Food Should Taste Good

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rebranding campaign

“I love food. I’ve been and grocery stores my learned anything, it’s th when it’s made with re

Founder, Food Should Taste G

research process style

Good Inc.



working in restaurants y whole life, and if i’ve hat food tastes best eal ingredients.�

1 research 6 abstract 8 target market 10 competitors 12 brief 14 references

3 style 20 brand 22 print 24 motion 26 summery

research process style

4 solutions electronic media 28 social media 30 print media 32


2 process moodboard 16 imagery 18 color 20 font 22

1 research abstract 6 target market 8 competitors 10 brief 12 references 14



7 style



abstract Food Should Taste Good has been on the market since 2006. This company offers to the consumer a healthy and natural food product, tortilla chips. The company has a unique business model to make food taste good and use only natural organic ingredients. Global warming and ecological issues drive concern for the environment. The healthy natural lifestyle trend is on the rise and the consumer is anxious for environmentally safe and healthy products. The brand offers a product that is safe and healthy for people and the environment. The company’s disadvantage is that it is a young brand on the market that is not recognizable on the shelf and has not yet established a reputation with loyal support.



7 style



blue corn

barbeque sweet potato






sweet potato

toasted sesame

the works



white jalapeno cheddar with cheddar

brown rice crackers


lime original sweet potato salt & pepper sweet potato

research process


hatch chile


kettle corn

blue corn dipping chips



target market

Fifty years ago breakfast would be prepared by the mother, the stay at home homemaker (Bruhn, 1998). Since then the food habits have changed due to a variety of factors and trends including changing taste, lifestyle, and convenience. One of the major recent social-economic trends is the increase of women involvement in the labor market. The fastest growing groups are Latinos and Asian Americans. Latinos are in the U.S. reaching 30 million people (Bruhn). This dynamic drives changes in traditional American food inducing a new Hispanic flavor. The trend for adventure expresses a desire for new tastes and new food. The trend toward indulgent self-gratification is raising the consumption of snack food to 23%, candy 11%, and cola 13.5% (Bruhn). The population of the U.S. is growing, and going from 300 million to 680 million by 2040 (Bruhn). Forty Five Percent of Americans select healthy foods; they are college educated, working long hour’s professionals (Bruhn). In the past five years the healthy snack market has risen 41% (Specialty Food, 2012). Consumers are fighting obesity and health concerns by choosing a healthy alternative. Younger adults consume snacks more often than older. The rising population of 30-65 year olds is the healthy snacking consumer (Bruhn). Food Should Taste Good Company has an opportunity to reach the target consumer and establish a trustful relationship and brand identity.



9 style




there are several major competitors on the market: PepsiCo Kellogg Company Kraft Foods, Inc. Unilever Procter & Gamble Company








ompetition Logotype/logomark Survey.


Company name: The company name is Food Should Taste Good, General Mills. The industry is Food. Category is snacks. Primary products: Chips Crackers Organic/natural. Campaign project objective: To rebrand company by establishing the brand identity on the market, for purpose of increase the revenue of the brand on the market. Big Goal (BHAG): To expand the target audience on the market. To increase brand awareness toward a new target group and increase sales by 3% vs. year ago. Primary deliverables: Evolved logo New web design The app, recipe book Advertisement, digital, print, and motion. Key tenets: Flavor Healthy Natural Primary TARGET AUDIENCE for your project: DEMOGRAPHICS: Location, Age, Income, Marital Status, Education, Gender, Occupation, etc.” • Any location around the world, the age group from 3 and up, single and married, man and women, any occupation, any education, healthy active or not, who likes tasty food.” TARGET CLUBS & TRIBES: • Healthy Grocery stores” • Restaurants” • Fitness clubs” • Facebook healthy active adults” 2 Primary COMPETITORS: • PepsiCo” • Kellogg Company” • Kraft Foods, Inc.” • Unilever” • Procter & Gamble Company” 2 Key STRENGTHS & 2 Key WEAKNESSES



13 style






15 style



2 process moodboard imagery color font logo


16 18 20 22 24


13 style



Fifty years ago breakfast would be prepared by the mother, the stay at home homemaker (Bruhn, 1998). Since then the food habits have changed due to a variety of factors and trends including changing taste, lifestyle, and convenience. One of the major recent social-economic trends is the increase of women involvement in the labor market. The fastest growing groups are Latinos and Asian Americans. Latinos are in the U.S. reaching 30 million people (Bruhn). This dynamic drives changes in traditional American food inducing a new Hispanic flavor. The trend for adventure expresses a desire for new tastes and new food. The trend toward indulgent self-gratification is raising the consumption of snack food to 23%, candy 11%, and cola 13.5% (Bruhn). The population of the U.S. is growing, and going from 300 million to 680 million by 2040 (Bruhn). Forty Five Percent of Americans select healthy foods; they are college educated, working long hour’s professionals (Bruhn). In the past five years the healthy snack market has risen 41% (Specialty Food, 2012). Consumers are fighting obesity and health concerns by choosing a healthy alternative. Younger adults consume snacks more often than older. The rising population of 30-65 year olds is the healthy snacking consumer (Bruhn). Food Should Taste Good Company has an opportunity to reach the target consumer and establish a trustful relationship and brand identity.



17 style



People believe in the healing nature of food and select the healthy choice to prevent major diseases. The target market is the specific group of people that appreciates a healthy product and enjoys flavorful taste. Images for the campaign will be focused on the personality of the brand. The product of the brand is a healthy, natural, and organic food item. The Food Should Do Good targets that it’s good for people and the environment. Images of family and friends gathering around a table, people in fitness activities, yoga, and playing games bring desire for a healthy living style. Positive emotions, enjoyment of life, and sense of community are the main selection for the imagery of the mood board.



19 style




The voice of natural, organic, and good for people should be highlighted throughout the campaign. The main color scheme of the project is red, orange, brown, and green. Colors and shapes draw reader’s attention (Weinschenk) before reading the text. The green color imbues a clean, recycle, organic, and nature based element. Other colors researched are the brown, orange, and red. These colors should be a light pastel palette. Colors “evoke emotions” (O’Grady, 2006) and feelings. Red color is linked to passion and excitement. An orange color evokes feelings of hunger. Brown is the mix of red and orange. Brown complements the recyclable material and often it’s a brown carton bag.


process style

30 50 75 10 169 124 80

50 0 100 0 141 198 63



13 23 87 0 225 188 67

11 62 100 1 219 119 17


The font of the campaign proposed to Helvetica. Helvetica typeface has a clarity, openness, and looks sophisticated on the white background. The Helvetica typeface offers varies of visual weights from light, regular, bold, and black. It benefits to balance, blend the mood of the campaign.





for us


one for me


one for you


The name of the brand is long but it has a hidden agenda. The brand sends a message to the consumer through a straightforward memorandum. The current logo has a black and white with no color involvement style. The font is traditional serif typeface, all capital letters. The capital letters are harder to recognize and it takes more time to read. According to Weinschenk, “people perceive capitals as shouting,” so save capitals for the headlines to get someone’s attention. The simple square outlined message looks like a nutrition label on the product. Actually this fulfills its purpose. It brings attention to the brand because it is capital letters. On the colorful bag of chips the black and white name tag stands out better and looks like a statement. The brand is doing “good” for the body and for the people. “Good for you, good for me, good for us” is the brands message. The recommendation is to change the logo font to Helvetica. Helvetica typeface has a clarity, openness, and looks sophisticated on the white background. The typeface of the main wording should be changed to sentence style and the font on the word “good” leave capital. A proposal is to emphasize the word “good” in light green pastel color palette. Another suggestion is to change letters of the “good” word color to the colors of the ingredients. The sweet potato, the jalapeno, olive, and the blue corn are most distinctive colored ingredients. The typeface would be changed to the kid’s handwriting on the word “good.” The goal is to create a tag word that the consumer memorizes about the brand.



25 style


logo research

Healthy and Natural logo research is based on Healthy and Natural lifestyle concept. The original logo contains the logotype in form of the simple message to the consumer. The design started from sketching the mind map ideas around the words nature, healthy, lifestyle. The most common directions that engage all directions were good, smile, and nature, green. The logo design started from black and white sketch. Several ideas conclude the design process. The final three logo was chosen by the context of green natural environment that is healthy for everyone on the planet. The client selected one of the most related to the original logo style. The client’s vision is to stay in the same healthy, natural category of the product, and maintain the health conscious target audience. It was decided to add color and logomark to the logo. The color is pantone # 8CC63E. The logomark in form of the word “good.� It creates the memorable tag word for the consumer and brings the feeling of nature in vine elegance wording style. Designer presented the logo in black and white, color, transparent 20%, inverse transparent, and inverse white on the black background.


one color black on white




one color inverse white on black


transparent 20%

3 style brand print motion summery

20 22 24 26



4 solutions 28 electronic media 30 social media 32 print media




“I love food. I’ve been working in restaurants and grocery stores my whole life, and if i’ve learned anything, it’s that food tastes best when it’s made with real ingredients.”


Founder, Food Should Taste Good Inc.

Food Should Taste Good & Design and (it’s a cracker, too!) are treadmarks of Food Should Taste Good, Inc. Distributed by: Food Should Taste Good, Inc. PO Box 776, Needham Heights, MA 02494

Visit foodshouldtastegood. com for coupons and recipes or “like” us at foodshouldtastegood to enter our giveaways and contests!

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