Bulletin No 12
28th Sep 2016
Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Castle Hill ISSN 2203-126X
Rotary Club of Castle Hill Chartered 18th March 1965
PO Box 13, Castle Hill. 1765 www.rotarynews.info/club4201
Rotary Year 2016-17 District Governor: Bruce Lakin (District 9685 ) Rotary Int’l President: John F Germ
This Week 28th September
Next Week 05th October
Dr Sushil Bandodker — Himself and his journey thus far Chair – Mike Hallen Regalia – Paul Robinson, David Bull Notes – Raymond Danam
Guest Speaker: Phil Davis Restoration of the James Craig Chair – George Biegalke Regalia – Mike Hallen, Mike Blair Notes – Terry O’Mara
BIRTHDAYS Paul Robinson 15th Marie Ford 25th David & Cleo Brown 3rd Noel & Dorothy Milligan 8th ANNIVERSARIES Ross & Kathy Hood 16th John & Rigmor Stuart 17th
Ed & Lorraine Heyman 26th Chris & Joanne Dunwell 3rd
ER B M s E n T o P i t a SE r e n e G w Ne Month 1
was Shire Council to recommend the establishvery ment of a second hand car market and to promote Rotary as the organisers and beneficiaries of such. His concern is to get cars pleased with for sale off public roads where there is a danthe ger to the public who walk around the cars great to inspect them and therefore end up in the l l e roadway. This is therefore a potentially danunw D s i gerous situation. It is also completely free Chr R t n E e N d night we from any regulation. OR resi P C m ’S had last week S Fro I e are actively exploring the running R CH to celebrate Excellence of this market and we might be in a in Policing. First things first – a position by the early new year (maybe Febvery big thankyou to Terry O’Mara for his ex- ruary 2017) to have our first market at the cellent work in organising the event and Castle Hill Showground with a fixed price for making it the great success it was. Of course car sellers to participate and a gold coin doI also need to extend a big thankyou to Su- nation to potential buyers. Terry O has been perintendent Rob Critchlow and his senior speaking with the NRMA and others who team for their nominations and the support might wish to support this and make a well they provide each year to this event. run and well regulated event from the peo-
ple of the North West, not just the LGA.
nce again we heard of many examples of excellent work from the men and am looking forward to hearing about othwomen in uniform, and one or two who’s er possible fund raising events that might role is not on the front line but who none the come to fruition in the coming months that less provide great support to the officers on will allow us to help the community and also the streets. give us all an opportunity to showcase to the community the work we do, as this will be an o we keep our fingers crossed that our important way to attract new members to representative from Castle Hill will en- the club and to build numbers back to the joy success in the State awards later in the target we set ourselves in the strategic plan year and look forward to doing it again in – the number was 45 by the way to be coming years. reached in 2020.
ot only do we get excellent support form the LAC doing the job they are primarily there to do, but we also get excellent support for our work in Rotary. Rob Critchlow has taken the initiative with the
That’s all for this week. Yours in Rotary , President Chris 2
Presentation. Chairman for evening PP Terry O’Mara AM
Nominations are: Constable Thomas Gerald Coventry
Sworn in on 12 December 2014, Constable Coventry who is a junior officer, has continued to demonstrate a positive and proThis award is fessional approach to his duties presented to the officer with less as a Constable. In 2015, Constathan two years service who has ble Coventry was the Castle Hill
etails of Rotary Excellence in Policing evening wed 21st
September 2016
Meeting opened by President Chris Dunwell who welcomed Official Guests and visitors with special mention to Superintenexceeded the expected standdent Robert Critchlow and ards of performance as a new Counsellor Dr. Michelle Byrne police officer. It is designed to The evening was wholly conrecognise those officers who centrated on The Hills Police have either by volume of work, Officer of the Year 2016 Awards or a variety of unique experiences, have been challenged and succeeded in their early role as a police officer.
Rotary New Police officer of the Year. He has continued to demonstrate high levels of customer service and professional practice, well beyond his years of service. Recently Constable Coventry has received recognition from the Minister for Police in the way he dealt with a mental health incident. Probationary Constable Natalie Booth Sworn in on 11 December 2015, Probationary Constable Booth has demonstrated a high level 4
of operational performance in a very short period of time. Her skills, knowledge and attitude within the workplace are of a very high standard. She has received favourable comments from her peers including her levels of motivation, respect and independence. She is progressing very well in her role and demonstrates a high level of maturity for a person with minimal exposure. She is highly regarded by her peers.
ior Constable 29 November 1996, Leading Senior Constable 10 August 2003 and Sergeant 21 June 2005. Sergeant Fehon was awarded the 2012Rotary Police Leadership award. Sergeant POLICE LEADERSHIP Fehon is a dedicated and comAWARD mitted supervisor who actively This award is presented to the engages his staff to create a officer who has demonstrated positive working environment. genuine leadership traits He is approachable and accesthrough their words and acsible to his staff whilst resolvtions in performing their key ing issues within the workfunctions, resulting in positive place. He assists junior staff in levels of performance by others their roles and career developwithin in their area of responsiment. This has resulted in Serbility geant Fehon being selected to Nominations are: undertake the role of acting Duty Officer at the rank of InSergeant Mark Fehon spector both at The Hills and Sworn in on 29 July 1990, SenParramatta Local Area Commands. Sergeant Fehon is highly regarding by
the Senior Management Team in his strong work ethic and the ability to deal with operational and administrative complexities. Leading Senior Constable Kaitlin McMillan Sworn in on 30 April 2004, Senior Constable 30 April 2009 and Leading Senior Constable 19 August 2013. As a Leading Senior Constable, she has assisted junior staff on her team with investigations without prompting. She demonstrates initiative and is highly respected by her team members as well as other staff. She has been responsible for the field training of a number of probationary constables within the command and is highly regarded among her peers. Sergeant Adam Steel Sworn in 21 December 2001, Senior Constable 21 December 2006, Leading Senior Consta5
ble 28 January 2009 and Sergeant 3 January 2010. In March 2016, Sergeant Steel responded to a self harm at Castle Hill, through his knowledge and experience, he located the patient
Sergeant Steel a strong leader within this command. VOCATIONAL EXCELLENCE AWARD
This award is presented to the individual who, through commitment to a particular functional area over an extended period of time, has reached a consistently high standard of performance and is in an area that had already been recognised as the benchmark of examined by searchers. His meperformance in that functional ticulous approach resulted in area. the patient being revived until Nominations are: the arrival of ambulance staff. The initiative and leadership General Administrative Supdisplayed by Sergeant Steel at port Officer Anita Muzika this incident, demonstrated his General Administration Support leadership qualities not only to Officer Muzika Commenced dustaff but members of the public ty on the and family who were assisting 12 Novemin the search. This is one of ber 2012 many similar tragic incidents and perthat have not had more dire forms staoutcomes due to the involvetion and ment of Sergeant Steel. His inifront intiative, ability to operative unquiry der pressure in heightened counter emotional situations and his roles at maintenance of thorough attenthe Castle tion to the task at hand make Hill Police
Station. This role is important as it is generally the first point of contact between members of the public and police. Peers have commented on General Administration Support Officer Muzika as always enthusiastic, positive when dealing with members of the public both over the phone and in the inquiry counter. She is well educated and uses that knowledge effectively. She is able to build good rapport with victims and customers to put them at ease whilst assisting them. Intelligence Analyst Dave Rapp Commenced duty on the 18 February 2002. Mr Rapp has previously been nominated in 2013 in the Rotary Police Awards. He has been performing the role of intelligence analyst at a consistently high standard. Recently he has assisted in the training of an intelligence
supervisor who had no prior intelligence experience. He is well respected with the command and is seen as an authority on all matters intelligence related. He is constantly assisting staff from the Crime Management Unit, Detectives and Senior Management with requests to enhance investigations and or projects. Sergeant Kaylene Wade Sworn in 20 February 1994, Senior Constable 19 August 1999 and Sergeant 5 February 2008. Sergeant Wade has received an Assistant Commis-
currently represents the North West Metropolitan Region Spokeswomen Network. Sergeant Wade has demonstrated her consistent professionalism to this command through her education and training methods. She is responsible for the training and development of all officers from this command from the rank of Probationary Constable to Superintendent. She maintains her operational and corporate knowledge through constant training which is passed onto staff. She has also supported staff members through difficult times in
stantly called upon to assist and coordinate region level training directives. Roster Officer Tracey Aquilina Commenced duty 25 September 1995 and is currently performing the Roster Officer role. The pressure on this role is relentless with the day to day operational demands of putting officers on the street for every shift. The situation is exacerbated by Regional demands for staff for larger community policing events and staff unavailability due to illness, leave, injury, training and a myriad of other impacting situations. Mrs Aquilina maintains the roster under extreme pressure with good grace and understanding. She is always available to assist in alternate roles and is a trained back up for two other administrative positions. COMMUNITY/CUSTOMER SERVICE AWARD This award is presented to the individual who has demonstrated consistent and positive support of the needs of their community or customer base. Nominations are: Senior Constable Alison Lilly
their careers whilst utilising her Sworn in 20 February 2005, prosioners Recognition for her proPeer Support Skills. Her skills in moted to Senior Constable 14 ject work on the Aboriginal Emeducation and training are con- December 2010. Senior Constaployment Strategy. She also 7
ble Alison Lilly is the Local Area Command’s Traffic Officer. She represents the Commander on various local government traffic and development committees for which she has received numerous letters of recognition. In that role she has to negotiate and communicate with all stakeholders to achieve favourable outcomes for the community and police. In her role, Senior Constable Lilly also assisted in the investigation of a bicycle rider who was tragically killed during the Tour de Hills Bicycle
involving traffic manners. She is highly regarding by Senior Management. Senior Constable Christie Jane Desira
Sworn in on 27 August 2010 and promoted to the rank of Senior Constable on the 27 August 2015. She has been performing the role of Crime Prevention Officer since April 2014 and is well known and regarded within local groups, local government and other government agencies where she frequently presents crime prevention packages. Senior Constable Desira is also responsible in processing development applications with the council on half of the command. She also manages 11 VIPs (Volunteers in Policing) attending numerous community and crime prevention events. Senior Constable Desira continues to receive numerous regular complimentary remarks from Classic in 2015. Members of the the community and display community commented on high level of commitment to Senior Constable Lilly’s comher role. passionate composure under pressure whilst conducting her Senior Constable Michael investigation in a professional Devescovi manner. Senior Constable Lilly also provides advice to all staff
Sworn in on 17 December 2010 and promoted to Senior Con-
stable 17 December 2015. Received a Region Commanders Certificate for performing first aid on a victim. In July 2016, Senior Constable Michael Devescovi responded to a robbery and assault at Baulkham Hills, police attended within minutes and according to the victim, police were extremely compassionate and caring about him. The victim indicated that the officer’s genuine concerns about his welfare and the offence, made him feel that he was not merely being processed. After the some investigation, the offender was identified and charged with the victim being updated as to the course of the investigation and outcome of court proceedings. The victim indicated that these officers with a dedicate group of professionals who were genuinely caring about keeping the community safe. Senior Constable Richard Kraay Sworn in on 13 September 8
1999, Senior Constable 13 Sep- merous domestic violence comtember 2004. Senior Constable mittees and has received numerous complementary remarks for his pro-
officers attached to local area commands, which include general duties, criminal investigations and other officers who operate in the local area command environment. Nominations are: Constable Rebecca Amy Nethercote
Sworn in on 23 August, 2013, attaining the rank of Constable on the 23 August, 2014. Constable Nethercote was the 2015 Kraay received a Unit Citation fessionalism. Due to Senior for Macquarie Fields Riot in Constable Kraay and his leader- Hills Rotary Police Officer of the 2005 and a Region Command- ship and professionalism in this year. She has continued to consistently demonstrate a high ers Unit Citation for the Redfern role, domestic violence crime Riots in 2004. Senior Constable rates are at an all time low rate standard of professionalism Kraay, currently performs the whilst legal action against per- and diligence. She maintains a high commitment to proactive role of Domestic Violence Liai- petrators high. His perforson Officer within the commance in this role has contrib- policing, which has resulted in numerous arrests. She actively mand. He is responsible and co- uting in the commands crime seeks out new roles to develop ordinates domestic violence rate. her skills whilst readily assisting matters at courts, provides wel- POLICE OFFICER OF THE junior staff in investigations. fare and court support of doYEAR OF THE YEAR AWARD She requires minimal supervimestic violence victims. He repThis Award is to recognise the sion and guidance during her resents the command on nuoutstanding contribution of short career. She is highly regarding both by junior and senior staff. Senior Constable Adam Janos Olah Sworn in on 17 December 2010 then attaining rank of Constable on 16 December 2011 and Senior Constables 17 December 2015. He has received several complimentary remarks for professionalism, kindness and 9
skills assisting members of the public, during motor vehicle collisions, criminal offences and other incidents. In 2015, Senior Constable Olah was nominated as the police officer of the year. Whilst performing roles within the proactive unit, Senior Constable Olah has consistently obtained the commands highest proactive intervention statistics. Senior Constable Olah has keen observational skills that result in him being in the right place at the right time to detect offences and apprehended offenders. He is highly regarding among his peers as a ‘streetwise’ officer. Leading Senior Constable Mark Lawrence Sworn in on 20 December 2007, Senior Constable 17 May 2014 and Leading Senior Constable 28 July 2016. Leading Senior Constable Lawrence has received a number of complimentary remarks from members of the public and numerous nominations from his peers. He is highly regarded as a field training officer with advanced investigative skills for a general duties officer. He demonstrates a positive attitude, which motivates other staff that he is working with. His enthusiasm results in achieving positive proactive results, consistently placing him
as one of the top performers at the Local Area Command with several notable arrests. His communication skills are exceptional and as such is able to diffuse potentially dangerous situations bring them to a safe conclusion. His approachable manner encourages junior police seek advice and guidance from him. LSC Lawrence is also a volunteer member of the SES demonstrating his community commitment.
peers as a ‘street cop’ and has a high level of knowledge of local offenders, where they live, associates and hot spots throughout the command. He is an excellent role model for junior staff. Constable Scott Darwick Sworn in on 24 August 2012, recipient of 2013 Hills Rotary New Police Officer of the year. His high level of work ethic has resulted in his placement within
Leading Senior Constable Michael Taranto Sworn in on 28 August 2007, Senior Constable 19 December 2012, and Leading Senior Constable 1 December 2014. Leading Senior Constable Taranto was the recipient of the 2014 Hills Rotary Police Officer of the Year award. Leading Senior Constable Taranto has continued to display his high level of professionalism within the command. He can be relied upon to perform the role of supervisor at short notice. He maintains a high level of proactive intervention and arrest figures whilst displaying social justice for all people he deals with. He is highly regarded among his
the Proactive Team where he is an essential member of the team. His efforts have significantly contributed in the reduction of community crime figures through high arrest rates and profiling of offenders. He has been in charge of a number of successful local targeted operations. Senior Constable Christie Jane Desira Sworn in on 27 August 2010 and promoted to the rank of Senior Constable on the 27 August 10
2015. She has been performing the role of Crime Prevention Officer since April 2014 and is well known and regarded within community groups, local and other government agencies where she frequently presents crime prevention packages. Senior Constable Desira is also responsible in processing development applications with the council on half of the command. She also manages 11 VIPs (Volunteers in Policing), attending numerous community and crime prevention events. Senior
Mark Fehon Vocational Excellence Award Sergeant Kaylene Wade
Attendance for 21st September By PP Peter Marcer
Community/Customer Service Award - Senior Constable Alison Lilly Police Officer of the Year Leading Senior Constable Mark Lawrence who is nominated for the State Award to be held on Friday 6th November, at Dockside Pavilion, Darling Harbour.
Superintendent Robert Critchlow expressed his appreciation to the Rotary Club of Castle Hill for presenting this evening. He also exConstable Desira continues to pressed how important the receive numerous regular com- Awards were to his staff and it plimentary remarks from the also shows what a great dedicommunity and display high cated team he has at Castle Hill level of commitment to her Police. role. Raffle winners: Mike Blair and AWARDEES ARE:Hannibal’s son. New Police Officer of the Year - President Chris Dunwell Probationary Constable Nathanked official guests and visitalie Booth tors for coming to this great evening. Police Leadership - Sergeant
John Barker Karl Gessner Bob Chary John Cooper David Sommerlad LOA
Geoff Duffy till 227th Sept. Anil De Silva till 31st Dec. Ross Hood till 15th Oct. Ron Marcus till 30th Sept Make Ups: Mike Blair - Board Meeting John Cooper - XCC Friends of Rotary: Rod Williamson Terry Ireland Hon. Members: Dr Michelle Byrne Visiting Rotarians: Lorraine, Padstow RC (Bruce Allen) Guests: 41in total (23 LAC Castle Hill), (12 Partners), (6 Rotarians guest/s)
July 6 July 13 July 20 July 27
EGM & Revisit Strategic Plan Guest Speaker Guest Speaker Cherelyn Suzuki: Youth Exchange Retrospect Christmas in July Family Event (TBA)
Chair Chris Dunwell
Aug 3
Club Assembly – Yearly Plan & Budget
Chair Chris Dunwell
Aug 10 Aug 17 Aug 24 Aug 31
Chair: Terry O'Mara Chair Mike Blair
Sep 7 Sep 9 Sep 11
Guest Speaker Sgt. Samantha Davies: Missing Persons Unit Info Meeting – Fun Run Fellowship Event Guest Speaker Building a school in Solomon Island Maddie McDowell No Meeting Zone Meeting - Hosted by Epping Cross Country Fun Run
Sep 14
Guest Speaker—Terry O’Mara- My Life
Chair – George Biegalke
Sep 21
Excellence in Policing
Chair – Terry O’Mara
Sep 28
Fun Run Presentation Night
Chair Mike Blair
Oct 5
Guest Speaker—Phil Davis Restoration of the James Craig
Oct 12
Club Assembly
Chair – George Biegalke Chair Chris Dunwell
Oct 19
Guest Speaker—Pam Wilson-History of Castle Hill
Fellowship Committee
Oct 26
Fellowship Event
Chair Chris Dunwell
Oct 30
BBQ Cumberland forest
Nov 2
Guest Speaker
Nov 9
Polio Movie Night
Nov 16
Guest Speaker
Nov 23
Fellowship Event
Nov 30
Guest Speaker
Dec 7
Annual General Meeting
Chair Chris Dunwell
Dec 14
Club Christmas Party
Chair Santa Clause
Chair Geoff Duffy CHCC Christmas Fair
Chair Ross Hood
Notes – Chris Dunwell
Chair AG Hills
5 October
12 October
Guest Speaker
Chair – George Biegalke
Phil Davis Restoration of the James Craig
Regalia – Mike Hallen, Mike Blair
Club Assembly
Chair - Chris Dunwell Regalia – Raymond Danam, Karl Gessner
19 October
Guest Speaker
Notes – Chris Dunwell Fellowship Committee
26 October
Pam Wilson-History of Castle Hill Fellowship Event
Chair - Chris Dunwell Regalia – George Biegalke, John Cooper Notes – Sushil Bandodkar
PAST PRESIDENTS 1965-66Gerald Engel Prov & Charter President 1966-67 John Wells 1967-68 Roley McClintock 1968-69 Don Wright 1969-70 Ray Wells 1970-71 Tony Dehlsen 1971-72 Roy Martin 1972-73 Frank Crooke 1973-74 Allan Buckingham 1974-75 Ken Binns 1975-76 Colin Lawford 1976-77 Roger Wood 1977-78 Brian Stacey 1978-79 Warren Bowden 1979-80 Ern Death 1980-81 Peter Gilbank 1981-82 Graeme Brangwin 1982-83 Stan Fulker 1983-84 Phillip Dunn 1984-85 Bill Robinson 1985-86 John Barker PSM 1986-87 Norm Roach 1987-88 Milton Colburt 1988-89 Ron Marcus OAM 1989-90 Bill Tait 1990-91 Peter Wood 1991-92 Bruce Allen 1992-93 Ray White 1993-94 Ron Miller
1994-95 Gerry Larkin 1995-96 Hannibal Shabaz 1996-97 George McDonald 1997-98 Peter McBean 1998-99 John Stuart 1999-00 Geoff Duffy 2000-01 John Cooper 2001-02 Mike Hallen 2002-03 Judy Ford 2003-04 Jeff Whyte 2004-05 Peter Ford 2005-06 Mike Blair 2006-07 Terry O’Mara AM 2007-08 David Waterhouse 2008-09 Peter Marcer 2009-10 Rod Williamson 2010-11 Terry O’Mara AM 2011-12 Stephen Macquarie 2012 –2013 Paul Robinson 2013-2014 Bev Cooney OAM 2014 - 2015 Mike Blair 2015—2016 Mike Hallen PAST PRESIDENTS OTHER CLUBS David Sommerlad AM , Bruce Jenkin MBE Neil Todd, Phil Davis Raymond Danam SERVICE ABOVE SELF AWARD Ron Marcus OAM
Rotaract Club of The Hills Meets: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month Location: Room 3, Turner Building, Balcombe Heights Estate, 92 Seven Hills Road, Baulkham Hills.
Club Officers and Non-Executive Positions Rotary Club of Castle Hill Rotary Year 2016-2017 President President-Elect (2016-2017) Secretary Treasurer Director Club Administration Director Membership Director Public Relations Director Community Service Director Rotary Foundation Director Outreach Projects
Chris Dunwell Paul Robinson Raymond Danam Phil Dunn Chris Dunwell Mike Hallen Peter Marcer Mike Blair Bruce Allen Terry O’Mara
Non-executive Club Officers Bulletin Editor Sergeant at Arms Guest Speaker Program International Chairman Youth Chairman Vocational Chairman Welfare Officer Webmaster
Anil de Silva Phil Davis/Hannibal Shabaz Ross Hood Phil Davis Ross Hood Hannibal Shabaz Terry O’Mara Paul Robinson
TransAmerica Trail? Rotarian Robert Keegan of Tennessee did to benefit PolioPlus. DediFundraising for PolioPlus cated individuals, clubs and What would you do to eradicate Polio? Would districts continue to promote and support Poliyou shave off all your hair? Rotarians in District oPlus at every opportunity possible. Many dis5040 did just that and raised US$10,000 for Po- tricts also give a portion of their District Designated Funds to the polio effort. lioPlus. Would you hike 2,658 miles over six months? Rotarian Chrissy Wallace of California What can you do for PolioPlus? did to raise money for Rotary’s PolioPlus program. Would you cycle 4,165 miles on the
We meet at
Castle Hill Country Club every WEDNESDAY at 6:30 pm for 7:00 pm (Spurway Drive, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153) Apologies, Please inform Geoff Duffy NO LATER than Noon Tuesday before the next meeting so numbers can be confirmed for Dinner jgduffy@internode.on.net
Anil De Silva (from Cobar, Outback NSW) aniljdes@yahoo.com.au Deadline Friday 8:00 pm This Bulletin is kindly printed by Snap Printing. Unit 20/5 Hudson Ave. Castle Hill 2154 Ph: 96801858
have secured the Cumberland State Forest BBQ site for Sunday October 30th so please record this in your diary to help as we need a big team on this busy day (every 2 years)