Benefits of Yoga for Depression

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BENEFITS OF YOGA FOR DEPRESSION In a place, neither near nor far, and a time, neither now nor then Depression was sitting in the far and dark corner and thinking about the life and all the sadness of it. Wrapped up in a grey and black clothing until the top of the head and even the sun, that was shining brighter then usual can not rich to the dark side and warm up the soul and make open the heart . And suddenly someone approached to Depression and asked: -­

What is the point of sitting in the corner and thinking over from the dark side?

Depression answered: -­

And what is the point of standing in your side?

The ethereal stranger answered: -­ Observe from different sides, breath the life and let yourself feel the diverse experiences and colors and get to inner-­authentic self. Depression paused per a moment and realized, that there is something beyond the usual point of state, something new and interesting. The stranger continued: -­

Would you like to join me to see and experience new and harmonic side?

And meanwhile gave a hand with a smile from bottom of heart, that even Depression could not stand it. Depression did a step and took a hand. The warmness and the light transmitted inside and instead of self-­resistance light and peace come. The well-­being knocked the heart of the Depression. The only mastery needed was to open the door and embrace from bottom of the heart. By Ani Sedrakyan

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