
r ':"eek-end 13•stonc and comes and Gordon them ging face' they • in performance just Big s toured Conway in bwicsr in menu! t


urf, as
lJl • I they h ave all winter.
• wh o's
Noel's the only o n e boy keen wi nt er ~•atcr the others say ihc{vc h:ld
a few dips ch

Not that they h3VC i~:.::s )
• ctiCC (o r sw1
tune for pr2 f m e.3rl)' ,no rn ·
Tbefre busy r~t with reco rd· ing till late m g ra n ees, TV, ings, P""'"'"' •PP"" and toun
They•rc workiog on a(o~u~;:
t,er ~( t~e1r w:;..1:; tall one cord.mg voice will s in g
~•ith the ~P '
a· solo h roup
£a ly "''"' y,a.r t • g h will :our New Zt-ala nd w it
Ella Fitzgerald
LTHOUGH rhe majority of Aussies are quick to eel• ebra1e lbe glories of
L Oz rock these days, r-=-'cal ways that way l'&t, uch 10 lbe conuary, and fascinar.ing si~~
senes prerruenng C early in Augutr cu I y To rh, Topr. ofAustralian Rocle & Roll
!aka us back 10 th e beginwhen rhc conservative who controlled this ia lbe ' SO. ICaChed • mcnl panic in response l'.'1. they JlCl'.C"ived was lbe ~nvas100 of entenain•
al the new ICCl!age
c boredom 1har
BY RITCHIE YORKEwan1ed young Aussies not 10 be exposed 10 the so n of seminal music being produced by Ameri• can colo ured people, whi c h we nl against the grain of our lingering obsession with the Whjte Aus• tralin policy
As one of J o hnny O ' Keefe's
baclc:up musicians points our in the li,sr episode of long Way To th, Top: " We d idn ' t h ear llflY black music here. It wasn't being played So Johnny was very sman - he cottoned on 10 tha t and figured tha t was the wny to go."
But O ' Keefe had 10 create a music indusuy ro unde,pin his
medin ro shrug off its anti-rock re luclance.
One Sydney DJ by the name of Tony Withers p redic ted rh e ne w music would be dead in nine mon rh s, bur later chang ed his mi nd and c limbed o n the bandwagon.
A TV s tat ion (C h annel 9 ) appoi nted ns hos t of irs Band• , rand forma l (borro wed fro m th e US) a hoSI so straight (Brinn Henderson) that h e still rends Sydney'• e vening ne ws 10 1his day
z tee ns lo ved rhe arrival of rock ' n ' roll, bur lhe Es1ablis h -

Among the stars of the first episode of long Way To th, Top are O'Kecfe (pic1ured, above front, wirh the Dellro ncs), Col Joye, pio neering M elbo urne DJ Sran Rofe, Judy Stone an d individual members of our early rock bands
In subsequen l episodes, expec t 10 sec The Loved Ones, Mas1crs Apprcn r ices, The Easybeats , Billy Thorpe and The S eekers (episod e rw o); Daddy Coo l , M ixtures a nd Lo bby Lloyd (episode three); Renee Geyer, John P au l Young, Cold C h ise l , Skyh ooks, Rose Ta u oo, A C/DC (episode fo ur) ; Men a t Wo rk, Midnight Oil, INXS, Mental As Any lhing (epi sode live); and Chri s 1i nc Anu , Yot hu Yind i, Kylie Minogue, The Cruel S ea, silverch oi r (e pisode six).

Su rf
rl · the o! a.i 11kt u' thet1 tte-I wa wt n ban C tht Luca (bar WI enterta t deci pr engagemeu appe, Leed th bad • < s g pl d th groups W