Totaranui Angus Bull Sale

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Bull Sale 104 SIRE ASSURED BULLS Tuesday 13 th September 2022 at 12pm 82318 State Highway 2, Pahiatua


Everyone in the industry knows that profitability within a cattle system can be improved by making educated predictions with factual data. It’s scientifically proven.

Ngāputahi RimanuiRanui SevenRissingtonFarmsHills StorthStokmanOaks Takapoto Te WhangaraWakareWaiwheroWaitangiWairereVermontTwinTotaranuiTheManiaSistersOaks

AngusPRO are a group of New Zealand Angus studs that encompass over 40% of New Zealand’s registered Angus cattle. These studs have united and made the shift across the ditch, to join the progressive governing body that is Angus Australia. Angus Australia pride themselves on their quality of leadership in the delivery of innovative programs that will enhance and promote the value of Angus cattle and beef.


1 Yearling Bull Sale 104 SIRE ASSURED BULLS Tuesday 13 th September 2022 at 12pm 82318 State Highway 2, Pahiatua Totaranui Contacts Daimien Reynolds & Tally Jackson Ph: 06 376 8400 • Mob: 021 430 710 E: John Jackson 0274 454844 Agent Contacts PGG Wrightson - Mark Crooks 027 590 1452 Auctioneer and Agents for the sale: PGG Wrightson Overriding commission of 6% to non participating companies. Please bring this catalogue to the sale Your inspection welcome anytime BULLS ON VIEW FROM 10am ON SALE DAY All females and males are i50k tested (breeding values are genomically enhanced), sire verified SV, parent verified PV Points to Note: Free Delivery T.B. Status – C10. Totaranui is in an endemic-free area. All bulls have been tested negative and vaccinated for BVD. All bulls freeze branded for identification.


There are some tried and true sire lines, but also some exciting new short gestation, low birth weight but growthy sire lines. There are some cow bulls for anyone still looking for a bull for mixed age cows. With over 100 bulls catalogued there is a good range of bulls to look at. So I hope the winter hasn’t been too tough on you, and that you find time to come down on sale day. We look forward to showing you some hospitality, and some bloody good bulls. Kind Regards Tally, John, Daimien, and the rest of the team here at Totaranui.

This year’s line up of bulls is a significant step up on previous years. The average birth weight ebv of the low birth weight bulls is 1.8 against a breed average of 4.1. This puts the average bull in the top 10% of the breed (Trans Tasman Angus Cattle Evaluation table) for birth weight. They are also short gestation bulls, with some being as short as 12 days. So needless to say, we are very excited with the line up. I am very grateful to the staff that have worked so hard to get these up to sale, right from calving and then through this last wet winter, which has been hard on man and beast.

AI enables us to utilise the newest, most progressive genetics available from across the globe every year and both John and Daimien still travel to the USA each Autumn, to ensure they can carefully inspect the bulls they’re using in the herd.

At Totaranui we’re looking to target the discerning farmer who wants more than just another black bull. The farmer that understands the true benefits of technology and demands more than just a grazing tool to aid his sheep programme. It’s ultimately about profitability and the progeny from your high performance bulls should contribute more to your bottom line. It’s all about profitability…

It’s no easy life for the Totaranui cow. She spends the hard winter months behind the ewes, cleaning up the pastures, just as the commercial farmer would expect of her. Totaranui run two separate stud cow herds; one to generate high value A+ two year old bulls and the other to generate low birth weight yearling bulls. Our yearling bulls are not second class citizens, they’re bred specifically for heifer mating in the beef and dairy Whilemarkets.docilityand structure are paramount in all our animals, they are now a given as we won’t breed from an unsound animal. Fertility is bred in our herd, so to speak, as we’ve mated all the yearling heifers for over 35 years.

Totaranui Philosophy

The cows are never given a second chance in this commercial hill country environment. They must calve and rear their calf as a two year old and then get back in calf every year thereafter. Any glitches and she’s down the road, no second chances. This has also had a major contribution to our high fertility.

Profitability is the bottom line and the Totaranui Angus bloodlines grow fast, have a high yield and marbling, and consequently perform well for our clients. The big shift towards improving carcase and eating quality happened in the early 1990s when John Jackson travelled to the USA on a bull scouting trip with AngusPure’s Guy Sargent and others. John was wholeheartedly behind Guy’s ethos of improving the marbling within grass fed Angus beef here in New Zealand, and set about searching for sires that would increase the IMF and EMA of the Totaranui herd, whilst still maintaining soundness and the mature cow size.

AngusPRO are committed to bettering Angus cattle within the New Zealand beef industry and ensuring Angus is the tastiest beef on everyone’s lips.

Our Story

AngusPRO are a group of New Zealand Angus studs that encompass over 40% of New Zealand’s registered Angus cattle. These studs have united and made the shift across the ditch, to join the progressive governing body that is Angus Australia. Angus Australia pride themselves on their quality of leadership in the delivery of innovative programs that will enhance and promote the value of Angus cattle and Everyonebeef. in the industry knows that profitability within a cattle system can be improved by making educated predictions with factual data. It’s scientifically proven. While ensuring cattle are of sound structure and are quiet in nature, the additional use of science and genomics can assist in viewing what’s under the skin of an animal, providing an insight into what future progeny will look like, grow like, breed like and essentially, eat like. By shifting to Angus Australia, AngusPRO have opened the gateway to technological and education facilities for the studs involved and their clients that are second to none. In what may seem like an administrative shift, we’re all gaining a support network of 30-odd staff, countless educational documents and webinars, training sessions, technological tools, extensive research and continuing breed development. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Angus cattle are the backbone of the New Zealand beef industry. In the commercial environment they’re expected to survive. Amid winter conditions of driving rain and inches of snow they will forage and not only survive, they will thrive. It’s in their DNA.

When stud females are mated as heifers, this replicates the commercial farming model and improves overall fertility within the herd. Increased profitability is therefore bred into those progeny, so to speak. EBVs are the best available tool we have in predicting future progeny and when stud breeders use technologies such as HD50k and Angus GS, the accuracy of EBVs and Indexes is increased. Angus Australia is focused on supporting the genetic improvement of Angus cattle. Their Angus.Tech suite includes a range of software tools and technologies, such as Angus SELECT, which has been developed to support members in improving the profitability of Angus genetics within the beef supply chain, by assisting with the identification of those genetics that are most aligned with their breeding goals and objectives. While increased profitability for the client is at the forefront of our AngusPRO members’ aspirations, producing the finest grass fed eating experience for the end consumer is absolutely imperative. This is their ultimate focus. Maintaining high standards of sustainable farming practice to ensure the land is enhanced for generations to come is of course, part of daily life for the AngusPRO team. The environment here in New Zealand must be nurtured, with clear water in the streams and rich soils underfoot. It should go without saying that animal husbandry is paramount. These ideals and quality grass fed Angus beef go hand in hand for the end consumer. Although we are a newly formed entity, many of the studs represented have stood the test of time. They are the perfect synergy of old school reputability and new school technique.


Selection indexes have been published within the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation for several decades and have made an important contribution to the genetic improvements that have been achieved within the Angus breed during this time.

Selection Index Summary

AngusPRO Index ($PRO)

Selection indexes are calculated for a specific breeding purpose and are calculated based on weightings placed on individual traits that are deemed to be important for that purpose.

• Significant premium for steers that exhibit superior marbling

Selection Advantage Figure 2 shows the selection advantage if animals are selected using the $PRO index.

• Steer progeny slaughtered at a carcase weight of 290 kg at 20 months of age

The selection advantage is calculated by ranking well-used sires within the Angus breed on the $PRO index, and comparing the average EBVs of the sires in the highest 10% with the average EBVs of all sires from which they were selected. For example, the sires ranked in the highest 10% based on the $PRO index had 9kg higher 400 Day Weight EBVs and 1.2kg lower Birth Weight EBVs than the average EBVs of the sires from which they were selected.

• Self replacing herd • Daughters are retained for breeding

• Steer progeny are finished on pasture for the Angus Pure programme


The selection indexes published within TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation are economic selection indexes and are derived using BreedObject software, as developed by the Animal Genetics & Breeding Unit (AGBU) in Armidale, NSW. Ten indexes are currently published as part of the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation. Of these, the Angus Breeding and Angus Breeding Low Feed Cost selection indexes are general purpose selection indexes that are suitable for use in the majority of commercial beef operations, while the AngusPRO selection index is specific to New Zealand production systems and beef markets.

Traits Contributions Figure 1 shows the traits that are considered in the $PRO index, and how much they contribute to the overall balance of the selection index. The larger the segment, the greater the impact on the Selection Index.


Selection indexes aid in the selection of animals for use within a breeding program where there are several traits of economic or functional importance by providing an overall “score” of an animal’s genetic value.

The AngusPRO index ($PRO) estimates the genetic differences between animals in net profitability per cow joined in a commercial self-replacing herd based in New Zealand that targets the production of grass finished steers for the AngusPure programme. Daughters are retained for breeding and therefore female traits are of Steersimportance.areassumed marketed at approximately 530kg live weight (290kg carcase weight with 10mm P8 fat depth) at 20 months of age, with a significant premium for steers that exhibit superior marbling.

• New Zealand production system

The selection indexes assist in making “balanced” selection decisions, taking into account the relevant attributes of each animal to identify animals with genetics that are most aligned with the breeding objective for the given selection scenario.

The selection advantage is indicative of the long-term direction and relativity of response that will occur in individual traits if selection is based on the $PRO index. The actual response that is observed will vary depending on the features of the individual breeding Aprogram.feature of the $PRO index is a selection advantage of close to zero for mature cow weight, meaning that selection on this index will maintain mature cow weight, while still increasing growth to 200, 400 and 600 days of age.

What is the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation?


Description of TACE EBVs EBVs are calculated for a range of traits within TACE, covering calving ease, growth, fertility, maternal performance, carcase merit, feed efficiency and structural soundness.

For easy reference, the percentile band in which an animal’s EBV ranks is also published in association with the EBV.

TACE EBVs can be used to estimate the expected difference in the genetics of two animals, with the expected difference equating to half the difference in the EBVs of the animals, all other things being equal (e.g. they are joined to the same animal/s). For example, a bull with a 200 Day Growth EBV of +60 would be expected to produce progeny that are, on average, 10 kg heavier at 200 days of age than a bull with a 200 Day Growth EBV of +40 kg (i.e. 20 kg difference between the sire’s EBVs, then halved as the sire only contributes half the genetics).

The TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation utilises a range of genetic evaluation software, including the internationally recognised BLUPF90 family of programs, and BREEDPLAN® beef genetic evaluation analytical software, as developed by the Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit (AGBU), a joint institute of NSW Agriculture and the University of New England, and Meat and Livestock Australia Limited (MLA).


The TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation is the genetic evaluation program adopted by Angus Australia for Angus and Angus influenced beef cattle. The TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation uses Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) technology to produce Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) of recorded cattle for a range of important production traits (e.g. weight, carcase, fertility).

A description of each EBV included in this publication is provided on the following page.

What is an EBV? An animal’s breeding value can be defined as its genetic merit for each trait. While it is not possible to determine an animal’s true breeding value, it is possible to estimate it. These estimates of an animal’s true breeding value are called EBVs (Estimated Breeding Values). EBVs are expressed as the difference between an individual animal’s genetics and a historical genetic level (i.e. group of animals) within the TACE genetic evaluation, and are reported in the units in which the measurements are taken. Using EBVs to Compare the Genetics of Two Animals

Using EBVs to Benchmark an Animal’s Genetics with the Breed EBVs can also be used to benchmark an animal’s genetics relative to the genetics of other Angus or Angus infused animals recorded with Angus Australia. To benchmark an animal’s genetics relative to other Angus animals, an animal’s EBV can be compared to the EBV reference tables, which provide: • the breed average EBV • the percentile bands table

The transtasman angus cattle Evaluation (tace)

Or similarly, a bull with an IMF EBV of +3.0 would be expected to produce progeny with on average, 1% more intramuscular fat in a 400 kg carcase than a bull with a IMF EBV of +1.0 (i.e. 2% difference between the sire’s EBVs, then halved as the sire only contributes half the genetics).

Considering Accuracy An accuracy value is published with each EBV, and is usually displayed as a percentage value immediately below the TheEBV.accuracy value provides an indication of the reliability of the EBV in estimating the animal’s genetics (or true breeding value), and is an indication of the amount of information that has been used in the calculation of the EBVsEBV. with accuracy values below 50% should be considered as preliminary or of low accuracy, 50-74% as of medium accuracy, 75-90% of medium to high accuracy, and 90% or greater as high accuracy.

The current breed average EBV is listed on the bottom of each page in this publication, while the current EBV reference tables are included at the end of these introductory notes.

The TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation is an international genetic evaluation and includes pedigree, performance and genomic information from the Angus Australia and Angus New Zealand databases, along with selected information from the American and Canadian Angus Associations.

$A $ Genetic differences between animals in net profitability per cow joined in a typical commercial self replacing herd using Angus bulls. This selection index is not specific to a particular market end-point, but identifies animals that will improve overall net profitability in the majority of commercial, self replacing, grass and grain finishing beef production systems. Higher selection indexes indicate greater profitability.

Rib Fat mm Genetic differences between animals in fat depth at the 12/13th rib site in a 400 kg carcase. Higher EBVs indicate more fat.

$PRO $ Genetic differences between animals in net profitability per cow joined in a commercial self replacing herd based in New Zealand that targets the production of grass finished steers for the AngusPure programme. Steers are assumed marketed at approximately 530 kg live weight (290 kg carcase weight with 10 mm P8 fat depth) at 20 months of age, with a significant premium for steers that exhibit superior marbling. Higher selection indexes indicate greater profitability.

200Day kg Genetic differences between animals in live weight at 200 days of age due to genetics for growth. Higher EBVs indicate heavier live weight.

DtC days Genetic differences between animals in the time from the start of the joining period (i.e. when the female is introduced to a bull) until subsequent calving. Lower EBVs indicate shorter time to calving.

MCW kg Genetic differences between animals in live weight of cows at 5 years of age. Higher EBVs indicate heavier mature weight.

AngleFoot score Genetic differences in foot angle (strength of pastern, depth of heel). Lower EBVs indicate more desirable foot angle.

ClawSet score Genetic differences in claw set structure (shape and evenness of claws). Lower EBVs indicate more desirable claw structure.

400Day kg Genetic differences between animals in live weight at 400 days of age. Higher EBVs indicate heavier live weight.

CEDtrs % Genetic differences in the ability of a sire’s daughters to calve unassisted at 2 years of age. Higher EBVs indicate fewer calving difficulties in 2 year old heifers.

CWT kg Genetic differences between animals in hot standard carcase weight at 750 days of age. Higher EBVs indicate heavier carcase weight.

CEDir % Genetic differences in the ability of a sire’s calves to be born unassisted from 2 year old heifers. Higher EBVs indicate fewer calving difficulties in 2 year old heifers.

P8 Fat mm Genetic differences between animals in fat depth at the P8 rump site in a 400 kg carcase. Higher EBVs indicate more fat.

SS cm Genetic differences between animals in scrotal circumference at 400 days of age. Higher EBVs indicate larger scrotal circumference.


Doc % Genetic differences between animals in temperament. Higher EBVs indicate better temperament.

NFI-F daykg/ Genetic differences between animals in feed intake at a standard weight and rate of weight gain when animals are in a feedlot finishing phase. Lower EBVs indicate more feed efficiency.

Milk kg Genetic differences between animals in live weight at 200 days of age due to the maternal contribution of its dam. Higher EBVs indicate heavier live weight.

7 UNDERSTANDING estimated breeding values (ebvs)

BW kg Genetic differences between animals in calf weight at birth. Lower EBVs indicate lighter birth weight.

600Day kg Genetic differences between animals in live weight at 600 days of age. Higher EBVs indicate heavier live weight.

EMA cm2 Genetic differences between animals in eye muscle area at the 12/13th rib site in a 400 kg carcase. Higher EBVs indicate larger eye muscle area.

GL days Genetic differences between animals in the length of time from the date of conception to the birth of the calf. Lower EBVs indicate shorter gestation length.

RBY % Genetic differences between animals in boned out saleable meat from a 400 kg carcase. Higher EBVs indicate higher yield.

IMF % Genetic differences between animals in intramuscular fat (marbling) at the 12/13th rib site in a 400 kg carcase. Higher EBVs indicate more intramuscular fat.

Putting undesirable Genetic Recessive Conditions in perspective

Your decision on the importance of the genetic condition status of replacement bulls should depend on the genetics of your cow herd (which bulls you previously used) and whether some female progeny will be retained or sold as breeders.

Angus Australia uses advanced software to calculate the probability of (untested) animals to being carriers of AM, NH, CA or DD. The software uses the test results of any relatives in the calculations and the probabilities may change as new results for additional animals become available.

This is information for bull buyers about the recessive genetic conditions, Arthrogryposis Multiplex (AM), Hydrocephalus (NH), Contractural Arachnodactyly (CA) and Developmental Duplications (DD).

Implications for Commercial Producers

DNA-based diagnostic tests have been developed which can be used to determine whether an individual animal is either a carrier or free of the alleles resulting in AM, NH, CA or DD.

Most Angus breeders are proactive and transparent in managing known genetic conditions, endeavouring to provide the best information available. The greatest risk to the commercial sector from undesirable genetic recessive conditions comes from unregistered bulls with unknown genetic background. The genetic condition testing that Angus Australia seedstock producers are investing in provides buyers of registered Angus bulls with unmatched quality Forassurance.further information contact Angus Australia’s Breed Development & Extension Manager on (02) 6773 4618.

The genetic status of animals is being reported using fiveAMFcategories: Tested AM free AMFU Based on Pedigree AM free - Animal has not been tested

AM_% _% probability the animal is an AM carrier AMC Tested AM-Carrier AMA AM-Affected

What are AM, NH, CA and DD? AM, NH, CA and DD are all recessive conditions caused by “broken” alleles within the DNA of individual animals. When a calf inherits 2 copies of the AM or NH alleles their development is so adversely affected that they will be still-born. In other cases, such as CA and DD, calves carrying 2 copies of the broken allele may reach full-term. In such cases the animal may either appear relatively normal, or show physical symptoms that affect their health and/or performance. How are the conditions inherited? Research in the U.S. and Australia indicates that AM, NH, CA and DD are simply inherited recessive conditions. This means that a single gene (or pair of alleles) controls the condition. For this mode of inheritance two copies of the undesirable allele need to be present before the condition is seen; in which case you may get an abnormal calf. A more common example of a trait with a simple recessive pattern of inheritance is black and red coat colour. Animals with only one copy of the undesirable allele (and one copy of the normal form of the allele) appear normal and are known as “carriers”. What happens when carriers are mated to other animals? Carriers, will on average, pass the undesirable allele to a random half (50 %) of their progeny. When a carrier bull and carrier cow is mated, there is a 25% chance that the resultant calf will inherit two normal alleles, a 50% chance that the mating will result in a carrier (i.e. with just 1 copy of the undesirable allele, and a 25% chance that the calf will inherit two copies of the undesirable gene. If animals tested free of the undesirable gene are mated to carrier animals the condition will not be expressed at all. All calves will appear normal, but approximately half (50%) could be expected to be carriers.

recessive genetic conditions

Advances in genomics have facilitated the development of accurate diagnostic tests to enable the identification and management of numerous undesirable or “broken” genes.

How is the genetic status of animals reported?

For NH, CA and DD, simply replace AM in the above table with NH, CA or DD. Registration certificates and the Angus Australia web-database display these codes. This information is displayed on the animal details page and can be accessed by conducting an “Database Search” from the Angus Australia website or looking up individual animals listed in a sale catalogue.

Angus Australia is proactive in providing its members and their clients with relevant tools and information to assist them in the management of known undesirable genes and our members are leading the industry in their use of this technology.

All animals, including humans, carry single copies (alleles) of undesirable or “broken” genes. In single copy form, these undesirable alleles usually cause no harm to the individual. But when animals carry 2 copies of certain undesirable or “broken” alleles it often results in bad consequences.




AngusPure NZ recognises the need to lift the amount of marbling in our New Zealand cow genetics, in order to fill the requirements of consumers going forward. Marbling has two critical components; genetics and feeding. Feeding on a rising plane of nutrition is vital but without the genetics these attributes will not be able to express themselves.

AngusPure NZ has teamed up with 87 Angus studs who share in our vision - to focus on the end consumer. This stud is proud to be named as one of them, and by using the finest genetics and implementing best management practice they can help you produce more premium quality Angus beef. Only our AngusPure Partner studs display these devices in their sale catalogues. They indicate bulls endorsed by AngusPure NZ.


AngusPure NZ continues to endorse bulls for sale that are either at or above +$120 for the AngusPure index (API) and at or above $107 for the AngusPRO index (PRO). These indexes give commercial farmers confidence that by using these selection tools, bulls are most likely to leave progeny with superior carcase quality. At the same time they achieve desirable outcomes for self replacing herds, as the AngusPure & AngusPRO indexes still reward cattle with strong maternal attributes like calving ease, scrotal and growth, along with carcase weight. To qualify, bulls will be => +$120 for AngusPure index OR => +$107 for AngusPRO index

In addition to the ‘A’, and to assist bull buyers who wish to select for more marbling we are rewarding those animals that are either at or above +$140 for the AngusPure index and at or above $126 for the AngusPRO index. In addition to this they must have an IMF EBV (for marbling) equal to or greater than +2.0. These bulls will be awarded an ‘A+’ endorsement. Marbling is one of the very highest eating quality attributes and is necessary in order to meet some of the highest premium requirements for our export program, AngusPure Special Reserve. To qualify, bulls will be => +$140 for AngusPure index OR => +$126 for AngusPRO index, and in addition all bulls must be => +2.0 for IMF EBV

SHOP ONLINE WWW.ANGUSPURE.CO.NZ Mobile: +64 27 550 4018 | Phone: +64 6 835 8221 | Email: Buy your tagsfromdirectus! Kim Lowe ANGUSPURE NATIONAL TERRITORY MANAGER

11 Zoetis New Zealand Limited PO Box 5520, Moray Place, Dunedin 9058, New Zealand Phone: 0800 228 278 or 03 477 5920 • Fax: 03 477 5930 Email: Why buy HD50K-testeda bull? His Breeding Values are very accurate A young bull that’s been HD50K tested has highly accurate BVs. You can therefore be more confident that his performance will match his figures. 1. You’ll make faster production gains The bull you buy this season will influence your herd for the next 8-10 years. By buying an HD50K-tested bull, your decision is based on the best information possible. 2. Boost the performance of your beef cow herd If you breed your own heifer replacements, using a HD50K-tested bull means you can tap into “HeiferSELECT®” – a new commercial farmer tool coming HeiferSELECT®soon.provides the objective information you need to make more accurate decisions about which heifers to “keep or cull”. It draws on maternal, growth and carcass (including marbling) traits. 3. If you’re a progressive farmer, you can’t afford not to buy a HD50K-tested bull. He will get you where you want to go, faster. Much faster. More information:

12 +2.1+6.1+66-4.6+2.1+116+2.5+2.1-4.7+4.1+49+89+100+17+0.0-0.4+0.5+0.18+7+0.98+0.85+193+334 TABLEBANDSPERCENTILE StructureOtherCarcaseEaseCalvingGrowth CEDirCEDtrsGLBW200400600MCWMilkSSDTCDOCNFI-F IndexesSelection Band%$A-L$AEMAP8AngleIMFClawCWTRIBRBYFertilityBirth ProfitabilityProfitabilityGestationDifficultyDifficultyCalvingLessLessCalvingShorterLengthLighterBirthWeightHeavierLiveWeightHeavierLiveWeightHeavierLiveWeightHeavierMatureWeightHeavierLiveWeightLargerScrotalSizeShorterTimetoCalvingHeavierCarcaseWeightLargerEMAMoreFatMoreFatHigherYieldMoreIMFGreaterFeedEfficiencyMoreDocileMoreSoundMoreSoundGreaterGreaterEBVsAVERAGEBREED StructureOtherCarcaseEaseCalvingGrowth CEDirCEDtrsGLBW200400600MCWMilkSSDTCDOCNFI-F IndexesSelection $A-L$AEMAP8AngleIMFClawCWTRIBRBY FertilityBirth +278+0.42+0.60+36+4.6+2.9+3.6+3.6+12.7+28+160+120+69-10.6+9.9+10.91%-0.1+158+4.7-9.9+93-0.57+450 +254+0.56+0.72+27+2.1+2.2+2.4+25+146+62+1.2+8.2+9.15%-8.7+110+139+3.7-8.3+85+10.5+3.8-0.34+419 +402+241+0.62+23-0.22+1.6+23+129+7.2+7.910%-7.8+1.9+59+105+139+3.3-7.5+80+9.4+1.8+1.7+3.4+0.78 +233+0.66+0.82+20+3.2+1.2-6.9+22+123+102+2.4-7.2+6.5+7.115%+57+135+3.0+78+8.7+1.4+1.5-0.14+391 +226+2.9-6.5+2.8+21+56+2.7-6.7+6.320%+5.9+100+131+119+75+8.1+1.1+0.9+1.3-0.08+17+0.84+0.70+381 +220+0.72+0.86+2.8+0.6-6.1+2.7+20+128-6.225%+5.7+5.4+3.0+54+98+115+74+7.7+0.9+1.1-0.03+15+373 +365+215+0.02+2.6+72+2.5+20+125+96+3.2+4.930%+5.1-5.9+53+111-5.8+7.3+0.7+0.4+1.0+14+0.90+0.74 +210+0.92+12+0.06+2.4+0.2+6.9+2.4+123+52-5.6+4.4+4.535%+3.5+94+108+19-5.5+70+0.5+0.9+0.78+358 +352+206+2.3+6.6+69-5.2+2.3+120+92-5.240%+3.9+3.9+3.7+51+105+18+0.3+0.0+0.7+0.10+10+0.94+0.80 +201+0.82+0.96+2.2+0.6-0.2+6.3+68+2.1+18+118-4.9+3.445%+3.3+3.9+50+91+103-4.9+0.1+0.14+9+345 +196+2.0+6.0+66-4.6+2.0+116-4.6+2.750%+3.0+4.1+49+89+100+17+0.0-0.4+0.5+0.17+8+0.98+0.84+339 +332+0.86+6+0.21-0.6-0.2+65+2.5+2.255%-4.4+4.3+49+88+114+97+17+1.9-4.3+5.7+0.4+1.9+1.00+191 +325+186+1.02+0.25+64+16+112+86+2.060%+1.5-4.1+4.5+48+95+1.8-4.1+5.4-0.3-0.8+0.3+1.8+4+0.88 +0.92+0.29+62+16+9265%+0.8+1.4-3.8+4.7+47+85+110+1.7-3.8+5.1-0.5-1.0+0.1+1.7+3+1.04+181+318 +176+1.06-1.2+61+1.6+46-3.4+0.8+0.170%+5.0+83+107+89+15-3.5+4.8-0.7+0.0+1.5+0.34+1+0.94+310 +0.96+86+5.2-0.875%+0.1-3.1+45+81+105+14+1.4-3.1+59+4.5-0.9-1.4-0.1+1.4+0.39-1+1.08+170+301 +291+163+1.12-1.6-2.8+82+102-2.780%-1.7-0.7+5.5+43+79+14+1.3+57+4.1-1.1-0.3+1.3+0.44-3+1.00 +279-2.0-2.3+42-2.2-2.985%-1.5+5.8+77+98+78+13+1.1+55+3.7-1.4-0.5+1.1+0.51-5+1.14+1.04+154 +262+142+1.20-2.4+52+12+72+6.3-2.7-4.590%-1.7+40+74+94+0.9-1.8+3.1-1.7-0.8+0.9+0.59-8+1.10 +233+121+1.16+1.26-12+0.72-1.2-2.2+2.2+63+69-4.6-6.995%-0.7+7.0+37+87+10+0.5-0.9+48-3.0+0.5 +169+1.32-20-2.0+0.2+1.2-0.2+72-12.499%-8.8+1.3+8.4+30+58+45+7+38-3.3-4.3-0.1+0.97+1.40+79AvgBrd TablesReference2022August-EvaluationCattleAngusTransTasman .EvaluationCattleAngusTransTasman2022AugusttheinanalysedanimalsseedstockAngus-influencedandAngusAustraliandrop2020allofEBVaveragetherepresentsaverageBreed* LiveSmallerWeightLighterLiveScrotalSizeLighterWeightLessSoundLighterLiveWeightMoreCalvingDifficultyMoreCalvingDifficultyLowerFeedEfficiencyLongerGestationLengthLighterCarcaseWeightLighterLiveWeightLessDocileLowerProfitabilityLongerTimetoCalvingHeavierBirthWeightLessFatLessFatSmallerEMALowerYieldLessSoundLowerProfitabilityLighterMatureWeightLessIMF seedstockAngus-influencedandAngusAustraliandrop2020theacrossEBVsofdistributiontherepresentbandspercentileThe*animalsanalysedintheAugust2022TransTasmanAngus .EvaluationCattle

13 +289+254+159+193+177+334+399+375+140+179 TABLEBANDSPERCENTILE $A$D$GN$GS$A-L$D-L$GN-L$GS-L$PRO$T%Band ProfitabilityProfitabilityProfitabilityProfitabilityProfitabilityProfitabilityProfitabilityProfitabilityProfitabilityProfitabilityGreaterGreaterGreaterGreaterGreaterGreaterGreaterGreaterGreaterGreaterEBVsAVERAGEBREED $A$D$GN$GS$A-L$D-L$GN-L$GS-L$PRO$T +242+218+265+231+2781%+373+450+390+547+510 +225+196+362+240+210+2545%+340+419+508+473 +216+486+402+227+322+200+24110%+347+454+184 +209+218+192+23315%+310+391+337+471+440+177 +204+429+329+211+186+22620%+300+381+458+170 +165+321+205+292+22025%+181+373+447+419+199 +160+365+284+21530%+177+199+315+438+411+195 +156+402+429+277+21035%+173+194+358+309+191 +420+352+270+169+20640%+189+303+395+151+187 +412+297+263+165+20145%+184+345+387+147+184 +292+257+161+19650%+179+339+404+380+143+180 +372+286+332+250+19155%+157+175+395+139+177 +364+386+281+325+169+243+18660%+153+134+173 +169+129+356+274+164+23665%+181+149+318+377 +165+124+367+268+228+17670%+145+159+310+347 +160+356+260+152+220+140+17075%+301+337+119 +112+326+252+291+211+16380%+134+145+343+155 +312+328+241+279+136+127+15485%+199+104+149 +293+227+262+124+14290%+118+183+307+93+140 +126+262+272+204+233+12195%+101+157+105+74 +169+66+69+7999%+104+151+195+190+38+94AvgBrdTablesReference2022August-EvaluationCattleAngusTransTasman inanalysedanimalsseedstockAngus-influencedandAngusAustraliandrop2020allofEBVaveragetherepresentsaverageBreed*theAugust2022 .EvaluationCattleAngusTransTasman ProfitabilityProfitabilityProfitabilityProfitabilityProfitabilityProfitabilityLowerLowerLowerLowerLowerProfitabilityLowerProfitabilityLowerLowerLowerProfitabilityLowerProfitability seedstockAngus-influencedandAngusAustraliandrop2020theacrossEBVsofdistributiontherepresentbandspercentileThe*animalsanalysedinthe .EvaluationCattleAngusTransTasman2022August

A product of Angus Australia, delivered in collaboration with our partners, Zoetis and Neogen An advanced genomic tool to inform the selection of replacement heifers for commercial Australian Angus breeders

15 Farm smarter. Secure your bull team now with no upfront cost. SCAN ME Simon Smith Genetics Representative 027 444 0733 Callum Stewart National Genetics Manager 027 280 2688 Bjorn Andersen Livestock Manager 027 440 5888 Mark Crooks Livestock Representative 027 590 1452 Dean Lindsay Livestock Representative 027 442 1753 Contact your local livestock representative. Cameron Smith Livestock Representative 0274 469 963 Craig Harvey Livestock Representative 027 498 0737 Lockie Shanks Livestock Representative 0278 491 111 Buy now. Pay BULL INSURANCE Insure your bulls today call 0800 10 22 76

E : DNA verification has identified that the sire and/or dam may possibly be incorrect, but this cannot be confirmed conclusively.

The animals listed within this catalogue including its pedigree, are displaying a Parent Verification Suffix which indicates the DNA parent verification status that has been conducted on the animal. The Parent Verification Suffixes that will appear at the end of each animal’s name.

Parent Verification Suffixes

In order for Angus Australia to process the transfer of a registered animal in this catalogue, the vendor will need to provide certain information to Angus Australia and the buyer consents to the collection and disclosure of that information by Angus Australia in certain circumstances. If the buyer does not wish for his or her information to be stored and disclosed by Angus Australia, the buyer must complete the form included below and forward it to Angus Australia. If the form is not completed, the buyer will be taken to have consented to the disclosure of such information.

SV : the sire has been verified by DNA.

DV : the dam has been verified by DNA.

Attention Buyer Animal details included in this catalogue, including but not limited to pedigree, DNA information, Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) and Index values, are based on information provided by the breeder or owner of the animal. Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information provided in this catalogue was correct at the time of publication, Angus Australia will assume no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information, nor for the outcome (including consequential loss) of any action taken based on this information.

PV : both parents have been verified by DNA.

Privacy Information

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If you do not complete this form, you will be taken to have consented to Angus Australia using your name, address and phone number for the purposes of effecting a change of registration of the animal(s) that you have purchased, maintaining its database and disclosing that information to its members on its website. I, the buyer of animals with the following idents…………………………………………………………………………………......................................

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The suffix displayed at the end of each animal’s name indicates the DNA parentage verification that has been conducted by Angus Australia.

16 disclaimer and privacy information

consent form to Angus Australia, 86 Glen Innes Road, Armidale NSW 2350. Updated 25/11/2020

# : DNA verification has not been conducted.

Looking After your Bull on Arrival

• Please refrain from smoking in and around all buildings.

7. Structure: All yearling bulls will be guaranteed for structure for 12 months after sale date. Studs interested in bulls need to check with the vendor whether bulls of interest are transferable. Purchasers must accept that bulls have not fully grown out, such that a full assessment of their structural potential is not possible, and accept that beyond 12 months, the vendor is not liable for structural problems that may arise. Credits for yearling bulls can only be redeemed at a future yearling sale.

• Be aware of vehicles and machinery.

8. Purchasers Rebate: All intending purchasers must register at the sales office prior to the sale. PGW will pay a purchasing rebate of 6% of the purchase price excluding GST, plus GST, to livestock companies & recognised independent livestock agents with a PGW account who have introduced buyers to PGW before the sale and/or accompanied buyers to the sale.

9. This sale will be hosted by bidr® ( as a HYBRID auction, with online bidding and a live-stream available on sale day, as well as the normal on-farm format. All intending ONLINE purchasers must register on bidr® in advance of the sale date, by visiting the website and using the “sign up” button, adding their contact information and nominating the agency they would like to purchase through and account held with that agency. Alternatively, purchasers can organise an agent from one of the agencies listed on bidr® to buy on their behalf. The bidr® team is always available to help purchasers get signed up and registered, and the HelpDesk is proudly managed in-house from the Waikato. Please call 0800 TO BIDR (0800 86 2437), or email enquiries@bidr. for assistance at any point. Alternatively, contact your local bidr® representative: National, Lower NI: Caitlin Rokela (027 405 6156), Upper NI: Jess Davies (027 367 2837), Upper SI: Bianca Murch (027 732 0006), Lower SI: Sam Murphy (027 243 2736)

Complying with the Health & Safety in Employment Act 1992 and Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 we are required to advise people of possible hazards. Please be aware of these prior to entering the property to ensure your personal safety.

Health and Safety

Condition of Sale

• Appropriate footwear should be worn.

5. Purchasers are requested to complete the Purchasers Instruction Slip at the back of this catalogue and hand it to the auctioneer at the completion of the sale.

• Move quietly, be vigilant at all times.

2. Each lot is catalogued unless other wise stated. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, the auctioneer or vendor will not be held responsible for any errors contained herein.

• All possible care has been taken in arranging the sale seating but caution in attaining your seat is still necessary.

3. Each lot becomes the property of the purchase at the fall of the hammer.

1. The New Zealand Stock and Station Agent’s Association Conditions of Sale and, to the extent deemed relevant by PGG Wrightson Limited (PGW), PGW’s Terms of Sale apply to this sale. When proceeds are credited or a purchase is debited to a PGW monthly credit account, then PGW’s Monthly Account Terms of Trade (as amended from time to time) apply to the extent deemed relevant by PGW. These terms can be inspected at the registration desk and on the wall in the auction room. The current versions of PGW’s Terms of Sale and Monthly Account Terms of Trade are also available online at:\OurCompany\ Terms-and-Conditions or in hardcopy on request.

When a bull leaves Totaranui he is leaving the security of a mob, and will arrive in a strange environment at the purchaser’s property. On arrival make sure he has a steer or a cow as a companion, straight away, possibly with a feed of hay, and put them into a good grass Youngpaddock.bulls are still growing fast and need enough feed to maintain their growth pattern and be able to settle the cows quickly and efficiently. Respect your bulls, and handle them quietly, walk them rather than rushing them. Treat them with care and in a gentle manner and they will do likewise to you. Totaranui bulls are used to being handled by stockmen on quads or on foot, also with dogs. They treat electric fences with respect. Monitor your bull regularly while out with the cows, as accidents can happen. When the season is finished, your bulls should be drenched and put away with enough feed in front of them. Adequate feed will help stop fighting and help bulls to settle into the bull group. We wish you all the best.


• Cattle can be unpredictable, especially toward children.

• No children under the age of 15 allowed in the inspection yards.

4. Insurance: Transit and term insurance cover is recommended and can be arranged with the auctioneer on sale day.

6. Fertility: The entry of any bull in this catalogue constitutes a Guaranteed of Fertility. Notice of infertility in all cases of such are to be in writing and in the hands of the vendor not later than twelve calendar months from the date the of sale. The purchaser price of any bull proved to be infertile shall be refunded without interest, expense, cost or damages. Any disputes will be settled by an arbitrator appointed by the auctioneers. A veterinary surgeon’s certificate shall be produced by the purchase, when required. The purchaser will provide good husbandry.

• There may be slippery surfaces.


19 Dorset Down Beltex Cross Rams Totaranui Dorset Down Beltex Cross Ram Hoggets. Ideal for hogget mating. Also, used over mixed age ewes - pick more lambs prime at weaning. Great growth, massive thickness. Book now to secure an order, limited numbers. PRIVATE Backing black for over 60 years BNZ and Totaranui Stud Limited – proud to have been in partnership since 1956 Your local bankers: Kyle Wells 029 200 8222 Rebecca Buick 027 834 2392, Angela Fallon 029 200 8196, Josh Gatenby 029 435 1550

20 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +3.1 +8.6 -3.3 +2.5 +45 +83 +104 +94 +18 +1.4 -2.2 +64 +8.0 -0.9 -0.5 -0.8 +4.3 $133 Acc 62% 55% 84% 73% 72% 71% 73% 72% 67% 68% 44% 67% 65% 69% 66% 66% 65% Perc 47 4 72 17 73 70 76 62 44 74 86 60 21 74 52 90 2 62 TOTARANUI S256 SV Comments: Positive calving ease, birth weight 32kgs. Got some growth potential and excellent IMF. Sire: RENNYLEA L508PV H P C A RENNYLEAINTENSITY#H414SV TOTARANUI 238SV TOTARANUI 838# Dam: TOTARANUI 15251SV Purchaser: $: LOT 1 Animal INZ21S256IdentDate of 14/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth32kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +4.9 +7.1 -2.1 +0.3 +41 +79 +108 +90 +28 +1.8 -3.4 +60 +5.0 +1.8 +1.9 -1.7 +3.1 $118 Acc 61% 53% 84% 74% 72% 71% 72% 72% 68% 67% 42% 67% 64% 68% 66% 65% 64% Perc 31 11 86 2 89 80 69 69 1 58 71 72 67 10 7 98 16 76 TOTARANUI S054 SV Comments: Good heifer bull on data, with growth which he displays. Birth weight in top 3%. Positive fats and very strong IMF ebv. Sire: RENNYLEA L508PV H P C A RENNYLEAINTENSITY#H414SV TOTARANUI 963# TOTARANUI 7114# Dam: TOTARANUI 9# Purchaser: $: LOT 2 Animal INZ21S054IdentDate of 26/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth34kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +6.5 +7.5 -7.0 +2.9 +39 +76 +108 +91 +24 +1.6 -5.4 +64 +6.3 +2.5 +2.4 -1.5 +3.1 $126 Acc 59% 52% 69% 72% 71% 70% 71% 70% 66% 67% 41% 66% 64% 68% 65% 65% 63% Perc 19 9 17 23 93 87 69 67 7 67 36 58 45 4 4 97 16 69 TOTARANUI S055 PV Comments: Excellent low birth weight dataset including good growth, fats and IMF. Sire: RENNYLEA L508PV H P C A RENNYLEAINTENSITY#H414SV TOTARANUI 13010# TOTARANUI 14202# Dam: TOTARANUI M300# Purchaser: $: LOT 3 Animal INZ21S055IdentDate of 26/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth 34kgWeight-Twin August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +12.1 +5.9 -3.2 -1.4 +35 +71 +82 +40 +22 +1.7 -3.5 +53 +10.8 -0.8 -1.8 +1.7 +2.3 $158 Acc 55% 46% 84% 73% 71% 70% 70% 68% 62% 66% 35% 64% 62% 67% 63% 63% 62% Perc 1 20 73 1 97 94 97 99 16 62 69 89 5 72 82 10 39 33 TOTARANUI S244 SV Comments: Exceptional calving ease direct and birth weight ebvs, top echelon. He’s grown out well too. Good EMA and IMF. Quiet. Sire: SYDGEN BONUS 8084PV SYDGEN EXCEED 3223PV SYDGEN BLACKCAP 5371# TOTARANUI 12286# TOTARANUI 13152# Dam: TOTARANUI 15245# Purchaser: $: LOT 4 Animal INZ21S244IdentDate of 11/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth31kgWeight

21 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHF Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.6 +4.4 -2.0 +5.0 +46 +80 +108 +98 +26 +0.7 -1.9 +60 +7.4 +0.8 -0.4 +0.2 +1.9 $72 Acc 59% 52% 83% 73% 71% 71% 72% 71% 67% 67% 41% 66% 64% 68% 65% 65% 64% Perc 84 35 87 70 67 78 69 55 3 93 89 71 29 26 50 61 54 96 TOTARANUI S058 PV Comments: Cow bull. Moderate birth weight, good growth, good data for carcass traits. Sire: RENNYLEA L508PV H P C A RENNYLEAINTENSITY#H414SV TOTARANUI 14009# TOTARANUI 12056# Dam: TOTARANUI M297# Purchaser: $: LOT 5 Animal INZ21S058IdentDate of 27/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth39kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +7.8 +4.2 -7.2 +1.7 +41 +73 +93 +72 +12 +2.3 -3.3 +54 +10.2 -1.5 -1.9 +2.0 +2.8 $169 Acc 55% 46% 84% 73% 71% 71% 71% 69% 63% 66% 36% 65% 63% 68% 64% 64% 63% Perc 11 37 15 8 87 91 91 91 88 37 72 87 7 87 84 6 23 22 TOTARANUI S015 PV Comments: A lovely quiet Bonus son with a dataset pointing towards a very safe heifer bull. Low birth weight, short gestation and very good ease of calving direct. Excellent EMA and IMF. Sire: SYDGEN BONUS 8084PV SYDGEN EXCEED 3223PV SYDGEN BLACKCAP 5371# TOTARANUI 13010# TOTARANUI 14314# Dam: TOTARANUI M281# Purchaser: $: LOT 6 AnimalINZ21S015IdentDate of 12/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth33kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +12.0 +8.9 -6.9 +0.7 +39 +70 +89 +56 +17 +2.7 -4.8 +42 +4.7 +0.6 -0.5 +0.4 +2.7 $166 Acc 55% 49% 84% 72% 70% 69% 71% 67% 62% 65% 39% 64% 62% 67% 63% 63% 62% Perc 1 3 18 3 93 95 94 98 48 23 46 99 72 31 52 53 26 25 TOTARANUI S211 PV Comments: A low birth weight heifer’s first calf by Real Deal. Very safe pedigree top and bottom. Short gestation, direct calving ease and birth weight in top 3%. Quiet. Sire: STOKMAN REAL DEAL N247# MATAURI REALITY 839# STOKMAN DONNA L69# CONNEALY LEGENDARY 644L# TOTARANUI 13238# Dam: TOTARANUI Q403SV Purchaser: $: LOT 7 AnimalINZ21S211IdentDate of 4/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth29kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +7.6 -1.4 -3.9 +2.0 +45 +85 +104 +73 +22 +2.5 -3.7 +51 +7.6 -0.2 -0.8 +0.6 +2.7 $147 Acc 60% 52% 84% 73% 71% 71% 72% 70% 65% 67% 35% 66% 63% 68% 64% 64% 63% Perc 12 85 63 11 74 64 77 90 17 29 66 92 26 55 60 44 26 45 TOTARANUI S283 PV Comments: Quite forward, showing good growth promise. His birth weight and calving ease direct both in top 11%. Good carcass data including strong IMF. Sire: SYDGENSYDGENSYDGENENHANCESVEXCEED3223PVRITA2618# TOTARANUI 15068# TOTARANUI 14236# Dam: TOTARANUI N455# Purchaser: $: LOT 8 Animal INZ21S283IdentDate of 21/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth38kgWeight

22 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +10.4 +4.1 -5.7 +0.4 +48 +89 +114 +78 +24 +2.4 -3.3 +68 +10.7 -0.3 -0.7 +1.1 +2.6 $179 Acc 56% 47% 84% 74% 72% 72% 72% 69% 64% 68% 37% 66% 64% 69% 65% 65% 64% Perc 2 38 32 2 61 51 55 85 8 33 72 42 5 58 58 25 29 14 TOTARANUI S229 PV Comments: Bonus son showing exceptional birth weight with growth and carcass data. Safe pedigree for heifer mating both sides. Sire: SYDGEN BONUS 8084PV SYDGEN EXCEED 3223PV SYDGEN BLACKCAP 5371# TOTARANUI 12286# TOTARANUI 011# Dam: TOTARANUI M315# Purchaser: $: LOT 9 Animal INZ21S229IdentDate of 8/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth27kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +6.5 +2.4 -2.7 +2.1 +49 +92 +119 +69 +27 +3.8 -1.5 +72 +8.4 -1.0 -2.3 +0.9 +3.0 $153 Acc 62% 55% 84% 73% 72% 72% 73% 72% 67% 68% 40% 67% 65% 69% 65% 65% 65% Perc 19 56 80 12 55 43 44 93 3 5 92 32 18 77 89 32 18 38 TOTARANUI S049 SV Comments: Birth weight top 11% and good calving ease direct. Good growth potential and some strong carcass trait attributes including IMF. Sire: SYDGENSYDGENSYDGENENHANCESVEXCEED3223PVRITA2618# SYDGEN BLACK PEARL 2006PV TOTARANUI 13145# Dam: TOTARANUI 15205# Purchaser: $: LOT 10 Animal INZ21S049IdentDate of 23/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth33kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +9.9 +9.8 -7.3 +1.6 +55 +93 +121 +104 +14 +1.4 -2.9 +72 +6.7 +0.1 -1.5 +0.6 +1.9 $174 Acc 55% 46% 85% 74% 72% 71% 71% 70% 65% 66% 35% 66% 62% 68% 63% 64% 62% Perc 3 2 14 8 25 39 39 42 75 74 78 31 38 45 77 44 54 18 TOTARANUI S023 SV Comments: A curve bender, good calving ease and good growth. Short gestation and birth weight in top 10%. Solid carcass data. Sire: BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125PV POSS EASY IMPACT 0119# BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030# SITZ UPSIDE 547W# TOTARANUI 12114# Dam: TOTARANUI 14211# Purchaser: $: LOT 11 Animal INZ21S023IdentDate of 14/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth35kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +7.2 +8.2 -8.7 +0.7 +30 +62 +75 +48 +22 +1.0 -4.7 +47 +8.5 +2.6 +2.1 -1.0 +3.9 $136 Acc 61% 53% 84% 73% 72% 71% 72% 72% 67% 68% 42% 67% 65% 69% 66% 66% 65% Perc 14 5 5 3 99 99 99 99 15 87 48 96 17 4 6 93 4 58 TOTARANUI S214 PV Comments: Very safe heifer bull on paper. Excellent carcass traits. Gives away growth for confidence and outcomes. Growth will be increased with hybrid vigor. Sire: RENNYLEA L508PV H P C A RENNYLEAINTENSITY#H414SV SYDGEN EXCEED 3223PV TOTARANUI 12030# Dam: TOTARANUI P305SV Purchaser: $: LOT 12 AnimalINZ21S214IdentDate of 4/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth30kgWeight

23 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +9.0 +11.7 -5.6 +0.9 +48 +87 +105 +72 +17 +2.3 -5.1 +64 +9.1 +1.9 +0.5 +1.0 +2.2 $201 Acc 55% 46% 84% 72% 70% 69% 70% 68% 63% 65% 35% 65% 62% 67% 62% 63% 62% Perc 6 1 34 4 61 57 74 90 50 37 41 60 12 9 27 28 43 4 TOTARANUI S247 PV Comments: Very nice dataset with growth and ease of calving, and a very tidy carcass trait ebv set. A very high indexed bull. Sire: BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125PV POSS EASY IMPACT 0119# BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030# RENNYLEA TOTARANUIL508PV12046#Dam: TOTARANUI P306SV Purchaser: $: LOT 13 Animal INZ21S247IdentDate of 12/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth32kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +9.8 +9.4 -3.0 +1.2 +48 +87 +110 +102 +12 +2.1 -5.3 +58 +8.1 -0.5 -0.6 +0.5 +3.1 $193 Acc 55% 46% 84% 74% 71% 70% 71% 69% 65% 66% 35% 66% 62% 67% 63% 63% 61% Perc 3 2 76 5 59 59 64 47 89 45 37 79 20 64 55 49 16 7 TOTARANUI S260 SV Comments: A high indexed bull, excellent calving ease with birth weight and calving ease direct both in top 5%. Sire: BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125PV POSS EASY IMPACT 0119# BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030# WOODBANK 0110# TOTARANUI 069# Dam: TOTARANUI 14282# Purchaser: $: LOT 14 Animal INZ21S260IdentDate of 15/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth31kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +8.7 +9.5 -3.9 +0.8 +46 +91 +105 +76 +21 +2.1 -3.8 +67 +9.9 -0.1 -0.5 +0.9 +3.5 $188 Acc 56% 47% 84% 73% 71% 70% 70% 69% 64% 65% 36% 66% 62% 67% 63% 64% 62% Perc 7 2 63 3 68 45 75 87 20 45 64 47 8 52 52 32 9 9 TOTARANUI S242 PV Comments: Very good birth weight and calving ease direct. 29kgs at birth. All points to a good heifer bull, with growth and carcass trait merit. Sire: BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125PV POSS EASY IMPACT 0119# BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030# RENNYLEA TOTARANUIL508PV14226#Dam: TOTARANUI P462SV Purchaser: $: LOT 15 Animal INZ21S242IdentDate of 11/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth29kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +9.0 +7.7 -4.6 +1.3 +44 +88 +112 +99 +19 +0.4 -2.2 +66 +1.5 -1.5 -1.5 +0.0 +1.9 $129 Acc 53% 47% 68% 72% 70% 68% 69% 68% 63% 63% 36% 65% 61% 66% 62% 63% 61% Perc 6 8 50 6 76 55 60 52 31 96 86 50 97 87 77 69 54 66 TOTARANUI S320 PV Comments: Strongly positive calving ease with growth. His own birth weight 31 kgs. Sire: DIABLO DELUXE 1104PV V A R DISCOVERY 2240PV DIABLO ERICA DIANNA 9034# TOTARANUI 15060# TOTARANUI 13214# Dam: TOTARANUI P330SV Purchaser: $: LOT 16 Animal INZ21S320IdentDate of 2/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth31kgWeight

24 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +9.6 +9.6 -6.8 +1.8 +51 +98 +127 +122 +20 +2.7 -3.8 +71 +6.9 -0.1 -1.0 +0.9 +2.0 $156 Acc 54% 45% 70% 73% 71% 70% 70% 69% 64% 65% 34% 65% 61% 67% 62% 64% 61% Perc 4 2 19 9 41 25 26 17 26 23 64 34 35 52 65 32 50 35 TOTARANUI S328 PV Comments: A very tidy dataset with excellent ease of calving, good growth and fertility, and carcass data too. 30kgs at birth reinforces ease of calving. Sire: BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125PV POSS EASY IMPACT 0119# BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030# TOTARANUI 12287# TOTARANUI 62# Dam: TOTARANUI M356# Purchaser: $: LOT 17 Animal INZ21S328IdentDate of 6/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth30kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +5.9 +10.5 -5.5 +1.7 +46 +89 +125 +107 +29 +1.8 -5.1 +79 +5.2 +0.8 +0.4 -1.3 +3.6 $141 Acc 61% 54% 73% 73% 72% 72% 73% 72% 68% 68% 43% 68% 66% 70% 67% 67% 65% Perc 23 1 36 8 68 52 31 38 1 58 41 13 64 26 29 96 7 53 TOTARANUI S061 PV Comments: Performance cattle data, ease of calving and growth on top of a low birth weight of 29kgs. Also, carcass weight, positive fats and very strong IMF. Sire: RENNYLEA L508PV H P C A RENNYLEAINTENSITY#H414SV TOTARANUI 13004# TOTARANUI 15352# Dam: TOTARANUI N369# Purchaser: $: LOT 18 Animal INZ21S061IdentDate of 30/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth29kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +10.6 +3.0 -6.3 +1.0 +48 +95 +123 +122 +18 +2.3 -5.1 +71 +0.2 +0.3 +0.5 -1.2 +2.5 $144 Acc 54% 48% 83% 72% 69% 68% 69% 68% 63% 62% 37% 64% 60% 66% 62% 62% 60% Perc 2 50 24 4 56 32 34 17 42 37 41 35 99 40 27 95 32 48 TOTARANUI S033 SV Comments: Great data across the board. A performance heifer bull with excellent ease of calving ebvs, growth and carcass data. Low EMA comes from the dam. Sire: DIABLO DELUXE 1104PV V A R DISCOVERY 2240PV DIABLO ERICA DIANNA 9034# TOTARANUI 12279# TOTARANUI 12020# Dam: TOTARANUI 14302# Purchaser: $: LOT 19 Animal INZ21S033IdentDate of 16/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth34kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -6.6 -3.7 -1.6 +7.6 +47 +80 +117 +122 +10 -0.2 -1.5 +57 +10.6 -1.0 -1.6 +2.2 +0.1 $63 Acc 53% 47% 64% 72% 69% 69% 70% 68% 63% 65% 37% 63% 61% 66% 62% 62% 60% Perc 95 93 91 98 64 79 49 16 96 99 92 81 5 77 79 4 98 97 TOTARANUI S315 SV Comments: Definitely a cow bull. Quite forward, exhibiting his growth potential. By one of our favourite cows, productive and exceptionally quiet. So is he. Sire: WAITANGI L204SV H P C A WAITANGIINTENSITY#D120# KAKAHU TOTARANUI0983#015#Dam: TOTARANUI 14262# Purchaser: $: LOT 20 AnimalINZ21S315IdentDate of 31/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth44kgWeight

25 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +9.5 +4.1 -7.4 -0.2 +40 +80 +97 +68 +14 +2.1 -1.9 +59 +6.3 +0.1 -1.3 +0.8 +2.7 $161 Acc 55% 46% 84% 73% 71% 71% 71% 69% 64% 67% 35% 65% 63% 68% 64% 64% 62% Perc 4 38 13 1 91 77 87 93 74 45 89 76 45 45 72 36 26 29 TOTARANUI S016 SV Comments: Birth weight in top 1%, short gestation. He’s shown good growth. Dam has Woodbank top and bottom of pedigree, she is a safe ease of calving dam. Some good carcass traits with IMF in top 30%. Quiet. Sire: SYDGEN BONUS 8084PV SYDGEN EXCEED 3223PV SYDGEN BLACKCAP 5371# WOODBANK 9071# TOTARANUI 797# Dam: TOTARANUI 13236# Purchaser: $: LOT 21 Animal INZ21S016IdentDate of 12/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth34kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +11.4 +7.0 -7.7 +1.1 +40 +68 +82 +51 +15 +0.6 -3.4 +44 +6.7 -1.0 -0.8 +1.7 +0.8 $150 Acc 52% 43% 69% 72% 70% 69% 70% 68% 61% 64% 34% 64% 60% 66% 62% 63% 61% Perc 1 12 11 5 91 96 98 99 71 94 71 98 38 77 60 10 91 41 TOTARANUI S261 PV Comments: True ease of calving pedigree top and bottom. Short gestation, excellent birth weight and calving ease direct. Sire: TE MANIA 17380# GDAR LEUPOLD 298# TE MANIA 06 003# TOTARANUI M048# TOTARANUI M276# Dam: TOTARANUI P341SV Purchaser: $: LOT 22 AnimalINZ21S261IdentDate of 15/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth33kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +0.8 +6.9 -3.4 +2.9 +41 +77 +104 +60 +27 +1.4 -4.4 +52 +7.7 +2.5 +1.3 +0.0 +1.9 $127 Acc 60% 53% 70% 72% 71% 71% 71% 70% 67% 67% 42% 66% 64% 68% 65% 65% 64% Perc 65 12 70 23 87 84 76 97 2 74 54 90 25 4 13 69 54 68 TOTARANUI S062 PV Comments: Second cycle calf, birth weight ebv in top 25% of breed, reasonable growth and very strong EMA and fats. Sire: RENNYLEA L508PV H P C A RENNYLEAINTENSITY#H414SV TOTARANUI 15004# TOTARANUI 14225# Dam: TOTARANUI N447# Purchaser: $: LOT 23 Animal INZ21S062IdentDate of 30/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth40kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +4.2 -1.6 -6.6 +3.9 +43 +76 +96 +72 +20 +2.5 -3.5 +55 +5.9 +1.4 +1.8 -0.6 +1.7 $103 Acc 52% 45% 70% 71% 70% 69% 70% 68% 61% 63% 34% 64% 60% 66% 62% 62% 60% Perc 37 86 21 44 80 87 88 91 30 29 69 85 52 15 8 87 63 86 TOTARANUI S303 PV Comments: Positive calving ease, gestation in top 20%. Good scrotal and positive fats. Quiet. Sire: TOTARANUISTOKMANQ212SVREALDEAL N247# TOTARANUI N318# SYDGEN EXCEED 3223PV TOTARANUI 12096# Dam: TOTARANUI P325SV Purchaser: $: LOT 24 Animal INZ21S303IdentDate of 28/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth36kgWeight

26 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +7.5 +8.0 -6.8 +2.2 +48 +76 +91 +48 +16 +1.3 -4.6 +57 +12.0 -1.1 -2.9 +2.7 +2.3 $202 Acc 60% 54% 84% 73% 72% 72% 73% 72% 67% 68% 41% 67% 65% 69% 66% 66% 65% Perc 12 6 19 13 59 86 93 99 57 78 50 82 2 79 95 2 39 4 TOTARANUI S274 PV Comments: Calving ease both sides of the pedigree. Gestation and birth weight within top 15% of breed. Good IMF and excellent EMA. Sire: CLUNES CROSSING DUSTY M13PV G A R CLUNESPROPHETSVCROSSING GLORIOUS G1SV TOTARANUI 15107# TOTARANUI 13156# Dam: TOTARANUI N476# Purchaser: $: LOT 25 Animal INZ21S274IdentDate of 19/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth34kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +10.9 +5.8 -8.6 +0.2 +44 +81 +102 +76 +21 +2.0 -5.2 +60 +9.5 +0.1 -1.5 +2.0 +2.0 $179 Acc 55% 46% 84% 73% 72% 71% 71% 69% 64% 67% 37% 66% 64% 69% 65% 65% 64% Perc 1 21 6 2 76 75 80 87 21 49 39 74 10 45 77 6 50 14 TOTARANUI S231 PV Comments: A safe heifer bull. Birth weight, gestation and calving ease direct all within the top 5%. Adequate IMF and good EMA. Quiet. Sire: SYDGEN BONUS 8084PV SYDGEN EXCEED 3223PV SYDGEN BLACKCAP 5371# QUAKER HILL MILE HIGH 4EX31SV TOTARANUI 14231# Dam: TOTARANUI P402SV Purchaser: $: LOT 26 AnimalINZ21S231IdentDate of 9/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth29kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +6.7 +8.2 -2.1 -1.0 +35 +65 +86 +51 +28 +2.1 -6.5 +51 +8.6 +1.0 +0.4 +0.5 +2.1 $148 Acc 61% 54% 84% 74% 73% 72% 73% 73% 69% 68% 43% 68% 66% 70% 67% 67% 66% Perc 17 5 86 1 97 98 96 99 2 45 19 93 16 22 29 49 46 45 TOTARANUI S027 PV Comments: Exceptional calving ease pedigrees on both sides. Top 1% for birth weight. Good carcass traits, what he gives away on growth he gives with peace of mind and hybrid vigor. Sire: RENNYLEA L508PV H P C A RENNYLEAINTENSITY#H414SV TOTARANUI 13007# TOTARANUI 14299# Dam: TOTARANUI M228# Purchaser: $: LOT 27 Animal INZ21S027IdentDate of 14/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth30kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +9.6 +8.5 -10.9 +1.3 +40 +78 +104 +74 +17 +1.2 -2.7 +60 +5.8 -0.2 -1.1 +1.4 +0.8 $144 Acc 52% 44% 69% 72% 70% 69% 70% 68% 61% 64% 35% 64% 61% 67% 63% 63% 61% Perc 4 4 1 6 90 82 76 89 53 81 81 71 53 55 68 17 91 49 TOTARANUI S213 PV Comments: Calving ease both sides of the pedigree. Very safe dataset for heifer calving, gestation in top 1%. Sire: TE MANIA 17380# GDAR LEUPOLD 298# TE MANIA 06 003# TOTARANUI M036# TOTARANUI M273# Dam: TOTARANUI P469SV Purchaser: $: LOT 28 AnimalINZ21S213IdentDate of 4/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth32kgWeight

27 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +7.8 +3.8 -2.7 +0.8 +37 +66 +95 +51 +23 +2.1 -2.5 +53 +9.7 -1.4 -2.2 +2.1 +2.0 $145 Acc 55% 47% 85% 73% 72% 71% 71% 69% 63% 67% 37% 66% 64% 68% 65% 65% 64% Perc 11 41 80 3 95 97 90 99 13 45 83 89 9 85 88 5 50 48 TOTARANUI S265 PV Comments: Top 5% birth weight and top 10% calving ease direct. Shown good growth. Sire: SYDGEN BONUS 8084PV SYDGEN EXCEED 3223PV SYDGEN BLACKCAP 5371# TOTARANUI 13004# TOTARANUI 15209# Dam: TOTARANUI N359# Purchaser: $: LOT 29 Animal INZ21S265IdentDate of 16/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth32kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +5.6 +5.2 -5.8 +3.2 +43 +78 +91 +63 +13 +2.1 -4.7 +57 +7.8 +0.5 -1.5 +1.0 +2.6 $162 Acc 54% 45% 84% 73% 70% 69% 70% 68% 63% 63% 33% 64% 60% 66% 62% 62% 61% Perc 26 27 31 29 80 82 93 96 84 45 48 81 24 34 77 28 29 29 TOTARANUI S038 SV Comments: On paper good calving ease, he was 34 kgs at birth. Adequate growth, middle of the road scrotal and some excellent carcass trait data. Sire: BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125PV POSS EASY IMPACT 0119# BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030# TOTARANUI 13048# TOTARANUI 12017# Dam: TOTARANUI 15347# Purchaser: $: LOT 30 Animal INZ21S038IdentDate of 17/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth34kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +0.4 +8.6 -2.3 +2.4 +40 +74 +93 +74 +8 +0.4 -2.7 +48 +8.6 +0.1 +0.6 +1.2 -0.6 $115 Acc 54% 48% 69% 72% 69% 69% 70% 68% 63% 63% 38% 63% 60% 66% 62% 62% 60% Perc 68 4 84 15 91 90 91 89 98 96 81 96 16 45 25 22 99 78 TOTARANUI S066 SV Comments: Good calving ease pedigrees both sides. Top 15% birth weight. Very good EMA and fats. Sire: TOTARANUITOTARANUIMUSGRAVEM058#BIGSKYPV12126# WOODBANK 0110# TOTARANUI 777# Dam: TOTARANUI 14224# Purchaser: $: LOT 31 Animal INZ21S066IdentDate of 6/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth31kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +3.6 +4.8 -5.3 +3.2 +51 +94 +126 +98 +24 +0.7 -7.0 +67 +7.4 +1.2 +0.6 +0.6 +1.3 $167 Acc 54% 48% 68% 70% 69% 68% 70% 68% 62% 64% 36% 64% 61% 66% 62% 63% 61% Perc 43 31 39 29 40 35 28 53 7 93 14 47 29 18 25 44 78 24 TOTARANUI S050 PV Comments: His own birth weight at 34 kgs, puts his birth weight ebv in the top 25%. Along with that he has strong growth potential and a useful carcass trait dataset, including IMF in the top 20%. Sire: TOTARANUI Q239SV CLUNES CROSSING DUSTY M13PV TOTARANUI 15225# WAITANGI TOTARANUIL204SV15361#Dam: TOTARANUI Q692SV Purchaser: $: LOT 32 Animal INZ21S050IdentDate of 24/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth34kgWeight

28 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +10.7 +5.8 -3.5 +0.0 +46 +84 +107 +68 +19 +3.8 -3.4 +63 +5.5 -1.4 -1.4 +0.2 +4.0 $191 Acc 56% 48% 71% 72% 71% 70% 72% 69% 63% 66% 35% 65% 62% 68% 64% 64% 63% Perc 2 21 69 2 67 66 71 93 32 5 71 62 59 85 75 61 4 7 TOTARANUI S311 PV Comments: Low birth weight heifer’s first calf. This bull’s calving ease data in top few percent. He doesn’t give away much growth and has IMF in the top 5%. Sire: TOTARANUI P126SV SYDGEN EXCEED 3223PV TOTARANUI M206# SYDGEN TOTARANUIENHANCESV14331#Dam: TOTARANUI Q417SV Purchaser: $: LOT 33 AnimalINZ21S311IdentDate of 30/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth30kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -0.9 -1.1 +0.8 +4.2 +50 +89 +113 +95 +18 +0.1 -2.5 +67 +6.6 -1.3 -2.1 +0.4 +2.5 $121 Acc 55% 48% 70% 70% 68% 68% 69% 67% 61% 63% 36% 63% 60% 66% 62% 62% 60% Perc 76 83 99 52 49 51 58 59 43 98 83 50 40 83 87 53 32 74 TOTARANUI S316 PV Comments: Cow bull. By a lovely L508 son, P134. He had very high IMF and he has passed this on as with his good temperament. 34 kgs at birth so quite acceptable. Sire: TOTARANUITOTARANUIRENNYLEAP134SVL508PV13176# SYDGEN TOTARANUIENHANCESV12061#Dam: TOTARANUI Q431SV Purchaser: $: LOT 34 AnimalINZ21S316IdentDate of 31/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth34kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +8.5 +6.9 -10.3 +4.0 +48 +86 +110 +98 +8 +2.1 -4.4 +63 +6.6 -0.6 -1.7 +1.8 +1.9 $175 Acc 52% 43% 68% 71% 69% 69% 70% 68% 61% 64% 34% 64% 60% 66% 62% 62% 60% Perc 7 12 2 47 56 62 65 53 99 45 54 64 40 67 81 9 54 17 TOTARANUI S272 PV Comments: Calving ease with growth, but more suited for bigger framed cows and herds that have calved as two year olds year in year out. Sire: TE MANIA 17380# GDAR LEUPOLD 298# TE MANIA 06 003# TOTARANUI M036# TOTARANUI M341# Dam: TOTARANUI P494SV Purchaser: $: LOT 35 Animal INZ21S272IdentDate of 19/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth38kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +7.3 +7.8 -2.2 +0.7 +44 +76 +97 +57 +22 +0.1 -2.6 +63 +10.4 +0.0 -1.3 +0.9 +2.6 $162 Acc 55% 47% 84% 73% 71% 71% 71% 68% 63% 66% 37% 66% 63% 68% 64% 65% 63% Perc 14 7 85 3 79 87 87 98 17 98 82 62 6 49 72 32 29 28 TOTARANUI S044 PV Comments: Dam is in top 3% of breed for birth weight, so it follows this bull’s dataset is going to be pretty tidy too, matched with Bonus’s data. His birth weight ebv in top 3%. Tidy carcass traits including strong IMF. Sire: SYDGEN BONUS 8084PV SYDGEN EXCEED 3223PV SYDGEN BLACKCAP 5371# TOTARANUI 15035# TOTARANUI 913# Dam: TOTARANUI N462# Purchaser: $: LOT 36 Animal INZ21S044IdentDate of 19/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth27kgWeight

29 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +0.5 +6.0 -1.1 +2.8 +35 +59 +79 +66 +17 +0.7 -2.9 +50 +11.6 +1.4 +0.1 +0.5 +1.3 $81 Acc 55% 49% 69% 72% 70% 70% 70% 69% 64% 65% 39% 65% 62% 67% 64% 64% 62% Perc 67 19 94 21 97 99 98 94 56 93 78 93 3 15 36 49 78 94 TOTARANUI S084 SV Comments: OK heifer bull for larger framed cows. Positive birth weight in top 25% of breed. Sire: TOTARANUITOTARANUIMUSGRAVEM058#BIGSKYPV12126# TOTARANUI 0214# TOTARANUI 702# Dam: TOTARANUI 13178# Purchaser: $: LOT 37 Animal INZ21S084IdentDate of 1/10/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth38kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +5.9 +3.9 -6.0 +3.0 +43 +83 +114 +111 +14 +1.2 -2.7 +70 +10.4 -1.6 -3.2 +2.1 +2.5 $141 Acc 53% 43% 65% 73% 67% 64% 63% 61% 57% 59% 33% 57% 56% 59% 57% 56% 56% Perc 23 40 28 25 80 71 56 31 74 81 81 38 6 88 96 5 32 52 TOTARANUI S032 SV Comments: One of a twin set. Well balanced ease of calving dataset with growth and carcass traits. Quiet. Sire: SYDGEN BONUS 8084PV SYDGEN EXCEED 3223PV SYDGEN BLACKCAP 5371# TE MANIA 11 553SV TOTARANUI 815# Dam: TOTARANUI 14241# Purchaser: $: LOT 38 Animal INZ21S032IdentDate of 16/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth 22kgWeight-Twin August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -0.4 +5.8 -7.8 +4.9 +54 +88 +117 +112 +15 +2.7 -6.0 +68 +3.5 +0.8 -0.6 +0.0 +1.7 $130 Acc 52% 46% 66% 69% 67% 66% 67% 66% 60% 61% 35% 62% 58% 65% 61% 61% 59% Perc 73 21 10 68 27 55 48 29 69 23 26 43 86 26 55 69 63 65 TOTARANUI S331 PV Comments: A heifer’s first calf. A cow bull with a good even dataset and good growth. Sire: TOTARANUI Q242SV CLUNES CROSSING DUSTY M13PV TOTARANUI 14339SV STOKMAN ALL IN L194SV TOTARANUI 15261# Dam: TOTARANUI Q696SV Purchaser: $: LOT 39 AnimalINZ21S331IdentDate of 7/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth37kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +4.4 +8.3 -7.1 +3.1 +37 +66 +83 +57 +19 +0.6 -4.2 +45 +4.2 +1.9 +1.9 -1.1 +3.4 $134 Acc 60% 53% 84% 73% 72% 72% 72% 72% 68% 68% 42% 67% 65% 69% 66% 66% 65% Perc 36 5 16 27 95 97 97 97 38 94 57 98 79 9 7 94 10 61 TOTARANUI S024 SV Comments: Birth weight in top 30%. Positive fats and excellent IMF. Sire: RENNYLEA L508PV H P C A RENNYLEAINTENSITY#H414SV SITZ UPSIDE 547W# TOTARANUI 094# Dam: TOTARANUI 14310# Purchaser: $: LOT 40 Animal INZ21S024IdentDate of 14/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth38kgWeight

30 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +2.2 +2.9 -5.8 +4.7 +47 +78 +105 +86 +17 +1.6 -4.5 +55 +6.2 +0.6 -0.4 +0.7 +1.5 $124 Acc 52% 47% 70% 69% 68% 67% 69% 67% 61% 63% 36% 63% 60% 66% 62% 63% 61% Perc 55 51 31 64 62 82 75 75 54 67 52 85 46 31 50 40 70 70 TOTARANUI S336 PV Comments: Cow bull on data. 36 kgs at birth. Later born. Good honest spread of data, middle of the road calving, adequate growth and above average fats and EMA. Sire: TOTARANUI Q242SV CLUNES CROSSING DUSTY M13PV TOTARANUI 14339SV STOKMAN REAL DEAL N247# TOTARANUI N349# Dam: TOTARANUI Q610SV Purchaser: $: LOT 41 Animal INZ21S336IdentDate of 10/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth36kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +7.9 +0.6 -3.0 +1.2 +47 +87 +112 +94 +15 +0.1 -1.6 +62 +8.9 -2.0 -3.7 +2.3 +1.4 $149 Acc 56% 47% 84% 74% 72% 72% 72% 70% 65% 67% 37% 66% 64% 69% 65% 65% 64% Perc 10 72 76 5 62 57 60 61 68 98 91 65 14 93 98 4 74 43 TOTARANUI S268 SV Comments: Very quiet. Birth weight in top 5%, supported by his own birth weight at 28kg. Safe heifer bull showing good growth potential. Sire: SYDGEN BONUS 8084PV SYDGEN EXCEED 3223PV SYDGEN BLACKCAP 5371# TOTARANUI 238SV TOTARANUI 066# Dam: TOTARANUI 13185E Purchaser: $: LOT 42 Animal INZ21S268IdentDate of 17/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth28kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +5.8 +3.7 -6.7 +2.9 +47 +83 +105 +89 +17 +1.5 -2.5 +58 +5.4 +1.6 +2.7 -0.8 +1.1 $116 Acc 55% 50% 71% 73% 72% 71% 72% 71% 65% 66% 39% 66% 63% 68% 65% 65% 63% Perc 24 42 20 23 65 69 75 70 52 71 83 78 60 12 3 90 84 77 TOTARANUI S078 PV Comments: By M48, a favourite low birth weight sire of ours, thick and quiet, as this bull is. This bull has good calving ease, good growth and positive fats. Could be used as a heifer bull of larger framed cows or 2 year olds, or over MA cows. Sire: TOTARANUICONNEALYM048#COMRADE 1385# TOTARANUI 12068# MUSGRAVE BIG SKYPV TOTARANUI 13187# Dam: TOTARANUI M227# Purchaser: $: LOT 43 Animal INZ21S078IdentDate of 25/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth40kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -1.8 -0.4 -3.5 +5.7 +45 +85 +113 +69 +18 +2.8 -3.5 +59 +4.9 +0.3 -0.9 +0.9 +1.3 $117 Acc 52% 45% 70% 71% 69% 68% 69% 67% 61% 63% 37% 63% 59% 65% 61% 62% 60% Perc 81 79 69 83 73 63 57 92 46 20 69 77 69 40 63 32 78 77 TOTARANUI S330 PV Comments: Cow bull with a birth weight of 36kgs, so quite acceptable. Dam by Rangatira 13038, one of the first $100k bulls sold. Sire a son of Real Deal, so all in all a very good structure pedigree. Sire: TOTARANUISTOKMANQ212SVREALDEAL N247# TOTARANUI N318# RANGATIRA 13-38# TOTARANUI 13182# Dam: TOTARANUI M240# Purchaser: $: LOT 44 Animal INZ21S330IdentDate of 7/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth36kgWeight

31 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +5.5 +3.9 -8.3 +1.0 +46 +81 +101 +82 +19 +0.7 -6.2 +60 +8.7 +0.0 -1.4 +1.2 +1.4 $157 Acc 54% 49% 83% 71% 70% 69% 70% 68% 62% 64% 38% 65% 61% 67% 63% 64% 62% Perc 26 40 7 4 70 76 82 80 32 93 23 74 15 49 75 22 74 34 TOTARANUI S205 PV Comments: Top 10% gestation and birth weight, with growth out the other side. Birth weight validates this at 28kgs. Sire: WAITANGIESSLEMONTN221SVLOTTO L3PV WAITANGI L9SV TOTARANUI N075# TOTARANUI N440# Dam: TOTARANUI Q434SV Purchaser: $: LOT 45 Animal INZ21S205IdentDate of 2/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth28kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +9.7 +3.4 -8.0 +0.1 +35 +73 +96 +61 +22 +1.4 -2.5 +53 +7.1 -0.8 -1.6 +0.9 +2.5 $139 Acc 56% 47% 84% 73% 72% 72% 71% 70% 64% 67% 37% 66% 64% 69% 65% 65% 64% Perc 3 45 9 2 97 92 88 96 14 74 83 89 33 72 79 32 32 56 TOTARANUI S217 PV Comments: Top echelon for birth weight and gestation. Strong EMA and IMF, so progeny will grade well. Quiet. Sire: SYDGEN BONUS 8084PV SYDGEN EXCEED 3223PV SYDGEN BLACKCAP 5371# TOTARANUI 13007# TOTARANUI 14226# Dam: TOTARANUI M246# Purchaser: $: LOT 46 AnimalINZ21S217IdentDate of 6/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth31kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +7.6 +8.5 -3.2 +1.9 +50 +84 +107 +64 +22 +1.7 -7.7 +70 +9.7 +2.4 +0.9 +0.2 +2.7 $206 Acc 55% 46% 70% 73% 71% 70% 70% 69% 64% 65% 35% 66% 62% 67% 63% 64% 62% Perc 12 4 73 10 47 67 70 95 15 62 8 38 9 5 19 61 26 3 TOTARANUI S036 PV Comments: Excellent ease of calving direct and birth weight ebvs, both within top 12% of the breed. Shows good growth potential and carcass traits, IMF being in the top 25% of the breed. Sire: BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125PV POSS EASY IMPACT 0119# BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030# TOTARANUI 15060# TOTARANUI 15201# Dam: TOTARANUI N399# Purchaser: $: LOT 47 Animal INZ21S036IdentDate of 17/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth 24kgWeight-Twin August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +9.0 +8.6 -5.3 +1.5 +48 +83 +104 +97 +18 +1.2 -4.3 +62 +7.8 +0.2 -0.8 +1.5 +1.5 $154 Acc 56% 47% 73% 73% 71% 70% 71% 69% 64% 66% 37% 66% 63% 68% 63% 64% 63% Perc 6 4 39 7 57 71 76 56 45 81 55 65 24 42 60 14 70 37 TOTARANUI S009 PV Comments: Calving ease direct and birth weight in top 6%, retaining solid growth potential. Good dataset for carcass traits. Quiet. Sire: BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125PV POSS EASY IMPACT 0119# BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030# BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682PV TOTARANUI 14209# Dam: TOTARANUI N438# Purchaser: $: LOT 48 Animal INZ21S009IdentDate of 10/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth 24kgWeight-Twin

32 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +9.2 +5.4 -8.2 +1.8 +51 +91 +112 +79 +21 +1.8 -7.1 +65 +7.4 +0.3 -0.4 +0.9 +2.7 $205 Acc 56% 51% 85% 73% 71% 70% 71% 70% 65% 65% 40% 67% 64% 68% 64% 66% 64% Perc 5 25 8 9 40 44 60 85 19 58 13 55 29 40 50 32 26 3 TOTARANUI S010 PV Comments: A curve bender. 30kgs at birth validates his birth weight ebv and calving ease dataset. Short gestation with growth out the other side. Excellent carcass trait ebvs. Quiet. Sire: H P C A ZEPHYRSV G A R PROPHETSV H P C A SUNRISE 9022# TOTARANUI 13004# TOTARANUI 15261# Dam: TOTARANUI N367# Purchaser: $: LOT 49 Animal INZ21S010IdentDate of 11/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth30kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +5.6 +5.2 -5.4 +3.0 +44 +81 +101 +88 +16 +2.4 -5.1 +60 +10.0 +2.9 +2.1 -0.4 +1.2 $124 Acc 51% 44% 67% 71% 69% 67% 68% 67% 60% 62% 34% 63% 59% 65% 61% 61% 59% Perc 26 27 37 25 79 75 81 72 64 33 41 71 7 3 6 82 81 71 TOTARANUI S341 PV Comments: Calving ease pedigree top and bottom. Some favourite sires in there. Good growth and carcass traits - ema and fats. Super quiet. Sire: TOTARANUISTOKMANQ212SVREALDEAL N247# TOTARANUI N318# TOTARANUI 12286# TOTARANUI 12109# Dam: TOTARANUI M347# Purchaser: $: LOT 50 AnimalINZ21S341IdentDate of 12/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth35kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +3.5 -0.4 -5.8 +3.1 +36 +75 +100 +80 +20 +2.3 -4.2 +51 +4.0 +1.0 +0.9 -0.5 +2.4 $107 Acc 51% 44% 67% 71% 68% 67% 68% 67% 60% 62% 33% 62% 58% 64% 60% 60% 58% Perc 43 79 31 27 96 88 83 82 31 37 57 92 81 22 19 84 35 84 TOTARANUI S302 SV Comments: Gestation and birth weight within top 30%. Good fats and IMF. Dam had 6 progeny. Sire: TOTARANUISTOKMANQ212SVREALDEAL N247# TOTARANUI N318# KAKAHU TOTARANUI0983#614#Dam: TOTARANUI 14340# Purchaser: $: LOT 51 Animal INZ21S302IdentDate of 28/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth38kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +1.6 +5.6 -3.0 +3.1 +44 +76 +97 +76 +16 +2.1 -2.9 +57 +8.9 +0.6 +0.1 +0.3 +3.0 $140 Acc 54% 48% 69% 71% 70% 69% 70% 68% 63% 64% 37% 65% 61% 67% 63% 64% 62% Perc 59 23 76 27 77 86 87 87 60 45 78 80 14 31 36 57 18 54 TOTARANUI S305 PV Comments: Good heifer bull, birth weight in top 25% of breed. Nice set of carcass traits including very strong EMA and IMF. 2yo heifer’s first calf. Sire: TOTARANUITOTARANUIRENNYLEAP134SVL508PV13176# STOKMAN ALL IN L194SV TOTARANUI 14212SV Dam: TOTARANUI Q685SV Purchaser: $: LOT 52 Animal INZ21S305IdentDate of 28/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth33kgWeight

33 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +6.5 +3.8 -5.2 +3.1 +48 +92 +120 +102 +13 +2.1 -2.4 +64 +5.0 +0.4 +0.4 +0.1 +1.6 $143 Acc 60% 52% 84% 73% 72% 72% 72% 72% 66% 68% 37% 67% 65% 69% 65% 65% 64% Perc 19 41 40 27 61 42 41 46 85 45 84 60 67 37 29 65 67 50 TOTARANUI S234 PV Comments: Enhance showing the calving ease and growth he promises. Good money traits in the carcass section - carcass weight, EMA and IMF. Sire: SYDGENSYDGENSYDGENENHANCESVEXCEED3223PVRITA2618# TOTARANUI M039# TOTARANUI M251# Dam: TOTARANUI P458SV Purchaser: $: LOT 53 Animal INZ21S234IdentDate of 9/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth30kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +8.8 +6.3 -8.1 +1.8 +50 +94 +123 +122 +27 +1.8 -7.0 +74 +7.9 -1.3 -2.0 +1.1 +2.8 $160 Acc 54% 47% 70% 70% 68% 67% 68% 67% 61% 62% 35% 63% 59% 65% 61% 62% 60% Perc 6 17 8 9 48 34 34 17 2 58 14 25 23 83 85 25 23 30 TOTARANUI S013 PV Comments: A curve bender. 30 kgs at birth cements the confidence in the birth weight ebv. Good growth out the other side, which is true of the sire of the dam and the pedigree in general. Excellent EMA, carcass weight and IMF. Sire: TOTARANUI Q239SV CLUNES CROSSING DUSTY M13PV TOTARANUI 15225# HEATHER DELL SPOTLITE N1SV TOTARANUI N370# Dam: TOTARANUI Q621SV Purchaser: $: LOT 54 AnimalINZ21S013IdentDate of 11/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth30kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: CE,BWT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +4.1 +2.6 -6.8 +2.0 +47 +90 +117 +118 +20 +1.9 -3.3 +72 +7.1 +0.0 -0.3 +0.1 +2.5 $124 Acc 52% 46% 69% 68% 67% 66% 68% 66% 60% 62% 34% 62% 59% 65% 61% 62% 59% Perc 38 54 19 11 64 47 49 22 28 54 72 32 33 49 47 65 32 70 TOTARANUI S201 PV Comments: At an actual birth weight of 26 kgs, this bull is a heifer bull with good growth outlook. Very good carcass set of data including IMF in top 30%. By Q007, a favourite bull sold to a client in 2020, we used some semen to retain his line. He was very quiet. So is this bull. Sire: TOTARANUICONNEALYQ007SVLEGENDARY 644L# TOTARANUI 13178# HEATHER DELL SPOTLITE N1SV TOTARANUI N356# Dam: TOTARANUI Q611SV Purchaser: $: LOT 55 AnimalINZ21S201IdentDate of 28/07/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth26kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +10.0 +8.3 -11.6 +0.7 +37 +69 +95 +67 +17 +1.5 -2.5 +54 +5.4 -1.3 -3.0 +2.2 +0.5 $128 Acc 52% 43% 68% 71% 69% 68% 69% 67% 60% 63% 34% 63% 60% 66% 62% 62% 60% Perc 3 5 1 3 96 95 89 94 48 71 83 88 60 83 95 4 95 67 TOTARANUI S228 PV Comments: Top 5% bull for calving ease including very short gestation. Hybrid vigor will make up for growth if used across other breeds. Or a good heifer bull to use over herds with high maternal birth weights. Sire: TE MANIA 17380# GDAR LEUPOLD 298# TE MANIA 06 003# TOTARANUI M036# TOTARANUI 14340# Dam: TOTARANUI P503SV Purchaser: $: LOT 56 Animal INZ21S228IdentDate of 8/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth30kgWeight

34 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +7.7 +6.7 -8.3 +3.0 +44 +87 +114 +108 +18 +2.0 -5.1 +65 +7.7 +1.0 -0.5 +1.0 +1.7 $141 Acc 52% 44% 68% 71% 69% 68% 69% 67% 60% 63% 35% 63% 60% 66% 62% 62% 60% Perc 11 14 7 25 76 57 56 35 43 49 41 56 25 22 52 28 63 53 TOTARANUI S309 PV Comments: Gestation very short. Calving ease dataset very reassuring. Has growth out the other side, fertility and a good carcass dataset. Sire: TE MANIA 17380# GDAR LEUPOLD 298# TE MANIA 06 003# TOTARANUI M046# TOTARANUI 12044# Dam: TOTARANUI P373SV Purchaser: $: LOT 57 Animal INZ21S309IdentDate of 30/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth33kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +7.7 +4.1 -6.1 +1.7 +45 +90 +104 +94 +19 +1.9 -8.4 +66 +5.5 +1.3 +1.9 -0.7 +2.5 $165 Acc 52% 47% 66% 68% 67% 66% 67% 66% 60% 61% 35% 62% 59% 65% 61% 62% 59% Perc 11 38 27 8 75 49 76 62 36 54 5 52 59 16 7 88 32 26 TOTARANUI S342 PV Comments: By P9 from Storth Oaks, a Lotto son with a true type. Calving ease direct and birth weight within top 10%. A reliable heifer bull with strong fats and IMF. Quiet. Sire: STORTH OAKS ESSLEMONTP9PVLOTTO L3PV STORTH OAKS M211# TOTARANUI M048# TOTARANUI M357# Dam: TOTARANUI Q416SV Purchaser: $: LOT 58 Animal INZ21S342IdentDate of 13/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth31kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +11.3 +8.5 -7.7 -0.9 +42 +75 +87 +46 +20 +1.7 -7.2 +48 +9.0 +1.9 +0.2 -0.1 +3.7 $209 Acc 54% 49% 83% 72% 70% 69% 70% 69% 64% 64% 39% 66% 62% 67% 63% 64% 62% Perc 1 4 11 1 85 88 95 99 24 62 12 96 13 9 34 73 6 2 TOTARANUI S230 PV Comments: He’s given a little away on growth but that will be made up with hybrid vigor if used across other breeds. But man you will sleep easy. 25kgs at birth validates calving ease dataset. IMF in top 6% of the breed. Sire: H P C A ZEPHYRSV G A R PROPHETSV H P C A SUNRISE 9022# WAITANGI TOTARANUIL204SV6112#Dam: TOTARANUI P329SV Purchaser: $: LOT 59 Animal INZ21S230IdentDate of 8/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth25kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +6.7 +5.1 -6.8 +2.4 +46 +79 +86 +55 +14 +0.6 -6.5 +54 +10.2 +0.7 -0.7 +1.4 +2.1 $190 Acc 59% 53% 84% 73% 71% 71% 72% 71% 66% 68% 40% 66% 63% 68% 65% 64% 63% Perc 17 28 19 15 69 81 96 98 75 94 19 87 7 29 58 17 46 8 TOTARANUI S267 PV Comments: By Dusty, a short gestation sire. Dam has a very low birth weight dataset. This bull born at 31 kgs. Calving ease direct, gestation and birth weight all in top 20%. Eye muscle area in top 5%. Sire: CLUNES CROSSING DUSTY M13PV G A R CLUNESPROPHETSVCROSSING GLORIOUS G1SV TOTARANUI 15004# TOTARANUI 12056# Dam: TOTARANUI N333# Purchaser: $: LOT 60 Animal INZ21S267IdentDate of 17/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth31kgWeight

35 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +7.6 +3.9 -4.4 +1.0 +38 +71 +92 +55 +23 +1.3 -4.9 +52 +9.9 +1.3 +0.0 +0.6 +3.1 $163 Acc 55% 47% 84% 73% 71% 71% 71% 69% 63% 66% 37% 66% 64% 68% 64% 65% 63% Perc 12 40 54 4 93 94 92 98 10 78 44 91 8 16 39 44 16 28 TOTARANUI S243 PV Comments: A nice pedigree mix. His own birth weight 29kgs - in top 3%. Good dataset for carcass traits, IMF in top 15%, EMA in top 10%. Sire: SYDGEN BONUS 8084PV SYDGEN EXCEED 3223PV SYDGEN BLACKCAP 5371# RENNYLEA TOTARANUIL508PV14329#Dam: TOTARANUI P408SV Purchaser: $: LOT 61 Animal INZ21S243IdentDate of 11/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth29kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +12.3 +8.7 -7.3 -0.2 +31 +60 +81 +57 +15 +0.4 -1.6 +47 +8.5 -0.4 -1.7 +2.0 +0.7 $120 Acc 52% 43% 68% 71% 69% 68% 69% 67% 60% 63% 34% 63% 60% 66% 62% 62% 60% Perc 1 4 14 1 99 99 98 98 67 96 91 96 17 61 81 6 92 75 TOTARANUI S273 PV Comments: Very safe heifer bull, short gestation. Calving ease direct and birth weight in top 1%. If used across other breeds hybrid vigor will make up for lower growth. Sire: TE MANIA 17380# GDAR LEUPOLD 298# TE MANIA 06 003# SYDGEN EXCEED 3223PV TOTARANUI 13205# Dam: TOTARANUI P410SV Purchaser: $: LOT 62 Animal INZ21S273IdentDate of 19/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth28kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +9.0 +10.1 -8.8 +0.4 +50 +93 +112 +95 +20 +2.0 -7.0 +63 +6.1 +1.2 +0.8 +0.8 +1.5 $193 Acc 55% 48% 70% 70% 69% 68% 69% 68% 62% 64% 36% 64% 61% 66% 62% 63% 61% Perc 6 1 5 2 48 38 61 59 29 49 14 62 48 18 21 36 70 7 TOTARANUI S019 PV Comments: A high indexed bull. Excellent calving ease with strong growth potential. Birth weight at 25kgs related to short gestation, which retains growth potential of the pedigree. Positive fats. Sire: TOTARANUI Q239SV CLUNES CROSSING DUSTY M13PV TOTARANUI 15225# G A R TOTARANUIASHLANDPV15245#Dam: TOTARANUI Q633SV Purchaser: $: LOT 63 Animal INZ21S019IdentDate of 12/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth25kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +5.1 +3.5 -5.8 +3.4 +44 +84 +115 +113 +14 +1.3 -2.7 +70 +10.4 -1.6 -3.2 +2.1 +2.5 $141 Acc 53% 43% 65% 73% 67% 64% 63% 61% 57% 59% 33% 57% 56% 59% 57% 56% 56% Perc 30 44 31 33 78 68 53 28 76 78 81 37 6 88 96 5 32 52 TOTARANUI S031 SV Comments: A good heifer bull for someone that doesn’t want to give away too much growth, although birth weight and calving ease direct only in top 40% so not as ‘safe’. So better suited for a herd that has consistently calved as 2yo heifers. He was one of a twin set. Quiet. Sire: SYDGEN BONUS 8084PV SYDGEN EXCEED 3223PV SYDGEN BLACKCAP 5371# TE MANIA 11 553SV TOTARANUI 815# Dam: TOTARANUI 14241# Purchaser: $: LOT 64 Animal INZ21S031IdentDate of 16/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth 24kgWeight-Twin

36 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDF,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -1.1 +4.9 -3.8 +4.5 +45 +78 +102 +92 +17 +0.1 -2.7 +62 +8.5 +0.2 -1.3 +0.6 +2.9 $114 Acc 63% 56% 73% 74% 73% 73% 73% 73% 70% 69% 44% 68% 66% 70% 68% 67% 66% Perc 77 30 64 59 75 82 80 65 48 98 81 65 17 42 72 44 20 79 TOTARANUI S281 SV Comments: One of a set of twins. More of a cow bull, adequate growth, strong EMA and IMF. Sire: RENNYLEA L508PV H P C A RENNYLEAINTENSITY#H414SV TE MANIA 11 553SV TOTARANUI 12137# Dam: TOTARANUI 14210# Purchaser: $: LOT 65 AnimalINZ21S281IdentDate of 21/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth 27kgWeight-Twin August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHF Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +11.1 +6.7 -6.8 +0.9 +38 +77 +96 +56 +20 +2.1 +0.3 +54 +8.4 -0.4 -1.4 +1.7 +1.4 $129 Acc 52% 44% 68% 71% 70% 69% 70% 68% 61% 64% 35% 64% 61% 66% 63% 63% 61% Perc 1 14 19 4 93 85 88 98 24 45 98 88 18 61 75 10 74 66 TOTARANUI S286 PV Comments: Calving ease direct and birth weight in top 5%. Sire of the dam one of our favourite low birth weight sires - thick with a great temperament, still going. Ease of calving right through pedigree. Sire: TE MANIA 17380# GDAR LEUPOLD 298# TE MANIA 06 003# TOTARANUI M048# TOTARANUI M286# Dam: TOTARANUI P345SV Purchaser: $: LOT 66 Animal INZ21S286IdentDate of 22/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth35kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +3.3 +3.1 -5.1 +4.1 +42 +76 +99 +87 +13 +0.6 -4.3 +53 +5.7 +0.9 -1.6 +0.4 +2.0 $120 Acc 56% 49% 83% 72% 70% 69% 70% 68% 62% 65% 40% 64% 62% 67% 64% 64% 62% Perc 45 49 42 49 86 87 85 73 81 94 55 89 55 24 79 53 50 74 TOTARANUI S223 PV Comments: 2yo heifer’s first calf. Positive calving ease with middle of the road growth. Sire: STOKMAN REAL DEAL N247# MATAURI REALITY 839# STOKMAN DONNA L69# WAITANGI TOTARANUIL204SV14210#Dam: TOTARANUI Q665SV Purchaser: $: LOT 67 Animal INZ21S223IdentDate of 7/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth34kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +7.2 +8.0 -3.8 +1.4 +39 +74 +95 +57 +24 +2.7 -7.1 +60 +10.9 -0.4 -0.6 +1.3 +2.6 $176 Acc 53% 47% 66% 69% 67% 66% 68% 66% 60% 62% 36% 62% 59% 65% 61% 61% 59% Perc 14 6 64 6 91 90 89 97 7 23 13 74 4 61 55 19 29 16 TOTARANUI S300 PV Comments: Birth weight in top 6% and calving ease direct top 15%. Safe heifer bull from a lovely type sire. Strong carcass traits including very good IMF. Strong fertility. Sire: TOTARANUITOTARANUIRENNYLEAP134SVL508PV13176# STOKMAN ALL IN L194SV TOTARANUI 15252SV Dam: TOTARANUI Q673SV Purchaser: $: LOT 68 Animal INZ21S300IdentDate of 27/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth31kgWeight

37 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +13.0 +7.6 -11.9 -0.8 +38 +77 +96 +81 +15 +1.5 -3.2 +63 +7.9 +1.1 +0.2 +0.8 +1.2 $143 Acc 52% 43% 68% 71% 69% 69% 69% 67% 60% 64% 34% 63% 60% 66% 62% 62% 60% Perc 1 8 1 1 94 84 88 82 66 71 74 64 23 20 34 36 81 50 TOTARANUI S251 PV Comments: Very safe heifer bull, very short gestation, excellent calving ease direct and birth weight, all in top 1% of the breed. Still shows adequate growth and merit in carcass traits. Sire: TE MANIA 17380# GDAR LEUPOLD 298# TE MANIA 06 003# TOTARANUI M048# TOTARANUI M300# Dam: TOTARANUI P367SV Purchaser: $: LOT 69 AnimalINZ21S251IdentDate of 14/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth33kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +4.1 +6.1 -6.6 +1.0 +39 +75 +92 +51 +23 +1.6 -2.9 +52 +9.5 +0.6 +0.9 +1.1 +1.5 $141 Acc 53% 48% 69% 71% 68% 68% 69% 67% 62% 63% 38% 63% 60% 66% 62% 63% 60% Perc 38 18 21 4 93 88 92 99 10 67 78 91 10 31 19 25 70 53 TOTARANUI S067 PV Comments: Both sides of the pedigree solid low birth weight datasets. Good EMA and fats. Reliable heifer bull. Sire: TOTARANUITOTARANUIMUSGRAVEM058#BIGSKYPV12126# TOTARANUI 15004# TOTARANUI 94# Dam: TOTARANUI N415# Purchaser: $: LOT 70 Animal INZ21S067IdentDate of 6/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth30kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +6.1 +7.8 -6.9 +2.4 +49 +81 +95 +92 +11 +3.9 -7.2 +62 +10.1 +0.3 -0.1 +1.1 +2.8 $189 Acc 52% 46% 70% 69% 67% 66% 67% 65% 60% 61% 34% 62% 58% 65% 60% 61% 59% Perc 22 7 18 15 52 75 90 65 94 4 12 66 7 40 42 25 23 8 TOTARANUI S304 PV Comments: Strong heifer bull dataset with growth, fertility and great carcass data. IMF in top 25%. Sire: TOTARANUICONNEALYQ023SVLEGENDARY 644L# TOTARANUI 13137# CLUNES CROSSING DUSTY M13PV TOTARANUI 15222# Dam: TOTARANUI Q626SV Purchaser: $: LOT 71 Animal INZ21S304IdentDate of 28/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth35kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +7.7 +9.6 -6.6 +0.6 +34 +62 +78 +46 +14 +1.2 -6.5 +44 +6.0 +1.3 +2.4 -0.1 +1.2 $154 Acc 54% 49% 69% 72% 69% 69% 70% 68% 63% 64% 38% 64% 61% 67% 63% 63% 61% Perc 11 2 21 3 98 99 99 99 78 81 19 98 50 16 4 73 81 37 TOTARANUI S451 PV Comments: Both sides of the pedigree low birth weight. Birth weight ebv in top 3% and gestation in top 20%. Confidence plus calving ease. Sire: TOTARANUITOTARANUIMUSGRAVEM058#BIGSKYPV12126# TOTARANUI 12290# TOTARANUI 13227# Dam: TOTARANUI M296# Purchaser: $: LOT 72 AnimalINZ21S451IdentDate of 4/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth31kgWeight

38 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +7.1 +4.8 -3.2 +1.5 +43 +78 +95 +88 +17 +0.3 -5.6 +58 +8.2 +0.0 -0.8 +0.5 +2.7 $151 Acc 54% 48% 70% 70% 68% 68% 69% 67% 62% 63% 35% 64% 60% 66% 62% 63% 60% Perc 15 31 73 7 83 83 89 72 56 97 32 79 19 49 60 49 26 41 TOTARANUI S042 PV Comments: Birth weight in top 6%. Good carcass traits including IMF in top 25%. Out of a low birth weight heifer - her first calf, calving as a 2yo. Sire: TOTARANUI Q239SV CLUNES CROSSING DUSTY M13PV TOTARANUI 15225# CONNEALY LEGENDARY 644L# TOTARANUI 12092# Dam: TOTARANUI Q424SV Purchaser: $: LOT 73 Animal INZ21S042IdentDate of 19/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth32kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +1.5 +2.7 -9.1 +4.3 +42 +84 +106 +79 +16 +2.2 -6.7 +58 +5.5 +1.6 +2.3 +0.2 +0.8 $138 Acc 51% 45% 67% 70% 68% 67% 68% 67% 59% 61% 34% 62% 58% 64% 60% 61% 58% Perc 60 53 4 54 84 68 73 84 60 41 17 79 59 12 5 61 91 56 TOTARANUI S327 PV Comments: Very short gestation. Close to breed average for birth weight, good growth. Scrotal good, positive fats. Nice balance of ebvs. Sire: TOTARANUISTOKMANQ212SVREALDEAL N247# TOTARANUI N318# TOTARANUI M037# TOTARANUI M241# Dam: TOTARANUI P508SV Purchaser: $: LOT 74 Animal INZ21S327IdentDate of 5/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth41kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDF,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +7.7 +2.5 -7.8 +2.7 +38 +79 +98 +85 +20 +2.7 -4.5 +55 +3.6 +1.7 +1.3 -0.1 +0.9 $97 Acc 51% 44% 66% 71% 69% 67% 68% 67% 60% 62% 33% 63% 58% 65% 60% 61% 59% Perc 11 55 10 20 94 80 85 76 30 23 52 84 86 11 13 73 89 89 TOTARANUI S324 PV Comments: Excellent calving ease, fertility and positive fats. Sire: TOTARANUISTOKMANQ212SVREALDEAL N247# TOTARANUI N318# TOTARANUI 12287# TOTARANUI 101# Dam: TOTARANUI M359# Purchaser: $: LOT 75 Animal INZ21S324IdentDate of 4/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth34kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +6.6 +3.9 -7.4 +1.3 +41 +80 +101 +78 +23 +1.7 -5.4 +57 +5.2 -0.8 +1.0 +0.9 +1.7 $153 Acc 54% 49% 68% 70% 69% 68% 69% 67% 62% 63% 37% 64% 61% 67% 63% 64% 61% Perc 18 40 13 6 87 78 81 85 10 62 36 81 64 72 18 32 63 39 TOTARANUI S347 PV Comments: Excellent calving ease with reasonable growth. Sire: STORTH OAKS ESSLEMONTP9PVLOTTO L3PV STORTH OAKS M211# STOKMAN ALL IN L194SV TOTARANUI 12035# Dam: TOTARANUI Q653SV Purchaser: $: LOT 76 Animal INZ21S347IdentDate of 14/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth31kgWeight

39 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDF,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +6.7 +6.8 -6.6 +2.2 +44 +83 +104 +71 +20 +2.7 -5.2 +55 +5.8 +0.7 -0.2 +0.5 +2.7 $170 Acc 53% 46% 68% 70% 68% 66% 67% 66% 60% 61% 36% 62% 58% 64% 60% 60% 58% Perc 17 13 21 13 76 71 77 91 26 23 39 85 53 29 44 49 26 21 TOTARANUI S306 SV Comments: Excellent calving ease without giving away growth. Good carcass traits with IMF in top 26%. Sire: TOTARANUISTOKMANQ212SVREALDEAL N247# TOTARANUI N318# SYDGEN BLACK PEARL 2006PV TOTARANUI 12137# Dam: TOTARANUI 15314# Purchaser: $: LOT 77 Animal INZ21S306IdentDate of 29/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth32kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +0.5 -0.9 -3.7 +4.4 +44 +85 +108 +85 +16 +1.2 -4.9 +58 +3.4 +2.2 +1.9 -1.4 +2.6 $129 Acc 51% 44% 66% 70% 68% 67% 68% 67% 59% 62% 33% 62% 58% 64% 60% 61% 58% Perc 67 82 66 57 77 63 70 76 64 81 44 80 87 6 7 97 29 66 TOTARANUI S317 PV Comments: This is a cow bull. Birth weight at just over breed average, growth in top 30% on New Zealand percentile bands. Good fats and excellent IMF. A good safe pedigree from a structure point of view. Sire: TOTARANUISTOKMANQ212SVREALDEAL N247# TOTARANUI N318# WAITANGI TOTARANUIL204SV14302#Dam: TOTARANUI P362SV Purchaser: $: LOT 78 AnimalINZ21S317IdentDate of 2/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth38kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -7.0 -2.4 -4.4 +7.1 +50 +98 +128 +130 +12 +2.0 -4.9 +82 +7.1 +0.2 -1.3 +0.5 +1.7 $95 Acc 53% 48% 68% 72% 70% 69% 70% 69% 62% 64% 38% 65% 61% 67% 63% 64% 61% Perc 96 89 54 96 48 25 25 10 90 49 44 8 33 42 72 49 63 90 TOTARANUI S348 PV Comments: This bull was under 40kgs at birth, so his birth weight figure is conservative. Good growth with mature cow weight at a very efficient level. The cow has very good feet, has a larger frame, and very quiet. Sire: TOTARANUISTOKMANQ212SVREALDEAL N247# TOTARANUI N318# TOTARANUI 238SV TOTARANUI 13166# Dam: TOTARANUI M265# Purchaser: $: LOT 79 Animal INZ21S348IdentDate of 17/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth39kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +5.0 +8.5 -4.8 +2.0 +35 +63 +89 +60 +19 -1.0 -5.0 +56 +9.4 +1.8 +0.0 -0.1 +2.6 $139 Acc 61% 54% 84% 73% 71% 71% 72% 71% 68% 67% 42% 67% 65% 69% 66% 66% 64% Perc 31 4 47 11 97 98 94 97 34 99 43 83 10 10 39 73 29 55 TOTARANUI S287 PV Comments: Safe heifer bull by the proven L508. Excellent carcass traits and IMF. Sire: RENNYLEA L508PV H P C A RENNYLEAINTENSITY#H414SV WR TOTARANUIJOURNEY-1X74PV046#Dam: TOTARANUI M257# Purchaser: $: LOT 80 Animal INZ21S287IdentDate of 23/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth34kgWeight

40 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDC,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +6.4 -1.7 -8.1 +2.4 +34 +70 +91 +78 +20 +4.1 -6.3 +53 +5.4 +2.5 +2.4 -0.3 +1.6 $108 Acc 53% 46% 68% 71% 70% 68% 69% 68% 61% 63% 35% 64% 60% 66% 62% 63% 60% Perc 20 86 8 15 98 94 93 86 24 3 22 90 60 4 4 79 67 83 TOTARANUI S298 PV Comments: Good calving ease bull. Excellent fertility and fats ebvs. Sire: TOTARANUISTOKMANQ212SVREALDEAL N247# TOTARANUI N318# TOTARANUI 13007# TOTARANUI 14210# Dam: TOTARANUI M271# Purchaser: $: LOT 81 Animal INZ21S298IdentDate of 27/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth29kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHF Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +8.5 +7.4 -9.8 +4.1 +45 +80 +104 +88 +11 +0.2 -2.9 +60 +8.8 -0.8 -1.0 +1.9 +0.3 $138 Acc 52% 43% 69% 71% 69% 69% 70% 68% 61% 64% 34% 63% 60% 66% 62% 62% 60% Perc 7 9 3 49 72 77 76 71 93 98 78 72 14 72 65 8 97 56 TOTARANUI S332 PV Comments: Good calving ease without giving away too much growth. Very short gestation - top 3% for the breed. Birth weight a little higher at about breed average. Sire: TE MANIA 17380# GDAR LEUPOLD 298# TE MANIA 06 003# TOTARANUI M036# TOTARANUI M306# Dam: TOTARANUI P468SV Purchaser: $: LOT 82 Animal INZ21S332IdentDate of 8/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth39kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +3.4 +0.4 -4.2 +3.5 +49 +90 +103 +85 +11 +0.9 -2.6 +64 +5.0 -0.9 -1.7 +0.5 +2.0 $135 Acc 54% 47% 69% 72% 70% 70% 70% 69% 64% 65% 37% 64% 61% 66% 63% 62% 60% Perc 44 73 57 35 52 48 78 76 92 89 82 60 67 74 81 49 50 59 TOTARANUI S072 SV Comments: Below average birth weight with positive calving ease. Good growth and strong IMF. Good pedigree structure. Sire: TOTARANUICONNEALYM048#COMRADE 1385# TOTARANUI 12068# CONNEALY REVENUE 7392# TOTARANUI 877# Dam: TOTARANUI 15236# Purchaser: $: LOT 83 Animal INZ21S072IdentDate of 15/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth36kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +8.8 +3.3 -3.1 +2.2 +38 +67 +83 +55 +19 +0.9 -5.9 +46 +7.2 +1.9 +1.6 +0.1 +1.7 $142 Acc 55% 48% 68% 73% 71% 71% 71% 71% 66% 67% 37% 65% 63% 68% 65% 64% 62% Perc 6 47 75 13 94 97 97 98 37 89 28 97 31 9 10 65 63 51 TOTARANUI S076 SV Comments: A well figured performance bull. Birth weight ebv puts him in the top 20% for ease of calving in that respect. His actual birth weight supports this at 34kgs. Great figures for carcass weight, EMA and IMF. Sire: TOTARANUICONNEALYM048#COMRADE 1385# TOTARANUI 12068# KAKAHU TOTARANUI0983#023#Dam: TOTARANUI 13196# Purchaser: $: LOT 84 Animal INZ21S076IdentDate of 17/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth34kgWeight

41 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +3.4 +3.6 -1.6 +2.7 +45 +82 +94 +67 +18 +0.9 -4.1 +55 +7.5 -0.4 -1.3 -0.2 +4.1 $156 Acc 55% 50% 84% 71% 70% 70% 71% 70% 65% 64% 40% 67% 64% 69% 65% 66% 64% Perc 44 43 91 20 72 73 90 94 39 89 59 85 27 61 72 76 3 36 TOTARANUI S248 PV Comments: Good calving ease, heifer bull. Doesn’t give too much away in growth. Good EMA and outstanding IMF. Sire: HPCA PERFECTOSV G A R MOMENTUMPV H P C A INTENSITY L04# KAKAHU BOND 13007# TOTARANUI 15233# Dam: TOTARANUI P443SV Purchaser: $: LOT 85 Animal INZ21S248IdentDate of 13/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth30kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +3.0 +5.1 -5.0 +2.9 +45 +76 +87 +52 +17 +1.3 -6.5 +47 +12.2 +0.9 +0.0 +0.7 +3.0 $178 Acc 53% 47% 83% 72% 69% 68% 69% 68% 62% 63% 38% 64% 61% 66% 62% 63% 61% Perc 48 28 44 23 73 86 95 99 55 78 19 96 2 24 39 40 18 15 TOTARANUI S239 PV Comments: A high indexed bull with sound calving ease and very good carcass traits. His own birth weight 29kgs, suggesting a good heifer bull. Sire: H P C A ZEPHYRSV G A R PROPHETSV H P C A SUNRISE 9022# WAITANGI TOTARANUIL204SV14271#Dam: TOTARANUI P359SV Purchaser: $: LOT 86 Animal INZ21S239IdentDate of 10/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth29kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +11.8 +10.7 -7.1 +0.1 +34 +63 +79 +43 +17 -0.6 -2.9 +49 +7.0 +1.3 +0.3 +0.0 +1.7 $140 Acc 52% 43% 68% 71% 70% 69% 70% 67% 61% 64% 34% 63% 60% 66% 62% 62% 60% Perc 1 1 16 2 98 98 99 99 54 99 78 95 34 16 32 69 63 54 TOTARANUI S282 PV Comments: Top echelon for calving ease data. Data suggests a very safe heifer bull. Sire: TE MANIA 17380# GDAR LEUPOLD 298# TE MANIA 06 003# TOTARANUI M048# TOTARANUI M358# Dam: TOTARANUI P363SV Purchaser: $: LOT 87 Animal INZ21S282IdentDate of 21/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth34kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -7.7 -1.7 -4.6 +5.9 +46 +79 +101 +84 +8 +0.2 -5.0 +54 +4.8 +0.5 +0.4 +0.0 +2.8 $132 Acc 53% 48% 83% 71% 69% 68% 69% 68% 63% 63% 38% 64% 61% 66% 62% 63% 61% Perc 96 86 50 86 68 80 81 78 98 98 43 87 70 34 29 69 23 63 TOTARANUI S246 PV Comments: Cow bull. Top 20% growth based on New Zealand percentiles. Excellent IMF and strong fats. Sire: HPCA PERFECTOSV G A R MOMENTUMPV H P C A INTENSITY L04# TOTARANUI M062# TOTARANUI 842# Dam: TOTARANUI P364SV Purchaser: $: LOT 88 Animal INZ21S246IdentDate of 12/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth37kgWeight

42 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +5.5 +8.2 -5.3 +1.7 +45 +82 +106 +94 +20 -0.1 -3.5 +61 +4.0 -0.2 -1.3 +0.7 +1.2 $124 Acc 54% 47% 68% 71% 69% 69% 70% 68% 62% 63% 36% 64% 61% 66% 63% 63% 61% Perc 26 5 39 8 74 72 73 62 27 99 69 70 81 55 72 40 81 71 TOTARANUI S278 PV Comments: Good heifer bull dataset. Safe. Sire: TOTARANUITOTARANUIRENNYLEAP103SVL508PV14214# STOKMAN ALL IN L194SV TOTARANUI 14246# Dam: TOTARANUI Q698SV Purchaser: $: LOT 89 Animal INZ21S278IdentDate of 20/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth26kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DD50%,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -6.7 +0.7 -3.0 +5.8 +41 +76 +102 +88 +17 +1.5 -3.4 +55 +9.5 +0.8 -0.3 +0.6 +3.3 $101 Acc 62% 55% 72% 73% 72% 71% 72% 72% 68% 68% 44% 67% 65% 69% 66% 66% 65% Perc 95 71 76 84 88 86 80 72 52 71 71 85 10 26 47 44 12 87 TOTARANUI S284 SV Comments: This bull was one of a set of twins. His Dam has higher birthweight but the sire L508 is a trusted low birthweight bull. Good growth outlook, excellent carcass weight and IMF in the top echelon. Sire: RENNYLEA L508PV H P C A RENNYLEAINTENSITY#H414SV TE MANIA 11 553SV TOTARANUI 12137# Dam: TOTARANUI 14210# Purchaser: $: LOT 90 Animal INZ21S284IdentDate of 21/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth30kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +3.0 +2.7 -5.3 +3.9 +52 +97 +121 +109 +15 +3.7 -7.0 +68 +8.0 +0.1 -0.7 +1.2 +2.9 $185 Acc 53% 47% 70% 69% 69% 68% 69% 67% 62% 63% 36% 64% 60% 66% 62% 63% 61% Perc 48 53 39 44 35 26 40 34 71 5 14 45 21 45 58 22 20 10 TOTARANUI S310 PV Comments: An excellent dataset showing calving ease, growth, and carcass traits. His own birth weight at 31kgs suggests a good heifer bull. Sire: TOTARANUICONNEALYQ023SVLEGENDARY 644L# TOTARANUI 13137# CLUNES CROSSING DUSTY M13PV TOTARANUI 15217SV Dam: TOTARANUI Q648SV Purchaser: $: LOT 91 Animal INZ21S310IdentDate of 30/08/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth31kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +3.8 +7.2 -7.8 +2.6 +45 +84 +108 +98 +17 +1.8 -3.7 +56 +11.3 +0.4 +0.5 +1.8 +0.7 $134 Acc 53% 46% 67% 70% 68% 67% 69% 67% 61% 62% 35% 63% 59% 65% 61% 62% 60% Perc 41 10 10 18 71 68 69 54 55 58 66 83 3 37 27 9 92 61 TOTARANUI S344 PV Comments: Top 10% gestation, top 20% calving ease. Solid growth with some very useful carcass traits. Sire: TOTARANUITOTARANUIRENNYLEAP103SVL508PV14214# TOTARANUI M039# TOTARANUI M239# Dam: TOTARANUI P459SV Purchaser: $: LOT 92 Animal INZ21S344IdentDate of 14/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth34kgWeight

43 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +3.2 -0.2 -6.2 +3.3 +42 +76 +88 +81 +15 +0.3 -4.5 +53 +4.8 -0.2 -0.1 +0.3 +2.1 $122 Acc 55% 48% 70% 72% 71% 70% 70% 70% 65% 66% 38% 65% 62% 67% 64% 64% 62% Perc 46 77 25 31 86 86 95 82 73 97 52 89 70 55 42 57 46 72 TOTARANUI S466 SV Comments: Birth weight in top 30%, gestation in top 23%. Safe heifer bull. Good IMF. Sire: TOTARANUICONNEALYM048#COMRADE 1385# TOTARANUI 12068# TE MANIA 11 553SV TOTARANUI 12002# Dam: TOTARANUI 14201# Purchaser: $: LOT 93 Animal INZ21S466IdentDate of 1/10/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth37kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +0.0 -2.3 -5.9 +5.3 +55 +103 +131 +116 +18 +2.4 -3.0 +75 +5.2 +0.2 +1.3 -0.1 +1.8 $130 Acc 53% 46% 70% 71% 70% 68% 69% 68% 61% 63% 35% 64% 60% 66% 62% 62% 60% Perc 71 89 30 76 23 14 21 23 44 33 77 20 64 42 13 73 59 65 TOTARANUI S372 PV Comments: A later born cow bull. This is not a heifer bull. Good growth, positive fats, adequate IMF and a good pedigree for structure. Sire: TOTARANUISTOKMANQ212SVREALDEAL N247# TOTARANUI N318# BUBS SOUTHERN CHARM AA31PV TOTARANUI 12062# Dam: TOTARANUI P334SV Purchaser: $: LOT 94 Animal INZ21S372IdentDate of 15/10/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth40kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +11.9 +10.1 -6.5 -0.5 +36 +74 +99 +67 +20 +0.9 -2.8 +59 +3.9 +1.8 +1.4 -0.9 +2.0 $141 Acc 51% 43% 67% 70% 68% 68% 69% 67% 59% 63% 34% 62% 59% 65% 61% 61% 59% Perc 1 1 22 1 97 90 84 94 30 89 80 76 82 10 12 92 50 52 TOTARANUI S340 PV Comments: Calving ease and birth weight ebvs in top 1%. Very safe bull. Short gestation too. Sire: TE MANIA 17380# GDAR LEUPOLD 298# TE MANIA 06 003# TOTARANUI 15011# TOTARANUI 13185E Dam: TOTARANUI P511SV Purchaser: $: LOT 95 Animal INZ21S340IdentDate of 11/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth21kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +11.7 +9.5 -7.4 +0.3 +31 +65 +85 +57 +17 -0.1 -2.3 +49 +4.4 +1.6 +0.9 -0.9 +2.1 $121 Acc 52% 43% 68% 70% 69% 68% 69% 67% 60% 63% 34% 63% 59% 65% 62% 62% 60% Perc 1 2 13 2 99 98 96 98 56 99 85 94 76 12 19 92 46 74 TOTARANUI S339 PV Comments: Confidence plus as a heifer bull with calving ease dataset in the top 2% except for gestation - top 12%. Sire: TE MANIA 17380# GDAR LEUPOLD 298# TE MANIA 06 003# TOTARANUI 15011# TOTARANUI 13185E Dam: TOTARANUI P511SV Purchaser: $: LOT 96 Animal INZ21S339IdentDate of 11/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth22kgWeight

44 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +1.0 +7.2 -1.8 +2.4 +36 +62 +77 +48 +16 +0.4 -1.3 +42 +8.5 +0.0 +0.5 +0.3 +1.9 $108 Acc 54% 48% 70% 73% 70% 70% 71% 69% 63% 65% 39% 65% 62% 67% 64% 64% 61% Perc 64 10 89 15 96 99 99 99 57 96 93 99 17 49 27 57 54 83 TOTARANUI S080 SV Comments: His birth weight was 34kgs, reflected by his good birth weight ebv. A pretty safe pedigree for ease of calving. Also has merit in the carcass traits. Sire: TOTARANUITOTARANUIMUSGRAVEM058#BIGSKYPV12126# TOTARANUI 12279# TOTARANUI 12019# Dam: TOTARANUI 14238# Purchaser: $: LOT 97 Animal INZ21S080IdentDate of 29/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth34kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +6.3 +6.5 -5.9 +3.1 +46 +86 +119 +122 +13 +0.6 -1.0 +70 +5.1 -1.6 -2.1 +1.3 +0.5 $105 Acc 50% 42% 68% 71% 69% 68% 69% 66% 60% 63% 34% 63% 60% 66% 62% 62% 60% Perc 20 15 30 27 69 61 43 17 85 94 95 37 65 88 87 19 95 85 TOTARANUI S350 PV Comments: Good calving ease with growth. Not a super low birth weight sire, but fine for bigger framed cattle. Sire: TE MANIA 17380# GDAR LEUPOLD 298# TE MANIA 06 003# TOTARANUIUNKNOWN M254# Dam: TOTARANUI P493# Purchaser: $: LOT 98 Animal INZ21S350IdentDate of 19/09/2021Birth RegisterAPR Birth37kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -7.0 -5.7 -0.3 +5.5 +54 +95 +126 +108 +20 +2.6 -3.9 +70 +6.1 -0.9 -1.0 +1.1 +1.7 $109 Acc 54% 47% 68% 72% 70% 70% 71% 69% 63% 65% 38% 64% 62% 67% 64% 63% 62% Perc 96 97 97 80 25 32 29 37 28 26 63 38 48 74 65 25 63 82 TOTARANUI S361 PV Comments: Cow bull with excellent growth outlook. Also shows good merit in carcass data. Sire: KAURI KMBB295SV KM BROKEN BOW 002PV KAURI 136# TOTARANUI M046# TOTARANUI 12118# Dam: TOTARANUI P358SV Purchaser: $: LOT 99 AnimalINZ21S361IdentDate of 27/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth39kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAF,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +7.2 +9.7 -5.1 +0.8 +33 +62 +81 +70 +6 -0.7 -3.8 +38 +4.2 +0.6 +2.0 -0.6 +1.0 $129 Acc 55% 49% 70% 73% 71% 70% 71% 70% 65% 64% 39% 65% 62% 68% 64% 65% 62% Perc 14 2 42 3 99 99 98 92 99 99 64 99 79 31 7 87 86 66 TOTARANUI S069 SV Comments: Birth weight in top 3%, calving ease direct in top 15%. Sire: TOTARANUITOTARANUIMUSGRAVEM058#BIGSKYPV12126# TOTARANUI 801# TOTARANUI 660# Dam: TOTARANUI 12023# Purchaser: $: LOT 100 Animal INZ21S069IdentDate of 10/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth37kgWeight

45 Breed Average EBVs - August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -2.1 +2.5 -4.7 -4.1 +49 +89 +116 +100 +17 +2.1 -4.6 +66 +6.1 +0.0 -0.4 +0.5 +2.1 +140 Top 50%Top 20% August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHF Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +6.1 +4.5 -6.3 +2.5 +36 +72 +94 +70 +22 +2.5 -2.5 +50 +4.9 +0.5 +0.0 +0.2 +1.6 $92 Acc 52% 47% 70% 71% 69% 68% 69% 67% 61% 63% 37% 64% 60% 66% 62% 63% 60% Perc 22 34 24 17 96 92 90 92 15 29 83 94 69 34 39 61 67 91 TOTARANUI S323 PV Comments: Birth weight in top 20% from a calving ease point of view. Short gestation. Sire: TOTARANUISTOKMANQ212SVREALDEAL N247# TOTARANUI N318# TOTARANUI 238SV TOTARANUI 837# Dam: TOTARANUI N321# Purchaser: $: LOT 101 Animal INZ21S323IdentDate of 3/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth29kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -1.0 -0.9 -4.7 +5.5 +63 +110 +141 +125 +15 +1.4 -2.2 +86 +10.3 -1.5 -4.1 +2.4 +2.3 $162 Acc 57% 52% 72% 72% 71% 70% 71% 70% 65% 65% 41% 67% 64% 68% 64% 66% 64% Perc 77 82 49 80 5 5 9 14 67 74 86 5 6 87 99 3 39 28 TOTARANUI S343 PV Comments: This is not a heifer bull. Excellent growth and EMA, with IMF being in the top 40% for Australasia (top 15% for New Zealand cattle). Sire: DIABLO DELUXE 1104PV V A R DISCOVERY 2240PV DIABLO ERICA DIANNA 9034# V A R GENERATION 2100PV TOTARANUI 13179# Dam: TOTARANUI M229# Purchaser: $: LOT 102 Animal INZ21S343IdentDate of 14/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth41kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +0.3 +3.2 -4.5 +3.4 +49 +88 +109 +88 +23 +2.8 -6.2 +65 +8.6 -0.8 -1.5 +1.8 +2.7 $164 Acc 54% 48% 69% 69% 68% 67% 68% 66% 61% 62% 36% 63% 60% 65% 61% 62% 60% Perc 69 48 52 33 51 56 66 72 11 20 23 54 16 72 77 9 26 27 TOTARANUI S362 PV Comments: Below breed average birth weight and positive calving ease, plus his birth weight of 33kgs suggests a good heifer bull. Good growth, fertility and carcass traits. Sire: STORTH OAKS ESSLEMONTP9PVLOTTO L3PV STORTH OAKS M211# CONNEALY LEGENDARY 644L# TOTARANUI 13156# Dam: TOTARANUI Q432SV Purchaser: $: LOT 103 Animal INZ21S362IdentDate of 27/09/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth33kgWeight August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDF,NHFU Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,Genomics Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +13.0 +11.4 -12.7 -1.9 +35 +67 +83 +65 +14 +0.4 -2.4 +60 +9.3 -0.8 -1.5 +1.8 +1.4 $154 Acc 52% 43% 70% 71% 69% 68% 69% 67% 60% 64% 35% 63% 60% 66% 62% 62% 60% Perc 1 1 1 1 97 97 97 95 75 96 84 73 11 72 77 9 74 38 TOTARANUI S366 PV Comments: Calving ease through and through. Top 1% in all four calving ease ebvs. Gives up growth for this but it more than makes up for it with confidence in the calving outcomes. Late born calf. Sire: TE MANIA 17380# GDAR LEUPOLD 298# TE MANIA 06 003# QUAKER HILL MILE HIGH 4EX31SV TOTARANUI 14266SV Dam: TOTARANUI P404SV Purchaser: $: LOT 104 Animal INZ21S366IdentDate of 1/10/2021Birth RegisterHBR Birth28kgWeight

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47 August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDF,NHFU,MAF,RGF Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +2.7 +3.9 -8.1 +5.3 +67 +102 +120 +79 +16 +1.1 -9.9 +76 +15.5 -0.1 -2.2 +2.8 +2.7 $264 Acc 89% 78% 99% 99% 98% 98% 98% 96% 93% 97% 60% 87% 87% 87% 85% 82% 85% Perc 50 40 8 76 2 16 41 84 61 84 1 19 1 52 88 2 26 1 CLUNES CROSSING DUSTY M13 PV Comments: An Australian bull showing great promise as a crosstrait excellence bull. Positive calving ease, short gestation, growth and carcass traits. Sire: G A R PROPHETSV C R A BEXTOR 872 5205 608# G A R OBJECTIVE 1885# TE MANIA BERKLEY B1PV TE MANIA LOWAN A1# Dam: CLUNES CROSSING GLORIOUS G1SV RS AnimalQMUM13IdentDate of 7/8/2016Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: GL,200WT,400WT,SC,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +1.3 +9.5 -6.5 +2.6 +47 +89 +120 +97 +29 +1.6 -6.3 +72 +5.8 +1.3 +1.2 -1.5 +4.4 $152 Acc 92% 78% 99% 99% 98% 98% 98% 97% 96% 98% 66% 92% 91% 91% 91% 88% 89% Perc 62 2 22 18 63 50 42 57 1 67 22 29 53 16 15 97 2 39 RENNYLEA L508 PV Comments: A bull with an excellent data spread that has bred really well for us. He has a low birth weight without giving away growth, has good fats and excellent IMF. Sire: H P C A INTENSITY# G A R INGENUITY# G A R PREDESTINED 287L# TE MANIA BERKLEY B1PV RENNYLEA C310# Dam: RENNYLEA H414SV RS AnimalNORL508IdentDate of 17/8/2015Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT(x2),600WT,SC,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Genomics August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF,DWF,MAF,MHF,OHF,OSF Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +5.1 -1.6 -3.5 +3.1 +60 +109 +143 +103 +20 +2.7 -0.8 +76 +7.6 -2.3 -2.2 +1.3 +2.8 $184 Acc 92% 76% 99% 99% 98% 98% 98% 96% 93% 98% 48% 90% 90% 89% 86% 84% 88% Perc 30 86 69 27 8 6 7 46 26 23 96 19 26 96 88 19 23 11 SYDGEN ENHANCE SV Comments: Son of Exceed. Enhance offers low birth weight and great growth. A curve bender with good temperament. Sire: SYDGEN EXCEED 3223PV SYDGEN GOOGOL# SYDGEN FOREVER LADY 1255# SYDGEN LIBERTY GA 8627# FOX RUN RITA 9308# Dam: SYDGEN RITA 2618# RS Animal USA18170041IdentDate of 27/1/2015Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: Genomics August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +6.5 +4.1 -7.4 +4.6 +63 +110 +152 +152 +19 +0.2 -0.6 +89 +4.9 -2.1 -3.8 +2.0 +1.1 $137 Acc 71% 56% 96% 96% 93% 93% 93% 88% 84% 92% 48% 86% 85% 87% 82% 82% 84% Perc 76 50 6 3 94 69 6 72 98 38 2 19 98 3 84 96 13 57 JINDRA ACCLAIM SV Comments: Acclaim offers calving ease with exceptional performance and maternal strength. He is also a nice phenotype bull. Sire: JINDRA 3RD DIMENSIONPV JINDRA DOUBLE VISIONSV JINDRAS SAPPHIRE J 417# CONNEALY IMPRESSION# JINDRAS ENCHANTRESS J 102# Dam: JINDRA BLACKBIRD LASSY 1111# RS Animal USA17972810IdentDate of 13/1/2014Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: Genomics Reference Sires

48 August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF,DWF,MAF,MHF,OHF,OSF,RGF Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +3.4 +4.4 -4.3 +1.9 +60 +108 +123 +90 +21 +1.4 -3.2 +76 +6.8 +1.3 +0.8 -0.3 +2.7 $227 Acc 70% 55% 94% 96% 93% 93% 93% 85% 79% 92% 50% 83% 84% 85% 81% 80% 82% Perc 98 22 82 35 16 37 79 84 21 35 68 44 74 18 26 74 56 5 DEER VALLEY WALL STREET # Comments: We used the sire of Wall Street a while back and he proved to produce good carcassed progeny. We liked him. This is one of the best sons sired by Payweight 1682. He leaves a lovely type, and shows great promise. Sire: BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682PV BASIN PAYWEIGHT 006S# 21AR O LASS 7017# PLATTEMERE WEIGH UP K360# DEER VALLEY RITA 9457# Dam: DEER VALLEY RITA 36113# RS Animal USA18827829IdentDate of 23/1/2017Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: Genomics August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +0.3 +6.8 -6.5 +3.5 +69 +118 +152 +119 +19 +1.4 -1.1 +82 +13.0 -2.2 -2.8 +2.6 +3.0 $260 Acc 89% 65% 99% 99% 98% 98% 98% 92% 89% 98% 51% 89% 90% 90% 86% 85% 89% Perc 88 77 13 3 95 1 2 99 94 13 20 69 74 8 18 94 22 1 G A R ASHLAND PV Comments: Ashland has crossed into the proven bull category. There are not many other bulls with his level of calving ease, growth, marbling and muscle. Ashland is the best phenotype bull to come out of the GAR herd in recent years Sire: G A R EARLY BIRD# G A R DAYLIGHT# G A R PROGRESS 830# B/R AMBUSH 28# G A R YIELD GRADE N366# Dam: CHAIR ROCK AMBUSH 1018# RS Animal USA18217198IdentDate of 31/1/2015Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: Genomics August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF,MAF Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -1.1 +4.2 -2.0 +5.2 +60 +105 +131 +110 +18 -0.9 -1.6 +77 +6.6 -1.8 -1.9 -0.1 +4.3 $167 Acc 71% 62% 91% 90% 86% 84% 83% 81% 79% 77% 53% 80% 77% 79% 74% 76% 75% Perc 77 37 87 74 9 11 20 33 41 99 91 16 40 91 84 73 2 24 HPCA PERFECTO SV Comments: We had been looking for a GAR Monentum son and found one through HPCA, a US stud that has gained our respect over the years for producing well footed performance sires. Perfecto holds great promise, with added growth to Momentum’s usual carcass trait extravagansa. Perfecto’s IMF is in the top 2%. Sire: G A R MOMENTUMPV G A R PROGRESSSV G A R BIG EYE 1770# H P C A INTENSITY# G A R PREDESTINED 2749# Dam: H P C A INTENSITY L04# RS Animal USA18912672IdentDate of 28/9/2016Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: Genomics August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +7.9 +5.8 -11.3 +3.4 +68 +119 +142 +84 +24 +2.5 -9.6 +78 +11.9 +0.7 +0.1 +1.1 +4.2 $298 Acc 71% 62% 95% 93% 88% 84% 83% 81% 78% 76% 54% 80% 76% 78% 73% 75% 75% Perc 10 21 1 33 2 2 8 77 8 29 2 14 2 29 36 25 3 1 H P C A ZEPHYR SV Comments: The number 1 $A indexing bull in the Trans-Tasman Angus Cattle Evaluation speaks for himself. Zephyr has a faultless set of EBVs and is a genuine breed advancer with an Angus Breeding Index of $366. Zephyr impresses with his attractive phenotype and free-moving gait after working in commercial conditions in the US at 5 years of age. On inspection, Zephyr is quiet enough to pat, thick from nose to tail and moderate; frame score 5.5. Possibly the best son out of the legendary GAR Prophet, but his real advantage is in the maternal strength of his dam, HPCA Sunrise 9022, a credit to the breeding program at Hinkle’s Prime Cut Angus. Sire: G A R PROPHETSV C R A BEXTOR 872 5205 608# G A R OBJECTIVE 1885# G A R HPCASUNRISESV5050L410#Dam: H P C A SUNRISE 9022# RS Animal USA18962277IdentDate of 26/2/2017Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: Genomics Reference Sires

49 August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF,DWF,MAF,MHF,OHF,OSF,RGF Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +7.3 +4.3 -11.2 +4.1 +71 +134 +168 +163 +18 +2.5 -5.1 +100 +5.9 -0.8 -2.5 +0.7 +3.1 $213 Acc 71% 60% 93% 94% 90% 85% 83% 82% 80% 77% 50% 81% 76% 78% 72% 75% 75% Perc 14 36 1 49 1 1 1 1 39 29 41 1 52 72 92 40 16 2 DIABLO DELUXE 1104 PV Comments: A US bull with very short gestation, good calving ease and phenomenal growth. Good IMF and carcass weight. Top 5% bull on key selection indexes. Sire: V A R DISCOVERY 2240PV A A R TEN X 7008 S ASV DEER VALLEY RITA 0308# G A R DIABLOPROPHETSVERICADIANNA 5010# Dam: DIABLO ERICA DIANNA 9034# RS Animal USA18741751IdentDate of 1/8/2016Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: Genomics August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF,DWF,MAF,MHF,OHF,OSF,RGF Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +10.5 +3.4 -7.1 +0.1 +49 +92 +123 +91 +22 +2.1 -1.7 +76 +12.6 -2.6 -4.1 +2.4 +3.9 $196 Acc 73% 55% 97% 97% 95% 95% 89% 83% 77% 90% 46% 82% 83% 85% 81% 79% 82% Perc 2 45 16 2 53 41 34 66 15 45 91 18 2 97 99 3 4 5 SYDGEN BONUS 8084 PV Comments: Another performance son of Exceed, who has bred so well internationally, sire of Enhance. Bonus offers exceptional temperament, ease of calving and carcass merit. Some very nice sons in the sale. Sire: SYDGEN EXCEED 3223PV SYDGEN GOOGOL# SYDGEN FOREVER LADY 1255# G A R PROPHETSV H P C A 5050 212# Dam: SYDGEN BLACKCAP 5371# RS Animal USA19169335IdentDate of 13/1/2018Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: Genomics August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF,DWF,MHF,OHF,OSF,RGF Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +7.5 +9.8 -5.9 +3.8 +69 +112 +142 +136 +11 +2.2 -5.2 +86 +12.2 -0.6 -3.0 +2.5 +2.9 $240 Acc 73% 53% 98% 97% 94% 91% 86% 84% 82% 86% 43% 84% 79% 81% 75% 77% 78% Perc 12 2 30 42 1 4 8 6 94 41 39 4 2 67 95 3 20 1 BALDRIDGE ALTERNATIVE E125 PV Comments: Top 1% for Angus Breeding and AngusPro indexes, good calving ease with exceptional calving ease daughters. Carries on with good growth, carcass weight and IMF. Sire: POSS EASY IMPACT 0119# POSS TOTAL IMPACT 745# POSS ELMARETTA 736# HOOVER BALDRIDGEDAM#BLACKBIRD X89# Dam: BALDRIDGE BLACKBIRD A030# RS Animal USA18837398IdentDate of 30/1/2017Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: Genomics August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -5.4 +1.1 -4.3 +5.3 +48 +93 +129 +94 +20 +0.7 -4.3 +60 +6.6 +0.0 +0.2 +0.6 +1.8 $135 Acc 70% 61% 74% 93% 90% 90% 89% 85% 78% 89% 52% 78% 78% 80% 79% 75% 75% Perc 93 68 56 76 58 39 24 61 24 93 55 73 40 49 34 44 59 60 WAITANGI L204 SV Comments: We bought this bull at the National, he was the reserve champion in 2017. Good tempered with Intensity’s performance. He had a perfect foot score in his presale structural assessment and has gone on to have a great impact on our herd, producing young females we have confidence in. Sire: H P C A INTENSITY# G A R INGENUITY# G A R PREDESTINED 287L# WAITANGI B134# WAITANGI A82# Dam: WAITANGI D120# RS Animal NZE18954015L204IdentDate of 5/8/2015Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: CE,BWT,200WT,400WT(x2),600WT,SC,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics

50 August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +7.0 +0.2 -3.4 +1.8 +51 +94 +102 +78 +16 +1.3 -3.5 +59 +5.5 +0.6 +0.3 +0.1 +2.0 $158 Acc 70% 59% 86% 91% 89% 89% 86% 86% 80% 86% 47% 78% 76% 79% 77% 74% 73% Perc 16 75 70 9 43 36 80 85 60 78 69 75 59 31 32 65 50 33 TOTARANUI M048 # Comments: Soft and thick, well tempered, and a great data set for ease of calving. Sire: CONNEALY COMRADE 1385# CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229SV HAPPY GEE OF CONANGA 919# MERCHISTON TIMELINE 942# TOTARANUI 627# Dam: TOTARANUI 12068# RS Animal NZE12922016M048IdentDate of 17/8/2016Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,400WT,SC,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +2.0 +9.6 -4.4 +2.0 +40 +72 +93 +71 +16 +0.7 -3.1 +50 +8.3 +0.5 +1.7 +0.5 +0.5 $118 Acc 69% 60% 84% 88% 81% 80% 80% 78% 71% 73% 51% 73% 70% 74% 71% 70% 69% Perc 56 2 54 11 91 92 91 92 61 93 75 94 19 34 9 49 95 76 TOTARANUI M058 # Comments: A Musgrave son with a sound dataset for our low birth weight programme, and excellent temperament. Sire: MUSGRAVE BIG SKYPV CONNEALY EARNAN 076EPV SAV PRIMROSE 7861# SYDGEN TRUST 6228# TOTARANUI 627# Dam: TOTARANUI 12126# RS Animal NZE12922016M058IdentDate of 19/8/2016Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: GL,BWT,200WT,400WT,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Structure(Claw Set x 1, Foot Angle x 1),Genomics August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +9.3 +10.2 -8.2 -0.1 +42 +84 +106 +95 +22 -0.1 -4.9 +60 +7.6 +0.6 +0.1 -0.6 +2.8 $150 Acc 68% 56% 85% 86% 82% 80% 80% 77% 69% 73% 44% 72% 68% 73% 70% 68% 67% Perc 5 1 8 1 84 66 72 60 13 99 44 73 26 31 36 87 23 42 TOTARANUI P103 SV Comments: Rennylea L508 son, lovely type, great temperament. Very good ease of calving. Sire: RENNYLEA L508PV H P C A RENNYLEAINTENSITY#H414SV TE MANIA 11 553SV TOTARANUI 12126# Dam: TOTARANUI 14214# RS Animal NZE12922018P103IdentDate of 1/8/2018Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,Genomics August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +11.6 +4.9 -5.3 +1.2 +44 +80 +101 +61 +18 +3.7 -2.7 +63 +8.1 -0.8 -1.7 +0.9 +4.2 $188 Acc 67% 53% 84% 90% 86% 85% 85% 79% 68% 79% 42% 75% 72% 76% 74% 72% 72% Perc 1 30 39 5 79 79 82 96 45 5 81 61 20 72 81 32 3 9 TOTARANUI P126 SV Comments: Exceed son. Dam pedigree very good for heifer mating and ease of calving. Great looking bull, well muscled but soft and moved so well. Top 10% on AngusPro index. Sire: SYDGEN EXCEED 3223PV SYDGEN GOOGOL# SYDGEN FOREVER LADY 1255# CONNEALY COMRADE 1385# TOTARANUI 13144# Dam: TOTARANUI M206# RS Animal NZE12922018P126IdentDate of 7/8/2018Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,Genomics Reference Sires

51 August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +5.3 +7.7 -4.4 +1.4 +39 +69 +89 +55 +20 +0.3 -6.4 +60 +5.7 +0.7 -0.4 -1.2 +4.3 $169 Acc 68% 58% 84% 85% 80% 78% 79% 77% 69% 74% 47% 72% 68% 73% 70% 70% 68% Perc 28 8 54 6 92 96 94 98 24 97 21 74 55 29 50 95 2 22 TOTARANUI P134 SV Comments: Rennylea L508 son, lovely type, great temperament. Exceptional IMF and great structure especially on the ground. Top 25% on the AngusPro index. Sire: RENNYLEA L508PV H P C A RENNYLEAINTENSITY#H414SV TUWHARETOA REGENT D145PV TOTARANUI 616# Dam: TOTARANUI 13176# RS Animal NZE12922018P134IdentDate of 8/8/2018Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT,SC,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +4.2 -1.2 -2.7 +2.9 +46 +87 +114 +115 +14 +1.6 -4.7 +69 +8.0 -0.3 -0.9 +0.5 +2.5 $137 Acc 64% 52% 84% 82% 77% 75% 76% 73% 67% 73% 38% 69% 64% 69% 65% 65% 64% Perc 37 83 80 23 68 59 55 25 76 67 48 42 21 58 63 49 32 57 TOTARANUI Q007 SV Comments: One of our favourite Legendary sons. Good figures throughout however what stood him apart was his temperament. He was so quiet and of such a nice type I wanted to use a bit of him before he went off to his commercial owner. Sire: CONNEALY LEGENDARY 644L# QUAKER HILL RAMPAGE 0A36PV JAZZED OF CONANGA 4660# TOTARANUI 0214# TOTARANUI 702# Dam: TOTARANUI 13178# RS Animal NZE12922019Q007IdentDate of 12/8/2019Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT,SC,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +6.9 +3.2 -5.8 +2.8 +54 +97 +127 +119 +20 +4.5 -6.2 +73 +8.9 -0.9 -1.5 +2.1 +2.1 $177 Acc 62% 50% 85% 80% 77% 75% 75% 73% 66% 73% 38% 68% 64% 68% 65% 65% 64% Perc 16 48 31 21 28 28 28 20 28 2 23 27 14 74 77 5 46 15 TOTARANUI Q023 SV Comments: Top 17% on the AngusPro index. This Legendary son had a lovely thickness and presence to him. He had a lovely temperament, good calving ease and strong growth out the otherside. Sire: CONNEALY LEGENDARY 644L# QUAKER HILL RAMPAGE 0A36PV JAZZED OF CONANGA 4660# CONNEALY IN SURE 8524# TOTARANUI 41# Dam: TOTARANUI 13137# RS Animal NZE12922019Q023IdentDate of 17/8/2019Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT,SC,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +7.0 +2.8 -10.1 +3.3 +45 +92 +114 +90 +22 +3.0 -6.0 +64 +5.3 +2.0 +1.4 +0.1 +1.7 $147 Acc 63% 51% 83% 88% 82% 77% 77% 74% 64% 71% 39% 69% 62% 67% 64% 64% 62% Perc 16 52 2 31 73 43 54 68 18 15 26 60 62 8 12 65 63 46 TOTARANUI Q212 SV Comments: Selected for his type, thickness, temperament and gestation. Added to this he had growth and positive fats. Sire: STOKMAN REAL DEAL N247# MATAURI REALITY 839# STOKMAN DONNA L69# TOTARANUI 15028# TOTARANUI 12018# Dam: TOTARANUI N318# RS Animal NZE12922019Q212IdentDate of 29/7/2019Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT,SC,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics

52 August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +5.2 +5.8 -9.9 +3.2 +58 +101 +129 +112 +23 +1.3 -8.7 +75 +9.9 +0.6 -0.8 +1.1 +2.7 $207 Acc 69% 58% 84% 86% 80% 77% 77% 76% 68% 73% 43% 70% 64% 69% 66% 66% 64% Perc 29 21 2 29 13 18 24 30 10 78 4 20 8 31 60 25 26 3 TOTARANUI Q239 SV Comments: Top 3% of the AngusPro index. His dataset I could not go past, as he had a type to match. We still have him, he looks great, and has produced some handy sons. Sire: CLUNES CROSSING DUSTY M13PV G A R CLUNESPROPHETSVCROSSING GLORIOUS G1SV H P C A TOTARANUIINTENSITY#12126#Dam: TOTARANUI 15225# RS Animal NZE12922019Q239IdentDate of 10/8/2019Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT,SC,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +3.2 +4.2 -6.6 +2.6 +53 +83 +102 +71 +19 +2.7 -8.1 +60 +9.9 +1.2 -1.0 +1.1 +2.3 $187 Acc 64% 56% 84% 79% 76% 75% 75% 74% 69% 73% 43% 70% 66% 70% 67% 67% 66% Perc 46 37 21 18 31 71 80 91 33 23 6 71 8 18 65 25 39 9 TOTARANUI Q242 SV Comments: A Dusty son strong in ease of calving, with moderate growth, great fertility traits and carcass, and great structure on the ground. Sire: CLUNES CROSSING DUSTY M13PV G A R CLUNESPROPHETSVCROSSING GLORIOUS G1SV TOTARANUI 238SV TOTARANUI 79# Dam: TOTARANUI 14339SV RS Animal NZE12922019Q242IdentDate of 12/8/2019Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT,SC,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMFU,CAFU,DDFU,NHFU Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +13.7 +11.4 -10.9 -0.5 +36 +73 +94 +82 +14 +1.9 -2.0 +48 +4.4 +2.0 -0.6 -0.7 +2.9 $134 Acc 77% 66% 97% 96% 92% 91% 92% 84% 79% 89% 58% 80% 81% 83% 81% 78% 80% Perc 1 1 1 1 96 92 90 81 76 54 88 96 76 8 55 88 20 61 STOKMAN REAL DEAL N247# Comments: No bull has better calving ease across all four calving ease traits. Together with a lovely type, temperament and structure. Sire: MATAURI REALITY 839# SCHURRTOP REALITY X723# MATAURI 06663# DEER VALLEY ALL INSV STOKMAN DONNA G3# Dam: STOKMAN DONNA L69# RS Animal NZE21043017N247IdentDate of 2/8/2017Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT,Genomics August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +13.4 +11.1 -11.3 -0.4 +39 +77 +102 +72 +16 +0.3 -0.9 +63 +7.8 +0.0 -0.9 +1.4 +1.2 $149 Acc 67% 51% 91% 92% 88% 86% 85% 79% 69% 81% 42% 75% 72% 76% 74% 72% 72% Perc 1 1 1 1 92 84 80 91 62 97 95 61 24 49 63 17 81 43 TE MANIA 17380 # Comments: Purchased for his gestation length and general calving ease, with moderate growth. He has done a good job in those respects. Good temperament and type. Sire: GDAR LEUPOLD 298# A A R LEUPOLD 0578# GDAR MISS BLACKCAP 9232# BASIN FRANCHISE P142# TE MANIA 04 142# Dam: TE MANIA 06 003# RS Animal NZE16932017380IdentDate of 29/8/2017Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT,600WT,SC,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Reference Sires

53 August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF,DWF,MAF,MHF,OHF,OSF,RGF Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +8.5 +6.7 -9.6 +0.8 +55 +108 +141 +118 +28 +3.5 -8.4 +88 +9.5 -1.0 -1.2 +1.2 +3.3 $218 Acc 75% 65% 93% 95% 92% 89% 89% 87% 76% 83% 55% 80% 77% 81% 78% 77% 77% Perc 7 14 3 3 23 7 9 22 2 7 5 3 10 77 70 22 12 1 WAITANGI N221 SV Comments: A Lotto son with an exceptional dataset. Top 2% across the Angus Breeding Index and the AngusPro index. Sire: ESSLEMONT LOTTO L3PV AYRVALE GENERAL G18PV ESSLEMONT JENNY J8PV AYRVALE BARTEL E7PV WAITANGI J10# Dam: WAITANGI L9SV RS Animal NZE18954017N221IdentDate of 25/7/2017Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: BWT,200WT,400WT(x2),600WT,SC,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF,DWF,MAF,MHF,OSF,RGF Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV +6.2 +3.1 -6.4 +2.2 +47 +94 +115 +99 +21 +3.5 -11.0 +74 +6.8 +0.1 +0.7 +0.5 +3.4 $209 Acc 68% 59% 84% 82% 78% 76% 76% 75% 68% 73% 47% 71% 67% 71% 68% 69% 67% Perc 21 49 23 13 62 36 54 52 22 7 1 23 37 45 23 49 10 2 STORTH OAKS P9 PV Comments: Another Lotto son with a lovely dataset. We have this bull and he is a very smart bull. Incredible topline, tail set and thickness. A true type. Sire: ESSLEMONT LOTTO L3PV AYRVALE GENERAL G18PV ESSLEMONT JENNY J8PV STORTH OAKS EVEREST J20# STORTH OAKS G181# Dam: STORTH OAKS M211# RS Animal NZE19507018P9IdentDate of 16/7/2018Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: GL,CE,BWT,200WT,400WT,600WT(x2),SC,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),DOC,Structure(Claw Set x 1, Foot Angle x 1),Genomics August 2022 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation Genetic Conditions: AMF,CAF,DDF,NHF Calving Ease Growth Fertility Carcase $ Index CEDir CEDtrs GL BWT 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS DC CWT EMA Rib P8 RBY IMF PRO EBV -1.3 -2.5 -3.7 +4.6 +65 +109 +142 +131 +21 +1.7 -1.1 +80 +11.5 -1.6 -3.1 +2.5 +1.4 $137 Acc 73% 61% 87% 93% 89% 90% 89% 85% 79% 88% 52% 78% 78% 80% 79% 76% 76% Perc 78 89 66 61 3 6 8 9 20 62 94 11 3 88 96 3 74 58 KAURI KMBB295 SV Comments: A thick bodied Broken Bow son. We bought his as a yearling and loved the type he passed on. Great growth and carcass capacity. Sire: KM BROKEN BOW 002PV SUMMITCREST COMPLETE 1P55# SUMMITCREST PRINCESS 0P12# STOKMAN BANDO 9155# KAURI 7# Dam: KAURI 136# RS Animal NZE21144016295IdentDate of 31/7/2016Birth RegisterHBR Traits Observed: BWT,400WT,SC,Scan(EMA,Rib,Rump,IMF),Genomics Full Catalogue Design by Sam Hamilton, Angus Australia “Enhancing & Promoting the value of Angus” ph: (02) 6773 4613 email:


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A bull is a big investment. Which is why FMG is right there with you to ensure you get the very best cover on sale day, and the best service every day after that. That’s because we understand livestock insurance as much as we understand the importance of personal service. So talk to your FMG Rural Manager about FMG Premier Bull Sales cover. All bulls sold at auction up to $50,000 can be covered for 6.5% of the purchase price and those sold at FMG Premier Bull Sales are insured at the fall of the hammer for 14 days free.* To find out more, call us on 0800 366 466 or visit

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Purchaser name: NAIT No: Relationship to purchaser (if purchasing on behalf of): FMG Client Account Number: Owner name: Owners DOB:* / / Email: Buyer number: Postal Phone:Deliveryaddress:address: Mobile: Company to be debited: Transport instructions: Lot: Tag: $ Breed: DOB: FMG Insurance Cover: � 14 days - FMG Premier Bull cover (at no charge) � Extend cover to 12 months - FMG Premier Bull cover - 6.5% I consent to FMG contacting me in future to discuss other products and services. If you do not wish to be contacted, please tick here: � I acknowledge and agree for my personal information contained in this purchaser’s slip to be shared between the parties involved in this bull sale, including but not limited to the vendor or their representatives, livestock agencies, transport operators and FMG. The information is shared for the purpose of completing the sale and purchase of the bull including insurance with FMG.

Length of cover To extend cover for the specified bull beyond 14 days you need to tick Premier Bull cover 12 months on the Purchaser Instruction and Insurance Slip in this catalogue. The specified bull is then covered for the remaining period of 12 months. The premium is payable to FMG and is in addition to the purchase price of the bull.

07/21 INHD * This is required to correctly identify you once cover is issued Disclaimer Please note this is only a summary of the product and is subject to our specific product documentation. For full details, you should refer to the policy document. You can get these documents, and any other information you need, from your FMG representative, by calling us or visiting our website. Call us on 0800 366 466 Visit our website

What is Premier Bull cover? All bulls auctioned at this sale up to the value of $50,000 will automatically be covered under FMG’s Premier Bull cover for 14 days at no cost to the purchaser. Length of cover To extend cover for the specified bull beyond 14 days you need to tick Premier Bull cover 12 months on the Purchaser Instruction and Insurance Slip in this catalogue. The specified bull is then covered for the remaining period of 12 months. The premium is payable to FMG and is in addition to the purchase price of the bull. If you require an alternative cover period talk to an FMG representative.

• Transit. • Theft.

During the period of insurance, the specified animal is covered for:

What we will pay Fair market value of your specified bull, less any amount you receive for the sale of the carcass, up to the amount shown on the insurance certificate.


Purchaser Instruction and Insurance Slip

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Signature of Purchaser or Agent: Date: / / Premier Bull cover What is Premier Bull cover? All bulls auctioned at this sale up to the value of $50,000 will automatically be covered under FMG’s Premier Bull cover for 14 days at no cost to the purchaser.

Premier Bull cover

What is Premier Bull cover? All bulls auctioned at this sale up to the value of $50,000 will automatically be covered under FMG’s Premier Bull cover for 14 days at no cost to the purchaser. Length of cover To extend cover for the specified bull beyond 14 days you need to tick Premier Bull cover 12 months on the Purchaser Instruction and Insurance Slip in this catalogue. The specified bull is then covered for the remaining period of 12 months. The premium is payable to FMG and is in addition to the purchase price of the bull. If you require an alternative cover period talk to an FMG representative.

Signature of Purchaser or Agent: Date: / / Premier Bull cover

What we will pay Fair market value of your specified bull, less any amount you receive for the sale of the carcass, up to the amount shown on the insurance certificate.

Your bull’s value Any bull covered under this policy must be purchased for $50,000 or less. For any bull purchased over $50,000 talk to an FMG representative. During the period of insurance, the specified animal is covered for: Death or infertility as a result of accident, disease or illness. • Transit. • Theft. What we will pay Fair market value of your specified bull, less any amount you receive for the sale of the carcass, up to the amount shown on the insurance certificate. 07/21 INHD * This is required to correctly identify you once cover is issued Disclaimer Please note this is only a summary of the product and is subject to our specific product documentation. For full details, you should refer to the policy document. You can get these documents, and any other information you need, from your FMG representative, by calling us or visiting our website. Call us on 0800 366 466 Visit our website

Mobile: Company to be debited: Transport instructions: Lot: Tag: $ Breed: DOB: FMG Insurance Cover: � 14 days - FMG Premier Bull cover (at no charge) � Extend cover to 12 months - FMG Premier Bull cover - 6.5% I consent to FMG contacting me in future to discuss other products and services. If you do not wish to be contacted, please tick here: � I acknowledge and agree for my personal information contained in this purchaser’s slip to be shared between the parties involved in this bull sale, including but not limited to the vendor or their representatives, livestock agencies, transport operators and FMG. The information is shared for the purpose of completing the sale and purchase of the bull including insurance with FMG.

Your bull’s value Any bull covered under this policy must be purchased for $50,000 or less. For any bull purchased over $50,000 talk to an FMG representative.



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07/21 INHD * This is required to correctly identify you once cover is issued Disclaimer Please note this is only a summary of the product and is subject to our specific product documentation. For full details, you should refer to the policy document. You can get these documents, and any other information you need, from your FMG representative, by calling us or visiting our website. Call us on 0800 366 466 Visit our website

Purchaser Instruction and Insurance Slip This slip MUST be completed and handed to the Booking Clerk before leaving the sale.

Purchaser Instruction and Insurance Slip

• Death or infertility as a result of accident, disease or illness.

Purchaser name: NAIT No: Relationship to purchaser (if purchasing on behalf of): FMG Client Account Number: Owner name: Owners DOB:* / / Email: Buyer number: Postal Phone:Deliveryaddress:address: Mobile: Company to be debited: Transport instructions: Lot: Tag: $ Breed: DOB: FMG Insurance Cover: � 14 days - FMG Premier Bull cover (at no charge) � Extend cover to 12 months - FMG Premier Bull cover - 6.5% I consent to FMG contacting me in future to discuss other products and services. If you do not wish to be contacted, please tick here: � I acknowledge and agree for my personal information contained in this purchaser’s slip to be shared between the parties involved in this bull sale, including but not limited to the vendor or their representatives, livestock agencies, transport operators and FMG. The information is shared for the purpose of completing the sale and purchase of the bull including insurance with FMG.

If you require an alternative cover period talk to an FMG representative. Your bull’s value Any bull covered under this policy must be purchased for $50,000 or less. For any bull purchased over $50,000 talk to an FMG representative. During the period of insurance, the specified animal is covered for: • Death or infertility as a result of accident, disease or illness. Transit. Theft.

56 By Lot By Lot By Tag By Tag Tag# Lot# Mob Tag# Lot# Mob Tag# Lot# Mob Tag# Lot# Mob S256 1 a S234 53 c S009 48 c S260 14 b S054 2 a S013 54 c S010 49 c S261 22 a S055 3 a S201 55 c S013 54 c S265 29 a S244 4 a S228 56 c S015 6 a S267 60 c S058 5 a S309 57 c S016 21 a S268 42 c S015 6 a S342 58 c S019 63 c S272 35 a S211 7 a S230 59 c S023 11 b S273 62 c S283 8 a S267 60 c S024 40 a S274 25 a S229 9 a S243 61 c S027 27 a S278 89 d S049 10 a S273 62 c S031 64 c S281 65 c S023 11 b S019 63 c S032 38 a S282 87 d S214 12 b S031 64 c S033 19 b S283 8 a S247 13 b S281 65 c S036 47 c S284 90 d S260 14 b S286 66 c S038 30 a S286 66 c S242 15 b S223 67 c S042 73 c S287 80 d S320 16 b S300 68 c S044 36 a S298 81 d S328 17 b S251 69 c S049 10 a S300 68 c S061 18 b S067 70 c S050 32 a S302 51 c S033 19 b S304 71 c S054 2 a S303 24 a S315 20 a S451 72 c S055 3 a S304 71 c S016 21 a S042 73 c S058 5 a S305 52 c S261 22 a S327 74 d S061 18 b S306 77 d S062 23 a S324 75 d S062 23 a S309 57 c S303 24 a S347 76 d S066 31 a S310 91 d S274 25 a S306 77 d S067 70 c S311 33 a S231 26 a S317 78 d S069 100 d S315 20 a S027 27 a S348 79 d S072 83 d S316 34 a S213 28 a S287 80 d S076 84 d S317 78 d S265 29 a S298 81 d S078 43 c S320 16 b S038 30 a S332 82 d S080 97 d S323 101 d S066 31 a S072 83 d S084 37 a S324 75 d S050 32 a S076 84 d S201 55 c S327 74 d S311 33 a S248 85 d S205 45 c S328 17 b S316 34 a S239 86 d S211 7 a S330 44 c S272 35 a S282 87 d S213 28 a S331 39 a S044 36 a S246 88 d S214 12 b S332 82 d S084 37 a S278 89 d S217 46 c S336 41 a S032 38 a S284 90 d S223 67 c S339 96 d S331 39 a S310 91 d S228 56 c S340 95 d S024 40 a S344 92 d S229 9 a S341 50 c S336 41 a S466 93 d S230 59 c S342 58 c S268 42 c S372 94 d S231 26 a S343 102 d S078 43 c S340 95 d S234 53 c S344 92 d S330 44 c S339 96 d S239 86 d S347 76 d S205 45 c S080 97 d S242 15 b S348 79 d S217 46 c S350 98 d S243 61 c S350 98 d S036 47 c S361 99 d S244 4 a S361 99 d S009 48 c S069 100 d S246 88 d S362 103 d S010 49 c S323 101 d S247 13 b S366 104 d S341 50 c S343 102 d S248 85 d S372 94 d S302 51 c S362 103 d S251 69 c S451 72 c S305 52 c S366 104 d S256 1 a S466 93 d

Map Hawke’s Bay Manawatu PAHIATUAWoodville TOTARANUI EketahunaKonini(5km South of Pahiatua) 3 2 2 MAP 44 TOTARANUI YEARLING BULL SALE Totaranui


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