Rotary bulletin 22 02nd Dec 2015

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Bulletin No 22

02nd December 2015

Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Castle Hill

ISSN 2203-126X

Rotary Club of Castle Hill Chartered 18th March 1965

PO Box 13, Castle Hill. 1765

Rotary Year 2015-16 District Governor: Gina Growden (District 9685 )

Rotary Int’l President: Ravi Ravindran

This Week 2nd December Annual General Meeting

Next Bulleting will be on 18th February 2016

2015 December Neil Todd 4th Noel Milligan 6th Val Ludgate 12th Glynis Macri 20th Harshad Desai 24th This Bulletin is kindly printed by Snap Printing. Unit Inside this issue 20/5Hudson Avenue, Castle Hill 2154 Phone 02- 96801858


From President Mike Hallen


onight is our Annual General Meeting and important decisions need to be taken by the membership. Thank you for your attendance. It has been a busy week, beginning with the successful completion of the painting of cottage 2 at St Michael’s. Both cottages are now ready to be dressed ready for occupancy with the donated furniture. The “Dr Seuss” scenes painted by teachers from Castle Hill High School on the verandah/playroom area of cottage number 3 are fantastic. On Wednesday (White Ribbon Day) I arose early and participated in the “White Ribbon March” from the Castle Hill Police Station to Castle Hill RSL Club where the local Siroptomist Club has arranged a White Ribbon Breakfast. Over 300 participated in the march/stroll (it only took about 15 minutes) and it was heartening to see so many school children taking part. There were 350 at the breakfast. At the Breakfast I was fortunate to meet Joan and Jason Harnum (Lisa’s mother and brother) who were in Australia at the invitation of the Lisa Harnum Foundation founder and Executive Director, Aileen Mountifield. At the breakfast, the Managing Director of Queensland Investment Corporation handed over the keys to the “Sanctuary” women’s refuge that they have created in Castle Hill. I have not visited the refuge and do not know its exact location. What I do know is that it was full as soon as it opened its doors. Joan Harnum spoke at the breakfast and said that the “Lisa Harnum Foundation” concept that originated in Castle Hill will be taken to Canada and beyond. As the “White Ribbon Day” concept began in Canada this seems to be a fitting reciprocal activity. On Thursday I accompanied Stevan Hay from Storage King Castle Hill whom I had approached to assist in some furniture removal for the new “Transitional Accommodation” at the St Michael’s cottages. Stevan is a great supporter of our Rotary Club and willingly provided his truck and services. He is interested in becoming a “Friend of Rotary” and I will be following this up with Membership Director, Rod Williamson Yours in Rotary

President Mike 2


ell a very profitable BBQ was held on Sunday at Bunnings Castle Hill Store

Over 1000 Sausage & Onions Sandwiches plus drinks were sold & a record profit of over $1500 was a good boost to Club funds A team of some 14 Rotarians & partners worked hard to achieve this result. Phil Dunn & Phil Davis would like to thank all who gave up their Sunday to enjoy a day of fellowship in a very convenient location all under cover


President’s Report for Annual General Meeting nd 2 - December 2015


he first words of my report must be to thank the Board and the Members for their support throughout the first 6 months of this Rotary Year.

We have begun with a number of changes to the way we do “our Rotary”, not least of which was the Club Visioning” session we attended on 5th August as we began our annual journey. We looked to the future of our Club with an emphasis on the year 2020. Surprisingly and pleasingly the majority of the members who participated decided that in the year 2020 we would have a Rotary Club with a membership of 45. The Club Strategic Plan for 2015-2020 and an Annual Plan for 2015-2016 were created and published. Both are “living” documents and the Strategic Plan was updated to reflect the outcomes of the Club Visioning Session. Then Club Plan was also updated to reflect minor changes to its content. Both documents are readily available on the Club Website (www. for the information of members. The next major initiative was to conduct a “Business Networking Meeting” on 14th October, 2015. It was a great night if the feedback is any indication and we have a second of these special events planned in the second half of the Rotary year on 24th February 2016. Please note that date and think about possible invitees. It is also the day after Rotary International’s 111th birthday so we can celebrate that occasion on the same date when we meet. This brings to mind the Club Calendar that was published as another “living” document that would change as circumstances dictated. This is the case with the Pride in Workmanship night (now 17th February 2016) and the second Business Networking Meeting (24th February 2016). I am sure the respective Directors/Committee Chairmen will speak to these events or at least take any questions regarding them. Another change to the way we do our Rotary was the inclusion of special club meeting nights when we could discuss Club business and also have Committee Meetings without the need for spending yet another night on Rotary matters in someone’s home. These events have not worked out as I had hoped and the calendar will be subject to further refinement for the remainder of the year. Your input will be much appreciated – in writing please! One matter that I considered important and believe we have implemented as a Board is the communication with the members via the Bulletin and at meetings. Summaries of Board Meeting decisions have been published in our bulletin. I will continue to schedule Mini Club Assemblies half way through the next part of the year and hope that we get a better attendance when matters of importance can be transmitted and feedback received. 4

Tonight we shall be addressing some such matters as we consider the future of the Electronic Payment System Trial and the proposed change to our Bylaws – both by Special Resolution at the AGM. I identified our Club focus on the local community as an important feature of our work for the year. In particular I identified domestic violence as a cause that we would address. In doing so we have assisted the Lisa Harnum Foundation in painting two cottages for use as transitional accommodation for women and children who have sought refuge in the new “Sanctuary” in Castle Hill. I attended the White Ribbon Day Walk and Breakfast and we also assisted the Hills Domestic Violence Support Committee in the sale of White Ribbons on 25th November, 2015. Another key local project will be undertaken in early 2016 when we build a deck for a family in Baulkham Hills. I am sure that Community Service Director Mike Blair will have something to say about both these projects. Our loss of the Tour de Hills will put a significant hole in our Project funds but we are being prudent with our funding commitments and will continue to plan for a replacement project located at the Heritage Park sometime before June 2016. We have been fortunate to receive all the material for the “Run for the Hills” event that is no longer being staged. This may well form the basis of any new project. We are also in the planning stages for the Warren Bowden Award. It will only proceed as a project when all the preparatory work has been done. This may mean that the project does not commence until the 2016-2017 Rotary year. I believe we have started well and look forward to your support for the remainder of this Rotary year as we strive to Be a Gift to the World. Mike Hallen President 2015-2016 2 December 2015

White Ribbon Day breakfast at Castle Hill RSL (L-R) Joan Harnum, Mike Hallen Jason Harnum, Aileen Mountifield.



July, 2015


District Governor's Visit


Guest Speaker


Club Assembly


Guest Speaker

5 12

Club Visioning Session (6:00pm start) Guest Speaker


Club Business Meeting


Guest Speaker


Excellence in Policing Awards


Guest Speaker


Mini Club Assembly


Guest Speaker


Club Committee Meeting


Guest Speaker


Business Networking Meeting


Fun and Fellowship with Partners


Guest Speaker


Club Business Meeting


Guest Speaker


BBQ at Bunnings


Committee Business Meeting


Guest Speaker

August, 2015


October 2015



Rotary Monthly Theme No special designation this month

Membership & Extension Month

Basic Education & Literacy Month

Economic & Community Development Month

The Rotary Foundation (TRF) Month

White Ribbon Collection Day.

December 2015


White Ribbon March 7.00am Breakfast at CH RSL (8.00am) Annual General Meeting


BBQ at Masters


Club Christmas Party


Parking at Bella Vista for the Bush Christmas


No Meeting


No Meeting

Club Calendar July - Dec 2015


Disease Prevention & Treatment Month




Rotary Monthly Theme

January 2016


BBQ, Bunning's Castle Hill

Vocational Service Month


Home Meeting #1 – Mike Hallen’s BBQ, Bunning's Castle Hill




February 2016

March 2016

April 2016

May 2016

June 2016

Home Meeting #2 – Rotary International South Pacific and Philippines Office Home Meeting #3 – Chris Dunwell’s


Guest Speaker


Guest Speaker


Thai International Night at the Bar La Me Restaurant for all Hills clubs


Business Networking #2


Pride in Workmanship

2 9

Club Business Meeting Guest Speaker


Mini Club Assembly

23 30 6

Excellence In Teaching Awards Club Committee meeting Guest Speaker


Club Business Meeting


Anzac Day Guest Speaker




Club Committee Meeting


Guest Speaker


Club Business Meeting


Guest Speaker


Club Committee Meeting


Guest Speaker


Club Assembly


Club Business Meeting


Club Changeover

Peace & Conflict Resolution Month

Water & Sanitation Month

Maternal & Child Health Month

Youth Service Month

Rotary Fellowships Month

Club Calendar Jan- June 2016

Month/ Year

DECEMBER Disease Prevention & Treatment Month 7

Rotary Club of Castle Hill Report for the Annual General Meeting 2 December 15 Director, Outreach Projects.


lectronic payment system trial. I have circulated a report on the evaluation so far.

As indicated above, given that we use this facility only weekly in the main, it is appropriate to continue the trial period until the program is settled and the real benefits properly discerned. I recommend that the Review continue and a report be presented to the Board by 31 March 2016. The matter is to be presented to the AGM for discussion.


outh: Chair Ross HOOD RYPEN. Two students from Castle Hill High, Jiye Moon and Keenan Suherman. Keenan must be a big boy for year 9 as he asked for an extra large T-shirt and the name "Hulk" on his nametag. NYSF. Ashvin Bandodkar from Girraween High was successful whereas Liam Spillane and Karen Pjumaeli were not selected. MUNA. We have offered financial support to Baulkham Hills High for students to participate. ROYA. We put forward a strong applicant however the program was shelved for this year due to insufficient applicants.


RYLA. I had approached one of our Rotaractors and offered support before I went overseas, only to learn, on my return, she had been snatched up by Norwest Sunrise. In the absence of another suitable candidate The Board has resolved thatwe do not nominate a young person to attend RYLA this year. nternational: Chair Phil DAVIS. International Service Chairman $2,000 was made available to Ron Marcus for use in the Nepal Earthquake disaster.


A Hills Rotary Clubs International Dinner with a Thai flavour will be held at the Bar La Me Restaurant in Dural The Guest of Honour will be the Consul General for Thailand.It is expected that 80 to 100 Rotarians & partners will attend on Wednesday February 10th, 2016 ocational Service:

Excellence in Policing. The event was a great success with 4 official guests, 21 Nominees and their Partners as club guests and a further 15 Visitors at their own expense. The Police present very much enjoyed the evening and I believe that they now see how important the early investment of effort really is. Castle Hill Winners did not succeed at the State awards level but c’est la vie. The event came in well within budget. Excellence in Teaching: Chair David BULL. The event is planned for 23 March 16 and David is in active liaison with schools to stimulate support – always a challenge even though the teachers enjoy the event enormously 8

Pride in Workmanship: Chair Bob Chary. There are three firm nominees so far. We need more. Date is 24 February 16.


elfare Report.

Marie FORD seems well settled in her new digs at Lutanda, Pennant Hills and she very much appreciated the flowers sent by the Club. Marie attended the Clun Meeting on 18 November and it was a joy to see her return so well. Penny Burke and Terry Ireland have volunteered to drive Marie to Rotary meeting when the time is right – both truly F.O.R. Hannibal SHABAZ and Joan are being stoic in dealing with Joan’s health issues. The Chemotherapy is being varied so as to reduce the impacts. Lorraine and I visited them about a week ago, they are being positive but the strain is evident. Olive Bowden and family have generously donated a hand-made presentation cabinet to the Club. It was built personally by Warren to commemorate the Club’s 25th Anniversary of Charter. Phil Dunn and I removed the Cabinet from their home a short while ago: it is temporarily housed at the Dunn’s pending settlement of arrangements at Storage King Castle Hill. Olive is settling well at her new digs at Aminya Baptist Care and Baulkham Hills. The family home is on 4 blocks and is being prepared for removal and probable sale. Warren’s anniversary was a few days ago. Terry O’MARA A/Director Outreach Projects 20 November 2015


PAST PRESIDENTS 1965-66Gerald Engel Prov & Charter President 1966-67 John Wells 1967-68 Roley McClintock 1968-69 Don Wright 1969-70 Ray Wells 1970-71 Tony Dehlsen 1971-72 Roy Martin 1972-73 Frank Crooke 1973-74 Allan Buckingham 1974-75 Ken Binns 1975-76 Colin Lawford 1976-77 Roger Wood 1977-78 Brian Stacey 1978-79 Warren Bowden 1979-80 Ern Death 1980-81 Peter Gilbank 1981-82 Graeme Brangwin 1982-83 Stan Fulker 1983-84 Phillip Dunn 1984-85 Bill Robinson 1985-86 John Barker PSM 1986-87 Norm Roach 1987-88 Milton Colburt 1988-89 Ron Marcus OAM 1989-90 Bill Tait 1990-91 Peter Wood 1991-92 Bruce Allen 1992-93 Ray White

1993-94 Ron Miller 1994-95 Gerry Larkin 1995-96 Hannibal Shabaz 1996-97 George McDonald 1997-98 Peter McBean 1998-99 John Stuart 1999-00 Geoff Duffy 2000-01 John Cooper 2001-02 Mike Hallen 2002-03 Judy Ford 2003-04 Jeff Whyte 2004-05 Peter Ford 2005-06 Mike Blair 2006-07 Terry O’Mara AM 2007-08 David Waterhouse 2008-09 Peter Marcer 2009-10 Rod Williamson 2010-11 Terry O’Mara AM 2011-12 Stephen Macquarie 2012 –2013 Paul Robinson 2013-2014 Bev Cooney OAM 2014 - 2015 Mike Blair PAST PRESIDENTS OTHER CLUBS David Sommerlad AM , Bruce Jenkin MBE Neil Todd, Phil Davis Raymond Danam SERVICE ABOVE SELF AWARD Ron Marcus OAM



Membership Report Rod Williamson


commenced the year with 30 members. Unfortunately Bev Cooney found it necessary to resign effective October due to her relocation to Bathurst and has joined the local Rotary Club. Our Honorary members and Friends of Rotary remain at 8 and 9 respectively. As highlighted by the District Membership Director Lindsay May at the beginning of this Rotary year it is the responsibility of all members to seek and to invite potential members to experience Rotary. Accordingly I thank those members who have taken the initiative to invite visitors to a meeting. During the year we have had a number of visitors/prospective members attend meetings in addition to the Networking event, more often as a result of them contacting us rather than them accepting an invitation from a member. As you will recall three specific events have been organised under the Membership portfolio this year to date as follows: Orange Blossom Festival Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th September Rotarian Peter Pearce from the Rotary Club of Terrigal and a long serving ShelterBox Response Team member was our guest speaker on Wednesday 16th September as a prelude to the Club’s participation in the Orange Blossom Festival. During the meeting we had a demonstration/participation of the erection and dismantling of a ShelterBox. Our purpose in addition to supporting this significant community event was to obviously promote ShelterBox, Rotary’s involvement in this Global humanitarian disaster relieve program, the opportunity to promote our Club and invite prospective members to attend our Business Networking meeting on the 14th October. A ShelterBox tent fully equipped with all the ancillary items including the fuel stove was erected and manned adjacent to the large Community marquee. Notwithstanding our poor location on the Saturday and with a “self-relocation” on the Sunday the ShelterBox proved to be a draw card to interest the public in our stand.


Two people showed interest in attending a meeting and were invited to attend the Business Networking Night. In addition a number of donations were put in the ShelterBox sealed containers.

Whilst I have been following up members connected with guests who attended either of the above meetings and contacting some guests direct to date I do not see any sign of new memSpecial recognition should be given to Phil Dunn bers emanating from the 14th & 28th October for the transport of the tent to and from the meetings. However I will continue to review posShowground and Terry Ireland for his assistance sibilities including prospective Friends of Rotary. with the erection & dismantling of the ShelOn a more positive note one of our guests, Aaterbox tent. kash Kohli who was referred by Lindsay May via Business Networking Meeting - 14th October & the District Web site did decide to join the Hills Rotaract Club during the Business Networking Mayor’s Address - 28th October night. We received 24 acceptances from the 63 invitaNotwithstanding the outcome in regard to protions sent out with 19 guests attending. spective members from the 14th October event I We had the support of 6 people from District, consider the planned networking night in FebruHills Rotaract & Rotary’s South Pacific & Philip- ary 2016 should still go ahead. If nothing else pines office. these type of events provide a good opportunity to connect with the local business community, In addition 25 members/partners attended. including a lively social night for members, however more support from the members to provide The net cost to the Club to host guests, after ‘qualified leads’ as potential members will be re50% of the District development grant of $500 is quired given that the majority of the guests intaken into account, was $414.80 compared to vited emanated from four members. In concluour Club Plan of $447. sion I would like to thank all those members who have supported this very important aspect of Although 5 guests from the Networking night indicated they would be attending the Mayor’s Rotary, particularly President Mike for his work address after follow up calls were made to peo- in getting the Networking night “off the ground” and past member Judy Ford for her assistance ple who originally indicated further interest 3 with the format of this event. eventually turned up.


ATTENDENCE 25 November 2015 Apologies: Frank Anisse John Barker John Cooper Harshad Desai Bruce Jenkin Ron Marcus David Sommerlad Warwick Talbot


by PP John Cooper

Make Ups: Nil Friends of Rotary: Penny Burke Guest Speaker: Milton Baar – Cyber Terrorism Leave of Absence: Anil de Silva, till Dec 31 2015 Pinky Singh, till Dec 31 Mike Blair, Oct 12 till Nov 28 Bob Chary Nov 18 till Jan 12 2016 Bruce Jenkin Nov 25 & Dec 2 Hannibal Shabaz till 31 Dec 13


Club Officers and Non-Executive Positions Rotary Year 2015-2016 Rotary Club of Castle Hill President President-Elect (2015-2016) Secretary Treasurer Director Club Administration Director Membership Director Public Relations Director Service Projects Director Rotary Foundation Director Outreach Projects

Mike Hallen Chris Dunwell Geoff Duffy Bruce Allen Chris Dunwell Rod Williamson Geoff Duffy Mike Blair Bruce Allen Hannibal Shabaz

In addition, the following non-executive roles have been accepted by those listed below: Bulletin Editor Raffle Guest Speaker Program Attendance Recorder Welfare Officer Sergeants Webmaster Committee Chairs International Service

Anil de Silva David Bowles Ross Hood Geoff Duffy Terry O’Mara Hannibal Shabaz & Harshad Desai Paul Robinson (assisted by Chris Dunwell) Phil Davis

Volunteers are still required as committee Chairs for the Avenues of Service (see below) covered by the Director Service Projects and Director Outreach projects. Please contact the relevant Director to volunteer: Youth Vocational Service Community Service


We meet at

Sergeant’s Fine Session

Castle Hill Country Club every WEDNESDAY at 6:30 pm for 7:00 pm (Spurway Drive, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153) Apologies, Please inform Geoff Duffy NO LATER than Noon Tuesday before the next meeting so numbers can be confirmed for Dinner

Phil Davis Acting Sgt Phil Davis fined…. Terry O’Mara for missing the White Ribbon collection today David Bull for attending the White Ribbon collection when he was not listed to attend. One armed bandit Geoff Duffy for attending under duress.


Anil De Silva (from Cobar, Outback NSW) Deadline Friday 8:00 pm This Bulletin is kindly printed by Snap Printing. Unit 20/5 Hudson Ave. Castle Hill 2154 Ph: 96801858

Penny Burke for showing the dog bite finger that kept her away for some time. Pres Mike in a Rotary shirt. Rod Williamson also in a formal Rotary shirt. Bruce Allen very formal in coat & tie Ross Hood just back from Mudgee after attending Russell Kelly’s 70th birthday. Paul Robinson for telling the Guest of Honour to watch what the Sgt got up to. Chris Dunwell for arriving late David Bowles for not telling John Cooper earlier enough to arrange the wine raffle last week The Sgt finished the fine session with a joke about an English Teacher asking her class were they English Rugby fans and a joke about an overweight Irishman put on a strict diet by his doctor that worked too well !!


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