Aniima - Brochura_ING

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We operate in the market providing online business solutions in Cloud Sourcing. Based on the aniima web portal, our model includes all the essentials to a business, making it autonomous and sustainable, with full mobility and safety.

Upload services and/or products for direct sales through traditional shopping cart E-commerce module Pricing with full autonomy and flexibility Creation and management of Promotional Discounts and Vouchers Our BackOffice provides autonomy and flexibility in shipping management Secure Payment System Hosting included

Direct and automatic bookings, with no calls, no emails, no third parties involvement

Promoting your company, its brands, services, activities and products

Direct and automatic management of booking confirmations

Writing and publishing news

Goodwill booking, without financial constraints

Member page Specialized search engine for your business Multilingual website Entire national supply available in an organized manner enhancing the aggregation and growth of demand Services and technology to support direct promotion

Direct management of orders and reservations, its status and shipping costs

Online publicity with no third parties involvement

Presence in major social networks

Sales and customer volumen control

Participating in Aniima email marketing campaigns

Payment handling

Writing and publishing news

Statistics Transaction history

Free to create and launch campaigns

Promotion of the services, products and activities of your company and of the whole industry

Instant payment notification

Ability to hire additional advertising packages

Technical support for payments Monitoring of results

Replicating Services, Products, Activities, Promotions, News and Highlights Monitoring


Aniima is the gateway to your business in the cloud computing era Self service work system

With Aniima, your company will only pay a monthly fee for using all this services Aniima makes your business more efficient and productive, reducing costs

All this is possible because our service is hosted in the Data Center AR Telecom. Here the information is safe, being always available

Aniima web portal users can be connected anytime and anywhere, whether on a PC/laptop, a mobile phone or a tablet

Direct Channel Aniima is a direct sales channel. Transactions and payments are made by the buyer directly to the bank account of the supplier, with no commissions involved.

Automatic Channel Aniima is an automatic booking channel where bookings are made directly between the consumer and the provider. There are no commissions involved and no need for calls or email exchanges.

Interactive Channel Aniima enables companies to promote their business directly to their customers without third party intervention: • Additional promotions in the company page • Additional pages for services or products • Services and products highlights • News Releases • Vouchers • Discounts • Shipping Costs Management • Aniima pages and functionalities can be incorporated in the companies own websites

Multichannel Aniima is multichannel: • Web Portal (Shop and Reservation System) • Responsive website (can be accessed on any mobile device) • Mobile Apps (Apple and Android) with “Near Me” feature • Pages embeddable in any other website, blog or official business webpage • Presence in major Social Networks

Integration with Easypay payment system • Only this integrated system meets so many payment options in a single platform • Instant notification of payments • Payment references with price and date validation • A system that accpets payments from all over the world • 10 years experience in the international market

Content Manager • Aniima provides a content manager where uploading documents and publishing information is direct and easy • No technical expertise required • Edit with autonomy

Online shop • A simplified way to display information about the company and its services, products and news • Use of detail pages, images, videos, PPT presentations and PDF files

Corporate proactivity Besides the design and development of the Aniima web portal, we really make a difference: • Nationwide Sales Force • Blog and Newsletters publishing • Presence in Forums and Communities • Social Responsibility agreements and protocols with Social and Education Institutions • Partnerships Program • Crowdfunding Programs

Web Design Graphic Design Sales Outsourcing Printing Services

Training Landing Pages/SEO/SEA E-mail Marketing Advertising

Management of social network pages Printing, enveloping and dispatch by post

Looking for one of these services? We have agreements and protocols that allow us to offer special prices to our Partners! We will certainly get the right solution for you! Do not hesitate to contact us:

Online Shop with CMS

Booking System

Apple & Android APP’s with Near Me feature Check the price list and more information at:

Av. da república, nº 6, 7º esq., 1050-191 Lisboa, Portugal

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