Rotary bulletin 25 11th feb 2015

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HILLS VIEWS 11th February 2015

Bulletin No 25

Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Castle Hill

ISSN 2203-126X

Rotary Club of Castle Hill Chartered 18th March 1965

PO Box 13, Castle Hill. 1765

Rotary Year 2014-15 District Governor: Ian Scott (District 9685 )

Rotary Int’l President: Gary C.K. Huang

This Week 11th February 15 Chairperson: Warwick Talbot Meeting report: David Bull – please email report to Anil Meet & Greet Ron Marcus Regalia: Chris Dunwell & Bob Chary Next Week 18th February 15 Chairperson: Geoff Duffy/President Mike Blair Meeting report: Terry O’Mara - please email report to Anil Meet & Greet: Marie Ford Regalia: Hannibal Shabaz & Phil David

Meet & Greet: Bruce Jenkin Regalia: Paul& Robinson & Harshad Desai Birth Days Anniversaries February 2015 BIRTHDAYS

Jerry Larkin 20th Ross Hood 21st


February Peace and Conflict Prevention/ Resolution

This Bulletin is kindly printed by Snap Printing. Unit Inside this issue 20/5Hudson Avenue, Castle Hill 2154 Phone 02- 96801858



From President Mike Blair


ast week we were given a very through and comprehensive overview of the North West Rail by Peter Bourke and Katherine Martin . Peter’s current role is Manager Precent and Placemaking, whilst Katherine ‘s role is Stakeholder & Community Advisor. You may recall about two years ago they both addressed our meeting and spoke at length about the planning that was taking place at that time to bring about the start of this much needed infrastructure to the Hills Shire and surrounding local areas. At that time many of us were sceptical about this, as we have for many, many, years been told it was going to happen. Even when I was a Councillor of the Hills Shire Council over ten years ago, I recall receiving briefings from government officials about this project all promising that it is coming “sooner rather than later”. Its been a long time coming, but indeed refreshing to hear from Peter on Wednesday that we are full steam ahead and construction well underway, with four tunnelling machines installed, and boring away till their hearts content. The construction proposes and will build eight new station extending from Cherrybrook (Hornsby Shire) out northwest and terminating at Cudgegon Road. Cherrybrook will be linked to Epping Station. All the Stations will be built with the state of the art technology with respect to safety for the commuters including 24/7 CCTV and state of the art safety barriers along the length of the stations which will align with the doors of the Trains . The system is a Rapid Transit System with trains running during the peak periods every four minutes and in the off-peak and week-ends every ten minutes. The whole of the rail system will be fully automated. The end result when this project is completed will be a great boost to our Shire not only in economic terms with greater development, but that we the people of this Shire will now have a full and proper integrated public transport system which we have waited for for so long. PP Mike Hallen presented to us the final version of the Please see next page 2

Nailgun News Continued


Club’s History which will be presented to all Club Members on the evening of our 50th Anniversary to be held on the 18th March this year. This magnificent book of our history is a valuable memento to be had by all, and it will be offered to those outside our membership at a very nominal cost. In addition Mike has arranged for this book to be released on a CD, and everyone present on the evening of our Celebrations will receive one of these as a keepsake together with a specially struck Club Badge to enhance this great moment in time for our Club. As I said at our last meeting and I will continue to repeat it, thank you Mike for a fantastic job you have done in putting this all to-

The Tour de Hills(1st March) is coming upon us very quickly and I repeat what I asked of you at our last meeting. We have lost three of our key players in the organisation and implementation of this project and I ask all of you to PLEASE make every effort to make this day free as the Organising Committee need you. I personally will be making a call to each of you to gain your support. I am also very pleased to confirm my advice to you that MEDIBANK have agreed to come on board as a Sponsor to this great project and I look forward to developing a relationship with them for the mutual benefit of us both. On the 15th February we will be supporting a community

event at the Australian Brewery, organised by them. My understanding that it is a fresh food market, together with a Bric-a-Bac flea market, where the public will be able to come along with all their “junk” and have the opportunity to sell their wares from the boots of their cars. We will be organising the parking and also will have the opportunity to be able to collect a gold coin donation from the entrants. The Brewery will also have money collection boxes throughout their premises . All of these proceeds together with what we collect will go towards our principal charity of the Tour de Hills. Yours in Rotary

President Mike.

Without wishing to make a play on words…..

our dues are overdue Club Dues include RI dues, district dues, Rotary Down Under (compulsory), and other costs to cover club administration. The meager cost of providing this incredible five star array of incredible features is just

$130 per half year Your Treasurer has already paid the bill on you behalf and now needs the coffers replenished and this can only happen if you pay him. Go ahead! Make his day.



50th Anniversary Celebration

he venue for the 50th anniversary celebrations has been confirmed – The Madison Function Centre. Cost for the evening will be $50 per person. This includes a 2-course dinner, commemorative metal badge and a copy of the club history. Owner and club member Frank Anisse has kindly donated a free drink and canapÊs on arrival


HELP to identify former members

lub members are requested to assist in identifying and locating former club members so that they can be made aware of the planned celebrations n 18 March, 2015. If you have any useful information please speak to Bruce Allen.

For Your Diary 21-23 March 2015 District Conference Hunter Valley

Attendance Report for February 4th, 2015 by PP Geoff Duffy


Apologies: Frank Anisse David Sommerlad Phil Davis Make Ups: Nil Hon. Rotarians: Neil Todd Friends of Rotary: Penny Bourke Visiting Rotarians; Nil Guests: Peter Bourke & Katherine Martin (Norwest Rail) Leave of Absence: Anil de Silva till June 30, 2015 Phil Davis 07/01/15 till 11/02/15 Beverley Cooney till April 30, 2015

12th April 2015 District Assembly 6th-9th June 2015 RI Convention Brazil 27th June 2015 District Changeover 4

y a w l a i c e p s a n i e t a r b e l e C llen

—Bruce A ir a h C n io t a d un years From Club Fo ill then be 110

ew ary 23rd and w ru b e F way in which n l o a p ic u d g ra in a t m u o c o b ka ay is embers to thin to make an Rotary’s birthd r m e b b lu m C e r m u o le f g o n ll a ery si be if young. I’d like y vision is for v m d n a y on that would a ti d l ra u b rf le e e d c n a o t a w Wh te this ry Foundation. ta o we can celebra R e h T to n o uti 0% success! on-line contrib we achieved 10 n tary Foundatio o R e h T to d te mit ey are already com y tr n u o ggesting that th c su e t th o n ss m ro I’ c . a s m e n st ses, Many Rotaria y set into the sy did. In these ca d y a e e lr th a if ts e n ic e n m e y b pa uld r as with scheduled ing spectacula e 23rd but it wo th th e n m o so te o u d ib s u tr n g o lpin should again c deductible altmore about he x t u ta b e y b e l n il o st m d e n r s $2 a h about th g for $25, $50 o can be as low a in s o n g o it’s not so muc ti n u e v ib e tr e n m o so uting. C nearer $10 and day to join in e b is ld th a way of contrib u o to w rd a rm o rw t fo suspect the n on commitmen ri tu n e C hough I rather ir e th g l want to brin the fun. $100. Many wil ould be, a club sh d n a , e b l il w This ur ppen is critical. und will build o a F h l a is u n th n g A in e k a th m s to Your support in it. Contribution e district DDF rt th o n p o p t c su a p to im se rable e if you choo ill have a favou wn projects if w o r h u ic o h n driven initiativ w o l e se v u le us to ution ore money for district contrib m s n a e m t a h the future. T o for it. three years into we choose to g of giving and to l e v le r u o se a cre aybe once you us attempt to in M o . ri o d se a to o g ls in a th ’s cult but it It’s a bit of fun -line is not a diffi n o g n ti u ib tr n at co it! demonstrate th try it you’ll like ng on-line are: ti u ib tr n o c r fo The links ke-action/give-0 a /t n /e rg .o ry ta .ro … https://www ry ta o R y M r e fo ake-action/giv /t Not registered n /e ry ta ro y /m // s: p tt h … ry My Rota life and that’s a r e tt e b a Registered for to e n meo l surely help so il w e iv g u o y t a go? Wha ught! Why not give it pretty cool tho


PAST PRESIDENTS 1965-66Gerald Engel Prov & Charter President 1966-67 John Wells 1967-68 Roley McClintock 1968-69 Don Wright 1969-70 Ray Wells 1970-71 Tony Dehlsen 1971-72 Roy Martin 1972-73 Frank Crooke 1973-74 Allan Buckingham 1974-75 Ken Binns 1975-76 Colin Lawford 1976-77 Roger Wood 1977-78 Brian Stacey 1978-79 Warren Bowden 1979-80 Ern Death 1980-81 Peter Gilbank 1981-82 Graeme Brangwin 1982-83 Stan Fulker 1983-84 Phillip Dunn 1984-85 Bill Robinson 1985-86 John Barker PSM 1986-87 Norm Roach 1987-88 Milton Colburt 1988-89 Ron Marcus OAM 1989-90 Bill Tait 1990-91 Peter Wood 1991-92 Bruce Allen

1992-93 Ray White 1993-94 Ron Miller 1994-95 Gerry Larkin 1995-96 Hannibal Shabaz 1996-97 George McDonald 1997-98 Peter McBean 1998-99 John Stuart 1999-00 Geoff Duffy 2000-01 John Cooper 2001-02 Mike Hallen 2002-03 Judy Ford 2003-04 Jeff Whyte 2004-05 Peter Ford 2005-06 Mike Blair 2006-07 Terry O’Mara AM 2007-08 David Waterhouse 2008-09 Peter Marcer 2009-10 Rod Williamson 2010-11 Terry O’Mara AM 2011-12 Stephen Macquarie 2012 –2013 Paul Robinson 2013-2014 Bev Cooney OAM PAST PRESIDENTS OTHER CLUBS David Sommerlad AM , Bruce Jenkin MBE Neil Todd, Phil Davis SERVICE ABOVE SELF AWARD Ron Marcus OAM

Meeting Diary What is on ? THIS WEEK (11 –02 –15) Report on Hague International MUNA—Brendan Ma NEXT WEEK (Partners Night) 18-2-15 Presentation by Rotary Exchange Student Emily Murphy & Briefing on Tour de Hills by Mike Blair 6

A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF CASTLE HILL (FORMERLY BAULKHAM HILLS) Rotary Year 2009– 2010 Rotary International President: John Kenny (Grangemouth, Central, Scotland)

Objectives we have continued to embrace Rotary’s Club Leadership Plan (CLP) and to ensure there was a high degree of continuity between the Club’s activities and achievements in 2008/2009 and to provide a foundation for similar coordination for 2010/2011 and beyond.

RI President’s Theme: “The Future of Rotary The goal of the CLP is to ensure clubs are is in Your Hands” effective in that they pursue the Object of Rotary by carrying our successful activities Governor District 9680: John Cameron along each Avenue of Service. I believe we (Wahroonga) have excelled in this regard in that we have: Changeover celebrated on 4th July 2009 1. Increased our membership base

Board of Directors

President: Rod Williamson President-Elect: Terry O’Mara Immediate PP: Peter Marcer Director Club: Terry O’Mara Secretary: Geoff Duffy Director Service Projects: Mike Blair Treasurer: John Barker Director Membership: Peter Marcer Sgts-at-Arms: Mike Hallen/ Bruce Jenkin Director PR: Kayeleigh Green Director Foundation: Bruce Allen

2. Continued to implement successful projects that address the needs of our community and communities in other countries. 3. Supported The Rotary Foundation through both program participation and financial contributions. 4. Developed leaders capable of serving Rotary beyond Club level. Accordingly I would congratulate the Directors, Committee Chairpersons, members, partners, including honorary members, and Friends of Rotary for their contribution that has ensured another successful year for our Club. Of course we should not overlook the support we have received from Rotaract, the members of Men’s Shed and Rotarians from other Clubs.

ning the Noel McDonald Bulletin Award. Peter with the support of Carol and members who make contributions has put in a mighty effort to produce an outstanding weekly publication this year. This award was introduced for the 1985-86 Rotary year and this is the fourth time our Club has received this recognition. I would also like to pay tribute to our members who contributed to Rotary beyond our Club this year. Ron Marcus as a team leader for RAWCS managed projects in Mongolia, Nepal and Fiji. Bruce Allen continued to assist with various projects in India and was mentor to the District Foundation Director. Mike Hallen was a member of the District Training Team and the District Website Help Desk. Geoff Duffy continued to be involved at District level as a Youth Counsellor. David Sommerlad and Warren Bowden maintained their involvement with Heritage Park. Warren Bowden was also to be congratulated for receiving the Award for Cultural Heritage by the then Premier, Kristina Keneally, at a ceremony in November 2009. Warren initiated Rotary’s Castle, Hill Heritage Park project in 1987 and has been directly involved ever since.

One of the most satisfying roles of being President is the privilege to induct a new member into our Club and I would like to This year has been most rewarding for me take this opportunity to once again thank with many enjoyable experiences. It has Terry O’Mara, Hannibal Shabaz, Marie Ford certainly been an honour to be the 45th and Dieter regel for each of them introducPresident of our Club. The dedication and There have been many memorable events ing a new member. As highlighted in my assistance that I have received throughout and projects throughout the year and these President’s message in this year’s Club Plan the year from members, partners, honorary are highlighted in the Director’s individual the greatest challenge facing our Club is to members including Friends of Rotary and reports that follow. However, I would like to significantly increase our membership. The Rotarians from other Clubs has been much particularly mention our success with the continued acquisition of new members and appreciated. I am also grateful to my darling Men’s Shed. Commenced during the previthe retention of existing members must be a wife Julie for her full support. ous year with the vision of Phil Dunn and the priority in all that we do. Friends of Rotary In accordance with this year’s Club Plan and dedicated support of Terry O’Mara, Mike provides us with an excellent opportunity to Hallen, Mike Blair and draw assistance from the community for our Hannibal Shabaz with many service projects and it is also an aveassistance of Club nue to attract new members. Our approach members the official to attain wider support need to be reviewed. launch of The Hills A very positive initiative this year by the DisMen’s Shed took trict Board was the formation of a single place on Saturday Hills Zone with monthly President’s meet20th March and I conings. This created a more cohesive working gratulate all conrelationship between the clubs concerned cerned for what is a and has provided a greater opportunity for truly great communisignificant combined community projects in ty project. the future. I have been honoured to repreIt would be remiss of sent our Club at all President’s Meetings me not to take this except for one when Ian Johns kindly atopportunity to once tended on my behalf. again congratulate Fellowship is the foundation stone of Rotary Peter Marcer on win-

President’s Report


life. It provides the opportunity for us to relax, to get to know each other and have some fun at the same time. The Fellowship Committee has provided a diverse range of social activities this year and I thank the Committee for their contribution. I would like to leave you with some words of wisdom from this year’s RI President, John Kenny, relating to this year’s theme which will remain pertinent for the future success of Rotary and thus our Club: “In Rotary, everything we are and everything we aspire to become lies in the hands of Rotarians in their Clubs. If our Clubs are congenial and our meetings well-run, if our service is carefully planned and competently carried out, if our members are qualified, honest and respected in their vocations and communities, then all of Rotary will thrive. That is why I say The Future Is in Your Hands”.

District Conference The Club was represented at the District Conference at Port Macquarie. The conference was not as well organised as in previous years however those members who attended enjoyed excellent fellowship.

(27/10/10); RC of Castle Hill Foundation $Nil, $Nil * Note: The Board has agreed to an expenditure of up to $8,000 from the Projects account for a new trailer incorporating barbecue equipment.

Club Administration

List if the major donations made in 2009/10

All Club, District and RI requirements have been met. Membership records are in the process of being updated and transferred into the Secretary’s new computer. All meetings have been minuted and filed as part of the Club records.

Shelterbox $6,000:00; The Rotary Foundation $10,500:00; RAWCS $3,000:00 Hear The Children $3,000:00; HADPAC $4,000:00; Aust. Rotary Health $3,400:00; Rural Fire Service $3,000:00; RYDA $2,000:00;

Thank you to all Board Members who have made the Secretary’s workload easy this year and I wish President-Elect PP Terry a successful year as President of Castle Hill Rotary Club.

Treasurer’s Report 22/6/08

The above list does not include amounts paid to other Clubs for assistance with projects, nor donations of less than $1,000:00.

Service Projects – Income/Expenditure Budget Vs Actual 2009-2010 as at 16/6/2010 Income Estimate, Actual

Showgate 9000, 7884; Tour de Hills 50,000, In conclusion I would like to thank PP Terry This position is responsible for the banking 30,515; Friends of Rotary O’Mara for accepting another term as Presi– Men’s Shed 450, 0; dent and wish him and the Directors a most Mike Hallen has been appointed to Australia Day Parking rewarding, successful and enjoyable year. chair the Committee that will plan 1500, 236; Food & Wine th Aficionado 11,000, 0; Secretary’s Report the 50 anniversary celebrations of Cons. Revenue - Water our club. As a lead-up to the celebrations, PP Mike We started our 2009-2010 year with 30 AcWells 930, 0; Tsunami Hallen will serialise summary of our club history in tive members and 7 honorary members. PP Collection 4953 Gerry Larkin was offered honorary memberthe bulletin each week. Bowelscan 4930; Total ship following his decision not to renew his BBQ Projects 1300, 7130; membership. New members inducted this of Club funds, the payment of Club acMiscellaneous income 500 year were: counts, providing information to the Board Total Income $74,180, $56,148 1. Steve Macquarie – Machinery Imports, 2. to assist in the determination of member’s Paul Robinson – Computer Engineering, 3. subscriptions and dinner fees and the overall Expenditure; (Estimate, Actual) Jane Fisher – Property Sales cash flow management for the Club. Youth(520, 540); RYPEN x 2(770, 770); RYLA 4. Karen Andrew – Nursery Transport. Primary objectives are to: x 1(2000, 2000); MUNA(220, 0); NYSF x 1 Unfortunately Kayeleigh Green found it nec- 1. Collect membership fees due for each half (1830, 0); Siemens Science(105,0); Youth Exchange(3436, 5642); Community Beannie essary to resign in the latter part of the year. year in July and January, 2. Collect dinner Festival(1500, 0); BBQ Trailer Rego(133, At the moment we stand at 33 Active mem- fees for each meeting, 3. Follow up mem138); Food & Wine Aficionado(150, 0);Tour bers who are AWOL at meetings for paybers with 8 honorary members. de Hills(10000, 7645); Men’s Shed Working ment of fees, 4. Process accounts that are Party supplies(500, 0); Hills Private Hospital Board Meetings received and authorised for payment, 5. Xmas presents(120, 146) The Board of Directors met on 11 occasions Keep the accounts up to date and advise the International during the year with good attendance at all Board and members of the current status each month. meetings. Printed reports received from Mongolia Cath Lab Replacement 3000,3000; Board members at each meeting were filed Each of these objectives have been Shelterbox 1200, 6000; India Hand Wells with the Meeting Minutes. Thanks to Julie achieved; all members have paid their mem- Project 930, 0 Williamson for the supper that was served at bership fees; outstanding dinner fees have the conclusion of all meetings. Vocational been followed up and accounts payable have been paid. Annual General Meeting Pride in Workmanship 907, 511; Apprentice Estimated account balances as at 16th June, of the Year 1300, 0 ; Excellence in Teaching The AGM was held the first meeting in De1700, 1427 2010 compared with those as at 30th June, cember as per our by-laws during which the 2009 are as follows: (30/06/2009, 16/6/2010) office-bearers for 2010-2011 were elected. Donations The financial reports for the previous two Administration $2,723.01, $3,124.87 (net); years were not available for the members to Projects $14,319.75, $14,228.20 (net)*; Tour Miscellaneous 2000, 200; The Rotary Foundation & Polio Plus 7000, 10500; Roy Martin peruse, as they had not been received from de Hills $2,594.22, $3,861.00(net); Tour de Scholarship 300, 300 the auditor. These financial reports were Hills (Merch. A/c) $2,652.22, $406.50; Heritpresented to members during the special age Park $12,947.90' $13,408.73; Heritage Tour de Hills Donations 30000, 7775; Australgeneral meeting held on 23rd June 2010. Park (term deposit)$17,359.18, $17.775.44 ian Rotary Health 600, 2400; Rotaract Club



Splash for Cash 500, 0

of this part of Club life.

Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar 200, 0; RC of CH Admin Account (for GST) 2000; Bowelscan 4930; Rotary Group Study Exchange 600, 0; Total Expenditure

$71,521 $55,964

Annual Profit/Loss

$2,659 $184

Club Administration Report The purpose of Club Administration is to ensure the effective management and operation of the Club. This primary focus has been maintained throughout the past year and will continue. Consistent with the underlying theme of membership this year, all of our activities have involved a focus on membership renewal and recruitment. We have sought to encourage all members to be active in their participation in the Club affairs and to make the contribution appropriate to their circumstances and experience, in all aspects of Club Service. This has not produced a consistent result in all members: we are a club of travellers and active professional interests. Even so, despite the often-repeated expressions of interest in new styles of club activity – interclub visits and similar “away” activities, the level of interest in these has been modest.

Attendance – PP Geoff Duffy Members are well aware of attendance rules and encouraged to aim for 100% attendance. The Club’s long-standing policy has been that members who cannot attend a dinner meeting need to attend a dinner meeting at another Club or, in some other way, achieve a “make-up” wherever possible. Weekly attendance figures, reflecting this factor in attendance, are announced at the end of each meeting and published in the Bulletin.

with their customary diligence: their contribution to our overall financial performance is Val Ludgate has served the Club with diliimportant – far more than that apparent gence and excellence in this role: we owe her simplicity of this activity seems to be. Many much. thanks to them both.


District Conference – PP Geoff Duffy

Mike Hallen and Bruce Jenkin have discharged this role with distinction – as always. They have brought good humour to the role, and at the same time, maintained the necessary support and organised discipline for President Rod. Many thanks to Mike and to Bruce for their excellent contribution to Club life.

Geoff Duffy is a model for us all in his commitment to the Club and his involvement in District affairs – along with Jan. He has worked with great commitment and persistence to promote solid attendance at the District Conference and we are indebted to him in that regard.

Program Officer – Rtn Ross Hood

Equipment Officer – PP Sriwong Prassertthavorn

Ross has done an amazing job in providing a challenging and varied program of speakers and club activities. His quiet efficiency and thoughtful diligence provides excellent professional development for members and enriches club meetings enormously.

Sri has been called to other responsibilities for part of the year but has maintained a careful husbandry of our equipment and resources this year. We will need to continue to audit these resources over the coming year – especially in relation to the BBQ trailFellowship – Rtn Val Ludgate er which is at last registered in the name of the Rotary Club of Castle Hill (not the name The Fellowship Committee has striven to of a past member) and the arrangements re create interesting and fresh opportunities the access we now have to the use of a Golf for fellowship in club life and most have Buggy for Showgate and like events at the been supported well. As indicated above, Castle Hill Showground – thanks to the gen“away” activities attract limited enthusiasm. erosity of Living Choice and the initiative of We are keen to have input from members on Jane Fisher, one of our newest members. their ideas on activities which they are willA special thanks to Sri and Jane – and of ing to support and will attract the interest of course to Living Choice for their support. others as well. Our aim has been to attract the support of all members to all organised events and to encourage them to bring their partners as well. We have sought to achieve good value for money and to be responsive to members’ preferences where ever possible. We rely on your support and input in this regard.

Welfare Officers – PP Bruce Jenkin & Rtn Marie Ford

This year has involved a fair degree of misadventure for more than a few of our members and our own welfare officers have been attentive to the presenting situations with care and sensitivity. Our thanks to both Please see these events as opportunities to Bruce Jenkin and to Marie Ford for their quiet attention to the members needs throughinvite those who seem to you as possibility of membership. Even the best possible pro- out the year. It is important that all members gram will fail unless the membership is will- advise the Welfare Officer of any relevant ing to support these events – so please do all information. you can. Risk Management/Insurances – Rtn

Members wishing to take “Leave of Absence” to apply in writing and in advance to the Board – the standard form is available The fellowship events are a great way to from the Secretary. Geoff Duffy continues to introduce new people to the Rotary experidemonstrate his professionalism and comence: indeed, when non-Rotarians are asked mitment by his diligence in this role. why they are not in Rotary, my recent experience is that they respond with “I’ve never Apologies – Rtn Val Ludgate been asked…..”. It actually is up to us all to The Board has confirmed the long-standing proactively promote membership at every policy that members must apologise before opportunity. 12:00 noon on the Tuesday to Val Ludgate if We have an outstanding commitment to unable to attend a dinner meeting – otherhost a return visit by the Goulburn Club(s) so wise the dinner fee must be met. This has please “watch this space”. Again, we owe been implemented with an eye to fairness and common sense and good overall results much to Val and her Committee for their efforts in this regard. achieved. Even so, failure to meet this requirement causes inconvenience and incurs Raffle – Rtns David Bowles & Ned Curac costs which the Club cannot afford. MemDavid and Ned continue to serve the Club bers need to be vigilant in their observance

David Bull David Bull has attended to this important area with his usual quiet diligence and we owe him a debt of thanks for his contribution throughout the year.

Membership Report Membership responsibilities during the past year have been shared between President Rod and myself. I thank him for his assistance with this portfolio. During the year Rod arranged for presentations of the Roger Climpson DVD “What in the World is Rotary” including the distribution of the “Humanity in Motion” magazine 9

to the following schools and institutions:

more likely to provide support.

1. Marian College – Staff Meeting, 2. Castle Hill High School – Staff Meeting; 3. Gilroy College – Staff Meeting; 4. The Hills Shire Council – Management Committee

3. Generate interest in our activities and grow our membership base.

new members.

Our website plays a significant part in PR and needs to be kept up to date to ensure maximum benefit is achieved. During the 4. Promote events that foster goodwill withyear we received many enquiries relating to in the community, nationally and internamembership with several people attending They were endeavouring to address the tionally. meetings interested in Rotary. Sydney Hills Business Chamber. Good local press coverage was achieved I would like to thank all the members who The Assistant Principal of Gilroy College, from Men’s Shed over the period of our dicontributed to this important aspect of RoMaureen Moore indicated that she was inrect involvement and we obtained excellent tary. terested in joining a Rotary Club near her exposure leading up to the Tour de Hills and home on the Central Coast and the Terrigal after the event with an article on the front Service Projects Report Club was given her contact details. cover of Hills News with the heading The past year has indeed been a very busy “Passion for Riding” and further on in the We have had a number of people who atpaper was coverage of the Men’s Shed and one for our Club. Whilst some of the protend our meetings during the year with an grams and events planned for, as outlined in Tour de Hills. interest in Rotary and whilst it was evident the Club Plan, did not eventuate, these gaps they enjoyed our meetings they were unable David Sommerlad and Warren Bowden have were quickly filled by others which I will to make a commitment due to time conalso received local press exposure through- elaborate on further in my report. Suffice it straints. out the year for our Club with their involve- to say that the past year was very successful ment in Heritage Park. insofar that our Club did what Rotary does Members David Bull was successful in having an excel- best, i.e. “SERVICE ABOVE SELF”. We began the Rotary year with 30 members lent article on our Excellence in Teaching Probably the project that stands out the and during the year we welcomed an addiAwards in the Hills Shire Times with the most that we as a Club can feel very proud tional 4 new members: heading “Six of the very best”. The fact that of is “The Men’s Shed”. This was collaborathe reporter thought David was in the pic1. Paul Robinson introduced by Terry tion between our Club and the Hills Shire O’Mara, 2.Stephen Macquarie introduced by ture is immaterial. Council. We undertook to refurbish an old our Youth Exchange student Giovanna de disused Scout Hall which was earmarked for Our direct contact with the public and orPetris and Hannibal Shabaz, 3. Jane Fisher demolition. The work involved was extenganisations with our projects has provided introduced by Marie Ford, 4. Karen Andrew us with an excellent way of promoting our- sive and took about six months to complete, introduced by Dieter Regel. with the end result being a building that is selves and I am sure you have experienced now highly valued by not only the users, but many enquiries about Rotary as I have when Unfortunately late in the year Kayeleigh also the Shire community and Council. I am attending community projects. It is rewardGreen tendered her resignation due to her indeed grateful to the tireless efforts all of ing to see the respect that Rotary has with ongoing work commitments in Goulburn you put into this project, in particular PP the public when we are seeking assistance and finding it difficult to continually travel to Terry O’Mara, PP Phil Dunn and PP Mike meetings etc. Accordingly at the time of this or asking for donations at the Towers to Hallen who without their vision and the unhelp victims of a disaster. report we have 33 members. stinting efforts and drive this project may Our profile with the Hills Shire Council has Honorary members never have eventuated. been greatly enhanced through the Men’s Our Honorary membership increased during Shed. As in past years we were involved in our mathe year from 7 to 8 members when we weljor fund raising projects, Showgate and The comed back past member Gerry Larkin into Another bonus from Men’s Shed was the Tour de Hills Bicycle Classic and these were acquisition of Paul Robinson. Paul went the Club. once again very successful. With Showgate along to the initial public meeting and dewe had a “call to arms” to our neighbouring Friends of Rotary cided that whilst Men’s Shed was not for clubs to assist us over the three days togethhim, Rotary did have something to offer. er with Castle Hill Rotaract and our Friends We welcomed Tony Dickson, Terry Ireland, of Rotary. My sincere thanks must go to PP Cathy Waite and David Lewis and as a result The “Humanity in Motion” book and the we currently have 8 Friends of Rotary. Dur- “Humanity in Motion” calendar produced by John Barker and PP Phil Dunn who took on the responsibility to organise and coordiing the year we received support from the the District PR Team are excellent publicanate the smooth running of this project. membership of the Men’s’ Shed. Their tions that allowed us to gain additional exfriendship and the assistance they provided posure by distributing these in our commuThe Tour de Hills event was again an outwith our larger projects are very much apnity. standing success with some 540 bike riders preciated. taking part. Whilst we did not make as much The Roger Climpson DVD “What in the Public Relations Report World is Rotary” was presented to the staff money as in past years due to the loss of our naming rights sponsor, we were still able to of Marian College at Kenthurst, Gilroy ColOur many projects this year has provided us lege Castle Hill and Castle Hill High. In addi- make some very worthwhile donations. with the opportunity to: Your Board in April endorsed the recomtion it was shown to the executive team of 1. Increase the profile of the Rotary Club of the Hills Shire Council. There is not a doubt mendation of the Tour de Hills committee Castle Hill and Rotary International. in my mind that the DVD serves as an excel- that the proceeds from this project be dislent tool to inform the community about the tributed as follows: 2. Educate the community to Rotary’s huvirtues of Rotary in addition to attracting 1. The Rotary Foundation $8500; 2. Rural manitarian values so that they become


Fire Service $3000; 3. Police Legacy $ 500; ally. Marie Ford coordinated and picked up 4. Rotaract $ 100, 5. Hear the Children $3000 knitted scarves and beanies from Castle Hill environs to support Sydney Rotary’s project. I am indebted for the tireless efforts of PP Well-done Marie. (Honorary member) Gerry Larkin, PP Geoff Duffy, PP John Cooper, Val Ludgate, Friend Rotary Shelterbox of Rotary Gordon Nugent, past members For some time we have supported the ShelPPs Judy and Peter Ford all of whom spent many months working to ensure the success terbox program providing emergency accommodation throughout the world in times of this event. Thank you all. of disaster. This year we raised sufficient Throughout the past year another source of funds from a tsunami disaster collection at income for our Club, were the now famous Castle Towers and barbecues to purchase 5 Castle Hill Rotary Barbecues. Where would Shelterboxes. The current honour roll shows we be without our barbecue king Phil Davis. our Club has now provided a total of 18 ShelWe were here, there and everywhere under- terboxes. taking 9 barbecues during the year. Whenever an opportunity arose Phil and his silent partner PP Phil Dunn would circulate the roster at Club meetings canvassing and twisting arms to join them in fellowship and learn how to cook for the masses. The efforts of these two gentlemen cannot be underestimated as the results of their efforts has brought many thousands of dollars into the Club’s Projects Account to assist the Board in fulfilling its objectives as outlined in the Club Plan.


Not only were we involved in carrying out projects to raise funds for worthy causes, our Club was heavily involved in giving of service to various groups, organisations and various Rotary organisations. To this extent I extend my sincere thanks to all of my colleagues. Some of these events were:

Our candidate Georgia Appleby was eliminated at her second interview which was a surprise as Ross Hood considered that she was probably the best student we have sponsored for some time.

Gemhill Cottage (HADPAC); Just prior to Christmas break PP Mike Hallen, PP John Barker, PP Phil Dunn and I dug foundations and then proceeded to assemble a gazebo at Gemhill Cottage.

During November last year we participated in the RYDA program at the Penrith Regatta Centre thanks to the organisation of PP Hannibal Shabaz. The schools participating were Wollemi College, St Marys High, Model Farms High and Baulkham Hills High. Unfortunately we did not receive sufficient notice to participate in the second program involving our local schools.

National Youth Science Forum

We currently have 3 students who have applied to be sponsored for the 2011 NYSF.


We sponsored Anil Bhakri and Ovini Sellapperana, students from Castle Hill High School to the RYPEN weekend at Collaroy German GSE Team Farewell; Thanks to PDG where teenagers benefit greatly from opportunities to develop the “life skills” and motiBruce Allen our Club hosted the Farewell vation to help them cope with the challengDinner for the GSE Team from Stuttgart, Germany, in District 1830. Over 100 Rotari- es of a very competitive future. ans, Partners and Guests attended. The ConRYLA sul General of Germany, Hans Gunter Gnodtke and the Federal Member for Mitch- We sponsored Sai-Chung Chaing who is a confident young man and a very capable ell, Alex Hawke were also present. public speaker to participate in this youth Rotary & Wrapt With Love (Rotary Sydney leadership awareness project. Thanks Cove); Rotary was asked to partner the ABC and the volunteer organisation “Wrap With We are once again indebted to Ross Hood for ensuring the NYSF, RYPEN and RYLA Love” in the delivery of bags of knitted wraps from rural and suburban drop-off cen- projects were so successful. tres across the State to the Wrap warehouse Excellence in Teaching Awards in Alexandria, Sydney. Our Club was one of around eighty Rotary Clubs that participated What a great night the Excellence in Teachin this wonderful community project that ing Awards turned out to be, with over 65 involved approximately 25,000 volunteers, members and guests present to witness 6 and delivered a record outcome of close to excellent teachers from the Hills area being 10,000 knitted wraps for despatch to needy recognised for the wonderful work they perindividuals both nationally and internation- form each day teaching our children. We

were fortunate to have as Guest Speaker Greg Whitby, the Executive Director of Schools, Catholic Diocese of Parramatta. David Bull with the devoted support of Lyn worked assiduously on this vocational project again this year which ensured the successful outcome. A thank you is also due to Jane Fisher, Ross Hood, Sriwong Prasertthavorn and PP Terry O’Mara for their assistance on the evening.

Pride in Workmanship Awards Our Pride in Workmanship Awards night held in May was certainly one of the highlights of this Rotary year. PP Mike Hallen is to be congratulated for his diligence and expertise in organising this very successful Vocational event. Mark Twomey, Executive Committee Member of The Sydney Hills Business Chamber was a most appropriate guest speaker and there is the possibility of obtaining the assistance of the Chamber to promote this event in the future which would be a real plus. A big thank you is also due to PP David Sommerlad and Sriwong Prasertthavorn for their assistance with formalities.

Christmas morning at the new Norwest Private Hospital Each year PP Hannibal Shabaz arranges for members from our Club to attend our local Hospital and present gifts to patients who are unable to spend Christmas Day with their family. This year was no exception except the venue had changed and on occasions those participating wondered where they were and with some luck found their way back to the main entrance.

RAWCS The Catheter Laboratory installed in the Colonial War memorial Hospital in Suva, Fiji, in the latter part of the previous Rotary year was handed over to the Fijian Government on our behalf by PP Ron Marcus in October last year. During November last year Ron arranged for the dismantling of a Catheter Laboratory in the Wesley Hospital in Brisbane which was subsequently loaded into a container in June for shipment to Mongolia.

Water supply program in West Bengal, India This project was a small-scale drinking water supply scheme to 2 remote rural villages in India. The basic objective of the project was to supply good clean drinking water to 400 households benefiting around 2,700 people. A bore was sunk on high ground between the 2 villages and pipes were laid across the


front of each house. In all 6Kms of pipe were laid. It then became a householder’s responsibility to connect from the supply pipe to their house. The total cost of the project was US$25,000 and a US$10,000 grant was received from The Rotary Foundation to support the work. Our Club was the primary Australian Contact Club and the International Partner, but the project was financially supported by 12 other clubs in our District.

We were very fortunate that Francesca Colli applied and was selected to be our outbound exchange student. Francesca is a lovely and intelligent young lady and it is evident from the correspondence that we have received to date that she is a great ambassador for our Club and Rotary International. It just so happens that Francesca’s grandfather is PDG Brian Coleman and her Uncle is Justin Coleman, President of Rouse Hill Club. Francesca is having a wow of a time in Belgium and we look forward to further news from her in the near future.

year and these have been run on a weekly basis. The objective of this exercise was to increase the overall knowledge of The Foundation among Club members and it is our belief that this has happened. The process needs to be ongoing with regular updates being featured in the “Hills Views” on a regular, if not weekly, basis.

The GSE Farewell Dinner for the visiting German GSE was hosted by our Club and held at Springfield House. The program was interRotaract esting and varied and the German ConsulIn addition to our members attending RotaGeneral attended as Guest of Honour giving ract meetings during the year we joined Our Youth program has enriched our Club a most informative and inspiring talk. The them to promote Rotaract and Rotary at the over the years in many ways and has bemeeting was attended by about 90 RotariCrestwood Orange Blossom Fair. They have come an integral part of our youth program. ans, mainly from Hills and nearby clubs. The also assisted us with our projects during the Without the support of members hosting District Governor and wife also attended and year for which we are most grateful. Our students it would not happen. Accordingly a highly successful night was thoroughly trivia competition with the Rotaract Club we are indebted to the members, partners enjoyed by all. was most entertaining and with some luck and people outside the Club who have hostThe Rotary Club of The Hills Kellyville organwe won. ed exchange students. We are also fortunate ised the Farewell Dinner for the visiting to have the support this year of Christine Vocational Visits French team and our Club supported this (President Norwest Sunrise) and Milan Zec event strongly with a good level of attendOur visits to the Holy Family Services aged in hosting Fernanda for 3 months this year. ance. The event was held on a Wednesday care facility and DIC Australia organised by District 9680 Rotary Youth Exchange night at the Dural Country Club and our Pres. Rod and Ian Johns respectively were meeting for that night was transferred to very interesting Vocational visits. Our hosts Farewell Barbecue that venue. went to great lengths to make us feel most The inaugural District 9680 Youth Exchange welcome. Our participation in overseas projects was farewell barbecue hosted by our Club was considered to be a highly successful event by strong this year with two major projects beBowelscan ing undertaken. The first was a joint effort all who attended. PP Mike Hallen and PP I wish to express my sincere thanks to our from a dozen or so clubs in the District and Phil Dunn are to be congratulated on their honorary member PP Neil Todd for all his involved providing piped drinking water to planning and hard work which ensured the efforts in implementing and coordinating all houses in two Indian villages. The overall success of this special event. We are very the Bowelscan project on behalf of our Club. grateful to the management of Springfield cost of this project was close to US$25,000 and the contribution from our District’s House, Frank and Judy, for their support Youth Exchange Clubs totalled close to $11,000. The balance with the venue. I would also like to thank Giovanna de Petris was regrettably require again PP Geoff Duffy for arranging for us to of funds came from our Indian partner Club to return home during October after only 8 and District, plus a matching grant from The host this event and the members and partmonths with us to continue her education at ners who assisted on the day. Rotary Foundation. home, Giovanna is a most delightful and The second program was a partnership with talented young lady and she left a void in our In Conclusion the Rotary Club Calcutta mega City and DisClub when she left. She was a dedicated In conclusion I would like to express my sin- trict 9700. This was a program that provided student and excelled in many school activi- cere thanks and appreciation to all of you for 7,500 rural disadvantaged school children ties including swimming and athletic events the support you have given to me in the past with school bags and stationery to improve whilst attending Marian College. year as your Service Projects Director. To their educational standards. Our commitPresident Rod and the members of the 2010 Exchange Student ment to this US$15,163 project was Board, thank you for all your support in help- US$5,000 and these funds came from a very Our Club has been blessed again with a won- ing me to ensure that success of all our progracious and generous contribution from derful and beautiful Exchange Student Fer- grammes in what has been a most successMerelyn Rae, an outside contributor with no nanda Akaoui. There is something about the ful year. I believe that what we have connection to Rotary other than a burning ladies from Brazil and Fernanda optimises achieved in the past year has fulfilled the desire to help people in need. what the Youth Exchange program is all desired wish of Rotary International Presiabout. Not only is she such a delight and a Our Club participated strongly in the Polio dent, John Kenny, “The Future of Rotary IS joy to have, she can indeed be proud of what IN YOUR HANDS”. Movie Night held on November 11th with she has achieved, not only for herself but for around 40 attending. The night was our her country, Rotary and the Youth Exchange meeting for that week and close to $400 was Program. We are very proud of you Fernanraised for our Polio Challenge. The Rotary Foundation Report da and trust that your remaining 6 months The Rotary Foundation moneyboxes were with us will be just as enjoyable as the first. At the commencement of the year, a series again made available and a quantity was of “Foundation Thoughts” were supplied to secured for our Club and distributed to 2010 Outbound Student the Bulletin Editor for use throughout the members. The moneybox will be a constant


reminder to members of the simple task of personally contributing to The Foundation without any financial hardship and it is hoped that all of these (filled) boxes will make their way back to the Club Treasurer. These moneyboxes highlight the ease of collecting $100 per year and the good that $100 can do in the world. We currently have 20 Centurions in the Club and to date, 13 have paid the 2009/10 subscription. There is little doubt that the remaining seven will pay by month-end and we have one new Centurion ready to enrol. Our Club Annual Giving result for the year will again be strong and we have performed well. Last year’s Annual Giving per Capita at US$241.91 was the second highest in the District and this year the likely figure will be somewhere around US$245. Our Total Giving will be in the vicinity of US$16,000 (a healthy increase over last year’s US$13,404.29) and approx.. $US4,000 of that amount will be personal giving from Club members. The Club has performed well in all areas and a breakdown of giving is:

of 1,150 signatures on a Petition presented to State Parliament seeking a Heritage Order to preserve in perpetuity the ”Convicts’ Vista” to the Blue Mountains from Old Northern Road above potentially threatening housing development. Action was “shelved” for the present by the Heritage Office as persistent HSC opposition ensured Council stipulated height limits on any buildings to retain the view.

age by the then Heritage Minister and now Premier, Kristina Keneally, at a ceremony in November.

Gave strong support to historians in a dispute affecting the site, below Rouse Hill House, of the so-called “Battle of Vinegar Hill on March 5, 1804. A building development has hindered the vista of the site and talks were held with the Historic Houses Trust which proposes to build a visitor’s cenPersuaded the Mayor to send Warren Bowd- tre featuring the “battle”. Unless handled en and a council officer, at Council’s expense cooperatively, such a concept could serious(instead of the committee’s), to the recently ly diminish the public significance of Castle remodelled Wadlata Outback Interpretive Hill’s Rebellion interpretation of Heritage Centre at Port Augusta, SA, to study modern Park unless early, positive progress is made interpretive techniques because of concern with the proposed Convict Interpretive Cenabout Council’s and its architect’s approach. tre.

Rotary Year 2010– 2011 Rotary International President: Ray Klinginsmith (Kirksville, Missouri, USA) RI President’s Theme: “Building Communities – Bridging Continents” Governor District 9680: George Papallo OAM (St Ives) Changeover celebrated on 26th July 2010

Board of Directors

President: Terry O’Mara President-Elect: Steve Macquarie Immediate PP: Rod Williamson Director Club: Hannibal Shabaz This was an enlightening trip but without result to date. Secretary: Geoff Duffy 1. Annual Programs Fund US$8,800 (Inc. Challenged the Mayor and Council Officers, Director Community Service Projects: Mike US$3,000 Cycle sponsorship), 2. Polio Chalafter years of procrastination, to resuscitate Blair lenge US$2,200, 3. Haiti Appeal US$180, positive progress with Heritage Park projects Treasurer: John Barker Director Outreach 4. Matching Grants US$5,000 Service Projects: Steve Macquarie in the face of an indication “no funding is available” in the foreseeable future, even for Sgts-at-Arms: Warren Bowden/Ned Curac Historic Site Community Committee Director Membership: Rod Williamson a planned permanent toilet block. After years of extensive research and investiDirector PR: Bruce Allen gation, an historical interpretation proposal Lodged two applications, in conjunction with Director Foundation: Paul Robinson Rotary, for grants under NSW Government’s for Heritage Park, prepared by the RotaryPresident’s Report initiated Historic Site Committee and slight- Community Building Partnership Proly amended by the park’s management com- gramme: This is quite an occasion for me, the conclumittee before adoption, was presented to sion of a most successful year for our Club 1. To enable Castle Hill club’s funded 2005 Baulkham Hills Council in August 2007. It Rotary centenary Project – the Heritage Park and for those we seek to serve. received no acknowledgement but an archi- Convict Ceremonial Gateway off Banks Road I would like to welcome all of our guests totect was engaged to prepare concept plans. – to proceed. This failed because Council Virtually nothing constructive has happened would not contribute to the cost of ground- night – in particular, our partners, who make it possible for us to achieve whatever we do since but the HS has remained particularly work. Negotiations continue for an alterna- and who support our efforts in so many genactive in association with the park’s Manage- tive method. erous and practical ways. Thank you. ment Committee. A particular initiative is a 2. To construct a proposed Convict Barracks drive to have the Convict Trail Project and A special welcome to District Governor framework. Rejected on cost grounds. exhibition room constructed as a standGeorge Papallo and Cathie – it is a delight to alone building instead of being part of the enjoy their visit with us tonight to join our Succeeded with a nomination of Warren proposed interpretive centre. celebrations. They are in the tender care of Bowden for a NSW Government Heritage our own Past District Governor Bruce Allen During the 2009-10 Rotary year, the Historic Volunteer award. Warren initiated Rotary’s Castle Hill Heritage Park Project in 1987 and and Dita. Welcome all. Site committee Completed, with other help, the collection

has been directly involved ever since. He was My reflection of the year leads me to a few presented with the Award for Cultural Herit13

key areas I would like to mention briefly this evening – a full report of the year by each Director and plans for our coming year will be the focus of discussions at our Club Assembly next week.

Each member of the Board has discharged his responsibilities with efficiency, dispatch and a strong commitment to Rotary Values & the Four Way Test.

standards and they deserve our special thanks. Hannibal’s sparkling array of interesting and challenging speakers was a constant amazement to me throughout the year – Well done.

I say “HIS” responsibilities advisedly, since I was disappointed that I could not achieve a Board including one of our female members. On Public Relations May I encourage every one of these to nominate for and accept appointment to the Bruce, once again, has brought his customBoard in the future – you have much to offer. ary efficiency and passion to this role. • We are currently enjoying a culture of innovation at Rotary International. I have appreciated the patience and willing- Through the continuing support of The Hills ness of all members to address a range of News – particularly the support of Glynis • We have the ability to look at all of our prodifficult issues throughout the year so as to Sheldrick, we received good publicity for our grams and practices to see if they can be act in a practical way on challenges posed by Tour de Hills Thanks & Presentation Night improved, even as we steadfastly maintain the RI President. held at Castle Hill Country Club on 18th May our core values. and the Excellence in Teaching night as well. The discussions were robust and vigorous. • I hope many Rotarians will take advantage They led to our decision to relocate to this The updating and overhaul of our website of this opportunity to identify and implenew venue – the Castle Hill Country Club – in remains a focus for the incoming Board and ment improvements in their clubs and Disorder to be able to try new approaches to Rtn Chiang Lim has agreed to work on this tricts as well. our in-house meeting arrangements and the project in thecoming year. This encouragement to look at the way we way we “do” Rotary generally. On The Rotary Foundation “do” Rotary has been endorsed by our own We were very well looked after at Springfield District Governor, George Papallo OAM Given the strong results from last Tour de House and to leave there was a wrench for throughout the year, challenging the District many – even so, we now have the opportuni- Hills. Castle Hill Rotary donated $5000 to the at levels to look at this issue – both within ty to try out our new ways: the way about we Foundation. Club affairs and at the Program level as well. go about it is up to all of us. For next year, in addition to the $100 per Our Club embraced the RI Club Leadership member for personal giving, the Club will Let’s see what is possible Plan a few years ago – we began that proallocate $2000 to Polio Plus and $3000 to cess last time I was president in 2006/7. Detailed comments on all of our program The Rotary Foundation. activities are not appropriate tonight but We introduced a new structure for the Board This year our Club has 17 Centurions, who some achievements warrant attention this for the year, based on the RI Recommendaare each contributing A$100 or more per evening. tions. Our experience certainly justifies the year with at least 3 more renewals or joining inclusion of Directors for The Rotary FounOn Membership in the pipeline so far. The Centurions indation, Public Relations and Membership. cludes 3 Paul Harris Society (PHS) members We started our 2010-2011 Rotary year with in our Club who are contributing a minimum However, our experience has revealed the 33 Active members and 8 Honorary memof US$1000 each per year to the Foundation. unfair burden placed on one Director with bers. During the year we had resignations responsibility for all Service Programs – from Phil Driscol, Ian Johns, Val Ludgate as At this stage note that we have 19 PHF leading to the creation of a Director, OutActive members and Peter Johannsen from recognitions currently registered to the reach Projects, responsible for the Vocation- our Honorary list. We welcomed new mem- Club, and one Benefactor. Our Club has 34,457 Foundation Recognition Points in al, International & Youth portfolios. This bers Jyn Chang, Maureen Law, Chiang Lim credit. leaves the full range of Community Service and Geoffrey Suters. At the moment we The Club Plan prepared for this year included a message from RO President, Ray Klinginsmith – entitled “ Winds of Change”. It included this comment:

projects within the brief of the Director Community Service Projects.

stand at 34 Active members with 7 Honorary On Outreach Projects members.

We have found that this works well, and I Our Friends of Rotary Initiative is growing recommend that we continue that approach. slowly but steadily. Some of these are with I would like to express my appreciation to all us tonight. They are always welcome and of you for your support and encouragement support our programs in so many ways. Our sincere thanks to them all. throughout the year. My second term as President came as a bit of a surprise but it remains an honour to have the opportunity to serve our Club and our community once again in such an important way. In particular, the support of the Board – particularly PP Rod Williamson and PE Steve Macquarie – in managing the Club affairs during the time Lorraine and I were overseas last year. We had made firm plans long before and it was most generous of them to “mind the store” the way they did. My sincere thanks to them both.

On Club Administration It would be most remiss of me if I failed to acknowledge the amazing contribution made by Val Ludgate, now a Friend of Rotary, in her energetic and effective management of our Attendance recording and in her support to the Tour de Hills. She is amazing. So too is PP Peter Marcer and Carol who have produced our award-winning Bulletin throughout the year. Ever the quiet achievers, they have maintained our very high

On Youth After many adventures, our Exchange Student, Vasquez Ivanna Fiorella Abad (AKA Ivanna) is a delight to have in our care. Her arrival from Ecuador was delayed a fair bit but she is settling in very well. We said farewell - for the time being – to our delightful Fernanda in January. She was visited by her family at the end of her stay and I am certain that she just loved her stay in Australia – and learned much from our members as well.

On Vocational Service Due to the sterling efforts of David Bull, David Sommerlad, Mike Hallen and Steve Mac14

quarie we saw once again the success of our long-standing Awards in the Excellence in Teaching, Apprentice of the Year and Pride in Workmanship Awards evenings. These are very much valued by the recipients especially as their nominations frequently come from their peers and their employers.

On International Service Our Membership includes the amazing Ron Marcus and the leadership of the RAWCS Program which has done so much to improve medical infrastructure in Nepal, Mongolia and Fiji as well. The Club has allocated $3500 this year for the construction of a dwelling in Fiji as part of the ROTAHOMES program, run by the Rotary Club of Lautoka, Fiji. We have been strong contributors to the Shelterbox Program which has won wide acclaim for its effectiveness internationally over the last several years.

On Community Service Projects

dren” Organisation – formerly the Early Intervention Program at St Gabriel’s School for the Hearing Impaired. Our support for Police Legacy, the Rural Fire Service and the State Emergency Service continues.

Music Festival organised by The Hills Shire Council. This transition ran very smoothly and we picked up an additional $1500 for our efforts. The overall result was in the order of $8000.

We have completed the Men’s Shed Project and have seen the development of a strong and vibrant support program in the Shire for the 80 or senior men (and some women) whom use its services. It is now a selfmanaged, self-sustaining organisation, one of which we can be justly proud.

I am indebted to Jane Fisher for organising the loan from Living Choice – Glenhaven – of their mobile golf buggy for our use throughout the duration of the Show. Thank you, Jane.

Woolworths North Doyalson Project We have completed our involvement in this project – an initiative by Hannibal Shabaz and driven by Dieter Regel. The work so many of you put in to prepare the site and catalogue the amazing amount of stock produced a result for us of about $8,000; and we have been successful in setting up a new arrangement between Woolworths and the Northlakes/Toukley Rotary Club to further develop this opportunity.

Queensland Flood Appeal Who can forget the devastating floods that afflicted many parts of Queensland early this year? We received great assistance from the management of Castle Towers, who at very short notice, allowed us to carry out a fundraising appeal which, over 2 days, enabled us to raise over $5000. Your Board decided that these funds were to be directed directly to a Rotary District/Club in the area most affected by this devastation, and PDG Bruce Allen was able to organise and ensure that this took place.

This has been a remarkably successful year, thanks to the leadership of Mike Blair and his team. I have had the opportunity to observe the professionalism and energy which Mike brought to the task of relocating and refreshing the amazing Tour de Hills Event which has, for the last 15 years, been based out of the Dural Country Club. Their support made the development of this hugeThe Barbecue Program ly successful event possible and we have very much appreciated their contribution. We have taken the initiative, at no small cost, to recognise the OH&S realities of our Even so, the growth in the size of the event BBQ Program always a steady fund-raiser revealed the necessity to relocate the event but our equipment was dated and becoming to a larger venue – and the Rouse Hill Town an issue. We replaced the whole lot and have Centre (aka GPT Group) became our new been able to sell the old gear and recover home. some of the costs. This enabled the tireless The 2011 event saw a record number of en- Phil Davis and Phil Dunn to drive their protries together with a record amount of regram to great success. ceipts and sponsorship. The special evening Showgate & The Hills Country Music on the 18th May to acknowledge all of our Festival sponsors and also to present a number of charities and organisations the proceeds Showgate was another success this year. from this event. Again, we were given responsibility for the The total distribution of funds from the Tour Castle Hill Show admission control and parking (not horses) with a “twist”. de Hills project was approximately $70,000.00 – a fantastic result and effort by our Club. The principle grant of $40,000 was made to our beneficiary, the “Hear the Chil-

Thank you Phil (Dunn) once again for all your leadership and untiring effort – and to all the members of this and other Clubs who support this project each year.

And in General We have commenced discussions with Supt. Paul Flugel and Insp. Paul Tickner (The Hills Local Area Command) regarding the establishment of a Police Officer of the Year Award, based on successful programs elsewhere in the Sydney area. Their response has been very enthusiastic and I have great hopes for such a constructive way to support Police in their difficult role. I must acknowledge the retirement from Board responsibilities (for the time being, I hope) of two of our most long-serving members – Treasurer John Barker PSM and Secretary Geoff Duffy. Their long and loyal service to our Club and to the District is to be commended. We owe them both a great gratitude for their commitment to service. Enjoy your (brief) respite, gentlemen – and, on behalf of all of us, we thank you for your tireless service of the Rotary ideal. It has been a most successful year – one I have enjoyed enormously. I have not been able to mention here many significant events, programs and activities we have undertaken most successfully. Time is a cruel master.

I believe we have lived up to the challenge presented to us by our RI President and our District Governor George – I have no doubt On Friday at 4:00pm, we closed the admisthat we shall continue to do so next year sion for the admission for entry to the Show with the leadership of President Steve Macand re-opened as admission for The Country quarie and his Board. 15

May I thank you all for your support and extend an invitation to anyone here who is not already a Rotarian to consider joining an organisation with an established reputation for doing useful things well – come and be part of it.

attended by members and partners. I am sure all who attended would agree it was a We have had the privilege to welcome many fantastic afternoon and are truly grateful to visitors as prospective members throughout Living Choice and our hosts Gail Eyres and the year. Our website continues to play an Jane Fisher including residents for their suimportant role in attracting visitors in addi- perb hospitality. tion to a personal invitation by a member.

Membership & Fellowship Report

Christmas Party

Treasurer’s Report

At the beginning of this Rotary year our Club This position is responsible for the banking comprised thirty-three members and during The management and staff of Geranium Cottage once again looked after us very well of Club funds, the payment of Club acthe year we welcomed an additional 4 new and with the favourable weather and great counts, providing information to the Board members: fellowship a most enjoyable night ensued. to assist in the determination of member’s • Maureen Law via our website, nominated subscriptions and dinner fees and the overall by Bruce Allen; • Jyn Chang via our website New Year’s Eve cash flow management of the Club. and nominated by Rod Williamson, • Geoff A total of seventeen people comprising Primary objectives are: Suters introduced and nominated by Ron members/partners/guests attended this felMarcus • Collect membership fees due for each half lowship event at the Castle Hill Country Club year in July and January. Unfortunately during the year our longand all seemed to enjoy the night. standing member Phil Driscoll resigned to • Collect dinner fees for each meeting. Home Visits – January join the Rotary Club of Moss Vale, given his • Follow up members who are AWOL at relocation to the Southern Highlands. Ian The three informal meetings at the Watermeetings for payment of fees. Johns found that his new management role house, Andrew and Regel residences were continued to prevent him from participating well attended and from the feedback that I • Keep accounts up to date and advise the in Rotary and he also left our ranks. Whilst have received they were all considered to be Board and members of the current status Val Ludgate decided to relinquish her mem- a great afternoon/night of fellowship thanks each month. bership she retains a valued relationship to the warm hospitality of our hosts. Many Each of these objectives has been achieved, with the Club as a Friend of Rotary. Our Hon- thanks again to our generous hosts. all members have paid their membership orary member, Peter Johannsen, also reJersey Boys – January fees, outstanding dinner fees have been fol- signed. Accordingly. As at the Club Assemlowed up and accounts received have been bly on the 29th June 2011 we have thirtyTwenty-two persons including members/ paid. four active members and 7 Honorary mem- partners/guests attended this night at the bers. Theatre Royal. A drink and pizza prior to the Estimated account balances as at 25th June show was certainly a pleasant way to start 2011 as compared with those as at 30th June Friends of Rotary the evening. 2010 are as follows: During our fellowship event at Living Choice Sydney Dance Company – February Administration ($3,536.32, $4,289.19); Pro- we welcomed the Manager, Gail Eyers as a jects ( $14,057.65, $22,201.23); Tour de Friend of Rotary. President Terry presented This event was a great night thanks to Phil Hills ($3,890.00, 2,449.99); Tour de Hills Gail with a special certificate in recognition and Jenny Dunn and their daughter Ann, the (Merch. A/c) ($359.75, $410.17); Heritage of her support to our Club. Executive Director. Park ($13,447.93, $13,958.64); Heritage Park It is important that we do not overlook invit- In Conclusion (Term dep.) ($17,775.44 (27/1/11) ing these volunteers to participate in Club $18,397.60); Foundation (Nil, Nil) activities to ensure their interest in Rotary is In conclusion I would like to thank the members of the Membership and Fellowship The increase in the nett amount in the Adnot only maintained but that it grows so ministration account will be detailed in a they may eventually become a member as is committees for their support and contribution. review of that account which will be tabled the case in regards to the membership of at the Club Assembly. Kerrie O/Leary.

Director’s Reports

The Projects account includes amounts of Fellowship $3,500 and $5,000 set aside by the Board for the Fiji Rotahomes project and the Heritage The following events were held during the year. Park Project (subject to conditions). Zone Family Picnic Day – October List of major donations made in 2010/11: • Hear The Children $40,000; • Rural Fire Service $5,000, • Police Legacy $5,000; • The Rotary Foundation $7,000; • Australian Rotary Health $4,000; • RYLA East Timor $2,000; • ROMAC $2,500; • Special Olympics $2,000; • RAWCS $1,000

The venue of Bella Vista Farm provided us with a great opportunity to partake in fellowship with members of other Clubs. Special thanks to the Friends of Bella Vista Farm (Keith Bensley), the Toongabbie Band (Alan Davis), Peter Ter Horst (Winston Hills Rotary Club) and Phil Dunn for their invaluable support.

The above list does not include amounts paid to other Clubs for assistance with proBarefoot Bowls – November jects, donations of less than $1,000.00, BowInitiated by Jane Fisher this event was well elscan and Flood Relief donations.

This information formed the basis of the preceding President’s report as it relates to the various avenues of service. The reports below are the full Director’s reports as presented at the Club Assembly that followed on 27th July 2011.

Outreach Projects Overall this Rotary year with President Terry has been an outstanding success. The introduction of the Outreach Director has proved to be successful and an ideal way to reorganise responsibilities within the Club. The Outreach Director looks after the programs that look outside our Club, Youth Service, Vocational Service and International Service. In


the new Rotary year, 2011-12 this will be PP Peter Marcer’s portfolio.

Youth Service Ross Hood and his team have once again done a great job with the Youth portfolio. There have been many successful programs and events held during the year: • National Youth Science Forum – we had 3 candidates this year, Laura, Ashleigh and Shuin all of whom had a wonderful experience and we enjoyed their individual stories. • RYDA – we had Club representatives at this important driver awareness program. • Youth Exchange – Fernanda represented our Club very well as our Exchange Student. She was a joy to host and very much enjoyed her time in Australia. Fernanda returned to Brazil in January. We also welcomed Ivanna as our new Exchange Student from Ecuador, albeit a bit late but Ivanna seems to be settling in to Australian life quite well. • Rotaract Club – despite our efforts the Rotaract Club seems to be waning under Ben’s leadership. In the New Year we will try to revive the Club.

ty-one last year. The Centurion count includes Paul Harris Society (PHS) members. There are 3 PHS members listed for our Club, who are contributing a minimum of US$1,000 each per year to the Foundation. At this stage I’m unaware of any Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) being awarded this year, but note that we have nineteen PHF recognitions currently registered to the Club, and one Benefactor.

fit to the Rotary Club of Castle Hill will be the development of an effective and vibrant Club that will be more attractive to current and prospective new members”. As you will see from reading my report the efforts and results achieved fully reflect this challenge.

$8,648, a drop of 16.3% on last year’s contribution. For Polio Plus, we’ve given $2,290.20 so far this year, and $8,851.20 since the program started in December 2007, which is ahead of the US$6,500 target in this year’s Club Plan. According to Lindsay May, our Polio contribution for the year was $19,790,

The year in review

In the Club’s Plan for 2010/2011 I conveyed a statement concerning the expected outcomes of Community Service Projects in the forthcoming year, i.e. “The significant bene-

mission for the Country Music Festival organised by The Hills Shire Council. This transition ran very smoothly and we picked up an additional $1500 for our efforts. I am indebt-

You may recall that in the Club Plan a budget was incorporated where it outlined the proposed income and expenditure from various projects for the ensuing year. It projected an Our Club has 34,457 Foundation Recognition overall “loss” of $2,631. As advised, this Points (FRPs). After an individual has accubudget was a working and movable documulated US$1,000 in Recognition Amount ment and was not set in concrete and the and has become a PHF, they are eligible to end result was that we achieved a considerareceive one FRP form every US dollar conble increase in the projected income than tributed to the Annual Programs Fund, Polio forecast. This was achieved by principal two Plus, or approved Matching Grant. Rotary factors: Clubs and Districts receive FRPs immediately • A fourfold increase in revenue from Tour and need not reach the $1,000 Recognition de Hills Amount before being eligible to receive them. FRPs can be used to assist someone  The success of the Woolworths/ else in becoming a PHF or Multiple PHF. Doyalson project that was never envisaged the time the budget was prepared. This year so far our Annual Giving total is

Barbecues (PP Phil Davis)

Once again Phil has kept us on our toes throughout the year with barbecues here, there and everywhere. Through his untiring efforts these events had a significant imVocational Service pact in terms of revenue for our Projects PP Mike Hallen, with his team, has organised account. Phil, toexcellent events this year, being Apprentice gether with his loyal of the Year, Pride in Workmanship and Exand trusted corporal cellence in Teaching. Thanks to the continPP Phil Dunn, has ued efforts of Mike Hallen, David Sommerthe great ability, lad and David Bull. organisational skills International Service and coercive powers to entice us all to be The Club continues to support PP Ron Marthere and to not only cus and the leadership of the RAWCS prowork, but also enjoy gram which has done so much to improve each ones friendship medical infrastructure in Nepal, Mongolia and fellowship. We and Fiji as well. also now have the The Club has allocated $3,500 this year for “state of the art” the construction of a dwelling in Fiji as part barbecue and trailer of the Rotahomes project, run by the Rotary which probably included Matching Grant and I must admit it is a far cry better than our money. Club of Lautoka, Fiji. old one which, when making comparisons, looks like it came out from Noah’s ark. Service Projects Report We have been strong contributors to the Thank you both Phils for your fantastic Shelterbox program which has won wide As I look back on the year, I am astounded as efforts. acclaim for its effectiveness Internationally to what our Club has achieved. Your comover the last several years. Showgate (PP Phil Dunn) mitment to upholding the motto “Service Above Self” is reflected in the outstanding We also made a donation of $1,000 to supAgain we were given the responsibility for port the RYLA program in East Timor which support all of you gave in supporting the the Castle Hill Show admission control and is part Youth and part International Service. various Community activities that we were parking (not horses) with a “twist”. On the involved in, and to this end I express my sin- Friday at 4:00pm we closed the admission The Rotary Foundation Report cerest thanks to you all. for entry to the Show and re-opened as ad• RYLA – Unfortunately our candidate fell through but we made a donation of $1,000 to support the RYLA program in East Timor.

This year our Club has seventeen Centurions, who are each contributing A$100 or more per year, with at least 3 more renewals or joining in the pipeline, compared with twen-


ed to Jane Fisher for organising the loan from Living Choice, Glenhaven, of their mobile golf buggy for our use throughout the duration of the show. How Phil and President Terry enjoyed this! No longer did they have to use two feet to traverse the showground. Thank you, Jane. Thank you Phil once again for all your hard efforts, and to all of you who heard the call and assisted him.

Queensland Flood Appeal Who can forget the devastating floods that afflicted many parts of Queensland early this year. I am indebted to the management of Castle Towers who, at very short notice, allowed us to carry out a fund raising appeal. Over two days we were able to raise more than $5000.00. Your Board decided that these funds were to be directed directly to a Rotary District Club in the area most affected by this devastation, and PDG Bruce Allen was able to organise and ensure that this took place. My sincere thank you to all those who were able to assist with this collection at very short notice.

Woolworths/Doyalson (PP Hannibal Shabaz & Dieter Regel Don’t underestimate who Hannibal has contact with. This initiative by Hannibal came from his connections at Woolworths who have purchased a property at Doyalson which used to manufacture blocks, pavers, pipes and anything else that you can think of. The proposal from Woolworths was that we could have all the materials that were on the site and dispose of them as we saw fit. I don’t think we realised what we were in for until we visited the site to see what this was all about. To our amazement we could not believe how we were going to dispose of them. To the rescue came Dieter, who set about in a very businesslike manner gathering all the information, taking photographs, carrying out an on-site audit of all the products and then preparing a manifest. This was then given to “Greys On Line” to auction on their website with the proceeds of the auction coming to us, less of course, the appropriate fees for this service. The net result was about $9000.00. To you, Dieter, I sincerely express my thanks together with all of you who travelled up and down the coast to assist him in making this project such a great success, not only in the financial sense, but in a way that allowed us as a great service organisation to open up a dialogue and relationship with one of the biggest corporate companies in Australia.

record amount of receipts and sponsorship. As members know we had a special evening on the 18th May to acknowledge all of our Again we were asked by Rotary, Sydney sponsors and also to present to a number of Cove, to assist with the collection of knitted charities and organisations the proceeds wraps from the Hills Shire. In 2010, Wrapt from this event. The Board decided that the with Love dispatched 34,000 knitted wraps majority of these proceeds together with across the world and some eighty Rotary sponsorship monies raise by the riders be Clubs in NSW were involved in this great given to “Hear The Children” – an organisaCommunity project. My sincere thanks to tion which specialises in the treatment of Marie Ford for coordinating the collection of hearing disabilities in babies and small chilthese at her place, which enabled me to dren. This program was for some 25 years deliver them to the warehouse at Alexanconducted by St Gabriel’s School for the dria. Thank you, Marie. Hearing Impaired and for reasons known only to the School they decided to cease Bowelscan (Hon. Rtn Neil Todd) providing the service. Once again Neil Todd took on the role of The total distribution of funds from this proorganising the Bowelscan program on our behalf. This is a very important health pro- ject was approx.. $75,000.00 – a fantastic gram for the Community and we are indebt- result and effort by our Club. Yes, you can ed and grateful to Neil for coordinating and congratulate yourselves; you all deserve it. I personally want to express my deep appreimplementing this worthy project. Thank ciation and thanks to the members of my you, Neil. Committee, namely Gerry Larkin, Val Christmas in Hospital (PP Hannibal Ludgate, John Cooper, Geoff Duffy and Shabaz) President Terry, who all have guided me through some difficult obstacles we encounIt has now become a custom of our Club to tered along the way especially with our previsit patients in our local hospital on Christliminary negotiations with the RHTC, the change of venue and all the logistics involved. I also need to say a big thank you to Judy and Peter Ford, both Past Presidents of our Club, who still come to me each year offering their services. Thank you. Thank you.

Rotary & Wrapt with Love (Rtn Marie Ford)

In Conclusion In conclusion, I would like to express my sincere thanks and appremas morning to wish them well, and convey ciation to all of you for the support that you Christmas greetings to them. Each year have afforded me throughout the year as Hannibal (or is it Joan?) beautifully wraps a your Service Projects Director. To President small gift for us to deliver to each patient Terry and members of the Board, thank you and any leftovers are given to the staff. The for all your support in helping me to ensure appreciation shown by patients and staff is the success of all our projects in the last overwhelming and this project, even though year. Thank you for allowing me to be of small in size, makes you feel good about service. being a Rotarian. Thank you, Hannibal.

Tour de Hills This year saw the Tour de Hills come of age. We have a new “naming rights” sponsor (Rouse Hill Town Centre – GPT Group) together with a brand new website with all the bells and whistles. The 2011 event saw a record number of entries together with a


Rotary Year 2011– 2012

hard work through the programs and varied activities the Club is involved in. I am sure the next Rotary year will be as successful.

This year’s Rotary International theme is “Reach Within to Embrace Humanity” reminds us now more than ever of the great Rotary International President: Kaylan work done by Rotary on a local level as well Banerjee (Vapi, Gujarat, India) as internationally. I believe we have lived up RI President’s Theme: “Reach Within to Em- to Kalyan’s vision this year by supporting brace Humanity” our local community and the wider international community. Governor District 9680: David Rands (Beecroft) I look forward to sharing another year of

base online has been updated to reflect the present membership makeup. The Secretary has attended the District convention (sic), District Assembly, PETS training and the Rotary International Convention in Bangkok.

Service Projects Report (PP Mike Blair) As I look back on the year, I am astounded as to what our Club has achieved. Your commitment to upholding the motto “Service Above Self” is reflected in the outstanding support all of you gave in supporting the various Community activities that we were all involved in, and to this end I express my sincerest thanks to you all.

fellowship and service with all of you, this time as a Past President. In order for our Board of Directors Club to prosper, a full commitment is required from everyone. So get involved and President: Steve Macquarie take ownership of the Club’s projects during President-Elect: Paul Robinson You may recall that in the Club Plan a budgthe next Rotary year under president Paul. Immediate PP Terry O’Mara et was incorporated where it outlined the Director Club: Rod Williamson proposed income and expenditure from Secretary’s Report Secretary: Paul Robinson various projects for the ensuing year. It proThe Board has met each month since its Director Community Projects: Mike Blair jected an overall “loss” of $145.00. As adappointment except for a holiday period in vised, this budget was a working and moveTreasurer: Bruce Allen January. Board papers have been retained Director Outreach Projects: Peter Marcer able document and was not set in concrete by the Secretary, including all agendas and and the end result was that we achieved a Sgts-at-Arms: Phil Davis/Dieter Regel written Director’s reports where available. Director Membership: Terry O’Mara considerable increase in the projected inDirector PR: Terry O’Mara An AGM was held in December and records come than (was) forecast. This was achieved Director Foundation: Bruce Allen from that have been retained including au- by principally two factors: dited financial reports, which are in the pro- • The better than expected revenue from President’s Report cess of being registered with the DepartTour de Hills. Gross $92,000.00 It’s hard to believe that 12 months has just ment of Fair Trading. passed and it’s time to hand over to PE Paul. • The unexpected project of the Wiggles There are so many people to thank for their The Insurance certificate was amended to concerts which generated $13,000.00 of include The Hills Shire Council and the RTA additional revenue. efforts over the past year. First to thank is (which is now known as the RMS). A new the Board. Having such an experienced Certificate has been requested for the 2012- The Year in Review Board makes the role President all that much easier. There have been some terrific 2013 Rotary Club year. Barbecues (PP Phil Davis) Rotary events, once again professionally A significant effort was made to update the run, including Apprentice of the Year, Pride Club’s Constitution and Bylaws in 2011. The- Once again Phil has kept us on our toes in Workmanship and Excellence in Teaching se were presented to the Club at the last throughout the year with barbecues here, to name but a few. there and everywhere. Through his untiring AGM in December, and were approved efforts these events has a significant impact unanimously. These were registered with Special thanks to PP Rod Williamson for his in terms of revenue for our Projects Acthe Department of Fair Trading. dedicated efforts in Club Administration and count. Phil, together with his loyal and the Country Club for looking after us so well. The Club’s Charitable Fundraising Authority trusted Corporeal PP Phil Dunn, has the Our venue is fantastic and we continue to was renewed with the Office of Liquor, great ability, organisational skills and coerreceive great feedback from guests and fel- Gaming and Racing, and is now valid until cive powers to entice us all to be there and low Rotarians who visit. The service and 26/5/2017. not only work but enjoy each one’s friendfood from the Club has been outstanding. The Club’s membership records were trans- ship and fellowship. Apart from the normal Our meetings continue to be enjoyable with ferred to ClubRunner, which took extensive fundraising barbecues, we provided a cominteresting guest speakers and great fellow- effort over many weeks early in the Rotary munity service barbecue on 25th November ship. Thanks to the raffle (David Bowles) year. It is believed these are now up to date, for the foster parents and children of the and Sgt Phil, we have raised extra funds Dalmar Homes and a typical Aussie breakhowever members birthdates (including during the year in a lighthearted way. fast on Australia Day at Heritage Park for year) are not all available to the Secretary, the local community and Local Government so are not reflected in ClubRunner. MemThe visit by DG David Rands and his wife and State Dignitaries. Thank you, Phil, for bers are encouraged to provide full birth Anne was a highlight for me and we showall your efforts. cased our Club at its very best. David’s com- date including year to the Secretary for inments were wide-ranging and very positive, clusion in ClubRunner for Club membership Showgate (PP Phil Dunn) management purposes. Alternatively, memwhich is a credit to all of us. Like a lot of clubs, membership remains a challenge and bers can update their own individual details Again we were given the responsibility for in ClubRunner themselves. This information the Castle Hill Show admission control and as clubs we continue to work at increasing is confidential to the member and the Board parking. I am indebted to Jane Fisher for numbers. organising the loan from Living Choice – only. Thank you to the whole Club for your supGlenhaven- their mobile golf buggy for our port, encouragement, words of wisdom and The Rotary Down Under subscription data- use throughout the Show. Oh, how Phil and Changeover celebrated on 25th June 2011


PP Terry enjoyed this whilst it worked. No longer did they have to use two feet to traverse the showground. Thank you Jane. It was a great pity that the event was affected by so much rain and as a consequence our revenue was reduced considerably. Thank you Phil once again for all your hard efforts and to all of you who heard the call and assisted him. The Club will have to address the issue of continuing to support this event for a number of reasons: • The impact of the Show during of the Northwest Rail. • The need to have a proper Traffic Management Plan to address this issue and to protect the wellbeing of all our Club members and volunteers. • The negative impact on our revenue as a result of us (sic) having to call on other Clubs to assist us with manpower.

Australia Day (PP Phil Dunn) On the 26th January we celebrated our 1st National Day at heritage Park. It was a great pity that our local press advertised the wrong time and, as a consequence, we were only able to attract a small gathering of people. None the less it was a great occasion with our Mayor, deputy Mayor, Councillors and our Shire’s Youth Ambassador in attendance. I have no doubt that whilst this was our 1st time in celebrating this special day, whilst small, we will in the years to come make this a major event of Council’s Celebrations. Thank you Phil and Jenny for all your efforts in making it a great occasion.

Rotary & Wrap with Love (Rtn Marie Ford) Again we were asked by Rotary – Sydney Cove – to assist with the collection of knitted wraps from The Hills Shire. In 2011 Wrap with Love dispatched 70,000 knitted wraps across the world and some 80 Rotary Clubs in NSW were involved in this great Community project. My sincere thanks to Marie Ford for coordinating the collection of these to her place, which enabled me to deliver them to the warehouse at Alexandria. Thank you, Marie.

Bowelscan (Hon Rotarian Neil Todd) Once again Neil took on the role of organising the Bowelscan program on our behalf. This is a very important health program for the Community and we are indebted and grateful for Neil in coordinating and implementing this worthy project.

Christmas in Hospital (PP Hannibal Shabaz)

It has now become a custom of our Club to visit patients in our local hospital on Christmas morning to wish them well, and convey Christmas greetings to them. Each year Hannibal (or is it Joan?) beautifully wraps small gifts for us to deliver to each patient and any left over are given to the staff. The appreciation shown by the patients and staff is overwhelming and this project, even though small in size, you feel good about being a Rotarian.

projects in the last year. Thank you for allowing me to be of service.

Club Service/Administration Report (PP Rod Williamson) Meeting Venue

The Castle Hill Country Club continues to be an excellent venue providing us with tremendous service and meals at very reasonable cost. We are indeed very fortunate to have Cherie Seminov and Duncan Walker Tour de Hills (PP Mike Blair) looking after us in addition to the manageThe 2012 event saw a near record number of ment and other staff of the Club. entries together with a record amount of Attendance receipts and sponsorship. Considering that the event had to be postponed due to atro- Our attendance average in percentage cious weather conditions and safety reasons terms is around 78% as advised by our Attendance Officer, Geoff Duffy. it exceeded my expectations. As members know, we had a special evening on the 18th Members who are unable to attend meeting May to acknowledge all of our sponsors and are reminded to lodge their apology with Val also to present to a number of charities and Ludgate no later than noon on the Tuesday organisations the proceeds from this event. before the meeting unless otherwise notified The Board decided that the majority of thefor special nights. Failure to do so means se proceeds together with sponsorship monthat we have to pay for meals unnecessarily ies raised by riders be given to Hear the Chiland the Club’s Administration Account is dren. “out of pocket” unless delinquent members The total distribution of funds from this pro- subsequently pay the dinner fee. Many ject was approximately $70,000.00, a fantas- thanks to Val Ludgate for her assistance tic result and effort by our Club. Yes you can with attendance during the year. congratulate yourselves you all deserve it. It is also very important to inform Val of Personally I want to express my deep appreguests attending so the staff of CHCC may ciation and thanks to the members of my ensure that there are sufficient meals on the Committee, namely John Cooper, Geoff evening as the gourmet meals are especially Duffy, President Steve, Terry O’Mara, and prepared for us. John Barker who all have guided me through Sergeant-at-Arms some difficult obstacles we encountered along the way, especially with our negotiaOur Sergeant-at-Arms, Phil Davis, has not tions with our Webmasters. During the only ensured that we behave at each meetcourse of organising the event, I was able to ing, he also entertained us with his joke of co-opt onto the Committee President Steve, the week! Well done, Phil. PP Terry O’Mara and PP John Barker. This Bulletin became necessary in light of Gerry (Larkin) wanting to take a more back-seat role and Maureen (Law) has done a commendable enjoy his retirement with Carole. You deserve it Gerry after 17 years. I was delighted job in producing the Bulletin promptly each that the Board saw fit to award Gerry a Dou- week ensuring pertinent information is provided to members. ble Sapphire Paul Harris Fellow for the service he has given to our Club especially to Program the Tour de Hills. I also need to say a big With the assistance of Ross hood I trust you “thank you” to Judy and Peter Ford, both will agree we have had the benefit of a balPast Presidents of our Club, who still come anced and interesting program for this year. to me each year offering their services. Thank you, thank you. Raffle


David Bowles with assistance of other memIn conclusion, I would like to express my sin- bers has ensured that our Club raffle has cere thanks and appreciation to all of you for been held at each regular meeting. The proceeds have been applied to the Club Adminthe support that you have afforded me throughout the year as your Service projects istration Account to help offset administration expenses and thus to contain member’s Director. To President Steve and members of the Board, thank you for all your support fees. in helping me to ensure the success of all our District Conference


Unfortunately the District Conference held in Wollongong on the weekend of the 16th, 17th & 18th March 2011 conflicted with our Showgate duties. However, notwithstanding this, President Steve, Bruce and Dita, Paul and myself with our Exchange Student, Grace Cheng, were able to attend.

Equipment Officer Our Equipment Officer, Hannibal Shabaz, has conducted an audit of the Club’s property.

The success of the 2012 Tour de Hills ensured that our ability to serve worthy causes has been maintained. Funds generated were distributed in line with our objectives and it was a most successful outcome. Taking into account known commitments, the closing balance will be in the vicinity of $6,500.

Heritage Park Opening balance $14,009.12.

A grant of $55,198.00 from the State Government has considerably increased our In conclusion I would like to express my sin- chances of moving forward with our plans to cere appreciation to the above members and erect a suitable gateway at the historic enthe other Rotarians who have made a contri- trance to the park and discussions with Council are ongoing. We have established an bution to this Avenue of Service. at-call high interest cash account with St Treasure’s Report (PDG Bruce AlGeorge Bank and this will generate additionlen) al income at the rate of $200 per month.

In conclusion

Club’s name and additional funds have been paid in by members. So far $212 has been forwarded to The Foundation in member’s names and tax-deductable invoices will be issued. In addition to this and additional $150 has come from members. We were successful; with our nomination of Stephen Spierings as GSE team member and the program was completed satisfactorily. The experience would have been of enormous benefit to Stephen and will greatly improve his understanding of his vocation and standing within his industry.

The GSE Farewell Dinner was successfully conducted on March 28th with 74 in attendance, 45 of those from other Clubs. Even allowing for the 20 guests, the night generated a slight surplus on meals and excellent revenue for the raffle. Out GSE team member, Steve Spierings attended as a guest and thoroughly enjoyed the evening. Glynis Administration account The closing balance of this account will be in Macri managed the week’s activities well the vicinity of $66,000 with another $20,000 and her efforts should be acknowledged. Opening balance $4,512.00. on term deposit with the Commonwealth The proposal to jointly fund a project that Bank. Activities for the year have progressed well will provide a constant supply of agricultural with few problems. All dues have been paid, Castle Hill Foundation water for the village of Zinkapalem in Anthe Sergeant has performed well, the raffle drha Pradesh, India, has been put to Clubs produced revenue beyond budget and exOpening balance $0.00. and we should gather enough support to penses have been well-controlled. Meals There has been no activity on this account make this happen. We have missed the operated at break-even including guest costs during the year but $100 was transferred March 31st application deadline but will prewhich was a satisfactory outcome. from the Administration account to establish pare a submission for consideration by the Taking into account known commitments, the new account with St George. Board and for lodging in July. A Club contrithe closing balance will be in the vicinity of bution could be as little as $3,000 but is deThe closing balance is expected to be $6.000. pendent on support from other Clubs. $93.46.

Projects Account

Opening balance $22,901.23. This was another busy year with good fundraising activity through Showgate, BBQs, the Wiggles Concert and Tour de Hills. In total, an amount of in excess of $100,000 was raised and distributed to our nominated charities and causes. The step to establish a separate Project Investment Account with funds at call was a worthwhile venture with additional revenue of approx. $300 being generated. Taking into account known commitments, the closing balance will be in the vicinity of $33,000. A large portion of these funds will be required to fund project activity in the first half of 2012/13 when fund generation is almost nonexistent.

Tour de Hills Opening balance $2,449.99.

he Rotary Foundation Report PDG Bruce Allen

Our contribution for the year to date is $14,677.76 and is broken down as follows:

The year has been very successful in terms of • Annual Programs Fund – US$10,206.29; • Polio Plus – US$4,471.47 participation and contributions. The Pin it for Polio program has been com-

Personal contributions were again strong with just over 50% of our contributions coming from members. We have three Paul Harris Society members and 15 paid-up Centurions with perhaps more to come.

Membership and Fellowship (IPP Terry O’Mara)

pleted and members entered into the spirit of the event with enthusiasm. Our purchase of 100 pins has resulted in a contribution of $150 going to The Rotary Foundation in our

The 2011/12 year has been a challenging and yet exciting one for the Rotary Family at Castle Hill. We have had great successes in a whole range of program areas due largely to the consistent and credible effort by the Board and members alike. May I express my appreciation to members and their partners for their support and encouragement throughout the year – especially the members of the Fellowship Committee. Even so, our efforts in the membership area have not been as we had hoped. Our current membership status is that we have: 21

• 27 Active members; • 3 Exempt Members; • 8 Honorary members, including Dominic Perrotet, MP for Castle Hill who joined us recently; and • 11 Friends of Rotary, many of whom have supported us strongly throughout the year – especially the amazing Val Ludgate.

a Club guest. We have not had much success ship: each revolves around people of a like here and we need to consider why that is so mind or like interests doing worthwhile and what we should be doing about it. things that are genuinely needed and doing them well the first time. The camaraderie We made a strong effort to stimulate public which flows from the achievement of worthinterest in membership with the special dinwhile results in Community Service generner meeting addressed by Ray Warren. This ates the emotional tone of our Rotary Famiwas supported well by Rotarians but, despite ly, expressed in good fellowship and mutual On a happier note, Rtns Bev Cooney and all the effort, the result in terms of public support. Glynis Macri were inducted. Each is a boon support were modest. to Castle Hill, evidencing the commitment in That’s why Membership and fellowship are Despite my best efforts, I have not yet been which we can rejoice. not just the Board’s issue: they are elements able to implement the plan to approach the in our Rotary life for which every one of us is Bev is our President-Elect in the coming year local, key organisations in relation to involvresponsible. and both have been elected to the Board for ing up-and-coming leaders in business with 2012/13. Rotary Community Service. Their Triple Bot- Fellowship tom Line obligations suggest Woolworths, The year has seen the loss to our Rotary Fellowship informs all these activities and is IBM and Rouse Hill Town Centre (RHTC) as family of the following members: strengthened by them. The move to Castle appropriate focus points. Hill Country Club continues to reward us • Karen Andrew and Gary;• Jane Fisher; • Woolworths has appointed a new CEO and with excellent service, an excellent venue Geoff Suters he is in transition. We sought to develop a and uncommonly good meals. The enthusiEach of these members made a special con- new relationship with him but have had no asm and professionalism of Duncan Walker tribution to Club life and their loss is sore. success so far. We sought to develop a and Cherie Semionov is such that we owe Even so, the reasons them a strong vote of thanks. for their decision to We have, during the year, enjoyed an evenleave varied – being ing at the Castle Hill Players; a crazy whist related to business, night; an inter-club film night in support of family and like presTRF – “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel”; two sures. Unless we are joint meetings with other Clubs as well as most fortunate, we hosting the GSE dinner and Home Meetings may yet lose another in January – thanks to the generosity of Dietmember, Maureen er and Regine Regel, Hannibal & Joan Law, at the end of Shabaz and Mike and Sue Blair. We very this year. In each much appreciate their generosity. case, a strong effort has been made to I have accepted the invitation to continue learn from the Club the focus on Membership in the 2012/13 experience of each year. I propose to continue to strive to adof these members dress these issues with your support. and strive to address any issues of concern. Public Relations (IPP Terry O’Mara) strong relationship with the GM of RHTC, One of the strategic priorities for our Club Peter Francis, but he has been suddenly re- I regret that it is not possible for me to prethis year has been to use each Club activity placed by Leigh Dunn. So the process of re- sent this report at Club Assembly in person: I as a means to stimulate a better understandam away on family matters interstate. lationship building begins again – largely ing of the role which Rotary plays in our Please accept my apologies. informed by the Tour de Hills effort. Community: to actively promote Rotary to My special thanks go to Rtn Glynis Macri as the public on each and every occasion in I have suggested that we host a special the other half of the Public Relations team. which we are actively exposed. “Canapés & Drinks” information evening in She has brought a fresh enthusiasm and the coming year but this is a tough nut – Some members seem to find that approach insight to the role and has accepted the Pubperhaps one best addressed at Zone level. to be uncomfortable – in the same way that The District Assembly presented some good lic Relations portfolio on the oncoming some of us are reluctant to approach suitaBoard for 2012/13. Our media strategy for ideas but we seem to have a general relucble people about being in Rotary. Some tance amongst members to approach suita- 2011/12 has been addressed with consideramembers decline invitations to be part of ble people. And we have difficulty in holding ble success though, in some areas, progress the Board despite the compliment in the the interest of people who do inquire about is steady but slow. invitation itself. membership, even after they do visit us. We have been particularly successful in the I believe the Club can only grow and flourish These issues were addressed in some detail continuing strengthening of our relationship when we are all active in these ways. We with the Fairfax media through the Hills at the District Assembly this year: they are have been approached by a number of peoissues confronting all clubs – issues which we News and the Tour de Hills event. They have ple who have either been referred by others published a considerable amount of material must all address personally. or by a contact with the Club via the website. promoting Rotary and have ben a strong Each has been followed up closely with sev- The foundation of Rotary Life is the combi- supporter in a variety of ways for both our eral joining us for an initial dinner meeting as nation of Community Service and FellowClub and Rotary in general.


The recent participation of journalist Stephen Spierings of the Hills News as a member of this year’s GSE Team to England should enhance these possibilities. As well, we enjoyed a strengthening relationship with Glenis Sheldrick at Faifax and their new local manager Sahim Yex, who will also attend the TdeH event this year.

enjoying his exchange with the Seinäjoki (Törnävä) Rotary Club. We look forward to his return in January 2013 to hear of his experiences.

year saw 2 worthy winners, Brendon Hillsley and Joel Wray, while Daniel Cross. Mitchell Giles and Luca Pettenon received Certificates of High Commendation.


Our thanks to PP David for his continued support in organising this event.

Our Club supported the Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) program by assisting with organising some 190 Oakhill College The Hills News has also been following up the development of the Police Officer of the students who attended the St Ives precinct. Many thanks to those Rotarians who gave of Year awards planned for 2012. I have had discussions with the Police LAC Supt Flugel, their time and hopefully have contributed to Insp. Paul Tickner and lately with Insp. Helen better road safety for our young drivers. Dean. There is a strong interest but the progress is gradual.


Discussions with Hills Shire Council continue re the development of a more strategic relationship between the Council’s planning for community needs and the role we can play in responding to informed advice on that issue. Derailed discussions are ongoing but the key issue with them at this stage is the Heritage Park Development.

Outreach Projects Report (PP Peter Marcer)

Sara Dagg was sponsored by the Club to attend the 2012 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) week at Narrabeen. Sara returned to our Club with glowing reports and was grateful for the experience she gained.

In January our Club welcomed Grace Cheng (Taiwan) following her 6-month hosting by our sister Club, Glenhaven. Grace has thoroughly enjoyed her exchange and returns home on Saturday 7th July; we wish her well with her future studies. During Grace’s 6 months stay with our Club she has been hosted by Christine & Milan Zec, Carol and Peter Marcer and is currently living with Albert and Christina Kwan, parents of our Outbound student, Jonathon. We thank all families for their support in helping to make Grace’s exchange so enjoyable.

This year’s Pride in Workmanship Awards held in October again saw some worthy recipients from our local area. This year’s recipients were Darren Zec, Natalie Law, Michelle Grasinger and Margaret Gallagher. The evening was well attended with some seventy-five people in attendance.

Excellence in Teaching

Rtn David Bull, ably supported by Lyn, again organised a most successful Excellence in Teaching Awards evening in March. Eight very impressive teachers were recognised for their professionalism and dedication to their profession and their students. Some The Club supported the RYLA (Timor) proninety persons attended the night and this gram with a donation of $2000 to assist with event continues to grow each year thanks to running the program in their country. David’s and Lyn’s hard work and dedication.


Outreach Projects, being responsible for Youth, Vocational and International Service, This year our Club budgeted for 1 student to attend the NYSF (National Youth Science has had a most interesting year. Forum) program. We nominated 2 students; New Generations (Youth) Brian Gao and David Roshan from James Ruse High, and to our surprise both were Under the direction of Rtn Ross Hood the selected for the program. However as time year has been a busy one with many proprogressed both Brian and David withdrew grams and events held during the year. from the program due to their selection in Youth Exchange Program the world mathematics Olympian program. Our Club hosted 2 students during this Rota- Unfortunately we were too late for any furry year. Ivanna Abad from Ecuador complet- ther nomination. ed her exchange in January and unfortunately she was unable to attend the Safari due to her late arrival. Ivanna arrived with very little grasp of English but before long she became very fluent with our language. During the year Ivanna was hoisted by Geoff & Jan Duffy, Daisy Montaro and Steve & Soraya Macquarie and we thank them for making Ivanna’s exchange possible.

Pride in Workmanship

Vocational Visit Only 1 Vocational Visit was possible this year – to the Beer Factory in Seven Hills. It was an interesting evening with a light snack being provided on the premises.

International Service

PP Ron Marcus continues to provide support for the ongoing Nepal projects with the replacement of the catheter laboratory at Dhulikhel Hospital. The Qld Government kindly donated a 10-year old Cath Lab ex RYPEN Townsville Hospital. With the aid of a RAWCS project team, Ron arranged for the Two students from Kellyville High School, unit to be dismantled and shipped to Nepal. Maria Russo and Matthew Ingleton, were In late-March Ron and a team travelled to selected to attend the RYPEN (Rotary ProNepal to instal the system. Mention should gram of Enrichment) camp in February. Matalso be made of the most generous donation thew later returned to our Club to tell of his by Peter Johannson and his Company, weekend experience. Willobee Floor Services, in supplying vinyl Thanks to Rtn Ross Hood for his help flooring etc. for the total area of the Laborathroughout the year with the New Generatory as well as sending staff to carry out the tions (Youth) programs. installation of the sheeting.

Vocational Service During the year the Vocational team organised several events, the highlights being Apprentice of the Year, Pride in Workmanship and excellence in Teaching.

The Hills District Apprentice of the Year

The annual Apprentice of the Year even was conducted in September. PP David Sommerlad and his team produced another outThis year our Club sponsored Outbound Stu- standing evening that is always one of the dent Jonathon Kwan to Finland and he is Vocational highlights of our calendar. This 23

Jan 17th , 2015 Home Visit At Phil and Jenny’s home


From the Editor Report of the February 4th , 2015 meeting may appear on next bulletin. Those who are on roster to take meeting notes, Please note that they need to be sent before Saturday. (Official deadline is Friday!) As for event Photos, there might be a week lagging time before they appear in the bulletin, as Geoff Duffy posts the CD and it takes 3 days to reach my post box in the outback NSW. Hope you will understand and support. 25

Movie Night 26



The next Polio Movie Night will be held on Thursday 26th February at Castle Towers. Yes – Thursday - because this is the night of the world release of a great fun movie, The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. This night will take the place of our meeting that week so don’t bother turning up at the Country Club on the 25th. This movie is showing signs of being every bit as good (if not better) that the original movie and most of the cast are back again to entertain us. Maggie Smith, Judi Dench and Bill Nighy are back better than ever and Dev Patel continues his dream of better things to come. Oh yes! Richard Gere has been added to the cast but that shouldn’t impress the blokes too much. The cost will be $25 per head which covers the movie and a light supper and payment in advance would be appreciated. I have to give the

cinema operators a cheque for our attendees on the night and it would be really good to have the money in the bank to cover it. Make sure you don’t miss this one! It will be a runaway success official trailer :

A Calender of Special Observations for Rotary At the October 2014 meeting, the RI Board modified the Rotary International calendar of special observances to highlight the Areas of Focus.

velopment November The Rotary Foundation December Disease Prevention and Treatment January Vocational Service The new calendar is: February Peace and Conflict Prevention/ Resolution July This month does not have a special March Water and Sanitation designation April Maternal and Child Health August Membership and Extension May Youth Services September Basic Education and Literacy June Rotary Fellowships October Economic and Community De26

Feb, 28th TBC

BBQ – Heritage Park

Heritage Park to be confirmed

Mar, 1st 2015

Tour de Hills

Australian Hotel & Brewery Annangrove

Mar, 13th–15th

Castle Hill Show

Castle Hill Show to be confirmed

Mar, 18th 2015

Club 50th Anniversary

The Madison Function Centre

Mar, 25th 2015

Excellence in Teaching

Apr, 18th 2015

50th Anniversary Gallipoli

May, Sun 2015TBC Salvos Red Shield Appeal July,1st 2015 TBA , 2015

Parking To be confirmed

Club Change Over Apprentice of the Year

TBA , 2015

Police Officer of the Year

TBA , 2015

Pride in Workmanship

TBA , 2015

Run for the Hills

TBA 2015

Club Christmas Party

Castle Hill Country Club

TBA 2015

Bush Christmas (TBC)

Parking – Bella Vista Farm Park

Dec, 25th 2015

NWPH Christmas visit (TBC)

Norwest Private Hospital - Bella Vista

TBA 2016

Home visit (TBC)

TBA 2016

Home visit (TBC)

Jan, Mon 26th 2016 Australia Day BBQ (TBC)

Heritage Park


We meet at

Castle Hill Country Club every WEDNESDAY at 6:30 pm for 7:00 pm (Spurway Drive, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153) Apologies, Please inform Geoff Duffy NO LATER than Noon Tuesday before the next meeting so numbers can be confirmed for Dinner

Gary the Sergeant’s Fine Session Last week everybody was spared of fines due to sergeant’s absence

Australia Day Flag Raising


Anil De Silva (from Cobar, Outback NSW) Deadline Friday 8:00 pm

This Bulletin is kindly printed by Snap Printing. Unit 20/5 Hudson Ave. Castle Hill 2154 Ph: 96801858

More photos next week 28

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