Chronograph Magazine #24 Winter Issue

Page 1

ÆêÎÀ ųٳݳÏÝ ¿ Üàð µ³Ý ÷áñÓ»É: A GOOD time to try something NEW.



UNVEILING THE GRAFF VENUS «Ø»Ýù û·ïí»óÇÝù ÏÛ³ÝùáõÙ Áݹ³Ù»ÝÁ Ù»Ï ³Ý·³Ù Ù»½ ÁÝÓ»éí³Í Ñݳñ³íáñáõÃáõÝÇó ¨ ëï»ÕÍ»óÇÝù ϳï³ñÛ³ÉÁ£ ºë Ñå³ñïáõÃÛ³Ùµ »Ù ÝßáõÙ, áñ Ù»Ýù ³ñï³¹ñáõÙ »Ýù É³í³·áõÛÝÁ£ Graff Venus-Á í»ñ ¿ Ëáëù»ñÇó£ ¸³ ï»ë³Íë ³Ù»Ý³·»Õ»óÇÏ ëñï³Ó¨ ³¹³Ù³Ý¹Ý ¿»£ Graff Diamonds-Ç ïÝûñ»Ýª Èáñ»Ýë ¶ñ³ý

“ We were given a once in a lifetime opportunity and we created absolute perfection. I am proud to say that we delivered the very best. The Graff Venus is beyond words. It is the most beautiful heart shape diamond I have ever seen. ” – Laurence Graff, Chairman of Graff Diamonds

Named in celebration of the Roman goddess of Love, The Graff Venus is the largest D Flawless heart shape diamond in the world. The creation of a heart shape diamond is exceptionally demanding and can only be undertaken by the elite of the world’s diamond cutters, it must be perfectly faceted and entirely symmetrical to ensure a perfect silhouette and exquisite scintillation.

Graff Venus-Ý Çñ ³ÝáõÝÁ ëï³ó»É ¿ ÑéáÙ»³óÇÝ»ñÇ ëÇñá ³ëïí³ÍáõÑÇ ì»Ý»ñ³ÛÇó£ ²ÛÝ ³Ù»Ý³Ù»Í ëñï³Ó¨ ³¹³Ù³Ý¹» ½³ñ¹Ý ¿ ³ß˳ñÑáõÙ£ êñï³Ó¨ ³¹³Ù³Ý¹Ç ëï»ÕÍáõÙÁ ß³ï ³ß˳ï³ï³ñ ¿ ¨ íëï³ÑíáõÙ ¿ ÙdzÛÝ ³ß˳ñÑÇ ³Ù»Ý³Ñ»ÕÇݳϳíáñ áõ ³Ù»Ý³÷áñÓ³éáõ »ñ»ë³Ïáñ¹Ý»ñÇÝ£ ²¹³Ù³Ý¹Á å»ïù ¿ ÉÇÝÇ ³ÝûñÇ »ñ»ë³Ïí³Í ¨ ³ÙµáÕçáíÇÝ Ñ³Ù³ã³÷, áñå»ë½Ç áõݻݳ ÑdzݳÉÇ áõñí³å³ïÏ»ñ ¨ ÷³ÛÉ:


It took over 18 months for Graff's master craftsmen to analyse, cut and polish the magnificent type IIa 118.78ct diamond from a 357ct rough diamond discovered at the famous Letseng mine in Lesotho.


Graff-Ç í³ñå»ïÝ»ñÇó å³Ñ³Ýçí»ó ³í»ÉÇ ù³Ý 18 ³ÙÇë í»ñÉáõÍ»Éáõ, »ñ»ë³Ï»Éáõ ¨ ÑÕÏ»Éáõ È»ëáÃáÛÇ Ñ³ÛïÝÇ È»ïë»Ý· ѳÝù³í³ÛñÇó ѳÛïݳµ»ñí³Í 357 ϳñ³ï ÏßéáÕ ³ÝÙß³Ï ³ÉÙ³ëïÁª ¹³ñÓÝ»Éáí ³ÛÝ IIa ï»ë³ÏÇ 118.78 ϳñ³ï ÏßéáÕ ÙÇ í»Ñ³ßáõù ³¹³Ù³Ý¹£

CHOPARD & THE MILLE MIGLIA Chopard presents a sporty collection of timepieces and accessories dedicated to the Mille Miglia classic car race, for which it has been serving as partner and official timekeeper since 1988.

«Chopard»-Á Ý»ñϳ۳óÝáõÙ ¿ ųٳóáõÛóÝ»ñÇ ¨ ëåáñï³ÛÇÝ ³ùë»ëáõ³ñÝ»ñÇ Ñ³í³ù³ÍáõÝ, áñÝ Ç ëϽµ³Ý» ÝíÇñí³Í ¿ »Õ»É «ØÇÉ» ØÇÉdz» ³íïáÙñó³ß³ñÇÝ£ 1988 Ãí³Ï³ÝÇó Ç í»ñ ³ÛÝ Ñ³Ý¹Çë³ÝáõÙ ¿ Ùñó³ß³ñÇ Ñ³í³ï³ñÇÙ ·áñÍÁÝÏ»ñÝ áõ å³ßïáÝ³Ï³Ý Å³Ù³·áñÍ³Ï³Ý ÁÝÏ»ñáõÃÛáõÝÁ£




Amadeo® Fleurier Monsieur BOVET Reversed hand-fitting and double coaxial seconds

Monsieur BOVET is equipped with the Virtuoso II caliber, the first movement not regulated by a tourbillon, entirely developed and produced in-house. It displays hours, minutes, and seconds on both sides of the movement. The refined and elegant Monsieur BOVET is destined to become a new archetype that is at once classic and timeless.

Monsieur BOVET-Ý Ñ³Ù³Éñí³Í ¿ ³ÙµáÕçáõÃÛ³Ùµ Bovet-áõ٠ݳ˳·Íí³Í ¨ å³ïñ³ëïí³Í Virtuoso II ϳÉǵñáíª ³é³çÇÝ Ù»Ë³ÝǽÙÁ, áñÁ ãÇ Ï³ñ·³íáñíáõÙ ïáõñµÇÛáÝÇ ÙÇçáóáí£ Ä³ÙÇ, ñáå»Ç ¨ í³ÛñϳÝÇ ëɳùÝ»ñÁ ųٳóáõÛóÇ »ñÏáõ ÏáÕÙÇó ¿É ï»ë³Ý»ÉÇ »Ý£ Üáõñµ ¨ ¿É»·³Ýï Monsieur BOVET-Á Ïáãí³Í ¿ ¹³éݳÉáõ ¹³ë³Ï³ÝÇ áõ ѳí»ñųϳÝÇ ÙÇ Ýáñ ݳ˳ïÇå£



PRIMERO I Chronomaster ELEL PRIMERO I Chronomaster









Watch the video about the new Portugieser Collection

Portugieser Tourbillon Mystère Rétrograde. Ref. 5046: The fascination of undiscovered worlds exerted a magical attraction on the pioneers of Portuguese seafaring. Fearless in the face of storms and lashed by the oceans, they set out on voyages of exploration and became ocean-going legends. A distant echo of those fraught encounters with the forces of Nature lives on in the Por tugieser Tourbillon Mystère Rétrograde. Created as part of a quest for absolute precision, the watch and its flying tourbillon defy the forces of gravity. But there is much, much more to this legend-steeped masterpiece of traditional watch making. Through the flying tourbillon, positioned in a circular aperture on the

dial, we have a clear view of the internal workings of the watch. And just as the eyes are said to be the mirror of the soul, it too reveals the secrets of its being: absolute perfe c ti o n c o m b i n e d w i th c o n s u m m ate watc h m a k i n g expertise. The latter also manifests itself in other achievements of haute horlogerie. These include the IWC-manufactured 51900 calibre with its remarkable precision, or the retrograde date display, whose hand jumps back auto matically at the end of the month to the first of the next. This timepiece breathes the innovative spirit of the legendary Portugieser family and, as the incarnation of the soul of haute horlogerie, long ago established itself as a legend. IWC . E N G I N E E R E D FO R M E N .

Eduardo Novillo Astrada, polo Champion, Winner of the Argentine Triple Crown.

Reverso Tribute Calendar watch

DJULA Beyond the constraints of traditional jewellery, the Djula spirit remains that of the young Parisian house spearheading the "Glam Rock" trend in its jewellery almost twenty years ago. The last audacious collection is born from the fanciful imagination of the jeweler Alexandre Corrot: barbed wire, already a Must Have! 40

Djula ÁÝÏ»ñáõÃÛ³Ý á·ÇÝ, áñ í»ñ ¿ ³í³Ý¹³Ï³Ý ½³ñ¹»ñÇ ë³Ñٳݳ÷³ÏáõÙÝ»ñÇó, ³ñ¹»Ý ùë³Ý ï³ñÇ ¿, ÇÝã ÷³ñÇ½Û³Ý ï³Ý Ù³ëÝ ¿ ϳ½ÙáõÙª Çñ ³ñï³¹ñ³ÝùáõÙ ÑÇÙÝ³Ï³Ý ï»ÕÁ ï³Éáí ·É»Ù éáù Ãñ»Ý¹ÇÝ£ Djula-Ç í»ñçÇÝ Ñ³Ù³ñÓ³Ï Ñ³í³ù³ÍáõÝ ³Ïݳ·áñÍ ²É»ùë³Ý¹ñ øáñáÃÇ ³ñï³ëáíáñ »ñ¨³Ï³ÛáõÃÛ³Ý ³ñ¹ÛáõÝùÝ ¿£ ö߳ɳñÇ Ó¨áí ³å³ñ³Ýç³ÝÁ å³ñï³¹Çñ Çñ ¿ ó³Ýϳó³Í ÏÝáç ѳٳñ£

GRANDE SECONDE QUANTIÈME Since its creation, the Grande Seconde has always been an endless source of inspiration, to the point of becoming a brand emblem. In 2011, Jaquet Droz launched the Grande Seconde Quantième, a Grande Seconde in stainless steel with a date display. This year, the line sees the arrival of two new versions with an ever more contemporary design.

êï»ÕÍáõÙÇó Ç í»ñ Grande Seconde-Á ÙÇßï »Õ»É ¿ á·»ßÝãÙ³Ý ³Ýëå³é ³ÕµÛáõñ ¨ Ç í»ñçá ¹³ñÓ»É ³åñ³Ýù³ÝÇßÇ ËáñÑñ¹³Ýß³ÝÁ£ 2011 Ã. Jaquet Droz-Ý ÃáÕ³ñÏ»ó ûñ³óáõÛóáí ¨ ãųݷáïíáÕ åáÕå³ïÇó å³ïñ³ëïí³Í Grande Seconde Quantième ųٳóáõÛóÁ£ ²Ûë ï³ñÇ Ý³Ë³ï»ëíáõÙ ¿ ÃáÕ³ñÏ»É ¨ë »ñÏáõ ųٳóáõÛóª ³í»ÉÇ Å³Ù³Ý³Ï³ÏÇó ¹Ç½³ÛÝáí£


THE UNIQUE AND ARMENIAN Chronograph Armenia proudly presents an exceptional and

Chronograph г۳ëï³Ý Ë/ë-Á Ñå³ñïáõÃÛ³Ùµ

unique timepiece the “Petite Heure Minute Astafyan” which

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has been customized by Jaquet Droz artists to pay tribute to

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the Armenian heritage. The dial has been meticulously hand

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painted to take us to the historical street “Astafyan”, now

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Abovyan, right in the heart of Yerevan. This special timepiece

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will for sure seduce Armenian collectors looking for an astonishing souvenir of this memorial place.

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THE EXCELLELLENCE OF A SCHOEFFEL PEARL All pearls set in Schoeffel necklaces are a harmonious combination of lustre, shape, surface, size and colour – a blend that is not just eye-catching, but also breath-taking.

Schoeffel í½ÝáóÝ»ñÇ µáÉáñ Ù³ñ·³ñÇïÝ»ñÁ óáÉùÇ, Ó¨Ç, ٳϻñ»ëÇ, ã³÷ëÇ ¨ ·áõÛÝÇ Ý»ñ¹³ßÝ³Ï Ñ³Ù³¹ñáõÃÛáõÝ »Ý£ ¸ñ³Ýù áã ÙdzÛÝ áõß³·ñ³í »Ý, ³Ûɨ ³åß»óÝáÕ£


Our spirit of excellence. Our spirit of excellence. Senator Chronometer Senator Chronometer

Beijing · Beijing Dresden· Dresden · Dubai · ·Geneva Hong Kong · Macau Dubai ··Geneva · Hong Kong · Madrid Macau · Madrid Nanjing ·Nanjing Paris · Shanghai · Shenyang · Singapore · Tokyo · ·Vienna · Paris · Shanghai · Shenyang · Singapore Tokyo · Vienna

INSIDE THE AIKON GENTS In 2016 Maurice Lacroix, reveals a new watch, the AIKON; a quartz timepiece which takes its inspiration from the legendary Calypso, but presented in a new, contemporary design. These design ingredients provide the foundations for a future classic.

2016 Ã.-ÇÝ Maurice Lacroix-Ý ÃáÕ³ñÏ»ó ųٳóáõÛóÇ Ýáñ Ùṻɪ AIKON ³Ùí³Ùµ£ Îí³ñó³ÛÇÝ Ù»Ë³ÝǽÙáí ³Ûë ųٳóáõÛóÁ Ý»ñßÝãí³Í ¿ É»·»Ý¹³ñ Calypso-Çó, µ³Ûó ¨ Ý»ñϳ۳óí³Í ¿ ÉñÇí Ýáñ áõ ųٳݳϳÏÇó ¹Ç½³ÛÝáí£ ²Û¹ ¹Ç½³ÛÝÇÝ µÝáñáß ·Í»ñÁ ßáõïáí ¹³éݳÉáõ »Ý ³å³·³ÛÇ ¹³ë³Ï³Ý á×Ç ÑÇÙùÁ£


ARTEMIDE AND VEGA COLLECTION The extraordinary equilibrium makes Artemide a perfect and captivating collection. Carat weight diamonds are encircled by diamonds with invisible settings, generating glittering and intense light effects. Vega [here previewed the rings] is a regal, lively, elegant collection, the brightest star in the Ponte Vecchio Gioielli universe.

ÚáõñûñÇÝ³Ï Ñ³í³ë³ñ³ÏßéáõÃÛáõÝÁ ¹³ñÓÝáõÙ ¿ Artemide ѳí³ù³ÍáõÝ ÑdzݳÉÇ ¨ ÃáíÇ㣠γñ³ï ù³ßáí ³¹³Ù³Ý¹Ý»ñÁ ßñç³Ý³Ïí³Í »Ý ³¹³Ù³Ý¹Ý»ñáí ³Ýï»ë³Ý»ÉÇ Ï³éáõóٳٵª ï³Éáí ½³ñ¹ÇÝ ÷³ÛÉùÇ ¨ å³Ûͳé óáÉùÇ ïå³íáñáõÃÛáõÝ£ Vega-Ý ³ñù³Û³Ï³Ý, ϻݹ³ÝÇ ¨ ¿É»·³Ýï ѳí³ù³Íáõ ¿ª Ponte Vecchio Gioielli ³ß˳ñÑÇ ³Ù»Ý³í³é ³ëïÕÁ£



A timepiece light-year apart from conventional watchmaking RJ-Romain Jerome presents an exceptional model equipped with a flying tourbillon featuring a unique three-dimensional architecture. This 25-piece limited edition will delight devotees of horological originality and complexity. 62

RJ-Romain Jerome-Á Ý»ñϳ۳óÝáõÙ ¿ ųٳóáõÛóÇ ÙÇ µ³ó³éÇÏ Ùṻɪ ѳ·»ó³Í »½³ÏÇ »é³ã³÷ ϳéáõóí³Íùáí ÃéãáÕ ïáõñµÇÛáÝáí£ Àݹ³Ù»ÝÁ 25 ûñÇݳÏÇó µ³Õϳó³Í ³Ûë ë³Ñٳݳ÷³Ï ÃáÕ³ñÏáõÙÁ ÏÑdzóÝÇ Å³Ù³·áñÍ³Ï³Ý ûñÇ·ÇݳÉáõÃÛ³Ùµ ¨ µ³ñ¹ ϳéáõóí³Íùáí ï³ñíáÕ Ù³ñ¹Ï³Ýó£


APM is a trendy and accessible jewelry brand. APM is all about indulging yourself with a timeless piece or trendy and sophisticated jewelry to create a new look.

APM-Á ½³ñ¹»ñÇ á׳ÛÇÝ ³åñ³Ýù³ÝÇß ¿` ѳë³Ý»ÉÇ µáÉáñÇÝ£ APM-Á ÇÝù¹ ù»½ áõñ³Ë³óÝ»ÉÝ ¿ª Ãñ»Ý¹³ÛÇÝ ¨ Ýñµ³·»Õ ½³ñ¹»ñáí, áñÁ ÏѳÕáñ¹Ç Ó»½ Ýáñ ï»ëù:


MANHATTAN Style Avenue's master jewelers created the Manhattan collection inspired by the New York City, its avenues and the outlines of skyscrapers. Every piece reflects the brilliance and power of Manhattan - busy, prestigious, always moving further and higher! The Manhattan collection embodies elegance and exceptional style.

Style Avenue-Ç ÷áñÓ³éáõ í³ñå»ïÝ»ñÁ ëï»ÕÍ»óÇÝ Manhattan ѳí³ù³Íáõݪ á·»ßÝãí³Í ÜÛáõ ÚáñùÇó, ù³Õ³ùÇ åáÕáï³Ý»ñÇó ¨ »ñÏݳù»ñÝ»ñÇ áõñí³·Í»ñÇó£ ²Ûë ѳí³ù³ÍáõÇ Ûáõñ³ù³ÝãÛáõñ ½³ñ¹ ³ñï³óáÉáõÙ ¿ ѳÛïÝÇ, µ³½Ù³½µ³Õ, ³ñ³· ½³ñ·³óáÕ ¨ ¹»åÇ í»ñ ËáÛ³óáÕ Ø³ÝѻûÝÇ ßù»ÕáõÃÛáõÝÝ áõ ѽáñáõÃÛáõÝÁ£ Manhattan ѳí³ù³ÍáõÝ Ù³ñÙݳíáñáõÙ ¿ Ýñµ³·»ÕáõÃÛáõÝÝ áõ ÛáõñûñÇÝ³Ï á×Á£


PYTHON The smell of fine leather. The deep shine of high-quality finishes on fine timbers. These are the components that will steal you away into a world of dreams. Take a dive into the quality of being... moments that stimulate the best ideas.

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