Angus World Commercial Issue 2024

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Volume 32 #1* Aberdeen Angus World P.O. Box 177, Stavely, Alberta T0L 1Z0 4 0 3 5 5 4 2 6 9 6 ( c e l l ) e m a i l : o f f i c e @ a n g u s w o r l d c a w w w. a n g u s w o r l d . c a "Official Publication of the Canadian Angus Association" Dave Callaway Editor/Publisher Advertising Rates Full Page Colour $1,00 00 1/2 Page $650 00 1/3 Page $350 00 1/4 Page $275 00 Card Ad (annually) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150.00 Subscription Rates Canada 1 year $50 00 (incl GST) United States 1 year . . . . . . . $50.00 USD (incl GST) Foreign 1 year $50 00 USD (incl GST) Publications Mail Agreement #40051561 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Angus World c/o Circulation Dept P.O. Box 177 Stavely, Alberta T0L 1Z0 ~ Printed in Canada ~ " Ab e rd e e n An g u s Wo r l d " i s d e d i c a t e d t o t h e p r o m o t i o n , g r ow t h a n d i m p r ov e m e n t o f Ab e rd e e n An g u s C a t t l e . - Official Publication of the Canadian Angus AssociationTable of Contents Nityy Gritty About VBP+ Certication Pricing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 USDA Launches Beef Grading Pilot to Help More Processors . . . . . . . . . . . 12 StockBoss Energy Free Livestock Waterers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Canadian Junior Angus Association Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Canadian Junior Angus Ambassador Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Canadian Angus Foundation Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Provincial Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Events Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
( d o u b l e f p h o t o s c o m ) at
Fullerton Double
Ranch, Lundbreck, AB
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Dave’s Desk

There should be a positive atmosphere moving into the upcoming Bull Sale season as cattle prices have been quite favourable of late. Any reports I have read are revealing diminishing cattle numbers both in Canada as well as the US. A “herd re-build” has not yet started That coupled with steady consumer demand for beef has and will keep cattle values strong for at least the next few years. I read one news release coming out of the US National Cattlemen’s Conference that had the by-line “You ain’t seen nothing yet ” which covered a panel discussion of industry experts They each made different points but all supported fairly

long term optimism in the industry All in all I feel the industry is in good shape at this point in time

On the consumer side of things, the current beef consumers are concerned about food safety, where and how animals are being raised They are looking for some sort of assurance that their concerns are being addressed. This is pressuring food purveyors to address issues they historically were not as concerned about. As we go forward producers will need to have some sort verification of ‘best practises’ in order to reap the high dollar for their product. One of the ways cow calf producers can move in that direction is including a program like VBP+ into their operation. We need to get out and tell our story whenever we can because if we don’t someone else will and then it will be on their terms of reference.

As far as the bull buying duties that most will be facing in the coming weeks, there are many things to be considered I don’t want to get preachy as I don’t have any skin in game All genetics brought into your herd will bring a permanent genetic change EPD’s can be a valuable tool, however using them exclusively with out consideration as to understanding

exactly what they mean can be detrimental It is very important that bulls being brought into service are visually appraised for physical structure and soundness It is also important to consider the traits you are selecting for with an eye to potential risks that other traits may be affected In my opinion it is important to consider the maternal side of the equation, so it is always good see the mother and maybe the sisters of a bull prior to purchase. A strong working relationship with the breeder you do business with is important

Looking forward to what the weather may hold is anyone ’ s guess however Matt Makens of Makens Weather is predicting rather dry till June then wetter into the summer. Matt studies weather and I like his prediction

All things considered there is reason for optimism in the agriculture industry and more specifically the beef business

Have a great spring and great success in your bull buying endeavours

Until next time,

Dave Callaway

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Nitty Gritty About VBP+ Certification Pricing

A producer's bottom line is their most important consideration - after all, an operation can ' t run if it isn't financially viable So, it's important for producers to understand what they are paying for when it comes to getting certified with VBP+.

We often get asked why the cost of the audit is what it is, and we feel this is a question that many producers might have As a non-profit, we work on a cost-recovery basis Just like our producers, our focus is efficiency and minimizing costs.

Phase of Certification Cost to

Year 1 - On-Farm Audit


Year 2 - Records Assessment $100

Year 3 - Self-Declaration $100

Year 4 - Records Assessment $100

Year 5 - Records Assessment $100

Administration $100

Total $1250


When you get certified with VBP+, you are signing up for five years of certification While you can pay a fee for all five years up front or pay annually, you commit to the full five year price up front The reason for this becomes clear when the cost of the first year is broken down.

Costs for the auditor to visit the farm, carry out the audit, and complete reporting

Costs for reviewers and assessors to evaluate records submitted and address corrective actions

Costs for reviewers and assessors to evaluate responses and address any concerns

Costs for reviewers and assessors to evaluate records submitted and address corrective actions

Costs for reviewers and assessors to evaluate responses and address any concerns

Costs for VBP+ Delivery Services Inc. to maintain producer database to get producers value back

Total cost over the 5-year certification cycle

Note: This article will break down average costs for a Level 1 operation (i e a cow-calf, grasser/stocker, or short-term backgrounding operation)

For a Level 1 operation, the cost of getting certified is $1250, or $250 per year for five years This value equals the average cost to Verified Beef Delivery Services Inc. to carry out the certification of one operation. This means that VBP+ does not profit from certification.

For operations that require a Level 2 or 3 audit, the cost increases to $350 or $400 per year, respectively. These operations are generally larger, manage cattle closer to slaughter, and typically have more complex records in greater volumes. As a result, it takes an auditor or a VBP+ Delivery Services Inc. staff member a longer amount of time to complete an audit or review a renewal This added time is reflected proportionally in the additional cost

Understanding what each year of certification costs is interesting, but raises questions about what kinds of costs go into each year Obviously, the on-farm audit accounts for the greatest portion of the cost of certification. When an auditor actually visits the farm in person, they incur travel costs. As well, the time it takes for an auditor to fully assess an operation on-farm and then compile all of the results into a format that is useable by a producer takes longer than the average renewal event. The audit year also requires processing by staff (for example, to assign an auditor to the operation, obtain all relevant information for certification, etc )

For renewal events, VBP+ Delivery Services Inc has to pay renewal coordinators, reviewers and assessors to keep track of timing of renewals, send out reminders, provide assistance, review documentation, and approve renewals. Administration encompasses the time that renewal coordinators use to help producers find answers to their questions in between renewals, manage the database, and handle other administrative tasks, like accounting.

Previously posted on the VBP+ blog – www verifiedbeef ca

VBP+ is committed to helping producers yield maximum value from the program. We welcome questions about the certification process and what VBP+ Delivery Services Inc does as the third-party verification arm of VBP+ To reach out to us, head to our Contact Us page on the website

Delivery Services Inc
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USDA Launches Beef Grading Pilot to Help More Processors

USDA Launches Pilot to Help More Processors Access High-Value Beef Grading

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced a pilot program to allow more cattle producers and meat processors to access better markets through the U S Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) official beef quality grading and certification The Remote Grading Pilot for Beef, developed by USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), matches simple technology with robust data management and program oversight to allow a USDA grader to assess beef carcass characteristics and assign the official quality grade from a remote location, reducing costs and location as barriers to participation in voluntary grading services

Secretary Vilsack announced the new pilot during a panelist discussion with livestock producers and independent meat processing business owners in conjunction with the National Western Stock Show in Denver, Colorado. In addition to the pilot, Secretary Vilsack highlighted USDA programs in the West that create economic prosperity for farms, ranches and rural communities by supporting on-farm conservation, bolstering new markets, creating jobs, and keeping farming and ranching viable for the next generation Today’s announcement builds on USDA’s comprehensive approach to increase competition in agricultural markets, create a fairer playing field for small- and mid-size farmers and ranchers, and provide producers more options to market their products

“On average, a beef carcass that grades as USDA Prime is valued at hundreds of dollars more than an ungraded carcass, but costs for this voluntary USDA service often prevents smaller scale processors and the farmers and ranchers they serve from using this valuable marketing tool,” Secretary Vilsack said. “This remote grading pilot opens the door for additional packers and

processors to receive grading and certification services allowing them to access new, better, and more diverse marketing opportunities ”

Consumers as well as buyers and sellers of beef rely on USDA quality grades, including Prime, Choice, and Select, as a clear and standardized way to indicate quality Everyone involved in the beef supply chain, from cattle producers to beef consumers, benefit from the greater efficiency permitted by the application of official United States grade standards

USDA offers these services to packers and processors on a user-fee basis While over 90% of America’s fed beef supply is officially graded by USDA, most users are large beef packing operations. USDA’s meat grading and certification services are significantly underutilized by small, independent processors, in large part due to the expense of paying for a highly trained USDA grader to travel to their facility to perform service in-person for a relatively small number of cattle that may not require a full day of the graders’ work. Experience with remote grading so far has shown it dramatically reduces travel-related expenses, which makes the service more accessible to smaller processors

In this pilot, trained plant employees capture specific images of the live animal and beef carcass These images are submitted electronically to a USDA grader already stationed elsewhere in the U S , likely located in another rural community, who reviews the images and accompanying plant records and product data, assigns the USDA Quality Grade and applicable carcass certification programs, and communicates the official grade back to the plant to be applied to the carcass. Plants can then use this information in their retail marketing and transmit carcass performance information back to producers.

The pilot will build on lessons-learned during AMS’ feasibility study of a “ remote grading” process conducted during the second half of 2023 AMS will expand its testing by engaging a larger and more diverse number of beef packers to participate in the development of this procedure Through the pilot, AMS will gather additional information on actual cost and the level of in-person surveillance needed to ensure program consistency and integrity to formalize this innovative service option as part of the USDA Quality Grading Service

The Remote Grading Pilot for Beef is limited to domestic beef slaughter facilities operating under federal inspection and producing product that meets the eligibility criteria for the USDA grading program.

USDA touches the lives of all Americans each day in so many positive ways. Under the Biden-Harris Administration, USDA is transforming America’s food system with a greater focus on more resilient local and regional food production, promoting competition and fairer markets for all producers, ensuring access to safe, healthy and nutritious food in all communities, building new markets and streams of income for farmers and producers using climate-smart food and forestry practices, making historic investments in infrastructure and clean energy capabilities in rural America, and committing to equity across the Department by removing systemic barriers and building a workforce more representative of America To learn more, visit www usda gov

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StockBoss Cattle Watering Systems

If you are looking for a means of watering your stock without the worry of frozen waterers, burst pipes and the things that normally cause hovac when the weather tests everything in the winter StockBoss Energy Free Waterers may be the solution for you Utilizing the sub-surface soil and water temperature these waterers will keep water available to your stock without the need of additional energy These waterers do not require electricity, propane or any other source of heat The ambient year-round ground and water temperature of 32 degrees celsius is used to keep the waterer from freezing

Using large poly drums buried eight feet in the ground to take advantage of the ground temperature these waterers are able to deliver fresh well water to stock in extremely cold and remote locations The fact that there is no energy requirement allows these waterers to be installed by simply running a water to the location where water is needed

StockBoss Distributors


Cattle Creek Livestock Management Solutions

David Flundra

P.O. Box 1453, Medicine Hat, Alberta T1A 7N4

Phone: (306) 662-2449 ~ Cell: (403) 502-4776

Email: cattle creek@xplornet com

Cattle Creek Livestock Management Solutions

Dustin Flundra

PO Box 1210,Pincher Creek, Alberta T0L 0N0

Phone: (403) 632-6153

Email: dustinflundra@gmailcom

Doug's Backhoe Service

5120 - 50th St Mannville, Alberta T0B 2W0

Doug Gausvik - 780 787 7500


Innisfail Auction Market

4504 - 42 St, Innisfail, AB T4G 1P6

Kyle Daines: 403 598 0311

Email: kyledaines@hotmail com

StockBoss Energy Free Waterers are an excellent option for utilizing pasture in areas where a power source is not readily available without a large investment All that is needed is the waterline to supply water

British Columbia

Dawson Creek Co-op

10020 Parkhill Dr, Dawson Creek, BC 250.782.3371


Delta Co-op Agro Centre

205-2nd Ave S, Unity, Saskatchewan S0K 4L0 306 228 2624


J F Breton Inc

603 Petit Rang 8, Palmarolle, QC J0Z 3C0

Phone:Jean-Francois Breton - 819.333.7878

Email: info@jfbreton net


South Dakota

Mac's Corner Ag Supply

21675 Hwy 47, Stephen, SD 57346

Jeff Ellsworth - 605.870.1421

Deseray Ellsworth - 605 870 0172


North Dakota

Buffalo Hardware

14625 Hwy #12, Bowman, ND 58263

Shaine Odell - 605 645 4619

Email: shaine@buffalohardwarestore com

Check for great StockBoss Videos Page 20 Angus World Commerial Edition 2024
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Canadian Junior Angus

Hello, Juniors and fellow Angus Breeders I hope the calving season is going well for everyone and you ’ re enjoying nice weather. What a year 2023 was, with great events and sales!

At Canadian Western Agribition, again this year, we held our CJA Scholarship Heifer Fundraiser at the All Star Angus Sale on the Friday night. We would like to send a huge thank you to Hamilton Farms for donating the 2023 heifer. Every year this

fundraiser has become more and more successful and we couldn’t be more grateful for all the support in making this year a new record! Congratulations to Bar-H Land & Cattle on winning the heifer. We will be hosting our GOAL Conference in February from the 17-19th in Kelowna, British Columbia There are several speakers and activities lined up in hopes of making this one of the best ones yet We are excited to meet some new people and catch up with old friends, with over 70 Juniors registered for the conference GOAL is a fantastic event for older Junior members to connect with other people from across Canada while learning so much about our industry The Legacy Scholarships are also awarded at GOAL every year As a Junior member who has applied for these, it’s more than winning, it’s also the experience you gain from the application process! You can check out all of the opportunities on our website or ask any one of us board members about them.

In July we will be hosting Showdown 2024 in Grassie, Ontario from the 18-20th at the West Niagara fairgrounds I strongly encourage everyone to attend, this event has so many great competitions for Juniors to get more involved in the Angus breed with kids their age while learning so much from it! Please contact any board member, including myself, for more information on Showdown

I hope to see you all down the line at GOAL, Showdown, sales and events

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Hillary Sauder ~ President, Canadian Junior Angus
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Canadian Junior Angus Ambassador

Hi everyone!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and are having a great start to the calving season I have had a great fall attending some fall shows and Angus events

First up, I attended Farmfair International in Edmonton, Alberta I spent the day watching the show and helping the Alberta Angus Association with some things behind the scenes and in the ring. It was great to catch up with everyone and see such an impressive group of cattle and turnout.

Next was Agribition in Regina, Saskatchewan.

First up for the weeks' events was the first-ever Brian Good Battle of the Breed Bull Jackpot. It

was nice to raise some money for the scholarship in memory of Brian and congratulations to everyone who brought cattle, it was great to have so many good ones entered! The next day I attended the Red and Black Angus shows and helped put those shows on through the day. Friday night I attended the All Star Angus Sale. Thank you to Hamilton Farms who very generously donated an outstanding heifer calf to Canadian Junior Angus (CJA) and to everyone who purchased tickets It is always very exciting to see the overwhelming support for the Juniors in the Angus breed Congratulations to everyone who exhibited cattle at Agribition, it was great to catch up with everyone throughout the week

December 13-15 I had the opportunity to attend the Certified Angus Beef (CAB) Youth Beef Leaders Seminar in Wooster, Ohio with past CJA Director Sarah MacDonald Day one we had some free time before the conference started, so we explored beautiful downtown Wooster and the College of Wooster. The seminar kicked off that evening with a bit of networking and introductions and then the first of many amazing meals. I have never had so much incredible beef in one place! Day two included a tour of the CAB headquarters: the warehouse, offices, studio, and kitchen. It was so interesting to learn about all the

different ways they are marketing the highest-quality beef. Next up we spent some time in the meat cooler learning all about what makes CAB such great beef. After that we spent some time learning about some of CAB's marketing initiatives and some brand data before heading back to the cooler after lunch to test our knowledge on beef carcasses and their value. Also in the cooler, and a personal favorite for me, we tried our hand at cutting some meat We finished off our day with a taste test comparing CAB Choice and CAB Prime, learning about consumer trends, and axe throwing Our last day included getting new professional headshots, learning some etiquette tips for professional events and a panel discussion on careers Overall, it was an incredible trip with lots of learning, networking, and new friendships!

I can ’ t wait to see everyone at GOAL Conference in Kelowna. I am really looking forward to all of the speakers and tours and getting to know some more juniors in our breed. GOAL is always my favourite Junior Angus event, so I am eagerly looking forward to this year ’ s Conference.

Wishing everyone the best through the rest of calving and as we enter the bull sale season.

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Julie Sharp ~ Robert C. McHaffie Junior Ambassador
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Canadian Angus Foundation Message

Another new year is upon us and with it bring new opportunities New genetics are being born and future plans are being made and the continual farming cycles goes on The future of the Canadian Angus Foundation gets me excited and I’m glad I can be involved.

There are so many opportunities for individuals to take advantage of Many Junior programs are available and I strongly encourage you to view the Foundation website to see which programs are best suited for you There are many different resources for all members including scholarships, bursaries, and awards to recognize individuals that excel in the Angus business I know the Juniors seem to be the focus of the Foundation, but I think at times they just get more publicity. It is very easy to highlight our great Junior members and their accomplishments.

The Foundation is also responsible for contributing to research as well as history and preservation of the Angus breed. I think this is something that doesn’t get the attention that it deserves but is a crucial part of the Foundation’s mandate.

I am once again looking forward to the Building the Legacy Sale this year I would like to thank past donors for their generosity and would also encourage you to reach out to us if you are

interested in being involved in this great event. The Legacy Sale is always a highlight of the Annual meeting and its truly a great event to be a part of. Our fundraising committee is also working on the Future 15 initiative and we encourage you to contact us if you would like to participate and support our programming

In closing I would like to wish you all the best in 2024 It’s a great time to be in the cattle industry and hopefully the higher prices hold for many years allowing a brighter future for those who want to make a living in this industry As a breeder with young children, I feel blessed to have the ability to raise my four girls in this industry and know that my children and I will have the support of the Canadian Angus Association and the Canadian Angus Foundation

Our Mission

Together with inspiration and bold initiatives we can create opportunities to grow our Angus Legacy for ourselves and future generations

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British Columbia Angus Association

BC Angus Association Directors wish to extend a Healthy and Happy 2024, to you and your families

It is early January and it looks like winter has arrived throughout most of BC Many folks appreciated the mild temperatures during the holidays for traveling with children, road conditions, visiting friends and neighbours and such.

Many cattle producers took advantage of milder temperatures with little to no snow cover as an opportunity to save some winter feed. We definitely have shortened the feeding season, but grass is still a longways away. Throughout BC we need adequate snow cover in order for spring run off to fill dugouts, sloughs, creeks and lakes. In the spring we need slow soaker rains at the right time to replenish the water table and encourage growth for summer grasses, hay and other sources of feed Fingers crossed that’s the way it plays itself out for the spring and early simmer of 2024

Buy BC . . . is the motto once again for the 2024 bull sale season. BC Angus Association members appreciate the continued support provided by commercial cattle farmers and ranchers when purchasing Angus bulls in BC. Angus bulls bred and born in BC are a quality product, raised and adapted to the terrain and environment of the BC landscape and climate. They are ready to work for you.

Tips for New Bulls Preparation and Successful Breeding

- The day your new bull purchase(s) are being delivered; is your operation ready to set those bulls up for success?

- Most seedstock producers selling bulls will guarantee them As a buyer, having a good relationship with the seller can provide some sense of security if something happens

- As a potential bull customer talk to other customers of that particular operation in an attempt to achieve a better understanding of the seller’s reputation

- It’s also a good practice to communicate with the seller to find out what vaccines and herd health protocols they have used. Likewise, when new females are added to your herd.

- Another option bull buyers have is to purchase insurance, especially if the bull is expensive. Each producer must assess their level of risk and consider whether or not insurance is a good option

- A good biosecurity practice is to segregate a new bull

or bulls for a few days upon arrival at your place. If a bull has traveled a distance the possibility of sickness could exist and you want your new purchases to be healthy. This can be difficult for some operations, due to availability of pen space etc.

- Most bulls are developed before the bull sales and they might lose a little condition during stress of the sale and shipping. Bulls should be in excellent condition before going to the breeding pastures, as they are likely to drop some body condition while breeding, if they are doing their job properly

- Bull soundness exams including re-semen testing prior to turnout are other critical parts of ensuring a successful breeding season

- Unforeseen things can and do happen to bulls at breeding time

- Remember the old adage; “Better to be Safe than Sorry,” can certainly hold true

- The best bull is one that will complement your cow herd phenotype and genetics to produce a calf crop that will bring the best product to the market of your choice. That bull selection will start by determining the breed choice, followed by determining what set of EPD’s and / or Indexes will best fit.

Wishing you the best of success for your 2024 bull buying, bull selling and calving seasons.

If you have any questions regarding Angus cattle or the Angus Association, please reach out to myself or any one of your BCCA Directors.

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Alberta Angus Association

Whether you ’ re wrapping up winter calving, in the thick of calving, just gearing up for spring calving or getting set to start breeding cows in the near future, not to mention delivering or selling bulls, it is without a doubt the BUSY season! (But, for that matter, when isn’t?!) I hope that each operation is running smoothly, like a well-oiled

machine, to help carry everyone through to days of sunshine, timely rains and kicking pairs out on green grass

It is encouraging to see the quality of cattle and numbers that were brought out to winter pen shows around the region along with great crowds there to see what breeders had to offer This really seems to be a key tool in connecting purebred breeders with commercial customers, something the Alberta Angus Association is very intent on supporting. We were pleased to be a part of Medicine Hat Beef Pen Show with a near record crowd joining us for the steak fry. The association had a strong presence at the Canadian Bull Congress in Camrose with many board members in attendance. Alberta Angus was also a proud sponsor of the Peace Country Beef Congress, supporting our producers in the northern part of the region in their efforts to showcase the breed. At the booth in Medicine Hat and Camrose we

Saskatchewan Angus Association

2023 was a very busy year for the Saskatchewan Angus Association We spent some time looking at our programming and the future through a formal strategic planning process Thanks to everyone who provided input. Further outcomes are on-going but we do have more focus on education and engagement of both our members, youth and producers in general, and confirmation that our current programs are well received and should be continued.

In June we had the pleasure of hosting the National Convention at the Sheraton Cavalier in beautiful downtown Saskatoon Attendance was great and what a pleasure it was to host Angus members from across the country We look forward to being part of Convention 2024 in Toronto

In July we saw a huge number of juniors attend the Canadian Junior Angus Showdown in Swift Current I’m told it was nearly record attendance

ran draws for credits for our commercial producers Congratulations to the lucky winners – they will both have $1000 vouchers to go towards the purchase of a registered Angus bull from Alberta Angus members

The Association hopes you will save the date and join us for our AGM on August 24th at Shiloh Cattle Company held in conjunction with the Southern Alberta Angus tour as well as the National Angus Show this fall at the 50th Anniversary of Farmfair International in Edmonton.

With bull sales in full swing, positivity in the cattle industry continues to grow. Should we be blessed with favorable weather conditions through the summer, this could be a year cattle producers mark in the history books and talk about for a long, long time.

with 150 Juniors and 185 head of cattle, second only to Lloydminster numbers in 2017. I personally had the pleasure of judging the conformation show. The quality of cattle was second to none, and the quality of juniors I saw walk through the ring was outstanding. The young men and women I had the pleasure to work with for the day were hard working, driven, respectful, competitive and polite individuals who never quit, even in the scorching heat The parents of all these young members should be very proud, these fine young men and women will shape our future and it was a pleasure to have had the opportunity to be with them in the show ring for the day

The month of August brought us the Saskatchewan Angus summer tour It was hosted by a group of breeders in the East Central part of the province On day one the tour saw stops at Parkwood Angus with PK Angus, HS Angus, Dual E Cattle Co., and Double C Red Angus followed by an outstanding Ukranian meal at the Tuffnell hall and entertainment by Quick Dick McDick. Day two took us to Crescent Creek Angus, Triple H Red Angus with 4K Angus, then to Black Ridge Angus and finally to Nu-Horizon Angus. Supper that evening was held at the Dysart Hall where we got to experience exceptional creations from each competitor in the 1st Annual Verified Beef BBQ Competition The food and hospitality was amazing and I believe it will be a tour to remember

We moved our Annual General Meeting from January to host it in conjunction with the Annual Masterpiece Sale It was held October 20th at

Gold-Bar Livestock at Caronport, SK. Our goal and purpose with moving the date and location was to see a larger attendance and more uptake from our membership. The change was a positive one and we saw much greater participation than we have seen for many years. The Masterpiece Sale itself was also a huge success, setting a nice tone for the sale season.

November brought us our two Gold shows, first up at Stockade Roundup in Lloydminster where the Saskatchewan Juniors also hosted their Annual Show Agribition 2023 saw Angus entries increase The show and quality of cattle was outstanding All Angus breeders should be very proud of the quality of cattle being produced as a breed It is not just one breeder, but the entire breed, coast to coast, working hard to make that happen The All Star Angus Sale held Friday evening at Agribition was again an outstanding event The sale grossed $500,450 on 26.33 lots for an average of $19006.83 per lot. Congratulations to all involved.

Looking forward, we will be hosting a Breeder Information Session at the newly opened BoviGen facility at Moose Jaw on Sunday, April 21st - all are invited to attend. July will see our annual tour hosted in the North Central area of the province and we are excited to be heading back to Prince Albert in August for the 2024 Gold and Junior Show Stay tuned to our Facebook page and website for details to come

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Manitoba Angus Association

Happy New Year,

As January has been quite the roller coaster across all western Canada with the massive temperature fluctuations For anyone that’s started calving I hope it is going well for everyone as it’s no doubt the most thrilling but at the same time

the most demanding and exhausting time of the year for any cattleman Especially when calving in the conditions we ’ ve experienced in January thus far

To everybody that is bull shopping this spring, make sure you do your homework Take the time to tour the farm(s) you plan to purchase bulls from As well as study the pedigrees and the epd’s of the bulls you plan to acquire to be sure that the bulls you ’ re purchasing will incorporate the traits that you desire in your future calf crops

As I reflect on 2023, for MB Angus I believe last year was a pivotal year for the association and the board. We really tried to freshen things up and make some strides as an association. It may not look like it to many outside the board, but we really are trying to challenge some old ideas and ways of doing things and find new concepts to help bring the Angus breed forward in the province. I really look forward to what the future

holds as we have a lot to discuss going into 2024 and I predict some exciting things happening as the year unfolds

I would like to thank Dylan Funk and Lacey Brown for the time and effort they dedicated to the MB board Your input has been much appreciated and I would like to welcome Austin Richards and Glen Humphreys to the board for 2024, we look forward to working with you both

For Manitoba, I am pleased to announce that Nolan Cattle Company is your 2023 Purebred Breeder of the year and Lane Valley Farms is the 2023 Commercial Producer of the year. Your honorary president for 2023 is Bill Walker and congrats to Alice Rooke on being named the 2023 Jack Hart Memorial Award Winner.

All the best with calving everyone!

The calendar for 2024 says that we are in winter here in Ontario but looking out the window seems to regularly give us contradicting views. With a more moderate winter comes its challenges for breeders currently calving cows but with less snow it has certainly made travel on the roads much easier

The Ontario Association has had several extra meetings over the past 2-3 months as we work to get ready for hosting the 2024 Canadian Angus convention June 6-8th This convention is an event we all look forward to as an opportunity to meet new and old Angus enthusiasts from across the country This year we are excited to host the event at the Sheraton

Maritime Angus Association

Parkway North Toronto Hotel and Suites which will be a very central location to showcase Ontario. This years events will comprise of two tour days, one west from the hotel visiting Walkerbrae Farms and the University of Guelph Research Facility and a second one east touring an ethanol plant, a feedlot and Whiskey Lane Livestock We are also thrilled to be hosting the 2nd Verified Angus BBQ competition which will showcase Angus beef prepared by some of the top pit masters in the industry

We would like to invite everyone to join us in Ontario for the 2024 Angus convention for an event that is sure to be a memorable one

Happy New Year to all fellow purebred and commercial Angus members from the Maritimes.

Our recent Maritime AGM was held on January 28th in Amherst, NS Many members attended the meeting and there was a lot of successful discussion on many new / upcoming topics.

This winter there’s a strong set of bulls at the Maritime Beef Test Station with 12 Black Angus and 6 Red Angus on test being evaluated on structure, feed efficiency, and carcass merit The bulls test gains and all info is available online at The sale will be held live and online on April 6 at 1 pm in Nappan, NS.

The field day for 2024 will be hosted by PEI Angus and held on the farm by James Worth and Colby MacQuarrie the week prior to Old Home Week in the beginning of August

Our local Angus Ambassador Isaac Ayer is working hard at promoting Angus genetics this past year and looks forward to reaching out more to our fellow commercial producers on this topic. Well that about sums events up at the beginning of 2024 in the Maritimes Good luck to everyone calving and to the upcoming bull sale season.

Ontario Angus Association
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C A R D S E C T I O N ALBERTA BREEDERS SERVICE Neil Hazel Box 5, Site 4, R R #1, Olds, Alta T4H 1P3 Phone (403)507-8771 Fax (403)507-8772 Semen - Supplies - Nitrogen Tel:(403) 226 0666 e-mail: ▲ Custom Collection ▲ Private Storage Custom Service Program Steve Dorran Auctioneer P O Box 10100, Stn Main, Airdrie, Alberta, T4A 0H4 760 972 7736 Don Raffan AUCTIONEER Bus (250)546-9420 / Cellular (250)558-6789 Comp 19 Larkin Site RR 3 Armstrong BC V0E 1B0 SERVICES OFFERED ● On-farm freezing & collection ● Donor care facility ● Recipient herd ● Licensed facility for embryos exports ● Genetic Marketing & Selection ● International Embryo Sales Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd. Davis-Rairdan International P.O. Box 590 Crossfield, Alberta Canada T0M 0S0 Phone (403)946-4551 Fax (403)946-5093 Website email embryos@davis-rairdan com Jay & Lenore Davis Box 184, Acme, Alberta T0M 0A0 (403) 546-2299 Sealin Creek Ranch Registered Angus Dan & Janette Speller Box 59, Monte Lake, BC V0E 2N0 (250)375-2268 Commerial Edition 2024 Angus World Page 37
C A R D S E C T I O N Bryan & Sherry Mackenzie P O Box 122, Pincher Creek, Alberta T0K 1W0 Phone: (403)627-5676 / Fax:(403)627-4653 / brylor@telusplanet net P i o n e e r R e d A n g u s B r e e d e r BLIND CREEK ANGUS Wayne and Peggy Robinson Box 36 Mossleigh, Alberta T0L 1P0 Phone (403) 934-4083 Owners: Flint & Flint (780)855-2181 New Norway, AB Dwayne & Joanne Emery (780) 674-4410 P.O. Box 31, Camp Creek, Alberta T0G 0L0 REGISTERED ANGUS “RANCH RAISED BALANCED PERFORMANCE CATTLE” Angus Murray and Gloria Fraser 403-787-2341 Horned Hereford Cam and Kim Fraser 403-787-2165 Box 32, Hussar, Alberta TOJ 1SO F BAR RR R A A N N C C H H Fleming Stock Farms Box 1, Granum, Alberta T0L 1A0 Ph: 403/687-2288 Fax: 403/687-2088 flemingangus@xplornet com “Quality goes in before the name goes on” Duncan, Cecilie, Cooper & Ricki Fleming Robert & Gail Hamilton Box 11, Site 15, R R # 2, Cochrane, Alberta T4C 1A2 (403) 932-5980 ~ hamiltonfarms ca FARMS " Our Greatest Asset - Quality Angus" JW CATTLE CO Registered Angus P O Box 11, Camp Creek, AB T0G 0L0 - jwcattle@telusplanet net Phone: (780)674-2335 Cell: (780)305-4813 Fax: (780)674-4398 Wayne Branden & Jane Morrow J V W V LAKEFORD ANGUS Dave & Jean Prichard 780-385-2226 Dan & Shelley Prichard Ph/Fax: 780-385-2298 lakeford@telusplanet net Killam, Alberta Doug Noad 403-660-8371 “Visitor’s Welcome” Ron & Laurie Hunter & family RR 2 Didsbury, AB T0M 0W0 “Quality Registered & Commercial Stock” (403)335-9112 Page 38 Angus World Commerial Edition 2024
C A R D S E C T I O N Lee & Laura Brown Tim & Trish Henderson Bull & Female Sale 2nd Saturday in March Box 217, Erskine, AB T0C 1G0 Ph: (403) 742-4226 - Fax (403) 742-2962 LAF LINDON NGUS ARMS AF Lindsay & Donna Penosky & Family P O Box 37, Botha, AB T0C 0N0 Phone: (403)742-4337 ● Fax: (403)742-4341 Willard Leeuwenburgh Home: 403-381-3191 Cell: 403-382-1990 Fax: 403-381-9093 Jack Leeuwenburgh Home: 403-327-9618 Cell: 403-330-6123 Fax: 403-327-9629 Box 25, Lethbridge, AB T1J 3Y3 leeuwenburghredangus@telusplanet net LEEUWENBURGH ANGUS REGISTERED RED & BLACK ANGUS LA O R E N Z N G U S Richard & Joyce Lorenz (403)728-3285 R R #1, Markerville, Alberta T0M 1M0 MINBURN ANGUS P.O. BOX 39, MINBURN, ALBERTA T0B 3B0 Danny & Conna Warrilow Ph/Fax: (780) 593-2205 Bill & Barbara Warrilow (780) 593-2208 Breeding 150 Functional Black Angus Females Since 1945 WARREN BECK Box 610, Delburne, Alberta T0M 0V0 (403)749-2953 email: wrbeck120@gmail com B V B RAINBOW HILLSRANCH SPRUCE VIEW ANGUS RANCH Wayne Grant P O Box 174, Killam, Alberta (780)385-2216 Stauffer Ranches Stacey & Michel Stauffer S V Box 2377, Pincher Creek, Alberta T0K 1W0 Ring 403.627.2511 Fax 403.627.2650 Ken & Sharon Chitwood Ph:(403)948-3094 Fax: (403)948-6329 R R #2 Airdrie AB T4B 2A4 Stoneydale BLACK ANGUS THISTLE RIDGE RANCH Registered & Commercial Red Angus P O Box 4205, Taber, Alberta T1G 2C7 Phone/Fax: (403)223-4118 Ben & Carol Tams Glen, Dale, Wayne & Terry Elliott P O Box 113 Seven Persons, AB T0K 1Z0 Premium Quality Since 1972 Ph/Fax: (403)832-3774 l Ph: (403)832-3112 Purebred Black Angus since 1920 Jim & Betty Richardson (403)224-3286 Box 32, Bowden, AB T0M 0K0 Willow Park Farm Commerial Edition 2024 Angus World Page 39
C A R D S E C T I O N Wes & Kim Olynyk (306)876-4420 Irene Olynyk (306)876-4400 Box 192, Goodeve, SK S0A 1C0 Annual Bull Sale First Saturday in April Jim & Peggy Grant P O Box 220, Edam, SK S0M 0V0 (306)397-2541 Flying K Ranch Registered Red Angus Since 1972 10 miles south of Swift Current on Hwy #4 & 8 miles west Box 1902, Sw ft Current, SK S9H 4M6 (306)773-6313 R R #1 Wymark, SK S0N 2Y0 Ph/Fax: (306)773-6984 emai : chanel@t2 net Brian & Christine Hanel Donna Hanel Ranches Inc. P O Box 320 Lloydminster SK S9V 0Y2 www justamereranches com Phone: 306-825-9702 Fax: 306-825-9782 Res: 306-825-9624 Emai : justamere@sasktel net Jon & Shelly Fox P O Box 130, Cey on, SK S0C 0T0 ● Fax: (306)454-2643 ● svr@sasktel net www southviewranch com Registered Red & Black Angus “Raising Quality Cattle To Work For You” Keith, Linda & Stacey Kaufmann 306/454-2730 Shane, Alexis, Keaton, Kamrie, Kohen & Korbyn Kaufmann 306/454-2688 Page 40 Angus World Commerial Edition 2024
C A R D S E C T I O N Commerial Edition 2024 Angus World Page 41 Y D YOUNG DALE ANGUS FARM Barry & Marj Young & Family Box 28, Carievale, SK S0C 0P0 (306) 928-4810 youngdaleangus@xplornet com Bruce, Ione Austen & Breanna Anderson 204 734 2073 - 204 734 0730 Comp 2 R R # 2, Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0 www andersoncattle ca - andersoncattle@inethome ca Black & Red Angus David & Jeanette Neufeld 204/534-2380 Box 171, Boissevain Manitoba R0K 0E0 CRANBERRY CREEKANGUS Don & Jeannette Currie R R #1, Nottawa, Ontario L0M 1P0 Ph/Fax: (705)445-1526 “THESOURCE” 66 Ranch 7 Arda Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Atlasta Angus 14 Bandura Ranches 13 Belvin Angus . . . . . . . . . . . OBC Blades Angus 32 Border Butte Angus IFC BoviGen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Brandl Cattle Co . . . . . . . . . . 16 Castlerock Marketing 35 Cattle Creek Ranching. . . . . . 12 Clarke Family Farm . . . . . . . . 17 Cudlobe Angus 1 Cudlobe Angus West . . . . . . . . 1 Delorme Ranch 4 Early Sunsent Ranch 10 F Bar R Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Fraser Farms 8 Glen Islay Angus 5 Howe Family Farm . . . . . . . . 29 JPM Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Lauron Red Angus 23 Leeuwenburgh Angus . . . . . . 19 LifeStock Podcast 30 LLB Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Lorenz Angus 11 Merit Cattle Co 44 Northern Progress Bull Sale . . 18 Pahl Livestock IBC Rivercrest Angus 25 Riverside Angus . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Rodgers Red Angus . . . . . . . . 26 Shiloh Cattle Co 3 T-Down Trailers . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Triple J Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Ad Index

Events Calendar

March 1

Southland Angus & Charolais Bull Sale Swift Current, SK March 2

Ward’s Red Angus Bull Sale Saskatoon, SK March 4

Lust Farms Sale Dunmore, AB March 5

Belvin Angus Bull Sale Innisfail, AB

March 6

Minburn Angus Bull Sale Minburn, AB March 6

Mar Mac Farms Bull Sale Brandon, MB

March 7

Bar-H Land & Cattle Bull & Female Sale, Langenburg, SK March 7

Highline Angus Sale Medicine Hat, AB

March 8

Arda Farms/Freeway Angus Bull Sale Acme, AB March 8

Standard Hill Connection Bull Sale Maidstone, SK

March 9

LLB Angus Bull & Female Sale Erskine, AB March 9

Brandl Bull & Select Female Sale Jarvie, AB

March 9

Freyburn Angus Bull & Female Sale, Oxbow, SK March 10

Early Sunset Ranch Production Sale Edam, SK

March 11

Blairswest Land & Cattle Online Bull Sale, Drake, SK March 11

South Sask Simmental & Angus Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK March 12

Leeuwenburgh Angus Bull Sale Lethbridge, AB March 12

Hollinger Land and Cattle Bull & Female Sale, Neudorf, SK March 13

Spruce View Bull Sale Killam, AB March 13

Wilbar Cattle Co. Tools of the Trade Bull & Female Sale, Dundurn, SK March 13

KT Ranches Bull Sale Cherryville, BC

March 14

Dersta Farms Bull Sale Innisfail, AB March 15

LCL Angus Sale Coronation, AB

March 16

Select Genetics Sale Herbert, SK

March 18

F Bar R Ranch Bull Sale Brooks, AB

March 18

Brooking Angus Ranch Bull Sale Radville, SK

March 18

Outlaw Coulee Ranch & Skull Creek Ranch Bull Sale, Eastend, SK

March 19

Anderson Cattle Co Bull Sale Swan River, MB

March 19

Abound /Gold-Bar Livestock/City View Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK March 20

Cow Boys Angus Bull Sale Melita, MB

March 20

Blades Angus Bull Sale Stavely, AB March 21

JPM Farms Bull Sale Parkbeg, SK

March 21

Rivercrest Angus Bull & Select Female Sale Alliance, AB

March 21

Working Stiffs Bull Sale Wawota, SK

March 22

Top Cut Black Angus Bull Sale Maple Creek, SK

March 22

Wheeler’s Stock Farm Bull & Female Sale, Saskatoon, SK March 22

All Black Bull Sale Meadow Lake, SK March 23

Clarke Family Farm Bull & Female Sale Blenheim, ON March 23

Shiloh Cattle Co Bull & Female Sale Hand Hills, AB March 23

Bar Double M Angus Bull Sale Lethbridge, AB March 23

Double F Cattle Co Bull Sale Prince Albert, SK March 23

McMahon Angus Bull Sale Mankota, SK March 23-24

Graco Angus Ranch Bull & Female Sale Parry, SK March 25

Cockburn/Merit Bull Sale Briercrest, SK

March 25

Everblack Angus Bull Sale Vermilion, AB

March 26

CMT Farms Bull Sale Cochin, SK

March 26

Top Cut Angus & Charolais Bull Sale Mankota, SK

March 26

Double C Red Angus Bull Sale Foam Lake, SK

March 27

Topham Red Angus Bull Sale Eastend, SK

March 27

Hamilton Farms Bull & Female Sale Cochrane, AB

March 27

Count Ridge Red Angus Bull Sale Brooks, AB

March 29

Grasslands Angus Bull Sale Mankota, SK

March 29

Jensen Red Angus Bull Sale Leader, SK

April 1

Eastondale Angus Bull Sale Wawota, SK

April 1

Your Choice Angus Bull Sale Maple Creek, SK

April 1

Justamere Farms Bull Sale Lloydminster, SK

April 2

Lorenz Angus Bull Sale Markerville, AB

April 2

Windy Willows Git ‘R Done Bull Sale Hodgeville, SK

April 3

Howe Red Angus/Whitecap/Rosso Charolais Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK

April 4

Kenray Ranch Online Bull Sale Redvers, SK

April 4

South View Ranch Bull Sale Ceylon, SK

April 5

Northern Progress Bull Sale Battleford, SK

April 5

Right Cross Ranch Bull Sale Kisbey, SK

April 6

Lauron Red Angus Bull & Select Female Sale Didsbury, AB

April 6

Crescent Creek Angus Bull & Female Sale Goodeve, SK

April 6

Sudden Impact Bull Sale Viscount, SK

April 6

Six Mile Ranch Bull Sale Fir Mountain, SK

April 6

Burnett Angus Bull Sale Swift Current, SK

April 8

Triple J Farms Bull Sale Whitewood, SK

April 8

Riverside Angus Bull Sale Innisfail, AB April 9

Young Dale Angus Bull Sale Alameda, SK April 9

Rodgers Red Angus Bull Sale Lethbridge, AB April 10

Flying K Ranch Bull Sale Swift Current, SK April 10

Fleury Cattle Co Bull Sale Aberdeen, SK April 12

Grass Roots Ranch Angus & Simmental Bull Sale, Bradwell, SK April 13

Triple A Bull Sale Moose Jaw, SK April 13

Running JR Red Bull Sale Wymark, SK

April 13

Blue Collar Bull Sale Yorkton, SK

April 18

66 Ranch Bull Sale Brooks, AB

April 19

Lines Angus/Clear Red Angus Bull Sale Cantuar, SK

April 20

Shortgrass Bull & Female Sale Aneroid, SK

April 21

Saskatchewan Angus Breeder Information Session, Moose Jaw, SK April 27

Wiwa Creek Angus Bull Sale Rush Lake, SK May 10

66 Ranch Commercial Pair Sale Brooks, AB June 6 - 8

Canadian Angus Convention Toronto, ON July 18-20

Showdown 2024, West Niagara Fairgrounds, Grassie, ON July 23-24

Saskatchewan Angus Summer Tour, North Central Saskatchewan

July 30-August 3

Saskatchewan Angus Gold & Junior Show, Prince Albert Exhibition, Prince Albert, SK August 24

Southern Alberta Angus Tour & Alberta Angus AGM, Hand Hills, AB

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