Angus World Spring 2013

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AngusWor l d Onl i neEdi t i on Spr i ng2013

Aberdeen Angus World P.O. Box 177, Stavely, Alberta T0L 1Z0 Phone: (403)549-2234 Fax: (403)549-2207 email: Internet Location:

Spring Edition 2013*

"Official Publication of the Canadian Angus Association"

Volume 21 #2*

Dave Callaway Editor/Publisher

Jan Lee Associate Editor

Advertising Rates

Regular Departments Canadian Angus Association Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Events Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Certified Angus Beef Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Provincial Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Features Auction Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Albertan Interns with Certified Angus Beef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Donation Heifer Raises Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maritime Commercial Breeder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nerve Block and Meloxicam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quantum Genetix & Cactus Feeders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shifting Gears at Stryker Cattle Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . When the Black Bulls Came to America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Spring Deadline - July 15

Subscription Rates Canada 1 year . . . . . . . . . $35.00 (incl GST) 2 years . . . . . . . . $50.00 (incl GST) United States 1 year . . . . . . . . $40.00 US (incl GST) Foreign 1 year . . . . . . . . . $50.00 (incl GST)

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Cover: Thank you to Dave Lehman for our cover picture taken at Peak Dot Angus Bull Sale, Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan.

Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Angus World c/o Circulation Dept. P.O. Box 177 Stavely, Alberta T0L 1Z0 ~ Printed in Canada ~ "Aberdeen Angus World" is dedicated to the promotion, growth and improvement of Aberdeen Angus Cattle.

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Angus World

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Dave’s Desk

is year spring is much more appreciated by people in some areas of the country, as they have been dealing with winter conditions since October. Record amounts of snow have fallen in areas across the prairies. Recently hay prices have soared as feed yards are emptied with longer than a normal feeding period. e good news is that with all the snow fall, there will be moisture to grow good hay crops this season. Hats off to those affected and I hope you are rewarded with a great summer.

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Bull sales this spring were strong. Angus remains the choice of breeds in the commercial sector. e appetite for high quality beef at the consumer level keeps the demand for genetics with strong carcass traits secure.

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Looking forward, there many Angus events scheduled for the summer and into the fall. Plan to participate and attend these functions, visit with your fellow Angus breeders, it keeps the breed vibrant.

Dave Callaway

“Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil, and you're a thousand miles from the corn field.” Dwight D. Eisenhower

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It is truly how amazing le p many peo re know whe is ies Manyberr

S hif ting GEARS

at Stryker Cattle Co. by Will Stryker

rion. Who has ever heard of Orion? One might be familiar with the star constellation called Orion but that is not where we are from. Our mailing address is Orion but many times when people ask where are you from, we answer Manyberries and the response is just the opposite. It is truly amazing how many people know where Manyberries is. Whether it is from an antelope hunting trip from years gone by or a road trip to the USA that passed through Manyberries. So if you are one of those who does not know where Manyberries is, it is the last town in the extreme south east corner of Alberta, 40 miles east is Saskatchewan, 40 miles south is Montana, this is where you find Stryker Cattle Co. Our home place is located on the east shore of Pakowki Lake. This is the place my forefathers homesteaded on in 1913, so now we can say we have been in the ranching business for 100 years. Actually on my wife’s side history goes back even further. Her great-great grandad, James Francis Sanderson, trailed the first herd of domestic cattle from Montana to Fort Walsh in 1877 and became a major player in the cattle industry in the later 1800’s in the Medicine Hat area. He was the first man to pitch his tent where the city of Medicine Hat is now. Who is Stryker Cattle Co? Well for the most part it is Gladys and me (Will). Our son Chad is part of the company but he also has a job. He manages Pinhorn Grazing, which is a community pasture that consists of 75,000 acres. It borders Montana on the south and the Milk River runs through the middle of it. Its only 25 miles away so on the big work days and as time permits we have help. Our daughter, Rebecca and her husband Blayne live and farm 45 miles away. They show up and just pitch in on whatever job needs done. Blayne is so generous with equipment that when I have a breakdown or if he sees some way to make work easier, he shows up with something. There are a couple of other things in our area that are of interest. One is the view, if you have ever travelled south of Medicine Hat or even south of Hwy. 3, all of a sudden you will see some mountains pop up out of nowhere. These are called the Sweet Grass Hills. Three little sets of mountains perched up on the Montana border. The other is the One Four Research Station which is 30 miles south of Manyberries. It is a government run cattle operation that works with the Lethbridge Research Station. There was one more attraction that could be the reason you might know where Manyberries is and, heaven forbid, it is the Manyberries bar. We have to talk about cattle. We never started off with Angus cattle, but my Mom and Dad did. When they got married, Mom said that all the cattle were black cattle in


Homesteaded in 1913 - 40 miles east is Saskatchewan - 40 miles south is Montana

the 1940’s and 1950’s. Somewhere in the 50’s my Dad and his brother bought out another brother’s registered horned Hereford herd and started in the purebred operation. They were one of the consignors to the first Medicine Hat Bull Sale in 1959, in 1960 they managed to bring home a first place ribbon. Somewhere along the way the registrations were dropped and they ran a commercial herd. In the late 70’s and early 80’s we tried crossbreeding our Herefords to some of the exotic breeds. After weighing the pros and cons we went back to the Hereford breed, and it wasn’t until the 90’s that we used crossbreeding again. This time we used Black Angus bulls and we soon saw the benefits of the Angus cross cows. How and why did we end up in the purebred business? Well to look at our genetics our roots go deep into raising cattle. We were at a point in our life that we should expand or do more on the existing operation to generate more income. Raising purebred seedstock was the answer. There was never any question of the breed we chose - Black Angus. Our purebred herd started in 1998. The first sale we went to was the Black Magic Sale in Calgary where we bought two bred heifers. One from Ebon Hill, Ebon Hill Erica 118G out of Wiwa Creek Stockman and one from Pahl Livestock, Pahl Miss Blackcap 56G out of Pahl Black Jack, both grandsires were TC Stockman, a sire that in later years had a lot of influence in our herd. Another sale that we really liked was Bernie Beiver’s Dispersal Sale. There we bought an elite dam, BB’s New Trend Jane 9B out of VDAR New Trend 315, a great cow. We also bought SCA Favorite 17E out of GT Maximum, another cow that was named right. If I look back into our early beginning I would say that New Trend 315 had the most influence on our cattle herd. From there our cow herd developed out of the A.I. tank. Gladys is the A.I. tech and she is the one that spends hours and hours going through the semen catalogs. Pfred and Explorer were used in the early years. Just flipping through some papers I found a list of A.I. sires we used in 2004. EXT, Neutron 377, New Design, Lead On, Black Power, Krugerrand 410, Advantage and Alberda Traveler 416. Through the years we became even more stringent on picking out herd sires, not just looking at good-looking pictures and a bunch of numbers. They had to have it all. Good picture, great numbers and the progeny that proved they were what they supposed to be. Showing of our cattle has been very limited. It seems that we were always short of time and help to do it

Much of this land takes 50 to 60 acres for one cow to graze

We enjoyed getting the cattle ready for the Hat Bull Sale - Se nior Champion Bu Medicine ll in 2009

Ready to work: Will, Megan, Gladys and Chad properly. Although we did enjoy getting the cattle ready for a show and sale, it always seemed like we were in an endurance run when it was over. We did participate in the Angus Forum, and we did show our bulls in the Medicine Hat Bull Sale where we were able to market some of our bulls. We also had some success at the Medicine Hat Pen Show with our pen of three heifers. The first year that we went we won 3rd place. The second year, 2nd place and the third year we won 1st place. That seemed like a good place to end. Now we market our bulls at a one-day sale held early March in Medicine Hat. We have partnered up with Brooklyn Cattle Co. who sell Red Angus bulls. The sale is called Sure Shot Bull Sale. What is important to Stryker Cattle Co.? Good quality functioning cows. What do I mean by that? Number 1, to have cattle that will thrive in all environments. That is why Black Angus was the breed of choice when we started in the purebred business. Back to Manyberries for a bit. Yes, Manyberries is in the middle of ranching country, mostly because it is not suited for anything else. Cattle have to graze many acres to find enough food. Much of this land takes 50 to 60 acres for one cow to graze. Some of our cows pasture is in the extreme corner of Alberta at Wildhorse, where it takes 100 acres to graze one cow. This also means that these cows have to travel well. Sometimes water is a mile or two away. It means these cows have to be trouble free. The nearest corrals could be five or ten miles away. That brings me to disposition. I think the Angus breed got off on a bad wrap. When we first started into purebreds we would market our bulls out of the yard. Comment after comment would be that these were sure quiet bulls, and some people were totally amazed that you would walk into the pen with the bulls. Disposition is very important to us but I feel that the biggest factor in disposition is the way you treat your animals. Welfare of our animals is very important here on the ranch and I hope all cattle producers take note because some day if we don’t we will be having someone else tell us how to handle our cattle. Kindness goes a long ways when working cattle. I don’t know if there is such a thing as a cow

whisperer, but Gladys could be one. Some days she can move a field of cattle all by herself, some days if the wind is right she can ride to the corner of the field and call the cows and they all come a running. What’s so cool is when you have a real dilemma and you can find a simple solution. We had some grass rented from a neighbor that had a very steep and narrow draw that ran Success in the Pen of Three Heifers Show. about a half mile long that came out A good place to end! at the Milk River. The cows never went down the draw all summer but on round-up day, sure enough a bunch of cows went down the draw. There was no way to ride ahead of them and ride over the edge to turn them around and to go in after them would definitely put them on the river bottom. Gladys suggested that she should call them. And she did just that. Our spectators were truly amazed when those cows turned around and came out of the draw. I guess Will & Gladys (seated cen she should be called a cow caller. tre) with the family. Time to do more with the Where is Stryker Cattle Co. grandkids. today? Well from our first year of six, we now run 220 purebred cows, and we will our female cattle next November 25, 2013 but breed about 60 purebred yearling heifers. We will we will retain our bulls to have two more sales. try to sell between 50 to 60 two year old bulls this There is a time to work hard and also a time to coming year. Our A.I. tank is loaded and ready let go and let someone else do some of it. Chad to go, filled with semen from Final Answer, and Megan are going to move into their house on Bennett Total, Net Worth, a couple of new bulls another part of the ranch, so for us, grandkids are Connealy Concensus, Hoover Dam and a host of that much closer. At the time I am writing this other bulls. We have changed our calving we have a new grandson, Hayden. Chad and program in the last couple of years. We calve Megan also have twin boys Eli and Wyatt, age 5. heifers and about half of the cows in February and When they come to Papa’s house it is a really bad early March. We calve commercial cows mid day if we don’t go out and do some work. They March to mid April, then the rest of the purebred have amazing work ethics that I hope will never herd from mid April to May. We try to be change. Two grandkids at Rebecca and Blayne’s, self-sufficient and grow our own grain and put Clay, 9 and Daina, 7 started playing hockey and up our own hay. We manage our own cows on we only made it to two games. It’s time to make pasture and do all of our own feeding and yes, a change! some days we get a little stretched. Oh, and about shifting gears: I thought the “O” Shifting gears, we feel it is time to make some on the end of my shifter stood for “No Gear”, but changes. This is why the decision to sell our I now know it means “Overdrive”! purebred cows was made. We will disperse all of Spring Edition 2013

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Having Tasted Better Beef, Canadians Want More By Steve Suther, Director of Industry Information, Certified Angus Beef LLC

The demand is there. The price point has been set. Can cattlemen meet the requirements? That question framed opportunity for those attending the recent Canadian Feedlot Conference in Calgary, Alta., sponsored by Certified Angus Beef LLC (CAB) with support from Elanco Animal Health. CAB vice president Larry Corah said a varying supply of high-quality beef in Canada has created an extraordinary challenge and opportunity for those who will work to meet the established demand for well-marbled beef. AAA or better described just 20 percent of all A grade cattle in 1993, and that improved but slowly through the 1990s. Then it shot higher coming into this century, more than doubling. Last year, those higher grading products made up nearly 60 percent of the A-category beef in Canadian markets (see chart). The relatively quick move to produce AAA-capable cattle depressed the historic price difference between higher and lower quality cuts, Corah said, but part of the problem was not enough difference in eating experience.

Suddenly, restaurants that had previously featured AAA and some AA started focusing on upper AAA and Prime. Grocers seized the opportunity to catch up to their fine-dining counterparts. Major retailers started selling AAA, upper AAA and even Prime, whetting more Canadian appetites for a better beef-eating experience. “CAB sales in Canada are exploding,” Corah explained. In the four months from November through February, sales of the brand were up 2.2 million pounds, and the run is just getting started, he said, noting the company expects 42 to 43 million more pounds sold in Canada for the fiscal year that ends in September. While he said huge strides were being made in meeting those demands, there’s still more work to do. “That equals a need for an additional 175,000 cattle that meet those quality expectations in the country,” Corah said. To get there, about 5.5 percent of all Canadian feedlot cattle will need to qualify with that premium AAA level of marbling, compared to the 2.2 percent currently making its way into that market. Those demands have created an imbalance in the supply of high-quality products – the Certified Angus Beef ® (CAB®) brand sold 37 million pounds into the Canadian markets in 2012, with only 17 million pounds of that produced within the country’s borders. At the same time, more high-quality beef began to leave those borders as beef prices across the board continue to rise. It was increasingly harder for restaurateurs and retailers to keep up with the standards consumers came to expect over the past five years.

“CAB sales in Canada are exploding”

Quantum Genetix & Cactus Feeders Join Forces

Quantum Genetix and Cactus Feeders, have joined forces to create an alliance to achieve a superior advancement in the cattle industry. The alliance, introduced February 8, 2013 at this year’s NCBA Conference in Tampa, Florida, is an integrated program facilitating quality information gathering between producers, Quantum, and Cactus, in order to improve herd development and ultimately drive increased producer profitability.

This key alliance facilitates Quantum’s Q-Link parentage testing aligned with the collection of individual animal and carcass data from a leading North American feedyard. This innovative program allows for clear identification of superior sires accomplished through data capture and analysis over several calving seasons. Following the Q-Link testing, producers will receive summaries of progeny performance attributes for each of their sires. This enhances the ability to

“As a result, restaurants and retailers are scrambling again,” Corah said. “It’s really hard to tell the consumer your beef will cost more and, oh, by the way, I’m selling you a lower quality product now, too.” He said merchandisers have worked to find their own solutions to the tight supply problem, focusing on high-end grinds and featuring end meats in order to allow beef to compete in the meat case against its protein counterparts. While three-year trend lines show beef prices increasing at roughly the same rate as pork prices, it remains more than $1 per pound higher in price. Chicken, on the other hand, has remained at a steady price well below its competitors. “Retailers are struggling with featuring beef at current prices, opting to feature more grinds and innovative cuts,” Corah said. “They also want to put a ‘local’ spin on beef, especially in western Canada.” Even more reason for Canadian cattlemen to focus management practices on home-grown cattle that achieve high-quality carcass results. “As a feedlot or cow-calf operator, you can impact that quality hugely—by focusing on consistent animal health and solid nutrition that boosts rate of gain and the development of internal marbling, starting with genetics that will fulfill those carcass-traits potential,” Corah said. It’s well worth their time, too. “Quality beef catches more dollars,” he said. “Today, it’s not unusual to see high-quality pens selling for $100 to $150 per head above base prices. “As an industry, we are fortunate that consumers like beef, but they expect a quality eating experience,” Corah said. “Our job is to continue meeting their expectations.”

evaluate bulls and heifers for keep, cull and sell decisions in order to make herd improvements. This unique alliance provides producers the tools to measure, improve, and compare animal performance. Herd improvements can be targeted and observed in fewer generations, resulting in more profitable herds and better quality beef.

Quantum was founded in 2003 by Leigh Marquess. Quantum Genetix Canada Inc. is a leader in applying genetic information and livestock management to the beef industry. QGCI’s core services include Leptin testing, a gene associated with growth characteristics, and Q-sort, a feedlot sorting system that incorporates genetic information with individual live measures. The Company has operated within Innovation Place, a research park next to the University of Saskatchewan, since its inception, and in 2011 expanded to a larger location within the park to better accommodate testing processes and a growing business. For further information contact Cactus Feeders, headquartered in Amarillo, Texas, has nine large-scale cattle feedyards across the Texas High Plains & southwest Kansas. Since its founding in 1975, Cactus Feeders has grown into a $750 million company that employs about 500 people. Cactus Feeders is the world's largest privately owned cattle feeding operation. Employees own 100 percent of Cactus Feeders through their Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). Employee ownership means that each employee has a personal stake in the performance of the cattle and the success of Cactus Feeders. For their cattle feeding customers, this translates into a level of care and feeding for their cattle that only ownership can provide. Page 10

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Spring Edition 2013 *

2012 Maritime Angus Asssociation Commercial Breeder formed in 1955 Irwin’s father, Parker Jewell was the first secretary-treasurer of the group. In the early years the family travelled throughout the Maritimes attending Angus events and showing their purebred Angus cattle. The purebred herd was later dispersed but the Jewells maintained Randy & Barb Jewell, Trevor Welch their faith in the Angus The 2012 Maritime Commercial Breeder family breed and their current commercial herd is based on were Irwin, Barb and Randy Jewell-Island Meadow Angus genetics. Irwin always followed Angus activities Farm of Prince Edward Island. The Jewell family have throughout the Maritimes and he is now building a a long time association with the Angus breed. When small purebred herd as well as using both Prince Edward the Prince Edward island Angus Association was Island and Western bulls in his commercial herd. The

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Island Meadow farm is a regular supplier of beef to the Atlantic Beef products plant in Border, PEI. The Jewells are part of a thriving agricultural community in the community of York, PEI. They participate in the Rural Beautification program and are key players in maintaining the picturesque agricultural scene in their home community. The family also run a potato and market garden operation. Their beef herd fits in well with their land use program. They produce, on their own farm, all the feed their cattle use. The Jewells are one of the declining number of Maritime farms who operate as a full time farming operation. The Maritime Angus Association congratulate the Jewell family as their 2012 Commercial Breeder of the Year. As the 2012 recipients the family were awarded the Co-Op Atlantic Perpetual Trophy, the Farm Focus keeper plaque and monogrammed jackets from the Maritime Association. Congratulations to Irwin, Barb and Randy Jewell. -Betty-Lou Scott

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#hen e Black Bulls Came to 'meric 's printed in the ay 1928 Issue o “Country :entleman�

Most doctors’ waiting rooms boast a collection of not-so-new publications. Dr. Lyle Hare, a chiropractor at Crossfield, AB takes the concept of ‘outdated’ a step further and often adds treasures he finds at yard sales into his magazine pile. One day while waiting my turn in his office I came upon the May 1928 issue of “Country Gentleman� complete with label addressed to a Mrs. J. Morrill of Blackie, AB (that glue really had staying power). This particular issue included a feature story written by renowned agricultural historian Alvin H. Sanders which claimed, “This is the first time that the facts have all been made public� concerning the arrival of the original “Scotch beasties� in America. Some breeders may already be familiar with his account, but the growth of the Angus breed includes many who have ne’er seen it before. While this story deals with the first importation of “humlies� to the US in 1873, according to records Angus arrived Canada in 1860 (see sidebar at end). Whatever the facts and dates, it took people with foresight - and in this case, a desire to be titled - to pioneer the way for the tremendous success the Angus breed enjoys in North America today. The following reads exactly as the feature appeared in 1928, word for word. The writing style 85 years ago was perhaps more flowery than today and exclamation marks abound ! But the adventure, heartache and history are as interesting as ever.

very ailure is a step success William Whewe


By Alvin H. Sanders, Editor Emeritus, (he New Breeders’ :azette They were selling the grand champion load of fat steers at the Chicago International Livestock Exposition. I stood by the side of Tom Cross, Armour's head buyer, with an order from the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to buy that load of cattle, to be served as Christmas beef upon their dining cars; the only limit as to price being the sky itself. So, naturally, Tom just kept on nodding to the auctioneer till we got them at the highest figure ever paid in any market in the world for beef cattle, fifty-seven dollars per hundredweight. They were Aberdeen-Angus yearlings; and there's a real story in the coming of these Scotch "beasties" to America. This is the first time that the facts have all been made public. The Union Pacific Railroad is just completing the construction of a new depot at the little town of Victoria in Central Western Kansas. The old stone building that so long served as railway station, grocery store, hotel and post office, with living accommodations on the second floor, is to be dismantled. With its disappearance passes the chief remaining monument of an ambitious attempt of the long ago to found a great colony which, while ending in failure so far as the original promoter was concerned, nevertheless marks a milestone in American agricultural progress. Once upon a time a young Scotchman, with the traditional "saxpence" in his pocket, arrived in London to find out what the world had in store for him. The son of a Banffshire crofter, he had served an apprenticeship in the North to a silk mercer, and this gained him employment with a firm engaged in that line in the metropolis. Being a Scot, he never spent quite as much as he earned, no matter how small the wage, and it was not many years before he found himself able to form a copartnership with a fellow worker, under the name and style of Grant & Gask. Business was not brisk at first, but one morning the Times announced that the Prince Consort - husband of Her Majesty, the beloved Queen Victoria - was ill. Next day he was worse, and at length a bulletin revealed more or less anxiety as to the royal patient.

{complied by Ja Le }

Tom just kept on nodding to Ee auctioneer till we got Eem at Ee highest figure ever paid in any market in Ee world for beef ca le, fif -seven dollars per hundredweight. (hey were Aberdeen-Angus yearlings.

(he Corner in Crape Our canny Scot, George Grant, cloth merchant, knew perfectly well what would happen if the Prince should die. He could see in advance a great city draped in black - a sorrowing nation with a badge of mourning on each sleeve! Within twenty-four hours the firm of Grant & Gask owned every available yard of crape in the London market! Fate favored the speculation. The royal patient passed away, and the trick was turned. A "killing" that was long the talk of the British dry-goods trade was duly registered. The crape was sold at Grant's own price, and he was on his way to wealth. A subsequent clever deal in silks netted another small fortune; so it came to pass that George Grant then retired from trade to carry out a long-cherished ambition to see America. It was in 1871 that he found himself amidst scenes that appealed irresistibly - it so turned out - to his imagination. Returning from the Pacific Coast, via the old Kansas Pacific Railroad, he was profoundly impressed with the Western plains. Page 14

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Above: George Macdonald, herdsman of the Angus bulls on the Alabama Left: “Lord� George Grant, founder of the ambitious Victoria Colony in Kansas

While passing through the Smoky Hill River country he dreamed the dream that afterward came true. Buffalo and antelope were grazing in peace upon the sweet grama grass! A virgin realm awaited the touch of the plow, the hoofs of herds and flocks, to blossom into plenty! Returning to his native land, he opened up negotiations which resulted in his purchase of a vast tract of railway and government land, all at a nominal price, some of it as low as eighty cents an acre! In Banff, Aberdeen and Morayshire he soon found the recruits for a great Victoria Colony; and when, on April 1, 1873, the steamship Alabama cleared from Glasgow for New Orleans she had aboard not only the Scotchmen, their wives, sisters, sweethearts, bairns and the usual impedimenta of emigrants bound for their El Dorado, but something which up to that date had never before been placed aboard an oceangoing ship bound for New World shores. It is here we find the genesis of a future great American industry. Such is the far background in the picture of the sensational trade event with which this story began. Four bulls, glossy black and "dodded," formed a part of the Alabama's colonial cargo. From whose herd or herds they were derived, we" dinna ken." All we know is that they were destined for revolutionary honors in the western hemisphere. Alongside these hornless beasts was a bull of the Shorthorn breed which Grant had bought from the royal herd at Windsor; and on the way down Channel a stop was made at Cardiff, where a band of sheep was added to the cattle, horses and dogs already aboard in charge of George Macdonald.

Four bulls, gloss black dodded, formed a part of Ee Alabama’s colonial cargo

Seasick Victims of a Storm The modern ark now put to sea, running straightaway into rough weather. To ease the strain the skipper turned the Alabama off her course for three days and nights, losing time, of course, but contributing to the comfort of both man and beast. During the storm nearly all hands were sick, the herdsman among the rest. One day a deck hand came to him, saying "I think the smallest black bull is sick too." The Scot's rejoinder was: "Well, if he's as sick as I am, I feel blasted sorry for him!" The chances are that the poor brute was only grieving for his missing master. Pigs are notoriously bad sailors, but cattle go a-sea with apparently little disturbance of their various stomachs. Resuming the voyage, in due course the Gulf of Mexico was safely entered and traversed, but more trouble awaited. The Alabama - a new ship on her maiden voyage - drew eighteen feet of water, and there were but sixteen feet in the Mississippi channel. Two barges, two white bosses and some fifty negroes were sent down from New Orleans to help her off. It was just a question of lightening ballast, so at length the big vessel was freed. It was spring in Dixie's Land as the expedition docked at the great levee of New Orleans. Blue skies and balmy airs took the place of North Atlantic gales. Not only the birds but the negroes on the dock sang as they went their diverse ways. Silent and speechless, however, were the black brethren as those four Aberdeen-Angus bulls - bovine "colored folk" - came into view. All of the livestock had to be taken off with block and tackle. While the bulls did not care specially for this rather trying operation, no serious mishap occurred save in the case of one of the English rams. His neck was somehow broken and his body consigned to the tender mercies of the river gods. Country Gentleman (1831-1955) was an American agricultural magazine founded in 1831 in Rochester, NY by Luther Tucker and was purchased by Curtis Publishing Company in 1911. Curtis redirected the magazine to address the business side of farming, which was largely ignored by the agricultural magazines of the time. In 1955, Country Gentleman was the second most popular agricultural magazine in the US, with a circulation of 2,870,380. That year it was purchased by, and merged into, Farm Journal, an agricultural magazine with a slightly larger circulation.

The first of their kind to set hoof upon United States soil, the black humlie cattle were indeed a revelation. The Queen's bull was interesting enough, but to native Americans the blacks were real freaks of Nature! At last all were safely on the deck of a packet bound upriver. Around the great bends of the lower Mississippi, past canebrakes and cotton fields, 'midst dark forests, with distant vistas of green hills, day after day the turbid northern flood was breasted. Each night the plaintive strains of Suwanee River and Old Black Joe fell upon the ears of the wandering Scots; replied to, on behalf of the colonists, by Annie Laurie and Auld Lang Syne. At last St. Louis, and terra firma! American railway equipment looks fearfully big and clumsy to Europeans. But our box cars were rather more comfortable for those four black bulls than their own "vans" would have been. It is now the middle of May! Men and mules are busy in the corn lands. Wheat fields give color to a strange new rural panorama. In the feed yards cattle, but no black-skins! Aye! Not yet. But wait! On May 18, 1873, the Victorian colonists, horses, dogs, sheep, cattle and all, debarked at their Midwestern Ellis County, Kansas, destination. The world was theirs! A world of grass, with far, far distant horizons! Womenfolk wept a bit. It "wasna' Scotland," but the men for the most part felt at once the bigness of it all, and one by one the spirit of the boundless West - which once felt is never quite forgotten - caught them in its grip. Along the Smoky Hill and its tributaries the settlers took their stand. Shacks and dugouts served at first for shelter. The situation was not altogether rosy. Alvin Howard Sanders (1860-1948) was the son of James Harvey Sanders, a renowned livestock author and founder of the leading livestock journal, The Breeder's Gazette. By 1892, Alvin had become editor and owner. He wrote many livestock books which included such works as A History of Aberdeen-Angus Cattle (1928), Red White and Roan (1936), Short-Horn Cattle (1900), and The Story of the Herefords (1914), as well as the collaborative A History of the Percheron Horse (1917). {; Cornell University Library} Spring Edition 2013

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#hen e Black Bulls Came to 'meric

The first purchasers located their holdings along the Smoky Hill River and adjacent lands, among them T. Russell Clark, Appleton L. Clark, Mr. Cox, Mr. Sanderson, Conrad Kreuger and others. Along Big Creek· Alex. Philip, William Mack, T. W. Boyd, Frederick Gunther, Lord Petre, Hon. Walter C. Maxwell and Joseph Grant established themselves; while along Victoria Creek Alex. Grant, Adolph Shaw, George Macdonald, Ben Davidson, George Philip, Neil Macmillan, Fred Rawlins, J. Douglas Smith, the Seth family, Bowman family and John Hardie founded less ambitious inglenooks. The antipodes contributed their quota to the colony. Lord Petre from Argentina went into sheep raising on Big Creek, and Mr. Bowman from Australia bred Shorthorns in the same valley. Fred Rawlins, a Derbyshire free lance, son of an English clergyman, a strapping six-footer and crack shot, mounted on his charger Pete, was considered a good two-gun man.

Prairie Fires and :rasshoppers

In 1928, The Country Gentleman cost 5¢ per issue; a subscription was $1 for 3 years

At Ee End of Ee Trail One Glasgow family, consisting of the parents and five grown sons and daughters, contracted fever coming up the Mississippi. Accustomed at home to all the comforts of life, they were here installed in hastily and crudely prepared quarters; no screens to keep out the swarms of mosquitoes, flies and other insects; no ice to cool parched lips or brows; no food appealing to a fever sufferer. Only the father and one son survived. Five graves on the wind-swept plains marked the end of the trail for the other members of the family. Such was the Western welcome to the Victorian Scots.

Definitions CROFTER: The Scottish croft is a small agricultural landholding of a type which has been subject to special legislation in the United Kingdom since 1886. A crofter is one who has tenure and use of the land, typically as a tenant farmer. MERCER: A mercer is a merchant or trader who deals in textiles. PRINCE CONSORT: A prince consort is the husband of a queen regnant who is not himself a king in his own right. CRAPE: a silk, wool, or polyester fabric of a gauzy texture, crisp or crimpy appearance, almost exclusively dyed black and used in mourning dress. HUMLIE: a polled domestic bovine; a doddie DODDED: without horns; as, dodded cattle SAXPENCE: sixpence DINNA KEN: don’t know KIRK: a church {wikipedia/dictionary/; Encyclopaedia Britannica}

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The first two years were devoted to building homes, breaking the sod and attending to the herds and flocks. During short spells of relaxation they hunted buffalo, antelope and prairie chickens in the fall months. Buffalo passed through Victoria to their northern feeding grounds as late as 1875. Disaster, however, befell Victoria the very first year. The prairie took fire from Hays to Victoria along the railroad track, and the flames swept south as far as the Smoky Hill River. Grant was forced to transport his entire livestock to the Kaw Valley near Junction City, where they wintered. The settlers did not suffer, not having bought much stock up to that time, and a few stacks of fire-guarded prairie hay supplied their needs. But this was not all. The following year a plague of grasshoppers appeared and destroyed the green growing crops, when the cattle were sent north to Hill P. Wilson's ranch on Eagle Creek, a branch of Paradise Creek. This was an ideal refuge for a fair-sized bunch of cattle during winter blizzards. The creek banks were densely wooded, meadows on each side, sheltering hills beyond and ample pasture. No wonder Herder Duncan and his young wife felt happy and contented in their lonely cabin on the distant Eagle. The blooded stock was kept meanwhile at Victoria, supplied with hay and grain from the Kaw Valley.

Which Came First? The next year saw Grant indulging in a great sheep-raising enterprise, in which he was badly advised by friends in Colorado and elsewhere. What was partially successful in Colorado proved a failure on Victoria's unsheltered ranges. Even Clarkson's sheep ranch on the Saline River and Brook's large ranch on Wolf Creek, only about fifteen to twenty miles from Victoria, had to quit; the latter having lost a whole crop of lambs one year. Naturalists all over the world will be interested in what now happened in connection with attempted range cattle operations. Scientific men will here find confirmation, all but irrefutable, of an hypothesis that has been advanced by certain taurine paleontologists in comparatively recent years. Was the primordial neolithic herd horned or hornless? Which came first, the horned or the no-horned? It has been commonly assumed that horns were a part of the primary bovine equipment. George Grant's black bulls seem to have quite upset that popular belief. Deciding to engage in the range cattle business, the importer of these humlie bulls bought a considerable herd of cows of the old-fashioned Texas type-the real old Spanish Longhorns.

Crossing Ee Longhorns and Ee Polls Back of the Texans were countless herds which for unnumbered generations had defiantly carried their wide-branching weapons of defense. On the other side, the newly arrived North-of-Scotland polls! What sort of horns, if any, would be borne by the progeny of these two diametric extremes? It is not likely that George Grant was particularly worried as

to that. He only knew, like all Britishers emigrating to foreign lands, that he wanted round about those things that he had been accustomed to at home. His own folk had hornless black cattle on their farms. Men who had attained his station in life put on their dinner coats at night, whether in London or on a Kansas cattle range. So the black bulls and the formal dress and the decanter and the pipe and Robert Burns and The Scotsman went with him out upon the American plains as a matter of course. In taking out the bulls he had no thought whatever of planning an experiment that was to stir zoologists. He did not know, neither did he care, whether primordial, prehistoric cattle were horned or hornless. He knew that black polled cattle were good cattle where he came from. He knew that the buffalo had grazed and thrived upon those far Western ranges since long before the time they were first seen by Coronado. And so the Victorian herd was founded. History does not record whether the owner was amazed or not at the outcome of this cross between the horns and nohorns. It is more than probable that with traditional British assurance he considered that it all turned out as was foreordained. Be that as it may, the fact has to be recorded that, strange as it may seem with those big-horned mothers constituting the foundation herd, an overwhelming percentage of the progeny of the union of the horns and no-horns was not only black in color but entirely free from horns as well! Upon this point the evidence of James McDonald, an Edinburgh newspaperman and distinguished agricultural writer of his time, who toured the States in 1877 for The Scotsman, is conclusive and dependable. He says: "The descendants of the polled bulls are easily recognized. They are nearly all black, and few have 'scurs' or horns." As there were large numbers of these crossbreeds produced between 1874 and 1878, the demonstration of the superior antiquity of the hornless beast is most impressive. It has been scientifically demonstrated by elaborate experimentation in other, but comparable, lines that when two distinct varieties are subjected to such a test the more ancient of the two types involved is certain to prevail.

A Scotchman’s Dream of Empire The truth seems to be that while the polled Aberdeen-Angus are themselves a comparatively modern development - probably descended in their nearer ancestry from the horned Bos urns - that very fact coupled with the record for dominance disclosed by this Victorian record strengthens positively the probable correctness of the theory that originally all cattle were hornless; otherwise the polled characteristic would not, in this now celebrated case, have so completely overcome the southern Longhorn! It is apparently a well-marked instance of reversion, through horns on both sides, to the common primordial formation. Thus did the Scotchman's dream of empire - with its hoped-for baronetcy from the Crown - contribute unwittingly at last to the world's knowledge touching one of the most mooted points in the science of heredity. Commercially, too, it had vast consequences. George Grant was vain enough actively to seek a title from the Queen. That ambition was behind his naming of the colony. It explains his going to Windsor to buy a bull from Her Majesty's herd to send out to his American principality. He used to have house guests well supplied with "Scotch and potash water," and at these parties he would be hailed and toasted as "Lord Grant!"

Disappointment :rant’s Reward He loved to see his name in the newspapers, and those who toadied to him would send marked copies of references to him addressed, "Lord George Grant!" There were great goings-on at times at headquarters. It must be remembered that while some of the colonists were of a substantial, hardworking sort, there was a goodly number of lads in their twenties younger sons of more or less well-to-do families on adventure bent. They did their best to enjoy themselves. They built a race track and brought in some good horses.

Meantime, that silk and crape money was being rapidly dissipated. Moreover, the lands were not settling up as the founder had expected. All were not amenable to his paternalistic plans, and so gradually his cash and his picture of himself as the titled laird faded into thin air. Broken in health and fortune, "Sir George" died in the midst of the scenes that had not yielded him the personal satisfactions he had so fondly anticipated. He passed on in 1878 and sleeps near the old Presbyterian kirk that he helped erect. The dispersion of the cattle followed shortly after the founder's death, and it was the results obtained with these polled half-blooded cattle in feedlots in Kansas City territory that a few years later led to the extensive introduction of black polled cattle into the Middle West.

The First Angus in America When George Grant transported four Angus bulls from Scotland to the middle of the Kansas Prairie in 1873, they were part of the Scotsman's dream to found a colony of wealthy, stock-raising Britishers. Grant died five years later, and many of the settlers at his Victoria, Kansas, colony later returned to their homeland. However, these four Angus bulls, probably from the herd of George Brown of Westertown, Fochabers, Scotland, made a lasting impression on the U.S. cattle industry. When two of the George Grant bulls were exhibited in the fall of 1873 at the Kansas City (Missouri) Livestock Exposition, some considered them "freaks" because of their polled (naturally hornless) heads and solid black color (Shorthorns were then the dominant breed.) Grant, a forward thinker, crossed the bulls with native Texas longhorn cows, producing a large number of hornless black calves that survived well on the winter range. The Angus crosses wintered better and weighed more the next spring, the first demonstration of the breed's value in their new homeland. The American Aberdeen-Angus Breeders' Association was founded in Chicago, Illinois, on November 21, 1883, with 60 members. Today the AAA operates the largest beef breed registry in the world, with more than 25,000 members. {}

The First Angus in Canada Angus animals arrived in Montreal, Quebec by 1860 and some landed in Victoria, BC in 1874. The first recorded importation was in 1859 by Sir George Simpson, Governor of the Hudson Bay Company. No progeny was recorded, therefore credit for the first productive importation was given to Professor Wm. Brown at the Ontario Experimental Farm in Guelph, ON. "The first of the breed born in North America" is commemorated on a bronze plaque in Guelph recognizing the birth of Eye Bright 2nd on January 12, 1877 sired by the bull Gladiolus. In 1882 there were 323 Angus imported from Scotland. The Hon. M.H. Cochrane had his headquarters in Montreal and a ranch in Alberta. He purchased 10 animals from Scotland in 1881 for the tremendous sum of $9,975. These were the days when top bulls were selling for $300. The town of Cochrane, just west of Calgary, is named after this early booster of Aberdeen Angus cattle. The "Canadian Aberdeen Angus Breeders Association" was incorporated May 4, 1906 with the first Annual Meeting held in Winnipeg, MB in July 1906. The CAA today represents 3,000 members, registering both Black and Red Angus. {}

Recognition for George Grant: A feature story with updates which appeared in the January 2008 Angus Journal can be read online at: Spring Edition 2013

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ou can’t buy purebred livestock at Ee price of “scrubs� #hat were farmers buying in 1928? Hay rakes & tires, same as today

'ds from “Country :entleman�, ay 1928

When a new 25 hp tractor cost around $1,000 & optional balloon tires for a $366 Model T Runabout pickup would set you back an extra $15 ~ Ee John Deere side delivery rake & hay loader listed at $250 {yesterdaystractors/harperfarms/} Page 18

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Nerve Block and Meloxicam Injection to Stop Castration Pain Research suggests that beef calves of all ages experience stress when they are handled or when management practices are applied to them which might cause pain, writes Barry Potter, Agriculture Development Advisor, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The recently released Canadian Code of Practice for Beef Cattle contains strong recommendations for producers to use pain blocks, such as anaesthesia, in dehorning animals over 4 months of age or castrating animals over 9 months of age. These ages represent a compromise between what is achievable on farm versus the amount of pain an animal suffers. Can we do something to reduce pain in our animals? Is it worth it from a management perspective? Is it the right thing to do? Let's consider the impact of alleviating pain at castration time. Some people say the impact of castration is so quick that the animal gets over it without any loss of weight. However, calves given a local anaesthetic prior to castration have been shown to weight 35 lbs. more at the end of the trial than calves castrated without any pain alleviation. Often times these production impacts are hard to measure. But new methods of measuring the neurological impact on calves under stress from dehorning or castration show that we can reduce the pain animals feel from these invasive procedures. Recent research at Iowa State examined the impact of aspirin on reduction of cortisol, a measure of stress in calves. Calves were split into groups, either uncastrated, untreated and castrated, or treated and castrated. In the trial, calves which did not receive aspirin ended up having higher levels of cortisol.

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At a recent Dairy Animal Welfare conference at Guelph, Hans Coetzee,Iowa State University, discussed the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) used to reduce pain in dehorning calves. He presented research to indicate the impact of the use of these drugs. Heinrich et al. (2009) demonstrated that 0.5 mg/ kg meloxicam intramuscular (IM) combined with a corneal nerve block reduced serum cortisol response for 6 hours in 6-12 wk. old calves, compared with calves receiving only local anesthesia prior to cautery dehorning. Furthermore, calves receiving meloxicam had lower heart rates and respiratory rates than placebo treated control calves over 24 hours post-dehorning. Stewart et al. (2009) found that meloxicam administered intravenously (IV) at 0.5 mg/kg mitigated the onset of pain responses associated with hot-iron dehorning in 5 week old calves compared with administration of a corneal nerve block alone, as measured by heart rate variability and eye temperature. These findings indicate that administration of meloxicam at 0.5 mg/kg IV or IM decreases physiological responses that may be linked to pain and distress associated with cautery dehorning in preweaning calves. Meloxicam is an injectable product (Metacam) approvedfor use in calves in Canada. Its labeldirections are quite specific: "As an aid in improving appetite and weight gains when administered at the onset of diarrhoea, in combination with oral rehydration therapy, in calves over one week of age.

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For relief of pain following de-budding of horn buds in calves less than 3 months of age." So if we can dehorn prior to 3 months of age, Metacam can be useful in reducing pain in calves. Pain block to reduce immediate pain from dehorning is possible. Work with your veterinarian to learn how to properly block the nerves going to the area around the horn. There is a valley or soft spot on the side of the calf's head between the eyes and the horn. By slowly inserting a needle here and fanning the pain block medication into this area, nerve pain can be blocked to the horn area. Calves can be dehorned with much less stress than without any pain block. Regardless of their age, calves will benefit from the use of pain medication for invasive procedures. Using a pain block, and a pain medication can help lower cortisol or stress levels in calves. The benefits are many fold for the producer: calves are easier to handle when they are not feeling pain, will have reduced sickness and a shorter recovery time afterwards, and increased weight gain as compared to unmedicated animals. The Code of Practice recommends using them for dehorning and castrating when animals are a certain age. The research shows a benefit to the animal at any age. Work with your veterinarian to develop a program that works for you and your animals. -The Beef Site

Alberta Senior at Oklahoma State interns with Certified Angus Beef

Rosie Templeton is the Certified Angus Beef LLC (CAB) Industry Information intern for Canada this summer 2013. The Oklahoma State University (OSU) senior in ag communications and agribusiness grew up near Lethbridge, Alta., on her family’s Hereford cattle ranch. While at the University of Alberta, she founded the first Collegiate 4H club in Canada as president. Stateside, Templeton

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is reporter for OSU Collegiate Cattlewomen and went with that group to the U.S. Cattle Industry Convention in Florida last winter. She signed on with the Cattlemen’s Young Leaders Development Program, and is active in OSU Ag Communicators of Tomorrow. She also serves on the steering committee for the global Youth Agriculture Summit in Calgary this summer. “Those are just a few of the reasons we’re excited to have Rosie on our team this summer,” said Steve Suther, CAB divisional director. “Her combination of North American cattle industry knowledge and journalism helps us share information about the role of high-quality beef in profitable operations in Canada.” As an intern, Templeton writes new releases and technical articles, and travels for on-location feature stories and event coverage from Manitoba to British

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Columbia, all from a base in the Canadian Angus Association offices in Calgary from mid-May through mid-August. The Certified Angus Beef ® brand, started in 1978 and in licensed Canadian plants since 2000, works through high-quality specifications to add value to black Angus cattle across North America. The non-profit, limited liability company is owned by members of the U.S. American Angus Association and headquartered in Wooster, Ohio, where Templeton was to attend orientation meetings in May. She can be reached by email at For more information on the brand, visit For ideas on producing to hit that target and everything else related to the cattle side, visit

Auction Block MJT Cattle Co ‘Back to Basics’ Bull Sale February 9, 2013 - Edgerton, Alberta Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK 36 Black Angus Bulls $5,625 23 Red Angus Bulls $4,300 45 Hereford Bulls $4,284 104 lots $4,752 25 Open Commercial Females $1,130 10 Bred Commercial Females $1,438 Sale Gross $536,825 High Selling Black Angus Bulls: Duralta 307R Upward 100Y sired by Sitz Upward 307R out of a Sitz Alliance 6595 daughter purchased by Sargeant Cattle Co, Rimbey, AB for $9,750 /// Minburn Upwards 43Y sired by Sitz Upward 307R out of a KBJ Conquor All 447J daughter purchased by Hillsvale Colony, Cut Knife, SK for $8,000 High Selling Red Angus Bulls: Red Aspen View Pathfinder 79Y sired by Red D-Bar Pathfinder 17T out of a Red Basin Sensation 702E daughter purchased by Barry Schlenker, Cypress County, AB for $6,400/// Red Aspen View Pathfinder 61Y sired by Red D-Bar Pathfinder 17T out of a Red KBJ Shining Armor 408J daughter purchased by Bill Hamblin, Vermilion, AB for $6,250 M&J Farms Simmental & Angus Bull Sale February 9, 2013 - Russell, Manitoba Auctioneer: Ward Cutler 20 Two Year Old Simmental Bulls $3,965 9 Two Year Old Simm/Angus Bulls $3,622 14 Two Year Old Angus Bulls $4,142 43 lots $3,950 Sale gross $169,850 High Selling Angus Bulls: MJ Pioneer 10Y sired by SAV Pioneer 7301 out of an MVF Widespread 273P daughter purchased by Mark Strutynski, Wroxton, SK for $5,800 /// Red MJ Canyon 34Y sired by Red Soo Line T100 9125 out of a Red McRae’s King 47S daughter purchased by Meadow Stock Farm, Spy Hill, SK for $5,400 /// MJ Predominant 25Y sired by Peak Dot Predominant 957U out of a WCC Precision E161 J239 daughter purchased by Ken Friedrickson, Redvers, SK for $5,200 Chapman Cattle Co ‘100% Forage Developed’ Two Year Old Bull Sale February 14, 2013 - Stettler, Alberta Auctioneer: Don Raffan, Armstrong, BC Sale Management:Castlerock Marketing, Swift Current, SK 67 Black & Red Angus Bulls $4,875 Sale gross $326,600 High Selling Bulls: Chapman Rito 1547Y sired by Sinclair Rito 9R7 out of a Sitz Alliance daughter purchased by CK Angus, Stettler, AB for $9,500 /// Chapman Rito 1561Y sired by Sinclair Rito 9R7

out of a OCC Legacy 839L daughter purchased by Dave Hanson, Eastend, SK for $7,100/// Chapman Joker 1543Y sired by Crowfoot Joker 6172S out of a Sitz Alliance 6595 daughter purchased by F-R Angus, Hussar, AB for $6,400 /// Chapman Joker 1512Y sired by Crowfoot Joker 6172S out of a Leachman Right Time daughter purchased by Huxley Colony, Trochu, AB for $6,400 Ole Farms 8th Annual Family Day Sale February 18, 2013 - Athabasca, Alberta Auctioneer: Don Raffan, Armstrong, BC Sale Management:DJ Henderson & Associates, Lacombe, AB 122 Angus Bulls $3,460 29 Commercial Females $1,498 2 Horses $5,250 2 Ponies $1,200 Sale gross $478,460 High Selling Bulls: Ole Emblazon 321Y sired by DDA Emblazon E31 out of a Crowfoot Macho 4549P daughter purchased by Leigh Babcock, Elk Point, AB for $6,300 /// Red Ole Crossbow 111Y sired by Red 5L Crossbow 1173-44V out of a Red Crowfoot Ole’s Oscar 2042M daughter purchased by Peter Froland, Hughenden, AB for $6,000 ///Ole Everlast 307Y sired by Sinclair Everlast 6R107 out of an Ole Alliance 144S daughter purchased by Derek Tallmadge, Meadow Lake, SK for $5,700 /// Ole Emblazon 352Y sired by DDA Emblazon E31 out of a Standard Hill Payoff 20P daughter purchased by Birch Meadows Ltd, Eaglesham, AB for $5,100 ///Ole Eagle Eye 313Y sired by BC Eagle Eye 110-7 out of a Felton Fame 2118 daughter purchased by Pine Valley Farm, Boyle, AB for $5,000 ///Red Ole Relliance 664Y sired by Ole Alliance 144S out of a Red Crowfoot 5103R daughter purchased by Rod Nikkel, Pickardville, AB for $5,000 Bar Heart & J Heart 1st Annual Bull & Female Sale February 19, 2013 - Bluffton, Alberta Auctioneer: Dan Skeels, Rimbey, AB Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 33 Bulls $3,009 8 Open Heifers $1,975 41 lots $2,807 Sale gross $115,100 High Selling Bulls: Bar Heart Spartan 226Z sired by LLB Spartan 255W out of a Hyline Right Way 781 daughter purchased by SHB Angus, Rearden, WA for $8,000 /// Bar Heart Lad 206Z sired by Linwood Lad 37W out of an SAV Initiative 4406 daughter purchased by Bernie & Lori Schmaltz, Bluffton, AB for $5,400 High Selling Heifer: Bar Heart Lady Bate 252Z sired by Bar Heart Duke 7X out of a Blind Creek Lad 25H daughter purchased by Remitall Farms, Olds, AB for $2,700

Early Sunset 32nd Annual Bull & Female Sale February 22, 2013 - Edam, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Don Raffan, Armstrong, BC Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 33 Angus & Simmental Yearling Bulls $3,933 18 Angus & Simmental Open Heifers $2,167 51 lots $3,376 Sale gross $168,800 High Selling Bull: Early Sunset First Class 64Z sired by SAV Net Worth 4200 out of a Southland Free Ride 68R daughter purchased by Lock Farms, Macklin, SK for $7,000 High Selling Heifer: Early Sunset Erelite 81Z sired by SAV Net Worth 4200 out of an HF Supreme 37T daughter purchased by Nordal Angus, Simpson, SK for $3,200

A U Cattleman’s Connection 18 Annual Bull Sale C March 1, 2013 - Brandon, Manitoba T Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB I Sale Management:DJ Henderson & Associates, Lacombe, AB O 72 Black Angus Yearling Bulls $4,144 N Sale gross $298,350 th

High Selling Bulls: Brookmore Upward 70Z sired by Sitz Upward 307R out of a SAV 004 Density 4436 daughter purchased by Diamond T Cattle Co, Olds, AB for $10,000 /// Brookmore Upward 26Z sired by Sitz Upward 307R out of an OGL Battle Cry 427 128 daughter purchased by Kembar Farms, Brandon, MB for $6,500 /// Brookmore Upward 67Z sired by Sitz Upward 307R out of an SAV Bismarck 5682 daughter purchased by Dizzy Acres Ltd, Brandon, MB for $6,200 /// Brookmore Upward 54Z sired by Sitz Upward 307R out of an SAV Density 4336 daughter purchased by Battle Lake Farm, Carberry, MB for $6,000 /// Brookmore Upward 81Z sired by Sitz Upward 307R out of an MVF Stockman 45H daughter purchased by 2J Angus Wawota, SK for $6,000 39th Annual High Country Bull Sale March 2, 2013 - Pincher Creek, Alberta Angus portion of sale 37 Angus Bulls $3,758 High Selling Bulls: HD Alliance 111Y sired by Bad Lands Alliance 14W out of an OTA Dancer 42M daughter purchased by TJM Livestock & Willow Spring Joint Venture, Nanton, AB for $5,800 /// HD Alliance 117Y sired by Bad Lands Alliance 14W out of a Remitall Playboy 4P daughter purchased by TJM Livestock & Willow Spring Joint Venture, Nanton, AB for $5,800

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Brandl Cattle Co & Lake Bottom Cattle Co Black & Red Angus & Simmental Bull Sale March 2, 2013 - Jarvie, Alberta 24 Black Angus Bulls $4,229 12 Red Angus Bulls $4,092 16 Simmental Bulls $3,259 52 lots $3,898 High Selling Two Year Old Bull: BCC Jaguar 17Y sired by HF Tiger 5T out of a GDAR SVF Traveler 234D daughter purchased by Jay & Robin Booth, Flatbush, AB for $9,000 High Selling Black Yearling Bull: BCC Impact 49Z sired by Justamere 422 Eric 728W out of a BCC Premium Edition 47U daughter purchased by Eugene & Elaine Gingras, Boyle, AB for $7,400 High Selling Red Yearling Bull: Red BCC Makin’ Whoopee 47Z sired by Red Brylor Mak’N Hay 31X out of a Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P purchased by Ridge Valley Colony, Crooked Creek, AB for $7,900

A U C Ward’s Red Angus & Guests 5th Annual Bull Sale March 2, 2013 - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan T Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK I Sale management:T Bar C Cattle Co, Saskatoon, SK O 13.67 Yearling Red Angus Bulls $3,671 N B L O C K

5.33 Long Yearling Red Angus Bulls $4,378 1 Two Year Old Red Angus Bull $4,200 16.5 Two Year Old Black Angus Bulls $4,412 2 Yearling Black Angus Bulls $2,150 44.5 lots $3,873 Sale gross $172,350 High Selling Yearling Red Angus Bull: Red C Ward’s Ndamu 13Z sired by Red Ter-Ron Realdeal 01W out of a Red Handford Dynamite 136L daughter 2 /3 interest purchased by KC Cattle Co, Saskatoon, SK & Double V Stock Farm, Mozart, SK for $9,000 High Selling Long Yearling Red Angus Bull: Red J Ward’s Bolder 122Y sired by Red Howe Bold Future 86T out of a Red Letter Sunshine 100T daughter purchased by Brian Mannix, North Battleford, SK for $4,300 High Selling Two Year Old Red Angus Bull: Red Ward’s Nike 60Y sired by Red Ward’s Ike 28T out of a Red Flying K Dynamite 30L daughter purchased by Jarrett Roston, Delisle, SK for $4,200 High Selling Two Year Old Black Angus Bull: Benlock Ulysses 77Y sired by SMW Ulysses 7U out of a Hollbrook Fame 14K daughter purchased by Flying T Land & Cattle Ltd, Lloydminster, SK for $5,600

Cutting Edge Bull Sale March 2, 2013 - Rimbey, Alberta Auctioneer: Dan Skeels, Rimbey, AB 64 Bulls $4,596 Sale gross $294,150 High Selling Black Angus Bull: Little Valley 638 Rito 28Z sired by SAV 707 Rito 9969 out of a Stevenson Bruno 561G daughter purchased by MWC Investments, Darwell, AB for $8,000 Page 24

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High Selling Red Angus Bull: Red MAF Glorious 33Z sired by Red Redrich Glory Road 248X out of a Red Corner Creek Full On 723 daughter purchased by Western Blend Angus, Rimbey, AB for $6,200 Brooking Angus Ranch 1st Annual Bull & Female Sale March 4, 2013 - online sale 10 Black Angus Yearling Bulls $11,155 9 Black Angus Open Yearling Heifers $ 4,227 Sale gross $149,600 High Selling Bulls: Brooking Prosecutor 222 sired by Soo Line Motive 9016 out of a Bar E-L Thor 6T daughter purchased by Come As U R , Kevin Granger & Bonnie Brooks, Storthoaks, SK &, Scott & Rebecca Bohrson, Carstairs, AB for $44,000 ///Brooking Special Addition 219 sired by Flag Special Addition 00159 out of a G 13 Stand Out daughter purchased by Mark Daines, Innisfail, AB & Severtson Land & Cattle, Innisfail, AB for $12,000 /// Brooking Legacy 227 sired by Soo Line Legacy 7019 out of a Cudlobe Yellowstone 80M daughter purchased by Willow Creek Farm, Terry Duppong, Glen Ullin, ND for $10,5000 High Selling Heifers: Brooking Tiptop 205 sired by Soo Line Legacy 7019 out of an RR 7407 Rainmaker 2154 daughter purchased by Come As U R, Kevin Granger & Bonnie Brooks, Storthoaks, SK for $11,600 /// Brooking Annie 240 sired by Sydgen CC&7 out of an F-R 662 Lad 4079 daughter purchased by TW Angus, Tate Williams, Mitchell, SD for $3,950 94th Annual Pride of the Prairies Bull Sale March 4, 2013 - Lloydminster, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Dan Skeels, Rimbey, AB 23 Black Angus Bulls $3,039 4 Red Angus Bulls $2,575 19 Charolais Bulls $3,374 6 Limousin Bulls $3,033 6 Polled Hereford Bulls $3,617 1 Horned Hereford Bull $5,400 41 Simmental Bulls $4,433 99 lots $3,721 Sale gross $368,350 High Selling Black Angus Bull: GGRR Camaro 9Z sired by SAV Camaro 9272 out of an SAV Peacemaker 3179 daughter consigned by Gordon & Laurie Rattray, Blackfoot, AB sold for $5,600 High Selling Red Angus Bull: Red Alo Tony Travolta 3Z sired by Red Northline Fat Tony 605U out of a Red Eggen New Trend 42N daughter consigned by April Ockerman, Dewberry, AB sold for 3,900 Mar Mac Farms & Guests Bull Sale March 6, 2013 - Brandon, Manitoba Auctioneer: Jerry Kanewischer, Stirling, AB 64 Bulls $3,703 Sale gross $237,000 High Selling Red Angus Bulls:Red Mar Mac Indicator

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30Z sired by Red Cockburn Ribeye 346U out of a Red JB Mohican 5001 daughter purchased by Kenray Red Angus, Redvers, SK for $12,000 /// Red Mar Mac Wildwood 103Z sired by Red Cockburn Ribeye 346U out of a Red Flying K Prince 171M daughter purchased by T&S Red Angus, Rose Valley, SK for $10,000/// Red Mar Mac Matador 120Z sired by Red McRae’s Mission 71W out of a Red McRaes Vision 65T daughter purchased by Willow Creek Simmental Ranch,Treherne, MB for 5,100 /// Red Mar Mac Solution 78Z sired by Red Cockburn Ribeye 346U out of a Red Flying K Prince 171M daughter purchased by Dale & Neil Sauter, Pleasantdale, SK for $5,000 /// Red Mar Mac GRA Vision 36Z sired by Red McRae’s Vision 50T out of a Red McRae’s Keystone 1P daughter purchased by Horner Cattle Co, Minnedosa, MB for $5,000 High Selling Black Angus Bulls: Mar Mac Answer 1Z sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 out of a Dunlouise Commander Bond daughter purchased by Stewart Farms, Pipestone, MB for $5,100 /// Mar Mac Mr Midnight 3Z sired by SAV Camaro 9272 out of a Double AA Old Post Bandolier daughter purchased by Keith & Nadine Wolgenwuth, Oak Lake, MB for $4,200 /// Mar Mac Top Notch 116Z sired by Red McRaes Top Cut 78X out of an Anderson’s Who’s Next 39S daughter purchased by Jameson’s Rolling Lane Farm, Brandon, MB for $4,000 Belvin Angus 1st Annual Bull Sale March 5, 2013 - Innisfail, Alberta Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran, Didsbury, AB 57 Bulls $4,525 Sale gross $257,950 High Selling Bulls: Belvin Midas 2’12 sired by Duralta 56S Yellowstone 136S out of a Geis Kodiak 12T daughter purchased by Jared Roth, Irvine, AB for $12,000/// Belvin Zeppelin 17’12 sired by Duralta 56S 136S out of a Belvin Rebel 33’05 daughter purchased by Shady Lane Farms, Leslieville, AB for $10,500 /// Belvin Zen Master 139’12 sired by Ring Creek El Tigre 9X out of a Geis Kodiak 12T daughter purchased by Midnite Fire Cattle Co, Drake, SK $8,000 /// Belvin Viking 16’12 sired by SAV Brave 8329 out of a Belvin Mercedes 32’02 daughter purchased by RoyMac Farms, Cutknife, SK for $7,200 /// Belvin El Tigre 81’12 sired by Ring Creek El Tigre 9X out of a Belvin Rebel 33’05 daughter purchased by Dalrene Farms, New Norway, AB for $7,000 113th Annual Calgary Bull Sale March 7, 2013 - Calgary, Alberta Auctioneer: Don Raffan, Armstrong, BC 44 Angus Bulls $3,773 Angus Sale gross $166,000 High Selling Black Angus Bull: Shel Scotts Final Answer 54Z sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 out of a Sweetwater New Design 15N daughter consigned by Scott Stock Farm, Crossfield purchased by Perry Farms, Calgary, AB for $7,500

High Selling Red Angus Bull: Red Scotts CJB Matrix 137Z sired by Red MPV Matrix 12T out of a Red LCC Major League A 502M daughter consigned by Scott Stock Farm, Crossfield, AB purchased by Patton Farmstead Ltd for $6,200 Palmer Charolais / Nielson Land & Cattle Co 2nd Annual Bull Sale March 7, 2013 - Bladworth, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB Sale Management: By Livestock, Regina, SK Angus Portion of Sale 15 Red Angus Yearling Bulls $4,115 24 Black Angus Yearling Bulls $3,658 7 Angus open Heifers $2,429 Sale gross $166,500 High Selling Red Angus Bull: Red NRA 118Z sired by Red SSS Arson 85U out of a Red Fabulous High Trend 130N daughter purchased by Arntzen Angus, Sedgewick, AB for $6,500 High Selling Black Angus Bull: NRA Pioneer 34Z sired by SAV Pioneer 7301 out of a BAR EXT Traveler 205 daughter purchased by Double F Angus, Parkside, SK for $5,900 High Selling Open Heifer: NRA Miss Tibbie 117Z sired by MVF Upward out of an HF Tiger 5T daughter purchased by Glen Gable Angus, Regina, SK for $3,600 e Cattlemen’s Bull Sale March 9, 2013 - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan 9 Two Year Old Red Angus Bulls $6,417 30 Yearling Red Angus Bulls $4,578 35 Yearling Black Angus Bulls $5,204 74 lots $5,098 Sale gross $377,250 High Selling Two Year Old Red Angus Bull: Red Wheel Cowboy Cut 142Y sired by Red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U out of a Red Handford None Better 260D daughter purchased by R&F Livestock, Warman, SK for $8,500 High Selling Yearling Red Angus Bull: Red Wheel Dodge City 47Z sired by Red Wheel Dodge City 47Z out of a Red Bar E-L Paramount 13P daughter purchased by Lost River Farming, Allan, SK for $8,900 High Selling Yearling Black Angus Bull: Fleury Bardolene 120Z sired by Double AA Bardolene 50’08 out of a Peak Dot New Trend 42M daughter purchased by Ring Creek Farms, Fairview, AB for $27,000 Kuntz Farms & Hollinger Land & Cattle Bull Sale March 9, 2013 - Balgonie, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran, Didsbury, AB Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 48 Bulls $3,699 Sale gross $177,550 High Selling Bulls: HLC 406S Supremacy 116Z sired by Justamere 253 Bada Bing 406S out of a Double D Bardolene 15L daughter purchased by 66 Ranches, Duchess, AB for $11,500 /// Red KF Real

Deal 14Z sired by Red Ter-Ron Realdeal 01W out of a Red KF Barney 53M daughter purchased by Cactus Ridge, Webb, SK for $8,200 /// Red NCJ Mystified 16X sired by Red Lazy MC Divide 8J out of a Red Lazy MC Gridiron 66S daughter purchased by Goad Family Angus, Clandonald, AB for $6,000 108th Annual Regina Bull Sale March 10, 2013 - Regina, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB 4 Two Year Old Black Angus Bulls $3,775 7 Yearling Black Angus Bulls $2,800 7 Yearling Red Angus Bulls $4,436 18 Angus Bulls $3,653 High Selling Black Angus Two Year Old Bull: Freyburn Alliance 75Y sired by MVF Alliance 156T out of an Isla Bank Tonka 20N daughter consigned by Freyburn Angus, Oxbow, SK purchased by Ryan & Robert Reid for $4,200 High Selling Black Angus Yearling Bull: Edwards Pure Product 77Z sired by MCATL Pure Product 903-55 out of a Limestone Marathon U073 daughter consigned by Laird Edwards, Craik, SK purchased by Trevor Leippi for $4,500 High Selling Red Angus Yearling Bull: Red DKF Illicit 60Z sired by Red U-2 Illicit 423P out of a Red DKF Make My Day 427 daughter consigned by DKF Red Angus, Gladmar, SK purchased by Dean Degelman for $7,000 Black Pearl Bull & Female Sale March 10, 2013 - Tisdale, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK Sale management:T Bar C Cattle Co, Saskatoon, SK 7 Two Year Old Bulls $2,886 28 Yearling Bulls $2,850 25 Yearling Heifers $1,676 60 lots $2,365 Sale gross $141,900 High Selling Two Year Old Bull: Royal New Level 69Y sired by Royal New Level 19R out of an Inniway Royce 203 018 daughter purchased by Brad Mievre, Tisdale, SK for $3,400 High Selling Yearling Bull: Royal Net Worth 19Z sired by SAV Net Worth 4200 out of a MVRB Vision 86E daughter purchased by Harder Farms, Clavet, SK for $6,000 /// Royal Eagle Eye 22Z sired by BC Eagle Eye 110-7 out of a Summitcrest Hi Flyer 3B18 daughter purchased by Curtis Reimer, White Fox, SK for $5,100 High Selling Yearling Heifer: Royal Pride Dolly 35Z sired by SAV Net Worth 4200 out of a Inniway Royce 203 018 daughter purchased by Bellstar Angus, Lombardy, ON for $3,000

Standard Hill Connection Angus & Hereford Bull Sale March 10, 2013 - Maidstone, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Jerry Hewson, Provost, AB 46.5 Yearling Black Angus Bulls $3,237 12 Polled Hereford Two Year Old Bulls $3,725 5.5 Polled Hereford Yearling Bulls $3,200 36 Black Angus Yearling Heifers $1,660 100 lots $2,726 Sale gross $272,575 High Selling Angus Bulls: Standard Hill Zeke 4Z sired by TC Aberdeen 759 out of a SAV Bismarck 5682 daughter purchased by Jullion Brothers, Edams, SK for $5,800 /// Game Day of Double P 73Z sired by Royal Game Day DRCC 9084W out of an HF Right Time 66R daughter purchased by Leo DeJong, Clandonald, AB for $5,250 /// Game Day of Double P 1Z sired by Royal Game Day DRCC 9084W out of an Arda Traveler 131K daughter half interest purchased by Jullion Brothers, Edam, SK for $5,000 /// Standard Hill Zeus 35Z sired by HF Tiger 5T out of a Standard Hill Romeo 49R daughter purchased by Brad Scott, Turtleford, SK for $4,900 High Selling Yearling Heifers: Standard Hill Lady Ann 28Z sired by SAV Bismarck 5682 out of an SCA 3299 of Ideal 14118 daughter purchased by Francis Leachman, Big Gully Farm, Maidstone, SK for $2,700 /// Standard Hill Lady Ann 48Z sired by Standard Hill Wisemen 41W out of a CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 daughter purchased by Craig Thoms, Worldwide Genetics, Saskatoon, SK for $2,600 /// Standard Hill Lassie 52Z sired by GAR Predestined out of a Connealy Bottomline daughter purchased by David Grey, Z Bar Angus, Marsden, SK for $2,300 /// Standard Hill Elba 6Z sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 out of a Double AA Old Post Bandolier daughter purchased by Matlock Farm, Lloydminster, SK for $2,300 55th Annual Medicine Hat Bull Sale March 13, 2013 - Medicine Hat, Alberta Auctioneer: Bob Balog, Lethbridge, AB Angus Bulls $4,484 Hereford Bulls $4,462 High Selling Angus Bull: Dynomite Mr Yahoo 18Y sired by Braemar Red Get Smart 37U out of an SAV Legacy 5216 daughter consigned by Krista Sinclair, Bindloss, AB purchased by Drowning Ford Grazing Association, Schuler, AB for $7,750 Bar E-L Angus Annual Bull & Elite Female Sale March 14, 2013 - Stettler, Alberta Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB 48 Yearling Angus Bulls $5,633 5 Two Year Old Angus Bulls $5,220 14 Yearling Angus Heifers $3,496 67 lots $5,156

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High Selling Red Angus Bulls: Red Bar E-L LPH Zorro 7Z sired by Red Northline Fat Tony 605U out of a Red SVR Jack 65S daughter half interest purchased by Bob, Jill & Tee Jensen, Leader, SK for $30,000 /// Red Bar E-L AB Magic Mike 189Z sired by Red Towaw Indeed 104H out of a Red YY Red Knight 640F daughter half interest purchased by Wheeler Stock Farm, Saskatoon, SK for $11,000 High Selling Black Angus Bulls: Bar E-L Firin’ Up 46Z sired by MVF Frontier 17X out of a Four Bar X New Design 2N daughter purchased by Freyburn Angus, Oxbow, SK for $13,300 /// Bar E-L Unequalled 64Z sired by MVF Frontier 17X out of a Southland Freedom 37T daughter purchased by Severtson Land & Cattle, Innisfail, AB for $10,250 High Selling Heifers:Red Bar E-L Gloria 122Z sired by Red Bar E-L Ribeye 103R out of a Red Bar E-L Approval 4L daughter purchased by Leonard & Tammy Tufty, TNF Red Angus, Riviere Qui Barre, AB for $5,750 /// Bar E-L Toots 111Z sired by SAV Iron Mountain 8066 out of an SAV 004 Density 4336 daughter purchased by Blair.Ag Cattle Co, Lanigan, SK for $5,100 Arda Farms 16th Annual Bull Sale March 15, 2013 - Acme, Alberta Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB 63 Yearling $3,874 37 Two Year Old Bulls $4,522 415 Commercial Heifers $1,039 Sale gross $431,310 High Selling Yearling Bulls: Arda El Tigre 10Z sired by HF El Tigre 76X purchased by Starland Farming Ltd, Drumheller, AB for $6,250 /// Arda Predominant 220Z sired by Remington Predominant 260T out of an Arda Rolex 375R daughter purchased by Castor Farming, Castor, AB for $6,250 High Selling Two Year Old Bulls: Arda King 492Y sired by EXAR King 1036 out of a Crescent Creek Scotchman 136R daughter purchased by Tom Clark, Medicine Hat, AB for $6,000 /// High Selling Freeway Angus Two Year Old Bull: Freeway Heads Up 104Y sired by Arda Heads Up 29R out of a Baba Stockman 86K purchased by Shady Lane Colony, Wanham, AB for $6,750 Duralta Farms 8th Annual Bull Sale March 15, 2013 - Vegreville, Alberta Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK Sale management:T Bar C Cattle Co, Saskatoon, SK 2 Black Angus Two Year Old Bulls $4,825 25 Black Angus Yearling Bulls $3,818 20 Red Angus Yearling Bulls $3,542 1 Simmental/Red Angus Bull $3,000 48 lots $3,728 Sale gross $178,950 High Selling Black Angus Two Year Old Bull: Duralta 32T Paw 109Y sired by HF Bears Paw 32T Page 26

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out of a Minburn Yellowstone 56S daughter purchased by Brimacombe Farms, Bashaw, AB for $6,400 High Selling Black Angus Yearling Bull: Duralta 80M Yellow Bird 50Z sired by Cudlobe Yellowstone 80M out of a KMK Alliance 6595 I87 daughter purchased by Hall’s Cattle Co, Craven, SK for $8,400 High Selling Red Angus Yearling Bull: Red Duralta 36W Jack Man 91Z sired by Red Duralta 540R Big Jack 36W out of a Red Bar E-L Commander 54K daughter purchased by Diamond K Cattle, Maple Creek, SK for $5,100 C.D. Land & Cattle ‘Quality Counts’ Bull Sale March 15, 2013 - Lethbridge, Alberta Auctioneer: Bob Perlich, Lethbridge, AB 41 Yearling Red Angus Bulls $3,960 Sale gross $162,350 High Selling Bulls: Red C.D. Happy Hour 2Z sired by Red Northline Atlantic City out of a Red Badlands Bonus 702 daughter purchased by Randy Mackenzie, Mountain View, AB for $7,000 /// Red C.D. Atlantic 10Z sired by Red PIE Atlantic 2204 out of a Red MAC Prime 1H daughter purchased by Hayes Stock Grazing Co-op, Hays, AB for $7,000 /// Red C.D. Mumbo Gold 14Z sired by Red MEM Mumbo 259W out of a Red Ted Gold Robber 3M daughter purchased by Many Island Grazing Co-op, Medicine Hat, AB for $7,000 LLB 27th Annual Spring Spectacular Bull & Female Sale March 16, 2013 - Erskine, Alberta Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB 74 Two Year Old Angus Bulls $3,685 129 Yearling Angus Bulls $3,298 100 Purebred Angus Heifers $2,899 Sale gross $987,850 191 Commercial Heifers $1,124 High Selling Two Year Old Bulls: LLB Free Wheeler 135Y sired by LLB Free Wheeler 268S out of a H.C.C. Navigator 20P daughter purchased by W3 Farms, Arrowwood, AB for $7,750 /// LLB Supreme 845Y sired by Early Sunset Supreme 21W out of a WCC Special Design L309 purchased by Harold Meyers, Delia, AB for $6,250 High Selling Yearling Bulls: LLB 9309 Upward 252Z sired by Sitz Upward 9309 out of a LLSF Norton 878 18N daughter half interest purchased by Berry Creek Colony, Hanna, AB for $9,500 /// LLB 9309 Upward 265Z Sitz Upward 9309 out of a Kippen Line Successor 58S daughter purchased by Riverbend Angus Farm, Benalto, AB for $7,000 /// LLB 9309 Upward 312Z sired by Sitz Upward 9309 out of a Remitall Monte Carlo 12M daughter purchased by Krooked Rail Ranch, Hanna, AB for $6,500 High Selling Heifers: LLB Bardess 231Z sired by Sitz Upward 9309 out of a DCC Jamaican 3J daughter half interest purchased by Wilgor Farms, QC for $8,250 /// LLB Neonia 937Z sired by WAF

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Zorzal 321U out of a Remitall Monsoon 37M daughter purchased by French River Cattle Co, Noelville, ON for $8,500 /// LLB Maiden Lass 203Z sired by Sitz Upward 9309 out of a TC Foreman 016 daughter purchased by Blairs.Ag Cattle Co, Lanigan, SK for $7,250 /// LLB Eline Erica 96Z sired by LLB Gridlock 5W out of an HF Free Wheeler 191N daughter purchased by Locust Grove Angus, Milton, ON for $6,750 KBJ Round 17th Annual Bull Sale March 18, 2012 - Clyde, Alberta Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 86 Bulls $3,489 Sale gross $300,050 High Selling Bulls: Red KBJ Eberle 14Z sired by Red Cockburn Ribeye 308U out of a Red Meadow CK 904 52K daughter purchased by Hector Romero Gonzalez, Nyarit, Mexico for $16,000 /// MWC Body Builder 30Y sired by Duff Body Builder 763 out of an HA Image Maker 0415 daughter purchased by Atlasta Angus, Red Deer, AB for $10,000 Leeuwenburgh Angus 22nd Annual Bull Sale March 19, 2013 - Lethbridge, Alberta Auctioneer: Bob Balog, Lethbridge, AB 41 Red Angus Bulls $4,700 12 Black Angus Bulls $3,900 High Selling Red Angus Bulls: Red Ted Cowboy Cut 120Z sired by Red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U out of a Red Crowfoot Ole’s Oscar 2042M daughter purchased by George Baxter, Count Ridge Angus, Bassano, AB for $7,000///Red Ted Patriot 139Y sired by Red Ted Glacier Marias 65L out of a OHRR Dakota Copper 29K daughter purchased by Hays Stock Grazing Co-op, Hays, AB for $6,500 /// Red Ted Chateau 142Y sired by Red Glacier Chateau 744 out of a Red BJR Rambler 5162 daughter purchased by Hays Stock Grazing Co-op, Hays, AB for $6,500 High Selling Black Angus Bull: Ted New Standard 92Z sired by LCC New Standard out of a Sitz Alliance 6595 daughter purchased by Don Althen, Del Bonita, AB for $5,750 Volume Buyer: Wolf Creek Colony On Target 13th Annual Bull Sale March 19, 2013 - Barrhead, Alberta Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 88 Yearling Bulls $3,523 Sale gross 310,050 High Selling Angus Bull: Dwajo Paralyzar 10Z sired by Dwajo Final Domination 33X out of an FRL Image Maker 543R daughter purchased by Blairs.Ag Cattle Co, Lanigan, SK for $7,500

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Tools of the Trade 18th Annual Bull Sale March 20, 2013 - Dundurn, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK 27 Red Angus Yearling bulls $5,589 31 Black Angus Yearling Bulls $3,513 58 Yearling Bulls $4,551 10 Red Angus Open Heifers $2,300 9 Black Angus Open Heifers $2,289 19 Open Heifers $2,295 Sale gross $303,400 High Selling Red Angus Bulls: Red Wilbar Cowboy Country 910Z sired by Red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U out of a Red Northline Rob Roy 122K daughter purchased by Taylor Red Angus, Swift Current, SK for $14,000 /// Red Wilbar Replica 904Z sired by Red Wilbar Replica 836T out of a Red Ter-Ron Tornado 157M daughter purchased by Lacombe Research Centre, Lacombe, AB for $10,000 /// Red Wilbar Colossus 830Z sired by Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T out of a Red SVR Numero 37N daughter purchased by Blake’s Red Angus, McCord, SK for $9,500 High Selling Black Angus Bulls: Wilbar Premium Product 11Z sired by Connealy Premium Product out of a Bar E-L Unforgiven 102U daughter purchased by Lacombe Research Centre, Lacombe, AB for $8,400 ///Wilbar Capacity 13Z sired by Peak Dot Capacity 601W out of an OGL Battle Cry 427 128 daughter purchased by McNabb Angus, Mervin, SK for $8,000 Spruce View Angus Bull Sale March 20, 2013 - Killam, Alberta Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB Sale Management:Castlerock Marketing, Swift Current, SK 59 Yearling Angus Bulls $3,770 Sale gross $222,500 High Selling Bulls: Spruce View Kodiak 116Z sired by Geis Kodiak 42’07 out of a Spruce View Overdrive 63R daughter purchased by Simpson Ranch for $6,700 /// Spruce View Renovator 27Z sired by CL Angus Renovator 167U out of a Geis Daquantae 11’03 daughter purchased by Forsyth Ranch for $6,000 GBT Angus Online Bull Sale March 20 - 22, 2013 - Online 10 Two Year Old Black Angus Bulls $3,540 Sale gross $35,400 High Selling Bulls: GBT 973 Legacy 1111 sired by GBT 624 Legacy 973 out of a BBAR Nugget 322 daughter purchased by Rocking S Ranch, Kipling, SK for $4,200 /// GBT 624 Legacy 1122 sired by BBAR Legacy 624 out of a BBAR Nugget 332 daughter purchased by Elias/White Farm Corp, Creelman, SK for $3,900 /// GBT 624 Legacy 1175 sired by BBAR Legacy 624 out of a Bon View New Design 878 daughter purchased by Carrie Englot, Estevan, SK for $3,900 /// GBT Forte Blend 1120 Page 28

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sired by Badlands Forte 5S out of an OCC Legacy 839L daughter purchased by Running Rabbit Ranch, Cessford, AB for $3,800 Ter-Ron & Redrich ‘Get-A-Grip’ Bull & Female Sale March 21, 2013 - Forestburg, Alberta Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB 51 Angus Bulls $5,049 3 Simmental Bulls $3,500 19 Open Heifers $3,429 73 lots $4,564 Sale gross $333,150 High Selling Bulls: Red Ter-Ron Solo Cup 180Z sired by Red Ter-Ron Realdeal 01W out of a Red Brylor Panama 69P daughter half interest, full possession purchased by David Mohr, Consort, AB for $26,500 /// Red Ter-Ron Kingpin 35Z sired by Red Lazy MC Kingman 16W out of a Red Moose Creek Cigar 61S daughter purchased by Roy Angus, Dunvegan, AB for $10,500 /// Red Ter-Ron Hurricane 88Z sired by Red That’ll Do Unbelievable 6U out of a Red U-2 Big League 544R daughter purchased by Shiloh Cattle Co, Craigmyle, AB for $9,100 /// Red Ter-Ron Overload 117Z sired by Red Ter-Ron Realdeal 01W out of a Red U-2 Big League 544R daughter purchased by Clifford & Shirley Ambler, Maillaig, AB for $8,250 High Selling Heifers: Red Ter-Ron Brandy 73Z sired by Red Lazy MC Kingman 16W out of a Red U-2 Big League 544R daughter purchased by Rainbow Red Angus, Cherhill, AB for $7,200 /// Red Ter-Ron Rachel 42Z sired by Red Lazy MC Kingman 16W out of a Red Ter-Ron Mambo 28K daughter purchased by Twin Heritage Farms, Sheho, SK for $4,750 /// Red Ter-Ron Paige 81Z sired by Red Royal K-C Duke 08R out of a Red U-2 Big League 544R daughter purchased by Twin Heritage Farms, Sheho, SK for $4,600 /// Red Ter-Ron Cresta 44Z sired by Red That’ll Do Unbelievable 6U out of a Red Top Precision 52S daughter purchased by Lucky 7 Cattle Co, Sedgewick, AB for $4,600 Allencroft - Border Butte Angus 13th Annual Bull Sale March 21, 2013 - Medicine Hat, Alberta 70 Yearling Bulls $3,472 Sale gross $243,050 High Selling Bulls: Border Butte Protoge 114Z sired by MCATL Pure Product 903-55 out of an SAV Final Answer 0035 daughter purchased by Bill & Travis Armstrong, Eastend, SK for $6,750 /// Allencroft Q Lad 01 304Z sired by Nichols Quiet Lad T9 out of a Sitz Upward 307R daughter purchased by Claude Derupt, Scope Angus, Hays, AB for $6,000

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Johnson Livestock Bull & Female Sale March 21, 2013 - Peebles, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 135 Yearling Bulls $4,001 33 Heifer Calves $3,685 168 lots $3,939 Sale gross $661,750 High Selling Yearling Bulls: JL Kelly 2232 sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of a FV 20K King 308M daughter purchased by Lewis Farms, Spruce Grove, AB for $37,500 /// JL Cow Maker 2069 sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of a SAV 004 Predominant 4438 daughter purchased by Brian Edwards, Craik, SK for $12,000 /// JL Eliminator 2061 sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of a Bon View New Design 1407 daughter purchased by KBJ Round Farms & Dream Makers Angus, Clyde, AB for $11,500 High Selling Open Heifers: JL Evening Tinge 2280 sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of a HF Free Wheeler 191N daughter purchased by Adrian Rehorst, Teeswater, ON for $14,250 /// JL Ms Mia 2253 S Chisum 6175 out of a Sitz Alliance 6595 daughter purchased by BCL Genetics for $7,500 Bone Creek Ranch 21st Annual Bull Sale March 22, 2013 - Maple Creek, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Brent Weiss, Maple Creek, SK Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 91 Two Year Old Bulls $4,559 Sale gross $414,950 High Selling Bull: TGA Blackman 1068Y sired by TGA Blackman 8136U out of a Brockhill Prophecy 4P daughter purchased by K&K Ranches, Eastend, SK for $11,500 Double F Cattle Co 4th Annual Bull Sale March 22, 2013 - Prince Albert, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK 41.5 Yearling Angus Bulls $4,696 47 Open Angus Influence Heifers $947 High Selling Yearling Bull: DFCC 71X Slapshot 103Z sired by Duralta 4T Turbo 71X out of a Cudlobe Midland 21R daughter purchased by Seven X Angus, Prince Albert, SK for $16,000 /// DFCC 176W Shut out 40Z sired by HF Hemi 176W out of an LLB Fullback 27M daughter half interest purchased by Leask Colony, Leask, SK for $8,000 Bowerman Bros & Nesset Lake 8th Annual Bull Sale March 22, 2013 - Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB Sale Agent: DJ Henderson & Associates, Lacombe, AB 53 Black Angus Two Year Old Bulls $3,746 29 Black Angus Yearling Bulls $3,443 2 Black Angus Two Year Old Females $2,650 2 Black Angus Females $2,250 Sale gross $308,200

High Selling Two Year Old Bulls:B.B.A.R 409 Glory 1568 sired by Hillfire Glory 409 out of an OCC Legacy 839L daughter purchased by Cactus Ranching, Redcliff, AB for $6,000 /// Hill Fire Joker 105Y sired by OCC Joker 620J out of a Stevenson Bruno 561G daughter purchased by Anthony Markus,The Pas, MB for $5,250 ///B.B.A.R Challenger 1460 sired by B.B.A.R Challenger 9133 out of an OCC Judge 679J daughter purchased by Roger Parsonage, Maple Creek, SK for $5,250 High Selling Yearling Bulls:Nesset Lake Final Answer 27Z sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 out of a KFC Bennett Total daughter purchased by Marcel Cheze, Meadow Lake, SK for $5,500 /// Nesset Lake Final Answer 40Z sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 out of a Nesset Lake Freightliner 21S daughter purchased by Anthony Markus, The Pas, MB for $4,500 /// Nesset Lake Final Answer 46Z sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 out of a Nesset Lake Stockman IDM 60L daughter purchased by Don Vincent, Hannah, AB for $4,500 istle Ridge Ranch 7th Annual Bull Sale March 22, 2013 - Taber, Alberta Auctioneer: Bob Perlich, Lethbridge, AB Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 38 Black & Red Angus Bulls $3,747 38 Charolais Bulls $3,907 76 lots $3,827 Sale gross $290,844

High Selling Black Angus Bull:TR Entourage 168Z sired by Red SSS Endorse 639X out of an SAV Initiative 4406 daughter purchased by Minburn Angus, Minburn, AB for $7,500 High Selling Red Angus Bull: Red TR Hank 53Z sired by Red TR Hidalgo 326T out of a Red Flying K Chief 7U daughter purchased by Vyefield Farms, Burdett, AB for $5,500 Working Stiffs 8th Annual Bull Sale March 23, 2013 - Moosomin, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK Sale Management:Castlerock Marketing, Swift Current, SK 32 Bulls $2,773 Sale gross $88,750 High Selling Bulls: SFL Max Up 67Z sired by Sitz Upward 307R out of a Geis Maximum 80’01 daughter purchased by Chris Bell, Moosomin, SK for $5,500 /// Red BWFX Dynomite 10Z sired by Red U2 Dynamo 702T out of a Red D-Bar Design 11L daughter purchased by Rock Creek Ranching, Regina, SK for $5,000

Best of the Breeds 9th Annual Bull Sale March 24, 2013 - Leross, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK Sale management:T Bar C Cattle Co, Saskatoon, SK 1 Red Angus Two Year Old Bull $6,600 9 Red Angus Yearling Bulls $2,644 3 Black Angus Two Year Old Bulls $4,800 9 Black Angus Yearling Bulls $3,433 17 Charolais Yearling Bulls $3,332 14 Simmental Yearling Bulls $4,825 8.5 Gelbvieh Yearling Bulls $3,935 61.6 lots $3,794 Sale gross $233,350 High Selling Two Year Old Bull: Red Twin Heritage 27Y sired by Red Six Mile Semi Auto 825S out of a Red Northline Robson 116P daughter purchased by Radford Ranch, Roblin, MB for $6,600 High Selling Red Angus Yearling Bull: Red Twin Heritage Steel 56Z sired by Red Six Mile Semi Auto 825S out of a Red Howe Mr Matrix 7L daughter purchased by Keith & Jodi Blight, Kelliher, SK for $3,400 High Selling Black Angus Two Year Old Bull: Black Ridge Resolute 20Y sired by Peak Dot Resolute 37W out of an SAV Net Result 7504 daughter purchased by Rafter 7 Ranch, Gladmar, SK for $5,000 High Selling Black Angus Yearling Bull: Black Ridge Replica 3Z sired by SAV Replica 9484 out of a Basin Prime Cut 354K daughter purchased by Flaman Cattle Co, Vibank, SK for $4,600

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Everblack Angus 12th Annual Common Sense Bull Sale March 25, 2013 - Vermilion, Alberta Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 52 Two Year Old Angus Bulls $4,187 26 Yearling Angus Bulls $3,630 14 Open Heifers $2,250 Sale gross $334,600 High Selling Two Year Old Bull: Everblack Tommy Boy 94Y sired by LCL Willie 2W out of a Dryland Alliance 259 daughter purchased by Bob Wilson, Vermilion, AB for $7,500 High Selling Yearling Bull: Everblack First Choice 7Z sired by HF Choice 16T out of a Minburn Masterplan 7M daughter purchased by Jamie Mills, Frenchman Butte, SK for $6,800 High Selling Open Heifer: Everblack Blackbird 2Z sired by JL Noteworthy 8028 out of a Dryland Alliance 259 daughter purchased by Albert Boutin, Alida, SK for $4,250

A U C Merit Cattle Co 20th Annual Bull Sale T March 25, 2013 - Radville, Saskatchewan I Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB O 31 Black Angus Bulls $4088 N B L O C K

Sale gross $126,725 High Selling Bulls: Merit 2015 sired by Merit Luke 3120 out of a Sandy Bar Ideal 28S daughter purchased by Forbes Ranch for $6,500 /// Merit 2065Z sired by Beverly Hills Visa 734 out of a Merit Advantage 27K daughter purchased by Forsyth Ranch for $6,000/// Merit 2090 sired by Merit 77X out of a Eastondale Windy 43’05 daughter purchased by Phil Fehr of $6,000

Ring Creek Farms 5th Annual Bull Sale March 26, 2013 - Fairview, Alberta Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran, Didsbury, AB Sale Management:Bohrson Marketing Services, Carstairs, AB 47 Black Angus Bulls $4,305 26 Black Angus Heifers $2,642 Sale gross $266,000 High Selling Bulls: Ring Creek Big Payout 41Z sired by Connealy Consensus 7229 out of an HF Tiger 5T daughter two thirds interest purchased by Chance Jackson, Sedley, SK & Blairs.Ag Cattle Co, Lanigan, SK for $16,500 /// Ring Creek Clark Kent 34Z sired by SH Superman 0159 out of an HF Tiger 5T daughter half interest purchased by Kamieniecki Angus, Manning, AB for $7,750 High Selling Heifer: Ring Creek Damsel Lady 19Z sired by Connealy Consensus 7229 out of an HT Tiger 5T daughter purchased by Bohrson Livestock, Carstairs, AB for $4,100

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U-2 Ranch 17th Annual Bull Sale March 26, 2013 - High River, Alberta Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 135 Yearling Bulls $6,002 Sale gross $810,250 High Selling Bulls: Red U-2 Surrender 68Z sired by Red U-2 Dynamo 7021T out of a Red U-2 Wanted daughter purchased by Weber Red Angus, Wagner, SD for $29,500 /// Red U-2 Magnum 168Z sired by Red Howe Magnum 169W out of a Red U-2 Icon 223M daughter purchased by Brooks & Spain Red Angus and Silver Spurs Ranch, Encampment, WY for $20,000 /// Red U2 Big League 173Z sired by Red U-2 Big League 544R out of a Red KBJ Wild Card 896S daughter purchased by Peacock Red Angus, Covington, TX for $19,500 ///U2 T.K.O. 254Z sired by Young Dale Xclusive 25X out of a Red Bar E-L Approval 4L daughter purchased by C Lazy B Angus, Kearney, NB for $18,750 ///Red U-2 Magnum 291Z sired by Red Howe Magnum 169W out of a Red LJC Mission Statement P27 daughter purchased by Majestic Ranches, Jenner, AB for $18,500 /// Red U-2 Justified 235Z sired by Red U-2 Mama’s Boy 176X out of a Red U-2 Inxs 1665S daughter purchased by Bar E-L Angus, Stettler, AB for $17,000 /// Red U-2 Dynamo 111Z sired by Red U-2 Dynamo 7021T out of a Red U-2 Hercules 8032U daughter purchased by Lazy S Stock Farm, Mayerthorpe, AB for $15,500 /// U-2 Prophecy 265Z sired by Soo Line Prophecy 9132 out of a Red LJC Mission Statement P27 daughter purchased by Bar 4A Angus, La Glace, AB for $12,500 /// Red U-2 Magnitude 87Z sired by Red Howe Magnum 169W out of a Red K-C Full Throttle 3M daughter purchased by Majestic Ranches, Jenner, AB for $12,250 Cattle Creek Red Angus Bull Sale March 27, 2013 - Maple Creek, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Bob Balog, Lethbridge, AB 60 Red Angus Bulls $4,221 Sale gross $253,260 High Selling Bull: Red Cattle Creek 41U ‘51Y sired by Red MPV Houston 21T out of a Red Cattle Creek Mr Right 155L daughter purchased by White Lake Colony, Nobleford, AB for $8,600 Volume Buyer: Neely Agro, Duchess, AB , 9 bulls Double C Red Angus Bull Sale March 27, 2013 - Foam Lake, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB 26 Yearling Red Angus Bulls $3,170 5 Yearling Red Black Red Angus Carriers $2,950 High Selling Bull: Red Double C Jaroc 92Z sired by Red RSL Jared 802X out of a Red Double C Cherokee 890N daughter purchased by High Calibre Red Angus, Esterhazy, SK for $6,000

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Hi Weigh Breeders 31st Annual Bull Sale March 27, 2013 - Neepawa, Manitoba Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK Sale management:T Bar C Cattle Co, Saskatoon, SK 13 Angus Yearling Bulls $2,592 48.75 Charolais Yearling Bulls $3,564 Sale gross $207,450 High Selling Yearling Angus Bull: HBH Zephyr 272Z sired by HBH Density 65W out of a MVF New Frontier 016N daughter purchased by Whelpton Farms, Brandon, MB for $3,600 Brylor Ranch 48th Annual Bull Sale March 28, 2013 - Fort Macleod, Alberta Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB 61 Bulls $7,261 Sale gross $442,950 High Selling Bulls: Red Brylor Iceman 1Z sired by Red Northern Ice Man 8U out of a Red Brylor New Trend 22D daughter purchased by Hazel Bluff Red Angus, Westlock, AB for $29,500/// Red Brylor Ice Man 8Z sired by Red Northern Ice Man 8U out of a Red Brylor New Trend 22D daughter purchased by Red Rock Red Angus, Airdrie, AB for $29,500 /// Red Brylor Arson 84Z sired by Red SSS Arson 85U out of a Red Brylor Squall 22U daughter purchased by EKW Angus, Hague, SK for $25,000 /// Red Brylor On The Mark 26Z sired by Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P out of a Red Brylor Bodasius 79K daughter purchased by Robert New, IN for $17,000 /// Red Brylor Skor 54Z sired by Red Brylor Skor 221X out of a Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P daughter purchased by Victor Gonzalez, Mexico for $16,000 /// Red Brylor Crimson 28Z sired by Red BCC Crimson Jewels 102U out of a Red Fine Line Mulberry 31W daughter purchased by Y Coulee Land & Cattle Co, Frenchman Butte, SK for $14,000 Minburn Angus 16th Annual Bull Sale March 28, 2013 - Minburn, Alberta Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 10 Two Year Old Bulls $4,030 50 Yearling Bulls $3,765 60 lots $3,810 Sale gross $228,550 High Selling Bull: Minburn Wrangler 218Z sired by Minburn Wrangler 20X out of a Remitall Playboy 4P daughter purchased by North Point Farms, Peace River, AB for $10,200 Northern Alliance Bull Sale March 30, 2013 - Vanderhoof, British Columbia 80 Angus Bulls $3,701 Sale gross $296,100 High Selling Bulls by Consignor: Blast Angus, Lia, Brent, Shea & Tori Long: Blast Game Day 10Z sired by BCAR Game Day 012 out of an Ebon Hill Equalizer 55’96 daughter purchased

by Codan Livestock, Grande Prairie, AB for $6,200 /// Blast Game Day 6Z sired by BCAR Game Day 012 out of a Peak Dot Hobson 114P daughter purchased by Breed Creek Angus, Mankota, SK for $5,250 Poplar Meadows, Tanya, Monty & Taylor Belsham: Poplar Meadows Tiger 4’11 sired by HF Tiger 5T out of a Hyline Right Way 781 daughter purchased by Alexis Creek Ranch, Alexis Creek, BC for $5,000 /// Poplar Meadows Consensus 18’12 sired by Connealy Consensus 7229 out of an HF Kodiak 5R daughter purchased by Murray Richards, Prince George, BC for $4,600 Red Moon Angus, Jim, Shirley & Tom Moon: Red Moon Zip 23Z sired by Red U-2 X-Factor 387X out of a Red LCC Major League A205M daughter purchased by Glen Stewart, Burns Lake, BC for $4,500 Poplar Meadows, Frank & Dianne Strimbold: Poplar Meadows Kodiak 28Z sired by HF Kodiak 132W out of a Benchmark Paradigm 4176 daughter purchased by A. Reichert, Prince George, BC for $4,400 /// Poplar Meadows Kodiak 13Z sired by HF Kodiak 132W out of a TC Freedom 104 daughter purchased by Randy Saugstad, Big Creek, BC for $4,300 Marberly Angus, Kim Beaudette: Marberly Zoom In 2Z sired by Connealy Thunder out of a B/R New Frontier 095 daughter purchased by Dick & Anne Adams, Fort Fraser, BC for $4,250 /// Marberly Zelos 11Z sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 out of a Young Dale Touchdown 36M daughter purchased by John Ziler, Fort Fraser, BC for $4,000 5th Annual Impact Angus & Charolais Bull Sale March 30, 2013 - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK Sale management:T Bar C Cattle Co, Saskatoon, SK 12 Red Angus Yearling Bulls $2,637 25 Black Angus Yearling Bulls $2,848 2 Charolais Mature Bulls $3,800 19 Charolais Yearling Bulls $4,129 58 lots $3,291 Sale gross $190,900 High Selling Black Angus Yearling Bulls: JS Upward 27 sired by Sitz Upward 307R out of a Northern Improvement 4480 daughter purchased by Don & Karen Kraynick, Canora, SK for $3,800 /// JS Tanker 14 sired by Bushs Super Tanker 414 out of an HF Kodiak 5R daughter purchased by Blairs.Ag Cattle Co, Lanigan, SK for $3,600 /// JS Tanker 18 sired by Bushs Super Tanker 414 out of an Alberda Traveler 416 daughter purchased by Matador Pasture Cooperative, Kyle, SK for $3,600 High Selling Red Angus Yearling Bulls: Red Triple L Easy Deal 24Z sired by Red Wrights Easy Deal 5X out of a Red Northline Rev 341R daughter purchased by Randy Breckner, Colonsay, SK for $4250 /// Red Triple L Rev 14Z sired by Red Northline Rev 14Z out of a Red Glacier Logan daughter purchased by Agri-Environment Services Branch (PFRA) for $3,200

Hamilton Farms 18th Annual Bull & Female Sale April 1, 2013 - Cochrane, Alberta Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB 110 Angus Bulls $5,942 32 Angus Heifers $4,036 Sale gross $782,750 High Selling Bulls: HF Stimulator 62Z sired by MCATL Pure Product 903-55 out of an HF Tiger 5T daughter purchased by Krebs Ranch, Gordon, NE for $23,000 /// HF Binghamton 36Z sired by Connealy Consensus 7229 out of an HF Tiger 5T daughter purchased by Double F Cattle Co, Parkside, SK for $23,000 /// HF Syndicate 213Z sired by Connealy Consensus 7229 out of a TC Freedom 104 daughter purchased by Pine Creek Angus Stud, Australia for $15,000 /// HF Decisive 56Z sired by Connealy Consensus 7229 out of a Vermilion Yellowstone daughter purchased by Richmond Ranch, Rumsey, AB for $14,000 /// HF Upgrade 34Z sired by HF Kodiak 5R out of a Sitz Alliance 6595 daughter purchased by Joe Heiken, Broadview, MT for $14,000 /// HF Troubadour 228Z sired by HF Tiger 5T out of a BT Right Time 24J daughter purchased by Krebs Ranch, Gordon, NE for $13,000 /// HF Revolt 41Z sired by HF Kodiak 5R out of an MVHF Innovator 49B daughter purchased by McCutcheon Farms, Athabasca, AB for $ 12,500 /// HF Tiger 120Z sired by HF Tiger 5T out of an HF Hemi 151T daughter purchased by Joe Heiken, Broadview, MT for $11,000 /// HF Tiger 27Z sired by HF Tiger 5T out of a BWB Traveler 110P daughter purchased by Scott Stock Farms, Crossfield, AB for $10,000 ///HF El Tigre 39Z sired by HF El Tigre 28U out of a BT Right Time 24J daughter purchased by Topp Angus, Grace City, ND for $10,000 /// HF Jungle Jim 357Y sired by HF Tiger 5T out of a Greens Premium 7578 daughter purchased by Spring Valley Angus, LaMoure, ND for $10,000 High Selling Heifers: HF Annie K 28Z sired by HF Kodiak 5R out of a Leachman Right Time daughter purchased by Nelson Ranches, Cochrane, AB for $8,000 /// HF Tibbie 71Z sired by HF Tiger 5T out of an HF Premium Plus 74K daughter purchased by JW Simonson, Dunning, NE for $7,500 /// HF Lucy 162Z sired by HF Tiger 5T out of an SAV 004 Predominant 4438 daughter purchased by Norseman Farms, Kyle, SK for $6,100 /// HF Tibbie 14Z sired by HF Kodiak 5R out of an HF Challenger 42N daughter purchased by JW Simonson, Dunning, NE for $6,000 /// HF Erica 50Z sired by HF Tiger 5T out of a Southland Exclusive 62U daughter purchased by Walkerbrae Farms, Guelph, ON for $6,000 Volume Buyer: Jenkins Lazy U Ranch, Pincher Creek, AB purchased 9 bulls

Eastondale Angus 6th Annual Bull Sale April 1, 2013 - Wawota, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK Sale Management: Castlerock Marketing, Swift Current, SK 38 Yearling Bulls $3,821 10 Yearling Heifers $2,660 Sale gross $171,800 High Selling Bulls: Eastondale Main Event 09’12 sired by Minburn Main Event 40W out of a KMK Alliance 6595 daughter purchased by Fred Lansdall, Leross, SK for $7,100 /// Eastondale Main Event 21’12 sired by Minburn Main Event 40W out of a Sinclair Rito Legacy 3R9 daughter purchased by Stuart Cattle Station, Edam, SK for $6,200 /// Eastondale Titanium 83’12 sired by Dryland Max 533 out of a CJD Scotchman 10K daughter purchased by F Bar R Angus, Hussar, AB for $6,200 High Selling Heifer: Eastondale Forever Lady 03’12 sired by Cole Creek Black Cedar 46P out of a Stevenson Moneymaker R185 daughter purchased by Jeff Brown, Brandon, MB for $3,700 Blairs.Ag ‘Pursuit of Excellence’ Bull Sale April 2, 2013 - Sedley, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK 24 Black Angus Two Year Old Bulls $5,394 28 Red Angus Two Year Old Bulls $4,508 13 Black Angus Yearling Bulls $5,712 7 Red Angus Yearling Bulls $4,207 73 lots $4,995 Sale gross $364,600 High Selling Black Angus Two Year Old Bull:Blairs Attraction 308Y sired by NLC Coming Attraction 2W out of a Red NBT Emperor 318S daughter purchased by Rust Mountain View Ranch, Turtle Lake, ND for $15,500 High Selling Two Year Old Red Angus Bull: Red Blairs Sin City 95Y sired by Red Wheel Sin City 43T out of a Red JCC Freedom 82L daughter purchased by Blairs West Land & Cattle, Drake, SK for $8,000 High Selling Yearling Black Angus Bull: Blairs New Generation 311Z sired by Duff New Attraction 6107 out of a Vermilion Dateline 7078 daughter purchased by Soo Line Cattle Co, Midale, SK for $8,500 High Selling Yearling Red Angus Bull: Red Blairs Cash 29Z sire by Red Corner Creek Cash 2R out of a Red Pipestone Bond 165B daughter purchased by Stuart Gilbert, Stock Port, IA for $6,500 Lorenz Angus 14th Annual Bull Sale April 2, 2013 - Markerville, Alberta Auctioneer: Don Raffan, Armstrong, BC 14 Yearling Angus Bulls $3,700 Sale gross $51,800 High Selling Bull: Lorenz Paradigm 13Z sired by Lorenz Paradigm 13U out of a Hyline Right Time daughter half possession half interest purchased by Valley Blossom Ranch, Wymark, SK for $7,900

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JAS Red Angus ‘Buy the Beef’ 9th Annual Bull Sale April 2, 2013 - Neepawa, Manitoba Auctioneer: Gene Parks, Brandon, MB 44 Red Angus Bulls $2,710 Sale gross $119,250 High Selling Bulls: Red JAS Toast 28Z sired by Red Brylor Toast 30T out of a Red Brylor SDL Squall 230S daughter purchased by Brylor Ranch, Pincher Creek, AB for $4,800 /// Red Sunset Ridge Busted 5Z sired by Red HLH Buster 406 603 out of a Red Six Mile Sakic 832S daughter purchased by Circle H Farms for $4,600 /// Red JAS Glady 147Y sired by Red Soo Line Gladiator 9021 out of a Red Kinared Boardwalk 881K daughter purchased by Lawson Davie, Neepawa, MB for $4,500 th


Windy Willows Angus 10 Annual ‘Git “R Done’ Bull & Female Sale April 2, 2013 - Hodgeville, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB Sale Management:Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB Sale gross $177,350 High Selling Bull: Windy Willows Main Street 61Z sired by Minburn Main Street 146S out of a CAR Prime Time 013 daughter purchased by Brian, Edith & Nathan Guilloux, Kennedy, SK for $7,000 /// Windy Willows Final Answer 37Z sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 out of a Crescent Creek Troubadour 34U daughter purchased by Cornfeld Ranches, Val Marie, SK for $5,000 /// Windy Willows Pioneer 23Z sired by SAV Pioneer 7301 out of a Bad Lands Right Time 78N daughter purchased by Ben Unger, Rush Lake, SK for $5,000 /// Windy Willows Krugerrand 169Z sired by Windy Willows Krugerrand 210S out of a Bon View New Design 878 daughter purchased by Blaschuck Land & Cattle, Chaplin, SK for $5,000 High Selling Heifer: WWF Upward Barbara 57Z sired by Sitz Upward 307R out of a Southern Krugerrand 16H daughter purchased by Six Mile Red Angus, Fir Mountain, SK for $2,000 Top Grade Red Angus Bull Sale April 2, 2013 - Brooks, Alberta 55 Bulls $3,905 Sale gross $214,775 High Selling Bulls: Red TG Redman 112Z sired by Red RMJ Redman 1T out of a Red Brylor Big Rock 85T daughter purchased by Countridge Stock Farm, Bassano, AB for $8,700 /// TG Game Day 68Z sired by GDAR Game Day 449 out of a Red Feddes Big Sky R9 daughter purchased by Doerksen Farms, Bassano, AB for $$8,250 /// Red TG Big Sky 117Z sired by Red Feddes Big Sky R9 out of a Red Ter-Ron Fully Loaded 540R daughter purchased by Allan Wenstob, Strome, AB for $6,500

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Peak Dot Ranch Bull & Female Sale April 3, 2013 - Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB 74 Fall Bulls $5,705 126 Yearling Bulls $4,524 200 Bulls average $4,961 55 Open Heifers $3,633 255 lots $4,675 Sale gross $1,192,050 High Selling Bulls: Peak Dot Eliminator 800Y sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of a Mohnen Dynamite 1356 daughter purchased by Hillcrest Enterprises, Coronach, SK for $66,000 /// Peak Eliminator 786Z sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of an SAV 004 Predominant 4438 daughter purchased by Hillcrest Enterprises, Coronach, SK for $19,000 /// Peak Dot Eliminator 804Y sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of a Mohnen Dynamite 1356 daughter purchased by Whitestone Farm, Aldie, VA for $17,000 /// Peak Dot Eliminator 797Z sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of an SAV 004 Predominant 4438 daughter purchased by Orville Skogen, Fort Shaw, MT for $16,000 /// Peak Dot Eliminator 780Z sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of an SAV 004 Predominant 4438 daughter purchased by Rivercrest Angus, Battle River, AB for $16,000 /// Peak Dot Eliminator 840Y sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of a Mohnen Dynamite 1356 daughter purchased by Daryle Chapman, Elmore City, OK for $15,000 /// Peak Dot Eliminator 756Z sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of a Mohnen Dynamite 1356 daughter purchased by R Math Farms, Whitewater, MT for $11,000 /// Peak Dot Bold 25Z sired by Peak Dot Bold 204U out of an SAV 004 Predominant 4438 daughter purchased by Orville Skogen, Fort Shaw, MT for $11,000 /// Peak Dot Eliminator 819Y sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of an SAR New Trend 4100 2080 daughter purchased by Ken Harley, Regina, SK for $11,000 /// Peak Dot Eliminator 824Y sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of a Mohnen Dynamite 1356 daughter purchased by Orville Skogen, Fort Shaw, MT for $11,000 High Selling Heifers: Lady of Peak Dot 242Z sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of an SAV 004 Predominant 4438 daughter purchased by Hillcrest Enterprises, Coronach, SK for $9,250 /// Barbara of Peak Dot 312Z sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of a Sandy Bar Grasslands 94T daughter purchased by Breinig Ranch, Arapahoe, NE for $8,250 /// Mia of Peak Dot 706Z sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of a Basin Prime Cut 354K daughter purchased by JW Simonson, Dunning, NE for $7,500 /// Annie K of Peak Dot 246Z sired by Connealy Impression out of a Peak Dot Predominant 82S daughter purchased by David & Donna Boychuk, Hinchinbrooke, QC for $6,000

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Howe Red Angus 23rd Annual Bull Sale April 3, 2013 - Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB 35 Red Angus Yearling Bulls $4,145 5 Red Angus Two Year Old Bulls $3,884 High Selling Bulls: Red Howe Designer 88Z sired by Red Howe Designer 63X out of a Red Howe Bold Edition 80T daughter two thirds interest purchased by Pius & Brennan Shcachtel, Macklin, SK for $18,000 /// Red Howe Designer 83Z sired by Red Howe Designer 63X out of a Red Bar EL Ribeye 103R daughter two thirds interest purchased by Gemvale Stock Farms, Dawson Creek, BC for $8,000 Chopper K Red Angus 11th Annual Bull Sale April 3, 2013 - Alameda, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co, Saskatoon, SK Red Angus Bulls $4,005 Black Angus Bulls $2,600 Pick of 2013 Heifer Calves $4,900 High Selling Bulls: Red Chopper K Capacity 28Z sired by Red Badlands Capacity 37W out of a Red Ter-Ron Mambo 28K daughter half interest full possession purchased by Ferme Louber, St. Marie, QC for $8,000 /// Red Chopper K Beefed Up 48Z sired by Red BJR AH Branded Beef L107 out of a Red Northline Kodiak 8B daughter purchased by John Bachorick, Estevan, SK for $4,100 Pick of 2013 Heifer Calves: Purchased by Spittalburn Farms, Purdue, SK for $4,900 Crowfoot Cattle Co Red & Black Angus Bull Sale April 4, 2013 - Standard, Alberta Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB Sale consultant: DJ Henderson & Associates, Lacombe, AB 38 Red Angus Yearling bulls $5,542 48 Black Yearling Bulls $3,314 20 Red Angus Two Year Old Bulls $3,670 26 Black Angus Two Year Old Bulls $3,496 132 lots $4,045 Sale gross $533,940 High Selling Bulls: Red Crowfoot 4 Aces 2193Z sired by XO Crowfoot 0102X out of a Red SSS Ole 746P daughter purchased by Bar E-L Angus, Stettler, AB for $30,000 /// Red XO Crowfoot Rebel 2422Z sired by XO Crowfoot 0102X out of a Red Crowfoot 6253S daughter purchased by Circle G Angus, Lacombe, AB for $20,000 /// Red XO Crowfoot Shine 235Z sired by Red Crowfoot Moonshine 8081U out of a Crowfoot Max 1743L daughter purchased by Howe Red Angus, Moose Jaw, SK for $20,000 /// Red XO Crowfoot Shine 296Z sired by Red Crowfoot Moonshine 8081U out of a Red Crowfoot Rambler 1038L daughter purchased by Owen Pickett, Meadow Lake, SK for $10,500 /// Red Crowfoot Rumbler 2192Z sired by

Red CBR Rumbler 2362-8586 out of a Crowfoot Max 1743L daughter purchased by Ian Mitchell, Barriere, BC for $8,500 /// Red Crowfoot Moonshine 2116Z sired by Red Crowfoot Moonshine 8081U out of a Red Crowfoot Ole’s Oscar 2042M purchased by Campbell Red Angus, McIntosh, SD for $7,300 /// Crowfoot Joker 2029Z sired by Crowfoot Joker 6172Z out of an OCC Legacy 839L daughter purchased by Chapman Cattle Co, Stettler, AB for $8,500 /// XO Crowfoot Fred 232Z sired by Crowfoot 9052W out of a Crowfoot Macho 4549P daughter purchased by Heart Valley Angus, Wanham, AB for $6,500 /// XO Crowfoot Equ 268Z sired by Crowfoot Equation 5793R out of a Crowfoot 6071S daughter purchased by Chapman Cattle Co, Stettler, AB for $6,250 Norseman Farms 8th Annual Bull Sale April 4, 2013 - Swift Current, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Donnie Peacock, Maple Creek, SK 26 Norseman Angus Bulls $3,530 22 Bar CR Angus Bulls $4,318 Sale gross $186,775 High Selling Norseman Bulls: Norseman Kodiak 1’12 sired by Soo Line Kodiak 0022 out of a GDAR Quantum 963 daughter purchased by Jim Mackie, Chaplin, SK for $5,000 ///Norseman Kodiak 38’12 sired by Soo Line Kodiak 0022 out of an SAV Four Seasons 5231 daughter purchased by Windy Ridge Ranching, Elrose, SK for $5,000 /// Norseman Kodiak 24’12 sired by Soo Line Kodiak 0022 out of a Sitz Alliance 6595 daughter purchased by Jay Jans, Tompkins, SK for $4,900 High Selling Bar CR Bull: FCR Messenger 35Y sired by Benlock Montana 90N out of an Early Sunset Diversity 136P daughter purchased by Sylvester Ranches, Kyle, SK for $5,500 Triple J Farms & Guest 5th Annual Bull Sale April 5, 2013 - Whitewood, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Don Peacock, Maple Creek, SK Marketing Agent:DJ Henderson & Associates, Lacombe, AB 46 Black Angus Yearling Bulls $3,433 2 Polled Hereford Mature Bulls $3,000 7 Polled Hereford Yearling Bulls $3,179 Sale gross $186,170 High Selling Angus Bulls: TJF 20X Ambush 14Z sired by TJF Ambush 20X out of a Western Freedom 505 daughter purchased by Airey Cattle Co, Rivers, MB & HBH Farms, Winnipeg, MB for $14,700 /// TJF Rachis 89Z sired by CCL Rachis 59X out of a Remington Ambush 290T daughter purchased by Gaylin Eilers, Virden, MB for $7,700 ///TJF Ambush 36Z sired by Remington Ambush 290T out of a Crescent Creek 80 Chief 10M daughter purchased by Jim Cusitar, Russell, MB for $5,300 /// TJF Ambush 32Z sired by Remington Ambush 290T out of a Crescent Creek 80 Chief 10M daughter purchased by Nadine Wohlgemuth, Oak Lake, MB for $5,100

Lauron Red Angus & Guests 22nd Annual Bull Sale April 6, 2013 - Olds, Alberta Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB 55 Red Angus Yearling Bulls $3,769 Sale gross $203,500 High Selling Bulls: Red Sunrise SSS 8Z sired by Red Benchmark Express 027 out of a Red Alalta Acres Reward 50R daughter consigned by Ric & linda Arthurs purchased by Shiloh Cattle Co, Craigmyle, AB for $8,500 /// Red Express Sunrise SSS 22Z sired by Red Benchmark Express 027 out of a Red Cr Canyon 6K daughter consigned by Ric & Linda Arthurs purchased by Bar 2S Livestock and Ghost Hills Red Angus, Three Hills, AB for $6,100 Wulf Cattle Canadian Bull Sale April 6, 2013 - Listowel, Ontario Auctioneer: David Carson, Listowel, ON 9 Fall Yearling Bulls $4,056 14 Spring Yearling Bulls $3,307 23 lots $3,626 Sale gross $83,400 High Selling Bulls: Royal Adaptor DRCC 1065Y sired by SAV Adaptor 2213 out of a GAR Predestined daughter 2/3 interest purchased by Hahn Cattle Company, Sherwood Park, AB for $12,000 /// Royal Aberdeen DRCC 2039Z sired by TC Aberdeen 759 out of an Alberda Traveler 416 daughter purchased by Spring Creek Cattle Co, Wauzeka, WI for $5,000 /// Royal Final Answer DRCC 2032Z sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 out of a SAV Adaptor 2213 daughter purchased by Don Ceaser, Lions Head, ON for $4,900 /// Royal Final Answer DRCC 1070Y sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 out of a Leachman Right Time daughter purchased by Rick Jones, Hollyrood, ON for $4,700 Crescent Creek 15th Annual Bull & Female Sale April 6, 2013 - Goodeve, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 49 Yearling Angus Bulls $4,028 25 Open Angus Heifers $2,676 Sale gross $264,300 High Selling Bulls: Crescent Creek Chisum 12Z sired by S Chisum 6175 out of a Crescent Creek revival 06J daughter purchased by Owen & Bryce Mawbey, Unity, SK for $9,000 /// Crescent Creek Einstein 68Z sired by KG Smart One 9116 out of a Crescent Creek Alliance 29N daughter purchased by Owen & Bryce Mawbey, Unity, SK for $8,500 /// Crescent Creek Pacesetter 78Z sired by Crescent Creek Pacesetter 16U out of a Cudlobe Moneymaker 79U daughter purchased by Brett & Jacky Weiss, Maple Creek, SK for $8,000 High Selling Heifers: Crescent Creek Queen Ruth 33Z sired by S Chisum 6175 out of an RR Scotsman 2999 daughter purchased by Kody Traxel, Seven Persons, AB for $4,700 /// Crescent Creek Eula 71Z

sired by KG Smart One 9116 out of a CAR Ideal 061 daughter purchased by Tom Neusteader and Dryland Angus, Cypress River, MB for $4,100 North East Source 11th Annual Bull Sale April 6, 2013 - Tisdale, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co, Saskatoon, SK 14 Black Angus Bulls $3,804 22 Red Angus Bulls $2,886 5 Simmental Bulls $2,740 3 Maine Anjou Bulls $2,633 4 Charolais Bulls $3,175 48 lots $3,147 Sale gross $151,050 High Selling Black Angus Bull: Hall’s Outlaw 85Z sired by SAV Wallstreet 7091 out of a Soo Line Quantum 6142 daughter purchased by Ward’s Red Angus, Saskatoon, SK for $8,000 High Selling Red Angus Bull: Red Pasquia Integrity 60 Z sired by Red Blair’s Integrity 29U out of a Red Mlk Crk Cub 722 daughter purchased by Alan & Micheal Polvi, Rocanville, SK for $5,000 Select Genetics 8th Annual Bull Sale April 8, 2013 - Herbert, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Donnie Peacock, Maple Creek, SK Sale Management: Castlerock Marketing, Swift Current, SK 81 Bulls $3,360 21 Commercial Heifers $950 Sale gross $292,110 High Selling Black Angus Bulls: FRL Muldonado 14Z sired by FRL Muldonado 14X out of Beverly Hills Visa 734 daughter purchased by Jeff Brown, Brandon, MB for $ 6,300 /// FRL Rogue 17Y sired by KBJ Rogue 11 203H out of a DHD Traveler 6807 daughter purchased by Steinley Farms, Rush Lake, SK for $6,000 High Selling Red Angus Bull: Red RC Mission 523Z sired by Red RC Mission 59X out of a Six Mile Aviator 217P daughter purchased by Six Mile Red Angus, Fir Mountain, SK for $ 5,500 Rodgers Red Angus 40th Annual Bull Sale April 9, 2013 - Lethbridge, Alberta Auctioneer: Bob Perlich, Lethbridge, AB 46 Red Angus Yearling Bulls $3,928 Sale gross $180, 700 High Selling Bulls: Red Rod Norseman 2070Z sired by Red Badlands Norseman 14U out of a Red LPC Emperor 42H daughter purchased by Majestic Ranches, Jenner, Ab for $6,200 /// Red Rod Nebula 2035Z sired by Red Flying K Nebula 179X out of a Red LPC Emperor 42H daughter purchased by Cattle Creek Ranching, Maple Creek, SK for $6,000 /// Red Rod Nebula 2067Z sired by Red Flying K Nebula 179X out of a Red Rod Dateline 108R daughter purchased by Kasdorf Ranch, Rosemary, AB for $6,000

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Young Dale Angus 10th Annual Bull & Female Sale April 9, 2013 - Alameda, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK Sale Consultant: Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 44 Yearling Bulls $5,047 24 Open Heifers $3,450 Sale gross $304,850 High Selling Bulls: Young Dale Zalman 18Z sired by Young Dale Xcaliber 32X out of a Young Dale Panarama 66T daughter purchased by Geoff Anderson, Bethune, SK for $19,000 ///Young Dale Zeke 2Z sired by Young Dale Xcaliber 32X out of a Young Dale Young Dale Panarama 66T daughter purchased by Semex Alliance, Guelph, ON for $17,000 /// Young Dale Zohar 45Z sired by Young Dale Xcaliber 32X out of an SAV Net Worth 4200 daughter purchased by GTA Angus, Mayerthorpe, AB for $13,000 /// Young Dale Zuban 34Z sired by Young Dale Xcaliber 32X out of a PF Freedom 407 daughter purchased by Pete Thompson, ND for $10,000 High Selling Heifer: Young Dale Kristina 77Z sired by SAV 004 Traveler 8649 out of a Young Dale Touch Down 36M daughter purchased by Maple Lane Farms, Hartney, MB for $10,000 Brown Creek Angus & Cornerview Ranch Simmentals Bull Sale April 10, 2013 - Fort Macleod, Alberta Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB 26 Red Angus Yearling Bulls $4,063 6 Black Angus Yearling Bulls $4,417 7 Simmental Bulls $3,043 3 Ranch Horses $4,400 Sale gross $166,650 High Selling Red Angus Bull: Red Brown Creek Endorse 48Z sired by Red SSS Endorse 639X out of a Red Brylor Gold 55H daughter purchased by Ray Watmough, Fort Macleod, AB for $7,750 High Selling Black Angus Bull: Brown Crk Hoover Dam 41Z sired by Hoover Dam out of a CCL Dateline 36R daughter purchased by Gurney Land & Cattle, Fort Macleod, AB for $7,300 Rivercrest Valleymere 10th Annual Bull Sale April 10, 2013 - Alliance, Alberta Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB 85 Angus Bulls $3,488 Sale gross $331,360 High Selling Bulls: Valleymere Cash Grab 85Z sired by Bar E-L Xecutor 23X out of a Duralta 8005 Sooner 27S daughter purchased by Bruce Downey for $7,000 /// Valleymere TTT Xecutor 1Z sired by Bar E-L Xecutor 23X out of a Valleymere TTT Bando 20S daughter purchased by Fawcett Cattle Co for $6,400 Johnston / Fertile Valley Angus Bull Sale April 12, 2013 - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Mike Fleury, Saskatoon, SK Marketing Agent: DJ Henderson & Associates, Lacombe, AB Page 34

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64 Yearling Black Angus Bulls $3,756 4 Two Year Old Black Angus Bulls $5,838 Sale gross $263,750 High Selling Yearling Angus Bulls: FV Final Answer 215Z sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 out of an FV 20K King 308M daughter purchased by Wagner Angus, Moose Jaw, SK for $10,200 /// FV Net Worth 717Z sired by SAV Net Worth 4200 out of a Saskalta Rito 133H daughter purchased by Perrin Ranching, Beechy, SK for $7,000 /// FV 57U Glanworth 43Z sired by Triple V Glanworth 57U out of a Johnston 9440 Scotchcap 485J daughter purchased by Kink Ranch, Gull Lake, SK for $6,500 High Selling Two Year Old Bull:FV 57U Glanworth 43Y sired by Triple V Glanworth 57U out of a Johnston 9440 Scotchcap 485J daughter purchased by Kink Ranch, Gull Lake, SK for $7,500 Six Mile Ranch 38th Annual Bull Sale April 13, 2013 - Fir Mountain, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB 72 Red Angus Yearling Bulls $7,610 29 Black Angus Yearling Bulls $4,548 18 Extra Age Bulls $6,140 119 lots $6,642 Sale gross $790, 332 High Selling Red Angus Yearling Bulls:Red Six Mile Varsity Blues 14Z sired by Stewart Panther 19X out of a Red Buf Crk Barney 3437 daughter full possession & half semen interest purchased by L83 Ranch, ND and Box X & Breed Creek Ranch, SK for $60,000 /// Red Six Mile Tuff Enuff 111Z sired by Red Six Mile Rawhide 222X out of a Red Bar E-L Ribeye 103R daughter half possession & semen interest purchased by Glengary Ranch, AB and Elmer Weibe, SK for $30,000 /// Red Six Mile Sure Shot 195Z sired by Red Six Mile Win-Chester 745W out of a Red YY Rambler 322N daughter half possession & half semen interest purchased by Ter-Ron Farms, AB and Cactus Coulee Red Angus, AB for $22,000 /// Red Six Mile Kill Switch 135Z sired by Red Benchmark Better Beef out of a Red 6 Mile Gibsons Finest 771S daughter full possession & half semen interest purchased by Triple L Angus, SK for $21,000 ///Red Six Mile Zero Gravity 69Z sired by Red Six Mile Ruger 221X out of a Red Willow Creek Stallion daughter purchased by Nordlund Stock Farm, MN for $20,000 /// Red Six Mile Kruger 11Z sired by Red Six Mile Ruger 221X out of a Red Glesbar Dividend 50M daughter purchased by OHR Red Angus, ND for $17,000 /// Red Six Mile Grand Slam 130Z sired by Red VGW Game Plan 816 out of a Red SSS Bucc 30U daughter purchased by Semex Alliance for $17,000 /// Red Six Mile Game Time 161Z sired by Red VGW Game Plan 816 out of a Red Wildman Denali 19L daughter purchased by Lust Farms, AB for $13,000 /// Red Six Mile Off Topic 73Z sired by Red Benchmark Better Beef out of a Stewart Northern Prompter 58L daughter full possession & half semen interest

Spring Edition 2013 *

purchased by Wilbar Farms, SK for $11,000 High Selling Yearling Black Angus Bulls: Six Mile & Co Northern Lite 93Z sired by MCATL Pure Product 903-55 out of an SAV Final Answer 0035 daughter full possession & half semen interest purchased by Gilbert Cattle Co, SK for $14,000 /// Six Mile Final Touch 4Z sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 out of an SAV Bismarck 5682 daughter full possession & half semen interest purchased by Riverfront Angus Ranch, AB for $8,750 /// Six Mile Pawn Star 2Z sired by Soo Line Motive 9016 out of a Bar E-L Thor 6T daughter purchased by Loepky Farms, SK for $7,750 High Selling Extra Age Bulls: Red Six Mile Hard Core 471Y sired by Red Six Win-Chester 745W out of a Red Six Mile Priceless 268P daughter full possession & half semen interest purchased by Ter-Ron Farms, AB and Cactus Coulee Red Angus, AB for $25,000 /// Red Six Mile Alter Ego 506Y sired by Red Peak Dot Predominant 77U out of a Red Six Mile Ricochet 478R daughter purchased by Doug Brant, SK for $8,000 7th Annual Blue Collar Bull Sale April 13, 2013 - Yorkton, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Clayton Hawryluk, Yorkton, SK Sale Consultant: Castlerock Marketing, Swift Current, SK 45 Bulls $3,312 14 Heifers $2,304 Sale gross $181,300 High Selling Bulls: Northern View Thunder 72Z sired by Connealy Thunder out of a Windy Willows Alliance 36S daughter purchased by HiLow Angus, Pense, SK for $7,200 /// Northern View Pioneer 79Z sired by SAV Pioneer 7301 out of a Soo Line Yellowstone 237P daughter purchased by Charlie & Treena Porter, Kinistino, SK for $5,500 High Selling Heifers: Northern View Atalanta 70Z sired by Connealy Thunder out of a Bell Net Return 3U daughter purchased by Charlie & Treena Porter, Kinistino, SK for $4,000 /// Parkwood Queen 104Z sired by SAV Lewis 8373 out of a Bushs Grand Design daughter purchased by Swan Hills Ranch, Swan River, MB for $3,400 /// J Square S Atalanta 2Z sired by MJ Escalade 2W out of a GAR Retail Product daughter purchased by Northern View Angus, Neudorf, SK for $3,100 Justamere 18th Annual Bull Sale April 15, 2013 - Lloydminster, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB 4.3 Angus Two Year Old & Long Yearling Bulls $7,650 30.5 Angus Yearling Bulls $4,800 4 Hereford Bulls $3,300 38.8 lots $4,960 Sale gross $192,060 High Selling Bulls: EXAR Fortify 1447B sired by SAV Bismarck 5682 out of an EXAR Lutton 1831 daughter half interest purchased by 66 Ranch, Duchess, AB for

$20,500 /// Justamere Upshot 335Z sired by EXAR Upshot 0562B out of a Justamere 253 Bada Bing 406S daughter half interest purchased by Dean & Tanya Robertson, Lloydminster, AB for $13,000 /// C&C McAlla 2041 EXAR sired by Dameron First Class AAA out of a BR Midland daughter half interest purchased by West Cowan Apiaries, Big River, SK for $16,000 /// EXAR Western 2473B sired by Dameron First Class AAA out of an EXAR Lutton 1831 daughter half interest purchased by 8’C Cattle Co, Lloydminster, AB for $8,000 Volume Buyer: PFRA, Regina, SK (5 bulls) South Shadow Angus ‘Your Choice’ Bull Sale April 19, 2013 - Maple Creek, Saskatchewan 48 Yearling Black Angus Bulls $4,211 8 Two Year Old Black Angus Bulls $5,837 Sale gross $248,825 High Selling Bulls by Consignor: Boundary Angus: DLD Upward 24Z sired by Sitz Upward 307R out of an SSAP Rain On 35R daughter purchased by Earl Grosfield, Duchess, AB for $8,000 South Shadow Angus: SSA Thunder 80Z sired by Connealy Thunder out of an SAV Heritage 6295 daughter purchased by Triple L Ranch Ltd, Irvine, AB for $7,250 Kay Dee Angus: KD Networth 121Z sired by SAV Net Worth 4200 out of a B/R New Frontier 095 daughter purchased by Konosky Ranching Ltd, Medicine Hat, AB for $5,100 Bear Creek Angus: Bear Creek Ben 71Y sired by Bear Creek Bennett 56U out of a Chico Hannibal 43H daughter purchased by Ross & Cammie Anderson, Maple Creek, SK for $7,000 Volume Buyers: PFRA, 4 bulls; Cody & Nora Schock, 3 bulls; Watson Cattle Co, 3 bulls; Casey Gordon, 3 bulls; Konosky Ranching, 3 bulls WRAZ Red Angus ‘More Bang for Your Buck’ Bull Sale April 20, 2013 - Whitewood, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB Sale Management: By Livestock, Regina, SK 25 Red Angus Yearling Bulls $3,702 21 Charolais Yearling Bulls $3,245 46 lots $3,493 Sale gross $160,700 High Selling Red Angus Yearling Bulls: Red WRAZ Howie 80Z sired by Red SMW Smack 31U out of a Red M Double B Jr 506L daughter purchased by Double C Red Angus, Foam Lake for $7,250 ///Red WRAZ Big Rock 60Z sired by Red Brylor Big Rock 85T out of a Red Crescent Creek H0904 daughter purchased by Maurice Colleaux, Wauchope, SK for $6,000 /// Red WRAZ Crimson 93Z sired by Red BCC Crimson Jewels 102U out of a Red Brylor SDL Squall 230S daughter purchased by Alan & Michael Polvi, Rocanville, SK for $5,100 /// Red

WRAZ Coleman 44Z sired by Red Pasquia Toast 15W out of a Red K Adams Tycoon 2T daughter purchased by U6 Livestock, Wynyard, SK for $5,000 35th Annual Shortgrass Bull & Female Sale April 20, 2013 - Aneroid, Saskatchewan Auctioneers: Bruce Switzer, Sift Current, SK, Don Raffan, Armstrong, BC 169 Angus Bulls $4,275 24 Angus Open Heifers $3,637 Sale gross $809,765 263 Commercial Heifers $1,080 High Selling Bulls: Sandy Bar Fort Rock 32Z sired by Glendar Fort Rock 18X out of an LLB Fullback 27M daughter purchased by Deer Hill Angus, Fiske, SK for $13,500 /// Sandy Bar Objective Trend 17Z sired by DB Objective Trend 861 out of an LLB 5175 Bando 190P daughter purchased by South View Ranch, Ceylon, SK for $11,000 ///VBR Ideal 19S 8Z sired by Sandy Bar Ideal 19S out of a Windy Willows Advantage 3R daughter purchased by Day By Day Angus, Val Marie, SK for $9,000 /// Sandy Bar Objective Trend 63Z sired by DB Objective Trend 861 out of a Thousand Hills Credence 5N daughter purchased by Bill Bateman, Calgary, AB for $8,500 /// Day By Day Final Answer 304Z sired by BCAR Final Answer 909 out of a Sandy Bar Chief 21F daughter purchased by Waldorf Ranch, Bethune, SK for $8,250 ///Valley Blossom Ideal 19S 422Z sired by Sandy Bar Ideal 19S out of a Valley Blossom Fullback 763R daughter purchased by Justin Davie, Vanguard, SK for $6,750 High Selling Heifers: Sandy Bar Lady 152Z sired by DBRL Ambush 33U out of a Lambs Innovator 86J daughter purchased by Tyler McCuaig, Swift Current, SK for $5,900 /// Sandy Bar Lady 414Z sired by Sandy Bar Ideal 18S out of a Double D Bardolene 15L daughter purchased by Henrich Ortmann, Wolf Point, MT /// Sandy Bar Annie K 98Z sired by DBRL Ambush 33U out of a Valley Blossom Equator 729M daughter purchased by Deer Hill Angus, Fiske, SK for $5,250 /// Sandy Bar Rosegay 26Z sired by DBRL Ambush 33U out of a Basin Equator 276G daughter purchased by Waldorf Ranch, Bethune, SK for $5,250 /// Sandy Bar Miss Judy 140Z sired by DB Objective Trend 861 out of a Lambs Innovator 86J daughter purchased by Henrich Ortmann, Wolf Point, MT for $5,250 High Selling Commercial Heifers: 18 Black Angus heifers purchased by Brian Weedon, Swift Current, SK for $1,225/each /// 20 Black Angus Heifers purchased by Dave Farrell, Yorkton, SK for $1,175/each Volume Bull & Heifer Buyer:Waldorf Ranch, Bethune, SK Volume Bull Buyer:PFRA, Regina, SK Volume Heifer Buyer:Ortmann Ranch, Wolf Point, MT

We are looking forward to seeing you at these major sales. If you have any questions or need to be represented please give us a call.

Nov 2

LLB Angus 5th Annual Autumn Opportunity Bull & Female Sale, at the ranch, Erskine, SK

Nov Stryker Cattle Company Complete Purebred Black Angus Female 25 Dispersal Sale, Medicine Hat Feeding Company, Medicine Hat, AB Nov 29-30

Crowfoot Cattle Company Complete Red & Black Angus Dispersal Sale, at the ranch, Standard, AB

Dec 10

Canadian Legacy Sale Olds, AB

Atlasta Angus 8th annual Bull Dec 14 & Seriously Black Select Female Sale, at the ranch, Sylvan Lake, AB Dec Majestic Cattle Company Dispersal Sale, Innisfail Auction Market, 21 Innisfail, AB “Livestock Insurance Available”



Cornerstone ‘More Bang for Your Buck’ Bull Sale April 20, 2013 - Whitewood, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB Sale Management: By Livestock, Regina, SK 25 Red Angus Yearling Bulls $3,702 21 Charolais Yearling Bulls $3,245 46 lots $3,493 Sale gross $160,700 High Selling Red Angus Yearling Bulls: Red WRAZ Howie 80Z sired by Red SMW Smack 31U out of a Red M Double B Jr 506L daughter purchased by Double C Red Angus, Foam Lake, SK for $7,250 /// Red WRAZ Big Rock 60Z sired by Red Brylor Big Rock 85T out of a Red Crescent Creek H0904 daughter purchased by Red Ember Ranch, Arcola, SK for $6,000 /// Red WRAZ Coulee 014Z sired by Red BFCK Cherokee Cnyn 4912 out of a Red Bakers Century daughter purchased by Maurice Colleaux, Wauchope, SK for $6,000 /// Red WRAZ Crimson 93Z sired by Red BCC Crimson Jewels 102U out of a Red Brylor SDL Squall 230S purchased by Alan & Michael Polvi, Rocanville, SK for $5,100 /// Red WRAZ Coleman 44Z sired by Red Pasquia Toast 15W out of a Red K Adams Tycoon 2T daughter purchased by U6 Livestock, Wynyard, SK for $5,000

B Rancher’s Choice 29th Annual Bull Sale L April 22, 2013 - Medicine Hat, Alberta O Auctioneer: Darrin Lutz, Medicine Hat, AB C Marketing Agent:DJ Henderson & Associates, Lacombe, AB K

Sale Consultant: Bill Dillabaugh, Coleville, SK 68 Yearling Black Angus Bulls $3,100 Sale gross $210,800 High Selling Bulls: Ranchers Choice Bardolene 183Z sired by Saskalta Bardolene 97T out of a Saskalta Baros 266N daughter purchased by Kevin

Freimark, Irvine, AB for $7,000 /// Ranchers Choice Rito 838Z sired by Johnston 113H Rito 850R out of a Saskalta Baros 228N daughter purchased by Buffalo Jump Farms, Empress, AB for $5,700 /// Ranchers Choice Bardolene 156Z sired by Saskalta Bardolene 97T out of a Saskalta Rito 240M daughter purchased by Kirk Goldsmith, Hoosier, SK for $4,700 /// Ranchers Choice Marshall 62Z sired by FV 308M King 445T out of a Double AA Bardolier 13’98 daughter purchased by Darel Shankmon, Ester, SK for $4,600 Lazy E Bar Working Man’s Angus Bull Sale April 25, 2013 - Stettler, Alberta Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB Sale Management: DJ Henderson & Associates, Lacombe, AB 20 Two Year Old Black Angus Bulls $3,070 28 Yearling Black Angus Bulls $2,930 Pick of Purebred Calves $2,800 70 Commercial Heifers $1,072 High Selling Two Year Old Bulls: Lazy E Achiever 35Y sired by Remitall Achiever 590U out of a Remitall Nighthawk 37N purchased by Brimacombe Farms, Bashaw, AB for $4,700 /// Lazy E Acheiver 19Y sired by Remitall Achiever 590U out of a WK Freightliner daughter purchased by Dewey Hoopfer, Gadsby, AB for $4,700 High Selling Yearling Bull: Lazy E Scotty 338Z sired by Coldstream Scotty 174X out of a Remitall President 336P daughter purchased by Dan Webster, Big Valley, AB for $4,000

Wiwa Creek Angus 1st Annual Bull Sale April 27, 2013 - Swift Current, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Donnie Peacock, Maple Creek, SK 60 Yearling Angus Bulls $3,950 Sale gross $237,000 High Selling Bulls: Wiwa Creek Motive 221’12 sired by Soo Line Motive 9016 out of a Wiwa Creek Rito 303’03 daughter purchased by Kim Taysen, Central Butte, SK for $9,500 /// Wiwa Creek Net Worth 79’12 sired by Young Dale Net Touch 36W out of a Switz Monarch 7R daughter purchased by Lamb’s Quarters Angus, Swift Current, SK for $8,750 /// Wiwa Creek Net Worth 21’12 sired by Young Dale Net Touch 36W out of a Switz Monarch 7R daughter purchased by Serge Duquette, Val Marie, SK for $7,750/// Wiwa Creek Motive 6’12 sired by Soo Line Motive 9016 out of a Wiwa Creek Escalade 815’08 daughter purchased by Kornfeld Ranch, Val Marie, SK & Breed Creek Angus, Mankota, SK for $7,500 /// Wiwa Creek Motive 204’12 sired by Soo Line Motive 9016 out of a Wiwa Creek Monarch 53’08 daughter purchased by Perrot Cattle Co, Alameda, SK for $6,500 /// Wiwa Creek Net Worth 89’12 sired by Young Dale Net Touch 36W out of an Anna’s Studmuffin 102S daughter purchased by Carmichael Colony, Gull Lake, SK for $6,500

Donation Heifer is Support of Relay for Life Sierra Murray is a 10 year old girl from Wawota, SK who has participated in Relay For Life for the past 6 years. This has been an important fundraiser for Sierra and her family as her Mom is a cancer survivor who was diagnosed with A.L.L. Leukemia when Sierra was 2 years old. Sierra has helped out the Canadian Cancer Society in the past by raising over $15,000 and continues to look for new opportunities to contribute to this worthwhile cause. This year Sierra with the help of Phil Birnie and her

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Papa Gordon Murray at WRAZ Red Angus donated a heifer to be auctioned off at the Cornerstone Bull Sale held at the Whitewood Auction Mart, Whitewood, Saskatchewan on April 20, 2013. Tickets were sold at the Bull Sale Open House held at WRAZ Red Angus, as well as auctioned off at the beginning of the sale. There was tremendous support by many individuals. $11,000 was raised for this cause. The winner was Chelsea Murray of Melville, Saskatchewan who donated the heifer back after her name was drawn, Andy Bagu of Kipling, Sk. purchased the heifer through auction. Congratulaions to Sierra on her efforts!

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Canadian Junior Angus Association

The Canadian Junior Angus Association was very excited to once again put on our annual GOAL conference. We had it this past February in Edmonton at the Fantasyland Hotel. We had a schedule of events that all the juniors in attendance enjoyed! Our keynote speaker for Saturday night was Dr. John Fast speaking about “Succeeding at Succession: The Ultimate Farm Management Challenge�. Other exciting speakers we had this year include Heather Hargrave speaking to us about beef advocacy, Cassie Dorran educating us about professionalism and marketing and Stephen Scott spoke about beef markets around the world. We also had many fun activities that we did throughout the weekend

including an Amazing Race Challenge and the opportunity to go to either the water park, games land, or take some time to shop around the mall. We said goodbye to three retiring directors at GOAL. Kevin Bolduc, Rebecca Gilby, and myself will be retiring off the board this year and have extremely capable fellow juniors taking over our positions. Thank-you for your time and commitment to the board. I can say as a retiring director that we are all very thankful for this experience. As many know the Canadian Angus Association is sending three teams to New Zealand this fall to take part in the Junior Competition of the World Angus Forum. From nineteen applicants there were twelve chosen to make up the teams, each consisting of four juniors. The lucky juniors who were selected to attend were announced at GOAL and are as follows: Austen Anderson, Matthew Bates, Kaitlyn Bolduc, Ty Dietrich, Stacey Domolewski, Erika Easton, Sean Enright, Michael Hargrave, Patrick Holland, Jared Hunter, Chad Lorenz and Melissa McRae. Needless to say the selections committee had a big job and were able to select a great group of juniors who will do an amazing job representing Canada in October. The CJAA is once again offering three scholarships to deserving juniors. This year we are changing to a tiered funding method which has the first place recipient

receiving $2,000, second place receiving $1,500 and third receiving $1,000. To apply you must fill out the application form and write an essay. Applications are due June 15th. Check out the Junior Connections newsletter or the CAA web-site for application forms. Showdown is going to be in Armstrong BC this July 25th-27th. This year we have a new competition that we are introducing. This will be a farm sign competition. Contestants will create handmade farm signs to be displayed with their cattle, or in another location in the barn for participants that did not bring cattle. Farm signs can be created from any medium except the use of computers and professional printers. There is no size limitation for this competition. Judging will take place during the herdsman competition. The content of the sign can include an original farm name/logo or an existing farm name/logo. We are once again offering all of the other competitions for juniors to take part in. The deadline for entries if June 1 and June 20 for late entries. See this issue of Angus World for the entry form, or the web-site. I am looking forward to Showdown and am excited to see everyone there! Erin Toner President , Canadian Junior Angus Association


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Angus World

Spring Edition 2013 *

CAA Official Publication

Alberta Angus Association Message

Well, hasn’t this been quite the spring or shall we say extended winter! With lots of moisture throughout the province, though be it in the form of snow, it has pushed back seeding – but pastures & hay land should be lush!

Alberta had a very successful bull sale season. It is fantastic to see that Angus are still in high demand. The Alberta directors are working hard after their Strategic Planning meetings in May. They are preparing for the 40th Anniversary of Farmfair this fall and hosting the National Angus show. If interest stays high the AAA will be funding a liner for the Alberta Junior cattle to go to Showdown in Armstrong this summer. Join us August 13 in Bashaw – in the morning will be the 38th Annual Alberta Junior Angus Show then in the afternoon is our AAA AGM and round out the evening with our Hall of Fame Awards Gala. It will be a great event! The Alberta Junior Board of Directors has another busy summer ahead of them starting with - hosting an Angus Show at Summer Synergy in Olds July 8 – 12. Then a group is heading out to Armstrong to

represent Alberta at Showdown and they will host their 38 Annual Provincial Show in Bashaw August 11 – 13. To round out the summer will be the Canadian Junior All Breeds Show August 14 – 17 where the juniors will crown their “Triple Crown Champion”. This is an award where animals entered in ALL 3 Alberta summer shows (Synergy, AJAA Show & All Breeds) accumulate points and the highest point animal wins. This encourages juniors to participate in all the opportunities during the summer in Alberta. Feel free to contact any of the AAA directors with your thoughts or ideas for 2013. Sincerely, Carol High President - Alberta Angus Association

Hello from the Saskatchewan Angus Association! I am sure everyone will have to agree they are looking forward to the end of this lengthy winter season. Anyone hear a scientist talking about global warming these days?? As for Saskatchewan Angus business our Summer Gold & Junior show will be held in Prince Albert this

summer in conjunction with their summer fair and exhibition, we hope to continue on with our pen show if at all possible. Watch our web-site and provincial newsletter for entries and details later this spring. We have two worthy recipients of our major annual awards. Taylor Enterprises of Wawota, SK, a family run 600 head cow/calf operation using strictly Angus genetics was awarded the Commercial Producer of the year for 2012 and Blairs.Ag of Lanigan, SK was awarded the Purebred Breeder of the year for 2013. Congratulations goes out to both operations for their success! We would also like to congratulate Ron & Marilyn Mountenay of Ivanhoe Angus on receiving the honour scroll presented by the Saskatchewan Livestock Association in January at the Beef Industry Conference. Thanks goes out to our retiring directors Adam Knutson and Glen Briere for their work on the SAA board. We also welcome Kelly Feige of Parkside, SK and Kristine Sauter of Wawota, SK as new directors.

I will be attending the Canadian Angus Convention in June in Guelph, Ontario, along with our General Manager, Belinda Wagner. If there is anything you would like brought forward, or discussed with the other provincial representatives at our Can-Prov meetings, please let us know. Initial planning has also started for the 2014 Canadian Angus Association Convention and AGM which will be held in our province, so look forward and consider this to be one of the first of many invites to join us in Moose Jaw in June of 2014 for a great Angus event. Well that is a few of the highlights since my last report so I will wrap it up till the next one, but please remember if you have any questions or concerns please call myself, any board member or our General Manager Belinda Wagner and we will try to help you find an answer!

Well it appears that spring has finally arrived after being long overdue. With the extended cold it has been a challenging 2013 calving season.

The 4H shows will soon be upon us so please get out and support the youth in the beef business in Manitoba.

Saskatchewan Angus Association Message

Respectfully submitted, Dale Easton President, Saskatchewan Angus Association

Manitoba Angus Association Message

The 2013 bull sale season was fairly steady and if a person takes into account the number of cows that have left the cow herds in Manitoba, sales were pretty good I would like to remind everybody that the CAA is being held in Guelph, Ontario June 5-9 and would encourage everyone to attend if you can.

Next up will be our second Field Day and Gold Show using the pen show format in Neepawa on July 26, 2013. Hopefully the weather will cooperate for everyone to get out on the land and get their crops in the ground. Until next time, have a great summer. Dallas Johnston President, Manitoba Angus Association

Spring Edition 2013 *

Angus World

Page 39

Quebec Angus Association Message are some new faces on the Board which now consists of Ryan Currie (Vice President) with the other Director positions filled by Donna Donaldson, Jerome Richard, Stan Christsenson, Pierre Laberge and Chris Bushey. Cynthia Jackson was officially designated Secretary and Arlene Brock has agreed to act as Treasurer. Cynthia will be working on a new breeder directory and newsletter in the next month. We will be having a Field Day and Picnic at JD Farms on July 12th and invite everyone to attend. We will have things of interest both purebred and commercial producers. We will be having a Female Sale at Brome Fairgrounds on September 28th so mark the date on your calendar and come out for some quality cattle.

For the first time we will be hosting two Gold Shows this year, one on August 30th at Brome Fair and the second at Beef Expo on October 12th. The juniors will be holding their Annual Junior Show at Beef Expo. Bull sales have done extremely well this year with some of the highest prices ever seen in Quebec. The Green Tagged feeder sales have shown excellent increases both in volume and price. We are all hoping for an early spring and the end of this long cold winter. Hay prices are certainly challenging now, especially for the members in Western Quebec. I am looking forward to representing the members as President of the Quebec Angus Association this year. John Donaldson President, Quebec Angus Association

year we will be hosting the Canadian National Conference in June this event is being held in Guelph Ontario. The Rancher Endorsed day had some exciting speakers and tours planned. Hope everyone can attend this event. The first gold show will be held at Brampton Fair along with a junior show. I hope everyone is having a great breeding season, the grass is turning green and the cows are out on pasture. I hope to meet some new people and catch up with some old friend this year as Ontario President.

Greetings from Ontario, the weather has changed to spring and the planting season has begun. Two spring

junior shows were held in Ontario, both shows the Angus division has the most entries, shown by bred. At Junior Beef Expo in London the Champion Angus shown by Lauren Enright claimed the Supreme bred heifer. At Youth Forum in Orangeville the Champion Angus shown by Jarrett Hargrave received Reserve Overall breeding heifer. Congratulations to all juniors who participated, keep those Angus numbers strong. Tammi Ribey our past president will be our new Canadian director. Thanks to Tom McDonald for all his years of service to the Ontario and Canadian board of directors. In 2012 we hosted 2 very successful National events. The Canadian National Junior show held at Lindsay and the National Angus show held in Toronto. This

Greetings from the sunny and warm East Coast. Most purebred breeders are winding up spring calving and have already bred back some cows to those new bulls they are using in their AI programs. And many commercial herds are beginning spring calving on the grass. Fields are drying up fast this spring and crops are being planted, and a little rain would really green things up.

The 40th Annual Bull sale at the Nappan Beef Test Station in Nappan, Nova Scotia on April 6 was a great success with Black and Red Angus holding the high sale averages, $3600 and $3500 respectively. A lot of Angus steers and heifers have been shown at Spring Show and Sales in all 3 Maritime Provinces. Cole Hunter had the Champion steer, Champion 4H steer and Champion Angus steer at the Carleton County Spring Show & Sale held in Florenceville, NB with his Angus Cross steer. Katie Antworth took Reserve Champion Angus in the 4H classes. The PEI Easter Beef Show & Sale in Charlottetown saw many classes dominated by Angus genetics. The Reserve Champion steer was an Angus raised by Joanne and Ernie Mutch. The Champion Simmental (raised by Joanne and Ernie Mutch), Reserve Champion Maine Anjou (raised by Worth-aBit Angus, Tim Dixon), and the Reserve Champion “Any other breed� (raised by Ronnie Ford) were all Angus influenced. The 4H Champion and 4H Reserve were also Angus influenced steers raised by Worth-a-Bit

Angus, Tim Dixon. Our Annual Maritime Angus field day will be held this year on June 14-15, at Truro Nova Scotia. Details are still being ironed out by the Nova Scotia members, but watch our Maritime Angus blog ( for details on hotel reservations, and schedule of events. Perhaps some folks from the west could extend their visit to the Canadian Association Annual Convention in Ontario, and keep heading east to Truro to enjoy some Nova Scotia hospitality, and see some really nice Angus cattle. There has been a lot of demand for Angus genetics this spring as well, with many breeders noticing an increase in phone calls and visits to the farms looking for quality Angus heifers and bulls. Make sure you tag your calves with Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Green Tags and remember to show your Angus pride with the use of these tags in your cattle. Trevor F. Welch President - Maritime Angus Association

Our AGM was held in February with a larger attendance than usual with many new members participating in their first meeting. Rob Smith gave an excellent presentation assisted by Brian Good. There

Ontario Angus Association Message

Maritime Angus Association Message

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Spring Edition 2013 *

Respectfully submitted Allan Hargrave President, Ontario Angus Association


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Progressive Performance... Optimum Maternalism!

CANADIAN RED ANGUS PROMOTION SOCIETY 6015 Park Place, Taber, AB T1G 1E9 403/223-8009

Custom Service Program

Carey Auction Services Brent W. Carey

▲ Custom Collection ▲ Private Storage

Tel: (403) 226 0666 Semen - Supplies - Nitrogen


Box 5, Site 4, R.R. #1, Olds, Alta T4H 1P3

(403)549-2478 - Cellular (403)650-9028 Box 27, Stavely, AB T0L 1Z0

"Specializing in Seedstock Sales & Promotion"


Neil Hazel


Phone (403)507-8771 Fax (403)507-8772



P.O. Box 164 Nottawa, Ontario Canada L0M 1P0

Phone: (705)445-4317 Cell: (705)607-4317 E-mail:

get your cattle online with coyote publishing. More than just really great catalogues!

Sid Leavitt: (403) 653-2450 Jana Keeley: (604) 740-5653

Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd. Davis-Rairdan International P.O. Box 590 Crossfield, Alberta Canada T0M 0S0 Phone (403)946-4551 Fax (403)946-5093 Website email


● On-farm freezing & collection ● Donor care facility ● Recipient herd

Page 48

Angus World

Spring Edition 2013 *

● Licensed facility for embryos exports ● Genetic Marketing & Selection ● International Embryo Sales



RYAN DORRAN 403.507.6483

P.O. Box 2635, Didsbury, Alberta T0M 0W0 Auctioneer, Ring Service & Marketing

Steve Dorran Auctioneer

P.O. Box 10100, Stn Main, Airdrie, Alberta, T4A 0H4


Gloria Fantin - Independently Offering - Advertising Services for Beef Producers - Advertising & Publication Consulting - Advertising Sales Representation - Writing Services & Distribution

GA Fantin Services / 403.289.3836

Ericson Livestock Services

(780) 352-7630 Dennis & Shelly Ericson

R.R.# 2, Wetaskiwin, Alberta T9A 1W9



Mile 11 on #2 Highway South of Dawson Creek

PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS P.O. Box 132, Steve Aylward (250)786-5031 Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4G3 Dale Aylward (250)786-5478


Bus (250)546-9420 / Cellular (250)558-6789 Comp. 19, Larkin Site, RR 3, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0

Ring Service & Livestock Service

Sealin Creek Ranch Registered Angus

Dan & Janette Speller

Box 128, Hazelet, SK S0N 1E0 (306) 678-4811 ✺ Cellular (403) 357-8104


Box 59, Monte Lake, BC V0E 2N0 (250)375-2268


EMBRYO TRANSFER SERVICES MARILYN BRAITWAITE Box 8265, Saskatoon, SK S7K 6C5 A.H.T. Ph (306)931-2904 ● Fax (306)242-1563 Certified Bovine E.T. Practitioner

ring w Sp s Ran illo


For All Your Angus Genetics


Serving BC, AB & SK

Re us gister ed Black Ang

Owners: Peter & Francesca Cox Managed by: Christy Elliot


All West/Select Sires

Mark Stock

Tel: (250)446-2269 Fax: (250)764-0537

22km Christian Valley Westbridge, British Columbia

Lance Savage - President 4664 Sleepy Hollow Road, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B4 Ph/Fax:250/546-2813 Jack Brown - Fieldman 604/888-0862

Spring Edition 2013 *

Angus World

Page 49

Count Ridge Stock Farm TY



(403)641-2205 P.O. BOX 576, BASSANO, ALBERTA T0J 0B0



Wayne and Peggy Robinson


Box 36 Mossleigh, Alberta T0L 1P0 Phone (403) 934-4083

“A family operation dedicated to the perfection of the Angus breed.”


Flint & Flint

Doug, Joyce, Judy, Cindy and Tracy Allen P.O. Box 4081, Taber, AB T1G 2C6 Phone/Fax: (403)223-8008


est. 1966

New Norway, AB

ACHER ANG B US SH Darrel & Wendy Ashbacher & Family

P.O. Box 99, Halkirk, Alberta T0C 1M0

Ph: (403)884-2181 Fax: (403)884-2381

Bar Double M Angus

Bryan & Sherry Mackenzie

Pioneer Red Angus Breeder


Jay & Lenore Davis Box 184, Acme, Alberta T0M 0A0 (403) 546-2299

P.O. Box 122, Pincher Creek, Alberta T0K 1W0 Phone: (403)627-5676 / Fax:(403)627-4653 /

Mark & Rachel Merrill & Family Box 132, Hill Springs, Alberta T0K 1E0

(403) 626-3369

Visitors 12 miles west of Olds Always on Hwy #27, 1/2 mile south on Welcome Range Rd 3.04 email:

Add Our Diamonds to Your Herd!

Page 50

Angus World

Spring Edition 2013 *



Diamond Willow Ranch


Registered Black Angus

Ted & Marci McPeak (403)948-3085

RR #1, Stn. Mn., Airdrie, AB T4B 2A3 From Airdrie Overpass on SH 567, 10km W., 5km N., on SH 772




Harry & Gaylene Irving


(403)938-7754 R.R. #2, Okotoks, Alberta T0L 1T0

Dwayne & Joanne Emery




(780) 674-4410 REGISTERED ANGUS P.O. Box 31, Camp Creek, Alberta T0G 0L0






Wayne Branden & Jane Morrow

Phone: (780)674-2335 ~ Cell: (780)305-4813 ~ Fax: (780)674-4398 P.O. Box 11, Camp Creek, AB T0G 0L0 -

Willard Leeuwenburgh Home: 403-381-3191 Cell: 403-382-1990 Fax: 403-381-9093


Box 25, Lethbridge, AB T1J 3Y3

Lindsay & Donna Penosky & Family

P.O. Box 37, Botha, AB T0C 0N0 Phone: (403)742-4337 ● Fax: (403)742-4341

Lee & Laura Brown

Box 217, Erskine, AB T0C 1G0 Ph: (403) 742-4226 Fax (403) 742-2962


P.O. Box 238, Clyde, Alberta T0G 0P0

Jim Round


Murray and Gloria Fraser 403-787-2341

Box 32, Hussar, Alberta TOJ 1SO


Horned Hereford

Barry Round

Cam and Kim Fraser 403-787-2165

Fleming Stock Farms

Box 1, Granum, Alberta T0L 1A0 Ph: 403/687-2288 Fax: 403/687-2088

Duncan, Cecilie, Cooper & Ricki Fleming “Quality goes in before the name goes on”

R.R. #3, Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 1X1 H (780)352-0813 W (780)585-2003

KBJ Round Farms



Dave & Jean Prichard 780-385-2226 Dan & Shelley Prichard Ph/Fax: 780-385-2298 Killam, Alberta

“Visitor’s Welcome”

Doug Noad 403-660-8371

Ron & Laurie Hunter & family “Quality Registered & Commercial Stock”

RR 2 Didsbury, AB T0M 0W0


19th Annual Bull & Female Sale March 14/09

Roy & Cindy Bjorklund

Nagib- Krameddine

Registered Angus

Jack Leeuwenburgh Home: 403-327-9618 Cell: 403-330-6123 Fax: 403-327-9629

- Breeders of Quality Performance Tested Angus -

P.O. Box 2044, Fairview, Alberta T0H 1L0 (780)835-3530




Richard & Joyce Lorenz

(403)728-3285 R.R. #1, Markerville, Alberta T0M 1M0


Breeding 150 Functional Black Angus Females Since 1945

Danny & Conna Warrilow Bill & Barbara Warrilow Ph/Fax: (780) 593-2205 (780) 593-2208 P.O. BOX 39, MINBURN, ALBERTA T0B 3B0

Trent & Kelli Abraham

P.O. Box 22, Linden, Alberta T0M 1J0

Phone: 403/546-2010 Fax: 403/252-0041 Cell:403/803-8035 //


" Our Greatest Asset - Quality Angus"

Robert & Gail Hamilton

Box 11, Site 15, R.R.# 2, Cochrane, Alberta T4C 1A2 (403) 932-5980

Spring Edition 2013 *

Angus World

Page 51

Elllamae & Mike

Box 247, Warner, Alberta T0K 2L0 Ph/Fax: (403)642-2055 email:





Shawn & Cathy






R.R. #3, Site 18, Box 17, Innisfail, AB T4G 1T8

Cattle Co.



Duane Parsonage


Box 115, Warner, Alberta T0K 2L0 (403)642-2041



Registered & Commercial Red Angus

Murray King 780/846-2691

Richard King



Ben & Carol Tams


R.R. #2 Red & Kitscoty, AB T0B 2P0 403/309-0905 Black Angus

P.O. Box 4205, Taber, Alberta T1G 2C7 Phone/Fax: (403)223-4118

The Wildman’s


Dave & Gail (780) 785-2091 Kirk (780) 785-3772



Box 610, Delburne, Alberta T0M 0V0 (403)749-2953 email:


Stauffer Ranches P.O. Box 174, Killam, Alberta (780)385-2216


P.O. Box 444, Sangudo, Alberta T0E 2A0 Fax 785-3403





Lassiter Brothers


Box 763, Bassano, Alberta T0J 0B0 Ph: 403/641-4467 ~ Fax:403/6412355

Spring Bull Sale ● Female (Private Treaty) ● Embryos Using A.I. program & Embryo transfer to raise well balanced cattle.

Stacey & Michel Stauffer


Ring 403.627.2511 Fax 403.627.2650 Box 2377, Pincher Creek, Alberta T0K 1W0

Stoneydale BLACK ANGUS

Ken & Sharon Chitwood

Ph:(403)948-3094 Fax: (403)948-6329 R.R. #2, Airdrie, AB T4B 2A4

RIVERBEND FARM LTD. Bud, Barb & John McBride Box 51, Benalto, Alberta T0M 0H0 Phone: (403)746-2555 / Phone/Fax: (403)746-2630

Page 52

Angus World

Spring Edition 2013 *

Premium Quality Since 1972

Glen, Dale, Wayne & Terry Elliott

Ph/Fax: (403)832-3774 l Ph: (403)832-3112 P.O. Box 113 Seven Persons, AB T0K 1Z0




Park F w a o ill

Double AA Angus P.O. Box 91, Coleville, SK S0L 0K0 (306) 965-2554

Purebred Black Angus since 1920

Jim & Betty Richardson (403)224-3286

Box 32, Bowden, AB T0M 0K0

Ranches Inc.

Bill Dillabaugh

Annual Rancher’s Choice Spring Bull Sale

Don’t Roll - JustRock

Jon & Shelly Fox

P.O. Box 320 Lloydminster, SK S9V 0Y2

Phone: 306-825-9702 Fax: 306-825-9782 Res: 306-825-9624 Email:


Jim & Peggy Grant P.O. Box 220, Edam, SK S0M 0V0 (306)397-2541





(306) 567-4702




Doug & Lynn McIvor

Box 688, Davidson, SK S0G 1A0

Flying K Ranch Registered Red Angus Since 1972

Brian & Christine Hanel Box 1902, Swift Current, SK S9H 4M6 (306)773-6313 email:

Donna Hanel

R.R. #1, Wymark, SK S0N 2Y0 Ph/Fax: (306)773-6984

10 miles south of swift Current on hwy #4 & 8 miles west



RANCHING LTD. David Flundra

Purebred Red Angus Bulls, Females & Commercial Cattle

P.O. Box 1453, Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7N4

16 km east of Walsh, Alberta

Tel: (306)662-2449 Fax: (306)662-2556

Cell: (403)502-4776

Wes & Kim Olynyk (306)876-4420 Irene Olynyk (306)876-4400 Annual Bull Sale First Saturday in April

Box 192, Goodeve, SK S0A 1C0

Spring Edition 2013 *

Angus World

Page 53

Z RED ANGU A R Phil Birnie S W Box 461, Wawota, SK S0G 5A0

Kim Robertson

Box 159, Alsask, SK S0L 0A0 Res: 306/968-2637 / Cell: 306/463-8405

5 miles east of Alsask and 2 miles north on Merid Grid

“Raising Quality Cattle To Work For You”

Ph: 306/739-2988 ~ Fax: 306/739-2137 ~ Cell: 306/577-7440 email: Red Angus Bulls & Females For Sale ~ Commercial Heifers Herdsman: Gordon Murray 306/739-2177 - cell: 306/646-7980




Barry & Marj Young & Family

Box 28, Carievale, SK S0C 0P0 (306) 928-4810

Keith, Linda & Stacey Kaufmann 306/454-2730

Shane, Alexis,


Keaton, Kamrie, Kohen Registered & Korbyn Kaufmann 306/454-2688 Red & Black Angus P.O. Box 130, Ceylon, SK S0C 0T0 ● Fax: (306)454-2643 ●


P.O. Box 183, Luseland, SK S0L 2A0

(306) 834-2844


Luseland - .5 mile W, 12 Miles S & .25 mile W. Kerrobert - 12 miles W, Hwy# 51, .5 mile N, .25 mile W


Box 718 Maidstone, SK S0M 1M0

Les & Ethel Smith & family (306)893-4094

WRed il-Sel Angus

Est: 1980

Black & Red Angus

Bruce, Ione Austen & Breanna Anderson


204.734.2073 - 204.734.0730 Comp 2 R.R.# 2, Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0 -

Quality Angus Cattle

Visitors Always Welcome

Jack & Barb Hart

General Delivery, Brookdale, Manitoba R0K 0G0 (204) 476-2607

David & Jeanette Neufeld 204/534-2380

Box 171, Boissevain Manitoba R0K 0E0 Roy & Vicki Forsyth

Eddystone, Manitoba R0L 0S0 (204)448-2245

Registered Red & BlackAngus

P.O. Box 29, Rush Lake, Saskatchewan S0H 3S0 ● (306)773-6873

Page 54

Angus World

Allen & Merilyn Staheli

Greenbush Angus Fax: (204)448-2126

Ian Gross



Doreen 306/263-4407 306/263-4923 Fax Corbin, Lynette, Cole & Conner 306/263-4407 The Selody’s ~ Flintoft, SK S0H 1R0




R.R. #1, Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0

Barrie & Bernice Baker (204)966-3822

Spring Edition 2013 *

Eddystone, Manitoba R0L 0S0

Tim & Wendy Baker (204)966-3320






Don & Jeannette Currie

R.R. #1, Nottawa, Ontario L0M 1P0 Ph/Fax: (705)445-1526

Rob & Sandy Foubert

613/258-1062 4373 Rideau River Road, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0


Rideau Angus (613)258-2762 Farm R.R. #4, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0



12201 TORBRAM RD, CALEDON. ONTARIO L7C 2T4 * (905)843-1236

Les Fermes

Rolling Acres

D & C Cattle Co Doug & Carolyn Milne-Smith

Stephen & Paula 819-647-3540

Belvin Angus ......................................................... OBC Blairs.Ag Cattle Co ................................................... 7 Brent Carey ............................................................... 29 Brookmore Angus ................................................... 12 Brox Stock Farm .................................................. IBC Brylor Ranch ........................................................ IFC Chico Ranches ......................................................... 56

June 5 - 10 Canadian Angus National Convention, Guelph, ON June 14 - 15 Maritime Angus Field Day, Truro, NS July 8 - 12 Summer Synergy Show, Olds, AB July 12 Quebec Angus Association Field Day, JD Farms, Brome, QC July 13 Calgary Stampede UFA Steer Classic, Calgary, AB July 14 Calgary Stampede Jackpot Heifer Show & Market Heifer Class, Calgary, AB July 26 Manitoba Field Day & Gold Show, Neepawa, MB July 30 - August 4 Saskatchewan Gold Show, Prince Albert, SK

Laird & Mary 819-647-3542

Fax: (819)647-3541 //

Ad Index

Events Calendar

Angus & Hereford

C260 Heath Road, Shawville, Quebec J0X 2Y0

Crowfoot Cattle Co ................................................. 22 Cudlobe Angus ......................................................... 1 DJ Henderson & Associates .................................... 35 Glen Islay Angus ....................................................... 5 Hazel Bluff Red Angus ............................................ 11 Lorenz Angus ........................................................... 6 Majestic Cattle Co ................................................... 13

August 2 - 4 Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup, Neepawa, MB August 4 Cudlobe Field Day, Stavely, AB August 13 Alberta Junior Angus Show, Bashaw, AB August 14 - 17 Canadian All Breeds Show, Bashaw, AB August 19 - 21 Blairs.Ag Cattle Co ‘Genetics of Distinction’ - online August 22 -25 British Columbia Angus Gold Show, Bulkley Valley Exhibition, Smithers, BC August 28 - September 1 British Columbia Angus Gold Show, Interior Provincial Exhibition, Armstrong, BC August 30 Quebec Gold Show, Brome, QC September 1 British Columbia Angus Association Annual General Meeting, Armstrong, BC

Scott Stock Farm ................................................ 12 Showdown ............................................................... 37 Steve Dorran ............................................................. 27 Stryker Cattle Co ................................................... 21 Symens Cattle Co .................................................... 19 WRAZ Red Angus ................................................... 3

September 15 Brampton Preview Show, Brampton, ON September 18 - 20 New Brunswick Beef Expo, Sussex, NB September 28 Quebec Angus Female Sale, Brome, QC October 4 - 6 Olds Fall Classic, Olds, AB October 4 - 19 World Angus Forum, New Zealand October 12 Quebec Angus Gold Show, Victoriaville, QC October 13 Maritimes Fall Fair, Halifax, NS October 19 Blue Water Sale, Hanover, ON October 31 - November 2 Manitoba Livestock Expo, Brandon, MB November 1 - 10 Royal Ag Winter Fair, Toronto, ON November 2 LLB Angus Autumn Opportunity Sale, Erskine, AB

Spring Edition 2013 *

November 3 - 10 Farmfair International, Edmonton, AB November 11 - 16 Canadian Western Agribition, Regina, SK November 25 Stryker Cattle Co Angus Female Dispersal Sale, Medicine Hat, AB November 28 Glendar Angus Dispersal, Moose Jaw, SK November 29 - 30 Crowfoot Cattle Co Red & Black Angus Dispersal Sale, Standard, AB December 4 Atlasta Angus Bull & Seriously Black Select Female Sale, Sylvan Lake, AB December 9 Hazel Bluff Red Angus Dispersal Sale, Westlock, AB December 10 Canadian Legacy Sale, Olds, AB December 21 Majestic Cattle Co Dispersal Sale, Innisfail, AB Angus World

Page 55

BULL POWER Combining




STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY Monty’s first calves are an exceptional group

Heifers & Pairs For Sale


Bred to - Connealy Irish - Connealy Imprint Musgrave Boulder - Monty - 144Z - 2Z Calves by - Connealy Irish - MVF Upward 208X Monty - Chico Xecutive 15X - Chico Yes Man 4Y

Bull Pen Sold Out! Special thanks to Lantz Farms & Brenda & Rod Mucha

CONSENSUS For more info visit our website or give us a call

John & Jan Lee & Family

RR 1, Airdrie, AB T4B 2A3 Ph/Fax: 403-948-5877 or Ph: 403-948-6053 Email:

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