Angus World Commercial 2013 - Volume 21, Issue 1

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AngusWor l d Onl i neEdi t i on Commer ci al2013

Aberdeen Angus World P.O. Box 177, Stavely, Alberta T0L 1Z0 Phone: (403)549-2234 Fax: (403)549-2207 email: Internet Location:

Commercial Edition 2013*

"Official Publication of the Canadian Angus Association"

Volume 21 #1*

Dave Callaway Editor/Publisher

Jan Lee Associate Editor

Advertising Rates

Regular Departments Canadian Angus Association Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Events Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Provincial Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Features Canada and the United States sign Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canadian Lessons from Iowa Feedout Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Certified Angus Beef and your Canadian Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Demand for Quality Beef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Government Invests $3.4 Million into Livestock Research . . . . . . . . . . . Harper Government Invests in New Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How Will Genetics Feed the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lacombe Research Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manitoba Angus 2012 Commercial Producer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manitoba Angus Association Annual General Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . Moore Cattle Still Getting Better . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Obituary - Robert (Bob) Jensen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Residual Feed Intake has Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Top 100 Breeders by Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Top 100 Breeders by Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Top 100 Sires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Top 100 Canadian Bred Sires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Cover: Thank you to Jordan Ohrn of Jordan Photography, Sylvan Lake for this picture at Atlasta Angus.

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Publications Mail Agreement #40051561 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Angus World c/o Circulation Dept. P.O. Box 177 Stavely, Alberta T0L 1Z0 ~ Printed in Canada ~ "Aberdeen Angus World" is dedicated to the promotion, growth and improvement of Aberdeen Angus Cattle.

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Dave’s Desk

Welcome to the 2013 Commercial Edition of Angus World. Over the past years, the beef cattle business has faced some tremendous challenges. It has been changed and shaped by the events it has faced. Today, for those still in the business the future holds promise. It seems that universally in North America the experts agree on one thing. ere will not be enough calves born in

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2013 to fill the needs of the market. In an industry where commerce is done by supply and demand, this is very good news. e demand for beef rising due to short supply coupled with increasing demand for higher quality product, Angus is in the driver’s seat to take advantage of the opportunities.

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If you are looking for bull power in the next few months, I would urge you to talk to the breeders advertising in this issue. ey know their herds, they know what their bulls can do and would be in a good position to help you aquiring the bull power you require.

Dave Callaway

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“I never realized that all of this was back here.” That would be the phrase most often used to describe the Lacombe Research Centre (LRC) following a tour of the facilities. Just south of Lacombe behind a long row of beautiful alternating spruce and poplar trees on the west side of highway 2A lies LRC. Established in 1905, the Centre has stood through much change in our Agriculture sector. Areas of research that are being focused on include: food safety, food quality, forage/beef systems, crop and soil management and cereal breeding. LRC sits on a land base of approximately 2300 acres. These acres are utilized for crop research, forage/beef research, as well as pasture and feed production for the growing beef herd that is maintained at the centre. The beef herd consists of 400 cows. These cows have been divided into two calving intervals which are: 300 spring cows, calving March/April, and 100 fall cows, calving September/October. With one of only two federally run abattoirs in the country the need for finished beef to conduct food safety and quality research has never been greater. That was the driving factor behind calving twice yearly. Within the spring and fall herds two styles of cows are maintained. The British cow is comprised of Black Angus crossed with Hereford and a Continental cow that is comprised of Red Angus crossed with Red Simmental. These breeds have been chosen in an attempt to keep pace with and to conduct research on the type of cattle that producers are currently raising in industry. Angus has been the breed chosen as the foundation for both styles of cow as a great deal of emphasis has been placed on maternal attributes. In the fall of 1999

The type and kind (pigmentation and phenotype) being raised at LRC (Summer 2011)

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Half Red Angus half Red Simmental cow (June 2012) LRC had the good fortune to be able to purchase 50 Black Angus cows from the Onefour Research Station. These 50 cows were the result of a program that had been placing emphasis on strong maternal traits for generations. These cows came with the consistency and quality necessary from which to build. The attention to detail that had been put into the program at Onefour is certainly apparent at LRC today as many of the existing Black Angus and Black Angus x Hereford cows can be traced back to those original cows and the calves they carried upon arrival. With a solid maternal foundation now laid the breeding program had the base it needed. The breeding program today is very simple in that all heifers no matter their genetic make-up are bred Angus for their first calf (primarily for calving ease). All heifers are synchronized using CIDR’s and a series of Estradiol Benzoate and Estrumate injections over a ten day period. They are then AI’d to proven low birth weight industry sires. AI is being utilized in an attempt not only to utilize some top industry genetics but also to reduce the need to purchase so many bulls. Using this system, many heifers are settled early (to the AI service) and only a handful of bulls are needed for the clean-up period which lasts for 30 days. All heifers found to be open at the end of this short aggressive breeding season are culled, ensuring the highest level of fertility in the cow herd going forward. Heifers at LRC are always bred to calve one cycle in front of the main cow herd. This is done primarily to “front load” these heifers in the program. They are thus allowed additional time to heal and return to estrus so that longevity in the herd can be obtained. Black Angus influence heifers are bred Black Angus and Red Angus influence heifers are bred Red Angus.

Commercial heifers breeding season (2012)

A typical daughter of an original Onefour cow From that point on, for every subsequent mating a cow is bred to a bull that is of the least prevalent breed type in her lineage in an attempt to increase heterosis in her progeny. For example, if a cow is 75% Black Angus and 25% Hereford a Hereford bull would be used to increase heterosis. If a cow is 50/50 in her genetic make-up the default sire is always Angus. Whether the sire is Black or Red Angus will depend on the original style of the cow (British being bred Black Angus and Continental being bred Red Angus). The style of cow being targeted in the Hereford x Black Angus herd is one with pigmented eyes and pigmented udder. Using Black Angus as the default sire ensures that. In the Continental herd particular attention is given to percentages so as to maintain moderate frame size in the Red Angus x Red Simmental cattle. Uniformity is a word often used in industry and is certainly strived for in the LRC herd. All mature cows see service to the walking herd bulls used at LRC and are exposed for a 45 day breeding season, after which all open cows are culled. In recent years with the need to be able to prove parentage on all heifer calves single sire breeding has been utilized. Not only has this led to less injury to the herd bull battery but also the added advantage of being able to see what each individual sire is putting back into the program. Being able to identify each sire’s female progeny and evaluating their return (heifers retained) to the program has become a valuable management tool. All of the commercial females retained are raised from within the LRC program. A great deal of care has been taken to select and raise cattle that are on par with today’s commercial cattlemen. Fertility, feet, udder score, mothering ability and temperament are a few of the maternal attributes that are emphasized. Production numbers such as weaning weight, yearling weight and are given consideration as well. Sires of all the breeds utilized are purchased from reputable breeders with no single trait being more important than another. Careful consideration is given to the maternal attributes of a bull’s mother before purchasing. With the need to raise replacement females from within this has become increasingly important. Having been a closed herd for the past 10 years it has become apparent that bulls that are raised by good cows with strong maternal attributes typically sire heifers with these same traits. This really becomes apparent when you see cows putting back 4 and 5 replacement females into the herd over the course of their career and watching those females develop into cows that are as good as or better than their mothers. These strong maternal attributes have become the recipe for longevity thus increasing lifetime productivity of the cows in the LRC program. With the knowledge that the highest input cost on any cow outfit was always going to be feed, Dr. John Basarab set out many years ago to explore the thought that a cow with superior ability to convert feed might pass those genetics on to her subsequent female progeny. His vision was if we have to feed, we might as well be feeding cattle which have the ability to gain the most with the least amount of inputs. As a result, for the past seven year’s one area of research at LRC that has been closely studied is RFI (Residual Feed-Intake) testing. LRC has a twenty-four node RFI testing facility that tests between 200 and 250 head each winter. Cattle are fed for a minimum of seventy days in this facility with 24 hour monitoring of individual

feed intake being available to researchers. Using this data and weights obtained at 14 day intervals from beginning to end Dr. Basarab is able to assign a numeric value for a heifer’s ability to convert feed. It is very important to note that at no point throughout this trial has a heifers RFI score been considered when it comes to selection. Having now tested females for seven (going on eight) years and having multi-generational scores to compare it is becoming apparent that Dr. Barnaba’s hypothesis was correct. There is a strong genetic correlation for RFI. Heifers will continue to be tested at LRC as large numbers are necessary to validate these results under commercial conditions. The other question then asked was, ‘does a female’s RFI change over the course of her lifetime.” At LRC there are a group of cows that have survived the culling program and have enough longevity in the herd that they have qualified for re-testing. This re-testing process needs to be repeated for a number of years to supply accurate data. Other on-going research at LRC includes the work on swath grazing being conducted by Dr. Vern Baron. The scope of Dr. Baron’s research is very broad in that all aspects of input costs, yield and utilization are being tabulated on these acres that have been committed to swath grazing. Lowering the costs associated with wintering beef cows is one of the areas in which Dr. Baron has specialized for some time. This was recently highlighted with an on- site tour of nearly 100 producers who were attending the Western Canada Grazing Conference (WCGC) in Red Deer AB. In a very lively discussion many aspects of swath grazing were debated including; type, variety, seeding rates, seeding dates, swathing dates, grazing days and the merits and values placed on different crop varieties seeded in various situations. The three crops that Dr. Baron has utilized for comparison in his study at LRC for the past number of years include barley, triticale and corn. Cows are weighed, ultrasound measured (back fat), and body condition scored prior to being turned onto swaths in the first week of November. Cows will be grazed on swaths right up until two weeks prior to calving (Mar 15) as long as the snow conditions and weather will allow it. At this point the same data parameters are again collected and an overall

A typical high percentage Red Angus cow assessment of each individual’s performance on the various crops grazed is noted. The research has shown that by swath grazing barley, winter feeding costs can be reduced by 40%. Recent work on triticale showed that when swath grazed, this higher yielding crop can reduce LRC’s cost of feeding 100 cows for 100 days by $8000, compared to feeding a silage-straw diet in a traditional feeding site scenario. Conducting quality research for commercial cattlemen is an objective that has been focused upon at the LRC for some time. A commitment to explore new ideas associated with genetics, cost cutting and management defines our role in this industry. Pushing the limits on the science side to discover new and innovative means of beef cattle management continues to be a top priority at LRC. - Cletus Sehn Beef Cattle Manager, Lacombe Research Centre

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Canadian Lessons from Iowa Feedout Program Iowa’s Tri-County Steer Carcass Futurity (TCSCF) in the United States began as small as the name implies. Producers in three counties entered a few head in 1982, hoping to win a prize for the best performing cattle on feed and in the packinghouse. But early on, supervising area Extension livestock specialist Darrell Busby and the directing board of cow-calf producers saw greater potential than bragging rights. The feeding trial could be a great teacher. “The real awakening was after the third year, when one of the board members had won and said we should give the prize money to the person in last place so he could go out and buy a better bull,” Busby recalls. The focus shifted to identifying factors that influence profit, starting with vaccination and weaning programs. Now, after 230,000 calves fed across 30 years, the program has evolved to where more than 40 individual data points are collected on each animal. Those include breed type, birth date, temperament, gain and carcass data, allowing for several after-the-fact analyses that help everyone in the beef business. A producer could enter just one animal, but most of the 1,000 participants in 23 states and Canada over time have sent a stock trailerload or more, ranging all the way up to one ranch that placed more than 700 head in the network of Iowa futurity feedlots. Everyone gets the same reports and has equal opportunity to make changes in their herds.

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Over the years, the breed mix has become more and more Angus-influenced, moving up from 75% to nearly 90%. Perhaps their owners have applied the lessons well, for quality grades and cattle qualifying for the Certified Angus Beef ® brand have increased similarly. In 2009 and 2010, eight semi-trailerloads of 400 cattle from Manitoba made their way across the 825 miles to see what their owners could learn. One of those was Tim Clarke, Ashern, MB, a provincial Extension specialist who could easily identify with Busby. “We had never received carcass data before,” Clarke said. “Traditionally, that’s top secret in Canada, although it is changing. Certainly, we saw that the biggest advantage was to get the carcass data. “We were looking at all the ways we can measure things and what we do with the information,” he added. The first year, he and five neighbors sent two loads and were encouraged enough to triple that in 2010. But the window of opportunity seemed to be closing. It wasn’t the distance, because southern Alberta is at least as far, and Ontario is half again as far through a trackless wilderness with no decent facilities to rest the cattle, Clarke noted. What changed was the ethanol mandate driving corn prices farther above barley, and the U.S. Country of Origin Labeling law. Not only could that sap up to $4 per hundredweight off the finished price, but cattle had to be shipped three more hours west just to find a plant that would process those cattle with the “CAN” brand.

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“On top of that, the Futurity was not sure they could get their people in to collect our carcass data, which was pretty important to us,” Clarke recalled. It all worked out, but feed prices and the potential for more red tape led the group to keep their cattle closer to home since then. “We have not been able to get carcass data here yet, but we’ve entering our information in BIXS (Beef Information Exchange System), and hoping to get free carcass data when packers enter their data into the system,” Clarke said. Looking back, he said they learned the individual value of cattle, both good and not as good. “Everybody thinks they already know what good cattle look like, how they grow, their conformation and phenotype,” he noted. “But we saw that if you send an animal that’s narrow or short, when you get back the carcass value data, it’s not good. Let’s say it doesn’t surprise you, but it confirms your concerns so you really know what to work on.” Despite BIXS and other veterinarian- and feedlot-oriented programs in Alberta, ranchers in Manitoba have yet to see the kind of feedback they would need to guide genetic and management decisions. “It is almost negligible now,” Clarke said. “The only thing some do is track who bought them, try to contact them the next time and remind them to bid. So it is light years away from what we can get from Tri-County.” He said that level of feedback will become more common in Canada but will take years. “It’s a process rather than an event.”

Some Canadians may still find it worthwhile to ship into the U.S. for data-rich feedlot and carcass demonstrations, especially if they have older heifers, Clarke noted. “We sent quite a few heifers because they were taking a 10 to 15 percent discount here but none in the U.S.” Clarke was more interested in retaining heifers after dispersing his registered Angus herd in late 2010 and building up to 135 black baldies sired by Angus bulls. “We saw that most of the premiums came from black Angus-cross calves from the commercial standpoint,” he noted. In the U.S., producers who stay with TCSCF long-term learn that the more information they put in, the more they get back, Busby said. “All of the research we have done has been retrospective. We try to do the best job we can with the cattle, and then we go back and ask ourselves why we see some differences.” Noting the typical $400 spread in profit between the top and bottom thirds in each group, Busby added, “We are trying to knock off that bottom end, whether it is genetics or management, and get rid of that spread.” And no matter where the cattle come from, it’s about something bigger. “This is about people helping each other solve problems and create opportunities,” Busby said. “The good news is better management pays. It produces healthier, more docile cattle with a lower cost of production,

along with higher quality beef that earns a premium for the producer.” Clarke said few commercial producers in his area take the time to weigh calves at weaning or cows when they are in the chute. “You could make a lot of progress that way, but it’s just not happening,” he added. The Manitoba Agriculture Department has portable scales and Clarke and his colleagues can help anyone get started on computer records, but he said, “Most producers rely on their seedstock supplier to stay on top of the genetic trends so they are buying the right bulls.” Some ranchers, especially younger ones, are paying more attention to health and getting calves ready for independent life in feedlots. “But others may have wild

cattle and poor facilities, so they say, well, we don’t lose very many so we don’t think there’s a problem.” The industry is changing, however, Clarke commented. “It’s getting to where the feedlot guy wants to know and will pay for the health information. If you do everything and keep track of it, you may not get paid for it any one year, but over time you will sell more pounds of beef and if it’s working, you will get more repeat bidders.” -Steve Suther

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Certified Angus Beef® and your Canadian Future You are in the cattle business to make money, and not just for today, but to build a business so that the future holds more potential for profit. So what difference does it make if at the other end of the supply chain, 100 brands claim to sell Angus beef? Not much, if it’s all promotion and no premium for your cattle. There are two basic ways you can capitalize on the popularity. One, you could sell beef directly to consumers or, two, you could raise Angus cattle on a commercial scale, adjusting genetics, management and marketing so as to hit the one premium beef target that started it all and still pays the lion’s share of market premiums. The Certified Angus Beef ® (CAB®) brand has been building demand for your high-quality cattle in Canada for 13 years. The brand was born 35 years ago on the U.S. side of Lake Erie, sparked by an Ohio Angus breeder’s reaction to a bad steak he ordered from a menu promoting Angus beef. And it turns out, the key is not so much proving it is or isn’t “Angus,” because registered cattle are produced for breeding rather than harvest for beef. And just being “Angus” enough, even if you can prove it, won’t make it taste better. Rather, the key is that the beef always represents the best quality that Angus cattle are capable of. If the brand did not set and enforce high standards, far above average for all native cattle, it could not serve producers as a target they can aspire to for added dollar value. Independent evaluation by the Canadian Beef Grading Agency determined which of nearly 400,000 cattle at CAB-licensed plants in Alberta and Ontario were among the 75,000 accepted last year. CAB tracked every one of the 16.7 million pounds sold from those all the way to the consumer purchase,

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via routine reporting by all partners. This is a science-based brand, and not one that simply asks people to buy it because it’s owned by Angus producers or because of the tracking itself. The eating experience is what adds real value to your cattle. The U.S beef industry keeps an eye on the USDA Choice-Select beef price spread to help monitor spot demand differences between the grades. In Canada, the AAA-AA spread is a similar metric and follows a similar pattern, according to data from CAN-FAX (see chart). In the last couple of years, those spreads have been widening, which points to more market advantage for cattle with more marbling. Moreover, CAN-Fax says about 45% of Canadian beef goes to export markets, and the North American global trade advantage is highly marbled beef. Science made the Certified Angus Beef ® brand possible, and the science of economic analysis continues to prove how and why CAB makes money for every stakeholder in the beef industry. Some of that work has been done in Canada. Dr. Tanya Mark, University of Guelph in Ontario, has been working with colleagues in France and Australia, looking at the impact of global recession on premium brands. A preliminary report was issued last fall. “We find CAB demand was not impacted by economic factors,” Mark said. “Our next step is to investigate why CAB demand increased over the last decade despite a market trend of decreasing red meat consumption and a recession.” Studies in the U.S. in the past five years suggest it has to do with the price/value equation. When there is less beef available and it costs more and

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more, consumers become increasingly concerned that their money is not wasted on a beef meal that leaves much to be desired. A brand is a promise. To the extent that it keeps its promise, it can become more profitable—and since CAB is a non-profit owned by producers, the profit goes into the cattle market and back to those who supply that brand. When consumers buy a proven, high-quality beef brand in Canada, they inject more money into the economy that sets the price for your Angus cattle. How can you take a more active role in adding value to your cattle? If you’re in the business of selling registered bulls to commercial cattlemen (see box, too), make sure you build up the marbling genetics to feature EPDs above breed average, not just above zero. No studies have shown negative consequences from increasing the marbling component, and if anything the cows with higher marbling have been shown to cost less to feed and maintain through the year. Become known as one of the increasing number of breeders who actually list marbling EPDs in their advertising and sales promotions. It’s great to point to the data behind your cattle, but buyers know what it means when you decide not to mention some traits. Follow through and use the higher marbling potential infused into your cattle to build stronger relationships with your customers. Help them find buyers who will reward them for aiming at the quality target and perhaps return feedlot and carcass data to those customers. Don’t underestimate your potential importance to a cattle feeder if you can help him line up several pens of premium cattle in these days of empty pens. Help your customers better understand the genetic potential in their herds by using the GeneMax™ genomic test from CAB that became available last year. For $17 per head, they can evaluate high-percentage black Angus cattle for their potential to gain and marble. Thousands of such tests and indexing in the U.S. are continuing to show the value of this strategy for choosing the right cattle as replacement heifers and for sorting feedlot cattle for potential. As you build relationships, you will learn more about the genetic package each customer needs besides marbling—and of course the basics of calving ease, growth and maternal traits that can go hand in hand. CAB has worked with industry and academic consultants to arrive at suggestions for keeping selection and management in balance while increasing quality.

If you’re a commercial Angus producer, ask your seedstock supplier to help with such a genetic upgrading and marketing program. When everybody knows more about the potential of your improving cattle, you may be able to attract feeding partners to share the risk of ownership. Of course, there are a lot of brands out there today, and each makes promises to consumers. Few are nonprofit brands owned by thousands of producers with the sole mission of adding value to their cattle. Few have a record of commanding open market premiums that pay producers. Since Canadian packing plants were licensed to produce CAB in 2000, premiums for the brand paid by all North American packers have

exceeded $350 million. The share of that paid to Canadians will continue to increase, and it will send market signals through the country auctions as well. In the U.S., since 1999 when CAB began charting the price paid for Angus vs. non-Angus calves at auction, the Angus premium on 500-pound calves has more than doubled, from $2.46/cwt. to $5.30/cwt. as of 2012. No matter how you sell your Angus cattle, they will be worth more if everyone joins in the mission of making them better. Now is the time to lay a quality foundation and develop extended networks. Now is the time to start talking to the other segments of the industry,

such as feeders and buyers. Many of them are still oblivious to quality, so move on until you find a cooperative feedlot partner who appreciates it. You can work together on common goals to improve cattle coming into his feedyard and then on to harvest at CAB-licensed packers in a system that returns more profit and carcass data to guide future improvement.

If you are a member of the American Angus Association as well as the Canadian, you are a part owner of this brand, but regardless of that, you can make it work for you because it is simply part of the open market. All you need do is apply strategy, communicate and act. For example: Work with your bull customers to get their cattle entered in the Beef InfoXchange System, detailed at The free and confidential gateway to individual grade and performance data can be

loaded up with more and more background history. Initial data sets the marks to beat in successive calf crops as you advise them on which bulls will advance their herds. Find an auction market partner and host a breeder-influence sale featuring progeny from your bulls, with all genetic, health and management data to make them attractive to cattle feeders. Then talk to the quality-minded and data-driven cattle feeders again, looking for partners who want relationships with the owners of those calves.

Host customer appreciation dinners or field days to learn and build a network of similar genetics, health and marketing plans that can grow to add volume to the high quality, thus attracting more buyers and bids and making your customers more money. Set up a coupon program or rebate on future bull purchases to encourage customers to use the GeneMax™ DNA test as they discover gain and grading potential in their herds. Some breeders have set up programs that effectively pay for 15 or 20 tests for each bull purchased.

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Demand for Quality Beef US Record-high calf prices don't necessarily mean record-high profits in the beef business, writes Scott Brown. University of Missouri livestock economist,Scott Brown said rising feed costs will cut into cattle profits. "Cattle producers should hope for a big corn acreage this spring, with rain in June and July. Also, hope for continued recovery in the general economy," Mr Brown told Dallas County cattle producers. "As more people get jobs, that creates more demand for beef."

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To show the difficulty for an economist to predict prices, Mr Brown reminded listeners of 2012. "Remember, as late as May last year, USDA was predicting corn prices at $4.60 per bushel. Recently corn was at $7.40 per bushel." A drought-reduced corn yield and high corn prices in 2012 make it difficult for cattle feeders to make money. In 2013, just hope for that big corn crop, Mr Brown said. That could mean corn prices drop toward $4 a bushel. And not rise to around $8 per bushel.

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Cow numbers continue to decline and that means fewer calves going to market. A short calf supply and continued demand means a strong beef outlook. "The best I can do is to say corn prices will be somewhere between $4 and $10," Mr Brown told herd owners. "I'm being a good economist and saying 'It depends.'" Weather will be the big variable. "There's not a beef supply problem," Mr Brown said. Beef demand has continued surprisingly strong, although U.S. consumers have cut back on eating beef. Export demand remains strong. Other variability factors are continued economic growth and a climb in jobs. While recovery and job growth aren't vigorous, they are growing. Washington will play a part. There is growing uncertainty on how legislators will handle the debt ceiling. If they close the government, that could lead to a downturn, which could lead to lower beef demand. Growth is good for farmers. If there is income growth, this time next year there will be big smiles on your faces. Herd owners who produce what consumers want will come out ahead. Consumers show growing demand for quality beef while quality supplies remain short. "Produce for quality steaks, not just hamburger," Mr Brown added. "High choice and prime grades are in demand. Look at that as an opportunity. "As you rebuild your herds, aim not just for numbers but for quality. Premiums paid for quality beef continue to grow. "Technology for adding better genetics is available. If you follow the research from MU Thompson Farm, you see that prime beef comes from adding better genetics. Thirty percent of their calves grade prime. That is not coming from feeding longer. With high corn prices, you can't feed longer. Genetics can help produce calves that grade prime." U.S. producers have the technology, but beef producers in other countries, such as Brazil and Russia, are putting great effort into improving cattle through artificial insemination. They use the technology. Don't just look for good bulls, but the best genetics. Don't just chase the prime quality grades. Look at all of the traits to improve your cow herd. That's one way to distinguish yourself down the road. In his wrap-up, Mr Brown concluded, "There's great opportunity ahead. Just hope we have a great corn crop this year." - University of Missouri

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Manitoba Angus 2012 Commercial Producer Manitoba Angus Association is pleased to announce their Commercial Producers for 2012 is Guild Farms, David, Jim and Muriel Guild, Brandon. The Guild’s received a farm sign from Manitoba Angus at the Annual meeting Jan 5, 2013 in Brandon. Guild Farms was incorporated in 1975. David, Jim and Muriel Guild being the shareholders. They operate 14 quarter sections of land with about 2,000 cultivated acres with the balance being pasture land along the river valley, straight west of Brandon Manitoba. An additional half section along the river valley is rented for pasture from the neighbors.

They have had Black Angus cows for many years. They were involved with the Brandon Research program when they provided the semen for an F1 cow breeding program using Charolais, Simmental and Limousin on our Black females. To us, the Simmental Angus Cross seemed to be the best cattle. Guild Farms then carried on using Simmental bulls on Black Angus cows until they had a herd of about 200 red white face cows. As the market situation changed Guild Farms used more Red Angus bulls on crossbred cows, which has now become mostly Red Angus.

The basic winter cow ration is mostly barley silage with some slough hay in self feeders. In severe weather and closer to calving time they feed some additional mix-milled barley and always have free choice 3 to 1 mineral plus selenium available to them. The calves we are wintering are fed nearly all the barley silage they will consume plus mixed milled barley and supplement. The calves sell in February as short keep feeders. Dave was a 4-H member in the Forrest 4-H Beef Club showing Angus calves and received various trophies for the calves as well as for showmanship. The younger generation (Dave’s children) Dale and Candice were members of the South Brandon Carroll 4-H Beef Club. They have done very well with there Angus Cross Steers in the steer shows and sales. Son Dale is now helping around the farm with the day to day operations. Angus has worked in our herd to add docile cows, and easy feeding offspring. 37 years ago when Angus cattle were selected to be used in our program the main reasons were to add carcass qualities and vigor in our calves. Manitoba Angus congratulates Guild Farms for all their success and hope they continue to use Angus cattle successfully in the future. -submitted by Lois McRae

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Governments Invests $3.4 Million into Livestock Research Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz and Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister Lyle Stewart announced in January, $3.4 million in funding for 23 livestock and forage research projects. Funding for these projects is provided through the Saskatchewan Agriculture Development Fund (ADF). "Saskatchewan is a world leader in agricultural research," said Mr Ritz. "The Agriculture Development Fund and work done in the province's research institutions help producers innovate to strengthen our economy here in Saskatchewan and across Canada." "Research is vital to the future of our industry and ranchers across Saskatchewan will benefit from these projects," Mr Stewart said. "Our government's continued commitment to innovation will help our producers remain competitive and will continue to ensure Saskatchewan produces safe, reliable agriculture products." Livestock and forage projects receiving funding in 2013 include: New forage barley for beef and dairy producers; Development of oral and needle-free vaccines for calves; Analysis of sheep health in the province; New nutritional feeds for piglets; Improving the energy value in high-protein feed; ●

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DNA testing technologies for cattle; Improved production management tools for cow-calf operations; Development of new vaccines for poultry; and Field-testing a vaccine against chronic wasting disease. This funding will leverage an additional $3.1 million in third-party project funding. Earlier this month the federal and provincial governments announced $6.5 million for crop-related research projects, making the total 2013 ADF investment nearly $10 million for crop, livestock and forage research. In addition, annual operational funding will continue to be provided from ADF to the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization ($300,000), the Prairie Swine Centre ($330,000) and the Western Beef Development Centre ($395,000). This research funding is part of a record $20.4 million provincial agriculture research budget in 2012-13, which is an increase of more than 50 per cent since 2007. More than $57 million in research project funding has been provided through ADF since 2007. This investment in agriculture research will help achieve goals set out in the Saskatchewan Plan for Growth, such as increasing crop production by 10 ●

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million tonnes, increasing provincial agriculture exports by $5 billion, expanding livestock production and by establishing Saskatchewan as an international leader in biosciences by 2020. "We are pleased with the funding announced today for livestock and forage research," Saskatchewan Cattlemen's Association Chair Mark Elford said. "Cattle producers value this research and it is important to the future of the cattle industry." "Ranchers are always looking to improve their production and the research projects announced today will test ideas that will help them achieve this goal," Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association President Harold Martens said. "We would like to thank the federal and provincial governments for this investment in forage research," Saskatchewan Forage Council President Aaron Ivey said. "Research is a priority for forage producers and it will help our industry continue to grow." Funding for ADF projects is provided under Growing Forward, a federal-provincial-territorial (FPT) initiative. Under Growing Forward 2, FPT governments will continue to support the development of an innovative, competitive and profitable Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector.

Harper Government Invests in New Technology to Support Cattle Industry An Alberta company will boost the value and use of genomics in the cattle industry with new trait identification tools. Parliamentary Secretary Pierre Lemieux, on behalf of Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz, and the Honourable Laurie Hawn, PC, CD, MP (Edmonton Centre) announced January 10, 2013 an investment in Delta Genomics Centre to provide genomics technology to the Canadian cattle sector in order to optimize productivity. "Our Government remains focused on the economy, and Canada's world-class beef industry relies on the latest technologies to increase their competitiveness and grow our economy," said PS Lemieux. "Using genomic tools for breeding and selection can help producers lower costs of production and deliver a better quality product to the market and boost their bottom lines." "The continued success of Canadian agriculture depends on the ability of our producers to remain at the top of the pack when it comes to innovation," said MP Hawn. "This investment shows that our Government is committed to the advancement of our agriculture innovation sector." The investment of more than $575,000 will help Delta Genomics Centre accelerate the adoption of

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new genetic profiling tools that are more accurate, less costly and less time-consuming than traditional DNA tools. Potential future benefits extend to feedlot owners and processors, who will use the technology to efficiently pinpoint animals with the right meat qualities. These innovative tools use genomics technology to give producers the chance to look "under the hide" and make improvements to their cattle. Genomics, the study of an animal's genetic composition (DNA) or "profile," can identify valuable traits like disease resistance, carcass quality, or feed efficiency. Using new technology, the tools identify SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) which are genetic markers that can be tracked between parents and their offspring. Trait selection for markers such as meat quality, animal health and feed efficiency can lead to a more consistent product in the marketplace. Similar technology is being implemented in other countries. The funding will help Delta Genomics Centre collect and analyze samples from the cattle sector for SNP testing. The samples and profile results will be catalogued for use by Canadian breed associations."This project is an essential stepping stone to get the benefits of genomics into the hands of

producers on the ground" said Colin Coros, VP Operations of Delta Genomics Centre. "It will allow our project partners to adopt a new sire identification tool, which is fundamental to using more in depth DNA profiles for genetic improvement of Canadian cattle." This project is supported through the Agricultural Innovation Program - a $50-million initiative announced as part of Canada's Economic Action Plan 2011 and part of the Government's commitment to help Canadian producers benefit from cutting-edge science and technology. The Program boosts the development and commercialization of innovative new products, technologies, and processes for the agricultural sector. For more information about this and other Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada programs, please visit Additionally, the new Growing Forward 2 agreement signed by Ministers and AAFC last month will continue to drive innovation and long-term growth in Canada. Governments have agreed to invest more than $3 billion over five years in innovation, competitiveness and market development. ~ Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

What is Livestock Gentec? Livestock Gentec is an Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions centre, created to carry out and capitalize on world-class genomics research, bringing commercial benefits to the Canadian livestock industry. Livestock Gentec brings together a team of world-class scientists that represents a broad spread of scientific interests and expertise in genomics. The scientific team has an outstanding track record of scientific achievement and of developing technologies that directly benefit the livestock industry. The executive team has extensive experience in technology commercialization in the genomics field and has led numerous international, multi-disciplinary projects. Livestock Gentec is also fortunate to have Management and Scientific Advisory Boards that represent all areas of the livestock sector and bring international perspectives to the research. A variety of key partners from universities, research networks, government agencies, livestock industry associations and private sector companies add value to Livestock Gentec.

Rapidly developing market forces are placing increased pressure on the livestock industry in Canada. Canada needs to continually improve several key performance attributes to maintain and enhance its position as a major player. Genomics technologies have already helped the Canadian dairy industry make tremendous advances in breeding, yield and health. Other livestock industry sectors could reap similar benefits. Livestock Gentec Research creates information that drives discovery, innovation and commercialization. The research provides a link between an animal’s genetic heritage (genotype) and its traits (phenotype), and leads to the develop-

Livestock Gentec philosophy of ‘Why Genomics is Needed’ * Improve return on investment through more Using advanced genomics tools can help livestock producers efficient breeding and management * Make selection decisions sooner by identifying top * Enhance food safety by reducing disease and use genetics earlier of antibiotics, and by improving health and * Improve traits that are difficult to measure and traceability therefore difficult to address with conventional * Produce new high quality and healthy consumer breeding technologies (reproductive efficiency, foods and value-added products health, behavior, etc.) What Livestock Gentec Does ment of advanced genomic tools that industry can use to improve production. Research focus:* Productivity * Health * Quality * Traceability Livestock Gentec Programs bridge the gap between innovation and adoption.

Programs help industry—from breeders through to marketers—understand the technology, how it works and the benefits it can bring. Livestock Gentec also trains people to use genomic tools to improve profitability and product quality.

What is Delta Genomics A national, not-for-profit genomics service provider created as the service arm of Livestock Gentec. We provide biobanking, genotyping, and sequencing services for members of both the livestock industry and livestock research community. We also provide contract research services for clients looking to conduct demonstration and validation studies to identify novel genetic traits in their animals. Commercial Edition 2013

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Canada and the United States sign Agreement on Animal Disease Zoning Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz announced January 16, 2013 that Canada and the United States intend to recognize each other’s zoning measures during highly contagious foreign animal disease outbreaks. Although foreign animal disease outbreaks are very rare in North America, this arrangement will help to minimize trade disruptions while still preventing the spread of disease, should an outbreak occur. “Cross-border trade in live animals, meat and other animal products and by-products contributes billions of dollars each year to Canada’s economy,” said Minister Ritz. “This arrangement will keep U.S. market opportunities open for Canadian producers should a foreign animal disease outbreak occur, all while protecting human and animal health.” This initiative fulfills a commitment made in the December 2011 Joint Action Plan of the Canada-United States Regulatory Cooperation

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Council (RCC), which is aimed at better aligning the two countries’ regulations. The main goal of the RCC is to enhance the economic competitiveness and well-being of the Canada and the U.S., while maintaining high standards of animal health, public health and safety and environmental protection. Under the arrangement, each country intends to accept each other’s decisions on establishing, maintaining and releasing a disease control and eradication zone if an outbreak of a foreign animal disease, such as foot-and-mouth disease or classical swine fever, occurs. A detailed guidance framework, outlining exactly how the arrangement will work, is under development. The framework will lay out agreed-upon processes and conditions for zoning recognition, and will involve extensive consultation with industry groups, states and provinces. In practice, the arrangement will mean that if

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Canada were to establish a disease control and eradication zone anywhere in Canada, the United States Department of Agriculture would continue to allow imports of live animals, animal products and by-products from disease-free areas of Canada. Once Canada released the zone, the U.S. would allow trade to resume from that area. Reciprocal arrangements would apply in the case of zones established anywhere in the United States. For more information on the Canada-United States Regulatory Cooperation Council (RCC), visit Canadian Food Inspection Agency 613-773-6600

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Manitoba Angus Association - Annual General Meeting Manitoba Angus Annual Meeting was held on January 5, 2013 at the Victoria Inn in Brandon, The meetings are held along with the Limousin, Charolais, Hereford and Simmental and we all join up at supper time for a banquet and entertainment. An enthusiastic group of Angus Breeders attended the meeting and along with the various reports. The Association continues to spend a large amount of their budget on Promotion and advertising in the newsletter, newspapers, and website Some of the highlights from Manitoba Angus were; Feeder Sales – coffee was supplied at the Angus designated sales and some breeders sponsored Canadian Angus Rancher

Endorsed burgers at designated sales –New field day, Gold show format seen increased numbers of Angus cattle exhibited- 4-H awards presented to 264 Juniors-New Junior Angus Board formed.- Large Angus Show at MLE in Brandon and to end the year off with a very successful Keystone Klassic Sale. CEO Rob Smith gave a detailed report on the happenings at the Canadian Angus Association, informing us that Registrations were up in 2012 to 59,338, Angus Tag sales hit 300,020. Largest Junior Show ever held in 2012 with 140 members and over 180 head of cattle. Ground breaking ceremony took place at the site of the new Canadian Angus Office near Airdrie, Alberta, Rob reported that a very positive

Front Row (l ro r): Barb Airey, Arlene Kirkpatrick, Larissa Hamilton & Lois McRae Back Row: Dallas Johnston, Allan Nykoliation, Ken Williams, Shawn Birmingham, Tim Baker, Bonnie Glasman, Russell & Naomi Best

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year was completed for the Canadian Angus Association. Directors for the 2013 year are: Terms for 2- Three Year Directors are: Barb Airey, Rivers and Tim Baker, Neepawa were elected. Terms for 2- 1 Year Directors are Dallas Johnston, Brookdale; Bonnie Glasman of Russell Junior Director- Naomi Best, Harding Other directors still on the board are Allan Nykoliation, Crandall; Shawn Birmingham, Brandon; Ken Williams, Oak Lake; Larissa Hamilton, Glenboro Canadian Director - Lois McRae of Brandon Commercial Producers –Guild Farms (Dave, Jim and Muriel Guild), Brandon Purebred Producers for 2012 are TSN Livestock, Shawn and Teresa Birmingham, Brandon President Shawn Birmingham thanked our Retiring Directors: Robert Shwaluk, Shoal Lake and Dan Van Steelandt, Medora for all their efforts over the years and their dedication to the Angus Breed. The new Executive for 2013 was elected with Dallas Johnston of Brookdale as President; Allan Nykoliation as Vice-President. Arlene Kirkpatrick will continue as Secretary- Treasurer. Thanks to all of our sponsors for their generous donations to help put these meetings on.

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Residual Feed Intake has Value to Cow/Calf Producers Residual feed intake is one trait cow-calf producers can take advantage, without waiting for someone else to pay for it, says Dr. John Basarab, a beef research scientist with Alberta Rural Development. Cattle with lower residual feed intakes gain as much weight as their bovine friends with less feed, making it a more economical trait straight weight gain or feed conversion. Mr Basarab and his colleagues studied the progeny performance of three feed efficient and three feed inefficient bulls at Three Cross Ranch in Alberta. The progeny all went to the feedlot and through to the packers. The efficient bulls’ progeny saved $10 to $15 per head in feed costs, and had the same weight gain as the big eaters. Mr Basarab says “there’s a pretty good case saying this is an economic trait and it shows value.”

DNA panels are unlikely to be helpful to most commercial producers, unless their herds are straight Angus. The panels were developed using Angus cattle, and are not accurate for other breeds or mixed animals. “Hopefully one day, five years down the line, we will have a cross-breed marker panel for RFI and many other traits. But it isn’t there yet.” But some seedstock producers include residual feed intake in their estimated breeding

values. Residual feed intake is a moderately heritable trait, meaning it can be selected for. There doesn’t seem to be any downside to selecting for lower residual feed intakes, but Basarab says other traits, such as calving ease, still need to be weighed. “Let us remember there are many other traits out there. And all of these traits need to be put in balance.” - Alberta Rural Development

But cow-calf producers can benefit even more by selecting replacement heifers with lower residual feed intake. Feed efficient heifers will save producers about $40 per year. To make sure early feed efficiency sticks with a heifer through her life, Basarab and his colleagues re-evaluated the heifers a few years later. The now mature cows were as feed efficient as they were as heifers. Mature, feed efficient cows will save about $46 per year, according to Basarab’s research. Basarab points out these gains were made after only one generation. “Remember, genetic selection is cumulative. It increases over time.” Selecting for residual feed intake has no negative effect on growth or carcass yield or quality. It also doesn’t adversely affect calving patterns, fertility, birth or weaning weights. In fact, more feed efficient cows lost fewer calves early on. Mr Basarab hypothesizes that because these cows had lower maintenance requirements, they were able to put more nutrients into other areas, such as uterine environments. “These efficient cows may be more able to adapt to stressful conditions,” says Basarab. He explains that efficient cows turned excess nutrients into back fat, and did better when swath grazing than their less efficient herd mates.

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Peak Dot Ranch Ltd, Wood Mountain, SK Chuck Beasley, Duchess, AB Lee J. Brown, Erskine, AB Ole Farms Limited, Athabasca, AB David & Andrew Johnson, Peebles, SK Deer River Ranching, Patricia, AB Hamco Cattle Co. e Hamiltons, Glenboro, MB South View Ranch, Ceylon, SK Six Mile Red Angus, Fir Mountain, SK U-2 Ranch, Coaldale, AB Hill 70 Quantock Ranch Limited, Lloydminster, AB Fertile Valley Farms, Conquest, SK Geis Angus Farm Ltd, Barrhead, AB Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB Stauffer Ranches, Pincher Creek, AB Jack A. Hart, Brookdale, MB Anchor 1 Angus, Mayerthorpe, AB Travis L. Spady, Alliance, AB Ernest G. Gibson, Vermilion, AB Curtis & Maynard Boese, Sexsmith, AB Blairs.Ag Cattle Co., Lanigan, SK Saskalta Farms Ltd., Alsask, SK Neil & Norman Bednar, Vita, MB Collin A. Sauder, Hodgeville, SK Battle Creek Angus, Maple Creek, SK Flying K Ranch Ltd., Swift Current, SK Wayne G. Grant, Killam, AB Crowfoot Cattle Company, Standard, AB Sandy Bar Ranch Ltd., Aneroid, SK Danny Warrilow, Minburn, SK F-R Angus, Hussar, AB Rock or Shauna Smith, Mountain View, AB Bryce and Wyatt Burnett, Swift Current, SK RSL Red Angus, Battleford, SK Brian & Judy Sutter, Red Deer, AB Michael G. Rodgers, Warner, AB Mitchell Merrill, Hillspring, AB Red Rock Red Angus, Airdrie, AB Chapman Cattle Company, Stettler, AB Sheidaghan Anghus, Maple Creek, SK Benchmark Farms Ltd., Lethbridge, AB KBJ Round Farms, Clyde, AB David Bolduc, Claresholm, AB Vikse Family Farm, Donalda, AB Johnny Johnsen, Spruce View, AB Graham & Patricia Alexander, Eastend, SK George, Michael & Shane Jarokosky, Lethbridge, AB Prairielane Farms Ltd., Souris, MB Jeannot Brother, Whitewood, SK Brylor Ranch, Pincher Creek, AB Mick & Debbie Trefiak, Edgerton, AB

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Remitall Farms Inc, Olds, AB 173 Clinton Smith, Mankota, SK 172 Crowfoot Valley Ranch, Standard, AB 170 Cy, Carolyn, Patrick & Bonnie Skinner, Englefeld, SK 166 Right Cross Ranch, Kisbey, SK 166 Tom M. Blacklock, Grandora, SK 165 Blades Angus, Nanton, AB 165 Ralph & Loree Erdell, Mayerthorpe 164 Lazy E Bar Ranching Ltd., Bashaw, AB 164 Gerlei Angus, Montmartre, SK 163 Towaw Cattle Co. Ltd., Sangudo, AB 160 Joe & Sandy Bandura, Duchess, AB 158 Soo Line Cattle Co., Midale, SK 155 CDwernichuk, Cameron, Charlene & Chance Patterson, Foam Lake, SK 154 DKF Red Angus, Gladmar, SK 153 Buck Lake Ranch, Kelowna, BC 153 Pahl Livestock, Medicine Hat, AB 152 Deer Range Farms Ltd., Stewart Valley, SK 152 Southland Black Angus, Shaunavon, SK 151 H. Dyce Bolduc, Stavely, AB 150 Dennis Johnston, Conquest, SK 146 Wayne E. & Gillian Hughes, Lumby, BC 144 Bob, Jill and Tee Jensen, Leader, SK 144 Cattle Creek Ranching., Maple Creek, SK 143 Stryker Cattle Co, Orion, AB 141 R. Barry Young ^ Marj Young, Carievale, SK 140 Ron & L.D. Hunter, Didsbury, AB 140 LAS Red Angus, Neepawa, MB 140 Triple V Ranch, Melita, MB 138 MC Quantock Livestock Corp., Lloydminster, AB 134 Michael Howe, Moose Jaw, SK 133 Clinton Blair Morasch, Bassano, AB 132 Duralta Farms Inc., Vegreville, AB 129 Black Meadows Angus, Miniota, MB 128 Y Coulee Land & Cattle Co. Ltd., Frenchman Butte, SK 128 Sisson Bros., Ridgedale, SK 127 Larry & Laurie Nielson, Craik, SK 127 Rolleen Hills Angus, Bashaw, AB 126 Russell & Charlene Coyne, Rainier, AB 126 Wesly Olynyk, Goodeve, SK 123 Ivan Demmans, Meadow Lake, SK 122 Dwayne Emery, Camp Creek, AB 120 J. Reed Crapo, Gem, AB 120 Anderson Cattle Company, Bethune, SK 120 David & Lynne Longshore, Stettler, AB 119 Eldorado Black Angus, Redcliff, AB 119 McArthur Livestock, Hanna, AB 118 Denbie Ranch, Ste Rose du Lac, MB 118 Matthew Fleury, Aberdeen, SK 117 Kelly Fiege, Parkside, SK 117

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Remington Land & Cattle, Calgary, AB Sewall Bros., Patricia, AB Lee J. Brown, Erskine, AB Soo Line Cattle Co., Midale, SK Prairielane Farms Ltd., Souris, MB Peak Dot Ranch Ltd., Wood Mountain, SK Hamco Cattle Co. e Hamiltons, Glenboro, MB MC Quantock Livestock Corp., Lloydminster, AB Justin Johner, Maidstone, SK Dunford Royal Cattle Co., Woodstock, ON Willabar Ranch, Claresholm, AB Six Mile Red Angus, Fir Mountain, SK David & Andrew Johnson, Peebles, SK U-2 Ranch, Coaldale, AB Ole Farms Ltd., Athabasca, AB Hill 70 Quantock Ranch Ltd., Lloydminster, AB Dennis C. Ericson, Wetaskiwin, AB Riley’s Red Angus, Neepawa, MB Sandy Bar Ranch Ltd., Aneroid, SK Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB Reynold & Eleanor Bourdeau’hui, Bruxelles, MB Lookout Stock Farm Inc., Fairview, AB Deer River Ranching, Patricia, AB Brian O. Kristensen, Dixonville, AB R. Barry Young & Marj Young, Carievale, SK KBJ Round Farms, Clyde, AB Chuck Beasley, Duchess, AB Triara Senc, Melbourne, QC Jack A. Hart, Brookdale, MB South View Ranch, Ceylon, SK Brylor Ranch, Pincher Creek, AB North Wind Red Angus, Woodlands, MB Daryll and Diane Logeot, Hartney, MB Joe & Sandy Bandura, Duchess, AB Tayside Farms, Perth, ON Stewart & Doreen Ainsworth, Mayerthorpe, AB Sheidaghan Anghus, Maple Creek, SK Travis L. Spady, Alliance, AB Wesley Olynyk, Goodeve, SK RSL Red Angus, Battleford, SK Vikse Family Farm, Donalda, AB Clinton Smith, Mankota, SK Flying K Ranch Ltd., Swift Current, SK Blairs.Ag Cattle Co., Lanigan, SK Ring Creek Farm, Fairview, AB Remitall Farms Inc., Olds, AB Saskalta Farms Ltd., Alsask, SK Ralph & Loree Erdell, Mayerthorpe, AB Harvey Bowerman, Meadow Lake, SK Stauffer Ranches, Pincher Creek, AB Scott Sewall, Patricia, AB

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Lonesome Acres Angus, Saltcoats, SK Brian & Judy Sutter, Red Deer, AB MWC Investments Inc., Darwell, AB Collin A. Sauder, Hodgeville, SK Mick & Debbie Trefiak, Edgerton, AB Ernest G. Gibson, Vermilion, AB Wayne G. Grant, Killam, AB T.W. Armitage, Kinsella, AB Phil Birnie, Wawota, SK Dwayne Emery, Camp Creek, AB Lewis Farms Ltd., Spruce Grove, AB Mabel & Gavin Hamilton, Innisfail, AB Jeannot Brothers, Whitewood, SK Curtis & Maynard Boese, Sexsmith, AB Clinton Blair Morasch, Bassano, AB Trent & Janelle Liebreich, Radville, SK Southland Black Angus, Shaunavon, SK Blades Angus, Nanton, AB Anchor 1 Angus, Mayerthorpe, AB Fertile Valley Farms, Conquest, SK Prime Time Cattle, Innisfail, AB Kelly Feige, Parkside, SK David Bolduc, Claresholm, AB Danny Warrilow, Minburn, AB Sisson Bros., Ridgedale, SK Harris Lehmann, Eganville, ON Ferme Sage, Lac Ste Marie, QC Benchmark Farms Ltd., Lethbridge, AB DKF Red Anghus, Gladmar, SK C & L Warriner, Big River, SK Dr B.Z. Ayleward, Dawson Creek, BC J. Reed Crapo, Gem, AB Terry Adams, Forestburg, AB Crowfoot Valley Ranch, Standard, AB Duralta Farms Inc., Vegreville, AB D.G. Bell, Dubuc, SK Wayne & Donna Sibbald, Calgary, AB Warren & Carmen Beck, Delburne, AB Norseman Farms, Kyle, SK Alvin Ginter, Carrot River, SK Barry Clemens, Lumsden, SK Ron & L.D. Hunter, Didsbury, AB David & Lynne Longshore, Stettler, AB William Jackson, Caledon East, ON Michael G. Rodgers, Warner, AB Two M Angus Ranch, Cudworth, SK Kinared Stock Farm, Portage La Prairie, MB Russell & Cindy Sibbald, Beechy, SK Towaw Cattle Co. Ltd., Sangudo, AB Ivan Demmans, Meadow Lake, SK Hillcrest Enterprises, Wood Mountain, SK

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SAV Bismarck 5682 SAV Eliminator 9105 HF Tiger 5T Sitz Upward 307R SAV Final Answer 0035 SAV Pioneer 7301 S Chisum 6175 SAV Net worth 4200 Red Six Mile Sakic 832S SAV Bullet 0473 SAV 004 Density 4336 Red Lazy MC CC Detour 2W Red Crowfoot Moonshine 808 Connealy under Mohnen Dynamite 1356 Red Ter-Ron Fully Loaded 540R Triple V Glanworth 57U TC Aberdeen 759 SAV Iron Mountain 8066 HF Kodiak 5R KG Smart One 9116 Hoover Dam Red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U Cudlobe In Focus 5S Mytty In Focus BC Eagle Eye 110-7 Red Ter-Ron Realdeal 01W Soo Line Motive 9016 SAV Brand Name 9115 GDAR Game Day 449 Connealy Consensus 7229 XO Crowfoot Joker 8814U SAV Providence 6922 MCATL Pure Product 903-55 SAV Camaro 9272 Red Northline Fat Tony 605U Red Brylor Toast 30T Geis Baloo 13’08 Crowfoot Equation 5793R Peak Dot Dominator 42U HA Image Maker 0415 Red RMJ Redman 1T Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P D.S. Marvel 901W Belvin Warrior 6’09 Red Messmer Packer S008 Red Basin EXT 45T5 Red Howe Magnum 169W Sitz Alliance 6595 Peak Dot Resolute 37W Red Bar-E-L Warden 144W

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44 Red U-2 Mission 61W 45 Red SSS Arson 85U 46 Young Dale Net Touch 36W Sinclair Rito 9R7 47 High Prime 4037 HF Alaskan 94T DB Objective Trend 861 HF El Tigre 28U 48 Red Badlands Net Worth 23U Red Jensen Cactus Sky 25S 49 Red MRLA 61X RAF Wide World 920 Red U-2 Wild ing 346X 50 Sydgen CC&7 HF Tiger 21X BC Matrix 4132 SAV Prodigy 8101 51 Red VGW Game Plan 816 Red Lazy MC Kingman 16W 52 Lemar Dakota Gold 18T SAV Heritage 6295 53 Cudlobe Moneymaker 89U 54 Connealy Impression Sitz Upward 9309 Wiwa Creek Monarch 6’08 55 Wilbar Tailgate 616T Red Crowfoot Ole’s Oscar 2024M 56 HARB Windy 702 JH Crowfoot 9052W Red LJC Mission Statement P27 Red U-2 Dynamo 7021T SAV Carbon Copy 7664 Red Royal K-C Duke 08R 57 Red BCC Crimson Jewels 102U 58 Red SSS Soldier 365W Sandy Bar Direct 74U Red Anchor 1 Hitch 38T Timber Trail Gridlock Young Dale Xon 34X 59 Red BFCK Cherokee Cnyn 4912 Red Vikse Fully Loaded 47W Peak Dot Iron Mountain 937X QLC Quantock 5144 5296W HF Undisputed 183U 60 WK Bobcat Kesslers Front Range 7520 Red Wheel Alliance 22U Red Bad Lands Norseman 14U 61 Red Flying K Nebula 179X SAV Heavy Hitter 6347 Red ML Max 862U

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Canadian Angus Association ~ 100 Top Canadian Bred Sires 1 HF Tiger 5T 2 Red Six Mile Sakic 832S 3 Red Lazy MC CC Detour 2W Red Crowfoot Moonshine 808 4 Red Ter-Ron Fully Loaded 540R 5 Triple V Glanworth 57U 6 HF Kodiak 5R 7 Red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U 8 Cudlobe In Focus 5S 9 Red Ter-Ron Readeal 01W 10 Soo Line Motive 9016 11 XO Crowfoot Joker 8814U 12 Red Northline Fat Tony 605U 13 Red Brylor Toast 30T 14 Geis Baloo 13’08 Crowfoot Equation 5793R 15 Peak Dot Dominator 42U 16 Red RMJ Redman 1T 17 Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P D.S. Marvel 920W 18 Belvin Warrior 6’09 19 Red Howe Magnum 169W 20 Peak Dot Resolute 37W 21 Red Bar-E-L Warden 144W 22 Red U2 Mission 61W 23 Red SSS Arson 85U 24 Young Dale Net Touch 36W 25 HF Alaskan 94T HF El Tigre 28U 26 Red Jensen Cactus Sky 25S 27 Red MRLA 61X Red U-2 Wild ing 346X 28 HF Tiger 21X 29 Red Lazy MC Kingman 16W 30 Cudlbobe Moneymaker 89U 31 Wiwa Creek Monarch 6’08 32 Wilbar Tailgate 616T Red Crowfoot Ole’s Oscar 2024M 33 Crowfoot 9052W Red U-2 Dynamo 7021T Red Royal K-C Duke 08R 34 Red BCC Crimson Jewels 102U 35 Red SSS Soldier 365W Sandy Bar Direct 74U Red Anchor 1 Hitch 38T Timber Trail Gridlock Young Dale Xon 34X 36 Red Vikse Fully Loaded 47W Peak Dot Iron Mountain 937X QLC Quantock 5144 5296W HF Undisputed 183U Page 72

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37 Red Wheel Alliance 22U Red Bad Lands Norseman 14U 38 Red Flying K Nebula 179X Red ML Max 862U 39 Red Croner Creek Cash 2R Red Fine Line Combination 40R Red Riley’s Wonder 3W 40 Red Lone Stone Pursuit 81W Red Northern Ice Man 8U Sandy Bar Ideal 19S U-2 Max 7322T 41 Standard Hill Payoff 20P Atlasta Predominant 31W CCL Right Time 66W Merit 8808 Red Blair’s Integrity 29U 42 Red Six Mile Win-Chester 745W Johnston Image Maker 813U SAR Silver Pride 77S B.B.A.R 767-965 Red MVF Patriot 14W Geis Kodiak 53’07 SAR Waterton 69U 43 Sandy Bar Direct 15U Benchmark Predestined 8301 Double AA Old Post Bandolier HF Choice 16T Justamere 406S PanamaJack 336U Anderson’s Next Generation 20U 44 Red Ringstead Kargo 215U Red Ole Hitch 213T H70 Quantock 1207W SSA 4R New Elixir 18W U-2 Net Worth 8027U Red Diamond T Hips Stout 107U Red Dwajo Gladiator 32L HF Hemi 176W Stryker Freedom 70W 45 Red Howe Finest Tradition 20V CU 338 Right Time 063U Northern View Quantum 83W Southland riller 83X 46 Red Brox Up 20U MacNab Bando 013T Red U-2 W.T. 373X Eastondale Break Away 32’07 47 Red Bar-E-L Gambler 87X Soo Line Yellowstone 0194 Red Crowfoot 83X SVR Networth 335U Red Glesbar Excel 73W Red SSS N. King 652T

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Moore Cattle Still Getting Better

In a world of assembly lines and disposable goods, fewer people take pride in the work they do and the things they help create. Beef producer Monte Moore is one of the few. He built high-quality Angus genetics into his Kansas herd, which has helped build profit, beef demand and other high-quality herds through heifer sales. His home-fed cattle harvested 13 years ago achieved 55% Certified Angus Beef ® (CAB®) brand acceptance. Since then, they have only gotten better. Back then, Moore was quoted saying, “Things are really going to change; it’s amazing what you can do if you can just keep up.” Keeping up meant incremental changes for the on-track program. Near his home in Oberlin, Kan., Moore runs 400 commercial Angus cow-calf pairs on summer pasture and winter cornstalks. Calves are started at home and heifers get a breeding soundness exam before the top two-thirds are bred by artificial insemination (AI). Most of those go back into the herd as replacements, but the rest are sold to other producers. One of the biggest changes since that winter of 2000 is that fewer cattle are finished at home. Now he sends most of them to nearby Decatur County Feedyard, a CAB partner feedlot. There his cattle are enrolled in a signature feeding program that optimizes the finish on each animal using electronic identification (EID) and a host of

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measurements such as hip height, weight and back fat by ultrasound. Then they are sorted into pens of similar cattle; the process is repeated later in the feeding period, and at marketing time, the EID allows each calf to be matched with owner and paid on its individual merit. That motivates producers to make sure each animal is performing at a top level, and the data they receive from the program helps in that process, says feedyard manager Kevin Unger. Customers not only see a profit and loss statement for every calf, but they also get group data, and sheets comparing their animals to similar cattle in the yard. Moore’s cattle are a great match for the program. “Monte uses the data to help determine bull selection and to enhance the management of his outfit,” Unger says. “And he has made progress on all the traits that enhance profitability in a herd – feed efficiency, carcass weight and grid premiums.” His calves routinely perform in the top 10% of cattle at the yard, and last year they made 95% USDA Choice or better with 80% CAB and 5.3% Prime. “If we could build a prototype of a customer, Monte would be our model,” Unger says. “He is driven by quality and always wants to move forward, but he doesn’t base his decisions on the ‘high of the week’ at the sale or the opinions of order buyers. Monte is driven by facts and data, which he uses to make really good decisions in his operation.”

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While constantly working toward better genetics, efficiency and profitability, Moore has never lost sight of his ultimate goal and direction: to raise a balanced, quality calf. Many producers put the most emphasis on the bull’s genetics and its effects on the calf crop, but Moore’s first priority is his cow herd. “By keeping a lot of heifers and using AI, after a period of time your genetic base will advance beyond just the bull you’re using,” he says. “That’s why we continue to see an increase in carcass quality the more years we do this.” Moore is religious about replacing older cows with the younger, stacked genetics of his AI-bred heifers. The oldest cows in his herd are eight years old. When it comes to selecting sires, he is thinking balance and avoids the extreme, terminal crosses. All the while, he has his cows on mind. “Besides looking at the birth weights, yearling weights, etc., I’m also looking for udders and everything that’s important to being a momma cow,” Moore says. “It all starts there for me. I want every heifer born to have the potential to be a momma cow.” Over the years, he says it has become easier than ever to find registered Angus bulls that fit his program because of the advancements the breed has made. He can look at numbers and measurements on all aspects of the animal from birth weight to tenderness to disposition. Then he can compare that to the data he gets back when the cattle are harvested to determine what truly works in his herd.

“With the number of good Angus bulls we have today and processes like AI and embryo transfer, it’s a lot harder to go wrong,” Moore says. Numbers and proven results are the main reasons he stuck with Angus cattle over the years. At the time his family bought their original Angus herd and in the early 1970s, a lot of people in the area were breeding to Simmentals. At first, Moore admits they kept their herd straight Angus out of “pure stubbornness,” but the more EPDs (expected progeny differences) they saw along with the good maternal traits and calving ease, the more convinced they became. “The things we’ve been able to do the past 25 years as far as testing and technology are impressive,” he says. “There are other breeds that have done well, too, but it’s pretty easy to say that the Angus breed was leading the way.” Breeding tool advances keep producers moving forward, but Moore knows the pace can only be steady at best. He has devoted his producer career, gradually building his herd and genetics to their current level. “With genetics, you learn and respect the fact that nothing is going to happen overnight,” he says. “You’re not going to make fantastic changes in one year—and if you do, the odds of it backfiring are pretty good.” Through the years, Moore has had steady help from his brother-in-law and business partner Mike Coleman, especially on the farming side. And even at ages 81 and 82, his dad, Loyd, and Uncle Francis Moore play important roles to keep everything running smoothly.

Recent droughts have created a couple of bumps in the road but Moore remains optimistic. Moisture will likely return and allow producers to rebuild their herds, creating a stronger demand for his heifers. However, if pastures haven’t improved by spring, he may have to sell a few extra cows. If that happens, he hopes other regions will have improved to allow a good market for those cows. Until then, he’ll hold on and see what that next season brings.

Nobody who makes a living at it will claim livestock production is easy, but he enjoys the challenges of raising cattle. “Animal husbandry can be tough especially when the weather is bad, so you had better love it or you’re not going to do it,” Moore says. “But,” he adds, “time sure flies when you’re having fun.” By Lyndee Stabel (adapted from Angus Journal)

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Obituary - Robert (Bob) Jensen

The other day Shelly and I went to the funeral of a fellow Angus breeder, a very good cattleman, a very good farmer but most of all, a very good friend Robert (Bob) Jensen of Prosperity Stock Farm of Ferintosh, Alberta. Robert passed away quietly on January 12, 1013, three days following his 87th birthday. His wife Phyllis had predeceased him in 2008. For those of you who knew Bob, ge was a big man with a bigger heart for all. They (Bob & Phyllis) became the long time

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Life-long farmer and cattleman, Robert Walter Jensen, formerly of Ferintosh, died peacefully at his residence in Camrose on January 12, 2013. He was 87 years old. Robert, the youngest of four children, was born on the family farm January 9, 1926 to Marie and Andrew Jensen. He spent his formative years working on the farm with his family and within the community. Robert

met the love of his life and married Phyllis Irene Bottorff on New Year’s Eve 1946. Robert and Phyllis experienced life to the fullest, trying their hand at many different lines of work until they found their calling; breeding and showing registered Black Angus cattle.

President and Secretary of the Central Alberta Angus Club, a position they totally enjoyed. The Prosperity Angus herd was built to 130 - 140 mothers cows with show cattle from the herd of Adam Schierman of Bashaw. This very good and functional herd was built very successfully on the strength of two bulls; Ed Rene Blackman 15Z and Kenalta Olympus. It started in the early sixties, ending in the late eighties with selling totally to Peter Pocklington and Glen Sather of Edmonton Oiler fame, as a commercial group of cows. What a waste of a very, very valuable genetics. Because of high interest rates in the early eighties (25%), this was a hurried up deal before any of us could react! When Shelly and I first started Get-A-Long Stock Farm in 1978, Robert and Phyllis ley us have our pick of their entire group of heifer calves. What an opportunity! The two Blackman daughters selected lives and worked until they were both fourteen years of age, always with a calf a the front of the pen.When Robert retired in the mid

nineties, he travelled with me from Vancouver to Winnipeg every spring and fall for ten years, either to sales I attended, selecting cattle or delivering bulls. Definitely a highlight in his life was the travel, the cattle people he met and the hospitality of both Angus and livestock families. Robert, when he went to shows or sales had the world’s biggest tack box, painted orange. It did take three men and a boy to lift it and I would have sworn he actually had a bull in it. It was so big that he asked me one day if I wanted it, I said, I didn’t have room! For two or three years the entire Prosperity heifer calf crop sold to Richmond Hales of Texas and the Prosperity bull calves went to Colorado or Montana for years. A very good piece of business for everyone! Robert, you did live a full life, we miss the friendship of you and Phyllis. He was truly a big man with a big heart! Dennis & Shelly Ericson

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How Will Genetics Feed the World? As soon as the phrases "genetic improvement" and "new technology" are used in the same breath, the image that many laymen create is one of monsters and Frankenstein food, writes Chris Harris. However, are the two really mutually exclusive or can they live together happily? This year's Oxford Farming Conference brought the questions on genetics, new technology, genetic modification and improvements in agriculture into sharp focus. At a time when the global population is growing and growing largely in the underdeveloped and developing countries, the need to produce more food, more efficiently is unquestioned. It is predicted that by 2050 the world's population will need 100 per cent more food and according to the United Nation’s - Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). 70 per cent of it must come from efficiency enhancing technology. The FAO also says that by 2050 the world population will grow to 9.1 billion, per income capita income will rise by 150 per cent and global consumption of meat, milk and eggs will double. How that increase in production can be met sustainably and economically is the big question taxing scientists, politicians, farmers, processors

and consumers alike. The problems of feeding a growing population have raised the question among some lobby groups over whether there should be any livestock farming at all and whether a vegetarian diet is the most sustainable way forward. However, not only is the global population growing but it is also growing in wealth and with that growth in wealth comes a desire and need for a more refined diet that includes meat and eggs. As this wealthier population demands more animal protein, the agricultural sector must find ways of meeting that demand. As the Oxford Farming Conference heard this year, genetics has a big role to play in the improvements of yield - whether it is in crops or in animal protein - but genetics are not the sole solution. Improvements in yields in both crops and milk over the last 50 years have been 50 per cent down to improvements in breeding. The other half of the answer has come down to improved feed and feeding, improved housing and an improved environment and care of both crops and livestock. Mark Smith, the Global Bovine Product Development and Production Director at Genus said that in the last 50 years improvements in pig litters had seen a growth from 14 piglets per sow to around 23 and the improvements in the animal

and the conformation while partly coming from genetic selection had also come from improved production management. This had also led to better feed conversion rates, better conformation and more lean meat and less manure, producing less impact on the environment. The improvements between 1962 and 2009 had seen 71 per cent more pigs, 38 per cent less feed used, 39 per cent more lean meat and 50 per cent less manure produced. The improvements are 60 per cent down to genetic improvement. In dairy herds genetic improvements in the herd over the last 40 years have contributed to increased milk yields through genetic selection, by looking at more traits than in the past to ensure the production of a dairy cow that is more fertile and more productive. "We are now looking at selection for production and fitness and we are even looking at the vet costs in production as well," he said. He said that there is going to be a different environment in agriculture and livestock farming with less land for production, higher in-put and feed costs and challenges from the climate and from water resources. Livestock farming units are going to grow and there is going to be less labour in each unit and there are going to be environmental constraints to produce food sustainably. (continued on next page)

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We are looking forward to seeing you at these major sales. If you have any questions or need to be represented please give us a call.

Feb 18 8th Annual Ole Farms Family Day Black & Red Angus Bull Sale at the farm, Athabasca, AB Feb 19 All Our Hearts 1st Annual Bull Sale, Bluffton, AB Mar 1 18th Annual Cattleman’s Connection Black Angus Bull Sale, Brandon, MB Mar 2 8th Annual Cutting Edge Black & Red Angus & Simmental Bull Sale, Rimbey, AB Mar 16 27th Annual LLB Spring Spectacular Bull & Female Sale at the ranch, Erskine, AB Mar 19 Remitall Farms Angus Bull Sale, Olds, AB Mar 22 Bowerman Bros, Nesset Lake Angus 8th Annual Angus Bull Sale, MLA, Meadow Lake, SK Mar 25 Harvie Bull Sale, Olds, AB Apr 4 Crowfoot Cattle Co Red & Black Bull Sale, Standard, AB Apr 5 Triple J Farm, Jeannot’s Black Angus and Leveldale Polled Herefords 5th Annual Bull Sale, Whitewood, SK Apr 6 Lauron Red Angus & Guests Bull Sale, Olds, AB Apr 9 Lacombe Bull Show & Sale, Lacombe, AB Apr 10 Rainbow Hills Black Angus Bull Sale, Delburne, AB Apr 12 Fertile Valley Black Angus Bull Sale, SLS, Saskatoon, SK Apr 22 27th Rancher’s Choice Black Angus Bull Sale, Medicine Hat, AB Apr 25 Lazy E Bar Ranching, Black Angus Bull & Commercial Heifer Sale, Stettler, AB

(continued from previous page) "Genetics have contributed approximately 50% of the phenotypic improvement we have seen over the last 50 years and basically, we need to produce more from less and genetic improvement is going to be key to this," he said. However, there have been vast discrepancies over the last 50 years in the advances in genetic improvement between the different species and sectors. While the dairy herds have seen a 60 to 70 per cent improvement, the pig herds have only seen a 30 to 40 per cent improvement and the beef herds have had negligible genetic improvement. Similarly in aquaculture, with wild fish stocks declining, more than 50 per cent of fish consumed is now farmed but less than 10 per cent comes from genetically improved strains. As fish have a high reproductive rate there is a big potential for improved efficiency. Mr. Smith said that genomic selection is being applied to many species and it will accelerate genetic progress but it still requires a lot of phenotypic data to build and validate evaluations. However, it will allow greater selection for lower heritability traits and evolution of new traits. Mr. Smith said that by using new technology gene selection can be speeded up and livestock improvement will come sooner - but often new techniques hit an ethical barrier. While selective breeding has been carried out for centuries and has been established as safe for centuries, cloning, where the genes of the offspring are identical to the parent, which is equivalent to twinning, the

“Livestock Insurance Available”

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introduction of an additional normal gene already present in the animal and gene deletion could raise other questions. However, Mr. Smith said they are not truly GMOs (genetically modified organism) and do not introduce any gene material that is not already present and so there is no reason to believe that they will harm either the animal or man. Gene editing produces only minor changes and often will be introducing naturally occurring mutations so again should not be unsafe in any way. Introduction of another mammalian gene not normally found in that species, the introduction of a non-mammalian or plant gene into that species, the introduction of a bacterial gene into the species and the introduction of a viral gene into the species may have some risk and need careful analysis. Mr. Smith said: "Scientific breakthroughs in new genetic technologies could hold the key to changes in livestock improvements, with disease resistance and resilience, improved efficiency and human health protection.” "Genetic improvement has played a major role in improving efficiency to date and will probably need to play an even greater role in the future. Some species have greater opportunity than others, but selective breeding in conjunction with newer technology could hold the key to step changes in genetic improvement and deserve consideration." -Chris Harris, Editor in Chief, The Beef Site

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Alberta Angus Association Message


Hi Everyone, I hope everybody is having a good calving season and the weather in your area isn’t too harsh. Here in the Okanagan the winter has been fairly mild and the snow cover came before the frost, so the melt will go straight into the soil. This year is going to be exciting in BC. The BC Association has signed a contract with the Canadian Angus Association to help support field services in BC. The BC Angus Association is having two roll up

banners made to be used at different functions around the province. The plan is to have one available for use in the southern part of the province and one for the central and northern parts of the province. If you would like to use a banner for a special event you are planning or attending, please contact Jill Savage, Diane Fletcher or Jack Brown. Jack Brown and Brian Good will be attending the BC Cattlemen’s Convention in Vernon, May 23-25. I am pleased it is close to my home this year and I am looking forward to it. Jill and I are pleased to be representing the BC Angus Association at the Canadian Angus Convention June 6th – 9th in Guelph, Ontario. If anybody has a question or concern they would like us to discuss at the Can/Prov meeting please let me know as soon as possible. The Canadian Junior Angus Showdown will be held in Armstrong at the IPE grounds July 25-27. Mark this date on your calendar and plan to attend this great event by entering your kids or just by supporting other kids. Contact Allison Speller for more information.

The BC Angus annual meeting is being planned for September 1st at the Anchor Inn Pub in Armstrong the last day of the Interior Provincial Exhibition. In light of the low turn out at the last few AGM’s the BC Angus Board of Directors would like to see the Annual Meeting alternate between the two Gold Shows each year with the hope of encouraging more people to attend the meeting. Advertising in the newsletter is a significant way to support the BC Angus Association and get recognition for your farm, ranch or business. Thank you to all of our new and regular advertisers. I would like to thank Donna Donaldson for an awesome Newsletter. I know she puts a lot of time in to get reports, articles and advertising. I am sure she would appreciate hearing from anyone that has a good story, article or ideas, or just to get an email that says what a good job she is doing. Good luck with calving and your bull sales this spring.

keeping Angus in the forefront of customer minds. The Angus tag sales have been great for the commercial side BUT what about the purebred side? With the ruling coming into affect on the show side that the 2012 calves must be Angus RFID tagged to qualify for Gold Show points, there were a number of calves not tagged Angus. As purebred breeders how can we promote the “Rancher Endorsed” program and our tag program if we are not tagging our herds? Call the CAA office and order yours today…they will be in your mailbox in a few days! DNA pricing has never been better, why not get all those potential herdsires and donor dams done now? Let’s be procative and collect the DNA hair samples on our herds the next time you run them through the chutes for shots! To store the tail hair in your office doesn’t cost you anything and is always on hand when required. It is a simple easy way to make sure your herd is protected. I don’t know how many times I

have seen herdsires in AI Studs not qualify to draw semen because he can’t be parentage verified. It is 99% of the time the dam that died, if it is in your shoebox in the closet…you are saved! Such an easy and simple solution! The Alberta Directors are working hard getting ready for their Strategic Planning meetings in May. They are preparing for the 40th Anniversary of Farmfair this fall and hosting the National Angus show. Watch for directors at the upcoming bull sales and bull congresses. Good luck during the Bull Sale season! Have very happy 2013, happy calving too! Sincerely, Carol High President - Alberta Angus Association

Alberta Angus Association Message


Welcome 2013! Let’s hope it will be as good as 2012 has been to the agriculture industry. As we look back on 2012 and all the great times it provided us all, we must not lose perspective and focus. We must remember that we have to work at

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Regards, Lance Savage President - British Columbia Angus Association

Saskatchewan Angus Association Message

Hello from the Saskatchewan Angus Association!! By the time you read my report we will have had our

Annual General Meetings in Saskatoon and I am sure I will have a lot to report about in the next issue as I know there is lots of items on the agenda for the meetings, so stay posted if you did not make your way to Saskatoon to join us. We did have a special “Think Tank Meeting” in Regina just before Christmas with a few board members and interested association members in attendance; it was a good day of bouncing ideas off of each other, trying to find direction for the future of Saskatchewan Angus. These ideas will have been presented at the AGM in late January - look for some of these ideas to be implemented in the future. The board wishes all well with their calving and good luck with all bull sales whether they be private or public

Manitoba Angus Association Message

Happy New Year to everyone and I hope you all had a great Holiday Season. The year 2012 was a good one for Angus Cattle in Manitoba. We finished up the year with a strong Angus Show at the MLE and followed up with a really strong Keystone Classic sale in December. In 2013 we will again be holding our Summer Gold Show as a pen show format in Neepawa on July 27th. Calving season is underway and I hope it’s a successful one for everybody. The Bull Sale season will be soon upon us as well, so check out the sales in Manitoba as the quality of the Bulls here are second to none.

I would like to thank our outgoing board members, Robert Shwaluk and Dan VanSteelandt for their service and welcome Tim Baker and Barb Airey to the board. I would also like to thank Shawn Birmingham for his 3 years that he served as president and I’m glad he continues as a board member. I hope to attend as many Bull Sales as I can and welcome any suggestions you might have.

We have been having an easy winter so far. Calving is started and many producers are thankful for the milder weather. You need to use more straw but have fewer calves with shorter ears! The mild weather is a blessing as most producers are short hay due to last year’s drought and are using less feed than expected. Producers are looking forward to another great set of Angus calves to be born this year. Bull buyers are starting to search out the market for a bull to suit their needs. Interest seems to be high this year. More commercial cow calf operators are switching to Angus in Ontario. They are educated buyers. They want EPDs, genome testing and weight data. Bull producers need to have all the information they can to satisfy the buyers.

Interest in the Angus breed seems to grow every year! As purebred breeders we need to be very aware of what the commercial cattleman wants from our breed and provide it. This will be my last report as Ontario Angus President. I have enjoyed meeting and working with Angus enthusiasts throughout the province for the past two years. All the best in 2013! Tammi Ribey President - Ontario Angus Association

Maritime Angus Association Message

Greetings from Ontario!

auction sales! Please remember if you plan on showing cattle in this summer and fall Saskatchewan Gold shows both the yearlings and calves must be wearing Angus Green Tags. But even if one is not showing we should all be ordering and placing green tags in our calves, order now and avoid the rush later on in the year. I hope to see you around this spring and please remember if you have any issues or concerns please call me, any of the SAA board members or our SAA General Manager Belinda Wagner so we can make your voice heard. Respectfully submitted, Dale Easton President, Saskatchewan Angus Association

See you down the road. Dallas Johnston President, Manitoba Angus Association

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Maritime Angus Association Message


Greetings from the East Coast. This has been a quiet time for the Maritime Angus Association since our Annual meeting back in December. Most breeders are busy calving and planning what new bulls they will be

using this coming season in their AI programs. The next major event this spring will be our Annual bull sale at the Nappan Beef Test Station in Nappan, Nova Scotia on April 6. There will be a nice selection of quality Red and Black Angus bulls for sale. With the new Grow-Safe feeders in place there now, new data will also be available to potential bull purchasers this year; feed efficiency. A lot of Angus breeders will have steers in one of the two steer shows this spring, in either Florenceville-Bristol, NB at the Carleton County Spring Steer Show and Sale, or the PEI Easter Beef Show and Sale in Charlottetown, PEI. This is a great opportunity breeder’s to show off their steers and commercial heifers to the public, and for businesses to support local breeders and local 4H members by purchasing their steers. Our Annual Maritime Angus field day will be held

this year on June 14-15, at Truro Nova Scotia. Details are still being ironed out by the Nova Scotia members, but watch our Maritime Angus blog ( for details on hotel reservations, and schedule of events. Perhaps some folks from the west could extend their visit to the Canadian Association Annual Convention in Ontario, and keep heading east to Truro to enjoy some Nova Scotia hospitality, and see some really nice Angus cattle. If you haven’t already ordered your Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Green Tags for your spring calves, make sure you get your order in. And remember to show your Angus pride with the use of these tags in your cattle. Trevor F. Welch President - Maritime Angus Association

of events that will be amazing for any junior to be able to take part in. Our keynote speaker for Saturday night is Dr. John Fast speaking about “Succeeding at Succession: The Ultimate Farm Management Challenge”. Other exciting speakers we are having this year include Heather Hargrave speaking to us about agriculture advocacy and Cassie Dorran educating us about professionalism and marketing. There are many other fun activities that we have planned for the weekend. We are very excited to see you all out at Edmonton! As many know the Canadian Angus Association is sending two teams to New Zealand this fall to take part in the Junior Competition of the World Angus Forum. It was announced that there are over 15 applicants which is awesome news! From these fifteen applicants there will be eight juniors chosen to make up two teams, each consisting of four juniors. The lucky eight juniors who are selected to attend New Zealand will be announced at our GOAL conference on the Saturday night.

Needless to say the selections committee has a big job ahead of them and we are all waiting in anticipation to find out who the selected juniors will be. The CJAA is once again offering three one thousand dollar scholarships to junior members from across Canada. To apply you must fill out the application form and write a simple essay. These are due to the Belinda at the office by June 15th. We will also have our exchange trips to the Junior Red Angus Round-up in June and the National Junior Angus Association Lead conference in August. Check out our newsletter and/or the website later this spring for application details. We will be gearing up at our meetings in February for Showdown 2013 which will be held in Armstrong, British Columbia July 25 – 27. Details on entries and the schedule will be available at the end of February and we hope to have many juniors out to participate. See you down the road. Erin Toner President , Canadian Junior Angus Association

Canadian Junior Angus Association

Hi everyone! I hope that calving is going well for all that have started and that you all are staying safe and warm with this crazy Saskatchewan winter. The Canadian Junior Angus Association is getting very excited to once again put on our annual GOAL conference. As you know it is going to be in Edmonton this year at the Fantasyland Hotel. We have a schedule

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Carey Auction Services Brent W. Carey


(403)549-2478 - Cellular (403)650-9028 Box 27, Stavely, AB T0L 1Z0

"Specializing in Seedstock Sales & Promotion"

Custom Service Program ▲ Custom Collection ▲ Private Storage

Tel: (403) 226 0666 e-mail: Semen - Supplies - Nitrogen



Box 5, Site 4, R.R. #1, Olds, Alta T4H 1P3

Phone (403)507-8771 Fax (403)507-8772



Phone: (705)445-4317 Cell: (705)607-4317 E-mail:

P.O. Box 164 Nottawa, Ontario Canada L0M 1P0

get your cattle online with coyote publishing. More than just really great catalogues!

Sid Leavitt: (403) 653-2450 Jana Keeley: (604) 740-5653


Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd. Davis-Rairdan International P.O. Box 590 Crossfield, Alberta Canada T0M 0S0 Phone (403)946-4551 Fax (403)946-5093 Website email



● On-farm freezing & collection ● Donor care facility ● Recipient herd


Progressive Performance... Optimum Maternalism!

CANADIAN RED ANGUS PROMOTION SOCIETY 6015 Park Place, Taber, AB T1G 1E9 403/223-8009

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Angus World

Commercial Edition 2013

● Licensed facility for embryos exports


● Genetic Marketing & Selection ● International Embryo Sales


RYAN DORRAN 403.507.6483

P.O. Box 2635, Didsbury, Alberta T0M 0W0 Auctioneer, Ring Service & Marketing

Steve Dorran Auctioneer

P.O. Box 10100, Stn Main, Airdrie, Alberta, T4A 0H4


Gloria Fantin - Independently Offering - Advertising Services for Beef Producers - Advertising & Publication Consulting - Advertising Sales Representation - Writing Services & Distribution

GA Fantin Services / 403.289.3836

Ericson Livestock Services

(780) 352-7630 Dennis & Shelly Ericson

R.R.# 2, Wetaskiwin, Alberta T9A 1W9

Mark Stock

Ring Service & Livestock Service

Sealin Creek Ranch Registered Angus

Dan & Janette Speller

Box 128, Hazelet, SK S0N 1E0 (306) 678-4811 ✺ Cellular (403) 357-8104


Box 59, Monte Lake, BC V0E 2N0 (250)375-2268


EMBRYO TRANSFER SERVICES MARILYN BRAITWAITE Box 8265, Saskatoon, SK S7K 6C5 A.H.T. Ph (306)931-2904 ● Fax (306)242-1563 Certified Bovine E.T. Practitioner


Re us gister ed Black Ang


Bus (250)546-9420 / Cellular (250)558-6789 Comp. 19, Larkin Site, RR 3, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0

All West/Select Sires For All Your Angus Genetics


Serving BC, AB & SK

Owners: Peter & Francesca Cox Managed by: Christy Elliot


ring w Sp s Ran illo

Tel: (250)446-2269 Fax: (250)764-0537

22km Christian Valley Westbridge, British Columbia


Lance Savage - President 4664 Sleepy Hollow Road, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B4 Ph/Fax:250/546-2813


Jack Brown - Fieldman 604/888-0862



Mile 11 on #2 Highway South of Dawson Creek

PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS P.O. Box 132, Steve Aylward (250)786-5031 Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4G3 Dale Aylward (250)786-5478


“A family operation dedicated to the perfection of the Angus breed.”

Doug, Joyce, Judy, Cindy and Tracy Allen P.O. Box 4081, Taber, AB T1G 2C6 Phone/Fax: (403)223-8008

est. 1966

Jay & Lenore Davis Box 184, Acme, Alberta T0M 0A0 (403) 546-2299

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Angus World

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Darrel & Wendy Ashbacher & Family

P.O. Box 99, Halkirk, Alberta T0C 1M0

Bryan & Sherry Mackenzie

Pioneer Red Angus Breeder


P.O. Box 122, Pincher Creek, Alberta T0K 1W0 Phone: (403)627-5676 / Fax:(403)627-4653 /

Ph: (403)884-2181 Fax: (403)884-2381

Bar Double M Angus Mark & Rachel Merrill & Family

Visitors 12 miles west of Olds Always on Hwy #27, 1/2 mile south on Welcome Range Rd 3.04 email:

Box 132, Hill Springs, Alberta T0K 1E0

Diamond Willow Ranch Add Our Diamonds to Your Herd!

(403) 626-3369

Registered Black Angus

Ted & Marci McPeak (403)948-3085


RR #1, Stn. Mn., Airdrie, AB T4B 2A3 From Airdrie Overpass on SH 567, 10km W., 5km N., on SH 772

Count Ridge Stock Farm





(403)641-2205 P.O. BOX 576, BASSANO, ALBERTA T0J 0B0

Dwayne & Joanne Emery (780) 674-4410 REGISTERED ANGUS P.O. Box 31, Camp Creek, Alberta T0G 0L0


Wayne and Peggy Robinson

Box 36 Mossleigh, Alberta T0L 1P0 Phone (403) 934-4083


Flint & Flint (780)855-2181

New Norway, AB



Murray and Gloria Fraser 403-787-2341

Box 32, Hussar, Alberta TOJ 1SO

Horned Hereford

Cam and Kim Fraser 403-787-2165

Fleming Stock Farms

Box 1, Granum, Alberta T0L 1A0 Ph: 403/687-2288 Fax: 403/687-2088

Duncan, Cecilie, Cooper & Ricki Fleming “Quality goes in before the name goes on”

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Angus World

Commercial Edition 2013

Ron & Laurie Hunter & family “Quality Registered & Commercial Stock”

RR 2 Didsbury, AB T0M 0W0

Hazel Bluff Red Angus Erich, Mechthild & Martin Clausen

(780)349-2768 (780)349-2960 fax email:

P.O. Box 5728, Westlock, AB T7P 2P6

Quality Service Selection

Breeding stock always available by private treaty




Harry & Gaylene Irving


(403)938-7754 R.R. #2, Okotoks, Alberta T0L 1T0





V Wayne Branden & Jane Morrow


Phone: (780)674-2335 ~ Cell: (780)305-4813 ~ Fax: (780)674-4398 P.O. Box 11, Camp Creek, AB T0G 0L0 -


Willard Leeuwenburgh Home: 403-381-3191 Cell: 403-382-1990 Fax: 403-381-9093


Registered Angus

KBJ Round Farms

P.O. Box 238, Clyde, Alberta T0G 0P0

Jim Round (780)348-5638

Barry Round (780)348-5794

LAKEFORD ANGUS “Visitor’s Welcome”

Dave & Jean Prichard 780-385-2226 Dan & Shelley Prichard Ph/Fax: 780-385-2298 Killam, Alberta Doug Noad 403-660-8371


Box 25, Lethbridge, AB T1J 3Y3

Lindsay & Donna Penosky & Family

P.O. Box 37, Botha, AB T0C 0N0 Phone: (403)742-4337 ● Fax: (403)742-4341

Lee & Laura Brown

Box 217, Erskine, AB T0C 1G0 Ph: (403) 742-4226 Fax (403) 742-2962

19th Annual Bull & Female Sale March 14/09




- Breeders of Quality Performance Tested Angus -

P.O. Box 2044, Fairview, Alberta T0H 1L0 (780)835-3530

Duane Parsonage




R.R. #3, Site 18, Box 17, Innisfail, AB T4G 1T8

Cattle Co.

Murray King 780/846-2691

Richard King



R.R. #2 Red & Kitscoty, AB T0B 2P0 403/309-0905 Black Angus

Roy & Cindy Bjorklund

Nagib- Krameddine R.R. #3, Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 1X1 H (780)352-0813 W (780)585-2003

Jack Leeuwenburgh Home: 403-327-9618 Cell: 403-330-6123 Fax: 403-327-9629


Robert & Gail Hamilton

Box 11, Site 15, R.R.# 2, Cochrane, Alberta T4C 1A2 (403) 932-5980

P.O. Box 22, Linden, Alberta T0M 1J0

Phone: 403/546-2010 Fax: 403/252-0041 Cell:403/803-8035 //



" Our Greatest Asset - Quality Angus"


Trent & Kelli Abraham



Box 610, Delburne, Alberta T0M 0V0 (403)749-2953 email:




Richard & Joyce Lorenz

(403)728-3285 R.R. #1, Markerville, Alberta T0M 1M0


Breeding 150 Functional Black Angus Females Since 1945

Danny & Conna Warrilow Bill & Barbara Warrilow Ph/Fax: (780) 593-2205 (780) 593-2208 P.O. BOX 39, MINBURN, ALBERTA T0B 3B0

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Angus World

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Stoneydale BLACK ANGUS

Ken & Sharon Chitwood

Ph:(403)948-3094 Fax: (403)948-6329 R.R. #2, Airdrie, AB T4B 2A4

Premium Quality Since 1972


Glen, Dale, Wayne & Terry Elliott

Bud, Barb & John McBride Box 51, Benalto, Alberta T0M 0H0 Phone: (403)746-2555 / Phone/Fax: (403)746-2630


Elllamae & Mike


Shawn & Cathy


Purebred Black Angus since 1920

Jim & Betty Richardson (403)224-3286




Box 115, Warner, Alberta T0K 2L0 (403)642-2041

Park F w a o ill


Box 247, Warner, Alberta T0K 2L0 Ph/Fax: (403)642-2055 email:


Box 32, Bowden, AB T0M 0K0

Registered & Commercial Red Angus


P.O. Box 4205, Taber, Alberta T1G 2C7 Phone/Fax: (403)223-4118

The Wildman’s


Dave & Gail (780) 785-2091 Kirk (780) 785-3772

P.O. Box 444, Sangudo, Alberta T0E 2A0 Fax 785-3403


Stauffer Ranches P.O. Box 174, Killam, Alberta (780)385-2216


Stacey & Michel Stauffer


Ring 403.627.2511 Fax 403.627.2650 Box 2377, Pincher Creek, Alberta T0K 1W0

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Angus World




Lassiter Brothers


Box 763, Bassano, Alberta T0J 0B0 Ph: 403/641-4467 ~ Fax:403/6412355


Spring Bull Sale ● Female (Private Treaty) ● Embryos Using A.I. program & Embryo transfer to raise well balanced cattle.

Black Angus Ranch


Travis & Halley Spady & Sons 780.879.2298 Alliance, Alberta, T0B 0A0

‘Black Angus - a Spady tradition for over 70 years”

Commercial Edition 2013





(306) 567-4702





Doug & Lynn McIvor

Box 688, Davidson, SK S0G 1A0





Ph/Fax: (403)832-3774 l Ph: (403)832-3112 P.O. Box 113 Seven Persons, AB T0K 1Z0

David Flundra

Purebred Red Angus Bulls, Females & Commercial Cattle

P.O. Box 1453, Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7N4

16 km east of Walsh, Alberta

Tel: (306)662-2449 Fax: (306)662-2556

Cell: (403)502-4776

Wes & Kim Olynyk (306)876-4420 Irene Olynyk (306)876-4400 Annual Bull Sale First Saturday in April

Kim Robertson

Box 159, Alsask, SK S0L 0A0 Res: 306/968-2637 / Cell: 306/463-8405

Box 192, Goodeve, SK S0A 1C0

Double AA Angus Bill Dillabaugh

P.O. Box 91, Coleville, SK S0L 0K0 (306) 965-2554

Annual Rancher’s Choice Spring Bull Sale

5 miles east of Alsask and 2 miles north on Merid Grid

Ranches Inc.

Don’t Roll - JustRock

Jon & Shelly Fox

P.O. Box 320 Lloydminster, SK S9V 0Y2

Phone: 306-825-9702 Fax: 306-825-9782 Res: 306-825-9624 Email:

“Raising Quality Cattle To Work For You”

Keith, Linda & Stacey Kaufmann 306/454-2730

Shane, Alexis,

Keaton, Kamrie, Kohen Registered & Korbyn Kaufmann 306/454-2688 Red & Black Angus P.O. Box 130, Ceylon, SK S0C 0T0 ● Fax: (306)454-2643 ●


P.O. Box 183, Luseland, SK S0L 2A0

(306) 834-2844


Luseland - .5 mile W, 12 Miles S & .25 mile W. Kerrobert - 12 miles W, Hwy# 51, .5 mile N, .25 mile W

Jim & Peggy Grant P.O. Box 220, Edam, SK S0M 0V0 (306)397-2541


Box 718 Maidstone, SK S0M 1M0

WRed il-Sel Angus

Est: 1980

Flying K Ranch

Doreen 306/263-4407 306/263-4923 Fax Corbin, Lynette, Cole & Conner 306/263-4407 The Selody’s ~ Flintoft, SK S0H 1R0

Registered Red Angus Since 1972

Brian & Christine Hanel Box 1902, Swift Current, SK S9H 4M6 (306)773-6313 email:

Les & Ethel Smith & family (306)893-4094

Donna Hanel

R.R. #1, Wymark, SK S0N 2Y0 Ph/Fax: (306)773-6984

Willows W WindyFarms W

10 miles south of swift Current on hwy #4 & 8 miles west

Collin A Sauder Michelle Potapinski

Box 55, Hodgeville, SK S0H 2B0 Phone/Fax: 306/677-2507


Ian Gross

P.O. Box 29, Rush Lake, Saskatchewan S0H 3S0 ● (306)773-6873

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Angus World

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Z RED ANGU A R Phil Birnie S W Box 461, Wawota, SK S0G 5A0

Ph: 306/739-2988 ~ Fax: 306/739-2137 ~ Cell: 306/577-7440 email: Red Angus Bulls & Females For Sale ~ Commercial Heifers Herdsman: Gordon Murray 306/739-2177 - cell: 306/646-7980




Barry & Marj Young & Family

Box 28, Carievale, SK S0C 0P0 (306) 928-4810

Rideau Angus (613)258-2762 Farm R.R. #4, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0


D & C Cattle Co Doug & Carolyn Milne-Smith

Black & Red Angus

Rob & Sandy Foubert

Bruce, Ione Austen & Breanna Anderson


204.734.2073 - 204.734.0730 Comp 2 R.R.# 2, Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0 -

613/258-1062 4373 Rideau River Road, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0


Quality Angus Cattle

Visitors Always Welcome


Jack & Barb Hart

General Delivery, Brookdale, Manitoba R0K 0G0 (204) 476-2607

12201 TORBRAM RD, CALEDON. ONTARIO L7C 2T4 * (905)843-1236



David & Jeanette Neufeld 204/534-2380

Box 171, Boissevain Manitoba R0K 0E0 Roy & Vicki Forsyth

Eddystone, Manitoba R0L 0S0 (204)448-2245

Registered Red & BlackAngus

Allen & Merilyn Staheli

Greenbush Angus Fax: (204)448-2126

Eddystone, Manitoba R0L 0S0







Don & Jeannette Currie

R.R. #1, Nottawa, Ontario L0M 1P0 Ph/Fax: (705)445-1526

R.R. #1, Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0

Barrie & Bernice Baker (204)966-3822

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Rolling Acres

Angus & Hereford

C260 Heath Road, Shawville, Quebec J0X 2Y0

Stephen & Paula 819-647-3540

Tim & Wendy Baker (204)966-3320

Angus World

Les Fermes

Laird & Mary 819-647-3542

Fax: (819)647-3541 //

Commercial Edition 2013

Events Calendar

March 1 Cattleman’s Connection Bull Sale, Brandon, MB March 2 High Country Bull Sale, Pincher Creek, AB March 2 Prime Time Bull Sale, Williams Lake, BC March 2 Brandl Bull Sale, Jarvie, AB March 2 Brooking Angus Ranch Bull & Female Sale online at March 2 Cutting Edge Bull Sale, Rimbey, AB March 2 Ward’s Red Angus & Guests Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK March 2 McMillen Ranching Bull Sale, Carievale, SK March 2 -3 Pride of the Prairies Bull Show & Sale, Lloydminster, SK March 4 Palmer & Nielson Land & Cattle Bull Sale, Bladworth, SK March 5 Belvin Angus Bull Sale, Innisfail, AB March 6 Mar Mac Farms & Guests Bull Sale, Brandon, MB March 7 Calgary Bull Sale, Calgary, AB March 7 Power Pak Bull Sale, Fort Macleod, AB March 8 ARDA Angus Bull Sale, Acme, AB March 9 Brooklyn & Stryker Sure Hot Bull Sale, Medicine Hat, AB March 9 Cattlemen’s Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK March 9 Kuntz Farms Bull Sale, Balgonie, SK March 9 - 10 Regina Bull Sale, Regina, SK March 10 Standard Hill Connection Bull & Heifer Sale, Maidstone, SK

March 10 Black Pearl Bull & Female Sale, Tisdale, SK March 10 Rebels of the West Simmental & Angus Bull Sale, Virden, MB March 11 Deer Range Angus Bull Sale, Swift Current, SK March 12 Benchmark Angus Bull Sale, Warner, AB March 12 - 13 Count Ridge Red Angus Bull Sale, Brooks, AB March 13 Medicine Hat Bull Sale, Medicine Hat, AB March 13 Triple V Ranch Bull Sale, Medora, MB March 14 Bar E L Angus Bull & Elite Female Sale, Stettler, AB March 15 Arda Farms Bull Sale, Acme, AB March 15 Duralta Bull Sale, Vegreville, AB March 15 Northern Alliance Bull Sale, Spiritwood, SK March 15 CD Land & Cattle ‘Quality Counts’ Bull Sale, Lethbridge, AB March 16 LLB Spring Spectacular Bull & Female Sale, Erskine, AB March 16 Signature Series Bull Sale, Brooks, AB March 18 KBJ Round Red & Black Angus Bull Sale, Clyde, AB March 18 F-R Ranch Bull Sale, Brooks, AB March 18 Equinox Red and Black Angus Bull Sale, Weyburn, SK March 18 Freyburn Family Bull Sale, Oxbow, SK March 19 Blades Angus & Rack Red Angus Bull Sale, Stavely, AB March 19 On Target Bull & Female Sale, Barrhead, AB March 19 Ivanhoe Angus & Cityview Simmental Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK

March 19 Remitall Farms Angus Bull Sale, Olds, AB March 20 Spruce View Ranch Black Angus Bull Sale, Killam, AB March 20 Wilbar Farms Red and Black Angus Bull and Female Sale, Dundurn, SK March 20 Reich Angus Bull Sale, Ponoka, AB March 21 Allencroft & Border Butte Angus Bull Sale, Medicine Hat, AB March 21 Ter-Ron & Redrich Bull & Select Female Sale, Forestburg, AB March 21 Johnson Livestock Bull & Female Sale, Peebles, SK March 22 Bowerman Bros, Nesset Lake Angus Bull Sale, Meadow Lake, SK March 22 Double F Cattle Co, 4th Annual Bull Sale, Prince Alberta, SK March 22 Bone Creek Ranch Bull Sale, Medicine Hat, AB March 23 Stockman’s Select Angus & Hereford Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK March 23 Prairie Grass Red Angus Bull Sale, Airdrie, AB March 23 Scott Stock Farm Private Treaty Bull Sale, Crossfield, AB March 23 Buck Lake Ranch Bull Production Sale, Strathmore, AB March 23 Working Stiff Angus Bull Sale, Moosomin, SK March 23 Mantei Farms Bull Sale, Alameda, SK March 25 Everblack Angus Bull Sale, Vermilion, AB March 25 Merit Cattle Co Bull Sale, Radville, SK March 25 Cockburn Red Angus Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK March 26 Ring Creek Farms Bull & Female Sale, Fairview, AB (continued on next page)

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Angus World

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(continued from last page) March 26 U2 Ranch Bull Sale, High River, AB March 27 Cattle Creek Ranching Red Angus Bull Sale, Maple Creek, SK March 27 Double C Red Angus Bull Sale, Foam Lake, SK March 27 Right Cross Bull Sale, Kisbey, SK March 28 Brylor Ranch Red Angus Bull Sale, Fort Macleod, AB March 28 Minburn Angus Bull Sale, Minburn, AB March 28 Kopper LC Red Angus Bull Sale, Brooks, AB March 29 K-Cow Ranch Family Bull Sale, Elk Point, AB March 29 Thistle Ridge Ranch Bull Sale, Taber, AB March 30 Northern Alliance Bull Sale, Vanderhoof, BC March 30 Bar Double M Bull Sale, Lethbridge, AB March 30 Cow-Boys Bull Sale, Melita, SK April 1 Hamilton Farms Bull & Select Female Sale, Cochrane, AB April 1 Eastondale Bull Sale, Wawota, SK April 1 Triple A Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK April 2 Blairs.Ag Pursuit of Excellence Bull Sale, Sedley, SK April 2 Lorenz Angus Bull Sale, Markerville, AB April 2 Windy Willows Bull Sale, Hodgeville, SK April 2 ‘Buy the Beef’ Bull Sale, Neepawa, MB April 2 Top Grade Red Angus Bull Sale, Brooks, AB

Advertiser’s Index

4L Cattle Holdings ............................ 47 66 Ranch ........................................... 45 Alberta Cattle Breeders ...................... 43 Alberta Junior Angus .......................... 85 Allencroft Angus ................................ 52 Anderson Cattle Co .......................... 12 Arda Farms ........................................ 37 Atlasta Angus ...................................... 36 Badland Angus .................................. 45 Beiseker Red Angus ........................... 65 Belvin Angus ................................. OBC Benchmark Angus ............................ 41 Blairs.Ag Cattle Co ........................... 11 Blast Angus ......................................... 55 Bohrson Marketing .................... 16, 23 Border Butte Angus ............................ 52 Bouchard Livestock International .......... 71 Brooklyn Cattle Co ........................... 44 Brookmore Angus .............................. 14 Brown Creek Angus ............................ 77 Brox Stock Farm ............................. IBC Brylor Ranch .................................. IFC Page 102

Angus World

April 3 Peak Dot Ranch Spring Bull & Female Sale, Wood Mountain, SK April 3 Eldorado Red & Black Angus Bull Sale, Lethbridge, AB April 3 Howe Red Angus Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK April 3 Chopper K Red Angus Bull Sale, Alameda, SK April 4 Crowfoot Cattle Co Bull & Commercial Female Sale, Standard, AB April 4 Norseman Farms Bull Sale, Swift Current, SK April 5 Triple J Farms Black Angus Bull Sale, Whitewood, SK April 5 Northern Progress Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK April 6 Lauron Red Angus& Guests Bull Sale, Olds, AB April 6 66 Ranch & Badlands Angus Bull Sale, Fort Macleod, AB April 6 Towaw & Guests Bull Sale, Sangudo, AB April 6 Crescent Creek Bull & Female Sale, Goodeve, SK April 6 Wulf Cattle Canadian Bull Sale, Listowel, ON April 6 Manitoba Bull Test Sale, Douglas, MB April 6 Currie, 20/20,Bullerwell Bull Sale, Paynton, SK April 6 Bar 5 Bull & Female Sale, Markdale, ON April 8 Select Genetics Sale, Herbert, SK April 9 Rodgers Red Angus Bull Sale, Brooks, AB April 9 Lacombe Bull Show & Sale, Lacombe, AB April 9 Young Dale Angus Bull Sale, Carnduff, SK

Brylor Semen Sales ............................ 38 Buck Lake Ranch .............................. 54 Canadian Angus Association ............. 86 Castlerock Marketing .................. 48, 49 Cattle Creek Ranching ............... 51, 82 Chapman Cattle Co ......................... 29 Chico Ranches .................................. 40 Cooke Livestock ................................. 24 Crescent Creek Angus ....................... 50 Crowfoot Cattle Co ........................... 25 Cudlobe Angus .................................. 1 Daines Cattle Co ............................ 104 Davis Family ..................................... 64 Deer Range Farms .............................. 84 Delorme Livestock ............................ 30 D.J. Henderson ............... 14, 25, 46, 80 Double AA Angus .............................. 18 El Dorado Angus ............................... 73 Everblack Angus ................................ 81 F Bar R Ranch .................................... 63 Fleury Cattle Co ............................... 53 French River Cattle Co ...................... 39 Commercial Edition 2013

April 10 Brown Creek Angus & Cornerview Simmentals Headin’ for the Bull Sale, Fort Macleod, AB April 10 Rainbow Hills Black Angus Bull Sale, Delburne, AB April 10 Rivercrest - Valleymere Spady Bull Sale, Alliance, AB April 11 ABC Black Angus Bull Sale, Veteran, AB April 11 Daines Cattle All Black Bull Sale, Innisfail, AB April 11 T Bar K Ranch Bull Sale, Wawota, SK April 11 South View Ranch Red & Black Angus Bull Sale, Ceylon, SK April 12 Johnston / Fertile Valley Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK April 13 Six Mile Bull Sale, Fir Mountain, SK April 13 Blue Collar Bull Sale, Yorkton, SK April 15 Justamere Bull Sale, Lloydminster, SK April 15 Moose Creek Red Angus Bull Sale, Kisbey, SK April 19 South Shadow Angus Bull Sale, Maple Creek, SK April 20 WRAZ Red Angus ‘Cornerstone’ Bull Sale, Whitewood, SK April 20 Short Grass Bull Sale, Aneroid, SK April 22 Rancher’s Choice Black Angus Bull Sale, Medicine Hat, AB April 25 Lazy E Bar Bull & Commercial Heifer Sale, Stettler, AB April 27 Wiwa Creek Bull Sale, Swift Current, SK May 10 Sheidaghan Anghus Bull Sale, Maple Creek, SK June 5 Canadian Angus National Convention, Guelph, ON

Glen Islay Angus ................................ 5 Hamilton Farms ................................. 3 Harvest Angus ................................... 31 HD Ranching ................................... 69 Johnston/Fertile Valley ....................... 28 KBJ Round Farms .............................. 62 Lauron Red Angus ............................. 26 Lazy E Bar Ranching ......................... 56 LLB Angus ....................................... 35 Lorenz Angus .................................... 32 Medicine Hat Bull Sale ...................... 59 Merit Cattle Co ................................ 27 Norseman Farms .............................. 67 Optimal Bovines Inc ....................... 62 Peak Dot Ranch ................................ 6 Poplar Meadows Angus ......................19 Power Pak Bull Sale ........................... 61 Quantum Genetix ............................ 79 Rainbow Red Angus .......................... 74 Redrich Farms .................................... 22 Red Rock Red Angus ....................... 65 Ring Creek Farms .............................. 16

Rodgers Red Angus ........................... 60 RSL Red Angus ................................. 48 Saskalta Angus ................................. 18 Scott Stock Farm ............................... 10 Sheidaghan Anghus ............................ 34 Spittalburn Farms ............................ 48 Six Mile Red Angus ............................33 Spruce View Angus ............................ 78 Stryker Cattle Co ............................... 44 Sunset Red Angus .............................. 26 T Down Trailers .............................. 103 Terrawood Angus ............................ 76 Ter-Ron Farms ................................... 22 Towaw Cattle Co .............................. 75 Triple J Farms ..................................... 46 Wheeler’s Stock Farm ........................ 53 Wilbar Farms ..................................... 17 Windy Hill Livestock ........................ 12 Wiwa Creek Angus ............................ 23 Wulf Cattle ........................................ 58 WRAZ Red Angus ........................... 15 Z Bar Angus ................................... 101

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Angus World

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