2016 Great Lakes Pow-wow Guide

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Anishnaabemowin - No English ANISHINAABEMOWIN WIIGWAAM By Kelly Crawford On March 17-20, 2016 the Anishinaabwmowin Wiigwaam Nswi: Ojibway Language Immersion House took place at Stockwater Bay in Serpent River First Nation. “The Anishinaabemowin Wiigwaam is an inspiration and I am proud to be a part of it. It shows us that learning the language can be done, if you really want it,” explained coordinator Jessica Benson. “I’m not going to say it’s as easy as gathering the learners and teachers in a house, although that part is easy."

frankly yesterday. So, I encourage everyone to do their part, and I challenge communities to follow suit in creating their own language houses for their future generations,” explained Benson. “Gegwa wiikaa aanshiitkek wiigweji-nishnaabemyek! (Don’t ever give up trying to speak the language!)” Onaman Collective power planners Isaac Murdoch and Christi Belcourt brought together 36 participants in this well attended event. “Onaman Collective is really committed in helping rekindle indigenous languages. As part of our strategy to help produce fluent speakers, we have organized several language houses to encourage fluency. The language houses are a grassroots initiative where several participants will live together for several days completely immersed in the language,” explained Murdoch. They try and focus on the same "Full immersion, no English, participants to encourage and can be hard for learners who build their fluency. Indigenous sometimes feel in over their languages cannot wait on head. And for speakers, who may government funding. It is crucial not always be understood when that we take active participation communicating to the youth. But in keeping our Indigenous it is worth the effort, and as time languages alive. “The languages houses are low goes on, immersion and speaking cost, and can easily be made gets easier.” Benson coordinated the event possible by local supports and with Mishwaanakwad. Both are fundraising efforts. The more passionate about the language language houses we do, the more and enjoy supporting all learners. we want to do. The fun we have The house brings together is amazing, and uplifting. There language learners for four days is a real spiritual feeling about to speak Anishinaabemowin…no being in the centre of these language nests with others.” English. “When we, Anishinaabeg youth, speak the language, For more information on future we are returning to ourselves. opportunities or to support the We are re-connecting with the Anishinaabemowin Wiigwaam ancient and ancestral knowledge initiative please contact: of our ancestors. And we see the world in new and beautiful ways • FACEBOOK as we are meant to, because www.facebook.com/groups/ our language comes from the AnishinaabemowinWiigwaam/ land and all of the relationships • Email: in the natural world. The last onamancollective@gmail.com generation of native speakers are • Website: starting to age and the time to www.onamancollective.com revitalize the language was quite

Working together in the Anishinaabemowin Wiigwaam (Language House).

2016 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 1

It's time to decide the future of our education Aanii, Boozhoo, Greetings! We enter an important time in the history of the Anishinabek Nation - a time for decision, a time for action! After 21 years of hard work the Restoration of Jurisdiction (ROJ) project has finalized the Anishinabek Nation Education Agreement which is scheduled for a Ratification Vote this fall.

this historic opportunity to control our future. If governments change, it may be a long time or never when we get this opportunity again. We can’t fail our children — it's time to rise up and support our young. It is very important we show unity and support for our Anishinabek Education System. Please make sure your family and friends come out to vote for this Agreement from November 28 to December 2, 2016, either by mail in ballot, urban centre voting stations or in your community.

ROJ staff have been visiting Anishinabek communities to explain in detail this important document. This is a critical opportunity which we must not miss. It will give us our own education See you on the pow-wow trail! system with control over what and how our children are taught. This is a key to their future. Patrick (Wedaseh) Madahbee It is very important that citizens of the Anishinabek Nation Anishinabek Nation turn out to vote for Grand Council Chief


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2016 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 2

BE THE CHANGE: Come out and vote!

By Marci Becking I love old newspapers. One of the most wonderful things about being the editor of the Anishinabek News is sifting through the old papers looking at headlines and stories of the past. One of the most disappointing things is looking at old headlines and stories of the past. It seems that 25 years ago we have the same headlines as today. Land claims, child welfare issues, assertion of treaty rights, more resources needed for youth and health issues. What is really exciting is to read all of the 21 years of stories since negotiations started for the Anishinabek Nation Education Agreement. Today, we are writing stories about Anishinaabe education. We are writing

stories about our citizens getting informed about the Anishinabek Education System and how it will benefit our children. We are writing stories that we are about to vote on the largest self-government education agreement that Canada has ever been involved with. Next December, I will be writing a story about how you voted. How you said “YES” to this Anishinabek agreement with Canada and an overall better future for our children. I am going to blast it all over Twitter, too. I read the other day in an Education Working Group report from 2004 when the late Merle Pegahmagahbow wrote about the negotiations. It reads: “Indian control over Indian education” was our response to the Federal government’s 1969 White Paper. The Education final Agreement that we are currently

negotiating with Canada gives the Anishinabek Nation an opportunity to move forward… Negotiations started in 1988 and we thought it might take 8 or 9 months to reach the Final Agreement stage. The reality is that it took almost 5 years before the Anishinabek Nation/ Canada Education Agreementin-Principle (AIP) was signed at Mnjikaning First Nation on November 29, 2002. We have involved the grassroots membership since the beginning. We said our education agreement and our education system would have to be owned by the people and designed by the people. This is a communitydriven process. To that end, we created the Education Working Groups. We requested that the First Nations send a person to represent their community." Merle also shared personal stories with staff throughout the process on his education

experience. He told the story of his 7 year-old self walking through deep snow a few miles to school – only to be ridiculed and teased both by staff and students – and then walk those miles back home. When I was in elementary school 30 some-odd years ago, I remember a teacher throwing a First Nation student up against the lockers. A generation later, my son is learning Anishinaabemowin in an off-reserve public school. Things are changing. We are getting there. Be the change this fall. Cast your mail-in ballot; come to one of the urban polling stations or vote in your community. Your vote is important. Let’s change the headline. Marci Becking serves as the communications officer for the Union of Ontario Indians and is editor of anishinabeknews.ca

COVER PAGE ... Shawanosowe elementary school By Cheryl Miller-Martin Principal, Shawanosowe School

Whitefish River First Nation is located on the beautiful Manitoulin Island. The school was built in 2007. We have a total of 42 student enrolled. The school operates on a Balanced School Day approach to learning and is divided into three 100-minute block of instructional time. Each morning we begin our day with our morning prayer done in the language to the creator and smudging as a group. We also sing “O Canada” in Anishinaabemowin each morning. The Ojibwe Program is offered in JK and

up to the Grade Six class for each academic year. Students have 50 minutes of continuous language and cultural teaching each day within a setting that the language is only spoken within all forms of conversation. The Ojibwe language and culture is beginning to be integrated within the regular classroom within lesson planning. The oral communication in the language has begun with the classroom teachers and students communication basic commands and directives. Our staff and leadership provide the necessary tools to nurture and reinforce a strong sense of self-identity to achieve their aspirations. These children are the future and

we as educators and leaders are committed to ensuring that our students will empower and support their community and their nation. The leadership, community members and parents can always been seen participating in school events. The pride of our school and for our children is etched in the heart and breath within each person who is or who has ever been a part of our growing school and community.

22nd Annual Great Lakes Pow-wow Guide

Head Office: Union of Ontario Indians Nipissing First Nation, 1 Migizii Miikan P.O. Box 711, North Bay, ON P1B 8J8 Tel: (705) 497-9127 Toll free: 1-877-702-5200 Email: news@anishinabek.ca Website: www.anishinabeknews.ca Editor: Marci Becking Design/Layout: Priscilla Goulais Printing: Beatty Printing, North Bay Advertising Sales: Marci Becking Chi-Miigwetch to our contributors: Kelly Crawford, Rick Garrick, Ed Regan, Kelly Anne Smith, Chelsea Vowel, Sharon Weatherall, Laura E. Young

The Great Lakes Pow-wow Guide 2016 is the 22nd annual directory/magazine produced by anishinabeknews. ca and published by the Union of Ontario Indians. Over 15,000 copies are circulated and also posted on issuu. com. Copies are provided at no cost to the 39 member communities of the Anishinabek Nation. We have made every attempt to ensure the accuracy of our pow-wow listings. However, some dates may change and some may contain errors. Please confirm information in advance to avoid a long drive to an empty pow-wow ground. Views expressed are not necessarily the opinion or political position of the UOI. No portion of this magazine, including advertisements, photos and other editorial content may be reproduced or published in any form (electronic or print) without the written permission of anishinabeknews.ca.

Benson Ojibwe Language............................. 5 Aboriginal Literacy Day................................ 8 Indigenized system......................................10 Wawahte........................................................11

Biigtigong Nishnaabeg................................12 Pow-wow Dance Styles ...............................19 Pow-wow Glossary & Etiquette...................20 Pow-wow Listings........................................21

2016 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 3

Wiky’s ‘First Nations STEM’ build and design Robot for competition By Kelly Anne Smith NORTH BAY — A team of students from Wikwemikong High School might have laid the groundwork for their future by building a robot. They were invited with over 1000 students from 32 teams to take part in a medieval themed high-tech "capture the flag" game with their robots. Nipissing University hosted the high energy event. In the pits where the teams worked on their robots it was hard to hear with the drill noises and the general hustle and bustle of many teens on a mission for robot domination. Under strict rules of academic excellence with good attendance, eleven students from Grades 9-12 were accepted to the elite Wikwemikong #5672 Team. They had to design and build a robot in just six weeks. The team nicknamed themselves First Nations-STEM. The team chairperson is Annie Wemigwans. The build team and pit crew consisted of Tim Pitawanakwat, Reynold Assinaiwe, Matthew Oshkawbweisens (not at the competition), Alex Desmoulin, Cole Baibomcowai, Dehmin Eshkawkogan. The team programmer was Nicholas Wemigwans. The safety captains and pit maintenance included Eileen Letander-Trudeau and Hannah Peltier. Social Media involved Angel Peltier and Eugenia Eshkawkogan (not at the competition). Patrina Pitawanakwat and Kendra Wassengesso were the cheering section. Safety Captain Eileen Letander-Trudeau feels she has really learned to work as a team player. Eighteen year old Hannah Peltier smiles and says, "I'm here for fun. When our teacher suggested we build a robot, I thought that would be cool. We also learned not to give up. One day we broke our robot pretty bad." Letander-Trudeau added, "We had to forfeit a match. We only

sent the human player out." Peltier: "But we fixed it. That was a self-esteem boost. We were saying, hey, this is so broken, but we can fix it." They certainly were speaking as a team. Then LetanderTrudeau was thoughtful. "I'm really proud of myself that I was able to push myself academically to be here." Letander-Trudeau especially enjoys English calling it a strength of hers." Wikwemikong High School teacher Chris Mara is a mentor to the team. "It is really important to have First Nations students involved in science, technology, engineering and mathematics or STEM. First Nations students are under-represented in those areas. So it is inspiring to see an all First Nations team competing at this level." Mara says the students showed initiative. "Our coder was independent in finding a gap. Well, he went to work researching what he needed and how to get it on the robot." Mara commentated on the action. "Initial rounds had the robot well placed. However, the team faced a serious setback when the intake mechanism became damaged. The robot was performing autonomously and hit the opposing alliance's drive station hard. The damage required the team to fabricate parts in the pit area, and as a result the team forfeited a match. In spite of the arm being fixed, it was impossible for the team to come back from the deficit." Mara is impressed with the community support helping the team to battle in the competition. "This was the Wikwemikong High School team's 2nd year competing at the First Robotics events. They faced many challenges transitioning from their rookie year, being such an isolated team. Fortunately, sponsors stepped forward. Metal Supermarkets is a stock metal supply franchise across North America and their president, Chris Hare, has a camp on the

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The team photo was submitted by Mr. Mara. L. to R. Hannah Peltier, Tim Pitawanakwat, Nicholas Wemigwans, Eileen Letander-Trudeau, Cole Baibomcowai, Annie Wemigwans, Patrina Pitawanakwat, Reynold Assinaiwe, Dehmin Eshkawkogan. Kneeling: Mr. Mara (mentor) and Alex Desmoulin

Tim Pitawanakwat looks on with Reynold Assinaiwe and Annie Wemigwans at the controls. - Photo by Kelly Ann Smith

Island. He contacted the team and became a major supporter. And the Wikwemikong Hock Shop stepped forward with a car raffle for the team. Mara said Union Gas and the Argosy Foundation stepped up with significant support. Strong local supporters were Judge Mandamin who started as an electrical engineer and Manitowaning Loco Beanz. Mara added that Manitowaning Home Hardware, Ham's Marine, and Manitoulin Transport offered invaluable in-kind support. The executive director of First Robotics Canada Mark Breadner enjoys working to light up dreams in students. "We are trying to inspire them to think about STEM careers whether that be robotics, whether that be programming, CAD design, or apprenticeships in machining or as a millwright.

If they can build these robots in six weeks, we find the selfconfidence they gain and also the team work and the leadership skills that they get, will take them to that next level. Then at the end of high school, they have a better idea of what they want to do." 16 year old Annie Wemigwans, team leader for Wikwemikong #5672, is lit up with a spark. "When I was little we never had anything like this in our community. And I never had any type of aspirations to try to do something like this. I didn't think I was going to go into the sciences or be that academic in my schooling when I got to high school. Now that we did do this, who knows? It gives our younger generation in our community vision. We can build stuff as well as non-native communities."

Benson finds means to facilitate Ojibwe language

Jessica Benson visits the Native history shelves at her local bookstore. Benson teaches in Ojibwe on Manitoulin Island. - Photo by Laura Young

University and her master’s degree in indigenous governance from the University of Victoria. In 2014 and 2015 she spent three weeks at the Ojibwe immersion Bug-O-Nay-Ge-Shig School in Cass Lake, Minnesota. The days were long, intense: all electronics were gone; indeed, anything in English disappeared for the duration.

By Laura E. Young SUDBURY – When it comes to preserving the Ojibwe language, Jessica Benson is armed with a notebook and a sense of urgency. Benson, 29, is a Grade One immersion teacher who instructs physical education in Ojibwe to her students in M’Chigeeng on Manitoulin Island. She has also written Anishinabek programming for the skills-training program in Niigaaniin; under operation of Mamaweswen-North Shore Tribal Council. “I’m really lucky because where I live and work now,” Benson says. “Manitoulin Island is probably most densely populated area of Anishnaabe speakers in the entire world. I hear it every day. I speak it every day.” She is working with others to create an immersion academy similar to the one she studied at in Minnesota. There may be a bilingual (English-Ojibwe) children’s book that she will write. She writes in Ojibwe on social media platforms. She has achieved much for someone who was essentially a non-speaker of Ojibwe but who always felt like she knew the language. Now Benson estimates that there is perhaps 20 years left to learn from those for whom Ojibwe is their first language. No one is in the position to say it’s too hard to learn Ojibwe, she says carefully. “The language isn’t going to wait around. Anywhere the language is, there are speakers. That’s where I go. I keep a notebook with me at all times. Every time I see a speaker, I have a million questions.” Benson hails from Atikameksheng Anishnawbek near Sudbury and Rama First Nation near Orillia. Benson only knew Ojibwe words growing up, she recalls. “I was always hungry for it. I can always remember when I heard Elders speak it felt right. It was so frustrating not being able to say anything back. I felt I should know this.” She eventually earned a teacher’s degree from Lakehead

Native languages are endangered

“By the time I had gone through the first immersion I had gone too far to turn around. I had put in the blood, sweat and tears. The first three weeks were really hard. I saw the work the Elders and teachers did to get me there. It was the point of no return.” Still, as she says, it’s not like picking up Spanish or French where one can just head off to another country and immerse oneself. “Aside from this language academy, it’s something you have to want to do on your own.” She considers herself “conversationally fluent” not

bilingual, and more of a facilitator, based on her education. “I feel at this point I know how to learn the language and I see what has worked and what hasn’t worked. That’s how I feel, more like a facilitator. I know how to approach it as a learner and a teacher, especially a second language.” Immersion isn’t enough, though, she adds. Children may be sponges that can pick up anything, but adults need to study grammar and structure, she says. “Otherwise we’re just rote learning. You need to know how to put together a sentence. That’s what I view as working, immersion and putting in the hard work and studying.” While she carries notebooks and tries to document the language, she says she respects when people don’t want the language recorded. “But it’s going to be gone. I gently tip toe around it. I listen and respect it. I know where you’re coming from for you,” she says. She will do her best then to document the teaching. As with other languages on the global scale, Canada’s native languages are endangered. Benson’s native Ojibway lives

in the Algonquian language family, the largest of Canada’s 10-12 Indigenous family language groups. There are 60 Indigenous languages, scattered among the main groupings, in Canada, according to 2011 data from Statistics Canada. Cree, Inuktitut and Ojibway account for the languages two-thirds of the Indigenous population speak, according to Statistics Canada. The majority of people speak it at home. “I don’t think I’ll never not be learning. I don’t see this as a pinnacle and I’ve reached it. LINKS: • www.bugonaygeshig.org/ niigaane • www.cbc.ca/news/aboriginal/ aboriginal-languageconstitution-1.3525982 • www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/ideasfrom-the-trenches-undoinglinguicide-1.3525609 • www.thecanadianencyclopedia. ca/en/article/aboriginal-peoplelanguages/ • www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ british-columbia/aboriginallanguages-in-canada-can-andshould-be-made-official-expertsays-1.3147759

2016 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 5

Online courses in

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School of

Public Policy and Administration

carleton.ca 2016 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 7

Aboriginal Literacy Day celebrated at Our Lady of Sorrows By Kelly Anne Smith Aboriginal Literacy Day, an all day event at Our Lady of Sorrows in West Nipissing, started at 9:30 a.m. The opening ceremonies included the singing of O Canada in Anishinaabemowin. After a welcoming song, citizens of Nipissing First Nation (NFN) instructed the students at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic School through eight different workshops. Topics were NFN history, and important teachings about the land, powwows and medicines. The celebration had a pow-wow in the afternoon. Tory Fisher works as a Native as a second language teacher. The course is offered at Our Lady of Sorrows, St. Alexander’s, St. Joseph-Scollard Hall, and Mother St. Bride. All are with the Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board. The classes are open to all students, both Indigenous and non-indigenous. Fisher says of the three schools he teaches in, he has just over 200 students. “We teach Ojibway students, Cree students, and non-native students.” This is Fisher’s second year teaching Grades 1 thru 8. He is active in his home community Nipissing First Nation in promoting traditional teachings. I recently talked to Mr. Fisher at Mother St. Bride and again on the phone. Fisher had just got home after travelling in a snow storm. As I listened to Tory, I could also hear his infant daughter. “Bobeyashemin” he said to her in a calm voice. Fisher explained the strength behind the culturally relevent curriculum at schools. “We identify as Anishinaabe people.” “I teach students Anishinabemowin. I teach them how to introduce themselves.

Tory Fisher drums between Dolores Chum and Glenna Beaucage.

They also learn some prayers and O Canada.” “I incorporate culture into my classroom. We talk about circles.” The Aboriginal worldview and belief systems are about inter-connectedness, equality, and continuity. “We also discuss all the medicines. Why we use them, how we use them in a good way and how they are misused.” Of course, there is the Treaty education. I explain it and we talk about that from a Nipissing perspective. We are one of the signatories of the Treaty. “At the start of the school year, my primary group learned from the Treaty kit as we built the LEGO set. They learned what a wampum belt is. We also talked

2016 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 8

about sharing.” Fisher is talking about the “We Are All Treaty People” Teachers Resource. The kit includes an 800-piece Treaty of Niagara LEGO wampum belt designed by nine year-old Alexander Hebert from Dokis First Nation who attends White Woods Public School in Sturgeon Falls. Grand Council Chief Madahbee calls the teachers resource a big step forward for everyone to understand the relationship. “The ‘We are all Treaty People’ Teachers Kit will help alleviate racism and support teachers in the area of treaty education.” The hands-on building blocks help Fisher and his young students talk about what the Treaty of Niagara looks like when on the

− Kelly Anne Smith Photo

belt. “We talk about the people holding hands on the (wampum) belt and what it means. We talk about friendship.” The Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board provides professional development for the Treaty Kit. The Aboriginal Committee is hosting Aboriginal Awareness Week. Fisher is eager to be a resource for other teachers. “I help them implement instruction in their own classrooms on Indigenous culture, residential schools, and the Treaty. George Couchie is usually our Elder.” Nbisiing nishnaabe ndaaw (I am a Nipissing Ojibwe)

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www.sayyestoaes.ca 2016 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 9

Shawanosowe Elementary School has a rich, long history of providing quality education to First Nation students in Whitefish River First Nation. Shawansowe School is a Kindergarten to Grade 6 school.

We learn what we are taught

An ‘Indigenized’ system built by indigenous people By Chelsea Vowel The media right now is full of concern for Indigenous children, their well-being, and most of all the physical location of their communities. Nineteenth century ideas about relocation and assimilation have taken centre stage; in many cases drowning out the voices of Indigenous people themselves. Comprehensive responses to 150 years of colonialism don’t necessarily lend themselves to headlines. Behind the scenes however, are Indigenous people who are dedicated to creating systems meant to instill in our children a sense of pride and a rootedness in culture and community. In this way, Indigenous peoples provide alternatives to the assimilatory principle that success can only be found through “integration into main-

stream society”. Indigenous control of Indigenous education may be the single most important tool we have to provide our children with the skills they need to be healthy, balanced and self-confident people. A study by Michael Chandler and Christopher Lalonde in 1998, revisited in 2008, pointed out how cultural continuity, which is the ability of communities to support youth as they develop their personal, social and cultural identities, is vital in preventing self-harm including suicide. That sense of pride and rootedness in culture I referred to earlier, is literally a life saver. Currently, only a few examples of Indigenous control of Indigenous education exist in Canada, such as the Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey system, the

2016 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 10

Kahnawake Survival School, the Akwesasne Freedom School and others. In all three of these examples, Indigenous students not only perform as well as their nonIndigenous peers, they often exceed provincial averages. What makes these programs so successful? The evidence points to their focus on language and culture. Why is that so important to the success of Indigenous students? Well to answer that I guess we have to ask, what is education? As simple as it sounds, this is a question that continues to be hotly debated. At its core, it seems to make sense that education is about learning; but what kind of learning? How and what one learns determines the kind of system of education you end up with. There are fancy terms for these

things: the how is pedagogy, the what is curriculum. Canada has a system of education, administered at the provincial level, which is very uniform in its pedagogy and curriculum. Its goal is to produce citizens that will contribute to Canadian society. I realize that sounds simplistic, but ultimately this is what education in Canada is about! Opinions about what students need to learn in order to become contributing citizens sometimes changes. Schooling with a vocational focus determined by a student’s gender, shifted into a curriculum that emphasized broad based learning across a variety of subjects, with a stated desire to encourage critical thinking skills. Underneath all of this, however, is the need to validate and reinforce the “Canadian view” of things.

What is that “Canadian view”? You won’t get a simple answer to that, but we can still tease some truths out for the purpose of this discussion. The Canadian view is that Canada owns all the lands and resources in this country, and the power to govern First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples. When it comes to Indigenous children, the Canadian system of education is still very much about assimilation. Canadian education can not be “Indigenized” by simply teaching a little here and there about famous Indigenous people, or including some pre-Contact and postContact Indigenous history. Doing this only barely impacts what is taught, it does nothing to address how students are taught. An Indigenized system of education must be built by Indigenous peoples, grounded in Indigenous worldviews, and administered by Indigenous people. This is where language and culture come into play. Although Indigenous cultures are incredible diverse and cannot be collapsed down into a pan-Indian homogeneity, traditional Indigenous teaching methods are completely different than the current Canadian approach. Indigenous pedagogy involves multi-generational instructors and student cohorts including family members, makes space for students to be teachers themselves, and often happens throughout the natural course of

daily and seasonal activities, particularly on the land. All of this can and is being done by some Indigenous communities in conjunction with Canadian style-schooling, but the reverse cannot be true. The Canadiandesigned classroom is too rigid to allow this kind of approach outside of isolated field trips. Language guides Indigenous curriculum and pedagogy. It is both what is taught, and how we teach. Our foundational cultural principles are embedded in our languages, and when we ensure our children have access to these teachings, we inculcate in them a sense of worth and belonging. Ultimately we want our children to be healthy, self-confident and successful. We want this for the simple fact that we love our children. Too often we are told that we must demonstrate love for our children by sending them away, or letting them lose their culture so they will fit into mainstream Canadian society more easily. History has shown us the tragic lie of this approach. More and more, Indigenous communities are taking control of their education because it works. With deepest gratitude to those on the front lines of Indigenous educational reform, kinanâskomitinâwâw.

Focus on language and culture

Chelsea Vowel is a Lac Ste. Anne Métis educator and freelance writer currently living in Montreal.


FILM REVIEW: ‘Wawahte’ a step towards reconciliation Reviewed by Carrie MacKenzie s c h o o l s being “Wawahte” premiered without February 27, 2016 at the graphic; some are even of Kingston Canadian Film Festival. the survivors themselves. The This moving and honest film pictures are used to illustrate examines the experiences what the survivor is talking of three residential school about. There are both positive survivors, Elders Esther, Bunnie and negative images. In some and Stanley. Their stories are the people look sad, in others they are smiling. told in voice-overs by Then at certain points actors using their own the movie uses video words. It is based on with powerful effect. the book “Wawahte” For example, when by Robert P. Wells Esther is talking about and is produced and traveling by train to directed by John the residential school, Sanfilippo. The book the camera is looking and film came out of a out the window promise Mr. Wells made ‘Wawahte’ author of a train and the as a nine year-old to an Bob Wells. landscape is flying by. Elder, a friend, to tell The use of music also the story of the treatment of Canada’s Indigenous people. enhances this film. There is no After writing “Wawahte” Mr. music during the voice-overs, Wells approached Mr. Sanfilippo so nothing distracts from the the owner of a sound studio, impact of the words. It is the about making an audio book. stories and their delivery by They then discussed making it the actors that carries the into a movie, hoping it would tone of the film, not the music become an educational tool or pictures. The music, when and accessible to anyone. This, heard, is used effectively I feel, was achieved with great to bookend the stories. The minimal use of music combined success. A number of elements make with the mostly black and “Wawahte” a film that people white pictures also mirrors the should see and learn from. One starkness and bleakness of the is the tone, calm and peaceful. life that many experienced at There is no anger, blame or self the residential schools. I also applaud the fact that pity. The stories are haunting, told in a poignant yet gentle there was an affirming story illustrating that style. You have an emotional included response to the stories but are not all children attending not overwhelmed by them. As residential schools had negative a result you do not turn away experiences. This was Bunnie’s but remain engaged, hearing story. Bunnie tells the audience the rest of the story, learning she was loved and well cared about our shared history. I felt I for at the residential school she was sitting one on one with this attended. She says that when group of Elders listening to their her sons were born she knew stories. This was achieved by how to love them because she having these stories told in the had been shown love as a child survivor’s own words, making at the residential school. Bunnie also clearly acknowledges this them real and honest. The cinematography also was not the case for most of the adds to “Wawahte’s” powerful children attending residential impact and accessibility. While schools. This adds to the the stories are being told, integrity of “Wawahte.” To see this movie is to take a predominately black and white pictures from various residential step towards reconciliation and schools are shown as a slide show. healing the wounds that have They show life at residential devastated Indigenous society.

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Biigtigong Nishnaabeg (Pic River) school connecting to hunting, fishing, trapping and gathering By Rick Garrick Biigtigong Nishnaabeg (Pic River) is beginning to implement more of its own curriculum at the Pic River Elementary School, including strands focused on fishing, hunting, trapping and gathering. “We started a fish camp this year,” says Lisa MichanoCourchene, Biigtigong Nishnaabeg’s director of education. “Traditionally in our area rainbow trout are netted in the springtime. When the ice went out and nets were ready to be dropped, we went out with a fish camp and the students were

outside for two or three days and involved in taking the fish from the nets.” Michano-Courchene says a couple of students also helped set one of the gillnets. “They were involved in cleaning the nets and we also put on an educational part for making nets,” Michano-Courchene says. “We cooked out there and we cleaned out there.” Michano-Courchene says the curriculum includes land-based opportunities and teachings from the community. “In the curriculum, it talks about the different traditional

ways that our people used to engage in those activities,” Michano-Courchene says. “And we’re making it part of the learning that goes on in the school.” The students also participated in a moose camp last fall, with about 75-80 per cent of the parents camping out with their children. “The students are involved in the hunting, they are involved in the processing, they are involved in the ceremony that takes place when the animals are hunted,” Michano-Courchene says. “There are some educational aspects like safety and different activities.” Michano-Courchene says the moose camp has been held for about six years. The moose camp was first organized for the Grade 7 and 8 classes, but it soon included all the elementary school students. “We actually have curriculum being written where the students progress up to the point where we want them to take on the role of the hunter,” Michano-

Courchene says. “They learn as they progress to be attentive and to know to practice their skills. Eventually our goal is they become hunters. It’s not just about the kill, it’s the value of the land, the value of sharing, the value of giving and the value of being respectful to the animals being hunted.” Michano-Courchene says the students behaviour changes when they are participating in land-based activities. “There’s next to no issues in behaviour or reluctance,” Michano-Courchene says. “They are hungry for those experiences.” Michano-Courchene says the teachers can bring those experiences back into the classroom and engage the students in language arts, math, science and social studies. “It’s all connected,” MichanoCourchene says. Parents are also engaged in the land-based activities and teachings, by providing students with instruction on how to do the

Biigtigong Nishnaabeg (Pic River) students learned how to harvest fish from nets, set nets, make nets and clean nets during the community’s Fish Camp this past March.

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hunting, fishing, trapping and gathering activities. “So everybody has a role,” Michano-Courchene says. “Everybody is valued in the community for their skills and what they can do.” Michano-Courchene says some of the parents are also learning how to do activities they didn’t learn when they were young. “They are learning with their child,” Michano-Courchene says. The curriculum initiative was developed through a series of planning sessions, surveys and parent interviews held in the community over the years. “The parents and the community want our children to learn the traditional ways of our people, but also to place emphasis on the value of the land,” Michano-Courchene says. “That is where a lot of our landbased activities come in. It is to (inspire respect) for the land, because it is the belief that we are the caretakers of the land.” Michano-Courchene says other fishing activities are planned for May and June, such as fishing with rods and other means of fishing. The students have also participated in rabbit snaring and visited trapping grounds where beavers are being trapped by local trappers. The more you get informed, the better you will feel about the decision you will make on voting day.


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Biigtigong Nishnaabeg (Pic River) students learned how to hunt and process moose as well as safety and ceremony during the community’s Moose Camp.

2016 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 13

Ho no ur ing O ur Wat e r Our Most Sacred Medicine

FRIDAY, JULY 1 – SUNDAY, JULY 3, 2016 Anemki Wajiw (Mount McKay)

Renew friendships.

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For volunteer opportunities, contact Gail Bannon, Culture & Recreation Coordinator: P. 807.629.8521 E. GailRBannon@fwfn.com FWFN OFFICE 90 Anemki Dr, Suite 200 Thunder Bay, ON P7J1L3

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The provincially run schools do not adequately reflect Anishinaabe culture, language and heritage. A 2012–13 survey showed that 51% of provincial elementary schools and 41% of provincial high schools provided no aboriginal education opportunities. They did not offer relevant professional development for teachers or cultural support programs. (First Nation, Metis and Inuit Education: Overcoming Gaps in Provincially Funded Schools, 2013.)

Pow-wow Dance Styles

Men’s Traditional

A large Eagle Feather bustle worn on the back and extending up past the shoulder, loud bells on the ankles, and a dance style which portrays the dancer’s quest for game distinguish men’s traditional dancing from the other men’s categories. Their regalia features a large U-shaped bustle with a single row of wing or tail feathers and two spikes which point upwards. The bustle is attached at the waist. They also wear a longer porcupine hair roach with a spreader holding two feathers, a bead breastplate over their shirt, a vest with beadwork, an apron with beadwork, arm bands and cuffs, and a decorated belt. The dancer also carries a variety of objects, including the Eagle wing fan, in his hands. The bells, which jingle along with the beat of the drum as the dancer moves, are tied over the cuffs of the dancer’s pants. Dancing by taking two steps with one foot and then two steps with the other, and moving his body and head as though he is hunting for game, the men’s traditional dancer re-enacts the hunt just as his forefathers did. The Lakotas are usually credited with originating this style of dance.

White buckskin regalia with intricate beadwork designs, fringed shawls folded over one arm, and a dance style with slow and poised movements as the dancers bob to the drum distinguish women’s traditional dancing from the other women’s categories. Their regalia features fine handcrafted buckskin dresses which are decorated with intricate beadwork and long fringes. Their jewelry includes beaded barrettes, a beaded yoke with long buckskin strips that extend to the ankles, and fully-beaded moccasins. The dancers carry a folded shawl with long fringes over one arm and usually a fan in the hand of the other arm. Some dancers also carry a beaded bag. Dancing with elegance and grace, these highlyrespected women keep rhythm with the drum by bobbing up and down as they dance in one spot or take very slow steps. They must always have one foot in contact with the earth. Their regalia moves like a breeze through a willow tree. The women’s traditional dance is the oldest form of women’s dancing. Brightly-coloured shawls, held with outstretched arms and worn over the shoulders, brightly decorated regalia, and a dance style that emphasizes a constant whirl of graceful jumps, spins and intricate footwork distinguish fancy shawl dancing from the other women’s categories. Their regalia features colourful shawls, decorated with ribbon fringes, elaborate designs, and appliqué, which are held with outstretched arms as the dancer spins and whirls. The dancer wears an intricately-beaded or decorated cape, various beaded accessories including a headband, brightlybeaded moccasins that cover the calf, and a decorated skirt with ribbon fringes. Dancing with high energy and a fast pace, most fancy shawl dancers are physically fit. They dance with high-stepping footwork and a whirl of beauty, agility and grace as they keep time with the music. Their style mimics butterflies in flight, with the shawls imitating wings. Fancy shawl dancing is the newest form of dance, originating along the U.S.-Canada border during the mid-1900s.

Fancy Shawl

Women’s Traditional

Fancy Feather Brightly-coloured regalia, twin feather bustles worn on the back, and fast and intricate footwork combined with up-and- down spins distinguish fancy feather dancers from the other men’s categories. Their regalia features bright ribbons and brightly-coloured cloth, as well as great amounts of beadwork, including beaded headbands, medallions, armbands and cuffs. Their capes and aprons usually have ribbon fringing. Angora anklets are worn over the fullest part of the calf. A roach, with two feathers that can move freely, is worn on the head. The two feather bustles, one attached to the waist and the other attached to the shoulders, are colour co-ordinated with the rest of the regalia. Ribbons are usually attached to the tips of the feathers. Small hackle bustles which match the twin feather bustles are sometimes worn as armbands. Because their energetic dance style is much faster than the other men’s styles, most fancy feather dancers are in great physical condition. The quick moves of this style require agility and stamina. Fancy feather dancing originated in Oklahoma.

Grass Dancer

Yarn and ribbon-adorned regalia and a swaying dance style which features loose and flowing movements along with an emphasis on shoulder-shaking distinguish grass dancing from other men’s categories. Their regalia features lots of white, gold, silver or other brightly-coloured yarn and ribbons of different colours. They wear shirts and pants, with beaded or decorated belts, side tabs, armbands, cuffs, and front and back aprons. They also wear a beaded harness which can reach from the shoulders to the knees. They do not wear bustles of any kind. Grass dancers try to move their yarn and ribbon fringes in as many places as possible, creating a style which flows as the prairie grass does in the wind. This dance requires flexibility and stamina. The grass dance, the oldest form of dance, comes from the prairies. Some say it came from the stomping down of grass at the beginning of powwows, while others say it came from the tying of sweet-grass braids to the dancers’ belts.

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ARBOUR – central area of the Powwow grounds where the drums and singers are situated. BEADWORK – the beautiful designs created by sewing beads onto a particular piece of regalia. Beads were originally made from conch shells. BREASTPLATE – made from thin hollowed-out bones or long beads which are strung together to cover the dancer’s chest from the shoulders down to waist or knees. BUSTLES – made from feathers which are arranged together in a radial manner. They were originally worn by only a few honoured men, but now they are usually worn by men’s traditional and fancy feather dancers. Fancy feather dancers use turkey, hawk or Eagle feathers, while men’s traditional dancers almost always use Eagle feathers. CONTESTS – a competition for prizes and recognition against other dancers. Dance styles and age determine the categories of competition. Age groups usually are tiny tots, 0-5; little boys and girls, 5-12; junior boys and girls, 12-16; and seniors, 16-plus. Depending on the pow-wow and the category, prizes may reach $1500. GIVEAWAYS – a universal custom among the peoples of Turtle Island. Turtle Island societies believe that a person who is being honoured should provide gifts to other members of the society. Giveaways are appropriate for the big events in a person’s life, such as being the head dancer or entering the dance area in regalia for the first time. Giveaways by people being honoured or in honour of someone else are common at pow-wows. GRAND ENTRY – the parade of dancers which opens each pow-wow session. The Eagle Staffs are carried first into the circle, followed by the national flag and any other flag, usually carried by Veterans. The head dancers, along with any princesses or princes in attendance, and invited dignitaries are next in order. The men’s dancers follow next, then the women’s

dancers, then the junior boys and junior girls, with the little boys and girls last. After the Grand Entry, there is a Flag Song and then a prayer by an Elder in his/her language. The Eagle Staffs and the flags are then placed by the arbour. HONOUR SONGS – requested to honour a person for almost any reason, including a deceased person. People are requested to stand during honour songs. INTER-TRIBALS – songs which belong to no particular nation. Most intertribals are sung with vocables instead of words. They have become very popular because anyone can dance to these songs, which results in more people dancing. ROACH – type of headdress made from porcupine and deer hair. These are usually several rows of hair tied to a woven base, which allows the hair to stand up and move gracefully as the dancer moves. It is attached by a roach pin to a braid of hair or to strings tied around the head. Longer roaches are now in style, varying from 18 to 22 inches in length. Two feathers are usually attached to the roach. ROUND DANCE – usually held at the beginning of a pow-wow session. The dancers form a large circle in the dance area, with each dance style remaining together. A sontg is sung with a heavy 1-2-1 pattern and the dancers move laterally around the dance area. The faster styles dance closer to the arbour, and the slower styles dance farther away. Round dances are usually sung in sets of three or four songs. TWO-STEP – the head men’s dancer and the head women’s dancer dance together and lead a long string of paired dancers. The women usually ask the men to dance, and the men must dance when asked. The twostep can become very intricate, with the pairs splitting apart for a time and then rejoining later. People usually end up laughing as they do the twostep.

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Pow-Wows are fun events, but they are also sacred events. Ceremonial songs and dances, which are sacred, are performed from time to time throughout the pow-wow. People should stand during all ceremonial songs and dances. These include the Grand Entry, Flag Songs, Veteran Songs, Honour Songs and any other songs that the M.C. designates as ceremonial songs. Do not take any photos or video or sound recordings of ceremonies without asking permission from the person or group you are recording. Some areas of Turtle Island do not allow the recording of ceremonies, period. People should listen to the M.C. because he will announce the different songs and will also let people know when they can dance and when they cannot. He will also give out other information and news. Respect the Elders, drummers, singers, dancers, and the pow-wow staff and committee. The dancers wear regalia while they are dancing, not “costumes.” People should not touch the regalia. Appropriate dress and behaviours are required in the dance area. People should take good care of their children at pow-wows. Do not hold children while dancing the dance area. The child may be construed as a gift to the Creator. Do not run around the dance area. Always walk in a clockwise direction when you are in the dance area. Horseplay is not tolerated. Do not bring alcohol or drugs to a powwow. Do not come to a pow-wow while you are intoxicated. Dogs are not allowed around the powwow area. Bring your own chairs. Do not sit on someone else’s chair unless you have their permission. Remember you are a guest. Have fun, ask questions and meet people.

Pow-wow Listings To avoid disappointment, please remember to check with the Pow-wow committee prior to your travels.

May 14 – 15 Youth and Mental Health Initiative Location: Pierre Elliot Trudeau School Grounds, 2 rue Millar, Gatineau(Hull) Qc Elder: Claudette Commanda Veteran: Sharp Dopler MC: Mista Wasis Arena Director: Shady Hafez Male Head Dancer: Jason Gullo Female Head Dancer: Josee Bourgeois Host Drum: Eagle River Co-host Drum: Ottawa River Admission: Free Vendors: $10 per day contact, Aisha Thomas 613-401-6370) Email: athomas@wqsb.qc.ca

May 21 – 22 Hiawatha First Nation 22nd Annual Pow-wow Gathering in Unity to Walk In a Good way “Mno Bmasen” GREAT FUN FOR ALL THE FAMILY!! A Cultural Celebration of Drumming, Regalia Dancing, Crafts & Foods Location: Lakeview Ceremonial Grounds, Paudash St. Hiawatha First Nation Admission: 7-12 $3.00; 13-59 $6.00; Children 6 and under as well as Seniors are Free First 5 Drums to register receive an honourarium Grand Entry: 12 pm Disclaimer/Declaration: Drug and Alcohol Free Event Website: www.hiawathafirstnation.com

May 28 - 29 40th Annual Odawa Sweetgrass Pow-wow Location: 200 Moodie Dr., Ottawa Grand Entry: 12 pm Admission: Free Honorarium for Dancers and Singers will be provided Vendors: call (613) 722-3811, or email events@odawa.on.ca Website: www.odawa.on.ca/powwow.html

June 1

Mountain View School Division Graduation Pow-wow Location: Dauphin Regional Comprehensive Secondary School gymnasium, 330 Mountain Rd. Dauphin, Manitoba MC: Kingsley Brandon Host Drum: Medicine Rock singers Arena Director: Darren Mousseau Admission: Everyone welcome

Grand Entry: 1:00 pm Contact: Wade Houle at (204) 638 - 4829 Email: WHoule@mvsd.ca

June 3

Chippewas of the Thames Annual Children’s Pow-wow Location: Antler River Elementary School, 324 Chippewa Rd. Grand Entry: FRI. 10 am Disclaimer/Declaration: No Drugs or Alcohol Vendors: First Nations owned and operated vendors only. Contact: Band Office 519-289-1000 Website: www.cottfn.ca

June 4 - 5

21st Annual Aboriginal Gathering and 13th Annual Traditional Powwow “Honoring our Sisters MMIW” Location: Agricultural grounds, Peace River, Alberta Special Events: Fiddling SAT 4 pm and Jigging Contest 4 pm Grand Entry: 1:00 pm daily Admission: Free Registration: Dancers: $5.00 Disclaimer/Declaration: No alcohol, No Drugs Contact: Dennis Whitford, 780624-6367 Email: dennis.whitford@gov.ab.ca Website www.peaceriveraic.com

June 4 - 5

Aundeck Omni Kaning Annual Traditional Pow-wow “Building Community Wellness” Location: 5 minutes W. of Little Current on Hwy 540, turn on Lake Road Sunrise Ceremony: Thursday June 2nd 5:30 am Grand Entry: SAT 12 pm and 7 pm; SUN 11:00 am Closing ceremony: SUN 2 pm Host Drum: Black Bull Moose Rough Camping available (must be 18+ for campsite registration) Contact: (705) 368-2228 during business hours, leave message Website: www.aundeckomnikaningfn.com

June 11 - 12

Henvey Inlet First Nation 13th Annual Traditional Pow-Wow Located: 40 mins. S. of Sudbury along Hwy 69 @ Pickerel River Rd Turnoff, Approx 1 Hour North of Parry Sound (Look for the Pow-wow signs) Grand Entry: SAT 12:00 pm/ 7:00 pm and SUN 1:00pm Feast: SAT 5:00 pm

Ambrose Recollet at Georgian Bay Native Friendship Centre Powwow 2015 – Sainte Marie Park, Midland, Ontario − Kathy Arsenault Photo Host Drum: Chippewa Travelers Co-Host Drum: Thunder Boyz M.C.: Chris Pheasant Contact: Head Coordinator Kimberly McQuabbie at kmcquabbie@gmail.com or Patrick Brennan at (705)857-2331/ (705)562-6549 Facebook: Henvey 2016

June 11 - 12

10th Annual Gathering of the Clans Pow-wow Manistique Tribal Community Center on US-2 next to the Kewadin Casino. Grand Entry: SAT at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m., SUN at 12 p.m. Contact: Mick Frechette at (906) 440-8918 or Colleen Medicine (906) 635-6050

June 11 - 12

Barrie Native Friendship Centre 27th

Traditional Pow-wow “Gshkowiwin”- Awakening to Our Cultures Located: Springwater Park – 1331 Hwy 26, Midhurst, ON L0L 1X0 Host Drum: Misty Creek M.C.: Meeg Snake & Serge Gagnon Head Veteran: Jeff Monague Head Dancers Bernard and Tammy Nelson Arena Director: Allan Manitowabi Admission: $5.00 Contact: Gary Sutherland, Executive Director, Barrie Native Friendship Centre, 705-721-7689 Email: g.sutherland@bnfc.ca

June 18 - 19

8th Annual, Maamwi Kindaaswin Celebration “Honouring Our Warriors” Friday - Educational Day: Free Event Pow-wow Celebration

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Pow-wow Listings Location: Discovery North Bay Museum, 100 Ferguson St, North Bay, ON Host drum: Otterhead Singers Co-host drum: North Bay Singers MC: Kirby Mianscum Arena Director: Gerald Chum Head Veteran: TBA Head Elders: Richard Assinewai & Lorraine Liberty Adult Male Dancer: Clifton Couchie-Mianscum Adult Female Dancer: Tasheena Sarazin Youth Male Dancer: Brent Couchie Youth Female Dancer: Angel Armstrong Daily Honorariums for registered Dancers Admission: Everyone WelcomeBring a chair! Disclaimer/Declaration: Absolutely No Drugs, No Alcohol. Designated Smoking Area- NO Pets! Maamwi Kindaaswin Festival will not be responsible for injuries, theft, damages, or any other liability associated with the festival. Please be advise there is no camping at the Pow-wow Grounds. Vendors: Authentic Native Craft Vendors ONLY & Food Vendors please Contact Audrey Commanda, 705-472-2811 ext 227 or waaban@ nbifc.org Admission: All Welcome Contact: Dan Derochers at 705472-2811 ext.220 or Jennifer Seguin at ext.222 Email: wasanabin@nbifc.org or akwego2@nbifc.org

June 18

Na-Me-Res Traditional Outdoor Pow-wow In Honour of First Nation’s Involvement in the Battle of Fort York Location: Fort York Historical Site 250 Fort York Blvd, Toronto ON Grand Entry: 12:00 pm Drums: Only first five uninvited drums will be allowed to set up. Vendor: $50.00 plus gift Contact: Blanch White, 416-6516750

June 18 - 19

Kaboni Traditional Pow-wow "Naagdawenmaadaa ShkakimikKwe" Location: Thunderbird Park Wikwemikong, ON Address: 18A Kaboni Rd. Grand Entry: SAT 12:00 pm and 7 pm and SUN 12 pm Host Drum: Young Biisineh First Five Drums Registered Will Receive Honorarium M.C.: Chris Pheasant & Danny Fox

Arena Director: Robert Stoneypoint Head Veteran: Wayne Pitawankwat Head Female Elder: Rose Corbiere Head Male Elder: Henry Eshkibok Head Dancers: Chosen Daily Feast Bundles Encouraged Jingle Dress Special (held on June 18th, 2016) 1st Place: $500.00; 2nd Place: $300.00; 3rd Place: $200.00 Admission: Free Vendors: $150.00 (food); $50.00 (craft) + Craft item. Aboriginal vendors only - Please contact Ethel Peltier - niinpeltier@gmail.com to register. (all vendors must be registered & paid by June 16th, 2016) Disclaimer/Declarations: Absolutely No Drugs, No Alcohol, No Pets. Powwow Committee not responsible for any accidents, injuries, lost or stolen items. Contact: 705-859-2385

June 18 - 19

11th Chippewas of the Thames Traditional Gathering Location: Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, Jubilee Park, 640 Jubilee Road, Muncey, ON Grand Entry 12:00 noon on SAT and SUN Admission: Free, dancers and vendors welcome, drug and alcohol free event Contact: Andre Halfday 519-7191462; Email: ahalfday@gmail.com Website: www.traditionalgathering.com Facebook: Chippewa Traditional Gathering

Dance Judge: Danny “Biindigaygizhig” Deleary Drum Judge: Jordan Williams White Eye Grand Entry: SAT 12 pm and 6 pm; SUN at 12 pm Admission: $5.00 per day ages 6 -54, Senior’s 55+ and kids 5 and under: Free Disclaimer/Declarations: Dancers must register in person for all categories and specials. Registration closes at Grand Entry on SAT. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!! Committee is not responsible for thefts, accidents, lodging, inclement weather or lack of traveling funds. No drugs, alcohol or pets allowed on the premises. Rough camping and showers available. Admission: All welcome Contact: Tracy Williams, 519-3368410 Email: twilliams@aamjiwnaang.ca

June 25 - 26

Dokis First Nation 16th Annual Traditional Pow-wow “Honouring our First Nations Women” Location: Pow-wow Grounds (Old Graveyard Road), Dokis First Nation, via Monetville, ON Sunrise Ceremony: 6 am SAT & SUN Grand Entry: SAT at 12 pm& 7 pm; SUN at 12 pm MC: Chris Pheasant, Wikwemikong Unceded Reserve, ON Arena Director: Lester Mianskum, North Bay, ON Head Adult Male Dancer: Paskwa Lightening, Samson Cree Nation AB Head Adult Female Dancer: Shauna Jerome, Kitigan Zibi QC Head Youth Male Dancer: TBA Head Youth Female Dancer: Ava Couchie, Nipissing First Nation First 5 registered Drums will receive an honorarium $400 (Min 5 singers per drum) Rules will be available upon

June 18 - 19

Sheshegwaning Traditional Pow-wow Location: Sheshegwaning Pow-wow Grounds next to skating rink, Sheshegwaning, ON Directions: Hwy# 540 Grand Entry: SAT 11:00 & 7:00 pm; SUN 11:00 pm Feast Date/Time: SAT 5:00 PM Admission: Free Vendor Fee: $25.00 a day Contact: Loretta Roy 705-283-3292 Email: lorettaroy@sheshegwaning.org Website: www.sheshegwaning.org

June 18 - 19

Annual Aamjiwnaang Competition Pow-wow Theme: “Honouring our Children” Location: Aamjiwnaang First Nation @ Bear Park – 1972 Virgil Ave. Sarnia, Ontario (new facilities and pow-wow grounds) MC: Adrian Harjo Arena Director: Wesley Cleland Host Drum: Chippewa Travelers

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Dalayna Baker, Fancy Shawl Dancer from Wasauksing School at Christian Island Elementary School - Sharon Weatherall Photo

Pow-wow Listings registration June 27 Feast: SAT June 25, 2015 at 5pm Dancers and Drums Welcome – Must Register Vendors: Craft Vendors: $50/ day and Food Vendors: $200 for weekend (no electricity) Rough Camping Available, No Pets Disclaimer/Declaration: Absolutely no alcohol or drugs Contact: Paige Restoule (705)4940912 and /or Gwen Dokis (705)7632280 Website: www.facebook.com/ dokispowwow (for more details)

July 1 - 3

Miawpukek Traditional Powwow “Honouring Our First Responders” Location: Conne River, NL, McDonald’s Family Park & Culture Grounds, Conne River, NL Directions: Route 361, Bay D Espoir Highway Grand Entry: FRI, SAT and SUN at 1:00 pm Grand Closing: SUN @ 5pm Feast: FRI, SAT and SUN @ 5pm Head dancers: Amanda Fox Host drum: Don Barnaby Admission: Everyone welcome Special Events: Sunrise Ceremony: Marc Dugas Campsites and RV parking rentals

available, call Thelma to book. Contact: Colleen Lambert, Tourism, Culture and Recreation Manager 709-882-2470 work Email: tcr@mfngov.ca Website: www.mfngov.ca

July 1 - 3 Fort William First Nation “Honouring Our Water - Our Most Sacred Medicine” Location: Anemki Wajiw (Mount McKay) Sunrise Ceremony: Saturday July 2, 5:30 am Grand Entry: 1pm and 7pm Feast: 5pm Saturday Closing Ceremony (ertiring the flags): 6pm Sunday Camping is available Disclaimer: Drug and Alcohol free event Contact: Gail Bannon-Culture and Recreation Coordinator at GailRBannon@fwfn.com or (807)622-4998

July 2 - 3

Sheguiandah First Nation Annual Traditional Jiingtimok Location: Pow-wow grounds, Sheguiandah First Nation, Hwy. 6. Admission: Everyone welcome

Sunrise: SAT morning sunrise Feast: Bring your feast bags. SAT at 5:00 pm Vendors: First Nation Food and Craft vendors Contact:(705) 368-2781 or (705) 368-1150

July 2 - 3

Annual Jiingtamok, Little River Band of Ottawa Indians Location: 2608 Government Center Drive Manistee, Michigan 49660 Grand Entry: SAT 1:00 pm; SUN 1:00 pm Admission: Free Vendors: First Nation Vendors Only On-site camping, some electricity hookups available, bathrooms with showers. Call ahead to reserve a room at the Little River Casino Resort located across the street from the Pow-wow Grounds TollFree: 1-888-568-2244 Contest Pow-wow with some dance and drum specials. Head Staff: TBD Disclaimer/Declaration: No Alcohol, Drugs or Pets Contact: Kareen Lewis 231-3986895 Email: KareenLewis@lrboi-nsn.gov Website: www.lrboi-nsn.gov

July 2 - 3

Muncey-Delaware Nation Pow-wow Location: Munsee-Delaware Nation Park, Muncey, ON Grand Entry: 12:30 pm Admission: Free Feast: Bring your feast bags Vendors: Craft Vendors must donate 4 giveaway gifts and Food vendors $150 for weekend Contact: Band Office, 519-289-5396

July 8 - 10 35th Annual Sault Tribe Traditional Powwow and Summer Gathering Open Drum: FRI July 8 at 7 p.m. Grand Entry: SAT 1 p.m. & 7 p.m., SUN 1 p.m. Contact: Jackie Minton at 906-6356050 or 906-203-4977

July 8 - 10

Sagamok Anishnawbek Annual Pow-wow Location: Sagamok Spiritual Grounds, Massey, ON (signs to be posted) Host Drum: Black Bull Moose Social Gathering: FRI 7pm Grand Entry: SAT 12:00 pm & 7:00 pm; SUN 12:00 pm giveaways take place at 4:00pm Admission: Free

Christian Island Elementary School dancers (left to right): Kyree King, Emma Copegog, Ashley Sunday and Keerah Manitowabi - Sharon Weatherall Photo

2016 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 23

Pow-wow Listings Feast: 5pm SAT only Vendors fees: $200.00 for food10 spots only/$150.00 for craft vendors-10 spots only. Vendors please call in advance to register your booth. Events: Environmentally friendly traditional pow-wow, paper products please, bring your feast bag, rustic camping Disclaimer/Declaration: Absolutely no Drugs, Alcohol or Pets, Please follow Pow-wow protocol. Sagamok Anishnawbek Community and Powwow Committee NOT responsible for lost, damaged items, personal property or other effects. Contact: Leroy Bennett 705-8652192 Email: Leroy at bennett_leroy@ sagamok.ca

July 9 - 10

Alderville Traditional Pow-wow Location: Pow-wow Grounds, 5787 Roseneath, ON (Rainsite at Alderville Community Centre Grand Entry: 12 pm both days Vendors: Alderville First Nation Administration Office (905) 3522011. First come, first serve

Disclaimer/Declaration: NO dogs allowed on Grounds, No refunds due to weather Contact: (905) 352-2011

July 9 – 10

Temagami First Nation Annual Pow-wow Theme: Temagami First Nation Honoring our Youth Location Bear Island, Lake Temagami Admission if any: Nil, Boat shuttle service $5 to and from Temagami Access Road Head dancers: Tyler Paul, Misty Paul Host drum: White Stone Singers MC: Roger Assiniwe Head Veteran: Tom Saville Contact: Virginia McKenzie 705237-8005, For Vendors Virginia Paul 705-237-8943 Email: Virginia.mckenzie@ temagamifirstnation.ca

July 9 - 10 46th Annual Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point Pow-wow Location: Pow-wow grounds, Kettle

2016 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 24

and Stony Point, ON Directions: 9226 Lake road, Kettle & Stony Point FN, ON, behind the golden Eagle’s Admission: 6 - 19 $5.00, 19 - 59 $8.00, children, seniors and veterans FREE Grand Entry: SAT – 1 pm & 7 pm; SUN at Noon MC: Beedahsiag Elliott Head Veteran: Sam Hearns Arena Director: Earnest Walker Events: Drum & Dance Specials, Craft and Rough Camping Available There are a number of hydro hookups for vendors and there is rough camping available. All dancers and volunteers are provided with SAT supper and Sunday breakfast. Vendors: must pay in advance upon arrival Contact: Brenda George at (519) 786-3076 or Ruth Baldi (519) 7862513 Email: brendajgeorge@gmail.com; Ruth at miissana@hotmail.com

July 16 - 17 20th Annual Scugog First Nation Traditional Pow-wow

Location: behind administration office located at 22521 Island road, Port Perry, ON Admission: Adults $5.00, Adults 55 and older and children 0-2 free; 2-17yrs $2.00 Feast: SAT July 16th for registered dancers, vendors and MSIFN community. Unfortunately our hall cannot accommodate more than 300 people Head Dancers: Bernard and Tammy Nelson Daily Spot Dances Vendors: Anne Harmsworth Email: aharmsworth@scugogfirstnation.com Rough camping is available

July 16 - 17 Timiskaming First Nation’s Annual Pow-Wow and Traditional Gathering Grand Entry: 12 pm Feast: SAT 5 pm Pow-wows are considered both a sacred and social event by traditional Anishnabe families. It is a time to renew our ties with the beliefs and traditions of our

Pow-wow Listings ancestors. It also is a time to enjoy the company of family and friends both new and old. This is the one real opportunity that most people have to see Anishnabe traditions in action! Admission: All Welcome Camping space available. Vendors: Tammy Chevrier (819) 723-2255; Email: Tammy.chevrier@atfn.ca. Contact: After June 1st contact Danny at (819)723-2260 Website: www.timiskamingfirstnation.ca

alcohol and substance free event. Anishinaabe Vendors Only. 24 hour security. Wikwemikong Heritage Organization and the community of Wikwemikong is not responsible for accidents, thefts, or property damage. No blanket dances will be accepted. All presentation honorariums and registration fees are in Canadian currency. Contact: Toll Free: (877) 859-2385 Website: www.wikwemikongheritage.org

July 30 - 31

398-6892 Email: kpheasant@lrboi-nsn.gov Website: www.anishinaabemdaa. com

Chi Pow-wow Location: Sudbury, Ontario, Canada Laurentian Community Track 935 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario Grand Entry: SAT 12 pm & 7 pm; SUN at noon Elder: Gordon Waindubence M.C.s: Ryan McMahon & Chris Pheasant Arena Director: Jordan Williams White Eye Host Drum: Stoney Park (Alberta, Canada) Head Dancers: Selected at each grand entry. Registration: SAT 2:00 pm and SUN at 11:00 am Registration: at 11:00 & 2:00 pm Specials: Chicken Dance Special (Sponsored By: Geronimo Tootoosis (1st $700; 2nd $500: 3rd $300: 4th $200) - Woodland Special (Sponsored By: Beedkohom Stevens 1st $500: 2nd $400: 3rd $300) - Tiny Tot Special Sponsored By: Native Bebe - Many more specials...Hand Drum, Potato Dance... Contact: Crystal Osawamick at 705923-4227, Email: chipowwow@maawnjidmi. com Darren McGregor Email: nini_oshkaabewis@ maawnjidmi.com Website: www.mawnjidmi.com

July 30 - August 1

August 6 - 7

August 6 - 7

Wasauksing First Nation Traditional Pow-wow Grand Entry: Noon each day. Location: Wasauksing First Nation Powwow Grounds – Depot Harbour Admission: No charge but donations graciously accepted Head Male: Chance King Head Female: Mariah AtatiseJourdain Host Drum – United Nation Drum MC – Dave Rice Arena Director: Waseshkung Pegahmagabow Contact: Kellie King, Deb King, Maggie Tabobondung 705-746-8022

July 29 - 31 Thessalon First Nation 22nd Annual Traditional Pow-wow Location: Thessalon First Nation Pow-wow Grounds, Thessalon, ON Directions: Hwy. #17 East turn right Maple Ridge Rd., turn right Biish Road, follow signs. Registration and Social: FRI at Powwow grounds Special Event: FRI Social Drumming Grand Entry: SAT 12:00 & 7 pm; SUN at 12:00. Feast: SAT 5 pm – Bring own Utensils (plates/cutlery) Vendors: $30 per day; $60.00 for the weekend Rough Camping available Disclaimer/Declarations: No drugs or alcohol permitted Contact: Vi McLean at 705-8422670, ext. 226

July 30 - 31 23rd Annual Anishinaabe Family Language and Cultural Camp “Celebrating the Unity of Our Language & Culture” (bring your flag and gift for giveaway) Sponsored by the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians of the Anishinaabe Nation and the Little River Casino Resort Location: Pow-wow Grounds, corner of M22 & US 31 across from Little River Casino Resort, 2596

Gavin King, Head Youth Dancer at Christian Island Elementary School - Sharon Weatherall Photo Loon Drive, Manistee MI, USA Presentations are Anishinaabemowin with English used as second language and are aimed at all ages. Declarations: Meals are provided, no registration fees, bring your Nation flag and a gift for the giveaway, showers on site, first come-first served for the camping area. The agenda and other information will be posted as soon as possible; please visit www.lrboi-nsn.gov or www.anishinaabemdaa.com for updates. Some presentations/ workshops may include: cultural teachings, traditional medicines, craft making, games, language learning, etc. Contact: Kenny Naganiwane Pheasant: 231-590-1187 or 231-

56th Annual Cultural Festival Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve Location: Wikwemikong, Ontario, Manitoulin Island, ON off Highway #6, follow Wikwemikong Way to Thunderbird Park, 18A Kaboni Rd. “Thunderbird Park” Special Events: Please visit website for updated information Gates open 10 am daily Admission: Adults $10 daily or $20 weekend pass, children (6 – 12 yrs) $2, elders 65+ and children under 6 FREE Disclaimer/Declaration: This is an

Michipicoten First Nation Annual Pow-wow Location: Pow-wow Grounds, Michipicoten, ON Grand Entry: SAT 1 pm and 7 pm and SUN 1 pm Vendors: $100 per weekend and Food Vendors fee: $150 per weekend Rough Camping is available Feast: Please bring your own feast bags, disposable dishes, utensils not provided to keep mother earth clean. Contact: Linda Peterson at 1-705856-1993 Ext. 218, Cell 1-705-971-

2016 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 25

Pow-wow Listings 8441 txt and/or leave msg. Email: lpeterson@michipicoten.com Chris Wilson at 1-705-856-1993, Ext. 228, Cell 1-705-975-1036. Email: cwilson@michipcioten.com ,

August 20 - 21 Chippewas of the Thames Annual Competition Pow-wow Location: Chippewa Ball Park, Muncey First Nation, 640 Jubilee Rd., Muncey, Ont., Located 25km SW of London, Ontario; off Hwy 2 Longwoods Rd., Exits on Hwy 402 Delaware, Hwy 401 Iona Rd. Grand Entry: SAT 12 pm & 6 pm; SUN at noon Admission: TBD; Everyone pays admission rate Disclaimer/Declaration: No Drugs or Alcohol Vendors: First Nations owned and operated vendors only. Contact: Band Office 519-289-5555 Website: www.cottfn.ca

August 20 - 21 Algonquins of Pikwakanagan Traditional Pow-wow Location: 2 km off Hwy 60. Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation, Golden Lake, ON Grand Entry: 12 noon on both days. Rough camping available Admission: $6; 12 yrs under Free Vendors: $125 Contact: Jamie Sarazin (613) 6251109 Website: algonquinsofpikwakanagan.ca

August 20 - 21 Annual Mattagami First Nation Pow-wow Theme: “Honouring our Warrior Spirit” Location: Mattagami First Nation is located 2 1/2 hours North of Sudbury and 1 hour South of

Timmins Grand Entry: SAT 12 pm & 7 pm and SUN at noon. Feast: SAT at 5 pm (Food Donations accepted) Vendors: Go to our Facebook Admission: Everyone welcome Disclaimer/Declaration: This is a drug and alcohol FREE gathering Free Rough Camping Contact: Jennifer 1-888-269-7729

August 20 - 21 Chippewas of Rama First Nation 31st Annual Pow-wow Competition dancing and singing Location: Pow-Wow Grounds, 6030 Rama Rd. Rama, ON Directions: from Toronto: Hwy 400N to Hwy 11N, take exit 131 A (ON 12-S), slight right on Atherley Rd (ON 12-E), left at Rama Rd. (County Rd 44) Cost $10/day, $15/weekend Grand Entry: SAT 1 pm and 6:30 pm; SUN 12:30 pm MC’s: Vince Beyl and Chris Pheasant Arena Director: Allan Manitowabi Head Veteran: Mel King Traditional arts, foods and craft vendors Contact: 705-325-3611 Email: benc@ramafirstnation.ca

August 20 - 21 Whitefish River First Nation Annual Pow-Wow Location: Whitefish River First Nation Pow-wow Grounds, Birch Island, ON (signs to be posted) Directions: Located just off Hwy 6 7566 B Hwy 6. Turn onto Sunshine Alley Rd. Keep left at the first fork and keep right at the second fork Grand Entries: SAT @ 12:00 pm & 7:00 pm; SUN @ 12:00 pm Admission: Free Vendors: Please call to register


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2016 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 26

your booth Events: Environmentally friendly traditional Pow-wow, paper products please, bring your feast bag Disclaimer/Declarations: Absolutely no drugs, alcohol or pets. Please follow Pow-wow protocol. PowWow Committee NOT responsible for lost, damaged or stolen personal property or other effects. Contact: Vanessa McGregor at 705-285-4335

August 27 - 28 30th Annual Homecoming of the Three Fires Traditional Pow-wow Mississaugas of New Credit Location: New Credit Indian Reserve, R.R.#6, Blue#2789 Mississauga Rd., Hagersville, ON Direction: 2 km N of Hagersville; 40 km S of Hamilton; Hwy #6 S, W @ Haldiman 1st Line Road. Signs will be posted. Grand Entry: SAT 1:00 & 7:00 pm; SUN 1:00 pm Feast: Traditional feast on SUN 4:00 pm Vendors: Craft Vending. First 30 vendors allowed this year. Preregistration is a MUST for craft vendors. $30/Day; $50/Weekend Food vendors by invitation only Camping: Rough Camping only Admission: $5.00; Free for children 6 & under; Parking: Free Disclaimer/Declaration: No Alcohol; No Drugs. Please Bring your own plates, utensils and cups for the weekend. Contact: Faith 519-445-2283 Email: info@firstnationsgathering.com Website: www.newcreditpowwow.com

August 27 - 28 20th Annual Zhiibaahaasing First

Tiffany Swanson

Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) Ginogaming First Nation

Nation Pow-wow Location: Traditional Powwow grounds at centre of the community, turn onto Sheshegwaning road follow all the way to Zhiibaahaasing First Nation. Home of the World’s Largest Peace Pipe, Drum and outdoor Dream Catcher. Grand Entry: SAT 1:00 & 7:00 pm, SUN 12 pm Feast: SAT at 5 pm everyone welcome. Breakfast for all campers SAT and Sunday 7:00 am. Admission: Free Vendors: Free – all donations would be greatly appreciated Camping: Rough camping, on-site showers available. Special Events: Free Social Gathering Friday the 26th includes fish fry Disclaimer/Declarations: No Alcohol, Drugs, or Pets Contact: Bobbi-Sue Kells-Riberdy at 705-283-3963

September 2 - 4 27th Annual N’bisiing Anishinabek Traditional Gathering 27 Years Cultural Revival Location: Jocko Point Traditional Grounds, Nipissing First Nation, Ontario Directions: Travel on Hwy 17, 13km E of Sturgeon Falls or 23km W of North Bay, 7 km south on Jocko Point road. Grand Entry: 12:00 pm both days Sunrise Ceremony: 7am Sept 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Feast: Sat. 5:00 pm Events: Talent Night FRI at 6 pm – 10 pm Registration: Daily at 11 am Vendor Fee: $75.00/day or $150.00 for two days. All Anishnaabe traders and vendors welcome Disclaimer/Declarations: No alcohol or drugs. No pets.

Pow-wow Listings Contact: Jules Armstrong 705-7532050 ext 1260 Email: julesa@nfn.ca Website: www.nfnculture.ca

M'Chigeeng First Nation 27th Annual Traditional Pow-wow Location: McChiegeeng First Nation Traditional Pow-wow grounds, M;Chigeeng, ON Grand Entry: SAT 1 & 7; SUN 12 Admission: Free, parking free, rough camping, no hydro Disclaimer/Declarations: No drugs, no alcohol permitted. Honourarium proved to all registered dancers & drummers. All drummers to bring their own Feast Bundles. Contact: Elaine Miigwans at Band office during business hours. (704) 377-5362

and the Arena Director. The dancing continues throughout the day until approximately 4:30 p.m., when all will break for Feast. Throughout the Pow-wow types of Native dances will include Men’s Traditional, Woman’s Traditional, Men’s Grass, Women’s Jingle Dress, Women’s Fancy Shawl, and Tiny Tots. In addition, Intertribal dances will be called, where everyone is invited to participate in the dance circle. More than 35 vendors and artisans will be on site exhibiting and selling their crafts, jewelry, and foods. Grand Entry: 12:00 pm and 5:30 p.m. on SAT, and 12 p.m. on SUN. Admission: $5.00; Children under 10 - Free Contact: Kathy Arsenault, Georgian Bay Native Friendship Centre at 705-526-5589 Ext. 228

September 10 - 11

September 24 - 25

September 3 - 4

6th Annual Georgian Bay Native Friendship Centre Location: Sainte-Marie Park, Off Hwy 12 & Wye Valley Road, Midland Description: Eagle staffs and flags will be presented with the entry of the dancers with the circle. The Flag song, Veteran’s song, Opening Prayer, and Welcome ceremony. The order of drums and dances is set by the Master of Ceremonies

Chippewas of Georgina Island Pow-wow Theme “Honouring the Gifts of Our Children” Location: Sibbald Point Provincial Park, 26071 Park Road, Sutton W., ON L0E 1R0 Honorariums and group camping provided for all registered dancers and drummers

Raven Noganosh-Copegog at Georgian Bay Native Friendship Centre Powwow 2015 – Sainte Marie Park, Midland, Ontario − Kathy Arsenault Photo


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2016 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 27

Pow-wow Listings Contact: Lauri Williamson 705437-1337 Ext. 2236 Email: lauri.williamson@georginaisland. com Park Website: www.ontarioparks. com/park/sibbaldpoint

September 17 - 18 Curve Lake First Nation Traditional Pow-wow Location: Lance Woods Park, Curve Lake First Nation, Curve Lake, ON Directions: Hwy 401 to Hwy 115; Hwy 115 to Fowler’s Corners off ramp; turn right at Fowler’s Corners, follow to end, turn left, straight through Bridgenorth to 4 way stop; turn left and follow to Curve Lake road. Signs will be posted. Sunrise Ceremony both days Grand Entry: Both days at 12:00 pm Admission: $8.00 for ages 13 – 59; $5.00 for ages 6 - 12 or seniors 60+ Events: Come join us at our annual Pow-wow! Enjoy traditional foods, dances, songs and stories! Disclaimer/Declarations: No alcohol, no drugs, no pets (not even the kind that you can carry) NO EXCEPTIONS

VERY LIMITED camping available. Camping is for drummers, dancers, Elders first, then vendors. Vendors: Contact Anne for vendor packages, directions, etc. Vendor priority will be given to Canadian First Nations Contact: Anne Taylor or Tracey at 705-657-2758 for more information Email: AnneT@curvelake.ca Website: www. curvelakefirstnation.ca/Pow-wow. html

September 24 Native Child and Family Services of Toronto, 19th Annual Community Pow-wow Reconciliation: Our Children’s Future Location: Dufferin Grove Park, 875 Dufferin Avenue, Toronto, Ontario All Dancers welcome, Childrens activities available Sunrise Ceremony: 6 a.m. Grand Entry: 12:00 p.m. Admission: Free Vendors: $50.00 Fee Contact: Kelly Hashemi at 416969-8510 Ext. 3472 Email: khashemi@nativechild.org Head Female Dancer Kayla Duquette at Christian Island Elementary School - Sharon Weatherall Photo

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2016 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 28

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2016 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 29

Cancer Care Ontario’s Aboriginal Navigator Program

The role of the Aboriginal Navigator is to promote access to timely cancer diagnosis and treatment, and to ensure seamless, coordinated care by assisting cancer patients and their families in navigating the cancer system. The Navigators are there to help First Nations, Inuit and Métis cancer patients and family members find their way through the system from diagnosis of cancer (when cancer has been identified), and to help them access the care and support they need (including cultural and spiritual) in the Regional Cancer Program, and when they return to the community.

Here’s how to contact the Aboriginal Navigator in your area! Name Jeannie Simon

Region North West (Thunder Bay)

Sherri Baker

North East (Sudbury)

Audrey Logan Chantel Antone Leah Bergstrome Kathy MacLeodBeaver Deena Klodt Joanna Vautour

Contact Information E: simonj@tbh.net T: 807-684-7200 ext. 4324

E: shbaker@hsnsudbury.ca T: 705-522-6237 ext. 2349 Erie St. Clair (Windsor) E: Audrey_Logan@wrh.on.ca T: 519-254-5577 ext. 58504 South West (London) E: Chantel.Antone@lhsc.on.ca T: 519-685-8500 ext. 75471 Simcoe Muskoka (Barrie) E: bergstromeL@rvh.on.ca T: 705-728-9090 ext. 43133 Central East (Peterborough) E: kmacleodbeaver@lakeridgehealth.on.ca T: 905-576-8711 ext. 2554 Hamilton Niagara Haldimand E: dklodt@hhsc.ca Brant (Hamilton) T: 905-387-9711 ext. 63312 Toronto Central (Toronto) E: vautourj@smh.ca T: 416.864.6060 ext. 2422

2016 Great Lakes Pow-Wow Guide | Page 30

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