Angus World Commercial Issue 2023

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Table of Contents Volume 31 #1* Aberdeen Angus World P.O. Box 177, Stavely, Alberta T0L 1Z0 Phone: (403)549-2234 Cell: (403)554-2696 email: office@angusworld ca "Official Publication of the Canadian Angus Association" Dave Callaway Editor/Publisher Advertising Rates Full Page Colour $1,00 00 1/2 Page $650 00 1/3 Page $350 00 1/4 Page $275 00 Card Ad (annually) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150.00 Subscription Rates Canada 1 year $50 00 (incl GST) United States 1 year . . . . . . . $50.00 USD (incl GST) Foreign 1 year $50 00 USD (incl GST) Publications Mail Agreement #40051561 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Angus World c/o Circulation Dept P.O. Box 177 Stavely, Alberta T0L 1Z0 ~ Printed in Canada ~ " Ab e rd e e n An g u s Wo r l d " i s d e d i c a t e d t o t h e p r o m o t i o n , g r ow t h a n d i m p r ov e m e n t o f Ab e rd e e n An g u s C a t t l e . Verified Beef Production Plus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 True Carbon Neutrality Will Surpass Greenwashing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Mabel Hamilton - Inducted to Canadian Agriculture Hall of Fame . . . . . . . 16 Next Generation Health Tool for Calves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Tullamore Angus 100 Year Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Canadian Junior Angus Association Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Canadian Junior Angus Ambassador Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Canadian Angus Foundation Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Provincial Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Events Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 - Official Publication of the Canadian Angus AssociationOur cover picture: Courtesy of Lorenz Angus, Marker ville, Alberta
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In reflection of the fall, it was great that most events were back and participation was close or exceeded pre-pandemic numbers. Folks were certainly ready to get back to attending shows and sales to have some interpersonal interaction This is a people business so industry activities are very integral to development and progress

I believe the beef cattle market in Canada (actually in North America) to be in a strong position which will continue for a few years

Albeit cattle numbers are down, prices realized for calves have been strong. Reduced numbers and a strong consumer market will keep calf prices at a good level for the foreseeable future

There are no lack of places available to purchase bulls this spring, there are close to 150 sales listed in the Events Calendar of this issue Most commercial breeders have their favourite place or places to replenish their bull pen I will reinterate something that I tend to say in some fashion is this issue every year work with your bull supplier Purebred breeders know their bulls and more importantly their cow herds which produce these bulls. Discussion and an understanding of the traits that are important to you will lead to a more informed bull buying decisions.

Hopefully everyone has had or going to have a good calving season. There is plenty to optimistic about in this crazy world Keep healthy physically and mentally I encourage everyone to get out and enjoy the upcoming Bull Sale season

Until next time, Dave

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Dave’s Desk
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Verified Beef Production P lus

Value added: How VBP+ is using data to drive benefits back to the producer

and profitable ranches. For those seeking further involvement in the program, certification follows naturally http://www verifiedbeef ca/

Getting involved with certification programs and supply chains takes commitment from beef producers The time, effort, and money required do not go unnoticed, and Verified Beef Production Plus (VBP+) is committed to advocating for producers to receive value back in return for their investment.

Producers can get involved with the VBP+ program in two ways. Getting trained allows producers to stay up to date on best management practices supported by current research, Canadian regulations, and modern experience from efficient

To get certified with VBP+, producers gather six months of production records and make changes on their operation to match the requirements of the VBP+ Standard A provincial coordinator will go through a pre-audit preparation process with each producer to ensure successful certification. Then, a third-party auditor, who is often a producer themselves, will come out to visit the farm to verify that required practices from the VBP+ standard are being implemented Producers will not fail an audit if they do not meet all requirements Instead, a corrective action request will be issued with a timeline for change to be made, encouraging continuous improvement.

Once a producer has successfully completed their audit, they are responsible for maintaining the management and record-keeping requirements of the VBP+ program Each year, the operation must complete a renewal event to demonstrate continued adherence to the VBP+ Standard In years two and four of the five-year audit cycle, producers submit records to be

assessed according to the requirements of the program In years three and five, producers self-declare that they are maintaining the Standard on their operation

For many producers, getting involved in VBP+ training or certification has inherent benefits Changing management practices often increases efficiency and can aid your bottom line. For example, making sure that animal health products like vaccines and antibiotics are delivered effectively can reduce time and money spent on treating sick cattle Many VBP+ producers also report that record-keeping indirectly increases efficiency on their operation by keeping track of management decisions so that they can be changed in the future to optimize efficiency and profitability.

However, VBP+ training and certification clearly require a time commitment from the producer. Making changes on an operation, keeping records, and completing administrative work to maintain certification all require time – something that beef producers are short on As well, training and

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Emma Cross

certification both involve a financial commitment from the producer. Like time, money is not something that most beef producers can easily offer.

VBP+ recognizes the investment that producers make into the program and sees the benefits that producer participation offers to public trust and sustainable beef supply chains Therefore, it is a major goal of VBP+ to seek tangible value that can be offered back to producers for their investments.

A major avenue that allows VBP+ to seek out producer benefits is transformation of producer efforts into data. To producers, the database of certified operations may seem like nothing more than a list But to sustainable beef supply chains, this information is a lifeline

In order to make label claims about sustainable beef, sellers need to construct a verifiable chain of custody that tracks animal movements from farm to farm. The data regarding which beef operations are certified and when their certification is active is integral to making this chain of custody viable

Without producer participation in certification programs, sustainable beef supply chains could not exist VBP+ leverages producer data to access these supply chains, and in many cases, secure value for primary producers.

For example, in 2017, Cargill piloted a project with the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB) and other partners, including VBP+, to

validate a certified sustainable supply chain and allow product to be sold with the certified sustainable label claim. Cattle that made their way through the supply chain entirely on CRSB certified operations can produce beef that is eligible for this program In return for being certified, retailers, through Cargill, provides an incentive per head back to each producer involved in the life cycle of the animal Since VBP+ is a delivery agent for CRSB, producers certified with VBP+ are automatically certified with CRSB and can receive payments through this program.

Other stakeholders see value in producer certification even without being directly involved in the beef supply chain Last year, Farm Credit Canada started offering the Sustainability Incentive Program, delivering a payment to clients certified with CRSB Programs like these are examples of stakeholders recognizing the investment required from a producer to be involved in programs like VBP+. These programs all require data from VBP+ for verification. By leveraging the value of producer data, VBP+ can secure tangible benefits for producers

This opportunity is not limited to certification In the past, provincial governments (such as the Government of Alberta) have offered incentives to producers trained with VBP+ in the form of funding to purchase new farm equipment related to the program. For example, until March 15, 2022, in Saskatchewan, VBP+ trained producers can apply

to receive up to $2,500 to cover 50% of costs for equipment such as new cattle handling systems, calving cameras, or vaccine coolers. Certified producers can apply for up to $15,000. This program also requires VBP+ producer data to verify eligibility

Value arising from the VBP+ program can come in many different forms, but the universal factor tying producer incentive programs together is the value of VBP+ producer data. Without producer participation and investment, beef sellers could not make label claims and financial institutions could not show commitment to encouraging sustainable production

Stakeholders need producers, and VBP+ transforms the hard work of producers into a usable tool for partners. Using this tool to leverage incentives for producers is key to ensuring that producers maintain participation in the program, and to expanding buy-in moving forward.

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True Carbon Neutrality Will Surpass Greenwashing

As we enter 2023 the landscape is rapidly changing, and consumers are speaking with their dollars Several recent studies in Canada and the United States have shown that a company ’ s climate action activities and ESG claims will influence consumers to change who they buy from These companies need to have data to back up their claims, in the event of legal challenges to the claims by activists.

CO2 Neutrality: A business imperative for survival

and greater environmental responsibility as well as reaping the long-term benefits of CO2 neutrality There are economic and reputational benefits by implementing a CO2 neutrality program, validated by a neutral third-party

Key Points to consider:

● The importance of CO2 neutrality in addressing climate change

● Common challenges faced in the pursuit of neutrality

Greenwashing, also called " green sheen", is a form of advertising or marketing spin in which green PR and green marketing are deceptively used to persuade the public that an organization's products, actions, and policies are environmentally friendly Companies that intentionally take up greenwashing communication strategies often do so in order to distance themselves from the environmental lapses of themselves or their suppliers But greenwashing alone is not enough, claims need to be backed by data

For a company to be Carbon Neutral, it must first reduce carbon (CO2) emissions as much as possible before then investing in carbon removal methods to balance out the remaining amount of carbon emitted by their operations

Corporate neutrality pledges are gaining momentum, but limitations in design and implementation of carbon strategy reduce impact and jeopardize progress With a comprehensive CO2 neutrality strategy, organizations can take practical steps towards achieving net zero CO2 emissions,

● Economic and reputational benefits of implementing a CO2 neutrality program

● Including scope three emissions from supply chains in reporting

● Strategies and technologies for reducing your company ' s carbon footprint

● Options for offsetting any remaining emissions

Approximately 7% of Canada’s landmass is suitable for rearing animals and growing crops; a small additional amount can be used for grazing animals without land modification Major regions of agricultural

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activity in Canada are in the Prairie provinces, which grow vast acreages of grain and oil seed crops and where the largest numbers of beef cattle are raised for much of their lives on rangelands Larger farms on drier soils dominate this region.

Farms and ranches have an opportunity to not only sequester carbon but to play a role in the Scope 3 emissions in many agrifood supply chains, which require traceability.

Scope 3 emissions are the result of activities from assets not owned or controlled by the repor ting organization, but that the organization indirectly affects in its value chain Scope 3 emissions include all sources not within an organization's scope 1 and 2 boundar y

Scope 1 covers direct emissions from owned or controlled sources Scope 2 covers indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating, and cooling consumed by the repor ting company Scope 3 includes all other indirect emissions that occur in a company ' s value chain is is where interoperability of data systems in the supply chain become important to the aggregation, reporting and validation of a company ’ s claims or ESG report card.

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)

CBAM is a measure aimed at preventing “Carbon leakage” developed in the EU and will initially cover several specific products in some of the most carbon-intensive sectors There will be a tax on specific products that do not meet the EU guidelines. Some argue that CBAM violates international trade rules, but it also aims to incentivize trading partners to decarbonize through a tariff on carbon intensive products, such as cement, fertilizer, iron and steel, aluminum, electricity, and hydrogen.

By 2026 plastics and chemicals will be included in CBAM, and by 2030 all sectors covered by the EU Emissions Trading System, which include glass, pulp, paper, cardboard, acids, electricity, heat generation and aviation The EU ETS is a market-based mechanism, which means that the carbon price is determined by supply and demand of allowances

How Does this Impact Farmland and Grasslands?

With all this coming in the EU market, we also see the implementation Carbon Markets in North America, carbon credits can be sold from one industry to another For example, a farming operation that sequester carbon can sell their carbon credits to a large carbon emitter, or in a carbon market.

Carbon sequestration is the way either nature or a manmade process stores carbon dioxide Grasslands, cropland, wetlands, and forests all sequester carbon In 2020 carbon credits traded at $10-$30 per metric tonne, 2022 saw them trading at $50 per metric tonne and expectations are it will hit $65 per metric tonne in 2023 Carbon credits are on track to hit $170 per metric tonne by 2030

Some estimates suggest that globally grasslands have 15% to 30% of the world’s carbon tied up in their soil Scientists estimate that between 50 and 200 tonnes of carbon per hectare is stored below ground in Canada's grasslands, with an additional 3 to 12 tonnes of carbon per hectare captured in above-ground plant growth and plant litter. Most of the carbon sequestered is typically contained in the top 15cm of the soil.

Deforestation in the Amazon region of South America has been a major concern for many years, but in North America we have large tracts of native grasslands which are equally important for carbon sequestration and for providing habitat for species at risk This does not mean that the grasslands should not be grazed!! Grazing animals encourage biological activity in the soil, provide nutrients to the soil, and graze the older grasses encouraging new green growth which sequester more carbon

Our grasslands are amazing in that they provide homes for many different species, sequester carbon and provide food for grazing animals which in turn feed humans a very high-quality protein

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Mabel Hamilton Inducted to Canadian Agriculture Hall of Fame

While at the Alberta Cattle Commission (now Alberta Beef Producers), Mabel leveraged her teacher training to design and write a classroom agriculture program for grade 4 students as a way to increase urban youths’ understanding of the food system She went on to serve as president of the Canadian Angus Association during a time of unprecedented growth –moving the rank of the breed from fourth largest to the largest beef breed in Canada

creation of a national livestock traceability system – a critical resource that helped re-open export markets after BSE hit the Canadian beef industry in 2003 She went on to serve as chair of the newly formed Canadian Cattle Identification Agency

A teacher by training, Mabel Hamilton has made lasting contributions to the Canadian beef industry with more than 40 years as an outstanding leader, educator, advocate, volunteer and farmer

Mabel left the education field to formally enter the beef industry while balancing the needs of a young family and the Belvin Angus cattle business she runs with her husband Gavin. It was a move that would quickly see her become an influential and boundless leader in the Canadian beef industry.

As chair of the Beef Information Centre, Mabel led the charge to increase the industry’s connection with consumers using education and advertising, decades before the general agriculture industry realized the disconnect between producers and consumers. She knew the value of a good story and used this approach to get consumers interested in agriculture and food production to advance consumer education and beef promotion.

Mabel was an early champion for animal identification and traceability in Canada despite the strong opposition faced at the time She persevered with science-based evidence to ultimately see the

With a sharp focus on identifying challenges, crafting effective strategies, and then following through with the tools, tactics and solutions to get the job done, Mabel blazed many new roads for women in agriculture without ever seeking that style of recognition She was driven to simply do her best, securing her place as a respected leader in Canadian agriculture Mabel is on the Olds College Board of Governors, and is past chair of the Agricultural Financial Services Corporation.

Mabel’s awards are as extensive as her life’s work, including Canadian Cattlemen of the Year with her husband Gavin, Woman of the Year in Agriculture from Alberta Beef Magazine, Alberta Agricultural Hall of Fame inductee, Honorary President of the Canadian Angus Association and Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal.

A tireless promoter, action-oriented leader and powerful influencer, Mabel Hamilton’s energy and enthusiasm have driven progressive lifelong changes for the Canadian beef industry

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Saskatchewan Angus Commercial Breeder of the Year

Congratulations to Roger & Lou Parsonage, Maple Creek, Saskatchewan

neighbours as the benchmark of one of the great cowherds in ranching countr y The -N- calves are always in high demand come marketing time too They primarily market their cattle direct to the feedlots through a buyer rep They have enjoyed dealing with their rep over the years and have built a ver y tr ustwor thy, rewarding relationship. The Parsonages have been using the Angus green tags as long as they can remember. Over the years genetics have been purchased from the Short Grass Bull Sale group, the Dillabaugh brothers, Har vey Bowerman and more recently Sunderland Ranch.

Hard work, integrity, determination and perseverance while putting family first best describes Roger and Lou Parsonage and the -N- Ranch The ranch borders the historic town of Fort Walsh, Saskatchewan; which is 40 miles south west of Maple Creek or 30 miles north of the Montana border

Roger and Lou own and operate the ranch that was established in 1899 when Roger’s grandpa settled on route from Pilot Mound, Manitoba They have two sons Chuck and Jess Chuck along with his wife Kyley and three kids are an important part of running the activities of the operation Although they have their own ranch near Maple Creek, they are ver y involved in the main part of the operation in calving all the bred heifers, a large number of cows and assisting with annual forage production. Jess along with his wife Tanya and their two children also ranch straight north of the main ranch. This would mark the 5th generation of ranching within the Parsonage family in that area.

In the mid 1960s the first Angus bulls were brought in to compliment the Hereford bulls being used at the time. By the 1970’s it was pretty much strictly Angus bulls being used The Parsonages say the main advantages to using Angus bulls is low maintenance cattle that get the job done in both their ranching operation and the feedlot sector as well “Round bales and black cattle are the saviour of ranching” is often said around the ranch With the ranch being located in rough terrain with rolling hills, extreme snowfalls and hot, dr y summers the Angus cows continue to adapt best to the challenges of the environment they are in. The cattle will graze in native pastures up until December with winter feeding consisting of hay and triticale bales. Annually close to 700 cows will calve with the heifers starting the end of March and the main cow herd calving at the end of April. The steers and heifers are backgrounded through winter with the steers being marketed in April/May and the heifers are grassed through the summer and marketed i f ll Th h d i f i d b

During daily ranch activities horses are often used with the exception a side-by-side helps out here and there They have 15 brood mares and they have sold colts very successfully for many years Roger is a well-respected horse trainer, roper, and was the round up boss for the Cypress Hill’s Stockmen’s Association for many years

Like most operations they have also had their share of challenges over the years, that had huge impact on their business including: BSE, drought during the 80s, and “the NDP government ” Adversity has made them stronger and their greatest accomplishments are raising good black cattle and Roger and Lou are proud to have their children and grandchildren as part of the next generation of the ranch.

One of the greatest accomplishments is being recognized by your peers and the Parsonages are ver y humble and thankful to be receiving this award. Congratulations to the Parsonage family on receiving the 2022 Saskatchewan Angus Commercial producer of the year If you ’ re ever in their neck of the woods I would encourage you to touch base with them and go for a tour, I know I plan to

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l-r: Michelle Potapinski, Saskatchewan Angus Past President; Derek Moorhead, Nominator; Roger & Lou Parsonage; Belinda Wagner, Saskatchewan Angus General Manager; Bob Toner, Canadian Angus Representative
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Next Generation Health Tool for Calves

All-natural DOSTO® Caps supports gut health, performance and more – helping farmers shift to new reduced antibiotics landscape

The new year means new opportunities for Canada’s beef industry as innovative new options become more widely available to help raise healthy animals Among the latest advances is DOSTO® Caps feed additive technology, which was showcased at the 25th Beef Industry Convention, January 12-14 in London, Ontario

This all-natural health management tool, brought to Canadian farmers by CBS Bio Platforms and EastGen, is uniquely designed to support the health and performance of calves while reducing reliance on antimicrobial use

Recognition of its efficacy, safety and unique health advantages has resulted in Veterinary Health Products (VHP) approval for DOSTO® Caps, which can be used proactively as a preventative option to mitigate disease risk.

New Health Management Tool

“‘We’ve all heard a lot in recent years about the need to support our beef farmers with new solutions – in particular, new health tools that help them adjust as conventional options become more restricted,” says Paul Garvey, Canadian Sales Manager with CBS Bio Platforms.

“For a while the need to shift has been on the horizon but now it’s at the doorstep. The good news is options such as DOSTO® Caps are emerging to not only help meet this challenge, but to help farmers reach new levels of health and performance in their herds As a preventative tool it’s a very simple-to-apply ‘ set it and forget

It’s fitting to showcase this tech annual Beef Industry Conven

Weber, Operations Manager w event has long served as an impo highlight knowledge and adva industry forward, including mos innovations directly benefiting be that make a real difference at the

Rise of Preventative Approaches

“One thing reinforced at this event by everyone from technical experts to producers is that prevention is the best medicine,” says Weber "That’s what our customers are increasingly asking us about and that’s what the best new options provide, led by DOSTO® Caps as a solution uniquely focused on calves We are very pleased to help bring this option to more farmers, to help them get the most out of their cattle in 2023 and beyond ”

The DOSTO® Caps technology was created by Germany-based DOSTOFARM® DOSTOFARM® has partnered with CBS Bio Platforms, a Canadian feed technology company to bring this technology to the Canadian market. CBS Bio Platforms has in turn partnered with EastGen to use its sales force and network to expand the availability of DOSTO®Caps to farms in Eastern Canada.

DOSTO® Caps features natural, proprietary ultra-high-quality oregano oil, supplied via verified quality-assured production, and is proven to stabilize and optimize gut health in support of healthier, more productive animals Because it has VHP-approved status, farmers can keep DOSTO® Caps on hand and use it proactively to help keep their calves healthy and performing at their greatest potential

Helping Farmers meet Responsible Use Targets

Today’s headlines are a further indication the timing is right for this type of new solution, notes Sabrina Zettell, Canadian Technical Manager with CBS Bio Platforms “We’re seeing the announcement of new responsible use targets by big beef buyers and it’s no surprise where the trends are taking us ”

The industry has been ardent in emphasizing the need to shift toward integrated health management approaches that reduce reliance on antimicrobials, she says “A gap has been the availability of new tools that help farmers make this shift without sacrificing results DOSTO® Caps is a great example of how we ’ re now making more progress. ”

On farm visits, Zettell has noticed producers increasingly adopting a proactive mindset on this issue, she observes. “In the past the mindset was ‘ we ’ ve got time and we’ll keep this in our back pocket.’ Now there’s a realization the future is now. When the right tools are available producers are eager to adopt them. They don’t want to wait until there’s no choice or they’re mandated to do this If they have the right tools to shift today many are ready to take that step and get ahead of the curve ”

Options such as DOSTO® Caps can make this decision easy, she says ‘Beef producers may not have the same options they used to But the good news is the new options emerging are often better With this and other science-based oming on line, the toolbox is very positive direction ”

Ontario and the Maritimes can astGen representative for further n DOSTO® Caps. Learn more at and CBS at

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Canadian Junior Angus

To end off the year, the CJA held a virtual workshop just before Christmas featuring Ty Dietrich and Bevin Hamilton This workshop allowed young juniors to learn more about livestock photography and explore career options for their future. The speakers were excellent, and we can ' t wait to see you on the next one. Thank you to all the juniors that attended!

it’s not just about winning, it is also the experience you gain from the process! You can check them out on our website and many other awards and bursaries or ask any one of the CJA board members about them.

Hello Juniors and fellow Angus Breeders! I hope the calving season is going well and you ' re all getting by in this winter weather. What a year 2022 was, so many great events and sales!

We would like to send a huge thank you to Six Mile Ranch and Sunberr y Valley Ranch for donating the 2022 Canadian Junior Angus (CJA) Scholarship Heifer Our fundraiser was held at the All Star Angus Sale on Friday night at Canadian Western Agribition We can ’ t thank everyone enough for your support, it was a huge success! Congratulations go out to Ravenworth Cattle Co for winning the heifer

At time of writing, we are ver y soon heading to our 2023 GOAL Conference in Toronto, Ontario. I am sure it will be another extremely successful event with some incredible speakers A huge thank you to the Canadian Angus Foundation and some of the regional associations for providing funds to allow many juniors to attend GOAL with travel bursaries! GOAL is a fantastic event for older junior members to connect with other members and speakers from across Canada and the U S while learning about our industr y and ourselves The Foundation Legacy Scholarships are awarded at GOAL ever y year and we look for ward to seeing the finalists compete there As a junior member that has applied for these,

Our next major event will be Showdown 2023, to be held in Swift Current, Saskatchewan July 20-22. I strongly encourage ever yone to attend, this event has so many opportunities for juniors to get involved in the Angus breed with kids their age while learning so much from it! Please contact any board member, including myself, for more information on Showdown and note that the application deadline for Showdown trucking and travel bursaries is May 25th and June 1st respectively Showdown entries can be found on our Canadian Junior Angus website, and the deadline to enter is June 1st I hope to see you all in Swift Current, if not sooner, at shows, sales and events!

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Hillary Sauder ~ President, Canadian Junior Angus
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Canadian Junior Angus Ambassador

Hello, all Angus Breeders and Juniors!

Calving season is definitely under way for many breeders and I hope it is going great for ever yone. I always enjoy seeing the calves grow up and it's enjoyable to see who will be the favourite each year. Good luck to ever yone as they work through their calving seasons.

I have been busy since the start of this year with a new semester of school at the University of Alber ta. I excited to be able to travel to Toronto for GOAL in Februar y! It will be great to see juniors from all over Canada there

It was a ver y busy time throughout the fall when I went to many of the fall shows with my

family. Some of these being Lloydminster Stockade Roundup, Farmfair International, and Canadian Western Agribition. Agribition was full of people and I was not able to be there for long but I made it for the All Star Angus Sale which was a crazy successful sale! From the Canadian Junior Angus perspective, I would like to thank ever yone who bought tickets on the donation heifer as all the proceeds went to the junior scholarship fund – it was amazing! Another one of my highlights of the fall was the 50th Annual Red Roundup Sale; this show and sale was in the making for the past fe w years and it really built up to a monumental weekend I rounded out the year by going to one last cattle event, the New Year's Resolution Sale - the reason I mention this is because of the amazing Angus genetics that were being sold in this sale; it is exciting to see where this breed is going.

Since then, I haven’t been to many events and have just been in school, as well as helping my family calve and prepping for sale season. It's exciting to see all of the bull sale catalogues come out and browse through them. I wish you all luck and success in your upcoming bull sales as I know how dedicated people in this industry are.

I hope to see and chat with some breeders throughout the next year whether that be at spring bull sales or other Angus or agriculture events. I also hope to see many people at the 2023 National Angus Convention in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan this upcoming June where the new Ambassador will be named – I strongly encourage any interested junior members to apply and juniors should keep all of these deadlines in mind:

Junior Angus Stockman nominations

April 15th

Canadian Angus Foundation - Robert C McHaffie Junior Ambassador applications

April 30th

The Dick Turner Memorial Scholarship applications

May 15th

U S Exchange program applications

May 31st

Canadian Junior Angus Scholarship applications

June 15th

More information is available on the website, or reach out to me or any of the CJA directors if you want to talk about these programs. See you soon!

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Keely Adams ~ Robert C. McHaffie Junior Ambassador
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Canadian Angus Foundation Message

ideas to help move the Foundation forward. There are so many good things the Foundation does We support youth through education, trips and awards We support education and research and history and archives for all our members

Greetings from the Canadian Angus Foundation!

Calving season is underway I always think of it as a season of renewal Watching the birth and seeing how quickly the newborn calf gets up and nurses, just makes things right with the world

The new calves are our operation’s future and our hopes and dreams Good luck with calving and I hope many of you find the next great one

At the Canadian Angus Foundation, we were pleased to have our first in person meeting last October since the fall of 2019. Gathering as a board allows us to share thoughts and build on

We need your support to continue to provide these opportunities to juniors and Angus members This year we are continuing the 15 for 50 fundraiser, but with a bit of a re-branding as the ‘Future 15 Fundraiser’ We are asking producers to donate 15% of the proceeds from a lot in their sale Foundation directors will be contacting members about donating If you are interested in helping us with the Future 15, please call or email Belinda Wagner.

Building the Legacy 11 Sale is in the planning stages and we are looking forward to seeing many of our members at the Convention in Saskatoon June 8-10. The Sale will be held following the banquet on Saturday night. We are looking for donations to make this sale a success. This is our major fundraiser, and we use the proceeds to fund our good deeds. If you are able to donate Angus genetics or an experience or an item, we would be most grateful

When our members come together to help the Foundation, we can make a powerful impact. The power of many people working together accomplishes great things. Donating also teaches the next generation about generosity. Generosity for its own sake creates a more compassionate and community focused world.

Thanks to everyone for their support in the past and we hope the future.

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British Columbia Angus Association

After 6 years of age, they are on borrowed time. Bottomline; the life of a herd bull is full of challenges. Mounting and breeding cows in all sorts of terrain, working on mud, sand, rocks, snow, fighting with other bulls and the natural servicing of females can all lead to injuries Over time even the soundest and most athletic bulls are going to get injured, become more cantankerous and unsafe to have around or potentially fail a breeding soundness examination

Angus Influence Feeder Sales in BC were successful again in 2022 with strong demand on steer calves drawing good value Heifer calves seemed to be off for the most part this past fall Demand and prices paid for bred heifers and cows seemed to depend on quality and location For the most part I thought the bred market was generally soft this past fall

BC Angus Association Directors and fellow members wish to extent a Healthy and Happy 2023, to you and your families

Buy BC is the motto for the 2023 bull sale season

BC Angus Association members appreciate the continued support provided by commercial cattle farmers and ranchers when purchasing Angus bulls in BC. Angus bulls bred and born in BC are a quality product, raised and adapted to the terrain and environment of the BC landscape and climate. They are ready to work for you.

Should I cull my older bulls – is it time to seize financial and genetic opportunity? This is always a good question. Bulls are like professional athletes. Once properly developed they reach full servicing capacity and have a prime of several breeding seasons (usually between the ages of 2 – 5 years)

What’s a good bull worth? I provided a more detailed breakdown in the May / June 2022 issue using the rule of thumb that “ a good bull is worth the value of four – five 600 lb steers calves” You do the math using this formula and decide what works best for your operation as we head into the bull buying season for 2023. Will that good bull improve my herd?

For the immediate and long run? What is important to me when buying a bull? Is it;

1) integrity and reputation of the purebred seller

2) the bull’s structure; visual appraisal, feet, legs, shoulders, spine, head shape, rib capacity, length, muscling

3) how he tracks or travels

4) genetics

5) feed history

6) performance data

These are all important traits that can influence not only which bull you may buy, but potentially the viability of your cowherd

In early November, I took a couple of days off from work to attend the Poplar Meadows Angus Reduction Sale at Houston, BC forTanya, Monty,Taylor and Alaina Belsham and WOW, was I glad I did What an impressive herd of purebred black Angus cattle, backed by good quality people This was truly an event for the history books in the lifetime of BC Angus.

In mid December while in Alberta, I visited the Canadian Angus Association office in north Calgary. I was greeted and made feel welcome by a most congenial staff and also privileged to sit in on the staff review of the new Canadian Angus Calving App, which is now available as a free download from the App Store for your Apple device. Search “Canadian Angus Calving Book” in the Apple app store. Wishing you the Best of Success for your 2023 bull buying, bull selling and calving seasons

If you have any questions regarding Angus cattle or the Angus Association, please reach out to any one of your BCCA Directors

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Saskatchewan Angus Association

us via email at and call or text Belinda Wagner our General Manager at 306-537-1518. Belinda works mostly from home but if you do need to mail something to us, the address is now c/o 292140 Wagon Wheel Blvd , Rocky View County, AB T4N 0E0

Our Saskatchewan Angus Association AGM was held January 19, 2023 via Zoom and was well attended Representative reports were given; Myles Immerkar, CAA CEO gave the Canadian Angus report, Jessica Davey, President gave the Saskatchewan Junior Angus report and Garner Deobald, President gave the Saskatchewan Stock Growers report The committee chairman also reported on our activities over the last year If you are interested in reading more the complete Annual Report is posted on our website at

You may have noticed that we no longer share the office in Regina, or have the office phone number, due to the Saskatchewan Livestock Association being dissolved. You can still contact

The Saskatchewan Angus Association was proud to be part of two very successful fall female sales First up was the Masterpiece Sale, managed by Castlerock Marketing It was transformed back to a live, in person sale and was held October 21, hosted at Gold Bar Livestock The sale was hugely successful and there was a great crowd that gathered for the evening event The second sale was the All Star Angus Sale hosted at Canadian Western Agribition and managed by the team at T Bar C Cattle Co. This sale garnered a huge crowd and was held the evening of Friday, December 2. On behalf of the Saskatchewan Angus Association, we want to thank and congratulate the sales staff and all the consignors for hosting such outstanding events. It is great to see our industry move forward with such momentum and excitement

Our Gold and Junior Show in Lloydminster was hosted again at Stockade Roundup Numbers were down in the Show but once again there was excellent quality and participation from exhibitors both locally and across Saskatchewan and Alberta

One of our biggest events for the Saskatchewan Angus Association is always the Angus show at Canadian Western Agribition. Numbers were up and the quality was deep throughout the barn Many thanks to everyone who exhibited and attended these events as well as all of our sponsors We also want to say a special thanks to everyone who volunteered at the shows, it really does take a great community to pull these events together, from processing to marshalling, to judging, being a ringman or announcer and assisting with prize presentations, as well as everything in between We really appreciate each and every one of our volunteers and supporters

Our board will be hosting our spring breeder information session on April 23 in Saskatoon as a lead-up to the National Angus Convention to be hosted there June 8-10 - we invite everyone to attend. Watch our website and social media for more details as they develop. We are also excited to have our Summer Tour hosted in east central Saskatchewan August 9th and 10th. Mark your calendar, we’d love to see you there!

We look forward to the coming spring and summer events and I wish you all the best with calving and bull sales

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Ontario Angus Association

successful Junior show in Ancastor in conjunction with the Simmental Juniors and planning is well underway for 2023 The future of Angus genetics in Ontario is in great hands

The 2022 National Angus Show was held at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in conjunction with the Royal's 100th Anniversary in early November and it was a wonderful event We thank the many and significant sponsors that made this show possible and successful In addition the inaugural Future Stars of Angus event occurred at the Royal and as well a successful sale of Angus genetics.

private treaty sales and public sales As we all know the service sires are really half of your herd, not in numbers but in results

In general feed inventory in Ontario is in good shape for this winter but it is acknowledged that there are local areas where supplies are limited as a result of the variability of rainfall over last summer Of course like the rest of the Nation, the cost of agricultural inputs is a growing concern We extend our thanks to Canadian Angus for allowing Ontario to participate in the Brand Ambassador Program

To all Canadian Angus members, our friends in the Commercial Sector and to all associated in or with the cattle business across Canada, we extend greetings on behalf of the Ontario Angus Association.

For the most part we have seen a return to normality with respect to participation in cattle related events in 2022 and we are optimistic that this will continue. Most of the traditional fairs and exhibitions went ahead over the summer and fall of 2022 giving the opportunity for breeders to return to the show circuit. Regional 4H shows and various Junior shows took place as well

We acknowledge the incredible continued great work of the Ontario Junior Angus for organizing last year ' s

The Angus influenced stocker sales last fall saw strong prices leaving optimism for our breed and industry in the future. We certainly extend our THANKS to the sales facilities in the province for these Angus influenced sales and to the Commercial operations that acquired Angus cattle. There were a significant number of purebred production sales where there were opportunities to acquire great Angus genetics that provided positive a influence on any purebred or commercial herd

It is likely that both Purebred and Commercial breeders are starting to think of the 2023 breeding season and determining their requirements for bulls Many of our Ontario Angus members have high quality bulls which would have a positive impact on your 2024 calf crop There will be opportunities to fill your bull needs through

Our Angus Brand Ambassador for Ontario, Brian Whitwell, was busy over the fall months promoting Angus in Ontario with an emphasis on the commercial sector. Please approach Brian if you have any questions about the Angus breed or what is happening in Ontario.

Our transition to linking with the Canadian web site has been successful and we appreciate this opportunity. Please watch the web site and social media for news and updates relative to sales, shows and breeder information. Our Annual Meeting is scheduled for March 4, 2023 in Orangeville and we encourage all our membership to attend This will be a return to an in-person meeting after two years of holding our annual meeting virtually and promises to be a informative event

Ontario Angus extends our best wishes and good health to our fellow Angus enthusiasts and citizens across Canada

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Manitoba Angus Association

through Manitoba Angus. We hosted our annual general meeting over Zoom on January 10 We had a good turnout with a ton of great discussion The board welcomes two new board members, Cody Nolan and Lacey Dekeyser-Brown I thank all those who served on the board who have now retired from their terms

Last fall the Angus Gold Show for Manitoba was as always at the Ag-Ex show in Brandon We had a solid turnout and when the dust settled, we were extremely happy with how the event went We are having a lot of discussion currently to help make this show be the best it’s ever been in the future.

Happy New Year!

As we roll into 2023, I am excited for what is to come for Manitoba Angus We had a great year in 2022 and as we head into 2023 there are lots of exciting topics and events that are in the works


On December 6 we hosted the Keystone Klassic Sale in conjunction with the Keystone Konnection Simmental Sale. We had awesome attendance and some amazing cattle went through the ring that day. I would like to thank Bohrson Marketing for putting the sale together and Brent Carey for auctioneering the Angus lots.

I would also like to recognize our recent award recipients for 2022 The Purebred Breeder of the Year went to Black Hawk Angus of Mather, MB Our Commercial Producer of the Year award went to William DeVos of Fork River, MB The Honorary President was awarded to Doug McLaren, Neepawa, MB and finally the Jack Hart Memorial Award winner was Bobbi-Jo Foster, Dropmore, MB

I am extremely excited for what the year will bring through our Association and I ask that all of you stay tuned for what’s to come throughout the year I hope that all of you have a great calving season and if you are purchasing bulls this spring be sure to do your homework before making a purchase as it’s one of the most important decisions a cow-calf producer makes.

I hope to meet and talk with you all soon.

Greetings from Maritime Angus!

2022 was a busy year with hosting of the Canadian Angus Convention which saw Moncton welcome Angus enthusiasts from across the countr y All of our usual gold shows returned to operation with each of our club provinces getting their futurities back up and running Angus continued to perform well in 2022 at the Maritime Beef Test Station Bull test with the highest per forming Average Daily Gain individual, and breed group bulls being black Angus. The group at the test station this 2023 winter is also per forming well and the selected individuals will sell April 1st. (check

out www maritimebeefteststation com if you want to keep track of how the bulls are doing) We have the luxur y of having the Vytelle/Growsafe system and ultrasound in order to get individualized feed efficiency and carcass data included in the per formance testing The Angus Association will have the more "typical" Field Day & Junior Heifer Show which will be hosted in Nova Scotia August 5th & 6th. The Prince Edward Island club is planning a pasture tour provincially to engage with both the commercial and purebred Angus enthusiasts! So stay tuned as there is lots happening!

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Maritime Association by Amy Higgins ~ President, Maritime Angus Association
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C A R D S E C T I O N ALBERTA BREEDERS SERVICE Neil Hazel Box 5, Site 4, R R #1, Olds, Alta T4H 1P3 Phone (403)507-8771 Fax (403)507-8772 Semen - Supplies - Nitrogen Tel:(403) 226 0666 e-mail: ▲ Custom Collection ▲ Private Storage Custom Service Program RED ANGUS THE COW MAKERS Progressive Performance Optimum Maternalism! 780 678 9069 - www redangus ca - office@ www redangus ca R R #2, New Norway, AB T0B 3L0 C A N A D I A N R E D A N G U S P R O M O T I O N S O C I E T Y Steve Dorran Auctioneer P O Box 10100, Stn Main, Airdrie, Alberta, T4A 0H4 760 972 7736 Don Raffan AUCTIONEER Bus (250)546-9420 / Cellular (250)558-6789 Comp 19, Larkin Site, RR 3, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0 SERVICES OFFERED ● On-farm freezing & collection ● Donor care facility ● Recipient herd ● Licensed facility for embryos exports ● Genetic Marketing & Selection ● International Embryo Sales Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd. Davis-Rairdan International P.O. Box 590 Crossfield, Alberta Canada T0M 0S0 Phone (403)946-4551 Fax (403)946-5093 Website davis-rairdan com email Sealin Creek Ranch Registered Angus Dan & Janette Speller Box 59, Monte Lake, BC V0E 2N0 (250)375-2268 Page 46 Angus World Commercial Edition 2023*
C A R D S E C T I O N Darrel & Wendy Ashbacher & Family P.O. Box 99, Halkirk, Alberta T0C 1M0 Ph: (403)884-2181 Fax: (403)884-2381 ASHBACHER ANGUS Jay & Lenore Davis Box 184, Acme, Alberta T0M 0A0 (403) 546-2299 Bryan & Sherry Mackenzie P O Box 122, Pincher Creek, Alberta T0K 1W0 Phone: (403)627-5676 / Fax:(403)627-4653 / brylor@telusplanet net P i o n e e r R e d A n g u s B r e e d e r BLIND CREEK ANGUS Wayne and Peggy Robinson Box 36 Mossleigh, Alberta T0L 1P0 Phone (403) 934-4083 Owners: Flint & Flint (780)855-2181 New Norway, AB Dwayne & Joanne Emery (780) 674-4410 “RANCH RAISED BALANCED PERFORMANCE CATTLE” Angus Murray and Gloria Fraser 403-787-2341 Horned Hereford Cam and Kim Fraser 403-787-2165 Box 32, Hussar, Alberta TOJ 1SO F BAR RR R A A N N C C H H Fleming Stock Farms Box 1, Granum, Alberta T0L 1A0 Ph: 403/687-2288 Fax: 403/687-2088 flemingangus@xplornet com “Quality goes in before the name goes on” Duncan, Cecilie, Cooper & Ricki Fleming Robert & Gail Hamilton Box 11, Site 15, R R # 2, Cochrane, Alberta T4C 1A2 (403) 932-5980 ~ hamiltonfarms ca FARMS " Our Greatest Asset - Quality Angus" Commercial Edition 2023* Angus World Page 47
C A R D S E C T I O N JW CATTLE CO Registered Angus P O Box 11 Camp Creek AB T0G 0L0 - jwcattle@telusplanet net Phone: (780)674-2335 Cell: (780)305-4813 Fax: (780)674-4398 Wayne Branden & Jane Morrow J V W V LAKEFORD ANGUS Dave & Jean Prichard 780-385-2226 Dan & Shelley Prichard Ph/Fax: 780-385-2298 akeford@telusp anet net Killam, Alberta Doug Noad 403-660-8371 “Visitor’s Welcome” Ron & Laurie Hunter & family RR 2 Didsbury, AB T0M 0W0 Quality Registered & Commercial Stock (403)335-9112 Lee & Laura Brown Tim & Trish Henderson Bull & Female Sale 2nd Saturday in March Box 217, Erskine, AB T0C 1G0 Ph: (403) 742-4226 - Fax (403) 742-2962 LAF LINDON NGUS ARMS AF Lindsay & Donna Penosky & Family P O Box 37, Botha, AB T0C 0N0 Phone: (403)742-4337 ● Fax: (403)742-4341 Willard Leeuwenburgh Home: 403-381-3191 Cell: 403-382-1990 Fax: 403-381-9093 Jack Leeuwenburgh Home: 403-327-9618 Cell: 403-330-6123 Fax: 403-327-9629 Box 25, Lethbridge, AB T1J 3Y3 leeuwenburghredangus@telusplanet net LEEUWENBURGH ANGUS REGISTERED RED & BLACK ANGUS LA O R E N Z N G U S Richard & Joyce Lorenz (403)728-3285 R.R. #1, Markerville, Alberta T0M 1M0 MINBURN ANGUS P.O. BOX 39, MINBURN, ALBERTA T0B 3B0 Danny & Conna Warrilow Ph/Fax: (780) 593-2205 Bill & Barbara Warrilow (780) 593-2208 Breeding 150 Functional Black Angus Females Since 1945 WARREN BECK Box 610, Delburne, Alberta T0M 0V0 (403)749-2953 email: wrbeck120@gmail com B V B RAINBOW HILLSRANCH SPRUCE VIEW ANGUS RANCH Wayne Grant P O Box 174, Killam, Alberta (780)385-2216 Stauffer Ranches Stacey & Michel Stauffer S V Box 2377, Pincher Creek, Alberta T0K 1W0 Ring 403.627.2511 Fax 403.627.2650 Ken & Sharon Chitwood Ph:(403)948-3094 Fax: (403)948-6329 R R #2, Airdrie, AB T4B 2A4 Stoneydale BLACK ANGUS Page 48 Angus World Commercial Edition 2023*
C A R D S E C T I O N THISTLE RIDGE RANCH Registered & Commercial Red Angus P O Box 4205, Taber, Alberta T1G 2C7 Phone/Fax: (403)223-4118 Ben & Carol Tams Glen, Dale, Wayne & Terry Elliott P.O. Box 113 Seven Persons, AB T0K 1Z0 Premium Quality Since 1972 Ph/Fax: (403)832-3774 l Ph: (403)832-3112 Purebred Black Angus since 1920 Jim & Betty Richardson (403)224-3286 Box 32, Bowden, AB T0M 0K0 Willow Park Farm Wes & Kim Olynyk (306)876-4420 Irene Olynyk (306)876-4400 Box 192, Goodeve, SK S0A 1C0 Annual Bull Sale First Saturday in April Jim & Peggy Grant P O Box 220, Edam, SK S0M 0V0 (306)397-2541 Flying K Ranch Registered Red Angus Since 1972 10 miles south of Swift Current on Hwy #4 & 8 mi es west Box 1902, Swift Current, SK S9H 4M6 (306)773-6313 R R #1, Wymark, SK S0N 2Y0 Ph/Fax: (306)773-6984 ema l: chane @t2 net Brian & Christine Hanel Donna Hanel Ranches Inc P O Box 320 Lloydminster, SK S9V 0Y2 www justamereranches com Phone: 306-825-9702 Fax: 306-825-9782 Res: 306-825-9624 Email: justamere@saskte net Jon & Shelly Fox Commercial Edition 2023* Angus World Page 49
C A R D S E C T I O N P O Box 130, Cey on, SK S0C 0T0 ● Fax: (306)454-2643 ● svr@sasktel net www southviewranch com Registered Red & Black Angus “Raising Quality Cattle To Work For You” Keith, Linda & Stacey Kaufmann 306/454-2730 Shane, Alexis, Keaton, Kamrie, Kohen & Korbyn Kaufmann 306/454-2688 Y D YOUNG DALE ANGUS FARM Barry & Marj Young & Family Box 28, Carievale, SK S0C 0P0 (306) 928-4810 youngdaleangus@xplornet com WRAZ RED ANGUS Phil Birnie Box 461, Wawota, SK S0G 5A0 Herdsman: Gordon Murray 306/739-2177 - cell: 306/646-7980 Red Angus Bulls & Females For Sale ~ Commercial Heifers Ph: 306/739-2988 Fax: 306/739-2137 Cell: 306/577-7440 email: wraz@sasktel net ANGUS Ian Gross Bruce, Ione Austen & Breanna Anderson 204 734 2073 - 204 734 0730 Comp 2 R R # 2, Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0 www andersoncattle ca - andersoncattle@inethome ca Black & Red Angus David & Jeanette Neufeld 204/534-2380 Box 171, Boissevain Manitoba R0K 0E0 CRANBERRY CREEKANGUS Don & Jeannette Currie R R #1, Nottawa, Ontario L0M 1P0 Ph/Fax: (705)445-1526 “THESOURCE”
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Events Calendar

March 2

Highline Angus Bull Sale Medicine Hat, AB

March 3

Southland Bull Sale

Swift Current, SK

March 4

Ward’s Red Angus Bull Sale Saskatoon, SK

March 6

Lust Farms Red Angus Bull Sale Cypress County, AB

March 6 - 7

Black Chrome Livestock Bull Sale, DLMS Farmgate

March 7

Belvin Angus Bull Sale Innisfail, AB

March 7

Rack Red Angus Bull Sale Claresholm, AB

March 7

Avelyn Angus & Lucky 7 Bull & Female Sale, DLMS Online

March 8

Minburn Angus Bull Sale Minburn, AB

March 8

MarMac Farms & Guests Bull Sale Brandon, MB

March 8

Pederson Livestock Bull & Female Sale, Edgerton, AB

March 8

Place Your Bet Bull Sale Stettler, AB

March 8

Easy Ray & BMB Brewin

Angus Bull Sale, Lethbridge, AB

March 8

Ockerman Angus Bull Sale

DLMS Online

March 9

Bar H Land & Cattle Bull & Female Sale, Langenburg, SK

March 9

Bar-E-L Bull & Female Sale Stettler, AB

March 10

Arda Farms & Freeway Angus Bull Sale, Acme, AB

March 10

Standard Hil & Guests Bull Sale Maidstone, SK

March 10

LCL Angus Bull Sale DLMS Online

March 11

LLB Spring Spectacular Bull & Female Sale, Erskine, AB

March 11

Brandl Cattle Co Bull Sale

Jarvie, AB

March 11

CD Land & Cattle Production Sale, Taber, AB

March 11

Bone Creek Angus & Simmental Bull Sale, Eastend, SK

March 11

Gomack Angus Bull Sale Grimshaw, AB

March 12

Early Sunset Ranch Production Sale, Edam, SK

March 13

South Sask Simmental & Angus Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK

March 13

Remitall Farms Bull & Female Sale, Olds, AB

March 13

Blairswest Bull Sale

DLMS Online

March 14

Leeuwenburgh Angus Bull Sale

Lethbridge, AB

March 14

Reid ‘Heat Seeker’ Angus Bull Sale, Brooks, AB

March 14

On Target Bull & Female Sale

Barrhead, AB

March 15

Spruce View Angus Bull Sale Killam, AB

March 15

Reich & K3 Ranches Bull Sale

Stettler, AB

March 15

Wilbar Cattle Co Bull Sale

Dundurn, SK

March 15

KT Ranches Bull Sale

Cherryville, BC

March 16

JPM Farms Angus Bull & Female Sale, Parkbeg, SK

March 16

Ter-Ron Farms Bull & Female Sale

Forectburg, AB

March 16

Pure Country/L&S Livestock Bull Sale, Veteran, AB

March 16

Allencroft Angus Bull Sale Medicine Hat, AB

March 16

All Black Angus Bull Sale

Meadow Lake, SK

March 16

Allandale Angus Bull Sale

Vermilion, AB

March 16

Strongbow Farms Bull Sale

Hartney, MB

March 17

Duralta Farms Bull & Female Sale

Vegreville, AB

March 17

Harvest Angus Bull Sale

Prince George, BC

March 17

Scott Stock Farm Bull Sale

Crossfield, AB

March 17

Yarrow Ceek Bull Sale

Lethbridge, AB

March 18

Northern Alliance Bull Sale

Fort Fraser, BC

March 18

Bandura Ranches Bull Sale

Brooks, AB

March 18

Perrot Annual Bull & Female Sale

Alameda, SK

March 18

Braddock Ranch Bull Sale

Chatfield, MB

March 18

V8U Ranch Bull Sale

Fort Macleod, AB

March 18

Select Genetics Bull Sale

Herbert, SK

March 18

Hamco Cattle Co Bull Sale

Glenboro, MB

March 18

Premium Genetics Bull Sale

Moose Jaw, SK

March 17-19

Spring 4ward Junior Beef Event

Ancaster Fairgrounds, ON

March 18

Northern Alliance Bull Sale

Fort Fraser, BC

March 18-19

GMACK Progress Steer and Heifer Show, Lloydminster, SK

March 20

Fraser’s Total Performance Bull Sale

Brooks, AB

March 20

Outlaw Coulee / Skull Creek Ranches Bull Sale, Eastend, SK

March 20

Simple as Black & White Bull Sale Medicine Hat, AB

March 20

MWC Investments Inc Bull Sale DLMS Online

March 20

Rio Grande Angus Bull & Female Sale, Beaverlodge, AB

March 20

Deer Range Red Angus & Simmental Bull Sale, DLMS Online

March 20

Brooking Angus Bull Sale Radville, SK

March 20

K Lazy T Cattle Bull Sale Medicine Hat, AB

March 21

Beasley’s Bullseye Bull Sale Brooks, AB

March 21

AboundLivestock/GoldBarLivestock/ City View Sale Moose Jaw, SK

March 21

Hollinger Land & Cattle Bull & Female Sale, Neudorf, SK

March 22

Cow Boys Angus Bull Sale

Melita, SK

March 22

Western Angus Bull Sale

Lethbridge, AB

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March 22

CMT Farms Bull & Female Sale, Cochlin, SK

March 22

Allison Farms Bull Sale

Delburne, AB

March 23

Rivercrest Black Angus Bull Sale Alliance, AB

March 23

Golden Sunset Bull Sale

Vermilion, AB

March 24

49th Parallel Bull Sale Mankota, SK

March 24

Wheeler’s Stock Farm Bull & Female Sale, Saskatoon, SK

March 24

Top Cut Black Angus Bull Sale Maple Creek, SK

March 24

Thistle Ridge Bull Sale Taber, AB

March 25

Clarke Family Farms Bull & Heifer Sale, Blenheim, ON

March 25

Shiloh Cattle Co Bull & Female Sale, Hand Hills Lake, AB

March 25

Heart of the Valley Buckskin Bull Sale, Clinton, BC

March 25

Lakeland College ‘The Roundup’ Sale Vermilion, AB

March 25

Merrill Bar Double M Bull Sale

Lethbridge, AB

March 25

Manitoba Bull Test Sale Douglas, MB

March 25

North Point Angus Bull Sale

Grande Prairie, AB

March 25

Double F Cattle Co Bull Sale

Prince Albert, SK

March 25

Swan Hills Ranch Bull Sale

DLMS Online

March 26

Schwan Angus Bull Sale

Waldeck, SK

March 26

Rideau Angus / RSK Farms Bull Sale

DLMS Online

March 27

Merit /Cockburn Bull Sale Briercrest, SK

March 27

Everblack Angus Bull & Female Sale Vermilion, AB

March 28

Anderson Cattle Co Bull Sale Swan River, MB

March 28

Double C Red Angus Bull Sale Foam Lake, SK

March 28

Redrich Farms Bull & Female Sale, Forestburg, AB

March 29

Eldorado Bull Sale

Lethbridge, AB

March 29

Hamilton Farms Bull & Female Sale, Cochrane, AB

March 29

Count Ridge Red Angus Bull Sale Brooks, AB

March 29

Topham Red Angus Bull Sale Eastend, SK

March 30

Hawkeye Ranching Bull Sale Tompkins, SK

March 30

HBH Angus Farms Bull Sale

Brandon, MB

March 30

J Square S Angus Bull Sale

DLMS Online

March 30

Redline Livestock Bull Sale

Didsbury, AB

March 31

Grasslands Bull Sale

Mankota, SK

March 31

Riverfront Angus Ranch Bull Sale Medicine Hat, AB

March 31

Remitall West Bull Sale

DLMS Onlne

March 31 - April 2

Saskatchewan Beef Expo

Saskatoon, SK

March 31

Fleming Stock Farm& RJ Livestock Bull Sale, Stavely, AB

April 1

Lauron Red Angus & Guests Bull Sale, Didsbury, AB

April 1

Crescent Creek Bull & Female Sale

Goodeve, SK

April 1

Six Mile Ranch Bull Sale

Fir Mountain, SK

April 1

Burnett Black Angus Bull Sale

Swift Current, SK

April 1

Vee Tee Black Angus Bull Sale

Lloydminster, SK

April 1

Sudden Impact Bull Sale

Viscount, SK

April 2

Rising Stars Junior Show Stettler, AB

April 2

Ravenworth Momentum Bull Sale

St Denis, SK

April 3

Delorme’s ‘Your Choice’ Bull & Heifer Sale, Maple Creek, SK

April 3

Justamere Bull Sale

Lloydminster, SK

April 3

Eastondale Angus Bull Sale

Wawota, SK

April 4

Lorenz Angus Bull Sale

Markerville, AB

April 4

Windy Willows ‘Git’er Done’ Bull Sale, Hodgeville, SK

April 4

JAS Buy the Beef Bull Sale

Neepawa, MB

April 5

Howe Farm Angus Bull Sale Moose Jaw, SK

April 5

Peak Dot Ranch Spring Bull Sale, Wood Mountain, SK

April 6

South View Ranch Red & Black Angus Bull Sale, Ceylon, SK

April 6

Rainbow Hills Ranch Bull & Female Sale, Delburne, AB

April 6

Kenray Ranch Red Angus Bull Sale DV Auction Online

April 6

Nielson Land & Cattle Bull Sale

Craik, SK

April 6

Daines Cattle Bull & Female Sale

Innisfail, AB

April 7

RSL Northern Progress Bull Battleford, SK

April 7

Right Cross Ranch Bull Sale

Kisbey, SK

April 8

Triple A Angus Bull Sale Moose Jaw, SK

April 8

Anchor 1 Angus Bull Sale Mayerthorpe, AB

April 8

Rivendale Cattle Co Bull Sale

DLMS Online

April 8

Blue Collar Bull Sale Yorkton, SK

April 8

Rebel Creek Angus Bull Sale Pollockville, AB

April 10

Triple J Black Angus Bull Sale Whitewood, SK

April 10

Riverside / Dersta Bull Sale Innisfail, AB

April 10

Moose Creek Red Angus Bull Sale Kisbey, SK

April 11

Rodgers Red Angus Performance Bull Sale, Lethbridge, AB

April 11

Young Dale Bull & Female Sale Carievale, SK

April 12

Flying K Red Angus Bull Sale Swift Current, SK

April 12

Chinook Junior Stock Show Claresholm, AB

April 12

W Sunrise Angus Bull Sale Fort Macleod, AB

April 13

Fleury Cattle Co Black Angus Bull Sale, Aberdeen, SK

April 13

N7 Stock Farms Bull Sale

Crandall, MB

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April 14

Lines Red Angus Bull Sale Cantuar, SK

April 15

Short Grass Bull & Female Sale

Aneroid, SK

April 15

CAF Outstanding Young Angus Breeder Nominations Deadline

April 15

Junior Angus Stockman of the Year Nominations Deadline

April 15

Canada’s Richest Youth Show Olds, AB

April 16

Homestead Angus Bull Sale DLMS Online

April 20

66 Ranch Angus Bull Sale Brooks, AB

April 21

Freyburn Angus Bull & Female Sale, Oxbow, SK

April 22

Wiwa Creek Bull Sale Rush Lake, SK

April 28

SheidaghanTurn ‘Em Out Bull & Female Sale - Online (DV Auction)

April 28-30

Youth Forum Beef Show Lindsay, ON

April 30

Deadline for Robert C. McHaffie

Junior Ambassador Applications

May 6

Mukk Boots or Mittens Jackpot Show, Webb, SK

May 13

Southeast Club Calf Cruze Weyburn, SK

May 15

Deadline for Dick Turner Scholarship Applications

May 20

Cody Sibbald Memorial Classic, Beechy, SK

May 20

Valley Junior Beef Sweepstakes Carp, ON

May 25

Deadline for CJAA Showdown Trucking Bursary

May 27

South Central Spring Classic Ogema, SK

May 31

Deadline for CJA U S Exchange Applications

June 1

Entry Deadline for CJA Showdown

June 1

Deadline for CJA Travel Bursary

June 3

Kennedy 4-H Beef Jackpot Show Kennedy, SK

June 3

Perdue Cattle Show Junior Steer & Heifer Jackpot, Perdue SK

June 4

Alameda Ag Society Open Jackpot Show, Alameda, SK

June 10

Canadian Angus Foundation Legacy Sale, Saskatoon, SK

June 15

Canadian Junior Angus Scholarships Deadline

June 24

Mel Grimes Memorial Junior Steer and Heifer Show, Arcola, SK

July 4

Weyburn Steer and Heifer Jackpot, Weyburn, SK

July 10-15

Summer Synergy, Olds, AB

July 12-15

Colonial Days Jackpot Steer & Heifer Show, Lloydminster, SK

July 16

Stampede Junior Steer Classic Calgary, AB

July 21-22

Perdue Cattle Show Perdue, SK

July 20 - 22

CJA Showdown 2023 Swift Current, SK

July 30

Weldon Ag Showcase Weldon, SK,

August 3 - 5

Prince Albert Exhibition Show Prince Albert, SK

August 9 - 10

Saskatchewan Angus Tour East Central Saskatchewan

August 16 - 19

Bashaw All Breeds Show Bashaw AB

September 2 - 3

Young Ranchman's All Breeds Livestock Show, Swift Current, SK

October 21

Clarke Family Farms & Guest Female Sale, Blenheim, ON

Page 56 Angus World Commercial Edition 2023*
66 Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Angus Acres 26 Arda Farms 23 Atlasta Angus 14 Bandura Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Belvin Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OBC Benchmark Angus 20 Blades Angus 16 Blast Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Border Butte Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFC Brandl Cattle Co 25 Bronyx Angus 26 C D Land & Cattle Co 13 Castlerock Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Clarke Family Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Crescent Creek Angus 6 Cudlobe Angus 1 Delorme Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Durness Angus Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Early Sunset Ranch 15 F Bar R Ranch 41 Fraser Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Freeway Angus 23 Genex 39 Glen Islay Angus 5, 26 Hillbrook Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Howe Red Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 JPM Farms 29 Lauron Red Angus 31 Lifestock Podcast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44, 56 Lorenz Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Leeuwenburgh Angus 37 LLB Angus 33 Manitoba Bull Test Station 22 McGillivray Land & Livestock . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Merit Cattle Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Northern Progress Sale 28 Pahl Livestock IBC Prime Time Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Poplar Meadows Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Rack Red Angus 42 Reid Angus 59 Rodgers Red Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Ronan R Angus 26 RSL Red Angus 28 Sandy Bar Ranch 19 Saskatchewan Angus Association . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Sealin Creek Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Section One Angus 26 Shaver Angus 26 Sheidaghan Anghus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Shiloh Cattle Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Short Grass Sale 19 Southgate Acres 26 Southland Cattle Co 34 T-Down Trailers Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Ter-Ron Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Triple J Black Angus 27 Valley Blossom Ranch 19 WRAZ Red Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Z Bar Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Ad Index
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