Bulletin No 14
26th Oct 2016
Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Castle Hill ISSN 2203-126X
Rotary Club of Castle Hill Chartered 18th March 1965
PO Box 13, Castle Hill. 1765 www.rotarynews.info/club4201
Rotary Year 2016-17 District Governor: Bruce Lakin (District 9685 ) Rotary Int’l President: John F Germ
This Week 26th October Fellowship Event Chair - Chris Dunwell Regalia – George Biegalke, John Cooper Notes – Sushil Bandodkar
Next Week 02nd November Guest Speaker: Cherelyn Suzuki Chair - Dr Ross Hood Regalia – TBA Notes – TBA
e have secured the Cumberland State Forest BBQ site for Sunday October 30th so please record this in your diary to help as we need a big team on this busy day (every 2 years)
Dieter Regel 1st Mike Blair 5th John Barker 8th John Stuart 8th Raymond Danam, 18th ANNIVERSARIES
Mike & Sue Blair 9th Terry & Lorraine O’Mara 29th Neil & Mavis Todd 10th 1
make a profit this year but it did set up well for the coming years and I believe that we can grow this event into a substantial fund raiser as well as a major event of the annual Wednesday Orange Blossom Festival. I can see future we heard events having several hundred participants about and really providing some substantial funds for projects in the local community.
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f we can also get up and running some of the other great ideas that are being considered at the present time I believe the fuhistory of Castle Hill and ture of project work for the club is looking CH its early years and the journey very promising. it made into the bustling suburban centre it is today. I know that this sparked o once again I encourage everyone to memories for some of our older members think about how we can help the local who well remembered some of the old community and the broader community. If stores and buildings that were once part of you have ideas please being them to the atour community and helped to shape the Cas- tention of the Board so we can consider thetle Hill we know today. se and share them with the wider membert also served to remind me of the history ship. Remember that we come together in of Rotary itself from very humble begin- fellowship to enjoy ourselves while doing nings into the wonderful international com- good in the world. munity we are a part of today. And of course this year we also celebrate the centenary of n the meantime we agreed that we will the Foundation and this is a cause for celewait until the AGM in December to probration as this has grown into a substantial vide a report on the progress we have made and important global charity and a fundamental part of the work of our fellowship of so far in the year and the plans we have in train for the second half of the Rotary year. I Rotarians. am sure that we will have lots to talk about ooking forward I hope that we can and lots to share with you and we hope you grow our membership and I am encourwill bring your ideas to share with us all. As aged to hear that we have another potential Mike Hallen reminded us all during his Presinew member and that it is a lady. So please dency last Rotary year – this is our club – all remember to read the information that Mike of us. So we look to all members to bring Hallen has provided for us all and to encourtheir ideas to the Board for sharing with the age people to come along by bringing them membership as a whole. ourselves to “taste” Rotary and see if we can excite them to be a part of our family. hanks to everyone for their ongoing support. s we close in on the end of the calendar year I am sure that we are making pro- Yours in Rotary , gress. The Cross Country Classic did not President Chris
am Wilson has lived in the Hills District since 1962 when the area was changing from farmland to housing. She attended Castle Hill High School the year after it opened, then the newly opened Macquarie University before teaching in local High Schools. In 1992 Pam joined The Hills District Historical Society and has been their Secretary for the last 23 years. She has produced several books on the history of the Shire and conducts local history tours.
he showed the club many pictures of what CastleHill looked like over the years. irst picture shows the convict barracks were ,which is now Heritage Park and she told the story of the battle of Vinegar Hill in some detail.
he site of the first train & tram stop on Old Northern road & the park where the new train station is now taking shape.
am’s talk was well received & there were questions from our members See next page for more photos ——— > 3
Meeting Report 19/10/21 by Raymond Danam
resident Chris welcomed all especially the guest speaker and 2 guests. He also thanked Mike Hallen for chairing the meeting last week. He also reported that the Board meeting was held on 17.10.16. The Christmas Party will be held on 14.12.16 at the Geranium Cottage in Dural. More details will be provided in few weeks time. Raymond Danam reported the District is seeking resolutions or changes to the Regulations and Constitution before 28.101.16. Peter Marcer requested members to give him unused RDU magazines so that he put it in local clinics and hospital. Any Rotary article that appears in Castle Hill newspapers will be put in he bulletin for the benefit of members who do not get the local papers. Mike Hallen distributed about the Corporate Member Pilot Program initiated by RI as a trial. Requested members to read and have a discussion. A small committee is formed to gather feedback.
Bruce Allen said there would be a World Polio night next 4
Wednesday and Castle Hill Country Club will be donating $20/- for each person attending or to a maximum of $1000.00. There will photos of Rotarian at the their ages of 4 or 5 and members are to guess who they are. Gold class movie tickets will be provided to the winners.
sored by the club. To date Paul Robinson has agreed to be Bequest member.
The Rotary Foundation Million Dollar Dinner will be held at the Epping club on 28.11.16. The cost is $75.00 per person. Members are encouraged to be Bequest members and those agree will get their dinner spon-
Phil Davis reminded members about the BBQ on 30.10.16 at the Cumberland State Forest.
Ross Hood encouraged members to visit Eddie Heyman as he is in the nursing home in Glenhaven.
secretary of the Hills District Historical society. Pam spoke passionately about the history of Caste Hill and she also showed the following photos and narrated about each photo. For some members it brought nostalgic memories seeing the photos.
Castle Hill Convict Compound Barracks The Hermitage Castle Hill show 1890 Phil David introduced the guest Castle Hill house Old Northern speaker Pam Wilson who is the road Old St Paul’s church St Paul’s cemetery Old St Paul’s parish hall Parsonage Wansborough House Kentwell Cottage Masonic Hall Old Police Station Dogwoods Castle Hill Public school First Methodist Church Hall Garthowen House Castle Hill in 1909 Whitlings Grocery Castle Hill Community Centre & National Bank First Real Estate shop Les Kentwell’s house Former council chambers in 1960 Train on Old Northern road – 1923 Mobbs Carriers Snells Grocery & Morris butcher Castle Hill theatre
July 6 July 13 July 20 July 27
EGM & Revisit Strategic Plan Guest Speaker Guest Speaker Cherelyn Suzuki: Youth Exchange Retrospect Christmas in July Family Event (TBA)
Chair Chris Dunwell
Aug 3
Club Assembly – Yearly Plan & Budget
Chair Chris Dunwell
Aug 10 Aug 17 Aug 24 Aug 31
Chair: Terry O'Mara Chair Mike Blair
Sep 7 Sep 9 Sep 11
Guest Speaker Sgt. Samantha Davies: Missing Persons Unit Info Meeting – Fun Run Fellowship Event Guest Speaker Building a school in Solomon Island Maddie McDowell No Meeting Zone Meeting - Hosted by Epping Cross Country Fun Run
Sep 14
Guest Speaker—Terry O’Mara- My Life
Chair – George Biegalke
Sep 21
Excellence in Policing
Chair – Terry O’Mara
Sep 28
Fun Run Presentation Night
Chair Mike Blair
Oct 5
Guest Speaker—Phil Davis Restoration of the James Craig
Oct 12
Club Assembly
Chair – George Biegalke Chair Chris Dunwell
Oct 19
Guest Speaker—Pam Wilson-History of Castle Hill
Fellowship Committee
Oct 26
Fellowship Event
Chair Chris Dunwell
Oct 30
BBQ Cumberland forest
Nov 2
Guest Speaker
Nov 9
Polio Movie Night
Nov 16
Guest Speaker
Nov 23
Fellowship Event
Nov 30
Guest Speaker
Dec 7
Annual General Meeting
Chair Chris Dunwell
Dec 14
Club Christmas Party
Chair Santa Clause
Chair Geoff Duffy CHCC Christmas Fair
Chair Ross Hood
Notes – Chris Dunwell
Chair AG Hills
PAST PRESIDENTS 1965-66Gerald Engel Prov & Charter President 1966-67 John Wells 1967-68 Roley McClintock 1968-69 Don Wright 1969-70 Ray Wells 1970-71 Tony Dehlsen 1971-72 Roy Martin 1972-73 Frank Crooke 1973-74 Allan Buckingham 1974-75 Ken Binns 1975-76 Colin Lawford 1976-77 Roger Wood 1977-78 Brian Stacey 1978-79 Warren Bowden 1979-80 Ern Death 1980-81 Peter Gilbank 1981-82 Graeme Brangwin 1982-83 Stan Fulker 1983-84 Phillip Dunn 1984-85 Bill Robinson 1985-86 John Barker PSM 1986-87 Norm Roach 1987-88 Milton Colburt 1988-89 Ron Marcus OAM 1989-90 Bill Tait 1990-91 Peter Wood 1991-92 Bruce Allen 1992-93 Ray White 1993-94 Ron Miller
1994-95 Gerry Larkin 1995-96 Hannibal Shabaz 1996-97 George McDonald 1997-98 Peter McBean 1998-99 John Stuart 1999-00 Geoff Duffy 2000-01 John Cooper 2001-02 Mike Hallen 2002-03 Judy Ford 2003-04 Jeff Whyte 2004-05 Peter Ford 2005-06 Mike Blair 2006-07 Terry O’Mara AM 2007-08 David Waterhouse 2008-09 Peter Marcer 2009-10 Rod Williamson 2010-11 Terry O’Mara AM 2011-12 Stephen Macquarie 2012 –2013 Paul Robinson 2013-2014 Bev Cooney OAM 2014 - 2015 Mike Blair 2015—2016 Mike Hallen PAST PRESIDENTS OTHER CLUBS David Sommerlad AM , Bruce Jenkin MBE Neil Todd, Phil Davis Raymond Danam SERVICE ABOVE SELF AWARD Ron Marcus OAM
Rotaract Club of The Hills Meets: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month Location: Room 3, Turner Building, Balcombe Heights Estate, 92 Seven Hills Road, Baulkham Hills.
Club Officers and Non-Executive Positions Rotary Club of Castle Hill Rotary Year 2016-2017 President President-Elect (2016-2017) Secretary Treasurer Director Club Administration Director Membership Director Public Relations Director Community Service Director Rotary Foundation Director Outreach Projects
Chris Dunwell Paul Robinson Raymond Danam Phil Dunn Chris Dunwell Mike Hallen Peter Marcer Mike Blair Bruce Allen Terry O’Mara
Non-executive Club Officers Bulletin Editor Sergeant at Arms Guest Speaker Program International Chairman Youth Chairman Vocational Chairman Welfare Officer Webmaster
Anil de Silva Phil Davis/Hannibal Shabaz Ross Hood Phil Davis Ross Hood Hannibal Shabaz Terry O’Mara Paul Robinson
the matter into their own hands and obtained a Rotary Foundation Grant to provide sanitation to a What a US$1,000 dollar contribution can do small community comprising 15 families. They built fourteen toilets, providing the famiA contribution of US$1000 helps provide seven toilets lies with proper sanitation. This will insure a reduction in Sri Lanka. More than 2.6 billion people still lack acin illness and increase the health and wellness of this cess to proper sanitation. Most people in the developed community. The impact of US$1,000 is significant. world do not think about their sanitation system unThink about that the next time you donate to The Rotaless it is not working properly, but in Sri Lanka many ry Foundation. people lack access to proper sanitation facilities. The Rotary club of Ja-Ela Kandana, Sri Lanka partnering with the Rotary Club of Madras Northwest, India took 10
We meet at
Castle Hill Country Club every WEDNESDAY at 6:30 pm for 7:00 pm (Spurway Drive, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153) Apologies, Please inform Geoff Duffy NO LATER than Noon Tuesday before the next meeting so numbers can be confirmed for Dinner jgduffy@internode.on.net
Anil De Silva (from Cobar, Outback NSW)
Inspirational Quote “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.” -Mother Teresa
Attendance for 19th October By PP Geoff Duffy Apologies: Karl Gessner David Brown John Cooper Paul Robinson George Biegalke Sushil Bandokar Bruce Jenkin Exempt Members John Barker Ron Marcus David Sommerlad Geoff Duffy Make Ups: Nil Honorary Members: Nil Visiting Rotarians Nil
Friends of Rotary Terry Ireland
Deadline Friday 8:00 pm
This Bulletin is kindly printed by Snap Printing. Unit 20/5 Hudson Ave. Castle Hill 2154 Ph: 96801858
GUESTS Grace Jota
Quotes thanks to Phil Davis
LOA Anil de Silva till December 31, 2016 Mike Blair, till Nov 05. Terry O’Mara till Nov 03.