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AGB111 2013-14

Overview • • • • • • •

Softwares Types of Softwares Programming languages Disk Operating system Booting DOS cammands Creating file and folders


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Software Software is any set of machine-readable instructions (computer program) that directs a computer’s processor to perform specific operations

Different types of Software are: a. Operating System Software b.Application Software c. Compiler Software


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Computer program- Set of instructions •

Are written to tell the computer What operation to perform? Where to locate the data? How to present the results? When to make certain decisions? and so on. ďƒ˜ The communication between 2 parties whether they are machines or human beings always needs a common language or terminology. 08/11/13

Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore



Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore



Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Operating System Software (OS) • Hardware cannot function without the operating system. • OS provides an interface between the hardware and the user. • OS integrates the various hardware components like the monitor, CPU, floppy disk drives, keyboard etc. into one system and makes it available to the user. 08/11/13

Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore



Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore



Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


The operating system acts as an intermediary between programs and the computer hardware


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Functions of Operating System Software • Input / Output Device Management • Memory or Storage Management • The Operating System -in the earlier versions of the PC is called MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System). This is Character User Interface (CUI) software.  For using this software, the users need to type the commands using the keyboard in the correct syntax. • The latest PC’s use the Graphical User Interface (GUI) Operating System software such as MS-Windows 95, MS-Windows 98, MS-Windows-ME, MS-Windows 2000 and MS-Windows-XP. 08/11/13

Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


MS-DOS- Character User Interface (CUI) software. • backup c:\work\*.* d: /s The above example would create a backup of all the files and subdirectories in the work directory and save the backup to the d: drive. • del c:\windows\temp\*.* The * (asterisks) is a wild character, *.* indicates that you would like to delete all files in the c:\windows\temp directory. 08/11/13

Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Graphical User Interface (GUI)


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


MS-Windows 95 -Graphical User Interface (GUI)


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Types of Operating system • Real-time- is a multitasking operating system that aims at executing real-time applications. • Multi-user- operating system allows multiple users to access a computer system at the same time. • Multi-tasking- operating system allows more than one program to be running at the same time, from the point of view of human time scales. • Single-tasking -has only one running program. • Distributed - system manages a group of independent computers and makes them appear to be a single computer • Embedded- are designed to operate on small machines 08/11/13

Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Popular operating system


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Operating System S/W MS-DOS MS-Windows 95 MS-Windows 98 MS-Windows 98SE MS-Windows ME Network Operating Systems Novell NetWare UNIX MS-Windows NT MS-Windows 2000 LINUX 08/11/13

Single / Multi User Single Single Single Single Single Single / Multi User Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple Multiple

Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Single-user OS (eg, Windows) – Referred to as multitasking, which is multiprogramming for single-user OS. – One active app; others run in the background Payroll


Email Web browser (1 CPU)

Word Processing

OS must protect each program’s memory area to ensure that instructions and data don’t “leak” into an area allocated to another program. If it fails, programs can crash…more shortly! 08/11/13

Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Manages/allocates time & memory space • program or person can share computer resources. – CPU is idle ~90% of time, waiting for user input !

– Multiprogramming

Run two or more programs concurrently. eg: Calculate payroll and Accts payable and WP and …

1. Multi-user OS (eg: Unix). Server (Host Computer)

Statistical analysis Accts Payable

Payroll 08/11/13

Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


I/O Terminals (multiple users) 22

Application software • Includes many executable files and data files: – Installer program – Uninstaller program – Main executable file – Support modules

(eg: setup.exe) (why important?) (eg: winword.exe) (eg: .dll files)

• Called by the PROGRAM, not by the user

– Data modules


(eg: MS Word dictionary)

Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


General Purpose Application Software

• Software (S/w) that are available for general purpose like Word processing, Spreadsheet, Presentation and Database management (MsWord, Ms-Excel, Ms-PowerPoint and MsAccess) fall under the category of general purpose software.


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


General Purpose S/w under CUI

S /w under GUI

Word Processing









Database Management Graphics




Ms-Excel, Harvard Graphics

Internet Browsing




Internet Explorer, Navigator Outlook Express



Norton Anti-virus


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore



• Dbase, Foxpro, Oracle, Sybase, MS-SQL, Ingress are all database management software. • Internet Explorer and Outlook Express software are bundled along with Ms-Windows operating system software. • VIRUS - Vital Information Resource Under Seige. • N.B: Debugging - Removing the errors (bugs) from the computer program


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Specific Purpose Application Software Software developed for a specific application is called specific purpose application software. Example: Statistical Software Packages: • SPSS - Statistical Package for Social Sciences • SAS - Statistical Analysis System • BMDP - Bio-Medical Data Processing SX, STATGRAF, MINITAB • Epidemiological Software Packages: Epi Info, Epi5, EpiStat, Episcope • Graphical Software Packages: • Harvard Graphics, Ms-Excel 08/11/13

Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Compiler Software • Compiler Software is a program that converts the software written in a high level programming language into a program in a low-level language (Machine Language) which the computer can understand and execute.


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Interpreters Interpreter is a program that translates a program written in a high level language, converting each high level command in to machine understandable instructions.

High Level Language 08/11/13

Compiler / Interpreter

Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore

Low Level Language / Machine Language 26

Programming Languages • The language used in the communication of computer instructions is known as the programming language. • The computer has its own language and any communication with the computer must be in its language (or) translated in to its language. • A programming language defines these symbols, characters and rules for writing a program. 08/11/13

Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Programming languages are classified as


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Machine Languages • Instructions and data in the computer should be written using binary code 1 (or) 0. • The binary code is called machine code (or) machine language. This language is not user friendly. • Strings of numbers giving machine specific instructions

The word 'Wikipedia' represented in ASCII binary.


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Assembly languages • Uses mnemonic codes rather than numeric codes (as used in machine language). i.e. Abbreviations are used for programming in this language instead of giving codes.

English-like abbreviations representing elementary computer operations (translated via assemblers)

• As computer understands only machine code instructions, a program written in assembly language must be translated in to machine language before the program is executed. • This translation is referred to as an assembler. • The assembly language is again machine-oriented language and hence the program has to be different for different machines. 08/11/13

LOAD BASEPAY ADD OVERPAY Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof GROSSPAY STORE Veterinary college, Bangalore


Assembly language • It's entered in the operation code field of each assembler program instruction. For example, • Intel microprocessor, inc ("increase by one") is a mnemonic. • IBM System/370 series computer, BAL is a mnemonic for "branch-and-link." LOAD ADD STORE 08/11/13


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


High Level Languages - Procedure Oriented Languages • Machine independent -Can be run on computers of different makes with little or no modification, the programmer need not know the characteristics of that machine.  A program written in high level language is known as source program.  Can be run on different machine using different translators.  The translated program is called the Object program.  Disadvantage of high level language - it takes extra time for conversion, thus they are less efficient compared to machine code languages. 08/11/13

Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Common high level languages • Fortran • COBOL




• PL / I • Pascal • C, C++



Formula translation Common Business Oriented Language Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction code Programming Language I

Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


• FORTRAN : FORTRAN Stands for `formula translation’ was developed at IBM between 1954 and 1957 for scientific and engineering applications. • COBOL : It stands for Common Business Oriented Language. It was developed in 1959 by a committee called CODASLYC (Conference On Data System Language Committee) and was approved by ANSI (American National Standard Institute) in 1968, It is intended for business application. • PASCAL : It is a structured programming language developed by Niklars wirth in 1968 for scientific applications.


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


• `C’ language : It was developed in 1972 by Dennis Kitchie and Ken Thomson of Bell laboratories. The popular UNIX operating system has been written in `C’ language. • BASIC :BASIC stands for Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. It was developed in Dartmouth College, USA under the supervision of J.G. Kemeny and T.E. Kurtz during mid 1960’s. It is easy to learn and it has powerful additional facilities for advanced uses. It is designed for interactive use.


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore



Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Disk Operating System (DOS) • The most popular disk operating system used is the MS DOS or Micro Soft Disk Operating System, which is a product of Microsoft Corporation of USA. • The DOS software must always be present in the computer memory to use the computer system


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Loading DOS • When the computer is switched on, the first thing to be placed in memory is DOS. This is also referred to as loading of DOS into the computer's memory. • The DOS software may be available on a floppy or on the hard disk.


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Booting • The process of transferring the DOS from the hard disk to the main memory is termed as booting. • Any machine has to be booted before it can perform any jobs. • Bootable diskette- A hard disk or CD which contains the operating system and can boot a machine. • C> is the DOS prompt which appears when DOS has been loaded from the hard disk or C drives • A> is the DOS prompt which appears if DOS has been loaded from the floppy disk in the A drive. • Thus, the currently active disk drive can be identified from the prompt C> or A>. 08/11/13

Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


The boot process • The process by which a machine comes up from rest state to the state that is usable is known as booting • When the power is turned on – The CPU runs the BIOS (Basic Input / Output System) • Usually located on a chip on the motherboard • Runs POST (Power On Self Test) of various hardware components • Loads the boot sector program


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore



The boot process (continued) – Boot Sector Program • Located in the first sector of the hard disk or other disk • Is responsible for loading the rest of the operation system into the RAM

– Operating System • Once it is loaded, it configures the various hardware components • Then it waits for the user to issue commands • Then you can run your applications


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore




Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Booting In Linux OS


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Types of Booting


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


The user can enter any of the commands by typing the name of the command and pressing the Enter key. 08/11/13

Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


DOS Commands for booting

• Whenever the system is switched on, the three files are loaded into the internal memory of the computer. ďƒ˜ This process of loading the DOS is known as booting.


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


DOS commands • • •

• • •

Date <Enter> Displays the current date Time <Enter> Displays the current time Dir <Enter> Lists the files available on the disk with names, size of files and the date and time when information last modified, along with no. of total files, total area occupied and available free space in bytes Dir/w <Enter> Displays files across the width but not with file size Dir/p <Enter> Displays files with pause (page by page) Dir *.* <Enter> Displays all the files and directories


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


• Dir *.exe <Enter> -Displays files with the extension name `exe' • Dir a*.* <Enter> -Displays files which have `a’ as first letter • Dir *. <Enter> -Displays the files with no extension name • Mkdir vc <Enter>-Creates a subdirectory by the name vc • Rmdir vc <Enter> -Removes the subdirectory vc • CLS <Enter> -Clears any display from monitor • Copy C:VET.TXT A: <Enter>_Copies the file vet.txt available in C drive to A drive • Copy C:vet.txt A:phd.txt <Enter>-Copies file vet.txt available in C to A as phd.txt • Copy A:*.* C: <Enter>-Copies all files available in A to C 08/11/13

Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


• • • • •

• •

Ren vet.txt phd.txt <Enter> -Renames file vet.txt available in current drive as phd.txt Del vet.txt <Enter> -Deletes the file vet.txt Erase vet.txt <Enter> -Deletes the file vet.txt Diskcopy a: b: <Enter>-Copies all files available from A drive to B Format A: <Enter> -Formats the floppy disk i.e. places an electronic road map on the diskette. Formatting sets up information tracks on a diskette which will store the data checks the quality of the diskette and erases all information previously stored Format A:/S <enter> -Formats the disk in drive A and makes the disk in a bootable by copying the operating system files to the new disk being formatted Chkdsk a: <Enter>-Analyses the health of a disk and produces a disk and memory status Diskcomp a: b: <Enter - Compares the disks in drive A and B and reports the discrepancies, if any


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Computer file • Data are stored in the form of a file. • A computer file is more compact than a manual file. • For e.g., the particulars of each employee is called as a record. • Each piece of data in a record is called a field. A field has two components, 1. Field name and 2. Field content.  A field comprises several characters; various fields’ make-up a record and many such records form a file. 08/11/13

Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


File Naming Conventions in DOS • There are certain conventions that are followed while naming computer files in DOS based programmes. • A file name has two parts namely 1.Primary name - Can have a maximum of eight characters 2.Extension name - Can have a maximum of three characters  The primary and the extension names are separated by a dot (.)  File name is valid even if it has no extension.


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


File name  Must be meaningful. For eg. if you want to create a file containing salary details of the employees, the name given to the file can be `Emp.sal’ or simply `salary'. Do not name like - XYZ.124 -name itself does not convey to you what the file contains • To name a file with financial status finance.RPT 08/11/13

Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Concept of Directories • Organize many files in an orderly way  Just like the books are arranged in a library, files in a computer can be arranged on the storage medium. • Eg. Consider Three files 1. First file- names, ages, and addresses of all the employees in a firm, 2. Second file contains details of salaries of these employees 3. Third file contains the amount of loan given to these employees.  All these files relate to the employees of the firm. Therefore, it would be desirable to club together all these files under one unit. 08/11/13

Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


OS Manages files and folders – You Create a new file or folder…. – Move files and folders; you “nest” folders –


Open a document file… – OS looks at file extension – OS checks if enough free memory space – OS finds and loads the document – OS keeps track of what data goes with what program (all sharing same RAM) – OS turns control over to the APP Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Start an app from Start Menu ... – Copy a file or a folder. – Print a file. – Save, or Save As – Exit from an app – User file management and viewing tools are provided by OS: – My Computer – Windows Explorer


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore



Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore



Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore



Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


Thank You


Dr R Jayashree, Asst. prof Veterinary college, Bangalore


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