Angus World Winter 2014/15 - Volume 22, Issue 4

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AngusWor l d Onl i neEdi t i on Vol ume22-Issue4

Aberdeen Angus World P.O. Box 177, Stavely, Alberta T0L 1Z0 Phone: (403)549-2234 Fax: (403)549-2207 email: Internet Location:

Volume 22 #4*

"Official Publication of the Canadian Angus Association" Dave Callaway Editor/Publisher

Jan Lee Associate Editor

Table of Contents Advertising Rates Data in, Dollars out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Consumers Crave Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 6 Reasons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Walter H. Browarny - Hall of Fame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 BIXS & ViewTrak Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Auction Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Agribition Black Angus Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Agribition Black Red Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Maritime Fall Fair Angus Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Angus Show . . . . . . . . . . 32 Lloydminster Black Angus Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Lloydminster Red Angus Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Brandon Black Angus Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Brandon Red Angus Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Olds Fall Classic Red Angus Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Olds Fall Classic Black Angus Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Farmfair Black Angus Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Farmfair Red Angus Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Canadian Junior Angus Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Canadian Junior Angus Ambassador . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Provincial Association Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Canadian Angus Foundation Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Canadian Beef Breeds Council Message . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Events Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Cover: Photograph taken by Grant Rolston at Harvest Angus, Prince George, British Columbia

Outside Back Cover . . . . . . . 700.00 Inside Back Cover . . . . . . . . . 650.00 Inside Front Cover . . . . . . . . . . 650.00 Full Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600.00 1/2 Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420.00 1/3 Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350.00 1/4 Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275.00 Card Ad (annually) . . . . . . . . . 200.00

Additional Charges Each Additional Color . . . . . . 100.00 Matched or Specified Color . . . 200.00 Full Color . . . . . . . . . . . . 400.00 Reverse/Screen/Bleed . . . . . . . 25.00 Photos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Commercial Edition Deadline - January 16

Subscription Rates Canada 1 year . . . . . . . . . $35.00 (incl GST) 2 years . . . . . . . . $50.00 (incl GST) United States 1 year . . . . . . . . $40.00 US (incl GST) Foreign 1 year . . . . . . . . . $50.00 (incl GST)

Publications Mail Agreement #40051561 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Angus World c/o Circulation Dept. P.O. Box 177 Stavely, Alberta T0L 1Z0 ~ Printed in Canada ~ "Aberdeen Angus World" is dedicated to the promotion, growth and improvement of Aberdeen Angus Cattle.

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Dave’s Desk

In the recent few months we have seen a turn around in the cattle business the like I would have never dreamed possible. Money paid for feeder cattle this fall reached levels unimaginable based on the prices to which we have grown accustom. It is a great change for the industry. There is now some incentive to maintain or expand herds and become excited about the business again. There is new found reason for younger people to stay on the ranch or come back to it. The cattle business was faced with an aging demographic hopefully that will change.

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It is my hope that this new level of pricing will be an environment we will be working in for some time. I believe that it is the new environment. I know there will be wobbles in the market, but all in all, this is the new level of the business. In talking with some of the people that I feel have a handle on what is going on, they are saying that in their estimation, these levels will be here for at least several years. That being said, it is not the time to sell more breeding bulls than in the past. Quality is still very important. Keep the best, sell the rest. You can still come out quite well sending the bottom end of the bull pen to be fed out for slaughter. It is expensive to put bulls into the ‘Bull Sale’ pen. And it is going to get even more expensive. Pencil it out, it may be better to cull them now and have a ‘Bull Sale’ pen of much higher in quality.

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This issue will arrive in time to make it to the calving barn, where next year’s crop of calves will be born. I hope that you will be able to use some of the information contained within the covers to keep you up to date on what has been happening in the breed. 2014 has been a great year and 2015 promises to be better. All the best in the New year.

Dave Callaway

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When the final destination becomes clear, so does everything else. For the ranch leaders at Granum Colony, Alberta, that vision goes beyond production data from the pasture, beyond weaning weights, feedlot performance and even beyond the profit from grid marketing the finished steers. It’s the final destination – the dinner plate – that makes every step along the way pay, says Leonard Hofer, the colony’s financial manager. “We would rather have really high-quality cattle than just good cattle,” he says. And by “high quality,” he means cattle that perform – and are profitable – at every step along that way, to where the diner sighs with satisfaction and happily digs out his wallet to pay a premium price. “You get paid that money for the marbling,” Hofer says, pointing to the black ink that marks the bonuses on his harvest data sheets. “It does pay off, because they grade better and you can capture the premiums.” The goal came into sharper focus two years ago, at a spring 2013 educational conference in Lethbridge. “I was sitting on the edge of my chair the entire time; it was one of the most interesting meetings I’ve ever been to,” he says, recalling the finale of a demand-driven presentation that made it all clear: Canadian consumers were expected to want 42 million more pounds of Certified Angus Beef® (CAB®) branded product – equivalent to about 175,000 head of cattle – in the next 12 months. Though produced in Canada since 2000, less than half of all CAB branded product sold in the country was typically produced there. Demand within the country has remained strong, and Canadian ability to meet it grew by 9.2% in 2014, along with increased exports from Canada by 7.4%. The number of cattle eligible for the brand grew by 15.1% in 2014 to more than 740,000 head, driven by this growing opportunity. “The people from Certified Angus Beef, they were there telling us that the end goal was all about the eating experience. And I know it; there’s nothing better than a great steak.” The day was capped with “one of those steaks that just makes your mouth water,” Hofer recalls with a smile. “And I tell you, I’m just hooked on their Angus beef for a good eating experience.”

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Where that steak starts From the day a calf is born at the colony, its performance is tracked to ensure a path to success. They gather information on health treatments through the cow-calf and feeding stages, weaning weights, average daily gain, carcass weights, age and date of harvest, marbling score, yield and dollar amount off the base price – every piece of data that could be collected from birth to beef, Hofer says. Each data point ties back to the calf’s mother to calculate her value. Claresholm, Alberta, veterinarian Ken Wright got the 1,700-cow Granum herd into the HerdTrax data tracking program nearly five years ago. The system does most of the number crunching, he says, but any producer can start recording performance data and follow it on their own, too. “We’re used to picking replacements by looking at them,” Hofer says. “But sometimes the animals that we may not like something about how they look, well, those are the animals our records tell us are the type we should keep. So sometimes we just have to say, ‘Okay, we’ll keep her,’ and I tell you, it does work.” Of course, eye appeal still matters. If they want to keep 300 replacement heifers, the computer system brings the top 350 into clear sight based on progeny performance. Then, the crew can cull based on disposition or phenotypical traits. With the cowherd in the computer system, Lethbridge-based Benchmark Angus bulls bring in the carcass traits they want. “It’s hard to find everything in a bull, but we like the easy-calving heifer bulls and we like to get some performance and we want them to grade,” Hofer says. “We sell on the grid, so we end up with some premium for the extra money we spend on good bulls.”

Data in, dollars out A grid marketing system returns dollars for the data the Granum colony studies. With a base price set on a AA, YG2 carcass, anything above that average in marbling and yield grab a per hundredweight (cwt) premium – the more desirable traits found in each individual carcass, the more bonus bucks they earn. “You know, that $4 or $5 (per cwt) add up quickly, but then you see these ones, these AAA YG1, at $10, and oh boy, those are the good ones! Every year, we want to get better, we want to improve that number of AAA,” Hofer says. With that continual goal in sight, the progress is becoming clear. In 2010, their first year in the data system, 49 percent of the Granum calf crop graded AAA – on par with industry average. In three years, that number had climbed to 64%. This year, two spring loads show even bigger improvements – 77% AAA, with an increasing share that qualify for CAB. Those two loads earned an average $3.50 per cwt premium on the grid. With a typical weight of 1,450 lb., that’s more than $50 per head above the base price. Meanwhile, two more loads marketed to the United States hit 91% Choice, 25 percentage points above the American industry average. As the dataset grows, the goals advance, too. They want more quality – in marbling and in marketable pounds of it – and they want it faster. “We’ve been improving our days to market,” Hofer says. A decade ago, calves in the cross-bred, Continental-influenced herd were averaging a finish weight of 1,290. Today, the heavily Angus-influenced herd has a calf crop that weighs in the 1,450-1,500 pound range. “They’ve seen the dollars it brings in, that there is a definite price difference,” Wright says. “Then it all comes down to showing what you care about . You know, a cow might look good, but it’s what her offspring looks like on a plate, not on grass, that matters.”

Make it work for you, too It’s one thing to track herd performance. It’s another to turn that data into dollar signs. “It’s about how you react to it and how can you use it in improving your management in your operation,” Brian Perillat, CanFax senior analyst, says. “People think they have good cattle, but if they end up not performing, whether at the feedlot or packing level, their cattle may not deserve to be awarded by the grid and the premiums. But at that point, they should be making the appropriate changes so they are raising the right kind of cattle that suit the demands better,” Perillat says. “You really have to go back to the information and know how to use the information, and then manage the cattle accordingly to get the most out of them.” Gathering harvest data or feedlot performance information can be a challenge, especially for producers who are dealing with smaller herd numbers. With cash markets riding all-time highs, he said many Canadian producers are opting for fixed and contract prices, but cattle with proven performance should still command a premium. “The biggest thing is – the high marbling, AAA, Prime kind of cattle with the high yield – cattle that can marble out efficiently and have the best yield grade are the top animals,” Perillat says. “There are additional premiums for cattle on program like Certified Angus Beef.” For cattlemen marketing a trailer load at a time, he suggested teaming up with other producers with like cattle to gain marketing power. Together or individually, cattlemen who seek a relationship with whomever is purchasing the cattle will allow them the option of getting performance data back to improve the next crop. “Find a feedlot that has experience with your type of cattle, that wants your type of cattle – and maybe has ways to pay you in premiums or discounts on quality – and that is willing to share that data back,” he says. “There are feedlots out there that do offer carcass data back and tracking of those individual animals, so they can feed that back to the cow-calf operator. Then they can then produce better calves for the feedlot, for the industry,” he says. “And, they can get paid accordingly.”

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Consumers Crave Quality Story & Photographs by Trish Henderson Highly marbled beef fits the bill Although the share of AAA-grade beef has increased over the past twenty years, Canadian consumers are still looking for more of the best. “Beef consumption is definitely on a steady decline, but there has been a spike in demand for better quality. Consumers may be eating less beef, but they are spending more money on it,” James Bradbury, Director of Market Development for Canada Beef, told participants of last summer’s Carcass 101 workshop in Olds, AB.

“Costco offers AAA beef, and Prime in some stores,” he added. “Costco buys almost all of the Prime beef in Canada. High-end steak houses willing to pay higher amounts are the only other customers who can get Prime.” Still, the market wants more. In the last year, Bass said later, Toronto-based St. Helen’s Meat Packers has begun packing and selling CAB brand Prime. “To commit to a new sort in the grading cooler and change over to a new label on a fabrication line says a lot,” Bass explained. “That’s consumer demand reaching into the beef supply chain.” Nationwide James Bradbury Canadian restaurant chain JOEY upgraded its sirloin menu feature to CAB Prime last May and reports brisk sales. Such growing demand can mean more revenue for cattle producers using Angus genetics, “if they take advantage of the marbling genetics available within the breed,” Bass said. Premiums for CAB-qualifying carcasses in Canada have been $3 to $4/cwt or about $30 per head. In the U.S., CAB grid premiums have been twice that at times, and Prime premiums double that again. Of the 43 million pounds CAB licensed partners sold in Canada in 2013, most was produced domestically but almost half, 20.5 million pounds, was imported from the U.S. With a greater focus on marbling, Canadians can supply more of that high-quality beef and “There’s been a demand shift: even though retail beef earn the market premiums for doing so. prices are rising, consumers continue to buy the Adjusting seasonality could create another product,” said Bradbury. “Everybody wants the best – opportunity for Canadian producers to increase AAA or Prime – and they’re willing to pay for it.” margins, according to Bradbury. That’s a good thing for premium brands like Certified “Today, our industry does not follow the consumer. Angus Beef ® (CAB®), he added. In Canada, we produce most of our highly marbled Marbling is the most important indicator of beef carcasses in the winter months. Grocers, restaurants and quality, and a key specification for CAB; 75 to 80 shoppers want to have AAA steaks for the summer percent of Angus-type cattle evaluated for the brand in BBQ season, but this is when supply of high-quality Canada fall short and nearly all of those cattle lack beef is lowest,” he said. sufficient marbling. Carcass size is another area of disconnect in the beef Dr. Phil Bass, corporate meat scientist for the brand business. speaking at that same workshop, compared marbling “Since 1975, carcass size has been increasing by an in beef to butter on a baked potato. average of 7 pounds per year,” Bradbury pointed out. “Without butter, that potato is boring. But add a “Food service customers don’t want a giant steak. In the chunk of butter and spread it around—mmm—then past, retailers and food service would pay more for a you’ve got something,” he said. “Marbling is like butter: smaller ribeye and discount large ones. They can’t do the more you have, the more palatable the meat will this now because all carcasses are big.” be. That’s why CAB accepts only carcasses falling into “Cattle producers sell by the pound, but restaurants the upper two-thirds of the AAA grade or higher.” and food service sell by the ounce,” Bass concurred. And Canadian consumers agree. Sales of the “We need consistent carcass size for our consumers to U.S.-based but also locally produced brand have been have a consistent eating experience, and that’s why CAB steadily growing in Canada, setting records each year added ribeye dimension criteria (10 to 16 square inches) since 2007. to its specifications in 2007.” The success of CAB and other branded beef In addition, Bradbury advocated for a beef industry programs has meant less other high-quality beef shift of focus to consumers and sharing the story of beef available to retailers, said Bradbury. That’s why many production. grocers label their beef as “AA or higher”. Page 12

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“We need to stop talking about the price of beef and start talking about value,” he advised. “Canadian consumers are becoming much more aware of where their foods come from. They want to make sure that it’s healthy and safe and made from good ingredients. People want to know more about what they’re eating.” Bradbury compared today’s beef industry to the wine sector of the 1970s. “Back then consumers would look at the wine menu in a restaurant and say, ‘Hmm, do I want the red or the white?’ Today, we know what country a wine comes from, the viticulture practices behind it, and roughly what it will taste like based on those things. We understand how it was produced, so we’re willing to pay $50 a bottle for it in a restaurant. But that same restaurant sells steaks for $50, and what story do they tell about beef?” It takes both beef and wine at least three years to get to a restaurant table, Bradbury pointed out. But unlike the wine sector, the beef industry has not seized the opportunity to tell consumers about the care that went into producing it. He acknowledged the exception in the brand owned by 30,000 Angus producers that regularly links its ranchers across North America with chefs, retailers and restaurateurs. “This is where CAB has done an awesome job. They’ve taken a brand, given it meaning, and put it next to a steak. The customer looks at that brand and thinks, ‘I’m paying good money for that beef.’ They may not know all of the features that go along with the CAB product, but they believe that the brand is about quality,” he said. “As [beef] marketers, we need to do a better job of understanding our customers and how to talk to them. And people want to know who the farmers are,” Bradbury added. Canada Beef is doing its part to promote Canadian beef and increase carcass values. Efforts include sharing photos or stories of Canadian beef producers in retail flyers or grocery store meat case displays, ideation sessions with chefs and food service personnel to show different cuts of beef, and creating value-added products. The new Canada Beef Centre of Excellence, opening in Calgary this winter, will help further these efforts. CAB educates consumers and all segments of the beef industry through its world-class Education & Culinary Center in Wooster, Ohio. Bass said, “We are educators and we help chefs, retail operators, meat cutters and academics understand what it takes to raise beef to this level that will not only help the meat handling end but also drive demand for the cattle.” Canada Beef works with CAB on projects of mutual interest, such as growing demand for beef in Canada by highlighting the opportunities inherent in quality that can be produced in Canada as well as in the U.S.

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6 Reasons You Should Advertise with Your Breed Publication by Rachel Cutrer, Ranch House Design, Wharton, Texas Today livestock producers are blessed with the opportunity to advertise in literally hundreds of media outlets, both in printed format and digital format. One of the most common questions our customers ask is should they still use print advertising to promote their operations. Our answer is YES. Then, the next thing they ask is where they should advertise. There are so many outstanding publications, and it would be wonderful if ranchers could advertise in all of them. However, print advertising can be costly, and thus often producers have to choose one or two print outlets to do business with. Each year Ranch House Design conducts our livestock marketing survey, in which we ask a selected focus group of producers their opinions on hot topics in livestock advertising. This year, we interviewed 389 producers, with 95 percent were involved in the cattle industry in some sort of way – either as a breeder or service provider. Producers were interviewed from all states in the United States and all major U.S. beef breeds. One of the most interesting take-away messages from this year’s survey is that while some breed publications may be getting “thin” in the number of pages – the breed publication is of utmost importance to the industry. So, when you are deciding your print advertising plans for 2015 – the breed publication is one of the most important places you should be advertising. Here’s why….


Aside from social media, breed publications are usually the first printed news source a purebred breeder goes for information. One of the questions we asked in the survey was: “If you could only read one magazine – which would it be?” The breed publication dominated this question, with 30% of our participants saying that was the only magazine they read. After that, there were many other magazines that were mentioned, but none that had the overwhelming response that the breed publication did. One respondent said “Several of the breed associations used to have good monthly magazines, but now they aren’t monthly and are pretty thin on pages. But, it is still the first place I look when searching for a certain bull or calf to buy.”


Breed publications offer highly targeted audience, especially in social media and email marketing. Quarter Horse News has 599k Facebook Fans. Brahman Journal – 184k Facebook fans. Holstein World – 48k fans. These are unbelievably huge social media fan bases – and total captive audiences of people who have voluntarily said they are interested in your breed. If you look in terms of print subscribers, a hard copy of the Angus Beef Bulletin is delivered to more than 70,000 readers and Angus Journal is delivered to more than 14,000 subscribers worldwide. These numbers are astonishing. In today’s digital age, perhaps the greatest advantage for producers is to cash in on your breed publications print and digital subscribers. For example, earlier this year, our ranch used The Brahman Journal’s social media following to spread the word about a special semen sale we were holding during the Houston Livestock Show. On the spur of the moment, we decided to offer semen packages on a bull that we previously had not sold semen on. We asked our breed publication to announce the special semen offering on their Facebook page, since they had a huge following. We didn’t run a print ad on this sale, but since we were advertisers we were able to use The Page 14

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Brahman Journals facebook page as an outlet for this announcement. In a 3 day period we sold $8000 in semen on the bull. This was achieved strictly through word of mouth and social media. If you’re advertising in a breed publication, you might also inquire about booking an email blast through the publication as well. Often their email subscriber list is larger than the printed subscriber list and these blasts usually cost less than a print ad – especially if you already ran your ad in the magazine.


Breed publications have lasting impact because of their editorial. People literally HOARD breed publications. I would bet you $20 that if you are a purebred producer, you have at least 10 back issues of your breed publication stored somewhere in your house. These magazines show up on the coffee table, on the nightstand, in the office, on our stove, and yes, even in our restroom. And if you throw away one of your husband’s breed magazines, well…. we don’t even want to go there. My father has a collection of Brahman Journals dating back to their first issues of the 1970s. We have older Brahman publications that date back to the 1920s. We have Shorthorn Country sets dating back to 1986. These are like GOLD to us. We don’t keep copies of our bills, old birthday cards, or even old registration papers —but we will NOT throw away a copy of our breed publication. As one of our survey respondents said: “Print will always have good shelf life and I think it can drive home messaging that is teased on social media.” Another comment said that young people may enjoy social media but older ranchers still prefer print: “I still think that most middle aged and older individuals still like to get printed materials to read articles.” And finally, “I still prefer to print media. I can grab a magazine and read it in the truck in the field or waiting on kids somewhere.”

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Breed publications serve as the historical reference for your breed. I’m a Brahman history fanatic. My husband is a Brahman history fanatic. There is nothing I like more than to sit and listen to older Brahman breeders tell stories of the past. But sadly, not everyone has a Grandma who just happened to feed the old bull Manso with her Grandma and can tell me what he looked like. I don’t know any Shorthorn breeder who was here in the United States when they first unloaded that old bull Dividend into the USA. I wasn’t at those famous historical meetings where breed associations were formed. I wasn’t around to attend the first National Brahman Show in the 1940s. But – I can read about it. The breed publication provides such an excellent reference that is basically serves as the historical authority on a breed’s history. Through the pages of breed publications you can read minutes of meetings, understand the history of breeds, learn about pioneer breeders, see photos of foundation animals and so much more. The breed publication is charged with a very important mission – providing accurate, unbiased reporting of significant events in breed history. And by reading the pages of your breed publications, you can gain a better understanding of the challenges of the past as well as the pivotal moments of the past that shaped today’s beef industry.


Being in your breed publication gives you instant recognition and notoriety within your breed. One respondent said: “Being in a breed magazine shows a personal commitment to their business. We get lots of print advertisements in the mail, I enjoy looking at what breeders have sent. I have passed some along to those interested.” Another commented that they seek out certain ads every month. “The ads have really become more creative over the years. Everyone still opens their magazines to see ads by certain breeders.”

For many years, our ranch used to have a monthly contract with The Brahman Journal. We had the back cover. About 5 years ago, we let go of our monthly contract, because during some months we found that it was hard to come up with something to advertise. But we will never drop print advertising completely because it is important to have those permanent, printed advertisements that never lose their value. What we have ended up doing is re-focusing our advertising to key times of the year. We still usually run 12 pages a year like we always did, but we just space them out at different times. We usually run 2-3 pages right before the biggest show of the year at Houston. Then we skip a few months, and run another in the spring to promote semen sales. We always run some after our national show with show ring results. And we host 2 sales per year so we will advertise either 1 or 2 pages for the 2 months prior to our sale. We have found that this works best for us so that we maintain a continual presence in the magazine, but focus our advertising on our most important times of year. We also always have a small black and white business card ad in the back, so that our phone number and website are in every issue.


Breed publications field staff know your business, know your customers, and know your product. They help promote and sell your product every day. Admit it – besides your immediate family and ranch employees – your breed association field rep probably knows more about your program than anyone else. These regional managers or field reps attend every show, every sale, every field day. And they usually haul a box or two of magazines to each of these events. They know EVERYONE. And it is their job to talk about the breed and know the intricate details of the breed. They know what AI sires are hot, who the biggest show contenders are, and who’s got the best up-and coming sale prospects. These people are experts in their field. And they are here to help you in your operations. But you can only utilize them to the fullest when you participate in your association and your breed publication. And, here’s another big surprise – People like doing business with their friends. As one respondent said: “My print budget goes to three main ones [magazines] and their sales reps are my friends.” Use your regional managers and field reps to your fullest advantage. They know the business and they enjoy helping their producer clients. So how can you use this information in your ranch’s marketing program?

Quite simply, if you are a producer of purebred livestock, you need to have at least some type of presence in your breed publication. If your budget is small and you can only advertise in one magazine, it should be your breed publication. If your budget is small, purchase a co-op ad or a business card ad so that your name is always in the advertiser index and people can contact you. If you have a larger budget, then we recommend advertising in your breed publication first, followed by other industry publications or state multi-breed publications. Best case scenario – you can afford to do an ad every month. Regardless of your budget, get to know your breed publication staff members, field staff, and let them help you promote your product. That’s what they do best.

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Walter H. Browarny - Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame Inductee Walter H. Browarny (1935 - 2011) ~ Inducted: 2014

From a very early age, the late Walter Browarny saw light and art and animals in a way unlike others. Walt's approach was clean and simple, authentic photography – vastly different from the standards of the day. He placed his subjects in a natural environment, capturing them at angles to show them off in the best possible way. He was Canada’s camera man of livestock photography. When Walt began photographing beef cattle in 1969, his competitors were positioning bulls standing knee deep in straw and later retouching images to smooth out top lines.

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He took a very different approach. When he started Browarny Photographics – a family business that has included his wife Marie, daughter Shannon and son Allan – he began by asking breeders what they needed in photographs to help market their animals. That's when he started his deliberate shift to a new style of untouched pictures that naturally brought out the animal's features. His vision set a new standard for photographing beef cattle, and armed his customers with great sales tools to market their animals and genetics around the world. Walt's quiet, witty demeanour kept animals and handlers calm as he built the Browarny library of more than two million images. He travelled the world, across North America, to Argentina, Australia, Mexico and Europe. Demand for a “Walt Browarny” escalated as breeders realized the marketing benefits of his standards for showcasing their animals. Walt worked with every beef breed association throughout his career. From 1969 to 2010 he was official photographer at different times for numerous shows including the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede, Canadian Western Agribition, National

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Western Stock Show and the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. His accolades include a 1990 Agribition book featuring his work, the Golden Book Award by the World Simmental Foundation in 1995 and named Canadian Livestock Man of the Year by the Denver Stock Show in 1998. A Walt Browarny photograph is instantly recognizable. His calm approach gained him the respect of the industry and in fact, of every animal he ever photographed. Walt's collections document the history of the livestock industry, as well as the life, people and experiences that happened along the way. His name and his images hang on the walls of offices and homes across the country. And his legend lives on in Show Champions Inc., the photography business carried on by his son Allan. Walt Browarny built a world renowned livestock photography business. Along with his pictures, he leaves a positive and permanent record of the livestock industry. Thank you, Walter Browarny. Nominated By: Canadian Beef Breeds Council

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BIXS & ViewTrak Technologies Partnership by Hubert Lau My guess is there isn’t a producer out there who hasn’t heard that there’s a growing need to respond to consumer demand for more information about the history of beef. And I’ll also bet that most producers know another thing: That they’ve been asked to shoulder much of the burden of change, without any proof they’re going to make more money in the process. A lot of observers tell producers what they should do, where there should do it, when they should do it, and why. But very few—if any—have talked about the how. How can we make the cattle industry more profitable and competitive by sharing information through the supply chain? And how will information help producers put more money in their pockets at the end of the day? To answer those questions, the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association and ViewTrak Technologies formed a partnership with one purpose: To enhance and expand the Beef Information Exchange System (BIXS). Under the partnership, a new privately-held company will take ownership of BIXS, with the CCA and ViewTrak as initial shareholders. I will lead the company as President and Chief Executive Officer and my partner Ted Power will take on the role of Executive Vice-President. The new company will be stewards of the BIXS database, collecting and sharing valuable information for the benefit of the whole industry—and for consumers who want to know more about how their beef was raised. The CCA has known for years that information sharing will enhance the competitiveness of the industry, and allow Canadian beef to dominate world markets. And if we don’t do it, another country will. That’s why the CCA has asked us to partner with them to help take BIXS to the next level—by making it more effective and providing added value the the whole industry. So, what is the new BIXS going to do to answer the how? First, we will focus on the concept of “Collaborative Economics.” We believe there is enormous value in collaborating while remaining fiercely competitive with one another—and that is what we mean by Collaborative Economics. The best illustration I can give you of Collaborative

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Economics comes from Japan. After World War II, nobody wanted to buy Japanese products. So Japanese companies got together to influence what the world thought about Japanese products. In time, the world responded: People started to see that the best cars and electronics came from Japan. That small country went on to dominate the electronics and automotive industries for decades. We are only now starting to catch up with them.

To this day, Japanese CEOs from competing companies sit down regularly around the table—together—to develop strategies to propel Japanese industries forward. Even though they compete fiercely, they share ideas and concerns about how their industries need to operate so they can protect themselves from foreign competitors and create best practices. They understand the dynamic between collaboration and competition. In the same way that Japanese auto and electronic companies benefited greatly by working together, and dominated world markets, we need to show everyone in the cattle industry how they can also benefit by embracing Collaborative Economics, and likewise dominate world markets. But first, we have to show everyone what’s in it for them—and how everyone can profit by sharing information through the supply chain. There are four specific outcomes we’re focused on achieving through the new BIXS: * Better outcomes for producers, who will be able to better manage their businesses, enhance their breeding and marketing programs, and increasing the overall value of their product—leading to increased profits and competitiveness. * Better sharing of information that benefits the entire supply chain. The ability to respond more effectively to food safety emergencies, reduce market disruptions, and protect bottom lines.

* Satisfied consumers who are more confident in their beef supply, more interested in buying beef, and who have more choices about how much they pay for their beef according to the characteristics they value. And here’s where can begin to show the value of information sharing: It’s only a short matter of time before all retailers demand the full history of birth and care from producers through to processors and packers before they will sell your beef. We are already seeing that with A&W and Loblaws, who are advertising heavily about the full traceability of their products and getting premium pricing for them. Costco sells grass fed, hormone free beef for more than regular beef. McDonald’s, Canada’s largest retailer of beef recently announced it has chosen Canada, over Australia and Europe, to launch a pilot project to meet their end goal of serving only “sustainable beef” across their entire global empire. The lesson here is, the more information you can provide about cattle genetics, feed management, and medical treatment to consumers, the more in demand your beef will be, and the more producers through to retailers will be able to demand for beef—based on the qualities consumers value. Still, to make the Collaborative Economics model successful in the cattle industry, we need to admit one important thing:That we don’t have all the answers. Our first job out of the gate is to listen to industry players from all parts of the supply chain and address everyone’s needs and interests going forward. In order to make that happen, we need everyone to participate in the conversation and be willing to come to the table. That’s our first step—to listen and engage so that we can get more people through the chain participating in BIXS. This is the key to building value. Information is currency, and the more we can get people providing information to and through BIXS, the more value we can provide. Just like the power of the Internet, the value of technology grows many times over when shared. Information that is used cooperatively among all the members of the sector will benefit everyone. And we have no time to waste. So, let’s lock arms, work together, and get ‘er done!

Hubert Lau is President & CEO of BIXS. With 3 million detailed carcass records and 3.4 millionanimal birthdate records in the system BIXS is the largest database of its kind in Canada. For more go to

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Auction Block Willow Springs Black Angus Dispersal Sale September 4, 2014 - Innisfail, Alberta Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran, Olds, AB Sale management: Bohrson Martketing, Carstairs, AB 21 Open Heifers $1,269 26 Bred Heifers $2,450 Bred Cows $2,591 1 Bull $4,000 High Selling Heifer: Willow Favortie 3045 sired by KFC Legacy 0154 out of a Justamere 0405 Mainline 178R daughter purchased by Buschbeck Cattle Co, Markdale, ON for $3,800 /// Willow Dawn 3061 sired by Connealy Irish 0204 out of a BAR EXT Traveler 205 daughter purchased by Blackwell Angus, Huxley, AB for $3,800///Willow Rosebud Lass 3030 sired by Willow Dateline 02U out of a Mountain Ash Black Panther 36P daughter purchased by Blackwell Angus, Huxley, AB for $3,000 /// Willow Lady Blossom 3073 sired by Belvin Velasquez 203’11 out of an LLB Free Wheeler 2685 daughter purchased by Blackwell Angus, Huxley, AB for $3,000 High Selling Cows: KFC 7549 Ann 9702W sired by Connealy Freightliner out of a BAR EXT Traveler 205 daughter purchased by K6 Farms, Leduc, AB for $4,500 /// Soo Line McHenry Lass 2122 sired by Soo Line Yellowstone 6344 out of an HF kodiak 5R daughter purchased by K6 Farms, Leduc, Ab for $4,100 /// Willow Pride 0021 sired by Sealin Creek Heads Up 25S out of a Tafika Fame 20J daughter purchased by Richmond Ranch, Rumsey, AB for $4,000 /// KFC 205 Dawn 8503U sired by BAR EXT Traveler 205 out of an Atlasta Stockman 14K daughter purchased by Parview Stock Farms, High River, AB for $4,000 /// KFC Legacy 0154 sired by OCC Legacy 839L out of a SCA Krugerrand 69G daughter purchased by Tom Jackson, Sundre, AB for $4,000 ///Willow 839L Neora 0202X sired by OCC Legacy 839L out of a Duralta 111A Chance 11H daughter purchased by Richmond Ranch, Rumsey, AB for $3,800


Eastern Extravaganza Sale October 4, 2014 - Lindsay, Ontario SalesManagement:Castlerock Marketing, Swift Current, SK Auctioneer: Chris Poley 19 Heifer Calves $3,279 27 Bred Heifers $4,074 7 Bred Cows $3,450 3 Cow/Calf Pairs $6,000 2 Bull Calves $3,750 58 lots $3,827 Sale gross $221,950 High Selling Heifer Calf: J Star Lady Sandy 120B sired by SAV Bullion 0474 out of a Soo Line Motive 9016 daughter purchased by Kyle Martin, Tweed, ON for $12,000 Page 20

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High Selling Bred Heifer: Worth Mor Shakura 2A sired by SAV Bismarck out of a Duff New Attraction 3110 daughter purchased by Adam Schierman, Innisfail, ON for $8,000 ///Curraghdale Lucy 22A sired by B/R New Frontier 095 out of a Connealy Power One dam purchased by LCL Angus, Coronation, AB for $5,250 High Selling Cow: Leela Dawn 18Z sired by BC Eagle Eye 110-7 out of a OCC Linebred 661L dam purchased by Locust Grove Angus, Milton, ON for $4,000 High Selling Cow/Calf Pair: Gillco Pride 8Y sired by Limestone Darkhorse U322 out of a TC Grid Topper dam purchased by A.S. Galton Farms, Uxbridge, ON for $5,000 and her calf Gillco Pride 3B sired by SAV Net Worth 4200 sold to Worth Mor Cattle Co, Campbellford, ON for $3,000 High Selling Bull Calf: Worth Mor Blackjack 1B sired by PVF Windfall SCC 9005, out of a Duff New Attraction 6110 daughter purchased by Dudgeon Livestock, Dobbinton, ON for $5,200


Blairs.Ag Genetics in Motion October 10, 2014 - Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan 2 Open Heifers $4,375 33 Bred Heifers $5,858 45.5 Bred Females $5,423 80.5 lots $5,575 Sale gross $448,800 High Selling Bred Heifers: Red Blair’s Faith 214A sired by Red Soo Line Power Eye 161X out of a Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P daughter purchased by J6 Farms, Gibbon, NE for $15,000 /// Blair’s Atraction 529A sired by Red Corner Creek Cash 2R out of a Duff New Attraction 6110 daughter purchased by Wildcat Creek Ranch, Newton, KS for $12,000/// Red Blair’s Priscilla 22A sired by Red Wheel Gangster 31Y out of a Red Brylor New Trend 22D daughter purchased by Damar Farms, Strum WI for $11,500 /// Red Blair’s Bonita 52A sired by Red Ringstead Kargo 215U out of a Red JKC Huckleberry 701 daughter purchased by Rust Mountain View Ranch, Mercer, ND /// Blair’s Barbara 206A sired by Red Soo Line Power Eye 161X out of a CJ Prestige 25T purchased by Triple Red Angus, Calgary, AB & Hahn Cattle Co, Sherwood Park, AB for $10,750 High Selling Bred Females: Red Tide Martini 25W sired by Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P out of a Red Brylor New Trend 22D daughter purchased by Larson & Schmidt Bros, Elkhorn, IA for $41,000 /// Blair’s Brienna 110X sired by Duff New Generation 6107 out of an SAV Net Worth 4200 purchased by Jeff & Brenda Schwan, Swift Current, SK $10,000 /// Red Jet Fayette Kuruba 8804 sired by Red Finel Line Mulberry 26P out of a Red Premier Patriot 16 daughter purchased by Brylor Ranch, Pincher Creek, AB /// Red JAS Berry 67U sired by Red Brylor SDL

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Squall 230S out of a Red Geis Prime Rib 411 daughter purchased by Wasem Red Angus, Halliday, ND for $9,000 /// MVF Lady Ann 935S sired by GAR Grid Maker out of a MVM Western Rito 47F daughter purchased by Jeff & Brenda Schwan, Swift Current, SK for $9,000


Blue Water Angus Sale October 18, 2014 - Hanover, Ontario SalesManagement:Castlerock Marketing, Swift Current, SK Auctioneer: Todd Wright 10 Heifer Calves $3,285 18 Bred Heifers $3,164 7 Cow/Calf Pairs $6,435 7 Bred Cows $2,992 42 Lots $3,772 Sale gross $158,425 High Selling Heifer Calf: Hammell 695S Ramona 5B, sired by Southland Thriller 83X purchased by Walkerbrae Farms for $5,100 /// Glen Islay Miss Middlebrook 02B, sired by Glen Islay Bardolier 10Z to Ann Lamont for $5,100 High Selling Bred Heifer: North Perth Trojan Erica 309 sired by SAV Iron Mountain 8066 to JJ Deslip for $5,250 High Selling Cow/Calf Pair: Six Mile Fernetta 349Y sired by SAV Preference to Sandy Ridge Farm and her calf Gibson 7024 Bada Bing 114B sired by BC Lookout 7024 to Curragdale Cattle, pair sold for $10,000 High Selling Cow: Glen Islay Lady Ann 17Y, sired by Bonnie Chance Bardolene 10A, Cairnlee Acres for $3,600


42nd Annual Red Roundup Sale October 18, 2014 - Red Deer, Alberta Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB Sale management: Bohrson Marketing, Carstairs, AB 25 Open Heifers $4,192 15 Bred Heifers $5,727 1 Bull $9,750 4 Flushes $6,937 3 Pick of the Herd lots $7,917 48 Live lots $5,249 10 Embryo lots $3,990 4 Semen lots $2,125 Sale gross $300,350 High Selling Open Heifers: Red Wrights Georgina 19B sired by Red Towaw Indeed 104H out of a Red Towaw Very Interesting 22L daughter consigned by Wright’s Livestock, Melfort, SK purchased by Triple L Livestock, Viscount, SK for $7,600 /// Red Shiloh Best Get Loaded 14B sired by Red Vikse Full Loaded 29Y out of a Red FCF 921F Mr Maria’s 1141L daughter consigned by Shiloh Cattle Co, Craigmyle, AB purchased by Brett Stevens, Sherwood Park, AB

or $7,200 /// Red River Rock Duchess 4135B sired by Red Southland Focus 196T out of a Red Chopper K Brass Knuckles 4R daughter consigned by River Rock Angus, Innisfail, AB purchased by Leroy Brownlee, Hairy Hill, AB for $6,300 /// Red Wheel Rose 89B sired by Red Bar EL AB Magic Mike 189Z out of a Red SVR Gangster 14S daughter consigned by Wheeler’s Stock Farm, Saskatoon, SK purchased by Six Mile Red Angus, Fir Mountain, SK for $6,000 High Selling Bred Heifers: Red TNF Kassie 27A sired by Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P out of a Red Bar EL Approval 4L daughter consigned by TNF Red Angus, Riviere Qui Barre, AB purchased by Shiloh Cattle Co, Craigmyle, Sk for $10,500 /// Red Goad Reba 123’13 sired by Red Ter-Ron Freemont 34Y out of a Red Vikse TA Canadian 24T daughter consigned by Goad Family Angus, Clandonald, AB purchased by Rafter SJ Ranch, Montney, BC for 9,000/// Red Bar EL AB Meg 220A sired by Red Wheel Alliance 22U out of a Red YY Red Knight 640F daughter consigned by Bar El Angus, Stettler, AB purchased by Hugh Atkin, La Glace, AB for 8,250 /// Red Wilbar Tinsel 36A sired by Red Bar EL Double Deuce 198Y out of a Red 5L Norseman King 2291 daughter consigned by Wilbar Angus, Dundurn, SK purchased by Nielson Land & Cattle, Craik, SK for 6,500 /// Red Lauron Blackbird 80A sired by Red Messner Packer S008 out of a Red Running Bar Pronto 26P daughter consigned by Lauron Angus, Didsbury, AB purchased by Lust Farms, Cypress County, AB for $6,250 High Selling Bull: RedTowaw Polaris 447A sired by Red Lazy MC Kingman 16W out of a Red Towaw Indeed 104H daughter consigned by Towaw Cattle Co, Sangudo, AB purchased by Triad Farms for $9,750 High Selling ‘Pick of the Herd’: Pick of U2 Ranch bred heifers consigned by U2 Ranch, Coaldale, AB purchased by Rush Mountain View Ranch, Mercer, ND & Canadian Donors, Carstairs, AB for $12,000


2nd Annual Harvest Classic Sale October 24, 2014 - Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: Glen Gabel Purebred Heifer Calves $3,506 Purebred Bred Heifers $4,690 Purebred Cows $4,008 Clubby Heifers $2,816 Clubby Steers $2,830 44 Sale lots $3,854 Sale gross $169,600 High Selling Purebred Heifer Calves: GGA Duchess 10B sired by SAV 004 Density 4336 out of a Leachman Right Time daughter consigned by Glen Gabel Angus, Regina, SK purchased by Corrie Richardson, Eastend, SK for $5,900 /// NRA Tibbie 12B sired by Basin Excitement out of an SAV Net Worth 4200 daughter consigned by Nielson Land

and Cattle, Craik, SK purchased by Adrian Rehorst, Teeswater, ON for $5,500 High Selling Bred Heifers: Merit Pride 3075 sired by Beverly Hills Visa 734 out of a Merit Luke 3120 daughter consigned by Merit Cattle Company, Radville, SK purchased by Kody Traxxel, Seven Persons, AB for $10,500 /// GGA Eota 24A sired by EXAR Upshot 0562B out of a GAR Predestined daughter consigned by Glen Gabel Angus, Regina, SK purchased by Kevin Busse, Wiwa View Farms, Swift Current, SK for $7,500 High Seling Purebred Cows: Northern View Duchess 97X sired by Bell Net Return 3U out of a Cudlobe Yellowstone 80M daughter consigned by Glen Gabel Angus, Regina, SK purchased by Corrie Richardson, Eastend, SK for $6,500 /// Hi Low Startell 99Z sired by Figure 8 Angus Heads Up 412X out of a Figure 8 Angus Bardolene 30U daughter consigned by Hi Low Angus, Lumsden, SK purchased by Jamie & Charlene Chapman, Angus Ridge Farms for $4,500 High Selling Clubby Heifer: Hall’s Miss Walk’n 428B (Walkie Talkie/Maine Anjou) consigned by Halls Cattle Co, Craven, SK purchased by Reilly and Kim Ingram, Stoughton, SK for $3,100 High Selling Clubby Steer: ‘724’ (Heat Wave Son/Maine x Angus) consigned by Halls Cattle Co, Craven, SK purchased by Jeff and Brenda Schwan, Swift Current, SK for $3,600


28th Annual Chinook Sale October 29, 2014 - Taber, Alberta Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International, Crossfield, AB 31 Heifer Calves $3,127 8 Bred Heifers $5,063 39 Live lots $3,524 High Selling Heifer Calves: Cudlobe Blacklass 15B sired by Cudlobe Deluxe 1X out of a Cudlobe Payweight 8S consigned by Cudlobe Angus, Stavely, AB purchased by Curtis Harbinson, Brooks, AB for $6,500/// Red Lauron Blackbird 22B sired by Red Bar EL Admiral 26X out of a Red Lazy MC CC Detour 2W consigned by Lauron Red Angus, Didsbury, AB purchased by Shelby Zmurchyk, Lethbridge, AB for $6,200 High Selling Bred Heifers: Red C.D. Loretta Lynn 701A sired by Red LVKC GJP Sir King 24Y out of a Red Northline Buckcherry 165T consigned by CD Land & Cattle Co, Taber, AB purchased by Randy McGowan, Killam, AB for $6,300 /// Red Lauron Blackbird 147A sired by Red Ter-Ron Wallace 142W out of a Red TG Oscar 21S daughter consigned by Lauron Red Angus, Didsbury, AB purchased by Becky Domolewski, Taber, AB for $6,200

Frontline Female Sale November 1, 2014 - Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan SalesManagement:Castlerock Marketing, Swift Current, SK Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB 38 Bred Heifers $3,421 2 Cows $4,050 13 Heifer Calves $2,653 53 Sale lots $3,256 Sale gross $172,590 High Selling Bred Heifers: Valley Lodge Countess 17A sired by Basin Excitement out of an Ankonian Werner Wild Fire 96 daughter purchased by Delar Quarter Horses and Angus, Iron Springs, AB for $7,000 /// Sunny Grove Sheila 25A sired by Belvin Panic Switch 2’11 out of a Glencroft Extra 5S daughter purchased by Eastondale Angus, Wawota, SK for $5,100 High Selling Heifer Calf: J.D. Pride 405B sired by Mytty In Focus out of an HF Tiger 5T daughter purchased by Hilow Angus, Lumsden, SK for $3,700 High Selling Cow: Wilmo Duchess 13Y sired by TC Stout 407 out of a Wilmo Traveler 7G daughter purchased by Hi-Way Angus, Lumsden, SK for $4,200


e Amigos Production Sale November 12, 2014 - Medicine Hat, Alberta Auctioneer: Bob Balog, Lethbridge, AB 65 Bulls $5,470 35 Commercial Angus Heifers $2,670 High Selling Bulls: Pahl Iron Mountain 149A sired by Peak Dot Iron Mountain 457Y out of n SAV Net Worth 4200 daughter purchased by Leeuwenburgh Angus, Lethbridge, AB for $9,000 /// Pahl Poetic Justice 151A sired by Belvin Warrior 6’09 out of a Justamere 1118 Cash 665P daughter purchased by 7R Ranch, North Battleford, SK for $8,750


---Northern Select Angus Sale November 15, 2014 - Camrose, Alberta Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB Auctioneer: Chris Poley 1 Bull Calf $6,000 20 Bred females $4,983 1 Cow/Calf Pair $11,300 31 Heifer Calves $3,719 3 Pick of the Herd $6,167 56 Lots $4,478 Sale gross $250,750 High Selling Bred Heifer: Everblack Kathleen 23A sired by U2 Blackrock 43Y out of a Soo LineTank 5108 daughter consigned by Everblack Angus, Vermilion, AB purchased by Lewis Farms, Spruce Grove, AB for $10,000 High Selling Heifer Calf: Red Country Lane Annie 39B sired by Geid Mission 269’12 out of a DMM Junction 1X daughter consigned by Country Lane Angus, Vermilion, AB purchased by Bar EL Farms, Stettler, AB for $6,500

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High Selling Cow/Calf Pair: Red Cinder Lois 83R sired by Red Perks Advance 121R out of a Red Gara Heavenly 65C daughter consigned by Cinder Angus, Barrhead, AB purchased by Corona Creek Cattle Co, Bashaw, AB for $5,500 and her heifer calf Red Cinder Lois 183B sired by Red Cinder the Nuge 93Z purchased by Yarrow Creek Ranch, Twin Butte AB for $5,800 High Selling ‘Pick of the Herd’: Pick of the KJB Red Angus heifers calves purchased by HR Hahn Cattle Co, Sherwood Park, AB for $7,000


Masterpiece Sale November 26, 2014 - Regina, Saskatchewan SalesManagement:Castlerock Marketing, Swift Current, SK Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB 17 Heifer Calves $5,900 7 Bred Heifers $8,879 3 Picks of the Herd $20,333 2 Bull Calves $5,125 29 Live lots $8055 4 Semen Lots $213/straw 3 Embryo Packages $923/embryo High Selling Heifer Calves: HF Echo 212B sired by WK Smooth 2382 out of an HF Kodiak 5R daughter consigned by Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB purchased by Jaceline Klessens, Rolling Hills, AB for $16,500 /// HF Blackcap 257B sired by Pleasant Valley Lute 1207 out of a TC Freedom 104 daughter consigned by Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB purchased by Hillary Sauder, Hodgeville, SK for $12,250 /// Red JJL Miss Deal 51B sired by Red DMM Glesabr Barndance 35X out of a Red T-K Big Deal 98U purchased by Wood Coulee Red Angus, Swift Current, SK for $7,750 High Selling Bred Heifers:Tullamore Luscious 5A sired by Young Dale Grandeur 110W out of a TC Freedom 104 daughter consigned by Tullamore Angus, Caledon, ON purchased by Premier Livestock, Brunner, ON for $17,500 /// Merit Socialite 3159 sired by Bar EL Iron Will 32Y out of a GDAR Insight 7201 daughter purchased by Diamond C Liberty Angus, Grenfell, SK for $15,500 High Selling Bull Calf: First Line Unanimous 13B sired by Vision Unanimous 1418 out of a Salt Creek Bob 7003 daughter purchased by LLB Angus, Erskine, AB for $5,250 High Selling Pick of the Herd: Pick of any Rush Lake Bull or Heifer Calf from Stauffer Ranches purchased by Bar 4A Angus, La Glace, AB for $31,000 /// Pick of the Heifer Calves from Brylor Ranch to Sunberry Valley, Sundre, AB for $24,000 High Selling Semen Lot: 25 straws of Red Six Mile and Co Jagger 780A to Holland Lane Stock Farm, Chatsworth, ON for $7,500 High Selling Embryos: Package of 4 embryos from Red T-S Olivia 706P consigned by Brylor Ranch, Pincher Creek, AB purchased by Diamond C Liberty Angus, Grenfell, SK for $5,400 Page 22

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Power & Perfection Sale November 28, 2014 - Regina, Saskatchewan Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing, Carstair, AB Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran, Olds, AB 19 Open Heifers $8,434 5 Bred Heifers $13,150 3 Bulls $31,333 27 Live lots $11,852 4 Embryo lots $7,900 1 Flush $9,750 Sale gross $361,350 High Selling Open Heifers: Red Rainbow Lark 2B sired by Red SSS Endorse 639X out of a Red Lazy MC Smash 41N daughter consigned by Rainbow Red Angus, Cherhill, AB purchased by Rolling Hills Simmentals, Blakesburg, IA for $26,000 /// HF Queenie 161B sired by HF Stimulator 62Z out of an HF Kodiak 250U daughter consigned by Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB purchased by Green Angus Ranch, Hardin, MT; TLC Vetsch Angus Ranch, Hazelton, ND; Malson Angus, Parma, ID & Solberg Angus, Billings, MT for $19,500 /// HF Tibbie 241B sird by Pleasant Valley Lute 1207 out of an HF Free Wheeler 191N daughter consigned by Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, Ab purchased by Michelson Land & Cattle Co, Ituna, SK for $18,000 /// Six Mile Blair’s Beauty 235B sired by Connealy Complete 8454 out of an SAV Net worth 4200 daughter consigned by Six Mile Red Angus, Fir Mountain, SK & Blairs.Ag Cattle, Lanigan, SK purchased by Saik Cattle, Red Deer, AB for $9,500 ///Merit Socialite 4013 sired by Daines Heavy Si 57Z out of a Dwajo Dutch 65P daughter consigned by Merit Cattle Co, Radville, SK purchased by Bryces Bar B Ranch, Arcola, SK for $8,750 High Selling Bred Heifers: Ponderosa Jenn’s 1406 Fay 135A sired by EXAR First Class 1406B out of a Justamere 1118 Revolution 527S daughter consigned by Ponderosa Ranch & Jennifer Jones, Lloydminster, SK purchased by Deeg Simmentals, Strathmore, AB; Reay’s Unlimited, Saskatoon, SK; Rust Mountain View Ranch, Mercer, ND & Canadian Donors, Carstairs, AB for $20,000 /// Remitall F Black Angel 89A sired by Remtiall F Jet 30X out of a Remitall Timeline 508T daughter consigned by Remitall Farms, Olds, AB purchased by TSN Livestock, Brandon, MB for $16,500 /// Anderson Lucy 1373 sired by Wilbar Eastwood 200X out of a Riverbend Powerline 0050 daughter consigned by Anderson Cattle Co, Bethune, SK purchased by Jaxon Payne, Lloydminster, SK for $12,750 High Selling Bulls: Remitall F Prospector 110Z sired by SAV Prodigy 8101 out of a Justamere 1118 Cash 665P daughter consigned by Remtiall Farms & 3E Cattle Co, Olds, AB purchased by Breed Creek Ranch, Mankota, SK for $62,000 /// Wiwa Creek Monarch 13’13 sired by Wiwa Creek Monarch 53’08 out of a Young Dale Touch Down 36M daughter consigned by Wiwa Creek Angus, Rush Lake, SK purchased by Cecil Mantei, Estevan, SK for $21,000

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/// Boss Motive 404 sired by Soo Line Motive 9016 out of an SAV Iron Mountain 8066 daughter consigned by Boss Cattle Co, Chappell, NE purchased by CMT Farms, North Battleford, SK for $11,000 High Selling Flush: Flush from Soo Line Annie K 1094 sired by Cudlobe Yellowstone 80M out of a Geis Maximum 26’95 daughter consigned by Enright Farms, Renfrew, ON and Vos Vegas Farms, Corbyville, ON purchased by Bar 4A Angus, La Glace, AB for $9,750


Kenray Ranch Online Production Sale December 1st -3rd, 2014 Sale hosted by Cattle in Motion 15 Open Heifers $3,362 High Selling Lots: Red Kenray Jasmin 74B sired by Red McRaes Vision 50T out of a Red Cockburn Ribeye 308U daughter purchased by Twin Heritage Farms, Sheho, SK for $6,500 /// Red Kenray Lass 10B sired by Red McRaes Vision 50T out of a Red YY Hitch 23X daughter purchased by WCF Red Angus & WRAZ Red Angus, Wawota, SK for $6,000 /// Red Kenray Bela 147B sired by Red YY Designer 63X out of a Red Get-A-Long Rare 523 daughter purchased by Twin Heritage Farms, Sheho, SK for $4,100


Stromsmoe Black Angus and Hereford Production Sale December 2, 2014 - Etzikom AB Auctioneer: Bob Balog, Lethbridge, AB 24 Black Angus Long Yearling Bulls $6,510 11 Black Angus Bull Calves $4,318 1 Black Angus Heifer Calf $6,000 29 Hereford Long Yearling Bulls $6,026 65 Lots $5,915 12 Commercial Cows $3,088 67 Commercial Bred Heifers $3,336 Sale gross $645,075 High Selling Angus Bulls: C&N Harvestor120A sired by S A V Harvestor 0338 out of a N Bar Emulation EXT daughter purchased by Henry Shufletoski, Eastend. SK for $9,500 /// C&N Mandate 68A sired by Sydgen Mandate 6079 out of a S A V Pioneer 7301 daughter purchased by 4M Farms Ltd, Foremost, AB for $9,250 /// C&N Brand Name 30A sired by S A V Brand Name 9115 out of a Sydgen Mandate 6079 daughter purchased by Sunrise Colony, Etzikom, AB for $8,750 /// C&N Mandate 64A sired by Sydgen Mandate 6079 out of a G A R Predestined daughter purchased by Lazy H Ranches, Foremost AB for $8,750 High Selling Hereford Bulls: C&N Trust 52A sired by NJW 73S M326 Trust 100W ET out of a CL 1 Domino 252M 1ET daughter purchased by Randy

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Stokke, Consul, SK for $13,000 /// C&N L1 Advance 39A sired by HH Advance 0002X out of a C&N L1 Standard Domino 78W daughter purchased by Sandy Warburton, Granum, AB for $9,500


Peak Dot Ranch Fall Bull and Female Sale December 4, 2014 - Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB 128 Older Bulls $8,215 1 Bred Donation Heifer $3,500 Sale average $8,178 129 SaleTotal $1,051,500 High Selling Bulls: Peak Unanimous 485A sired by Vision Unanimous 1418 out of an SAV 004 Predominant 4438 daughter purchased by Hillcrest Enterprises, Coronach, SK for $27,000 /// Peak Dot Unanimous 779A sired by Vision Unanimous 1418 out of an SAV Iron Mountain 8066 daughter purchased by Hillcrest Enterprises, Coronach, SK for $26,000 /// Peak Dot Eliminator 184A sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of an SAV 004 Predominant 4438 daughter purchased by Michael Perez, NM & Alta Genetics, AB for $22,000 /// Peak Dot Eliminator 57A sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of a Basin Prime Cut 354K daughter purchased by Ranch Macadi S.N.C, Qc for $16,500 /// Peak Dot Eliminator 240A sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of a Stevenson Bruno 6372 daughter purchased by Ken Schmidt, ND for $15,500 /// Peak Dot Unanimous 729A sired by Vision Unanimous 1418 out of an SAV 004 Predominant 4438 daughter purchased by Salt Creek Ranch, TX for $15,000 /// Peak Dot Eliminator 256A sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of a Stevenson Bruno 6371 daughter purchased by Ken Schmidt, ND for $15,000 Donation Heifer: Peak Dot Barbara 258A sired by Peak Dot Volt 950U out of an SAV Autograph 5204 daughter purchased by Walter Wiebe, MB for $3,500


Majestic Cattle Company Commercial Production Sale December 6, 2014 - Lethbridge, Alberta Auctioneer: Bob Balog, Lethbridge, AB 23 Bulls $5,174 77 Black Commercial Cows $2,741 43 Red Commercial Cows $2,938 5 Black Bred Heifers $3,000 $5,800 2 Purebred Simmental Bred Heifers High Selling Bulls: Earley Zuneau 6Z sired by Koupal Juneau 797 out of an Earley Grid Power 52P daughter purchased by DKF Angus & Brandy Fettes, Gladmar, SK /// (Simmental) Majestic Milestone 59A sired by JF Milestone 999W out of a BOZ Redcoat daughter purchased by Paul Laqua, Foremost, AB for $8,000

Cudlobe 15th Annual Bull Sale December 10, 2014 - Stavely, Alberta Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB Sale management: Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 140 Yearling Bulls $7,657 Sale gross $1,072,000 High Selling Bulls: Cudlobe Mandate UF 31B sired by Cudlobe Mandate 10Z out of a Sydgen Mandate 6079 daughter purchased by Scott Stock Farms, Crossfield, AB for $25,000 /// Cudlobe Upshot 20B sired by EXAR Upshot 056B out of a TC Aberdeen 759 purchased by Antler Flats Ranch, Perdue, SK for $17,500 /// Cudlobe Deluxe 138B sired by Cudlobe Deluxe 1X out of a TC Total 410 purchased by Waveny Angus, Vermilion, AB for $15,500 /// Cudlobe Deluxe 3B sired by Cudlobe Deluxe 1X out a of TC Aberdeen 759 daughter purchased by Antler Flats, Perdue, SK for$16,000 /// Cudlobe Upshot 4B sired by EXAR Upshot 0562B out of a TC Aberdeen 759 purchased by Duckworth Ranch, Courval, SK for $15,000 /// Cudlobe Objective 6B sired by Cudlobe Objective 53X out of a Cudlobe in Focus 5S daughter purchased by Duckworth Ranch, Courval, SK for $14,000 /// Cudlobe Deluxe 19B sired by Cudlobe Deluxe 1X out of a Harb Pendleton 765 JH daughter purchased by Jamie Harbinson, Brooks, AB for $11,000 /// Cudlobe Upshot 70B sired by EXAR Upshot 0562B out of a Prairielane 7054-0036 daughter purchased by Jack Harbinson, Brooks, AB for $10,500


66 Ranch Fall Bull Sale December 12, 2014 - Fort Macleod, Alberta Auctioneer: Frank Jenkins, Pincher Creek, AB 39 Long Yearling Bulls $6,538 164 Commercial Bred Heifers $3,146 High Selling Bulls: 66 Eclipse 321A sired by HBR Eclipse 7116 out of a Deer River Ultra 156L daughter purchased by Lee Beasley, Patricia, AB for $10,000 /// 66 Imprint 379A sired by Connealy Imprint 8317 out of a RR Bentley 779F daughter purchased by Granum Colony, Granum, AB for $9,500 /// 66 Forte 38A sired by Bad Lands Forte 406X out of an SAV Final Answer 0035 daughter purchased by Ostafichuk Farms, Patricia, AB for $9,000


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9th Annual Atlasta Angus Bull Sale & Seriously Black Select Female Sale December 13, 2014 - Sylvan Lake, Alberta Auctioneer: Don Raffan, Armstrong, BC Sale management: DJ Henderson & Associates, Lacombe, AB 25 Bred Heifers $6,396 6 Heifer Calves $5,250 53 Yearling Bulls $6,807 15 Two Year Old Bulls $6,363 97 lots $6,676 Sale gross 647,600 High Selling Bred Heifers: Brookmore Heroine 108A sired by Sitz Upward 307R out of an SAV 004 Density 4336 daughter consigned by Brookmore Angus, Brookdale, MB purchased by Sunderland Ranch, Maple Creek, SK for $15,500 /// Brookmore Enchantress 2A sired by Connealy Right Answer 746 out of a Brookmore Neutron 72R daughter consigned by Brookmore Angus, Brookdale, MB purchased by HBH Angus, Rivers, MB for $13,500 /// Atlasta Lady Anne 125A sired by SAV Net Worth 4200 out of a SCA 3299 of Ideal 1418 daughter consigned by Atlasta Angus, Sylvan Lake, AB purchased by Weavercroft International, Dorchester, ON for $10,000 /// Brookmore Daisy 142A sired by Sitz Upward 307R out of an SAV Heritage 6295 daughter consigned by Brookmore Angus, Brookdale, MB purchased by Kaitlynn Bolduc, Cudlobe Angus, Stavely, AB for $9,800 High Selling Heifer Calves: Remitall West Forever Lady 29B sired by HF Kodiak 5R out of a Remitall Twenty X 910T daughter consigned by Remitall West, Olds, AB purchased by Wagner Angus, Moose Jaw, SK for $6,500/// Remitall West Neonia 53B sired by Cudlobe In Focus 5S out of a Remitall West Nighthawk 904U consigned by Remitall West, Olds, AB purchased by Wagner Angus, Moose Jaw, SK for $5,705 High Selling Yearling Bulls: Atlasta Upward 75B sired by Sitz Upward 307R out of a Sitz Alliance 6595 daughter purchased by Highway 21 Feeders, Acme, AB for $17,500 /// Atlasta Predominant 31W-12B sired by Atlasta Predominant 31W out of an HF Kodiak 57U daughter purchased by Bushfield Farms, Airdrie, AB for $10,500 /// Atlasta Consensus 76B sired by Connealy Consensus 7229 out of an Atlasta BB Traveler 6807 047T daughter half interest purchased by Compass Ranches, Cochrane, AB for $9,750 /// Atlasta Upshot 81B sired by EXAR Upshot 0562B out of a Connealy Timeline daughter purchased by Bill & Lynette Jarvis, Medicine Hat, AB for $8,800 /// Atlasta RFA 109B sired by Remitall Final Answer 209T out of a DMM Stockman 106J daughter purchased by Ryan Smith, Ponoka, AB for $8,700 High Selling Two Year Old Bulls: Atlasta LFA 809U-192A sired by LFE BA Lewis 809U out of a Royal Traveler DRCC 6068S daughter purchased by Merv McBride, Rimbey, AB for $7,500 /// Atlasta Cash Jr 21A sired by Remitall Superevent 532S out

of a GGRR Trafalgar 19S daughter purchased by Tongue Creek Ranch, Turner Valley, AB for $7,400 Mystery Lot: Pick of all 2015 Atlasta heifer calves purchased by Remitall West, Olds, AB for $5,750 Volume Buyers: Tennant Ranches, Bluffton, AB (8 bulls); Tongue Creek Ranch, Turner Valley, AB ( 7 bulls)


Benchmark Angus Fall Bull Sale December 13, 2014 - Warner, Alberta Auctioneer: Bob Balog, Lethbridge, AB 27 Fall Born Bulls $9,398 2 Two Year Old Bulls $5,925 29 Bulls $9,159 Sale gross $265,600 High Selling Bulls: Benchmark Prophet 213’13 sired by GAR Prophet out of a Twin Valley Precision E161 daughter purchased by Basin Angus Ranch, Joliet, MT for $41,000 ///Benchmark Micah 247’13 sired by GAR Prophet out of a Summitcrest Complete 1P55 daughter half interest purchased by Walburger Ranch, Elkwater, AB for $20,000 ///Benchmark Prophet 184’13 sired by GAR Prophet A011 out of a GAR 1407 New Design 3064 daughter purchased by Christian Brost, Maple Creek, SK for $9,750 /// Benchmark Daybreak 201’13 sired by GAR Daybreak 6860 out of a TC Freedom 104 daughter purchased by Burke Creek Ranch, Claresholm, AB for $9,200

Touch of Class Sale December 12, 2014 - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan SalesManagement:Castlerock Marketing, Swift Current, SK Auctioneer: Chris Poley 23 Heifer Calves $4,385 17 Bred Heifers $5,800 7 Cows $5,500 1 Cow/Calf Pair $12,250 3 Semen Lots $104/straw 1 Embryo Lot $700/embryo 1 Flush $3,000 48 Live Lots $5,213 Sale Gross $264,125 High Selling Heifer Calf: Triple L Shake That 20B sired by JS Bomber 1Y out of a Woodhill Commander 143L-132N daughter consigned byTriple L Angus,Viscount, SK purchased by Blairs.Ag, Lanigan, SK for $8,750 High Selling Bred Heifer: Northern View Socialite 86A sired by Sitz Upward 307R out of a Merit Matador 4190 daughter consigned by Northern View Angus, Duff, SK purchased by Leon White, Fiske, SK for $7,500 High Selling Cow: DKF Miss Right Time 122W sired by DKF Mr Right 7S out of a Red BVR Rab-Star 56C daughter consigned by DKF Angus, Gladmar, SK purchased by Wraz Red Angus, Wawota, SK for $7,500 High Selling Cow/Calf Pair:RNRF Pandora 1205Z sired by RNRF Unlimited Bond 227U out of a Double AA Rito 21’03 daughter consigned by RNRF Flicek Angus, Neilburg, SK purchased by Big Gully Farm, Maidstone, SK for $8,000 and her heifer calf by Z-Bar Tex 29Z purchased by Z Bar Angus, Marsden, SK for $4,250 High Selling Semen Lot: Red Brylor JKC Ghost Rider 108Y consigned by WRAZ Red Angus, Wawota, SK purchased by Pasquia Red Angus, Carrot River, SK for $130/straw High Selling Embryos: SAV Queen 2159 X WK Smooth embryos consigned by J&S Cattle Co, Kenaston, SK purchased by Worth A Bit Angus, PEI for $700/embryo

Angus Collection Sale December 21, 2014 - Olds, Alberta Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran, Olds, AB Sale management: BohrsonMarketing, Carstairs, AB 1 Yearling Bull $35,000 14 Bred Heifers $9,057 14 Heifer Calves $6,239 1 Cow/Calf Pair $16,250 1 Pick of the Herd $16,000 32 Live lots $8,344 1 Flush $16,000 2 Embryo Packages $3,450 High Selling Bull: Wiwa Creek Lead Change 84’14 sired by Brooking Lead Change 204 out of a Soo Line Motive daughter 9016 daughter consigned by Wiwa Creek Angus, Rush Lake, SK purchased by Bar 4A Cattle Co, L Glace, AB for $35,000 High Selling Bred Heifers: HF Pride 9A sired by HF Rebel 53Y out of an HF Hemi 176W daughter consigned by Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB purchased by Wild West Angus, Rolling Hills, Ab for $17,000 ///Wiwa Cree Black Bird 79’13 sired by Soo Line Motive 9016 out of a Wiwa Creek Escalade 815’08 daughter consigned by Wiwa Creek Angus, Rush Lake, SK purchased by Lambs Angus, Swift Current, Sk for $16,500 High Selling Heifer Calves: HF Tibbie 254B sired by J Square S Fireman 14Y out of an HF Tiger 5T daughter consigned by Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB purchased by Greenwood Cattle, Lloydminster, SK for $16,000 /// Richmond Black Betty 14B sired by HF Decisive 56Z out of a Willabar Ambush 86K daughter consigned by Richmond Ranch, Rumsey, AB purchased by Walkerbrae Farms, Guelph, ON for $10,500/// Belvin Lady Di 63’14 sired by Ring Creek El Tigre 9X out of a Belvin Rebel 33’05 daughter consigned by Belvin Angus, Innisfail, AB purchased by Ring Creek Farm, Fairview, AB for $8,000

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Agribition Black Angus Show Results November 27, 2014 Heifer Calf Class - Split 1 1)Mich Mainstream Lady Lola 479 (Mich Aviator 189Y) Mainstream Genetics, Watrous, SK 2) Wiwa Creek Blackbird 49’14 (Wiwa Creek Monarch 53’08) Wiwa Creek Farms, Rush Lake, AB 3) Mainstream Wind Storm 70B (Hillard Bismark 204)Mainstream Genetics, Watrous, SK (6 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 2 1) Young Dale Elba 118B (Young Dale Xcaliber 32X) Young Dale Angus, Carievale, SK 2) Boss Miss Motive 422 (Soo Line Motive 9016) Boss Cattle Co, Chappell, NE 3) Anderson Primrose 4116 (Anderson Prisoner 1237) Anderson Cattle Co, Bethune, SK (6 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 3 1) Bar EL Tibbie 173B (Bushs Rock Solid 983)Brooking Angus Ranch, Radville, SK & Riverfront Angus Ranch 2) Wiwa Creek Erica 93’14 (Wiwa Creek Net Worth 38’12) Wiwa Creek Farms, Rush Lake, SK 3) Mich Envious Blackbird 1428 (EXAR Classen 1422B) Michelson Land & Cattle, Ituna, SK (9 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 4 1) Northline Fatal Attraction (SSCO Dateline Twentyten X003)Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB 2) B Bar B Barbie Blu 28B (SAV 707 Rito 9969) Bryces Bar B Ranch, Arcola, SK3) Bar B Bonnie Jane 26B (Hoff First Edition 058 242) Bryces Bar B Ranch, Arcola, SK (9 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 5 1) HF Miss Blackcap 257B (Pleasant Valley Lute 1207) Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB 2) HF Tibbie 241B (Pleasant Valley Lute 1207) Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB 3)PM Tibbie 60’14 (HF underbird 146Y) Poplar Meadows Angus, Houston, BC (7 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 6 1) Brooking Donna 4072 (Soo Line Motive 9016) Brooking Angus Ranch, Radville, SK 2)HF Echo 212B (WK Smooth 2382) Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB 3) HLC 11Y Athena 441B (Enview Camoflage 11Y) Hollinger Land & Cattle, Neudorf, SK (8 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 7 1) Anderson Primrose 1423 (Soo Line Motive 9016) Anderson Cattle, Bethune, SK 2)Brooking Beauty 4061 (SAV Resource 1441) Brooking Angus Ranch, Radville, SK 3)Merit Socialite 4013(Daines Heavy SI 57Z)Merit Cattle Co, Radville, SK (8 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 8 1) Brooking Lady 4052 (Brooking Prosecutor 222) Brooking Angus Ranch, Radville, SK, CSI Angus, Wiwea Creek Angus 2) CCCJ Beauty 8B (Soo Line Motive 9016) Chance Jackson, Sedley, SK 3) CCCJ Rosebud 7B (SAV Bismarck 5682) Chance Jackson, Sedley, SK (7 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 9 1) CCCJ Beauty 4B (Soo Line Motive 9016) Chance Jackson, Sedley, SK 2) HLC 0050 Seduction 414B Page 28

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Judge: Jay Holmes, Semans, Saskatchewan

(EXAR Purpose 0050B) Hollinger Land & Cattle, Neudorf, SK 3) FRL Miss Rito 403B (Lookout Zoro 80Z) Forsyth Ranch, Herbert, SK (7 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 10 1) Mich Envious Blackbird 1424 (EXAR Classen 1422B) Michelson Land & Cattle, Ituna, SK 2) Northern View Missie 94B (Sitz Upward 307R) Northern View Angus, Neudorf, SK 3) GGA Blackberry 2B (SAV 004 Density 4336) Glen Gabel, Regina, SK (6 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 11 1)TSN Lady 18B (TC Grid Topper 355)TSN Livestock, Btrandon, MB 2) SHRX Zara Lisa 1B (Vision Unanimous 1418) Swan Hill Ranch, Swan River, MB 3)Walkerbrae Princess 1011B (Connealy Consensus 7229) Walkerbrae Farms, Guelph, ON & Harvest Angus, Princess George, BC (7 in class) Champion Junior Heifer Calf Bar EL Tibbie 173B Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf Mich Mainstream Lady Lola 479 Champion Intermediate Heifer Calf Brooking Donna 4072 Reserve Champion Intermediate Heifer Calf Northline Fatal Attraction Champion Senior Heifer Calf Brooking Lady 4052 Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf Mich Envious Blackbird 1424 Yearling Heifer Class - Split 1 1) HLC 1220 Sweet Emotion 362A (JL Warden 1220) Hollinger Cattle Co, Neudorf, SK & Nicki Ross 2) Wiwa Creek Blackbird 31’13 (Wiwa Creek Monarch 53’08) Wiwa Creek Farms, Rush Lake, SK 3) Boss Miss Tiger King 356 (Daines Ranch Tiger King 36Y) Boss Cattle, Chappell, NE (9 in class) Yearling Heifer Class - Split 2 1) Bar EL Erica 74A (Bar EL Natural Law 52Y) Blairswest Land & Cattle, Drake, SK 2) Bar H Hope 15A (Bar-H Balancer 14X) Bar-H Land & Cattle, Langenburg, SK3) Merit Socialite 3060(Merit Justice 48X) Merit Cattle Co, Radville, SK (9 in class) Yearling Heifer Class - Split 3 1) Remitall F Black Angel 89A (Remitall F Jet 30X) Remitall Farms, Olds, AB 2) HLC 1220 Electra 282A (JL Warden 1220)Hollinger Land & Cattle, Neudorf, SK 3) Blair’s Della 309A (Lees Latest Version 0002) Mainstream Genetics, Watrous, SK (6 in class) Yearling Heifer Class - Split 4 1) SCC Lady Blossom 25A (Styles Upgrade J59) Stewart Cattle Co, Russell, MB & Brianna Kimmel 2) Hall’s Duchess 328A (Justamere 253 Bada Bing 406) Hall’s Cattle Co, Craven, SK 3) Harvest Blackbird Jo Jo 13A (Leachman Saugahatchee 3000C) Harvest Angus, Prince George, BC (8 in class)

Winter 2014 *

Yearling Heifer Class - Split 5 1) Justamere 40 Mistress 420A (EXAR Pay Stub 40 5S) Justamere Farms, Lloydminster & Express Ranches 2) OSU Emprfess 3100 (Dameron First Impression) Premier Livestock, Milverton, ON, Hasson Livestock & Six Mile Ranch 3) MVF Pride 4A (Southland riller 83X) Chance Jackson, Sedley, SK (9 in class) Champion Junior Yearling Heifer HLC 1220 Sweet Emotion 362A Reserve Champion Junior Yearling Heifer Wiwa Creek Blackbird 31’13 Champion Senior Yearling Heifer Justamere 40 Mistress 420A Reserve Champion Senior Yearling Heifer Remitall F Black Angel 89A Two Year Old Cow/Calf Class - Split 1 1) Greenwood Zexy and I Know It (Gumbo Gulch Creed 94S calf by Soo Line Motive 9016) Greenwood, Lloydminster, AB 2) Northline Saving Grace 76Z (Young Dale Double T 106P calf by Hoover Dam) Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB 3) Hall’s Rosebud 212Z (Soo Line Motive 9016 calf by HF Prowler 43U) Hall’s Cattle Co, Craven, SK (4 in class) Two Year Old Cow/Calf Class - Split 2 1) DFCC 32T Sassy 8Z (Eastondale Break Away 32’07 calf by NRA Pioneer 43Z) Double F Cattle Co, Parkside, SK & Nielson Land and Cattle 2) OAV Classy 4Z (Clegg Real Worth 37Z calf by SAV Bismarck 5682) Lakeland College, Vermilion, AB 3) DMM Blackbird 8Z (DMM Dynasty 03G calf by HF Tiger 5T) Raina Syrnyk, Ethelbert, MB (4 in class) Mature Cow/Calf Class - Split 1 1) Merit Socialite 48X (GDAR Insight 7201 calf by Daines Heavy SI 57Z) Merit Cattle Co, Radville, SK 2) EA Rose 918 (SAV Final Answer 0035 calf by Connealy Earnan 076E) Brooking Angus Ranch, Radville, SK 3) Remitall F Marlene 8W (Remitall H Rachis 21R calf by SAV Resource 1441) Remitall Farms, Olds, AB (4 in class) Mature Cow/Calf Class - Split 2 1) N7’s Blk Woodlady 2T (TC Stout 407 calf by Conneally Imprint 8317) NYK Cattle Co, Douglas, MB 2) HF Echo 178W (HF Hemi 151T calf by HF Stimulator 62Z) Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB 3) JD CH Georgina 8W (SAV Mandan 5664 calf by Sankeys Justified 101) Nicki Ross Show Cattle, Red Deer County, AB (4 in class) Champion Senior Female N7’s Blk Woodlady 2T Reserve Champion Senior Female HF Echo 178W Grand Champion Female N7’s Blk Woodlady 2T

Reserve Champion Female Justamere 40 Mistress 420A Bull Calf Class - Split 1 1)Isla Bank Montezuma 4103 (SAV Heritage 6295) Isla Bank Angus Farm, Delisle, SK 2)Isla Bank Momentum 4121 (Connealy Consensus 7229)Isla Bank Angus Farm, Delisle, SK3) Boss Motive 404 (Soo Line Motive 9016) Boss Cattle, Chappell, NE (6 in class) Bull Calf Class - Split 2 1) Wilbar Back in Black 546B (Bar EL Unforgiven 102U) Wilbar Cattle Co, Dundurn, SK 2) Mich Mob Boxx 1425(EXAR Classen 1422B)Michelson Land & Cattle, Ituna, SK 3)Bar B Intensity 27B (Southland riller 83X) Bryces Bar B Ranch, Arcola, SK (6 in class) Bull Calf Class - Split 3 1) Wiwa Creek Lead Change 84’14 (Brooking Lead Change 204) Wiwa Creek Farms, Rush Lake, SK 2) Anderson Dagger 1439 (Young Dale Zalman 18Z) Anderson Cattle Co, Bethune, SK3)DFCC 71X Holtz 70B (Duralta 4T Turbo 71X) Double F Cattle Co, Parkside, SK (8 in class) Bull Calf Class - Split 4 1) Wilbar Snake Eyes 508B (HF Smokin’ Aces 105Y) Wilbar Cattle Co, Dundurn, SK 2) PM Thunderbird 25’14 (HF underbird 146Y)Poplar Meadows Angus, Houston, BC 3)CCCJ Free Style 16B (SAV Brandname 9115) CHance Jackson, Sedley, SK (7 in class) Bull Calf Class - Split 5 1) HLC 244Y Hustler 428B (Justamere 422 Impact 244Y) Hollinger Land & Cattle Co, Neudorf, SK 2) Six Mile Blackhawk Down 101B (SAV Harvestor 0338) Six Mile Ranch, Fir Mountain, SK3) Remitall F Brigade 96B (Remitall F Odyssey 67X) Remitall Farms, Olds, AB(9 in class) Bull Calf Class - Split 6 1) J Square S Impulse 416B (Soo Line Motive 9016) J Suare S Angus, Grayson, SK 2) Northern View Impact 108B (Connealy Imprint 8317) Northern View Angus, Neudorf, SK3)NRA Shut Out 9B (DFCC 176W Shut Out 40Z) Nielson Land & Cattle, Craik, SK (6 in class) Bull Calf Class - Split 7 1) Northern View Impact 80B (Connealy Imprint 8317) Northern View Angus, Neudorf, SK 2) Justamere 2002 Mile High 610B (EXAR Denver 2002) Justamere Farms, Lloydminster, SK 3) Harvest Showtime 7B (City Lights Showtime 101Y)Harvest Angus, Prince George, BC (7 in class)

Champion Junior Bull Calf Isla Bank Montezuma 4103 Reserve Champion Bull Calf Isla Bank Momentum 4121 Champion Intermediate Bull Calf Wiwa Creek Lead Change 84’14 Reserve Champion Intermediate Bull Calf Wilbar Snake Eyes 508B Senior Champion Senior Bull Calf HLC 244Y Hustler 428B Reserve Champion Senior Bull Calf Six Mile Blackhawk Down 101B Yearling Bull Class - Split 1 1) Justamere 0409 Full Throttle (EXAR Lutton 0409B) Justamere Farms, Lloydminster, SK 2) Merit Big Dawg 3049A (Bar EL Iron Will 32Y)Double F Cattle Co, Parkside, SK, Jonathon Lock & Merit Cattle Co 3) RNRF Eric 159A (Angus Acres Eric 78U) RNR Flicek Angus, Neilburg, SK (8 in class) Yearling Bull Class - Split 2 1) HLC 1220 Slow Ride 266A (JL Warden 1220) Hollinger Land & Cattle, Neudorf, SK, J Square S Angus 2) SY Advantage 33A (Young Dale Touch Down 36M) Symens Land & Cattle, Claresholm, AB 3) Justamere 406S Big Guns 414A (Justamere 253 Bada Bing 406S) Justamere Farms, Lloydminster, SK, Duane & Carmen Hanson, Shandar Angus (8 in class) Champion Junior Bull Justamere 0409 Full Throttle Reserve Champion Junior Bull Merit Big Dawg 3049A Two Year Old Bull Class 1) Remitall F Prospector 110Z (SAV Prodigy 8101) Remitall Farms, Olds; 3E Cattle Co, Carstairs, AB 2) Wilbar Capacity 99Z (Peak Dot Capacity 601W) Wilbar Cattle Co, Dundurn, SK 3) Brooking Prosecutor 222 (Soo Line Motive 9016) Anderson Cattle Co, Radville, SK (6 in class) Grand Champion Bull Remitall F Prospector 110Z Reserve Champion Bull Wilbar Capacity 99Z Breeders Herd Hollinger Land & Cattle, Neudorf, SK Premier Breeder & Premier Exhibitor Hollinger Land & Cattle, Neudorf, SK

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Grand Champion Female N7’s Blk Woodlady 2T

Reserve Champion Female Justamere 40 Mistress 420A

Grand Champion Bull Remitall F Prospector 110Z

Reserve Champion Bull Wilbar Capacity 99Z

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Agribition Red Angus Show Results November 27, 2014 Heifer Calf Class - Split 1 1) Red Six Mile Bayberry 478B (Red Six Mile Ruger 221X) Six Mile Ranch Ltd, Fir Mountain, SK 2) Red Blair’s Marta 9B (Red Corner Creek Cash 2R) Blairs.Ag Cattle Co, Lanigan, SK 3)Red Six Mile Patsy 490B (Red L83 Super Duty 244Z) Six Mile Ranch Ltd, Fir Mountain, SK (12 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 2 1) Red Six Mile Sassy Sierra 156B (Red MRLA New Era 87Y)Six Mile Ranch Ltd, Fir Mountain, SK & J6 Farms Inc NE 2) Red Bar EL Kassie 129B (Red Bar EL AB Magic Mike 189Z)Bar El Angus, Stettler, AB & Blairs.Ag Cattle Co, Lanigan, SK 3)Red Six Mile Sexy Sierra 175B (Red MRLA New Era 87Y) Six Mile Ranch Ltd, Fir Mountain, SK (8 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 3 1) Red Blair’s Mandy 1B (Red Ringstead Kargo 215U) Blairs.Ag Cattle Co, Lanigan, SK 2) Red Wildman Rebello 409B (Red Jensen Sky 611X)Wildman Livestock, Sangudo, AB 3) Red Six Mile Cheta Girl 144B (Red MRLA New Era 87Y)Six Mile Ranch Ltd, Fir Mountain, SK & Coy Gibson, Fir Mountain, SK (7 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 4 1) Red Wrights 161X Firefly 11B (Red Soo Line Power Eye 161X) Wright Livestock, Melfort, SK 2) Red Shiloh Best Get Loaded 14B (Red Vikse Fully Loaded 29Y) Shiloh Cattle Co, Craigmyle, AB 3) Red Hall’s Bayberry 45B (Red Wildman Rio Grande 520R)Hall's Cattle Co, Craven, SK (8 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 5 1) Red Rainbow Lark 2B (Red SSS Endorse 639X) Rainbow Red Angus, Cherhill, AB 2) Red Ter-Ron Brandy 31B (Red Ter-Ron Solo Cup 180Z) Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB 3) Red Howe Ms Creston 7B (Red XO Crowfoot Shine 235Z) Howe Red Angus, Moose Jaw, SK (6 in class) Champion Junior Heifer Calf Red Six Mile Bayberry 4778B Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf Red Blair’s Marta 9B Champion Intermediate Heifer Calf Class Red Blair’s Mandy 1B Reserve Champion Intermediate Heifer Calf Red Six Mile Sassy Sierra 156B Champion Senior Heifer Calf Red Rainbow Lark 2B Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf Red Ter-Ron Brandy 31B Yearling Heifer Class - Split 1 1) TLC Alaynah 329 (TLC Cherry Dr) Hans Lind, Rushford MN 2) Red TNF Covergirl 49A (Red Northline Fat Tony 605U)TNF Red Angus, Sturgeon County, AB & Jesse Tufty, Sturgeon County, AB 3) Red Blairs Larkaba 42A (Red Wheel Gangster 31Y) Page 30

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Judge: Kasey Phillips, Waskatenau, Alberta Baxter Blair, McLean, SK (7 in class) Champion Junior Yearling Female TLC Alaynah 329 Reserve Champion Junior Yearling Female Red TNF Covergirl 49A Yearling Heifer Class - Split 2 1) Red Ter-Ron Alice 137A (Red Ter-Ron Wicked 53Y) Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB 2) Red Ter-Ron Alyssa 42A (Red Ter-Ron Wicked 53Y)Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB 3) Red Six Mile Fanny 554A (Red Six Mile Quest 117Y) Six Mile Ranch Ltd, Fir Mountain, SK & Raina Syrnk, MB (8 in class) Champion Senior Yearling Female Red Ter-Ron Alice 137A Reserve Champion Senior Yearling Female Red Ter-Ron Alyssa 42A Two Year Old Cow/Calf Class 1) Red K Adams Zaria 091Z (Red Ter-Ron RealDeal 01W calf by Red Lazy MC Kingman 16W) Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB 2) Red Northline Porsche 16Z (Red Northline Ignition 125W calf by Red Northline Crush 59R) Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB & Cole Goad 3) Red Lazy MC Firefly 36Z (Red Lazy MC Lookout 153X calf by NCJ Lazy MC Venom 34Z) Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB (5 in class) Mature Cow/Calf Class 1) Red Wildman Miss Stocky 731T (Red BXB Daytripper 273P calf by Red Jensen Sky 611X) Wildman Livestock, Sangudo, AB Champion Senior Female Red K Adams Zaria 091Z Reserve Champion Senior Female Red Northline Porsche 16Z Grand Champion Female Red K Adams Zaria 091Z Reserve Champion Female Red Northline Porsche 16Z Junior Bull Calf Class - Split 1 1) Red Six Mile Back Country 295B (Red Six Mile Grand Slam 130Z)Six Mile Ranch Ltd, Fir Mountain, SK 2) Red T-K Cobra 34B (Red Bar EL Warden 144W)T Bar K Ranch, Wawota, SK3) Red Lazy MC Perfect Vision 161B (Red Lazy MC Eye Spy 64Y) Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB (10 in class) Junior Bull Calf Class - Split 2 1) Red Bar EL Bullpen 78B (Red Crowfoot 4Aces 2193Z) Bar EL Angus, Stettler, AB 2) Red TNF Bar None 71B (Red Northline Fat Tony 605U) TNF Red Angus, Sturgeon County, AB 3) Red Wrights 161X Fifty Below 9B (Red Soo Line Power Eye 161X)Wright Livestock, Melfort, SK (7 in class) Junior Bull Calf Class - Split 3 1) Red Blairwest Power Up 1B (Red Soo Line Power Eye 161X) Blairwest Cattle Co, Drake, SK 2) Red

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Wilbar Bounty 309B (Red Wilbar Over the Top 825Z) Wilbar Cattle Co, Dundurn, SK 3) Red Triple L Kill Switch 19B (Red Six Mile Kill Switch 135Z) Triple L Angus, Viscount, SK & Kyle Hale (7 in class) Junior Bull Calf Class - Split 4 1) Red Rainbow Roadhouse 3B (Red T-K Recoil 72Y) Rainbow Red Angus, Cherhill, AB 2) Red R-Line Headlojne 5B (Red Six Mile Sakic 832S) Redline Livestock, Didsbury, AB3) Red Ter-Ron Bazinga 13B (Ter-Ron Park Place 18Y)Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB (6 in class) Junior Bull Calf Champion Red Six Mile Back Country 295B Junior Reserve Champion Bull Calf Red T-K Cobra 34B Intermediate Bull Calf Champion Red Blairswest Power Up 1B Intermediate Bull Calf Reserve Champion Red Bar EL Bullpen 78B Senior Bull Calf Champion Red Rainbow Roadhouse 3B Senior Reserve Champion Bull Calf Red R-Line Headline 5B Yearling Bull Class 1) Red Six Mile & Co Jagger 780A (Red VGW Game Plan 816)Six Mile Ranch, Fir Mountain,Triple L Angus, Wright’s Red Angus & Breed Creek Angus 2) CRSL Navaho (Red Northline Jesse James) Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB & Phillip Drieger 3) Red Redrich Aftershock 238A (Red Wilbar Longitude 646Y) Wood Coulee Cattle, Swift Current, SK (4 in class) Champion Junior Bull Red Six Mile & Co Jagger 780A Reserve Champion Junior Bull CRSL Navaho Two Year Old Bull Class 1) Red Six Mile Tuff Enuf 111Z (Red Six Mile Rawhide 222X) Six Mile Ranch, Fir Mountain, SK & EKW Red Angus 2) Red Six Mile Kill Switch 135Z (Red Benchmark Better Beef) Triple L Angus, Viscount, SK & Wright’s Red Angus, Six Mile Ranch 3) Red NCJ Lazy MC Venom 34Z (Red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U) Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB, NCJ Cattle Co (6 in class) Champion Senior Bull Red Six Mile Tuff Enuf 111Z Reserve Champion Senior Bull Red Six Mile Kill Switch 135Z Grand Champion Bull Red Six Mile Tuff Enuf 111Z Reserve Champion Bull Red Six Mile & Co Jagger 780A

Maritime Fall Fair October 12, 2014 - Judge: Martin Mason

Grand Champion Female Red K Adams Zaria 091Z

Reserve Champion Female Red Northline Porsche 16Z

Bull Calf Class 1) MKHF Rocky 148B (Musgrave Boulder) MacKinnon Homestead, Vernon River, PE 2) MKHF Leapz 145B (Vin-Mar O’Reilly Factor) MacKinnon Homestead, Vernon River, PE 3) Lorcain Bucky 5B (Cudlobe Timeless 30Z) Lorcain Farms, Middle Musquodoboit, NS (4 in class) Grand Champion Bull MKHF Rocky 148B Reserve Champion Bull MKHF Leapz 145B Heifer Calf Class - Split 1 1) Wheatley River Bellatrix (SAV Angus Valley 1867) Wheatley River Farm, Oyster Bed, PE 2) Wheatley River Bailey (SAV Angus Valley 1867) Wheatley River Farm, Oyster Bed, PE 3) Bannockburn Valley Dolly 15B (JS Kodiak 1T) Melanie Delong, Kingston, NS (6 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 2 1) Wheatley River Bella 12B (SAV 004 Density 4336) Kyle Younker, Brackley Beach, PE 2) Red Lindale Goldie HT 15B (Red Lazy MC Honky Tonk 11X) Dale & Linda Lackie, Southfield, NB 3) Red Lindale Zeta CM 14B (Red Combo of Bannockburn 1U) Dale & Linda Lackie, Southfield, NB (5 in class)

Yearling Heifer Class - Split 1 1) Wheatley River Ariel (SAV Bismarck 5682) Kyle Younker, Brackley Beach, PE 2) Locust Grove Blackbird 4A (SAV Net Worth 4200) MacKinnon Homestead, Vernon River, PE 3) Model Farm Pride 2A (SAV Camaro 9272)Grant & Donnie McCaffrey, Hunter River, PE (6 in class) Yearling Heifer Class - Split 2 1) Mel’s Mini Mouse 14A (Peak Dot Iron Mountain 945X) Melanie DeLong, Kingston, NS 2) Harmony Ridge Brittany (SAV Camaro 9272) Harmony Ridge Farm, Harmony, NS 3) Bannock Valley Rose 47A (JS Kodiak 1T) Dusty Breeze Farm, Jolicure, NB (6 in class) Two Year Old Cow/Calf 1) Wheatley River Effie 14P (Border Butte Forefront 13’02) Wheatley River Farm, Oyster Bed, PE Grand Champion Female Wheatley River Effie 14P Reserve Champion Female Wheatley River Ariel 2A Breeder’s Herd Wheatley River Farm, Oyster Bed, PE Premier Breeder & Exhibitor Wheatley River Farm, Oyster Bed, PE

Grand Champion Bull Red Six Mile Tuff Enuf 111Z

Reserve Champion Bull Red Six Mile & Co Jagger 780A

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Royal Agricultural Winter Fair November 9, 2014 - Judges: Lee & Dawn Wilson, Bashaw, Alberta Heifer Calf Class - Split 1 1) GF Mercedes 924B (C&C McIntosh 2038) Brad Gilchrist, Lucknow, ON 2) GF Crush Maid 100B (C&C McIntosh 2038) Brad Gilchrist, Lucknow, ON 3) EF Envious Blackbird 66B (PVF Insight 0129) Enright Farms, Renfrew, ON (7 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 2 1) Kemp Brothers Freedom 70B (Kemp Brother’s Yankee 13Y) Kemp Brothers Farms, Blackstock, ON 2) GF Evening Tinge 17B (SAV Harvestor 0338) Brad Gilchrist, Lucknow, ON3) Red Patchell’s Kassie (Red Northline Rob Roy 122K) Patchell Livestock, Hanover, ON (7 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 3 1) Sunset Madame Pride 3B (DAJS Shockwave 612) Sunset Acres, Kemptville, ON 2) Polestar Queen Lilly (SAV Brilliance 8077) Denver Bolton, Lansdowne, ON 3)Whiskey Lane Venesa 23B (Vision Unanimous 1418) Whiskey River Livestock, Indian River, ON (9 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 4 1) PFLC Ellen 170B (SAV Net Worth 4200) Premier Livestock & Hasson Livestock, Milverton, ON 2) Brantnor’s Delia 10B (DASJ Shockwave 612)Brantnor Angus, Woodville, ON 3) Clair Lane Queen 1407 (PVF Windfall SCC 9005) Neilcairn Angus, Fergus, ON (10 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 5 1)Whiskey Lane Lady 10B (PVF Windfall SCC 9005) Whiskey Lane Livestock, Indian River, ON 2) Locust Grove Eline Erica 16B (HF Kodiak 5R) Locust Grove Angus & Hasson Cattle Co, Milton, ON 3) Hawthorne Agnes 2B (PVF Windfall SCC 9005) Barry Stewart, Mountain, ON (9 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 6 1) DSMR Royal Lady 107B (Southland riller 83X) Hargrave Farms, Wingham, ON 2) Seldom Rest Forever Lady 869 (EXAR Classen 1422B) Vos Vegas Farms, Sherrylynn Cattle Co, Plainfield, ON 3) Tambri Blackbird 5B (Connealy Consensus 7229) Tammi Ribey, Paisley, ON (7 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 7 1) Willowside Windfall 1B (PVF Windfall SCC 9005) Willowside Angus & Ron & Nancy Cochrane, Thornton, ON 2) IRCC Tibbie 401B (BC Lookout 7024) Indian River Cattle Co, Indian River, ON 3) Walkerbrae Princess 1011B (Connealy Consensus 7229) Harvest Angus, Prince George, BC (9 in class) Champion Junior Heifer Calf GF Mercedes 942B Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf Kemp Brothers freedom 70B

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Champion Intermediate Heifer Calf Sunset Madame Pride Reserve Champion Intermediate Heifer Calf Polestar Queen Lilly Champion Senior Heifer Calf Willoside Windfall 1B Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf Whiskey Lane Lady 10B Yearling Heifer Class - Split 1 1) PVF Blackbird 3212 (Dameron First Class) Enright Farms, Renfrew, ON 2) Bannockburn Valley Rose 47A (JS Kodiak 1T) Nicole Booth, Jolciure, NB 3) Northshore Blackbird 12A (Duff Generator 864) Nolan Yager, Selkirk, ON (4 in class) Yearling Heifer Class - Split 2 1) Vos Vegas Queen of Hearts 30A (Dameron First Impression) Vos Vegas Farms, Plainfield, ON 2) Tullamore Mayflower 76A (Young Dale Grandeur 110W) Brantnor Angus, Woodville, ON 3) Melmac Kim 17A (Earley Wipeout 11W) Melmac Angus, Melbourne, ON (6 in class) Yearling Heifer Class - Split 3 1) GF Evening Tinge 81A (Leachman Saugahatchee 3000C) Brad Gilchrist, Lucknow, ON 2) Vos Vegas Erica 25A (DAJS Shockwave 612) Vos Vegas Farms, Plainfield, ON 3) Vos Vegas Favorite Jewel 21A (Triara Windsor 368W) Vos Vegas Farms, Plainfield, ON (9 in class) Yearling Heifer Class - Split 4 1) Earley Miss New Deal 14A (Connealy Impression) Earley Livestock, Kerwood, ON 2) Cedarhill Pistol Annie 24A (Soo Line Motive 9016) Thom Hickey, Omemee, ON 3) GF Evening Tinge 204A (N Bar Emulation EXT) Brad Gilchrist, Lucknow, ON (8 in class) Yearling Heifer Class - Split 5 1) Kemp Brothers Blackcap 24A (Kemp Unforgetable 1U) Kemp Brothers Farms, Blackstock, ON 2) GF Lucia 209A (SAV Net Worth 4200) Brian & Tammi Ribey, Paisley, ON3) Boyne River Heather 10A (TJF Freedom 172U) Barry Upton, Oro-Medonte, ON (6 in class) Yearling Heifer Class - Split 6 1) EF Vos Annie K 16A (Soo Line Motive 9016) Enright Farms, Vos Vegas Farms, Renfrew, ON2) HF Rosebud 61A (HF Rebel 53Y) Walkerbrae Farms, Guelph, ON3)Walkerbrae Tibbie 120A (HF Kodiak 5R) Walkerbrae Farms & Cody Walker, Guelph, ON (6 in class) Yearling Heifer Class - Split 7 1) Kemp Brothers Mayflower 13A (MACTL Pure Product 903-55) Kemp Brothers Farms, Blackstock, ON 2) PFLC Bardetta 4A (SAV First Class 0207) Premier Livestock & Hasson Livestock, Milverton,

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ON 3) Drumore Pebbles 13A (BC Lookout 7024) Kevin Smelser, Jarvis, ON (6 in class) Yearling Heifer Class - Split 8 1) Tullamore Luscious 5A (Young Dale Grandeur 110W) Tullamore Angus, Caledon, ON 2) Champion Hill Georgina 8355 (SAV Angus Valley 1867) Ryan Currie, Bristol, QC 3) Worth-Mor Shakura 2A (SAV Bismarck 5682)Worth-Mor Cattle, Campbellford, ON (6 in class) Yearling Heifer Class - Split 9 1) Cedarhill Lady Antebellum 3A (Soo Line Motive 9016) Thom Hickey, Omemee, ON 2) Tambri Blackbird 6A (TC Aberdeen 759) Brian & Tammi Ribey, Paisley, ON 3) Locust Grove Blackbird 5A (SAV Net Worth 4200) Locust Grove Angus, Milton, ON (4 in class) Yearling Heifer Class - Split 10 1) OSU Empress 3100 (Dameron First Impression) Premier Livestock & Hasson Livestock, Milverton, ON 2) Brantnor Annie (Brantnor Predominant 10W) Brantnor Angus, Woodville, ON 3) Boyd Pure Pride 3008 (Connealy Confidence 0100)Daisy Springs Farm, Aurora, ON (8 in class) Champion Junior Yearling Heifer Earley Miss New Deal 14A Reserve Champion Junior yearling Heifer Cedarhill Pistol Annie 24A Champion Senior Yearling Heifer OSU Empress 3100 Reserve Champion Senior Yearling Heifer EF Vos Annie K 16A Two Year Cow/Calf Class 1) Hammell 879S Kim 4Z(SAV Bismarck 5682)Steve & Amanda Hammell, French Market Stock, Dobbinton, ON 2) Vos Vegas Dixie Erica 5Z (Justamere 406S Panamajack 336U)Vos Vegas Farms, Plainfield, ON 3) Cedar Hill Rumor Has It 102Z (BC Eagle Eye 110-7) Hills Herefords & Angus, Rockwood, ON (5 in class) Champion Senior Female Hammell 879S Kim 4Z Reserve Champion Senior Female Vos Vegas Dixie Erica 5Z Grand Champion Female OSU Empress 3100 Reserve Champion Female Vos Vegas Queen of Hearts 30A

Bull Calf Class - Split 1 1) DSMR Lil Big Man (PVF Outtasight 2121)DSMR Stock Farm, Wingham, ON 2) Worth-Mor Banshee 21B (Sankeys Justified 101) Worth-Mor Cattle, Campbellford, ON 3) Red Patchell Who’s Your Daddy (Red Northline Trueblood 341T) Patchell Livestock, Hanover, ON Bull Calf Class - Split 2 1) Rideau Barcode 9B (Connealy Consensus 7229) Rideau Angus Farm, Kemptville, ON 2) First Line Upshot 17B (EXAR Upshot 0562B) First Line Angus, Hagersville, ON Bull Calf Class - Split 3 1) ADA Bandit 20B (SAV Brilliance 8077) Allison Nesbitt, Nestleton, ON 2) Whiskey Lane Bailey 22B (Vision Unanamous 1418) Whiskey River Livestock, Indian River, ON 3) Red Patchell’s Cracker Jack (Red Lazy MC CC Detour 2W)Patchell Livestock, Hanover, ON (5 in class) Bull Calf Class - Split 4 1) Hammell Bling Bling 2B (Southland riller 83X) Steve & Amanda Hammell, Dobbinton, ON 2) Clair Lane 6807 Traveler 2P61 (DHD Traveler 6807)Clair Lane Stock Farm, Fergus, ON 3) EF First Choice 1B (Dameron First Class)Enright Farms, Renfrew, ON (6 in class) Champion Junior Bull Calf DSMR Lil Big Man Reserve Champion Junior Bull Calf Worth-Mor Banshee 21B Champion Intermediate Bull Calf Rideau Barcode 9B

Reserve Champion Intermediate Bull Calf First Line Upshot 17B Champion Senior Bull Calf ADA Bandit 20B Reserve Champion Senior Bull Calf Hammell Bling Bling 2B Yearling Bull Class - Split 1 1) Kemp Brothers Brilliance 30A (SAV Brilliance 8077) Kemp Brothers Farms, Blackstock, ON 2) Melmac Tornado 15A (SAV Pioneer 7301) Melmac Angus, Melbourne, ON3) PM Thunderstruck 22’13 (HF underbird 146Y) Ryan Currie, Bristol, ON & Tanya Belsham, Houston, BC (4 in class) Yearling Bull Class - Split 1 1) Neilcairn Upward 44A (Sitz Upward 307R) Walkerbrae Farms & Cody Walker, Guelph, ON 2) Kemp Brothers All the Way 8A (MCATL Pure Product 903-55) Walkerbrae Farms, Guelph, ON 3) Red Patchell Jacoby 3A (Red Ter-Ron Fully Loaded 540R) Patchell Livestock, Hanover, ON (5 in class) Junior Champion Junior Bull Neilcairn Upward 44A Reserve Champion Junior Bull Kemp Brothers Brilliance 30A

Two Year Old Bull Class - Split 1 1) Red BBP Solo Cup 6Z (Red Ter-Ron Fully Loaded 540R) Patchell Livestock, Hanover, ON 2) Red Lincoln Redwood (Red Brylor SDL Redwood 217S) Andy Klodnicki, Canfield, ON3) Remitall West Big Wheels 42Z (Remitall Wideload 595U) Bruce, Charlene & Allan, Carey-MacLean, Cambridge, ON

Two Year Old Bull Class - Split 2 1) Xcel Esker Northern Light 101Z (Northern Improvement 4480 GF)Brad Gilchrist, Lucknow, ON 2) DRM Lookout 5Z (BC Lookout 7024) Drumore Farms, Deer Park Farms, London, ON 3) Brantnor Regal 10Z (Gambles Hot Rod) Brantnor Angus, Woodville, ON (4 in class) Champion Senior Bull Xcel Esker Northern Light 101Z Reserve Champion Senior Bull DRM Lookout 5Z Grand Champion Bull Xcel Esker Northern Light 101Z Reserve Champion Bull DRM Lookout 5Z Pair of Bull Class 1) Patchell Livestock, Hanover, ON 2) Worth-Mor Cattle, Campbellford, ON Supreme Champion Angus OSU Empress 3100 Breeder’s Herd 1) Kemp Brothers Farms, Blackstock, ON Progeny of Dam 1) Brad Gilchrist, Lucknow, ON Premier Exhibitor Brad Gilchrist, Lucknow, ON Premier Breeder Kemp Brothers Farm, Blackstock, ON

Grand Champion Bull Xcel Esker Northern Light 101Z

Grand Champion Female OSU Empress 3100

Reserve Champion Bull DRM Lookout 5Z

Reserve Champion Female Vos Vegas Queen of Hearts 30A Winter 2014 *

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Lloydminster Black Angus Show October 31, 2014 - Judge: Marlin LeBlanc Junior Heifer Calf Class 1) Boss Miss Motive 422 (Soo Line Motive 9016) Boss Cattle Co, Chappell, NE 2) Jenn’s 310 Wendy 149B (Justamere 499U Bell Boy 2102) Jennifer Jones, Lloydminster, SK 3) Seven-Hills Oakleaf 404B (RNRF Outlaw 220Y) Jamie Flicek, Neilburg, SK Champion Junior Heifer Calf Boss Miss Motive 422 Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf Jenn’s 310 Wendy 149B Intermediate Heifer Calf Class - Split 1 1) Pedersen Dark Duchess 320B (Wil-Dorr 7014T Prince W 1Y) Pedersen Livestock, Edgerton, AB 2) Lone Star Belle 1B (Will Role Model)Lone Star Angus, Sylvan Lake, AB 3) DMM Blackcap Essence 46B (DMM Stache 72Z) Rockytop Cattle Co, Lloydminster, AB Intermediate Heifer Calf Class - Split 2 1) Justamere 101 Carla 619B (Sankeys Justified 101) Justamere Farms Ltd, Lloydminster, SK 2) Triple L Shake That 20B (TS Bomber 1Y)Triple L Angus, Viscount, SK 3)SMWTibbie 26B (Connealy Dateline) Wagner Angus, Moose Jaw, SK Champion Intermediate Heifer Calf Justamere 101 Carla 619B Reserve Champion Intermediate Heifer Calf Pedersen Dark Duchess 320B Senior Heifer Calf Class - Split 1 1) Justamere 1447 Barbara 604B (EXAR Fortify 1447B) Justamere Farms Ltd, Lloydminster, SK 2)Pedersen Andee 292B (Wil-Dorr 7014T Prince W 1Y)Pedersen Livestock, Edgerton, AB 3) Family Ties Sitz Girl 356B (GGRR Upward 11Z)Family Ties Angus, Marwayne, AB Senior Heifer Calf Class - Split 2 1) Pedersen Miss Chisum 270B (SAV Potential)Pedersen Livestock, Edgerton, AB 2) Country Lane Queen 4B (HF Tiger 100Z) Country Lane Angus, Vermilion, AB 3) Country Lane Dyna 12B (EXAR Significant 1769B) Country Lane Angus, Vermilion, AB Champion Senior Heifer Calf Justamere 1447 Barbara 604B Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf Pedersen Miss Chisum 270B Yearling Heifer Class - Split 1 1)H70 Quantock 1211 Ms 1290A (H70 Quantock 1211Y) Rebecca Creech, Lloydminster, AB 2) Justamere 0050 Carla 446A (EXAR Purpose 0050B) Running Steady Ranch, Lloydminster, AB 3)Bayshore RP Oakleaf 100A (Double AA Old Post Bandolier)Bayshore Angus, Coronation, AB Yearling Heifer Class - Split 2 1)Jenn’s 1706 Fay 135A (EXAR First Class 1406)Jennifer jones, Lloydminster, SK 2) SCC Lady Blossom 25A (Styles Upgrade J59) Stewart Cattle Co, Russell, MB 3) Justamere 40 Mistress 420A (EXAR Pay Stub 40 5S) Justamere Farms Ltd, Lloydminster, SK Page 34

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Yearling Heifer Class - Split 3 1) Justamere 0562B Blackbird 407A (EXAR Upshot 0562B)Justamere Farms Ltd, Lloydminster, SK 2)Lock Favourite 33A (Belvin Panic Switch 2’11) Lock Farms, Macklin, SK 3) Roy Mac Veta 3A (Currie F250 21X) Roy MacDonald, Cut Knife, SK Champion Junior Female Justamere 9562B Blackbird 407A Reserve Champion Junior Female Jenn’s 1706 Fay 135A Two Year Old Cow/Calf Pair Class 1)Greenwood Zexy and I Know It (Gumbo Gulch Creed 94S calf by Soo Line Motive 9016)Jayden & Jaxon Payne, Lloydminster, SK 2) OAV Classy 4Z (Clegg Real Worth 37X calf by SAV Bismarck 5682) Lakeland College, Vermilion, AB 3)Hall’s Rosebud 212Z (Soo Line Motive 9016 calf by HF Prowler 43U)Hall’s Cattle Co, Craven, SK 2) JD CH Georgina 8W (SAV Mandan 5664 calf by Sankeys Justified 101) Nicki Ross, Lloydminster, SK Champion Senior Female Greenwood Zexy and I Know It Reserve Champion Senior Female OAV Classy 4Z Grand Champion Female Greenwood Zexy and I Know It Reserve Champion Female OAV Classy 4Z Junior Bull Calf Class 1)Boss Motive 404 (Soo Line Motive 9016)Boss Cattle, Chappell, NE 2) 4K Special Delivery 145B (SAV Harvestor 0338) Kelsey Knott & 4K Land & Cattle, Ardrossan, AB 3) Lone Star Boom 52B (Rito 9FB3 of 5H11 Fullback) Lone Star Angus, Sylvan Lake, AB Champion Junior Bull Calf Boss Motive 404 Reserve Champion Bull Calf 4K Special Delivery 145B Intermediate Bull Calf Class - Split 1 1)SMW Bodega 29B (GDAR Game Day 449)Wagner Angus, Moose Jaw, SK 2) Roy Mac Viking 16B (Belvin King 16’12) Roy MacDonald, Cut Knife, SK 3) OAV Principal 72B (DMM Roar 16X) Lakeland College, Vermilion, AB Intermediate Bull Calf Class - Split 2 1) DFCC 71X Holtz 70B (Duralta 4T Turbo 70B) Double ‘F’ Cattle Co, Parkside, SK 2) Standard Hill Legacy 419B (Standard Hill Wiseman 41W) Standard Hill Standard Livestock, Maidstone, SK 3) OAV Thunder 55B (DMM Roar 16X) Lakeland College, Vermilion, AB

Winter 2014 *

Champion Intermediate Bull Calf DFCC 71X Turbo 71X Reserve Champion Intermediate Bull Calf SMW Bodega 29B Senior Bull Calf Class - Split 1 1) Avelyn Afterdark 707’14 (Connealy Consensus 7229) Avelyn Angus, Leduc, AB2) SCC Tiger 43B (HF Tiger 5T) Stewart Cattle Co, Russell, MB 3) Standard Hill Settler 339B (GVC Settler 004X) Standard Hill Livestock, Maidstone, SK Senior Bull Calf Class - Split 2 1) OAV Motown 11B (SAV Bismarck 5682) Lakeland College, Vermilion, AB 2) Pedersen Bustle 280B (S Chisum 6175) Pedersen Livestock, Edgerton, AB 3) SCC Upgrade 15B (Styles Upgrade J59) Stewart Cattle Co, Russell, MB Senior Bull Calf Class - Split 3 1) Avelyn High Cal 472’14 (Young Dale Xcaliber 32X) Avelyn Angus, Leduc, AB 2) Justamere 1253 Quest 712B (Koupals Mo Co 253) Justamere Farms, Ltd, Lloydminster, SK 3) Family Ties Big Shot 14B (GGRR Networth 1U) Family Ties Angus, Marwayne, AB Champion Senior Bull Calf Avelyn Afterdark 707’14 Reserve Champion Senior Bull Calf OAV Motown 11B Yearling Bull Class - Split 1 1) RNRF Eric 159A (Angus Acres Eric 78U) RNR Flicek Angus, Neilburg, SK 2) Justamere 1422 Cash In 461A (EXAR Classen 1422B) Justamere Farms & Dean & Tanya Robertson, Lloydminster, SK 3) Justamere 0409 Full Throttle (EXAR Lutton 0409B) Justamere Farms Ltd, Lloydminster, SK Yearling Bull Class - Split 2 1) Justamere 406S Big Gun 414A (Justamere 253 Bada Bing 406S) Justamere Farms & Duane & Carmen Hanson, Lloydminster, SK 2) Merit Big Dawg 3049A (Bar EL Iron Will 32Y) Double ‘F’ Cattle Co, Parkside, SK 3) SCC Bando 51A (LLB 184S Bando 502X) Stewart Cattle Co, Russell, MB Champion Junior Bull RNRF Eric 159A Reserve Champion Bull Justamere 406S Big Gun 414A Two Year Old Bull Class 1) K-Cow Windmill 1Z (K-Cow Windmill 67W) Double ‘F’ Cattle Co, Parkside, SK Champion Senior Bull K-Cow Windmill 1Z Grand Champion Bull RNRF Eric 159A Reserve Champion Bull Justamere 406S Big Gun 414A

Lloydminster Red Angus Show October 31, 2014 - Judge: Marlin LeBlanc Junior Heifer Calf Class - Split 1 1) Red Wright’s Georgina 19B (Red Towaw Indeed 104H) Wright Livestock, Melfort, SK 2)Red GJP 449Y Ms King 228B (Red LVKC GJP Sir King 24Y) Pugh Farms, Edgerton, AB 3) Red Mof 18Z Soapy 56B (Red R&M 125U Zeal 18Z) Movin On Farms, Kitscoty, AB Champion Junior Heifer Calf Red Wright’s Georgina 19B Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf Red GJP 449Y Ms King 228B Intermediate Heifer Calf Class 1) Red Wright’s 161X Firefly 11B (Red Soo Line Power Eye 161X) Wright Livestock, Melfort, SK 2) Red Shiloh Boy is She Epic 10B (Red Beckton Epic R397K) Shiloh Cattle Co, Craigmyle, AB 3) Red Deo Steel Magnolia 12B (Red Northline Fat Tony 605U) David & Erica Ockerman, Dewberry, AB Champion Intermediate Heifer Calf Red Wright’s 161X Firefly 11B Reserve Champion Intermediate Heifer Calf Red Shiloh Boy is She Epic 10B Senior Heifer Calf Class 1) Red Cinder Cheta 93B (Red LSF RR Bulletproof 0375X) Cinder Angus, Barrhead, AB 2) Red Avelyn Tami 752’14 (Red DMM Glesbar Barndance 35X) Avelyn Angus, Leduc, AB3) Red Cinder Biebird 883B (Red Roy Rogers 5604) Cinder Angus, Barrhead, AB Champion Senior Heifer Calf Red Cinder Cheta 93B Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf Red Avelyn Tami 752’14 Yearling Heifer Class - Split 1 1) Red Cinder Glamour 29A(Red SLGN X-Files 006X) Cinder Angus, Barrhead, AB 2) Red Shiloh Alberta Gal 85A (Red Shiloh Xciteabull Sakic 5X) Alisha Minchau, Hanna, AB 3) Red Vikse Dynamics 46A (Red DMM Glesbar Barndance 35X)Vikse Family Farm, Donalda, AB Champion Junior Female Red Cinder Glamour 29A Reserve Champion Junior Female Red Shiloh Alberta Gal 85A Two Cow/Calf Class 1) Red Ter-Ron Serena 1Z (Red Brylor Big Rock 85T calf by Red Goad Barnburner 132’12) Goad Family Angus, Clandonald, AB 2) Red R&M U9W Mabel 79Z (Red Aspen View Path Finder 49W calf by Red Geis Prime Rib 134’12) Movin On Farms, Kitscoty, AB Mature Cow/Calf Class 1)Red Vikse Gravity 141U (Red Six Mile Smokin Jo 810S calf by Red KF True Deal 12Z) Goad Family Angus, Clandonald, AB Champion Senior Female Red Vikse Gravity 141U Reserve Champion Senior Female Red Ter-Ron Serena 1Z Grand Champion Female Red Cinder Glamour 29A

Reserve Champion Female Red Vikse Gravity 141U Junior Bull Calf Class 1)Red Mof 231Y Boss Hog 48B (Red Geis Mission 231’11) Movin On Farms, Kitscoty, AB 2)RedTriple L Kill Switch 76B (Red Six Mile Kill Switch 135Z) Triple L Angus, Viscount, SK3) Red Mof 231Y Big Thrill 83B (Red Geis Mission 231’11) Movin On Farms, Kitscoty, AB Champion Junior Bull Calf Red Mof 231Y Boss Hog 48B Reserve Champion Junior Bull Calf Red Triple L Kill Switch 76B Intermediate Bull Calf Class 1) Red Wright’s 161X Fifty Below 9B (Red Soo Line Power Eye 161X) Wright livestock, Melfort, SK 2) Red Shiloh Buzz Bout Loaded 9B (Red Vikse Fully Loaded 29Y) Shiloh Cattle Co, Craigmyle, AB 3) Red Shiloh Big Honkytonk 12B (Red Lazy MC Honky Tonk 11X) Shiloh Cattle Co, Craigmyle, AB Champion Intermediate Bull Calf Red Wright’s 161X Fifty Below 9B Reserve Champion Intermediate Bull Calf Red Shiloh Buzz Bout Loaded 9B Senior Bull Calf Class 1)Red Corona Creek True Deal 19B (Red KF True Deal 12Z) Goad Family Angus, Clandonald, AB2)Red Vikse Rumba 73B (Red DMM Glesbar Barndance 35X) Vikse Family Farm, Donalda, AB 3) Red Vikse Cowboy Up 29B (Red Vikse Cowboy Cut 177Z) Vikse Family Farm, Donalda, AB Champion Senior Bull Calf Red Corona Creek True Deal 19B Reserve Champion Senior Bull Calf Red Vikse Rumba 73B Yearling Bull Class 1) Red GJP Thor 255A (Red Majestic Lightning 717SGMR) Pugh Farms, Edgerton, AB Champion Junior Bull Red GJP Thor 255A Two Year Old Bull Class 1) Red Six Kill Switch 135Z (Red Benchmark Better Beef) Triple L Livestock, Viscount, SK; Wright Livestock, Melfort, SK; Six Mile Ranch, Fir Mountain, SK 2) Red Lone Stone Revolver 138Z (Red Clay Colt 21X) Cinder Angus, Barrhead, AB 3)Red Wildman Norris 201Z (Red Wildman Chuck Norris 012X) Wildman Livestock, Sangudo, AB & Hall’s Cattle Co, Craven, SK Champion Senior Bull Red Six Kill Switch 135Z Reserve Champion Senior Bull Red Lone Stone Revolver 138Z Grand Champion Bull Red Six Mile Kill Switch 1325Z Reserve Champion Bull Red Lone Stone Revolver 138Z

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Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba - Brandon Black Angus Show Heifer Calf Class - Split 1 1) AT Queen 29B (BPF Special Focus 504) AT Angus, Canora, SK 2) Midnight Duchess 37B (Botany Angus Net Worth 22W) Midnight Oil Land & Livestock, Redvers, SK 3) Midnight Duchess 3B (MVF Richochet 85W) Midnight Oil, Land & Livestock, Redvers, SK (6 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 2 1) N7’s Blackwood Lady 48B (Connealy Imprint 8317) NYK Cattle Co, Douglas, MB 2) S7R The Tempest 10B (Apex Windy 078) Section 7 Ranch, Rocanville, SK 3) Ramrod Amanda 488B (Mich Spartan 1208Z) Ramrod Cattle Co, Medora, MB (7 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 3 1) Come As U R Lady 450B (Brooking Prosecutor 222) Come As U R Storthoaks, SK 2) SMW Tibbie 26B (Connealy Dateline) Wagner Angus, Moose Jaw, SK 3) N7’s Black Wood Lady 15B (Connealy Imprint 8317) N7 Stock Farm, Crandale, MB (7 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 4 1) J Square S Tibbie 419B (FF Stimulant Y40)J Square S Angus, Grayson, SK 2) Mar Mac Siera 12B (SAV Resource 1441) Mar Mac Farms, Brandon, MB 3) DJCC Queen 13B (SCC Heritage 92W) DJ Cattle Co, Brookdale, MB (5 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 5 1) HLC 0050 Seduction 414B (EXAR Purpose 0050B) Hollinger Land & Cattle, Neudorf, SK 2) Come As U R Blacklass 415B (Buford Ranch Hand Y194)Come As U R, Storthoaks, SK 3) Ramrod Nova 407B (Hoover Emperor) Ramrod Cattle Co, Medora, MB (5 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 6 1) Come As U R Favorite 400B (Brooking Prosecutor 222) Come As U R, Storthoaks, SK 2) J Square S Georgina 71B (Soo Line Motive 9016) J Square S Angus, Grayson, SK 3) River Point Biene 305B(GVC Settler 004X) Longway Ranch, Melville, SK (5 in class) Champion Heifer Calf HLC 0050 Seduction 414B Reserve Champion Heifer Calf Come As U R Lady 450B

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Yearling Heifer Class - Split 1 1) HLC 1220 Sweet Emotion 362A (JL Warden 1220) Hollinger Land & Cattle, Neudorf, SK 2) Bar-H Cora 32A (S Titlest 1145) Hillary Sauder, Hodgeville, SK 3) S7R Downtown 702A (AAR Ten X 7008 SA)Section 7 Farm, Rocanville, SK (4 in class) Yearling Heifer Class - Split 2 1) Blair’s Della 309A (Lees Latest Version 0002) Mainstream Genetics, Watrous, SK 2) N7’s Blk Wood Lady 45A (Sitz Upward 307R) N7 Stock Farm, Crandale, MB 3) S7R Ruth 38A (EXAR Upshot 056B) Section 7 Farm, Rocanville, SK (7 in class) Yearling Heifer Class - Split 3 1) AT Erelite 1A (CJ Prestige 25T) Horner Cattle Co, Minnedosa, MB 2) HLC 1220 Electra 282A (JL Warden 1220) Hollinger Land & Cattle, Neudorf, SK 3)Topview Karama 3A (SAV Bismarck 5682)Levi Best/Clay Hill Livestock, Harding, MB (8 in class) Two Year Old Cow/Calf Class 1) J Square S Georgina 90Z (MJ Escalade 2W)J Square S Angus, Grayson, SK 2) Ramrod Nova 230Z (Ramrod No Fear 921W)Ramrod Cattle Co, Medora, MB 3) DMM Blackbird 8Z (DMM Dynasty 03G) Raina Syrnyk, Ethelbert, MB Mature Cow/Calf Class 1) N7’s Blk Woodlady 2T (TC STout 407) NYK Cattle Co, Douglas, MB 2) FCR Erica 24X (HF Tiger 5T) Bar CR Angus, Perdue, SK Grand Champion Female N7’s Blk Woodlady 2T Reserve Champion Female HLC 1220 Sweet Emotion 362A Bull Calf Class - Split 1 1) Midnite Oil Bam Bam (Botany Angus Net worth 22W) Midnight Oil Land & Cattle, Redvers, SK 2) HBH Bullseye 45B (Remitall F Chiseled 132Z) HBH Farms, Riveres, MB 3) CHL Legacy 14B (TJF Legacy 140Y) Levi Best/Clay Hills Livestock, Harding, MB (4 in class) Bull Calf Class - Split 2 1) FCR Noah 5B (FCR Chisum 15Z) Bar CR Angus, Perdue, SK 2) RBS Tiger Shark 7B (HF Tiger 5T)

Winter 2014 *

Raina Syrnyk, Ethelbert, MB 3) Cor Vet Harvestor 30B (SAV Harvestor 0338)Cor Vet Cattle Co, Melita, MB (4 in class) Bull Calf Class - Split 3 1) SMW Bodega 29B (GDAR Game Day 449) Wagner Angus, Moose Jaw, SK 2) N7’s Graceland 39B (N7’s Elvis 9Y) NYK Cattle Co, Douglas, MB 3) Mar Mac Blueprint 56B (LT Driven 9087) Mar Mac Farms, Brandon, MB (7 in class) Bull Calf Class - Split 4 1) J Square S Impulse 417B (Soo Line Motive 9016) J Square S Angus, Grayson, SK 2) HLC 244Y Hustler 428B (Justamere 422 Impact 244Y)Hollinger Land & Cattle, Neudorf, SK 3) HBH Bounty 415B (SAV Revere 1180) HBH Farms, Rivers, MB (6 in class) Bull Calf Class - Split 5 1) Northern View Dynamite 1B (Mohnen Dynamite 1356) Alvin K Frick, Duff, SK 2)TSN Final Product 5B (Connealy Final Product)TSN Livestock, Brandon, MB 3) TSN Role Model 7B (Will Role Model) TSN Livestock, Brandon, MB (6 in class) Yearling Bull Class - Split 1 1) HLC 1220 Slow Ride 266A (JL Warden 1220) Hollinger Land & Cattle, Neudorf, SK 2) ARY Avenger 9A (Wilde’s Armor 6210) Airey Cattle Co, Rivers, MB 3) Young Dale Xcaliber 54A (Young Dale Xcaliber 32X) Andy Hextall, Grenfell, SK Yearling Bull Class - Split 2 1) Ramrod No Fear 302A (Ramrod No Fear 921W) Ramrod Cattle Co, Medora, MB 2) HBH Anchor 303A (TC Aberdeen 759) Greenbush Angus, Neepawa, MB 3) Freyburn Stout 2A (TC Stout 407) Freyburn Angus Farms, Oxbow, SK Grand Champion Bull Ramrod No Fear 302A Reserve Champion Bull HLC 1220 Slow Ride 266A

Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba - Brandon Red Angus Show

Grand Champion Female N7’s Blk Woodlady 2T

Reserve Champion Female HLC 1220 Sweet Emotion 362A

Grand Champion Bull Ramrod No Fear 302A

Reserve Champion Bull HLC 1220 Slow Ride 266A

Heifer Calf Class - Split 1 1) Red Kenray Jasmin 74B (Red McRaes Vision 50T) Kenray Ranch, Redvers, SK 2) Red Blake's Doll 214B (Red Wibar Colossus 830Z)Blake's Red Angus, McCord, SK 3) Red Six Mile Flower 196B (Red Six Mile Ruger 221X) Raina Syrnyk, Ethelbert, MB (6 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split 2 1) Red JJL Miss Deal 51B (Red DMM Glesbar Barndance 35X) JJL Livestock, Melville, SK 2) Red Howe Ms Creston 7B (Red XO Crowfoot Shine 235Z) Howe Red Angus, Moose Jaw, SK 3) Red Maple Lake 4032 ( Red Six Mile Wn-Chester 745W ) Maple Lake Stock Farms, Hartney, MB (6 in class) Champion Heifer Calf Red JJL Miss Deal 51B Reserve Champion Heifer Calf Red Kenray Jasmin 74B Yearling Heifer Class 1) Red Mar Mac Princess 14A (DMM Creed 75W) Mar Mac Farms, Brandon, MB 2) Red Howe Rose 31A (Red Wheel Jack 115Y)Howe Red Angus, Moose Jaw, SK 3) Red K F Dyani 34A (Red NCJ Mystified 16X) Blake's Red Angus, McCord, SK (4 in class) Grand Champion Female Red Mar Mac Princess 14A Reserve Champion Female Red Howe Rose 31A Bull Calf Class - Split 1 1) Red Kenray Indy 61B (Red Mar Mac Indicator 30Z) Kenray Ranch, Redvers, SK 2) Red Kenray Indy 47B (Red Mar Mac Indicator 30Z) Kenray Ranch, Redvers, SK 3) Red Wraz Ghostly 24B (Red Brylor JKC Ghost Rider 108Y) Wraz Red Angus, Wawota, SK Bull Calf Class - Split 2 1) Red JJL Bond 50B (Red Chopper K Ozzi 109T) JJL Livestock, Melville, SK 2) Red JJL Signature 49B (Red Chopper K Ozzi 109T) JJL Livestock, Melville, SK 3) Red JJL Curve 39B (Red JJL Big Deal 58Z) JJL Livestock, Melville, SK (5 in class) Champion Bull Calf Red JJL Bond 50B Reserve Champion Bull Calf Red JJL Signature 49B Two Year Old Bull Class 1) Red Wilbar Colossus 830Z (Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T) Blake's Red Angus, McCord, SK Grand Champion Bull Red JJL Bond 50B Reserve Champion Bull Red Wilbar Colossus 830Z Pair of Bulls 1) JJL Livestock, Melville, SK

Breeder's Herd 1) JJL Livestock, Melville, SK 2) Wraz Red Angus, Wawota, SK Get of Sire 1) WRAZ Red Angus, Wawota, SK

Winter 2014 *

Grand Champion Female Red Mar Mac Princess 14A

Reserve Champion Female Red Howe Rose 31A

Grand Champion Bull Red JJL Bond 50B

Reserve Champion Bull Red Wilbar Colossus 830Z

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Olds Fall Classic Red Angus Show October 4, 2014 - Gregg Stewart, Washington, Kansas Heifer Calf Class - Split 1 1)Red Lazy MC Miss 121B (Red Lazy MC Eye Spy 64Y) Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB 2) Red Wildman Rebello 409B (Red Jensen Sky 611X) Wildman Livestock, Sangudo, AB3)Red Redrich Maggie 170B (Red Wilbar Longitude 646Y) Redrich Farms, Froestburg, AB Heifer Calf Class - Split 2 1) Red Shiloh Best Get Loaded 14B (Red Vikse Fully Loaded 29Y) Shiloh Cattle Co, Craigmyle, AB 2) Red Redrich Maggie 198B (Red Wilbar Longitude 646Y) Redrich Farms, Froestburg, AB 3)Red Lauron Dalmistu 94B (Red Bieber Rollin Deep Y118) Lauron Red Angus, Didsbury, AB Heifer Calf Class - Split 3 1) Red Lucky 7 Duchess 10B (Red Ter-Ron Wicked 53Y) Lucky 7 Cattle Co, Sedgewick, AB 2) Red Howe Ms Creston 7B (Red XO Crowfoot Shine 235Z) Howe Family Farms, Moose Jaw, SK 3) Red Cinder Cheta 93B (Red LSF RR Bulletproof 0375X) Cinder Angus, Barrhead, AB Heifer Calf Class - Split 4 1) Red Rainbow Lark 2B (Red SSS Endorse 639X) Rainbow Red Angus, Cherhill, AB 2) Red Lucky 7 Lady 12B (Red Ter-Ron Wicked 53Y) Lucky 7 Cattle Co, Sedgewick, AB 3) Red Avelyn Tami 752’14 (Red DMM Glesbar Barndance 35X) Avelyn Angus, Leduc, AB Champion Heifer Calf Red Shiloh Best Get Loaded 14B Reserve Champion Heifer Calf Red Rainbow Lark 2B Yearling Heifer Class - Split 1 1) Red Towaw Sybil 489A (Red Towaw Orazi Calidad 130Y) Towaw Cattle Co, Sangudo, AB 2) Red Shiloh All Loaded Up 59A (Red Vikse Fully Loaded 29Y) Shiloh Cattle Co, Craigmyle, AB 3) Red Ter-Ron Alice 137A (Red Ter-Ron Wicked 53Y)Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB

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Yearling Heifer Class - Split 2 1) Red Ter-Ron Alyssa 42A (Red Ter-Ron Wicked 53Y) Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB 2) Red Cinder Cheta 93A (Red Lone Stone Pursuit 81W) Cinder Angus, Barrhead, AB 3) Red Brown Creek Sunflower 8A (Red RMJ Redman 1T) Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB Champion Junior Female Red Towaw Sybil 489A Reserve Champion Junior Female Red Ter-Ron Alyssa 42A Two Year Old Cow/Calf Class 1) Red K Adams Zaria 091Z (Red Ter-Ron Realdeal 01W) Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB 2) Red Lazy MC Firefly 36Z (Red Lazy MC Lookout 153X) Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB 3) Red Northline Porsche 16Z (Red Northline Ignition 125W) Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB Champion Senior Female Red K Adams Zaria 091Z Reserve Champion Senior Female Red Lazy MC Firefly 36Z Bull Calf Class - Split 1 1) Red Ter-Ron Tex 175B (Red U-2 Big League 544R) Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB 2) Red Wildman Super Duty 426B (Red Jensen Sky 611X) Wildman Livestock, Sangudo, AB 3) Red Lazy MC Perfect Vision 161B (Red Lazy MC Eye Spy 64Y) Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB Bull Calf Class - Split 2 1) Red Lazy MC Benelli 102B (Red NCJ Lazy MC Venom 34Z) Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB 2) Red Shiloh Buzz Bout Loaded 9B (Red Vikse Fully Loaded 29Y) Shiloh Cattle Co, Craigmyle, AB 3) Red Wildman True Grit 413B(Red Wildman Chuck Norris 012X) Wildman Livestock, Sangudo, AB

Winter 2014 *

Bull Calf Class - Split 3 1) Red Ter-Ron Bazinga 13B (Ter-Ron Park Place 18Y) Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB 2) Red River Rock Fat Tony 462B (Red Northlone Fat Tony 605U) River Rock Angus, Red Deer County, AB 3) Red R-Line Headline 5B (Red Six Mile Sakic 832S)Redline Livestock, Didsbury, AB Champion Bull Calf Red Lazy MC Benelli 102B Reserve Champion Bull Red Shiloh Buzz Bout Loaded 9B Yearling Bull Class 1) Red WPRA Legacy A-314 (Red Lazy MC Eye Spy 64Y) Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB 2) Red Redrich Aftershock 238A (Red Wilbar Longitude 646Y) Redrich Farms, Forestburg, AB 3) Red Towaw Polaris 447A (Red Lazy MC Kingman 16W) Towaw Cattle CO, Sangudo, AB Champion Junior Bull Red WPRA Legacy A314 Reserve Champion Junior Bull Red Redrich Aftershock 238A Two Year Old Bull Class 1) Red NCJ Lazy MC Venom 34Z (Red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U) Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB 2) Red Lone Stone Revolver 138Z (Red Clay Colt 21X) Cinder Angus, Barrhead, AB 3) Red C.D. Atlantis 20Z (Red PIE Atlantic 2204) C.D. Land & Cattle Co, Taber, AB Champion Senior Bull Red NCJ Lazy MC Venom 34Z Reserve Champion Senior Bull Red Lone Stone Revolver 138Z Grand Champion Bull Red WPRA Legacy A314 Reserve Champion Bull Red NCJ Lazy MC Venom 34Z

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Olds Fall Classic Black Angus Show October 4, 2014 - Gregg Stewart, Washington, Kansas Heifer Calf Class - Split 1 1) Boss Miss Motive 422 (Soo Line Motive 9016) Boss Cattle Co, Stony Plain, AB 2) Diamond T Bardelia 1439 (WiwaCreekRushLake71’12)DiamondTCattleCo,Olds, AB 3) Lone Star Elchies Prides 21B (Connealy Right Answer 746)Lone Star Angus, Sylvan Lake, AB Heifer Calf Class - Split 2 1) Lone Star Belle 1B (Will Role Model) Lone Star Angus, Sylvan Lake, AB 2) ARDA Beauty 8B (Wiwa Creek Rush Lake 71’12) Freeway Angus, Acme, AB 3) SY Dana 82B (SAV Wall Street 7091)Symens Cattle Co, Claresholm, AB Heifer Calf Class - Split 3 1)DiamondT Lassie 1412 - Hrvstr (SAV Harvestor 0338) Diamond T Cattle Co, Olds, AB 2) Lorenz Caroline 17B (HF Prowler 43U) Lorenz Angus, Red Deer County, AB 3) DMM Miss Essence 10B (DMM Stache 72Z) Renegade Farms, Onoway, AB Champion Heifer Calf Boss Miss Motive 422 Reserve Champion Heifer Calf Diamond T Lassie 1412 Yearling Heifer Class 1)NorthlineSunshine77A(HooverDam)NorthlineAngus, Ardrossan,AB2)RemitallFTibbie37A(SAV707Rito9969) Remitall Farms Inc, Olds, AB 3) Lorenz Fairlass 45A (FV Pioneer 83X) Lorenz Angus, Red Deer County, AB Champion Junior Female Northline Sunshine 77A Reserve Champion Junior Female Remitall F Tibbie 37A

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Two Year Old Cow/Calf Class 1) Northline Saving Grace 76Z (Young Dale Double T 106P)Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB 2)Lorenz Caroline 1Z (FV Pioneer 83X) Lorenz Angus, Red Deer County, AB 3) Diamond T Amber 1209-213U (HF Predominant 213U)Diamond T Cattle Co, Olds, AB Mature Cow/Calf Class 1)Remitall F Marlene 8W (Remitall H Rachis 21R)Remitall Farms Inc, Olds, AB 2)Lone Star Miss Emulous 3Y (Lone Star Willy 4W) Lone Star Angus, Sylvan Lake, AB 3) Willabar Countess 102S (Willabar Ambush 86K) Richmond Ranch, Rumsey, AB Champion Senior Senior Female Northline Saving Grace 76Z Reserve Champion Senior Female Remitall F Marlene 8W Grand Champion Female Northline Saving Grace 76Z Reserve Champion Female Northline Sunshine 77A Bull Calf Class - Split 1 1) Boss Motive 404 (Soo Line Motive 9016) Boss Cattle, Stony Plains, AB 2)DiamondT Samcro 1445 (Wiwa Creek Rush Lake 71’12)DiamondT Cattle Co, Olds, AB 3)Lone Star Boom 52B (Rito 9FB3 of 5H11 Fullback) Lone Star Angus, Sylvan Lake, AB Bull Calf Class - Split 2 1) Avelyn Afterdark 707’14 (Connealy Consensus 7229) Avelyn Angus, Leduc, AB 2) Avelyn High Cal 472’14 (Young Dale Xcaliber 32X)Avelyn Angus, Leduc, AB

Winter 2014 *

3) LilacLane Heavy Hustler 19B’14 Lilac Lane Farm, Innisfail, AB Champion Bull Calf Boss Motive 404 Reserve Champion Bull Calf Diamond T Samcro 1445 Yearling Bull Class 1) Justamere 1422 Cash In 461A (EXAR Classen 1422B) Justamere Farms, Lloydminster, SK 2)K Adams Apollo 3A (Ter-Ron Park Place 18Y) Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB 3) Sy Advantage 33A (Young Dale Touch Down 36M) Symens Land & Cattle, Claresholm, AB Champion Junior Bull Justamere 1422 Cash In 461A Reserve Champion Junior Bull K Adams Apollo 3A Two Year Old Bull Class 1)Remitall F Prospector 110Z (SAV Prodigy 8101) Remitall Farms Inc, Olds, AB 2) Lilac Lane SAVC Ferrari 2Z’12 (SAV Camaro 9272)Lilac Lane Farm, Innisfail, AB Champion Senior Bull Remitall F Prospector 110Z Reserve Champion Senior Bull Lilac Lane SAVC Ferrari 2Z’12 Grand Champion Bull Justamere 1422 Cash In 461A Reserve Champion Bull Remitall F Prospector 110Z

Farmfair International - Black Angus Show Results November 7, 2014 ~ Judges: Ryley & Jill Mader, Carstairs, Alberta Heifer Calf Class - Summer Division 1) Northline Precious Moment 824B (Daines Heavy SI 57Z) Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB Heifer Calf Class - Spring Division 1) Boss Miss Motive 422 (Soo Line Motive 9016) Boss Cattle, Chappell, NE 2) PM Black Beauty 149'14 (HF underbird 146Y) Poplar Meadows Angus, Houston, BC 3)Northline Cruel Girl 923B (DJJS Shockwave 612) Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB Heifer Calf Class - Intermediate Division - Split 1 1)Northline Fatal Attraction (SSCO Dateline Twentyten X003) Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB 2)Schwan Eula 431B (Soo Line Kodiak 0022)Ty Schwan, Swift Current, SK 3) Lone Star Elchies Prides 21B (Connealy Right Answer 746) Lone Star Angus, Sylvan Lake, AB Heifer Calf Class - Intermediate Division - Split 2 1) PM Tibbie 60'14 (HF underbird 146Y) Poplar Meadows Angus, Houston, BC 2) Justamere 101 Carla 619B (Sankeys Justified 101) Justamere Farms, Lloydminster, SK 3)Lone Star Belle 1B (Will Role Model) Lone Star Angus, Sylvan Lake, AB Heifer Calf Class - Senior Division - Split 1 1) Diamond T Lassie 1412 - Hrvstr (SAV Harvestor 0338) Diamond T Cattle, Olds, AB 2) Pedersen Andee 292B (Wil-Dorr 7014T Prince W 1Y) Pedersen Livestock, Edgerton, AB 3)Dwajo Jes Erica 22B (Young Dale Young Gun 67Y)Dwajo Angus, Camp Creek, AB Heifer Calf Class - Senior Division - Split 2 1)Justamere 1447 Barbara 604B (EXAR Fortify 1447B) Justamere Farms, Lloydminster, SK 2) Avelyn Ms. Pride772'14 (SAV Harvestor 0338) Avelyn Angus, Leduc, AB 3) Pedersen Miss Chisum 270B (SAV Potential 0205) Pedersen Livestock, Edgerton, AB Yearling Heifer Class - Summer Division 1) Northline Sunshine 77A (Hoover Dam) Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB 2) Northline Rachel 83A (Young Dale Double T 106P) Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB Yearling Heifer Class - Spring Division 1) Boss Miss Tiger King 356 (Daines Ranch Tiger King 36Y) Boss Cattle, Chappell, NE 2) Lorenz Fairlass 45A (FV Pioneer 83X)Lorenz Angus, Red Deer County, AB 3) GGRR Ruth 11A (GGRR Bob 1Y) Family Ties Angus, Marwayne, AB

Grand Champion Female EA Rose 918

Yearling Heifer Class - Intermediate Division 1)PM Annie K 51'13 (Connealy Consensus 7229) Poplar Meadows Angus, Houston, BC 2) ARDA Tilda 6A (Southland riller 83X) Freeway Angus, Acme, AB 3) Silver Knight Babe 27A (Silver Knight Kodiak 10Y)Faith Janz, Glendon, AB Two Year Old Cow/Calf Class 1) Greenwood Zexy and I Know it (Gumbo Gulch Creed 94S)Greenwood Limousin, Lloydminster, SK 2)Northline Saving Grace 76Z (Young Dale Double T 106P) Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB 3) Diamond T Amber 1209-213U (HF Predominant 213U) Diamond T Cattle, Olds, AB Mature Cow/Calf Class 1) EA Rose 918 (SAV Final Answer 0035) Brooking Angus Ranch, Radville, SK 2) Lone Star Miss Emulous 3Y (Lone Star Willy 4W) Lone Star Angus, Sylvan Lake, AB 3)JD CH Georgina 8W (SAV Mandan 5664)Nicki Ross Show Cattle, Red Deer County, AB Grand Champion Female EA Rose 918 Reserve Champion Female Greenwood Zexy and I Know it Bull Calf Class - Summer Division 1)Northline Papa Midnite703B (Daines Heavy SI 57Z) Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB Bull Calf Class - Spring Division 1) Boss Motive 404 (Soo Line Motive 9016)Boss Cattle, Chappell, NE 2)DiamondT Samcro 1445 (Wiwa Creek Rush Lake 71’12) Diamond T Cattle, Olds, AB3) GJP Django 86B (Red RCR Rio Grande 123Z) Pugh Farms, Edgerton, AB Bull Calf Class - Intermediate Division 1) Dwajo Jes Brutus 64B (Young Dale Young Gun 67Y) Dwajo Angus, Camp Creek, AB 2) PM Thunderbird 25`14 (HF underbird 146Y)Poplar Meadows Angus, Houston, BC 3)PM Renegade 57'14 (Musgrave Aviator) Poplar Meadows Angus, Houston, BC Bull Calf Class - Senior Division - Split 1 1)Remitall F Brigadier 86B (SAV Resource 1441)Remitall Farms, Olds, AB 2) Six Mile Blackhawk Down 101B (SAV Harvestor 0338)Six Mile Ranch, Fir Mountain, SK 3) SCC Tiger 43B (HF Tiger 5T) Stewart Cattle Co, Russell, MB

Reserve Champion Female Greenwood Zexy and I Know it

Bull Calf Class - Senior Division - Split 2 1) Pedersen Bustle 280B (S Chisum 6175) Pedersen Livestock, Edgerton, AB 2) Avelyn Longmire 172B (DMM Rip Tide 27Y) Avelyn Angus, Leduc, AB 3) Avelyn High Cal 472'14 (Young Dale Xcaliber 32X) Avelyn Angus, Leduc, AB Yearling Bull - Spring Division 1) ARDA ElTigre 118A (HF El Tigre 76X)Freeway Angus, Acme, AB 2)Justamere 1422 Cash In 461A (EXAR Classen 1422B)Justamere Farms, Lloydminster, SK Yearling Bull - Intermediate Division 1) DMM Brick 48A (Gumbo Gulch Creed 94S) Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB 2) SCC Bando 51A (LLB 184S Bando 502X) Stewart Cattle Co, Russell, MB 3) PMThunderbolt 25`13(HF underbird 146Y)Poplar Meadows Angus, Houston, BC Yearling Bull - Senior Division 1) Remitall F Rage 9A (SAV 707 Rito 9969) Remitall Farms, Olds, AB 2) K Adams Apollo 3A (Ter-Ron Park Place 18Y) Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB 3)Lone Star Pure Performance 6A (MCATL Pure Product 903-55) Lone Star Angus, Sylvan Lake, AB Two Year Old Bull Class 1) Remitall F Prospector 110Z (SAV Prodigy 8101) Remitall Farms, Olds, AB 2) Wilbar Capacity 99Z (Peak Dot Capacity 610W) Wilbar Cattle Co, Dundurn, SK 3) K-Cow Windmill 1Z (K-Cow Windmill 67W) K-Cow Ranch, Elk Point, AB Grand Champion Bull Remitall F Prospector 110Z Reserve Champion Bull Wilbar Capacity 99Z

Grand Champion Bull Remitall F Prospector 110Z Winter 2014 *

Reserve Champion Bull Wilbar Capacity 99Z Angus World

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Farmfair International - Red Angus Results November 7, 2014 ~ Judges: Mick & Kurt Trefiak, Edgerton, Alberta Heifer Calf Class - Spring Division 1) Red GJP 449Y Ms King 228B (Red LVKC GJP Sir King 24Y) Pugh Farms, Edgerton, AB 2) Red TNF Bitter Sweet 78B (Red Northline Crush 59R)TNF Red Angus, Sturgeon County, AB 3) Red GJP 338W Ms Fat Tony 321B (Red Northline Fat Tony 605U) Pugh Farms, Edgerton, AB Heifer Calf Class - Intermediate Division 1) Red Shiloh Best Get Loaded 14B (Red Vikse Fully Loaded 29Y) Shiloh Cattle Company, Craigmyle, AB 2) Red Corona Creek Lakme 68B (Red Towaw Kingman 7Y) Goad Family Angus, Clandonald, AB 3) Red Shiloh Boy Is She Epic 10B (Red Beckton Epic R397 K) Shiloh Cattle Company, Craigmyle, AB Heifer Calf Class - Senior Division - Split 1 1) Red Lucky 7 Duchess 10B (Red Ter-Ron Wicked 53Y) Lucky 7 Cattle Co, Sedgewick, AB 2) Red Cinder Cheta 93B (Red LSF RR Bulletproof 0375X) Cinder Angus, Barrhead, AB 3) Red Corona Creek Envious 8B (Red DMM Glesbar Barndance 35X)Goad Family Angus, Clandonald, AB Heifer Calf - Senior Division - Split 2 1) Red Rainbow Lark 2B (Red SSS Endorse 639X) Rainbow Red Angus, Cherhill, AB 2) Red Ter-Ron Brandy 31B (Red Ter-Ron Solo Cup 180Z) Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB 3) Red Cinder Carmella 233B (Red Lone Stone Pursuit 81W) Cinder Angus, Barrhead, AB Yearling Heifer Class - Summer Division 1) Red Towaw Sybil 489A(Red Towaw Orazi Calidad 130Y) Towaw Cattle Co, Sangudo, AB 2) Red Northline Porsche 216A (Red Northline Ignition 125W) Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB Yearling Heifer - Spring Division 1) Red Cinder Glamour 29A (Red SLGN X-Files 006X) Cinder Angus, Barrhead, AB 2) Red Shiloh Alberta Gal 85A (Red SCCA Xcitabull Sakic 5X) Minchau Ranch, Hanna, AB 3) Red Towaw Molly 406A (Red CC Expansion 5E) Towaw Cattle Co, Sangudo, AB Yearling Heifer - Intermediate Division 1) Red Ter-Ron Alice 137A (Red Ter-Ron Wicked 53Y) Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB 2) Red Lauron Jill 121A (Red Lauron High Voltage 59Y) Lauron Red Angus, Didsbury, AB

Grand Champion Female Red Northline Porsche 16Z Page 42

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Yearling Heifer - Senior Division 1) Red Ter-Ron Alyssa 42A (Red Ter-Ron Wicked 53Y) Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB 2) Red Cinder Cheta 93A (Red Lone Stone Pursuit 81W ) Cinder Angus, Barrhead, AB 3) Red KF Miss Pathy 6A (Red SSS Staunch 64Y) Goad Family Angus, Clandonald, AB Two Year Old Cow/Calf Class 1) Red Northline Porsche 16Z (Red Northline Ignition 125W) Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB 2) Red K Adams Zaria 091Z (Red Ter-Ron Realdeal 01W) Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB 3) Red TNF Miss Molly 20Z (Red Northline Revival 25W) TNF Red Angus, Sturgeon County, AB Mature Cow/Calf Class 1) Red Vikse Gravity 141U (Red Six Mile Smokin’ Jo 810S) Goad Family Angus, Clandonald, AB Grand Champion Female Red Northline Porsche 16Z Reserve Champion Female Red K Adams Zaria 091Z Bull Calf Class - Summer Division 1) Red Northline GFA Crush 16B 2 Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB Bull Calf Class - Spring Division 1) Red Ter-Ron Tex 175B (Red U-2 Big League 544R) Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB 2) Red Shiloh Beefy Load 79B (Red Vikse Full Loaded 29Y) Shiloh Cattle Company, Craigmyle, AB 3) Red Glenrose 16Z Buck 115B (Red Glenrose Zeus 16Z) Glenrose Polled Herefords, Camrose, AB Bull Calf Class - Intermediate Division 1) Red Corona Creek True Deal 38B (Red KF True Deal 12Z) Goad Family Angus, Clandonald, AB 2) Red Dwajo Endorse 67B (Red SSS Endorse 639X) Dwajo Angus, Camp Creek, AB 3) Red Shiloh Buzz Bout Loaded 9B (Red Vikse Fully Loaded 29Y) Shiloh Cattle Company, Craigmyle, AB Bull Calf Class - Senior Division - Split 1 1) Red Corona Creek True Deal 9B (Red KF True Deal 12Z) Goad Family Angus, Clandonald, AB 2) Red Vikse Rumba 73B (Red DMM Glesbar Barndance 35X) Vikse Famlily Farm, Donalda, AB 3) Red Corona Creek Barndance 11B (Red DMM Barndance 35X) Goad Family Angus, Clandonald, AB

Reserve Champion Female Red K Adams Zaria 091Z Winter 2014 *

Bull Calf Class - Senior Division - Split 2 1) Red River Rock Fat Tony 445B (Red Northline Fat Tony 605U) River Rock Angus, Red Deer County, AB 2) Red Ter-Ron Bazinga 13B (Ter-Ron Park Place 18Y) River Rock Angus, Red Deer County, AB 3) Red Lone Stone Moonshine 129B (Red Crowfoot Moonshine 8081U) Lone Stone Farms, Westlock, AB Yearling Bull Class - Summer Division 1) Red Northline CRSL Money 341A (Red CRSL Goldmaster X74) Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB 2) Red Towaw Polaris 447A (Red Lazy MC Kingman 16W) Towaw Cattle Co, Sangudo, AB Yearling Bull Class - Spring Division 1) Red Six Mile & Co Jagger 780A (Red VGW Game Plan 816) Six Mile Ranch, Fir Mountain, SK 2) Red CRSL Navaho (Red Northline Jesse James) Northline Angus, Ardrossan, AB Yearling Bull Class - Intermediate Division 1) Red GJP Thor 255A (Red Majestic Lightning 717SGMR) Pugh Farms, Edgerton, AB 2) Red Redrich Aftershock 238A (Red Wilbar Longitude 646Y) Redrich Farms, Forestburg, AB Two Year Old Bull Class - Split 1 1) Red Six Mile Tuff Enuf 111Z (Red Six Mile Rawhide 222X)Six Mile Ranch, Fir Mountain, SK 2)Red Wilbar Over the Top 825Z (Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T) Wilbar Cattle Co, Dundurn, SK 3) Red NRA Arson 118Z (Red SSS Arson 85U) Arntzen Angus, Sedgewick, AB Two Year Old Bull Class - Split 2 1) Red Lone Stone Revolver 138Z (Red Clay Colt 21X) Cinder Angus, Barrhead, AB 2) Red Vikse Cowboy Cut 177Z (Red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U) Vikse Family Farm, Donalda, AB Grand Champion Bull Red Six Mile Tuff Enuf 111Z Reserve Champion Bull Red Wilbar Over the Top 825Z Breeder's Herd 1) Shiloh Cattle Company, Craigmyle, AB Premier Breeder Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB Premier Exhibitor Goad Family Angus, Clandonald, AB

Grand Champion Bull Red Six Mile Tuff Enuf 111Z

Reserve Champion Bull Red Wilbar Over the Top 825Z

Canadian Junior Angus Association by Chad Lorenz - President, Canadian Junior Angus Association

It is my privilege to once again put together a few words to bring greetings and updates from the Canadian Junior Angus Association. But first I would like to comment on our industry in general, whether you are an Angus breeder, Junior Angus member, commercial cow/calf producer or part of the feedlot sector, we seem to be in an optimistic place and time. We are coming off of a year that continued to strengthen all the way through, the cull cattle market is at all time highs, a calf market that was unheard of and that lead to a fall sale season that featured parallel success in purebred female sales and the start of the bull sale run. We also saw less dispersal sales within the Angus breed than we have in the last several years. I guess you could sum it up by saying that it’s the first time in quite a while that it’s cool to be in the cow business. I am not sure that there is anything else that

could be more motivating to my peers or the Junior Angus members that are younger than me than the current marketplace. As we look back on the fall show season I would like to thank all of the individuals and operations that supported the CJAA donation heifer at Agribition, most importantly I would like to extend the deepest thank you to Tanya and Monty Belsham and the rest of their crew at Poplar Meadows Angus for the donation of our fundraiser heifer. The funds from the heifer will help fuel our scholarship programs to assist Junior Angus members through post secondary education each and every year. Planning for all of our 2015 events is moving forward in full force. We are now getting close to GOAL conference in February, and I encourage all juniors to attend and apply for some of the travel bursaries available to travel to Guelph, Ontario for the Family Day long weekend. There is assistance available to attend GOAL through the Canadian Angus Foundation, the Canadian Junior Angus Association and many of the provincial associations. With the interest that GOAL has developed in the western provinces since it was initiated, coupled with fresh speakers, venues, and juniors in Guelph, I anticipate it to be an exciting

weekend. With the board of directors gathered together in February, in Guelph, we will have an opportunity to pinpoint some more plans and ideas for Showdown 2015 which we will be hosting in Olds, Alberta July 16-18. Olds should provide a central location for juniors to travel from all corners of Alberta as well as our provinces to the east and west. We welcome junior Angus members and their cattle from coast to coast. Lastly, it is the time of year when the CJAA board nominations are due. If you are interested in acting as a board member, please let Belinda know at the CJAA office. You can contact her or any of the current directors for information on what is required as a board member and I can guarantee it will be an experience that you will enjoy as well as grow and learn from. Director positions are open in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and the Maritimes in the coming year. Nominations are due January 31 and you would start your term at Showdown in July. I wish everyone all the best as we begin a new year and move forward in one of the most rewarding and optimistic industries anywhere. Chad Lorenz CJAA President

Canadian Junior Angus Ambassador by Matt Bates - Robert C. McHaffie Junior Ambassador

The ambassador program has certainly been packed full of opportunities throughout this fall. In the last two months, I’ve had the chance to attend three major Angus shows throughout Canada: Expo Boeuf in Victoriaville, Quebec, The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto, Ontario and Canadian Western Agribition in Regina, Saskatchewan. Expo Boeuf took place throughout two days over Thanksgiving weekend. On Saturday, all of the major breed shows rotated through three different show rings concurrently. Brent Stewart judged the Angus division, which consisted of cattle from multiple

provinces throughout eastern Canada. On Sunday afternoon, I enjoyed the supreme show and group classes that consisted of pairs of bulls, trio’s of bulls and more. I was thankful for the opportunity to spend the weekend in Quebec and take in the show for the first time. Although it wasn’t my first time attending the Royal Winter Fair, I was able to take on a slightly different role than usual. I had the opportunity to ring the Angus show alongside judges Lee and Dawn Wilson. I certainly had an awesome view of the cattle, and it allowed me to watch the entire progression of the show, from start to finish. It was exciting to watch the supreme show that immediately followed the Angus show, where the Champion Angus female was further slapped supreme champion female over all breeds. She was OSU Empress 3100 exhibited by Peter Frijters, Hasson Livestock, and Six Mile Ranch. This was the first time there was a supreme show at the Royal and it was a great way to end the 2014 RAWF. Agribition soon followed the Royal, where I once again had the opportunity to ring the Black Angus

show. Agribition was also the National Show and there were excellent numbers of quality cattle in both the Red and Black shows. Later in the week I was also able to take in one of my favourite shows; the RBC Beef Supreme Challenge. This year certainly didn’t disappoint. Remitall F Prospector 110Z, the champion Black Angus bull, took supreme champion male, exhibited by Remitall Farms and Breed Creek Angus. Not to mention all of the other Angus entries that made top 10 in both the male and female division. As this year draws to a close, I can’t help but feel incredibly thankful for the countless opportunities I have had as a result of my involvement with this breed. I know the experiences have benefited me immensely, and they wouldn’t be possible without all of the generous breeders that support our Angus youth. There’s no doubt that the people in this industry are second to none. With that being said, please accept my very best wishes for the holidays and all the best for the New Year.

Winter 2014 *

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British Columbia Angus Association

by Tom deWaal ~ President, BC Angus Association

As the year draws to a close, it’s a good time to reflect on all that has takedn place in the past year. If you are in the cattle business, you are in it at probably the best time in history, hopefully the best is yet to come. In BC this year we seen some great Angus events take place. They were very well received by it’s Angus members. As we move forward to 2015 the BC Angus Gold Shows will be in Smithers and Armstrong. As far as the Bull Sale Season everyone is optimistic. We are all getting ready for calving season, whcih I hope finds everyone happy and healthy.

Alberta Angus Association

The Alberta Angus Association has wrapped up a great fall season and is moving forward to our winter projects. We would like to thank all the Exhibitors from our two fall Gold Shows and congratulate all the winners. Our breed was well represented at these venues and we are appreciative of the time and dedication that the exhibitors put into advertising their programs

As the fall is slowly winding down and Christmas is fast approaching the Saskatchewan Angus Association has had a full, packed year. We hosted the Canadian Angus Convention and annual meeting in June, being well attended by many members. The committee did a great job in putting together a wonderful event and Page 44

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format is a handy booklet that has directions and a map to our breeder’s operations. Thanks also to all the breeders that bought advertising space in the Directory to further showcase their programs. With a year of record cattle prices and the strength of the market continuing on into the new year by the market forecast we are in a good position to further influence the cowherd across the province and the country with our breed genetics and for this I am grateful. Congrats to all that marketed seedstock this fall and good luck to everyone marketing again this spring. Once again if you have any questions or ideas for or of your board please feel free to contact myself or anyone of the Directors . Peace be with you all and your families during the Christmas Season and may God Bless your homes and your operations in the coming year. Greg Pugh

by Michael Howe ~ President, Saskatchewan Angus Association

everyone had a great time. Mark your calendars for the 2015 Convention June 3-6 in Calgary - I am sure it will also be an excellent event and is a good opportunity to visit Angus Central. Our tour in August in the Swift Current area and the Gold and Junior Shows in Lloydminster were also wonderful, well attended events. To top off our year we hosted the National Show at Agribition November 24-29 with very good numbers in the cattle show, and the quality being very high. We did a few different things; having a mixer/supper to join the commercial exhibitors with the purebred breeders and it went very well. We also obtained sponsorship for ‘national show’ tumblers which were given to all the exhibitors in the Angus and Commercial barns to socialize with for the evening. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the sponsors of the show. We really appreciate your support. I would also like to thank the many volunteers that it takes to put on the show from checking papers and

Winter 2014 *

Stay well, Tom deWaal British Columbia Angus President

by Greg Pugh ~ President, Alberta Angus Association

through these venues. With our winter season upon us we move into our Pen Show and Bull Congress initiatives where we make an effort to be at three of the major Beef Congress’ across the province with our AAA booth. Our target in doing this is to continue to represent the breed and the breeders across the province to the commercial producers. In doing so we take feedback and offer information on why the breed is leading the industry and also to connect potential customers with seedstock producers in their area. These venues typically have a Steak Challenge where there is an opportunity for friendly competition between breeds and an opportunity for us to showcase ANGUS beef. The Steak Challenge is greatly received by the show attendees and more times than not people walk away from our Steak with the thought of finding Angus Beef to eat again. We hope to also have our breeder map directory available for distribution at the Congress’ and look forward to unveiling it for bull sale season as the

Saskatchewan Angus Association

From all of us in BC, we would like to wish everyone all the best in the New Year, and we hope to see everyone in the New Year. If you have a chance to visit BC this year we would all love to entertain you.

tattoos on weigh day to our announcers, clerks, ringmen, judges, marshallers and prize presentors, as well as our Show and Sale Committee who spent time prior to and at the show organizing everything for us. We are looking forward to having the 2015 National Angus Show with the Lloydminster Stockade Round-up November 5-7. Our annual meeting is coming up in January 23 in Regina and I would like to take this opportunity to invite all Saskatchewan members to attend. The meeting is held in conjunction with the Saskatchewan Beef Industry Conference which is a very important event and a great way to network with your fellow breeders and cattle producers from across the province. Best wishes for a prosperous 2015. Mike Howe

Manitoba Angus Association

by Allan Nykoliation ~ President, Manitoba Angus Association

Well what a fall! The commercial cattlemen are actually happy when they open their calf cheques and the purebred sales are extremely strong as well. It’s great to see. Been a long time coming! I would like to thank all the exhibitors that brought cattle to our fall Gold Show at Ag-Ex. The entries were up and the quality was second to none.

The National Show was a huge success at Agribition. We are proud that the National Champion Black Angus Female banner came back to Manitoba. Even better she was from our family ranch (N7 Stock Farms/NYK Cattle Co.). Hell Ya! Bull sale season is here now and the interest is looking fantastic. There was a lot of old bulls that went to town this fall (especially when they were $1.50/lb. or better). Here’s to a strong bull sale season and a profitable 2015! Allan Nykoliation

Ontario Angus Association

by Allan Hargrave ~ President, Ontario Angus Association

Greetings from Ontario. Wow what a fall for being involved in the cattle business and some customers looking for more cows. Ontario hosted its 2nd Gold Show at the Royal in Toronto, ON with and extremely good set of cattle judged by Lee & Dawn Wilson, Brad Gilchrist winning champion bull, Premier Livestock, Hasson Livestock and Six Mile winning Champion female. This heifer went on to be Supreme Champion across 5 breeds showing at the Royal. Congratulations to all exhibitors and spectators. Ontario hosted its annual Futurity Sale and Angus Draw in early

Maritime Angus Association

The Annual Meeting of the Maritime Angus Association was held in Mid-December in Amherst, NS. Elections were held with Wilfred Gilby as Vice President, Betty Lou Scott as Secretary/Treasurer, and

December, short on entries, but was good and cattle sold well. Our Canadian Fieldman Peter Van Starven won the angus heifer in the draw from Paradise Farms. The annual meeting for the Ontario Angus will be held Jan 24/15 at Orangeville fairgrounds, will guest speaker being Cory Van Groningen of VG meats on their tenderness program. Thanks to the Ontario for being President the last 2 years and good luck calving Allan Hargrave

by Julie Mutch ~ President, Maritime Angus Association

myself staying on as President. Directors at large are Patrick Holland, Bill Scott, Darren Moffitt, and Harold Oulton. Trevor Welch continues on as Maritime Director and Dale Black as Maritime fieldman. The Gold Show locations remain the same as last year: Charlottetown Old Home Week, PE, Halifax Fall Fair, NS, and Sussex Beef Expo, NB. The two futurities also are continuing on with the PEI futurity held in Charlottetown, and the NB futurity at the Sussex Beef expo. The Maritime Angus field day will be taking place in Crapaud, PEI on June 13th and 14th this coming summer. Our field day boasts a social and fun auction Saturday evening; farm tours and a Junior Heifer Show Sunday afternoon. So mark your calendar to come east for a vacation! The Angus in Action Sale held this fall in conjunction with a Simmental, Hereford, and Shorthorn Breeding Stock Sale, was a success.

Purebred Angus averaged $2433 and commercial Angus $2368. High selling purebred was MFS Mama Bear 6A from Mutch farms, PEI for $3500 to Richard and William Armstrong, NS. High selling commercial were two bred heifers from Bannockburn Valley Farm (The Boyd Dixon family), PEI for $3000 each to Clarence Estabrooks, NB. Thank you to all the consignors and new Angus buyers. I would also like to acknowledge that after many, many years Hilda Colodey has retired from her Secretary/Treasurer position of the PEI Angus Association. Hilda tells me she originally signed up as Secretary for a 'couple years' when my grandmother (Iva) retired from the job. Safe to say it was a bit longer than a couple years - more like 20 years! Thank you Hilda, for your tremendous contribution to the association.

Winter 2014 *

Respectfully submitted, Julie Mutch Angus World

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Canadian Angus Foundation Message Sylvia Jackson, Canadian Angus Foundation Chair

The year 2015 will be exciting for the Canadian Angus Foundation as we continue to build on and expand our present programs. Because our charitable Foundation is incorporated under federal legislation we were required by the government to review our objectives and bylaws and reapply for our charitable status. This was completed in 2014, having a legal

Cookbook Report Thank you to all the breeders across our Angus Nation who took the time to submit recipes for the Foundation’s initiative to create a cookbook. The cookbook will also include a few snippets of Angus History and a list of tattoos to capture our history at this moment in time.

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review to ensure all requirements were in line as well as being approved by the CAA and CAF Boards. Our Research Committee is in the beginning stages of looking at projects that would be of value to Angus Breeders in the areas of carcass, genomics, fertility, feed efficiency etc. We would not be financially able to run our own programs, however would help leverage funds when industry support is required. Our Archives are slowly growing. Thank you to those that have generously donated Angus memorabilia. We encourage families to donate their Angus history to our Archives where it will be a permanent footprint. We are asking Regional Associations to provide names of people in their area that should be recognized. The office has already co-ordinated and thus produced some video interviews recognizing long standing prominent breeders. Once again a huge THANK YOU to everyone that participated to make the 3rd Legacy Sale a great success bringing in over $120,000. Our 4th Legacy Sale will be held in Calgary during the National Angus Convention on Saturday June 6, 2015. We appreciate your support in donating for the Legacy Sale whether

it be genetics, services, art, or experiences to be able to continue the mandate of the CAF. This being a new year, the Foundation reminds Juniors to check the "Foundation/Junior" website and take note of the many scholarships, bursary and travel opportunities that are available to assist in advancing their careers including self directed National and International Travel Bursaries that give members aged from 18 to 30 years an amazing opportunity to focus on their specific livestock interests, while also including an educational component ie: conference or convention. The Junior Angus GOAL Conference is coming up quickly so don’t delay in applying to attend, there are many bursaries available, both through our national programs, and from many of the regional associations. Please forward any suggestions or comments to Belinda Wagner - or phone 306-757-6133.

If you would still like your Angus Farm & Family to be included in the recipe section, please contact the Canadian Angus Foundation’s - Executive Director, Belinda Wagner at 306-757-6133 or via email at, to receive submission instructions. You are at the submission wire, so please get involved today!

The goal is to launch the cookbook/mini history book at the 2015 Canadian Convention in Calgary. If all goes according to plan we may have books for sale as early as Mother’s Day 2015. We will keep you updated as to this exciting fundraising & history project. Cecile Fleming CAF Board Member

Winter 2014 *

Regards, Sylvia Jackson

Canadian Beef Breeds Council submitted by Michael Latimer Canadian Beef Breeds Council - Executive Director Cattle Research Council (BCRC) and the Canadian Beef Breeds Council (CBBC). In addition to these groups there has been considerable input from all ten provincial beef associations. There has also been communication and input from provincial and federal governments, who support the initiative.

The Canadian Beef Breeds Council is proud to have been involved in the development of the National Beef Strategic Plan. This project is an industry led initiative with no one group leading the charge. Often the beef industry is criticized for not working together, but this is an example of how industry groups can work together in a collaborative manner with an end goal of benefiting each sector of the beef industry. The national industry groups involved are the Canadian Cattlemen Association (CCA), Canada Beef Inc (CBI), Canadian Meat Council (CMC), National Cattle Feeders Association (NCFA), Beef

The National Beef Strategic Plan is comprised of four pillars: Beef Demand, Competitiveness, Productivity and Connectivity. These pillars are then further broken down into focus areas and respective organizations responsible for implementing the action. This also allows for the identification of gaps or duplication of services within the industry. This plan is an assessment of current industry activities as well as new initiatives, with realistic achievable goals that will impact on the industry. Details of the plan will be made available on the website The purebred industry has been tasked with two primary objectives under the plan. First is that we continue to source international and domestic markets for live cattle, semen and embryos. This

injection of dollars creates a more profitable genetics industry with an increased capacity to work toward the second task. The second task is that we need to continue to develop improved genetic lines that produce both functional cattle and those that meet the needs of various end users. This isn’t to propose that one genetic line will suit all markets, but that we do need to have the genetics and cattle in place to access available markets and not lose out on an opportunity to our global competitors. Even in some of the most exciting times in the history of the beef industry, there are some very real challenges ahead. It is as important to have a plan in the good times as in the bad. I encourage you to take note of the National Beef Strategic Plan as it is rolled out over the next few months. It is important for producers to be engaged and provide grass roots feed back to industry groups like the Canadian Beef Breeds Council as we need your input to make informed decisions. Feel free to contact me via email at with your thoughts.

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Angus World

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All West/Select Sires For All Your Angus Genetics


Serving BC, AB & SK


24 Park Lane, Olds, AB T4H 1W3 Auctioneer, Ring Service & Marketing


Steve Dorran

P.O. Box 39075, Lakewood Common, Saskatoon, SK S7V 0A9


Progressive Performance... Optimum Maternalism! CANADIAN RED ANGUS PROMOTION SOCIETY 306.227.2992 - - office@


P.O. Box 10100, Stn Main, Airdrie, Alberta, T4A 0H4

Custom Service Program C A R D

▲ Custom Collection ▲ Private Storage


Semen - Supplies - Nitrogen

Tel: (403) 226 0666 e-mail:


Box 5, Site 4, R.R. #1, Olds, Alta T4H 1P3

Phone (403)507-8771 Fax (403)507-8772



P.O. Box 164 Nottawa, Ontario Canada L0M 1P0

Phone: (705)445-4317 Cell: (705)607-4317 E-mail:

get your cattle online with coyote publishing. More than just really great catalogues!

Sid Leavitt: (403) 653-2450 Jana Keeley: (604) 740-5653

Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd. Davis-Rairdan International P.O. Box 590 Crossfield, Alberta Canada T0M 0S0 Phone (403)946-4551 Fax (403)946-5093 Website email


● On-farm freezing & collection ● Donor care facility ● Recipient herd

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Angus World

Winter 2014 *

● Licensed facility for embryos exports ● Genetic Marketing & Selection ● International Embryo Sales

Ericson Livestock Services

(780) 352-7630 Dennis & Shelly Ericson

R.R.# 2, Wetaskiwin, Alberta T9A 1W9

Gloria Fantin - Independently Offering - Advertising Services for Beef Producers - Advertising & Publication Consulting - Advertising Sales Representation - Writing Services & Distribution

GA Fantin Services / 403.289.3836

Mark Stock

Ring Service & Livestock Service Box 128, Hazelet, SK S0N 1E0 (306) 678-4811 ✺ Cellular (403) 357-8104

Sealin Creek Ranch Registered Angus

Dan & Janette Speller


Bus (250)546-9420 / Cellular (250)558-6789 Comp. 19, Larkin Site, RR 3, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0



EMBRYO TRANSFER SERVICES MARILYN BRAITWAITE Box 8265, Saskatoon, SK S7K 6C5 A.H.T. Ph (306)931-2904 ● Fax (306)242-1563 Certified Bovine E.T. Practitioner


Owners: Peter & Francesca Cox Managed by: Christy Elliot



ring w Sp s Ran illo


Don Raffan


Box 59, Monte Lake, BC V0E 2N0 (250)375-2268


Re us gister ed Black Ang

Tel: (250)446-2269 Fax: (250)764-0537

22km Christian Valley Westbridge, British Columbia

Mile 11 on #2 Highway South of Dawson Creek

PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS P.O. Box 132, Steve Aylward (250)786-5031 Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4G3 Dale Aylward (250)786-5478

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Count Ridge Stock Farm ITY

Aberlynn Angus Marie Bradshaw Gordon Bradshaw 5343-39st Close R.R. #3, Site 3, Box 6 Innisfail, AB T4G 1G1 Innisfail, AB T4G 1T8 (403)227-5431 (403)227-0354 “Quality you can see. Breeding you can trust.”




Wayne and Peggy Robinson

Box 36 Mossleigh, Alberta T0L 1P0 Phone (403) 934-4083


Flint & Flint




New Norway, AB

ACHER ANG B US SH Darrel & Wendy Ashbacher & Family

P.O. Box 99, Halkirk, Alberta T0C 1M0

Ph: (403)884-2181 Fax: (403)884-2381

Bar Double M Angus

Bryan & Sherry Mackenzie

Pioneer Red Angus Breeder


Jay & Lenore Davis Box 184, Acme, Alberta T0M 0A0 (403) 546-2299

P.O. Box 122, Pincher Creek, Alberta T0K 1W0 Phone: (403)627-5676 / Fax:(403)627-4653 /

Mark & Rachel Merrill & Family Box 132, Hill Springs, Alberta T0K 1E0

(403) 626-3369

Visitors 12 miles west of Olds Always on Hwy #27, 1/2 mile south on Welcome Range Rd 3.04 email:

Diamond Willow Ranch Add Our Diamonds to Your Herd! Registered Black Angus

Ted & Marci McPeak (403)948-3085

RR #1, Stn. Mn., Airdrie, AB T4B 2A3 From Airdrie Overpass on SH 567, 10km W., 5km N., on SH 772

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Angus World

Winter 2014 *







Wayne Branden & Jane Morrow

Phone: (780)674-2335 ~ Cell: (780)305-4813 ~ Fax: (780)674-4398 P.O. Box 11, Camp Creek, AB T0G 0L0 -

KBJ Round Farms

Lee & Laura Brown

Box 217, Erskine, AB T0C 1G0 Ph: (403) 742-4226 Fax (403) 742-2962

Roy & Cindy Bjorklund

P.O. Box 238, Clyde, Alberta T0G 0P0

Dwayne & Joanne Emery

Jim Round (780)348-5638

- Breeders of Quality Performance Tested Angus -

Barry Round

(780) 674-4410 REGISTERED ANGUS P.O. Box 31, Camp Creek, Alberta T0G 0L0

19th Annual Bull & Female Sale March 14/09

P.O. Box 2044, Fairview, Alberta T0H 1L0 (780)835-3530





Richard & Joyce Lorenz

(403)728-3285 R.R. #1, Markerville, Alberta T0M 1M0



Murray and Gloria Fraser 403-787-2341

Box 32, Hussar, Alberta TOJ 1SO

Horned Hereford

Cam and Kim Fraser 403-787-2165

Dave & Jean Prichard 780-385-2226 Dan & Shelley Prichard Ph/Fax: 780-385-2298 Killam, Alberta Doug Noad 403-660-8371

“Visitor’s Welcome”

Fleming Stock Farms

Box 1, Granum, Alberta T0L 1A0 Ph: 403/687-2288 Fax: 403/687-2088

Duncan, Cecilie, Cooper & Ricki Fleming “Quality goes in before the name goes on”


" Our Greatest Asset - Quality Angus"

Robert & Gail Hamilton

Box 11, Site 15, R.R.# 2, Cochrane, Alberta T4C 1A2 (403) 932-5980 ~

Breeding 150 Functional Black Angus Females Since 1945

Ron & Laurie Hunter & family “Quality Registered & Commercial Stock”

RR 2 Didsbury, AB T0M 0W0



Danny & Conna Warrilow Bill & Barbara Warrilow Ph/Fax: (780) 593-2205 (780) 593-2208 P.O. BOX 39, MINBURN, ALBERTA T0B 3B0


Willard Leeuwenburgh Home: 403-381-3191 Cell: 403-382-1990 Fax: 403-381-9093


Jack Leeuwenburgh Home: 403-327-9618 Cell: 403-330-6123 Fax: 403-327-9629

Box 25, Lethbridge, AB T1J 3Y3

Lindsay & Donna Penosky & Family

P.O. Box 37, Botha, AB T0C 0N0 Phone: (403)742-4337 ● Fax: (403)742-4341

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Registered & Commercial Red Angus



P.O. Box 4205, Taber, Alberta T1G 2C7 Phone/Fax: (403)223-4118

The Wildman’s


Dave & Gail (780) 785-2091 Kirk (780) 785-3772



Box 610, Delburne, Alberta T0M 0V0 (403)749-2953 email:

P.O. Box 444, Sangudo, Alberta T0E 2A0 Fax 785-3403

Red C A R D






Lassiter Brothers


Box 763, Bassano, Alberta T0J 0B0 Ph: 403/641-4467 ~ Fax:403/6412355

Spring Bull Sale ● Female (Private Treaty) ● Embryos Using A.I. program & Embryo transfer to raise well balanced cattle.

Wayne Grant

Stauffer Ranches P.O. Box 174, Killam, Alberta (780)385-2216


Stacey & Michel Stauffer


Ring 403.627.2511 Fax 403.627.2650 Box 2377, Pincher Creek, Alberta T0K 1W0

RIVERBEND FARM LTD. Bud, Barb & John McBride Box 51, Benalto, Alberta T0M 0H0 Phone: (403)746-2555 / Phone/Fax: (403)746-2630

Stoneydale BLACK ANGUS

Ken & Sharon Chitwood

Ph:(403)948-3094 Fax: (403)948-6329 R.R. #2, Airdrie, AB T4B 2A4

Premium Quality Since 1972

Elllamae & Mike

Box 247, Warner, Alberta T0K 2L0 Ph/Fax: (403)642-2055 email:



Glen, Dale, Wayne & Terry Elliott

Shawn & Cathy





Box 115, Warner, Alberta T0K 2L0 (403)642-2041

Angus World

Page Winter 2014 *

Ph/Fax: (403)832-3774 l Ph: (403)832-3112 P.O. Box 113 Seven Persons, AB T0K 1Z0



Park F w a o ill Purebred Black Angus since 1920

Jim & Betty Richardson (403)224-3286

Box 32, Bowden, AB T0M 0K0

Double AA Angus Bill Dillabaugh

P.O. Box 91, Coleville, SK S0L 0K0 (306) 965-2554


Annual Rancher’s Choice Spring Bull Sale

Ranches Inc. Don’t Roll - JustRock

Jon & Shelly Fox

P.O. Box 320 Lloydminster, SK S9V 0Y2





(306) 567-4702




Doug & Lynn McIvor

Box 688, Davidson, SK S0G 1A0



RANCHING LTD. David Flundra

Purebred Red Angus Bulls, Females & Commercial Cattle

P.O. Box 1453, Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7N4

Phone: 306-825-9702 Fax: 306-825-9782 Res: 306-825-9624 Email:

16 km east of Walsh, Alberta

Tel: (306)662-2449 Fax: (306)662-2556

Cell: (403)502-4776

Wes & Kim Olynyk (306)876-4420 Irene Olynyk (306)876-4400

Jim & Peggy Grant P.O. Box 220, Edam, SK S0M 0V0 (306)397-2541

Flying K Ranch Registered Red Angus Since 1972

Brian & Christine Hanel Box 1902, Swift Current, SK S9H 4M6 (306)773-6313 email:

Donna Hanel

R.R. #1, Wymark, SK S0N 2Y0 Ph/Fax: (306)773-6984

10 miles south of swift Current on hwy #4 & 8 miles west

Annual Bull Sale First Saturday in April

Box 192, Goodeve, SK S0A 1C0

Winter 2014 *

Angus World

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Roy & Vicki Forsyth


Eddystone, Manitoba R0L 0S0 (204)448-2245

Ian Gross

P.O. Box 29, Rush Lake, Saskatchewan S0H 3S0 ● (306)773-6873

Z RED ANGU A R Phil Birnie S W Box 461, Wawota, SK S0G 5A0

Ph: 306/739-2988 ~ Fax: 306/739-2137 ~ Cell: 306/577-7440 email: Red Angus Bulls & Females For Sale ~ Commercial Heifers Herdsman: Gordon Murray 306/739-2177 - cell: 306/646-7980





Registered Red & BlackAngus

Allen & Merilyn Staheli

Greenbush Angus Fax: (204)448-2126

Eddystone, Manitoba R0L 0S0


R.R. #1, Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0

Barrie & Bernice Baker (204)966-3822

Tim & Wendy Baker (204)966-3320

Barry & Marj Young & Family

Box 28, Carievale, SK S0C 0P0 (306) 928-4810

Kim Robertson

Box 159, Alsask, SK S0L 0A0 Res: 306/968-2637 / Cell: 306/463-8405

5 miles east of Alsask and 2 miles north on Merid Grid

“Raising Quality Cattle To Work For You”

Keith, Linda & Stacey Kaufmann 306/454-2730

Shane, Alexis,

Keaton, Kamrie, Kohen Registered & Korbyn Kaufmann 306/454-2688 Red & Black Angus P.O. Box 130, Ceylon, SK S0C 0T0 ● Fax: (306)454-2643 ●


P.O. Box 183, Luseland, SK S0L 2A0

(306) 834-2844

WRed il-Sel Angus

Luseland - .5 mile W, 12 Miles S & .25 mile W. Kerrobert - 12 miles W, Hwy# 51, .5 mile N, .25 mile W

Black & Red Angus

Bruce, Ione Austen & Breanna Anderson


204.734.2073 - 204.734.0730 Comp 2 R.R.# 2, Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0 -

Est: 1980

Doreen 306/263-4407 306/263-4923 Fax Corbin, Lynette, Cole & Conner 306/263-4407 The Selody’s ~ Flintoft, SK S0H 1R0

Quality Angus Cattle

Visitors Always Welcome

Jack & Barb Hart

General Delivery, Brookdale, Manitoba R0K 0G0 (204) 476-2607


David & Jeanette Neufeld 204/534-2380

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Angus World

Winter 2014 *

Box 171, Boissevain Manitoba R0K 0E0






Don & Jeannette Currie

R.R. #1, Nottawa, Ontario L0M 1P0 Ph/Fax: (705)445-1526

Events Calendar

Rideau Angus (613)258-2762 Farm R.R. #4, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 D & C Cattle Co Doug & Carolyn Milne-Smith

Rob & Sandy Foubert

613/258-1062 4373 Rideau River Road, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0



12201 TORBRAM RD, CALEDON. ONTARIO L7C 2T4 * (905)843-1236

January 21 Lazy S Ranch Bull Power Sale, Mayerthorpe, AB January 23 Saskatchewan Angus Annual General Meeting, Regina, SK February 12 Chapman Cattle Co Bull Sale, Stettler, AB February 12 Stauffer Ranches Bull Sale, Fort Macleod, AB February 13 Langco/Kueber Bull Sale, Viking, AB February 16 Ole Farms Family Day Sale, Athabasca, AB February 17 Symens Land & Cattle Bull Sale, Claresholm, AB February 19 M&J Farms Bull Sale, Russell, MB February 27 Lone Stone Farms Bull Sale, Westlock, AB February 28 LCL Angus Bull Sale, Coronation, AB March 3 Belvin Angus Bull Sale, Innisfail, AB March 4 - 5 Calgary Bull Sale, Calgary, AB March 5 Cutting Edge Bull Sale, Rimbey, AB March 9 Peake Ranching Bull Sale, Homestead Coulee Hall, AB

March 11 Power Pak Bull Sale, Fort Macleod, AB March 11 Mar Mac Farms Bull Sale, Brandon, MB March 12 Cattle Creek Ranching Bull Sale, Maple Creek, SdK March 14 CD Land & Cattle Bull Sale, Taber, AB March 14 Wheeler/Fleury Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK March 17 Leeuwenburgh Angus Bull Sale, Lethbridge, AB March 19 Allencroft/Border Butte Bull Sale, Medicine Hat, AB March 19 Get-A-Grip Bull Sale, Forestburg, AB March 20 Scott Stock Farm Bull Sale, Crossfield, AB March 21 Bar 4A Bull Sale, Dawson Creek, BC March 25 Hamilton Farms Bull & Select Female Sale, Cochrane, AB March 25 Little Royal Pen Show, Fort Macleod, AB March 26 Brylor Ranch Bull Sale, Fort Macleod, AB March 26 Cattle Creek Ranching Bull Sale, Maple Creek, SK

March 27 Lazy E Bar Bull Sale, Bashaw, AB March 28 Shiloh Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Hand Hills Lake, AB March 28 Northern Alliance Bull Sale, Vanderhoof, BC March 30 Merit Cattle Co Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK April 1 Peak Dot Ranch Bull Sale, Wood Mountain, SK April 3 Northern Progress Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK April 4 66 Ranch Bull Sale, Fort Macleod, AB April 4 WRAZ Bull Sale Open House, Wawota, SK April 7 Lorenz Angus Bull Sale, Markerville, AB April 7 Blairs.Ag Bull Sale, Sedley, SK April 10 Johnston/Fertile Valley Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK April 18 WRAZ Cornerstone Bull Sale, Whitewood, SK April 24 Sheidaghan Anghus Bull Sale, Maple Creek, SK October Bar 4A Female Sale, Olds, AB

Glen Islay Angus ...................... 5 Hamilton Farms ....................... 3 Johnston Angus ........................ 4 JPM Farms ....................... 29, 46 Kueber Farms ........................... 19 Langco Angus .......................... 19 Lazy E Bar Ranching ................ 15 Lazy S Ranch .......................... 23 Lorenz Angus .......................... 7 Merit Cattle Co ..................... IBC

Ole Farms ................................ 27 Peake Ranching ........................ 25 Pursue Victory ....................... 36 Richardson, Kelly ..................... 38 Shiloh Cattle Co ..................... 16 Stauffer Ranches ...................... 56 Symens Land & Cattle ............ 17 WRAZ Red Angus .................. 6 Yarrow Creek ......................... 39

Ad Index Les Fermes

Rolling Acres

Angus & Hereford

C260 Heath Road, Shawville, Quebec J0X 2Y0

Stephen & Paula 819-647-3540

Laird & Mary 819-647-3542

Fax: (819)647-3541 //

66 Ranches ............................ 10 Bar 4A Cattle Co .................. IFC Belvin Angus ...................... OBC Benchmark Angus ................. 11 Blairs.Ag Cattle Co .................. 13 Cattle Creek Ranching ........ 4, 31 Chapman Cattle Co .............. 46 Chico Ranches ....................... 26 Cudlobe Angus ......................... 1 Fertile Valley Angus .................. 4

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Angus World

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