2018 Great Lakes Pow-wow Guide

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SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Ph: 705-497-9127 | Toll Free: 1-877-702-5200 /Anishinabek Nation


Message from Grand Council Chief Aanii,Boozhoo!

On behalf of the Anishinabek Nation, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the 24th Annual Great Lakes PowWow guide. This incredible publication serves as the planning tool for many families who rely on it to plan their pow-wow trail journey within Anishinabek territory and beyond. After the winter of 2018, which at the time of writing, doesn’t seem to want to end, I am certain that we will dance a little harder, sing a bit louder, and laugh a whole lot more as we come together to celebrate being Anishinaabe and showcasing our proud heritage. As I reflect over the years as Grand Council Chief and the many pow wows I have attended, I would especially like to commend the men and women of our communities that give their time and energy to planning their

community celebration. Every detail you attend to ensures that your community upholds tradition, celebrates new life, and honours our ancestors, our warriors, and our Elders. I am always proud to dance in your circle. Tradition. The sharing of our customs throughout generations is the thread that binds us together and makes us stronger. While we see many things change as progress influences our lives, those ole ways of knowing and doing that have been tried and tested throughout time have survived for a reason. Our worldview and unrelenting commitment to reclamation of our language, our lands, our dance and our songs – our identity as Anishinabek are worthy of celebration and this is what powwow is about. I am nearing the end of my final term as the Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief. It has been my honour and

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my pleasure to represent our proud and mighty nation over these many years. Farewell my friends. I shall see you on the pow-wow trail. Be safe, be kind and be proud! Baa maa pii,

Patrick Wedaseh Madahbee Grand Council Chief Anishinabek Nation

Stories you should be aware of By Marci Becking

Restoule from Dokis First Nation. The illustrations depict the harsh reality of losing one's self and spirituality to abuse and forced religion. It is now a part of the Secondary School resource teachers’ kit called Gdoo-Sastamoo Kii Mi. The other two books that Donald produced artwork for are "Alex Shares his Wampum Belt" and "Dakota Talks about Treaties". Alex's story is about what wampum is and how he created the 800-piece LEGO wampum belt that is part of the elementary resource teachers’ kit called We are all Treaty People. Dakota's story is about her experience at the 250th anniversary of the Royal Proclamation/Treaty of Niagara in Niagara Falls. Her book talks about how treaties are alive and very much important today. These two elementary books are teaching both teachers and students across Ontario. Both books were written by Kelly Crawford of M'Chigeeng First Nation. There are plenty of teachings and resources available for us to learn from — but are we listening?

The cover of this year's pow-wow guide showcases artwork by Donald Chretien called Earth Mother Speaks. He reminds us to pay attention to the teachings. We also have a responsibility as the Anishinabek Nation to be the teacher. Public education has been something that the Anishinabek Nation has been striving to do – especially since the 1995 shooting death of unarmed protester Dudley George by an Ontario Provincial Police sniper at Ipperwash Park. Since then, many reports, including the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, the Report on the Ipperwash Inquiry and the more recent Truth and Reconciliation Commission report, all maintain that public education and education in schools will help eliminate racism. In response to these reports, the Anishinabek Nation has produced several books and teachers resources to help everyone understand about the treaty relationship and other First Nation issues. Donald Chretien has also produced artwork for three of those books. The first book that Donald produced artwork for is titled Marci Becking serves as the “The Little Butterfly Girl” which focuses on a girl losing senior communications officer her spirit in Residential School. for the Anishinabek Nation This book was written by Jenny and is managing editor of anishinabeknews.ca

Cover art by Donald Chrétien Earth Mother Speaks – From the breath of Mother Earth comes stories that we should be listening to. The person represents the anishinaabe and the fruit from the tree represents stories or things to be aware of. If you turn your head to the right you can see a profile of the head of Mother Earth and the tree of life coming from her mouth. Don is a citizen of Nipissing First Nation.

24th Annual Great Lakes Pow-wow Guide

Head Office:Anishinabek Nation Nipissing First Nation, 1 Migizii Miikan P.O. Box 711, North Bay, ON P1B 8J8 Toll free: 1-877-702-5200 Email: news@anishinabek.ca Website: www.anishinabeknews.ca Editor: Marci Becking Assistant Editor: Laura Barrios Ad Design: Priscilla Goulais Printing: Beatty Printing, North Bay Advertising Sales: Marci Becking Listings Coordinator: Brenda Labreche Chi-Miigwetch to our contributors: Donald Chretien, Sara Cornthwaite, Linda Debassige, Rick Garrick, Tamara Malcolm, Barb Nahwegahbow, Laurie McLeodShabogesic, Robert Snache, Kelly Anne Smith and Nikeeta Aazhgankwe Tobobondung

The Great Lakes Pow-wow Guide 2018 is the 24th annual directory/magazine produced by anishinabeknews. ca and published by the Anishinabek Nation communications unit. Over 10,000 copies are circulated and also posted on issuu.com. Copies are provided at no cost to the 40 member communities of the Anishinabek Nation. We have made every attempt to ensure the accuracy of our pow-wow listings. However, some dates may change and some may contain errors. Please confirm information in advance to avoid a long drive to an empty pow-wow ground. Views expressed are not necessarily the opinion or political position of the Union of Ontario Indians. No portion of this magazine, including advertisements, photos and other editorial content may be reproduced or published in any form (electronic or print) without the written permission of anishinabeknews.ca.

The gift of regalia ......................................... 4 Jingle Dress healing dance ......................... 7 Round Dance for Rama .................................9 New Eagle Staff............................................12

Wiigwossi Jiimaanke...................................13 Pow-wow Dance Styles ..............................19 Pow-wow Glossary & Etiquette ..................20 Pow-wow Listings .......................................21 2018 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 3

The gift of regalia By Rick Garrick Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek’s Gavin Eveleigh was gifted with a set of men’s grassy dancer regalia by three women from Long Lake #58 during the 30th Annual Lakehead University Native Students Association (LUNSA) Pow Wow. “It feels amazing,” Eveleigh says, after putting on the regalia. “I already want to dance in it, honestly.” Eveleigh says he feels humbled and grateful to be gifted with the regalia, noting that it is an expensive gift. “It’s a very beautiful gift,” Eveleigh says. “To be gifted it by some beautiful people, I really show my love to them.” Eveleigh says he usually wears a ribbon shirt that was put together by his mother while dancing at pow-wows. “It’s a beautiful thing to dance,” Eveleigh says. “It’s not only physical, but the vibrations and the movement. It really does bring healing.” Long Lake #58’s Judy Desmoulin, Roseanne Legarde and Pamela Hardy created and presented the regalia to Eveleigh. Hardy created the designs for the regalia and Legarde put the outfit together. “We saw him dancing at so many pow-wows without an outfit,” says Desmoulin, Long Lake #58’s health and social director. “It was so inspiring to see such a young man doing that, and even without an outfit. So it was really good to support our youth in this way, even though he’s not from our community.” Desmoulin says the women had the regalia ready to present to Eveleigh for about a month before the LUNSA Pow Wow, but were unable to connect with

Long Lake #58’s Judy Desmoulin, left, and Roseanne Legarde, right, gifted a men’s grassy dancer regalia along with Pamela Hardy to Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek’s Gavin Eveleigh, centre, during the 30th Annual Lakehead University Native Students Association (LUNSA) Pow Wow.

him. “I couldn’t wait (to see his) reaction,” Desmoulin says. “It was really quite a sight, especially for his mom. As First Nations people, we need to keep supporting our youth and our young people, give them that encouragement, give them that hope and make some of their wishes come true.” Legarde says it took about three to four days to create the regalia. “When he dances, he dances from grand entry to closing — the travelling song,” Legarde says. “We took it upon ourselves to support him. We’ve got the skill of sewing, so it wasn’t hard to do in that sense.”

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Legarde says it takes a lot of patience and a good mindset to put the regalia together. “You’ve got to stay positive,” Legarde says. “Every regalia is different. Like I told Gavin when we presented the regalia to him, this is the beginning of his story. Along his travels to different Pow Wows, he will add more to it. Judy gave him the bells, so he will have a story of how he put the bells together. He’ll have a story of how he got a bustle along the way, so that is his story. Hopefully we’ll be around when we see him in full regalia.” Legarde says it was an emotional experience when she and other two women presented Eveleigh with the regalia.

“He was shaking, I was shaking,” Legarde says. “I felt his happiness.” Legarde says they asked one of Eveleigh’s relatives for his colours in order to make the regalia. “So that is why we went with the blues,” Legarde says. The women also presented Eveleigh with an eagle feather and holder. “The eagle feather was given to me almost two years ago now,” Desmoulin says. “It was given to me for the work I do in my community in providing opportunities for our people to heal. So I just wanted to pass that feather to him to continue the healing wherever he goes.”


Debenjiged gii’saan anishinaaben akiing giibi dgwon gaadeni mnidoo waadiziwin. (Creator placed the Anishinabe on the earth along with the gift of spirituality.)

Shkode, nibi, aki, noodin, giibi dgosdoonan wii naagdowendmang maanpii shkagmigaang.

(Here on mother earth, there were gifts given to the Anishinabe to look after, fire, water, earth and wind.)

Debenjiged gii miinaan gechtwaa wendaagog Anishinaaben waa naagdoonjin ninda niizhwaaswi kino maadwinan: (The Creator also gave the Anishinabe seven sacred gifts to guide them. They are:)

Zaagidwin, Debwewin, Mnaadendmowin, Nbwaakaawin, Dbaadendiziwin, Gwekwaadziwin miinwa Aakedhewin. (Love, Truth, Respect, Wisdom, Humility, Honesty and Bravery.)

Debenjiged kiimiingona dedbinwe wi naagdowendiwin. (Creator gave us sovereignty to govern ourselves.)

Ka mnaadendanaa gaabi zhiwebag miinwaa nango megwaa ezhwebag, miinwa geyaabi waa ni zhiwebag. (We respect and honour the past, present and future.)

Preamble to the Anishinaabe Chi-Naaknigewin (Anishinabek Nation Constitution) Adopted by the Anishinabek Grand Council - June 6, 2012

Jingle Dress healing dance featured at Pow-Wow By Rick Garrick TORONTO —The 10th Annual George Brown College Four Sacred Colours Pow-Wow featured a jingle dress healing dance and a drum presentation on March 24. “That [jingle] dress has been given to the [Anishinabe] people to do that healing work,” says Luanna Shirt, a volunteer with the Pow Wow. “So these women were given tobacco to carry their prayers up for people who have sicknesses and worries or anything. They are asking for those healing prayers to be lifted up by that jingle dress dancer.” Pauline Shirt, knowledge and wisdom keeper at the Pow-Wow, says the jingle dress healing dance has been held for about six years. “It’s healing for everybody,” Pauline says. “It has really multiplied and people just come and get healed.” Pauline appreciates how the Pow Wow is held at the George

Brown College Waterfront Campus on “beautiful Lake Ontario”. “We sang to her and we spoke to her and we acknowledged her because she is going through a lot,” Pauline says about Lake Ontario. “And the big drum that was given to the students, that is an acknowledgement of all the hard work that each and every one of us have done, but also bringing a whole new life force to everybody.” Alex Jacobs, wisdom keeper at the Pow Wow, says he helped to initiate the drum. “I gave it a name — I don’t know if they are going to keep it,” Jacobs says. “So it was a good day. I met lots of people that I knew and met again after a long time away for some of them.” Jacobs adds that there was a very good turnout for this year’s Pow Wow. “I think it’s a larger turnout every year,” Jacobs says. “I see

The 10th Annual George Brown College Four Sacred Colours Pow Wow was fun for all participants on March 24 at the George Brown College Waterfront Campus on Lake Ontario.

many different nations coming in here and they are amazed at the friendliness that greets them when they come in here. We tend to try and be peaceful to all our brothers and sisters throughout the world and what better place can you do it than in an educational setting where you can begin with the little ones that you see crawling around the floor, mother’s carrying and grandmothers bouncing babies on their knees.” Deanne Hupfield, the Pow Wow’s head female dancer, says the opportunity to participate in cultural events such as the Pow Wow is empowering because all of her grandparents went to residential school. “So knowing my culture and dancing and participating in community events like this has really helped me strengthen my identity,” Hupfield says. “And helped me love myself and heal from the intergenerational trauma.”

Anthony Gladue, the Pow Wow’s head male dancer who is from Alberta, says he has been dancing since he was six-yearsold. “Pauline Shirt is a really close friend of mine,” Gladue says. “Every time I dance for her, it reminds her of home which is in Alberta as well. So she invites me out and I love just to dance.” Luanna says the Pow Wow was a “really beautiful start” to the Pow Wow season. “We are into spring now and this is something [that] is so beautiful to see,” Luanna says. “Even though it is an indoor Pow Wow, it’s the start of the season. Everyone is raring to go.” Luanna appreciates how the Pow Wow is held in a building with large windows looking out onto Lake Ontario. “So many hundreds of people come through here,” Luanna says. “And we have the Sacred Fire right there [outside the window].”

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Chippewas of Rama First Nation held their first Round Dance in March.

– Photo submitted by Stephanie McInnis

Round Dance for Rama By Rick Garrick CHIPPEWAS OF RAMA FIRST NATION—Rama’s first round dance was a success with about 200-300 people in attendance for a pipe ceremony, feast, singing by eight invited singers and a giveaway on March 31. “It went amazing — we had close to 200 people [who signed in],” says Stephanie McInnis, Minobmaaziwin worker with Rama’s Family Well Being program. “It was our first round dance we have done here in Rama, so it was a learning experience for us all. It was awesome and amazing having so many people come into our community and learning about the round dance and where it came from.” The pipe ceremony was conducted by Jimmy Dick with about 50-60 people in attendance and the feast was catered by Tami Lamb of Cornucopia Catering. The customary hanging up of the flags was done after the feast to signify the protection of the

dancers and other participants. “Once we hung the flags up and once we got started with the round dance, we probably had about 300 people,” says Melvin John, the emcee from Kehewin, Alberta. “They filled the dance floor pretty good—they had a good turnout.” The round dance’s special guest was Harvey Dreaver, the co-emcee was Beedahsiga Elliott and the stickman was Gabe Gaudet. The invited singers were Dave Hookima, Rob J. Henry, Lorne Pawis, Kyle Big Canoe, Brennan Govender, Elijah Stevens, Wayne Moberly and Gary Parker. “Once we filled all the eight singers that sang all their four songs, they more-or-less sang the night away,” John says. “After about six or seven singers went by, then we had a giveaway.” John says gifts were passed on to each and every one of the invited guests and community members during the giveaway.

“We had specific gifts for our invited singers and our honoured guests and also our Elders,” McInnis says. “After we had taken care of our honoured guests, Elders and singers, we had a giveaway for the rest of the community and people who came.” John says he tried to make the participants feel comfortable about round dancing by explaining how round dancers from Alberta dance a certain way according to where they are from. “Usually back home we would know where you are from by the way your hips go,” John says. “Whatever the community is in the surrounding area, we would know where you are from by the way you move. That’s what I told the audience, and they kind of got a giggle out of it, because I wanted them to feel comfortable that yes, this is their first one. And by the end of the night, everybody had their own little signature.” John says the highlight of the

round dance was when Harvey Dreaver spoke about how he grew up in the round dance and the protocols he learned from the Elders who asked him to sing. “His teachings were that these songs were meant to be passed down and he [shared] a story where a grandfather wanted to sing with him at a round dance,” John says. “And he told him to: ‘Remember the songs because I’m getting old now and these songs are meant to be passed on’.” John says some of the songs are done in English and some are done in the Indigenous language. “It’s really different from Pow Wow,” John says. “It’s more or less a healing ceremony where you ask for something and you then receive prayers for it and then you dance and then you feast. You end off with a closing song and then you allow that ceremony to leave.” Rama plans to hold another round dance next year.

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Bowwow Powwow: A pow-wow tale for the ages This playful story by Brenda Child is accompanied by a companion retelling in Ojibwe by Gordon Jourdain and brought to life by Jonathan Thunder’s vibrant dreamscapes. The result is a powwow tale for the ages. The best days of summer end at the powwow, but Windy Girl takes the revelry of the gathering one step farther, into a dreamworld where the dancers and singers are dogs. Windy Girl is blessed with a vivid imagination. From Uncle she gathers stories of long-ago traditions, about dances and sharing and gratitude. Windy can tell such stories herself—about her dog, Itchy Boy, and the way he dances to request a treat and how he wriggles with joy in response to, well, just about everything.

When Uncle and Windy Girl and Itchy Boy attend a powwow, Windy watches the dancers and listens to the singers. She eats tasty food and joins family and friends around the campfire. Later, Windy falls asleep under the stars. Now Uncle’s stories inspire other visions in her head: a bowwow powwow, where all the dancers are dogs. In these magical scenes, Windy sees veterans in a Grand Entry, and a visiting drum group, and traditional dancers, grass dancers, and jingle-dress dancers—all with telltale ears and paws and tails. All celebrating in song and dance. All attesting to the wonder of the powwow. Brenda Child is professor of American Studies at the University of Minnesota and author of Boarding School Seasons: American Indian

Families, 1900-1940, Holding Our World Together: Ojibwe Women and the Survival of Community, and My Grandfather's Knocking Sticks: Ojibwe Family Life and Labor on the Reservation, 19001940. Jonathan Thunder is an awardwinning painter and digital media artist living in Duluth, Minnesota. View his work at thunderfineart. com. Gordon Jourdain teaches at the Misaabekong Ojibwe Language Immersion program for Duluth Public Schools. Available now from Minnesota Historical Society Press $16.95 Hardcover, ISBN: 9781-68134-077-7

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2018 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 10


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A new Eagle Staff to honour those murdered and missing By Kelly Anne Smith NIPISSING FIRST NATION— A determined father carried the new Eagle Staff honouring Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Missing and Murdered Indigenous Men and Boys to the Timmins Traditional Pow Wow. Every Spring, the event is held as a celebration of life – the 2018 theme is Remembering and Honouring our Sisters and Brothers. This year's focus is on missing and murdered Indigenous people from across Canada. John Fox from Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory has worked hard to find answers surrounding the death of his daughter, Cheyenne Fox. John Fox has suffered through the pain of grieving and is now ready to share his story and help others. He will travel with his son Jonathan Jr. to the Traditional Pow Wow in Timmins with people expected to attend from all over Ontario. As the transition is made from the trauma to healing and positive change, Fox has placed

a new piece onto the new MMIWG/MMIMB Eagle Staff. The piece is a beautiful creation by Lily Armstrong of Nipissing First Nation. "We are going to retire the other one. We are moving forward from the loss. That is why it was created that way in the beginning. Now the Staff is in line with the actual carving and the work that was done for it. The vision came to me after almost two years of when we lost my daughter Cheyenne Fox." "It took quite some time to put it together. It could have taken longer but the guy worked on it steady. Normally it would have taken him a year to make that but he had that done in less than six months." "The stick that was made for it, in the beginning, it wasn't the proper stick for it. So, we had to replace that stick. I went to Manitoulin Island. A carver from the Madahbee family made one for it out of cedar to represent women." "When I went there to pick it up, the committee did an Honour

John Fox holds the new Eagle Staff for MMIWG (on reverse) and MMIWB. – Photo by Marci Becking

Dance for me and the Staff. They had wanted me to change the original stick because it was no longer appropriate." "We added the sculpture onto it to top it off for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. The turtle base is whittled [and] is made out of cedar, too, to represent all the Nations, the Clans. The artist in the community did all the Clans on

it, Carver Kevin Charles. There are little feathers on it, small little wee feathers. The whole thing is very detailed." "I will retire the other one and have a feast for it. We have already done a lot of the work for it. I will either burn it or put it in the bush, whatever the spirits tell me to do. It is all done in a spiritual way. The journey for healing has started."

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2018 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 12

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Anishinaabemowin Enji Jiingtamok (Ojibwe language at the Pow-wow)

Maamwi-biindigegaawag: Grand Entry G’chi-twaa-aabwinigan: Arbor Mgizi miigwanaatik: Eagle staff Akiwewin: Flag Anishinabek Akiwewin: Anishinabek Flag Zhimaaganish: Veteran Eniigaanzid: Arena Director Edabaakinaged: Judge Eniigaaniigaad-nini: Head Male Dancer Eniigaaniigaad-kwe: Head Female Dancer Giigida-nini: Male Emcee Edewegejik: Drummers Dewegan: Drum Deweganaatig: Drum stick Ngamo-kwe: Female singer Ngamo-nini: Male singer Mnaajaa-ngamwin: Honor song Mnaajaa-ngamwinan: Honor songs

Eniimijig: The Dancers Eniimid: The one who is dancing Gchi-nishinaabe zhigaawin: Traditional style Zhinawa’oojigan zhigaawin: The Jingle Dance Miishkonhsiing-eniimid: Grass Dancer (one who dances on the grass) Memengwaanhiing ezhigaad: Fancy Shawl Dancer (one who dances like a butterfly) Bineshiinh zhigaawin: Men’s Fancy Dance Niizho-tkokii zhigaawin: Two Step Dance Giimoochgaawin: Sneak Up Dance Aandeg Zhigaawin: Crow Hop Maawndogaang: Inter-tribal Dance



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2018 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 13




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Pow-wow Dance Styles

Men’s Traditional

A large Eagle Feather bustle worn on the back and extending up past the shoulder, loud bells on the ankles, and a dance style which portrays the dancer’s quest for game distinguish men’s traditional dancing from the other men’s categories. Their regalia features a large U-shaped bustle with a single row of wing or tail feathers and two spikes which point upwards. The bustle is attached at the waist. They also wear a longer porcupine hair roach with a spreader holding two feathers, a bead breastplate over their shirt, a vest with beadwork, an apron with beadwork, arm bands and cuffs, and a decorated belt. The dancer also carries a variety of objects, including the Eagle wing fan, in his hands. The bells, which jingle along with the beat of the drum as the dancer moves, are tied over the cuffs of the dancer’s pants. Dancing by taking two steps with one foot and then two steps with the other, and moving his body and head as though he is hunting for game, the men’s traditional dancer re-enacts the hunt just as his forefathers did. The Lakotas are usually credited with originating this style of dance.

White buckskin regalia with intricate beadwork designs, fringed shawls folded over one arm, and a dance style with slow and poised movements as the dancers bob to the drum distinguish women’s traditional dancing from the other women’s categories. Their regalia features fine handcrafted buckskin dresses which are decorated with intricate beadwork and long fringes. Their jewelry includes beaded barrettes, a beaded yoke with long buckskin strips that extend to the ankles, and fully-beaded moccasins. The dancers carry a folded shawl with long fringes over one arm and usually a fan in the hand of the other arm. Some dancers also carry a beaded bag. Dancing with elegance and grace, these highlyrespected women keep rhythm with the drum by bobbing up and down as they dance in one spot or take very slow steps. They must always have one foot in contact with the earth. Their regalia moves like a breeze through a willow tree. The women’s traditional dance is the oldest form of women’s dancing. Brightly-coloured shawls, held with outstretched arms and worn over the shoulders, brightly decorated regalia, and a dance style that emphasizes a constant whirl of graceful jumps, spins and intricate footwork distinguish fancy shawl dancing from the other women’s categories. Their regalia features colourful shawls, decorated with ribbon fringes, elaborate designs, and appliqué, which are held with outstretched arms as the dancer spins and whirls. The dancer wears an intricately-beaded or decorated cape, various beaded accessories including a headband, brightlybeaded moccasins that cover the calf, and a decorated skirt with ribbon fringes. Dancing with high energy and a fast pace, most fancy shawl dancers are physically fit. They dance with high-stepping footwork and a whirl of beauty, agility and grace as they keep time with the music. Their style mimics butterflies in flight, with the shawls imitating wings. Fancy shawl dancing is the newest form of dance, originating along the U.S.-Canada border during the mid-1900s.

Fancy Shawl

Women’s Traditional

Fancy Feather Brightly-coloured regalia, twin feather bustles worn on the back, and fast and intricate footwork combined with up-and- down spins distinguish fancy feather dancers from the other men’s categories. Their regalia features bright ribbons and brightly-coloured cloth, as well as great amounts of beadwork, including beaded headbands, medallions, armbands and cuffs. Their capes and aprons usually have ribbon fringing. Angora anklets are worn over the fullest part of the calf. A roach, with two feathers that can move freely, is worn on the head. The two feather bustles, one attached to the waist and the other attached to the shoulders, are colour co-ordinated with the rest of the regalia. Ribbons are usually attached to the tips of the feathers. Small hackle bustles which match the twin feather bustles are sometimes worn as armbands. Because their energetic dance style is much faster than the other men’s styles, most fancy feather dancers are in great physical condition. The quick moves of this style require agility and stamina. Fancy feather dancing originated in Oklahoma.

Grass Dancer

Yarn and ribbon-adorned regalia and a swaying dance style which features loose and flowing movements along with an emphasis on shoulder-shaking distinguish grass dancing from other men’s categories. Their regalia features lots of white, gold, silver or other brightly-coloured yarn and ribbons of different colours. They wear shirts and pants, with beaded or decorated belts, side tabs, armbands, cuffs, and front and back aprons. They also wear a beaded harness which can reach from the shoulders to the knees. They do not wear bustles of any kind. Grass dancers try to move their yarn and ribbon fringes in as many places as possible, creating a style which flows as the prairie grass does in the wind. This dance requires flexibility and stamina. The grass dance, the oldest form of dance, comes from the prairies. Some say it came from the stomping down of grass at the beginning of powwows, while others say it came from the tying of sweet-grass braids to the dancers’ belts.

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ARBOUR – central area of the Powwow grounds where the drums and singers are situated. BEADWORK – the beautiful designs created by sewing beads onto a particular piece of regalia. Beads were originally made from conch shells. BREASTPLATE – made from thin hollowed-out bones or long beads which are strung together to cover the dancer’s chest from the shoulders down to waist or knees. BUSTLES – made from feathers which are arranged together in a radial manner. They were originally worn by only a few honoured men, but now they are usually worn by men’s traditional and fancy feather dancers. Fancy feather dancers use turkey, hawk or Eagle feathers, while men’s traditional dancers almost always use Eagle feathers. CONTESTS – a competition for prizes and recognition against other dancers. Dance styles and age determine the categories of competition. Age groups usually are tiny tots, 0-5; little boys and girls, 5-12; junior boys and girls, 12-16; and seniors, 16-plus. Depending on the pow-wow and the category, prizes may reach $1500. GIVEAWAYS – a universal custom among the peoples of Turtle Island. Turtle Island societies believe that a person who is being honoured should provide gifts to other members of the society. Giveaways are appropriate for the big events in a person’s life, such as being the head dancer or entering the dance area in regalia for the first time. Giveaways by people being honoured or in honour of someone else are common at pow-wows. GRAND ENTRY – the parade of dancers which opens each pow-wow session. The Eagle Staffs are carried first into the circle, followed by the national flag and any other flag, usually carried by Veterans. The head dancers, along with any princesses or princes in attendance, and invited dignitaries are next in order. The men’s dancers follow next, then the women’s

dancers, then the junior boys and junior girls, with the little boys and girls last. After the Grand Entry, there is a Flag Song and then a prayer by an Elder in his/her language. The Eagle Staffs and the flags are then placed by the arbour. HONOUR SONGS – requested to honour a person for almost any reason, including a deceased person. People are requested to stand during honour songs. INTER-TRIBALS – songs which belong to no particular nation. Most intertribals are sung with vocables instead of words. They have become very popular because anyone can dance to these songs, which results in more people dancing. ROACH – type of headdress made from porcupine and deer hair. These are usually several rows of hair tied to a woven base, which allows the hair to stand up and move gracefully as the dancer moves. It is attached by a roach pin to a braid of hair or to strings tied around the head. Longer roaches are now in style, varying from 18 to 22 inches in length. Two feathers are usually attached to the roach. ROUND DANCE – usually held at the beginning of a pow-wow session. The dancers form a large circle in the dance area, with each dance style remaining together. A sontg is sung with a heavy 1-2-1 pattern and the dancers move laterally around the dance area. The faster styles dance closer to the arbour, and the slower styles dance farther away. Round dances are usually sung in sets of three or four songs. TWO-STEP – the head men’s dancer and the head women’s dancer dance together and lead a long string of paired dancers. The women usually ask the men to dance, and the men must dance when asked. The twostep can become very intricate, with the pairs splitting apart for a time and then rejoining later. People usually end up laughing as they do the twostep.

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Pow-Wows are fun events, but they are also sacred events. Ceremonial songs and dances, which are sacred, are performed from time to time throughout the pow-wow. People should stand during all ceremonial songs and dances. These include the Grand Entry, Flag Songs, Veteran Songs, Honour Songs and any other songs that the M.C. designates as ceremonial songs. Do not take any photos or video or sound recordings of ceremonies without asking permission from the person or group you are recording. Some areas of Turtle Island do not allow the recording of ceremonies, period. People should listen to the M.C. because he will announce the different songs and will also let people know when they can dance and when they cannot. He will also give out other information and news. Respect the Elders, drummers, singers, dancers, and the pow-wow staff and committee. The dancers wear regalia while they are dancing, not “costumes.” People should not touch the regalia. Appropriate dress and behaviours are required in the dance area. People should take good care of their children at pow-wows. Do not hold children while dancing the dance area. The child may be construed as a gift to the Creator. Do not run around the dance area. Always walk in a clockwise direction when you are in the dance area. Horseplay is not tolerated. Do not bring alcohol or drugs to a powwow. Do not come to a pow-wow while you are intoxicated. Dogs are not allowed around the powwow area. Bring your own chairs. Do not sit on someone else’s chair unless you have their permission. Remember you are a guest. Have fun, ask questions and meet people.

POW-WOW LISTINGS To avoid disappointment, please remember to check with the Pow-wow committee prior to your travels.

May 20

Hiawatha First Nation 23rd Annual Pow-wow GREAT FUN FOR ALL THE FAMILY!! A Cultural Celebration of Drumming, Regalia Dancing, Crafts & Foods Location: Lakeview Ceremonial Grounds, 126 Paudash St. Keene, ON Hiawatha First Nation Admission: 7 – 12yrs $3, 13 – 60 $6, Young children and Seniors are FREE Grand Entry: 11am – 5pm Drug and Alcohol Free Event Contact: (705) 295 – 4421 or Email: info@hiawathaafn.ca More Details @ www. hiawathafirstnation.com

May 23

Mountain View School Division 7th Annual Graduation Pow-wow Location: Dauphin Regional Comprehensive Secondary School gymnasium - 330 Mountain Rd. Dauphin, Manitoba Everyone welcome Grand Entry: 10:00 am Contact: Wade Houle (204) 638 4629 Email: whoule@mvsd.ca

May 26-27

42nd Annual Odawa Traditional Pow-wow Location: 200 Moodie Dr. Ottawa, ON Grand Entry: Sat 12 pm & 6pm, Sun 12pm (Gates open at 10am) Free Admission (Donations accepted at the gate) Honourarium for Dancers and Singers will be provided For Vendor inquires contact: info@ odawa.on.ca or call: (613)722-3811 Website: http://www.odawa. on.ca/powwow.html

May 26-27

31st Annual Upper Mattaponi Indian Tribe Pow-wow Location: Tribal Grounds, Rt. 30 King William V.A. – 13476 King William Rd, Virginia Admission: 6-12 $5; 13-59 $8; Seniors and young children FREE Grounds open: 10 am Grand Entry: Sat 12 pm; Sun 1 pm Drum Competition (5 drummers minimum to compete) and Dance Competitions Food Concessions over 20 vendors Declarations: NO Drugs, NO alcohol, NO Pets and NO Coolers Contact: Joey Adams (804)400–6164 or Frank Adams (804)690-1694 Website: www. uppermattaponipowwow.com

June 1st

Chippewas of the Thames Annual Children’s Pow-wow Location: Antler River Elementary School, 324 Chippewa Rd Grand Entry: FRI 10 am Admission: $2/person Host/Co-host drum: TBA Special Declaration: No Drugs or Alcohol, Service Pets Only Vendors: First Nations owned and operated vendors only. Contact: Band Office 519-289-1000

June 2 - 3

Aundeck Omni Kaning Annual Traditional Pow-wow Embracing the Seven Grandfather Teachings Location: On the beautiful shores of the North Channel on Manitoulin Island, 5 minutes west of Little Current on Hwy 540, turn on Lake Road Admission: FREE Grand Entry: Sat 12pm & 7pm and Sun 11am MC: Mista Wasis (Greg Dreaver) Arena Director: Robert Stoneypoint Host Drum: High Eagle Head Dancers: Talon Whiteye and Mariah Abotossaway Rough Camping available (must be 18+ for campsite registration) Craft Vendors $100 for the weekend. Food Vendors $150 for the weekend Declarations: Please bring your own chair. No Alcohol, Drugs or Non-service Pets allowed Contact: Pow-wow Coordinator Mandy Shawanda (705) 368 - 0739 ext 1 or email: mshawanda@aokfn. com Website: www. aundeckomnikaningfn.com

June 2-3

Kitigan Zibi Traditional Pow-wow Location: 41 Kikinamage Mikan Zibi, Maniwaki, Que Sunrise Ceremony: 5:30 am Grand Entry: 12 pm both days Admission: Free Declarations: NO ALCOHOL OR DRUGS allowed on the pow wow grounds; Service Animals are permitted but please no PETS; Although there is Security on the premises children should be accompanied by an adult at all times. Contact: KZA Pow-wow Coordinator (819) 441-1655 or via email: kzpowwow@gmail.com Website: www.kzpowwow.ca

June 2-3

23rd Annual Aboriginal Gathering

Miah Day crowned Lil Miss Genaabaajing at the 2017 Serpent River Pow-Wow. – Photo by Tamara Malcolm and 15th Annual Traditional Powwow Location: 12 Foot Davis Event Park, Peace River Special Events: Fiddling Saturday 4pm and Jigging Contest 4pm, Hand drum groups, games, concessions Grand Entry: 1:00 pm daily Admission Fee: FREE Free Stew and Bannock Saturday 5pm Arena Director: George Desjarlais Drum Boss: Walter White Host Drum: Wildhorse Registration: Dancers: $5.00 Special Declaration: Authentic Indigenous Craft and Food Vendors, Also please No alcohol, No Drugs Contact: (780)674-6316 Contact via Email: wendygoulet3@ gmail.com Website: www.peaceriveraic.com

June 2 - 3

Barrie Native Friendship Centre 29th Traditional Pow-Wow

"Honouring our Founders” Located: Springwater Provincial Park Midhurst, ON. 1331 ON-26 Admission: $5.00 Grand Entry: Sat 12pm & 7pm; Sun 12pm Feast: Sat 5:30pm Contact: Vanessa Kennedy Barrie Native Friendship Centre, 705-7217689 ext 223. Declaration: Service Pets only Please and Drugs or Alcohol are not permitted

June 9 - 10

Henvey Inlet First Nation 14th Annual Traditional Pow-Wow Theme: Honouring our Drummers and Dancers, Past, Present and Future Located: 40 mins South of Sudbury along Hwy 69 @ Pickerel River Rd Turnoff, Approx 1 Hour North of Parry Sound (Look for the Pow-wow signs) Grand Entry: SAT 12:00 pm/ 7:00

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POW-WOW LISTINGS pm and SUN 1:00pm Feast: Saturday 5:00 pm Host Drum: Young Eagle Co-Host Drum: Black Bull Moose Guest invite drum: Lake of the Woods Singers M.C.: Paul Owl Stickman: Robert Stoneypoint Head dancers: Chance King, Danielle Jones This is a Drug and Alcohol Free Event Contact Information: Head Coordinator Kimberly McQuabbie at kmcquabbie@gmail.com (705)8572331 or visit our Facebook page Henvey 2018 Pow wow

June 9 – 10

Smith Falls Traditional annual Pow-Wow Location: Duck Island, Smith Falls ON Registrations: Gates open 10 am Sat and Sun Grand Entry: Sat 12pm and 6pm; sun 12pm Feast: Community Bison Feast Sat 5pm Host Drum: Bear Nation MC: Greg Dreaver Male Head Dancer: Awema Tendesi from Kitigan Zibi Female Head Dancer: Josee Bourgeois of Pikwakanagan First Nation For more information please contact: Megan Mcilvenna at mmcilvenna@smithfalls.ca

June 9 – 10

North Bay Indian Friendship Centre's Maamwi Kindaaswin PowWow Celebration "Celebrating our Families" Grand-Entry: Saturday: 12pm & 7pm; Sunday: 12pm FEAST: Sat 5pm Location: Lee Park. 800 Memorial Dr. North Bay, ON Host drum: High Ridge Co-host drum: North Bay Singers MC: Gary Dokis Head Veteran: Phillip Moore Arena Director: Roger Assiniwe Head Elders: Larry McLeod Adult Female Dancer: Katherine Sarazin Youth Male Dancer: Ned Benson Daily Honorariums for registered Dancers-First 4 Registered Drums will receive an Honourarium of $500 (minimum 5 Singers) Everyone Welcome-Bring a chair! DRUG & ALCOHOL FREE EVENTDesignated Smoking Area- NO Pets! Water Stations will be availableBring your own bottle! Maamwi Kindaaswin Festival will not be responsible for injuries, theft, damages, or any other

Keegan, Liz and their daughter Shki-Aandseh at the 45th annual Delaware Powwow 2017 – Photo by Nikeeta Aazhgankwe Tobobondung liability associated with the festival. Please be advised there is no camping at the Pow-Wow Grounds. Vendors: Authentic Native Craft Vendors ONLY & Food VendorsPlease 705-472-2811. Simon ext. 220 or Serena ext. 227 Admission: FREE Event Contact: Jen Seguin at 705-4722811 ext.222 or Dan Desrochers at ext.216 Emails: akwego2@nbifc.org or kizhaay@nbifc.org

June 15- 17

Rainy River First Nations Traditional Pow-wow Location: Emo, ON: Hwy 11 and Hwy 71 Junction Grand Entry: Fri 7pm warm-ups; Sat and Sun 1pm and 7pm Admission: FREE Special Event: Friday evening Princess and Brave Pagents 7 pm Please no Drugs, Alcohol or Pets (unless service pets) Contact Rainy River First Nations Pow-wow Coordinator: (807)4822479

June 23 - 24

Aamjiwnaang First Nation 57th Annual Pow-Wow Location: 1972 Virgil Ave., Sarnia, Ontario (Bear Park behind the Community Centre) Gates Open: 10 am both days Registration closes Saturday 11:45am Grand Entry: SAT 12 pm and 6pm, SUN 12pm Admission Fee: $8.00 per day ages 6 to 54, Seniors 55+, Kids 5 and

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under are FREE ALL DANCERS MUST REGISTER IN PERSON for all dance categories including Tiny Tots, Baby Contest & Specials. Dance and Drum Contests over $52,000 in Prizes (All prizes are paid in cash) Special Declarations: Committee is not responsible for theft, accidents, lodging, inclement weather or lack of travelling funds. ABSOLUTELY NO DRUGS, ALCOHOL OR PETS ALLOWED ON THE PREMISES. Rough camping and showers available. Contact: Tracy Williams at twilliams@aamjiwnaang.ca or Tanya Williams at tanya.williams@ aamjiwnaang.ca or 519-336-8410

June 16 - 17

Buzwa Traditional Pow-wow Location: Thunderbird Ball park; 18A Kaboni Rd. Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory. Grand Entry: Sat 12 pm and 7 pm: Sun 12 pm Admission: Free Vendors: Aboriginal Vendors only please Disclaimer/ Declarations: Absolutely no drugs or alcohol, no pets. Pow-wow committee is not responsible for any lost or stolen items, or any accidents or injuries For more information contact: (705)859 – 2385

June 16 - 17

Sheshegwaning 24th Annual Traditional Pow-wow Theme: Water Location: Sheshegwaning Pow-wow

Grounds, In the community next to skating rink, Sheshegwaning, ON Directions: Hwy# 540 Grand Entry: SAT. 11:00 & 7:00 pm; SUN. 11:00am Admission: Free Admission Contact: Loretta Roy 705-283-3292 Email: lorettaroy@sheshegwaning. org

June 23 – 24

Summer Solstice Aboriginal Festival Competition Pow-wow Location: Vincent Massey Park, Riverside Dr at Heron Rd. Ottawa, ON Admission: FREE Grand Entry: Sat 12pm & 6 pm; Sun 12pm Head Veteran: Preston E. Tonepahhote Host Drum: Black Stone Singers MC: William Constant Co MC: Wesley King Arena Director: TBD Head dancers will be chosen per session Friday night specials TBA Both Drum and Dance competitions C&T tabulating (points start Sat June 23) Registration closes 11:30am Saturday in lieu of Drum Roll Call at 11:45am No on-site camping available Pow-wow Coordinator: Dale Matasawagon Email: Powwow@ ottawasummersolstice.ca Vendor information: registrations@ ottawasummersolstice.ca Please no alcohol or drugs and Service Pets only Website: www. ottawasummersolstice.ca or call:

POW-WOW LISTINGS (613)383-5558.

June 21

Na-Me-Res Traditional Pow-Wow Location: Fort York National Historic Site-250 Fort York Blvd. Toronto,ON Admission: FREE, Everyone welcome! Grand Entry 12:00 noon Dancer registration: 10 am Flags retire at 4pm followed by a Feast at 5pm Only the first five uninvited drums will be allowed to setup due to minimum amount of time and space available For more information contact Blanch White 416-651-6750 ext. 2233 Email: admin@nameres.org

June 30 – July 1

Dokis First Nation 18th Annual Traditional Pow-Wow

“Honouring Our Children and Youth" Location: Dokis First Nation Powwow Grounds Grand Entry: Saturday 12:00PM & 7:00PM; Sunday 12:00PM Feast: Sat 5pm Sunrise Ceremony: 5:30AM Saturday & Sunday Daily Honourariums for registered Dancers - Registered Drums with minimum 5 singers will receive an honorarium of $400 – All Singers and Dancers must register daily to be eligible for honourarium. Authentic Native Craft Vendors only: $100.00 weekend Food Vendors: $200.00 for weekend (no electricity or water) Must be paid in full by Saturday June 30 at 3:00PM SPECIALS Men’s Traditional Special (18+) Sponsored by Head male dancer Potato Dance Special - Home of the Potato Dance Champions; Sponsored by the Restoule Sisters

Prize: $50.00 & Certificates All Ages Welcome – No registration required Miss Okikendawt Pageant 2018 You must be out going, fun, respectable, honest, and a role model for Dokis First Nation. You do not need to be a member of Dokis First Nation, however, relationship to and community knowledge of Dokis First Nation is an asset. Promote Dokis First Nation in the best way you can by attending pow wows, workshops, speaking engagements, meeting with media, etc. For more information, please Contact: Nathalie Restoule via Facebook or email natrestoule@gmail.com PARKING: Please follow signs and park in designated areas – No camping allowed in parking; RV’s permitted. CAMPING: Please camp in

designated areas; rough camping. No camping will be allowed in designated parking area. In the event there is a fire ban, please follow instruction accordingly. Absolutely NO alcohol or drugs – No Pets! Dokis Cultural Committee will not be responsible for any injuries, theft, damages or any other liability associated with the powwow. CONTACT: Paige Restoule 705-4940912 and/or Gwen Dokis 705-7632112

June 29 - July 1

Fort William First Nation “Heartbeat of our Nation” Location: Anemki Wajiw (Mount McKay) Warmups: Friday Grand Entry: Sat 1pm and 6pm; Sun 1pm Closing Ceremony (retiring the flags): 6pm Sunday

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POW-WOW LISTINGS Feast: Saturday & Sunday –5pm (Please Bring Feast Bundles) Admission Fee: No admission fee Head Drum: HBO Singers Head Dancers: Nathan & Cecile Moses Elder: Arnold Pelly Friday: Warmups, Princess/Brave Pageant (Registration 6pm) Singer Special see poster for more details Vendors Please contact Julie Michano to register Special Declarations: Rough camping available. No drugs or alcohol permitted. Contact: Julie Michano (807) 228 – 1703 email contact: Julie. michano@picriver.com

July 7- 8

Snake Dance - Chippewas of Rama First Nation. Admission: FREE Camping is available Disclaimer: Drug and Alcohol free event, Please no pets Vendors contact: Ginger Randle via email GingerRandle@fwfn.com or Phone: (807)622-6931 For more information Contact: Gail Bannon-Culture and Recreation Coordinator at GailRBannon@fwfn. com or (807)622-4514

June 30 – July 1

BEAUSOLEIL FIRST NATION Island in the Sun Annual Pow-wow Location: Christian Island Pow-wow Grounds 12 PM Grand Entry (both days) 7 PM Grand Entry on Saturday Sunrise Ceremony on Saturday Morning Vendors Welcome Rough Camping available Contact Owen via phone: 705-2472912 Website: www.chimnissing.ca

June 30 – July 1

Little River Band 23rd Annual Traditional Jiingtamok Location: Tribal Gathering Grounds, 2608 Government Center Drive Manistee, Michigan 49660 Traditional Pow-Wow with some dance and drum specials Grand Entry: SAT 1:00 pm & 7pm; SUN 12:00 pm No Admission or Parking Fees Bleacher seating available, however feel free to bring your own chair Native American Art, Craft and

Food Vendors Declaration: Please No Alcohol, Drugs, Weapons or Pets (unless they are Service Pets) Contact: Jay Sam 231-398-6893 or Kenny Pheasant 231-398-6892 Email: jsam@lrboi-nsn.gov or kpheasant@lrboi-nsn.gov Website: www.lrboi-nsn.gov

June 30 – July 1

Munsee-Delaware Nation Pow-wow and Traditional Gathering Location: 289 Jubilee Dr, Munsee, ON Grand Entry: 12 pm both days Family Event with Free Admission Vendors: Craft Vendors $100; Food vendors $200 for weekend(incl Sat and Sun) Rough Camping is available. Showers at the community centre Declaration: No Alcohol, No Drugs and No Pets please. No Audio or Video recording allowed. Contact: Debbie Richter 519 289 5396 ext 234

July 6 - 8

Miawpukek First Nation, Conne River, NL MC: Mike Doucette Arena Director: Garland Augustine Grand Entry: 1:00 pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday Admission Fee: FREE Special Declarations: No drugs or Alcohol Everyone welcome Contact: Colleen Lambert (709)882-2470 or via Email: tcr@ mfngov.ca

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– Photo by Robert Snache

July 6-7

First Nation & Aboriginal Advisory Committee at the French River Visitor Centre 12th Annual Gathering and PowWow Theme: “BEMINAAWNIDAT – WHERE ANIMALS WALK” Admission: FREE Family Event LOCATION: French River Visitor Centre south west side of the French River Bridge on Hwy 69 Friday, July 6, 2018 – 10 am – 3pm – Quill and Birch Bark workshop 2:30 pm – 6:30 pm - open mic Saturday, July 7, 2018 - GRAND ENTRY at 12:30 p.m. Strings Across the Sky Give away and FEAST: 5pm SPECIAL DECLARATIONS: Everyone is welcome. This is a family friendly celebration. No drugs or alcohol permitted. Please no Pets in Ceremony grounds, exception service dogs. Wheelchair Accessible . Vendor space is free. For more Information: 705-7746695; 705-857-1630 or 705-3892760

July 6 - 8

35th Annual Biigtigong Nishnaabeg Traditional Pow-Wow Location: Heron Bay, Ontario, Pic River Pow wow Grounds Directions: Off Highway 627 Sunrise ceremony: 10 am Grand Entry: Saturday at 1 pm & 7 pm and Sunday at 1 pm Breakfast: Sat & Sun 8 am

Sheguiandah First Nation Annual Traditional Jiingtimok Location: Pow-wow grounds, Sheguiandah First Nation, Hwy. 6. Admission: FREE Lighting of Sacred Fire: Thursday morning July 5th 2018 Sunrise: Thursday thru to Sunday morning sunrise ceremony approx 5:30 am at Pow wow grounds Grand Entry: 12pm both days Feast bags recommended for Saturday feast approx 5pm Rough Camping avail, first come first served Vendors permitted - both food and craft vendors must be native vendors Contact: Pearl at 705 368 2726 (Pow-wow Coordinator)

July 14 - 15

Alderville First Nation 24th Annual Traditional Pow-wow Theme: Honouring the Fire, Honouring the Water Location: 5787 Roseneath Landing Road, ALDERVILLE FIRST NATION Admission: 0-6 FREE; 7-12 $3; 1359 $6; 60+ FREE Participating Drummers and Dancers are FREE Grand Entry: 12 pm Rough camping available – no hydro; Showers avail off-site Drums please call/email to register First Nation food and craft vendors contact (905) 352-2140 Contact: Health and Social Services (905) 352 – 2140

July 7 - 8

Kettle and Stony Point First Nation 47th Annual Competition Pow-wow Location: Pow-wow Grounds, 9226 Lake Rd. Kettle and Stony Point First Nation Admission: 6-19 $5; 19-59 $8, Seniors and children FREE Grand Entry: Sat 1pm and 7pm; Sun 12pm

POW-WOW LISTINGS Registration: Sat 10-12pm and Sun 10-10:30am Special Event: Baby Contest Sunday 11 am Hydro hook ups for vendors avail Rough Camping available Vendors must pay in advance upon arrival Contact: Brenda George (519)7863076 or Email: brendageorge@ gmail.com

July 13 – 15

Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians 37th Annual Traditional Pow-Wow THEME: Respecting our way of life at Bawaating Location: Sault Tribe Pow-wow Grounds; Entrance from Bahweting Dr. off Skunk Rd. Admission: FREE Spiritual Gathering Thursday July 12 at Sunrise Fri: Childrens’ carnival 5:30 – 7pm; Open Drum and dance 7pm Registrations Sat 10 am - 1pm Grand Entry: Sat 1 pm and 7 pm; Sun 12pm Singing and Dancing contests winners announced 3pm Sunday Rough camping avail, bathrooms and showers onsite. Declarations: Absolutely No Drugs or Alcohol Contact: Sault Tribe Cultural Dept (906) 635 - 6050

July 14 – 15

Temagami First Nation Annual Powwow Location: Municipality of Temagami Admission if any: FREE: Boat shuttle service $5 to and from Temagami Access Road Special Declaration: No Drugs or Alcohol Contact Information: Tyler Paul via email: tyler.paul@ temagamifirstnation.ca Phone: (705)237 – 8900 Look for the Facebook Page '2018 Temagami First Nation Annual Traditional Pow Wow'

July 20 – 22

Red Rock First Nation Annual Traditional Pow-wow Location: Lake Helen Reserve – HWY 11 & HWY 17 Grand Entry: Warmups Friday 7pm , Sat & Sun 1 pm Feast: Sat and Sun 5pm (Please bring feast bundles) Rough Camping available Vendors: Food vendors and Craft Vendors welcome please contact Judy (807) 887 - 2510 Please no drugs, alcohol or Pets.

July 21 - 22

Mississaugas of Scugog Island First

Nation 21st Annual Pow-Wow Location: Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation Pow-Wow Grounds 22521 Island Rd, Port Perry, ON Directions: Take Highway 7A East from Port Perry, going across the causeway. Turn left on Island Road. Pow-wow grounds will be on the right side (East side), approx. 10km along Island Rd. (1km past Great Blue Heron Charity Casino). NO DRUGS or ALCOHOL; and NO pets please For more information please contact: info@scugogfirstnation. com Vendors Contact: Anne Harmsworth email: harmsworthanne2010@yahoo.ca

July 21 – 22

Pays Plat First Nation Traditional Pow-wow “Strengthening our Communities” Location: Pays Plat Pow-wow Grounds Grand Entry: Sat 12pm & 7pm; Sun 12pm Feast: Sat 5pm (Please bring feast bundle) Special Event: Friday 7pm: Warm ups and socials This is a Drug and Alcohol Free Family Event, Rough camping avail Vendors contact: Claire (807)8242541 For any further information please call Valerie (807)824 - 2541

July 27 – 29

25th Annual Anishinaabe Family Language and Cultural Camp “Celebrating the Unity of Our Language & Culture” Sponsored by the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians of the Anishinaabe Nation and the Little River Casino Resort Location: Pow-wow Grounds, corner of M22 & US 31 across from Little River Casino Resort, 2596 Loon Drive, Manistee MI, USA Presentations are Anishinaabemowin with English used as a second language and are aimed at all ages. Admission: No registration Fees Meals Provided (Bring your Feast Bundles) Bring your Nation’s Flag and a Giveaway Gift Declarations: Showers on site, First come-first served for the camping area. We politely ask that English be used a second language while in attendance, Please ensure to dress appropriately if participating in Ceremony (Women wearing long skirts) Some presentations/workshops may include: cultural teachings,

Dancer at Council Fire Youth Pow Wow, Toronto, August 2017. – Photo by Barb Nahwegahbow traditional medicines, craft making, games, language learning, etc. Contact: Kenny Naganiwane Pheasant: 231-590-1187 or 231-3986892 or Toll Free (888)723-8288. Email: kpheasant@lrboi-nsn.gov Website: www.anishinaabemdaa. com or www.lrboi-nsn.gov

July 27 - 29

Grand River Pow-wow Location: Chiefswood Tent and Trailer park: Six Nations of the Grand River, Brant Country Road 254, Ohsweken, Ontario Admission: Ages 6-12 - $2; Adults $10 or weekend pass $15; Gates Open: 10 am Grand Entry: Sat 12 pm and 7pm; 12pm Sun Feast: Sat 5pm Rain Site: Gaylord Powless Arena, in the village of Ohsweken Friday Entertainment – Food and Craft Vendors avail 6pm Only Service Animals are permitted, no Pets please Alcohol and drugs are NOT Permitted anywhere on grounds! Contact: Pow-wow Committee, 519-751-3908 Website: www.grpowwow.ca

July 28 - 29

Atikameksheng Anishnawbek 30th Annual Gathering “Homecoming-In Honor of Our Families” (Whitefish Lake First Nation Powwow) Location: Atikameksheng Anishnawbek Pow-wow Grounds, Naughton, ON Directions: Regional Road 55, 22km, West of Sudbury, turn on Reserve Road Admission: FREE Sunrise ceremonies: Sat & Sun Grand Entry: Sat 12pm & 7pm, Sun 12pm Feast: Saturday 5pm – Please bring feast bundles

Host Drum: Little Creek Singers Elders: Gordon Waindubence, Joan Elliott Venders: Registration required Food Venders’ fee-$100.00 for Saturday & Sunday plus a donation towards Saturday’s giveaway Craft Vendors’ fee-$150.00 for Saturday & Sunday plus a donation towards Saturday’s giveaway Payment is due by July 12, 2018. Declarations: No drugs or alcohol permitted; Service animals permitted only, no pets Rough Camping available; no electricity or potable water, Not responsible for any accidents, injuries, lost, stolen or damaged items. For more information and vendor registration please contact: Kimberly Nootchtai, Annual Gathering Volunteer Telephone: 705-855-4050, please leave a message and contact number or Email: kimberly_lynn@ hotmail.com

August 4 - 5

Thessalon First Nation 23rd Annual Traditional Pow-wow Location: Thessalon First Nation Pow-wow Grounds, Thessalon, ON Directions: Hwy. #17 East turn right Maple Ridge Rd., turn right Biish Road, follow signs. Registration and camp set up: Friday at Pow-wow grounds Grand Entry: 12 pm both days Feast: Sat. 5pm – Bring Feast Bags (plates/cutlery) Social Entertainment after feast Rough Camping available Declarations: No drugs or alcohol permitted Contact: Harley Syrette at 705-8422670 ext 236

August 4 -5

Wasauksing 8th Traditional Pow -wow Location: Pow-Wow Grounds: Depot Harbour, Wasausking First

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POW-WOW LISTINGS Organization and the community of Wikwemikong is not responsible for accidents, thefts, or property damage. No blanket dances will be accepted. All presentation honorariums and registration fees are in Canadian currency. Contact Information: Sheena Wassegijig Toll Free: (877) 8592385 Website: www. wikwemikongheritage.org Instagram: @wiikwemkoong_acf Twitter: @annualcultural Facebook: "Wiikwemkoong Annual Cultural Festival"

August 10 - 12

28th Annual Celebration of the Genaabaajiing Traditional Pow-wow "Celebrating Resilience” Location: Serpent River First Nation (Cutler, ON) Directions: Half way between Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie on Hwy 17. Sunrise Ceremony: Ray Jackson Grand Entry: Friday 7pm – Social ; Saturday 12pm & 7pm; Sunday 12pm Feast: Sat 5pm and Sun 9am Breakfast – Please bring feast bundles Host Drum: The Boyz “TBZ” Co-Host Drum: Little Creek MC: Joel Syrette Co-MC: Quinn Meawasige Women’s & Men’s Traditional special, Hand Drum Contest No drugs or alcohol at any time. Please no Pets. Vendors can call or email: Lee Simpson Johnston (705) 844 - 2298

August 4 - 5

Pierre Debassige, 16, at the 2017 Grand River Pow-wow. – Photo by Linda Debassige Nation Directions: 10 minutes from Parry Sound, on Bowes St, turn South on Great Northern Road, turn right on Emily St. and follow through on Rose Point Road, cross bridge to Wasauksing First Nation. Grand Entry: 12pm Admission: Donation Vendors please contact: Debbie King (705)746 – 8022 Declarations: No Alcohol or drugs; Please no pets on the Pow-wow grounds Contact: Kelly King, Debbie King or Maggie Tabobodung @ (705) 746 - 8022

August 4 - 6

58th Annual Cultural Festival Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve Location: Wikwemikong, Ontario, Manitoulin Island, ON off Highway #6, follow Wikwemikong Way to Thunderbird Park Address: 18A Kaboni Rd "Thunderbird Park" Grand Entry: Sat 12pm & 6pm; Sun 12pm; Mon 12pm Admission: Adults $10 daily or $20 weekend pass, children (6 – 12 yrs) $2, elders 65+ and children under 6 FREE Declaration: This is an alcohol and substance free event. Anishinaabe Vendors Only. 24 hour security. Wikwemikong Heritage

2018 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 26

Michipicoten First Nation Annual Pow-wow Theme: We Honour our Children and Our Future Head Female dancer - Robin Morin Head Male dancer – Will Morin Grand Entry: Sat 12:00p.m. & 7:00 p.m and Sun 12:00 p.m. Feast: Sat 5pm at Pow-wow Grounds (FEAST BAGS are strongly encouraged) Rough Camping available along the shores of Lake Superior (First come first served) Food Vendors $100.00 per weekend Craft Vendors $75.00 per weekend Everyone welcome, Please no drugs or alcohol Contact phone #: 1-705-856-1993: Nancy Andre: Ext # 226, Linda Peterson Ext # 218, lpeterson@ michipicoten.com

August 11 - 12

Saugeen First Nation 46th Annual Competition Pow-wow Location: James Mason Centre,

Saugeen First Nation located just outside Southampton, ON. Three hours northwest of Toronto along sandy beaches of Lake Huron. Access to drive-on sandy beach. 5 minutes east of Southampton Ontario & 5 minutes to Sauble Beach–located at Saugeen First Nation#29 Admission: Nominal Fee, Free Parking Grand Entry: Both days at 12pm Feast: Sat. at 5pm Vendors please register in advance Contact: Mike Henry 519 375 6581 or Band office 519 797 2781 x 1102 Rough camping available with showers

August 17 - 19

NEYAASHIINIGMIING PWAAGANIGAA Chippewas of Nawash First Nation 34th Annual Traditional Pow-wow “Honouring our Veterans” Location: Cape Croker Park, 112 Park RD, Neyaashiinigmiing ON N0H 2T0 Admission: ages 7 – 54 $5+ a non-perishable food item; Young children and elders are free Special Events: Neyaashiiningming Talent Night 6-10pm, Free Admission Declaration: Please No Drugs, Alcohol or Pets Contact: Shawn Nadjiwon (519) 534-0981 or email: nawash.events. planner@outlook.com

August 18 - 19

Algonquins of Pikwakanagan Traditional Pow-wow Location: 2 km off Hwy 60. Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation, Golden Lake, ON Grand Entry: 12 noon on both days. Saturday evening Social Rough camping available, No Hydro Admission: $6 ; 12 yrs under Free; Participants are FREE (Dancers, Drummers, etc) Craft Vendors: Please register in advance Contact: Jamie Sarazin (613) 625 - 1109 Website: algonquinsofpikwakanagan.ca

August 18 - 19

Chippewas of the Thames Homecoming and 41st Annual Competition Pow-wow Location: Chippewa Ball Park, Muncey First Nation, 640 Jubilee Rd., Muncey, Ont., Located 25km SW of London, Ontario; Off Hwy 2 Longwoods Rd., Exits on Hwy 402 Delaware, Hwy 401 Iona Rd. Grand Entry: SAT 12 pm & 6 pm; SUN 12pm Feast: Sat 5pm Special Events: Team dance, Hand

POW-WOW LISTINGS drum, Switch up, baby contest on Sunday Special Declaration: No Drugs or Alcohol; Please no pets Vendors: First Nations owned and operated vendors only. Rough Camping at the park with showers avail at the community centre Contact: Telephone: Robin 519-2890584 or email: infolhc@cottfn.com

August 18-19

Garden River First Nation Pow-Wow Honouring Our Women Host Drum- White Tail Singers Co-Host Drum - Fearless Thunder MC - Gary Parker Arena Director - Kevin Syrette Head Veteran - Craig Jackson Head Youth Dancers - Kevin Boissoneau and Melina Jones-Reid Head Male - John Hodson Head Female - Kristol Abel Grand Entries: Saturday: 1-7pm Sunday: 12pm Saturday Feast: 5pm For more information contact Terri Tice territice66@gmail.com, info@ gardenriver.org or 705-946-6300

August 18 -19

8th Annual Mattagami First Nation Pow-wow Location: Mattagami First Nation is located 2 1/2 hours North of Sudbury and 1 hour South of Timmins Grand Entry: Saturday 12pm & 7pm and Sunday at noon. Feast: SAT at 5pm (Food Donations accepted) Vendors Welcomed – Contact Dorothy Naveau @ 888 269 7729 ext 221 Everyone Welcomed to Attend Declaration: This is a drug and alcohol FREE gathering Free Rough Camping Contact information: Dorothy or Jennifer 1-888-269-7729

August 18 - 19

Wahnapitae First Nation 23rd Annual Traditional Pow-wow Mnaajaadanik Emaakzijik “Honouring Our People with Disabilities and Special Needs” Location: Wahnapitae First Nation Pow-wow Grounds, 139 Loonway Rd. Wahnapitae, Ontario via Capreol, Ontario Directions: 52 km north of Sudbury (just past Capreol, ON) Admission: FREE Sunrise Ceremony: Thurs-Sun 6am Grand Entry: Sat. 12pm; Sun. 1pm Registration daily: 10am - 1pm (regalia must be on to register) MC: Gerard Sagassige

Nipissing First Nation Pow-wow 2017. Arena Director: Robert Stoneypoint Calling all Dancers, Singers, and Drummers Vendors: Traditional Foods and Crafts please Rough Camping available, Contact: WFN Cultural Coordinator Lori Corbiere (705) 858-0610 (business hours)ext 213 or email: cultural@wahnapitaefn.com Website: wahnapitaefirstnation. com

August 18 – 19

Whitefish River First Nation 25th Annual Wawaskinaga Pow-Wow Location: Whitefish River First Nation Pow-wow Grounds, Sunshine Alley, Birch Island, ON (signs to be posted) Directions: Located just off Hwy 6 7566 B Hwy 6. Turn onto Sunshine Alley Rd. Keep left at the first fork and keep right at the second fork Grand Entries: Saturday @ 12:00pm & 7:00pm; Sunday @ 12:00pm Admission: Free Vendors: Please call to register your booth Events: Environmentally friendly traditional Pow-wow, paper products please, bring your feast bag Declarations: Absolutely no Drugs, Alcohol or Pets. Please Follow Pow-wow Protocol. Whitefish River Pow-Wow Committee NOT responsible for lost, damaged or stolen personal property or other

– Photo by Sara Cornthwaite effects. Contact: Art Jacko at 705-285-4335 August 18-19 21st Annual Shawanage First Nation Healing Centre Pow-wow Mnaadendawin Ninik - Respecting our Men Grand entry both days at 12 noon. Grounds open at 10:00am. Location: Shawanaga First Nation Traditional Grounds. Drive 35 km north or Parry Sound on Hwy 69, turn left of Shebeshekong Road and follow the marked signs. It's 2.5 hours north of Toronto, 1.5 hours from Sudbury. Donations for admission are appreciated. Host Drum and Dancers TBA. Craft vendors $50 per day and food vendors $75 per day. We ask our food vendors to provide environmentally-friendly food serving products. Contact: Shawanaga First Nation Healing Centre (705) 366-2378 or email Cultural Coordinator Jodi Baker Contin at culture.hc@ shawanagafirstnation.ca Everyone Welcome!

August 25 - 26

Chippewas of Rama First Nation Competition Pow-wow Location: John Snake Memorial Multipurpose Grounds at 6030 Rama Road, Rama ON Grand Entry: Saturday 12PM and

6:30PM; Sunday 12:30PM MC: Vince Beyl, Allan Manitowabi Head Singing Judge: Rodney Stanger Head Dance Judge: Crystal “Beany” John Head Veteran: Jeff Monague Specials include: Women’s jingle, hand drum, and a special in honour of the late John Snake Dozens of vendors onsite; camping available; admission $10/day or $15/weekend Visit www.facebook.com/ ramapowwow for updates and Vendor registration Contact number: 705-330-8003

August 25 - 26

Three Fires Annual Pow-wow and Traditional Gathering “Our Story – Water is life” Mississaugas of New Credit Location: New Credit Indian Reserve, R.R.#6, Blue#2789 Mississauga Rd., Hagersville, ON Direction: 2 km N of Hagersville; 40km S of Hamilton; Hwy #6 S, W @ Haldiman 1st Line Road. Watch for signs. Grand Entry: Sat. 1:00 & 7:00pm; Sun. 1:00pm Feast: (Please bring Feast Bundles) Vendors: Craft Vending –Only allowing 30 vendors this year. Pre-registration is a MUST for craft vendors. $30/Day; $50/Weekend Food Vendors by invitation only Rough Camping

2018 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 27

POW-WOW LISTINGS Admission: $5.00; 6 & under – Free FREE parking Daily Declaration: Donations of non perishable food items for the local Food bank will be accepted; Please No Alcohol; No Drugs; Please Bring your own plates, utensils and cups for the weekend. Contact: New Credit Cultural Committee Phone Number: 905768-3067 Email: info@newcreditpowwow. com Web: www.newcreditcc.ca

August 25 – 26

24th Annual Silver Lake Traditional Pow-wow Location: Silver Lake Prov. Park, Maberly, ON Directions: From Kingston/Toronto, Hwy # 401 exit 611 take Hwy # 38 – 1 hour North to Sharbot Lake intersection of Hwy # 38 and Hwy # 7 Turn right on # 7 – 8 minutes east towards Ottawa to Entrance to Silver Lake Provl. Park. From Ottawa take Hwy#417 W. take exit 145 to Hwy#7 W. Toronto/ Carleton Place, 1 hour drive following Hwy#7 through Perth to entrance to Silver Lake Provincial Park. Feast: 5:00 pm both days (PLEASE BRING FEAST BUNDLES) Grand Entry: Gates open at 10:00 am; Grand entry12 pm on Sat. & Sun. Admission Fee: Seniors and children Under 12 are free, 13 – 65 $4.00 Vendor and Camping Fee: call for information Special Declarations: No Drugs or alcohol, No selling of sacred items, No Pets unless working dog, camping available Contact: Trudi at 613-375-6356 or email: trudi_lemma@outlook.com

August 25 - 26

22nd Annual Zhiibaahaasing First Nation Pow-wow Location: Pow-wow grounds, centre of the community,Turn onto Sheshegwaning road follow all the way to Zhiibaahaasing First Nation. Home of the World’s Largest Peace Pipe, Drum and Outdoor Dream Catcher. Grand Entry: Sat. 1:00 & 7:00 pm, Sun. 12 pm Feast: Fish Fry for campers Friday evening FREE; Feast Saturday at 5 pm; Hot Breakfast for all campers Saturday and Sunday 7:00 am. Admission Fee: FREE Vendor Fee: FREE – all donations would be greatly appreciated Camping: Rough camping, on-site showers available. Special Events/ Feature: Free

Social Gathering Friday the 25th includes fish fry Special declarations: No Alcohol, Drugs, or Pets Contact: Bobbi-Sue Kells-Riberdy at Band Office: 705-283-3963 or cell phone on the weekend of: (705)348 - 1638

September 1 – 2

M’Chigeeng First Nation 28th Annual Traditional Pow-wow Location: M’Chigeeng First Nation Traditional Pow-wow grounds, M’Chigeeng, ON Grand Entry: Sat. 1:00 & 7:00 pm; Sun. 12:00 noon (Tentative) Admission: Free; Free Parking Rough camping, no Hydro Declarations: No Drugs or Alcohol permitted; Honourarium provided to all registered dancers & drummers; All drummers to bring their own Feast Bundles Contact: Band Office, 705-377-5362 or Email: reneec@mchigeeng.ca

September 1 - 2

Nipissing First Nation 30th Annual Traditional Pow-wow “Resilient Past and Confident Future” Location: NFN Cultural Grounds – 23 kms west of North Bay on HWY 17W, Turn South on Jocko Point Road to 2100 Paradise Lane. Sunrise Ceremony: Thurs – Sun 7am Grand Entry: 1pm Admission: FREE Registrations(Dancers/Drummers): 11:00 am to 1 pm Sat and Sun. Elder: Perry Shabogesic Host Drum: Young Eagle CoHost: The Ottawa River Singers Head Male Dancer: Steve Teekens Head Female Dancer: Angel Armstrong Feast: Saturday 5pm (Priority to Elders, Drummers and Dancers) Special Events: Miss Nipissing First Nation Pageant; Hand drum contest during the feast Declaration: This is a drug and alcohol FREE event; Please no pets For more information Contact: Event Coordinator via email: audreyc@nfn.ca or Phone: (705) 753-2050 x1290

Contact: Georgian Bay Native Friendship Centre (705)526-5589 or Email: finance@gbnfc.com Website: www.gbnfc.com

September 15 - 16

The 10th Annual Traditional PowWow and Harvest Festival A Celebration of First Nations Culture Location: The Museum of Ontario Archaeology; 1600 Attawandaron Road, London ON Admission: Donation Grand Entry 12pm both days MC: Gordon Nicotine-Sands Arena Director: Dennis Whiteye Closing ceremonies: 4:30 pm (No evening events) Vendors are welcome (pre registration required) Please be advised that there is no ATM on location Special Declarations: ALL DANCERS WELCOME. No parking is available on the streets around the Museum. There is Free parking at Saint Marguerite schools with free ongoing shuttle bus rides to and from the Museum provided by Elgie Bus Lines. The Shuttle Buses run continuously between the Museum and Saint Marguerite from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. The Pow-Wow runs rain or shine. There will also be indoor activities and workshops with lots of fun for the entire family! Website: www. archaeologymuseum.ca or www. museumpowwow.ca

September 15 - 16

Curve Lake First Nations Pow-wow Location: Lance Wood Park, 38 Whetung St E, Curve Lake, Ontario Admission: children & seniors (12 and under) $5; ages 13 – 59 $8 Grand Entry: 12pm both days Native Song, dance, storytelling Everyone Welcome ABSOLUTELY NO DRUGS OR ALCOHOL, No Pets For more information Contact: 705- 657- 2758 or email: Anne at AnneT@curvelake.ca or Tracey at TraceyT@curvelake.ca

September 22 - 23

Chippewas of Georgina Island Traditional Pow-Wow Theme: “Humour is the Best Medicine” Location: Sibbald Point Provincial Park, 26071 Park Road, Sutton West, Ontario (this is not located on Georgina Island but on the park lakefront where you can view the island) Sunday: Sunrise Ceremony and Morning hot breakfast Contact: Lauri Hoeg 705-4371337 x 2236 or lauri.hoeg@ georginaisland.com All information and contacts for booking vendors available on our facebook page: Chippewas of Georgina Island Pow-Wow 2018 Website: www.georginaisland.com Camping contact: www. ontarioparks.com/park/ sibbaldpoint

September 8 – 9

Georgian Bay Native Friendship Centre 18th Annual Traditional Pow-wow Location: Sainte-Marie Park, Off Hwy 12 & Wye Valley Road, Midland Grand Entry:12:00 noon and 6:00 p.m. Saturday 12:00 noon Sunday closing ceremony 4:30 p.m. Head Dancers -chosen Saturday Host Drum – chosen Saturday Admission: $5.00; Children Under 10 - Free

2018 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 28

Angel Armstrong, Miss Nipissing at the 2017 Nipissing First Nation Pow-wow. – Photo by Sara Cornthwaite


Sarah Blackwell, MHS Youth Coordinator Anishinabek Nation

The Anishinabek Nation Youth Coordinator, supports program development in the Anishinabek Nation to promote cultural identity, self-esteem, language, life promotion and leadership skills through the nation’s youth population.

FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Sarah Blackwell, Youth Coordinator, Anishinabek Nation Ph: 705-497-9127, ext. 2266 | Email: sarah.blackwell@anishinabek.ca /AnishinabekNationYouth


www.anishinabek.ca Anishinabek 2018 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide Nation | Page 29



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