AngusWor l d Onl i neEdi t i on Fal l2011
Aberdeen Angus World P.O. Box 177, Stavely, Alberta T0L 1Z0 Phone: (403)549-2234 Fax: (403)549-2207 email: Internet Location:
Fall Edition 2011*
Volume 19 #4*
"Official Publication of the Canadian Angus Association" Dave Callaway
Regular Departments Alberta Angus Association ............................................................. 42 Auction Block .............................................................................. 33 Canadian Angus Association Breed Development ............................. 52 Canadian Angus Association CEO Message ...................................... 48 Canadian Angus Association President’s Message ............................... 50 Canadian Angus Association Registration Department ...................... 54 Canadian Junior Angus Ambassador .................................................. 45 Canadian Junior Angus Association .................................................. 44 Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Program ................................... 50 Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Tag Program ................................... 51 Dave’s Desk ........................................................................................... 4 Events Calendar ................................................................................. 64 Maritime Angus Association .................................................... 42 Wine Wisdom ........................................................................................ 34
Feature Articles Alberta Junior Angus Show Results ..................................................................... 25 Canadian Angus Association Director Profiles ...................................... 46 Canadian Angus Association Staff Profiles ........................................... 46 Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Participant - Hertigae Angus Beef ............. 8 Carcass 101 ............................................................................................................. 18 Duckworth Ranch - Producer Profile .................................................................... 12 Foothills Livestock Auction ................................................................................ 36 Genetic Evaluation of Angus Cattle for Feed Efficiency and Carcass Merit ....... 14 Genotype Selection More Accurately Predicts ..................................................... 14 Innovation for Beef Feedlot Industry is all in the Genes ..................................... 14 Igenity Angus Classic Show Results .................................................................... 40 Interior Provincial Show Results .................................................................... 22 Manitoba Junior Show Results .......................................................................... 30 Olds Fall Fair Black Angus Show Results ............................................................. 20 Olds Fall Fair Red Angus Show Results ............................................................... 20 Ontario Preview Show Results ............................................................................... 24 Ross Bailey - Obituary .................................................................................... 32 Saskatchewan Gold Show Results .......................................................................... 26 Saskatchewan Junior Angus Show Results ............................................................ 28 Walt Browarny - Obituary .................................................................................... 32 Waste to Energy System for Cargill Beef Plant ............................................................. 38
Cover: Thank You to Grant Rolston for supplying our cover photo.
Jan Lee Associate Editor
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Publications Mail Agreement #40051561 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Angus World c/o Circulation Dept. P.O. Box 177 Stavely, Alberta T0L 1Z0 ~ Printed in Canada ~ "Aberdeen Angus World" is dedicated to the promotion, growth and improvement of Aberdeen Angus Cattle.
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Dave’s Desk
e sales so far this fall have been very successful both in the commercial and purebred sectors. ere are still a lot of cattle to be traded in both sectors, but early indications are the all will end well. Higher commercial calf prices and a high number of bulls being culled bodes well for bull sales later this year and into next spring. I would like to echo some of the sentiments of our CEO Rob Smith regarding attending other breeders’
sales or a Rancher Endorsed feeder calf sale. ese events are a great way to expand you circle of contacts, which will serve you well when you are wanting to market bulls, either privately or by auction. I would especially recommend attending any sales where there are calves sired by bulls you have sold. If you cannot attend your bull buyers sales, visit with them about their calves and what they may be looking to emphasize in future bull purchases. It will make that call at sale time a lot easier. I cannot stress enough the importance of customer relations to keep your bull buyers coming back.
Of note . . . e Board of Directors has made a decision to build an office building to house the Canadian Angus Association Headquarters. I see this as a landmark decision that will move the Association into a new era. A note annoucing this can be found on Page 49 of this issue. In November you will be receiving a survey to help give the Board direction on a myriad of topics. Take time to fill it out and have input as to the direction of you Association.
Dave Callaway
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Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Licensed Participant Profile Hertigae Angus Beef Seven years ago, a group of 12 Angus producers joined forces. They thought it was “ridiculous� that they spent, on average, 27 months raising cattle from the time they were bred until they were sold and that they invested significant time, energy and money in raising the cattle but had no control over the price. Although the group knew nothing about marketing, how the carcass breaks down or how to price it, they formed Prairie Heritage in search of better results and profits.
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They learned as they went along. Four years later, Quality Foods, a Vancouver Island retailer, approached the group and said that they wanted to buy their product, but asked them if they would consider creating a branded Angus beef program to meet consumer demand. Today, Heritage Angus has evolved into a group of 18 producers that stretches from Taber, Rycroft and Wetaskiwin, Alberta to Williams Lake, BC. Heritage Angus feeds 90 to 120 days on a high energy ration that qualifies the cattle for export to the European Union. They slaughter cattle on a weekly basis at Canadian Premium Meats in Lacombe, Alberta. Further processing for hamburgers takes place at New Food Classics in Saskatoon and for roast and sausage at Freybe Gourmet Foods Ltd. in Langley, BC. Heritage Angus is the exclusive supplier of hormone- and antibiotic-free Angus beef for Hero Certified Burgers. Hero Certified Burgers, a Canadian Angus Rancher
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Endorsed licensed participant, is a chain of 23 quick-service restaurants in Ontario that is growing and expanding. All Heritage Angus beef is raised without antibiotics, artificial growth hormones or animal feed by-products and is halal certified. Member ranches adhere to these standards as well as complete the Verified Beef Production program and an environmental farm plan. Heritage Angus is audited and certified by Prairie Wise Certified, a comprehensive third-party certification for land and livestock management practices. They were also one of the first six licensed participants to join Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed.
Dr. Christoph Weder, Heritage Angus’ CEO and Director of Marketing, says that Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed has been great for their program. “One of the biggest questions I get asked on an international basis is ‘what certification process do you have behind your beef to verify that there is Angus genetics’?” Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed has helped provide a satisfactory answer to that question and is part of the reason that Heritage Angus Beef can be found in Switzerland, Italy, Dubai, Hong Kong, Germany and Holland. “We’re not interested in feeding the masses,” Christoph explains. “We want to be in the top 20%, selling high end product to the discerning connoisseur, people who buy sophisticated products.”
continues to look for opportunities beyond just selling and marketing beef. Christoph is actively pursuing a research project that will study the use of DNA to verify the presence of Angus genetics in beef at the retail level. He is also a big advocate for mandatory genetic testing on every registered animal in Canada. by Tina Zakowsky and Michael Latimer
He acknowledges that it has not been an easy road for Heritage Angus, and that like all Angus breeders in Canada, they do face challenges. “It’s very easy to sell the middle cuts,” says Christoph, noting that they face seasonal challenges in demand. “Balancing the carcass, keeping costs under control, and developing markets for beef in regions where little is known about Canadian beef are challenges for us.” Despite the challenges, Heritage Angus has experienced 20% growth in 2011. And Heritage Angus
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Times change. Gerry Duckworth’s agricultural enterprises roll with the times. The Courval, Sask., cattleman and recent grain farmer knows the dollar rules, both sides of the 49th Parallel. “I came back to farm 20 years ago and seeded our cropland to grass. Now, I have sprayed a bunch of grass and gone back to farming,” he says. “The prices for canola and lentil are phenomenal and we’ve got really good crops this year so we can net $500 an acre—if that continues, there won’t be a cow in the country.” Well, not unless it is the right kind of cow. By Duckworth’s reckoning, that’s an Angus cow proven to produce high-quality, premium beef efficiently. “I got into Angus cattle when the Stevensons (Angus producers from Montana) were goose hunting up here and convinced me it was the way to go,” Duckworth says. Many of his cows today go back to the original Franchise x Payweight genetics. In an August harvest load of 42 steers, 33 made the Prime grade and the rest AAA, just under 15 months of age and 1,390 lb., and that was without growth hormones. Page 12
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“These carcass cattle will certainly gain,” he says. The steers came into an Alberta feedlot weighing 800 lb., converted at 5.7 to 5.8 and managed better than 3.5-lb. daily gains. Last year a handful only made it to the AA grade, which got Duckworth’s attention. He looked at the record books and found out, “they all went back to the same sire. I DNA-test, ultrasound and keep individual records, so I can tell.” In a country where most producers only think about how to get more pounds of commodity beef, why does Duckworth aim for higher quality? “Profit,” he says. “We’ve got to produce what people want to eat, and not think they HAVE to eat it. Chicken and pork are consistent—they may lack beef’s flavor but they are consistent. With beef, you may get a nice steak one time and the next time you get one a dog couldn’t chew. Unless you look for a premium brand.” As a chairman of the Quality First Agriculture committee for Saskatchewan Stockgrowers, Duckworth says some ranchers seem to have a problem with that priority. “People tell me they sell their calves off the cow, so they don’t care what happens to them. That’s the wrong attitude for their future and for the Canadian beef industry,” he says. On the other hand, people say they want information on their calves. “But they want it all to be good news, and the truth could be your buyer won’t come back.” Not until you take action by using high-quality Angus bulls to build a better herd. Duckworth says it took 15 years of selection and going through data with the Stevensons to get his herd to a predictable level.
Yes, he knows it looks like a fixation on U.S. Angus genetics (the heifers and one group of cows also get AI service once a year, typically from south of the Parallel). He’s been burned by insufficient data when buying Canadian bulls, but certainly remains open to future shopping. What would it take to attract Duckworth’s bids on a bull? “I want the high yearling gain, plus the feed conversion, and the saleable carcass,” he says. “It’s easier to find those in volume to the south. I don’t want to buy from somebody who is a grain farmer first or they really have a hobby herd. Either way, if they don’t have the records and information, it’s pretty much impossible for me to buy from them.” He’d like to see the DNA and ultrasound test results, too, of course. He’s demanding, sure. But it’s part of a plan to build demand for his cattle. Lately Duckworth has sold several hundred heifers to U.S. buyers, including some destined for donor programs because of their predictable, high-quality genetics. There are few local buyers, because those who sell at weaning don’t appreciate the added value, Duckworth says. What will it take to incentivize Canadians? “We need to be paid for what we are producing, including the discounts,” he says. “Those unwilling to take their cattle to finish will never know what’s setting their market.” Premium brands will help bring long-term profits back to Canadian ranches, Duckworth says. In particular, he calls the Certified Angus Beef brand “the best thing that ever happened to the
Angus industry. It distinguished the quality product and gave us a way to set the breed above the others, you know, took us a step higher. “I’ve been in grocery stores where they sell CAB, and the people look at it and they look at the other beef in the meat case. Then they go back to CAB and even though it’s more money, they buy it. That’s why we have to produce what people want. Because they don’t have to buy it.” The brand has put a lot of dollars in producers’ pockets, if they read the signs and focused on genetics and management. Duckworth may be brash and blunt—“people know where I stand,” he shrugs. “My herd is as black as you will ever see, no baldies; they are Angus, predictable. They gain and convert, and the cattle feeders know it.” The current volatile economy won’t tolerate anything less than a focused plan to develop such a herd. “Our land prices have doubled in the last few years, and grain prices like this can clean out a lot of cattle for more crops. If you are going to have cattle,” he says, “they better be the best. It costs the same money to keep a poor one as a good one.”
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P R O D U C E By Steve Suther, Photos by Barb Holmes R P R O F I L E
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Genotype Selection More Accurately Predicts
Genotype Selection More Accurately Predicts Cattle Market Characteristics an Phenotype Selection A simple yet powerful technology assists commercial breeders Genotyping is a powerful tool in shaping modern livestock management programmes, as a detailed understanding of cattle DNA facilitates practical breeding and feedlot resource allocation strategies. As keen feedlot producers are becoming increasingly aware of the reliability of genetic profiling when making purchasing decisions, cattle genotyping is an excellent tool to assist breeders in selecting animal traits because such techniques provide an objective measure of livestock market potential. Traditionally, commercial cattle are selected for breeding based on a phenotypic evaluation of animals, with breeders subjectively selecting on the basis of a single desirable trait. One major drawback to phenotype-based selection is that phenotypic traits result from the action of multiple genes, genes which may also give rise to other undesirable phenotypes. To illustrate this concept with an example, it was common practise to select cattle on the basis of largest frame, which indeed resulted in production of large-framed
cattle. However, this increased size came with a potential series of undesirable traits, such as hocks and pasterns becoming too straight, resulting in impaired locomotion. With selections based on phenotype, it is often unknown what genes are being carried along with the phenotypic trait, resulting in reduced efficiency in the cattle selection methodology. In contrast, genotyping offers an objective evaluation of a cattle’s predisposition for certain market characteristics at the DNA level. Genotyping provides commercial cattle breeders with precise and detailed information about the animal’s DNA, enabling the discreet selection of animals on a gene-by-gene basis. For instance, multiple studies have shown that genotyping for the status of one such gene, coding for leptin, consistently predicts key cattle market characteristics. In particular, cattle possessing the two-thymine genotype (TT) have been shown to accumulate backfat more rapidly than other genotypes, saving several days of feeding costs to reach desirable market readiness. It is sometimes the case that a single gene may also influence multiple traits, as beef cows with the TT leptin genotype have been observed to wean calves that were on average 31 lbs heavier than the other genotypes. Furthermore, in dairy cattle, TT
genotypes have been shown to not only produce significantly more milk in the 1st 15 weeks of lactation, they maintain a higher body condition score over dairy cows with the other genotypes. These results underscore the powerful applications of genotyping in the shaping and optimization of the modern cattle industry. Each gene contributes to a range of phenotypes, and each phenotype arises from the action of many genes. If selections are based on a single phenotypic trait, many genes are carried forward in the breeding program, and each of those genes may contribute to the potential expression undesirable of phenotypes. Proven genotype-based selections, even for a single gene, give breeders more control over the range of phenotypes being selectively carried forward. Therefore, genotyping represents a considerable improvement in cattle selection methodology, not only because fewer genes are being selected in an objective manner, but also because more is known about the impact selected genes have on phenotype. Application of genotyping technology is vital to the advancement of commercial cattle performance. By Grant Woronuk, PhD
Innovation for Beef Feedlot Industry is all in the Genes New Management System Helps Feedlot Operators Boost Revenues Feedlot operators across the country have access to a new management system that will create jobs, increase efficiency and lower production costs. Member of Parliament Brad Trost (Saskatoon-Humboldt) announced today, on behalf of Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz, an investment of $750,000 to Quantum Genetics Canada Inc. to commercialize a new technology that is now helping producers send their cattle to market at the optimum time. “Investing in innovative technologies is a good way to help our producers grow their businesses and also grow our communities,” said MP Brad Trost. “This support got a promising new management system off the drawing board and into the market where it is helping producers cut feed costs and deliver a
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higher-value product to the market.” Quantum Genetics Canada developed a management services system that improves the quality of beef carcass profiles and this funding has helped the company market the system to feedlots across North America. The tool uses DNA testing and genotyping to help producers and feedlot operators distinguish between genetic variations in beef cattle that are related to growth and fat profiles. These profiles tell feedlot operators the best feeding schedules for the animals. They also tell feedlot operators when the animal has reached the targeted body fat profile. This prevents feedlot operators from spending additional money keeping the animal on the feedlot unnecessarily and allows them to process more cattle more quickly – and more profitably. It will also help them capture premiums for their product for attributes like marbling and tenderness.
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“Quantum Genetics is pleased to accept the investment made by the Agri-Opportunities Program which allowed Quantum to further commercialize our breakthrough technology,” said Leigh Marquess, Vice President and COO. “This investment will further advance Quantum Genetics in the field of beef genomics, in turn advancing value creation for primary feedlot producers.” This project is creating 30 jobs in Saskatchewan, generating new revenues for this Canadian-based company and reducing operating costs of feedlot operators. Funding for this project came from the Agri-Opportunities Program, which focused on commercializing innovative new agri-products, processes or services that are currently not produced or available in Canada and that are ready to be introduced into the marketplace.
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Genetic Evaluation of Angus Cattle for Feed Efficiency and Carcass Merit Feed efficiency and carcass merit are of particular importance to the beef industry as feed efficiency contributes approximately 70% to the total cost of beef production and carcass quality is highly related to consumer satisfaction and thus revenue. Breeding cattle with improved feed efficiency will not only reduce the production cost but also reduce the environmental impact of beef production such as greenhouse gas emission.
Feed efficiency is a complex trait and accurate measurement of feed efficiency requires recording an animal’s daily feed intake and bi-weekly body weight for a period of at least 75 days. For the past 7 years, feed intake and body weights have been measured on about 600 Angus steers from 42 registered Angus sires. The research has been done in collaboration with Livestock Gentec researchers at the University of Alberta and under the support by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) genomics program funds and other various funding sources. Phenotype data of other economically relevant traits such as growth traits, ultrasound measurements of fat thickness and ribeye area, and carcass merit traits have also been collected on the steers. In addition, the steers and their sires have been genotyped on a panel of 1536 gene
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single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and the Illumina Bovine 50K Beadchip of 51,676 SNPs. The objective of this research is to analyze the data and to provide the Canadian Angus Association with estimated genetic merit or EBVs for feed efficiency and carcass merit traits on the registered bulls for the purpose of genetic improvement of feed efficiency and carcass merit. In addition, the research project will evaluate the possibility of genome selection that predicts the EBVs of young bulls solely based on DNA markers. The project will also continue feed efficiency and carcass data collection on Angus steers in order to increase the accuracy of estimation of genetic merit and genome selection on the traits for the Angus bulls. Collaborations with other feed efficiency research projects on Angus cattle will be developed in order to further improve the accuracy of genetic evaluation and genome selection for feed efficiency. bu Dr Li Changxi
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Carcass 101 Larry A Kuehn, PhD Research Geneticist USDA, ARS, U.S. Meat Animal Larry Kuehn has an extensive background in livestock agriculture including growing up on a diversified farm (cattle and swine) in central Nebraska. A Research Geneticist at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center (USMARC) since 2006, he co-leads the Germplasm Evaluation Program, a genetic resource population designed to estimate breed differences and heterosis for economically relevant traits, and to serve as a resource population for genomic discovery. From this population he provides the yearly acrossbreed EPD adjustment factors, which allow producers to compare the genetic merit of bulls of different breeds. His research has also focused on the use of high-density genotyping to improve the accuracy of selection decisions in beef cattle. As part of this focus, he works with scientists in other disciplines to develop accurate phenotypic resources to improve beef cattle production efficiency in trait complexes such as disease resistance, feed intake, and reproduction. Questions & Answers: Ultrasound and DNA Dr. Larry Kuehn, PhD Carcass 101 - Volume 26
C The USDA, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Meat U Animal Research Center (USMARC) at Clay Center, P Nebraska, is a hub of beef genetic research. Dr. Larry A. L A B S
Kuehn, PhD, research geneticist for USMARC answers a few basic questions about DNA, ultrasound, and carcass trait improvement. Q: What are the differences in accuracy of EPDs for marbling, rib eye area, and back fat between DNA tests only, ultra-sound only, or both DNA test and ultra-sound? A: The American Angus Association (AAA) has, to my understanding, been incorporating marker data into their genetic evaluations using genetic correlations estimated from the mid 50s to 60 percent for marbling, fat thickness, and ribeye area. Relative to BIF accuracy, these correlations equate to somewhere between 0.13 and 0.2. That’s not very high BIF accuracy necessarily, but we don’t generally see high BIF accuracies for carcass characteristics until bulls have steer progeny tests anyway. The genetic correlation of ultrasound predictions to actual carcass data is around 0.5-0.7. On the higher end of this range, ultrasound could explain more of the variation in carcass traits and have as high accuracy as some DNA tests. But, in order to achieve that accuracy with ultrasound, the producer has to do a fair amount of progeny testing. Part of the strength of ultrasound is that you can collect it cheaply on a bunch of progeny in order to increase its accuracy in genetic evaluation. If ~40% of the genetic variance is explained by either DNA tests or ultrasound, we could achieve a BIF accuracy ~.23. I think that’s pretty important. When used together, both tools can increase the initial BIF accuracy before actual carcass information is collected on the animals. Although I don’t have a great estimate, I’d speculate that together they likely explain 45 to 55 percent of the variation (for a BIF accuracy of 0.26 to 0.33). These conclusions are all relative to the amount of progeny phenotypic data available. If the animal has no other information, the impact of DNA tests/ultrasound is very large (the full 0.23 BIF accuracy). The return gradually diminishes as more information raises the EPD (Expected Progeny Difference) accuracy. Page 18
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Q: Does a large set of progeny phenotypes ever triumph over initial DNA tests? A: Basically, the more progeny data (actual carcass records) you have, the less influence the DNA testing has on EPDs. Eventually the actual progeny data becomes a test of the true breeding value of an animal; the DNA test result is no longer important. The relationship between ultrasound data and actual carcass data is similar; ultrasound has a limit just like the DNA on how much it can help the actual carcass data accuracy. At some point both DNA and ultrasound get trumped by actual data if there are enough progeny with actual carcass data. Q: How is DNA information incorporated into EPD predictions? A: Right now the beef industry has been using DNA information to develop a prediction of genomic merit based on the animal’s genotypes. DNA companies provide a number, or score, that the animals can be ranked on, based on genomics. The DNA score then becomes another trait in the genetic evaluation analysis just as ultrasound is another trait in the analysis of actual carcass data. That’s basically what Angus is doing to run their genetic evaluation with a DNA score (molecular breeding value) as a second trait that adds accuracy to the trait of interest – the actual carcass measure. Multiple trait methodologies have long been used in genetic evaluation programs. It has been the principal methodology used to incorporate ultrasound data into carcass EPD predictions. For instance, we can add progeny phenotypes for ultrasound marbling and they add to the accuracy of actual marbling EPDs. It works the same way when DNA molecular breeding values are incorporated. They just become another trait in a multiple trait model. Q: Why do DNA results vary across different breeds in marbling, rib eye area and back fat? A: So far, when we’ve implemented DNA marker tests using large marker arrays (>50,000 markers genotyped on each animal), they have seemed to work best (accounted for the most variation) if they’re developed on the same breed they’re applied on. The breed with the most capacity to do that so far has been Angus. I mentioned earlier that they have 50-60 percent genetic correlations between DNA score and actual carcass measures - they achieve that correlation because they have data that was trained on other Angus. Their tests are very
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accurate for Angus, but if you would apply the same test to Simmental, Hereford, or some other breed, it would be much less accurate. They would not account for the differences we observe in carcass characteristics in Hereford or Simmental nearly as well as they do for Angus. Basically, that’s a function of how distantly related the breeds are genomically. Marker predictions are more accurate when animals are more closely related. Since several generations have passed since the breeds diverged, the relationships the markers might have with actual genes that are causing variation in economically relevant traits probably aren’t the same from breed to breed. Part of our own impetus here (at USMARC) is we want to be able to eventually develop tests that are more robust across breeds. I do think it’s important to try to get down to that level if we’re going to make this truly a usable project for the commercial producer as well as the seedstock industry. It’s not just about purebreds; composite breeders need to know where their animals rank. Having some idea of what’s going on in a crossbred is relevant to a large segment of the industry. Q: Why is reporting phenotypes on a sire's progeny absolutely essential to finding outliers and improvin breeding animals? A: Phenotypes of all types will continue to be very important for many reasons. One is that DNA tests do not explain all of the genetic variation we see in our economically relevant traits; phenotypic data is still needed to improve EPD accuracy. In order to provide accurate DNA tests, we need phenotypes to train and validate prediction equations that are being developed. Also, we need many more phenotypes than we once expected to achieve a robust set of prediction equations. This is particularly true if we want DNA tests that have the potential to be effective for multiple breeds. As one final point, the efficacy of DNA tests may decrease over time as the animals being evaluated become more distantly related to those used in training. We need strong phenotypic databases to retrain our predictions in future generations. Gathering data on phenotypes is essential and will continue to be in the future. Submitted by the CUP Lab™
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Olds Fall Fair Black Angus Show Results
Black Angus Show Judges: Vern & Denise Lafrenz Heifer Calf Class - Split #1 1) Sy Yoyo 61Y (Young Dale’s Touch Down 36M) Symens Land & Cattle Co, Claresholm, AB 2) Lauron Wall Street 94Y (SAV Wall Street 7091) Lauron Red Angus, Didsbury, AB Heifer Calf Class - Split #2 1) DMM Miss Essence 14Y (Gumbo Gulch Creed 94S) Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB 2) Reid Angus Dateline 11Y (Reid Angus Advantage 11U) Reid Angus, Cochrane, AB 3) Diamond T Jestress 1119 (SAV Peacemaker 3179) Diamond T Cattle Co, Olds, AB Yearling Heifer Class - Split #1 1) Belvin Echo 211’10 (Belvin Panther 21’04) Belvin Angus, Innisfail, AB 2) Diamond T Wendy Jill 1016 (HF Predominant 213U) Diamond T Cattle Co, Olds, AB Yearling Heifer Class - Split #2 1) LLB and BAN Duchess 64X (LLB All In 387T) Lindsay Fankhanel, Ferintosh, AB 2) EXAR Princess 0155 (Rito 6EM3 of 4L1 Emblazon) Valentina T. Gabert, Fort Saskatchewan, AB 3) EXAR Winnie 0761 (Rito 6EM3 of 4L1 Emblazon) Valentina T. Gabert, Fort Saskatchewan, AB Yearling Heifer Class - Split #3 1) DMM Miss Flora 26X (Gumbo Gulch Creed 94S) Colin Fankhanel, Ferintosh, AB 2) Belvin Georgina 18’10 (SAV Pioneer 7301) Belvin Angus, Innisfail, AB 3) Diamond T Bardolier Lass 1002 (Soo Line Kodiak 804S) Diamond T Cattle Co, Olds, AB
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Two Year Old Cow/Calf Class 1) Belvin Lady Blossom 14’09 (Belvin Rebel 33’05) Belvin Angus, Innisfail, AB & Duralta Farms, Vegreville, AB 2) DMM Miss Essence 61W (Gumbo Gulch Creed 94S) Miller Wilson Angus & Wray Ranches, Bashaw, AB 3) HF Queenie 317W (HF Kodiak 50T) Amanda Hagel, Beiseker, AB Mature Cow Calf Class 1) DMM Miss Essence 37T (Northline Riptide 130N) Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB 2) Brookmore Karama 100T (SAV 004 Density 4336) Remitall Farms Inc, Olds, AB 3) Reid Angus Dateline Lady 26S (Sitz Alliance 6595) Reid Angus, Cochrane, AB Grand Champion Female DMM Miss Essence 37T Reserve Champion Female Belvin Lady Blossom 14’09 Bull Calf Class - Split #1 1) Coldstream Titan 188Y (DBRL 03M Titan 4T) Coldstream Angus, Airdrie, AB 2) Colddstream Provider 152Y (SAV Providence 6922) Coldstream Angus, Airdrie, AB Bull Calf Class - Split #2 1) Belvin Panic Switch 2’11 (SAV Pioneer 7301) Belvin Angus, Innisfail, AB & Duralta Farms, Vegreville, AB 2) DMM Bubba 2Y (DMM Ambush 03M) Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB 3) Diamond T Predominant 1104 (HF Predominant 213U) Diamond T Cattle Co, Olds, AB
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Yearling Angus Bull Class - Split #1 1) Soo Line Yellowstone 0194 (Cudlobe Yellowstone 80M) Remitall Farms, Olds, AB & Soo Line Cattle Co, Midale, SK 2) Coul Extreme 162’10 (Sunny Dynasty 13R) James Arnott, Angus, Scotland 3) Coldstream Scotty 174X (Coldstream Coalition 159T) Coldstream Angus, Airdrie, AB & Lazy E Bar Ranching, Bashaw, AB Yearling Angus Bull Class - Split #2 1) DMM Roar 16X (HF Tiger 5T) Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB & Reich Angus, Bashaw, AB 2) Remitall F Jet 30X (SAV Pioneer 7301) Remitall Farms, Olds, AB 3) VTG Tiger 3X (HF Tiger 5T) Valentina T Gabert, Fort Saskatchewan, AB Two Year Old Bull Class 1) DMM Creed 75W (Gumbo Gulch Creed 94S) Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB & Reich Angus, Bashaw, AB 2) HF Hemi 176W (HF Hemi 151T) Double F Farms, Parkside, SK & Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB Grand Champion Bull DMM Creed 75W Reserve Champion Bull HF Hemi 176W Breeders Herd Class 1) Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB 2) Diamond T Cattle Co, Olds, AB Get of Sire 1) Gumbo Gulch Creed 94S, Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB 2) HF Predominant 213U, Diamond T Cattle Co, Olds, AB
Olds Fall Fair Red Angus Show Results Red Angus Show Judges: Vern & Denise Lafrenz Heifer Calf Class - Split #1 1) Redrich Stacey 212Y (Red MRLA 23W) Redrich Farms, Forestburg, AB 2) Red McGowan Bobbie 3Y (Red That’ll Do Pathfinder 90W) McGowan Farms, Killam, AB 3) Red Lazy MC Gold 33Y (Red SSS Soldier 365W) Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB Heifer Calf Class - Split #2 1) Red Ter-Ron Alice 31Y (Red Ter-Ron Real Deal 01W) Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB 2) Red Mile High Reba 15Y (Red Lazy MC CC Detour 2W) Mile High Land & Cattle, Red Deer, AB & Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB 3) Red McGowan Lass 33Y (Red MW Prince Rob 62G) McGowan Farms, Killam, AB Heifer Calf Class - Split #3 1) Red Ter-Ron Rebecca 10Y (Red Lazy MC Kingman 16W) Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB 2) Red SY Yvette 78Y (Red Geis Prime Rib 411) Symens Land & Cattle, Claresholm, AB 3) Red Lauron Miss Dyna 13Y (Red Lauron Wrangler Jo 45W) Lauron Red Angus, Didsbury, AB Yearling Heifer Class 1) Red Lazy MC Sparkle 3X (Red Lazy MC Gridiron 66S) Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB 2) Red Lazy MC Firefly 31X (Red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U) Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB 3)
Red Lauron Blackbird 74X (Red Lazy MC Gridiron 66S) Lauron Red Angus, Didsbury, AB Two Year Old Cow Calf Class 1) Red McRae’s Reba Lee 53W (Red McRae’s Vision 50T) Mile High Land & Cattle, Red Deer, AB & Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB 2) Red Ter-Ron rebecca 21W (Red U2 Big League 544R) Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB 3) Red Redrich Cherokee 147W (Red Ter-Ron Cinch 910L) Redrich Farms, Forestburg, AB Mature Cow Calf Class 1) Red Running Bar Preview 1P (Red SSS Blaze 853L) Lauron Red Angus, Didsbury, AB Grand Champion Female Red McRae’s Reba Lee 53W Reserve Champion Female Red Ter-Ron Alice 31Y Bull Calf Class - Split #1 1) Red Ter-RAon Excalibre 40Y (Red Real Deal 01W) Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB 2) Red Lazy MC Trooper 21Y (Red SSS Soldier 365W) Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB Bull Calf Class - Split #2 1) Red Rock of Spittalburn 101Y (Red RMJ Redman 1T) Spittalburn Farms & Dean McAvoy, Perdue, SK 2) Red Redrich LFE Dignity 248Y (Red MRLA 23W) Redrich Farms, Forestburg, AB 3) Red SY Youngblood 90Y (Wynnbrooks Unbelievable 9U) Symens Land &
Cattle Co, Claresholm, AB Yearling Bull Class - Split #1 1) Red SY Xavier 7X (Red Lazy MC Smash 41N) Symens Land & Cattle, Claresholm, AB 2) Red Lucky 7 Sweet Cheeks 7X (Red CYT Lead-Pine 33P) Lucky 7 Cattle Co, Sedgewick, AB Yearling Bull Class - Split #2 1) Red SY Smash 15X (Red Lazy MC Smash 41N) Symens Land & Cattle Co, Claresholm, AB 2) Red Wildman Chuck Norris 012X (Red Wildman Rio Grande 520R) Paige Wildman, Sangudo, AB 3) Red DMM Glesbar Barndance 35X (Red DMM Pump 118T) Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw, AB; Glesbar Cattle Co, Barrhead, AB; Goad Family Angus, Clandonald, AB Two Year Old Bull Class 1) Red Ter-Ron Real Deal 01W (Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T) Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB & Keith & Joan Adams, Calgary, AB Grand Champion Bull Red Ter-Ron Real Deal 012W Reserve Champion Bull Red SY Smash 15X Breeders Herd 1) Ter-Ron Farms, Forestburg, AB 2) Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB Get of Sire 1) Red SSS Soldier 365W, Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB
Grand Champion Female ~ Red McRae’s Reba Lee 53W
Grand Champion Bull ~ Red Ter-Ton Real Deal
Reserve Champion Female ~ Red Ter-Ron Alice 31Y
Reserve Champion Bull ~ Red SY Smash 15X
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Interior Provincial Show - Armstrong, British Columbia Senior Heifer Calf Class 1) Poplar Meadows Rose 8’11 (Mohnen Dynamite 1356) Tanya Belsham, Houston, BC Junior Hefer Calf Class 1) Lone Star Miss Bloomindale 4Y (Cudlobe In Focus 5S) Lone Star Angus, Sylvan Lake, AB 2) Sealin Creek Minnie 28Y (Blacktof Eric 15S) Sealin Creek Ranch, Monte Lake, BC 3) Sealin Creek Rosebud 96Y (Angus Acres Heads Up 188L) Sealin Creek Ranch, Monte Creek, BC (7 in class) Yearling Heifer Class 1) Belvin Echo 21’10 (Belvin Panther 21’04) C. Hamilton, R. Turney, G. Turney & L. Code, Innisfail, AB 2) Sealin Creek Rosebud Lass 123X (Angus Acres Heads Up 187T) Sealin Creek Ranch, Monte
Creek, BC 3) Belvin Lady Blossom 3’10 (SAV Final Answer 0035) Belvin Angus, Innisfail, AB (8 in class) Two Year Old Cow/Calf Class 1) Belvin Lady Blossom 14’09 (Belvin Rebel 33’05) Belvin Angus, Innisfail, AB 2) Lone Star Clova Pride 2W (GAR Grid Maker) Lone Star Angus, Sylvan Lake, AB Mature Cow/Calf Class 1) Botany Angus Tibbie 2S (N Bar Emulation EXT) Tanya Belsham, Houston, BC 2) Prime Time’s emulous 215’04 (Vermilion Dateline 7078) Alec Drury, Calgary, AB 3) Arete Lady Blossom 24N (Belvin Navigator 31’03) Alec Drury, Calgary, AB (5 in class)
Grand Champion Female Belvin Lady Blossom 14’09 Reserve Champion Female Botany Angus Tibbie 2S Grand Champion Bull Belvin Tres Marias Catriel 205 Reserve Champion Bull Lone Star Prodigy 06Y Breeder’s Herd 1) Belvin Angus, Innisfail, AB 2) Arete Farms, Calgary, AB
Grand Champion Female Belvin Lady Blossom 14’09
Grand Champion Bull Belvin Tres Maria Catriel 205
Grand Champion Jackpot Heifer Belvin Echo 21’10
Reserve Champion Female Botany Angus Tibbie 2S
Reserve Champion Bull Lone Star Prodigy 06Y
Grand Champion Steer Hillbilly - Dakota Townsend, Sylvan Lake, AB
Animals competing in a Gold Show must have a Canadian Angus Association registration number at the time of judging. Unregistered, pending and “applied for” animals will not be awarded points and will not be eligible for the annual awards.
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Ontario Preview Show Results
Bull Calf Class - Split #1 1) Red Gold-Bar Rango 116Y (Red Gold-Bar Unique JW 1113U) Gold Bar Livestock, Ariss, ON 2) Locust grove Net Worth 14Y (SAV Net Worth 4200) 3) Willowside Mr Carman 4Y (S Chisum 617S) Ron & Nancy Cochrane, ornton, ON (4 in class) Bull Calf Class - Split #2 1) Brantnor’s Predominant 3Y (SAV 004 Predominant 4438) Ron & Linda Bryant, Woodville, ON 2) WilDorr 7014T Prince W 1Y (S Chisum 6175) Michael Wilson & Gordon McGibbon, Mirabel, PQ 3) City Lights Showtime 101Y (HF Tiger 5T) Deb & Scott Walker, Guelph, ON (5 in class) Champion Bull Calf Brantnor’s Predominant 3Y Reserve Champion Bull Calf Wil-Dorr 7014T Prince W 1Y Yearling Bull Class 1) Just Enuff New Edition Edgar (Duff New Edition 6108) Tyler Fulton, Pakenham, ON & Steve James, Perth, ON 2) JPD Final Answer 2X (SAV Final Answer 0035) Harprey Farms, Maxwell, ON & JPD Angus, Shanty Bay, ON 3) Clair Lane Gladiator 3X (N Bar Emulation EXT) Paul & Karley Sinclair, Fergus, ON (6 in class) Champion Junior Bull Just Enuff New Edition Edgar Reserve Champion Junior Bull JPD Final Answer 2X Two Year Old Bull Class 1) Triara Windsor 387W (SAV Bismarck 5682) Peter Vos, Corbyville, ON 2) Young Dale Grandeur 110W (Young Dale Trogan 41T)Bill Jackson, Caledon East, ON 3) First Line Net Worth 24X (SAV Net Worth 4200)First Line Angus & Lee Whitwell, Hagersville, ON Champion Senior Bull Triara Windsor 387W Reserve Senior Bull Just Enuff New Edition Edgar Grand Champion Bull Triara Windsor 387W Reserve Champion Bull Just Enuff New Edition Edgar Heifer Calf Class - Split #1 1) Brantnor’s Erica 19Y (SAV 004 Predominant 4438) Ron & Linda Bryant, Woodville, ON 2) WMC Rocket Girl (SAV Wall Street 7091) Worth-Mor Cattle, Campbellford, ON 3) Vos Vegas Alley (Justamere 406S Panamajack 336U) Peter Vos, Corbyville, ON (9 in class)
Heifer Calf Class - Split #2 1) Gold-Bar BDL Tibbie 201Y (TC Aberdeen 759) Gold Bar Livestock, Ariss, ON 2) Red Gold-Bar Lulu 131Y (Red LJC Mission Statement P27) Gold Bar Livestock, Ariss, ON 3) Brockhill Miss Liberty 10Y (Connealy Impression) Eric Rincker, Sunderland, ON (6 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split #3 1) GF Yours Truly Mercedes 12Y (BC Eagle Eye 1107) Brad Gilchrist, Lucknow, ON 2) Locust Grove Black Angel 12Y (SAV Final Answer 0035) Tom & Judy MacDonald, Milton, ON 3) JPD Miss Marion 7Y (TJF Freedom 172U) JPD Angus, Shanty Bay, ON (8 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split #4 1) Brantnor’s Miss Daisy 4Y (SAV 004 Predominant 4438) Ron & Linda Bryant, Woodville, ON 2) First Line Jane Marie 7Y (Salt Creek Bob 7003) First Line Angus, Hagersville, ON 3) WMC Shakura 4Y (Duff New Attraction 6110) Worth-Mor Cattle, Campbellford, ON (10 in class) Champion Heifer Calf Brantnor’s Miss Daisy 4Y Reserve Champion Heifer Calf Brantnor’s Erica 19Y Heifer Calf Class - Split #1 1) Red Vancise Lakota 025X (Red SSS Joe Cool 441S) Vancise Cattle Co, Staynor, ON 2) CJ Ambush Lady 44X (CJ Prestige 25T) Bill Jackson, Caledon East, ON 3) Freys KJF Ark Pride S107-V117 (G13 Stand Out) Tyler Fulton, Pakenham, ON (5 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split #2 1) MVF Favorite 288X (MVF Net Worth 183U) Walkerbrae Angus, Guelph, ON 2) LLB Crush Maid 861X (SAV Final Answer 0035) Peter Vos, Corbyville, ON 3) Red Ter-Ron Rachel 83X (Red Ter-Ron reload 703T) Vancise Cattle Co, Stayner, ON (7 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split #2 1) Brantnor’s Edam 16X (SAV Net Worth 4200) J. D. McFarlane & Brad McIntyre, London, ON 2) Clay Georgina 9X (SAV Pioneer 7301) Bill Jackson, Caledon East, ON 3) Clover Lane Naomi 14X (Duff New Attraction 6110) Steve & Sue James, Perth, ON(8 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split #3 1) Clair Lane Forever Lady 2X (SAV Masterpiece 5289) Paul & Karley Sinclair, Fergus, AB 2) First Line Trinitee 14X (Just-Rock Solid 621P) First Line Angus, Hagersville, ON 3) Triara Polly 558X (SAV Bismarck 5682) Peter Vos, Corbyville, ON (7 in class)
Heifer Calf Class - Split #4 1) Brantnor’s Favorite 1X (Gambles Hot Rod) Ron & Linda Bryant, Woodville, ON 2) Donovan Xania (BC lookout 7024) Donovandale Farms, Ashton, ON 3) Gold Arch Gold-Bar Gamma 105X (Red Gold-Bar unique JW 1113W) Gold Bar Livestock, Ariss, ON (8 in class) Champion Junior Female Brantnor’s Favorite 1X Reserve Champion Junior Female Red Vancise Lakota 025X Two Year Old Cow/Calf Class 1) Trev Wild Fire Bessie 8X (Ankonian Werner Wild Fire 96) Hill’s Angus & Hereford, Rockwood, ON 2) Tambri Blackbird 8W (Ankonian Werner Wild Fire 96) Brian & Tammi Ribey, Paisley, ON 3) Brockhill Blackbird 17W (GAR Predestined) Eric L. Rincker, Sunderland, ON (6 in class) Mature Cow/Calf Class 1) Locust Grove Blackbird 6T (Rito 9FB3 of 5H11 Fullback) Tom & Judy MacDonald, Milton, ON 2) First Line Trinitee 19T (Hyline Right Way 781) First Line Angus, Hagersville, ON 3) Angus Glen Favorite 16R (TC Freedom 104) Rick Stuff, Georgetown, ON Champion Senior Female Trev Wild Fire Bessie 8W Reserve Champion Senior Female Tambri Blackbird 8W Grand Champion Female Brantnor’s Favorite 1X Reserve Champion Female Brantnor’s Miss Daisy 4Y Supreme Champion Brantnor’s Favorite 1X Breeder’s Herd 1) Ron & Linda Bryant, Woodville, ON 2) Vancise Cattle Co, Stayner, ON 3) JPD Angus, Shanty Bay, ON Get of Sire 1) Ron & Linda Bryant, Woodville, ON 2) Vancise Cattle Co, Stayner, ON 3) JPD Angus, Shanty Bay, ON Progeny of Dam 1) Ron & Linda Bryant, Woodville, ON 2) JPD Angus, Shanty Bay, ON Premier Breeder Ron & Linda Bryant, Woodville, ON Premier Exibitor Ron & Linda Bryant, Woodville, ON
Grand Champion Female - Brantnor’s Favorite 1X
Reserve Champion Female - Brantnor’s Miss Daisy 4Y
Premier Breeder & Premier Exhibitor Ron & Linda Bryan, Brantnor Angus, Woodville, ON
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Alberta Junior Angus Show 36th Annual Alberta Junior Angus Show August 7-9 - Bashaw, AB Judge: Greg Pugh Tiny Mite Calf Class 1) #191, 2 2)Red Rich LFE Dignity 248Y, Kasey Adams Pee Wee Heifer Calf Class 1) DMM Blackbird 12Y, Hudson Miller 2) DMM Miss Essence 14Y, Georgia Wray Pee Wee Bull Calf Class 1) DMM Riptide 27Y, Grant Golinowski 2) DMM Bubba 2Y, Nate Golinowski 3) Red Rich LFE Dignity 248Y, Lexi Dietrich Pee Wee Yearling Heifer Class 1) GGRR 8U Enchantress 5X, Keely Adams Grand Champion Pee Wee DMM Riptide, Grant Golinowsky Reserve Champion Pee Wee DMM Miss Essence 14Y, Georgia Wray Commercial Division _____________________ Yearling Heifer Class 1) Xcel 105X, Dana Kamlah 2) Winnie 3X, Dana Kamlah 3) Lucy, Emily Puch Cow/Calf Class 1) KCM Hot ZGold Momma 89U, Kyle Dodgson 2) Diva, Jake High 3) What’s with the Attitude, Candace Fankhanel Champion Commercial KCM Hot Gold momma 8U, Kyle Dodgson Reserve Champion Diva, Jake High Open Division ________________________ Heifer Calf Class 1) Red C.D. Miss Tony 19’11, Becky Domolewski 2) ER Lady Blossom 1’11, Karlee Erickson 3) Crestview Bella 62Y, Heidi Tymko Bull Calf Class 1) DMM Bubba 2Y, Dakota Wilson 2) Red Rainbow Edge 17Y, Brooke Bablitz Junior Yearling Heifer Calf Class 1) Lorenz Caroline 31X, Chad Lorenz 2) Red Lauron Blackbird 74X, Ryan Hunter 3) EXAR Winnie 0761, Valentina Gabert 4) Red Rainbow Larkaba 26X, Bryce Bablitz 5) LLB and BAN Duchess 64X, Lindsay Fankhanel
Senior Yearling Heifer Class 1) Belvin Ruby 2’10, Karlee Erickson 2) Remitall F Beauty 4X, Shaylee Braun 3) Chico Miss Quality 9X, Heidi Tymko 4) GMC Pioneer’s Black Angel 3X, Nathan Braun 5) Belvin Lady Blossom 33’10, Roy Tymko Cow/Calf Class 1) Red Long Lane Topsy 131U, MaKenzie Rowley 2) Red C.D. Katlyn 46’09, Becky Domolewski 3) Red Rainbow Larkaba 12R, Brooke Bablitz 4) Justamere 7207 Star 849W, Heidi Tymko 5) LLB Neonia 676W, Nathan Braun 6) Belvin Lady Blossom 3’09, Karlee Erickson Grand Champion Lorenz Caroline 31X, Chad Lorenz Reserve Champion DMM Bubba 2Y, Dakota Wilson Owned Division ______________________ Bull Calf Class 1) Lorenz Wanderlei 53Y, Chad Lorenz 2) Red Star Mr Mullins 114Y, Amanda High Yearling Heifer Class 1) DMM Miss Flora 26X, Colin Fankhanel 2) Belvin Lady Blossom 3’10, Valentina Gabert 3) Red Rich Candy 98X, Tyler Dietrich 4) EXAR Princess 0155, Valentian Gabert 5) GGRR 8U Enchantress 5X, Katelyn Dietrich 6) Rd Dwajo Cherry 39X, Jesse Emery 7) Red Redrich Maggie 99X, Bailey Dietrich 8) Red C.D. Reved Up 7’10, Becky Domolewski 9) Red SSF Scotts Berry 910X, Jordan Guenette Two Year Old Cow/Calf Class 1) Red Ter-Ron Rebecca 21W, Halley Adams 2) Red Redrich Cherokee 147W, Bailey Dietrich 3) Red Vicwin Lady 13W, MaKenzie Rowley 4) Red SSF Scotts Ms. Sammy 744W, Jordan Guenette Mature Cow/Calf Class - Split #1 1) DMM Miss Essence 37T, Jaelayne Wilson 2) Red Redrich Cherokee 248U, Katelyn Dietrich 3) DMM Essence 17T, Dakota Wilson4) Red Hips Tibbie 70U, Stacia Grundberg Mature Cow/Calf Class - Split #2 1) Lorenz Caroline 46P, Chad Lorenz 2) Red C.D. Salena 27’06, Stacey Jo Domolewski 3) Red Diamond
T Lakme 63M 180’06, Amanda High 4) LLB Nitchie 527S, Jake High Grand Champion DMM Essence 37T, Jaelayne Wilson Reserve Champion Red Ter-Ron Rebecca 21W, Halley Adams Bred & Owned Division ___________________ Heifer Calf Class 1) Red Ter-Ron Rebecca 10Y, Halley Adams 2) JJH Nitchie 102Y, Jake High 3) Dwajo JES Erica 135Y, Jesse Emery 4) Red C.D. Salena’s Star 101Y, Stacey Jo Domolewski 5) Cudlobe Mistress 1Y, Kaitlynn Bolduc 6) Red Redrich Cherokee 146Y, Bailey Dietrich Bull Calf Class 1) Red Redrich LFE Dignity 248Y, Katelyn Dietrich 2) Red JMJG Gunslinger 501Y, Jordan Guenette Yearling Heifer Class 1) Red Lauron Blackbird 1X, Travis Hunter 2) Cudlobe mistress 1X, Kaitlynn Bolduc 3) Cudlobe Queen 2X, Kevin Bolduc 4) Dwajo JES Queen Gem 134X, Jesse Emery 5) Red EMP Blackbird 15X, Emily Puch Cow/Calf Class 1) Cudlobe Mistress 4U, Kaitlynn Bolduc 2) Dwajo JES Erica 44U, Jesse Emery Grand Champion Cudlobe Mistress 4U, Kaitlynn Bolduc Reserve Champion Red Lauron Blackbird 1X, Travis Hunter Supreme Grand Champion DMM Essence 37T, Jaelayne Wilson Supreme Reserve Champion Red Ter-Ron rebecca 21W, Halley Adams 2011 “Hustle of the Herd” Award Quinn Hamilton Honoured Guests Black Magic Group Atlasta Angus, Belvin Angus, Chico Ranches, Cooke Livestock and Pahl Livestock
The Canadian Angus Association sells tattoo equipment. We have also posted a video on YouTube that shows the proper way to tattoo an Angus animal in Canada. Go to and search “How to Tattoo an Angus”.
Brampton Champion Bulls
Grand Champion Bull - Triara Windsor 387W
Reserve Champion Bull - Just Enuff New Edition Edgar Fall Edition 2011
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Saskatchewan Gold Show Judge: Ryan Archdekin 2011 Heifer Calf Class 1) Red Six Mile Countess 105Y (Red N Bar Hamley S913) Six Mile Ranch, Fir Mountain, SK 2) Six Mile Beyond Beauty 124Y (Vin-Mar Focus In 8847) Six Mile Ranch, Fir Mountain, SK 3) Justamere 9711 Rosebud 224Y (EXAR Money Maker 9711B) Justamere Farms, Lloyminister, SK (5 in class) Champion Heifer Calf Red Six Mile Countess 105Y Reserve Chamption Heifer Calf Six Mile Beyond Beauty 124Y Bred Heifer Class - Split 1 1) Remiitall F Marlene 50X (SAV Prodigy 8101) Justamere Farms, Lloyminister, SK 2) Red Goldie of Six Mile 345X (Red Peak Dot Predominant 77U) Six Mile Ranch, Fir Mountain, SK 3) Breed Creek Flora 068 3 Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK (6 in class)
S H O Bred Heifer Class - Split 2 W 1) DFCC 5T Wow 11X (HF Tiger 5T) Double F R E S U L T S
Cattle Co., Parkside, SK 2) Red Blake’s Ms Gravity 72X (Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P) Blake’s Red Angus, McCord, SK 3) Red U6 Samaria 3X (Black Wheel Odyssey 117U) U6 Livestock, Wynyard, SK (6 in class) Junior Champion Female Remitall F Marlene 50X Reserve Junior Champion Female DFCC 5T Wow 11X Two Year Cow/Calf Class 1) Six Mile Tibbie 801W (SAV Final Answer 0035) Six Mile Ranch, Fir Mountain, SK 2) Red Six Mile Gloria 746W (Red 5L Norseman King 2291) Six Mile Ranch, Fir Mountain, SK 3) Justamere 1036 Rosebud 705W (EXAR King 1036) Justamere Farms, Lloydminister, SK
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Mature Cow/Calf Class 1) Six Mile Real Beauty 803U (SAV Net Worth 4200) Six Mile Ranch, Fir Mountain, SK 2) HF Tibbie 93U (SAV 004 Predominant 4438) Bar H Land & Cattle, Langenburg, SK 3) Eggen Fame Miss 8P (DMM Fame 15M) Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK (4 in class) Senior Champion Female Six Mile Real Beauty 803U Reserve Senior Champion Female HF Tibbie 93U Grand Champion Female Six Mile Real Beauty 803U Reserve Champion Female Remitall F Marlene 50X Bull Calf Class 1) Red Rock of Spittalburn 101Y (Red RMJ Redman 1T) Spittalburn Farms and D & B McAvoy, Perdue, SK 2) Red Six Mile Smokin Gun 133Y (Red Six Mile Wind Chill 828W) Six Mile Ranch, Fir Mountain, SK 3) Wrights 201 Insignia 12Y (HF Insignia 201W) Wright Livestock, Meskanaw, SK (5 in class) Champion Bull Calf Red Rock Of Spittalburn 101Y Reserve Champion Bull Calf Red Six Mile Smokin Gun 133Y Yearling Bull Class 1) BH Balancer 14X (HF Bruin 96T) Bar H Land & Cattle, Langenburg, SK Junior Champion Bull BH Balancer 14X Two Year Old Bull Class 1) HF Hemi 176W (HF Hemi 151T) Double F Cattle Co, Parkside, SK 2)Justamere 1036 Iron Will 732W (EXAR King 1036) Justamere Farms, Lloydminister, SK
Senior Champion Bull HF Hemi 176W Reserve Senior Champion Bull Justamere 1036 Iron Will 732W Grand Champion Bull Red Rock Of Spittalburn 101Y Reserve Champion Bull Red Six Mile Smokin Gun 133Y Champion Breeder’s Herd - Six Mile Ranch Premier Breeder - Six Mile Ranch Premier Exhibitor - Six Mile Ranch Heifer Jackpot Judge: Mike Howe, Moose Jaw, SK 1) Remitall F Marlene 50X (SAV Prodigy 8101) Justamere Farms, Lloyminister, SK 2) Red Blake’s Ms Gravity 72X (Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P) Blake’s Red Angus, McCord, SK Bull Jackpot Judge: Mike Howe, Moose Jaw, SK 1) Red Rock of Spittalburn 101Y (Red RMJ Redman 1T) Spittalburn Farms & Dean McAvoy, Perdue, SK 2) DFCC 32T Rebel Yell 4Y (Eastondale Break Away 32'07) Double F Cattle Co, Parkside, SK 3) Red Blake’s Tradition 22Y (Red Howe Finest Tradition 20W) Blake’s Red Angus, McCord, SK Pen Show Judge: Jack Traynor 1) Red Six Mile Belle 458R (Red Stockman of Cudlobe 12L) Triple Play Cattle Co, Glentworth, SK 2) Eggen Big Sky 16K Miss 101M (MJT Essoteric Extra 16K)Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK 3) CFS Queenette 3T (LLB Fullback 27M) Double F Cattle Co., Parkside, SK
Grand Champion Female ~ Six Mile Real Beauty 803U
Grand Champion Bull ~ Red Rock of Spittalburn 101Y
Reserve Champion Female ~ Remitall F Marlene 50X
Reserve Champion Bull ~ Red Six Mile Smokin Gun 133Y
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Saskatchewan Junior Show
Judges: Myles & Colleen Hanson Open Division ___________________________ Heifer Calf Class 1) Six Mile Beauty (Vin-Mar Focus In 8847) Coy Gibson 2) Red Six Mile Countess 105Y (Red N Bar Hamley S913) Callie Gibson 3) Justamere 9711 Rosebud 224Y (EXAR Money Maker 9711B) Tyra Fox Bred Heifer Class 1) BH Echo 3X (HF Bruin 96T) John Hogberg 2) Breed Creek Flora 068 (Sandy Bar Direct 15U) Garret Feige 3) Six Mile Lassie Lee 63X (SAV Bismarck 5682) Coy Gibson 4) Red Wrights Finesse 6X (Red Webr Doc Holliday 2N) Katie Wright 5) Remitall F Marlene 50X (SAV Prodigy 8101) Tyra Fox Bred Heifer Class 1) Red Blake’s Ms Gravity 72X (Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P) Ann Martin 2) DFCC 5T Wow 11X (HF Tiger 5T) Jacob Feige 3) Red Blake’s Miss Annie 34X (Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P) Shane Blake 4) Red NuHorizon Rebecca 003X (Red Brylor Imlt Business 61P) Kodie Doetzel Champion Junior Female BH Echo 3X Reserve Champion Junior Female Breed Creek Flora 068
Two Year Old Cow/Calf Class 1) Six Mile Tibbie 901W (SAV Final Answer 0035) Coy Gibson 2) Justamere 1036 Rosebud 705W (EXAR King 1036) Tyra Fox 3) Wrights 96 Sandra 6W (Ankonian Werner Wild Fire 393N) Katie Wright Mature Cow/Calf Class 1) Six Mile Real Beauty 803U (SAV Net Worth 4200) Callie Gibson 2) Eggen Fame Miss 8P (DMM Fame 15M) Garret Feige Champion Senior Female Six Mile Real Beauty 803U Reserve Senior Female Six Mile Tibbie 901W Grand Champion Female Six Mile Real Beauty 803U Reserve Champion Female BH Echo 3X Best Pair of Females 1) DFCC 5T Wow 11X & Breed Creek Flora 068, Garret Feige Owned Division _________________________ Heifer Calf Class 1) Red U6 Alana 52Y (Red Cockburn Ribeye 426W) Eric Yewsuk
Bred Heifer Class 1) Red Goldie of Six Mile 345X (Red Peak Dot Predominant 77U) Callie Gibson 2) Red U6 Samaria 3X (Black Wheel Odyssey 117U) 3) Prime Time’s 381N Ruby 40’10 (Prime Time’s 15J Eldorado 5100) Kodie Doetzel Champion Junior Female Red Goldie of Six Mile 345X Reserve Junior Female Red U6 Samaria 3X Grand Champion Female Red Goldie of Six Mile 345X Reserve Champion Female Red U6 Samaria 3X Bull Calf Class 1) Red Six Mile Smokin Gun 133Y (Red Six Mile Wind Chill 828W) Callie Gibson 2) Wrights 204 Insignia 12Y (HF Insignia 204W) Katie Wright 3) DFCC 32T Rebel Yell 4Y (Eastondale Break Away 32’07) Garret Feige 4) Red Blake’s Tradition 22Y (Red Howwe Finest Tradition 20W) Shane Blake Grand Champion Bull Red Six Mile Smokin Gun 133Y Reserve Champion Bull Wrights 204 Insignia 12Y
Open Division
Grand Champion Female ~ Six Mile Real Beauty 803U
Owned Division
Grand Champion Female ~ Red Goldie of Six Mile 345X
Open Division
Owned Division Reserve Champion Female ~ BH Echo 3X
Reserve Champion Bull ~ Red U6 Samaria 3X
If you have a registered herdname with the Canadian Angus Association, you should use it when naming your calves. Please see page 5 of the Registry section of the Breeder Handbook which is available on our website ( for more information.
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Showmanship Junior Champion - Tyra Fox, Lloydminster, SK Reserve Junior Champion - Garret Feige, Parkside, SK Intermediate Champion - Katie Wright, Melfort, SK Reserve Intermediate Champion - Cole Ward, Saskatoon, SK Senior Champion - Lee Carpenter, Hanley, SK Reserve Senior Champion - Callie Gibson, Fir Mountain, SK Grooming Peewee - Jacob Feige, Parkside, SK Junior Champion - Tyra Fox, Lloydminster, SK Reserve Junior Champion - Garret Feige, Parkside, SK Intermediate Champion - Katie Wright, Melfort, SK Reserve Intermediate Champion - Cole Ward, Saskatoon, SK Senior Champion - Callie Gibson, Fir Mountain, SK Reserve Senior Champion - Erin Toner, Kelfield, SK Team Judging Peewee - Jacob Feige, Parkside, SK Junior Champions - Tyra Fox, Lloydminster, SK & Kodie Doetzel, Lipton, SK Reserve Junior Champions - Garret Feige, Parkside, SK & John Hogberg, Langenburg, SK Intermediate Champions - Kaylee Morris, Delisle, SK & Cole Ward, Saskatoon, SK Reserve Intermediate Champions - Katie Wright, Melfort, SK & Cade Gibson, Fir Mountain, SK
Senior Champions - Lee Carpenter, Hanley, SK & Callie Gibson, Fir Mountain, SK Reserve Senior Champions - Matt Fleury, Aberdeen, SK & Erin Toner, Kelfield, SK Photography Peewee - Jacob Feige, Parkside, SK Junior Champion - Kodie Doetzel, Lipton, SK Reserve Junior Champion - Garret Feige, Parkside, SK Intermediate Champion - Cade Gibson, Fir Mountain, SK Reserve Intermediate Champion - Katie Wright, Melfort, SK Senior Champion - Callie Gibson, Fir Mountain, SK Reserve Senior Champion - Eric Yewsuk, Wynyard, SK Literature Junior Champion - Kodie Doetzel, Lipton, SK Intermediate Champion - Katie Wright, Melfort, SK Senior Champion - Erin Toner, Kelfield, SK Reserve Senior Champion - Callie Gibson, Fir Mountain, SK Print Marketing Junior Champion - Kodie Doetzel, Lipton, SK Reserve Junior Champion - Garret Feige, Parkside, SK Intermediate Champion - Katie Wright, Melfort, SK Reserve Intermediate Champion - Cole Ward, Saskatoon, SK Senior Champion - Erin Toner, Kelfield, SK Reserve Senior Champion - Callie Gibson, Fir Mountain, SK
Junior Grand Aggregate Kodie Doetzel, Lipton, SK Intermediate Grand Aggregate Katie Wright, Melfort, SK Senior Grand Aggregate Callie Gibson, Fir Mountain, SK
Grand Champion Bull Red Six Mile Smokin Gun 133Y
Reserve Champion Bull Red SY Smash 15X
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Manitoba Junior Show Junior Show Honored the Memory of Grant Moffat Five years ago cattleman Grant Moffat Disappeared and since that time a fund has been set up for Junior Cattle Producers to purchase a purebred female of any breed to start their herd from the Grant Moffat Herdbuilder Fund. To honor Grant the Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup Shirts for 2011 were dark purple Grant’s farm color with Holmsyde Charolais (his farms logo on the back). The Juniors were excited to wear the shirts in honor of a fellow past cattle producer. Five of the winners of the Grant Moffat Herdbuilder Award were participating in Roundup and the events. It is great to see the enthusiasm this award has brought to the Junior Cattle Producers. Forty six of Manitoba’s enthusiastic Junior Cattle Producers attended the Fourth annual Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup July 29, 30, and 31, 2011 in Neepawa Manitoba. The cattle industry is in continuing to prosper when 1/3 of the members for the weekend were new to Roundup which is encouraging to see. The weekend started off with a Workshop Day on Friday consisting of Ultrasound technology by Shari Beamish; Horse Judging by Mr McLeod; Showmanship by Andrea Arbuckle and Halter Making by Blair McRae. Members Exhibited Photography, Graphic Design, Print Marketing, Art, Scrapbook and took part in Sales Talk competition.
Sales Talk Pee Wee - Cody Carson Honorable Mention - Thijs Vandelandgemheen Junior - Cindy Jack Honorable Mention - Lindsay Verwey Intermediate - Raina Syrnyk Honorable Mention - Laura Horner & Sydney De Koning Senior - Nicholas Bray Honorable Mention - Michael Hunter and Megan Kemp Photography Pee Wee - Wyatt Inglis Honorable Mention - Carly Jo Carson Junior - Naomi Best Honorable Mention - Taron Topham Intermediate - Taylor Carvey Honorable Mention - Brodie Hunter Senior - Megan Kemp Honorable Mention - Dillon Hunter Graphic Design Pee Wee - Wyatt Inglis Junior - Naomi Best Honorable Mention - Alyssa Sigvaldason Intermediate - Shania Jack Senior - Megan Kemp
Print Marketing Pee Wee - Carter Hedley Honorable Mention - Levi Best Junior - Naomi Best Honorable Mention - Justin Carvey Intermediate - Mathew Ginter Honorable Mention - Nina Howatt Senior - Michael Hunter Honorable Mention - Megan Kemp Art Pee Wee - Cody Carson Honorable Mention - Wyatt Inglis Junior - Kaitlyn Davey & Taron Topham Intermediate - Shania Jack Honorable Mention - Taylor Carvey Senior - Megan Kemp Scrapbook Pee Wee - Wyatt Inglis Honorable Mention - Cody Carson Junior - Kendra Topham Honorable Mention - Taron Topham Intermediate - Shania Jack Senior - Megan Kemp
Judging Pee Wee - Hanna Popp Honorable Mention - Carter Hedley Junior - Naomi Best Honorable Mention - Kaitlyn Davey Intermediate - Matthew Ginter Honorable Mention - Raina Syrnyk Senior - Megan Kemp Honorable Mention - Nicholas Bray Team Judging Junior - Cindy Jack and Evan Trimble Honorable Mention - Naomi Best & Levi Best Intermediate - Matthew Ginter & Sydney De Koning Honorable Mention - Shania Jack and Rachel Verwey Senior - Megan Kemp and Nicholas Bray Honorable Mention - Brodie Hunter and Dillon Hunter Team Grooming 1st - Nicholas Bray, Braden Calvert, Lindsay Verwey, Naomi Best, Brooklyn Hedley and Brady McLeod e judges for the above competitons were Bonnie Glasman, Andrea Arbuckle, Ken Williams, Ken Waddell, Karen Williams, Rilla Hunter, & Craig Scott.
The Juniors ages 5- 25 enjoyed Weiner roasts, Quiz Bowl and game mixers along with the weekend. It was a great way for Juniors of all Cattle Breeds to work together and meet new people. Thanks to everyone who attended, judged and sponsored our 4th Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup to make it a success. See you next year, and visit our facebook page Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup. Show Pictures can be viewed on ""
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Showmanship Champion Pee Wee - Wyatt Inglis, Rapid City Reserve Pee Wee - Randi Verwey, Portage Champion Junior - Justin Carvey, Alexander Reserve Junior - Naomi Best , Harding Champion Intermediate - Taylor Carvey,Alexander Reserve Intermediate - Matthew Ginter, SK Champion Senior - Michael Hunter, Roblin Reserve Senior - Dillon Hunter, Harding. Judges: Dave Ericson and Krista Dust, Clavet, SK & Cameron Nykoliation, Crandall Angus Portion of Show Heifer Calf Class 1) Naomi Howatt, Manitou 2) Megan Kemp, Pilot Mound 3) Megan Kemp, Pilot Mound 4) Nicholas Bray, Eddystone 5) Naomi Best, Harding 6) Kelby Sprung, Manitou
Yearling Heifer Class - Split 1 1) Matthew Ginter, SK 2) Matthew Ginter, SK Yearling Heifer Class - Split 2 1) Naomi Best, Harding 2) Levi Best, Harding 3) Megan Kemp, Pilot Mound 4) Raina Syrnyk, Ethlebert 5) Nina Howatt, Manitou Junior Champion- Naomi Best Reserve Junior Champion- Matthew Ginter Two Year Old Cow/Calf Class 1) Nicholas Bray, Eddystone2)Raina Syrnyk, Eddystone Mature Cow/Calf Class 1) Naomi Howatt, Crystal City Senior Champion- Nicholas Bray, Eddystone Reserve Senior Champion – Naomi Howatt Grand Champion Angus Female Naomi Best, Harding Reserve Grand Champion Angus Naomi Howatt, Crystal City
Bull Calf Class 1) Raina Syrnyk, Ethlebert 2) Megan Kemp, Pilot Mound 3) Thijs Vandelandemheen, Rapid City Fat Steer Class 1) Laura Horner, Minnedosa 2) Raina Syrnyk, Ethlebert 3) Wyatt Inglis, Rapid City 4)Taylor Carvey, Alexander Champion Fat Steer - Laura Horner Reserve Champion Steer - Raina Syrnyk
Other Juniors particiapting that did not have cattle were Brady McLeod, Kevin Speers, Rachael, Lindsay, Randi and Brice Verwey, Alysha Sigvaldason, Kendra and Taron Topham, Kieshiro
Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup Agribition Team Michael Hunter, Roblin; Megan Kemp, Pilot Mound; Kayla Zamrykut, Rorketon; Justin Kristjansson, Forrest; Dillon Hunter, Kenton. This team will represent Roundup at the 2011 Canadian Western Agribition in Regina in November.
One of the highlights of Saturday is the Cook-Off, where 5 members on a team prepare a steak and create a theme. Judges Ken Waddell of Neepawa Banner and Dave Ericson, Clavet, SK evaluated this competition and were impressed with the taste of the steaks, presentation and the themes and costumes. Winning Team was Raina Syrnyk, Justin Kristjansson, Taylor Carvey, Alyssa Sigvaldason. Sydney de Koning, and Taron Topham with a score of 91 out of 100.
Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup Committee Back Row (l-r): Rilla Hunter, Candace Johnston,Wenda Best, Lesley Hedley( Secretary/Treasurer) Lois McRae (Chairperson) Emily Hickson and Andrea Arbuckle Front Row (l-r): Ken Williams, Carter Ferguson, Dillon Hunter and Blair McRae Missing from photo: Bert McDonald, Albert Rimke & Jay Rimke
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Walt Browarny - Obituary
O B I T Born and raised in Calgary Alberta, a child with a U vision of inter-mingling art with light. Today, Walt A Browarny has devoted more than forty years of R excellence specializing in livestock photography. He has I E S
BROWARNY, Walter (Walt) Harry November 28, 1935 - August 24, 2011 Walt Browarny, beloved husband of Marie of Calgary, passed away on Wednesday, August 24, 2011 at the age of 75 years. Besides his loving wife Marie, Walt is
survived by his children, daughter Shannon Browarny; son Allan Browarny and daughter-in-law Roxana; two grandchildren Corbin and Sophia. A Celebration of Walt's life was held at Centre Street Church (3900 - 2 Street N.E.) on Monday, August 29, 2011.
done more to promote the subject of purebred beef cattle than any other artist in the history of the genre. For over four decades, Walt has been acknowledged by discerning professionals, knowledgeable livestock critics, and fellow artists, as the "camera man of livestock" who has set the standard that others strive to attain. A Walt Browarny photo is instantly recognizable, having a character that sets his work apart. With his love of life along with his knack of capturing personal visions on paper, his photographs have been recognized globally in several facets. His labor of love allowed him to travel extensively around the world meeting people from every walk of life - always with his camera in hand. His skillful observation and passion for life have captivated audiences worldwide. Walt's understanding of the world around us, and his dedication to preserving what is finest in this world continue to attract an
ever-growing audience to his work. His Legacy continues under a unique partnership with ShowChampions Livestock Photography, the world’s premier platform for agriculture and livestock images. will be the exclusive online home of Walt Browarny’s Legacy Collection. Our goal is to showcase these wonderful images with the world and to share the unique perspective of the industry’s founding photographer. Thousands of images from the Walt Browarny Legacy Collection will be available for purchase as stock images, with the very best being selected as Limited Edition Walt Browarny Legacy Prints. The depth of the collection is truly what sets it apart. It’s not only documents the history of the livestock industry, but also the life, people and experiences that were a part of it. The landscapes, the faces and the moments captured by Walt Browarny are truly one of a kind.
Bailey, Ross Well known Black Angus Breeder passed away suddenly at his home in Port Perry with his family by his side on Sunday, September 11, 2011 at the age of 68. Ross Bailey dearly beloved husband and best friend of Carole Bailey. Loving stepfather of Ric (Denise) Boxell, Caroline (Paul) McEvoy and predeceased by Cindy Jobin. Grandfather of Sara Jobin, Curtis McEvoy, Katelyn McEvoy, Jordan McEvoy, Angel Brunton, Travis Boxell and Alishya Boxell and great grandfather to 3 great grandchildren. Dear brother of
Patricia Bailey and predeceased by Jeffrey (Butch) Bailey. Ross will be sadly missed by his sister in law Judy Bailey and his nephew Troy (Jeannine) Jackson. Family and friends may call at the Low and Low Funeral Home 1763 Reach St., Port Perry on Thursday, September 15, 2011 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. A funeral service will be held in the chapel on Friday, September 16, 2011 at 1 p.m. Private family interment will follow the service at the Uxbridge Cemetery. A reception was held at the funeral home for all family and friends following the funeral service.
In 1965 Ross started his auctioneering career. Over the years he sold at various sales barns in Ontario including Gamble and Rogers, Katie Sale Barn, Brussells’s Sales Barn, Lindsay Community Sale Barn, Woodville Sale Barn and the Ontario Stockyards to name a few. Ross sold commercial cattle, purebred sales of various breds as well as farm sales. His voice and style were very unique and he always managed to add some humor into every sale he sold. Ross was definitely the type of person that went through life doing things his way however Carole Linn aka Flash was the only woman who could keep up and at times put him in his place. In 1977 the two got married and formed Bailey Acres. Ross was never really content with this address until 1986 when they moved to 50 acres just West of Port Perry. It was there that Ross and Carole shared many laughs and good times. Ross’s judging accolades include fairs all over Ontario, Quebec, the Maritimes, the Queen’s Quinea’s at the
Royal, Confirmation at the Junior Beef Heifer show at the Royal, and a large show in Australia to name a few. Besides judging, Ross also enjoyed showing cattle. He was not only competitive at the local level but also was named Premier Breeder at the Preview show, had the Supreme Angus animal at the Royal in 1997, Champion Angus female there again in 2002 and last year with the help of his granddaughter, Sara Jobin a Bailey Acres animal was named Champion female over all breeds at that RAWF Junior Beef Heifer show. Ross was many things to many people. He was an amazing cattleman who had an amazing ability to evaluate both commercial and purebred cattle. He was a loving husband, a great brother, terrific uncle, a caring grand father and a good Pal! He will be missed by all however his legacy will live forever!
Ross Bailey - Obituary
On March 2, 1943 Malcolm and Luella Bailey welcomed their first child into this world, Ross Arthur Bailey. At a very young age there was no doubt that Ross’s passion was showing and marketing Angus cattle as he use to spend hours by the side of the house building fence and loading up his toy cattle on his toy truck and hauling them to the fair. In 1947, at the age of 4 Ross made his first cattle sale, he sold a calf to E. P. Taylor. It was then that Malcolm and Luella knew they had another Angus breeder in the family. In his early teens, Ross worked for Windfields Farm Limited where they hit the show road in the summer and travelled by train from Ontario all across the Western provinces and back stopping at all the major shows along the way. It was during these trips that Ross made a lot of great friends. I recall Ross telling me; “Those were the good old days kid. Everyone helped each other, the Jersey guys helped us on show day and we helped them.” Page 32
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ank you to Paula Cornish for writing this tribute to Ross.
Auction Block 6th Annual Georgian Angus Premier Sale September 10, 2011 - Maxwell, Ontario Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB Sale Consultant: DJ Hederson & Associates, Lacombe, AB 27 Black Yearling Heifers $2,283 4 Red Yearling Heifers $1,538 9 Black Heifer Calves $1,861 1 Red Heifer Calf $2,200 9 Cows & Heifer Calves $4,056 3 Cows & Bull Calves $3,392 3 Cows $3,217 56 Lots $2,555 High Selling Yearling Heifer: Glen Islay Magic 27X sired by Double AA Old Post Bandolier daughter sold to D & K Angus, Cobden, ON for $4,600 High Selling Cow and Heifer Calf: Upper Glen Grand June 4T sired by SAV Net Worth 4200 going to Johnson Livestock, Peebles, SK and her Salt Creek Bob 7003 daughter going to Fred Reicheld, Jarvis, ON for $8,800 High Selling Heifer Calf: Lot 23 Glen Islay Erica 19Y sired by Glen Islay Winston 14U sold to Matthew Glasman, Russell, MB for $2950 High Selling Individual Cow: Angus Acres Royal Lady 46P sired by Viking Ruby Bandy 011L sold to Shagbark Angus, Wyoming, ON for $4000 Brylor Ranch ‘Tradition with a Vision’ Sale September 23 - Fort Macleod, Alberta Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB 51 Live lots $5,750 34 Semen lots $560 13 Embryo Lots $2,300 Sale Gross $342,125 Sale Highlights: Red T-S Olivia 706P sired by Red Brylor Bodasius 79K (half interest) sold to Mark Chriss, Oregon for $24,000; Red Brylor Fayet 231X sired by Red Compass Mulberry 449M (half interest) sold to Damar Farms, Wisconsin for $21,500; Red Brylor Fayet sired by Red Compass Mulberry 449M (half interest) sold to Damar Farms, Wisconsin for $21,500; Red Brylor Lakme 235X sired by Red UBar Sequia 202 (half interest) sold to JK Cattle Co & ree Fires Cattle Co, Kansas for $16,5000; Red FL Fayette 33M sired by Red Ted Hi Ho 35K (half interest) sold to Garth Griffin, Iowa for $15,000; Red Brylor Priscilla
304S sired by Red Brylor New Trend 22D sold to Jefferies Cattle Co, Oklahoma for $11,50; Red Brylor Olivia 237X sired by Red Brylor Dynastar 19S sold to Clay Enterprises, Saskatchewan for $10,500; Red Brylor Vidalia 72X sired by Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P sold to Wildcat Creek Ranch, Kansas for $12,500; Red Cornerstone Princess 453W sired by Red SVR Knight 73P sold to Blairs.Ag Cattle Co, Saskatchewan for $7,500; Red Brylor Princess 5Y sired by Red Diamond T Hips Stout 107U sold to Silver Ranches, Wyoming for $6,500; 3 embryos from Red T-S Olivia 706P sired by Red Bieber Rough Rider 10712 sold to Heart of the Valley, British Columbia for $3,500; 2 straws of Red Towaw Indeed 104H sold to Triple Angus, Saskatchewan for $2,400 South Border Red and Black Angus Dispersal Sept 28th, 2011 - Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB Sales Consultant: Castlerock Marketing, Swift Current, SK Black Angus Cows $2,858 Red Angus Cows $2,642 Black Angus Bred Heifers $2,760 Red Angus Bred Heifers $2,490 Black Angus Heifer calves $1,472 Red Angus Heifer calves $1,838 Pick of Black Bull calves $2,800 Pick of Red Bull calves $3,500 Herd Bull $2,300 High Selling Black Angus Cow: South Border Lady Ann 656S sired by TC Advantage sold to Borderland Cattle Co, Rockglen, SK for $4,400; South Border Lady Ann 915 sired by KCF Bennett Total sold to omason Angus, Bethune, SK for $$4,400 High Selling Black Angus Bred Heifer: South Border Lady Ann 023 sired by Basin Max 602C sold to 20/20 Angus, Paynton, SK for $3,400 High Selling Red Cow: Red South Border Julia 517R sired by Red SBR Trend Setter 2L sold to Flying K Red Angus, Wymark, SK for $4,100; Red South Border Rose 617S sired by Red Ter-Ron Intense 314N sold to Howe Red Angus, Moose Jaw, SK for $3,900 High Selling Red Bred Heifer: Red South Border Amber 029 sired by Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P sold to Borderland Cattle Co, Rockglen, SK for $4,000
12th Annual Black Magic Sale September 30 - Olds, Alberta Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran, Didsbury, AB Sale Consultant: Bouchard Livestock International, Didsbury, AB 12 Heifer Calves $2,767 37 Bred Heifers $2,900 1 Cow $26,250 1 Yearling Bull $13,000 52 Lots $3,535 Sale gross $183,800 High Selling Heifer Calf: Belvin Lady Blossom 91’11 sired by Geis Kodiak 12’07 sold to Cordy Cox, Tatla Lake, BC for $5,200 High Selling Bred Heifer:Belvin Georgina 17’10 sired by HF Tiger 5T half interest sold to Topline Farms, Illinois for $8,000 High Selling Bull: Remitall F Jet 30X sired by SAV Pioneer 7301 sold to Batho Farms, Manitoba for $13,000 High Selling Cow: Brookmore Karama 100T sired by SAV 004 Density 4336 sold to Boss Cattle Co, Nebraska for $26,250 Triara’s Premier Event 2011 October 2 - Melbourne, QC Angus Portion of Sale 10.5 Bred Cows $3,333.33 3.5 Heifer Calves $4,114 3 Bull Calves $2,833 15 Lots $3,720 27 Embryos $465 High Selling Cow/Calf Pair: Whitestone Rita V130 sired by SAV 8180 Traveler 004 (half interest) sold to Vos Vegas Farms, Ontario for $11,600 High Selling Bred Cow: Triara Dixie erica ET 274W sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 sold to Ferme Larose, Quebec for $5,200 High Selling Heifer Calf: Triara Tibbie 671Y sired by BC Lookout 70214 sold to Trevor Welch, New Brunswick for $3,900 High Selling Bull Calf: Triara Powerhouse 699Y sired by S Chisum 6175 sold to Benchmark Angus, Alberta for $4,300
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Wine Wisdom that it isn’t right but it just feels like the thing to do at the time – A ‘Guilty Pleasure’, we all have them. These guilty pleasure types of wines tend to be extremely overdone and artificial, but very affordable (borderline cheap) with a catchy name and label. They’re mass produced wines that the raging masses will buy in large quantities. Producers and retailers call them moneymakers.
W I N Guilty Pleasure Wines E W I S D O M
Guilty pleasure wines, what are they? These are wines you know you should not be drinking because they are on the edge of being very trashy, but do just that one thing, they scratch that itch, kind of like belting out a Michael Jackson tune at the top of your lungs when it comes on the radio; you know
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The first trashy wine under the gun is a California Zinfandel Merlot Cabernet blend and who knows what percent of each is in it, probably depends on how many of each they swept off the floor after they made the Cuvee blends. Anyway, this wine actually isn’t bad. It starts out with a decent purplish hue for colour, as well as having a heavy look to it. For the nose this is where it starts to come apart; artificial is the only word that comes to mind, kind of like kool aid with a double dose of sugar. No hint of real fruit near this wine at all. Now for drinking, this is where the guilty pleasure starts. Again artificial all over the place and also no signs of a real fruit stand here either. What there is though is enough residual sugar that almost tickles your tongue. I compare this wine to barbequing your favorite cut of beef perfectly then drowning it in HP sauce. It isn’t right, but sometimes you crave it.
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The second wine on the list is again a Zinfandel blend out of California. Now it might sound like I am getting a little hard on California and their Zinfandel blends, when done properly they can be absolutely mind blowing wines but in this case these two are more one dimensional rather than mind blowing. Anyways, this wine is called Apothe Red; again it’s a mystery blend of the same grapes as the last wine I am assuming. I could basically say the exact same thing about this wine as the last, with one exception. The one wow factor this wine has is this crazy butterscotch twizzler action going on with just the right amount of sugar shining through but again can be a real crowd pleaser to serve or it might just scratch that itch one evening. As I wrap this up, I hope I haven’t offended anyone if these are your favourite wines, they really aren’t trashy or terrible, it’s kind of like driving red equipment, it gets the job done but you know there is probably a better colour of equipment to do it with. Don’t be afraid to keep a couple of these guilty pleasures in your rack in the pantry for those special occasions. And try not to picture me blasting out a Michael Jackson tune in my big green combine while you’re sipping on one of these wines. Mike McDonald
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Foothills Livestock Auction - Stavely, Alberta
Blair Vold of Vold, Jones and Vold Auction Co. continues to run VJV in Ponoka with sales every Wednesday, featuring 3 rings selling simultaneously with a yard capacity of over 8000 head. An in house show list sale that runs via video in the ring as well as on the internet and the Canadian Satellite Livestock Auction enables buyers across North America access to Western Canada’s best cattle from the comfort of their own home or office. Blair Vold also owns and operates VJV Dawson Creek on mile zero of the Alaska Highway along with manager Don Fessler. Blair Vold, Sharon Bergevin, Rob Bergevin VJV Foothills Livestock conducts monthly Foothills Livestock Auction was built in the early Horse auctions plus a number of purebred cattle sales, 1960’s, 6 years ago the market received a new set of including Cudlobe’s Black Angus Bull Sale Wednesday owners, Blair Vold with Vold, Jones & Vold Auction December 7, 2011. Blades Angus Bull Sale Wednesday, Co. partnered with auctioneer Rob Bergevin on a March 21, 2012. Ranchland Bull Sale Saturday, March 50/50 basis to buy the market in 2005. The market 10, 2012 and Cooke Livestock Black Angus Bull Sale sits on 10 acres on Hwy 2 in Stavely, 1 hr south of in April. Also conducting 2 Angus Influence Calf Sales Calgary and 1 hr north of Lethbridge. the 1st being October 17, 2011 and November 7, The market has the capacity to run approximately 2011. VJV Foothills Livestock also features a weekly 2500 head of cattle handling annual sales volumes Canadian Satellite Livestock Auction, as well as VJV tipping the 40,000 head mark. VJV Foothills Livestock Foothills Show Alley, where cattle are sorted and Auction hosts regular cattle sales every Friday at 9:00am, weighed off the truck with a pencil shrink, they are with sales of slaughter and feeder cattle. Through the greeted with feed & water and comfortable bedding fall in October, November and December holds feeder which keeps the cattle clean, reduces shrink and sales every Monday at 9:00am and Bred Sales on minimizes stress. The Show Alley developed by partner Wednesday.
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Blair Vold has proven to be very well received by both producers and buyers. VJV Foothills also conducts numerous off site sales throughout the year, including the Western Showcase Calgary Stampede Art Auction. Rob Bergevin began his auction career back in 1988, worked at the Calgary Stockyards before moving on to sell at other venues. He and his wife Sharon handle the day to day operations of the auction market in Stavely. Since 2005 they have worked hard at modernizing the facility to keep pace with the times and to stay ahead of the growing competition. VJV Foothills Livestock Auction is proud to be the chosen host market for Livestock Market Association of Canada (LMAC) annual general meeting and Canadian Livestock Auctioneer Championship being hosted in June 2012. The cattle market has taken its fair share of ups and downs in the last number of years but the over 50 yrs old Vold, Jones and Vold Auction Co. along with its partnerships in Stavely and Dawson Creek continues to make it’s mark in history marketing cattle across Canada.
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Waste to Energy System for Cargill Beef Plant Cargill is to invest about C$36 million in a waste-to-energy project at its High River, Alberta, beef processing plant.
waste-to-energy project Cargill has undertaken on the continent.
The system is expected to increase to 80 per cent the plant’s ability to generate energy it uses to produce meat products.
“Using existing technology, we will install specialized equipment that will make our High River beef processing facility the most sustainable and environmentally friendly beef processing facility in the world,” stated John Keating, president of Cargill Beef.
A portion of the funds, approximately C$10 million, will be provided by the Government of Canada as part of its initiative to help meat processors reduce their environmental footprint. This public-private collaboration for creating energy from waste that otherwise would be destined for a landfill is the first of its type in North America and the largest single
“Recognizing the environmental, agricultural and community value and benefits of this project is a tribute to the Canadian government and its visionary approach to working with business to find mutually beneficial solutions to long-term challenges.”
Once it is in operation, the new system will eliminate 21,000 metric tons of fossil fuel emissions annually, in addition to mitigating the facility’s electric energy requirements by producing 1.4MW of power. Using organic waste that would otherwise go to landfills also reduces the load on those sites. Combined with the facility’s existing methane gas capture that prevents release of this greenhouse gas into the atmosphere, and its subsequent use as fuel for the plant, 75-to-80 percent of the facility’s energy needs will come from renewable sources. Cargill’s High River beef processing facility employs approximately 2,000 people who harvest 4,000 beef cattle daily, representing C$1 billion in annual cattle purchases and totaling one-third of the nation’s processed beef volume.
The facility is also ISO 14001 certified, meaning the plant has an Environmental Management System (EMS) focused on a systematic and measurable approach to improving its environmental impact. ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is recognised as the world’s largest developer of international standards. “We care a great deal about the environment because it’s the only one we have, therefore we care about finding better ways to feed the growing world population in a sustainable way,” said Mr Keating.
“The High River waste-to-energy project is another step in the right direction, and one that could potentially be replicated at our other beef processing facilities around the world, which would be a gratifying achievement.”
The Canadian Angus Association offers free electronic storage of registration certificates. If you don’t want to maintain a file of registration certificates and have experienced “paper shuffle syndrome”, then this electronic storage option will appeal to you. A registration certificate that is electronically stored is available to be printed at any time, and there are no fees applied to either store it electronically or to have it printed upon request.
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Igenity Angus Classic Show Results
Angus Gold Show Results August 19 - Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Judge: Francis Gagnon Bull Calf Class 1) HMF Illini 8Y (Allencroft Illini 01 144J) Temple Stewart & James Worth, North Wiltshire, PEI 2) Wheatley River Yogi Limestone 2Y (Limestone Darkhorse U322) Glen & Ronnie Ford, Winsloe, PEI 3) MFS Can't Touch is 2Y (JEM Touchdown 11W) Mutch Farms, Cornwall, PEI (5 in class) Yearling Bull Class 1) Bannockburn Valley Kodiak 46X (JS Kodiak 1T) Bannockburn Valley Farm, Cornwall, PEI 2) HMF Stockman 5X (Royal Stockman 19B) Temple Stewart & James Worth, North Wiltshire, PEI Grand Champion Bull Bannockburn Valley Kodiak 46X Reserve Champion Bull HMF Stockman 5X Heifer Calf Class - Split #1 1) JEM Classy Lady 15Y (SAV Bismarck 5682) Julie Mutch, Vernon River, PEI 2) KJDF Yvonne 11Y (Krone Royal 1140) Duncan Livestock, Cornwall, PEI 3) Cable Head Queen 8Y (Royal Stockman 46E) Richard Palmer, St. Peter's Bay, PEI (5 in class) Heifer Calf Class - Split #2 1) Bannockburn Valley Dolly 21Y (DFCC 33T Bad Boy 51W) Bannockburn Valley Farm, Cornwall, PEI 2) Wheatley River Yasime 10Y (Young Dale Superior 14S) Glen & Ronnie Ford, Winsloe, PEI 3) HMF Pride 15Y (MVF Dateline 221R) Temple Stewart & James Worth, North Wiltshire, PEI (4 in class)
Yearling Heifer Class - Split #1 1) Wheatley River X Maiden 9X (MVF VRD Dateline 913P) Glen & Ronnie Ford, Winsloe, PEI 2) Wheatley River Colleen 2X (Quaker Hill Objective 3J15) Glen & Ronnie Ford, Winsloe, PEI 3) Locust Grove Marion 9X (SAV Net Worth 4200) MacKinnon Homestead, Kinross, PEI (6 in class) Yearling Heifer Class - Split #2 1) Bannockburn Valley Dolly 15X (JS Kodiak 1T) Bannockburn Valley Farm, Cornwall, PEI 2) HMF Primrose 6X (JD Slap Shot 3S) Temple Stewart & James Worth, North Wiltshire, PEI 3) Cable Head Queen 14X (Royal Design 47T) Richard Palmer, St. Peter's Bay, PEI (7 in class) Yearling Heifer Class - Split #3 1) HMF Blackbird 12X (JD Slap Shot 3S) Temple Stewart & James Worth, North Wiltshire, PEI 2) WilMar Bextor Erroline 6X (CRA Bextor 872 5205 608) Miltonvale Angus, Winsloe, PEI 3) Bonshaw Laney 32X (Bonshaw Young Freedom 67T) Allan & Harvey MacQuarrie, Cornwall, PEI (6 in class) Junior Champion Female Bannockburn Valley Dolly 15X Reserve Junior Champion Female HMF Primrose 6X Two Year Old Cow/Calf Class 1) Cable Head Queen 6W (Young Dale Avenger 89S) Richard Palmer, St. Peter's Bay, PEI 2) SMW Mistress 117W (MVF Freightliner 630T) MacKinnon Homestead, Kinross, PEI 3) Northern View Duchess 75W (HF Kodiak 5R) Temple Stewart & James Worth, North Wiltshire, PEI (5 in class)
Igenity Angus Classic Show Results August 20 - Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Judges: Glenn Campbell, Morgan Ings, David Livingston Bull Calf Class 1) HMF Illini 8Y (Allencroft Illini 01 144J) Temple Stewart & James Worth, North Wiltshire, PEI 2) Wheatley River Yogi Limestone 2Y (Limestone Darkhorse U322) Glen & Ronnie Ford, Winsloe, PEI 3) MFS Can't Touch is 2Y (JEM Touchdown 11W) Mutch Farms, Cornwall, PEI (4 in class)
Heifer Calf Class 1) Cable Head Queen 8Y (Royal Stockman 46E) Richard Palmer, St. Peter's Bay, PEI 2) MKHF Mistress 1Y (SAV Bismarck 5682) MacKinnon Homestead, Kinross, PEI (tied) 2) Wheatley River Yasime 10Y (Young Dale Superior 14S) Glen & Ronnie Ford, Winsloe, PEI (tied) (7 in class) Yearling Heifer Class 1) Bannockburn Valley Dolly 15X (JS Kodiak 1T) Bannockburn Valley Farm, Cornwall, PEI 2) JEM
Mature Cow/Calf Class 1) HMF Blackbird 2J (TJR Krugerrand Z099) Temple Stewart & James Worth, North Wiltshire, PEI 2) JEM Classy Lady 42T (Sitz Tradition RLS 8702) Mutch Farms, Cornwall, PEI 3) Wheatley River Utopia 13U (TC Grid Topper 355) Glen & Ronnie Ford, RR #10 Winsloe, PEI (4 in class) Senior Champion Female HMF Blackbird 2J Reserve Senior Champion Female JEM Classy Lady 42T Grand Champion Female HMF Blackbird 2J Reserve Grand Champion Female JEM Classy Lady 42T Get of Sire 1) Bannockburn Valley Farm Breeder's Herd 1) Temple Stewart & James Worth 2) Bannockburn Valley Farm 3) Glen & Ronnie Ford Premier Breeder Bannockburn Valley Farm Premier Exhibitor Temple Stewart & James Worth
Grand Champion Female - HMF Blackbird 2J
Classy Lady 8X (Young Dale Touch Down 36M) Nicole Booth, Jolicure, NB 3) JEM Erica 12X (SAV Net Worth 4200) Ernie & Joanne Mutch, Veron River, PEI (8 in class) Two Year Old Cow/Calf Class 1) Cable Head Queen 6W (Young Dale Avenger 89S) Richard Palmer, St. Peter's Bay, PEI 2) Wheatley River Wyoming Velvet 4W (Young Dale Superior 14S) Glen & Ronnie Ford, Winsloe, PEI
An easy way to cross reference the identity of your animals is by listing their Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Tag number on their registration certificates. All Angus tags including Angus ATQ tags are eligible. When tag numbers are submitted for this purpose, your animals will also be age-verified with CCIA. If the tag falls out after it has been recorded on the registration certificate it can be easily updated. Simply return the certificate of registration with an explanation and the new tag number to the office and we will be able to issue you a corrected certificate free of charge. Page 40
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Alberta Angus Association Message
October has seen strong calf prices across Alberta, and with the supply of cattle at such a low level, feeder calves of every weight have been strong. Optimism in the Commercial industry has been running high, despite issues with the Global Economy. In a continuing effort to reach out to our Commercial base, the Alberta Angus Association and the Southern Alberta Angus Club will again be hosting Steak Fry’s across Alberta. The steak fry’s will take place during Angus tagged calf sales on the following dates: Central/Northern Alberta Oct 21 – Olds Auction Mart Oct 24 – Triple J Westlock Nov 1 – Viking Auction Market Nov 4 – Stettler Auction Mart Nov 5 – Nilsson Bros. Vermillion Nov 7 – Provost Livestock Exchange Nov 7 – Dryland Cattle Trading Corp., Veteran
Southern Alberta Oct 15 - Calgary Stockyards, Strathmore Oct 17 - VJV, Stavely Oct 17 - Medicine Hat Feeding Company, Medicine Hat Oct 19 - Perlich Brothers Auction, Lethbridge Oct 20 - Southern Alberta Livestock Exchange (S.A.L.E.), Fort Macleod Auction Oct 24 - Bow Slope Shipping Company, Brooks Oct 25 - Balog Auction, Lethbridge Nov 2 - Southern Alberta Livestock Exchange (S.A.L.E.), Highwood Auction If you are interested in sponsoring or volunteering at a sale near you, contact Carolyn Congdon at (780)374 – 3924 in the North/Central, and Cecilie Fleming at (403) 687-2288 in the South. The Alberta Angus Association hosted our first Gold Show of 2011 recently, at the Olds Fall Classic Cattle Show. The show was a success and the event was well attended, despite the fact many breeders were still busy combining or baling straw. New for this year, all of the Breed Champions from the Olds Fall Classic Show are allowed to compete in Farmfair for the “Alberta Supreme”. This is a new event that will see all Breed Champions from Olds and Lloydminster compete with the Farmfair champions for the Farmfair Supreme, and the two brand
new 2011 Dodge Trucks that will be awarded to the Supreme Bull and Female. Our second Gold Show of the year, which will again be hosted at Farmfair International, will take place on Friday November, 11th, starting at 11 am. The Red Angus show will be judged by Ryley and Jill Mader of Carstairs, while the Black Angus will be judged by Jim Henderson of Stettler. The AAA is also busy planning for the Canadian Angus Association AGM, which will be held next year in Lethbridge, from June 13th to 17th. The schedule is starting to be finalized, and it should be a fun and informative weekend in one of the high density areas for all of the Canadian Cattle Industry. Follow the CAA and AAA websites for more details on registration and scheduling. Hopefully everyone is making progress in their fall work, and on behalf of the Alberta Angus Association I would like to wish you the best of luck with the fall shows and sales. Colton Hamilton President Alberta Angus Association
Maritime Angus Association Message Greetings from the Maritimes. I hope everyone has had a good summer, it has been consistently wet in the east all summer, getting two days in a row to hay was a challenge. But so far the fall has been a little bit better, with more sun, as everyone tries to get crops out of the ground. This summer has been a great show season for Angus cattle, and Angus breeders in the Maritimes. Angus heifers were Grand Champion female, and Champion 4H beef animal at the Kent County Fair in New Brunswick. At the Nova Scotia Provincial Exhibition Angus cattle also won the day, with Angus cattle from PEI taking the Grand Champion female, Grand Champion male, and the Supreme Beef female over all other breeds. There was also a great turnout of Angus cattle at the Gold show in Charlottetown, PEI. The next Gold Show is in Sussex New Brunswick at the
Beef Expo, on September 24 and 25. The sale season is almost upon us as well, with our Angus in Action sale at Nappan Nova Scotia on October 22. This fall there will be our first Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed sales at the Atlantic Stockyards in Truro, Nova Scotia, on November 12, 2011. The second being held on and February 16, 2012. Here’s hoping for a great fall for everyone, and remember to take pride in your Angus cattle, and tag your calves with Angus green tags. Trevor Welch President - Maritime Angus Association
If the tag falls out after it has been recorded on the registration certificate it can be easily updated. Simply return the certificate of registration with an explanation and the new tag number to the office and we will be able to issue you a corrected certificate free of charge.
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Canadian Junior Angus Association
Hello Angus Breeders! I hope that everyone is having a good fall. The Canadian Juniors have had a busy summer and will continue to be busy throughout the fall and winter. Showdown 2011 was held July 21-23 in Weyburn, Saskatchewan. It was a tremendous success with just about 100 participants and 140 head of cattle at the show. I would like to send a huge thank you to Dale Easton, Trent Liebreich & boys and Belinda Wagner & boys for helping me set up panels and roll out straw on the hottest day in July to get ready for Showdown.
I would like to thank Merit Cattle Co. for donating all the straw for the exhibitors at Showdown. I would also like to thank the Manitoba and Alberta parents who stayed on Sunday morning after the show and tore down all the panels while the CJAA board completed their meetings. I would like to thank Ryan Wagner for helping throughout the show with odd jobs and lots of heavy lifting. Finally I would like to all the sponsors, judges, marshallers, ringmen, announcers, auction supporters and parents who helped make Showdown a success. It could not be done without you! This year our donation heifer will be coming from Clay Enterprises of Wapella, Saskatchewan. The heifer will be selling by Dutch auction at the Masterpiece Sale in Regina November 23. The CJAA appreciates all the support that Angus breeders have given us and we would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the donation heifer program which funds our scholarships. Three scholarships are issued each year and the 2011 recipients were Stacey Domolewski, Valentina Gabert and Erin Toner – congratulations to these members. The 7th annual GOAL (Guiding Outstanding Angus Leaders) conference will be held in Regina,
Erika Easton - President Box 410, Wawota, SK S0G 5A0 306.739.2805 - Cell: 306.577.7457 email:
Allison Speller - British Columbia Box 59, Monte Lake, BC V0E 2N0 250.375.2268 email:
Sean Enright - Vice-President 70 Kennelly Road, R.R. #2, Renfrew, ON K7V 3Z5 613.649.2313 - Cell: 613.433.7655 email:
Kevin Bolduc - Alberta Box 9, Stavely, AB T0L 1Z0 403.549.2228 email:
Emily Puch - Secretary Box 101, Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0 403.627.4129 - Cell: 403.627.7994 email:
Saskatchewan February 18-20, 2012. The CJAA has some great activities planned for the juniors including a dinner theatre and some great agriculture tours. We also have some great speakers lined up for the weekend! The deadline for registration is January 10, 2012. Look for the form on-line or in our Junior newsletter which will be out in November. The CJAA has four board positions that will be up for election. There will be openings in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Quebec. The director positions are two year terms that would take effect July 2012 at Showdown. Nominations must be submitted to Belinda Wagner by January 31, 2012. Serving on the CJAA board is a great opportunity for enhancing skills and friendships that will help you out wherever life takes you. It is also a great opportunity to help build the Junior program in Canada. Contact any current director for more information or call the CJAA office if you are interested in running for the board. Showdown 2012 will be held in Lindsay, Ontario July 19-21, 2012. There will be entry forms and more information out in the new year! Erika Easton CJAA President
Erin Toner - Saskatchewan Box 3, Kelfield, SK S0K 2C0 306.932.2180 - Cell: 306834.8647 email:
Megan Kemp - Treasurer Box 70 Pilot Mound, MB R0G 1P0 204.825.2488 - Cell: 204.825.7480 email:
In the fall of 2011 and on an ongoing basis, G.K. Farms in Okotoks, Alberta is offering to purchase purebred Angus-tagged feeder cattle from registered Canadian Angus breeders. In addition, the carcass data from these animals will be provided to the breeder and the Canadian Angus Association. The Association will use this information to enhance carcass EPDs. Please contact Bob Milligan of G.K. Farms at (403) 369-8900 for pricing details.
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Laurie Noiseux - Quebec 20, Rang Elmire, Rout 235, St Paul D’Abbotsford, QC J0E 1A0 450.379.9989 - Cell: 450.230.4143 email: Rebecca Gilby - Maritime 109 Gorden Road, Bellman, NS B2S 2N5 902.883.8057 - C ell 902.449.8110 email: Belinda Wagner Junior Programs Coordinator Box 3771, Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3N8 (306)757-6133
Canadian Angus Junior Ambassador Report
For my second report I decided to do some research on the Patron of the Junior Ambassador Program, Robert C. McHaffie.Robert was born in Regina, SK on May 10, 1929. His family first lived in an apartment in Regina and then a house on Angus Street which coincidently is the same street that I am living on this winter while I study Education here. His family lived in Regina, Calgary and Vancouver before returning to Stevenston, Ayrshire, Scotland in 1936.During the Second World War Stevenston was often under threat by German bombers and fighter planes. Bob wrote of many terrifying memories of hiding in bomb shelters and basements as air raid sirens rang across the countryside. In 1944 the war was still raging in Europe and young Bob left school at 15 to work at the Ardrossan Dockyard. He apprenticed there from 1945 till 1950, and during this time he met a young Margaret Crawford who in time would become his wife.In 1950 Bob joined the Royal Artillery and was trained to map enemy coordinates and set the trajectory of large artillery guns and hit targets miles away. He was stationed in Hong Kong for a short while before seeing active service in Korea in 1951 and 1952. Upon his return home he married Margaret Crawford in November 1952.Like many war veterans Bob struggled with rehabilitation to civilian life, but within a few years had made the difficult transition. Settling down in Scotland and raising two children, Jim and Ann, before making
another major life transition.In 1957, Bob stood in line for hours to apply for emigration to Canada. Upon reaching the front of the line they asked him his place of birth. He said “Regina, SK”. The official returned the application to him and said “there is nothing I or anyone can do to keep you out of Canada, you are Canadian.”That year Bob and his family moved to Victoria, BC where worked in the ship building industry as an architect, surveyor and inspector until his retirement in 1994. His youngest daughter Moira was born in British Columbia during this time.In 1970 the McHaffies moved to Robin Hill Farm, along the Trans Canada Highway. They stocked this 12-acre hobby farm with two horses, an Angus cow and a goose named Ben. All of the children became very involved in 4-H showing lambs and beef cattle.It was here that Jim took an interest in raising beef cattle, and graduated from Beef Production and Animal Husbandry at Kamloops University.Bob saw that Jim and his new wife Lisa were getting serious about the beef industry. When he saw that his son was running into trouble with a beef operation that was too small for the amount of people involved he offered to go into partnership with his son on what would be the White Lake Ranch.The White Lake Ranch is located 15 miles from Penticton, B.C. and was purchased in the winter of 1977–78. Bob admitted in his book that they were pretty green to running a ranch of 3600 acres. A commercial herd of 200 females was purchased to add to the 20 purebred females that Jim and Bob had between them.With the help of neighbours they soon caught on to the Ranching lifestyle and enjoyed many wonderful years.
In Bob’s book Bicycles, Bombs, Boats and Bulls, he shares some of his fondest memories of life at White Lake Ranch.The recession in the 80s brought trouble to all cow/calf operations and White Lake was not sheltered from the burden of high interest rates. Robert went back into boat architecture to supplement the ranch and Jim stayed to expand their markets. An on-farm bull sale was started in 1984 which proved to be a turning point for the McHaffie Family. Jim built a very reputable herd over the next 10 years.Bob and Margaret moved to an acreage in 1996 when the White Lake Ranch was sold to the Nature Trust of B.C.For over 30 years, Robert C. McHaffie was a CAA member; he served on the Canadian Board as President in 1998 and 1999. He also made the motion for the creation of the Canadian Junior Angus Association. Bob and Margaret passed away within a very short time of each other. They were instrumental for the formation of the CJAA and as supporters of junior activities. I asked several people what kind of man he was and I can draw these conclusions about Robert McHaffie: He was smart, friendly, meticulous, a gracious host and a true gentleman. I say thank you Bob for your advancements to our breed and our Association.Thank you to Elizabeth Peto and Doug Fee for taking part in my interview and also for sending me his biography Bicycles, Bombs, Boats and Bulls. It was a great read and helped give me insight into his life.
Fall Edition 2011
Austen Anderson Canadian Angus Junior Ambassador
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Canadian Angus Association Director Profiles This the second of a three part series whcih we will introduce you a few of our elected representatives. Here are their responses to some standard questions, in their own words.
Gary Latimer Alberta Director (President Elect)
Operation name: Remitall Farms Inc. Family members: wife Jacci, Richard & Kelly Hometown: Olds, Alberta Years as an Angus breeder: We have had Angus since 1977 Years as a cattleman: I am the fourth generation with purebred cattle in Alberta My personal/business mission statement as an Angus breeder/cattleman: At Remitall Farms we strive to produce Elite Genetics to enhance the Angus Breed Education / Training: Olds High School; Graham Breeding School, Garnet, Kansas USA; Olds College short courses Work History: Lifetime partner of Remitall Cattle Co. Volunteer Involvements: Past President Olds Agriculture Society, Past President Alberta Hereford Association, Past Director Calgary Bull Sale, Past Director Canadian Gelbvieh Association Proudest Moments: 4 children & 10 grandchildren My Vision for the Angus Breed in Canada: Continue to be #1 consumer choice Why I ran for the CAA Board of Directors: To give back to a business that has gave our family a tremendous lifestyle
Operation name: Locust Grove Angus Family members:Wife Judy, son Brad and his wife Jenn and two grandchildren Rebecca and James in Ottawa, daughter Jodi and her husband Matt in Switzerland, son Ryan in Toronto Hometown: Milton, Ontario Years as an Angus breeder: 20 Years as a cattleman: 60 plus My personal/business mission statement as an Angus breeder/cattleman: To do my part in maintaining the # 1 position of the Angus Breed in the cattle industry for future generations. Education/Training: Secondary school graduation and then the 4-H motto “Learn to do by doing” Work History:Worked as a Business Installation Manager for BCE for 30 years and retired in 1994 to full-time farming Volunteer Involvements: President Peel Halton Cattlemen, Secretary Treasurer Boston Presbyterian Church, Director Halton Agricultural Society (Milton Fair), Ontario Angus director and Past President My proudest moment: Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor at the 2008 Royal Winter Fair — National Show as Tom MacDonald well as Premier Breeder and Exhibitor at Preview Gold Show (Brampton) the same year. Ontario Director My Vision for the Angus Breed in Canada:To maintain the # 1 position — leader in the cattle industry. To use futuristic ideas and utilizing current genetic tools available to strengthen all the positive traits for the betterment of the breed. Why I ran for the CAA Board of Directors: The Angus breed has been good to us as it has to many other breeders. I believe that as a member I should give something back to the breed to show my appreciation. I have volunteered with the local Angus Club as a Director and President, the Ontario Angus Association as Director and President and when I was nominated as a Canadian Director I decided to further my involvement with the breed. I also had available time to make this commitment. Other Important Information to Share: Our farm is on the outskirts of the Greater Toronto area and we experience many roadblocks different from a more rural agricultural area.
Jim Colodey Maritime Director
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Operation name: Bannockburn Valley Farm Family members: Mack, Alex, Peter, Phyllis, Andrew, Ellen & Hannah Dixon, Jim, Hilda & Catherine Colodey Hometown: Clyde River, Prince Edward Island Years as an Angus breeder: BVF was established in 1832 and has been home to Angus cattle since 1957. I joined the family in 1974. My personal/business mission statement as an Angus breeder/cattleman: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Education: B.A., B.Ed. Work History: Retired social studies/co-op work teacher Volunteer involvements: PEI Association of Exhibitions, PEI Teachers Federation, Canadian Cancer Society, Clyde River Community Council My proudest moment: There are many, both personally and professionally. Seeing young people come up through the junior program and remain active in the Angus breed makes me proud of the opportunities offered by the CAA to its members. My vision for the Angus breed in Canada: That the strong position that the Angus breed currently holds within the beef industry will be maintained by the responsible breeding, husbandry and registry practices that brought us here. Why I ran for the CAA Board of Directors: Through its programs and services, the CAA has helped farms like ours establish and improve their Angus herds. Serving on the Board is my way of contributing to the work of the Association Fall Edition 2011
Canadian Angus Association Board of Directors
CanadianAngusAssociation Staff
David Bolduc President P.O. Box 1055, Claresholm, AB T0L 0T0 Phone: (403)549-3833 ~ Fax: (403)549-3833
Gary Latimer President Elect Box 16 Site 3 RR 4, Olds, AB T4H 1T8 Phone: (403)556-2742 Fax: (403)556-2761
Kirk Wildman
#142, 6715 - 8th Street N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 7H7 (403)571-3580 ~ 1-888-571-3580 ~ Fax (403)571-3599 CAA Tag Number: 1-866-571-8093 eMail address: Web Address:
Past-President Box 444, Sangudo, AB T0E 2A0 Phone: (780)785-3772 ~ Fax: (780)785-3403
Frank Strimbold Box 111, Topley, BC V0J 2Y0 Phone: (250)696-3672 Fax: (250)696-3484
Canadian Angus Association
Cecilie Fleming
Effective January 1, 2011
Box 1, Granum, AB T0L 1A0 Phone: (403)687-2288 Fax: (403)687-2088
Dawn Wilson P.O. Box 550, Bashaw, AB T0B 0H0 Phone: (780)372-3529
Kevin Blair Box 610, Lanigan, SK S0K 2M0 Phone: (306)365-7922 Fax: (306)365-4699
Shane Castle Box 415, Swift Current, SK S9H 3V8 Phone: (306)784-2241
Corinne Gibson P.O. Box 8, Fir Mountain, SK S0H 1P0 Phone: (306)266-4895
Roger Hardy
Box 300, Midale, SK S0C 1S0 Phone: (306)458-7521 Fax: (306)458-2327
Lois McRae Box 57, R.R. #1, Brandon, MB R7A 5Y1 Phone: (204)728-3058 ~ Fax: (204)727-7744
Tom McDonald 10293 4th Line, RR 5, Milton, ON L9T 2X9 Phone: (905)877-2001 Fax: (905)877-1241
Jerome Richard 181 Chemin Healy, Canton de Cleveland, QC J0B 2H0 Phone: (819)826-5419
Jim Colodey 1121 Bannockburn Rd, R.R. #3, Cornwall, PEI C0A 1H0 Phone: (902)675-3171
- Fee Schedule Memberships Annual Membership ..................................... $100.00 Junior Membership .......................................... $10.00 Annual Activity Fee (for life members only)................$75.00 Registration - 0 to 4 months ........................... $15.00 Registration - 4 to 7 months..............................$25.00 Registration - 7 to 12 months.............................$50.00 Registration -12+ months........................... $100.00 Weaning Weight entry charge ............................ $2.00 Canadian Angus Performance Program (CAPP) Reinstatement Fee .... $100.00 Embryo Transfers.............................................$12.00 Animal Transfers < 60 days after sale...............$12.00 Animal Transfers > 60 days after sale...............$24.00 Non Financial Transfers ..................................... $5.00 Parentage Test - per head, requested through CAA* Other Labs fees may apply* .... $30.00 Parentage Test - per head, sent direct to lab by breeder * Other Labs fees may apply* .... $51.00 Coat Colour DNA Test * Other Labs fees may apply* ............. $33.00 Registration of Imported Animal ..................... $50.00 Registration of Lease ....................................... $10.00 Registration of Herd Name ............................. $25.00 Registration of Tattoo Letters ........................ $25.00 Transfer of Herd Name or Tattoo Letters ........ $10.00 Name Change of a Registered Animal (animal must have no registered progeny) ........... $50.00 Performance Certificate Update ........................ $3.00 Duplicate Certificate ....................................... $10.00 Five Generation Pedigree ............................... $25.00 Correction Fee ................................................... $5.00 Pedigree Change as a result of a DNA test ....... $50.00 Pedigree Extract (for sales catalogue) With Registration numbers, sent electronically ........ $2.00 Without Registration numbers or faxed/mailed ....... $5.00 Photos ................................................................... $3.00 Geneprob Report (paper) ............................... $25.00 Geneprob Report (electronic) ..................... $15.00 Mailing Labels ............................................ $100.00 plus 3 cents/label Electronic download of MemberAddresses (one time use) .................. $250.00 Rush Fee (paid per item) ................................. $20.00 GST is not included in above prices.
Fall Edition 2011
Rob Smith Chief Executive Officer Michael Latimer Assistant General Manager Alan Yuen Office Manager Kajal Devani Breed Development Cheryl Hazenberg Angus Tag Program Co-ordinator Brian Good Commercial Fieldman Wayne Gallup Eastern Fieldman Sharmayne Byrgesen Registrar Shirley Anderson Assistant Registrar Ciara Buchanan Assistant Registrar Karen Hayes Assistant Registrar Tina Zakowsky Member Communications Joanelle Fuellbrandt Receptionist
Provincial Representatives & Associates to the Canadian Angus Association British Columbia Jill Savage 4664 Sleepy Hollow Road, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B4 (250)546-2813 /// Fax: (250)546-9164 ///
Alberta Denise Rice P.O. Box 3725, Olds, Alberta T4H 1P5 1-888-556-9057 / Fax: (403)556-3333
Saskatchewan Belinda Wagner c/o Sask Livestock Association P.O. Box 3771, Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3N8 (306) 757-6133 // Fax: (306) 525-5852
Manitoba Arlene Kirkpatrick Box 25, Site 30, RR 3, Brandon, Manitoba R7A 5Y3 Ph/Fax: (204)725-3597 ~
Ontario Julie Smith 459 Black Street, Fergus, ON N1M 3M7 Phone:(519)787-2397 ~ Fax: (519)787-2306
Quebec Trudy Beaton #3 North Hill Road, Gould, Quebec J0B 2Z0 (819) 877-5603 / Fax: (819) 877-3845
Maritimes Betty Lou Scott RR #1 Salt Springs, Pictou County, Nova Scotia BOK 1PO Ph: (902)925-2057 / Fax: (902)925-2655
Canadian Red Angus Promotion Society Lynnette Hochstein 6015 Park Place, Taber, AB T1G 1E9 (403)223-8009 // Fax: (403)223-5805
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Canadian Angus Association - CEO Message How about cattle breeders? Do we think of us as united? Do we think of our beef sector of the agricultural industry as united? How about the purebred breeds or people whose livelihood or interest is raising cows? Do you think we are united as an Angus fraternity? One thing I believe is certain… if we’re not united, we better get that way… and fast!
Good day, fellow Canadian Angus supporters, stakeholders and members!
I am sitting here in the office getting caught up on Reports for the Board and Regional Associations, in addition to this message, and I am struck by how exciting our cattle sector is right now and how well-situated we are as a breed to capitalize on all that is creating benefit and value for Canada’s cattlemen. With your diligent work on breeding the best better, you have helped position the Angus breed at a level of brand recognition where some very intelligent, well-respected industry stakeholders feel we are within five years of the average consumer referring to beef as “Angus”, like we do ‘Kleenex’ for facial tissue or ‘Ketchup’ for a tomato-based condiment spread. Think of that… people talking about the great “Angus” they ate last night, not even quite sure what that means, or why they are no longer referring to our chosen protein source as “beef”. Well you better think about it, because it’s happening RIGHT NOW! In restaurants and homes across this country and around the world. It’s been said before and it’ll be said again and again and again… Isn’t it great to be an Angus breeder? Which brings me to a little work with a big meaning that I want to focus on a bit in this column. I want to talk with you a little bit about… Unity Again: little word, very big meaning. If you look “Unity” up in the dictionary, you get something akin to the following: the act, state or quality of being one, of forming a complete whole from separate parts, mutual agreement and harmony. We expect countries and marriages and friendships to have “unity”. We think of the greatest sports teams that we cheer for as being the absolute definitions of unity.
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The Beef Sector has long been the bastion of rugged individualism, of those entrepreneurial cowboys who didn’t need anything or anyone but themselves, some decent weather, a reliable horse (or pick-up) and a sound cow to bring in a good calf each year. These folks represent the culture we have chosen to be part of and I hope we never lose that culture. But the world in which that culture has to operate has changed and it’s changed forever and if we don’t embrace that change and react to it accordingly then our place in this life we love may be tremendously uncertain. We must unite! We must understand what the beef value chain represents, and respect all the links and expediters and keys along that chain. If we don’t try to work together creating value at every level, we are lost. And this concept needs to be argued at the OTHER end of the chain too, and all the way along so that we all benefit. We must unite as breeds to realize that we are better off… WHEN WE’RE ALL BETTER OFF!!! There is no victory in being the ‘only game in town’. We want and need to see more Simmental, Charolais, Hereford, Limousin, Gelbvieh and Shorthorn cows… and even the other breeds as well, because the best thing to come across any of those breeds is an Angus bull or herd of Angus cows. When you breed Angus, as we all know, you achieve a quality the likes of which NO ONE ELSE can imitate or achieve or ever will. But in order to sell more Angus bulls, we need more cows of all colours and breeds. So let’s hope for success for everyone because, when you have the genetic advantage that Angus does, we will ALWAYS benefit by the growth and success of other breeds. If you question this, just look at their advertisements! Most every breed is trying to prove they are the best cross with Angus, so why not wish them all the success in the world? Finally, we must unite as breeders to support one another and build the bonds that create the strength that only comes from critical mass. I know that time
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is such a precious commodity, but it is an illustration of UNITY to attend your fellow breeder’s sale or a Rancher Endorsed feeder calf sale at any of your local Auction Marts, to go to a club’s Field Day, to attend your Regional Association’s Annual General Meeting. We are all players on a team and the team requires that everyone do the best they can to support one another, to assure when one member is weak that someone else ramps up their strength and assures the team does not fail. Going to a fellow breeder’s production and bull sales, even with no intention of buying, is a simple and incredibly meaningful expression of unity and support for that breeder. Please try and get to at least three sales each year, and attend more if you possibly can. Who knows, you might even get to have an extraordinarily insightful conversation, see something hilarious or taste something fantastic. In recent weeks, I have had two superb steak experiences – I would go so far as to say they were perfect – at Cudlobe near Stavely (home raised Angus beef prepared by Mat and Kevin, the NEXT generation of breeders) as well as one of Stacey Stauffer’s signature famous steaks at the recent 40th edition Brylor sale in Fort Macleod. Thanks guys! When you attend such type of events, you feel the camaraderie, and fun, the reward of being part of a team, of being part of something bigger than each of us, of something UNITED. So please spend a little bit of time trying to create unity rather than those terrible opposites: separation, polarization, disarray, division, friction, conflict, strife. We need NONE of those in our Angus fraternity or our cattle business. There is no forward movement, no progress, from any of those states or conditions. Remember the rallying cry of the ‘forming and storming’ of every nation of the world prior to their ultimate foundation: United We Stand, Divided We Fall!!! Indeed. Indeed. Now, some news from the Canadian Angus Association… Canadian Angus Association Board Survey Back in the winter your Board of Directors decided to ask the membership what you think the priorities should be for the next 5 and 10 and 20 years of the Canadian Angus Association. And now, you will get your chance to provide such input! In November, every Canadian Angus Association member household will be receiving a comprehensive survey that will ask you all sorts of
questions: from demographic questions about who you are and why you want to be an Angus breeder to what would make your life easier with the Registry or in our Breed Development department or what should our marketing focus be? This may be the most complete assessment of Canadian Angus members in the history of the CAA, so please commit a half an hour or so and ‘speak your piece’! Your Board wants to hear you, so this your opportunity to show you have a voice to match the ideas and thoughts and opinions that I’m sure you have which would help us grow and develop YOUR Association! HerdMASTER changes… By now many of you will have learned of the CAA’s decision to stop supporting HerdMASTER Canada in the manner that we have for the past number of years. This decision is based entirely on the ‘dollars and cents’ of the arrangement and our position that we had hoped HerdMASTER would have ‘taken off’ in Canada by now. The original forward movement with HerdMASTER was predicated on a number of federal government expectations regarding traceability and other considerations that have ultimately not come to pass. And the CAA’s membership commitment to utilizing this herd management software has decreased rather than increased. I know our decision has been questioned by some current HerdMASTER users but the annual investment is just not supported from a cost-benefit analysis. It is highly important to proclaim, however, our serious recognition of Wendy Newton’s extraordinary customer service to HerdMASTER users. Wendy’s commitment to supporting the CAA’s HerdMASTER clients has always been rapid, enthusiastic, passionate, comprehensive and the utmost of professionalism. Many thanks, Wendy!
CEO communications through Facebook and other social media When I was offered the responsibility of leading the CAA administration, I immediately decided that bringing our member communications into ‘the new age’ was critical. To this end, I started, on my first day in the CEO office, to use Facebook as a contact point for many of our nation’s Angus breeders, particularly the younger ones. I had Facebook open on my office computer for the whole day, checking back a few times to comment on our member’s status’, or pictures they posted, or to wish them a ‘Happy Birthday’. I was highly motivated to provide this ‘touch point’ of communications with our membership. I have not been on Facebook, however, for the past month because of a complaint leveled at me about the amount of time I was spending on Facebook; that member had noticed I was ‘doing’ Facebook while at the office. Now, Michael Latimer implemented a Facebook policy with staff back in the spring where we do not accept employee’s personal Facebook interaction while ‘on the job’; I respect this decision and stand by it. But my engagement with Facebook is Angus-related and, if you follow what I write, I think you will see that. So please accept me serving notice as of this writing that I WILL be using Facebook while I’m at the office and I’m using it on your behalf and with the objectives of the Association in mind. Although the term may be ‘social media’, all this means to me is that we can use access points like Facebook and Twitter to further inform and engage our membership and trust me… you are only going to see MORE of this, certainly not less! Both Tina and her maternity cover off will formulate a holistic CAA communication strategy that will include our increased utilization of social media so I’m saying be prepared… this involvement is only going to become larger and more profound!
Closing words… The CAA Business Plan has been a priority of mine since I started this summer, and, as one of the most important focuses we are trying to create more and better communications with our membership. Whether it’s through social or traditional media, our Official Publication - Angus World - or Board reports, it is my greatest priority to ‘get the word out’ on whatever it is we’ve got going on, from the best of news (like the new Angus building of which it will be very exciting to be part of the development) to the worst (loss of long-time Angus breeders). We have partners around the world and it’s our pledge to you that we will try and share as much with you as we can so you can choose what you want to know for yourself rather than feeling as if you’re not being informed enough. We might not always get it right (sorry, Bryan… that strategy was just wrong-minded but we learned from it and can assure that approach NEVER happens again…) but we will give it our best effort to create value for your member experience. Every one of the CAA staff are completely committed to creating the opportunity for value and profitability in your cattle business, so please help tell us and the Board how to do that by completing your Canadian Angus Association Board Survey through the month of November. We will process and record every idea and the Board will consider everything; they are completely committed to using your ideas to create their vision and direction for your association! Enjoy the fall! Cheers, Rob Smith Chief Executive Officer
Canadian Angus Association to Build Office Space e Canadian Angus Association Board of Directors has purchased land in East Balzac, Alberta, and will build an office building on it. e Canadian Angus Association office will relocate to the new building upon completion. Construction is expected to be rapid with move-in anticipated in the first half of 2013. e building will be located in the Wagon Wheel Park just east of Cross Iron Mills shopping centre. e site offers ideal accessibility and is conveniently located near the Calgary International Airport. Although built and operated by the Canadian Angus Association, other Canadian breed associations and industry groups have expressed an interest in joining this project. ere is considerable excitement about the possibility of having numerous industry groups located in one building dedicated to the Canadian beef industry. President David Bolduc calls the decision to purchase land and build an office building “one of the most significant decisions in the history of the Angus breed.” He continues, “We have looked at options to own our own building for several years and feel that this is the best investment of our Association’s resources on behalf of our membership. We are very excited about this tremendous opportunity and look forward to relocating with other Canadian beef breed organizations and industry groups.” e Association has been leasing office space in Calgary since 1996. e Board of Directors has been investigating the possibility of purchasing land and building our own building for several years. With increasing leasing costs, low interest rates and good land prices, this is the ideal time to pursue this endeavour. Fall Edition 2011
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Canadian Angus Association - President’s Message to inform those consumers that your Angus are raised in a healthy and humane manner. That sense of wonder as a new calf is born on a crisp morning, that feeling of pleasure and contentment watching cows graze in knee-deep grass, the pride of knowing that set of strong calves playing in the meadow are the best and the brightest you have ever raised are all stories and feelings consumers want to hear and feel. You can’t bring every consumer to your farm or ranch, but you can: spend an hour telling your story to a local service group let your children describe their junior projects and the knowledge they have gained at their schools use Angus tags to identify your Angus product so it is simply not lost in a sea of commodity beef ●
Every day Canadian Angus breeders turn sunlight into a delicious source of protein for Canadian consumers. As an Angus breeder the onus is on you
David Bolduc President, Canadian Angus Association
Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Program Update
Angus tags tell a story. They tell potential buyers that one of its parents is a registered Angus. This Angus tag stands for fertility, calving ease, mothering, feed efficiency, growth and carcass quality. This Angus tag allows cattle of any color to qualify for many Angus specific programs. These Angus programs will generate your highest returns for Angus cattle. It’s a sunny day out there; let’s go raise some Angus.
Where can you buy Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed products? One of the more common questions that we receive in the Canadian Angus Association office is “where can you find Angus beef”? Although this is a simple question, it can often be difficult to answer without first asking a few questions. The most important is location; without knowing where the person is located it is tough to recommend a place for them to purchase beef. Another important question is whether they are looking for a restaurant or a grocery store/butcher. The next question I will ask is whether there are any other qualities that they are looking for such as organic, natural, halal, kosher, or any other characteristics. It is only after all this information has been established that a recommendation can be made. Our first priority is always to promote the licensed programs in our Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed program. We now work with 17 different programs which affords us an incredible luxury of a wide range of options Page 50
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for consumers interested in Angus beef. These programs are located across Canada and offer various characteristics that are based on how the animals are raised and fed, if a ceremonial kill is involved in the processing, or if the cattle are sourced within a geographic region. As a producer of Angus cattle, it is likely that you serve your own beef at home on a daily basis. Although this is generally the case, we have had several inquiries from members of the Association who want to purchase a particular cut of beef to serve on a special occasion or would like to take some friends or customers out for supper. For these occasions they would like to serve Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed beef and would like to know where they can find it. You are always welcome to call the office, but there is a simpler way. You can find a list of all the licensed participants in the Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed program on the website On this site there is a ‘Where to Buy’ page that shows an interactive map which gives the location of restaurants and grocery stores within the selected province. We strive to keep this section as up to date and as accurate as possible although a lot can change quickly in the meat business. The power of Angus branded beef The Canadian Angus Association has made a concerted effort to support Angus branded beef programs without taking an ownership role. As previously discussed, this allows us to work with a multitude of programs with various characteristics which opens up a wider range of markets for Angus beef. The meat business is extremely competitive which results in a high degree of risk and the
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establishment of market share can be difficult and costly. By working with these programs we are able to accomplish our desired goal of increased registrations and transfers within the Association and an increase in the value and number of Angus cattle sold across Canada per year while at the same time mitigating risk. If you compare the growth curve for pounds of Certified Angus Beef sold per year since its inception in 1978 to the growth in the number of registrations of both red and black animals in the Canadian Angus Association in the same time period, the similarities are remarkable. This success has also led to the establishment of new branded Angus beef programs. As these programs compete for Angus cattle to fill consumer demand for their particular brand, the price they will need to pay for cattle will increase. This is good news for producers of Angus cattle, however, there is a limit to what consumers will pay before they turn to alternatives. The Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Tag program is designed to ensure that these Angus branded beef programs are using both red and black Angus genetics and not selecting for Angus based solely on phenotypic attributes. This ensures that Angus producers are realizing the full potential and value for their animals. Michael Latimer, Assistant General Manager
Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Tag Program
There are some exciting new enhancements to the Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Tag Program this fall. The changes and new services are geared towards connecting with the commercial producer. Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Tag sales have increased over last year but not nearly fast enough to meet the increasing demand for Angus-tagged cattle. On September 16, we launched the new Feeder Calf Listing. The Feeder Calf Listing lists upcoming lots of animals on offer through an auction market or internet auction or by private sale. An e-mail is distributed each Friday listing new groups of cattle to anyone interested in purchasing Angus-tagged calves. A complete list of cattle selling will be maintained on the Canadian Angus Association website. Listings are posted online within one business day and included in the next weekly e-mail. To have your calves included, complete the “Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Feeder Calf Listing Information” form, available online or by contacting the office, and return it to me. Please include as much information as possible, however; not including some information will not exclude you from participating. I will be out at industry events over the winter selling tags again this year. We had an overwhelming
response to this initiative last year and have decided to return to our most popular events in 2011–2012. Tags will be available for purchase at Canadian Western Agribition in Regina in November, Manitoba Ag Days in Brandon in January and the Canadian Bull Congress in Camrose in January. There will be a quantity of tags available at each show which can be purchased and taken home the same day. Orders will also be accepted at the shows and your tags will still be shipped out the next business day. Members of the Canadian Angus Association staff are also willing to attend your bull sales to sell tags. This was a very popular initiative in the spring of 2011 and will be continued again in the upcoming year. Staff will only be able to attend if they are invited. For more information or if you are interested in having us on site the day of your sale, please contact me directly at the office. There will only be a limited number of sales that we will be able to attend so please contact us as early as possible. We will be conducting another mailing to our commercial producers in early 2012. The latest Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed news along with a new tag order form will be mailed to Canadian Angus Association members and commercial producers. Commercial producers who have purchased a bull within the last two years will be on the distribution list. Please send in any of your outstanding bull transfers so we can ensure that your customers receive this mailing. We are also looking at starting a Commercial edition of our e-newsletter. This would be distributed quarterly to commercial producers who use Angus genetics and any interested purebred producers. It will give us a chance to highlight services the Association offers which benefit commercial cattle producers as well as reiterate the benefits of using Angus genetics in commercial herd. This is still in its initial planning stages but if you have any ideas or thoughts on this, please let me know.
Certain items in our tag product catalogue will be affected by a price adjustment effective January 1, 2012. The cost of the RFID tag will not change but some of the other products will. The affected products and new prices are: RFID with matching maxi (4”x 3”) dangle tag $103.00 (bag of 25 sets) Custom RFID with matching maxi (4”x 3”) dangle tag $113.00 (bag of 25 sets) Custom RFID with matching large (3” x 2 ¼”) dangle tag $108.00 (bag of 25 sets) Maxi (4”x 3”) dangle tags $30.00 (bag of 25) Custom maxi (4”x 3”) dangle tags $35.00 Spare tagger pins (for red tagger) $4.40 Marking pens $6.50 The custom tags referred to above include the printing of a management number and year letter on the tag. Requests for additional custom printing above that will be priced on a case-by-case basis. As always, if you have questions, comments or concerns about any of these new enhancements or anything related to the Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Tag Program please let me know. Cheryl Hazenberg, Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Tag Program Coordinator
Optional Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed management tags can be custom printed to suit your needs. Contact us for details and pricing.
Tags can be purchased in person year-round at the Canadian Angus Association office. Also, watch for Canadian Angus Association staff at Agribition, Ag Days in Brandon, and at the Camrose Bull Congress and bull sales next spring where tags can also be purchased in person. Limited quantities are available at all locations and events.
e Canadian Angus Association offers free third-party age verification for cattle with an Angus RFID tag. All requests for third-party age verification must be submitted in writing. Send a list of the Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Tag numbers and the corresponding birth dates/start date of calving season by fax, email or mail to the Canadian Angus Association office. An Age Verification Form is included with your tag invoice.
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Breed Development Let’s Take Stock: Breed Trends From the Last Decade It has been shown that using EPDs as a selection tool, along with all the other parameters that you use when selecting breeding animals, increases the efficiency with which you meet your breeding goals. “It has been shown” is such an arbitrary phrase so let’s try “Canadian Angus breed trends from the past decade show the progress that the breed has made in the past decade” instead. This progress is realized because firstly, Canadian Angus breeders believed that even though the initial EPDs for Canadian Angus animals were low, as they participated in the Performance Program and gathered more
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performance data this would eventually allow for more fair and accurate assessments of their genetics. Secondly, Canadian Angus breeders placed selection pressure on certain traits like marbling and yearling weight and made great strides in improving the breed for these traits. For those who say that our animals are not evaluated equally to those in the US, or that EPDs have little value as selection tools, let the numbers speak for themselves. Canadian Angus breeders have maintained low birth weights, and directly correlated high calving ease, while increasing weaning weight, yearling weight, marbling and rib eye area genetics in our breed. Kajal Devani Breed Development
C A N A D I A N A N G U S A S S O C I A T I O N Genomics â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Setting Some Things Straight An information day with Canadian Angus Association field services staff and industry sales managers brought to light some misunderstandings about genomics that I would like to clarify. Marker panels were developed by identifying DNA similarities in a group of animals that were high for a specific trait. These markers are not necessarily the genes that control these traits. These markers are simply DNA sequences that have a high correlation with the observed phenotype. The marker panels describe a percent of variation in specific traits, to some degree. The only way to effectively use these markers is to incorporate the
genetic information into EPDs. The genomic information alone is not of much value. Incorporated into our national cattle evaluations the marker panels will allow us to calculate EPDs more accurately. The EPD itself will not change much; however, it will be more accurate so that selection decisions on young animals can be made with more confidence. Having more accurate EPDs on young animals minimizes the generational time that it takes to realize breed improvement for specific traits. EPDs predict the difference in performance of an animalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s calves. Predicting MORE ACCURATELY which sireâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s calves will perform better for given traits can be very valuable towards genetic improvement. The Canadian dairy industry, because it had an
effective national performance evaluation system already in place, has been able to employ genomic markers to make significant improvements in breeding and yield. Step one is having an effective national cattle evaluation and using EPDs. Only then can the Canadian beef industry effectively use genomics towards breed improvement. If you do not participate in the Canadian Angus Performance Program, maybe it is time to re-evaluate this decision. You can contact Kajal Devani at or 1-888-571-3580 to learn more about the Canadian Angus Performance Program and EPDs or register for an EPD 101 workshop. Kajal Devani Breed Development
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Registry Department Storing Hair Samples We recommend that breeders collect hair samples for future use when handling their animals. Use the recommended collection process as outlined by GenServe, and store the sample in a clean unused envelope, clearly labelled with the animal’s tattoo. Collected samples can be stored in a cardboard box
indefinitely. Do not freeze the samples; keep them dry and away from any moisture. The animal’s age at the time of collection doesn’t matter; it is possible to collect hair from newborn calves for future DNA testing. Sharmayne Byrgesen Registrar - Registry Department
Sometimes a registration cannot be processed because registry staff have questions about the calves. If this happens, the calf will be assigned a ?number (question mark number) and you will receive a Request for Information (RFI) in the mail. The RFI identifies the specific information required to proceed with the registration. You must respond to the RFI in writing. To ensure accuracy, changes cannot be accepted by telephone.
Simply make the corrections or add the necessary information on the RFI and return it to the Canadian Angus Association office by fax or mail. The fee for the registration will be held for 90 days to allow you time to respond. After 90 days the registration fee will be assessed as per the current fee schedule.
Job Opportunity—Interim Member Communications Specialist We are looking for a detail-oriented, experienced communications person to join our team for 14–16 months to cover a maternity leave. You will be expected to work with the incumbent before the maternity leave begins. The successful candidate may begin work as early as November 2011 and can anticipate employment until February 2013. Job Description The Member Communications Specialist is responsible for all Canadian Angus Association communications. This includes, but is not limited to: • Managing all Association websites • Assist with the development and implementation of the Association’s social media policy • Creating and distributing a monthly electronic newsletter • Planning and designing the Association’s national advertising program • Writing and editing articles for newsletters and industry publications • Creating and designing printed material (e.g. brochures) • Ensuring consistent delivery of key messages • Identifying and pursuing new member communication vehicles and opportunities • Promoting the Canadian Angus Association and its programs to members, commercial cattle producers and consumers Required Education and Skills • Knowledge of the agriculture industry and experience in the cattle industry are definite assets • Degree or diploma in communications, journalism, public relations, marketing or equivalent • 3–5 years of related experience with a proven ability to develop clear and compelling communications with impact • Exceptional writing, editing and oral communication skills • Familiar with advertising, magazine and article writing, website writing and management, public and media relations • Detail oriented, able to multi-task, prioritize and juggle multiple projects, and work independently under pressure • Proficient in InDesign and Adobe Creative Suite of programs • Proficient in Microsoft Office suite of programs • Ability to speak and write French are considered an asset but are not required Apply in confidence by <insert date> with cover letter and resume electronically to Please put “Interim Member Communications Specialist” in the subject line of the email. We thank all candidates for their interest, but only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. Candidates selected for an interview will be asked to provide samples of relevant work. Page 54
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Angus Sale Catalogues: Creating, Reading and Following Up Sales season is coming on fast and there is plenty to do. The Canadian Angus Association staff understands that and will do whatever they can to assist you. Here are a few helpful hints to help the stress stay away: Check your registrations well in advance. Animals that are ?pending registration are not eligible for performance data or pedigree extract. Once all your registrations are complete, request a pedigree extract by emailing a list of your animals being sold. There are several information pieces about EPDs, the Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Tag Program, and program logos on the Association website that you can include in your catalogue. Look for information on the breeder: you’ll find ones who have the same philosophies as you do. You’ll
Communicating with your Customers Earlier this year at an industry event, a commercial producer made an observation that struck many in attendance. She said, “Raising cattle is no longer just about the lifestyle. This is a business and we have to act like business people.” In that spirit, I am going to offer some business communications and marketing advice instead of writing about events and awards like I usually do. Like any business, the cattle business is all about relationships. Being nice and having good manners are basic but necessary requirements for any individual who raises cattle and wants to be able to sell them. On their own, however, these qualities are not enough to establish and maintain relationships with customers. They may help you get a single sale, but you cannot survive in the cattle business on one-time sales. Most producers talk to their customers once a year, when the customer comes to their sale. Set yourself apart by keeping in touch with your customers throughout the year. You can start the dialogue by sending a handwritten note or thank you card after
also find their guarantee outlined in the catalogue. If the breeder states that they will be selling under the Canadian Angus Breeder Guarantee Guidelines then have a look at these on the Association website so that you can buy with confidence. Be sure to look for a registration number—a ?pending reference number or a CM number means that the animal is not registered. Most sales catalogues will include three-generation pedigree information, a registration number and tattoo for identification, genetic defect test information (look for an intervening free test result if the animal is from a known line of carriers), and performance information including adjusted weights, rank and EPDs. Be sure to look at the EPD accuracy to assess how much weight to place on any EPD. The lower the accuracy the more that EPD could change. More proven reference sires might also be detailed in the catalogue to provide more background on the Angus being sold.
the sale. Don’t send this with an invoice or a receipt—send it on its own so that it stands out in the mail. After the sale, don’t send the invoice or receipt and forget about your customer. Call them a few times throughout the year. Follow up with your customer about one month after the sale and ask how the new addition(s) are fitting in to the customer’s herd. Call after breeding to ask how everything went. Did your bull impregnate the customer’s females or did your customer have to use a different bull? Did your females get pregnant the first time, or have some remained open? Call after calving to ask if the calves met the customers’ expectations. If he or she was hoping to achieve higher birth weights, did your genetics help them to achieve that goal? Call your customer before your next sale and extend a personal invitation to attend the sale. If things did not go as well as the customer had hoped, you have an opportunity to offer solutions and suggestions. You may be able to offer a solution that will persuade the customer to come back to you next year instead of looking to someone else. Even if you
When surveyed, less than 20% of red Angus breeders in the US said that they followed up with their customers. Keeping a customer costs less than getting a new one. Here are a few tips to help maintain that relationship with a buyer and keep them coming back: visit nearby customers and see how your bulls are doing in their yards. Give them a call or send them an Angus note card (available through the Association). For more information on communicating with customers, see Tina’s article elsewhere in this edition. Kajal Devani Breed Development
can’t fix what went wrong, you will at least have shown that you care and made your customer feel valued. Some of the most successful Angus producers make an effort to visit their customers and spend time with them. Visiting the customers’ operation allows you to see the surroundings, pasture and conditions that their animals face. This insight will allow you to make suggestions that will help your customers choose the right animals for them. You don’t need to call your customers every week, but calling a few times a year will help establish a relationship that will ensure your customers come back to you again and again. Also recognize that some people may not want to talk to you. Don’t take that personally—understand that they may be busy with other activities or simply may not enjoy talking on the phone. In that case, you may want to consider writing them a letter or sending an e-mail. A happy customer who feels valued is a repeat customer. by Tina Zakowsky, Member Communications Specialist
Performance Program Deadline Extended to November 1 We understand that weaning and weighing calves before October 11 is difficult for many breeders. The Canadian Angus Association has worked very hard with the Associations that we cooperate with in genetic evaluations on your behalf to increase efficiencies. We are very pleased to inform you that we are able to extend the deadline for performance data to be included in the next National Cattle Evaluation to Tuesday, November 1, 2011. Our staff will do their best to still have the new EPDs available in early 2012 for sale catalogue and bull buying decisions. Refer to the Breeder Handbook for assistance with completing the 205 day worksheet. If you have any questions about weaning weights, online submission, the Canadian Performance Program or EPDs, please contact Kajal at 1-888-571-3580 ext 227 or by email (
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Staff Profiles Sharmayne Byrgesen My husbandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s job relocated our family from Lethbridge to Calgary, and my job search landed me at the Canadian Angus Association as an Assistant Registrar on January 3, 1996. This is the day the Association took over their own registry in-house. Doug Fee was the General Manager, Penny Young was the Registrar and Mary Westman was the Breed Development Coordinator. There was more than 4 months of backlog when I was hired. It was quite a challenging time and 15 years later I am still learning something new almost every day.
Shirley Anderson A friend of mine works at Canadian Charolais and in 2006 she asked if I would like to help out with their backlog. Having an oil and gas background, I thought this would be something entirely new to experience so I gladly accepted the offer. I helped out for a couple of months to help them get caught up and knew I wanted to pursue this line of work. The General Manager, Neil Gilles, told me the Canadian Angus Association had a full-time position available so I immediately sent in my resume. I started with the Canadian Angus Association on July 10, 2006.
Ciara Buchanan I moved to Alberta almost four years ago from BC to pursue my passion of agriculture through Olds College. At the College I took Agriculture Production where we focused very much on grains and livestock. Upon completion of the program I continued on to complete my Bachelor of Applied Science in Agribusiness through the applied degree program offered in Olds. I was fortunate enough to be offered the opportunity to complete my practicum and commence my career with the Canadian Angus Association in May.
to the
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My favourite aspect of working at the Canadian Angus Association is hands down working with the membership and assisting with their registry records. I have always found our breeders to be very friendly, patient and appreciative of the services we provide. Another aspect has been the favourable working environment created by Doug Fee. Dougâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s retirement took effect July 1, 2011 and so I look forward to growing forward with the new CEO Rob Smith and adapting to the new leadership style that he brings to the Association. We have the good fortune of having a committed Registry team that welcomes the opportunity to provide great service to the members of the Canadian Angus Association.
The resources available to us to assist our members with the services we provide make for a very favourable working environment. The appreciation and friendliness shown by our members, leaders and staff make for a very enjoyable workplace. I look forward to continuing on with this journey with dedication and pride for the Canadian Angus Association.
I very much enjoy the dynamic aspect of the Angus Association that comes with helping breeders from all across the country. I have learnt so much about the purebred cattle industry in my short time here so far and look forward to continuing my learning in the years to come.
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Semen - Supplies - Nitrogen
ALBERTA BREEDERS SERviCE Neil Hazel Box 5, Site 4, R.R. #1, olds, Alta t4H 1P3
Phone (403)507-8771 Fax (403)507-8772
Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd. Davis-Rairdan International C A R D
P.O. Box 590 Crossfield, Alberta Canada T0M 0S0 Phone (403)946-4551 Fax (403)946-5093 Website email
SERvICES OFFERED ● On-farm freezing & collection
● Licensed facility for embryos exports
● Donor care facility
● Genetic Marketing & Selection
● Recipient herd
● International Embryo Sales
RYAN DORRAN 403.507.6483 P.O. Box 2635, Didsbury, Alberta T0M 0W0 Auctioneer, Ring Service & Marketing
Progressive Performance... optimum Maternalism! CANADIAN RED ANGuS PROMOTION SOCIETY 6015 Park Place, Taber, AB T1G 1E9 403/223-8009
Carey Auction Services Brent W. Carey
(403)549-2478 - Cellular (403)650-9028 Box 27, Stavely, AB t0L 1Z0
"Specializing in Seedstock Sales & Promotion"
Steve Dorran Auctioneer Box 3263, Airdrie, Alberta, T4B 2B5 (403)226-2985
Gloria Fantin - independently offering - Advertising Services for Beef Producers - Advertising & Publication Consulting - Advertising Sales Representation - Writing Services & Distribution
Don Raffan AuCtionEER
GA Fantin Services / 403.289.3836
Bus (250)546-9420 / Cellular (250)558-6789 Comp. 19, Larkin Site, RR 3, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0
All West/Select Sires
Phone: (705)445-4317 Cell: (705)607-4317 E-mail:
Ericson Livestock Services
(780) 352-7630 Dennis & Shelly Ericson R.R.# 2, Wetaskiwin, Alberta T9A 1W9
Fall Edition 2011
For All Your Angus Genetics
Serving BC, AB & SK
Angus World
Page 57
Sealin Creek Ranch Registered Angus
Dan & Janette Speller
Jay & Lenore Davis Box 184, Acme, Alberta t0M 0A0 (403) 546-2299
Box 59, Monte Lake, BC v0E 2N0 (250)375-2268
Mark Stock Ring Service & Livestock Service
ring w Sp s Ran illo
MARILYN BRAITWAITE Box 8265, Saskatoon, SK S7K 6C5 A.H.T. Ph (306)931-2904 ● Fax (306)242-1563 Certified Bovine E.T. Practitioner
Darrel & Wendy Ashbacher & Family P.O. Box 99, Halkirk, Alberta T0C 1M0
Ph: (403)884-2181 Fax: (403)884-2381
Owners: Peter & Francesca Cox
Wayne & Jill Hughes & family 302 Rawlings Lake Road, Lumby, B.C. V0E 2G1 Phone: (250)547-6584 ~ Fax: (250)547-6583
Box 128, Hazelet, SK S0n 1E0 (306) 678-4811 ✺ Cellular (403) 357-8104
Managed by: Christy Elliot Tel: (250)446-2269 Fax: (250)764-0537
Re us gister ed Black Ang
22km Christian valley Westbridge, British Columbia
S E C T I O N Lance Savage - President 4664 Sleepy Hollow Raod, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B4 Ph/Fax:250/546-2813 Jack Brown - Fieldman 604/888-0862
Aberlynn Angus Marie Bradshaw Gordon Bradshaw 5343-39st Close R.R. #3, Site 3, Box 6 Innisfail, AB T4G 1G1 Innisfail, AB T4G 1T8 (403)227-5431 (403)227-0354 “Quality you can see. Breeding you can trust.”
Bar Double M Angus Mark & Rachel Merrill & Family
Angus Farm “Quality Red & Black Angus Cattle” The Muenchraths Bernard & Alice (403)533-3926 P.O. Box 129 Russ & Shauna (403)533-3937 Rockyford, AB Kelly & Nora (403)533-3810 T0J 2R0
Mile 11 on #2 Highway South of Dawson Creek
PuREBRED BLACK ANGuS P.O. Box 132, Steve Aylward (250)786-5031 Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4G3 Dale Aylward (250)786-5478
AllEnCRofT AnGuS
“A family operation dedicated to the perfection of the Angus breed.”
Doug, Joyce, Judy, Cindy and Tracy Allen P.o. Box 4081, taber, AB t1G 2C6 Phone/Fax: (403)223-8008
est. 1966
Bill & Hjordis Armitage Dwight & JoAnne Mackay Blake & MaryLee Prior
Page 58
Angus World
Fall Edition 2011
Box 70,Kinsella, Alberta T0B 2N0 (780)336-2445
Box 132, Hill Springs, Alberta T0K 1E0
(403) 626-3369
Diamond Willow Ranch Registered Black Angus
Ted & Marci McPeak
“Quality Angus Seedstock”
Doug-Bev-John Robertson
RR #1, Stn. Mn., Airdrie, AB T4B 2A3
Box 12, Site 3, R.R. #1 Airdrie, AB T4B 2A3 (403)948-5941 /Fax (403)946-5093
From Airdrie Overpass on SH 567, 10km W., 5km N., on SH 772
Count Ridge Stock Farm
(780) 674-4410
Dwayne & Joanne Emery
REGISTERED ANGUS P.O. Box 31, Camp Creek, Alberta T0G 0L0
(403)641-2205 P.O. BOX 576, BASSANO, ALBERTA T0J 0B0
Wayne and Peggy Robinson Box 36 Mossleigh, Alberta t0L 1P0 Phone (403) 934-4083
Horned Hereford
Murray and Gloria Fraser 403-787-2341
Box 32, Hussar, Alberta ToJ 1So
Cam and Kim Fraser 403-787-2165
Fleming Stock Farms Box 1, Granum, Alberta T0L 1A0 Ph: 403/687-2288 Fax: 403/687-2088
Flint & Flint (780)855-2181
New Norway, AB
Duncan, Cecilie, Cooper & Ricki Fleming “Quality goes in before the name goes on”
Pioneer Red Angus Breeder
Bryan & Sherry Mackenzie P.O. Box 122, Pincher Creek, Alberta T0K 1W0 Phone: (403)627-5676 / Fax:(403)627-4653 /
ANGuS FARM R.R.# 3, Barrhead, AB T7N 1N4 Erika Geis (780)674-5795 Brian, Kim Jenna & Robert Geis (780)674-4225
Visitors 12 miles west of Olds Always on Hwy #27, 1/2 mile south on Welcome Range Rd 3.04 email:
Add our diamonds to Your Herd!
" our Greatest Asset - Quality Angus"
Robert & Gail Hamilton Box 11, Site 15, R.R.# 2, Cochrane, Alberta t4C 1A2 (403) 932-5980
Fall Edition 2011
Angus World
Page 59
Hazel Bluff Red Angus Erich, Mechthild & Martin Clausen
(780)349-2768 (780)349-2960 fax email: P.O. Box 5728, Westlock, AB T7P 2P6
Quality Service Selection
Harry & Gaylene Irving
(403)938-7754 R.R. #2, Okotoks, Alberta T0L 1T0
William & Wanda Farrell
Willard Leeuwenburgh Home: 403-381-3191 Cell: 403-382-1990 Fax: 403-381-9093
Jack Leeuwenburgh Home: 403-327-9618 Cell: 403-330-6123 Fax: 403-327-9629
Box 25, Lethbridge, AB T1J 3Y3
lindsay & donna Penosky & family
P.O. Box 37, Botha, AB T0C 0N0 Phone: (403)742-4337 ● Fax: (403)742-4341
R.R. #1, Westerose, AB T0C 2V0 (780)586-2603
“Angus - The Power Breed”
lee & laura Brown
V Wayne Branden & Jane Morrow
Phone: (780)674-2335 ~ Cell: (780)305-4813 ~ Fax: (780)674-4398 P.O. Box 11, Camp Creek, AB T0G 0L0 -
Box 217, Erskine, AB T0C 1G0 Ph: (403) 742-4226 Fax (403) 742-2962
Nagib- Krameddine
Registered Angus
KBJ Round Farms P.O. Box 238, Clyde, Alberta T0G 0P0
Jim Round (780)348-5638
P.O. Box 2044, Fairview, Alberta T0H 1L0 (780)835-3530
(403)728-3285 R.R. #1, Markerville, Alberta T0M 1M0
- Breeders of Quality Performance Tested Angus -
Richard & Joyce Lorenz
Barry Round
Dave & Jean Prichard 780-385-2226
Dan & Shelley Prichard Ph/Fax: 780-385-2298
Breeding 150 Functional Black Angus Females Since 1945
Killam, Alberta
“Visitor’s Welcome”
Doug Noad 403-660-8371
Danny & Conna Warrilow Bill & Barbara Warrilow Ph/Fax: (780) 593-2205 (780) 593-2208 P.O. BOx 39, MiNBuRN, ALBERTA T0B 3B0
Trent & Kelli Abraham Ron & Laurie Hunter & family
P.O. Box 22, Linden, Alberta T0M 1J0
“Quality Registered & Commercial Stock”
Phone: 403/546-2010 Fax: 403/252-0041 Cell:403/803-8035 //
RR 2 Didsbury, AB T0M 0W0
Page 60
Angus World
Fall Edition 2011
Duane Parsonage
R.R. #3, Site 18, Box 17, Innisfail, AB T4G 1T8
19th Annual Bull & Female Sale March 14/09
Roy & Cindy Bjorklund R.R. #3, Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 1X1 H (780)352-0813 W (780)585-2003
RM Cattle Co.
Murray King 780/846-2691
Richard King Ph/Fax:780/846-2476
R.R. #2 Red & Kitscoty, AB T0B 2P0 403/309-0905 Black Angus
Breeding stock always available by private treaty
Box 610, Delburne, Alberta T0M 0V0 (403)749-2953 email:
Rick & Deb Cones
Walter & Lyla (403) 227-2071 Chris & Stacy (403) 227-5567
BLACK ANGuS Box 31, Millarville, Alberta T0L 1K0 Ph: (403)931-3276 Fax: (403)931-3295 email:
The Koenning’s
Ken & Sharon Chitwood
Box 8, Site 7, R.R. #4, Innisfail, AB T4G 1T9
Ph:(403)948-3094 Fax: (403)948-6329 R.R. #2, Airdrie, AB t4B 2A4
Premium Quality Since 1972
Glen, Dale, Wayne & Terry Elliott
Bud, Barb & John McBride Box 51, Benalto, Alberta T0M 0H0 Phone: (403)746-2555 / Phone/Fax: (403)746-2630
Ph/Fax: (403)832-3774 l Ph: (403)832-3112 P.O. Box 113 Seven Persons, AB T0K 1Z0
Elllamae & Mike Box 247, Warner, Alberta T0K 2L0 Ph/Fax: (403)642-2055 email:
Shawn & Cathy
Box 115, Warner, Alberta T0K 2L0 (403)642-2041
Registered & Commercial Red Angus
A Place Where Performance, Style and Meat Come Together
Ben & Carol Tams
Box 127, Sangudo, Alberta, Canada T0E 2A0
(780) 785-3205
FAX (780) 785-2453
P.o. Box 4205, taber, Alberta t1G 2C7 Phone/Fax: (403)223-4118
The Wildman’s
P.o. Box 444, Sangudo, Alberta t0E 2A0 Fax 785-3403
Angus Ranch "The Home of Angus Beef Cattle" Gary Slezina Box 1052, Coaldale, AB t1M 1M9 (403)345-3835 Fax (403)345-3836
SPRuCE ViEw AnGuS RAnCH Wayne Grant P.O. Box 174, Killam, Alberta (780)385-2216
Dave & Gail (780) 785-2091 Kirk (780) 785-3772
Park F w a o ill Purebred Black Angus since 1920
Jim & Betty Richardson (403)224-3286
Box 32, Bowden, AB T0M 0K0
Lassiter Brothers
X Angus
Box 763, Bassano, Alberta T0J 0B0 Ph: 403/641-4467 ~ Fax:403/6412355 Spring Bull Sale ● Female (Private Treaty) ● Embryos using A.i. program & Embryo transfer to raise well balanced cattle.
Valleymere TTT Black Angus Ranch
Travis & Halley Spady & Sons 780.879.2298 Alliance, Alberta, T0B 0A0
Allan & Sherry Aitken & Sons Box 53, Eyebrow, Saskatchewan S0H 1L0 (306)759-2701
‘Black Angus - a Spady tradition for over 70 years”
Stauffer Ranches v
Stacey & Michel Stauffer
Ring 403.627.2511 Fax 403.627.2650 Box 2377, Pincher Creek, Alberta T0K 1W0
B At’S
(306) 567-4702
Fall Edition 2011
o CR ED t
Doug & Lynn Mcivor Box 688, Davidson, SK S0G 1A0
Angus World
Page 61
RANCHING LTD. David Flundra
Purebred Red Angus Bulls, Females & Commercial Cattle
P.O. Box 1453, Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7N4
16 km east of Walsh, Alberta
Tel: (306)662-2449 Fax: (306)662-2556
Cell: (403)502-4776
Wes & Kim Olynyk (306)876-4420 Irene Olynyk (306)876-4400 Annual Bull Sale first Saturday in April Box 192, Goodeve, SK S0A 1C0
H o w e R e d A ng u s Doug Howe (306)693-2163
Mike or Dale Howe (306)693-2127
183-325-4th SW, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan S6H 5v2 Fax (306)692-0081 //
5 miles east of Alsask and 2 miles north on Merid Grid
Kim Robertson Box 159, Alsask, SK S0L 0A0 Res: 306/968-2637 / Cell: 306/463-8405
Roger Hardy Registered Red Angus Commercial Angus
Box 455, Midale, Saskatchewan S0C 1S0 Ph: (306)458-2359 - Cell: (306)458-7521 email:
Double AA Angus
Ranches inc. Don’t Roll - JustRock
Bill Dillabaugh P.o. Box 91, Coleville, SK S0L 0K0 (306) 965-2554 Annual Rancher’s Choice spring Bull sale
Jon & Shelly Fox P.o. Box 320 Lloydminster, SK S9V 0Y2
Phone: 306-825-9702 Fax: 306-825-9782 Res: 306-825-9624 Email:
S South Shadow Angus & Paints S A P Registered Bulls - Commercial Females - Ranch Horses
Don & Connie Delorme & Family Box 28, Robsart, Saskatchewan S0n 2G0 (306)299-4494 ~ Classic Black Cattle For The Practical Rancher Quality Paint Horses For versatility
“Raising Quality Cattle To work for You”
Keith, Linda & Stacey Kaufmann 306/454-2730
Shane, Alexis, Keaton, Kamrie, Kohen Registered & Korbyn Kaufmann 306/454-2688 Red & Black Angus P.O. Box 130, Ceylon, SK S0C 0T0 ● Fax: (306)454-2643 ●
SPlEndoRViEw AnGuS fARM John Gottfried & Family Jim & Peggy Grant P.O. Box 220, Edam, SK S0M 0v0 (306)397-2541
P.O. Box 183, Luseland, SK S0L 2A0
(306) 834-2844
Luseland - .5 mile W, 12 Miles S & .25 mile W. Kerrobert - 12 miles W, Hwy# 51, .5 mile N, .25 mile W
Box 718 Maidstone, SK S0M 1M0
Les & Ethel Smith & family (306)893-4094
WRed il-Sel Angus
Est: 1980
Flying K Ranch
Doreen 306/263-4407 306/263-4923 Fax Corbin, Lynette, Cole & Conner 306/263-4407 The Selody’s ~ Flintoft, SK S0H 1R0
Registered Red Angus Since 1972
Brian & Christine Hanel
Donna Hanel
Box 1902, Swift Current, SK S9H 4M6 (306)773-6313 email:
R.R. #1, Wymark, SK S0n 2Y0 Ph/Fax: (306)773-6984
10 miles south of swift Current on hwy #4 & 8 miles west
Page 62
Angus World
Fall Edition 2011
Windy Willows Farms
Collin A Sauder Michelle Potapinski Box 55, Hodgeville, SK S0H 2B0 Phone/Fax: 306/677-2507
Purebred Black Angus Bulls & Females for Sale. Dealers for Merritt Aluminum trailers Call today!!
Roy & vicki Forsyth
Eddystone, Manitoba R0L 0S0 (204)448-2245
ANGuS Ian Gross
Registered Red & BlackAngus
P.O. Box 29, Rush Lake, Saskatchewan S0H 3S0 ● (306)773-6873
Fax: (204)448-2126
Z RED ANGU A R Phil Birnie S W
Allen & Merilyn Staheli Eddystone, Manitoba R0L 0S0
Greenbush Angus
Box 461, Wawota, SK S0G 5A0
Ph: 306/739-2988 ~ Fax: 306/739-2137 ~ Cell: 306/577-7440 email: Red Angus Bulls & Females For sale ~ Commercial Heifers Herdsman: Gordon Murray 306/739-2177 - cell: 306/646-7980
R.R. #1, Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0
Barrie & Bernice Baker (204)966-3822
#636077, holland-Euphrasia Townline, RR 3, markdale, On n0C 1h0
Tim & Wendy Baker (204)966-3320
Office Phone: (519)986-1330 Fax: (519)986-4736
Barry & Marj Young & Family
Website: / E-mail: “OuR STREnGTh IS CREATEd By OuR CuSTOmERS SuCCESS”
Box 28, Carievale, SK S0C 0P0 (306) 928-4810
DunforD royal Cattle Company Stan & Eva Dunford R.R. #5 726040 Township Rd 3 Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7v9 Casey Fanta - Farm Manager - 519/467-5757 Office: 519/467-5700 ~ email:
R Ou
“T Black & Red Angus
Bruce, ione Austen & Breanna Anderson
Don & Jeannette Currie
204.734.2073 - 204.734.0730 Comp 2 R.R.# 2, Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0 -
BROOKMORE ANGuS Quality Angus Cattle
visitors Always Welcome
Jack & Barb Hart General Delivery, Brookdale, Manitoba R0K 0G0 (204) 476-2607
R.R. #1, Nottawa, Ontario L0M 1P0 Ph/Fax: (705)445-1526
S tewart C attle C o.
Brent, Dale & Kelsey Box 908 Russell, MB R0J 1W0
H: 204.773.2356 F: 204.773.3579 C: 204.773.6392
Nberry Cree A k ANgUS Cr David & Jeanette neufeld 204/534-2380
Box 171, Boissevain Manitoba R0K 0E0
Fall Edition 2011
Angus World
Page 63
Luc Noiseux et Chantal Boisvert
Service Animal Noiseux Rob & Sandy Foubert
20, rang Elmire “route 235” St-Paul d’Abbotsford, Qc J0E 1A0 Tel: (450)379-9989
613/258-1062 4373 Rideau River Road, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
1212 Safari Rd, RR #1 Millgrove (Flamborough) Ontario L0R 1V0
Home: 905-659-4071 Fax: 905-659-4316 Email:
12201 toRBRAM RD, CALEDon. ontARio L7C 2t4 * (905)843-1236
“Quality Genetics and a Commitment to Service”
Jeff Whitely
Autoroute #10, sortie #55, 3 km sur la #235 Nord.
BiLL & SYLviA JACKSON Les Fermes
Rideau Angus (613)258-2762 Farm R.R. #4, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
Rolling Acres
Angus & Hereford
C260 Heath Road, Shawville, Quebec J0x 2Y0
Doug & Carolyn Milne-Smith
D & C Cattle Co
Stephen & Paula
Laird & Mary
Fax: (819)647-3541 //
Ad Index Atlasta Angus .................................................................. 17 Bandura Ranches ........................................................... 3 Belvin Angus ................................................................ OBC Bouchard Livestock International ............................... 39 Brylor Ranch ................................................................. IFC Brookmore Angus ........................................................ 16 Calgary Bull Sale ............................................................ 29 Chico Ranches ............................................................. 34
Cooke Livestock ............................................................. 37 Cudlobe Angus .............................................................. 1 D.J. Henderson & Associates ....................................... 37 Farmfair ......................................................................... 38 Glen Islay Angus ............................................................ 5 Hamilton Farms .......................................................... 15 Lookout Stock Farm ..................................................... 35 Manitoba Angus Association ....................................... 22
Merit Cattl Co ................................................................ 27 Ole Farms ...................................................................... 23 Peak Dot Ranch .............................................................. 6 Peake Ranching ............................................................... 37 Prairielane Farms ........................................................... 19 Triara Superior Genetics ................................................ 10 Willabar Ranch Ltd. ..................................................... 41 WRAZ Red Angus ....................................................... 11
Events Calendar October 29 LLB Autumn Opportunity Female Sale, Erskine, AB October 29 ‘Cowgirls’ Fall Female Sale, Calgary AB November 5 Royal Elite All-Breed Sale, Toronto, ON November 5 Manitoba’s ‘National’ Angus Show, Brandon, MB November 5 - 13 Farmfair, Edmonton, AB November 9 "Lookout Stock Farm Bred Female Dispersal, Olds, AB November 11 "The Headliner" All Breed Show & Sale, Edmonton, AB November 25 Power & Perfection Angus Sale, Regina, SK December 1 Peak Dot Angus Bull & Female Sale, Wood Mountain, SK December 1 Lewis Farms Production Sale, Spruce Grove, AB December 3 Keystone Klassic Sale, Brandon, MB Page 64
Angus World
December 5 Canadian National Angus Show, Brandon, MB December 7 Peak Dot Proven Producers Cow Sale, Swift Current, SK December 7 12th Annual Cudlobe Bull Sale, Stavely, AB December 9 National Finals Angus Sale, Las Vegas, NV December 9 Touch of Class Angus Sale, Saskatoon, SK December 10 Atlasta Bull Sale & Seriously Black Female Sale, Sylvan Lake, AB December 10 Merit Cattle Co Female Sale, Saskatoon, SK December 13 Canadian Legacy Sale, Olds, AB December 20 Willabar Angus Complete Herd Dispersal, High River, AB
Fall Edition 2011
~ ~ ~ 2012 ~ ~ ~ February 20 Ole Farms Annual Bull & Female Sale, Athabasca, AB February 29 - March 1 Calgary Bull Sale, Calgary, AB March 17 Signature Series Bull Sale, Brooks, AB March 26 Saskalta ‘Rancher’s Choice Bull Sale, Medicine Hat, AB April 2 Hamilton Farms Bull Sale, Cochrane, AB April 11 Ranchlands Bull Sale, Fort Macleod, AB April 14 Prairielane Farms Bull & Female Sale, Souris, MB