HILLS VIEWS Bulletin No 27 15th Mar 2017 Bulletin of the Rotary 3lub of Castle Hill ISSN 2203-126X
Rotary Club of Castle Hill Chartered 18th March 1965
PO Box 13, Castle Hill. 1765 www.rotarynews.info/club4201
Rotary Year 2016-17 District Governor: Bruce Lakin (District 9685 ) Rotary Int’l President: John F Germ
This Week Wednesday 15th Mar 2017 Pride in Workmanship Chair – Bob Chary Regalia – Ross Hood, Peter Marcer Notes – Sushil Bandodkar
March Bruce Allen 5th Terry O’Mara 6th Phil Dunn 12th David Bowles 27th
Next Week Wednesday 22nd Mar 2017 Bruce de Graaf, "Why aren't you in Rotary" Chair – Mike Hallen Regalia – Mike Blair, Bruce Allen Notes – David Brown
Saturday, 18th March 17 Bunnings Seven Hills In aid of Leukemia Foundation ——————————
Ron & Judy Marcus 24th
Saturday, 8th April 17 Bunnings Castle Hills
week we enjoyed an in-
every year in recent times by doing all the hard work to identify the awardees and ensure that we have the opportunity to recognise their excellent work. We then have our Excellence in Teaching Awards coming up in two weeks. So yet another important event for our calendar. On the subject of special events, I need to ask you all to do something for us. As special events call for a special two course meal, the ingredients of which need to be bought in in advance as they are not usually held by the club, we must know the numbers earlier that for normal meetings. So please consider whether you and your partners are coming to these events and sign up in good time. Ideally some clear intention on the Wednesday off the preceding week will allow the club to be properly prepared. It is not easy to add extra guests later on for the reasons mentioned above. Also be sure that you are going to be able to come. Any food we order we must pay for whether it is eaten or not. On normal meeting nights we have some flexibility and the CHCC are quite understanding as long as the numbers are very close to our estimates. For special two course meals this is not the case. Your cooperation is much appreciated. So we are going to have a great evening this week and another coming up. Maybe some of the awardees might find an interest in Rotary and be encouraged to explore further. I hope they do and our Membership Director Mike Hallen would be pleased to hear from them. That’s all for me for now. Yours in Rotary ,
teresting evening with our guests from Days for Girls. I am hoping that we might be able to build some kind of fellowship event for those interested in helping in practical ways to support the efforts of this great charity. I am looking for some support in this endeavour, and hoping that one of our partners or friends might be willing to take up the challenge. You will have my support and I think it could provide an opportunity to meet together, maybe once a month, do something really worthwhile together and enjoy fellowship together while doing so. So come on, jump in and sign up and I will provide support as best I can. Might even join in myself! This week of course sees the Excellence in Workmanship and I look forward to hearing about the many worthy awardees and meeting their friends and family members and helping them to celebrate the recognition their people deserve. As we all know as Rotarians we were founded on the principle of people from business coming together to share fellowship and looking for ways to do good in the community. So it is only proper that we celebrate the efforts of people in the workplace. A big thanks as alPresident Chris ways to Bob Chary for making this happen
Meeting Notes for 8th March 2017
ergeant Hannibal called the meeting to order, proposed our toast to Rotary International and then introduced President Chris. President Chris welcomed all members present and welcomed our guests Bette Lakin and Janelle Dodd who would be speaking later on the Days for Girl program. President Chris commented on the great impression created by the ladies in their bright orange Days for Girls shirts and sneakily suggested that they might also double up as members of the Rotary Club of Castle Hill. Announcements President Chris emphasised that next week was one of our annual feature nights when five Pride in Workmanship awards would be made. Maximum attendance required and strong support from partners highly encourage. The meal will be the traditional deluxe two course meal at the price of $35. David Bull made mention of the fact that our Excellence in Teaching night will be held on March 29th and he assures us of a night not to be forgotten. Eight awardees will be presented on the night and again, strong support from members and partners is required. Numbers should be advised asap and the night will be the two course $35 meal. Terry O’Mara assured members of an excellent Pride in Workmanship night next week and Bob Chary has done an outstanding job in organising the night so well. On a welfare note, he has been in touch with Cheryl Cooper and it’s pleasing to note that she is being strongly supported by the love of her family and is coping as well as can be expected under the current circumstances. Mike Blair made mention of the Bunnings Seven Hills BBQ on Saturday 18th March which will be
by PDG Bruce Allen
in aid of the Leukaemia Foundation. Most shifts have been organised but non-rostered members are free to turn up for an hour or so during the day to give relief to those rostered. Mike Hallen reminded members that we have a “Meet and Greet” night organised at the castle Hill Country Club on Wednesday 10th May. This is an opportunity to introduce friends, colleagues, family, etc. to the world of Rotary and through this we may even begin to grow our membership numbers. Invited guests will be free of charge and members will pay the usual $25. Check your diaries and start thinking about who you can ask. Remember - if each of us introduces just one new member to the club we will double in size. Raymond Danam reminded Board members that the next Board meeting will be held at the home of Phil and Jenny Dunn on Monday 13th March at 7:00pm and reminded members that the District conference is being held at Penrith Panthers this coming Saturday March 11th. Sergeant Hannibal took the floor and without any preparation time whatsoever managed to extract record fine level from the members. Some of the more notable (brutal?) fines were: David Bull – Getting the Pride in Workmanship numbers wrong and over-zealousness in promoting the Excellence in Teaching night. Phil Dunn – Wouldn’t let the Sergeant order fish and had to settle for something green. All men sitting next to ladies on International Woman’s day (but wouldn’t fine men not sitting next to a lady. Is that discrimination?) George Biegalke – Sergeant wasn’t sure why but thought he looked guilty Terry O’Mara – Appeared to be hiding from the Sergeant (who wouldn’t?) 3
Marie Ford – wearing pink, or purple, or both, or neither Mike Blair cross-fined President Chris for not allowing him to introduce his guest - who was then promptly introduced. Raffle First prize (Red wine) – David Bowles Second prize (White wine) – Mike Hallen President Chris then introduced Bette Lakin who briefly introduced the Days for Girls program before handing over to Janelle Dodd for the more formal presentation. Days for Girls is a feminine hygiene program providing quality, sustainable solutions for girls who have nothing suitable to manage their period. Without access to hygiene products, girls in many countries in the developing world can miss up to 8 months of school every three years, and are much more likely to drop out altogether. Just one extra year of senior schooling can boost a woman’s income by 15-20%. Girls who complete 7 years schooling are more likely to marry later and have fewer children, improving their chances of escaping poverty. A Days for Girls kit lasts for three years and allows a girl to attend school every day of every month. Days for Girls is a grassroots not for profit organisation creating a better future for girls by providing advocacy, reproductive health education and sustainable feminine hygiene products. Through DfG, women and young girls discover their potential and self-value, and become equal participants and agents in social change. They have more opportunity to grow, thrive, and contribute to their community’s betterment. What’s in a kit? Each washable kit contains 2 shields, 8 liners, 2 pairs of underwear, 2 zip lock bags, instruction sheet which are all contained in a draw-string bag to maintain privacy. Each kit gives a girl back 8 months of education in just 3
years of use – and they do last three years! How can you help? You can form a DfG group in our area or join one that’s already exists. The group can sew shields, liners and/or bags. You can donate fabric, high-cut or low-rise undies (women’s size 8-14 or girl’s size 10-16), donate face washers, double zip bags (27x33cm), and /or funds. You can raise awareness of the program by talking about it with your friends and acquaintances. For more information, contact Janelle Dodd on rydensw@daysforgirls.com President Chris presented our Rotary health Certificate of Appreciation to Janelle and thanked both her and Bette for their efforts and their presentation. The meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem .
Castle Hill Rotary Club Timetable Jan – June 2017 4 January 2017 11 January 2017 18 January 2017 25 January 2017 26 January 2017 1 February 2017
Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Wednesday
No meeting Home meeting - Peter Marcer Fellowship @ Heritage Park Home meeting - Chris Dunwell Australia Day
"Guess my Part Time Occupation" David Wilson
6 February 2017 13 February 2016 15 February 2017 22 February 2017 1 March 2017
Wednesday Monday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday
7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm
8 March 2017
Rotary meeting: Club Assembly Board Meeting Youth Night Phil and Jenny Dunn’s home Mike Hallen, ‘Why aren’t you in Rotary’ Bette Lakin (partner of District Governor Bruce) ‘Days for Girls’
11 March 2017
District Conference
Penrith Panthers
13 March 2017 15 March 2017 22 March 2017
Monday Wednesday Wednesday
7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm
29 March 2017 5 April 2017
Wednesday Wednesday
7.00pm 7.00pm
10 April 2016 12 April 2017
Monday Wednesday
Board Meeting Pride in Workmanship Bruce de Graaf, "Why aren't you in Rotary" Chair Mike Hallen Excellence In Teaching Mayor of the Hills 'Sanctuary' Domestic Violence. Board Meeting
7.00pm 7.00pm
14 April 2016 16 April 2016 17 April 2016 19 April 2017
Friday Sunday Monday Wednesday
25 April 2017 26 April 2017 3 May 2017 8 May 2017 10 May 2017 17 May 2017 24 May 2017 31 May 2017 7 June 2017 12 June 2017 13 June 2017 14 June 2017 21 June 2017
Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday
7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm
Good Friday Easter Sunday Public Holiday International Dinner – Dural @ Billy The Greek Restaurant Anzac Day
Board Meeting “Meet and Greet” night
Queen’s Birthday Board Meeting Rotary meeting: Club Assembly
7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm
gle with our guests so that they experience Rota-
Rotary Club of Castle Hill ry and are not pressured into becoming a Rotarian. Interested individuals can be invited to be our “Meet and Greet” night 10 May 2017
he club calendar now includes a “Meet and Greet” night on 10 May 2017. he venue will be our normal meeting place, Acres Restaurant at Castle Hill Country Club. Our normal starting time will apply, i.e. 6:30 for 7:00pm with closure at about 9:00pm. atering for the event will be self-service finger food from the CHCC Functions Package. Platters of food will be delivered to the room that will be set up with high tables and some seating. The bar in Acres will be open for drinks at individual expense. f members and partners attend, that takes care of about 40 persons. We also ask members to invite guests to the event in the hope of attracting another 20 or so people to join us and partake in Rotary Fellowship. The idea is to min-
guests at a later date at one of our regular club meetings. n order to keep costs of the event to around our regular $25 per member, the Rotary Club of Castle Hill will pay for all invited guests. The food package estimate is based on 30 persons. More attendees may potentially reduce the costs to our Club Administration Account. here will be a welcome by President Chris Dunwell but no presentations about our great organisation - that task falls to our members who are expected to mingle with the guests and discuss matters Rotary and how the members of the members of the Rotary Club of Castle Hill are involved. o please check your calendars and start talking to your partners, friends and acquaintances about joining us on 10 May.
Club Officers and Non-Executive Positions Rotary Club of Castle Hill Rotary Year 2016-2017 President President-Elect (2016-2017) Secretary Treasurer Director Club Administration Director Membership Director Public Relations Director Community Service Director Rotary Foundation Director Outreach Projects
Chris Dunwell Paul Robinson Raymond Danam Phil Dunn Chris Dunwell Mike Hallen Peter Marcer Mike Blair Bruce Allen Terry O’Mara
Non-executive Club Officers Bulletin Editor Sergeant at Arms Guest Speaker Program International Chairman Youth Chairman Vocational Chairman Welfare Officer Webmaster
Anil de Silva Phil Davis/Hannibal Shabaz Ross Hood Phil Davis Ross Hood Hannibal Shabaz Terry O’Mara Paul Robinson 6
We meet at
Castle Hill Country Club every WEDNESDAY at 6:30 pm for 7:00 pm (Spurway Drive, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153) Apologies, Please inform Ray Danam NO LATER than Noon Tuesday before the next meeting so numbers can be confirmed for Dinner raydanam@gmail.com You can text, call, email or use WhatsApp.
Anil De Silva (from Cobar, Outback NSW)
C (168).jpg
aniljdes@yahoo.com.au Deadline Friday 8:00 pm This Bulletin is kindly printed by Snap Printing. Unit 20/5 Hudson Ave. Castle Hill 2154 Ph: 96801858
1965-66Gerald Engel Prov & Charter President 1966-67 John Wells 1967-68 Roley McClintock 1968-69 Don Wright 1969-70 Ray Wells 1970-71 Tony Dehlsen 1971-72 Roy Martin 1972-73 Frank Crooke 1973-74 Allan Buckingham 1974-75 Ken Binns 1975-76 Colin Lawford 1976-77 Roger Wood 1977-78 Brian Stacey 1978-79 Warren Bowden 1979-80 Ern Death 1980-81 Peter Gilbank 1981-82 Graeme Brangwin 1982-83 Stan Fulker 1983-84 Phillip Dunn 1984-85 Bill Robinson 1985-86 John Barker PSM 1986-87 Norm Roach 1987-88 Milton Colburt 1988-89 Ron Marcus OAM 1989-90 Bill Tait 1990-91 Peter Wood 1991-92 Bruce Allen 1992-93 Ray White 1993-94 Ron Miller
1994-95 Gerry Larkin 1995-96 Hannibal Shabaz 1996-97 George McDonald 1997-98 Peter McBean 1998-99 John Stuart 1999-00 Geoff Duffy 2000-01 John Cooper 2001-02 Mike Hallen 2002-03 Judy Ford 2003-04 Jeff Whyte 2004-05 Peter Ford 2005-06 Mike Blair 2006-07 Terry O’Mara AM 2007-08 David Waterhouse 2008-09 Peter Marcer 2009-10 Rod Williamson 2010-11 Terry O’Mara AM 2011-12 Stephen Macquarie 2012 –2013 Paul Robinson 2013-2014 Bev Cooney OAM 2014 - 2015 Mike Blair 2015—2016 Mike Hallen PAST PRESIDENTS OTHER CLUBS David Sommerlad AM , Bruce Jenkin MBE Neil Todd, Phil Davis Raymond Danam SERVICE ABOVE SELF AWARD Ron Marcus OAM
Rotaract Club of The Hills Meets: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month Location: Room 3, Turner Building, Balcombe Heights Estate, 92 Seven Hills Road, Baulkham Hills.