Rotary Bulletin 21 25th Nov 2015

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Bulletin No 21

25th November 2015

Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Castle Hill

ISSN 2203-126X

Rotary Club of Castle Hill Chartered 18th March 1965

PO Box 13, Castle Hill. 1765

Rotary Year 2015-16 District Governor: Gina Growden (District 9685 )

Rotary Int’l President: Ravi Ravindran

This Week 25th November Milton Baar ‘Cyberterrorism’ Chair Meeting report Meet & Greet Regalia

Paul Robinson Chris Dunwell Phil Dunn Bob Chary & Chris Dunwell

Next Week 2nd December Annual General Meeting Chair Meeting report Meet & Greet Regalia

November 2015

Judy Rochford 9th

Phil & Bev Davis 4th David & Marilyn Bowles 9th Geoff & Jan Duffy 14th This& Bulletin is kindly printed Printing. Unit Bob Jaya Chary 24bythSnap Inside this issue

20/5Hudson Avenue, Castle Hill 2154 Phone 02- 96801858


From President Mike Hallen


irstly an apology for my erratic behavior last Wednesday. Not sure what was going on but hopefully nothing too serious! Thank you, David Brown for the ride home. I recovered my car on Thursday morning – complete with a note stuck to my windscreen from the Lady President whose space I had occupied! I have apologized. There has been a suggestion that we have our Christmas Party at “Geranium Cottage”. Thanks Phil Davis for your initiative. I will leave the decision and arrangements in the hands of the Fellowship Committee and I am sure that Chris Dunwell and his team will take any necessary action to book the venue and advise CHCC of our intended absence on Wednesday 9th December. The date at Geranuim Cottage would be Friday, 11th December 2015. This week we are in the realm of “Cyberterrorism'' courtesy of our guest speaker, Milton Baar. It should prove to be both a timely and thought-provoking evening with the state the world is in at the moment. It may also enlighten us about some things we should implement in our own little “computer-world” to do the best we can to protect our information and multitude of devices. Guests will be very welcome to hear this interesting talk. I have published two special resolutions for our attention at the AGM on 2nd December. Please read and become familiar with their content so that we can make informed decisions about each of them. In this bulletin you will read a letter from Dr Rajendra Koju, President of the Rotary Club of Dhulikel, Nepal. He is also a cardiologist at Dhulikel Hospital and he relates how the Cath. Lab. machine donated to the hospital is saving lives in Nepal. Thank you Ron Marcus and your team of experts and helpers. Yours in Rotary

President Mike

Meeting Report for 18th November 2015 is not available 2

Notice of the 51st Annual General Meeting of the Rotary Club of Castle Hill Inc. In accordance with Article 15 of the Bylaws of the Rotary Club of Castle Hill Inc., the AGM of the Club will be held at Castle Hill Country Club, Spurway Drive, Baulkham Hills 2153, at 7:00pm on 2 December 2015. Article 15, Section 3 relates to the “Notice of special resolutions”. Any member who wishes to raise a special resolution should ensure that the details are provided to the Secretary, Geoff Duffy, ( ) at least 21 days before the AGM.

special general meeting held since that meeting To receive from the President and Board reports upon the activities of the Club during the last preceding financial year. To elect the President-elect and Directors of the Club in accordance with Bylaws Article 3 To receive and consider the Financial statements and audit report as required by Bylaws Article 9, Section 4 To consider the special resolution to receive and vote upon the Electronic Payment Facility Trial Report. General Business

Nomination forms for the election of office bearers are available from the Club Secretary, Geoff Duffy, and will also be made available on the Club website. Please consider the positions available and consider nominating a person to each of the roles. You may of course nominate Voting at the AGM requires a majority vote of not less yourself. Please complete a nomination form and return than ¾ of the members of the Club entitled to vote who it to the Secretary by Wednesday 18th November, 2015 are present at the meeting. A quorum at the AGM as with your nomination and the nominee’s acceptance. defined by the Club Bylaws Article 1, Definition 4 as: The form is for guidance only, and written emails containing this information will be accepted in lieu of this “Not less than 1/3 of the membership”. form where it is indicated the nominee accepts the This number would be 10 entitled voting members from nomination. our membership of 30. Geoff Duffy Agenda: Secretary To confirm the minutes of the 2014 AGM and any 6 November 2015


Special Resolution #1 Background The possibility of making electronic payment facilities available to members for the purpose of paying dues and meeting costs has been raised by members. Options to provide this facility were investigated and a low-cost three month trial using PayPal was commenced at the start of the Rotary year. The trial was to cover a number of aspects of such a payment system including but not necessarily limited to the following criteria:

O’Mara and John Cooper was appointed and they commenced the process of detecting trends/opinions as the 12 week trial progressed towards the 4th November when the trial report and recommendations were due to be presented to the members at the Club Business Meeting on 4 November.

What is the Fixed Cost of the service?

Due to the absence of Mike Blair, the evaluation report was produced by Terry O’Mara and John Cooper with the assistance of Treasurer Bruce Allen and Paul Robinson (technical support). The trial report is attached and will be discussed and voted upon as a special resolution at the AGM on 2 December, 2015.

What are the Recurring Costs of the service (e.g. terminal rental)?

Special Resolution #2

Is there a fee for each transaction? If yes, how much?


Does it have internet payment options?

On 1st September 2015, the New South Wales Government has adopted the “Charitable Fundraising Regulation 2015” and Section 12 has changed our requirements as far as the auditing of our financial accounts is concerned. Details of section 12 are as follows:

What is the convenience offered to Members/ Guests/Visitors?

12 Certain fundraisers exempt from requirement to have accounts audited

What are the connectivity requirements (e.g. Internet/mobile phone network)? How portable to different places?

Is it convenient for the Treasurer (e.g. transaction processing, paperwork, records)?

“(1) For the purposes of section 25 (1) of the Act, a person or organisation is exempt from the reIs any cross-subsidisation required by non-users quirement imposed under section 24 (1) of the Act to have its accounts audited if it: for the convenience of users? What are the costs incurred during cancelled meetings (e.g. January Home Meetings) Is there any possible impact on semi-annual club dues of all members? If so, how much? Can it be used for the Tour de Hills and other outside projects?

(a) does not receive more than $250,000 gross in any financial year from any fundraising appeals that person or organisation conducts in that financial year, and (b) is not the subject of a direction made by the Minister under subclause (2).

(2) The Minister may direct a person or organisaShould a “user pays” surcharge be applied? If so, tion in writing to comply with section 24 of the how much? Act.” Is there a cost for additional terminals? If so, In view of the above, and in light of the difficulhow much? ties constantly faced in securing the services of Trial evaluation committee a qualified auditor as a reasonable cost and in a timely fashion, it is proposed that the Club An evaluation committee of Mike Blair, Terry Please see page 08 4

Date Event

Rotary Monthly Theme

July, 2015


District Governor's Visit

No special designation this month


Guest Speaker


Club Assembly


Guest Speaker

5 12

Club Visioning Session (6:00pm start) Guest Speaker


Club Business Meeting


Guest Speaker


Excellence in Policing Awards


Guest Speaker


Mini Club Assembly


Guest Speaker


Club Committee Meeting


Guest Speaker


Business Networking Meeting


Fun and Fellowship with Partners


Guest Speaker


Club Business Meeting


Guest Speaker


BBQ at Bunnings


Committee Business Meeting


Guest Speaker

August, 2015


October 2015


Membership & Extension Month

Basic Education & Literacy Month

Economic & Community Development Month

The Rotary Foundation (TRF) Month

White Ribbon Collection Day.

December 2015


White Ribbon March 7.00am Breakfast at CH RSL (8.00am) Annual General Meeting


BBQ at Masters


Club Christmas Party


Parking at Bella Vista for the Bush Christmas


No Meeting


No Meeting

Club Calendar July - Dec 2015


Disease Prevention & Treatment Month




Rotary Monthly Theme

January 2016


BBQ, Bunning's Castle Hill

Vocational Service Month


Home Meeting #1 – Mike Hallen’s BBQ, Bunning's Castle Hill




February 2016

March 2016

April 2016

May 2016

June 2016

Home Meeting #2 – Rotary International South Pacific and Philippines Office Home Meeting #3 – Chris Dunwell’s


Guest Speaker


Guest Speaker


Thai International Night at the Bar La Me Restaurant for all Hills clubs


Business Networking #2


Pride in Workmanship

2 9

Club Business Meeting Guest Speaker


Mini Club Assembly

23 30 6

Excellence In Teaching Awards Club Committee meeting Guest Speaker


Club Business Meeting


Anzac Day Guest Speaker




Club Committee Meeting


Guest Speaker


Club Business Meeting


Guest Speaker


Club Committee Meeting


Guest Speaker


Club Assembly


Club Business Meeting


Club Changeover

Peace & Conflict Resolution Month

Water & Sanitation Month

Maternal & Child Health Month

Youth Service Month

Rotary Fellowships Month

Club Calendar Jan- June 2016

Month/ Year

NOVEMBER Rotary Foundation Month 6



he President has requested a report on progress re the current trial. The proposal for the EPS arose from a paper presented to the Board in mid year. A trial period of 3 months > mid November was proposed. Treasurer Bruce Allen and Rtn Paul Robertson have the carriage of the matter. The necessary hardware and software have been obtained and, despite some wellanticipated teething problems, considerable progress has been made. Members have responded positively in nearly all cases and the potential benefit to members arising from this facility is positive. However, given that we use this facility only weekly in the main, it is appropriate to continue the trial period until the program is settled and the real benefits properly discerned. No other similar systems are currently under review.

Internet/mobile phone network)? Access is via a mobile ‘phone donated by Paul R. A basic mobile service (Sim) will be necessary, probably >$20 pm with minimal data access requirement. How portable to different places? Limited only by Telco service availability. Does it have internet payment options? Yes via PayPal What is the convenience offered to Members/ Guests/Visitors? Access to payment without cash or cheques and avoidance of the need to access ATM facilities at cost at the dinner venue or elsewhere. Will facilitate more prompt payment of fees. Is it convenient for the Treasurer (e.g. transaction processing, paperwork, records?

The evaluation of the trial system and other po- The Treasurer is employed full-time and may tential electronic payment systems was to con- need assistance from an asst treasurer to mansider at least the following: age these transactions in the early stages. Once established, the system should prove to be effiWhat is the Fixed Cost of the service? cient and convenient. There is a need to periodically transfer funds from the PayPal account to $150 for the terminal to set up. No other charg- the Club Account. es apart from the PayPal fee of + 1.8% per transaction. The club charges a total of +2.0 % Is any cross-subsidisation required by non-users as a service fee to cover this. for the convenience of users? No What are the Recurring Costs of the service (e.g. terminal rental)? Nil

What are the costs incurred during cancelled meetings (e.g. January Home Meetings)

Is there a fee for each transaction? If yes, how No Transactions, No costs. No Monthly fee. much? As above PayPal charges +1.8% per transaction Is there any possible impact on semi-annual max 2.0% club dues of all members? If so, how much? What are the connectivity requirements (e.g.

Please see next page 7

Plaque presented to Ron Marcus OAM from the Rotary Kathmandu

Cath. Lab. machine donated to the hospital is saving lives in Nepal

No – not on due as such but payments by this method will attract the 2.0% transaction fee as above. It is the member’s choice. Can it be used for the Tour de Hills and other outside projects? Yes e.g. The recent Garage Sale Should a “user pays” surcharge be applied? If so, how much? See Above. Is there a cost for additional terminals? If so, how much? Yes - $150—the only acquisition cost per pay-pass terminal + a separate mobile phone to use (Possibly a member’s personal From Page 4 By- laws be changed to eliminate the need to engage the services of a FORMAL auditor. The proposed amendment to Article 9, Section 4, paragraph (b) of our current Club By-laws will read as follows:

phone) As indicated above, given that we use this facility only weekly in the main, it is appropriate to continue the trial period until the program is settled and the real benefits properly discerned. I recommend that the Review continue and a report be presented to the Board by 31 March 2016.

Terry O’Mara PP 15.11.16

reviewed by a qualified person in time for them to be submitted to the Club’s next Annual General Meeting.

It should be emphasised that Annual Financial Statements will still be prepared and submitted in accordance with ‘The NSW Associations Incorporation Act 2009’ ( sec 47 ) but they will Delete Section 4 (b) now not need to be formally audited prior to (b) must cause the financial statements to be submission. in any event, our longstanding audited in time for them to be submitted to the commitment to transparency and accountabilClub’s next annual general meeting, such audit ity in the conduct of club business will, in no to be in compliance with requirements of sec- way, be compromised and independent review tion 43 of the Association Incorporation Act will continue. 2009 Replace Section 4 (b) (b) must cause the financial statements to be 8

Meeting Minutes th 4 November 2015


ake a bow all you BBQ’s workers at Bunnings 15th Nov 2015 you set a record with a $1500 profit Special thanks, congratulations and well done to you all and especially our partners‌Thanks girls Cheers (photos next week)

From the 2 Phils !! 9

PAST PRESIDENTS 1965-66Gerald Engel Prov & Charter President 1966-67 John Wells 1967-68 Roley McClintock 1968-69 Don Wright 1969-70 Ray Wells 1970-71 Tony Dehlsen 1971-72 Roy Martin 1972-73 Frank Crooke 1973-74 Allan Buckingham 1974-75 Ken Binns 1975-76 Colin Lawford 1976-77 Roger Wood 1977-78 Brian Stacey 1978-79 Warren Bowden 1979-80 Ern Death 1980-81 Peter Gilbank 1981-82 Graeme Brangwin 1982-83 Stan Fulker 1983-84 Phillip Dunn 1984-85 Bill Robinson 1985-86 John Barker PSM 1986-87 Norm Roach 1987-88 Milton Colburt 1988-89 Ron Marcus OAM 1989-90 Bill Tait 1990-91 Peter Wood 1991-92 Bruce Allen 1992-93 Ray White

1993-94 Ron Miller 1994-95 Gerry Larkin 1995-96 Hannibal Shabaz 1996-97 George McDonald 1997-98 Peter McBean 1998-99 John Stuart 1999-00 Geoff Duffy 2000-01 John Cooper 2001-02 Mike Hallen 2002-03 Judy Ford 2003-04 Jeff Whyte 2004-05 Peter Ford 2005-06 Mike Blair 2006-07 Terry O’Mara AM 2007-08 David Waterhouse 2008-09 Peter Marcer 2009-10 Rod Williamson 2010-11 Terry O’Mara AM 2011-12 Stephen Macquarie 2012 –2013 Paul Robinson 2013-2014 Bev Cooney OAM 2014 - 2015 Mike Blair PAST PRESIDENTS OTHER CLUBS David Sommerlad AM , Bruce Jenkin MBE Neil Todd, Phil Davis Raymond Danam SERVICE ABOVE SELF AWARD Ron Marcus OAM



Editor at the RC of Cobar 50th Anniversary Celebration Editor of bulletin, Anil De Silva attended the 50th Anniversary celebration of the Rotary Club of Cobar recently. The Club had been chartered in 1965. The president of the Club, Gary Woodman received a certificate and a letter of congratulations from K. Ravi Ravindran, President of the Rotary International. Earlier this year, Anil De Silva was requested to carry out research on the club formation and he was able to draw the attention of RI on the tremendous community service outcomes being achieved by the club which has only around 12 members currently.

Photo above courtesy of Cobar Weekly. Printed with permission.


In a Non-smoking Area: "If we see smoke, we will assume you are on fire and take appropriate action 13

Extraordinary General Meeting An EGM was held on 17 June 2015 to adopt the new Constitution & Bylaws. The motions presented to the club were: Motion (as revised and approved): A Special Resolution to adopt the revised draft Constitution for the Rotary Club of Castle Hill, Edition (b) dated 13 June 2015 as the official and binding Constitution for the Rotary Club of Castle Hill Inc. Motion (as revised and approved): A Special Resolution to adopt the revised draft Bylaws for the Rotary Club of Castle Hill, Edition (c) dated 14 June 2015 as the official and binding Bylaws for the Rotary Club of Castle Hill Inc. A Quorum was achieved (more than one-third of the total membership) and all the motions were passed unanimously (i.e. more than the required number of those entitled to vote for a Special Resolution) with no dissent or abstentions. Financial members in attendance were: Bruce Allen, Mike Blair, Bob Chary, Phil Davis, Geoff Duffy, Chris Dunwell, Phil Dunn, Marie Ford, Mike Hallen, Ross Hood, Bruce Jenkin, Peter Marcer, Terry O’Mara, Paul Robinson, Hannibal Shabaz. Apologies David Bull, Harshad Desai, Anil De Silva, Rod Williamson, Bev Cooney, Ron Marcus, Warwick Talbot Following the meeting, the final Constitution and Bylaws were prepared (i.e. the “draft” indicator was changed to “Final”) and the documents signed by the President and Secretary. The Documents were then sent to the NSW DoFT for registration. Signed:

Mike Blair


President 2014-15 Paul Robinson


Secretary 2014-15

This is a photo from our 28 October meeting when Clr Dr Michelle Byrne, the Hills Shire Mayor was the guest speaker. We recognised her as a Paul Harris Fellow on the night for “demonstrating in her life and her vocation a commitment to helping persons in need in our community”.


Club Officers and Non-Executive Positions Rotary Year 2015-2016 Rotary Club of Castle Hill President President-Elect (2015-2016) Secretary Treasurer Director Club Administration Director Membership Director Public Relations Director Service Projects Director Rotary Foundation Director Outreach Projects

Mike Hallen Chris Dunwell Geoff Duffy Bruce Allen Chris Dunwell Rod Williamson Geoff Duffy Mike Blair Bruce Allen Hannibal Shabaz

In addition, the following non-executive roles have been accepted by those listed below: Bulletin Editor Raffle Guest Speaker Program Attendance Recorder Welfare Officer Sergeants Webmaster Committee Chairs International Service

Anil de Silva David Bowles Ross Hood Geoff Duffy Terry O’Mara Hannibal Shabaz & Harshad Desai Paul Robinson (assisted by Chris Dunwell) Phil Davis

Volunteers are still required as committee Chairs for the Avenues of Service (see below) covered by the Director Service Projects and Director Outreach projects. Please contact the relevant Director to volunteer: Youth Vocational Service Community Service


We meet at

Sergeant’s Fine Session

Castle Hill Country Club every WEDNESDAY at 6:30 pm for 7:00 pm (Spurway Drive, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153) Apologies, Please inform Geoff Duffy NO LATER than Noon Tuesday before the next meeting so numbers can be confirmed for Dinner

Phil Davis Acting Sgt Phil Davis fined; Rod Williamson ran out in a hail storm to cover his car.He slipped & fell; got soaked. Why was his car not in his garage wife Julie told the Sgt. Garage is full of JUNK !! Chris Dunwell for calling John Cooper. JOHN COPPER. In the last bulletin


John Copper was then fined for a raffle free night. As he had not heard from David Bowles early enough to arrange the Wine Raffle.

Anil De Silva (from Cobar, Outback NSW)

Mike Hallen sent an email to Therese Lauriola from the master Builders Assn & addressed her Lauriola.

Terry O’Mara call Anil, Anbil in an email recently

Deadline Friday 8:00 pm

Mike Hallen fined for putting up a Rotary banner at the Bunnings BBQ & was advised No Signage please.

This Bulletin is kindly printed by Snap Printing. Unit 20/5 Hudson Ave. Castle Hill 2154 Ph: 96801858

Marie Ford advised the food at her new Retirement village not as good as her home cooked meals

Peter Marcer for not revving up the Aussie Cricketers to beat the Kiwis.

Chris Dunwell looking a lot younger clean shaven. David Brown from Brown & Partners fined because he had no misdemeanours !!

No raffle session 0n 18th November 2015


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