28th October 2015
Bulletin No 17
Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Castle Hill
ISSN 2203-126X
Rotary Club of Castle Hill Chartered 18th March 1965
PO Box 13, Castle Hill. 1765 www.rotarynews.info/club4201
Rotary Year 2015-16 District Governor: Gina Growden (District 9685 )
This Week 28th October
Rotary Int’l President: Ravi Ravindran
Guest Speaker
Councillor Michelle Byrne – Mayor of the Hills Shire Council Chair Meeting report Meet & Greet Regalia
President Mike Hallen Rod Williamson Terry O’Mara David Bull & David Bowles
Next Week 4th November Club Business Meeting Chair Meeting report Meet & Greet Regalia
President Mike Hallen Chris Dunwell David Brown Raymond Danam & Chris Dunwell
Birth Days & Anniversaries October 2015 BIRTHDAYS
Dieter Regel 1 Mike & Sue Blair 9th Mike Blair 5th Terry & Lorraine O’Mara 29th John Barker 8th Neil & Mavis Todd 10th John Stuart 8th Singh Pinky 18th Danam, Raymond 18th This Bulletin is kindly printed by Snap Printing. Unit Inside this issue 20/5Hudson Avenue, Castle Hill 2154 Phone 02- 96801858
From President Mike Hallen
ast week’s gathering was a little smaller than the previous week! Well, a lot smaller actually but those present gave some very useful feedback about the “Business Networking” night. It was all valuable and will all be considered as we plan the next such event on 24 February 2016. Work on preparation of the Garage Sale has begun in earnest with a happy band of volunteers receiving, sorting and pricing donated good on Thursday 22 October at the Storage King facility in Castle Hill. The arrangements made for us by Stevan Hay were fantastic – he could not have been more helpful. A repeat performance on Friday should see us well prepared for Saturday when the sale takes place. The facilities made available to us are excellent with storage units and materials provided by Storage king making our job easier I am also pleased to advise that through the efforts of Hannibal Shabaz we have been able to source the paint for the second cottage at St Michael’s. With any luck we shall also have the support of some professional painters to assist us in completing the painting – but we will still do all the preparation and masking work! The painting of both cottages should be completed by late November when the facilities will be officially opened and the first residents will arrive. Tonight we welcome our Mayor, Dr Michelle Byrne, who will speak to us about our Shire and its development. We are also joined by some of our guests from last Wednesday. Welcome to you all. Included in this bulletin are a message of thanks from Nita Stacey as well as information about coming events that may be of interest. Please take time to consider them. Yours in Rotary
President Mike .
Funds raised from BOLLYHILLS 2014 has been committed. Rotary Clubs of the Hills District , including Castle Hill Rotary Club , had also contributed. 5
4th November Chair Meeting report Meet & Greet Regalia Dunwell
Club Business Meeting President Mike Hallen Chris Dunwell David Brown Raymond Danam & Chris
11th November Rodney Rietdyk “Things you need to know before you go” Chair Terry O'Mara Meeting report David Brown Meet & Greet Chris Dunwell Regalia Terry O’Mara & Ross Hood
18th November Chair Meeting report Meet & Greet Regalia
Club Committee Meeting President Mike Hallen Rod Williamson Phil Dunn David Bull & Chris Dunwell
25th November Chair Meeting report Meet & Greet Regalia
Guest Speaker TBA Chris Dunwell Phil Dunn Bob Chary & Chris Dunwell
GARAGE SALE during the preparation for the Garage Sale. Phil and Chris having a planning session Peter Marcer taking a breather Terry and Pinky posing Mavis and Neil busy price tagging
PAST PRESIDENTS 1965-66Gerald Engel Prov & Charter President 1966-67 John Wells 1967-68 Roley McClintock 1968-69 Don Wright 1969-70 Ray Wells 1970-71 Tony Dehlsen 1971-72 Roy Martin 1972-73 Frank Crooke 1973-74 Allan Buckingham 1974-75 Ken Binns 1975-76 Colin Lawford 1976-77 Roger Wood 1977-78 Brian Stacey 1978-79 Warren Bowden 1979-80 Ern Death 1980-81 Peter Gilbank 1981-82 Graeme Brangwin 1982-83 Stan Fulker 1983-84 Phillip Dunn 1984-85 Bill Robinson 1985-86 John Barker PSM 1986-87 Norm Roach 1987-88 Milton Colburt 1988-89 Ron Marcus OAM 1989-90 Bill Tait 1990-91 Peter Wood 1991-92 Bruce Allen 1992-93 Ray White
1993-94 Ron Miller 1994-95 Gerry Larkin 1995-96 Hannibal Shabaz 1996-97 George McDonald 1997-98 Peter McBean 1998-99 John Stuart 1999-00 Geoff Duffy 2000-01 John Cooper 2001-02 Mike Hallen 2002-03 Judy Ford 2003-04 Jeff Whyte 2004-05 Peter Ford 2005-06 Mike Blair 2006-07 Terry O’Mara AM 2007-08 David Waterhouse 2008-09 Peter Marcer 2009-10 Rod Williamson 2010-11 Terry O’Mara AM 2011-12 Stephen Macquarie 2012 –2013 Paul Robinson 2013-2014 Bev Cooney OAM 2014 - 2015 Mike Blair PAST PRESIDENTS OTHER CLUBS David Sommerlad AM , Bruce Jenkin MBE Neil Todd, Phil Davis Raymond Danam SERVICE ABOVE SELF AWARD Ron Marcus OAM
Date Event
Rotary Monthly Theme
July, 2015
District Governor's Visit
No special designation this month
Guest Speaker
Club Assembly
Guest Speaker
5 12
Club Visioning Session (6:00pm start) Guest Speaker
Club Business Meeting
Guest Speaker
Excellence in Policing Awards
Guest Speaker
Mini Club Assembly
Guest Speaker
Club Committee Meeting
Guest Speaker
Business Networking Meeting
Fun and Fellowship with Partners
Guest Speaker
Club Business Meeting
Guest Speaker
BBQ at Bunnings
Committee Business Meeting
Guest Speaker
August, 2015
October 2015
Membership & Extension Month
Basic Education & Literacy Month
Economic & Community Development Month
The Rotary Foundation (TRF) Month
White Ribbon Collection Day.
December 2015
White Ribbon March 7.00am Breakfast at CH RSL (8.00am) Annual General Meeting
BBQ at Masters
Club Christmas Party
Parking at Bella Vista for the Bush Christmas
No Meeting
No Meeting
Club Calendar July - Dec 2015
Disease Prevention & Treatment Month
Rotary Monthly Theme
January 2016
BBQ, Bunning's Castle Hill
Vocational Service Month
Home Meeting #1 – Mike Hallen’s BBQ, Bunning's Castle Hill
February 2016
March 2016
April 2016
May 2016
June 2016
Home Meeting #2 – Rotary International South Pacific and Philippines Office Home Meeting #3 – Chris Dunwell’s
Guest Speaker
Guest Speaker
Club Business Meeting
Pride in Workmanship
Rotary's 111th Birthday
2 9
Club Business Meeting Guest Speaker
Mini Club Assembly
23 30 6
Excellence In Teaching Awards Club Committee meeting Guest Speaker
Club Business Meeting
Anzac Day Guest Speaker
Tour de Hills Presentation Night
Club Committee Meeting
Guest Speaker
Club Business Meeting
Guest Speaker
Club Committee Meeting
Guest Speaker
Club Assembly
Club Business Meeting
Club Changeover
Peace & Conflict Resolution Month
Water & Sanitation Month
Maternal & Child Health Month
Youth Service Month
Rotary Fellowships Month
Club Calendar Jan- June 2016
Month/ Year
OCTOBER Economic & Community Development Month 9
Board Meeting – Minutes 12 October 2015 Apologies: Mike Blair, Geoff Duffy, Ross Hood
Minutes of last meeting 19 August 2015 Minutes of the 10 August meeting were corrected in the Treasurer’s report to show the Projects Investment account total as $26.774.89 instead of $67,168.88.
Matter arising from previous minutes Castle Hill Foundation Trust Correspondence from the NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing dated 6 June 2008 has been located that indicates the following: Trustee: Rotary Club of Castle Hill (the Board). Public Officer to investigate any requirement to update the list of directors on an annual basis. If necessary, to inform the OLGR of the current names. Fundraising authority: No requirement for the Foundation to hold a separate fundraising authority. The authority held by the Rotary Club of Castle Hill (CFN 12483) covers the Foundation as well. The relevant documentation explaining this and the current “Charitable Fundraising Authority” are held by the Secretary.
Green family deck Work on the Green family deck has been postponed until after the return of Mike Blair form his overseas holiday. Possible start date in early 2016. Mike Blair has managed to leverage his usual suppliers to provide material at cost or free of charge. Stockwell had offered the material at cost and Mike’s concreter will do the necessary concreting free of charge. In addition, the Rotary Club of Sydney (who initiated the Green family contact with Mike Blair) has said that they have at least $1000 available in their project account to assist in financing the project. Added to the $2500 District Grant, this will go a long way to paying for all the material, thus minimising the drain of our own club finances.
Lymphoma ride Jack (grandson of Warwick Talbot) has completed the Lymphoma ride from Canberra to Sydney in memory of his father. The club agreed to pay $1 per kilometre up to a maximum of $300. Treasurer Bruce Allen to obtain proof of his accomplishment and make the agreed donation – possibly directly to the Lymphoma charity for which we should receive a receipt.
Dunmore Lang College Student After discussion and some clarification, it was moved and seconded that $700 be provided to assist an aboriginal student from Dunmore Lang College to attend a leadership course. Further details required concerning how and to whom the funds should be paid.
Kamala Shrestha prostheses Funds to be used for the maintenance of Kamala Shrestha’s prostheses are in the process of being transferred to 10
Ron Marcus for him to take to Nepal for this purpose.
Tour de Hills bank account Transfer of these funds to the Club projects account has not yet been completed.
Mewsic Bus Project After discussion it was proposed by Mike Hallen that Bruce Allen contact the Mewsic Bus project and indicate that the sale of the bus cannot be supported as it involves TRF Matching Grant funds.
Peace Scholarship No action so far. Will be initiated in early 2016 with a view to supporting a candidate for May 2016. Contact to be made with The Hill Shire Times (Bev Jordan) to initiate publication of the opportunity to likely local participants.
Chicken manure sales The 100 extra bags of chicken manure at Phil Dunn’s house are gradually being sold. Only 30 bags remained on 12 October.
Business Networking Meeting Plans are well advanced. Approximately 60 attendees expected of which 25 will be guests.
Director’s Reports President White Ribbon Day volunteers Wednesday 25 November 2015 at Bunnings Dural and Castle Hill – 2 per shift if possible.
Post Polio Syndrome Workshops Schedule for Baulkham Hills: 9:30 – 12:30, March 10, 2016. Assistant Governor will work with club clusters to find appropriate venue. Rotary Clubs will have a support role assisting with transport, setting up the venue and providing refreshments. All Clubs in D9685 have agreed to pay $250 toward the estimated of $20k to meet the cost of 10 workshops across D9685.
The Rotary Foundation Dinner 9 November 2015 at The Epping Club. Cost $67 person ($65 per person for table of 10).
Domestic Violence I have now met twice with the MP for Castle Hill, Ray Williams, and he is promoting the Online Men’s Behaviour Change Program (OMBCP) to the Premier and relevant Ministers/MPs. NSW government approval for the Victorian OMBCP is currently being progressed by Violence Free Families.
St Michael’s cottages Chris Dunwell is now responsible for managing the painting of the 2 cottages at St Michael’s for the Lisa Harnum Foundation. He will need volunteers to assist with masking and other preparation work.
Club Plans The Strategic Plan has been updated to include material from the Club Visioning session. Both the Strategic and Annual plans are available on the club website. 11
Outreach Director Vocational Pride in Workmanship Now scheduled for 17 February (was 27 January). Excellence in Teaching still scheduled for 23 March 2016.
Youth RYLA Our RYLA candidate has advised that she approached Norwest Sunrise as well as us to sponsor her. Ross Hood will follow up.
International International Committee Chairman, Phil Davis, reported that he had been in discussion with both the Thai consulate and the restaurant regarding this event planned for 10 February 2016. Irrespective of numbers, the cost per person will be $30. If numbers are low, the restaurant will have to be shared with other patrons. Phil has contacted other local Rotary Clubs and the Hills Rotaract Club regarding their participation. Some responses have been received but he is still waiting to hear from others.
Club Administration Club calendar to be updated to reflect latest information. Copy to Paul Robinson for club website.
Treasurer Bank Balances Administration
Club Foundation
$21,269.08 ($20,000 belongs to RC of Vinegar Hill)
Project ESA Account
Total funds
$68,853.05 (less the $20,000 belonging to Vinegar Hill)
Foundation Contributions to The Rotary Foundation at the end of September stand at $1,189.12 and this amount is totally as a result of personal contributions from members. No club contributions have yet been made. Our Goal for the year is US$11,275 to the Annual Fund (combination of club and personal giving) plus a further US$1,500 to the End Polio Now campaign. The district 3150 desk project (PDG Ravi Vadlamani) is still in the application process and we have committed A$4,000 to this and our contribution will receive a grant of a further US$1,418 from The Rotary Foundation (at the current RI official exchange rate). Should the desk project not proceed, there is an additional opportunity to participate in a major water distribution project that will provide the village of Jinkapalem with a constant supply of quality drinking water. This is an opportunity to develop a zone project involving clubs from the Northwestern Zone and the Hills Zone. If necessary, full details will be obtained and we will organize discussions with the two Assistant Governors with a view to presenting the possibility at Presidents’ Meetings Our District Grant application for the deck/ramp project was successful and we will receive a grant of A$2,500 to 12
support this project. A$1,250 has already been received into our Project ESA account and the remaining A$1,250 will come when our final report is submitted. This project will be undertaken later this calendar year. Contact has been established with the elusive Ron Marcus and arrangements are being made to transfer the $2,000 for the refurbishment of Kamala’s prosthetics. A meeting needs to be organized with Bev Jordan to discuss the possibility of support for our efforts to secure at least one applicant for the two-year Peace and Conflict Masters program. This is worth approx. US$70,000 to the successful applicant and involves study in the U.K., Japan, Sweden or the USA. Publicity for the program through local press is critical to any success we might have with this program.
Community Service In the absence of Community Service Director, Mike Blair, the following was discussed:
St Michael’s cottage painting Chris Dunwell is managing the painting in the absence of Director Mike Blair. Preparation work will be done on 16 October. Painters from Les Robinson Painting will paint Cottage 2 on 17/18 October with paint supplied by Dulux free of charge. Cottage 3 will be painted at a later date, hopefully with paint supplied free by Taubmans if Hannibal Shabaz can organise it. It is possible that Hannibal may also be able to provide painters to complete Cottage 3. If not, it may fall to Rotarians to do the job. It is hoped to have both cottages painted and ready for occupation before the end of November 2015.
Membership Orange Blossom Festival Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th September 2015 Notwithstanding our poor location on the Saturday and with a “self-relocation” on the Sunday the ShelterBox proved to be a draw card to interest the public in our stand. It was apparent from the lack of interest by the public in relation to the Rotary Club of Norwest Sunrise and the Hills Rotaract Club adjacent displays that a special attraction is needed to interest the public at this type of event given the competition with the other entertainment available. Two people showed interest in attending a meeting and invitations have been accordingly sent for this week’s function. In addition a number of donations were put in the ShelterBox sealed containers. Attached are two photos, one of the Club’s display and the other of Rotaractor Lilian Chia supporting ShelterBox at the Orange Blossom Festival. Coverage of our support with photos at the OBF was included the ShelterBox Australia website news and on Youtube. I have given requested feedback to the Council highlighting including the need for better location planning of many events/ stalls. Special recognition should be given to Phil Dunn for the transport of the tent to and from the Showground and Terry Ireland for his assistance with the erection & dismantling of the Shelterbox tent. 13
Attendance Report for 21st October 2015
Make Ups: Nil Honorary Rotarians: Nil Friends of Rotary: Nil
by PP John Cooper
Visiting Rotarians: Nil Guests: Nil
John Barker Frank Anisse
Leave of Absence: Anil de Silva, till Dec 31 2015 Geoff Duffy, Sept 23 till Nov 03
Warwick Talbot
Bev Cooney, July 01 till Dec 31
Harshad Desai
Pinky Singh, till Dec 31
David Sommerlad
Mike Blair, Oct 12 till Nov 28
Marie Ford
Bob Chary Nov 19 till Jan 12 2016
David Brown
Hannibal Shabaz till 31 Dec
Bruce Jenkin Ron Marcus Rod Williamson
Riddle for Seniors.... Here is the situation:
Directly in front of you is a galloping kangaroo and your horse is unable to Overtake it.
You are on a horse, galloping at a constant Behind you is a lion running at the same speed. speed as you and the kangaroo. On your right side is a sharp drop-off. What must you do to get out of this highly On your left side is an elephant traveling dangerous situation ? at the same speed as you.
At an Optometrist's Office: "If you don't see what you're looking for, you've come to the right place."
On a Plumber's truck: "We repair what your husband fixed."
Club Officers and Non-Executive Positions Rotary Year 2015-2016 Rotary Club of Castle Hill President President-Elect (2015-2016) Secretary Treasurer Director Club Administration Director Membership Director Public Relations Director Service Projects Director Rotary Foundation Director Outreach Projects
Mike Hallen Chris Dunwell Geoff Duffy Bruce Allen Chris Dunwell Rod Williamson Geoff Duffy Mike Blair Bruce Allen Hannibal Shabaz
In addition, the following non-executive roles have been accepted by those listed below: Bulletin Editor Raffle Guest Speaker Program Attendance Recorder Welfare Officer Sergeants Webmaster Committee Chairs International Service
Anil de Silva David Bowles Ross Hood Geoff Duffy Terry O’Mara Hannibal Shabaz & Harshad Desai Paul Robinson (assisted by Chris Dunwell) Phil Davis
Volunteers are still required as committee Chairs for the Avenues of Service (see below) covered by the Director Service Projects and Director Outreach projects. Please contact the relevant Director to volunteer: Youth Vocational Service Community Service
We meet at
Sergeant’s Fine Session
Castle Hill Country Club every WEDNESDAY at 6:30 pm for 7:00 pm (Spurway Drive, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153) Apologies, Please inform Geoff Duffy NO LATER than Noon Tuesday before the next meeting so numbers can be confirmed for Dinner jgduffy@internode.on.net
Phil Davis Sgt Phil Davis started the fine session with a joke about old man buying his young girl friend a $140,000 ring Then he fined ………….. Those who appeared in the latest Hills Shire Times in shorts. Peter Marcer for Short Shorts, David Bull for Long Shorts, Chris Dunwell with midway shorts showing of his knees . Mike Hallen for a Rotary shirt that did not match the others Terry O’Mara was fined for not reading the email that told him to contact Phil Dunn re the garage sale.
Anil De Silva (from Cobar, Outback NSW) aniljdes@yahoo.com.au Deadline Friday 8:00 pm This Bulletin is kindly printed by Snap Printing. Unit 20/5 Hudson Ave. Castle Hill 2154 Ph: 96801858
Bob Chary for saying he was batching at the moment so the times Phil Dunn wanted him to work was past hs bedtime. Ross Hood just back from overseas. Treasurer Bruce for still no eftpos operating. David Bull for wandering around getting a drink when the meeting had started. The Sgt then told joke about an Afghanistan diplomat dining with the US State Dept.
Wine Raffle No report this week Wine will get older for another week