 +2.5 Acc 52% 45% 64% 71% 68% 68% 69% 67% 62% 61% 37% 63% 60% 66% 62% 62% 60% Perc 24 87 58 35 95 94 97 98 70 15 13 94 58 24 50 52 32
Lot 86 INA21S717 Date of Birth: 9/10/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305018350 LINTON 18350# DAM: NZE20305114240 LINTON 14240# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 16287# LINTON 11007# LINTON 022# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $137 56 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +6.9 +2.3 -7.4 +1.1 +33 +60 +80 +69 +17 +2.1 -7.3 +50 +3.4 +3.7 +3.3 -3.0 +4.3 Acc 54% 48% 70% 70% 69% 68% 69% 68% 63% 61% 39% 64% 61% 67% 63% 64% 61% Perc 15 56 13 5 98 99 98 92 55 45 11 93 87 1 2 99 2
Lot 87 INA21S735 Date of Birth: 14/10/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019055 LINTON 19055SV DAM: NZE20305115129 LINTON 15129# RENNYLEA G420SV LINTON 15125# RENNYLEA H840PV LINTON 11026# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $133 61 October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +7.9 +1.9 -7.6 +0.8 +34 +64 +76 +39 +14 +1.1 -9.6 +41 +4.2 +2.5 +3.2 -1.5 +2.8 Acc 53% 48% 66% 70% 68% 68% 69% 67% 61% 61% 39% 64% 61% 67% 63% 64% 61% Perc 9 60 11 3 97 98 99 99 77 83 2 99 78 5 2 97 22 MOUNT
S744PVLot 88 INA21S744 Date of Birth: 20/10/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305018314 LINTON 18314# DAM: NZE20305119415 LINTON 19415# RENNYLEA EDMUND E11PV LINTON 13275# LINTON 17288# LINTON 17321# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $179 13
36 Full Catalogue Design by Sam Hamilton, Angus Australia “Enhancing & Promoting the value of Angus” ph: (02) 6773 4613 email: October 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation CEDir CEDtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DTC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF EBVs +5.7 +4.4 -4.5 +1.4 +37 +75 +88 +43 +22 +1.9 -8.9 +48 +7.1 +1.3 -0.1 -0.4 +3.7 Acc 54% 50% 69% 70% 69% 69% 70% 69% 63% 63% 40% 66% 63% 69% 65% 66% 63% Perc 24 34 52 6 95 87 94 99 14 53 3 95 32 17 42 81 6 MOUNT LINTON S767PVLot 89 INA21S767 Date of Birth: 24/10/2021 AMF,CAF,DDF,NHFRegister: APR Mating Type: Natural SIRE: NZE20305019266 LINTON 19266SV DAM: NZE20305118485 LINTON 18485# RENNYLEA M785PV LINTON 15071# LINTON 16180# LINTON 15067# Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Purchaser................................................................................................................................................................................................. $........................................................................................ Selection Index $PRO $184 11

recessive genetic conditions

This is information for bull buyers about the recessive genetic conditions, Arthrogryposis Multiplex (AM), Hydrocephalus (NH), Contractural Arachnodactyly (CA) and Developmental Duplications (DD).

Putting undesirable Genetic Recessive Conditions in perspective

All animals, including humans, carry single copies (alleles) of undesirable or “broken” genes. In single copy form, these undesirable alleles usually cause no harm to the individual.

But when animals carry 2 copies of certain undesirable or “broken” alleles it often results in bad consequences. Advances in genomics have facilitated the development of accurate diagnostic tests to enable the identification and management of numerous undesirable or “broken” genes. Angus Australia is proactive in providing its members and their clients with relevant tools and information to assist them in the management of known undesirable genes and our members are leading the industry in their use of this technology.

What are AM, NH, CA and DD?

AM, NH, CA and DD are all recessive conditions caused by “broken” alleles within the DNA of individual animals. When a calf inherits 2 copies of the AM or NH alleles their development is so adversely affected that they will be still-born.

In other cases, such as CA and DD, calves carrying 2 copies of the broken allele may reach full-term. In such cases the animal may either appear relatively normal, or show physical symptoms that affect their health and/or performance.

How are the conditions inherited?

Research in the U.S. and Australia indicates that AM, NH, CA and DD are simply inherited recessive conditions. This means that a single gene (or pair of alleles) controls the condition.

For this mode of inheritance two copies of the undesirable allele need to be present before the condition is seen; in which case you may get an abnormal calf. A more common example of a trait with a simple recessive pattern of inheritance is black and red coat colour.

Animals with only one copy of the undesirable allele (and one copy of the normal form of the allele) appear normal and are known as “carriers”.

What happens when carriers are mated to other animals?

Carriers, will on average, pass the undesirable allele to a random half (50 %) of their progeny. When a carrier bull and carrier cow is mated, there is a 25% chance that the resultant calf will inherit two normal alleles, a 50% chance that the mating will result in a carrier (i.e. with just 1 copy of the undesirable allele, and a 25% chance that the calf will inherit two copies of the undesirable gene.

If animals tested free of the undesirable gene are mated to carrier animals the condition will not be expressed at all. All calves will appear normal, but approximately half (50%) could be expected to be carriers.

How is the genetic status of animals reported?

DNA-based diagnostic tests have been developed which can be used to determine whether an individual animal is either a carrier or free of the alleles resulting in AM, NH, CA or DD.

Angus Australia uses advanced software to calculate the probability of (untested) animals to being carriers of AM, NH, CA or DD. The software uses the test results of any relatives in the calculations and the probabilities may change as new results for additional animals become available.

The genetic status of animals is being reported using five categories:





Tested AM free

Based on Pedigree AM free - Animal has not been tested

_% probability the animal is an AM carrier

Tested AM-Carrier

AMA AM-Affected

For NH, CA and DD, simply replace AM in the above table with NH, CA or DD.

Registration certificates and the Angus Australia web-database display these codes. This information is displayed on the animal details page and can be accessed by conducting an “Database Search” from the Angus Australia website or looking up individual animals listed in a sale catalogue.

Implications for Commercial Producers

Your decision on the importance of the genetic condition status of replacement bulls should depend on the genetics of your cow herd (which bulls you previously used) and whether some female progeny will be retained or sold as breeders. Most Angus breeders are proactive and transparent in managing known genetic conditions, endeavouring to provide the best information available. The greatest risk to the commercial sector from undesirable genetic recessive conditions comes from unregistered bulls with unknown genetic background. The genetic condition testing that Angus Australia seedstock producers are investing in provides buyers of registered Angus bulls with unmatched quality assurance.

For further information contact Angus Australia’s Breed Development & Extension Manager on

(02) 6773 4618. Notes 39 Notes

disclaimer and privacy information

Attention Buyer

Animal details included in this catalogue, including but not limited to pedigree, DNA information, Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) and Index values, are based on information provided by the breeder or owner of the animal. Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information provided in this catalogue was correct at the time of publication, Angus Australia will assume no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information, nor for the outcome (including consequential loss) of any action taken based on this information.

The suffix displayed at the end of each animal’s name indicates the DNA parentage verification

Parent Verification Suffixes

The animals listed within this catalogue

its pedigree,

displaying a Parent Verification Suffix which indicates the DNA parent verification status that has been conducted on the animal. The Parent Verification Suffixes that will appear at the end of each animal’s name.

Privacy Information

has been conducted by Angus Australia.

both parents have been verified by DNA.

the sire has been verified by DNA.

the dam has been verified by DNA.

DNA verification has not been conducted.



identified that the sire

possibly be incorrect, but this

be confirmed

In order for Angus Australia to process the transfer of a registered animal in this catalogue, the vendor will need to provide certain information to Angus Australia and the buyer consents to the collection and disclosure of that information by Angus Australia in certain circumstances. If the buyer does not wish for his or her information to be stored and disclosed by Angus Australia, the buyer must complete the form included below and forward it to Angus Australia. If the form is not completed, the buyer will be taken to have consented to the disclosure of such information.


not complete this form,


of registration of the animal(s) that you have

have consented to Angus Australia using your name, address

members on its


change of registration

If you do
you will be taken to
number for the purposes of effecting a change
purchased, maintaining its database and disclosing that information to its
website. I, the buyer of animals with the following idents…………………………………………………………………………………...................................... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………........................................ from member………………………………………………………………............................................................(name) do not consent to
Australia using my name, address and phone number for the purposes of effecting a
of the animals I have mentioned above that I have purchased, maintaining its database and disclosing that information to its members on its website. Name: ……………………………………………………………………........................... Signature: ………………………………………………………….................. Date: ……………………………......... Please forward this completed consent form to Angus Australia, 86 Glen Innes Road, Armidale NSW 2350. If you have any questions or queries regarding any of the above, please contact Angus Australia on (02) 6773 4600 or email Updated 25/11/2020
PV :
SV :
DV :
# :
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42 A 2 year guarantee on Structure Add Survival, Growth and Meat Yield to your Flock MOUNT LINTON WWW.MOUNTLINTON.CO.NZ RAMS SELLING FROM JANUARY CONTACT US TODAY: Mat Middlemass T: 021 779 986 E:

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