Rotary Bulletin # 25 02nd March 2017

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HILLS VIEWS Bulletin No 25

01st Mar 2017

Bulletin of the Rotary 3lub of Castle Hill ISSN 2203-126X

Rotary Club of Castle Hill Chartered 18th March 1965

PO Box 13, Castle Hill. 1765

Rotary Year 2016-17 District Governor: Bruce Lakin (District 9685 ) Rotary Int’l President: John F Germ

This Week Wednesday 01 st Mar 2017

Next Week Wednesday 08th Mar 2017

Speaker Mike Hallen Chair - TBA Why aren’t you in Rotary Regalia - TBA Chair David Brown Notes - TBA Regalia – Peter Marcer, Sushil Bandodkar Notes – David Bull

March Bruce Allen 5th Terry O’Mara 6th Phil Dunn 12th David Bowles 27th

Saturday, 18th March 17 Bunnings Seven Hills In aid of Leukemia Foundation ——————————

Ron & Judy Marcus 24th

Saturday, 8th April 17 BBQ Bunnings Castle Hills


very big thank you for last week’s excellent event at

Phil and Jenny Dunn’s home and their most excellent former Rotarian neighbour, Dieter Regal. I know based on the number of questions that were asked at the end of Dieter’s tour and explanation of his great facilities in Annangrove that everyone who was able to attend had a really great time.


he Cross Country team and the broader Rotary community are going to miss the great contributions of our dear friend John Cooper. It was a testament to JC that so many people came along and filled the church to give thanks for his life and send him on his way. Thanks to Peter for his recollections of John’s time at Rotary during the service. A fantastic and enduring commitment to our club and we will all miss him. Bless you John.


his month (March) sees the District Conference among other important events. I am unable to attend due to other commitments that conflict so I rely on others to report back after the event. Please note – you have been warned!


ust a reminder on behalf of Paul that he is still in need of a President Elect. I know t makes me feel good inside to know that many of you have been there and done that in the back lanes of our Country there are and perhaps are looking to other newer people like Dieter making world class prodmembers to step up and take on the mantle ucts that are being exported all over the for 2018-2019. If you are thinking you might world. Once we understand how much of a be willing to take on this role, please talk with globe trotter he is it is clear to see why he Paul. I am sure he is not looking to do two could no longer devote time to Rotary on a years in a row! regular basis. Never-the-less he was generhe footy season is back and the Waraous with his time and we thank him most sintahs opened with a win. League starts cerely. More power to you and your great soon. I hope your teams go well. I am backbusiness. ing Wests Tigers as always, and hoping for a hil and Jenny provided an excellent better year this year. I was delighted with the spread for us and we had great fellow- remarkable victory in the first test in India. So ship on a lovely balmy evening, sitting under perhaps 2017 will be a great year for Australia the wisteria in their back yard. after all. ooking forward we have a great couple hat’s all there is from me this week. of weeks coming up and we are about to start work on the Cross Country Classic. ours in Rotary ,






President Chris 2

Members getting demonstration and explanations from Dieter Regal at his facility

THIS WEEK’S ROTARY FOUNDATION THOUGHT is about PolioPlus Program Rotary International encourages Rotarians to be advocates for its #1 goal, the eradication of polio in the world. The goal of polio eradication remains elusive, with three countries still polio-endemic. In 2013, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), a partnership launched in 1988 by national governments and spearheaded by the World Health Organization (WHO), Rotary International, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and UNICEF, with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation developed the “Polio Eradication and End Game Strategic Plan”.

of US$5.5 billion. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has opted to match $2 for every dollar donated to PolioPlus by Rotarians from now thru 2018.

The developing world can save more than US$40 50 billion by eradicating this dreaded disease plus avoiding the exposure of a potential 10 million children to polio over the next 20 years alone. Since 1988, over 2.5 billion children have been immunized against polio. Since that year, the number of cases of polio in the world has been reduced by 99%. We only have 1% to reach our goal. We must not lose sight of our vision of a world without polio. We must finish our work and hold true to our This End Game Strategic Plan identifies polio erad- promise to the children of the world. ication to be completed by 2018 at a projected cost 3

Castle Hill Rotary Club Timetable Jan – June 2017 4 January 2017 11 January 2017 18 January 2017 25 January 2017 26 January 2017 1 February 2017

Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Wednesday

No meeting Home meeting - Peter Marcer Fellowship @ Heritage Park Home meeting - Chris Dunwell Australia Day


"Guess my Part Time Occupation" David Wilson



6 February 2017 13 February 2016 15 February 2017 22 February 2017

Wednesday Monday Wednesday Wednesday

Rotary meeting: Club Assembly Board Meeting Youth Night Phil and Jenny Dunn’s home

7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm


1 March 2017




8 March 2017


Mike Hallen, ‘Why aren’t you in Rotary’ Bette Lakin (partner of District Governor Bruce) ‘Days for Girls’



11 March 2017


District Conference


Penrith Panthers

13 March 2017 15 March 2017 22 March 2017 29 March 2017 5 April 2017 10 April 2016 12 April 2017

Monday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Wednesday

Board Meeting Pride in Workmanship

7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm

14 April 2016 16 April 2016 17 April 2016 19 April 2017 25 April 2017 26 April 2017 3 May 2017 8 May 2017 10 May 2017 17 May 2017 24 May 2017 31 May 2017 7 June 2017 12 June 2017 13 June 2017 14 June 2017 21 June 2017

Friday Sunday Monday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday

Excellence In Teaching Board Meeting International Dinner – Dural @ Billy The Greek Restaurant Good Friday Easter Sunday Public Holiday International Night Anzac Day

Board Meeting

Queen’s Birthday Board Meeting Rotary meeting: Club Assembly





7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm


7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm



Club Officers and Non-Executive Positions Rotary Club of Castle Hill Rotary Year 2016-2017 President President-Elect (2016-2017) Secretary Treasurer Director Club Administration Director Membership Director Public Relations Director Community Service Director Rotary Foundation Director Outreach Projects

Chris Dunwell Paul Robinson Raymond Danam Phil Dunn Chris Dunwell Mike Hallen Peter Marcer Mike Blair Bruce Allen Terry O’Mara

Non-executive Club Officers Bulletin Editor Sergeant at Arms Guest Speaker Program International Chairman Youth Chairman Vocational Chairman Welfare Officer Webmaster

Anil de Silva Phil Davis/Hannibal Shabaz Ross Hood Phil Davis Ross Hood Hannibal Shabaz Terry O’Mara Paul Robinson


for consideration for the award. The Assessment panel shall be determined by the Board of the Rotary Club of Castle Hill which will conTO THE BYLAWS OF THE ROTARY sist of:


Current President of the Club. President Elect of the Club Director of Service Projects of the Club Designated Officer of the Hills Shire Council Editor and/or Nominee of the Hills Shire Community Newspaper.

The Bowden-Sommerlad Memorial Scholarship for Heritage Conservation will be awarded to a Primary School within the boundaries of the Hills Shire Council on an annual basis. Schools (Student participation) will be reThe value of the Scholarship awarded each quired to submit a formal application and subyear, will be determined by the Board of each mission to an independent assessment panel Rotary Year.


Meeting 8th March - all Ladies Please Make Note - Special Presen-

tation on DAYS FOR GIRLS Dear All We have arranged that on 8 March we will hear a presentation from Bette Lakin (partner of District Governor Bruce) and her partner in crime Janelle. They will talk to us about Days for Girls. This is a fabulous charity that helps teenage girls in developing countries to remain in school by providing sanitary products that they can discreetly carry to school so they are not missing school one week in every four. Check out the website - If sufficient people are interested after the meeting it is a project that a group of our fabulous Rotarians can be engaged in as a practical activity and a social networking activity as well. So all ladies – partners of members, friends and partners of friends – please come along. Bring your friends and neighbours as well if you think they might be interested. Lets get a great turnout. I am excited about this. Don’t forget to let Raymond know who and how many are coming.

President Chris Dunwell


We meet at

Castle Hill Country Club every WEDNESDAY at 6:30 pm for 7:00 pm (Spurway Drive, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153) Apologies, Please inform Ray Danam NO LATER than Noon Tuesday before the next meeting so numbers can be confirmed for Dinner You can text, call, email or use WhatsApp.


Anil De Silva (from Cobar, Outback NSW)

C (168).jpg Deadline Friday 8:00 pm This Bulletin is kindly printed by Snap Printing. Unit 20/5 Hudson Ave. Castle Hill 2154 Ph: 96801858



1965-66Gerald Engel Prov & Charter President 1966-67 John Wells 1967-68 Roley McClintock 1968-69 Don Wright 1969-70 Ray Wells 1970-71 Tony Dehlsen 1971-72 Roy Martin 1972-73 Frank Crooke 1973-74 Allan Buckingham 1974-75 Ken Binns 1975-76 Colin Lawford 1976-77 Roger Wood 1977-78 Brian Stacey 1978-79 Warren Bowden 1979-80 Ern Death 1980-81 Peter Gilbank 1981-82 Graeme Brangwin 1982-83 Stan Fulker 1983-84 Phillip Dunn 1984-85 Bill Robinson 1985-86 John Barker PSM 1986-87 Norm Roach 1987-88 Milton Colburt 1988-89 Ron Marcus OAM 1989-90 Bill Tait 1990-91 Peter Wood 1991-92 Bruce Allen 1992-93 Ray White 1993-94 Ron Miller

1994-95 Gerry Larkin 1995-96 Hannibal Shabaz 1996-97 George McDonald 1997-98 Peter McBean 1998-99 John Stuart 1999-00 Geoff Duffy 2000-01 John Cooper 2001-02 Mike Hallen 2002-03 Judy Ford 2003-04 Jeff Whyte 2004-05 Peter Ford 2005-06 Mike Blair 2006-07 Terry O’Mara AM 2007-08 David Waterhouse 2008-09 Peter Marcer 2009-10 Rod Williamson 2010-11 Terry O’Mara AM 2011-12 Stephen Macquarie 2012 –2013 Paul Robinson 2013-2014 Bev Cooney OAM 2014 - 2015 Mike Blair 2015—2016 Mike Hallen PAST PRESIDENTS OTHER CLUBS David Sommerlad AM , Bruce Jenkin MBE Neil Todd, Phil Davis Raymond Danam SERVICE ABOVE SELF AWARD Ron Marcus OAM

Rotaract Club of The Hills Meets: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month Location: Room 3, Turner Building, Balcombe Heights Estate, 92 Seven Hills Road, Baulkham Hills.


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