Towaw Cattle Co. 33rd Annual Bull Sale 2012

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Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale

Sale information

33rd Annual Bull Sale

Sat. April 7, 2012 1:00 P.M. Page 1

Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale

Towaw Cattle Co. Ltd.

e! Welcome to the 2012 Towaw & Guests Annual BullinSal quite a few years I can

r. For the first time Well, the last few years have been tough ones for the Canadian Cattle Breede us. By nature, we as cattle breeders are stand in front of you and know that the storm is over and good times are uponed Breeder try to put a positive spin on optimists, and there is nothing like a bull sale welcome speech to have a Purebr plentiful and bumper crops were produced. things. This year, though, the rains came, dugouts filled up, grass and hay were year with good nutrition and a constricted Record prices were set for calves and I think the calves as a group were better thisas good a set of calves as we have ever seen. cow herd. As we branded calves with our customers and neighbours we saw and now are getting great rewards. Those of you that have hung in there have been rewarded with strong cow herds prices, government policy or the whims There is very little we can control in this business when it comes to weather, cattle costs we put into producing a pound of the and of a fickle consumer. What we can control is the way we run our operations ical way possible. econom beef. Our operation is based on producing that pound of beef in the most of inputs or lot a take Our genetics are based on sound, easy fleshing cattle that last and don’t whatever out ride can require expensive labour. We feel that if you can control the costs, you r, than toughe or this business can throw at you. That is why we run our cowherd as tough, line. our customers and provide genetics that will positively impact the bottom They are We feel this year’s bulls are as strong a set of bulls as we have ever put together. and fed ber Decem in weaned very sound and uniform in their makeup. These bulls were until grass on stay bulls The a high roughage ration until being put on grass in mid May. time. sale until ration mixed mid November and then are brought home and fed a total feel this The bulls are wintered in large 3 acre pens allowing for plenty of exercise. Weafter their ize recogn will you method of development makes for sound, athletic bulls that job as soon first breeding season. They should handle more cows and be able to do the get many don’t ly certain we as they get into the pasture. Because of their development to provide bulls back with breeding problems, but if there are problems, we keep extra bulls lly and call natura g breedin them backup. The bulls all pass a semen test but please observe us first if there are any problems. strong group Dave & Gail Wildman Again this year, Dave and Rhonda of Rainbow Red Angus, will be selling their guarantee same the with sell they and bulls of set of bulls in the sale with us. They have a great again this auction dutch for d donate heifer as the Towaw bulls. There will be a commercial will be There . Centre r Cance unity Comm ad year with the proceeds going to the Barrhe elmed overwh were We iser. fundra this about more information further on in the catalog Black Baldy by your support last year as over $7000 was raised to support the Red and dollars has nd thousa thirty nearly ers, fundraiser. Thanks to you, our friends and custom been raised for charitable causes with this format. internet As technological advances come along we must take part, so we are moving to anbroadcast auction this year with . The bulls will be videoed and the sale will beassisted by over the internet. Robert Lind will be auctioning in the traditional format see on the ringmen. The bulls will stay in their pens sale day and the same video you to the sale internet will be played on a screen inside the sale barn. If you can’t make it one of our our same sight unseen program is available with assistance provided by us or info on how representatives. The option to bid live will be available over the internet and to get set up will be found further on in the catalog. can stay for Lunch will be served at 12:00 and we hope our customers, repeat and new, Kirk & Jill Wildman a meal, refreshments and conversation after the sale. Thomas, Reese & Ryder

The Wildman Family

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Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale

Sale information

33rd Annual Bull Sale


Robert Lind ����������������������������������������������������(780) 542-0123 RINGMEN Bryon Wolters �������������������������������������������������(780) 581-7711 Travis Rogers ���������������������������������������������������(780)307-3144

Buyer Representatives

Dave Lathwell �������������������������������������������������(780) 674-6439

Offering 61 Select Bulls

Darrin Kastelic ����������������������������������������������(780) 785-3260 �������������������������������������������������������������������Cell (780) 305-1090

• 11 Yearlings • 48 Summer Long Yearlings • 2 Two Year Olds

Craig Nickel ����������������������������������������������������(780) 727-4619

Sale Day Phone

Saturday, April 7, 2012 1:00 p.m. sharp

Barn ���������������������������������������������������� (780) 785-3443 Kirk �������������������������������������������������������������������(780) 305-1661 Dave Bablitz ����������������������������������������������������(780) 785-9115

Lunch will be served at 12:00 p.m.

Jill ��������������������������������������������������������������������� (780) 305-1146


3 miles



4 miles



Sale Site

Recommended Accomodations


Entwistle: Journeyman Inn ������������������������������727-4000 Pembina River Lodge ��������������������772-4400

Air service to Edmonton International or Municipal Airports from anywhere in Canada. Also service from U.S.A. We will arrange to meet you if we are notified in advance.


Mayerthorpe: Haven Inns ���������������������������������������786-2231 Where Paths Cross ��������������������������786-4972


Hwy 16

4 miles South of Sangudo on S.H. #757, 3 miles West on Twp. Rd. 562, 1/2 mile South

The Wildmans

Sangudo: Ohler’s Acres Bed & Breakfast �����785-3700 Lakeview Ranch Bed and Breakfast 785-3270 Riverside Motel ��������������������������������785-3738

Dave & Gail Kirk & Jill (780)785-2091 (780)785-3772 Barn 785-3443 (780)305-1661 Box 444 Sangudo AB T0E 2A0

Airstrip: Mayerthorpe has a 3000 foot paved runway with lighting.


CFI Insurance - Heather Barr (780) 853-7067

Guest Consignor: Rainbow Red Angus Dave & Rhonda Bablitz (780)785-2813 (780)785-9115 RR1 Cherhill AB T0E 0J0 Created by

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Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale

Sale information

Towaw Bull Warranty

Towaw Cattle Co. and Rainbow Red Angus guarantee to sell you a bull that is structurally sound, and a bull that has passed a semen test conducted by a licensed veterinarian.

In short, we guarantee to provide you with a sound breeding bull. If he hasn’t passed a semen test, he doesn’t sell.

Should any animal fail to be a satisfactory breeder, he will be replaced with a bull of equal value. Should this not be possible, an adjustment will be made to reflect the bull in questions, as a credit towards the purchase of another bull. In no case shall credit exceed the purchase price of the bull. We however, will not provide replacement or adjustment for physical injury or mismanagement. Breaking this in mind, we stress the importance of insurance on your bulls. Should you have a problem with your bull, please call us right away, and we will work with you to make sure you are satisfied with your bull.

Glossary of Individual Information

Retained Interests

BW: Actual weight at birth WW: Weaning weight in lbs. Adjusted to 205 days. WI: Weaning Index - Weaning weight as a % of average WW of contemporaries. YW: Yearling weight in lbs. - calculated as adjusted 205 day weight + (ADG on feed x 165 days) YI: Yearling Index - Weight gain from Weaning to Yearling as a % of average gain of contemperaries. AOD: The actual age of the dam when she calved the bull offered for sale. LMY: Lean Meat Yield NOTE: All Indexes are calculated within herds, as management may differ somewhat.

Delivery & Board

We are selling some bulls in this sale as 2/3 interest and full possession. The 2/3 interest part means that the seller wishes to retain a 1/3 interest in the bull entitling him to use the bull through artificial insemination and sharing in any future drawing expenses and revenue of semen on a 1/3 basis. Full possession entitles the new owner to all physical rights to the bull. As in any other information, announcements from the block take precedence over any written information in the catalog. A rebate of $50.00 per bull will be offered to buyers who bring their trailer and truck their bulls home themselves within one week of sale day. We Will deliver bulls free of charge within Western Canada or closest U.S. port of entry. Bulls will be kept at Towaw, free of charge, until April 20, 2011. If bulls are left longer a fee of $2.00 per day will be charged. Bulls are left entirely at the risk of the purchaser and we recommend that insurance be taken.

Weights and Scrotal Measurements will be available Sale Day.


Expected Progeny Differences

EPD’s are a powerful tool that is available for making genetic progress. EPD’s incorporate the performance of the individual, along with the performance of all its relatives. B.W. EPD: W.W. EPD: Y.W. EPD: MILK EPD:

Birth. A lower EPD predicts lower birthweights. Weaning. High weaning EPD’s predict higher weaning weights. Yearling. Higher yearling EPD’s indicate greater expected yearling weights. Milk EPD should be used to predict the milking ability of the daughters of the bulls in question. Higher milk EPD’s project more milk.

Average EPDs for all Canadian Red Angus and Black Red Gene Carriers CE +3.4

BW 0.5 WW 26 YW 50

Milk 14

Volume Discounts

TM 28

If you buy 5 - 9 bulls you will receive a 5% discount on each bull. If you buy 10 or more bulls you will receive a 7.5% discount of each bull.

Update on Parentage of Red Towaw Indeed 104H Towaw Cattle Co. and Six Mile Ranch would like to notify all concerned that Sire Parentage on Red Towaw Indeed 104H (WDV 104H) 942651 has recently been corrected. Indeed is sired by Red CC Expansion 5E (CCF 5E) 836778, and this is now reflected in the Canadian Angus Association herdbook. Red CC Expansion 5E was submitted as 104H’s sire, however blood type parentage verification testing utilized at the time confirmed Indeed 104H was sired by Red Glacier Divide 310. That was how he was then registered. Since then DNA technology has advanced greatly and we now use micro satellite technology. Indeed embryos were exported to a foreign country that required a two generation parentage test on incoming animals into their herdbook. A DNA genotype was created using micro satellite technology and his parentage was re-verified through this process, confirming the originally submitted sire parentage of Expansion 5E. Towaw Cattle Co. Ltd. and Six Mile Ranch, co owners of the bull, were notified of this situation on February 17th and a straw of semen was submitted to our Canadian lab to back up this finding. On February 28th the owners were informed that micro satellite parentage verification using 19 markers has verified that Red CC Expansion 5E (CCF 5E) 836778 is absolutely the sire of Red Towaw Indeed 104H (WDV 104H) 942651. The correction to Indeed’s pedigree was processed by the Canadian Angus association on February 29th, 2012. Other Angus Associations globally have been notified of this correction. Due to the number of multi generational progeny, we anticipate minimal change in Indeed 104H’s high accuracy EPDs. Please do not hesitate to contact the Wildman and Gibson Families of Towaw Cattle Co. amd Six Mile Ranch or the Canadian Angus Association with any questions you may have.

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Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale

Sale information

Auction Format

This year we will be working with Mark Shologan and broadcasting our sale over the Internet on The bulls will be videotaped prior to the sale and on sale day we will have large TV screens set up with the bulls video running while they sell. Two weeks before the sale, videos of every bull will be available at our website or at With this change we will be going with a traditional auction system with Robert Lind auctioneering for us. He will be ably assisted by Bryon Wolters, who has worked with us for many years, and happens to be the breeder of Red CC Expansion 5E. Travis Rogers, from NBI, will also acting as a ringman at the sale. Please don’t hesitate to contact Robert, Auctioneer Bryon, Travis, as well as our buyer reps Robert Lind to represent you at the sale. If you intend to bid online make sure you sign up with DLMS and contact Mark to get your buyer approval for our sale. As always we have our sight unseen program going and are ready and willing to help you with your needs. Hopefully all the bases are covered whether you can make it to the sale, want to bid online, or use the sight unseen program.

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Sight Unseen Purchase Plan If you would like to purchase a bull, but cannot attend the sale, contact us: Kirk.................... (780) 785-3772 Fax.................... (780) 785-3403 Dave B.............. (780) 785-2813 email: Call or Fax us prior to the sale and let us know your specifications and your price range. We will select animals which would fit your program and arrange for an independent buyer to attempt to purchase one for the agreed upon price. We will call you after the sale, and inform you of the results. All Sight Unseen Sales are made with a satisfaction guarantee.

Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale

RF HF Tiger 5T

Towaw RefereNce Sires




01 January 2007

Act. Index EPD CE 10.0 BW 76 0.4 Adj.WW 796 117 67 Adj. YW 1338 101 124 Milk 24 58 HF Tiger 5T first grabbed our attention when Kirk saw him in July of 2008 TM Advantage amf caf nhf Sandy Bar Advantage 43M TC Sandy Bar Jemima 44K HF Kodiak 5R amf caf nhf maf Vermillion Yellowstone amf caf nhf Wilbar Ruby 161J Wilbar Ruby 161J Connealy Forefront amf caf nhf TC Freedom 104 T C Ruby 9095 caf HF Echo 84R Riverbend Poweline 0050 HFDF Echo 6N HF Echo 83J

as a yearling bull. He had just been pulled from breeding cows and was in great shape. His muscularity, structural correctness and ease of fleshing continued to impress us and when he was awaiting the championship at the World Angus Forum we were able to purchase some semen from Rob and Gail. He won the championship that day, and every other show that year, and is proving to be the best breeding “show bull” to come along in a generation. His sons in this years sale are all out of Red cows, so carry the red gene and have Red Angus EPDs. His growth numbers are in the top percentiles of the breed and they are partnered with low gestation length and moderate birth weight. We also have three top heifers added to our replacement pen out of some of our top cows. Tiger turned out to be a great choice in our search to add new genetics to our herd and in turn our customers’ herds as well.

RF Red Ter-Ron Git-R-Done 640S HFX 640S


30 January 2006

Red YY Storm 901J Red SSS Lyda 381J Red Shoderee Landmark 19F Red Shoderee Leading Lady 96K Red Shoderee Leading Lady 80H Red Loosu Divide 507 Red Lazy MC Divide 8J Red Blue Spruce Dina 201Z Red Ter-Ron Goldie 240L Red SSS Boom Town 260D Red Ter-Ron Goldie 240J Red Top Goldie 40U

Red SSS Storm 87M Red Shoderee Destiny 114P

Act. Index EPD CE 2.0 BW 88 0.1 Adj.WW 776 104 26 Adj. YW 1280 96 34 Milk 3 TM 16

Git-R-Done has done a great job of breeding both at Towaw and Rainbow since he was the high seller at $18,000 in Ter-Ron’s 2007 bull sale. He was a very masculine sire with great length of body and thickness. His dam is one of the top cows at Ter-Ron, being the dam of Fully Loaded as well. His daughters weaned a strong set of calves with ample milk and near perfect udder quality. Git-R-Done was lost to injury last summer so we will only have one more set of sons to sell. Last year’s high selling bull was a Git-R-Done son selling to the Rigneys of Willow Springs Stock Farm.

RF Red Shoderee Lancer 133P SKG 133P


25 February 2004

Beckton Lancer T A664 osf Red Beckton Lancer F442 T osf maf Red Red BKT Suffeina A828 dm

Red Soo Line Lancer 127M

Red LPC Tracker 8B Albern Susie 310’91 Red Blaze V415 osf Red Lazy MC Blaze 23J Red Lazy MC Firefly 23F Red Shoderee Leading Lady 95L Red LCHMN On Target 1016E Red Shoderee Leading Lady 80H Red Sunjay Leading Lady 28B Red Albern Susue 311’95

Lancer has done a great job at Towaw over the years. He was a very deep bodied, sound footed and correct bull. His sons exhibit his same correctness, especially in the quality of his feet and legs. Many of his sons will qualify as heifer bulls and they should be quite strong maternally as well. Longevity is bred in on this prepotent sire as he worked as a cleanup bull for Rainbow this year at 7 years of age.

Act. Index EPD CE 6.0 BW 86 -0.4 Adj.WW 723 102 22 Adj. YW 1197 102 50 Milk 5 TM 15

RF Red CC Expansion 5E CCF 5E


03 February 1995

Red BRA Redwheel 33T osf RCRA Gazella 306 Six Mile Iceberg 939P Red Six Mile Gloria 892P Red Six Mile Gloria 892P Red BBCC Presidio 5Z amf osf Red Dekap Red Dalles 345 Red KBJ LAssie 133X Red Coulee Crest Annette 4C Red SSS High Line 402M Red Towaw Annette 80S Red Rosette 40J

Red RCRA Expedition Red Rock Creek Trek

Act. Index EPD CE 0.0 BW 78 1.5 Adj.WW 860 32 Adj. YW 1320 77 Milk 13 Expansion is a highly proven sire we used in the past and decided to TM 28 reintroduce on the strength of his sons and daughters alike. 5E was a bull before his time as he was extremely deep and easy fleshing. He was the Reserve Champion Bull at Agribition as a calf, and in ‘97 as a two year old weighed as much as the other bulls in his class while being a frame smaller. He has been designated an elite sire by the CAA on the strength of his tremendous daughters. Look to his sons for early maturity, strong maternal traits and ease of fleshing.

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Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale

Towaw Long Yearlings


Red Towaw Audacious 14X



Red Rock Creek Trek Red CC Expansion 5E Red Coulee rest Annette 80S Red SSS Big Sky 430K Red Towaw Red Coral 131R Red Towaw Redcoral 154M We used Audacious 14X on half of our heifers and he covered 25/27 in a 60 day breeding season. He has very good performance data coupled with his moderate 83 lb. birth weight. He is a masculine, stout and correct bull that we feel has a lot of future as a herdsire. Selling full possession with Towaw retaining a 1/3 semen interest.

31 May 2010

Act. Index EPD

CE U BW 83 Adj.WW 630 110 Adj. YW 1120 103 Milk TM AOD 5

7.0 -2.0 20 49 16 26

Red CC Expansion 5E - Sire of Lot 1


Towaw Tenacity 16X


1593507 RC

31 May 2010

Act. Index EPD HF Kodiak 5R amf caf nhf maf CE HF Tiger 5T amf caf nhf U 11.0 HF Echo 84R BW 81 -2.5 Adj.WW 638 113 40 Red Rowaw Indeed 22K Red Towaw Ruby 238P Adj. YW 1212 121 80 Red Towaw Ruby 177L Milk 21 We used 16X on a group of purebred TM 41 heifers last summer and he covered AOD 6 24/27 in a 60 day breeding season. He is a very complete bull with very good feet. His mother is one of our favourite cows easy fleshing and made like a tank, she weaned one of our best heifer calves again this year. We would like the opportunity to continue to use this herdsire in our summer breeding program. Selling ½ Possession and 1/2 semen interest or buyer can double up the purchase price and Towaw would retain a 1/3 semen interest.

Red Towaw Indeed 104H

Maternal Great Grandsire to Lot 2 & Sire to Lot 3


Red Towaw Indeed 1X


1652293 ET

17 May 2010

Red CC Expansion 5E Red Towaw Indeed 104H osf Red Towaw Molly 67C Red CC Expansion 5E Red Towaw Lakima 26G Red Towaw Lakima 136C

Act. Index EPD CE U ET BW 86 -0.1 Adj.WW 450 100 22 Adj. YW 958 100 47 Milk 18 1X was an early gestation ET calf with a low BW. TM ET He is a very attractive smaller framed calf that AOD 13 should calve very easily and leave a great set of replacement females and extremely eye appealing progeny. Indeed’s last semen sold for $1200 per straw so grab these sons when they come available. 1X has a full sister, WDV 76M, working in the Wildcat Creek herd in Kansas, and is probably the best Indeed daughter we have raised.

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Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale


Towaw Tiger 4X


1596029 RC

18 May 2010

HF Kodiak 5R amf caf nhf maf HF Tiger 5T amf caf nhf HF Echo 84R Red Forster Chief 7182ET Red Towaw Lakima 46L Red Towaw Lakima 26G

Act. Index EPD CE U 8.0 BW 96 -0.4 Adj.WW 577 97 35 Adj. YW 1104 111 72 Milk 22 39 4X is a stout made son of Tiger with lots of TM bone. His dam is a daughter of Lakima 26G, AOD 9 making her a maternal sibling to the ET bulls in the sale. This is the fifth year she has a bull in the sale with a son going into the good purebred herd of Murray Macarthur and Marg Veno.






Red Rock Creek Trek Red CC Expansion 5E Red Coulee rest Annette 80S Red Towaw Indeed 104H osf Red Towaw Star 316S Red Shoderee Star 150G

26 May 2010

Towaw Tenacious 11X


1593504 RC

28 May 2010

Act. Index EPD CE U 14.0 BW 81 -2.6 Adj.WW 563 97 24 Adj. YW 1031 98 55 Milk 19 TM 31 This bull is a candidate for the heifer pen and in a very attractive and correct package. His dam AOD 5 is one of our most admired cows; extremely correct, easy fleshing and wedge shaped. As with all the Tiger sons in the sale he is black hided carrying a red gene.


28 May 2010

Act. Index EPD CE U 0.0 BW 92 1.8 Adj.WW 639 110 31 Adj. YW 1150 107 65 Milk 16 31 12X is a larger framed cow bull with very good TM performance and indexes. His dam is a very AOD 4 correct, deep bodied daughter of Indeed 104H. She is the dam of the good Git-R-Done bull that Darrin and Deanna Kastelic bought in last year’s sale. Her mother is also an Elite Dam.

1593502 RC

HF Kodiak 5R amf caf nhf maf HF Tiger 5T amf caf nhf HF Echo 84R Red SVR Tally 13M Red Towaw Darline 15R Red Mountain Ash Darline 9D

Red Towaw Exploit 12X



Act. Index EPD CE U 8.0 BW 90 0.0 Adj.WW 692 122 43 Adj. YW 1254 119 89 Milk 13 35 8X is one of the highest performing bulls in the TM sale with a tremendous set of indexes. He is very AOD 8 long and is going to grow into a good sized herd bull. His maternal brother by Indeed sold into Greg Clegg’s purebred herd in last spring’s sale.

27 May 2010

Act. Index EPD CE U 2.0 BW 85 0.2 Adj.WW 556 95 23 Adj. YW 1058 106 56 Milk 15 27 10X is a heifer bull candidate with some TM substance behind him. His dam has a very good AOD 9 udder and is a direct Indeed daughter from our Molly cow family. This bull should calve well and leave a tremendous set of replacement females and eye appealing steers.

Towaw Infidelity 8X

HF Kodiak 5R amf caf nhf maf HF Tiger 5T amf caf nhf HF Echo 84R Red Royal Prospector 90H Red Towaw Lakima 218M Red Towaw Lakima 151H

Red Towaw Expansion 10X

Red Rock Creek Trek Red CC Expansion 5E Red Coulee rest Annette 80S Red Towaw Indeed 104H osf Red Towaw Molly 3L Red Towaw Molly 137G



Towaw Long Yearlings

Towaw Tempt 15X


1596033 RC

HF Kodiak 5R amf caf nhf maf HF Tiger 5T amf caf nhf HF Echo 84R Red Towaw Indeed 104H osf Red Towaw Shawn 3P Red Lazy M Shawnee 54J

31 May 2010

Act. Index EPD CE U 9.0 BW 88 -1.0 Adj.WW 638 111 38 Adj. YW 1183 114 76 Milk 22 41 15X has really come on over the last few months TM and will be one of the heaviest bulls on sale day. AOD 6 He is quite deep and stout and carries a great set of indexes and his growth and calving EPDs are all in the top 10% of the breed. His dam has been designated as an Elite Dam by the CAA and is a direct daughter of Indeed 104H.

Udder on a Git-R-Done 3 year oldHeifer

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Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale

Towaw Long Yearlings

10 Red Towaw Griffin 22X WDV 22X


01 June 2010

Red Soo Line Lancer 127M Red Shoderee Lancer 133P Red Shoderee Leading Lady 59L Red Redrich Night 14N Red Towaw Copper Lady 8T Red Towaw Copper Lady 107P

Act. Index EPD CE U 7.0 BW 83 -0.6 Adj.WW 592 103 18 Adj. YW 1060 98 41 Milk 10 This calf has got the best set of feet in the sale. TM 19 He is very easy fleshing, smooth and thick for a AOD 3 heifer bull. His dam is a picture perfect female; deep, feminine, and with a perfect udder.

11 Red Towaw Rambo 25X

12 Red Towaw Expansion 27X

Red CV Four Times Red FCC Rambo 502 osf Copper Lass 2392 Red CC Expansion 5E Red Towaw Lakima 26G Red Towaw Lakima 136C

Red Rock Creek Trek Red CC Expansion 5E Red Coulee rest Annette 80S Red BL Robin Gallant 8G Red Towaw Lady Irastone 227J Red Towaw Lady Iriastone 19C


1652292 ET

03 June 2010

Act. Index EPD CE U ET BW 92 0.4 Adj.WW 617 100 22 Adj. YW 1089 100 50 Milk 11 25X is a very long bodied performance bull with TM ET that herdsire look about him. Rambo is best known AOD 13 for some of his great sons like Boomer, GRL Sir Rambo 9A, and Jackpot, but he also left a lot of great daughters. This bull should be one of the heaviest bulls on sale day and you can see that in his length of body. Sit around the auction barn one fall day and you will see those long, eye appealing calves top the market.



Act. Index EPD CE U -2.0 BW 89 0.0 Adj.WW 599 103 26 Adj. YW 1125 111 47 Milk 21 33 29X is a smooth fronted, attractive calf out of TM the highly maternal sire, Logan 210. Logan is AOD 2 also a trait leader for marbling. His dam weaned off one of our heavier bull calves this winter.

Red Buff. Crk VC Chief 105 osf maf



1.0 1.8 27 61 15 28


04 June 2010

Red Soo Line Lancer 127M Red Shoderee Lancer 133P Red Shoderee Leading Lady 59L Red That’ll Do Kongo 39M Red Towaw Larkabelle 156S Red Towaw Larkabelle 96D

Act. Index EPD CE U 6.0 BW 81 -0.9 Adj.WW 559 96 22 Adj. YW 1090 112 47 Milk 6 35X is a heifer bull candidate with an eye TM 17 appealing, smooth look. His dam goes back to AOD 4 the famous Larkabelle cow family, and a cow from the Six Mile herd. Ken Frazer was a master breeder of Red Angus cattle and always said that raising good females was the key, the bulls would take care of themselves. That is a philosophy we use here as well.

16 Red Towaw Git R Done 36X WDV 36X


15 Red Towaw Lancer 35X

03 June 2010

Red Glacier Logan osf maf Red Glacier Rebalas Red Towaw Konglomerate 18P Red Towaw Lakota 37U Red Towaw Lakota 241R

03 June 2010

Act. Index CE U BW 79 Adj.WW 610 100 Adj. YW 1041 100 Milk 27X is a prototypical calving ease bull, low birth TM coupled with strong maternal genetics. His sire AOD 11 Expansion is one of the best female producers we have used and his dam produced 11 calves in her lifetime at Towaw.

14 Red Towaw Logan 29X WDV 29X

1593514 TW

05 June 2010

Red Shoderee Destiny 114P Red Ter-Ron Git-R-Done 640S Red Ter-Ron Goldie 240L Red Towaw Very Interesting 22L Red Towaw Ruby 114R Red Shoderee Ruby 161Y

Act. Index EPD CE U 9.0 BW 75 -3.4 Adj.WW 586 103 21 Adj. YW 1035 95 33 Milk 9 36X is a real smooth made heifer bull with TM 19 generations of calving ease bred in. His dam AOD 5 is an easy keeping tank of a female whose heaviest calf at birth is 81 pounds. Her son sold in last year’s sale to the Quinn’s at Beaverlodge, and this year’s heifer is one of our best, weaning off at 606 pounds with a 72 pound BW.

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Longtime customer X-X Ranch steers at Helland Feedlot

Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale

Towaw Long Yearlings

17 Red Towaw Logan 37X WDV 37X


05 June 2010

Act. Index EPD CE U -1.0 BW 93 -0.5 Adj.WW 641 111 33 Adj. YW 1166 110 58 Milk 17 37X is very long, stout, with a great front end, TM 34 and is one of the highest performing bulls in the AOD 2 sale, His dam is probably our best three year old; she weaned off a set of twins at 1220 pounds at 6 months of age this year. She puts performance together with a correct udder and looks great doing it.

Red Buff. Crk VC Chief 105 osf maf

Red Glacier Logan osf maf Red Glacier Rebalas Red Ter-Ron Git-R-Done 640S Red Towaw Georgina 46U Red Towaw Georgina 132M

18 Red Towaw Lancer 39X WDV 39X


06 June 2010

Red Soo Line Lancer 127M Red Shoderee Lancer 133P Red Shoderee Leading Lady 59L Red Ter-Ron Digger 11L Red Towaw Larkaba 107S Red Towaw Larkaba 10M

Act. Index EPD CE U 8.0 BW 77 -2.7 Adj.WW 496 84 13 Adj. YW 993 105 33 Milk 5 39X is a moderate framed bull, very deep sided TM 11 and thick, with a strong top. His dam is a tank AOD 4 with lots of hair. Her dam, 10M, is a direct daughter of Indeed 104H, a past donor for us, and is now part of the Wildcat Creek program in Kansas.

19 Red Towaw Rambo 40X WDV 40X

1652290 ET

06 June 2010

Red CV Four Times Red FCC Rambo 502 osf Copper Lass 2392 Red CC Expansion 5E Red Towaw Lakima 26G Red Towaw Lakima 136C

Act. Index EPD CE U ET BW 85 0.4 Adj.WW 556 100 22 Adj. YW 1058 100 50 Milk 11 40X is a deep cherry red herdsire with a ton of eye TM ET appeal and thickness. He is very smooth and clean AOD 13 fronted and would certainly calve very well. Some of these older genetics won’t blow you away with performance but there certainly isn’t a hole to be found in his pedigree. His dam, Lakima 26G, is a tremendously productive female with great feet and a perfect udder. She is still producing at 13 years of age.

20 Red Towaw Griffin 42X WDV 42X


Red Shoderee Destiny 114P Red Ter-Ron Git-R-Done 640S Red Ter-Ron Goldie 240L Red Ter-Ron Mambo 28K Red Towaw Copper Lady 87N Red Lazy M Copper 63G

21 Red Towaw Git R Done 46X

06 June 2010

Act. Index EPD CE U 1.0 BW 92 1.5 Adj.WW 604 103 29 Adj. YW 1013 86 44 Milk 8 22 42X is a long bodied, masculine bull for use TM on cows. His dam, 87N, is a member of our AOD 7 Copper Lass family and is the granddam of last year’s high selling bull. She is a picture perfect female, very stout and easy fleshing, with a very good udder.



Red Shoderee Destiny 114P Red Ter-Ron Git-R-Done 640S Red Ter-Ron Goldie 240L Red Shoderee Copper 0451D Red Shoderee Star 150G Red MEM Miss Twinstar 54B

07 June 2010

Act. Index EPD

CE U 3.0 BW 88 -0.3 Adj.WW 655 115 21 Adj. YW 1110 96 29 Milk 8 This bull is very long and smooth made that TM 18 should work on heifers. His dam is a stellar AOD 13 producing Elite Dam, and just weaned her 14th calf this December. Pretty impressive that she can produce a 115 wean index calf at 13 years of age.

Page 10

Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale

Towaw Long Yearlings

22 Red Towaw Lancer 51X WDV 51X


09 June 2010

Red Soo Line Lancer 127M Red Shoderee Lancer 133P Red Shoderee Leading Lady 59L Red Towaw Indeed 104H osf Red Towaw Ucola 168S Red Towaw Ucola 181L

Act. Index EPD CE U 5.0 BW 90 -0.5 Adj.WW 562 95 18 Adj. YW 946 81 34 Milk 11 51X is a moderate framed bull with good width TM 20 of chest and strength in his heart girth. He has AOD 4 got some top and loin in him and his Indeed mother should pass on some good daughters.

23 Red Towaw Lancer 56X WDV 56X


10 June 2010

Red Soo Line Lancer 127M Red Shoderee Lancer 133P Red Shoderee Leading Lady 59L Red Towaw Very Interesting 22L Red Towaw Fayette 129S Red Towaw Fayette 89N

Act. Index EPD CE U 5.0 BW 95 -0.6 Adj.WW 556 93 22 Adj. YW 1104 115 53 Milk 9 56X is very deep, masculine and correct and TM 20 really performed well on feed with a 116 index. AOD 4 His mother is very deep and capacious, her mother has had 10 calves in our herd and still producing, and her granddam was designated as an Elite Dam.

24 Red Towaw Git R Done 57X TRW 57X


25 Red Towaw Genuine Draft 58X

10 June 2010

Red Shoderee Destiny 114P Red Ter-Ron Git-R-Done 640S Red Ter-Ron Goldie 240L R ed MLK CRK Cub 722 osf maf Red Cajun MCC Carla 7N Red Cajun D Carla 5L

Act. Index EPD CE U 2.0 BW 85 -1.4 Adj.WW 571 98 25 Adj. YW 1048 100 43 Milk 8 21 This is Thomas’s only bull in the sale this year TM and is recommended for heifers. His dam is a AOD 7 heavy milking Cub daughter that we purchased in the Northern Select Sale.



R ed Saddlehill Make My Day 242 Red Rod SH MMD 92R Red Rod Cubette 722N Red Shoderee Lancer 133P Red Towaw Ruby 8U Red Towaw Ruby 185R

10 June 2010

Act. Index EPD

CE U 8.0 BW 85 -2.0 Adj.WW 648 114 18 Adj. YW 1229 122 45 Milk 16 58X is a standout heifer bull prospect with TM 25 excellent performance figures. His first AOD 2 calving mother did an excellent job and he has continued to grow throughout his life. He is dark red, deep and stout, with a good foot.

26 Red Towaw Genuine Draft 61X WDV 61X


11 June 2010

R ed Saddlehill Make My Day 242 Red Rod SH MMD 92R Red Rod Cubette 722N Red Shoderee Lancer 133P Red Towaw Lancer 98U Red Towaw Lady Belle 1R

Act. Index EPD CE U 4.0 BW 65 0.9 Adj.WW 626 113 23 Adj. YW 1161 112 47 Milk 13 This bull is very complete, with lots of hair TM 25 and good performance with a very moderate AOD 2 65 pound birth weight. His three year old dam calved right at the start of calving this year and raised a top heifer calf. 61X is probably the easiest fleshing bull in the sale.

Page 11

Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale

27 Towaw Digger 63X WDV 63X

1593458 RC

28 Red Towaw Git R Done 73X

11 June 2010

Red Lazy MC Divide 8J Red Ter-Ron Digger 11L Red Brylor Brandy 11C Ebon Hill Black Power 41’99 Ebon Hill Blackcap 90’01 Ebon Hill Blackcap 9’98

Act. Index EPD CE U 2.0 BW 95 1.7 Adj.WW 562 94 24 Adj. YW 1083 110 55 Milk 6 18 63X is a black bull carrying the red gene. He is TM deep bodied, stout and attractive. His dam has AOD 9 produced well for us since coming to us from the Black Magic sale.

Towaw Long Yearlings



14 June 2010

Red Shoderee Destiny 114P Red Ter-Ron Git-R-Done 640S Red Ter-Ron Goldie 240L Red Ter-Ron Digger 11L Red Towaw Mineata 185S Red Towaw Mineata 96E

Act. Index EPD CE U 0.0 BW 100 2.8 Adj.WW 658 113 40 Adj. YW 1203 115 65 Milk 3 23 73X is a very long individual with good TM thickness. This cow bull has very strong AOD 4 performance indexes and very good growth EPDs as well.

Red Ter-Ron Digger 11L Sire of Lots 27, 30, 33, 35

29 Red Towaw Lancer 77X

30 Red Towaw Digger 79X

Red Soo Line Lancer 127M Red Shoderee Lancer 133P Red Shoderee Leading Lady 59L Red Ter-Ron Digger 11L Red Towaw Copper Lad114S Red Towaw Copper Lady 87N

Red Lazy MC Divide 8J Red Ter-Ron Digger 11L Red Brylor Brandy 11C Red Shoderee Landmark 19F Red Towaw Star 151L Red Shoderee Star 150G



14 June 2010



15 June 2010

Act. Index EPD CE U 4.0 BW 90 0.4 Adj.WW 549 93 23 Adj. YW 1045 104 51 Milk 5 77X is a deep sided bull with plenty of thickness TM 17 and eye appeal. He is a maternal brother to last AOD 4 year’s high selling bull to Reed and Michelle Rigney, Willow Springs Stock Farm, Clyde. The cow family traces back to Lazy M Copper 63G, who was an Elite dam, and matriarch of our Copper Lady cow family. His granddam, 87N, is one of our stoutest and easiest fleshing cows.

Act. Index EPD CE U 5.0 BW 90 -0.4 Adj.WW 588 101 21 Adj. YW 1009 89 32 Milk -2 9 79X is a larger framed bull with lots of length TM 9 of body. He is strong topped and full through AOD his heart girth. His granddam, 150G, has been an excellent producer for us and is designated as an Elite dam.

31 Red Towaw Genuine Draft 83X

32 Red Towaw Git R Done 89X

R ed Saddlehill Make My Day 242 Red Rod SH MMD 92R Red Rod Cubette 722N Red Towaw Emphasis 142S Red Towaw Fayette 129U Red Towaw Fayette 129S

Red Shoderee Destiny 114P Red Ter-Ron Git-R-Done 640S Red Ter-Ron Goldie 240L Red Ter-Ron Digger 11L Red Towaw PBC 144S Red Towaw PBC 133L



15 June 2010

Act. Index EPD CE U BW 80 -3.5 Adj.WW 582 101 -3 Adj. YW 1111 111 15 Milk 19 This calf will be an excellent calving ease bull TM with a very smooth front end. His dam is deep AOD 2 bodied and raised a top Kingman son that will be at the top of next year’s offering.



16 June 2010

Act. Index EPD CE U 8.0 BW 79 -2.6 Adj.WW 552 96 16 Adj. YW 965 87 24 Milk 4 12 This bull is a very deep sided and thick with a TM lot of eye appeal and great hair coat. He is a AOD 4 moderate framed heifer bull.

Page 12

Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale

Towaw Long Yearlings

33 Red Towaw Digger 90X WDV 90X


16 June 2010

Red Lazy MC Divide 8J Red Ter-Ron Digger 11L Red Brylor Brandy 11C Red Towaw Very Interesting 22L Red Towaw Miss Mac 112S Red Towaw Miss Mac 214N

Act. Index EPD CE U 6.0 BW 80 -1.7 Adj.WW 541 93 18 Adj. YW 1020 101 38 Milk 4 13 90X is a calving ease bull that can start with the TM heifers but will impress so much with muscle AOD 4 expression that he will end up in the cow pasture. He has a good dark foot, lots of hair and that herd bull look about him.

34 Red Towaw Git R Done 94X WDV 94X


35 Red Towaw Digger 96X

17 June 2010

Red Shoderee Destiny 114P Red Ter-Ron Git-R-Done 640S Red Ter-Ron Goldie 240L Red Towaw Very Interesting 22L Red Towaw Copper Lady 159R Red Lazy M Copper 63G

Act. Index EPD CE U 2.0 BW 95 0.9 Adj.WW 641 110 31 Adj. YW 1160 109 52 Milk 12 27 94X is a larger framed cow bull with plenty of TM muscle and depth. He has great performance AOD 5 indexes and will be one of the heavier bulls on sale day. Once again his mother is a member of the Copper Lady cow family.



18 June 2010

Act. Index EPD

Red Lazy MC Divide 8J Red Ter-Ron Digger 11L Red Brylor Brandy 11C Red SVR Tally 13M Red Towaw Miss Star 108P Red Towaw Miss Star 6M

CE U 5.0 BW 91 -0.4 Adj.WW 563 95 14 Adj. YW 1020 96 32 Milk 4 This bull comes from a strong cow family. His TM 11 granddam, WDV 6M, was a picture perfect AOD 6 Expansion 5E daughter. The Digger daughters produce much better than their numbers express and Digger is the sire that started the Ribeye line of bulls that have caused a great stir in Red Angus circles.

36 Red Towaw Git R Done 98X

37 Red Towaw Git R Done 102X

Red Shoderee Destiny 114P Red Ter-Ron Git-R-Done 640S Red Ter-Ron Goldie 240L Red That’ll Do Kongo 39M Red Towaw Shawnee 6R Red Towaw Shawnee 115N

Red Shoderee Destiny 114P Red Ter-Ron Git-R-Done 640S Red Ter-Ron Goldie 240L Red Towaw Very Interesting 22L Red Towaw Monique 283P Red Twin D Monique 811H



20 June 2010

Act. Index EPD CE U 1.0 BW 87 1.4 Adj.WW 616 107 32 Adj. YW 1085 99 47 Milk 8 24 This bull is long bodied and smooth made and TM AOD should work on larger heifers. 5

WDV 102X


21 June 2010

Act. Index EPD CE U 1.0 BW 98 0.6 Adj.WW 615 104 28 Adj. YW 1026 87 41 Milk 11 24 102X is a heavy muscled bull with extra length TM of body. His dam is a member of the Monique AOD 6 family originated with a cow purchased from Twin D. She is a maternal sister to the Dam of Diamond T Hips Stout, who sold for $39,000 in Denver last winter.

38 Red Towaw Lancer 103X WDV 103X


22 June 2010

Red Soo Line Lancer 127M Red Shoderee Lancer 133P Red Shoderee Leading Lady 59L Red Shoderee Lancer 133P Red Towaw Annette 177S Red Towaw Annette 234P

Act. Index EPD CE U 1.0 BW 106 2.3 Adj.WW 663 113 31 Adj. YW 1109 94 61 Milk 3 18 103X is a long bodied cow bull with a good 113 TM weaning index. His maternal line, the Annette AOD 4 cow family, is one of our best and produced both the Matrix 19D and Expansion 5E bulls.

Page 13

Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale

Towaw Long Yearlings

39 Red Towaw Lancer 105X WDV 105X


22 June 2010

Red Soo Line Lancer 127M Red Shoderee Lancer 133P Red Shoderee Leading Lady 59L Red Ter-Ron Digger 11L Red Towaw Miniata 207T Red Towaw Miniata 218J

Act. Index EPD CE U 5.0 BW 87 -0.1 Adj.WW 601 104 25 Adj. YW 1093 104 54 Milk 2 15 This is a very stout and attractive moderate TM framed bull. He has a very correct dark foot, AOD 3 moderate birth weight and good performance indexes.

40 Red Towaw Git R Done 107X

41 Red Towaw Git R Done 112X

Red Shoderee Destiny 114P Red Ter-Ron Git-R-Done 640S Red Ter-Ron Goldie 240L Wilbar Battalion 100L Red Towaw Molly 118P Red Towaw Molly 24K

Red Shoderee Destiny 114P Red Ter-Ron Git-R-Done 640S Red Ter-Ron Goldie 240L Red SVR Tally 13M Red Towaw Lakina 16R Red Towaw Lakina 14M

WDV 107X


23 June 2010

Act. Index EPD CE U 6.0 BW 82 -1.4 Adj.WW 565 98 11 Adj. YW 995 91 21 Milk 12 18 107X is a good haired, moderate framed heifer TM bull prospect. He is backed up with great AOD 6 females as his mother has a +20 Milk EPD and the maternal line includes Matrix and Beiber Design.

WDV 112X


25 June 2010

Act. Index EPD CE U 1.0 BW 94 1.8 Adj.WW 688 120 35 Adj. YW 1193 106 57 Milk 8 25 112X is a cow bull we really appreciate for his TM 5 performance, and masculinity. He has extra AOD muscle, depth and that good powerful herd bull look about him.

42 Red Towaw Lancer 114X

43 Red Towaw Lancer 117X

Red Soo Line Lancer 127M Red Shoderee Lancer 133P Red Shoderee Leading Lady 59L Red Ter-Ron Digger 11L Red Towaw Copper Lady 32T Red Lazy M Copper 63G

Red Soo Line Lancer 127M Red Shoderee Lancer 133P Red Shoderee Leading Lady 59L Red Ter-Ron Digger 11L Red Towaw WDV 350S Red Towaw Georgina 131J

WDV 114X


26 June 2010

Act. Index EPD CE U 6.0 BW 87 -0.5 Adj.WW 549 93 19 Adj. YW 988 92 39 Milk 4 13 114X is moderate framed very correct and eye TM appealing. He traces back to the Elite Dam, AOD 3 Copper Lady 63G as well.

WDV 117X


Red Soo Line Lancer 127M Red Shoderee Lancer 133P Red Shoderee Leading Lady 59L Red PCC Colorado Hobo osf Red Towaw Fayette 164R Red Towaw Fayette 89N

27 June 2010

Act. Index CE U BW 97 Adj.WW 631 108 Adj. YW 1209 122 Milk 118X is very deep, wide and masculine with a TM great set of performance numbers. His dam is a AOD 5 deep easy fleshing daughter of Colorado Hobo, a bull’s semen we imported for his easy fleshing, moderate framed genetics.

26 June 2010

Act. Index EPD CE U 3.0 BW 102 1.1 Adj.WW 613 103 30 Adj. YW 1106 104 59 Milk 0 15 This cow bull is very long bodied with a smooth TM front end. Even though bulls like Lancer and AOD 4 Digger don’t have the greatest EPDs, they remained in our bull battery for things there aren’t EPDs for, like soundness, fertility, correctness and easy fleshing ability.

44 Red Towaw Lancer 118X WDV 118X



6.0 0.2 31 68 6 22

Page 14

Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale

Towaw Long Yearlings

45 Red Towaw Genuine Draft 120X

46 Red Towaw Git R Done 122X

R ed Saddlehill Make My Day 242 Red Rod SH MMD 92R Red Rod Cubette 722N Red Towaw Konglomerate 18P Red Towaw Sybil 142U Towaw Sybil 191R

Red Shoderee Destiny 114P Red Ter-Ron Git-R-Done 640S Red Ter-Ron Goldie 240L Red Ter-Ron Digger 11L Red Towaw Sybil 183S Red Towaw Sybil 180L

WDV 120X


27 June 2010

Act. Index EPD CE U 5.0 BW 91 -0.3 Adj.WW 649 113 13 Adj. YW 1093 93 29 Milk 21 120X is a dark red, long bodied bull with TM 28 good hair. His sire puts together the Pioneer AOD 2 breeding programs of the Rogers and Conrad families; a conservative guess puts their combined years of breeding Red Angus in Canada at 95 years.

WDV 122X


29 June 2010

Act. Index EPD CE U 1.0 BW 97 1.0 Adj.WW 610 103 28 Adj. YW 1035 90 41 Milk 4 18 122X is another masculine, early maturing son TM of Git-R-Done. His mother is a grandaughter AOD 4 of our flush cow, Sybil 94Y, and Indeed 104H. He should sire a set of steer calves that will flesh up easily and still have some eye appeal.

“Make My Day” Red Rod SH MMD 92R Sire of Lots 25, 26, 31, 45

47 Red Towaw Lancer 130X WDV 130X


48 Red Towaw Digger 133X

02 July 2010

Red Soo Line Lancer 127M Red Shoderee Lancer 133P Red Shoderee Leading Lady 59L Red Towaw Very Interesting 22L Red Towaw Ashley 59T Red Shoderee Ashley 179H

Act. Index CE U BW 92 Adj.WW 551 93 Adj. YW 1075 110 Milk This is a bull that exhibits a lot of the traits we TM love, he is deep sided, attractive and dark red AOD 3 with a dark foot and lots of hair. He did very well on feed with his 111 index and has gained well this winter as well.


4.0 0.0 22 48 8 19

WDV 133X


05 July 2010

Red Lazy MC Divide 8J Red Ter-Ron Digger 11L Red Brylor Brandy 11C Red SSS Big Sky 430K Red Towaw Copper Lady 182N Red Lazy M Copper 61J

Act. Index EPD CE U 7.0 BW 86 -2.3 Adj.WW 575 98 15 Adj. YW 1011 92 28 Milk 2 TM 9 Heifer bull candidate here with longevity bred into him through his cow family. Both his great AOD 7 granddam and granddam produced calves until they were 13 years old.

49 Red Towaw Lancer 148X WDV 148X


19 July 2010

Red Soo Line Lancer 127M Red Shoderee Lancer 133P Red Shoderee Leading Lady 59L Red That’ll Do Kongo 39M Red Towaw Blockana 170S Red Towaw Blockana 79M

Act. Index EPD CE U 6.0 BW 92 -1.5 Adj.WW 581 98 17 Adj. YW 1018 92 35 Milk 7 148x is a moderate framed masculine beef TM 16 bull. His maternal line, the Blockana’s, can be AOD 4 found all over the world, we even saw some in Argentina last fall. The Red Towaw Blockana 71L cow sold in the 1981 Red Roundup to Boot Jack Ranches and her progeny are found all over the States in some very prominent cattle including Make My Day.

Page 15

2011 Sale

Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale

Towaw and Argentina

Towaw and Argentina Red Pastorize 565 Brigadier

Our quest for early maturing, easy fleshing, low maintenance genetics took us to Argentina in the summer of 2009. Ricardo Orazi, of La Cabana Pastoriza, approached us at the World Forum and asked us if we would be interested in partnering up on some embryos from his genetics. We had seen pictures of Brigadier and I was immediately making plans to get to Buenos Aires to see him and his progeny. In September of 2009 I spent four days travelling with Ricardo, his son Ricky, and Marcello, a valued consultant, and saw hundreds of Brigadier calves and daughters of his as well. The stoutness and easy fleshing characteristics of these cattle on the Pampas grass was impressive. On the last day I got to see Brigadier standing at stud. He was nine years old, incredibly sound and good footed, and very deep bodied and thick. This fall Jill and I went back to Argentina for the World Angus Secretariat and were able to spend two days with the Orazis and see more of their herd. Another bonus was visiting other top herds in the country and seeing more Brigadier genetics topping their herds as well. The embryos arrived in Canada in the late summer of 2010, so we will have summer born long yearlings and some February born yearlings for next year’s sale. We are extremely excited about the calves so far and the opportunity to add outcross genetics to our herd.

Brigadier Sons at La Pastoriza

A Sample of the Upcoming Argentina Calves WDV 52Y

WDV 109Y Page 16

Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale

Rainbow Red Angus

Welcome again to the annual Towaw bull sale.

and be guest consignors at the Towaw We at Rainbow Red Angus are honored to be involved with the Wildman family ing to the table when it comes to home life, bull sale. The Wildman’s are truly an extraordinary family who brings everyth that makes up TOWAW! community and of course the Angus industr y! Our thanks go out to the “gang” trading at a much higher level than we have As I write these notes we continue to see a stronger market with feeder cattle optimism in the beef industr y. seen in past years. The futures continue to stay strong which provides much needed g out bulls Again this year we fed our bulls at home. Our feeding program is based on growin They were slow and easy in order to provide a breeding bull that will hold his condition. have bulls Our ber. grazed free of creep feed and weaned in the beginning of Septem our well As been on a complete low starch pellet ration and free choice hay all winter. cattle are on a full herd health program. are We feel that this years’ bull pen is another uniform, complete set of bulls. They the treated are that cows doing easy , backed by functional, maternal moderate framed would today g offerin are we same as our commercial her. We believe that any of the bulls and EPD’s. compliment any heifer bull program. Please take time to look over pedigree be glad to assist Bryce - Summer 2011 If you require any other information please feel free to contact us as we would you in finding a bull that well be right for your program! Thank-you This past year was our first year of being involved in Red Round Up. A huge calf and heifer our sing to Howard and Melinda Tanghe of Strawberry Fields for purcha greatly is t Dave Durie of Duralta Farms for purchasing our bred heifer. Your suppor appreciated. buyers, Also we would like to extend a huge “THANK-YOU” to all of our past friends, bidders and supporters of Rainbow Red Angus. We look forward to seeing old feel please ns questio any neighbors and valued customer on April 7th 2012. If you have on! free to call 780 785-2813 or 780 785-9115. Stop in, the coffee is always Brooke - Farmfair 2011

Sincerely, The Bablitz Family Dave, Rhonda, Brooke and Bryce

Brooke, Bryce & Dave Bablitz with Red Rainbow Larkaba 26X

Reserve Internediate Yearling Heifer at Farmfair 2011

Page 17

Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale

RF Red Ter-Ron Git-R-Done 640S HFX 640S


30 January 2006

Red YY Storm 901J Red SSS Storm 87M Red SSS Lyda 381J Red Shoderee Destiny 114P Red Shoderee Landmark 19F Red Shoderee Leading Lady 96K Red Shoderee Leading Lady 80H Red Loosu Divide 507 Red Lazy MC Divide 8J Red Blue Spruce Dina 201Z Red Ter-Ron Goldie 240L Red SSS Boom Town 260D Red Ter-Ron Goldie 240J Red Top Goldie 40U

• $18 000 high seller at the 2007 Ter-Ron Sale • 1/2 brother to Fully Loaded • Solid footed and structurally correct • Co-owned with Towaw Cattle Co. • Average birthweight of 81 lbs

Act. Index EPD CE 2.0 BW 88 0.1 Adj.WW 776 104 26 Adj. YW 1280 96 34 Milk 3 TM 16

RF Red U-2 Big League 7136T DUA 7136T


20 January 2007

BFCK Cherokee CNYN 4912 osf maf Red LCC Major League A502M osf maf Red Red KRN Reba’s Robin osf Red U-2 Big League 544R Red That’ll Do Amerigo 73C Red U-2 Anexa 09E Red That’ll Do Anexa 48B Red FCC Rambo 502 osf Red BJR Rambler 5162 osf Act. Index EPD BJR Goldi 355-1122 Red Stewart Pinola 1L Red Geis Zama Pine CE 2.0 Red Stewart Pinola 2’99 190-97 BW 84 -0.2 Red Breton Pinola 35F • Good solid structured foot

Adj.WW 770 110 Adj. YW 1461 114 Milk TM

• Demonstrates correct structure • Thick, moderate, well muscled • Average birthweight of 81 lbs on cows and heifers • Reserve Senior Yearling Bull at Farm Fair 2008 • Co-owned with Stewart Cattle Co.

RF Red Badlands Net Worth 23U IMP 23U


33 64 16 33

osf maf

12 February 2008

Traveler 8180 amf nhf caf SAV 8180 Traveler 004 amf nhf caf SITZ BOYD Forever Lady 8003 amf nhf caf PFFR Shaq 607 Red JHE John 022 Red RRM-Nancy 8965-9606 Red RRM Cayalo 8531-8965 Red LCC Cheyenne B221L osf maf Red BFCK Cherokee CNYN 4912 osf maf Red HXC 701G Red Badlands Medora 406 osf Red BJR The Duke 502-5176 CE Red Badlands Medora 440 osf Red GSP Ultra Lady 802

Act. Index EPD

BW Adj.WW Adj. YW Milk TM

• Outcross pedigree • Dark red color • Extra length of body with above average performance • Solid structure and correct foot

-4.0 7.1 117 64 96 115 16 48

RF Red Rainbow Loaded 28U DWBN 28U

Red Heartland Knight Charm 11L

Red Ter-Ron Fully Loaded 540R Red Ter-Ron Goldie 240L


15 February 2008

Red YY Red Knight 640F osf Red Carruthers Tribeca 7F Red Lazy MC Divide 8J Red Ter-Ron Goldie 240J Red Glacier Divide 310 Red Towaw Molly 67C Red Six Mile Starfire 499U Red Six Mile Lassie 3A

Red Towaw Indeed 104H osf Red Six Mile Lassie 377P osf Red Silverview Lassie 307C • Extra muscling • Moderate framed • Dark red hair coat • Dam sold for $35 000 1/2 interest • Sire sold for $50 000

Act. Index EPD CE -2.0 BW 70 0.8 Adj.WW 585 100 32 Adj. YW 1066 100 55 Milk 18 TM 34

Page 18

Rainbow Reference Sires

Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale

Rainbow Yearlings

50 Red Rainbow Edge 17Y DWBN 17Y


PFFR Shaq 607

Red Badlands Net Worth 23U maf osf CE

Red Badlands Medora 406 osf Red That’ll Do Kongo 39M Red Rainbow Lois 33R Red Geis Lois 129’02

05 February 2011 Act. Index EPD

BW 89 Adj.WW 832 100 Adj. YW 1099 100 Milk TM AOD

1.0 3.5 41 73 17 38

Red Rainbow Edge is a bull we feel a great deal about. He has loads of natural muscle and is deep sided with a very strong foot and leg structure. He has been a standout in our group all year. His mother is a moderate, deep, well structured cow who has never let us down. She has daughters in our herd and has a bull working at Dwayne Degens. We campaigned this bull at different shows throughout the year. He was very well received and added strong competition every class he was in. Selling full possession and 2/3 semen interest.

Red Rainbow Lois 33R - Dam of Lot 49

51 Red Rainbow True Grit DWBN 16Y

1646602 ET

52 Red Rainbow Loaded 13Y



04 February 2011

Stewart Cross Over 22N Red Chopper K Resistol 107R caf Red Chopper K Scaara 216M Red Get-a-Long Arab 159 Red Pasquia Fancy Lady 6F Red Pasquia Fancy Lady 6D

Act. Index EPD CE 7.0 BW 89 -0.4 Adj.WW 693 100 22 Adj. YW 913 100 46 Milk 15 Smooth made and loads of hair are the first TM 26 things that catch your eye when you see True AOD Grit. He is a result of a flush that we purchased from the Kaufmans. His dam is one of the great cows within the Red Angus business. If rebuilding is in the cards, then this guy should be marked. The females he leaves are bred to work!


03 February 2011

Red Ter-Ron Fully Loaded 540R Red Rainbow Loaded 28U Red Six Mile Lassie 377P osf Red Ter-Ron Git-R-Done 640S Red Rainbow Lois 35W Red Rainbow Lois 33R

Act. Index EPD CE 1.0 BW 78 0.5 Adj.WW 657 99 27 Adj. YW 1044 103 43 Milk 14 TM 28 Heifer bull with well balanced #’s. 35W is a moderate Git-R-Done cow that did a great job AOD on her first calf. Note the Grand- dam 33R, mother to Red Rainbow Edge 17Y. You also see the Goldie 240L twice in this calf ’s pedigree. Here’s a bull that is stacked with maternal power!

53 Red Rainbow Loaded 23Y DWBN 23Y


Red Ter-Ron Fully Loaded 540R Red Rainbow Loaded 28U Red Six Mile Lassie 377P osf Red U-2 Big League 7136T Red Rainbow Lakta 14W Red Rainbow Lakta 53M

Red Rainbow Fancy Lady 6Y Full Sister to Lot 51

11 Feb 2011

Act. Index EPD CE 1.0 BW 81 0.3 Adj.WW 646 96 28 Adj. YW 1096 120 49 Milk 18 TM 32 Low birth weight bull out of one of my favorite Git-R-Done daughter’s. 14W is a smaller AOD framed cow with a picture perfect udder. 14W’s mother 53M is a treasured cow here at Rainbow. Stout Loaded son that will work very well on heifers.

Page 19

Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale

Rainbow Yearlings

54 Red Rainbow Loaded 25Y DWBN 25Y


Red Ter-Ron Fully Loaded 540R Red Rainbow Loaded 28U Red Six Mile Lassie 377P osf Red SSS Pursue 858P Red Rainbow Princess 22U Red Rainbow Princess 39P

12 February 2011

Act. Index CE BW 80 Adj.WW 769 110 Adj. YW 1069 94 Milk Easy fleshing, loose made Loaded son. With TM only an 80lb birth weight he came along nicely AOD ranking 4th with a 769adj 205 day weight. 22U is a fine example of how Pursue daughters work within this industry. 25Y is a great heifer bull prospect with added performance.


1.0 1.0 33 52 13 29

Red SSS Pursue 858P

Maternal Grandsire of Lot 53 & Lot 55

55 Red Rainbow 37T 33X 26Y

56 Red Rainbow Loaded 27Y

Red Ter-Ron Fully Loaded 540R Red Rainbow Loaded 28U Red Six Mile Lassie 377P osf Red Ter-Ron Git-R-Done 640S Red Rainbow 37T 33X 9U Red Rainbow 37T 33X 26R

Red Ter-Ron Fully Loaded 540R Red Rainbow Loaded 28U Red Six Mile Lassie 377P osf Red SSS Pursue 858P Red Rainbow Miss Roc 18U Red Towaw Miss Roc 55K



13 Feb 2011

Act. Index EPD CE 1.0 BW 76 0.0 Adj.WW 671 95 27 Adj. YW 1031 112 44 Milk 13 26 76lb birth weight bull out of a moderate sharp TM fronted Git-R-Done daughter. 9U is following AOD in her mother’s footsteps and becoming a sold producing dam.



11 Feb 2011

Act. Index EPD CE 3.0 BW 74 -0.3 Adj.WW 666 94 23 Adj. YW 997 103 42 Milk 13 Another Loaded son with only a 74lb birth TM 25 weight. When you see all five of the Loaded sons together you well appreciate the consistent AOD stamp that he puts on his calves. 18U is an excellent Pursue daughter that carries a well balanced udder which the Pursue daughters are known for. Just ask David Sibbald at SSS what he thinks of his Pursue daughters!!

57 Red Rainbow Git-R-Done 34Y DWBN 34Y


20 February 2011

Red Shoderee Destiny 114P Red Ter-Ron Git-R-Done 640S Red Ter-Ron Goldie 240L Red KBL Knight 17J Red Geis Lois 166’05 Red Geis Lois 157’01

Act. Index EPD CE 2.0 BW 89 0.2 Adj.WW 661 91 12 Adj. YW 1007 108 19 Milk 10 Solid Git-R-Done son out of our 166R cow. TM 16 166R is a volume packed, easy fleshing dam that AOD continues to produce here at Rainbow. She has many daughters in our herd. One of Brooke’s favorite first calf heifers (20X x 7136T) is out of 166R. This Git-R-Done son carries maternal power behind him!

58 Red Rainbow Git-R-Done 39Y 59 Red Rainbow Git-R-Done 42Y DWBN 39Y


Red Shoderee Destiny 114P Red Ter-Ron Git-R-Done 640S Red Ter-Ron Goldie 240L Red Glacier Nyack 688 osf maf Red Rainbow Larkabelle 13L Red Rainbow Larkabelle 140H

25 Feb 2011

Act. Index EPD CE 3.0 BW 87 0.3 Adj.WW 714 100 28 Adj. YW 1032 99 43 Milk 8 22 Another complete son out of Git-R-Done. TM 13L, an 11year old cow continues to produce AOD year after year. She is a moderate framed sharp fronted dam who has daughters retained in our herd. We lost Git-R-Done this past year so this could be one of the last sons we have to offer.



Red Shoderee Destiny 114P Red Ter-Ron Git-R-Done 640S Red Ter-Ron Goldie 240L Red Towaw Indeed 22K Red Rainbow Princess 25R Red Rainbow Princess 18L

26 Feb 2011

Act. Index EPD CE 5.0 BW 86 0.3 Adj.WW 789 112 33 Adj. YW 1096 96 52 Milk 11 27 25R is a good example of how our indeed cows TM work so well within our herd! Check out the AOD 789adj weight. This long spined Git-R-Done son will work well on both cows and heifers.

Page 20

Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale

Rainbow Yearlings & Two Year Olds

60 Red Rainbow Loaded 52Y

62 Red Rainbow Big League 42X

Red Ter-Ron Fully Loaded 540R Red Rainbow Loaded 28U Red Six Mile Lassie 377P osf Red Shoderee Lancer 112R Red Rainbow Lois 23T Red Geis Lois 166’05

Red U-2 Big League 544R Red U-2 Big LEague 7136T Red Stewart Pinola 1L Red Towaw Indeed 22K Red Rainbow Larkaba 12R Red Blue Spruce Larkaba 44J



22 March 2011

Act. Index EPD CE 2.0 BW 82 -0.2 Adj.WW 797 114 26 Adj. YW 1144 108 47 Milk 17 30 Red Rainbow Loaded 52Y may only be a March TM 22nd calf but he seemed to keep pace with his AOD pen mates. Red Rainbow Lois 23T is a Lancer daughter that comes from our 166R cow. (see bull 34Y) She is a dark red moderate cow with a well attached udder.



20 March 2010

Act. Index EPD CE 5.0 BW 78 -2.0 Adj.WW 804 101 16 Adj. YW 1081 72 30 Milk 19 If you are looking for performance this could TM 27 very well be the bull for you. This bull has been AOD one of our favourites all summer, deep and thick. He has large testicles, good feet and legs. He’s out of a moderate framed red cow with a great udder and gentle disposition. Whether you are raising bulls, steers or replacement females this bull will do the job.

61 Red Rainbow Git-R-Done 40X DWBN 40X


10 March 2011

Red Shoderee Destiny 114P Red Ter-Ron Git-R-Done 640S Red Ter-Ron Goldie 240L

Act. Index EPD CE 1.0 BW 88 0.1 Red LCC Maj. League A502M osf maf Adj.WW 848 106 31 Red Rainbow 37T 33X 26R Adj. YW 1180 86 42 Red Moose Creek 37T 33X Milk 8 23 The two two year olds that we have on offer this TM year were kept back for spares. This Git-R-Done AOD son is a moderate framed bull that is smooth fronted. He would work well on heifers or cows. 26R is a well balanced sharp fronted cow with a very correct udder.

Page 21

Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale

Future Herdsires

Towaw’s Future Herdsires Red Lazy MC Kingman 16W Kingman is a RMJ Redman son out of a Smash daughter. He had a 88 lb. BW, 750 lb. YW, and a 1329 lb. YW and is a total outcross to our herd. Two paternal brothers to Kingman were the high selling calves of last fall, averaging nearly $50,000. He is incredibly easy fleshing as he has naturally bred close to 200 females in his first two years and is always in good shape. His first 40 straws of semen sold at Red Roundup for $140 per straw. His first calves are very deep, easy fleshing and attractive, and will be highlights for Towaw in next year’s sale. Co-owned with Ter-Ron Farms.

Red Basin EXT 45T5

Last winter we went down to Benchmark Angus in Lethbridge to look at sons of EXT 45T5, being impressed initially with his awesome set of EPDs. He is in the top 1% of the breed for WW, YW, Milk, TM, REA and Marbling, while being just over average for birth and in the top 10% for calving ease. The sons were really good and the milking two year old daughters were impressive as well. When we saw EXT, the depth of body, length, and a perfect set of big dark feet, the wheels started to turn on finding a way to get him breeding cows in Sangudo. We were able to purchase ½ possession and a ¼ semen interest in this great sire and he bred 50 cows for us last summer. Look for his sons in the 2014 bull sale. Contact Towaw or Co-owners Benchmark Angus to talk about semen packages for 2012.

Terms & Conditions TERMS: Unless otherwise previously arranged with Towaw Cattle Co., terms of this sale are cash or cheque, payable in Canadian funds. As soon as an animal is sold it becomes the responsibility of the purchaser. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Errors in the catalogue will be corrected by announcements from the stand at sale time, and such corrections will take precedence over the printed matter in the catalogue. DISPUTES: In case of disputes, bidding will be reopened between the parties involved. If no further bid is made, the buyer will be the person from whom the auctioneer accepted the last bid. The auctioneer’s decision in such matters will be final.

CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRY: A certificate of registry duly transferred will be furnished to the buyer by the seller for each REGISTERED animal after settlement has been made. DELIVERY: We will arrange delivery of the bulls to central points in western Canada and closest U.S. Port of Entry, free of charge. ACCIDENTS: Although every precaution will be taken to protect the safety and comfort of the buyer, the owners assume no responsibility in this matter, and disclaim any liability, legal or otherwise, in the event of accident or loss of property, on or about the premises.

Branding 2011 Dave has a group of young, well broke horses available for sale by private treaty on sale day. Call him at (780)785-2091 for details. Page 22

Towaw 33rd Annual Bull Sale


Donation Heifer Once again we will be offering a commercial heifer for charity this year. We will sell tickets in the Dutch Auction system at $10 per ticket. If you bid $100 you will get 10 chances to win the heifer in the draw immediately following the sale. $10 tickets will be available right up until the time of the draw as well. This year we will be donating all proceeds to the Barrhead Community Cancer Centre, which is a satellite care facility to the Cross Cancer Center. Having a facility near our community is a huge asset to people battling cancer in our local area and makes it so some patients don’t have to make the drive, or even relocate, to Edmonton to receive their care. Cancer touches so many people in our area, so we think this is an excellent place to direct some financial aid.

ess. Last year’s Red and Black Baldy fundraiser was a huge succ by Angus enthusiasts

0 in total was raised You, our friends and customers, donated over $7000 to the cause! Nearly $30,00 ian Angus Association Annual meeting Canad our at shaving head the in across the countr y. The fundraiser culminated shaved, but a large group of Breeders put up in Manitoba. As the leader in pledges Kirk’s head was definitely up for being heads as well. A Ryan $5000 if both CAA staffers Rob Smith and Michael Latimer would shave theirto model it during Miller signed Buffalo sabres jersey was donated for Auction and Thomas got for $3800 in a the auction. Manitoba Angus breeder Sandy Margetts was the winning bidder the jersey to hotly contested battle. There was not a dry eye in the house when Sandy gave someday”. Thomas and said, “she wanted to see Thomas grow into the jersey and fill it out Angus Thomas enjoyed taking the first swipes of hair off of Kirk’s head, and many other present the people had a great time, “Balding the Boys”. Thomas was also very proud to work for great such does that group a , cheque to Val from the Kids with Cancer Society for kids and their families who are battling Cancer. We can’t thank all of you enough s. illnesse s’ Thoma and Gail both h your support of our family as we battle throug

Thomas presenting the cheque to Val from the Kids with Cancer Society

The “Baldys” Before

Thomas & Sandy Margetts

Thomas the Shaver

Page 23

The “Baldys” After

Towaw Cattle Co. Box 444 Sangudo, AB T0E 2A0


Time Sensitive Please Deliver by April 1




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