1st and 2nd grade science portafolio 1st semester 2017

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First and second grades Science Portafolio Teacher: Anita Prado de Pinzรณn.

Soy Anita Prado de Pinzón. Me desempeño como maestra de Primero, segundo y tercer grados de Primaria en el área de Science. Tengo 23 años de dedicarme a la labor docente. Poseo estudios de Psicología clínica y actualmente me encuentro estudiando la licenciatura en Innovación Educativa. Me desempeño en la labor docente porque considero que ser maestra es mi vocasion, soy maestra porque me encanta el momento mágico en el que descubro los ojos de mis alumnas atentas y maravilladas con mis relatos y enseñanzas; soy maestra porque esta profesión constantemente me reta a ser mejor, a dar lo mejor y a esperar lo mejor. Soy maestra porque de esta forma aporto varios granitos de arena sembrando sueños, forjando el progreso y ayudando en la construcción de una Guatemala mejor.

Science Methodology •

Science class follows the 5E Methodology, which is an inquiry-based methodology for teaching science. The 5E methodology structures the lessons by guiding students through learning cycle stages of engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration and evaluation.


Using an enquiry-based approach to learning helps students develop the skills scientists use to do science, skills, such as observation, classification, measurement, communication, inference, prediction and experimentation. An enquiry-based approach lo learn can also help students develop esencial 21st. Century skills of critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication.


Discover science is also guided by the 4C foreign language methodology (content, communication, cognition and culture). This means that lessons emphasizes the science content while at the same time takes into account the language, thinking skills and cultural background knowledge that students will need to fully absorb the science curriculum

My goals… •

Through Science class I want to:

Develop sensory, physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and social attributes, also to develop English language through increased vocabulary and an opportunity to ask and answer questions.

Build on my students prior experiences, backgrounds, and early theories, increase on my students curiosity and encourage them to pursue their own questions and develop their own ideas.

Science is a wonderful class to be taught due to the different close to their reality activities that can be done, science experiments, observations, descriptions of objects, outdoor activities, science projects, videos and so much more.

Most of all I wish my class to be FUN!!!!

Rutinas del Pensamiento

Thinking routine First grade Bridge Science tool and its use.

Chalk talk Student name healthy and unhealthy habits.

Yellow light, Green light

Connect – sort - connect

Thinking routines Second Grade Chalk talk Students write and illustrate what they think science is.

I see, I think, I wonder Using a picuture of themselves as babies students complete the routine.

Yellow light, Green light



I used to think, now I know

Destrezas del Pensamiento

Thinkins skills First Grade Web About what science is

Plus- delta To classify healthy and unhealthy habits.


Compare and contrast

Mind map (2nd. Unit)


Thinking skills second grade Web About what science is.

Mind Map About the three food groups.

Compare and contrast



PBL First Grade Inquiry skills Mini book

Healthy habits poster

Animal Products

Emotions Bar graph Expologros final product

PBL Second Grade Me, now and then

Healthy menu for a day. 1st. Unit expologros

Habitats, plants and animals

2nd Unit Expologros Final Product

Plant parts and fuctions

Anger catcher

Trabajo Cooperativo

Cooperative group work First Grade

Cooperative group work Second grade

Final Self Reflection •

With this new methodology, I think that my class finally adopt a ‘learningby-doing’ approach in the classroom situation, which I really love.

With this methodology I wish to empower every girl to develop their abilities0 toward my subject I am responsible for, and to their lives. I´m really amazed of how much girls through this methodology has developed.

I take up Science class with my students in a game format. This ensures that every child enjoys the subject. I also use technology, school provides me as part of my aid, but sometimes this causes disorder (I should be careful with this).

During this last semester I wish I´ll focus my effort in teaching new thinking routines and skills, and cooperative group roles will be more specific.

Anita Prado de Pinzón.

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