Ammukutty's Day Out

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Ammukutty’s Day Out! Story and Illustrations by Anjali Nair

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Anjali Nair

Š 2010 Fashion Communication Dept., NIFT, New Delhi. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. The view expressed in the document are only of the authors and in no way represent the views of National Institute of Fashion Technology.

Story and Design: Anjali Nair Design Mentor: Ms. Rupinder Kaur


One sunday morning.

Hcq Rmbdmgv¨ cmhnse.

Ammukutty was painting.

ANpIp«n Ccp¶p hcbv¡pIbmbncp¶p.

Her grandparents were drinking their morning tea.

Aaapaabpw apJ¨\pw Nmb IpSnbv¡pIbmbncp¶p.

She went out to the garden to look at the flowers.

ANpIp«n ]p¡Z mX tXm«Jnte¡v t]mbn.

Ammukutty heard the gate open.

ANpIp«n Btcm tKxv Xpd¡p¶Xv tI«p.

It was her Shankaran uncle on his bike!

AhfpsS iCcX ANmhX ss_¡nW ht¶ !

Ammu jumped with joy.

ANp kt´mjn¨v XpUn NmSn.

Uncle had come to take Ammu to see the elephants at in the temple grounds today.

ANmhX Ahsf AOe]dOnW B\Itf ImWmX tImæpt]mImX h¶Xmbncp¶p.

She asked her grandparents if she could go. They readily agreed.

ANp AaapaatbmSpw apJ¨t\mSpw A\phmZw tNmXn¨p. AhV DSt\ kNXn¨p.

Ammukutty got ready and left with her uncle.

ANpIp«n thKw DSpMv amxn ANmhXsa IqsS ]pdsM«p.

They prayed at the temple.

AhV AOeJnW sXmgpXp.

Then they went to see the elephants.

F¶n«hV B\Itf ImWmX t]mbn.

“Elephants have such big ears!”, cried out Ammu.

“B\IZ¡v FLp henb sNhnIfm!”, Aaap AXnibn¨p.

“Look at the baby there, just like you!”, joked Uncle showing her a baby elephant eating bananas.

“B NnSpMns\ IIpthm? X\n \ns¶ tMmse!”,AhnsS ]g§Z Xn¶ptImæv Ccn¡p¶ Ip«nbm\tb ImWn¨v ANmhX ]dªp.

“Can i touch it?”,Ammu asked. She touched the baby elephant on its tail and was thrilled.

“RmX H¶p sXmSt«?”,ANp tNmXn¨p. AhZ B\bpsS hmW sXm«v B\µn¨p.

After that her uncle picked her up and they headed back. Ammukutty was so happy.

ANmhX ANpIp«ntb CSoJp hn«nte¡v Xncn¨p. ANpIp«n hftc ktµmjJnW Bbncp¶p.

Spend a day with Ammukutty as her jaunt turns out be more thrilling than she expected!

ANqIpÂŤnbpsU IqsU AhdfpsU B\wab bmdXAv \nMfptIm? About Me: I am a student of Fashion Communication in NIFT, New Delhi. I love playing around with colours. My early childhood in Kerala with my grandparents inspired me to make this book.The greenery , the elephants.It gave me a chance to relive my memories .Hope you have fun reading it!


Bilingual English - Malayalam ` 100 Age: 4+

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